April Urdu Edition 2015

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ALLAMA IQBAL SUNDAY CRICKET LEAGUE PMC – SHEFFIELD 2015 1 AL Mahdi CC 6 Sharrow CC 2 Millhouses CC 7 Kashmir CC 3 Sheffield All Stars CC 8 Nether Edge CC 4 Earl Marshall CC 9 Sehnsa A CC 5 Abbeydale CC 10 Narmando CC IQBAL SUNDAY CRICKET LEAGUE


DATE 1 2 3 ALAL Mahdi CC 6 Sharrow Mahdi CC 10A CC 9A 68A 26/04/15 Millhouses CC 9H CC 8H 77H 03/05/15 Millhouses CC 7 Kashmir 8A CC 7A 86H 10/05/15 Sheffield All Stars Sheffield All Stars CC 17/05/15 8 Nether 7H Edge 6A CC 5H Earl Marshall CC 9 6A 5H 4H 24/05/15 Earl Marshall CC 9 Sehnsa A CC Abbeydale CC 5H 4A 10 10H 31/05/15 10H 9H 07/06/15 5 Abbeydale CC 10 Narmando CC 8H

1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5


3H 10H 4 2A 1H 7H 4A 6H3A 8H75A7H 8 9A4A 8A 10H 3H 7A 3A6H 3A 2A 6H 2H5A 1H 5A2H7A4H 9H 4H1A9A3H 3A9H8H 10A 10A 4A 3A 2H 1H 4A 2H 23/08/15 1A 6A 9H 2H8A5H1A 7H 8H 10H 7H 14/06/15

DATE 26/04/15 03/05/15 DATE 1 10/05/15 17/05/15 26/04/15 10A 24/05/15 03/05/15 9H 31/05/15 10/05/15 8A 07/06/15 14/06/15 17/05/15 7H 21/06/156A 24/05/15 28/06/15 31/05/15 5H 05/07/15 12/07/15 07/06/15 10H 4 19/07/15 5 6 3H 14/06/15 26/07/15 7H 02/08/15 6H 5A2A 21/06/15 6H 09/08/15 10H 4A4A 28/06/15 05/07/15 5A 16/08/15 4H 3A8H 23/08/15

6 7 s CC 8 9 10

10H 3A NO 2H 1 2 7A 3 9A 4 5 8H 6 1H 7 8 5H 9 6A 10 NO 10A 1 3H2 2A3 1A4 9H5 8A6 7 8 9 NAME 10


han b a bbas Javed bal an z

1 2 3 21/06/15 Sharrow10A CC 9A 8A 28/06/15 9H 8H 7H Kashmir8A 2CC 3 7A 4 05/07/15 5 6H6 7H 8A 6A 9A 7H 12/07/15 6H 5H 5A Nether Edge 6A CC 5H 19/07/15 8H 7H 6H 10H 4H 4A 5H 4A 26/07/15 10H Sehnsa 10H A CC6H 9H 7A 5A 02/08/15 4H 8H 3A 3H 5H 10H 6A 10H 09/08/15 3A 1A 2H Narmando 2ACC 5H 4H 1H 3A 16/08/15 2A 9A 1H

9A 8H 9H 7A 8 710H 1A 6H 4A1H 9A 5A 3H 4H 2A 3A3A 2H 3A 2H7H 1H6A 2H 12/07/15 3A 2H9A 1A8A 9H7A 5A 19/07/15 2A 1H7A 9H6H 10A CLUB NAME 6H 5A 26/07/15 1A 9H 8A 7H4A AL Mahdi CC 10A 02/08/15 Millhouses 6A 5H5A 4H4H 3A 4H 09/08/15 Sheffield All3H Stars 8A 7H 6A CC 5H2A Earl 3A 10A 1H 16/08/15Marshall 7H 10A 5A Abbeydale CC 4A 23/08/15 2H 1A 9H Sharrow CC





8A 7A 6H 99A 5A NO 2H 4H 18H 3H 1A 21H 10A 35H 10A 1A 46A

Kashmir CC Nether Edge CC Sehnsa A CC PHONE NO. Narmando CC

07846780549 07739347700 07716295352 07956269260 07526005383 07883217476 07965710067 07584427405 07932168150 07735612438

10 1H 5A 9H 4A 8H 3A 1A 2A 10 6H 1H 7A5A 9A9H 5H4A 4H8H 8A3A 3H1A 7H2A 2H6H 7A 6A 9A

3H 2H 1H 5H 6A 7A 5H 4H6A3A 10A 2A 1A 4H 10A 3H 1H 9A 8H 4H 108A 5A7H 6A 5H 4H 2A 2A 4A 2H NAME1A PHONE 9A 10H 7H 8A CLUB NAME 3H CAPTAIN NO. GROUND NAME ADD, 1H 7H 10A 5A 4A 3H 6H 10A CC 2A Tahir 1H 9A 07846780549 8H 7AHoughton 6H AL Mahdi Nawaz Main 3H 9A 10A 6ACastle Dyke 5H Sq 2 7H 5A 9H 2A 8A 10H1A6HWajid5A Millhouses Ali 7A 8H 07739347700 8H 6H 5A 4A 2H Sheffield 4A 1H 3HAll Stars 2A9H1AGulfraz 10H 9A 7A 07716295352 Khan Dronfield playing Fields 9H 9H 8A 7A 10H 5H 4H 3A 6A CC 2H Aurangzeb 07956269260 Carbian playing field 10A Marshall 4H 3H 1H 5H 8A Earl 4A Abbeydale CC 5 Raja 4H 07526005383 SWD 10A 3H 2A 1H 9ASaqib8H 7A 8H Sharrow CC 6 CAPTAIN MazharPHONE Abbas 07883217476 GROUND SWD NAME NO. NAME ADD, 3H 2H 1A 9A 10H 7H 8A 6A 3A Nawaz Kashmir CC 7 Tahir Khurram Javed 07965710067 Houghton Castle DykeMain Sq 1 07846780549 2A 1H 9A 8H 7A 6H 3H Nether Edge CC 8 Wajid Noman Iqbal 07584427405 Castle Bentsgreen Sq2 2A 1A Ali 07739347700 Dyke Sq 2 9A A8H 6AAzhar5HKhan07716295352 7H Sehnsa CC 10A 91AGulfraz 07932168150 Dronfield Dronfield playing Fields Khan playing Fields 4H 2A playing field Narmando 10 07735612438 Carbian Bentsgreen Sq1 9HAurangzeb 8H 7A CC6H 5ARab Nawaz 4A 07956269260 2H 3HSaqib 6H Raja SWD 8AMazhar 7A 10H 5H 4H 3A 07526005383 6A Abbas 07883217476 SWD

5A 7A Khurram Javed 10HNoman 9A Iqbal 1HAzhar 5H Khan NAME PHONE NO. 3H 2A 1H Tahir 9ANawaz8HRab 4H Nawaz AL Mahdi CC 07846780549 2H 1A 9A Wajid 10HAli 7H 8A 07739347700 Millhouses 1H 9A 8H 7A Khan6H 3H 07716295352 Sheffield All Stars Gulfraz 9A Marshall 8H CC10A Aurangzeb 6A 5H 7H 07956269260 Earl 8H 7ACC 6H Saqib 5ARaja 4A 2H 07526005383 Abbeydale 7A 10H 5H Mazhar 4H Abbas 3A 6A 07883217476 Sharrow CC

Kashmir CC 4A 3HEdge 2A CC1A Nether Sehnsa 10A 4HA CC 3H 2H CLUB NAME CAPTAIN Narmando CC

4 5 6 7 8 9 Sharrow 7H 6H 5A CC 4A 3H 2H Kashmir 6H 10H 4A CC 3A 2A 1A 5A 4H 3AEdge 2H 1H 10A Nether CC 10H 3A 2H 1A 9H 8A Sehnsa A CC 3A 2A 1H 9H 10A 7A Narmando 2H 1A 9H 8ACC 7H 6A 7A 6A 5H 4H 3A 2A 1A 9A 8A 7H 6A 5H 4H 5 6 7 8 9 9A 8H 7H 10A 5A 4A 3H 6H 5A 4A 3H 2H 2H 1H 9H 8A 10H 6H 5A 10H 4A 3A 2A 1A 6A 3H 2A 1H1A 10A 10H 9 105H 3A4A 4H 2H 7A 1H6A 2H10A 4H 3H 9H2H 1H 3A 1A 8A 2H 5A 2A 1H10A9A 8H 2A 9H 7A 1A 5A10A1H3H 1A 8A 4A 3H 9H2H 1A 9A 7H10H 6A 7H 10A 6A 9H2A 5H1H 4H 2A 10A 9A 8H 3A7A 6H 8A 7H 6A 5H 4H 8A 2A 4A1A 9A 8H 10A 6A 5H 7H 10A 5A 4A 3H 1H 8H9H 8H 7A 6H 5A 4A 7A 9H 8A 10H 6H 5A 9H 8A 7A 10H 5H 4H 3A 6A 4A 3A 3H 2A 1A 10H

Khurram Javed 07965710067 Noman Iqbal 07584427405 Azhar Khan 07932168150 GROUND NAME ADD, Rab Nawaz 07735612438

Houghton Main Castle Dyke Sq 2 Dronfield playing Fields Carbian playing field SWD SWD Castle Dyke Sq 1 Bentsgreen Sq2 Dronfield playing Fields Bentsgreen Sq1

07965710067 07584427405 07932168150 GROUND NAME ADD, 07735612438

Houghton Main Castle Dyke Sq 2 Dronfield playing Fields Carbian playing field SWD SWD Castle Dyke Sq 1 Bentsgreen Sq2 Dronfield playing Fields Bentsgreen Sq1

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Public WiFi not Secure as you think The increase of broadband rollout and the growth of WiFi in public spaces is providing society with the huge benefit of access to the Internet quickly and easily. But not all WiFi is as secure as we might think it is. Europol’s Cybercrime Division warns that attacks are rising on public WiFi and are a major security risk. In the UK, key cities like London, Manchester and Birmingham are increasing public WiFi access, whilst restaurants, cafes and bars are also keen provide free WiFi to attract customers. For most smartphone users public WiFi is always seen as a great way of saving data usage included in their phone tariffs but if you are going to use public WiFi for personal transactions, sensitive data and banking, this may not be the best method. We are now seeing an increase in the misuse of wi-fi, in order

public WiFi and only use it for non-sensitive data activity if you are unsure about it’s security. Here are some tips to keep yourself safe when using public WiFi: Always use reputable internet security software on all your devices including your laptop, PC, MAC, tablets and smartphone. If a WiFi connection does not require a password, it is insecure. So, don’t send any confidential information over this network e.g. username, passwords, private data etc. Look for public places that do offer free WiFi but require a password which you obtain from them. Look out for the https in the web address in your browser and the padlock symbol when using websites for personal transactions. Always check your credit card or Therefore, it is important to be debit bills for any odd transacextremely vigilant when using tions, especially if you use public WiFi a lot. Always keep your device software up-to-date especially if security updates are available. Security using the Internet has been and always will be an issue as hackers find new ways of executing attacks but as long as you stick to the rules of keeping your confidential data secure, you can lower he chances of experiencing theft of your data. to steal information, identity or passwords and money from the users who use public or insecure wi-fi connections. The important thing is to distinguish if the public WiFi you are using is secure and not public. When you connect to it, if it requires a security access password, it means it is secure but if you can just connect to it with no password, it is insecure. Something known as ‘man-inthe-middle’ is being applied to commit these attacks on public networks. Where, the hackers capture data being passed between a user of the public WiFi and the Internet. Attacks of these kind are targeting people when they communicate with a bank, do online shopping or log in to social media sites.


An explosive matchup of our very own world-class fighter, Amir Khan is happening in May. The British superstar and former Unified Super Lightweight World Champion Amir “King” Khan will face current WBA International Welterweight champion Luis Collazo in the 12 round event. "I'm looking forward to fighting in Las Vegas once again, and my intention on May 3 is to make a statement that I belong on this big stage," said Khan. "Luis Collazo might be coming off of a big win, but I am in incredible shape and am ready for this challenge. A win on May 3 is what I need to prove that I truly am one of the best welterweights in the sport." A British standout who represented his nation in the 2004

Olympic Games, where he won a silver medal, Bolton's Amir "King" Khan (28-3, 19 KOs) went from local hero to international star when he won his first world title at 140 pounds in 2009.After five successful defences that included wins over Marcos Maidana, Paulie Malignaggi and Zab Judah, Khan lost his title by way of a controversial decision to Lamont Peterson in 2011. Winner of two straight over Carlos Molina and Julio Diaz since, the flashy, flamboyant 27-year-old boxer-puncher is now campaigning at welterweight, where he seeks championship gold once again.

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