December edition 2017

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AIS Cricket League Update

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NHS TO SCRAP SOME PRESCRIPTION TREATMENTS Treatments such as homeopathy, omega-3 oils, herbal remedies and vitamins will no longer be issued through NHS prescriptions. In a bid to save the health service £141m GPs will no longer be able to write scripts for 'low priority' items. NHS England announced that 18 items would be stringently restricted or blacklisted altogether. The health service has opened a consultation with could led to tighter controls on thousands of over-the-counter drugs. On the NHS prescription blacklist are: homeopathic treatments, herbal remedies, Omega-3 fish oils, co-proxamol, glucosamine and chondroitin; vitamins A, C, E and zinc; and rubefacients.

Japanese Blood Type Theory

And those products that will be more strictly controlled are: travel vaccines, trimipramine, dosulepin, prolonger-release doxazosin, immediate-release fentanyl, lidocaine plasters, liothyronine, oxycodone and naloxone combination; paracetamol and tramadol combination; perindopril arginine: once daily tadalafil. Here are more details about the drugs and why they've been blacklisted or further restricted. Blacklisted Homeopathy: Because there is "no clear or robust evidence" it works, NHS bosses say. Prescriptions for the alternative therapy were was costing the health service in England £92,000 a year. Herbal treatments: Again, there is "no clear or



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robust evidence" to support their use. These cost the NHS £100,000 a year. Omega-3 fish oils: NHS chiefs rules these can be obtained through diet and are of "low clinical effectiveness". They currently cost £6.3m a year. Co-proxamol: A painkiller which has had its marketing authorisation withdrawn due to safety concerns. It had cost the NHS £9m a year. Glucosamine and Chondroitin: Supplements prescribed for pain associated with osteoarthritis , but the NHS ruled they are of "low clinical effectiveness". Annual cost of £444,000. Vitamin A, C, E and zinc: When used for age-related macular degeneration, something that had been costing £1.5m a year. Rubefacients: Warming muscle rub products that are said to relieve pain for various conditions, but the NHS says there is limited evidence they work. Currently cost £4.3m. Topical non-steroidal anti-

Page 22-23 inflammatory drug (NSAID) items such as Ibuprofen and Diclofenac are still available. Restricted Travel vaccines: Hepatitis B, Japanese Encephalitis, Meningitis A, Yellow Fever, Tick-borne encephalitis, Rabies and TB vaccines shouldn't be given if they are "exclusively for travel". The ban will not apply to other "appropriate" uses. Current spend: £4.5m. Trimipramine: An antidepressent that is "significantly more expensive" than others. Current spend £19.8m. Dosulepin: Formerly known as dothiepin, an antidepressant that carries warnings of toxicity and cardiac arrest. Current spend £2.6m. Prolonged-release Doxazosin: A hypertension drug that NHS chiefs say cost six times an alternative immediate-release version. Current spend £7.8m. Immediate-release Fentanyl: A strong opioid painkiller where the NHS says cheaper alternatives are available. This ban will not apply to people undergoing palliative care. Current spend £10.9m. Lidocaine plasters: Used for pain relief for people recovering from shingles but of "low clinical effectiveness". This ban will not apply to certain patients, though. Current spend £19.3m. continues on page 5

Malala Yousafzai on Harper Bazaar’s ‘150 Visionary Women’ List Malala Yousafzai makes it to Harper Bazaar’s ‘150 Visionary Women’ List. The list in the magazine included women from all walks of life incuding fashion, science, arts and finance. All the women in the list are the emblem of “forward-thinking, high-achieving and an inspirational role model to women everywhere.” Malala has been honoured in the “Opinion Formers” list for her efforts in promoting female education in Pakistan and opening a school for Syrian refugee girls in Lebanon. The list also includes Amal Clooney, Emma Watson

and J.K. Rowling. Others in the list include Kate Middleton (Duchess of Cambridge), Victoria Beckham, Adele Adkins, Salma Hayek, Emma Thompson and Kate Winslet.

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Route Revealed For New Congestion Cutting Bypass Between Sheffield And Manchester The route for a new bypass road that will cut congestion between Sheffield and Manchester has been revealed. Highways England announced its preferred route for the A57 Mottram bypass which it says will "cut congestion and improve safety." A57. The road will include a link from the M67 terminal roundabout to a new junction at A57(T) Mottram Moor and a link from there to a new junction on the A57 at Brookfield. It is part of £242 million worth of improvements to help people travelling along the vital Manchester to Sheffield Trans-Pennine route. Highways England also confirmed it would deliver improvements at Westwood roundabout at Tankersley in South Yorkshire which links the A61 and A616, and would do further work to refine options for the dualling of the A61 between Westwood roundabout and the M1. All three improvements were part of a public consultation held

earlier this year. More than 1000 people attended the public information events held on both sides of the Pennines earlier this year and almost 900 people responded to the consultation – with half backing the option selected for a new link from the M67 terminal roundabout to a new junction at A57(T) Mottram Moor - near Back Moor - and a link from there to a new junction on the A57 at Brookfield. Most people felt these improvements struck a good balance in terms of convenience for drivers, reduced impact on local communities and improved safety. The proposed route will be presented in a statutory consultation next year with a plan to start construction in early 2020. Plans for climbing lanes on the A628 between Barnsley and Manchester are also being considered further following the public consultation.

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Free Wi-Fi On Its Way To Sheffield City Centre Sheffield City Council and Sheffield based Idaq Networks Ltd have announced a 10-year deal that will see IDAQ provide free of charge high-speed Wi-Fi internet access in the outdoor areas and public buildings of Sheffield city centre. The service, which will be known as Sheffield Free Wi-Fi, will help the council meet its ambition to be one of the best connected cities in the country and help make the city centre more vibrant. Idaq will provide the Wi-Fi service by installing superfast and ultrafast broadband equipment to council-owned street lights and street furniture. The network will be available free of charge from next May to help innovative digital projects get off the ground, such as those led by the Sheffield Universities and Sheffield Digital. Idaq will also use the network to provide a range of exciting cutting edge ultrafast broadband products and services to the residents and businesses of Sheffield city centre. Councillor Mazher Iqbal, Cabinet Member for Business and Investment at Sheffield City Council, said: “I am absolutely delighted that we are working with a Sheffield company to provide one of the best public access Wi-Fi services in the country. “The network will make the city centre a more attractive place to spend time visiting and shopping. It will also provide free of charge internet access to those who may not be able to afford it. “The network also offers exciting opportunities for developing new and innovative products and services in Sheffield, by local organisations.” Key Features of the Network The network will provide blanket coverage within the majority of the Business Improvement District. The network will be rolled out in stages, the first stage will be live by May 2018 and the remaining stages by November 2018. The Wi-Fi service will offer download speeds of 20Mbps and upload speeds of 4Mbps. There is no net cost to Sheffield City Council for the network. The Wi-Fi Services is free of charge to the user. The Wi-Fi service provides a high quality customer experience for access, registration and use. The Wi-Fi service provides a family friendly experience with internet filtering to prevent access to inappropriate content; The Wi-Fi network will provide reliable, high quality performance on initial deployment and will be maintained throughout the 10 years to ensure it keeps pace with the latest developments in technology.

Former Ski Village To Be Revived

Sheffield Report Highlights Unfair Employment

Sheffield’s ski village and surrounding area is set to be brought back to life as a ramped up Extreme branded sports, leisure and entertainment destination, Sheffield Council has confirmed. The Parkwood area is to be transformed with the prospect of bringing thousands of visitors and hundreds of jobs to the city as part of a £22.5m development across the 28 acre site that will include new mountain bike tracks and the re-instatement of Sheffield’s much-loved ski slopes.

A research report from Citizens Advice Sheffield has highlighted deteriorating employment practices that are impacting on Sheffield workers rights and pay. The research highlighted the growth of zero hours contracts and self-employment arrangements and calls for action to improve employment rights and remedies to unfair practices. The researchers estimate £2.7 billion is lost nationally each year in wages withheld from people who are legally entitled to them.

8, 000 New Trees To Be Sheffield Ranked Second Planted This Year In Sheffield In City Stress Index Sheffield Council intend to maintain the city’s title as one of the greenest cities in the UK, as new plans to plant over 8,000 large and small trees by March 2018 commence. On the 1st of November, the first trees were planted to mark the start of the scheme. The Lord Mayor, Councillor Anne Murphy attended the ceremony in Burngreave. Following public requests being granted, the bigger trees will be planted to replace those removed from parks and green spaces due to health and safety concerns in areas across Sheffield. 6,800 smaller trees are being planted as part of an initiative to create new woodland and increase biodiversity. The planting areas have been carefully chosen so as to cause no disturbance to locals, assuring no shade to homes or gardens and improved drainage. The scheme led by the Council’s Community Forestry team, is aiming to involve local communities to help with the planting. Schools, colleges and community groups have already got involved with the project to expand greenery throughout the city.

Sheffield has been ranked as the second most stressed out city in the UK, according to a new survey released by insurance group AXA. According to the report 86 per cent of people who live in Sheffield say they are stressed at least some of the time during a typical week, the second highest score in the UK behind Cardiff. The research which forms part of AXA’s Stress Index, is based on a survey of 4000 adults in the UK. The report also found seven per cent of Sheffield residents feel stressed constantly, 41 per cent say their personal finances are the main cause of their stress, 37 per cent are worried about their health and 36 per cent are concerned about the health of their friends and family.

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Allama Iqbal Sunday Cricket League Season 2018 Afraz Khan I'm hearing people have started nets and you know what that means, seasons not too far. You'll all be excited to know we've signed off on 12 teams. But that's not what's most thrilling part of season 2018. Captain's met and agreed to increase league to 30 overs, added to that they also endorsed having 4 fielders within the 30 yard circle throughout the game. This I feel will reward players for playing good shots and actually seeing value. We should see more technical players developing and an improvement in the standard of play.

picked so let's see what the league can negotiate. Just to inform you all presentation night will on Tuesday January 16th at PMC. I will list the winner's, runners up and best batsmen, bowler in next months edition so don't forget to pick up the paper.

On a side note Allama Iqbal Sunday Cricket League congratulates ILM News on its successful completion of 8 years of News Print. Best wishes and all the success for the future. I'm sure Shah Sahib will throw a separate party for the cricket We also waved goodbye to the pink ball, the community, if you see him congratulate him and captains and players were not impressed with it. ask when's the party and don't forget to let me This means we back to red cherry, Raje Sorts was know.

AISCL Sheffield League Winners 2017 Abbeydale CC

Old £10 Notes To Expire Soon The old £10 note must be spent by March 2018, the Bank of England has revealed. A use by date of March 1 has been slapped on the paper notes following the introduction of the plastic £10 on September 14. However, old notes can be exchanged at the Bank once this point has passed. The Bank introduced the paper £10 note featuring naturalist Charles Darwin on November 7, 2000. Around 55 per cent of the £10 notes in current circulation are made from polymer, while the rest - 359 million - are paper. The new £10, featuring a picture of author Jane Austen, is the first Bank of England note with a tactile feature to help blind and partially-sighted users. Like the £5 note already in circulation featuring

Sir Winston Churchill, the new £10 banknote is made from polymer, which is more durable and expected to last five years in total. The transition to polymer has caused controversy after the Bank confirmed that an "extremely small amount" of tallow - or animal fat - was used to produce polymer pellets, which were part of the production process for creating the notes. People who still have paper £5 notes can exchange them at the Bank of England in person, or via post by completing a form and sending the note to Department NEX, Bank of England, Threadneedle Street, London, EC2R 8AH. Old pound coins can no longer be spent, but can be donated to charity or deposited into customer bank accounts.

1 In 10 Medicines In Developing Countries Substandard Or Falsified Substandard or fake medicines that fail to prevent and cure disease “and could even cause death” are becoming more and more prevalent, the World Health Organization (WHO), a UN agency, has warned, calling on governments to take urgent actions to tackle this global problem. Substandard and falsified medicines particularly affect the most vulnerable communities. These products do nothing but prolong sickness, waste money and erode hope. At worst, they kill, cause serious harm, and fan the flames of drug resistance. According to the reports, anti-malarials and antibiotics are the most common substandard or falsified products. Others range from cancer treatment to contraception. While most cases

received are from Africa, WHO said the data is the tip of the iceberg as many more are unreported. “Substandard or falsified medicines not only have a tragic impact on individual patients and their families, but also are a threat to antimicrobial resistance, adding to the worrying trend of medicines losing their power to treat.” Progress has been made since 2013, with 550 regulators from 141 countries having been trained to detect and respond to this issue. As more people are trained, more cases are reported to WHO. Substandard and falsified medicines not only have negative health impact, but they also cause socioeconomic problems due to the absence of good governance and weak technical capacity.

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Ofsted Inspectors To Quiz Schoolgirls In Hijabs School inspectors will ask girls wearing a hijab at primary school why they don the Islamic headscarf, the head of Ofsted has said. Amanda Spielman, the watchdog's chief inspector, said making it obligatory for Muslim children to wear a headscarf in primary schools could be seen as sexualising young girls, with the hijab and other coverings worn as a symbol of modesty. But the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) said the policy of questioning young girls was "deeply worrying" and "wrong-headed". Research by the National Secular Society in September suggested some 59 of 142 (42%) Islamic schools, including 27 primary schools, in England have a uniform policy which states a headcovering is compulsory. Ms Spielman said: "While respecting parents' choice to bring up their children according to their cultural norms, creating an environment where primary school children are expected to wear the hijab could be interpreted as sexualisation of young girls. "In seeking to address these concerns, and in line with our current practice in terms of assessing whether the school promotes equality for their children, inspectors will talk to girls who wear such garments to ascertain why they do so in the school. "We would urge any parent or member of the public who has a concern about fundamentalist groups influencing school policy, or breaching equality law to make a complaint to the school. If schools do not act on these com-

plaints they can be made to Ofsted directly." But MCB Secretary General Harun Khan said: "It is deeply worrying that Ofsted has announced it will be specifically targeting and quizzing young Muslim girls who choose to wear the headscarf. "It sends a clear message to all British women who adopt this that they are second-class citizens, that while they are free to wear the headscarf, the establishment would prefer that they do not. "The many British Muslims who choose to wear the headscarf have done extremely well in education and are breaking glass ceilings. "It is disappointing that this is becoming policy without even engaging with a diverse set of mainstream Muslim voices on the topic." Mr Khan said the approach risked being "counter-productive" to Ofsted's pledge to uphold what Ms Spielman called British values and urged her to reverse the decision.

Muslim Schools were not consulted. Therefore, we ask Ofsted to make clear the individuals and organisations it met with in forming this recommendation. We should also examine Ms Spielman’s comments regarding breaching equality laws. In alluding to the risk of the hijab breaching equality laws, there is an obvious need for consistency within the understandings and application of these regulations. For example, if the hijab is deemed a breach, does the same apply to school codes requiring girls to wear skirts and boys to wear trousers? Or codes that require boys to wear ties? Consistency is imperative.”

Legal Clarity The Equality Act 2010 makes it illegal to discriminate against someone on the basis of their religion or belief. Therefore, questioning children who cover their hair solely on the basis they are Muslim, would most likely be in breach of this legislation. The right to wear religious clothes is protected by the Human Rights Act 1998, guaranteeing freedom of thought belief and Muslim Community Statement In terms of highlighted key points Mus- religion. lim Engagement and Development (MEND) made it clear: “The Sunday The Way Forward Times reported ‘the move came after Key groups are now calling to engage in Spielman met Muslim women and constructive dialogue, hinting at possisecular campaigners calling for a ban ble legal action if the decision to carry on the wearing of hijabs in primary out this quiz isn’t reversed. They mainschools’. Which ‘Muslim women’ and tain Ofsted has not conducted a wide‘secular campaigners’ were consulted? ranging consultation, to ascertain the From our own enquiries it appears or- views of a representative cross-section ganisations such as the Muslim Coun- of the Muslim community. cil of Britain, and the Association of

NHS PRESCRIPTION CUTS.....continued from front page Liothyronine: A drug used for patients with an underactive thyroid. This ban will not apply to some with thyroid cancer or those for whom a cheaper alternative doesn't work. Current spend £34.8m. Oxycodone and Naloxone combination: Used to treat severe pain and can also be used second line in restless legs syndrome. But NHS says it is "unclear" what benefit the more expensive combination product adds. Current spend: £5m. Paracetamol and Tramadol combination: Two pain relief medicines. NHS says there are no clear benefits of a combined product rather than taking each separately which is cheaper. Current spend £2m. Perindopril Arginine: An 'ACE inhibitor' used for heart failure, hypertension and other conditions. An alternative version is cheaper. Current spend £529,000. Once Daily Tadalafil: An erectile dysfunction drug. NHS chiefs say it should be prescribed "when required" instead. Current spend £11.5m. NHS chiefs want to go further. They're consulting on plans to stop thousands of cheaper, over-the-counter products being prescribed on the NHS if they are used for short-term or low-level conditions. Those plans would include paracetamol, cough mixture, cold treatments, eyedrops, laxatives and sun cream. The cuts are being decided by the condition medicines treat, not the medicines themselves. But they could include medicines for cold sores, conjunctivitis, coughs and colds, cradle cap, haemorrhoids, infant

colic, dandruff, diarrhoea, ear wax, mild indigestion, malaria prevention, minor burns and scalds and minor pain conditions such as headache and back pain. Treatments for mouth ulcers, nappy rash, ringworm, head lice, mild toothache, travel sickness, and warts and verrucae could also be restricted. Vitamins and minerals may also be restricted. Iincredibly, it can cost £34 for a pack of 32 paracetamol tablets prescribed on the NHS - once dispensing and GP consultation fees are included. The confirmed recommendations are set to save £141million a year, the NHS says. The second plan for overthe-counter products could reportedly save another £190million a year. The first plan could be put into action any day now by the Department of Health - but there's no set timescale. There's no set timescale on the second plan either, but this one will take longer - the next step of consultation is in 2018. The original consultation in March had included gluten-free foods, but they've since been removed because the Department of Health is consulting separately. That doesn't mean they won't be banned - there's just no decision yet. Around one in 100 people have coeliac disease, caused by a reaction to gluten, that can be treated by cutting the substance from a patient's diet. Once diagnosed as coeliac by a doctor, patients in most parts of the UK can receive gluten-free staple foods from a pharmacy through a prescription from a GP.

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Quaid’s Bust Unveiled At The Historic British Museum The Bust of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was unveiled at the historic British Museum in a dignified ceremony on 28 November 2017. This was the grand finale of the year-long celebrations organized by the Pakistan High Commission London to mark the 70thIndependence Anniversary of Pakistan. Rich tributes were paid to the Founding Father of the Nation on the occasion. Mayor of London Sadiq Khan was the Chief Guest at the ceremony. He, together with H.E. Syed Ibne Abbas, the High Commissioner, unveiled the Bust at the China & South Asia Gallery of the British Museum. The Bust is being permanently installed at the Quaid’s alma mater, the prestigious Lincoln’s Inn on 29 November 2017. In his welcome remarks, the High Commissioner said: “The installation of the Quaid’s Bust at his Alma Mater – Lincoln’s Inn Library is the Grand Finale of the High Commission’s year long 70th independence anniversary celebrations. Instal-

lation of the Quaid’s Bust will be rejoiced by the Pakistanis and provide impetus for the fast growing Pakistan – UK multi-dimensional relations.” Speaking about the Quaid, the High Commissioner stated: “A strong willed Jinnah became a beacon of hope, courage and provided voice to millions of Muslims of South Asia. To describe the towering personality of the Father of Nation who was far ahead of his time, I wish to quote Professor Stanley Wolpert, a leading American historian, author and the Quaid’s biographer, who wrote: ‘Few individuals significantly alter the course of history; fewer still modify the map of the world. Hardly, anyone can be credited with creating a nation state – Mohammad Ali Jinnah did all three’.” About Pakistan, the High Commissioner said: “Today’s modern and moderate Pakistan, 70 years on, adhering to the Quaid’s golden principles of Unity, Faith and Discipline, is on the move forward.”

Scarlet Fever Cases Rise Scarlet fever hit its highest level in England for 50 years, with more than 17,000 cases reported in 2016. The disease has been on the rise since 2014, but experts have so far failed to find a reason for the recent increase. Doctors are urging the public to be aware of symptoms, which include a rosy rash, and seek help from their GP. The bacterial disease, though highly contagious, is not usually serious and can be treated with antibiotics. It is most common among children under 10. A joint investigation by public health authorities from across England and Wales found that the incidence of scarlet fever tripled between 2013 and 2014, rising from 4,700 cases to 15,637 cases. In 2016, there were 19,206 reported cases, the highest level since 1967. Scarlet fever is caused by bacteria known as group A streptococcus, and it is spread through close contact with people carrying the organism

- often in the throat - or through contact with objects and surfaces contaminated with the bacterium. Symptoms include a sore throat, headache and fever, accompanied by a red rash that is rough to the touch (sometimes described as 'like sandpaper'). Scarlet fever was a common cause of death in the Victorian era, but had largely been in decline since the introduction of antibiotics. However, prompt treatment remains essential to prevent both the spread of the disease and the risk of further complications such as pneumonia and liver damage. Anyone diagnosed with scarlet fever is advised to stay at home until at least 24 hours after the start of treatment to avoid passing on the infection. There is no vaccine against the disease and all cases must be reported by doctors to the local health authority.

The Best Schools In Sheffield And South Yorkshire The best performing schools in South Yorkshire according to the Sunday Times have been revealed. Parent Power, The Sunday Times Schools Guide 2018, has identified the 2,000 highestachieving schools in the UK, ranked by their recent examination results. It includes primary schools, secondary schools, sixth form colleges, independent schools and academies. The rankings in the secondary school league tables are determined by the percentage of examination entries gaining A* to B grades at A-level this summer (which is given double weighting) and the percentage of entries returning A* and A grades at GCSE. They are published several weeks ahead of the official Government tables for secondary school performance. Primary school rankings are based on SAT results, but some independent schools do not appear as they do not take SATs. Westbourne School came top in Sheffield and is ranked in seventh place nationwide after some fantastic exam result. The independent secondary school, which caters to around 350 students, achieved 48.3 per cent in GCSES at A* and A. Mylnhurst Preparatory School in Ecclesall came second, and 38th overall, because of its excellent reading and maths scores. The mixed prep school has 210 pupils with academic fees for 2017/18 coming in at £3,030 including lunch. Silverdale School, ranked second among comprehensive schools in the four Yorkshire counties, won The Sunday Times North State Secondary School of the Year award. The school, with 1,360

pupils, came 162nd overall with 71.2 per cent of exams entries gained A* to B grades at A-Level and just over a third of outcomes, 34.4 per cent, achieved A*/A grades at GCSE. Sheffield Girls' Senior School GDST finished 164th and was ranked eighth in the top Independent seconday schools in the North. Academic fees for 2017/18 came in at £4,189 and 76.1 per cent of exams entries gained A*-B grades at A Level and 62.7 per cent, achieved A*/A grades at GCSE. These are the 18 Sheffield and South Yorkshire schools on the Times Parent Power list: 1. (7) Westbourne School 2. (26) Hungerhill School 3. (38=) Mylnhurst Preparatory School 4. (45) Thomas Rotherham College 5. (47) Chapeltown Academy 6. (56) Bramley Sunnyside Junior School 7. (79) Silkstone Common Junior and Infant School 8. (120) Oughtibridge Primary School 9. (162) Silverdale School 10. (164) Sheffield Girls' Senior School GDST 11. (175=) St Marie's School RC Voluntary Academy 12. (219=) Tapton School 13. (251) Birkdale School 14. (333=) Hill House School 15. (378) Notre Dame High School 16. (417=) The McAuley RC High School 17. (438) The Hayfield School 18. (468) Wales High School

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The Housing Debate Goes Viral

Mohammed Mahroof BSc (Hons) MRICS Consultant Mark Jenkinson & Son As regular readers will know I have been talking about this debate in ILM for quite some time but in the last two weeks it has hit all the news channels and print media. In reality the crisis in house building has been brewing since the 1970s. The simple fact is that house building has been almost static for the last decade. The public sector through local authorities particularly in the 1950s and 1960s were building a significant number of affordable homes aimed at the masses, there were further supplemented by Housing Associations. The result being there were a healthy number of homes available for all sectors. The private house building industry was also very active. Land was not such a great issue and housing was being built at reasonable prices. The three bed semi found its origins in the 1950s and 1960s, you will see that the design and layout is similar wherever you are in the country at well over £200k. So what has caused the crisis? There are many reasons depending on your viewpoint but there are a few which are generic: Population – the number of people on these islands has increased significantly, many more are living in smaller family units or living alone. Land – the amount of land available for development is not that great as we are restricted to where you can build. The vast majority of land is in the Green Belt, this cannot be built upon. Planning System – this has come under a great deal of scrutiny in the last few years as some people see it as a

challenge to development. Finance – more recently a lot of house builders in the small to medium bracket have left the market because of financial issues. Social housing – the Right to Buy legislation allowed tenants to buy the council homes, by and large these homes were not replaced. These are just a few of the reasons why house building has reduced in the last decade or so. What we need is a major house building programme for all tenures. The government and politicians now recognise that we are at a point where no action is not

an option. Rough estimate is being discussed whilst I am writing this article suggest we need to be building at the rate of 250,000 a year with an ambition of building at least 1 million in the next five years. Even at this rate we are only beginning to address the issue. What needs to happen from here on is land with planning permission should be developed. In the north it is not that we don’t have land it just tends to be locations which are not attractive to developers. It is in the circumstances that you need government intervention to bring about development. Speaking from experience I can say land is available but the appetite for development does not exist. Large house builders are looking for sites in prime locations which tend to be in the more affluent parts of the city or town which means secondary locations are not attracting much interest hence planning permissions are not being auctioned. The medium-sized builders mostly disappeared in the recession and have not returned in numbers. The smaller builders also suffered a similar fate. In conclusion there is no doubt that the country needs millions of new homes, the need is immediate. The problem is there are not enough small to medium house builders in the market. Finance is still a problem; development funding is not easy to source. The positive aspect of this crisis is we are seeing the media, politicians and strategy makers talking about solutions addressing this in a way that few of us have seen before.

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A sauntering zephyr Subserviently whispers to Rehmat -ul –Alameen By Rasool Allah’s holy abode In this universe Supplicating, nugatory souls Adjure the king of the worlds With trembling lips And lamented eyes To relief them of their grief Their sadness is a grain of sand Waiting wearily under the scorching sun But it’s surged away By a merciless gale Abandoned and buried deep beneath the ripples of the sand Regardless of the hardship We still eulogise him Knowing he will help us Deprived of his Rehmat is living in penury Oh Rehmat-ul-Alameen Oh immortal Noor May glory be upon you And may peace and blessings trail your auspicious foot steps Oh lenient healer Oh sacred pure light An incomparable face which gleams a million moons The zephyr absorbs the presence of the seraphic air He respectfully seeks for permission to leave And descends, to the creations of Allah

By Shaheryar A. Chishty

First Muslim, Asian Woman Becomes Detective Superintendent In Scotland Yard Scotland Yard has appointed its first Muslim and Asian woman Shabnam Chaudhri as a detective superintendent of police. British-Pakistani Chaudhry, hailing from Karachi, moved to London with her family when she was two years old. In recognition of her “outstanding contribution” to fighting hate crime and criminal gangs, Chaudhri has been appointed as the first Muslim woman to become a detective superintendent of the Metropolitan Police Service. Speaking about her experience, Chaudhri said, “Becoming detective superintendent is a big achievement for me because I worked for six years for this position. I have fought crime gangs, I have been kicked, attacked, punched, assaulted, chased and gangs have targeted me.” During her 28 years of service with the Met police across London, Chaudhri has won dozens of awards. Moreover, she works with other women to raise awareness on hate crimes and domestic abuse among women from such areas as have relatively less access to police. The detective superintendent said that more

women – and especially more Muslim and Asian women – should join the police. “I would like more Muslim and Asian women to be in the police,” she said, adding that working women from Pakistan made her proud and that Benazir Bhutto inspired her.

Council Seeks Views On Landlord Licensing Scheme After a property licensing scheme in Page Hall introduced in April 2014 forced private landlords to make over £1million in repairs, Sheffield City Council is now looking to introduce the scheme in a second area of the city. Sheffield Council are set to launch a thirteen week consultation on a new landlord licensing scheme to improve the safety and standard of privately rented homes and how they are managed. Known for being home to vast swathes of restaurants and takeaways selling cuisine from around the world, the local authority is now set to start consultation on whether the scheme should be introduced in the London Road, Abbeydale Road and Chesterfield Road areas of the city. According to the local authority, it is the flats located above those restaurants and takeaways that are their 'main cause of concern' due to issues created around fire safety and means of escape. The council says it has chosen to target the London Road, Abbeydale Road and Chesterfield Road areas specifically, after inspectors found 75 per cent of rented properties had 'high risk hazards'; which put tenants at risk by exposing them to serious harm such as 'fire, falls, excess cold and damp and mould'. The proposed scheme would cover around 1,000 privately-rented homes, across a four-mile stretch. The 13-week-long consultation begins on November 27, 2017 and ends on February 23, 2018 during which time surveys will be sent to more than 9,000 properties in the area and nine public events on the consultation will be held. As part of the consultation, landlords, tenants, residents and businesses will be asked to give their opinions on the proposed scheme, and to highlight any issues in the area. The feedback will be used as the basis for a recommendation that will be put to the city council's cabinet next

summer, and should it be approved, Selective Licensing could be introduced in London Road, Abbeydale Road and Chesterfield Road by next Autumn. If the scheme is given the go-ahead, the council is proposing to charge landlords a £1,000 license fee, the entirety of which will be used to maintain the scheme and to pay for inspection officers, as well as property courses for landlords and information packs. Since 2014, the council has prosecuted 23 landlords and letting agents for housing offences in 40 properties in the area and has ruled that nine landlords are not 'fit and proper'. Under existing national rules, the council is unable to prevent such landlords from practising, but this would change under Selective Licensing which would grant the council the power to withhold licenses from people who have previously been convicted of housing offences and who fail a 'fit and proper' landlord test. Landlords and letting agents have spent more than £1million on making repairs to privately-rented properties in Page Hall since the introduction of the scheme, and a total of 293 serious hazards have also been 'resolved,' according to the local authority. Government legislation states that a maximum of 20 per cent of properties, or 20 per cent of a geographical area, in a local authority area may be made the subject of a Selective Licensing scheme. Should a council wish for a higher percentage of Selective Licensing properties, they would need to receive permission from the Secretary of State to do so. The Government says that a designation of the scheme may be used to 'to combat problems in an area experiencing poor property conditions, an influx of migration, a high level of deprivation or high levels of crime'. To have your say online visit:

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Scientists Issue ‘Warning To Humanity’ Over 15,000 scientists from around the world have come together to sign and support an unprecedented "warning to humanity." This is the second such warning, the first coming in 1992 when 1,700 scientists issued a warning about the ever-growing list of threats humans, plants, and animals face to our survival. The warning calls attention to the key risks facing humans today, including population growth, climate change, deforestation, lack of access to clean water, and widespread species extinction. The letter warns

that the Earth may soon be at its breaking point where humans will be unable to reverse widespread changes to our home planet. The letter marks 25 years since the original letter and outlines a bleak look at the current state of affairs of the planet. In no category, except the ozone hole, is the Earth better off today than it was 25 years ago. This second letter to humanity takes a look at the warnings issued 25 years ago and assesses our progress toward abating them. Unfortunately, we have done a terrible job at addressing the main concerns noted 25

years ago, with every single issue getting worse except the ozone layer. Many of the issues stem from population growth and the exponential increase in the use of natural and limited resources. In the past 25 years population has grown by 2.1 billion from 5.5 billion to 7.6 billion. In just 25 years the global population growth grew by 26%. Meanwhile, in the same time period, the populations of every other mammal, reptile, amphibian, and fish have declined by almost 30 percent. It is clear we are on an unsustainable population growth trajectory. This growth indirectly led to 300 million acres of forest to be cut down and the percentage of fresh water available per person has decreased by 26 percent. The number of wild-caught fish has declined dramatically in recent decades coinciding with an increase in ocean dead zones. Since the initial letter global average temperatures have risen by over half a degree Celsius and CO2 emissions have increased by 62 percent. While the situation is bleak, we are by no means unable to reverse the dire trends. The authors of the letter make 13 suggesting to help get Earth back to operating normally. These include reducing food waste, establishing nature reserves, developing and employing green technology, and instituting economic incentives to change people's consumption and waste behaviors. With increasing pressure on governments and industry to implement change, and grassroots movements to change behaviors, we can tackle any challenge. Just as we did to tackle the destruction of the ozone layer, humanity can come together to tackle the many other dire conditions facing our future livelihood.

Princess Diana’s Legacy There was something old and something new in the ring Meghan Markle, the American actress, wore when she and Prince Harry announced their engagement. The ring, which the prince himself designed, bore three glittering diamonds: a central stone from Botswana and two others from the collection of the Harry’s mother, Princess Diana, who died in 1997, the couple said in a joint interview. “It’s incredibly special to be able to have this, which sort of links where you come from and Botswana, which is important to us, and it’s perfect,” Markle said to Prince Harry during the interview. The ring is yellow gold, Markle’s favourite, Prince Harry said. The couple dated for about a year and a half before becoming engaged in November.

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Vitamin D May Help Prevent Rheumatoid Arthritis Maintaining sufficient levels of Vitamin D may help prevent rheumatoid arthritis, a new study suggests. The study examined the ability of immune cells in blood from inflamed joints in people with rheumatoid arthritis to respond to Vitamin D. Published in the Journal of Autoimmunity, the study found that the tissue which was not yet diseases responded effectively to Vitamin D, indicating the possibility of the sunshine vitamin’s role in preventing the onset of rheumatoid arthritis However, the vitamin proved much less effective after the disorder was established which suggests that much higher doses may be required with other anti-inflammatories such as steroids. The study is part of a research project which first began in 2011 and is predicated on previous work showing people with rheumatoid arthritis have vitamin D deficiency and that the vitamin has anti-inflammatory properties.

Boost Your Metabolism Naturally! With winter finally here, it is inevitable that we are going to become couch potatoes and stay snug inside blankets. Our body activities will also more than likely decrease and so will our morale to get out of bed and be productive. We’ve all got metabolism, but some people are “faster” or “slower” than others’. And that matters, because the rate at which your body burns calories and converts fuel to energy can also affect how easily you gain or lose weight. It also says a lot about how at-risk you are for diabetes, and how much pep you’ve got in your step. While much of your metabolic rate is determined by genetics, age, gender and body size, there are some lifestyle changes that can, quite literally, speed up the process. TURN DOWN THE TEMP. Sleeping in a cool room seems to increase people’s percentages of brown fat — a type of fat that acts more like muscle. In a research involving five male volunteers who slept in climatecontrolled rooms with only light pajamas and bed sheets for several months, it was deduced that after four weeks of 66-degree nights, they’d nearly doubled their amounts of brown fat, and were also burning a few more calories throughout their days. Keeping your home or office cool during the day may also have a similar effect. DRINK A CUP OF coffee A few studies have shown association between caffeine consumption, increased metabolic

burn, and a reduced risk for type 2 diabetes. This could possibly be because it helps the body break down fat. But don’t go overboard: Too many caffeinated beverages a day can cause nervousness, nausea or insomnia. Plus, some coffee beverages are high in fat and sugar. KEEP STRESS LEVELS LOW (OR TRY TO!). Even if stressful situations don’t cause you to binge on fatty foods, your body may take longer to process any calories that you do eat. The stress response activates the hormone cortisol, which has been clearly associated with a worsening of metabolism and, in the long-run, increasing the risk for obesity. GET A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP. Not getting enough quality shuteye has also been shown to slow metabolism in both men and women; this also may have to do

with the brain’s secretion of cortisol when the body is under stress. And even if you hit the hay early, that may not be enough. Research has shown that broken sleep (when you’re woken up frequently throughout the night) isn’t nearly as restorative as seven consecutive hours. So on top of crawling under the covers early; be sure to give yourself enough hours to get the rest and recovery your body needs. PUMP SOME IRON. Any type of physical activity — even just walking for 30 minutes — can help speed up metabolism. Anything is better than sitting for hours, which is one of the worst things you can do. But the kind of exercise that works best to activate brown fat and rev metabolism is strength training. By increasing muscle mass, we can increase our resting energy expenditure, which is what’s going to help you burn calories all day long. SNACK ON SOMETHING SPICY. Capsacian, a molecule found in spicy chillies, has been shown to raise body temperature and speed up fat loss — although only temporarily, and only by a small percentage. There’s also some evidence that chemicals called isothiocyanates, which are present in pungent foods like spicy mustard, wasabi, and horseradish, may help activate brown fat and speed up metabolic rate.

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Barbie’s First Hijab-Wearing Doll Barbie has unveiled its first hijab-wearing doll in the likeness of an Olympic fencer who made history at Rio 2016. Ibtihaj Muhammad was the first US Olympian to compete wearing the traditional Islamic headscarf. She also won gold in in 2014 at the world fencing championships in Russia. The new Barbie doll, produced by Mattel, is part of the Shero line which recognises women "who break boundaries

to inspire the next generation of girls". Other dolls in the collection include ballerina Misty Copeland, and Ava DuVernay, director of Selma, a film about the US civil rights movement. Many Muslim women cover their heads in public with the hijab as a way to protect their modesty, although critics see it as a sign of oppression. The dolls will go on sale in 2018.

Frequent Headache Can Raise Blood Pressure Shooting pain in the head can be a certain turn off situation in life. They drive us crazy and zap the happiness from our life. In fact, headache is one of the most common problems experienced by record number of people across the world. If you have been plagued by this condition very often, then you might want to know that frequent headache has a relation with high blood pressure. You guessed it right, frequent arrival of throbbing headache in your life can raise your blood pressure level. That being said let us uncover some more facts about headaches that might be of your interest. Curing the cause of sinus, migraine and chronic headaches can be achieved, if you identify the cause of these conditions. In other words, you need to fight or curb the cause, to prevent the onset of headache. Let’s take a look at the major causes for the repeated assault of headaches. Allergic conditions might have a huge role to play with your headache. While this subject is bordering the lines of controversy, real life experiences cannot be undermined. There are truckloads of individuals out there who experience the problem of sinus or migraine upon performing a particular activity. When we talk about allergies responsible for headaches, anything under the sky can be termed as an allergic substance, if that substance results into repeated onslaught of headaches in an individual’s life. Plenty of individuals suffering from migraine headaches have attributed certain foods for their condition. Also, there are individuals who are allergic to artificial sweeteners and other food flavours.

For some individuals, their digestive tract could be a reason for their headache. When digestion problem occurs in our body, it results into formation of toxic substances in our body and leads to the problem of constipation. Experts reckon that not having 2 bowel movements on daily basis are a potential sign of constipation. When the foods that we consume rest on our digestive tract for too long, it leads to the arrival of several health issues. Candida overgrowth can result into mental and emotional instability, leading to conditions such as brain fog and depression. Headache is also one of the major complaints associated with candida overgrowth. Today, individuals often cleanse their colon and body from candida to get relief from this condition.

Congratulations ILM News 8th Year Anniversary


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Japanese Blood Type Theory What is Blood type? Firstly, your blood is made up of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets all present in the liquid, plasma. Your blood group is identified by antibodies and antigens in the blood, and these antigens are usually a protein or a glycoprotein (found on the surface of Red blood cells), which, when injected into a human it evokes an immune response which is capable of binding with a product of the immune response, such as an antibody, and these antibodies are a protein produced in the blood that fights diseases by attacking and killing harmful bacteria. There are four main blood groups: •Blood group A- has A antigens on the red blood cells with anti-B antibodies in the plasma •Blood group B – has B antigens with A-antibodies in the plasma •Blood group O – has no antigens, but both antiA and anti-B antibodies in the plasma •Blood group AB- has both A and B antigens, but no antibodies These blood groups are part of the system known as the ABO system. Today, Many Japanese people believe that each blood type has a certain personality, so you will find that its quite common for Japanese people to ask someone their blood type. All this information about blood types and personality was elicited from the psychologist Takeji Furukawa, he was a teacher at a school, and he began to question the schools entrance exam system, which only tested for academic ability, but he wanted an entrance exam which would also take in the consideration of personalities. Based on this idea, he observed 11 people in his family, and took a note of their blood types, and

there weren’t any AB blood types, it was just A blood types, and from this he wrote a famous thesis titled, ‘’the study of temperament through blood type’’ Despite the rejection of Furukawa’s theories, from the academics in 1993, this theory was too popular to be forgotten. After the world war II, discussions upon the blood theory had slowly began to die. But when the 1970’s came, a journalist by the name of Masahiko Nomi published a book about the relationships between blood types and personalities, inspired by Takeji Furukawa, fortunately this book became a best seller and helped in spreading this theory world-wide. Unfortunately, there is not enough scientific research upon to support this theory, despite the amount of times to figure out the relationship between blood types and personalities, nothing has been proven so far, coming to conclusion that the main reason behind people’s belief in this theory is confirmation bias. But alongside this blood theory, comes a social problem known as the Burahara, meaning blood harassment. Each blood type personality has its own set of positives and negative traits, but in the real world some features are overlooked than others, and some features are totally ignored.

Speed Down Save Lives A latest survey reveals that 28% of motorists admitted to speeding because they set off too late or didn’t allow enough time for their journey; 25% said they drove above the legal speed limit because they needed to make up time due to delays caused by heavy traffic. According to Department for Transport figures, breaking the speed limit or travelling too fast for the weather conditions are recorded by police as significant factors in 23% of fatal crashes in Britain. Despite motorists being aware of dangers of driving too fast, 22% said they were making up for time due to road works, and 24% said they went over the limit ‘accidentally’. Men are more likely to ‘unintentionally’ speed than women, with only 24% saying they had never knowingly broken the speed limit, compared to 40% of women. In addition, 37% of men said they had been speeding to make up for lost time after a late start, whilst only 24% of women said the same. Speeding after traffic delays was the second most popular reason for men (34%) and 20% of women. For those who were speeding, over a quarter (26%) were driving on the motorway. A further 19% were on a dual carriageway and 13% said they were speeding in an area they weren’t familiar with. It’s clear from the survey that many people are tempted to speed when they are running late, whether it’s because of traffic or just leaving the house later than planned. However, the analysis conducted proves how vital it is that drivers allow themselves enough time to do what they need to do before they set off in the morning, to avoid unnecessary heartache. Most people have access to journey planners or radio traffic updates, so a few minutes planning the night before or before you set off can help save time, and in turn, saving time can save lives.

Mr Shumile J. Chishty

This can lead to discrimination, which comes • Tend to keep themselves sepfrom the population ratio: arate from oth•AB- 5% ers, especially •B-10% those who don't •O- 45% share their opin•A-40% ions; Like AB and B , they are in the minority so they are put at disadvantage , so this theory does Type B cause a problem , and if • Tend to be exceedingly curious about everyanother experiment was thing; to be proceeded, in find- • Are easily vexed and grow exasperated if things ing the relationship be- don't go the way they want them to go; tween blood types and • Usually have a strong drive to be the best at personality , there would whatever they set their mind to doing; however, now be a lot more ethi- they also tend to neglect other tasks for the sake cal issues raised and the of whatever they are focusing on; results may not be as fair • Have a hard time multi-tasking; , for example , demand • Tend to be loners, and keep themselves isocharacteristic’s will be lated from others; apparent if you tell the participant the exact aim Type AB of the experiment there- • Usually gentle and emotionally sensitive; fore you will need to tell • Are very empathetic and careful when dealing a lie to the participant in with other people, taking care to consider the order to get accurate re- other point of view; sults and there are many • Easily become lost in thought; other reasons to why this • Are sometimes looked at as having 2 personaliexperiment will be diffi- ties, because they tend to keep their true selves hidden from strangers; cult to proceed with. • They have many friends, but also require time alone. Traits of blood type personalities Type A • Presence of mind, serious, patient, calm & cool; • Coherent character, can be relied on & trusted, but stubborn; • Plan everything out beforehand, and carry out tasks with seriousness and consistency; • Try to be fair and find the ideal outcome to any situation;

Type O • Are usually the "cheerleader" of the group; •Tend to be more followers than leaders, accepting whatever the plan is and going alone with it , without protest; • Very generous and kind-hearted; • Generally well-liked by most people; • Very flexible, and adapt easily to change.

Eczema: The Different Types And How To Treat It There’s nothing worse than being unable to sleep because your skin is inflamed, itchy and painful. It’s estimated that eczema affects up to 15 million people in the UK. It can be known by many different names and have many different forms. For example, atopic eczema is an allergic type skin disease often found in people with asthma, hay fever etc. However, all ‘eczemas’ consist of dry itchy skin, often red in colour and incredibly uncomfortable. It can start in childhood and can be severe enough to require hospital led care, however much of it can be managed by your GP. If you suspect you have eczema be sure to visit your doctor to get a proper diagnosis. What you can do to relieve, treat and prevent symptoms Sometimes it’s not necessary to go out and get a prescription. Did you know that there is a simple replacement for bath oils and soaps? Take an old pair of tights and fill them with porridge oats. Place it in the bath with you and you have a natural remedy for inflamed skin and eczema. This is great to use as a natural method for treating children’s eczema. However, stubborn patches of eczema do require steroid cream and these need to be prescribed. If you find that a patch of eczema is weeping, this could be a sign of infection so make sure you see a doctor ASAP. Avoid soap - The biggest foe of the eczema patient is soap. In order to avoid all irritation, steer clear of soap products. This can inflame and irritate the eczema further. Keep the skin hydrated by substituting it with an emollient soap substitute, and moisturiser. Moisturisers and emollients can be bought over the counter – just speak to your pharmacist. Watch out for environmental factors - Environmental factors can play a huge role in the chronicity of the disease so watch out for how dietary, washing powder or perfumed moisturizers might be affecting your skin. If you find that they are inflaming your eczema, try to avoid the offending products.

Eczema in Children - Eczema is common in children – but the good news is that most children do grow out of their eczema, even in its most severe form. If eczema is present in an adult most people can lead a normal life by using moisturisers and making small adjustments to their lifestyle. If you’re suffering with eczema, they key thing to remember is to avoid anything which will inflame your skin. Try and keep track of what you’re using and how it is affecting you. Avoid soaps and try replacing it with a natural homemade remedy using an old pair of tights and porridge oats. However, the most important thing to do is to moisturise several times a day using an emollient. This will help to soothe the skin and reduce inflammation.

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Saeed Ajmal Bids Farewell To Cricket Career Curtains fell on the prolific cricket career of spin-wizard Saeed Ajmal with the defeat of Faisalabad in the semi-final of National T20 Championship in Rawalpindi recently. The 40-year old bowler, who led his regional team to the semi-final of national T20, was given a guard of honour by players of Lahore Whites and Faisalabad after the game to make his farewell memorable. Saeed had announced earlier last month that the ongoing national T20 tournament would be last of his career and he’ll hang his boots forever. Although Ajmal has made himself available for foreign leagues, it seems unlikely that he would participate any further. Ajmal’s career remained under clouds due to his bowling action, which many kept saying not to be legal, but he always remained defiant. He played an important role in Pakistan’s Test series win against England in 2012, which still remains one of the highlights of Ajmal’s career. In 35 Tests played for Pakistan, Ajmal claimed

178 wickets at an average of 28.10, with ten 5-fers in innings and four 10-wickets hauls. Ajmal was equally effective in the shorter format and took 184 wickets in 113 ODIs and 85 wickets in 63 T20Is for the country. However, last few months of his career couldn’t justify him and that gradually pushed him out of national team. With new players coming in, Ajmal decided to hang his boots and is will not take on the new role of coaching. He was named bowling coach of Islamabad United earlier and the bowler aims to train youngsters. Following his farewell match, Ajmal told media that he’s looking forward to the role of coaching. “I will now concentrate on my assignments as a coach and on my cricket academy in Faisalabad,” Ajmal told media after the match. Ajmal said that he’s proud to have won matches for Pakistan. “I am proud that I have represented Pakistan and contributed in my country’s wins,” he said.

Sheffield Pensioners Urged To Donate Fuel Payments Pensioners in Sheffield who are better off are being urged to donate their fuel payments to those most in need. Age UK wants to prevent up to 250 people dying prematurely from the cold in the city this winter. The charity says winter fuel payments, which are paid automatically to all older people living in their own homes, often go to people who can already afford to heat their homes. It is appealing for those who can to donate their payments, so it can better support the estimated 14,000 older people in Sheffield who live in poor quality, damp or draughty housing. It's thought that 50,000 older people in Sheffield live in fuel poverty, with one in seven admitting they go to bed to keep warm and save heating costs despite not feeling tired.

Winter fuel payments are literally a lifeline to thousands of older people in Sheffield each year. But because the payments are made automatically, no matter how rich or poor someone is, we're appealing to those who can afford to, to donate their payment to us so that we can do more to help those most in need. AGE UK will use any money they receive to support the work providing information and advice to an older person suffering from the cold this winter. There is a strong relationship between poor insulation and heating of houses, low indoor temperature and excess winter deaths of older people. So anything more to support the thousands of older people in Sheffield who are living in these conditions has the potential to save lives.

Natwest Bank Announces Closures Of Branches In South Yorkshire NatWest said it has taken the 'difficult decision' to close branches in Stocksbridge, Broomhall, Firth Park, Hillsborough, Millhouses and Woodseats in Sheffield; Dinnington in Rotherham and Bawtry in Doncaster. They will all close between May 21 and June 25. A spokeswoman said: “The way people bank with us has changed radically over the last few years. Since 2014, the number of customers using our branches across the UK has fallen by 40 per cent.

“During the same period mobile transactions have increased by 73 per cent; and in the first half of 2017, there were 1.1 billion mobile and online transactions carried out by our customers - an increase of 41 per cent since 2014. NatWest has a national agreement with the Post Office to provide customers with a range of banking services, including paying money in, taking money out and checking balances. Businesses customers can also get coinage. Nationally, a total of 197 NatWest branches and 62 Royal Bank of Scotland branches are to close.

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A Culture Of Wastage Asian weddings are known for their extravagance and glitz with families looking to spend a small fortune to ensure their big day is that extra bit special. Along with the clothes, the cars and jewellery there is this incessant need to make sure your wedding food fits the standards. Things have moved on from the days when food was served by friends and families. Now, food is served at round tables and we are happy to pay waiters to serve the food. A wedding can succeed or fail on the quality of the food. In reality, culture dictates weddings and not religion. We are a community of food wasters. The memory of the day may be ‘tainted’ by simply guests commenting that the food was not served on time, the food was served cold, food not being up to standard etc. Despite our best efforts and a happy marriage, the wedding maybe a topic of conversation for some days. Another problem is wastage of food

, often after ordering extra for fear of it running low. Some families report that the food is binned at the end of the day as everyone is simply in a hurry to get out of there. Wedding guests should be blamed for food wastage and not caterers. Guests may pile their plates with food and then don’t eat it. Then you can’t use this food anywhere else – it has to be thrown away. Whether small or large weddings, there is one thing in they have in common – wedding guests who waste food. The women I am sad to say are far worse than the men. I think we have a culture of wastage, especially when someone else is paying for the food, and it manifests itself at Asian weddings more than anywhere else. Religion teaches us not to over indulge and not to be wasteful – but all those ideals go out of the window when it comes to weddings. It is like we have one rule for how we live our life and then another when it comes to weddings.

Long-Lost Da Vinci Painting Fetches Historic $450 Million A painting by Leonardo da Vinci that preserves the artist's own handprints sold for more than $450 million at auction, "obliterating the previous world record for the most expensive work of art at auction," according to Christie's Auction House. Christie's presented the painting, which depicts Jesus Christ holding up one hand in blessing while cradling a crystal orb in the other, at a sale in New York. The auction house guaranteed the painting at $100 million, meaning it would pay the difference if bidders didn't reach that level; last time the painting sold, in 2014, it went for $127.5 million. The final sale: $450,312,500 (including buyer's premium). At one time, though, the very same painting went for a song — in 1958, it sold for a mere 45 British pounds, which is the equivalent of 990.50 pounds ($1,304) today. That's because it wasn't until the late 2000s that anyone realized the painting was a da Vinci. Art experts now estimate that the painting — titled "Salvator Mundi," or "Savior of the World" — was made around 1500. But between the mid-1600s and 2005, this piece of da Vinci's work was lost. The painting now known to be his was thought to be a copy by one of his students, and it was heavily damaged by crude attempts at conservation. The previous record-holder for the priciest "old master" painting was "Massacre of the Innocents" by Peter Paul Rubens, which sold for $76.7 million in 2002, according to Christie's. The previous record-holder for the most expensive da Vinci was his "Horse and Rider," which sold for $11,481,865 at Christie's in 2001.

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Silence Is Golden Dr A Q Khan

One can’t help but be shocked by the rhetoric used by political leaders in TV programmes. It leaves the impression that all norms of decency, social value and Divine Edicts have been put aside. This all reminds me of a story I read a long time ago; I think it was by Saadi. The story said that there was once a self-proclaimed scholar who, hard pressed by poverty, went to a nearby town and sat down in a mosque. There he would pray five times a day with the other worshippers, afterwards sitting down in a corner reciting with his rosary in hand. After some time, people started assuming he was a holy man and they brought him gifts of food, etc. In this way he collected quite a number of gifts. Bolstered by his acquired popularity he thought that, if by keeping silent he was being so well respected and receiving many gifts, then why not talk to the people and earn even more. So one day, after prayers, he called the worshippers and started preaching. The moment he opened his mouth and spoke, people started leaving and after only a few minutes, everyone had gone. Shocked, he wrote on the wall of the mosque: “Had I kept silent and not spoken, I would still be a respected man. By talking, I have exposed my lack of knowledge and wisdom and lost the respect I had. It would have been much better to remain silent.” Shaikh Saadi (RA) is famous, not only in Iran, but also the world over, as being a great liter-

ary figure. His two books, ‘Gulistan’ and ‘Bostan’ are world famous and have been translated into many foreign languages. In chapter 4 of Gulistan, he has given many stories about of virtue of silence. One of these pearls of wisdom says: “I told one of my friends that whenever I have been stopped from talking (or have done so myself), it has been for the reason that when you talk too much, some nonsense slips into the conversation. Your opponents or enemies will not pay much attention to the good things you have said, but will pick up on the wrong things. My friend, who is a good friend, does not notice the good things. The morale of this story is that when someone meets a noble, righteous person, he can easily use the latter’s inconsistencies to accuse that noble soul of haughtiness and self-projection.” I have quoted these stories to draw attention (where it was not already known) to the illogical rhetoric used by the former PM, his daughter and their supporters. The daughter has obviously been dreaming of becoming the president of the N-League. It was Chaudhry Nisar who took the wind out of her sails by merely saying that she

Miss World 2017 winner Miss India 126 women from all around the globe took part in the pageant, which occurred in Sanya, China. But only one lucky lady walked away with the crown. And the winner of the 2017 Miss World pageant is Miss India Manushi Chhillar. Stephanie Hill, Miss England, was the first runner up and Miss Mexico Alma Andrea Meza Carmona was second runner up in the 67th Miss World contest. But only one lucky lady could walk away with the crown, which eventually went to a 20-year-old medical student from Haryana, India. The big win for Miss India comes after the country’s 17-year dry spell in the pageant. In 2000, ‘Quantico’ star Priyanka Chopra won the crown. Chhillar is the sixth Indian woman to win the coveted title. Reita Faria was the first, claiming the title back in 1966. Film star Aishwariya Rai-Bachchan won in 1994, Diana Haydon in 1997, Yukta Mookhey in 1999 and Chopra in 2000.

could never be another Benazir Bhutto. Irrational tirades against the honourable judges and members of the JIT by Mian Sahib, Maryam and supporters did more harm than good to Nawaz Sharif’s cause. The judges are ordinary human beings and, though they may not openly say so, they are – just like any of us – sensitive to nasty, untrue remarks made against them. Nawaz Sharif and co are talking about them as if they were Modi or Musharraf’s agents and totally devoid of intelligence and knowledge of the laws. This is not the court of Justice Munir, Justice Maulvi Mushtaq or Justice Anwarul Haq. All the judges in question have spotless, unblemished records and are acting in accordance with the laws and the oaths they took. The worst thing that Nawaz Sharif did (or could do) was to surround himself with sycophants. It was their advice that led him into the current dilemma. His legal team failed to give him proper advice (or perhaps he did not listen to them!) to fight the case legally and not through rhetoric. I cannot help but feel sorry for the whole family as, whatever the causes and consequences, their pain is tangible. However,

that doesn’t change anything in the situation and slander is unacceptable. Politics in this country has gone from bad to worse and all politicians are to blame and have a share in this. There is no code of conduct for politics any longer and the motto: ‘All is fair in politics’ seems to suit everyone. The Almighty has, on many occasions, warned that the brains, eyes and hearts of many misguided people will be sealed (see, for example, Surahs Baqara, A’raf, Anfal, Muhammed, etc.). Many intellectuals and philosophers have also commented on this matter. Chinese philosopher Leo Tzu said: “It is very difficult to rule (or fool) people as they are quite intelligent.” Our Holy Prophet (pbuh) also warned of double standards that ultimately lead to the destruction of nations. Note: In my last column in these pages, ‘When Judgment Comes’ (Oct 23), I wrote about the menace of adulteration in food and medicines. Let me hasten to point out that those pharmaceutical companies manufacturing under foreign licences cannot, and do not, adulterate their medicines or produce fakes. It is unscrupulous criminals (often in collaboration with officials) who produce fake medicines and supply these to dishonest shopkeepers. The same goes for adulteration of foodstuff. Luckily, it is less in our country than in some of those surrounding us. Please desist – it is a heinous crime against humanity! Email:

Prince William Launches Anti-Bullying Plan To Combat Online Abuse The Duke of Cambridge is spearheading a fresh battle against online abuse with the support of a taskforce made up of major tech firms and charities. Facebook and Snapchat are to trial a new service that offers direct support to victims of cyber-bullying. The Duke has announced a code of conduct for the internet, urging young people to "stop, speak, support" in the hope of creating a safer space online. Kensington Palace said the new service will be trialled among groups of young people ahead of a broader roll-out. The code of conduct, part of the Royal Foundation's taskforce on the Prevention of Cyber bullying, encourages young people to consider how they behave online, and to speak to an adult, or report any abuse. Google, Apple, EE and Twitter have all been involved in the project. The Duke warned that online anonymity can be "really dangerous" as it allows bullies to ignore the impact of their actions. "I think it is worth reminding everyone what the human tragedy of what we are talking about here isn't just about companies and about online stuff - it's actually real lives that get affected,"

William said. "And the consequences, that is the big thing, the consequences of what happens if things are not kept in check in terms of what we say and what we do. "We are still responsible for our own actions online - this anonymity, as you were saying, is really, really dangerous." The Duke told task force members the campaign was the "start of a big journey", and spoke of his personal interest in helping tackle the issue after witnessing devastating suicides during his work as an East Anglian Air ambulance pilot. He said: "You've heard me say before that this is a personal issue for me in particular. "My work with the air ambulance saw a lot of suicide, some of it from bullying, some from other areas of life. "So the culmination of everything we've done in the last 18 months feels very poignant right now and with some of the parents' stories we've heard recently and will hear today and in the next few days. "It's extremely important that we've achieved this journey to where we are right now in showing the industry is committed to changing and helping support as many young people as possible online."

Pakistani Visa Services Awarded To Company With No Past Experience The Pakistan High Commission in UK has awarded the visa facilitation service contract, from Britain to Pakistan, to a firm with no relevant experience. Three companies were shortlisted for the financial bid, TCS Express Worldwide, Gerry’s Offshore and Sentinel Group Securities. The bid was won by Sentinel Group Securities being the lowest bidder from the three. The new company Sentinel Group, which has won the contract, has experience in providing security services, as shown on its website, but has no previous experience in visa handling or pro-

viding visa customer services. The other two contenders, Gerry’s and TCS, have been providing visa services to clients in Pakistan over decades. Gerry’s is also the current service provider for the Pakistan High Commission in the UK for the last five years. The tender’s prerequisites published by PPRA on their website were “the company must have adequate relevant experience or be able to demonstrate the capability to provide the requisite services” and “must possess necessary experience and capacity to handle a large number of visa applications.”

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Shaan Shahid On Hope And Belief For Victims Of Domestic Violence He has a career spanning three decades and has more than 500 films under his belt but Pakistani superstar Shaan Shahid says he is continually trying to make something that is different. Shaan Shahid is easily the only Pakistani actor who has seen good old Lollywood through its highs and lows. He hasn’t just survived but also managed to stay relevant in today’s revamped industry by adopting new trends — be it in filmmaking (he produces and directs movies also), or in his personal style — while most of his peers have long become redundant or vanished into oblivion. Ahead of his latest release ‘ARTH - The Destination’ he said he hoped the movie would inspire those women affected by domestic violence. Inspired by the classic 1982 Hindi film ‘Arth’ by Mahesh Bhatt, ‘ARTH - The Destination’ is written, directed and stars Shaan, alongside the stunning Humaima Malick, Mohib Mirza and Uzma Hassan. The story revolves around the lives of two women, Uzma Hassan and Humaima Malick, the paths they choose and the destination they reach, and how in this trajectory, their lives evolve. Through these characters, the film informs its viewers about dysfunctional relationships that can end in the tragedy of domestic violence. Shaan and the whole cast hope that the film will help affect change by encouraging real-life victims to take action against

these inhumane acts. Shaan said, “The film deals with the concept of ‘decisions’ and the powerful role they play in an individual’s life. Eventually, it is these decisions that determine the destination, and the path we each take to reach that ultimate destiny. “I made this film to highlight issues that have remained hidden and unspoken in our society. “However, it is only when we start acknowledging that we have problems, that we can find solutions and give hope to others in the same boat.” Shaan has established himself as one of the most popular leading actors in Pakistan. His commitment to making a difference to filmmaking and creating films that have social messages at their heart, has led Shaan to also turn his hand to directing. ‘ARTH - The Destination’ is one of his proudest achievements and one that he feels addresses issues that need to be highlighted and discussed. He added, “I hope that this film gives some hope and belief to victims of domestic violence that there is a way out and they no longer need to suffer in silence.” ‘ARTH - The Destination’ will be released worldwide in cinemas on December 21 by Grand Showbiz Entertainment.

Nawaz Sharif Family Owns 3,000 Kanals Land In Lahore, Reveals Punjab Government Disqualified Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, his wife and mother have more than 3,000 kanals and palatial residence at Jati Umra in Lahore on their names, reveals Punjab Revenue Department. In reply to the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) about details of the Sharif family’s properties, the revenue department says, Nawaz Sharif owns over 1,600 kanals, his wife, Begum Kulsoom Nawaz, has over 1,100 kanals and his mother has 635 kanals (in addition to her Jati Umra Raiwind house) in Lahore. “His sons — Hassan and Hussain — do not have any property in the province. However, the

property status of Maryam has yet to be clear,” it said. NAB has already begun the process of declaring Hassan and Hussain proclaimed offenders (POs) and it has started issuing newspaper advertisements in this regard. On Oct 9, the accountability court in Islamabad ordered NAB to initiate the process of declaring the former premier’s sons POs, as they had consistently skipped the court’s proceedings in three graft references pertaining to their Park Lane flats and the establishment of offshore companies.

Congratulations ILM News 8th Year Anniversary

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December Supermoon 2017 Moon will be amazingly bright as it reaches closes point to earth - but some advise watching out for dark forces too After months of numerous celestial delights, including the dazzling Perseids meteor shower , the last astronomical event of 2017 is set to end the year with a bang. There's a full moon coming - and it's going to be special. This will be the last supermoon of the year and the closest one to the Earth. There's no argument about whether this one is a supermoon, unlike the Hunter's Moon in November. But when will it be and what's its signifance to us, according to astronomers and astrologers? The next full moon is on Sunday, December 3. It will be at its brightest at 4.47pm. But it will still look almost completely full on the day before and after that. This final lunar display is known as the Cold Moon - sometimes the Long Nights Moon - and it will be a spectacular supermoon. It comes a month after the Hunter's Moon of November, which is also called the Frost Moon and Beaver Moon. We will of course be able to see the Cold Moon

without any hi-tech cameras or telescopes but if you do use special equipment it will enhance the view. Current forecasts indicate a cold night with largely clear skies. This will make good viewing conditions for seeing the moon. Temperatures are expected to stay in low single figures, possibly dipping below freezing in places, with night-time frost likely. However, forecasts could change nearer the time. Fingers crossed for clear skies. What is a supermoon? In 1979, astrologer Richard Nolle coined the term supermoon to mean a new or full moon which occurs when the moon is at or within 90 per cent of its closest point to Earth (the perigee). It then appears 14 per cent larger and 30 per cent brighter than a normal moon. This broad definition means there are four to six supermoons a year, on average. There are three in 2017 - in January, November and December. But some define it more precisely, saying a supermoon must be less than 360,000km (223,694 miles) from Earth. On that basis, the December full moon is the only one that comes close enough to Earth (222,443 miles) to be a true supermoon. The supermoon on November 14, 2016, was the closest since January 26, 1948 . On November 25 , 2034, the moon will be even closer than that. When the moon is at its farthest point, it is is called a micromoon. That only happens about twice a year. Friday, June 9, was the date of the first micromoon in 2017. The only other one this year is on Monday, December 18. So why is it called a Cold Moon? The name fittingly relates to the chilly weather of December, as this would be

the time when winter would typically tighten its grip. What effect will the supermoon have on us if it's so close? Supermoons are closer to the Earth and this means the gravitational forces are stronger than those of a normal full moon, producing higher tides and bigger waves. The gravitational pull is said to be 20 to 30 per cent stronger - or even as much as 50 per cent. It means the tide will be around two inches higher than normal. Higher tides combined with high winds could lead to coastal flooding or produce more intense storms. It's also thought that supermoons cause a small increase in tectonic activity by exerting a greater gravitational pull on the molten rock beneath the surface of the Earth, making

the ground rise and fall just like the tides in the ocean. This could then put extra strain on fault lines, triggering an earthquake. Geologists in Japan believe a supermoon led to the powerful New Zealand earthquake in November 2016. They claim that several other large earthquakes happened at similar times of 'tidal stress.' In addition, vets have recorded more cases of injuries to cats and dogs around the time of a full moon - possibly because the animals are active for longer at night. And some scientific studies have found human sleep patterns are affected - with people sleeping for around 20 minutes LESS on and around the day of a full moon.

Priyanka Chopra Makes Top 10 On Forbes’ List Indian actress Priyanka Chopra has landed herself on the Forbes List of World’s Highest-Paid TV Actresses in 2017, securing the eighth spot with $10 million among the top 10 big earners of the small screen. This is the second consecutive time Chopra has fallen on the Forbes list. The Forbes Magazine describes Chopra as a “Bollywood crossover star” with a worldwide appeal, enabling her to draw revenue from both the US and Indian audience. Her international fandom grew with her lead role in American TV show Quantico, for which she has won two People’s Choice Awards ─ the latest one being in 2017 where she received the favourite dramatic TV actress trophy. Here’s the list of this year’s highest paid TV actresses, according to Forbes: Sofia Vergara — $41.5 million Kaley Cuoco — $26 million

Mindy Kaling — $13 million Ellen Pompeo — $13 million Mariska Hargitay — $12.5 million Julie Bowen — $12 million Kerry Washington — $11 million Priyanka Chopra — $10 million Robin Wright — $9 million Pauley Perrette — $8.5 million

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Protest Against Unrest In Sindh And Baluchistan The protest was held on 5/11/17 in front of 10 Downing street, Westminster against the enforced abduction and extrajudicial killings of Baluch men, women and children at the hands of security agencies in Pakistan. The protest was organized by the BNM, WBO, WSC and BSO. They were chanting slogans against ISI and MI for their notorious role behind masterminding terror abductions and killings of Baluch and Sindhi political activist. The political activists of Baluch nationalist organizations and World Sindhi Congress accused Pakistani security agencies to have been involved in heinous crime against the political activists in Baluchistan and Sindh. They blamed ISI to have plotted the abduction of the children and daughter of Dr Allah Nazar. As security agencies enforced the disappearance of Popal Jan and Cousin Zaheerag Jan, Bibi Salma including her 18 months old son, along with Fazeela Baluch from the Sariab Road, Quetta. [Later they were released due to public pressure on social media] As Dr Allah Nazar heads a pro-independent Baluchistan movement. He also leads an armed organization against the military presence [Pakistan Army] in Baluchistan. This is a grave human rights violation, and it seems as if Pakistani agencies are acting with full impunity to punish political activists and their families if they defy them in Baluchistan. On the

other hand, Baluch National Movement [BNM] released a statement that Fazeela Baloch was admitted to the Hospital as she was going under the treatment after a botched backbone operation. She was bearing the brunt of early bombardment on her village in Mashkay by the Pakistani Security forces, she was also diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder [PTSD] following the incident in Masshkay. BNM further held that Pakistani forces are not only violating the international conventions on human rights but also

West Indies To Tour Pakistan In March For T20 Series A full-strength West Indies team is expected to land in Lahore next March for a three-match Twenty20 series after Cricket West Indies (CWI) "committed" to tour Pakistan next year. The tour was meant to be played this November, but logistical challenges forced the tour to be postponed. At an impromptu media conference in Lahore, PCB chairman Najam Sethi confirmed the schedule for West Indies' tour with the three matches to be played on March 29, 31 and April 1. Sethi also stated that both PCB and CWI agreed to play a series of Twenty20 matches annually over the next five years both in Pakistan and the USA subject to availability of dates. Both CWI and the West Indies Players Association (WIPA) gave their approval for the tour subject to the security situation in Pakistan remaining the same as

Dr Syed Alam Shah

it was during the World XI series and the solitary T20 Sri Lanka played in Lahore recently. After hosting the World XI and Sri Lanka T20s successfully, the PCB was confident and keen to host West Indies too.

showing their intransigent behaviour to kill the political activist and torture their families by contravening the charter of human right orchestrated by UNO. All political activists and other human rights organizations appealed the world community to play its significant role and put pressure on Pakistan to stop human rights violations in Sindh and Baluchistan. Moreover, BNM especially entreated the Amnesty international and other human rights organizations to address the issue and bring halt to grave violations of human rights in Baluchistan.


Pakistani Film Pushes Social Boundaries A new film in Pakistan has unleashed a heated debate on women's issues in the Islamic country. It depicts a woman who is raped by a powerful man and seeks revenge instead of suffering in silence. The Pakistani film "Verna" begins by portraying a beautiful young woman who is married, welleducated and is building a successful teaching career. She leads a life that many people would desire. But one day, her good life is suddenly turned upside down. During a romantic getaway with her husband, the main character named Sara, is abducted for many days and raped by the influential son of a local governor. After her ordeal is over, Sara is ready to sacrifice everything to bring him to justice. However, she soon realizes that the law is not on her side and she gets nowhere after turning to the police and justice system. So she decides to take the law in her hands and play by her own rules. Verna, from Pakistani director Shoaib Mansoor, was released mid-November in Pakistan. It breaks many taboos and deals with sensitive social issues that are usually not publically portrayed in the conservative Muslim country. And the film's storyline is told in new and uncom-

mon fashion, in which the female lead refuses to silently accept the role of victim and instead seeks justice and revenge. This is unacceptable for many in Pakistan. Pakistan's Central Board of Film Censors had originally not permitted the release of Verna over content. The proposed ban was sharply criticized by women's rights activists and on social media. Can films change society? In the case of Verna, Pakistani censors dropped their opposition a few hours before the premier was scheduled on November 17. Director Shoaib Mansoor also wanted to show with Verna how Pakistani elites apparently consider themselves to be above the law. "I wanted to make a film about how the ruling class abuses power against common people. I chose to focus on the issue of rape because that is the most common way power is used against women. Like many people, I too believe that rape is more for a show of power over people than a result of sexual frustration," said the director. Opinions on the film are divided. Women's rights activists praise the film as a milestone. For Pakistani conservatives it is a bĂŞte noire.

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Booking on....

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(Reg Charity No: 1139948) Molana M Aslam Zahid donating sawing machines during his recent visit to Bagh, Azad Kashmir...

250 1 600 2 50 3 700 4




6 APPEAL 2014

Join with us and become closer to Allah in this blessed month to increase your blessings ÂŁ250 supports an orphan and brings you closer to the Holy Prophet (pbuh) in Jannah ÂŁ600 supports a family with no income and is equivalent to increased blessings from prayers ÂŁ50 buys a sewing machine - an essential source of income for a widow or young orphan girl ÂŁ700 helps a derelict mosque prosper again and reinforces your iman for the here and after ÂŁ2000 helps finance the marriage of an orphan girl and you gain blessings for yourself and our family By making provision for Sehri and Iftar for the needy in the Holy month of Ramadan you can gain forgiveness and sawaab from those fasts and work towards a place in

Yorkshire Bank, Account Number: 19842710 Sort Code: 05 08 58 Alhabib Welfare Foundation is a UK registered international relief and development charity. It was founded by Molana Aslam Zahid who is the imam of Usmania Education Centre and the Vice Chairm an of Jamiat Ulma-e-Bri tain. With your support Alhabib Welfare Foundation aims to help poor families, orphans, and widows across Pakistan and other countries around the world. We ensure 100% of your donation reaches the poor. Please donate generously on the above account number or online by visiting our website...

Molana M Aslam Zahid visited local Madressa during his recent visit to Bagh, Azad Kashmir...

Alhabib Welfare Foundation is relying on your support this Ramadan to help survivors of the Pakistan floods. Donate your Zakat and Sadaqa to us this Ramadan and we will use it to help orphans, widows and those who are in need.

The prophet saw said “Whoever helps any muslim and makes them happy in the process, they have made me happy. Whosoever makes me happy has made Allah happy. And whosoever makes Allah happy, Allah will provide a place in Jannah for him�. Come let us all help the poor, disabled, widows and orphans who desperately need our help,and gain the approval of Allah the Almighty You can give your Zakaat, Sadaqatul Fitra to help towards our ongoing support of these needy families. We invite you to come and be a part of a good and worth cause and gain nearness to Allah and the blessed Messenger (peace be upon him). We are offering you the opportunity to extend your good practice in the month of Ramadan by gaining sawaab for helping our fellow Muslims who need your help.



Molana M Aslam Zahid donated computers during his recent visit to Bagh, Azad Kashmir...

Orphans Widows Tel: 01142811927, Mob: 07894540303 Web:



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