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READ INSIDE Quaid e Azam Day Celebrated at PMC Page 14
The cost of the devastating floods across the UK could reach more than £5billion, it has been estimated. And one fifth of that bill will rest with those with inadequate or non-existent insurance policies. The scale of the flooding over the last few weeks has seen communities across large sections of Northern England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland severely impacted. Most recently large areas of the North of England, from Hull to Lancaster, have been affected by three days of flooding from Boxing Day, and earlier in December Cumbria was hard hit with relentless flooding. Hundreds of people fled their homes after torrential rain triggered flooding in towns with dangerously high waters leaving people cut off, and many without power. The total burden on the UK insurance industry is estimated to reach up to £1.5bn alone. In 2007 when a similar pattern of flooding hit, total insured claims were £3.2bn, and now insurance experts consider that the actual financial impact will far exceed this. David Cameron defended the government’s spending on flood defences. The Prime Minister also denied accusations from local council leaders that there was a north-south divide in terms of government spending . He said: "[The UK spends] more per head of the population on flood defences in the north than we do in the south. “We are going to spend £2.3bn on flood defences in this Parliament but we will look at what’s happened here and see what needs to be done.”
Vaped Away
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CUT PIECE Page 22-23
Quaid e Azam Day Celebrations
25th December marks Quaid e Azam Day for Pakistanis who take pride in following his motto of Unity, Faith and Discipline. A celebration on the 25th of December was hosted by Wosskow Brown Solicitors and Altman Smith Accountants to promote the ideas of the Quaid and work towards achieving goals in our community.
Property Report
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Society Today Page 17
Winter Hints And Tips From Sheffield City Council The Streets Ahead Winter Service The Streets Ahead team will closely monitor the weather forecasting systems across the city so we can be ready if wintry weather arrives. Our fleet of 19 gritters are ready to respond to whatever the weather might bring. For regular updates about our gritting service then please follow us on Twitter - @sccstreetsahead In order to help people be prepared for the worst weather, we have provided some hints and tips on how you can be ready and prepare your vehicles. Just visit: Schools opening during adverse weather Sheffield schools always do their utmost to stay open, but sometimes changes to opening times may need to occur due to adverse weather. If bad weather does occur and you’re not sure whether your child’s school is opening as usual, you should hear first from your child’s school via their usual communications method (text, email or school website). Unless you hear otherwise, you should assume it is open as usual. You can also find further information at uk/schoolclosures where you can sign for email alerts to notify you of any school opening changes. You can also search for #sheffschools or follow @sheffcouncil on Twitter for up to date information.
take a couple of steps to be prepared for any wintry weather if you are worried about your health. Call 111. If you need medical help fast but it’s not life threatening or you’re not sure where to go, a 111 adviser will assess you and direct you to the best placed service in your area. Ask a pharmacist. They are highly trained healthcare experts advising on everything from colds to long term conditions. Make sure you have already ordered and collected your repeat prescriptions ideally before Christmas Eve Visit a walk-in centre. They’re mainly run by nurses who can treat minor illnesses and injuries on the spot. Contact your GP. Many GPs can offer advice over the phone and can arrange a referral to a hospital specialist if you need it. Wrap up warm Snow your neighbour This could be anything from visiting an elderly or vulnerable neighbour, to making sure they have the food and drink they need or helping to clear local pavements so others can use them safely. You can find out more and download our handy postcard that might help you start the conversation with them at our Help Your Community in Winter page.
Warm Safe Home If you haven’t already had your boiler serviced make sure Staying Safe and Well - Your Health As we approach Christmas this year we are asking you to you do so before the cold weather starts. If you’re a council housing tenant you are entitled to an annual service so please make sure we have access to your property to allow us to do this. In winter we all start to dry our clothes inside as the weather turns for the worse. Blocking up radiators with wet clothes can inhibit the flow of warm air and create condensation which causes damp. Damp can be harmful, especially for those with respiratory problems, long term health conditions and asthma. If drying inside try to do so in the bathroom or kitchen with the door closed and window open.
£1MILLION FOR SHEFFIELD CHILDREN SERVICES Sheffield’s children’s services are benefitting from an additional £1 million which will go towards improving children and young people’s emotional wellbeing and mental health services. This comes as the Education Secretary also announced this week that Sheffield will be one of 22 pilots across the country to receive £3 million to improve mental health services in schools. The money was successfully secured by NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), Sheffield City Council and Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust from the governments national Future in Mind programme, which has provided funding to implement redesign and transformation to Children’s Mental Health Provision. As part of the new funding, around £300k has been ring-fenced for specific investment into eating disorder services. This money will be used to improve access into these services and to trial new approaches, aimed at improving outcomes for Sheffield children and their families. Councillor Jackie Drayton, Sheffield City Council’s Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families said: “This is brilliant news for Sheffield and a great example of how we work in partnership in our city. It is of course especially good news for those young people who need help and support when it comes to their emotional health and well-being. “Mental health issues, and especially in children and young people, are not given the same priority as other areas of health so this funding will help go a long way to help all agencies working together to achieve a great service here in Sheffield.” The funding is part of the NHS England Future in Mind programme, which is a national priority to redesign and improve support and services focusing on children and young people’s emotional wellbeing and mental health.
Regards, All at Sheffield City Council and the Streets Ahead Team
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4 Thorp Close Sheffield, S2 4SL
@ ILMNEWS ILM Newspaper is a FREE copy and can be obtained from most supermarkets, restaurants, retail outlets, GP surgeries, mosques, community centres, boutiques and many distribution outlets throughout Sheffield, Bradford, Leeds, Manchester and South Yorkshire.
FOUR SCHEMES TO IMPROVE TRAFFIC FLOWS IN NEW YEAR Four schemes to improve bus service reliability and to help keep traffic flowing in Sheffield are due to begin this month. Two of the schemes will be carried out on Spital Hill in Burngreave – one of the main arterial routes into the city centre. The first will target the junction with Savile Street, where bus stops will be moved and traffic lanes adjusted to help avoid queuing at the junction with the Wicker. The second scheme will be introduced further up Spital Hill, close to the junction with Hallcar Street. The present bus stops will be re-located to allow space for two buses to park at the same time without blocking traffic flows. Bus stops will also be moved or adjusted on St Michael’s Road in Ecclesfield to allow traffic to flow better when buses are parked at the stops or queuing at the Cross Hill junction. The road will be widened to retain on-street parking. The final scheme is set to be installed on Hucklow Road in Firth Park. The road will be widened on the eastern side between the junctions with Vickers Drive and West Quadrant to allow more
space for buses and other vehicles to pass one another safely. Again, on-street parking will be retained. The Burngreave schemes are planned to begin in mid-January, with work in Ecclesfield and Firth Park due to start in February. All these schemes will contribute to the Sheffield Bus Partnership’s aims of improving the reliability of public transport in the city and local councillors have given their full support to the improvements. Councillor Terry Fox, Sheffield City Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport said: “We are determined to keep traffic moving across the city. We have identified locations where alterations can make a difference by improving bus journey times and the reliability of public transport. “These schemes will help us to deal with the management of traffic hotspots that have been identified for improvement and we will continue to seek the best ways to help traffic flow through the city as smoothly as possible.”
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DISCLAIMER ILM (The Knowledge) Newspaper does not represent any political, religious or any other group. It is purely for providing general information, entertainment and knowledge to its readers. ILM News does not take any responsibility of any views expressed by authors.
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Britain for sale What would Britain be worth if we put it on the market? Official estimate reveals how much each person would receive if we sold the entire country and everything in it Britain would have a price tag of £8,063,000,000,000 if the whole country and everything in it was put up for sale, according to official Government figures. The astonishing sum just over £8 trillion (£8,000 billion) has been calculated by experts at the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The total includes the value of all homes in the country, along with all other buildings, machinery, bridges, roads, the shares we own and the money in our back accounts. It means if we decided to sell the entire country as a job lot - including all our homes the pay-out would be £125,000 per person for each of the 64.6 million people in the country or £302,000 per household. It would, of course, leave us all homeless and would be conditional on finding a suitable buyer. Residential property is the biggest and most valuable non-financial asset in the whole economy. Since 1997 the value of dwellings in the
UK has increased by over three times.” The housing stock was valued at £5.1 trillion, or more than 60 per cent of the total price tag. Between 2013 and the end of 2014, the houses in Britain increased in value by £408 billion, or nine per cent, and by £3.7 trillion since 1997. The rise was mainly down to increasing house prices rather than to more homes being built, the ONS said. Other prices included in the sums were: • Currency in circulation and all the money in our bank accounts, valued at £1.4 trillion. • Buildings and structures including roads, railways, bridges, sports stadia, warehouses and pipelines, put at £1.9 trillion. • Machinery, equipment and weapons systems including all the cars and computers in the land, which were estimated to be worth £850 billion. The Government was also in the red. “The estimated net worth of the general government sector decreased to minus £450 billion at the end of 2014, meaning that the government continued to owe more than it owned in assets,” said the report.
Hospitals Accused Of ‘Taxing Sick People’ Over Parking Charges NHS hospital trusts have been accused of levying a “tax on sick people” after an investigation revealed some are making more than £3 million a year from car parking fees. Year on year, hospitals across England are raising increasing amounts of money from staff, patients and visitors, including those who are
disabled, the Freedom of Information study by the Press Association showed. Hospitals are also handing over millions of pounds to private companies to run their car parks for them, and allowing some to cash in on parking fines. Patients in Wales and Scotland do not have to pay to park. It is a postcode lottery and a tax on sick people who sometimes struggle to pay, says the Patients Association. They say the charges are “morally wrong”, the money never reinvested in frontline services and that hospital car parks are often managed by private contractors who take a huge percentage of the profits.
Inequality And The Wealth Gap The economic disparities of modern Britain have been put on stark display, as official statistics revealed that the nation’s already-yawning wealth gap has widened still further over the past two years.
sets - a mix of property, cash and pension funds - worth just under £5Trillion. The poorest 10% owned just £5.7 million.
Richest 10 per cent in UK 'own half the country's wealth'. The richest 1 per cent of the population have as much wealth as the poorest 57 per cent combined, according to Office for National Statistics figures. The agency also found overall wealth inequality has increased since 2012, mainly thanks to the soaring price of housing in the South-east of England and London.
-The average (median) household wealth is £225,100
Other Top Findings In The Ons Uk Wealth Survey
-The wealth held by the top 10 per cent of households is around five times greater than the wealth of the bottom half of all households combined 96 per cent of households in the wealthiest 10 per cent own at least one car, compared with 58 per cent for households in the least wealthy 50 per cent
The gap between the amount of wealth owned by the UK's richest and poorest households has grown -Personalised number plates are owned by 7 per cent of households and have a total value of £2 bilby a third to £4.9Trillion since 2006. Between 2012 lion and 2014 the richest 10 per cent in Britain held as-
Great British Bake Off Final Was Most Watched TV Show Of 2015 The Great British Bake Off final has risen in the TV ratings to be crowned the most watched TV programme of 2015. More than 15 million people tuned in to watch Nadiya Hussain bake her own wedding cake to win the coveted title of Bake Off champion 2016. BBC One controller Charlotte Moore said: "It's wonderful to see the fabulous Great British Bake Off top the list in what has been an incredible year for BBC One.” The show’s nearest rival was Britain’s Got Talent, which in its high point in May, drew 12.7 million viewers. Third spot was secured by Strictly Come Danc-
ing which has seen audiences of 11.7 million. BBC One dominated the top 10 taking six spots. EastEnders, Call the Midwife and Doctor Foster, which was the highest entry by a new show, made it onto the list. The top 40 contains 23 BBC One programmes and 17 ITV shows. ITV’s X Factor was notably absent from the list for the first time having drawn just 8.4 million viewers for the final. But ITV did have the most-watched sporting event of 2015, with England taking on Wales in the Rugby World Cup, which drew in 9.7 million viewers.
More Than 1M Migrants Entered Europe In 2015 More than one million migrants and refugees have entered Europe in 2015, according to an intergovernmental organisation. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) says the million mark was crossed recently - a more than a four-fold increase in comparison with 2014. The actual number of arrivals recorded as having entered the continent by 21 December was 1,005,504. Nearly 3,700 others died trying to cross the Mediterranean amid Europe’s worst refugee crisis since World War II, it added. Charities are warning the situation is expected to worsen with the onset of winter – especially for children. They urge European states to fo-
cus on immediate humanitarian needs on the ground, especially for children. The Geneva-based group says more than 800,000 crossed into Greece from Turkey during 2015, including more than 455,000 from Syria and over 186,000 from Afghanistan. Germany has seen around one million migrants arrive, but that figure includes large numbers of people from Balkan countries who arrived earlier in the year. The vast majority of the arrivals from outside Europe have used the so-called Balkan corridor - a route that takes migrants from Greece, through Macedonia, Serbia, and then either Croatia and Slovenia or Hungary to Austria and Germany.
It Could Be Too Late To Stop Spread Of Superbugs It is “almost too late” to stop a global superbug crisis caused by the misuse of antibiotics, a leading expert has warned. Scientists have a “50-50” chance of salvaging existing antibiotics from bacteria which has become resistant to its effects, according to Dr David Brown. The director at Antibiotic Research UK, whose discoveries helped make more than $30 billion (£20 billion) in pharmaceutical sales, said efforts to find new antibiotics are “totally failing” despite significant investment and re-
search. It comes after a gene was discovered which makes infectious bacteria resistant to the last line of antibiotic defence, colistin (polymyxins). “The issue is people have tried to find new antibiotics but it is totally failing - there has been no new chemical class of drug to treat gramnegative infections for more than 40 years” he said. The resistance to the colistin antibiotic is considered to be a “major step” towards completely untreatable infections and has been found in pigs and humans in England and Wales. Public Health England said the risk posed to humans by the mcr-1 gene was “low” but was being monitored closely. Resistance is thought to have grown due to colistin being heavily used in pockets of the agricultural industries, particularly in China, often to increase the physical size of livestock. In the UK, nearly half of all antibiotics used are in farming, according to reports, although the use of it as a growth agent has been banned in the EU since 2006.
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Britain Refusing Visas To Pakistanis In Thousands Britain is pursuing an unannounced policy of turning down visa applications of Pakistanis, becoming one of the top “no-go” countries for Pakistanis, a study and background interviews conducted by Online revealed. The British High Commission Islamabad has turned down thousands of Pakistanis’ visa applications this year without citing any convincing reasons, in fact many of them on frivolous grounds, which surprisingly cannot be challenged at any forum. Although, the British High Commission in Islamabad and two deputy high commissions in Karachi and Lahore are fully functional, Pakistanis’ visa applications are processed at Abu Dhabi High Commission, mainly by Indian staff. The weird part of the story is that a large number of Pakistanis who have visited the UK
twice or thrice in the recent past have also been denied visas without any valid reasons. Currently, the British High Commission charges visa fees from Rs 14,000 to Rs 100,000 for different categories, and durations. An official at the British High Commission Islamabad, on the condition of anonymity, said the visa officers had orders from a “higher level” to reject the maximum number of visas possible, from Pakistan. “Diplomatic missions in Pakistan and Afghanistan have been directed to discourage entry of Pakistanis and Afghans as much as possible, except for some exceptions,” the official said. “This is unfortunate but the British government has in principal decided to discourage visitors from Pakistan and Afghanistan,” he said.
Nether Edge Councillors ‘We are here to help’ Nether Edge Councillors Monthly Surgery: 1st Saturday of the month Dalton Court Community Centre S8 0YU 11am - 12pm No need to book
First 1,000 Syrian Refugees Arrive In UK Llast month David Cameron confirmed that the first 1,000 Syrian refugees had arrived in the UK, with more due soon. Speaking at prime minister’s questions, he said he had met a commitment to resettle 1,000 people fleeing the conflict by Christmas, adding that Britain was “doing its moral duty”. Mr Cameron said the government was providing funding so the refugees get access to housing, healthcare and education. “I said that Britain would do its duty and with these thousand we have made a very good start”.
In September, Mr Cameron announced that up to 20,000 vulnerable Syrians would be settled in Britain over the next five years. The refugees were due to come to Britain directly from camps near the Syrian border, mostly in Lebanon, rather than from the many thousands who have already made it to Europe. Groups have been arriving in recent months and more than 50 local authorities have taken a share. Refugee campaigners welcomed their arrival but said more needed to be done to help those who had already arrived in Europe.
Councillor Nasima Akhter 07872476638
Councillor Mohammad Maroof 07790017298
Councillor Nikki Bond 07971961803
Safeguards For School Computers All schools are to be ordered to protect children from harm online - including cyberbullying, pornography and the risk of radicalisation - under new Government plans. Schools will have to monitor what their students search for and filter what they can access. The Education Secretary, Nicky Morgan, says recent events have shown that the risks to young people being targeted by radical groups have risen and should not be underestimated. She claims some children who travelled or attempted to travel to Syria - such as three teenage girls from Bethnal Green, East London - were able to access material about Daesh and foreign fighters via school computers.
More People Starting In UK Universities Last Year Than Ever Before Women are 35% more likely to go to university than men, the widest gap so far, according to annual entry figures. The UCAS admissions service says record numbers - 532,300 students - began courses in UK universities last autumn, a BBC report said. But there were wide regional variations - with youngsters in London 40% more likely to enter university than those in south-west or northeast England, it added. The annual figures show more people entering UK universities than ever before, including increases in students from the UK and overseas. In England, about 42% of 18- and 19-year-olds will have university places, up by a quarter in the past decade. Those most likely to be under-represented at university are poor, white males. White people, proportionate to their numbers in the population, are the least likely ethnic group to go to university, the admissions service says. And
there would be an extra 36,000 male students at university if they entered at the same rate as female students. The regional gap is becoming even more accentuated. Among 18-year-old school leavers, Londoners were already much more likely to get university places than those living anywhere else in England - but their success rate has increased even further and the gap grown wider. The lowest entry levels are in the South West and North East - and 18-year-olds here, are 40% less likely to go to university than in London.
Under proposals for consultation, all schools will need to have appropriate filters and monitoring systems, so that no child can access harmful content via the school’s IT systems and concerns can be spotted quickly. Schools will also be required to ensure that they teach their pupils about safeguarding, including online. "These measures are delivering on the Government’s commitment to keep children safe from harm, as well as providing helpful support and information for professionals and parents so we are all equipped to help protect children in this digital age,“ said Ms Morgan.
Blood Pressure Drugs Rethink Urged More lives could be saved if doctors considered giving blood pressure drugs to all patients at high risk of heart disease - even if their blood pressures are normal, a study suggests. The report calls for a move away from current guidelines which recommend pills only be prescribed if blood pressure is above a certain threshold. But experts acknowledge lifestyle factors also have an important role to play in bringing blood pressures down. High blood pressure has long been linked to a
higher risk of heart disease and stroke. Current guidelines suggest patients should only take medication when their blood pressure levels reach 140 mmHg. Until this point even those at highest risk, for example people who have had strokes, are offered monitoring but not pills. Now experts are calling for doctors to focus on an individual's risks rather than rigid and "arbitrary" blood pressure thresholds. Experts found that patients at highest risk - including smokers with high cholesterol levels and people over 65s with diabetes - would benefit most from treatment, lowering their chance of heart attacks and strokes. Once on treatment, blood pressure levels could be reduced even further than the targets currently used. The study shows the lower the person's blood pressure to start with, the lower the benefit they gain from reducing it.
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Public Urged To Avoid Time-Wasting 999 Calls The public have been urged to think before calling 999 this year after the police released 10 real examples of calls they have received this year. Callers, who do not have an emergency, may prevent others who require our immediate assistance from getting through to the emergency services. This presents a real risk to their ability to respond to genuine emergency calls. Here is the list in full: A woman called police to say she has just bought a kebab and it was cold. The shop would not replace her kebab. Callers, who missed their alarm and were going to be late for a flight, wanted officers to take them to the airport. A woman called saying she was angry - she had seen a clown in London selling balloons for £5 each. This price was much more expensive than other clowns selling the same product. Callers phoned in distress; they were driving and the low fuel indicator light had come on. A man called to say that his 50p coin was stuck in a washing machine at his local launderette and wanted police to retrieve it. Man called to say that he didn't have change for the parking machine. He claimed staff at the car park had kidnapped him because they were refusing to let him out for free. Someone called 999 at 4am on a Saturday morning to ask: "Where is the best place to get a bacon sandwich right now?” A man called 999 as he was advised to call 111 but didn't know their number. A woman called stating that she wanted police to deal with a couple of noisy foxes outside her address
as they were preventing her from sleeping. A woman called asking for police to attend her property as there were men in her house trying to take her away. The men in question were, in fact, police officers who had come to arrest her. They confirmed that none of the 10 calls above required a police response. Police said, in general, you should call 999 if: - Someone's life is at risk or someone is being physically threatened; - When a crime is in progress or if the offenders are still nearby; - There is a road traffic collision causing personal injury or danger. The Met is reminding the public that in a nonemergency, if they need to contact the police, they are to call the non-emergency number, 101. Reasons for calling 101 include: - If your car has been stolen; - If your property has been damaged; - Where you suspect drug use or dealing. The police said they receive, on average, over four and a half million calls per year to the 999 and 101 numbers.
Motorists caught using a mobile phone while driving are set to face tougher punishments. Penalty points will rise from three to four and fines will go up 50% to £150 under Government proposals. But the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) warned that the move would not have a "dramatic impact" unless there were more traffic police officers to enforce the law. Under the measures, drivers of larger vehicles such as HGVs would receive six points for being caught on a hand-held phone - up from three because the consequences of an accident can be much more severe. Drivers can be banned from the road if they receive 12 points within three years. In 2014 the use of a mobile phone was a contributing factor in 21 fatal accidents and 84 which were classed as serious, according to Depart-
ment for Transport (DfT) statistics for Britain. Most people caught for the first time will be given the opportunity to avoid points on their licence by taking an educational course which focuses on the effects of holding a mobile while driving. In October the RAC published analysis of Ministry of Justice data showing that p rosecutions for the offence are down by almost half in five years, despite a study showing the practice is more common. Just 17,414 prosecutions for drivers using their phone at the wheel were launched in magistrates' courts in England and Wales last year, down by 47% from 32,571 in 2009. This is despite a 2014 DfT study which found that 1.6% of drivers in England were observed using a mobile, up from 1.4% in 2009.
Miss Universe Host Announces Wrong Winner
Pakistan Woman Named Goodwill Ambassador By UN UN Women, the United Nations entity for gender equality and the empowerment of women, named Muniba Mazari as Pakistan’s first female goodwill ambassador to advance gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. As the goodwill ambassador for UN Women Pakistan, Muniba will dedicate her efforts towards the empowerment of women and girls, and would serve as an advocate for UN Women’s “Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step It Up for Gender Equality” and other campaigns. Muniba Mazari is a writer, artist, singer, activist and a motivational speaker. She is also a paraplegic, having lost control of both legs in a car accident. Through her vibrant paintings, she expresses in bold colours the strength of her own personality. Her purpose is to inspire others to live their lives to the fullest. Speaking at the event held in Islamabad, Muniba said, “I am a strong supporter of UN Women and the role we have in ending gender-based discrimination, and working towards gender equality, making it a lived reality by 2030." “We need to educate both men and women if
Crackdown On Drivers Using Mobile Phones
we want to eliminate gender based discrimination from the country and from the world, and for this we'll have to work together as one,” she said. This is the time to empower women and girls because when you empower one woman, you empower the whole generation, Muniba added. The announcement of Muniba as Pakistan’s first female national goodwill ambassador for gender equality and women’s empowerment is very timely as it follows the adoption by the Prime Minster Nawaz Sharif, along with other world leaders, of a new development framework in September 2015 at the UN General Assembly. The new agenda based on seventeen sustainable development goals, includes a stand-alone goal on gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, as well as gender sensitive targets within the other goals. The global initiative ‘Orange the World: End Violence against Women and Girls’ is led by UN Women on behalf of the UN Secretary-General’s global campaign UNiTE to end violence against women. The campaign’s orange colour reflects a bright and optimistic future for women and girls, and a life free from violence and discrimination.
The Miss Universe contestant from the Philippines is this year's winner, but for one brief moment it appeared as if it might be a repeat win for Colombia. Colombia contestant Ariadna Gutierrez Arevalo was already wearing the crown as this year's Miss Universe winner when host Steve Harvey returned to apologize. Harvey said it was his mistake and that he would take responsibility for not correctly reading the card, which said that contestant Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach of the Philippines was this year's winner and Colombia was actually the first runner-up. He held up the card for Fox network cameras to see up close afterward. Talking with reporters afterward, Harvey and an executive for pageant owner WME-IMG called it human error. "Nobody feels worse about this than me," he said. Harvey also apologized on Twitter, but at first
misspelled the home countries of both contestants before also fixing that. "I'd like to apologize wholeheartedly to Miss Colombia & Miss Philippines for my huge mistake," he wrote. "I feel terrible." Harvey, who was hosting the contest for the first time, said he re-read the card and noticed it said "first runner-up" next to the Colombia contestant's name before he asked producers if he had made a mistake. "I feel horrible for this young woman," he said after the pageant. The competition started with women representing 80 countries between the ages of 19 and 27. For the first time, viewers at home weighed in, with their votes being tallied in addition to four in-person celebrity judges. It's the third time a contestant from the Philippines has won the title. It could have been the second win in a row for Colombia. The pageant's contestant from the United States, Olivia Jordan, was named second runner-up.
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END OF YEAR PROPERTY REPORT Mohammed Mahroof BSc (Hons) MRICS Consultant Mark Jenkinson & Son
Commercial Property
Talking to John Dawes Chartered Surveyor and Partner at Mark Jenkinson he comments as follows " The Industrial ,Commercial and Retail sectors continue to attract strong demand and yields continue to compress,our expectations see capital values rising across all sectors for the coming year".
It has been a incredible year in the property market there has not been a week that property has not featured in the news.The property year really began after the election in May when almost every party had a statement on housing and how it should be tackled. It is now without doubt we need new homes with Central Government push- It is clear this sector of the property market has ing Local Authorities to come up with five year continued to perform well with a steady increase supply targets. in demand in particular for investments although the owner occupier sector is just as strong. Other sectors of the market have also seen significant interest.As ever I will run through the It is clear there are opportunities for developers popular sectors of the market: to look at developing commercial property as demand remains fairly strong.
It is without any contradiction a hot topic the subject of press coverage discussion at social gatherings and political debate.I feel it is discussed even more than the weather.So why is there such fascination with residential property,the answer is demand seems to be outweighing supply, I would like to caveat this by saying in the right areas. So what is fuelling this demand the answer is not enough new homes are being built which is leading to rising prices in the market.I believe it is safe to say this phenomenon is across the country.If you take Sheffield as a example the demand in the South West has increased tremendously with many people chasing a property as it comes onto the market , a simple three bedroom semi will be well over £250K with no shortage of interest.I know this is also the case for many Towns and Cities up and down the country.
The prediction for 2016 is it will continue to be a area where demand will out strip supply.
Private Rented Sector As I have mentioned in my articles previously we are beginning to see a structural change in tenure choice with more people choosing to rent rather than buy. There are now corporate investors actively getting involved in this market building homes for rent. In areas like London this is the only choice for a lot of people hence development.
and beyond after which we will see a changed are looking into this market and beginning to inproduct adapting to the new market. vest ,it is clear that more needs to done where support from Central Government will be key.
Development Land
It is an area of the market which has seen a great deal of difficulty over the last five or six years,with little or no demand.It is a state of affairs which cannot continue demand for new housing needs to be accommodated along with other uses.
It has been a very interesting year with the "Property Spring" maturing and the market becoming much stronger.In the North the recovery is fragile whilst the South is most definitely heated.The market in all sectors seems to be getting stronger What has happened in the meantime is landhold- but is still sensitive to economic changes. ers have worked on developing schemes through the planning process in readiness for the inevita- There has been a clear in increase in foreign inble upturn,that is now showing the first signs of vestment and I predict this will continue to be the happening. case in 2016. The demand for land is beginning to return es- A lot of property people are talking about a pecially in the South of the country and it is only strengthening of the housing rented sector as a matter of time before this is felt in the North. more corporate investors enter the market,this is fuelled by a lack of new homes to buy at affordIt is certainly a opportune time to invest in land able prices.It is also clear the Country needs to as 2016 is going to see more demand as it is a build more houses ,which is very much on the pofinite commodity prices can only go one way. litical agenda.There are also many forecasts predicting house prices rising in the next 10 years by up to 50% but you need to take this with a pinch Agricultural Land of salt.One issue is for sure we need to build new It clearly is one area of the market which has homes for rent and purchase. bucked the trend and has seen strong demand and prices. There does not seem to be a lack The year 2016 is certainly going to be eventful in of interest especially for small holdings ,grazing the property market land and small farms.There is clearly a fascination with people wanting to live simpler lives which is driving the demand for rural smallholdings.Every year there is a trend this is one of them.
Larger developers coming into this market has helped and will continue to do so in improving In the auction room figures of £15/£20k are bethe quality of homes that are provided and long ing achieved per acre I can only predict these figures are likely to go up. term security for tenants.
I think "Generation Rent" has begun which will It is definitely a market that is suffering a heatbecome stronger as we move into 2016 and be- wave. Talking to Simon Wortley a Chartered Surveyor yond. and Partner at Mark Jenkinson who has over Care Homes & Retirement 30 years of experience he says "The residential Offices Villages market has shown continued growth in activity in 2015 reflected in the number of survey instruc- Although we are seeing a steady increase in good It is a topic which has attracted a lot of attention tions received " resulting in a another busy year. quality accommodation it is far from where it was in the last few years and will continue to do so as in 2006/7,people are looking for smaller units the we move deeper into the 21st century ,the reaTherefore it is clear 2015 has been a significant days of large lettings seems to have disappeared son is quite simple people are living longer with year in the residential market,I believe 2016 will at least in the short term. life expectancy rising demand for Retirement Vilcontinue to be a strong year with many new inilages/Care Homes will rise. tiatives coming forward. The office market is arguably going through a major structural change which will continue in 2016 There are a number of corporate developers who
Cancer Isn’t The Only Risk To Smoking Public Health England (PHE) is highlighting the debilitating nature of serious lung diseases for which smoking is the biggest preventable risk factor, after the latest GP figures reveal that the number of people diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) across the Yorkshire and the Humber area reached over 125,500 in 2014-151. Nationally over 1 million people are living with COPD . COPD is the umbrella term for serious lung conditions that include chronic bronchitis and emphysema. People with COPD have difficulties breathing, primarily due to the narrowing of their airways and destruction of lung tissue. Typical symptoms include breathlessness when active, a persistent cough and frequent chest infections. Smokers can often dismiss the early signs of COPD as a ‘smoker’s cough’, but if they continue smoking and the condition worsens, it can greatly impact on their quality of life. Large numbers of people with COPD are unable to participate in everyday activities such as climbing stairs, housework or gardening; with many even unable take a holiday because of their disease . COPD led to around 15,000 hospital admissions in the region in 2013-14 and between 2012 and 2014 there were 8,757 deaths
attributable to COPD . Around 86% of COPD deaths nationally are caused by smoking . COPD may not be well known but it can be a serious and severely debilitating disease, dramatically affecting people’s lives and leading to years of suffering. The single best thing a smoker can do to reduce their chances of developing this devastating disease is to stop smoking. January is a time when many people make New Year’s resolutions and resolving to stop smoking is the best thing you can do not only for your health but for the health of those around you. Search ‘Smokefree’ online or visit your local stop smoking service to get the help and support you need to quit smoking for good. Public Health officials advise anyone who smokes to not ignore a ‘smoker’s cough’ or getting out of breath. Take it as a sign to quit before any damage to your lungs gets worse. If diagnosed early, changes in lifestyle, treatments such as pulmonary rehabilitation and prescription medications, can slow down the progression of the disease and help patients cope with symptoms like breathlessness and fatigue. However, there is no cure for COPD, so the single most important thing you can do to reduce the chances of getting the condition is to stop smoking completely.
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MINISTER FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT RESPONDS TO PETITION FROM PAGE HALL COMMUNITY ACTIVISTS In October, local businesses in the Page Hall area of Sheffield met with their MP, Harry Harpham, Member of Parliament of for Brightside & Hillsborough. The meeting was organised for the local businesses to hand a petition to their MP to take to Westminster for the attention of the relevant Minister to provide funding and help regenerate and develop the area. The Page Hall / Firvale area has experienced a large influx of EU Migrants over the past few years and this has put a strain on local resources and has led to tensions between local communities. The meeting heard from local business representatives that the area had recently gone into decline and needed Government help to initiate a face-lift scheme and revitalise the area and increase economic activity. The petition was co-ordinated by Mohammed Nazir, a local community activist and a solicitor with Wosskow Brown Solicitors and Waheed Letter from Marcus Jones MP, Nazir, a long-standing local businessman. Both Minister for Local Government Mohammed and Waheed had been very active assessing the area, visiting and talking to local Local businesses representatives say this is good businesses and collecting signatures. news for the area. They have expressed tremenAbdul Khayum, a Sheffield community advocate dous appreciation to Harry Harpham MP, thankwho helped facilitate the meeting with Harry ing him once again for meeting with them and Harpham MP, said the Page Hall / Firvale area taking their concerns to Westminster. They have was unique in that this area had had far more of also expressed their thanks to Mohammed Naan influx of EU Migrants than any other area in zir, Waheed Nazir and Abdul Khayum for initiatSheffield and inevitably this put additional pres- ing the petition and facilitating the meeting. sures on local facilities, schools, housing, hospitals etc. Additional resources were therefore needed to help cope with the extra demand and alleviate some of the pressures. Harry Harpham MP said that he understood and appreciated the concerns that people had raised and would be happy to take these concerns to Westminster and hand the petition to the Local Govt Minister. Marcus Jones MP, Minister for Local Government has now responded to the petition stating, “ my department is working with local partners in Sheffield to work with the local communities around Page Hall and Firvale to develop a long term plan to improve the social, economic and environmental prospects of the area. Developing local business and employment opportunities will be part of this work.”
The Colossus Of Rhodes Is To Be Rebuilt, Costing More Than £180M The Colossus of Rhodes statue is going to be rebuilt, say architects, over 2,000 years since the earthquake that destroyed the original. One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the statute will be rebuilt at more than €250m (£183m, $272m). The planned structure will be around 135 metres tall; more than four times taller than the original 32m statue. The original was built to celebrate the islands' defence against Cypriot invaders. but the reconstruction The new monument, which will have skin made from solar panels to power the electricals inside, will have a viewing platform at the top, and a library, museum and shops inside. It is estimated that the project will generate €35m (£25m) per year, meaning that the cost of production will be paid back just after seven years. There will be a few changes from the original though. Seeing as the rebuild will be much taller, a new addition support will be added, disguised as a falling robe. Computer technology is also being installed to provide defence against heavy winds.
In addition, the rebuilt Colossus will straddle the entrance to the harbour, allowing ships to pass between its legs and will face out to sea. It said that the new Colossus will be visible from up to 35 miles away. The Colossus of Rhodes was destroyed in 226 BC following an earthquake. Standing for just 54 years, the statue was made using iron and metal sheets. Following its destruction, only one of the seven wonders of the ancient world remains standing; The Great Pyramid of Giza.
First Airline Compliant With Sharia Law Launched The first airline ever to be compliant with Sharia Law has been unveiled in Malaysia. Rayani Airlines, a new low-cost airline, says it strictly follows Sharia rules ‘based on guidelines by relevant authorities.’ Speaking at the launch of the airline’s maiden flight, managing director Jaafar Zamhari said that hijabs would be mandatory for female cabin crew, while non-Muslims are required to wear a ‘decent uniform.’ Prayers will also be said before the beginning of each flight, while alcohol is strictly forbidden and any food served will be Halal. The airliner will offer domestic flights initially, but hopes to branch out internationally over the next
year. The launch comes shortly after plans for a UKbased Sharia airline were announced earlier this year. Firnas Airways, founded by Bangladeshi businessman Kazi Shafiqur Rahman, aims to combine a ‘Sharia-compliant approach to funding, alcohol and food with a more upscale cabin product than available to many Islamic destinations.’ Although a full Sharia airline hasn’t been launched before, airlines such as Etihad are known to show consideration for the Islamic faith by having a travel prayer before take off - while Emirates Airlines does not serve pork products on its flights.
Page Hall Business Representatives Presenting The Petition To Harry Harpham MP, With Mohammed Nazir, Waheed Nazir And Abdul Khayum
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Indian PM Makes Surprise Visit To Pakistan Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a surprise stopover in Pakistan meet his counterpart, Nawaz Sharif, the first time an Indian premier has visited its neighbour in over a decade. The visit, requested by Modi just hours earlier before he flew back home from Afghanistan, raised hopes that stop-and-start negotiations between the nuclear-armed neighbours might finally make progress after three wars and more than 65 years of hostility. Sharif hugged Modi after he landed at the airport in the eastern city of Lahore and the two left by helicopter for Sharif's nearby family estate. "So, you have finally come," Sharif told Modi, according to a Pakistani foreign ministry official who was at the meeting. "Yes, absolutely. I am here," Modi replied, according to the official.
Modi phoned Sharif earlier in the day to wish him on his birthday and asked if he could make a stop in Pakistan on his way home, Pakistan's top diplomat, Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhry, told reporters. "And the PM said to him, 'Please come, you are our guest, please come and have tea with me'," he said. It was Sharif's 66th birthday and the family home was festooned with lights for his granddaughter's wedding on Saturday. Modi and Sharif talked for about 90 minutes and shared an early evening meal before the Indian leader flew back home. The Lahore visit comes after India and Pakistan resumed high-level contacts with a brief conversation between Sharif and Modi at climate change talks in Paris in November, part of efforts to restart a peace dialogue plagued by militant attacks and longstanding distrust. Mistrust between India and Pakistan runs deep. Modi's visit is the first by an Indian prime minister to Pakistan since the 2008 Mumbai attacks in which 166 people were killed in the Indian city by militants trained in Pakistan. Modi, a Hindu nationalist, came to power in 2014, and has authorised a more robust approach to Pakistan, giving security forces the licence to retaliate forcefully along their disputed border and demanding an end to insurgent attacks in Indian territory. The opposition Congress Party in India called Modi's visit irresponsible and said that nothing had happened to warrant warming of ties between the rivals. Scheduled high-level talks between the two were cancelled in August after ceasefire violations.
Mother Teresa To Be Made A Saint Mother Teresa will be made a saint next year after the Pope approved her second miracle. The Nobel laureate, who devoted her life to caring for the sick and poor of Kolkata, was said to have helped a dying patient with a viral brain infection make an unexplained recovery. She was beatified in 2003 in the first step to sainthood and Pope Francis can now complete the process. Thomas D'Souza, the Archbishop of Kolkata, said: “We are very happy and overjoyed with this news, the city of Kolkata has been waiting for this day.” “We thank God of the great gift he bestowed on us with Mother Teresa.”
Her second miracle involved a Brazilian who was in a coma with a brain infection which had caused multiple abscesses and hydrocephalus. He was wheeled into the operating theatre for emergency surgery at 9 December, 2008, as his wife went to her church and begged Mother Teresa to cure him. The neurosurgeon found the patient in the waiting room inexplicably awake, without pain and asking: “What I am doing here?” He made a full recovery and returned to work, without any complications. Mother Teresa, criticised by some for her unyielding views on abortion and divorce, died in 1997 at the age of 87.
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Happy New Year Poet: Shaheryar A. Chishty
2016 is almost here! Changes will happen, to you and your peers Positivity will spread across the year Welcoming happiness and plenty of cheer Everyone is having sudden changes If they are negative there will be exchanges! On every cloud there is a silver lining Stay happy and stop whining An adventure is waiting for someone out there Whatever it is they will feel like they are in thin air When the year starts, hearts will expand When it happens it will be grand Each day will be better than before When you look back it will be something to adore People will start their blissful lives Love and mischief, it’s what they derive
Trail of despair The number of people forced to flee their homes is likely to have far surpassed a record 60 million this year, the United Nations said last month. The figure includes 20.2 million refugees fleeing wars and persecution, the most since 1992, the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees reported. Nearly 2.5 million asylum seekers have requests pending, with Germany, Russia and the U.S. receiving the highest numbers of the nearly 1 million new claims lodged in the first half of the year, it added. The UNCHR report says 2015 is on track to see worldwide forced displacement exceeding 60 million for the first time - 1 in every 122 humans is today someone who has been forced to flee their homes Syria’s civil war, which began in 2011 has been the main driver of mass displacement, with more than
4.2 million people having fled abroad and 7.6 million uprooted within their shattered homeland. Together, people from Syria and Ukraine, where a separatist rebellion in the east erupted in April 2014, accounted for half of the 839,000 people who became refugees in the first half of 2015, the UNCHR said. Developing countries bordering conflict zones still hosted the lion’s share of the refugees, said the report as it warned against growing resentment and “politicization of refugees”. Antonio Guterres, U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, said in a statement: “Never has there been a greater need for tolerance, compassion and solidarity with people who have lost everything.” In effect, if you become a refugee today your chances of going home are lower than at any time in more than 30 years - UNHCR report
Angela Merkel named Time’s Person of the Year German chancellor Angela Merkel has been named Time magazine’s person of the year for 2015. It praised her leadership during Europe’s debt, refugee and migrant crises, plus Russia’s intervention in Ukraine. Ms Merkel has provided “steadfast moral leadership in a world where it is in short supply”, editor Nancy Gibbs wrote. “For asking more of her country than most politicians would dare, for standing firm against tyranny as well as expedience and for providing steadfast moral leadership in a world where it is in short supply, Angela Merkel is Time’s Person of the Year.” Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was named runner-up. Third place went to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.
Described as the hero of the migrant crisis, Ms Merkel, who has been in power in Germany for a decade, joins an eclectic list of former winners, including Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mahatma Ghandi, Winston Churchill and Richard Nixon. Last year’s award went to medics fighting the Ebola outbreak in western Africa. In the magazine’s article explaining why she deserved the honor, it praised the German leader’s handling of “not one but two existential crises, either of which could have meant the end of the union that has kept peace on the continent for seven decades”. A pastor’s daughter who grew up behind the Iron Curtain, the 61-year-old made an unprecedented journey to become chancellor and is now regarded as the world’s most powerful woman.
Plastic Bag Use Cut By Almost 80% Charging 5p for plastic bags has cut their use at one of England’s largest supermarket chains by 78%. Tesco said the dramatic drop in the use of single-use bags is 10% more than it had expected when the Government introduced the levy in October. “It will not only tidy up our towns and countryside, it will also help protect our precious beaches and sealife” said Environment Minister Rory Stewart.
The charge, brought in to reduce non-recyclable litter, is expected to raise millions of pounds, with retailers being encouraged to pass the money on to charities. Asda said it had seen a reduction of more than 90% in single-use bags across Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland, where shoppers were made to pay for plastic bags for some time before the rule was extended to England.
0786 0624786
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VAPED AWAY At vaped away we are passionate about helping our customers with the daunting task of giving up smoking. Due to the advances in recent years within the Electronic cigarette market we are able to offer our customers one of the widest selections of E cig devices In Sheffield. Couple this with the expert advice and friendly support we offer to all our customers you will find that making the switch from traditional cigarettes to Electronic cigarettes is not all that difficult and with the chief medical officer from the British medical association confirming that E-cigs are up to 95% better for your health than traditional cigarettes there really could not be a better time to give up the habit. Our standard starter kits are priced from as little as £10.00 and when it comes to liquid we have one of the widest ranges on the market. Our very own vaped away liquid comes in 73 different flavours and the nicotine strengths vary from 24mg right down to 0mg for people who have manged to wean themselves from the nicotine addiction but enjoy the fantastic flavour of the liquid whilst still experiencing the sensation of smoking. And here’s a fact, a smoker who is currently on 20 cigarettes a day could save as much as £2964 per year by making the switch to E Cigarettes, that’s enough to make any one pay attention.
In addition to catering for our many customers who are simply wanting to break the habit we also cater for the more advanced Vapers, With our high end mod’s and box’s and well over 100 premium UK and USA E-liquids on offer. At Vaped away we are not just another vaping store selling our products, we are a community of people with a passion for Vaping. Both our stores offer a place to meet and chat with like-minded people who want to share their personal experience’s since making the switch to E cigs. At the larger store in Darnall we have foosball table and an Xbox one for use free of charge to all our customers to further aid the social experience of vaping. We organise vape nights with great discounts & competitions where our customers can battle it out against each other on X box or foosball for a chance to win fantastic cash prizes to be spent in store. All our Products liquids are UK tested, UK approved and UK certified, and with our online shop going live early January it could not be easier to purchase your favourite products and liquids from Vaped Away. We are active on all the usual facebook, twitter and Instagram so please make sure you like & follow us to keep up to date with the latest offers, events and giveaways. Open Monday- Saturday at 703 Staniforth Road Darnall, and 7 days a week at Beighton welfare and recreation Centre, High Street Beighton, we look forward to seeing you in store soon. Happy vaping from the Vaped Away team !
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Jinnah’s Magna Carta By Wajid Shamsul Hasan – former high commis- indiscriminately powers to arrest. The Magna Carta for the first time incorporated the writ of sioner of Pakistan to UK habeas corpus in the statute books. It was 800 years ago that the roots of the demo- While MAJ’s political grooming took off in Engcratic system that we see prospering in the UK to- land, even as a youngster he believed that deday were laid with the signing of Magna Carta by mocracy and social justice King John - perhaps the founding document that were the guiding principles in Islam. changed the course of British history. It brought to an end long catalogue of wars among According to him, demockings/queens, confrontation with the church, in- racy and social justice are trigues for succession to the throne to put this in our bone marrows and Island Kingdom onto an evolutionary course to in our blood as manifested gradually develop a system of human manage- in the concept of human ment for the greatest good of the largest number rights in Islam well-laid in as manifested in the concept of social welfare the Huqqoqul Ibad. MAJ’s state. It has come to be an exemplary democratic critics and some historians polity that Britain has today in the form of par- believethat Jinnah was an liamentary system resting on the pillars of the elitist politician backed by sovereignty of the people and supremacy of law. the Muslim feudal class. The purpose of this article to celebrate the birth It is far from truth. Being a anniversary of Pakistan’s founder Quaid-i-Azam visionary, Jinnah had a clear Mohammad Ali Jinnah is to show that democra- idea of Pakistan. He saw his cies, rule of law and constitutionalism do not get strength in Islam’s social jusestablished overnight. They have to go through tice system in establishing a long evolutionary process and yet at the end, principle of equality for all there is much room for change and improvement. its citizens. MAJ - a barrister from Lincoln’s Inn - had his initia- Indeed, one could describe his speech of August 11, 1947 in the mother legistion in politics in the land of Magna Carta. It was conceived out of the revolt of the English lative assembly of Pakistan as the Jinnah’s Magna barons against their exploitation by the monarchs Carta. Pope at that time opposed Magna Carta with their arbitrary powers to levy taxes as well and tried to subvert it by declaring it “illegal, un-
just, harmful to royal rights and shameful to the English people” and declared it “null and void of all validity forever”. This Papal edict had no impact and subsequently Magna Carta came to be recognised as the bedrock for all democracies. Much in a similar manner Jinnah’s August 11 speech establishing the fundamentals of the Pakistani statehood, has been opposed by the clerics and radical elements to the extent that his declaration that in his state of Pakistan all citizens will be equal, Pakistanis first and last, irrespective of their caste, creed, colour or gender - was subjected to first case of censorship. MAJ’s vision was to make Pakistan into a nation-state “in the course of time Hindus would cease to be Hindus and Muslims would cease to be Muslims, not in the religious sense, because that is the personal faith of each individual, but in the political sense as citizens of the state.” To assert it more categorically he had added that “Hindus would be free to go to their temples, Muslims to their mosques, Christians to their
churches etc.” He had also assured equality in job opportunities. As Magna Carta emphasised on the law of habeas corpus -produce the body-his Pakistan had no room for missing persons nor suo moto interference. MAJ’s secular philosophy rested on the very fact that that Holy Prophet (PBUH) was sent as Rehmatul Lil Alameen - blessing for all humankind irrespective of caste, creed, colour or gender - and not for just Muslims alone-shows that the Creator’s dictate was essentially secular. That is why he declared categorically that religion shall have nothing to do with the business of the state. It is high time we dispel the lethal perception that Pakistan was created in the name of religion. Islam nor any other religion was under threat during the Raj. Pakistan’s raison de etre as such was essentially economic combined with autonomy in governance in the Muslim majority areas. This whole misconception is the mother of all miseries. Time and again Pakistan’s national interests were sacrificed over the issues related to religion rather than welfare of its people. Quaid wanted Pakistan to be citadel of Islam and its social justice but not to serve few kings or unrepresentative Praetorian juntas. He saw democratic polity as the saviour and he sincerely believed that Pakistan can at best serve the Muslim world by becoming a democratic, liberal and secular role model for them.
Quaid e Azam day was celebrated at the PMC by children and people of all ages. The event was hosted by Aslam Bhutta, Nasir Mir and friends to mark the birthday of the founding father of Pakistan. The day is marked around the world by Pakistanis who hold Muhammad Ali Jinnah in high regard still to this day 67 years as his death.
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LEGAL UPDATES - Q & As Mohammed Nazir
Partner , Head of Property & Immigration Wosskow Brown Solicitors LLP Email:
Q&A Property
any losses. Your solicitor may ask you to sign a for any other consents that you apply to your disclaimer that he has advised you to have the landlord for. Namely consent for any structural 1. I am buying a residential property and searches but you have decided against his advice. change or changes of use for the property. If you apply for any structural changes then the landmy Solicitor has asked me to wait for a lo3. I am purchasing a leasehold property lord can charge their professional fees and surcal search. What is this? and there has been an extension built veyors fees. Your solicitors can advise you of any This means that your solicitor is waiting for the without the permission of the landlord. additional costs by looking through the lease. local councils records regarding your property. What can I do? 5. I have received a mortgage offer and This includes things like any planning permissions, local schemes etc. this search is very im- You can purchase the property provided that the it states that there will be a retention of portant which is why your solicitor has asked that solicitors acting on behalf of the vendor agree to £10,000.00. What does this mean? put an indemnity insurance in place. Alternativeyou wait for it. ly, you can apply for retrospective consent from A retention means that any works recommended the landlord before purchasing. It is important in the mortgage lenders valuation report need to 2. I am purchasing a property and I do that arrangements are put in place to cover any be done after completion. Once you have done the works to a satisfactory standard, the money not want to conduct any searches. Is this future risks. will be released. You will have to arrange alterallowed? 4. I am purchasing a leasehold property native money in the time being because your Yes you can purchase a property without search- and my solicitor has advised that there solicitor will be forwarded £ less (retention) on es, providing it is either a cash purchase or your will be ground rent payable. Will there be completion. mortgage lender agrees to a “no search indemni- any additional costs? 6. My solicitor has advised that there is ty insurance”. This insurance means that if there are any adverse entries revealed subsequently, If you are purchasing a leasehold property there a absent landlord. What does this mean? you and your mortgage lender will be covered for may be service charges and additional costs
Dr Ishratul Ibad becomes world’s 3rd longest serving governor Governor Sindh Dr Ishratul Ibad Khan became the world’s third longest serving governor as he completed 13 years in his office at the end of December. Dr Ibad, who is Pakistan’s longest serving governor now, took over the position on December 27, 2002 as youngest and 31st Sindh Governor. According to a statement of Governor’s Office Ibad have been representing federation in Sindh to the best of his intellect. He also played key role in resolving several conflicts in last decade. Ishratul Ibad was one of the persons who took all necessary steps for release of Pakistanis detained by Somali pirates. He was also conferred with Nishan-e-Imtiaz for his services as Sindh Governor.
If you are buying a leasehold property and the whereabouts of the landlord are not known then this is called an “absent landlord”. In this situation, your solicitor will need to buy an “absent landlord indemnity insurance”. This means that if there are any losses incurred due to demands from the landlord, then the insurance policy will cover you. Disclaimer: This is information only and do not act on this information as legal advice and always seek advice from your solicitor according to the circumstances of your case.
Syria Peace Resolution Unanimously Adopted By UN Security Council The United Nations Security Council has unanimously adopted a resolution aimed at establishing peace in Syria. The document, approved by the United States, Russia, China, France, the UK and the 10 other nations, endorses an international roadmap for a peace process in the war-torn country. Diplomats say it will endorse the previously agreed timetable for creating a transitional government in Syria and the holding of UN-monitored elections. All parties will be expected to “immediately cease any attacks against civilians and civilian objects”. “This council is sending a clear message to all concerned that the time is now to stop the killing in Syria and lay the groundwork for a government that the long-suffering people of that battered land can support” said US Secretary of State John Kerry. The text of the resolution also says the “Syrian people will de-
cide the future of Syria”. Talks about the transition will be held between the government and the opposition by early January, the resolution said. It came as US President Barack Obama, in his preChristmas address, said that as long as Bashar al Assad remains Syrian president, Syria cannot be stable. He added that there has to be an end to the civil war in Syria in order to prevent Islamic State having a safe haven. Russia, an ally of Syria, had previously reiterated its support for Mr Assad, saying he should have a role in the country’s transition. US Secretary of State John Kerry said after the council met there remain “sharp differences” on the fate of Mr Assad. The text makes no mention of Mr Assad’s future. Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said “The fact that we’ve got the relevant international powers round the table, including Iran, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, all points to some real progress”.
90% Water In Pakistan Unsafe For Consumption A National Investigation Agency report has revealed that 90 percent of water in Pakistan is unsafe, which is leading to an increase in cases of hepatitis and cancer. Water pollution has become a major threat in Pakistan to public health as the quality of drinking water is monitored and managed poorly. According to the report, 82 percent of the people who are drinking this water are getting affected by fatal diseases. A report by the Water Research Council states that bacteria, arsenic dust and waste is found in drinking water in Pakistan’s 23 major cities. The Pakistan Medical Association states that 90% of health problems are caused by drinking water – which has so far led to 11 million deaths annually. The sources of drinking water, both groundwater and surface, are contaminated with toxic metals, pesticides and chloroforms throughout the country, which is unsafe for human consumption. Supply of adequate safe drinking water is the need of the hour; otherwise contaminated water has waterborne diseases present in it that can lead to deathly viruses and diseases, particularly in children. It has become increasingly important to sustainably use resources and take environmental issues seriously. It would cost extremely high to the economy if the situation is not addressed in future.
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Living to 100: New Genes for a Prolonged life Several other new genes are linked to an exceptional prolonged life have been discovered, according to a new study that examined the genomes of people living up to 100 or over, this is also known as centenarians. The researchers found four genes linked with a very prolonged
life: A Gene called ABO, which is involved in determining blood type; a gene called CDKN2B, which controls cell division; a gene called APOE, which is linked with Alzheimer’s disease; and a gene called SH2B3, which was preciously extended life in fruit flies. The researchers hope that future studies will uncover more genes linked with longevity, and also understand how these genes may affect the aging process. "There's a reasonably strong genetic component to becoming a centenarian, and we want to find out what that is," said study researcher Stuart Kim, a professor in the Department of Developmental Biology and Genetics at Sanford University. "We're beginning to unravel the mystery" of why some people age so successfully compared to the normal population, Kim said. Previous studies have attempted to find dissimilarities in genes that are more common in the very old compared with younger people, but haven't had much luck. The new study aimed to narrow down the search for genes linked with long life by focusing on ones that are known to strongly affect a person's risk of age-related disease, like heart disease and Alzheimer's. The
Nine UK Banks Launch Fee-Free Accounts Nine High Street banks and building societies in the UK are to launch basic bank accounts which will not charge a fee for missed payments. The new accounts will be available from 1 January to people who fail to qualify for a full current account. It follows an agreement between the Treasury and the industry in December 2014. Nine million basic account holders will now not be charged for missing a direct debit payment, or a standing order. Previously they might have paid up to £35 per failed payment, sometimes pushing them into an overdraft, so increasing the charges further. "One bank charges £150 a quarter, and such costs can be make or break for some people," said "It will be a good thing if some of these extortionate costs are eradicated." Some banks already do not charge
such fees, but the agreement will mean a universal standard across the industry. Barclays, Santander, NatWest, RBS, HSBC, Lloyds Banking Group, TSB, the Co-operative Bank and Nationwide Building Society are among those that will offer deals under the agreement, the Treasury said. Users of the new accounts will also qualify for a debit card, which they can use to shop online, or at cash points. But they will not be able to run up an overdraft. However, around two million people in the UK still do not have a bank account at all, according to a report by the Financial Inclusion Commission, published in March 2015. It said those without an account faced paying an extra £1,300 a year for financial services. But the industry argued that the situation was improving.
Mr Shumile J. Chishty
thinking is that these diseases increase a person's risk of dying early, and so genetic variants that increase the risk of these diseases would also decrease the chances of a long life, researchers said. They found eight genes that were linked with a long life span, and were able to confirm four of these genes in a follow-up analysis of about 1,000 people ages 100 or over.The study found that certain variants in the ABO, CDKN2B, APOE and SH2B3 genes were more common in centenarians than in people with a usual life span. Which must have a link to why people actually live up or over 100 years old. For example, the study found that the a genetic variation associated with type O blood was more common in centenarians than in the study's control group, meaning that there were slightly more centenarians with type O blood, compared to people with a usual life span. Previous studies
have found that people with type O blood have a lower risk of coronary heart disease and cancer. Another genetic variant in the CDKN2B gene seems to play a role in whether cells continue to divide, or stop dividing. CDKN2B is thought to contribute to aging, having a gene variation that reduces cell senescence could be a factor that contributes to successful aging, Kim said. Kim suspects that there are still more genes linked with a longer life span.
Five Saudi Women Win Seats In Historic Election Five Saudi women have won municipal council seats in the country’s first elections open to female voters and candidates. Salma al Oteibi won in Madrakah, a district in the holy city of Mecca, Hinuwf al Hazmi won in al Jawf, Mona el Emery and Fadhila al Attawy won in Tabuk while Lama al Suleiman won in the second largest city of Jiddah. More than 5,000 men and around 980 women stood as candidates, with more than 130,000 women registered to vote compared to 1.35 million men. “I walked in and said ‘I’ve have never seen this before. Only in the movies’. It was a thrilling experience”, said the daughter among three generations of women from the same family as they voted for the first time, in Jeddah.
Men and women were segregated at polling stations on Saturday and during campaigning in the kingdom, which has some of the world’s tightest restrictions on women. Women said voter registration was hindered by bureaucratic obstacles, a lack of awareness of the process and its significance, and the fact they could not drive to sign up due to a driving ban. Saudi Arabia was the last country to give women the vote after a decision was taken by the late Saudi King Abdullah in 2011. The ground-breaking result is expected to pave the way for a slow expansion of women’s rights but women still face hurdles in everyday life. “This is a new day. The day of the Saudi woman” said one Saudi womens’ rights activist.
The Benefits Of Drinking Hot And Cold Water The 60% composition of human body is water. As we all know, water is essential for all vital functions of the body: to maintain ideal body temperature, flushing out of toxins and waste products, digestion of food, and metabolism of essential vitamins, mineral and nutrients. It is a fact well-known that a person may go several days without food but only three days without water. Water carries oxygen, and therefore also aids in the proper oxygenation of all cells and tissues. Moreover, a lot of beauty-related problems are easily and successfully countered with adequate water consumption every day. COLD WATER BENEFITS You must have noticed that after a workout, or when extremely thirsty, you would much rather prefer quenching your thirst with big chugs of cold water than warm. That is because cold water is faster at doing the job. 1) It helps you burn calories 2) It lowers body temperature 3) It wakes you up! 4) It elevates your mood HOT WATER BENEFITS Drinking warm water works best in aiding digestion, decreasing the harmful effects of the byproducts of digestion and in promotion of healing. Proponents believe that while cold water may have its fair share of
benefits, the benefits of consumption of hot water may be greater than that of cold water. 1) It calms your body 2) It wards of premature ageing 3) It helps with digestion
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Society Today
healthy stigma on people from ethnic minorities back ground and the enforcement authorities are labelled with unfairly targeting such people. Ministry of Justice figures show that the number of Muslims in the prisons of England and Wales has more than doubled to in excess of 12,000 in over a decade.
There is a disproportionate number of Muslim prison population. Whilst there are issues within the community, which contribute towards individuals taking to a life of crime e.g lack of education, future prospects , poverty and lack of credible role models. However, equally the system places an un-
HM Chief Inspector of Prisons for England and Wales annual report in 210-11 observed, "[that] Our thematic report on Muslim prisoners warned that an exclusive emphasis on combating extremism, combined with the wider media portrayals of Islam, encouraged staff to associate all Muslim prisoners with Black people are six times more likely and terrorism." Asians twice as likely, to be stopped and searched by the police and subsequently ar- We must ensure that people in authority do rested and sent to prison upon conviction, in not unfairly target these communities and that our representatives speak up to change comparison to white people. the status quo. We may be different but we Islamaphobia and the negative media cover- are no worse or better than any one else. Soage help in harbouring a negative approach cial awareness and integration overtime will from certain elements within the Police and assist to remove some of the barriers that we face. enforcement authorities.
The Cost Of Gold Throughout civilization, gold has commanded more respect than any other substance. King Ferdinand of Spain said, “Get gold humanely if possible, but at all costs get gold.” Because of its rarity, a glittering piece of gold jewelry is an expensive purchase. That’s nothing, however, compared to the price paid by those living in impoverished mining communities. We are currently in the biggest gold rush in history. Because of the growing economies in India and China—especially India—the demand for gold is the highest it’s ever been. Indians have more gold in jewelry alone than the US Treasury has in its vaults. Since the time of the spice route trade, India has consumed close to 50 percent of the annual output of gold—and the gold that goes into India stays there. Gold is very rare. All of the gold in existence weighs 161,000 tons—the US Steel industry produces that much steel in just a few hours— and people have always horded it, even before Egyptians minted gold bars in 4,000 BC. In all of history, the 161,000 tons of gold that have been mined, is barely enough to fill two Olympic pools. More than half has been extracted in the past 50 years. The easy gold has already been mined. Finding new gold usually involves ravaging pristine ecosystems and exploiting indigenous communities. Over 85% of gold mined today will end up as jewelry tomorrow. Gold mining is not an essential industry like the harvesting of food or even paper production. It is certainly not sustainable, nor is it just. Yet the cumulative impacts of gold mining worldwide, on local economies and ecosystems, are at least as bad as those of industrial forestry and agribusiness. With more than 66% of all new mining exploration in the hard-rock sector currently focused on gold, the problems are going to get worse for people and places around the planet. Here's why:
1. GENOCIDE Every major gold rush has meant death and devastation for local people at the hands of fortuneseekers. 2. WATER Damage to water and water resources is the worst environmental consequence of gold mining. 3. WASTE ROCK To make a simple gold wedding band, at least 2.8 tons of earth are excavated. 4. CORPORATE WELFARE In many countries, gold-mining companies are allowed "free entry" to public lands for mineral exploitation. 5. INDIGENOUS RIGHTS In the United States - the world's second biggest gold producer - more than 70% of gold is ripped from native lands. 6. CYANIDE Cyanide is the chemical of choice for mining companies to extract gold from crushed ore. 7. MERCURY For centuries, mercury has been used to chemically separate gold from ore, leading to major public-health problems for miners and communities around mining districts. 8. DOWRY Nearly 80% of gold is sold as jewelry, most of it in India. 9. DUD INVESTMENT According to Merrill Lynch, gold is "the duddest of dud investments." Ever since the U.S. dollar went off the gold standard. gold has had no special value as a commodity, with only 280 tons going to industrial uses per year. Yet some people continue to hoard it. 10. ECOSYSTEM IMPACTS Contamination and waste of water, destruction of habitat and biodiversity, industrialization of wilderness, road-building, and waste-dumping in mined areas all negatively impact the environment around gold mines.
Salman Khan Turns 50 The year 2015 seems to have been a roller-coaster ride for Bollywood's beloved Salman Khan. From smashing records at the cinema box office with his hit Bajrangi Bhaijaan, to being sentenced to jail, and then being acquitted of all the charges in the infamous decade-old hit-and-run case. He also made up with his longtime frenemy Shah Rukh Khan with a '#BhaiBhai' selfie. When he's not making movies, he is often seen promoting his charity Being Human which is a non-profit organisation, among other philanthropic deeds. If Google's statistics are to be believed turns out Salman has a bigger fan base than Shah Rukh Khan. He was the most searched Bollywood actor this year; Shah Rukh came in at the second spot. Born as Abdul Rashid Salim Salman Khan, Salman was born to noted screenwriter Salim Khan and his wife Sushila. He has two brothers – Arbaaz and Sohail and two sisters – Alvira and Arpita. The actor on turning 50 said, "I am turning 27. I think 27-year-old is the right age. I have always like that age. I am not scared about ageing. It is always going to be 27. So what is there to be scared off. It is a part of my journey." In other news, the high court in the Indian city of Mumbai has overturned Bollywood star Salman Khan’s conviction for a 2002 hit-and-run case. In May, a lower court convicted him of culpable homicide and sentenced him to five years in jail for driving over and killing a man sleeping on a pavement. But the appeal judges ruled there was not enough evidence.
House prices to jump 50% over the next 10 years House prices are set to rise by 50% over the next 10 years with property values in London nearly doubling, a report predicts. It would mean a typical house price would be around £139,000 higher than the current average of £280,000 by 2025. The study forecast would see the average property in London costing £931,000 in a decade’s time, up from around £515,000 now - as housing supply shortages continue to push up prices. Average house prices across the South East and the East of England are also expected to be well over the half-million pound mark by 2025, at £646,086 and £574,374 respectively. The report also expects rents to surge by 27%, from the current UK average of £134 per week to £171 by 2025. House prices are only going to go one way, and
He is one of Bollywood’s biggest stars, appearing in more than 80 Hindi films, and has a huge fan following. It was only when the judge insisted that Salman Khan must be present before the verdict was read out, that the actor hurried to the court in south Mumbai. “The appeal is allowed and the decision of the trial court is quashed and set aside. Salman Khan is acquitted of all charges,” the Bombay high court judge said. The verdict is the latest twist in a case that began 13 years ago when Khan’s Toyota Land Cruiser car veered off the road, killing one man and seriously injuring four others. During his trial in the lower court, Khan had argued that his driver had been behind the wheel, but the judge said it was the actor who had been driving under the influence of alcohol. Now the high court has now said that key evidence - including testimony from a policeman who has since died - was not reliable. The prosecution is likely to challenge the verdict, reports say.
unfortunately that is up. For so many already priced out of the market, this is news aspiring house buyers will not want to hear. Increased rental costs will also make it more difficult for current renters to save for a house deposit; as much of their income will be eaten up in rent. Ongoing house price inflation, combined with low wage inflation, tighter lending restrictions and a shortage of affordable housing, means owning a home will continue to be a distant dream for many. A Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) spokesman said “The number of new homes is already up 25% in the last year and we are working closely with housebuilders to ensure they have the skills needed to get homes built.”
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More Than A Thousand UK Charity Employees Are Paid Six-Figure Salaries
Your Burngreave Ward Councillors
Cllr Jackie Drayton 0114 2435388
Cllr Ibrar Hussain 0786 657 1750
Lord Mayor of Sheffield Cllr Talib Hussain 0114 2735588
Burngreave surgeries are shared between Councillors Jackie Drayton, Ibrar Hussain and Talib Hussain and are held at:• Burngreave Library, Spital Hill 2nd Saturday of the month from 11.00 a.m. -12.00 noon • Pakistan Advice Centre, 127 Page Hall Road 3rd Thursday of the month 2.00-3.00 p.m. There are no surgeries during August. A surgery is also held on 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month (except August) from 10.00 to 11.00 a.m. at Firth Park Advice Centre, 9 Stubbin Lane. (These surgeries are shared on a rota basis with Cllrs, Peter Price, Peter Rippon, Sioned-Mair Richards and Jackie Drayton. Councillors Alan Law and Chris Weldon also share the surgery on the 1st Thursday).
Allergy Epidemic A sharp increase in allergy sufferers over the past 20 years has made allergic disease the most common chronic disorder in childhood, matched only the obesity crisis. Some 50% of children now have an allergy, with some reactions potentially fatal, but scientists still do not know why. Allergy experts say cases are not being identified early enough because many health care professionals are inadequately trained to deal with the growing epidemic. There are now one in 30, that’s one in every
classroom, affected by peanut allergy. A generation back there were very few children affected in an entire school. While the number of children born with a sensitivity has rocketed - healthcare provision has not been able to keep pace. Peanut sensitivity alone has doubled in the UK, North America and Australasia. Allergy UK claim there are pockets of the country where provision for allergy sufferers is "virtually non-existent”.
More than a thousand people employed across various charity organisations in the UK are reportedly paid an annual remuneration that runs into six figures. These salaries are said to be paid by voluntary organisations dependent on donations, endowments or public funding. According to an analysis by The Times that scrutinised executive pay at Britain's 1,000 highestearning general-purpose charities: - Annually, 1,080 executives across 390 organisations receive salaries of at least £100,000 - In some cases, executive pay has soared even though income or donations have reduced - In 2014, a director at a regional theatre received more than £340,000 - An executive heading a government-funded think tank was paid more than £500,000 - About 11 executives at a planned parenthood charity received an average salary of £144,090 - About 277 staff earned more than the prime minister's salary of £142,500 a year - Around 12 executives earned more than £300,000 a year - The highest salary was paid by Britain's largest mental healthcare provider — St Andrew's Healthcare. Philip Sugarman, its outgoing chief executive was paid £751,000 in 2014 including a £389,000 payment in lieu of notice. Besides, 64 of its employees earn more than £100,000, which is far more than the average £20,000 that charity employees are paid. - WomanCare Global, a reproductive health organisation, was the highest paying general charity. Of the £6.5m income it earned, the charity
Sheffield’s Economic Successes Of 2015 2015 has been a big year for Sheffield. Employment is up on last year with jobs back to prerecession levels and average salaries rising to £26,141. Unemployment, and crucially, youth unemployment is down, now lower than prerecession levels. The Office of National Statistics’ latest figures show an additional 11,600 private sector jobs created in Sheffield in 2014 compared to 2013. Sheffield anticipates a similar rise in private sector jobs when the 2015 figures are released, as local indicators are showing significant growth in the Manufacturing, Education, Retail and Creative and Digital sectors. The city’s business stock is up nine per cent, with more businesses starting up in Sheffield, than closing down – bucking the trend of previous years. Another indication of business growth in 2015, is the rapid uptake in office space, with local agents optimistic that the city will hit half
a million square foot of office take-up when the final deals are calculated at year end. For now – Sheffield sits on an impressive 100 per cent increase in office take up since 2014. What to watch for in 2016? • Announcements from Sheffield Retail Quarter on the appointment of developer partners and when early works will start. • Growing momentum of the business led campaign for an HS2 city centre station location. • How signature projects like AMID and The Outdoor City progress; attracting inward investment and creating jobs. • Sheffield City Region’s launch of the Growth Hub • The third Sheffield International Economic Commission, where international experts will take a deep dive, this time into opportunities relating to Sheffield city centre.
New Pound Coins For UK The Royal Mint has announced that new 12-sided pound coins are to be introduced into circulation in 2017 in a bid to prevent counterfeits. The last ever round pound coin was produced by the Royal Mint towards the end of December and transported to the Royal Mint museum ahead of the scheduled introduction of new 12-sided pound coins in 2017. A Treasury spokesman said: "With advances in technology making high-value coins like the £1 ever more vulnerable to counterfeiters, it's vital that we keep several paces ahead of the criminals to maintain the integrity of our currency." A total of 2.2 billion of the current pound coins have been manufactured since the first of its type was struck by Prince Charles in April 1983. An estimated 1.5 billion of these remain in circulation while three per cent of pound coins -
spent more than 18% on salaries of more than £100,000. - Huge salaries were also being paid by relatively small charities such as Caudwell Children, a charity that works with disabled children in poverty. Of the £6.2m it earned in 2014, it paid its top employee more than £230,000. Its best-paid employee turned out to be the charity's chief executive — Trudi Beswick. However, a spokesman for Caudwell Children said, "the salaries of the administrative team including the chief executive do not come from general public donations". Not only did the analysis indicate that some executives enjoyed pay packages that were hugely out of proportion to their peers, it also suggested that many charities were operating contrary to the guidelines on executive pay laid down by the National Council of Voluntary Organisations. William Shawcross, the chairman of the Charity Commission warned that the charities must be able to provide convincing explanations regarding paying such high salaries or risk losing public trust, the report said. In 2013, top UK charities defended their executives' £100,000 salaries arguing the money is necessary to attract the best people for the job. The Times report quoted Bernard Jenkin, the chairman of the Commons public administration and constitutional affairs committee, as saying, "The charitable sector needs to guard against an arms race in top salaries. There comes a point where a salary does not look charitable."
with a value of £47 million - are believed to be counterfeit. Two million fake pound coins are reportedly spotted and taken out of circulation every year. The Royal Mint's chief executive Adam Lawrence said of the new coins, which combine two metals: "The public need to be able to recognise easily that a coin is genuine. The coin will have visual features that will be very hard to replicate, and some covert features that only certain people will be able to recognise." Along with the introduction of the new 12-sided coin, polymer banknotes featuring the faces of Winston Churchill and Jane Austen will also enter circulation in 2017. Polymer notes are 25 per cent cheaper to manufacture, and their thin, plastic film allows greater security measures to be included.
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Veteran Actress Sadhana Shivdasani Dies At 74 Veteran yesteryear actress Sadhana Shivdasani, who appeared in several Hindi films during the '60s and '70s, passed away last month in Mumbai's Hinduja Hospital after prolonged ill-health. She was 74. Sadhana was born in Karachi on September 2, 1941. She studied at Jai Hind College in Mumbai before joining films. Though she played a cameo in Raj Kapoor’s Shree 420 (1955), it was the 1960 film Love In Shimla which made her a household name. She became a star with films such as Hum Dono, Asli Naqli and Mere Mehboob. And then came Who Kaun Thi in 1964, which made her the reigning queen of Bollywood in the late 1960s. She was also known as a style icon thanks to her Audrey Hepburn-style fringe, which later came to be known as ‘Sadhana cut’. Her other notable films are Waqt, Mera Saaya by her in the early 1960s, became a trend in the industry. The 'Sadhana cut' made her name a and Ek Phool Do Maali. Sadhana's hair style, which she first fashioned part of popular Indian culture.
Domestic Abusers Face Up To Five Years In Jail Domestic abusers who control their victims through social media accounts or spy on them online could now face up to five years in prison. New powers will target perpetrators who subject spouses, partners and other family members to serious psychological and emotional torment but stop short of violence. Legislation has come into force which paves the way for charges to be brought in domestic abuse cases where there is evidence of repeated "controlling or coercive behaviour" for the first time. The Crown Prosecution Service said the type of abuse covered by the new offence could include a pattern of threats, humiliation and intimidation or stopping someone from socialising, controlling their social media accounts, surveillance through apps and dictating what they wear. Controlling or coercive behaviour can limit victims' basic human rights, such as their freedom of movement and their independence. This behaviour can be incredibly harmful in an abusive relationship where one person holds more power than the other, even if on the face of it this behaviour might seem playful, innocuous or loving. Victims can be frightened of the repercussions of not abiding by someone else's rules. Often they fear that violence will be used against them, or suffer from extreme psychological and emotional abuse. Being subjected to repeated humiliation, intimidation or subordination can be as harmful as physical abuse, with many victims stating that trauma from psychological abuse had a more lasting impact than physical abuse. These new powers mean this behaviour, which is particularly relevant to cases of domestic abuse, can now be prosecuted in its own right.
The Government announced the creation of the new offence of controlling or coercive behaviour last year after 85% of respondents to a consultation said the law does not currently give sufficient protection to victims. Coercive behaviour is defined as a continuing act or pattern of acts which are used to harm, punish or frighten a victim. Controlling behaviour covers a range of conduct designed to make a person subordinate or dependent. Examples could include: :: Stopping a victim from socialising. :: Limiting access to family, friends and finances. :: Monitoring a person via online communication tools, for example using tracking apps on mobile phones. :: Threats to reveal or publish private information. Cases will be heard in either magistrates' or crown courts and the maximum sentence is five years imprisonment, with evidence potentially including emails and bank records. Home Office guidance says that in order for the offence to apply the pattern of behaviour alleged must have a "serious effect" on the victim. This means they must have either feared violence will be used against them on at least two occasions or they have been caused serious alarm or distress which has a "substantial adverse effect" on their usual day-to-day activities. Police and prosecutors are being trained to recognise patterns of abuse behaviour which meet the criminal threshold. Last month police watchdogs revealed there has been a "staggering" increase in reports of domestic abuse, with recorded crimes jumping by almost a third in less than two years.
2016 Set To Be ‘Hottest Year On Record’ The UK Met Office has estimated that 2016 will be the hottest year ever recorded, with a global mean temperature expected to be between 0.72C and 0.96C above the annual average (14C). Forecasters previously said that 2015 would be the hottest year on record. A combination of climate change and this year's strong El Nino are expected to be behind the peak in global average temperatures in 2016. The El Nino weather phenomenon is expected to continue into the new year, bring more mild weather for many. Weather experts have at the Met Office have said that temperatures in 2016 could be 1.1C above pre-indus-
trial levels. The forecast comes after world leaders recently reached a historic climate change agreement in Paris, during which they pledged to limit global warming to 1.5C. The forecast for 2016 now shows that it will prove difficult for global leaders to stick to the pledge as years continue. This forecast suggests that by the end of 2016, we will have seen three record, or near-record years in a row for global temperatures. While the Met Office has said that they don't expect the trend to run back-toback indefinitely, they believe that the forecast shows how global warming and smaller weather-related events can drive world temperatures up.
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The Importance Of December 25 December 25 is a time of great activity every year – in Pakistan to celebrate the birth of our dear leader, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, and for Christians all over the world, to celebrate the birth of Hazrat Esa (AS), one of our most revered prophets. We Muslims consider him to be a Messenger of Allah, a prophet like the prophets who were sent earlier and like the last of the prophets, Mohammed (pbuh). In the Holy Quran, Hazrat Esa (AS) has been mentioned 93 times, Hazrat Musa (AS) 136 times and Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) 69 times. Our Holy Prophet (pbuh) has been mentioned by name only four times (A’le Imran, Ahzab, Muhammed, Al-Fatah and, once, as Ahmad (pbuh) in Surah Saff. However, the Quran has many indirect references to our Holy Prophet (pbuh). The life of Hazrat Esa (AS) was full of miracles, viz his birth from a virgin mother – Hazrat Maryam (AS) – speaking to the people from the cradle to prove the innocence of his mother, making a bird of clay and turning it into a real, flying bird, bringing the dead back to life, curing the blind and lepers, getting a table from heaven laden with delicacies, knowing what people had just eaten and what they had in store for the coming days, etc. All these miracles have been described in detail in Surah A’le Imran and Surah AlMaida. Almighty Allah also revealed the holy book of Injel (the Bible) through him. Unfortunately, over time, many changes were made to the traditions that were passed down and to the original scripts, and now there are many variations, each claiming to be the most authentic and accurate. Impressed and influenced by the many miracles performed by Hazrat Esa (AS), Christians began considering him to be the son of Allah (God forbid). Together with the Holy Spirit of God, they created the doctrine of the Trinity, which is rejected by Islam. In Islam we believe Hazrat Esa (AS) to be human, like all the other
prophets before him who preached the oneness of God and that salvation was only possible through submission to Allah’s will and by worshipping Him alone. Thus, Muslims totally reject the idea of Hazrat Esa (AS) being the son of God or part of the Holy Trinity. To us it is ‘shirk’ to associate partners with God and thereby rejecting the oneness of Allah, an unpardonable sin. In Surah Al-Maida the Quran clearly says: “They have certainly disbelieved who say that Allah is Christ, the son of Maryam. Then who could prevent Allah at all if He had intended to destroy Esa, the son of Maryam, or his mother or everyone on earth And to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them. He creates what He wills and Allah is over all things competent”. Our Holy Prophet, Mohammed (pbuh), called Hazrat Esa “RuhUllah” - the spirit of Allah. We believe that Hazrat Esa (AS) was a precursor to our Holy Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) and that he had announced the latter’s coming after him under the name of Ahmad (we consider Ahmed as Mohammad from the h-m-d triconsonantal root). Most Western scholars, Jews and Christians alike, believe that Hazrat Esa (AS) was crucified by the Jews. We Muslims do not believe this because Almighty Allah bodily raised him to heaven. We believe that Allah transformed another person, Simone of Cyrene, the leader of the Jews who wanted to kill Hazrat Esa (AS), to appear identical in likeness to Hazrat Esa (AS) and that he was crucified in his stead. According to Islamic tradition (Muslim and Bokhari), Hazrat Esa (AS) will descend from heaven in the midst of the wars fought by Imam Mehdi against Dajjal (false prophet). This descent will be in Damascus and Hazrat Esa will be wearing yellow robes. He will offer prayers behind Imam Mehdi and then join him in the war against Dajjal and will kill him. All will believe him to be a prophet and then there will be one united community – viz Islam. After the death of Imam Mehdi, Hazrat Esa (AS) will take over leadership. Gog and Magog (Yajuj and Majuj), who were confined to an area by Hazrat Zulqarnain (AS), will break the barrier and
play havoc on earth. Allah, in response to the prayers of Hazrat Esa (AS) will kill them all by sending down a type of worm in the back of their necks. After ruling for about 40 years, Hazrat Esa (AS) will expire. Muslims will then offer namaz-e-jamaza and will bury him in Masjid Nabvi, next to the graves of our Prophet (pbuh), Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA) and Hazrat Omar (RA). The point I am trying to make here is that the December 25 is not important to us only because of it being the date of the birth of our great, dear leader, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah, but also due to the fact that it is the date of the birth of a very important prophet – Hazrat Esa (AS). Unfortunately, we have come to believe that it is a purely Christian festival. Few of us realise that, despite huge differences, there are also many common factors. There can be no compulsion in religion. Each of us is responsible for our own deeds and there will be rewards for the good ones and chastisement for the bad ones. The Almighty has been very kind to us in giving us Quaid-e-Azam on December 25, 1876. It was due to his excellent leadership, intelligence, wisdom and perseverance that he managed to unite the Muslims of the Subcontinent on a single platform to demand – and obtain – Pakistan against all odds. We should also remember that it was the visionary Sir Syed Ahmed Khan who educated Muslims at Aligarh Muslim University to become Quaid-e-Azam’s stalwarts to achieve the creation of Pakistan. All neutral observers and historians are unanimous in their opinion that Quaid-e-Azam owed his success to the educated Muslims of UP. Allama Iqbal provided spiritual guidance to the Muslims and urged them to support Quaid-e-Azam. While Quaid-e-Azam gave us Pakistan, my colleagues and I are proud to have provided it with an impregnable defence by giving it nuclear weapons and long-range ballistic missiles. May Almighty Allah shower His blessings on Quaid-e-Azam and his colleagues, on all those who sacrificed their lives for Pakistan and on those who gave it security – Ameen. Email:
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Public WiFi not Secure as you think to steal information, The increase of broadband rollAn explosive matchup of identity ouror out and the growth of WiFi in passwords and money from the or insecure public spacesown is providingworld-class society users who use public very fighter, with the huge benefit of access wi-fi connections. Amir Khan is easily. happening in May. The important thing is to distinto the Internet quickly and But not all WiFi is as secure as we guish if the public WiFi you are The British superstar former secure and not public. might think it is. Europol’s Cyber- using isand When you connect to it, if it crime Division warns that attacks Unified Super Lightweight World are rising on public WiFi and are requires a security access password, it means it is secure but if a major security risk. Amir “King” Champion Khan will In the UK, key cities like London, you can just connect to it with no face current WBA International it is insecure. Manchester and Birmingham are password, increasing public WiFi access, Something known as ‘man-inWelterweight Luisto the-middle’ is being applied whilst restaurants, cafes andchampion bars are also keen provide free commit these attacks on public Collazo in the 12 round event. networks. Where, the hackers WiFi to attract customers. passed beFor mostlooking smartphone forward users capture data "I'm to being fighting public WiFi is always seen as a tween a user of the public WiFi the Internet. greatLas way ofVegas saving dataonce usage and in again, andAttacks myof included in their phone tariffs these kind are targeting people intention 3 istheyto makewitha a communicate but if you are goingon to useMay public when WiFi for personal transactions, bank, do online shopping or log statement thatthisI inbelong to social mediaon sites. this sensitive data and banking, may not be the best method. big stage," said Khan. We are now seeing an increase Therefore, it is important to be vigilant whenoff using in the misuse of wi-fi, inmight order extremely "Luis Collazo be coming of a big win, but I am in incredible shape and am ready for this challenge. A win on May 3 is what I need to prove that I truly am one of the best welterweights in the sport." A British standout who represented his nation in the 2004
Olympic Games, where he won a silver medal, Bolton's Amir "King" Khan (28-3, 19 KOs) went from local hero to international star when he won his first world title at 140 pounds in 2009.After five successful defences that included wins over Marcos Maidana, Paulie Malignaggi and Zab Judah, Khan lost An explosive matchup of our own world-class fighter, his title by way of avery controAmir Khan is happening in May. British superstar and former versial decision to The Lamont Unified Super Lightweight World Amir “King” Khan will Peterson in 2011. Champion Winner face current WBA International Welterweight of two straight over Car- champion Luis Collazo in the 12 round event. "I'm looking los Molina and Julio Diazforward to fighting in Las Vegas once again, and my since, the flashy,intention flamon May 3 is to make a statement that I belong on this boyant 27-year-old boxbig stage," said Khan. "Luis Collazo might be coming off er-puncher is nowof a bigcamwin, but I am in incredible shape and am ready for this chalpaigning at welterweight, lenge. A win on May 3 is what I need to prove that I truly am one where he seeks championof the best welterweights in the sport." ship gold once again. A British standout who repre-
public WiFi and only use it for non-sensitive data activity if you are unsure about it’s security. Here are some tips to keep yourself safe when using public WiFi: Always use reputable internet security software on all your devices including your laptop, PC, MAC, tablets and smartphone. If a WiFi connection does not require a password, it is insecure. So, don’t send any confidential information over this network e.g. username, passwords, private data etc. Look for public places that do offer free WiFi but require a password which you obtain from them. Look out for the https in the web address in your browser and the padlock symbol when using websites for personal transactions. Always check your credit card or debit bills for any odd transactions, especially if you use public WiFi a lot. Always keep your device software up-to-date especially if security updates are available. Security using the Internet has been and always will be an issue as hackers find new ways of executing attacks but as long as you stick to the rules of keeping your confidential data secure, you can lower he chances of experiencing theft of your data.
Olympic Games, where he won a silver medal, Bolton's Amir "King" Khan (28-3, 19 KOs) went from local hero to international star when he won his first world title at 140 pounds in 2009.After five successful defences that included wins over Marcos Maidana, Paulie Malignaggi and Zab Judah, Khan lost his title by way of a controversial decision to Lamont Peterson in 2011. Winner of two straight over Carlos Molina and Julio Diaz since, the flashy, flamboyant 27-year-old boxer-puncher is now campaigning at welterweight, where he seeks championsented his nation in the 2004 ship gold once again.
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