June edition 2017

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vapedaway Mubark Ramadan

Eid Mubark

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What Is In The 2017 General Election Manifestos?

Since Theresa May called the early election, Britain's political parties have been desperately scrambling together their manifestos. It's a lot less time than usual - as partys usually have months or more to come up with the perfect programme of pledges to lure people to put their cross in the right box. Now all the main parties have launched their documents with a dramatic variety of policies on the NHS, care, tax, wages and the economy. Heres a short round-up of the main parties' promises so far on the NHS, housing, wages, defence, education, the economy and taxes. (NOTE: These are selected highlights.) LABOUR Labour's 2017 election manifesto was unveiled at a launch in Bradford and it made some absolutely massive pledges. Jeremy Corbyn vowed free childcare for ALL two- to four-year-olds, a 'fat cat tax' on banks and football clubs that pay huge wages, a nationalised water industry and a new 45p tax threshold of £80,000 a year. That was on top of measures already announced, from a plan to boost workers' rights to renationalising rail and mail. "This is a manifesto for all generations providing hope and opportunity," Jeremy Corbyn declared. "Opinion's changing and it's moving towards Labour!" Some of the policies in the Labour manifesto ~Increasing the minimum wage to £10 per hour ~Extending free school meals to all primary school children ~Measures to cap class sizes in schools ~Increasing the Carers’ Allowance by £10 a week , to put it in line with Jobseekers’ Allowance ~Ending the 1% pay cap for nurses, midwives and other NHS staff ~Repealing the Trade Union Act ~Scrapping the Tories’ Brexit White Paper and the Great Repeal Bill ~Guaranteeing the rights of EU citizens to remain in the UK ~A 'meaningful' vote on the final Brexit deal - and if they lose they'll go back to the negotiating table ~A £500 billion National Investment Bank to help the economy recover after Brexit ~A commitment to the renewal of the Trident nuclear deterrent ~Increasing the number of police officers on the streets by 10,000 over five years ~Minimum standards for landlords and beefed-up powers to punish rogue landlords with tough fines ~Scrapping all NHS hospital parking charges ~A ban on junk food adverts before the 9pm watershed

CONSERVATIVES Theresa May unveiled the manifesto she hoped would win her the election in Halifax, West Yorkshire. But unlike Jeremy Corbyn's 'For the many not the few', the Tory leader's 'Forward Together' was hardly all sweetness and light. It did away with the Tories' failed pledge of a care cap, instead promising to raise the threshold at which people pay. The cap was reinstated in an astonishing U-turn just four days later. Pensioners will be a less well-off as winter fuel payments are hugely restricted and the triple lock is ditched. There's the threat of new welfare cuts as the promise not to make any is downgraded to a pledge not to make them "radical". And seven-year-olds will lose their guaranteed free hot lunches as "lunch snatcher" Mrs May replaces them with breakfasts at a fraction of the cost. Mrs May claimed "big, difficult decisions" were needed to keep the country on track. "What we say in it we will do," she declared. "And the scale of our ambition is clear". Some of the policies in the Conservative manifesto ~A cap on energy prices similar to the one proposed by Ed Miliband ahead of the 2015 election #A promise to keep spending 0.7% of GDP on foreign aid ~A pledge to hire 10,000 more mental health nurses by 2020 (after numbers dipped under Tory rule) ~A pledge to spend at least 2% of GDP on defence and raise defence spending by at least 0.5% above inflation every year of the next Parliament LIBERAL DEMOCRATS The Lib Dems unveiled their 2017 manifesto in east London - declaring what they'd do in the unlikely event they run the country. The central pledge is giving voters another say on Brexit with a second referendum on the final deal. Standing astride an EU flag in a nightclub, leader Tim Farron declared: "The Britain I love is not lost yet." But he's also tried to attract younger voters by pledging votes for 16-year-olds, a discounted bus pass, scrapping housing benefit cuts and legalising cannabis. The party's other flagship policy is putting a 1p rise on income tax to raise £6bn a year for the NHS. Some of the policies in the Liberal Democrat manifesto ~A second referendum on the terms of the Brexit deal ~£7billion to halt Tory cuts to schools ~A £1billion fund dedicated to mental health services ~An extra penny on income tax to pay for the NHS ~Completely legalised cannabis with a fully-operational market ~An extra month of parental leave for dads

READ INSIDE Voluntary Organisation Of The Year Page 4

Property Corner Page 8

Sheffield Pioneer

Page 6

CUT PIECE Page 22-23

Sheffield Pays Tribute To Manchester Victims Sheffielders have come together to remember the victims of the Manchester attack. A vigil for the victims of the Manchester attack was be held in the Peace Gardens the evening following the attack. Sheffield’s Lord Mayor, Councillor Anne Murphy led the speeches and invited people to lay flowers in a show of solidarity. A Book of Condolence was also opened in Sheffield Town Hall and the flag was flown at half-mast. Continued on next page.......

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Brexit Negotiations Set To Start On 19 June The EU’s chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, has pencilled in 19 June for the first formal day of talks with Britain about its withdrawal from the European Union, in what are being billed as the most important negotiations in the country’s history. On that highly symbolic morning, Barnier will face whoever is the British Brexit secretary after the election for the first day of an arduous 15 months of negotiations to hammer out the terms of the UK’s exit. EU officials are yet to discuss any logistics with the UK, however, due to an ongoing row with Theresa May’s government over its blocking of a mid-term review of the union’s budget. David Davis, the current Brexit secretary, says €100bn divorce bill will be the row of the summer. The EU wants negotiations to be divided into four-week cycles, each focused on a key issue. Week one would involve political preparation, followed by a week where documents would be disclosed by both sides. The third week would see Barnier and the Brexit secretary sitting down to talk, mainly in Brussels but also, potentially, in London. In the final week, Barnier would report on the results of the negotiations to the 27 member states and the European parliament. The EU’s negotiator wants to reach agreement on citizens’ rights, the UK’s divorce bill and on the border of Ireland in a first phase of talks he hopes will be concluded by the end of 2017. The European council, whose members comprise the 27 EU states, will decide by consensus on whether sufficient progress has been made for talks to progress, according to the commission’s negotiating directives, to be signed off by EU ministers.


21 Hours And 10 Hours: The Longest And Shortest Fasts Across The World Whilst Muslims around the world are observing Ramadan, bear a thought for the Muslim residents of Iceland, Greenland and Finland who are enduring 21 hour fasts. This is closely followed by Kazakhstan who are observing Ramadan with an 18 hour fast. In some cases where there is less than three hours between maghrib and fajr, fatwas are issued to permit Muslims to follow the timings of the closest city that has a distinguishable day and night time. For Muslims in the UK, the longest fast will last 18.5 hours plus. Some of the shortest fasts, however, take place in Argentina and Australia with fasts lasting 10 hours 35 minutes.

UK Net Migration Fell Below A Quarter Of A Million In 2016 Net migration to the UK fell below a quarter of a million in 2016 for the first time in almost three years, official figures show. The overall measure, the difference between the number of people arriving and leaving the country, was estimated to be 248,000 last year. This represents a “statistically significant” fall of 84,000 compared to 2015, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Statisticians said the change in long-term international net migration - covering people coming to and leaving the country for at least 12 months - was driven by a rise in emigration, which was up 40,000 on 2015. Theresa May is sticking by her controversial pledge to reduce net migration to below 100,000, something that was last achieved in 1997. This was comprised mainly of EU citizens, with the number leaving at an estimated 117,000 - a rise of 31,000 on the previous year. Immigration was at 588,000 last year, a drop of 43,000 year-onyear, although the ONS said this was not a statistically significant

decrease. The figures, which are the last official data before next month’s General Election, show citizens from eight central and eastern European nations have partly driven the changes. Immigration from EU8 states - the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia - was down by 25,000 to 48,000, while emigration increased by 16,000 to 43,000.

Sheffield Pays Tribute To Manchester Victims Around the city, drivers with Network Taxis have condemned the act of terror as ‘evil’ , and launched a fundraising campaign for Kelly Brewster’s family after the woman from Sheffield was killed in the Manchester terror attack. The Sheffield Federation of Mosques has echo that sentiment and said it was ‘saddened and horrified’ by the attack. Worshippers at mosques and places of worship around the city have held a special prayers for the victims and families of the 22 May attack at Manchester Arena and are collecting donations for the families affected. The Sheffield Federation of Mosques said they have launched a fundraiser in memory of Kelly. Mosque leaders will also be meeting the police to discuss and plan how they can ‘work together and play our part in ensuring the

security and safety’ Sheffield. Sheffield City Council Statement following Manchester attack Councillor Julie Dore, Leader of Sheffield City Council, said: “Sheffield stands completely united with our friends in Manchester after what is a truly horrifying and shocking attack. It is particularly barbaric that this was designed to target an event that was attended by so many children and young people and our hearts go out to the victims, families and everyone affected by this appalling incident.” The Lord Mayor of Sheffield, Councillor Anne Murphy, added: “The people of Sheffield stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of Manchester. “Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of those affected in last night’s atrocity.” A Book of Condolence is now open in Sheffield Town Hall and the flag will be flying at half-mast.

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Voluntary Organisation Of The Year Congratulations to Roshni Sheffield Asian Womens Resource Centre who have won the Voluntary Sector Organisation of the year award 2017 from the Sheffield University Volunteering Committee. Roshni, which is a women only centre, provides a citywide service to advance the welfare and education of South Asian women living in the area. The charity organisation has bilingual staff in Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi and Bangla, to provide a range of culturally specific services to meet the needs of women in the community. The student volunteer who nominated Roshni told us, “Roshni have given me endless support in achieving my future goal as a solicitor. Allowing me to boost my confidence in taking leading roles, working one-to- one with clients, providing emotional support, arranging meetings with solicitors, supporting vulnerable women who have difficulties in fitting into society and who just needed love, support and care in their day to day activities. The staff were very welcoming and I cannot thank them enough for the experience they have given me and the continuing support they are giving to clients that come to Roshni. Their care and kindness has supported me, as a volunteer, to grow as a stronger, more confident person.” Ghazala Munir, a longstanding trustee for the organisation told us “We are really proud of the work that staff and volunteers do within our organisation and this award is a credit to all of them”. Sheffield Volunteering Awards Ceremony 8th May 2017. Left to right: Siung Ghai, the chair of the Sheffield Volunteering committee, Yasmin Farooq, Ghazala Munir & Shanaz Bano (Roshni trustees)

Terrorism ‘Evolving Not Disappearing’ British Prime Minister Theresa May said from the battlefield to the internet,” that terrorist ideology is “evolving not disappearing”, while she was attending The British leader said “corporations have a social responsibility to remove the Group of Seven (G7) summit Italy. harmful content from the internet” which spreads “hateful” propaganda that “warps young minds”. She also said it is “vital” that Britain cooperate with its partners on counter-terrorism investigations and intelligence sharing. These comments invite more attention where UK stops sharing information after a US media published the details of Manchester attack, causing unpleasure for UK leaders. Later US state secretary Rex Tillerson went on to say that his country takes full responMay was firm on making her voice sibility for the media leaks. against the terrorist attacks prevailing in May called for the pacification of Libya different parts of the world, especially on and Syria, where ongoing civil wars are the backdrop of the recent one where a destabilizing the Middle East and sursuicide bomb blast killed 22 people and rounding regions. injured more than 60 after a music con- On the trade front, May said: “I reiterate the UK’s abiding commitment to free cert in Manchester Arena. The British Prime Minister was also keen trade and open markets”, calling for the on signifying the free trade and open World Trade Organization (WTO) to “cremarkets that UK want to make with other ate a level playing field” to promote a fair countries at a time when lot of debate is business environment. going on about the future of UK’s free Fair play is one of the ways G7 countries trade and business negotiations due to can “ensure all our citizens participate in the benefits of globalization”. the Brexit fallout. Addressing a press conference shortly She went on to say that Britain remains after the leaders signed a joint declara- committed to the Paris Agreement to tion on combating terrorism and extrem- curb climate change. ist violence, May said: “We agreed the “As the G7, we stand united today in upthreat from Daesh (or Islamic State mili- holding the values we share to create a tia) is evolving rather than disappearing.” safe and prosperous future for all our “Make no mistake: the fight is moving citizens,” May said.


Check Before You Give To Genuine Registered Charities This Ramadan The Charity Commission has launched its annual safer giving campaign to help British Muslims continue giving generously to registered charities this Ramadan. As Muslims in the UK enter Ramadan, the Charity Commission says there are simple steps people can take to check before they give, to ensure their zakat goes where it is intended this Ramadan. The Muslim Charities Forum has estimated that Muslims across Britain donate around £100 million during Ramadan and research suggests that disaster relief, children and education are the top three causes to benefit from the practice of zakat. The Charity Commission have produced a video encouraging people to check before they give. It shows how they can make sure their generosity helps those in need by giving to genuine, registered charities. According to figures received by the Charity Commission, British Muslims were, in fact, estimated to have given approximately £100 million to charity during Ramadan 2016. The numbers represent an aspect of Ramadan that’s often overshadowed. Most non-Muslims probably associate the month with fasting, yet charity is an equally important part of Ramadan. Last year, the Charity Commission spoke to the Muslim Charities Forum about the nature of the giving in 2016. The donations were as varied as they were generous. One Muslim-led charity estimated its work over last Ramadan to have

helped at least one million people. Other efforts helped those suffering drought in Somaliland and conflict in Syria. There were also local, community focused acts, including soup kitchens for the homeless and aid for those affected by last year’s floods in Carlisle. The Charity Commission, also highlighted the diversity of the projects donated to. These included honeybee farms in Palestine, hygiene kits and food for the people of Haiti, and a charity in Mali turning water from flash floods into safe drinking water. As with so much of the best charitable work, the focus was on sustainability: not just on helping those in need directly but providing them with the knowledge, skills and means to continue to support themselves. With projects like this receiving support, the long term impact of last year’s giving will resonate for years to come. Given recent history, donations made during Ramadan 2017 will be similar or in excess of those past. As in 2016, both Ramadan 2013 and 2014 saw donations estimated in the region of £100 million. According to Third Sector, these numbers don’t account for money donated to local mosques or non-Muslim charities. So even if the media do - as the above tweet disputes - report the amount Muslims give to charity during Ramadan, it is likely to be a conservative figure.

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Ramadhan Mubark

Mr Mohammed Jaffar One Of The Pioneers And Founding Fathers Of Sheffeild’s Muslim Community Passes Away

Jaan M Khan

even offering food to a hungry person, all these in their small ways will make you a more happy and content person. He was by all accounts a man who would assist you if he could. His was not the seeking of the limelight or large visible gestures for the public or community adulation, but small quite good deeds, to friends and others, for which he would seek no reward or refuse any In the chesterman ward of Sheffield’s Northrepayment. ern General Hospital gravely ill and in the last He would on all occasions we met either at his furlong of life’s great journey lay a man whose house or elsewhere, always display kindness and legacy and life was at the foundation stone of generosity, smiling and encouraging in whatever Sheffield’s Asian and Muslim community story. we discussed. His grasp of English was excellent Within sleep with fleeting moments of consciousand he had the right vocabulary for ness was a child born in a village in Atevery topic, from science to politics tock, Pakistan, located around 40 miles and history. Most recently I recall my north west of the capital Islamabad, brother who is a scientist, discussing some eighty four years to the date, the beneficial compounds in certain whose last breaths would be taken in foods and plants at his home, where his adopted home city of Sheffield. he immediately reminded us of a list We don’t know if the young Mohamof such plants which he and of his genmad Jaffar actually had any desire to eration used for medicinal purposes come to England. Trained as an engiand their remedial qualities for various neer he found himself here with initial illnesses, ironically those now being plans like so many, to return to his land studied by scientists. In this context of birth and continue with his profeshe was a man of the world, knowledgesion. In those early days of post war able and conversational not a quality I Britain he would have found like all his hasten to add found in everyone, escontemporaries from the Asian contipecially of his generation. These were nent a vast need for labour to fill jobs qualities found in only certain men. To which began the revival of Britain into be in their company you would look the prosperous land we take for grantforward to and from whose conversaed today. tion you always walked away having Young men from the commonwealth learnt something new. were actively encouraged to come and His main attributes that I will forever work in the factories and mills, in the remember were kindness and a gentextile and steel trade. Filling the gap erosity of spirit towards me, so much in shortage of labour was crucial to the so that whenever I would meet him country and as such the Caribbean and he would always tell me that he was Asian continent supplied the men necvery proud of me. I recall meeting him essary. shortly after returning from University Having found himself in such a situaand he said the same thing to me. I tion Mr Jaffar an educated man, aminvited him to the opening of a restaubitious and entrepreneurial found his rant and he said the same thing to me. first opportunity when he sought to At the last memorial service (Khatham) purchase the pit managers house loThe Sheffield Star- The First Eid Prayers in Sheffield and the South Yorkshire region at Industry Rd, in 1958 for my father he along with other famcated on Handsworth colliery, owned from left to right front row fellow travellers from Attock Mr Sarwar Awan, Mr Mohammed Jaffar and Mr Hakim Khan. ily and friends came to my house on then by the Waverley Coal Company. what was a bright and sunny day. As Recalling the story he said I went to the manager’s house and stated that if I gave him the money act of 1965, when people were living eight and of the mosque and its subsequent re-building in he was leaving through the garden I met him and required would I be the owner of the house? To ten to a house, without knowledge of the law, fi- the nineteen eighties. Continuing in this commu- he said pausing emotional in reflection of my fathis the manager replied that yes he would de- nance and an uncertain future. In this context this nity spirit Mr Jaffar would also be the first ever ther, I’m very proud of you all. He was really the pendent upon the amount. He was offered £500 was by all accounts a smart move and would be- chairman of the newly organised Pakistan Muslim last of such a generation, (and those three founda fair sum for its time and the manager accepted gin his rise in acquiring property over the years. Centre (PMC) in 1989. A role he would then re- ing mosque members), who left their foot print this. But one thing the wise young man insisted As early pioneers he realised along with his fel- linquish, but an organisation who would continue on the Muslim community of Sheffield and will be upon was a receipt for the exchange. He was duly low travellers from the Attock region and closest to assist people of all faiths and minorities to the honoured for his contribution and mourned at his loss for many years to come. provided with one and the transaction was done. friends, Sarwar Awan and Hakim Khan, that they present date. This would prove to be a shrewd move as when and the various Arab immigrants, who had also I read recently that psychologists were advising God bless him and may he rest in peace. Mr Mothe owner called to say that they wanted to re- found themselves in the city of Sheffield, had people that large one off acts of charity do not hammed Jaffar is buried at Tinsley Park Cemetery turn the money to Mr Jaffar because they had no mosque or place of worship. They began to help us to feel good. Instead they say if you do off Barleywood Road in Sheffield. been offered a larger amount for the property, he put this right eventually forming what would be five or six small good deeds a day, from giving would insist on the legitimacy of the initial trans- Sheffield’s first Mosque, in 1958 on Industry Rd a helping hand to someone to cross the road, Jaan .M. Khan action with a receipt as acceptance and proof of in Darnall. These three men, who were all bless- smiling and giving positive advise to another or Jaanvegas1@gmail.com ed with wisdom and education, by their actions would lay the foundations for a faith community now numbering around twenty thousand at the last estimate within the city of Sheffield. This event covered by the Sheffield Star would be immortalised as an iconic picture, showing the original founders of the first mosque in Sheffield to host the first Eid prayers actually in the South Today this would seem a fairly straight forward Yorkshire region. transaction. But if contextualised in an age and time when overt racism and hostility existed to He would continue to play a major role at the immigrants, when curries were not the nation’s centre of Sheffield’s Asian and Muslim communumber one dish, before the first race relations nity for many years, assisting with the running his purchase and recourse within the law were they to not go through with the deal. Reluctantly the owners of the house would eventually relent to his right of ownership. In the following years towards the end of the nineteen sixties, the pit would close and he would recall the days without electricity as the supply came from the coal pit.

23,000 Potential Terrorists In Britain The British intelligence has identified 23,000 jihadist extremists living in the country as potential terrorist attackers. The scale of the challenge facing police and security services was disclosed by sources in Whitehall after criticism that multiple opportunities to stop the May 22 suicide bombing on the Manchester Arena had been missed. The bombing at the closing set of pop singer Ariana Grande’s concert left 22 persons dead and 59 others injured. About 3,000 of the 23,000 jihadists are judged to pose a threat, the report said. Those 3,000 are under investigation or active monitoring in 500 operations conducted by police and intelligence services. The rest have featured in previous inquiries and are categorised as posing a “residual risk”.


The two terrorists who carried out attacks in Britain this year — Manchester bomber Salman Abedi and Westminster attacker Khalid Masood, who killed five people two months ago — were former subjects of interest and no longer under any surveillance, the report said. Prime Minister Theresa May downgraded the terror threat in Britain from “critical” to “severe” five days after the attack, but troops remained on the streets of the capital for a further 3 days. Britain’s top police officer for counter-terrorism said 11 men were held with more arrests expected. London Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley said significant arrests meant a large part of the terror network around suicide bomber Abedi had been wound up.

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Ramadhan Mubark

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Mohammed Mahroof BSc (Hons) MRICS Consultant: Mark Jenkinson & Son In the last few years there have been many debates regarding the direction of the residential property market. Most political parties have been talking about the shortage of housing and how they would address the problem. It is almost a similar debate to the one that was running in the last election. The positive message being it is on the agenda of all the political parties, read the manifestos and you will see their proposals. The need for new homes is unprecedented, but how we address this issue is the key. There have been calls for a mass Council House building programme, release of Local and Central Government land for house building. A key White Paper was published by the Government in February 2017 entitled "Fixing Our Broken Housing Market", radical proposal's were put forward which can be split into four parts:

Building Homes More Rapidly. This will include quicker planning decision's, and withdrawal of planning if development is not commenced within two years, previously it was three years . Bringing in more modern methods of construction , with new non traditional homes. If you have been involved in property development there has been a whole range of issues to deal with from Great Crested Newt to Bats. The Government has proposal's to tackle these issues in a more global way.

Planning. The paper suggests bringing more land onto the market to include brownfield land and surplus public land, interestingly the Green Belt issue seems to be silent. Local Authorities have been required to put in place ambitious development plans with more transparency, with standardised requirements. Plans have have been put forward for 14 new garden towns, this is not a new idea it was quite common in the last century. The Housing and Communities Agency will be re branded as Homes England, their remit being to increase house building by unlocking issues such as infrastructure and acquiring land through Compulsory Purchase. Clearly a more streamlined planning system should be welcomed.

Quarter Of Drivers Hiding Penalty Points From Insurer A “worrying” number of motorists are forgetting to declare, or deliberately hiding penalty points from insurers – potentially invalidating their cover. Research from RAC Insurance shows almost a quarter (23%) of drivers failed to tell their policy provider the last time they acquired points on their licence. Perhaps most concerning is that 18% of those surveyed admitted they would not contact their insurer in the event of picking up points, meaning the number facing serious penalties could be well into the millions.

Official records tell us that around 2.8 million drivers hold points on their licences, meaning at least 654,000 are running the risks of withholding pertinent information from their insurer. But if the attitudes unearthed in the survey are applied to all UK drivers, we could be looking at as many as 7 million of the 38.5 million full licence holders driving with potentially invalidated, and illegal, protection. Drivers have a duty to inform their provider in any circumstance which


may affect the contract they hold with them – and this applies not just at renewal time, but as and when points are received. Not declaring penalty points is a serious matter as it puts drivers at risk of holding invalid insurance as well as potentially incurring substantial penalties from the police, or even a prosecution. The onus is always on the person taking out an insurance policy to make any incident known that could influence an underwriter in calculating a premium, even if they are not requested to provide such information. This could be a previous claim, a criminal or motoring conviction. Additional points, unlimited fines, disqualification from driving and even destruction of vehicle are other potential repercussions of failing to disclose the correct information. As many as nine in 10 respondents say they accrued their penalty points as a result of speeding. Since April 24 this year, drivers have faced tougher sentencing for excessively breaking the speeding limit, resulting in vastly increased fines. The research also found that one in 10 of those surveyed know somebody who had incurred penalty points themselves and then illegally got their partner to take them instead – an offence punishable by a prison term.

Market Diversification One of the key targets is to encourage institutional investors to Build to Rent. There is a growing demand for rented properties, developers and financial institution will come together to make this happen and shape the future. There will also be encouragement for small and medium sized builders to re engage with development. Custom build homes will be encouraged. Helping People Today. The initiatives started by the Government to include Help to Buy, Starter Homes Schemes will continue. A further initiative is aiming to make renting fairer for tenants and more family friendly. Clearly from the highlights of the White Paper it can be seen what the last Governments intentions were but following the election on 8th June initiatives will change. As I have said on many occasions one structural change in the housing market which will gain momentum in the next few years is the Private Rented Sector. It is an area where more institutional investors are likely to enter, with a better standard of rented properties coming onto the market. It is not inconceivable that we see more people choosing to rent than buy, after all in countries like Germany a high percentage of people source properties from the rented sector. It is a much more established sector than in this country. In conclusion we will see a healthy debate developing around housing, its affordability and availability being the key themes. It is without doubt we need more homes, construction methods will need to be adapted to bring more homes onto the market. It is clear the broken housing market needs fixing.

NHS ‘Will Be Under-Funded’ Whoever Wins Election The National Health Service will continue to face huge pressure irrespective of who wins the General Election because no party has promised enough money to keep up with rising demand, according to a leading health think-tank. NHS funding was at the heart of manifesto promises from all the main parties last week, with the Conservatives, Labour and the Liberal Democrats all pledging to increase spending. Analysis of the manifesto pledges by the Nuffield Trust, however, has found that all three fell short of even the most modest fore-

casts of spending required to keep pace with rising demand of 3-4% per year. How much we spend on the NHS is a choice that always involves a cost of some sort. But equally, not spending more also implies a cost, in terms of longer waits and deteriorating quality of care for patients, and failing to keep up with the latest drugs and medical treatments that may become available in other countries They concluded that NHS spending will fall as a proportion of GDP irrespective of the new Government. By this meas-

ure the UK’s health spending is already among the lowest in the G8 group of developed nations. The findings raise the prospect that the NHS will continue to struggle with a funding gap, with services potentially rationed and a possible impact on the quality of care to patients. The Nuffield Trust analysis comes as a poll for independent charity the Health Foundation, reveals that almost two thirds (64%) of adults support increasing taxes to fund the NHS, and 88% believe it should be protected from cuts.

Prosecutions For Wrongful Use Of Blue Badge Seventeen people have been ordered to pay a total of £8,810 after wrongfully using blue badges issued to disabled relatives so they could park for free in Sheffield. Sheffield Magistrates’ Court heard recently how blue badges issued to relatives including a 90-year-old pensioner and a five-year-old school pupil had been used by motorists including a University lecturer and retired doctor so they could park for free. They were the first to be prosecuted by Sheffield City Council under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, with civil enforcement officers hoping to bring more cases in the weeks ahead. The prosecutions come after the Council launched a clampdown on brazen blue badge bluffers with the improper use leading to a criminal conviction and a fine of up to £1,000 plus any costs awarded by the court.

Blue badges which are found to be used fraudulently – even if they have been issued for genuine reasons – can be confiscated as a result of any successful prosecution. Sheffield City Council, said: “The Council is absolutely delighted that these first prosecutions have been made against drivers who abuse somebody else’s blue badge for their own gain. “The improper use of Blue Badges has a major impact on people who actually have disabilities, causing parking problems and discrediting the whole

scheme. If you let someone else use your blue badge, they will be prosecuted and fined and the vehicle will get a penalty charge notice too. “Nobody else can use the blue badge unless they are travelling with the owner. We won’t hesitate to confiscate blue badge passes where they are misused.” There’s a full list of Blue Badge regulations available at www.sheffield.gov. uk/home/parking/blue-badge or by calling 0114 2734567. Blue badge fraud has been estimated to cost the country £46million each year.. A significant amount of this cost is lost parking income, as blue badge users can park for free in Council parking spaces and on some yellow line parking restrictions. It is believed fraudulent blue badge use poses a significant cost to the city as the pay and display parking areas are not being used as they should be.

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22 / 5 / 17 The Manchester Disaster Poet: Shaheryar A. Chishty It was a night of thrill With singing full of joy But that all changed When a bomb was heard, it was here to destroy Oblivious to the bereavement Which came to diminish the fun Congealed red blood In minutes, precious lives had gone! There was clamour in the buildings Anger raged in the streets People wounded on the floor Calling for help, they would implore Goodbyes were not given For the deceased retreated to the sky’s Left all the violence and negativity And escaped from earthly cries All you could hear in Manchester was despondency Hearts of victims wringed of dismay Heavy sighs Happiness was taken away You must be resilient And always remember the deceased people Water your memory like a flower with love No matter what happens always be genial That day continued People looked in mirrors, relief is what reflected Manchester showed perseverance Determination Is what they manifested


Nether Edge And Sharrow By-Election Labour Councillor for Nether Edge and Sharrow, Nasima Akther has confirmed she will stand down from the council. Councillor Akther has served as a councillor since 2014. Nasima Akther said: “I have been honoured to serve as a councillor for Nether Edge since 2014 and I would like to thank the people of Nether Edge and Sharrow who have given me the opportunity to represent them over the past three years. I have particularly liked working with local groups, schools, businesses and volunteers in the community. “I have greatly enjoyed being a Councillor and it is with great sadness that I have made this decision to stand down for health and personal reasons. I feel I am no longer able to fulfill my responsibilities to the best of my ability and I believe that standing aside is the best decision for the residents of Nether Edge and Sharrow. This has not been an easy decision but I feel it is the right time for me to move on. “I would like to thank my colleagues I have worked with over the past few years and in particular my ward colleague Mohammad Maroof who I have enjoyed working closely with.” As a result there will be a by-election on 22nd June in the ward. Jim Steinke, the local ward campaign coordinator has been selected to fight the seat for Labour.

The candidates for the Sheffield City Council Nether Edge & Sharrow by-election, to take place on Thursday 22nd June 2017, are as follows: Shahid Ali (Liberal Democrats) Jim Steinke (Labour Party) Rob Unwin (Green Party).

Lack Of Confidence In Policing A survey commissioned by the Crime Commissioner has revealed a lack of confidence in South Yorkshire Police and the policing of local communities. Out of 736 people who completed the survey, 357 reported a lack of confidence in the force as a whole and 350 said they lacked confidence in local policing. More bobbies on the beat are needed to restore confidence in South Yorkshire Police, according to the union which repre-

sents the rank and file. The child sexual exploitation scandal was one of the reasons given for the lack of confidence by 462 people questioned. A report published in 2014 revealed that 1,400 children were abused by groups of men while authorities, including South Yorkshire Police, failed to act. They survey also revealed that the Hillsborough Disaster and Battle of Orgreave had knocked confidence.

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ON MAY 28 Dr A Q Khan

May 28, 1998 is an unforgettable day in the history of Pakistan. This day is as important to us as August 14, 1947. In 1947 we gained our independence and in 1998 we became a nuclear power – the first and only country in the Muslim world and the seventh across the globe. This gave Pakistan an impregnable defence and made its citizens proud and satisfied. After the separation of East and West Pakistan, the country’s nuclear strength also stopped Indians from their next goal – to break up West Pakistan. But the Almighty has told us in the Holy Quran that though our enemies might be conspiring to harm us, He will be planning to do otherwise and He is the best planner of all. Thus those who were plotting against us failed in their endeavours. I am grateful that the Almighty chose me to help achieve this goal. Our nuclear journey actually started on December 16, 1971 when our army suffered a defeat in East Pakistan at the hands of the Indian Army. Those scenes will stay with me forever. I was preparing to defend my doctorate thesis. After completing my PhD, I was offered a job in Amsterdam by the biggest industrial company of Holland that had 100,000 employees. I had received many job offers, but we preferred to live in Holland as my wife’s parents were there. It was while working there that I learnt all about the state-of-the-art uranium enrichment technology by the centrifuge method. The centrifuge

technology was a very sensitive one developed by Holland, Germany and England over a period of nearly 20 years and at a cost of billions of dollars. It was a highly classified project and hardly any other country knew about it. It had been a long journey before I reached this far. After migrating to Pakistan in 1952, I attended DJ Sindh Government Science College and obtained a BSc degree. I worked for three years as inspector of weights and measures in Karachi and then enrolled in the famous Berlin Technical University. I departed in 1961 and joined the university after having completed the compulsory six-month practical training and language studies in Dusseldorf. After two years, I moved to Delft, Holland so that my fiancé could be near her elderly parents. In 1966, I obtained an MSc Technology degree and then worked for a year as an assistant to my professor. I was then offered a PhD scholarship in Leuven, Belgium, which I completed in early 1972. I felt that the Indian nuclear explosion was a direct threat to our existence as a nation. This emboldened me to write a letter to Bhutto stressing that we needed to give a fitting response. In December 1974, Bhutto called me for a meeting at which PAEC Chairperson Munir A Khan had also been called to listen in. I briefly told them what the technology was about and stressed that it was the only option left to Pakistan. I asked for a group to be formed to obtain the technical details and initiate work. I then returned to Hol-

land, coming to Pakistan again in December 1975 for our annual holidays. Gen Imtiaz Ali, a cousin of Akhtar Ali – my former fellow student at Berlin – asked me to review what work had been done by PAEC. I visited the facilities that had been created in Islamabad and Karachi, but soon realised that nothing worthwhile had been achieved. Gen Imtiaz took me to see the PM, whom I informed accordingly. All of a sudden, the PM asked me to remain in Pakistan and work for the country. I was in a quandary. I had a good job with excellent prospects (even had an offer of a professorship), my wife’s elderly parents were in Holland and all my technical literature and books were also there. After a lengthy discussion with my wife, we decided that I should remain in Pakistan and she would go back to pack up and then join me. We were given a house in F-8/1 – the very outskirts of Islamabad – but with no transport at our disposal and no furniture until our things arrived three months later. I was appointed as an adviser to PAEC with a salary of Rs3,000 per month – the first of which I received after six months. After six months, when no progress had been possible, I wrote to the PM laying down the facts and telling him that I wanted to return to Holland. The PM asked Agha Shahi (SG Foreign Affairs), A G N Kazi (SG Finance) and Ghulam Ishaq Khan (SG Defence) to sort things out. They offered me the chairmanship of PAEC, which I refused and instead suggested – for se-

Manchester United Most Valuable Club In Europe Manchester United has been named as Europe's most valuable club in a new report which highlights the growing financial muscle of the Premier League. The club overtakes Real Madrid thanks to its off-field performance, despite failure to make the Champions League last season. The analysis by KPMG found there were six sides from England's top flight in the top 10, up by one as Tottenham joined United, Manchester City, Arsenal, Chelsea and Liverpool. It suggested the Premier League's dominance will increase further next year as the current report, analysing latest publicly available financial statements, has yet to include the impact of a bumper new TV broadcasting deal that started in 2016/17. Manchester United topped the table despite the club's failure to have qualified for the 2016/17 Champions League as it continued "to achieve consistent off-the-pitch performance". The side will be in the competition for 2017/18 by virtue of having won the second-string Europa League competition. United's estimated "enterprise value" rose by 7% to £2.71bn, taking it ahead of Real Madrid after the two teams shared first place last year. The accounting measure assesses how much it would cost to buy a club or company, including its total debt. Manchester United make more money than any other club and also has a debt pile of nearly half a billion


pounds. Second in the table was Real Madrid, followed by Barcelona and Bayern Munich, Manchester City, Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, Juventus and Tottenham. Last season's Premier League winners Leicester City joined the list in 16th position with a value estimated at £402m, one place above Everton. The aggregate value of Europe's leading football clubs suggests that the overall value of football, as an industry, has grown. This is partially explained by football's broadcasting boom, the internationalisation of the clubs' commercial operations, their investment into privately owned and modern facilities, and overall more sustainable management practices are also key reasons for this growth. In terms of media rights value, the English Premier League sits comfortably at the top of European leagues, although other major leagues have outlined well-defined strategies to compete for the attention of global fans. Separate figures from Deloitte last month showed England's Premier League clubs posted a combined loss of £110m for 2015/16, though they were expected to return to the black when a new TV deal kicks in.

curity reasons – that they put up a separate organisation under my control. The problem was solved and engineering research laboratories were born. Security was strict and only my immediate colleagues and I knew what it was all about. My work experience and expertise from Holland, the dedication of a competent team of engineers and scientists and working 18 hours a day 24/7, made it possible for us to become a nuclear power within six years, though the actual explosion took place much later. There were four people who greatly appreciated our work and knew how much effort was put in: Gen Zia, Gen S A Z Naqvi, Ghulam Ishaq Khan and Agha Shahi. After putting the weapon’s programme on a solid basis, we also worked on missiles and defence equipment. After serving diligently for 25 years, I retired with a pension of Rs4,467 per month. My efforts and that of many of my colleagues, were ‘rewarded’ by us being placed under house arrest by Musharraf who, upon a single call from President Bush, had no qualms in sacrificing us. This happened at a time when we had not signed the NPT or the NSG and were under no obligation to discuss or disclose our nuclear activities. I am extremely grateful to the millions of Pakistanis who express their admiration, love and gratitude to us and call me ‘Mohsin-e-Pakistan’. May the Almighty bless them all. Email: dr.a.quadeer.khan@gmail.com

Crackdown On Kodi Boxes The EU Court of Justice ruled in April that streaming football, films and TV shows on Kodi and other android devices is illegal - essentially the same as downloading. In a statement on that landmark ruling, which only affects users in Europe, Kodi said it stands by its “neutral” policy. “Kodi will remain as free and as open as it always has. Feel free to continue using Kodi however you want.” Kodi says it will not act as police for its own software - but one of its biggest add-ons will stop supplying content. Kodi media players are not illegal, but the grey area comes in when third party plug-ins and add-ons are downloaded to make the boxes “fully loaded”. However one of the platform’s leading add-ons has now said it will not continue to supply content. Navi-X has been in operation since 2007 but, according to the team behind it, the current legal issues have made it dangerous to continue. Navi-X said “The main reason why the decision was made to discontinue the Navi-X service is the current legal climate surrounding Kodi.” There are believed to be about 20 million devices running Kodi in use in the UK at the moment. The news comes amid a huge crackdown on streaming devices and piracy. The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) has announced a consultation into the devices - specifically ‘pre-loaded’ boxes - due to the kit leaving the likes of the Premier League and Sky TV out of pocket. The consultation is seeking help from several groups with experience of investigating and prosecuting offences related to streaming devices and could lead to the boxes being banned. The Premier League has won a court order which allows it to block servers - the source the streams of football matches are coming from. They’re not coming after individuals, they’re going for the people who upload the content which is then streamed across the internet. The Federation Against Copyright Theft (FACT) are also going after the culprits - and are targeting people who are selling the devices. FACT say that big organised crime gangs are involved in the business. There has been numerous arrests across the country of people selling devices. A Teesside dealer was hit with a £250,000 bill for selling ‘pre-loaded’ boxes in March.

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Pakistans First Cabinet (1947) The newly created state of Pakistan formed its first constituent assembly in August 1947. Quaid-i-Azam Jinnah took oath on 15th August 1947 and became the first Governor General of Pakistan. He exercised a great amount of influence on the provincial, as well as, central affairs. The first cabinet of Pakistan was also created by Quaid-i-Azam Jinnah, after a continuous search for talented administrators. The first cabinet of Pakistan took oath on 15th August 1947. It included the following members: Liaquat Ali Khan Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Defense I.I. Chundrigar Minister for Commerce, Industries and Works


Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar Minister for Communications Raja Ghazanfar Ali Minister for Food, Agriculture and Health (In December he was shifted to Evacuee and Refugee Rehabilitation). Jogendra Nath Mandal Minister for Labour and Law Ghulam Muhammad Minister for Finance Fazlur Rahman Minister for Interior, Information and Education In December Muhammad Zafrullah Khan was inducted as Minister for Foreign Affairs and Common wealth relations and Abdus Sattar Pirzada was given the portfolio of Food, Agriculture and Health. Raja Ghazanfar Ali’s ministry was changed and he was made in charge of the Ministry of Evacuee and Refugee Rehabilitation. Quaid-i-Azam also asked for many skilled British technocrats to stay

and serve in the Pakistani government; 3 out of the 4 provincial governors were British. Sir Frederick Bourne was the Governor of East Benga, Sir Francis Mudie the Governor of West Punjab and Sir George Cunningham the Governor of N.W.F.P. Sir Ghulam Hussain Hidayatullah, the Governor of Sindh) was the only local governor, while Balochistan did not have a governor as it was Governor-General’s province. All chiefs of the armed forces were British as well – General Sir Frank Messervey chief of the Royal Pakistan Army, Air Vice-Marshal Perry-Keane chief of the Royal Pakistan Air Force, and Admiral Jefford the chief of Royal Pakistan Navy. The financial advisor to the Governor-General, Sir Archibald Rowland, was also British. During the early days after its creation, Pakistan faced a myriad of crisis and difficulties and the ministers often found themselves helpless to tackle them; so they looked towards Jinnah to help them with these problems. The first cabinet of Pakistan passed a special resolution to allow Jinnah to deal with the problems faced by provincial ministers. Jinnah also helped ministers in policy making. In case of a difference of opinions Quaid’s decision was to be final. All these rights were given to Jinnah until new constitution came into force. Quaid had a colossal task ahead of him, during the early days of Pakistan but he remained committed in his duties and under his dynamic leadership and guidance the nation proved that it had the determination to succeed. Quaid-i-Azam Jinnah, undoubtedly enjoyed extraordinary powers but these powers were given to him by the Cabinet to meet the unexpected circumstances that clearly demanded extraordinary actions. Even though nation building has proved to be a difficult task for Pakistan, under the guidance of Jinnah and his competent cabinet members it continued to show its spirit and capacity to survive and adapt to changing circumstances. James A. Muchener, a visitor to Pakistan in the early years, wrote, “I have never seen so hardworking a government as Pakistan’s. It is literally licking itself by its own intellectual book-straps”.

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US Visas To Muslim-Majority Countries Down 20% The United States issued about 20% fewer visitor visas in April 2017 to the citizens of 50 Muslim-majority countries. Six countries targeted by trumps march 6 travel ban – Iran, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Libya and Yemen experienced 55% decline in non-immigrant visas compared with last years monthly average. Despite not being on the list of Presidents Trumps “Muslim ban” countries, Pakistan is experiencing a significant decrease in number of non-immigrant us visas issued to its nationals under the new administration. Figures show non-immigrant visas granted to

Pakistanis are down 40% in March and April this year compared to the 2016 average. Interestingly, the number the non-immigrant visas has increased for India by 28% in March and April this year compared to the monthly average on 2016. Although the travel ban is now ineffective after the US federal courts orders, the state dept has already stepped up vetting procedures for visitors to the US. The drop in visas may indicate that more visa applicants are now subject to excessive scrutiny.

Millions Unsure Of Smart Motorway Emergency Refuge Area Use More than half of UK drivers are unfamiliar with how to use emergency refuge areas (ERAs) on smart motorways. Although the first smart motorway came into force over 10 years ago, many drivers do not encounter them on a regular basis, and feel in the dark about the potentially life-saving “safe haven” provided by ERAs. Increasingly, the hard shoulder on such highways is used as a running lane for traffic, either consistently or just during the most congested times of day. A study which questioned over 2,000 drivers, discovered that 52% didn’t know that the lanes act as a refuge for accident stricken or broken down vehicles, in the absence of a hard shoulder. Furthermore, almost two-thirds (64%) are not aware of the correct procedure for what to do once stopped, and a similar amount (65%) not sure how to re-join traffic. Also among the disturbing findings, it was discovered that only one respondent (from the overall 1.5% who had actually used an ERA) knew they needed to contact Highways England to help them back onto the motorway, if the hard shoulder was operating as a running lane. The rest assumed they had to wait for a gap in traffic and dangerously accelerate to reach motorway speed. On the positive side, almost a clean sweep (98%) knew that ERAs should be used in the case of a breakdown, and 90% after accident. However, 40% thought it was appropriate to use them for medical reasons, while 27% thought they were a good spot for carsick passengers to


be sick. Thankfully, only 1% thought they were a good option for rest stops, toilet breaks, nappy changing or phone calls. Highways England has run a radio advertising campaign reminding people of the correct use of emergency refuge areas and is currently conducting a review of ERAs, the findings of which will be reported in due course. Existing signage for emergency refuge areas is clear, but will be further improved to help those who aren’t aware of them, purely because of where they live. It is essential that motorists understand how and when to use an emergency refuge area so they do not put their own safety and that of other road users at risk. Vehicles should pull up to the indicated mark on the tarmac or the emergency telephone and then the occupants should leave the vehicle from the passenger side. Everyone should stand behind the barriers

and should use the emergency roadside telephone provided to speak to a Highways England representative. For anyone who hasn’t driven on a smart motorway there are some very noticeable differences, the main ones being that there is no permanent hard shoulder, overhead gantries with variable mandatory speed limits, emergency refuge areas spaced up to 2.5km apart and variable message signs. Driving is just the same as normal but motorists need to be very aware of the speed limit applicable at the time as well as watching out for red ‘Xs’ which indicate that a lane has been closed and it is an offence to drive in it.

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You Could Make A Fortune Off Your Old £1 Coins The old-style round £1 coins are being phased out of circulation – but many are worth a lot more than you might think. By the end of this year, the round coins won’t be accepted in shops as its 12-sided replacement comes into use. But make sure you have a look at the design of your £1 coins before you carelessly spend them – because some are worth 30 times the face value. Experts at ChangeChecker have released a list of the rarest £1 coins that will remain in circulation for the next seven months. Collectors will pay a lot more than £1 if you’re lucky enough to get your hands on one of the following: 2011 Edinburgh £1 The rarest £1 coin in circulation is valued at £5, but is worth up to £30 if it’s in excellent condition.

2013 Daffodil £1 and 2013 Rose £1 Both coins could be worth up to £15 in mint condition.

2014 Flax £1 If you find one of these it could be a nice little earner, as boxed coins in mint condition are selling for £34.

2010 London £1 Like the Edinburgh coin, it can sell for up to £30 but is more likely worth about a fiver.

2010 Belfast £1 The eighth rarest £1 coin in circulation is fetching up to £30 on eBay.

2008 Royal Arms £1 It’s a common design, but you need to look out for the 2008 version, which is worth up to £15 on eBay.

1988 Crowned Shield £1 An older coin, but if you manage to dig one out it should be worth six times its face value.

2014 Thistle £1 If it’s boxed and in excellent condition, this coin could be worth £10.

1986 Flax £1 This even older coin could earn sellers £17 if it’s in mint condition and boxed.


The Queen Drives Without A License The 91-year-old monarch trained as a driver and mechanic during the Second World War. At the age of 91, the Queen is still comfortable behind the wheel and insists on driving herself to and from locations, mainly around her private estates. She most recently climbed into the driver's seat to attend the Royal Windsor Horse Show, where she was pictured perfectly at ease in her Range Rover. As part of the "royal prerogative" – powers and rights that the sovereign alone possesses – Her Majesty is the only person in the UK who can drive without a license, even though driving licenses are issued in her name. Among her many privileges, she has never needed to take a driving test and is allowed to drive without a number plate on her state car. The royal first developed her motoring skills as a teenager in the Second World War, when she joined the Women's Auxiliary Territorial Service as an honorary second subaltern. The then-Princess Elizabeth, 18, trained as a driver and a mechanic, learning how to change a wheel, rebuild engines and drive ambulances

and trucks. She earned a reputation for not being afraid to get her hands dirty, and five months later, the royal was promoted to honorary junior commander in the summer of 1945. The car-loving Queen isn't afraid to show off her skills either. In 1998, she famously shocked King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, who was then a prince, when she insisted on driving him herself around the royal Balmoral estate in Scotland. Protocol dictates that the monarch is usually chauffeured to engagements, but when she is not in public view, the Queen likes to reclaim her position in the driver's seat. She is believed to have helped her children learn how to drive, particularly in the rural grounds of Balmoral, her favoured place for driving. A fan of rugged Land Rovers and Range Rovers, the Queen is able to drive off-road, which is ideal for shooting parties and summer picnics. Other British brands she uses are Bentley and Jaguar, and her whole car collection is said to be worth £10m upwards.

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Body odour is a universal human experience. So we spend time and money in attempt to find multiple ways of eliminating this unpleasant natural stench . But most of us put less time, if any, into understanding what actually causes this acrid smell. But understanding the processes that create B.O.(body odour) is the first step to creating a less smelly future. The amount of odour you produce—and the power of its stench— is actually based in-part by your genetics, which help determine what types of molecules your body produces, and in what quantity. Your body is truly a B.O. wonderland: different regions of the body produce their own strange molecular secretions and play host to different sorts of microbes. In order to generate odour, you need the right combination of microbes and secretions. That blend only happens in certain prime locations. The human body has two types of sweat glands: eccrine and apocrine. Eccrine glands are present all over, and typically secrete sweat that is mostly made of water. Their purpose is to keep your body cool when you're exposed to heat or enduring intense exercise. Apocrine glands, however, are located in targeted areas of the body—the armpits, for example—and they don’t really do much to cool you down. Instead they release proteins and lipids, and those molecules are the real smell culprits. Bacteria that live on the outside of your armpits feed on the secreted lipids, allow-

ing them to thrive. They also disrupt the outer shell of the proteins that are secreted, releasing odour. All the microorganisms on your skin interact with your body in some form or another, and they are all capable of instigating some sort of odour. The reason certain odours are worse than others, is because microbes become ecologically adapted to the environments that they are in. At some point, some kind of microbe-induced smell might have served a purpose. Studies in other animals have found that such odours can have physiological effects on the body that promote reproduction, which in turn helps you pass on your genes and create new humans for microbes to feast on. These days, we tend to do everything we can to mask and eliminate these odours. A lot of our most common efforts are misguided. Despite popular belief, eating spicy food, onions, curry, or garlic is not going to make your body produce more potentially smelly proteins. But certain foods can still make you smell worse: if pungent foods contain fat-soluble compounds that dissolve in your body fat, they'll often get released in your sweat. And so, you won't make more odour proteins. But one popular theory—that the sweat you produce when you are nervous is smellier than the sweat you produce if you are trying to cool yourself down—is actually quite true. That’s because the sweat you produce as a result of an anxious mo-

UK Drivers Break The Rules The tougher penalties came into effect from March 1 and, under the rules, new drivers caught using a phone within two years of passing their driving test will have their licence revoked altogether and a fine of £200. The study urges calls for raising the fine amount as current punishment does not make any change in the scenario. The bizzare part of the figures show that many drivers use mobile phones while driving comes even after implementing strict penalties for the offence came into being. The high number of people breaking the law means the “key message still isn’t sinking in. Road safety charities are calling for the £200 fine to be “significantly increased” to deter offenders. Driver distraction is a growing menace and it’s worrying that drivers don’t seem to be getting the message, they say. Pressure to prevent drivers using phones

intensified last year in the wake of several high-profile cases as well as research indicating it was widespread. In October, lorry driver Tomasz Kroker, who killed a mother and three children while distracted by his phone, was jailed for 10 years. In 2015, 22 people were killed and 99 seriously injured in accidents where a driver was using their phone.

ment contains more apocrine secretions, which are the ones that contain those smell-inducing proteins. If you are trying to reduce the odour you produce, deodorants and antiperspirants do a decent job (deodorants mask the smell with a fragrance while antiperspirants reduce the amount of sweat).

Sarfraz Accepts Kohli’s Challenge In ‘Big Takra’ There will be a ‘Big Takra’ between Pakistan and India on June 4 in ICC Champions Trophy 2017 opener in Birmingham. “We will see the Indians and give our best to out play them,” says Pakistan Cricket Team Captain Sarfraz Ahmed. He said: “We accept the challenge of Virat Kohli (Indian captain) and give our 100 per cent to out perform India,” he said, adding the boys are fully prepared for the tournament and having good practice sessions. Kohli throwing a challenge to Sarfraz saying India always performed well against Pakistan and this time there will be no exception of Sarfraz guys. He told Indian media today that “India-Pakistan game is just another game and the team will prepare for it the

same way as it does for any other.” “India-Pakistan game is always exciting for the fans. Yes, the atmosphere is different but as cricketers, it’s just a game of cricket for us. The hype created around is not in our control. We prepare the same way for every other game. The atmosphere in the stadium is different but in our heads, nothing really changes whether you are playing Australia, England or South Africa.” While Kohli is banking on experienced duo – MS Dhoni and Yuvraj Singh – Sarfraz is expecting Ahmed Shahzad and Mohammad Amir to give their best in the opener against India. Let’s see who emerges victorious in this “Big Takra”.

Customers Should Be Able To Switch Mobile Providers By Text Mobile phone customers could soon be able to dump their network provider by text. Ofcom says people shouldn’t need to make a potentially long and uncomfortable phone call to their operator in order to switch networks, as they currently have to. Research conducted by the regulator also shows that these calls can often be disrupted, causing further stress. According to Ofcom, 38 per cent of people trying to switch network providers have been hit by one major problem during the process. These include temporarily losing service, issues with keeping a number and even difficulties with getting through to the mobile provider in the first place. The proposed new system, which is called Auto Switch, should save consumers time and money.


A consultation on the proposals will run until 30 June, before a final decision is made in autumn. All they would need to do is text their current provider, which would have to respond by texting back a cancellation code, or a PAC code for customers intending to keep their number, as well as relevant account information, such as early termination charges or credit. Customers can then pass their code to their new provider. Ofcom says the entire switching process could be completed within one working day. The regulator would also ban operators from charging for notice periods after the date of the switch, meaning customers will be protected from having to pay for both their old and new package at the same time.


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Types Of Biryanis That No Foodie Should Ever Miss

Hum TV Remains UK’s Top Urdu Channel

Biryani is that quintessential rice dish which is synonymous with assorted with cooked rice. A perfect main dish recipe, this biryani is good food and celebrations. Made with rice, spices, meat and veg- best served hot with raita for a tempting dinner, and is a true bliss for non-veg lovers. etables, biryani is a one-pot dish CHICKEN TIKKA BIRYANI — Chicken Tikka is a popular Punjabi preparation which is often served as a starter in parties and as an accompaniment with drinks. It is a versatile snack that can be added in a gravy and also made into a biryani. Unlike the regular biryani that uses cooked or raw meat, Chicken Tikka Biryani uses the tikka. You can make this with readymade tikkas also, but for best results, prepare them at home. If you know the right spices, you can make the perfect tikkas easily and then adding them to the biryani is a simple process. SINDHI BIRYANI — Sindhi Biryani is a Pakistani recipe made using mutton, basmati rice, yoghurt, onions, green chillies, potatoes and tomatoes. This main dish is a melange of spices like turmeric powder, paprika, cinnamon, cardamoms and dried plums. It is a great dish for buffets, parties or dinners. Try out this delicious Sindhi specialty. You can also pair it with some spicy pickle or raita of your choice. MUTTON BIRYANI — biryani is made differently in many parts of the country and is a staple food during the festival of Eid. This non-vegetarian recipe is prepared by marinating mutton in a melange of spices like cumin powder, coriander powder and star anise powder and is


HYDERABADI MUTTON BIRYANI — Kachche gosht ki biryani, also known as Hyderabadi Mutton Biryani or mutton biryani is a spicy, fragrant and colourful variant of biryani in Pakistan. The traditional style of making the biryani is by cooking the raw meat with spices for a couple of minutes and then it is covered with rice and kept on dum or under pressure until done. Try this famous lunch/dinner recipe. GOSHT DUM BIRYANI — Gosht Dum Biryani is a popular Mughlai recipe made with lamb, basmati rice, yoghurt, onions and melange of spices. This easy rice recipe can be made on special occasions and festivals and on those weekends when you want to indulge in good food. Try out this super easy Gosht Dum Biryani recipe and surprise your family and friends. This quick rice dish can also be packed in lunch boxes and can be prepared in advance for pot-lucks and picnics. Serve it with raita or shorba or even a simple cucumber and tomato salad. CHICKEN BIRYANI — Chicken Biryani is that recipe of delight which when cooked perfectly can turn into a dish par excellence. Loved by all food lovers across the world, it is one of the representative dishes of India that reminds of the culinary heritage of the regal era. Try this delicious biryani recipe.

With the number of Pakistani news and entertainment channels growing in the UK market, the general consensus puts Hum TV clearly ahead of its rivals. According to official BARB data Hum TV remains the most watched Urdu channel beating off competition from all channels in the Urdu news and entertainment genre. While audience figures have come down over the past year for Hum TV (similarly for most channels), it delivered the highest ratings in recent weeks in the genre. It fetched a weekly reach of 355,000 viewers. Its nearest rival Prime TV mustered up 316,000 viewers and Geo TV could only manage 231,000 viewers. PTV Global was next with 137,000 viewers, SEE TV with 36,000 viewers and A Plus Europe with 33,000 viewers. Star Plus maintained lead overall in the UK market with 869,000 viewers – nearly double the audience of its nearest rival, &TV. The ZEE Network owned channel raked in 460,000 viewers, followed by Colors with 429,000 viewers, Sony SAB TV with 427,000 viewers, Star Gold with 422,000 viewers, Rishtey with 392,000 viewers, Rishtey Cineplex with 383,000 viewers, Zing with 322,000 viewers and Life OK with 314,000 viewers. The next tier consisted of B4U Music with 247,000 viewers, followed by Venus TV with 144,000 viewers, ATN Bangla with 127,000 viewers, Star Utsav with 66,000 viewers and Akaal Channel with 59,000 viewers. The most watched South Asian news channel in the UK was Geo News with 267,000 viewers, followed by NDTV 24×7 with 206,000 viewers, Geo Tez with 203,000 viewers, ABP News with 181,000 viewers, Aaj Tak with 174,000 viewers, Samaa TV with 154,000 viewers, Dunya News with 136,000 viewers and Times Now and UK 44 with 97,000 viewers. News18 slumped to just 5,000 viewers.

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Dramatic Rise In Screen Time Putting Children’s Health At Risk A dramatic increase in screen time is putting children’s health at risk, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has warned. A rise in social media usage and increasing amounts of time spent in front of tablets, computers and smartphones is causing children as young as 11 to suffer an increased risk of poor health, new research revealed. The report also suggested the vast majority of young people were failing to take the recommended level of exercise each day. “It’s about reducing time being spent sedentary, and ensuring that children still have opportunity to be active. We really need to start addressing these challenges now,” says the reports lead author. Of the 42 countries studied by the WHO, Scotland came top for computer use by girls, while Wales came second for use by boys. Risks posed by the increased use of social media also included cyberbullying and sleep deprivation. Inactivity also poses the long-term risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity and Type 2 diabetes, she added. The National Obesity Forum, said the report showed adolescents “are now slaves to handheld devices”.

Beauty Sleep Really Does Exist Not getting enough sleep makes you ugly, new research suggests. Volunteers were rated less beautiful after enjoying just a few hours’ less shut-eye, according to a study at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. Photographs of men and women aged between 18 and 47 after two nights of eight hours’ sleep and two nights of four hours’ sleep were compared by a group of 122 people. These findings suggest that naturalistic sleep loss can be detected in a face and that people are less inclined to interact with a sleep-deprived individual. The volunteers were perceived to be less healthy-looking, less sociable and less intelligent after half the amount of sleep. According to research in the Royal Society Open Science journal, two bad nights of sleep is enough to make you look “significantly” more ugly, and people rate strangers as less approachable and healthy when they have tired faces. Judgement of attractiveness is often unconscious, but we all do it, and we are able to pick up on even small cues like whether someone looks tired or unhealthy. We want our partners to be attractive and energetic.

Pigeon Mail A pigeon has reportedly been caught by customs officials carrying illegal drugs in miniature backpack in Kuwait. A fabric pocket attached to the back of the bird was found to contain a total of 178 pills, reports say. Drug smugglers apparently used the animal to fly across the border from neighbouring Iraq. It was intercepted above a building near Kuwait’s customs department, according to Al Arabiya. The earliest large-scale communication network using pigeons as messengers was established in Syria and Persia around the 5th century BC. Much later, in the 12th century AD, the city of Baghdad and all the main towns and cities in Syria and Egypt were linked by messages carried by pigeons. This was the sole source of communication.

Canada Post Issues A Stamp For Eid In a move designed to celebrate Canada’s religious diversity, Canada’s national postal service has issued an official stamp honouring the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. Released last week just ahead of the commencement of Ramadan, it is the first ever stamp honouring the Muslim faith in the country’s history. After 50 years of issuing special Christmas stamps, Canada Post made the decision to reach out and embrace more of Canada’s dominant faiths in an over show of support and inclusivity. The stamp is part of a series featuring issues which also celebrate Diwali and Hanukkah. In a statement on the Canada Post website, the crown corporation explained the thought behind the series. “Together, the Eid, Diwali and Hanukkah stamps build on the tradition of Christmas stamps and depict our pride in Canada being a land of diverse faiths, customs and celebrations.”

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Scientists Decide To Bury 5000 Year-Old Lost City In Pakistan Mohenjo Daro is threatened by the baking tempretures of the Indus valley and the threat from terrorists. Archaeologists are now trying to save the remains of a 5000 year-old city by burying is again. Archaeologists are trying to save the remains of a nearly 5,000-year-old city in Pakistan by burying it again. The buried city, known as Mohenjo Daro or “mound of the dead”, was first discovered in the 1920s by an officer at the Archaeological Survey of India in what is now Sindh, Pakistan. Over the next 50 years, excavations revealed a Bronze Age city complete with a street grid and a sophisticated drainage system which included flushing toilets. The city was part of the Harappan civilisation which reached its heyday at around 2500BCE and ended in apparent destruction in around 1900BCE. No one exactly knows why the Harappan civilisation the disappeared, although theories for their extinction have included an Aryan invasion and catastrophic weather conditions such as drought. Scientists now fear the effects on the site of the intense heat of the Indus Valley. The region is facing “enormous thermo-stress”

from temperatures which can reach 46C in the summer. The site is also threatened by salt from the underground water table. Experts have also been worried by the destruction of the ancient Roman city of Palmyra in Syria by Isis, which claimed the pre-Islamic religious iconography was idolatrous. Pakistan has suffered from a rise in Islamist extremism in recent years particularly with the Taliban, who famously destroyed the Buddhas of Bamiyan in Afghanistan in 2001, active in the Swat Valley. But the biggest threat to Mohenjo Daro is the ordinary visitors who flock in their thousands to the site. During the Sindh festival in February 2014, hundreds of workers and electricians clambered over the site to set up stages, tents and install lights – hammering them into the delicate ruins with nails. The Sindh High Court was eventually forced to issue a notice to the workers telling them to take the “utmost” care with the site. Now archaeologists are saying they should abandon further attempts to excavate the site and instead leave it buried and preserved until they can find a better way to protect it.

All You’ve Been Told About Salt Is Wrong Eating too little salt can cause insulin resistance and may even increase risk of diabetes, says leading cardiovascular research scientist For more than 40 years, we’ve been told eating too much salt is killing us. Doctors say it’s as bad for our health as smoking or not exercising, and government guidelines limit us to just under a teaspoon a day.

We’re told not to cook with it and not to sprinkle it on our meals. The white stuff is not just addictive, goes the message — it’s deadly. Too much of it causes high blood pressure, which in turn damages our hearts. We must learn to live — joylessly, flavourless but healthily — without it. Well, all of that is wrong. Current daily guidelines limit you to 2.4g of sodium, which translates to 6g of salt or slightly less than a teaspoonful. If you have high blood pressure, or belong to a group considered to be at greater risk of developing it — such as being over 60 or Afro-Caribbean — doctors even advise you to cut your intake to two-thirds of a teaspoon of salt per day. Yet salt is an essential nutrient that our bodies depend on to live. And those limits go against all our natural instincts. When people are allowed as much salt as they fancy, they tend to settle at about a teaspoon-and-a-half a day. This is true all over the world, across all cultures, climates and social backgrounds. If you’ve been struggling to cut your intake, it may come as a relief to learn your salt cravings are normal, a biological need similar to our thirst for water. We are essentially salty people. We cry salt, we sweat salt and the cells in our bodies are bathed in salty fluids. Without salt we’d not be able to live. And it’s not only our bodies that work this way. A need for salt drives the elephants of Kenya to walk into the pitch-black caves of Mount Elgon to lick sodium sulphate salt crystals off the walls.

Gorillas have been known to follow elephants to eat the salt-rich droppings, while monkeys that groom one another don’t do so to eat fleas, but to enjoy their salty skin secretions. Salt is so fundamental to life that a deficiency of it acts as a natural contraceptive in all sorts of animals, including us. A diet low in salt reduces the sex-drive, inhibits the chances of getting pregnant and affects the birth weight of infants. Clinical studies show that low-salt diets can increase the risk of erectile dysfunction, fatigue and the age at which females become fertile. Salt helps the body withstand accidents and other traumas. Besides excessive bleeding, we experience a loss of other fluids in states of shock — for example, from burns. As the injured areas soak up fluids to speed healing, the body needs its salt reserves to keep the blood circulating and fend off vascular collapse. So why do almost all doctors tell us that salt is bad for us? The orthodox medical view on salt is based on a straightforward hypothesis, which says eating higher levels of salt leads to higher levels of blood pressure — end of story. But as with so many simplistic health theories, this is based on a fundamental misunderstanding, compounded by faulty science. The faulty hypothesis goes like this: when we eat salt, we get thirsty, so we drink more water. The excess salt causes the body to hold on to that water to dilute the saltiness of the blood. That water retention increases blood volume, which leads to higher blood pressure, and thus to heart disease, strokes and other serious conditions. Although this makes sense in theory, there’s a problem: the facts don’t back it up. Evidence in medical literature suggests approximately 80 percent of people with normal blood pressure do not suffer any signs of raised blood pressure — none at all — when they increase their salt intake. Among those with prehypertension, or higher blood pressure, three quarters are not sensitive to salt. And even among those with full-blown high blood pressure, more than half — about 55 percent — are totally immune to salt’s effects. The dangerous myth that salt raises blood pressure began more than 100 years ago, with French scientists Ambard and Beauchard. They based their findings on studies of just six patients. Successive researchers misinterpreted and misused their data, building on a theory that earned media attention without any solid foundation in fact.

New Legacy Park College Opens Professor Lord Robert Winston, the world famous pioneer of in vitro fertilisation, opened the UTC Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park college at an official ceremony to launch the new facility for 14-19 year old students. The flagship £10-million-pound building is located on the visionary Olympic Legacy Park and will provide a unique experience for students to study adjacent to elite athletes and professional sports people. The UTC will benefit from cutting-edge facilities such as a threedimensional motion capture studio, a sports science laboratory, a fitness suite, a health and development suite, together


with research and computing labs. The specialisms of health sciences and computing have been chosen specifically to address key skills shortages, not just in the UK but globally, and will give students an excellent route into employment or higher education.

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Pakistan Suffers $123 Billion In Losses In War Against Terrorism The war against terrorism continues to financially bleed Pakistan as the country had to spend $123.13 billion, equivalent to Rs 10.373 trillion, in direct and indirect cost due to incidents of terrorism in last 16 years, says Economic Survey of Pakistan 2016-17. However, due to improved security situation, the losses are gradually declining. During the fiscal year 2015-16, the expenditures declined by 29.8% while during July-March 2016-17, it declined by 40.2% which reflects the effectiveness of the efforts to eliminate terrorism and extremism from the country, the survey revealed. The report says that due to war in Afghanistan, Pakistan has faced the most serious consequences from political to security, socio-economic and environmental over the decades. From hosting millions of refugees to being a major victim of terrorism, the cumulative impact has been enormous in the


shape of adverse overall growth rate in all major sectors of the economy. Pakistan continues to be a target of terrorism, including foreign-sponsored terrorism from its immediate neighbourhood. A substantial portion of precious national resources, both men and material, had to be diverted to address the security challenges and to repair the damaged infrastructure during the last many years. In addition to economic losses, cross-border terrorism in Pakistan has inflicted untold human suffering resulting from indiscriminate and brutal terrorist attacks against the civilian population, the report says. Despite the conflict and continuing instability in Afghanistan that has been an impediment to regional peace and development, Pakistan has achieved progressive and significant improvement in the country’s overall security landscape in the recent years. This has been accomplished largely due to successful counterterrorism efforts of the government under the framework of the national action plan, backed by an extensive and highly effective counterterrorism operation Zarb-eAzb by the armed forces and actions by other security and law enforcement agencies and intelligence-based operations across the country. After successful completion of Zarb-e-Azb, a country-wide operation Radd-ulFassad has been launched for eliminating any residual or latent threats. In this backdrop, success in counterterrorism has played a critical role in creating a conducive economic environment whose results have now started appearing in terms of growth across different segments of the economy.

Pakistanis, On Average, Earn $1,629 A Year Pakistans per capita income rose 6.4 percent to $1629 in the current fiscal year of 2016/2017 from ÂŁ1531. The per capita income grew 2.9 percent in 2015/2016 over the preceding fiscal year. Pakistan is now a $300-billion economy. The government has stated that Pakistan has achieved 5.3% economic growth, the highest in the decade, on the back of recovery in the agriculture sector and better performance in the services sector.

WhatsApp global video calling statistics! WhatsApp, the world’s largest messaging app with over 1.2 billion monthly active users, following the recent launch of its video calling feature, now releases video calling statistics for its users worldwide. According the report, users make 55 million video calls per day along with a total of over 340 million video calling minutes per day. Apart from the above, Android users are now getting a dedicated video calling button in the latest update. Previously, there would be a single calling button. Long pressing the button would release the option to either make a video or voice call over WhatsApp. Now, users will enjoy a dedicated video call button on the top panel alongside the regular calling icon. This new feature is now available to 100 percent of users. More than 1 billion people in over 180 countries use WhatsApp to stay in touch with friends and family, anytime and anywhere. WhatsApp is free and offers simple, secure, reliable messaging and calling, available on phones all over the world.

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More Than 300,000 Children Migrate Solo Worldwide Authorities have documented more than 300,000 children migrating alone worldwide over a two-year period, marking a dramatic escalation of a trend that has forced many young refugees into slavery and prostitution, the U.N. children’s agency has said. UNICEF said the recorded number of children traveling unaccompanied had risen nearly fivefold since 2010-11, coinciding with a major increase in refugees worldwide. The figure includes only solo children who were registered at a border or as part of an asylum claim, and the actual total is believed to be much higher. Those who survived the journeys recounted harrowing stories of abuse along the way. “Ruthless smugglers and traffickers are exploiting

their vulnerability for personal gain, helping children to cross borders, only to sell them into slavery and forced prostitution. It is unconscionable that we are not adequately defending children from these predators,” UNICEF. UNICEF called on the Group of Seven richest nations to commit to better safeguarding their rights by ceasing to detain children, saying that children made up nearly a third of trafficking victims worldwide, with a high risk of experiencing violence or sexual abuse. Four of the G7 countries are members of the European Union, which saw some 1.6 million refugees and migrants from the Middle East, Africa and beyond reach its shores in 2014-16.

Transforming The Lives Of 1500 Street Children As a timeless saying goes, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”. Syeda Anfas Ali, the founder of the Footpath School Karachi, made it her life’s mission to put those exact words into action. In a country where approximately 1.2 million children either spend their nights on the street or earn a living on the streets to support their families back home, Syeda Anfas’s inspiring initiative seeks to uplift the children who live on the streets, in Karachi and interior Sindh. With an estimate of 25 million children in Pakistan being out of school and deprived of a basic human right i.e. education, Syeda Anfas came up with the idea of the Foothpath School. In the aftermath of the APS School terrorist attack, she vowed that children from poor backgrounds deserved better and it was up to her to do her bit in this regard. She started by merely gathering one or two children from the streets of Karachi and teaching them by herself and out of her own resources.

Leaving behind her own well-established business and comfortable lifestyle, the founder of the Foothpath School devoted more and more of her time and efforts towards educating, grooming, and ultimately uplifting the long forgotten children of the streets. What started out as a mere desire to prevent street children from becoming beggars, drug addicts and victims of abuse through education and literacy, has now become known as the Footpath School, with approximately seven branches in various localities of Karachi and interior Sindh. Syeda’s school network now hosts a total of 1500 street children. The challenges, though many, have not deterred Syeda Anfas Ali from carrying out her mission. Even with limited resources and a culture of indifference, she has marched on and worked towards transforming the lives of these unfortunate souls. Syeda Anfas expects to see more success and transformations in the subsequent years, while her inspiring journey sheds light on the fact that the only way to see a change in the world is by taking the first step.

Sea Levels Are Rising At Triple The Pace Since 1990 Meltwater from the vast ice sheets on Greenland and Antarctica is increasing the rate A new scientific analysis finds that the Earth’s oceans are rising nearly three times as rapidly as they were throughout most of the 20th century, one of the strongest indications yet that a much feared trend of not just sea level rise, but its acceleration, is now underway. “We have a much stronger acceleration in sea level rise than formerly thought,” said a researcher with the University of Siegen in Germany who led the study along. The paper, just out in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, isn’t the first to find that the rate of rising seas is itself increasing — but it finds a bigger rate of increase than in past studies – now three times as fast as before 1990. The new paper concludes that before 1990, oceans were rising at about 1.1 millimetres per year, or just 0.43 inches per decade. From 1993 through 2012, though, it finds that they rose at 3.1 millimetres per year, or 1.22 inches per decade. The cause is that sea level rise throughout much of the 20th century was driven by the melting of land-based glaciers and the expansion of seawater as it warms, but sea level rise in the 21st century has now, on top of that,


added in major contributions from the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica. Studying the changing rate of sea level rise is complicated by the fact that scientists only have a precise satellite record of its rate going back to the early 1990s. Before that, the records rely on tide gauges spread around the world in various locations. But sea level rise varies widely in different places, due to the rising and sinking of land, large-scale gravitational effects on the waters of the globe and other local factors. So scientists have struggled to piece together a longer record that merges together what we know from satellites with these older sources of information. An acceleration of sea level rise, after all, is an expected consequence of ongoing global warming, and there are projections that it could rise as high as five to 15 millimetres per year in extreme climate warming scenarios. Just how much control we are able to exert over the rate of sea level rise will critically depend on how rapidly global greenhouse gas emissions come down in coming years — making the entire outlook closely tied to whether the United States sticks with the rest of the world in honouring the Paris climate agreement.

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How Apple Cider Vinegar Can Help Weight Loss, Fitness And More Looking for a new herbal remedy to help you lose weight or even control spots? Then you should consider the beauty saviour, the apple cider vinegar. An unusual choice, admittedly, to take as part of your beauty or fitness regime. But, it appears apple cider vinegar contains a variety of useful benefits. Created from cider or apple must, the vinegar has an amber colour. It also contains “mother of vinegar” which gives it a cobweb-like appearance. Before known for its benefits, it was mainly used as an ingredient for salads or even chutneys. Apple cider vinegar has long been the herbal remedy for health and fitness. Find out how it can aid digestion, acne breakouts and weight loss. Weight Loss One of the biggest claims surrounding apple cider vinegar involves aiding weight loss. But, how does it exactly help you shed the pounds? However, it’s not an overnight process. It should be taken as part of your daily diet. Mixing the vinegar with a glass of water for a drink before meals can help you feel fuller, meaning you will eat less. Apple cider vinegar contains high levels of pectin, coming from the apples. Pectin in your diet encourages the feeling of fullness. Also, the vinegar helps break down amino acids faster due to its acidic nature. Not only will quicken digestion, it means proteins become more available to go into your system. It also acts as a great source of potassium, which is needed for a healthy diet. Fitness With summer approaching, many will soon begin their fitness regime to get that perfect beach body. Or, regardless of the season, some may start improving their fitness due to losing weight or improving their health. But, fitness comes with many difficulties, such as tiredness. Especially during the early stages of a regime. When you feel tired from a workout, it can feel too tempting to make an early stop and even put off the next visit to the gym for a much later date. However, apple cider vinegar can fend off the effects of tiredness for a while longer. By adding it to your bottle of water after a workout session and drinking the mixture, the amino acids from the vinegar act as a tonic to lactic acid. Thus, preventing the onset of fatigue. Facial Toner Trying to combat spot-prone skin? Apple cider vinegar can act as a surprising

tool to help clean the skin and unclog pores, which can lead to acne. The vinegar helps to balance the pH of the skin and breaks up dead skin cells. Not only does this open up pores, but will create a fresher complexion to your skin. It’s recommended to use apple cider vinegar after washing your skin. Dab on the vinegar around your face with cotton wool. This can even help to remove makeup. You can also add it to a hot bath, where it can remove toxins from the skin. Digestion Issues Many people can often suffer from the effects of indigestion and bloating. Whether through conditions such as IBS or an intolerance, digestion often sways some away from certain foods. However, apple cider vinegar can help reduce this uncomfortable feeling. Mixing a tablespoon of the vinegar with a cup of water can ward off indigestion if you drink it before a meal. Add a drop of honey for a sweeter taste. It also supposedly helps tackle heartburn. This could result from the vinegar raising your stomach’s acidic levels, leading to increased digestion. The concoction also works well for an upset stomach, particularly when ginger is added to it. Improving Hair Another surprising benefit of using apple cider vinegar involves your hair. It can support the growth of hair, enriching it to give glossy, healthy locks. Shampoo and conditioner are notorious for unsettling the pH of scalps. Using them too much can remove the natural oils in the hair. This leaves locks becoming greasy quickly and appearing lifeless. However, the acid in apple cider vinegar can restore this pH back to its balance. By applying it to your scalp, the vinegar can improve the quality of your hair. But, it has to become part of your hair care routine. It’s advisable to add the vinegar to your hair after shampooing. Afterwards, rinse with cold water. Over time, your hair should become restored to a healthy condition.

The Queen Has A Top Secret Facebook Account It's the sort of friend request we dream of pinging up on our notifications. Just because the Queen is the head of the British monarchy, it doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy the same pleasures the rest of us simple, common folk do. Although she may seem like the last person on earth you'd expect to be on Facebook, the fact is Elizabeth II is a fully signed-up member - and on a page she set up herself. Yes, she may be 91 but she's far from being a Luddite. She enjoys the use of a laptop, iPad and a highly sophisticated, lightweight encrypted mobile which is said to be hacker-proof and probably makes your iPhone 7 look like a clumsy brick. The Queen has an account with the highest and most stringent privacy settings and secret friend list. The Queen blatantly has more than that, although no one outside of Buckingham palace knows the actual number. Much like her mum, the Queen likes to talk, and the two people she'll chat to the most via her numerous gadgets are said to be her daughter Princess Anne and her racing manager, John Warren. He is thought to be the only person in the world to get

PTV Global To Be Converted Into Children Entertainment Channel Pakistan Ministry of Information is planning to change PTV Global to a children’s entertainment channel. This will be Pakistan’s first ever official TV channel that caters to children. Minister of Information, Maryam Aurangzeb shared the news, saying; “This move [to establish a children’s channel] is aimed at promoting children entertainment industry in order to create awareness among children about their rights, culture, tradition and values. Several meetings have been held with

prominent broadcasting industry people and soon the plan for converting the PTV Global into children’s channel will be implemented.” The initiative had Never Considered by The Government Until Now. She added that to date, the government has never worked on establishing a children’s entertainment network over the last 35 years. The government will spare no effort in educating the children and the country’s youth through our national heritage. The film industry is also being revived as per PM Nawaz’s orders, said the minister. She continued, “Globally, countries are using their film industry for creating awareness among youth about important social issues and also for conveying powerful social messages.” Bringing the terrorism discussion at the forefront, she said that the country has been under a constant terrorist threat since the last 30 years. It has decreased the level of tolerance among the general public, said the minister. The media can play an important role in this regard by presenting a positive image of Pakistan and its society. Media should aid the government in creating and promoting a positive image of our country, said Ms. Aurangzeb.

Whatsapp Is Testing An ‘Unsend’ Feature For Messages Almost everyone will have sent a message they wished they could take back – but those days of WhatsApp regret could soon be over. Whether it’s a text to an ex, a typo-laden message to a colleague or client, or a text to a family member that was meant for your partner, there’s no shortage of texts that we’d like to unsigned. Fortunately, the latest rumour is that WhatsApp is working on exactly that feature. The hugely popular messaging app will soon get a “recall” option and several names for the feature have been tested, including “unsend” and “revoke”. Apparently the icon is already available in the WhatsApp beta for Android 2.17.171, but it’s disabled by default. Recall will be available on the iOS beta with the next update. The feature seemingly allows users to recall/unsend a message that’s been delivered to another user. Right


put through to the Queen immediately wherever she is. Given her lifelong love of horses, this doesn't come as too much of a surprise. Being the Queen, she also never has to suffer the indignity and inconvenience of running out of phone battery. This is because the Royal mobile is kept charged at all times by Angela Kelly, the Queen's personal assistant and senior dresser. We love the idea of the Queen being on Facebook, and hope she uses it to its full potential in the same way we do.

now, there’s no way of scrapping a sent message once it’s arrived on someone else’s phone. But it wouldn’t be a huge surprise for WhatsApp to add such a feature. Facebook owns both WhatsApp and Instagram, the latter of which already has an unsend option for direct messages. There’s no reason why the same basic idea couldn’t be ported over to WhatsApp too. However, don’t forget that just because a feature is being tested doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed to make it to the live version of software. It’s entirely possible that WhatsApp will never get a proper recall feature, and we’ll be resigned to a life of actually thinking about what we type before we hit send. The horror... WhatsApp launched in January 2009, and now serves over one billion users globally. The company was bought out by Facebook in February 2014 for the huge sum of $19.3 billion.

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Molana M Aslam Zahid donating sawing machines during his recent visit to Bagh, Azad Kashmir...

250 1 (Reg Charity No: 1139948) 600 2 10 June 2017 5

250 1 50 600 2 700 50 3 700 4










Join with us and become closer to Allah in this blessed month to increase your blessings ÂŁ250 supports an orphan and brings you closer to the Holy Prophet (pbuh) in Jannah ÂŁ600 supports a family with no income and is equivalent to increased blessings from prayers ÂŁ50 buys a sewing machine - an essential source of income for a widow or young orphan girl ÂŁ700 helps a derelict mosque prosper again and reinforces your iman for the here and after ÂŁ2000 helps finance the marriage of an orphan girl and you gain blessings for yourself and our family By making provision for Sehri and Iftar for the needy in the Holy month of Ramadan you can gain forgiveness and sawaab from those fasts and work towards a place in

Yorkshire Bank, Account Number: 19842710 Sort Code: 05 08 58

The prophet saw said “Whoever helps any muslim and makes them happy in the process, they have made me happy. Whosoever makes me happy has made Allah happy. And whosoever makes Allah happy, Allah will provide a place in Jannah for him�.

Alhabib Welfare Foundation is a UK registered international relief and development charity. It was founded by Molana Aslam Zahid who is the imam of Usmania Education Centre and the Vice Chairman of Jamiat Ulma-e-Britain. With your support Alhabib Welfare Foundation aims to help poor families, orphans, and widows across Pakistan and other countries around the world. We ensure 100% of your donation reaches the poor. Please donate generously on the above account number or online by visiting our website...


Yorkshire Bank, Account Number: Molana M Aslam Zahid visited

Join with us and become closer to Madressa during his recent all help the poor, disabled, 19842710local 05 08 58Cwoidomewsleat nusd orphan visitSort to Bagh,Code: Azad Kashmir... s who desperately Allah in this blessed month to nd gain the approval elp,a h r u o need of Allah the Almighty increase your blessings Alhabib Welfare Foundation is a UK ÂŁ250 supports an orphan and brings You can give your Zakaat, Sadaqatul registered international relief and Fitra to help towards our ongoing you closer to the Holy Prophet development charity. It was founded su bypport of these needy families. (pbuh) in Jannah Molana Aslam Zahid who is the imam of invite you to come and be a part of We Alhabib a good and worth cause and gain ÂŁ600 supports a family withWelfare no Foundation Usmania Education Centre and the Vice ssed bleAslam Allah and theM nearness to Molana Zahid visited is relying this Messenger (peace be upon him). income and is equivalent to on your support Chairm Ramadan to help survivors of the an of Jamiat Ulma-e-Bri tain. during his recent the opportunity ering you Madressa We are offlocal Pakistan floods. Donate your Zakat increased blessings from prayers to extend your good practice in the Withandyour support Alhabib Welfare visit to Bagh, Azad Kashmir... and Sadaqa to us this Ramadan month of Ramadan by gaining it to help orphans, widows we will use ÂŁ50 buys a sewing machine an Foundation aims to help poor families, sawaab for helping our fellow and those who are in need. Muslims who need your help. essential source of income for a orphans, and widows across Pakistan PROJECTS and MAIN other countries around the world. widow or young orphan girl We ensure 100% of your donation ÂŁ700 helps a derelict mosque reaches the poor. Please donate generously prosper again and reinforces your on the above account number or online iman for the here and after by visiting our website... ÂŁ2000 helps finance Molana M Aslam Zahid donatedthe marriage of computers during his recent an orphan girl and you gain visit to Bagh, Azad Kashmir... Alhabib Widows Zakat Education blessings for yourself and ourOrphans family Welfare Foundation By making provision for Sehri and Tel: 01142811927, 07894540303 is relying on your support this Iftar for the needy in theMob: Holy month Ramadan to help survivors of the E-mail:enquiries@alhabibwelfarefoundation.co.uk of Ramadan you can gain Pakistan floods. Donate your Zakat forgiveness and sawaab from those Web: www.alhabibwelfarefoundation.co.uk and Sadaqa to us this Ramadan and fasts and work towards a place in we will use it to help orphans, widows 250 and those who are in need. 250

The prophet saw said “Whoever helps any muslim and makes them happy in the process, they have made me happy. Whosoever makes me happy has made Allah happy. And whosoever makes Allah happy, Allah will provide a place in Jannah for him�. Come let us all help the poor, disabled, widows and orphans who desperately need our help,and gain the approval of Allah the Almighty You can give your Zakaat, Sadaqatul Fitra to help towards our ongoing support of these needy families. We invite you to come and be a part of a good and worth cause and gain nearness to Allah and the blessed Messenger (peace be upon him). We are offering you the opportunity to extend your good practice in the month of Ramadan by gaining sawaab for helping our fellow Muslims who need your help.


Molana M Aslam Zahid donated computers during his recent visit to Bagh, Azad Kashmir...

Orphans Widows Tel: 01142811927, Mob: 07894540303 E-mail:enquiries@alhabibwelfarefoundation.co.uk Web: www.alhabibwelfarefoundation.co.uk

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Specialist In New & Part Worn Tyres


Specialist In New & Part Worn Tyres Specialist In New & Part Worn Tyres




1a Senior Road 1a Specialist In New & Part Worn Tyres seryT nroW traP & weN nI tsilaSenior icDarnall epSRoad Darnall ShefÞeld Specialist Worn Specialist In New & Part Worn Tyres In New ser& yTPart nro traPTyres & weNrecreation nI tsilaiGround,sheffield, c epS vIsIt tHe stores: 703 staniforth road, darnall, sheffield, s9 7re /W Beighton Welfare s20 1ed ShefÞeld S9 4PN Specialist In New & Part Worn Tyres S9 4PN Tel 0114 2618979 1a Senior Road Tel 0114 2618979 Mobile 07966 234907 Specialist In New & Part Worn Tyres seryT nroW traP & weN nI tMobile silaicDarnall epS 234907 07966 seryTyres T nroW traP & wShefÞeld eN nI tsilaicepS st In New & Part Worn Tyres Specialist In New & Part Worn 120 St Marys s e r y T n r o W t r a P & w e N4PN nI tRoad silaicepS S9 st In New & Part Worn Tyres Specialist In New & Part Worn Tyres 120 St Marys Road Town centre 0114 2618979 Specialist In New & Part WornTel Tyres Town centre MobileShefÞeld 07966 234907 Specialist In New & Part Worn Tyres ShefÞeld S2 4AW Specialist In New & Part Worn Tyres s e r y T n r o W t r a P & w e N n I tsilaicepS st In New & Part Worn Tyres S2 4AW Tel 0114 3272252 120 St Marys Road Specialist In New & Part Worn TelTyres 0114 3272252 Mobile 07971406145 Town centre MobileShefÞeld 07971406145 Specialist In New & Part Worn Tyres Storforth Lane S2 4AW Storforth Lane Birdholme Tel 0114 3272252 Birdholme ChesterÞeld Mobile 07971406145 Storforth Mobile 07530 550566 ChesterÞeld Mobile 07530 550566 S40 2TU Lane Birdholme

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