May edition 2018 ILMNEWS

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What Happens Sindh - Baloch CUT To Our Body PIECE Forum When We Feel Hungry Page 10 Page 17

Sajid Javid Is New Home Secretary After Rudd Resigns Prime Minister Theresa May named Sajid Javid, the son of a Pakistani bus driver, the new Home Secretary following Amber Rudd’s resignation for “inadvertently misleading” MPs over targets for removing illegal immigrants. Javid, whose family came to the UK in the 1960s, is currently Communities, Local Government and Housing Secretary, reports the BBC. He is also the first member of an ethnic minority to hold the position. The 48-year-old former investment banker and MP for Bromsgrove had also served as the Business and Culture Secretaries. “The Queen has been pleased to approve the appointment of the Sajid Javid MP as Secretary of State for the Home Department,” the Downing Street said. Rudd handed her resignation papers to May on Sunday night. Her exit followed weeks of revelations about the treatment of “Windrush generation” of Caribbean immi-

READ INSIDE Page 22-23

grants, who settled legally in post-war Britain but whose right-to-remain has been questioned, and controversy over the government’s “hostile environment” immigration policy. Following Javid’s promotion, the Downing Street also announced that former Northern Ireland Secretary James Brokenshire will return to the cabinet as Housing, Communities and Local Government Secretary. Javid, who first entered Parliament in 2010 and supported remaining in the European Union despite being regarded as a Eurosceptic, led the government’s response to last year’s Grenfell fire disaster. Rudd’s resignation after the Guardian revealed that in a leaked 2017 letter to May, Rudd had told the Prime Minister of her intention to increase deportations by 10 per cent, seemingly at odds with her denials that she was aware of deportation targets.

Sheffield City Region’s Mayoral Contest

On 3 May, the Sheffield City Region Combined Authority will elect its first ‘metro mayor’. Although the mayor will preside over a devolution deal with no powers and funding, this is a contest that is worth watching. The Sheffield City Region Combined Authority (SCRCA) mayoral election is a unique case within England. Whilst the other 6 ‘metro mayors’ were elected a year ago, the SCRCA contest had to be delayed by a year due to issues related to the geography of the city region devolution deal and the status of its constituent and non-constituent members. In short, a devolution deal was signed and agreed back in 2015. However, when Chesterfield and Bassetlaw pulled out after a High Court ruling, the powers and money attached to the original deal were put into question, and the mayoral elections had to be postponed. This also sparked squabbles between the four remaining (all Labour) constituent members of the Combined Authority on the way forward – showing how local leaders struggled to get on and work together, and raising concerns as to how and whether they would make a devolution deal work. As a result of this, in fact, the new metro mayor who will be elected in a few days time will have next to no new powers and funding (and no salary or staff, for that matter). The metro mayor’s first task will be precisely that of bringing together local leaders within the CA and to mediate (both locally and at the centre) so as to put the final seal on the devolution deal.

Who is standing for the SCRCA mayor post, and why? Overall, seven candidates are standing: David Allen (English Democrats); Mick Bower (Yorkshire Party); Naveen Judah (South Yorkshire Save Our NHS); Dan Jarvis (Labour and Co-operative Party); Hannah Kitching (Liberal Democrats); Robert Murphy (Green Party) and Ian Walker (Conservatives). The low-key campaign started to revive slightly only over the past couple of weeks, when the candidates participated in hustings events targeted to the business community and the wider public. It will be interesting to see what will happen once the mayor is in office. Dan Jarvis wants to lead the SCRCA. But his ultimate goal is that of achieving a One Yorkshire Deal, which has recently been put forward by 18 out of 20 local authorities in Yorkshire, following an invitation by Sajid Javid. In essence, Jarvis is standing on a platform that aims at ensuring that SCRCA could join a Yorkshirewide deal by 2020 if this was accepted by central government. And, since Labour has allowed him to keep his MP role if he was elected as mayor, Jarvis also promises to use his role in parliament to lobby the government and push for a One Yorkshire devolution deal. If he is successful in championing the Yorkshire-wide proposal designed by local authorities across the region, we could see an important shift in the devolution agenda in England — from a top-down to a bottom-up system, built on economic as well as identity motifs and with a much wider, regional scale.

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Sharp Increases In Knife And Gun Crime Revealed Police have registered sharp increases in knife and gun crime, official figures have revealed, fuelling fresh concern over spiralling levels of violence. Forces in England and Wales also recorded rises in homicide and robbery last year as statisticians warned “high-harm” offences were on the rise. The findings prompted scrutiny of the Government’s efforts to make Britain’s streets safer, while Labour seized on the data to pile fresh pressure on ex Home Secretary Amber Rudd after she faced calls to resign over the Windrush scandal. Ministers said overall levels of crime are stable but acknowledged some of the rise in police-recorded violence is genuine. Data released by the Office for National Statistics showed forces logged 39,598 offences involving a knife or sharp instrument in 2017, a 22% increase compared with the previous year, and the highest number registered since comparable records started in 2010. Firearms-related offences were also up, by 11%, to 6,604 recorded crimes. These offences tend to be disproportionately concentrated in London and other metropolitan areas, the ONS said, but it added that the majority of police force areas saw rises in these types of violent crime. Homicide was up by 54, or 9%, to a total of 653, when cases linked to the Hillsborough disaster and last year’s terror attacks were excluded. In the overall category of “violence against the person”, there were 1.3 million crimes logged, a rise of a fifth on the number in 2016. Recorded burglary and robbery offences went up by 9% and 33% respectively, while the separate Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) showed a 17% jump in vehicle thefts. There was also a 25% rise in the number of recorded sexual offences, with 145,397 registered last year. In total, police recorded 5.4 million offences, a 13% year-on-year rise. Labour accused the Tories of “creating the conditions for crime to thrive”. Shadow policing minister Louise Haigh said: “The Home Secretary has comprehensively failed to protect the public. “Whether it’s Windrush citizens or victims of violent crime, the Home Secretary has repeatedly refused to acknowledge the evidence staring her in the face.”

Sheffield Primary Schools Will Suffer From Funding Cuts More than 20 primary schools in Sheffield will have over £75,000 cut from their budgets by 2020. New figures have revealed that most primary schools in Sheffield will have their budgets slashed by tens of thousands of pounds. The cuts come under the Government’s new national funding formula with most schools set to lose thousands by the time it is fully implemented. In Sheffield the new funding formula will not be introduced straight away, instead the council will phase the implementation for schools from next year. However, the city’s secondary schools will have their budgets increased by up to £1m under the formula. By 2020/21, all but a handful of primaries will be losing tens of thousands of pounds.

More Than £125,000 Bus Lane Fines Issued To Drivers In Sheffield More than 125,000 fines for driving in bus lanes have been issued to motorists in Sheffield over the last three years, new figures reveal. That would have generated over £7.5 million for Sheffield Council were all those penalty charge notices (PCNs) paid in full at £60, rather than at the half-price rate for quick payment. The RAC obtained a breakdown of fines issued during the calendar years 2015, 2016 and 2017 in Sheffield and other major cities across the UK, using the Freedom of Information Act.

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New £40m Wing Opened At Sheffield Childrens Hospital Patients at Sheffield Children's Hospital have been transferred to a new £40m wing. The new block has three 24-bed wards, two surgical and one medical. Even before opening, the new wing has won two awards – one from Design Week and one from Building Better Healthcare. It also has a specialist burns unit and includes rooms for children who need to be isolated to prevent infections, such as bone marrow transplant patients Young patients from Yorkshire and beyond will be getting some of the best care in the world, thanks to new international-class hospital facilities opening in Sheffield.

The new wing includes four new wards with award-winning artwork, therapy rooms, a patient dining room, a parent relaxation room, a teenager hangout room and has a Play Tower right at its heart. All 72 new children’s beds have a fold-out bed next to them, giving parents a comfortable place to stay with their child. In addition, many patients will get individual rooms with en-suite bathrooms. Sheffield Children's Hospital opened in 1876 and has provided NHS services since 1948. More than £10m of the project was raised by The Children's Hospital Charity

Sheffield Drivers Warned About Crash For Cash Scams On Snake Pass Sheffield drivers have been warned about a reported 'cash for crash' scheme on Snake's Pass. A motorist reported to Glossop Online that a dark green Vauxhall estate car had been spotted parking on a blind bend. They said that the two occupants on board were 'repeatedly stopping on blind bends' in what they suspected was a cash for crash scam. A 'crash for cash' scheme involves a staged 'accident' to make fraudulent and exaggerated insurance claims for vehicle damage, personal injury and other 'costs'. Where one vehicle hits

Drivers Who Park On Pavements May Face Fine Motorists in Sheffield who park their cars on the pavement could be fined under new rules being considered by highway bosses. The rule has already been place in London for more than 40 years but Department for Transport (DfT) officials are hoping to expand it across the country. Bosses are wanting the law brought in to prevent

vehicles from blocking paths and causing difficulties for wheelchair users, people with pushchairs and blind pedestrians. The proposal has been suggested by DfT previously with drivers potentially hit with £70 fines for mounting the kerb but were never introduced.

Knife Bin Launched In Spital Hill The knife bin in South Yorkshire has been installed outside the Lighthouse on Handley Street, Burngreave (in Spital Hill) to help rid the area of knives and other weapons and stop the violence associated with them. The knife bin, funded by the South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner, Dr Alan Billings, was unveiled at a short ceremony last month. The Rock Christian Centre and the South Yorkshire Christian Police Association applied for the funding which came from the commissioner’s small grants scheme. Dr Alan Billings said: “We have been anxious for some time about the number of people who carry knives and the growth in the incidence of stabbings. In some instances this has led to horrific injuries and even death. This is a national as well as a South Yorkshire issue.” “People carry knives because they think it gives them protection, whereas in fact they are more likely to become a victim. “This knife bin will provide people with a safe place to dispose of any weapons or unwanted knives and make Sheffield a safer place. The first knife bin in Sheffield was launched in 2016

in Broadfield park which was the first in South Yorkshire. The initiative was launched alongside education and sports classes, with the late Cheryl Robertson at the forefront. Sadly Cheryl died soon afterwards, but her legacy in ‘drop the knife, Get a Life’ has had huge success in educating young kids through sport and training..

another from behind, it’s usually the driver of the car behind that’s deemed to be at fault. So in 'crash for cash' scams the aim is to deliberately stage or induce an accident for which the other (following) driver can be blamed. The AA have warned that cash for crash schemes costs 'honest policy holders' an average of £50 on every annual premium. Experts have warned that gangs target vehicles that are the most likely to have insurance and drivers 'least likely to cause a scene'.

New Islamabad Airport Finally Inaugurated Pakistan Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi officially inaugurated the new Islamabad International Airport on 1st May, the first greenfield airport of Pakistan destined to emerge as one of Asia’s major aviation hubs after its operationalisation. The premier said that he hoped the new airport was a source of development for area, and helped bring trade and jobs for the people of the region. Equipped with cutting-edge technologies and state-of-the-art facilities for passengers to meet the 21st-century challenges, the IIA is also the largest airport of Pakistan. It is capable of serving nine million passengers and 50,000 metric tons cargo every year in its first phase, while the modular designs enables the expansion to serve up to 25 million passengers every year by 2025. The airport project was conceived initially in 1984 for which land was acquired in Fateh Jang the same year to cater need to the increasing passenger load at the Benazir Bhutto International Airport. The current annual turnover of passengers

at the Benazir Bhutto International Airport is about 4.5 million. The number of passengers is growing by 14 per cent annually as compared to national air passenger growth rate of less than four per cent,” said Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). Constructed at a cost of more than Rs100 billion, the airport is connected to twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad via Kashmir Highway and Motorway via Thallian interchange. A fourlane highway has also been constructed by the National Highway Authority (NHA) to cater to cargo traffic. Spanning over 4,238 acres of land, the airport consists of four-level passenger terminal building, two runways, taxiways, apron and parking bays for wide-body aircraft.

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Windrush: What Exactly Is A British Citizen? various degrees of residency rights when they came to Britain. How does citizenship differ to ‘indefinite leave to remain’ status? The main difference between ‘indefinite leave to remain’ and citizenship is that only the latter grants full permanent rights. For example, someone with permanent residency can have that status end if [they go] abroad for two years or more. While someone with permanent residency can live, work, pay full tax and move like any citizen, they may be unable to take part in elections and they would not have a British passport. How do you become a British citizen? The most common way is by naturalisation, but there are specific requirements. You must: be 18 or over be of good character continue to live in the UK have met the knowledge of English and life in the UK – a test on British customs – requirements meet the residency requirement have been in the UK exactly five years before the day the Home Office receives your application You can also register as a British citizen if you are eligible. These are the requirements: you have another form of British nationality; you were born before 1 January 1983 to a British mother; you were born to a British father, even if he was not married to your mother; you were born in the UK on or after 1 January 1983; you’re under 18 and don’t fit into the other categories; you have a connection with Gibraltar or Hong Kong; you’re stateless. Why do some people not apply for British citizenship? In most cases for those who haven’t applied for citizenship, it is because the issue of their status has not come up. It also costs a lot of money. The life in the UK test costs £50 but applying for citizenship by naturalisation is £1,330. The price includes the processing of the application and a citizenship ceremony fee which is refunded if your application is denied or withdrawn. Can you be stripped of British citizenship? It is not common practice. But the Government technically owns your passport and has the power to withdraw it. British citizenship can be stripped in only fairly extreme cases, often relating to terrorism. This can be done and upheld by the courts where that person has a second nationality and so not made stateless. The The complicated nature of citizenship is down to Britain’s impe- UK has had difficulty in stripping citizenship where a person did rial history. Citizenship used to mean allegiance to the Crown. not have another citizenship even if he or she might be entitled Because movement was allowed within the Empire, people had to one. The Windrush scandal has thrown a light on what it means to be a British citizen and the various other states of settlement some residents have. Contrary to popular belief, you are not automatically a British citizenship just because you’re born in the UK. Having a British passport doesn’t mean you’re a citizen either. British citizens, overseas territories citizens, overseas citizens, subjects, nationals (overseas) and protected persons can all apply for a passport. British citizenship is a complicated process and relies on a number of multilayered factors. What does it mean to have British citizenship? To have British citizenship means you can live and work in the UK free of any immigration controls and participate in political life, such as voting in elections. There are various other states of residency including right to abode, limited leave to remain (such as being here on a visa) and indefinite leave to remain, which is just short of citizenship. This is what the Windrush generation have. Various requirements must be satisfied to get citizenship, according to the Government: If you were born in the UK or a British colony before 1 January 1983. What does ‘right of abode’ mean? You are free of immigration controls, meaning you can live and work without any restrictions. You’ll be a British citizen if: you were a citizen of the UK and Colonies on 31 December 1982 you had the ‘right of abode’ in the UK. This includes people who: were born in the UK have been naturalised in the UK had registered as a citizen of the UK and Colonies could prove legitimate descent from a father to whom one of these applies If you were born in the UK on or after 1 January 1983. What does ‘settled’ in the UK mean? You can stay without time restrictions. This might mean you have ‘right to abode’ status or ‘indefinite leave to remain’ status. You’ll be a British citizen if: one of your parents was a British citizen when you were born one of your parents was ‘settled’ in the UK when you were born.

Institutional Racism A Problem In Most British Organisations, London Mayor Says Most organisations in Britain have problems with “institutional racism”, the London mayor has claimed. Sadiq Khan called on those at the top of institutions to ensure there is zero tolerance towards racism, as he said the country has been “too slow” in tackling the problem. Mr Khan has said that, 25 years on from the murder of Stephen Lawrence, there had been “huge progress” in tackling the issue, but added: “We should be impatient for change.” He said there needed to be more police officers from ethnic minorities who are promoted to the top levels of the police service. And Mr Khan added: “I think most institutions in our country have problems with institutional racism.” He continued: “I suspect there is still unwitting prejudice in the main political parties, dare I say it in TV, dare I say it in the police service and other public authorities as well. “The key thing is the leadership at the top must make sure there is a zero tolerance towards this, we have policies in place and an action plan to address that. “I think we’ve been too slow and we’re going to accelerate the progress.” Mr Khan also called on US President Donald Trump to apologise for retweeting the tweets of a far-right group which has been set up “intentionally to sow these seeds of division”. Last year, Mr Trump was heavily criticised after he re-tweeted three videos posted by Britain First deputy leader Jayda Fransen. Mr Trump is set to visit the UK in July and Mr Khan said he believed there would be protests, but urged: “They must be peaceful, they must be lawful.”

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NADRA Fee For Overseas Pakistanis Reduced The Government of Pakistan has reduced the NADRA Card Fee since last month. The new fee structure came into effect on 24th April. The revised fees have been fulfilled by the Government over longstanding demand by overseas Pakistanis to review the NADRA charges. The normal and urgent/ executive NICOP application fees have been reduced by £30 and £25 respectively. The charges will apply to all the

NICOP categories: New SMART NICOP; smart NICOP modification; smart NICOP duplicate; smart NICOP renewal. The Government has stated that applicants will be charged requisite fee for NADRA according to the new fee structure at the High Commission in London and its associated sub-missions in Birmingham, Bradford, Manchester and Glasgow.

The Government of Pakistan has resumed the issuance of Pakistan Origin Cards (POCs) to foreign spouses of Pakistan nationals. POC holders can have their cards renewed as per past practice and previous conditions. Fresh applications

for POC issuance will only be processed for those foreign nationals who have been married to their Pakistan spouses for a period of five years. Applications for POC issuance can only be made online.

Malala and Imran Khan On World’s Most Admired List Pakistani Nobel Laureate and education activist Malala Yousufzai and cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan are among the world’s most admired people in 2018, according to an annual study compiled by YouGov. Malala is the seventh most admired woman while Imran was number 20 among the most admired men in the world. The list features a total of 40 people: 20 men and 20 women, all of whom are chosen as a result of online interviews with more than 37,000 people in 35 countries. Bill Gates and Angelina Jolie topped the world’s most admired people list. The Microsoft founder and Hollywood actor-turned-humanitarian have topped the list every year since 2015. Number two on the male list is former US president Barack Obama followed by actor Jackie

Chan and Chinese president Xi Jinping. Meanwhile, on the women’s list, Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey are number two and three respectively. The most admirable women list mostly featured women from the entertainment industry with 14 of them being actresses, singers or TV presenters. Bollywood actresses Aishwarya Rai, Priyanka Chopra and Deepika Padukone were also on the list along with Emma Watson, Taylor Swift, Madonna, Liu Yifei and Gal Gadot from Hollywood. In contrast, the male list featured men from political, business and sporting backgrounds. It included Elon Musk, Christiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, Warren Buffet and David Beckham. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was among politicians featured as were US President Donald Trump and Turkish President Recep Erdogan.

Penalties For Escaping Contracts Sky television subscribers face the biggest financial penalties when trying to leave their contracts early. New Sky subscribers are also typically locked into 18-month contracts, compared to 12-month deals with rival Virgin Media. BT’s Essential TV package also ties customers into an 18 month deal. Customers wishing to leave a Sky TV package before the end of their contract will usually be charged a penalty of £13.40 for each month left on their contract. A customer leaving six months into an 18-month contract would need to pay more than £160 to cancel. By comparison, Virgin Media charges a penalty of £10 for each month remaining on its basic TVonly contract, while BT has a £5.50 charge per month for its Essential package – although the number of channels included in each package varies between providers.

A survey conducted by YouGov on behalf of free satellite TV provider Freesat also found that many people have experienced difficulties when trying to cancel their contracts with major brands. It found 41% of people who had cancelled a contract with BT, Sky, TalkTalk or Virgin Media said they had encountered problems during the process. Sky was ranked lowest among consumers for value for money, with 65% of customers believing their service is overpriced. The growth of Netflix and Now TV, which can be cancelled after a one-month notice period, showed that consumers do not want to be locked into long contracts. With long contract terms and high early termination charges, people are feeling trapped and discouraged from cancelling their pay TV subscription.

We Spend Over A Million Hours A Year On The Road English motorists drove the equivalent of almost 1,000 return trips to Mars in 2016. The mid-boggling figures, which come from the Local Government Association (LGA), show that over one million years’ worth of time was collectively spent on the road by drivers in England – covering 277 billion miles. With two-thirds of all mileage being driven on local roads, the LGA points out an “urgent need” for greater funding for repairs. Councils have estimated it would currently take over 14 years in order to work through the current repairs backlog and get the country’s roads up to scratch. This would come at a cost of around £9.3 billion. Recent reports say the proportion of call-outs

caused by pothole-related damage almost doubled between January and March compared with the previous three months. In order to help raise the required funding needed for the repairs backlog the LGA, which represents 370 local authorities in England and Wales, wants 2p per litre of existing fuel duty to be used to generate £1 billion a year for councils. It is more important than ever for the Government to further invest in local roads. Only long-term and consistent investment in local road maintenance will allow councils to embark on the widespread improvement of roads that is desperately needed, to the benefit of all road users up and down the country.


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What happens to our body when we feel hungry?

Hunger involves a sensation of discomfort. Each of us is born with an innate sense of hunger. When you were a baby and felt this sensation, you cried. Your caregiver, most likely your mother, pacified you with milk, and when your hunger sensation was over you pushed the food away, from this you learnt to keep control of your food consumption. The dictionary describes hunger as ‘’ a feeling of discomfort or weakness caused by lack of food, coupled with the desire

to eat.’’ Humans are opportunistic omnivores that have evolved to take advantage of sustenance whenever it is present. When the ionic and olfactory senses interact with food it can trigger hunger. Your body also needs time to prepare for digestion and many of the related hormonal changes which are driven by your body clock, so at certain times of the day, for example at 12:00 (lunch time) , you will begin to feel hungry. Firstly, your vagus nerve sends signal to the brain about the capacity of your stomach, whether it is full or empty. The vagus nerve allows the brain to monitor and receive information about several of the body’s different functions. Secondly when your stomach has remained empty for hours, it begins

contracting to sweep remaining food into the intestines. This rumbling is called borborygymus. Thirdly cells in the stomach and intestine produce ghrelin, a hormone which triggers feelings of hunger. Higher ghrelin levels are associated with obesity. Following on from this, as usual mealtime approach, your pancreas secretes insulin to prepare for an expected intake of sugar. This causes a pre-meal dip in blood glucose. Levels of key nutrients in your blood—including glucose amino acids and fatty acids are at their lowest concentration when you are hungry. Hunger increases your impulsiveness and reduces your ability to make long term descions. This is why you shouldn’t shop on empty stomach.

More Families Given Primary School Places Of Choice More children have been given their choice of primary school in Sheffield, admissions results show. In total 6,014 children received a preferred place, an increase on last year’s results.98.75 per cent of pupils starting primary school in September have been given a place in one of their preferred schools, an increase from 98.13 per cent last year. More children have also been given their first choice of schools. 93.71 per cent of pupils starting primary school in September have been given their first preference, an increase from 92.05 per cent last year. Jayne Ludlam, Executive Director of People services at Sheffield City Council said: “Despite the ongoing pressure on primary places I’m pleased that Sheffield continues to perform well for its families and this is reflective of all the hard work over recent years to add school places where they are most needed.

Mr Shumile J. Chishty

“However my heart goes out to those children and families who have not got a school of their choosing, I understand and know how upsetting that can be. Our admissions team are working with these families to ensure they have a school place for September. We will continue to do all we can to make sure there are great local school places for all. “I would urge anyone who is not happy with their school place to get in touch with our admissions team for advice.” Children who were not allocated any of their three preferences have either been referred to their catchment school or been allocated the nearest primary school with places available. Information and advice is available for anyone not satisfied with the school they have been allocated. Parents also have the right to appeal. Appeals take place in June and July.

Billionaire Shahid Khan To Buy Wembley Stadium Pakistani-American Shahid Khaqan, the owner of football team Jacksonville Jaguars, has made an offer to buy the iconic Wembley Stadium. The English Football Association (FA) has confirmed that they had received an offer to buy the stadium. According to the reports, Khan has struck an

outline agreement with FA boss Martin Glenn to transfer Wembley to foreign ownership for the first time. Wembley was first opened as English soccer’s national stadium in 1923 and reopened after being rebuilt in 2007. It has the seating capacity of almost 90,000.

BBC Waives Licence Fee For Royal Wedding The BBC has waived the licence fee for local communities wanting to watch Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding. The dispensation means communities will be able to watch the royal nuptials at special events and parties in town halls, community centres and streets across Britain, where TV is not usually watched. They will be able to screen the event live without

having to buy a licence. The dispensation will also apply to shops and events such as agricultural shows. The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev Justin Welby, will marry the couple at a ceremony in St George’s Chapel in the grounds of Windsor Castle. The BBC previously waived the licence fee for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s wedding.

Silver Is The UK’s Favourite Car Colour Over a fifth of cars on the road are silver, although the UK’s long-term colour leader may soon be set to be overtaken. DVLA data shows up to 2017 that silver has clung onto top spot. Black, which continues to hone in on first place, and blue in its various shades make up the top three colours on the road. The RAC Insurance Car Colour Rankings include DVLA data on the total number of licensed cars, which stood at just over 32.3 million last year, after growth of 1.5 million. Broken down by colour, black strengthened its hold on second place, notching a 7% increase in popularity which took it to 6.4 million registered

cars – 20% of those on the road. Blue enjoyed 2% growth to 5.8m vehicles, which represents 18% of the total. The top six colours all have over 3 million cars out on the roads and include grey (4.3m), white (3.6m) and red (3.4m). It is white, though, which appears to be gaining most ground, recording a 27% increase on its early 2016 standing. That is eclipsed in terms of percentage increase only by cream/ ivory, which has shot up to the tune of 36% since early 2016. The number of multi-coloured cars remain broadly unchanged at 7,702.

Pakistan Foreign Minister Disqualified From Parliament The Islamabad High Court (IHC) has disqualified Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif from Parliament for holding a work permit of the United Arab Emirates. The court announced its verdict on a petition stating that Asif did not mention his foreign employment in his nomination papers, the Pakistani media reported. A three-member special bench ruled that Asif was not “honest” and “truthful” as per the Constitution. It also stated that he was not even qualified to contest the 2013 general elections. The disqualification petition was filed by Pakistan Tehreeke-Insaf leader Usman Dar, who contested from the NA110 constituency against Asif, Geo News reported. As per the petitioner, Asif was not entitled to be a Member of the National Assembly nor a federal minister under the

unlimited term employment Contract between him and International Mechanical and Electrical Co (IMECO), a company in Abu Dhabi. Asif was hired as a full-time employee of IMECO on July 2, 2011 and held various positions, including those of the legal adviser and special adviser, the petition stated.

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Child Marriage Means Children Giving Birth To Children

It’s hard to believe that child marriages take place at least in 50 countries all over the world even today. Pakistan is one such country where child marriage is rampant. Unsurprisingly, child marriages are a routine in Pakistan’s rural areas where parents force children, particularly girls, to marry at an early age. Not only does it snatch the childhood pleasures of children but also bring forth serious health complications for young girls who become pregnant at an early age. According to a report by Rutgers Pakistan, a development group at the forefronts of reducing child marriages, more than 77 percent of the marriages are settled under some kind of customary practices. Despite being against Muslim Family Laws, 34 percent marriages are settled before the age of 16. The situation in Umarkot and Sanghar districts of Sindh province is the worst where 70 percent of girls are married before the age of 15, abruptly ruining their childhood. Though it has been warned by the health professionals not to marry the girls at an

early age, the tradition continues to prevail, putting the lives at greater risk of dying early. Due to loopholes and lack of official will for implementation has proved laws useless. The authorities and government of Pakistan are failing to give attention to the issue and taking pragmatic measures to reduce the incidents of child marriages and teenage pregnancies in rural communities. The consequences of underage marriages are so horrible that a child is made to give birth and then raise another child. Even she has no idea physically, emotionally or psychologically what it means to be a mother, for she is not ready. On the other hand, poverty is considered one of the major causes of early marriages in rural areas where girls get no opportunities to contribute to the family’s income. It is one of the misconceptions of poor parents that the daughter seems like a burden for them; so they try to marry them at an early age and get rid of the expenses. This leaves the poor parents with no other option but to solemnise underage marriages as a solution to their socioeconomic problems but unknowingly invites serious health complications in their daughters’ lives. To help resolve and breakaway from the practice, rural communities practicing child marriages need educational and economic opportunities to move away from traditional practices.

UN-EU Conference Raises $4.4 Billion In Aid For Syria International donors at a UN-EU humanitarian conference have pledged $4.4 billion to fund critical aid programmes in war-torn Syria throughout 2018. Gathered in the Belgian capital last month alongside top officials from over 85 countries and organisations, UN and EU leaders said that the stalled UN-led Syrian political negotiations, known as the intraSyrian talks, must be revived. In a video message to the conference, which aimed to boost support for the future of Syria as well as the wider region, hosting millions of refugees, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said that negotiations were the only way forward. “The solution must be political.” The UN chief also stressed on the importance of Security Council resolution 2254 (2015), which endorsed a roadmap for a peace process in Syria, and the 2012 Geneva communique, which set out the principles for a political transition in the coun-

try. Guterres said he will continue to engage with member states to move towards a genuine and credible political solution that meets the aspirations of the Syrian people to dignity and freedom.

Sheffield Gets Record £1.3m To Tackle Air Pollution The Council won funding from central government to make a record investment into improving the air Sheffielders breathe. The £1.3m is the largest amount of investment Sheffield City Council have ever put into improving air quality. Electric cars, an electric taxi leasing trial and ongoing action to reduce congestion are some of the key areas that will be addressed with the investment. Councillor Jack Scott, cabinet member for transport, said it was a good step towards tackling air pollution but there is still more to be done. “This will be a

significant help to make big progress in specific areas and tackle air pollution much more effectively,” he said. “Dangerous, polluted air is a public health crisis in this country, and this is why I ensured the Council supplied evidence that persuaded the High Court to rule that this government’s air quality plans were unlawful and inadequate in dealing with the size of the problem. The investment will add to the Council’s Green City Strategy and a £1.9m investment for 115 environmentally-friendly buses.

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Newspaper Headlines ‘Have Helped To Create Islamophobic Sentiment’ The House of Commons Home Affairs Committee is investigating hate crime and its violent consequences. Newspaper headlines have helped to create an Islamophobic sentiment, the new boss at the Daily and Sunday Express has told MPs. At a probe into hate crime, Gary Jones admitted he felt "very uncomfortable" looking through previous Express front pages, and said some were "downright offensive". The editor-in-chief was one of a number of senior journalists who faced a grilling by MPs on the treatment of people from minority groups by the press. Mr Jones said he was making changes at the newspapers. "I've gone through a lot of former Express front pages and I have felt very uncomfortable looking at them," he said. "Individually they may not present specific issues. There have been accuracy issues on some of them and some of them are just downright offensive. "I wouldn't want to be party to any newspaper that will publish such material. "I have to accept as a newspaper editor that people have different views to my own and that the newspaper is there to represent the broader section of views, but I think there are limits as to how far you should go into an honest and fair-minded society." The British media has a problem with Muslims. There is a good reason for this – a story about Muslims is more likely to be read on a website than any other type of news. There is a reason why posting stories that have ‘Muslim’ or ‘Islam’ in the headline is welcomed by most newspaper editors. It encourages more people to visit your website and if you can find a story where Muslims or Islam is deemed to be challenging British values you have struck gold. These readers may agree with the story whilst others may be reading just through fascination. You only have to scroll through major news websites and find ‘Muslim’ and ‘Islamic’ stories performing far better than other stories. And where possible, you can then view the vile comments beneath these stories. This, some people will say is all about freedom of speech. Journalists have a right to pen such

stories and readers have a right to share their views no matter how we might feel about them. Of course no-one is suggesting ignoring terror attacks or cases where deranged individuals have looked to butcher people. But since 9/11, journalists have been encouraged to brush up articles and broadcasts in the hope of causing ‘debate’ about Muslims. Whole newsrooms have evolved ensuring you post stories with little or no relevance other than that they have Islam as the focal point. This culture has been endemic in newsrooms where journalists can begin to believe this is actually part of their job. The past decade has seen vast amounts of anti-Muslim content produced by reliable British newspapers and broadcasters. This content is then re-posted by far-right organisations like Britain First, whose leaders were recently convicted of racial harassment. Some newsrooms have become so desperate to increase views on their websites they almost silently revel in the fact that the content is re-posted in this way. This culture has been allowed to pervade because the media is the only industry that continues to self-regulate and has no intention of putting a new generation of thinkers in positions of influence. Some national newspapers are still stuck in prewar thinking. Where British values are more to do with religion and colour than with one’s actions. This has continued to fester due to many newsrooms still being filled by white middleclass journalists. There is a huge problem with diversity in newsrooms and the media is unlikely to face up to it. Self regulation has permitted hate filled columns and articles to hit the front pages. The media has further encouraged a culture of producing content for both print and television which did not reach any journalistic standards. In many ways the media been pressured to print and broadcast these stories because this is what has got the readers and the viewers. This has never been pretty or quality journalism but has instead been done to appease those in charge. Will the industry be answerable or change sometime soon?


1.8 Million Driving Tests In 2017 More driving tests were taken in 2017 than any other year in almost a decade, according to fresh statistics from the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA). Across the UK, DVSA examiners oversaw 1.8 million tests, in addition to 80,000 vocational tests for public service and large goods vehicles, plus 125,000 practical motorcycle tests.

The figures cover a year in which the driving test underwent its most significant changes of recent times, with a new test – including a section on sat nav use – brought in last December. Together with the police and various road safety groups, the DVSA has played a crucial role in a 44% reduction in road deaths in the decade to 2016 – a key focus of the modernised test.

World’s ‘Oldest Person’ Dies In Japan At 117 A Japanese woman born in the final year of the 19th century and believed to have been the world’s oldest person has died. She was 117. Nabi Tajima, born in 1900, died from old age at a hospital on her native southwestern island of Kikaijima. Guinness World Records had been conducting research with a view to certifying Tajima as the oldest person alive after the previous record holder, Violet Brown of Jamaica, died last year at 117. The organisation recognized a 112-year-old Japanese man, Masazo Nonaka, as the world’s oldest man last month. In Japan, the number of centenarians totalled 67,824 last year, government data shows, up sharply from 153 in 1963.

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UNICEF Says 5.03m Girls Out Of School In Punjab As many as 5.03 million girls out of 9.2 million of children were out of school in Punjab, the largest province of the country in terms of population. Unicef education specialist Rubina Nadeem revealed the alarming figure while addressing a Policy Dialogue on the theme of ‘Equity in Education Financing, Inferences, Moot Points and Policy Asks’, organised by the Institute of Social and Policy Sciences in Lahore. Pakistan stands second in the world ranking of out-of-school children with only Nigeria ahead of it, while Punjab is on the top among the provinces in this regard. Ms Nadeem said the government had taken a number of initiatives for ensuring equitable access to quality education over the last many

years in Punjab, adding the challenge was still big despite the efforts being made to ensure provision of quality education in the province. She said the province was facing multiple challenges relating to equitable access to education including gender, location, geographical access, ethnicity, poverty status and disability and the students retention in early years of schooling. She said poverty plays an important role in limiting the educational opportunities available to a child. Punjab’s multidimensional poverty ‘headcount ratio’ has been estimated at around 31 percent of the population. The Pakistan government has said there is still a lot of work to be done and the government would allocate Rs400 billion for school education in the upcoming budget.

Pakistan Experiences Steepest Increase In Air Pollution Levels 95 percent of the world’s population, Pakistanis among them, breath dangerous air, a report published by the Health Effects Institute had revealed. According to the study, Pakistan along with Bangladesh and India have experienced the steepest increase in air pollution levels since 2010. However, on the other hand, China’s air pollution exposures have stabilised and have even begun to decline slightly. Based on the data and knowledge of the populations in each country for 2016, 95 percent of the world’s population lives in areas that exceeded the WHO Guideline for particulate matter (PM) i.e. 2.5. 58% of the global population resided in areas with PM 2.5. Countries in North Africa, West Africa and the Middle East top the list with the highest grossing concentration of dangerous air. South Asia was next on the list. Combustion emissions from multiple sources, including household solid fuel use, coal-fired power plants, agricultural and another open burning, and industrial and transportation-related sources have contributed to the increase in air pollution. The population-weighted annual average

PM2.5 concentrations were recorded 101 µg/ m3 in Bangladesh, 78 µg/m3 in Nepal, and 76 µg/m3 in both India and Pakistan. The population-weighted annual average concentration in China was 56 µg/ m3. Estimates for population-weighted annual average PM2.5 concentrations were found to be lowest in Australia, Brunei, Canada, Estonia, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, New Zealand, Sweden, and several Pacific island nations. The gap between the most polluted air on the planet and the least polluted was striking.

While developed countries have made moves to clean up, many developing countries have fallen further behind as they continue to seek economic growth.

Extinctions May Cause Cows To Become Biggest Mammal On Earth The spread of humans around the world from Africa thousands of years ago wiped out big mammals in a shrinking trend that could make the cow the biggest mammal on Earth in a few centuries’ time. The spread of humans from Africa coincided with the extinction of mammals such as the mammoths, sabre-toothed tiger and glyptodon, an armadillo-like creature the size of a car. “There is a very clear pattern of size-biased extinction that follows the migration of humans out of Africa,” says the study published in the journal Science. Humans apparently targeted big species for meat, while smaller creatures such as rodents escaped, according to the report examining trends over 125,000 years. In North America, for instance, the mean body mass of land-based mammals has shrunk to 7.6 kg (17 lbs) from 98.0 after humans arrived.

If the trend continues “the largest mammal on Earth in a few hundred years may well be a domestic cow at about 900 kg” (2,000 lbs), the US team wrote. That would mean the loss of creatures including elephants, giraffes and hippos. In March, the world’s last male northern white rhino died in Kenya. But other research casts doubt on a continued shrinking of mammals, partly because of conservation efforts to stave off threats to wildlife such as climate change, loss of forest habitats and pollution and expanding cities. The Science study also excludes marine mammals such as the blue whale, the largest creature that has ever existed. It is endangered but the populations are rising after a moratorium on hunts. But populations of large land mammals were falling and “declining population is the trajectory to extinction.”

US Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes Rose 15% In 2017 Hate crimes targeting US Muslims rose 15% in 2017, the second year of increases, according to a study released on Monday by advocacy group the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). The group recorded 300 US hate crimes targeting Muslims last year, ranging from the June beating of a Muslim man in the Bronx borough of New York City by attackers who called him a terrorist to a November incident when a Muslim family’s Kansas restaurant was burned down. That was up from 260 in 2016. CAIR attributed the increase in part to the policies of US President Donald Trump, particularly restrictions on immigration from Muslim-majority countries. “There has been nothing like this ever, for the Muslim community to be regularly the punching bag of the president of the United States,” said Gadeir Abbas, an attorney with CAIR. Responding by email to a request for comment, White House spokeswoman Kelly Love said, “The Trump Administration stands for the rule of law and abhors all forms of lawlessness including hate crimes.” “President Trump has repeatedly condemned violence, racism and hate groups.” As a candidate, Trump promised “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.” Soon after taking office he signed an executive order banning most travellers from several Muslim-majority countries. A revised version of that order, which also included North Korea, took effect late last year. Trump drew criticism in November for re-tweeting anti-Muslim videos posted by a far-right British political group.

The 300 hate crimes were a slice of the 2,599 incidents CAIR logged as representing anti-Muslim bias in 2017, a figure that was up 17% from 2016. The larger total included harassment, employment discrimination and times when Muslims were subjected to what CAIR recorded as biased treatment by government agencies including the FBI and Customs and Border Protection. More than one-third of the incidents involved federal agencies, CAIR said, adding, “This represents an almost unprecedented level of government hostility toward a religious minority within the United States.” CAIR said its lawyers investigated 5,650 reported anti-Muslim incidents and concluded that slightly less than half of them were authentic. The group’s count of hate crimes targeting Muslims is lower than the FBI’s, which recorded 307 antiIslamic hate crimes in 2016, the most recent year for which it has released data. Last year’s report measured a 44% increase in hate crimes into 2016 from 2015.

UK Among Worst In Western Europe For Freedom Of Press After ‘Staggering Decline’ The UK is one of the worst countries in western Europe for press freedom because of new mediamuzzling laws and a climate of hostility towards journalists, a new report has found. The country ranked 40 out of 180 in the 2018 World Press Freedom Index, a report compiled by influential non-profit organisation Reporters Without Borders (RSF). It dropped to that position last year. The position marks a “staggering” decline for the UK of 18 places since the index began in 2002, RSF said. As well as western European nations such as Germany, Ireland and France, countries including South Africa, Jamaica, Namibia and Slovakia also outperformed Britain. Scandinavian countries had the best climates for the free exchange of information, with Norway, Sweden and Finland ranking best in the index. North Korea held the lowest ranking, below Eritrea, Turkmenistan, Syria, China and Vietnam. A host of recent developments in the UK had threatened the press' ability to hold powerful people and institutions to account, the report found, including what it called an “alarming” proposal by the Law Commission to replace the Official Secrets Act with an updated Espionage Act. The move “could make it easy to jail journalists as 'spies’ for obtaining leaked information and see them jailed for up to 14 years”, the report found. RFS also criticised the Government over the introduction of the Investigatory Powers Act, saying the new law contained insufficient protections for whistleblowers, journalists and their sources. Freedom of the press became further imperilled when ex Home Secretary Amber Rudd threatened to restrict encryption on messaging services such as WhatsApp and announced plans to criminalise the repeated viewing of extremist content, the organisation said. “Maintaining our ranking of 40th out of 180 countries is nothing to be proud of, and puts us in the

embarrassing position of having one of the worst records on press freedom in Western Europe,” RSF UK Bureau Director This is unacceptable for a country that plays an important international standard-setting role when it comes to human rights and fundamental freedoms. The Global Watchdogs report has also revealed that Pakistani journalists are increasingly resorting to self-censorship due to pressures from extremist groups and intelligence agencies. The report claimed that such pressure groups were already on the list of predators of press freedom. According to the country’s report accompanying Reporters Sans Frontieres (RSF) media freedom index 2018, in October 2017, armed groups in SouthWestern province of Balochistan issued a warning to journalists, threatening them of violence if the actions of such groups were refused to be covered, as per the directive of the security forces. The report further added that reporters were caught between crossfire during the coverage of Islamabad sit-in protests in 2017, naturally resulting in increased self-censorship in the newsroom. RSF in its report placed Pakistan on 139th position of 180 countries that restrained press freedom. The watchdog rated India on 138th position, going two places down from 136th the previous year. Watchdog reported that so far one journalist had been murdered in Pakistan compared to three murdered in India.

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5 Ways To Tackle The Agony Of Toothache 5 surprising ways to tackle the agony of toothache A bad toothache can be unbearable, but thankfully there are some simple – if surprising - ways to ease that pain. The all-consuming, throbbing, pounding agony that makes you want to claw your own face off. Obviously, in the long term, this involves a trip to the dentist, but in the very long minutes before your appointment, you’ll need these toothache easing remedies… 1. Cloves The active ingredient in cloves is eugenol, which has a powerful anti-bacterial, antiinflammatory power and can help alleviate toothache and pain – it’s what makes up that ‘dentist’ smell so many of us recognise. The best thing to do is place a whole clove in your mouth near the tooth that hurts and bite down and grind to release the oil in the clove. This produces a bitter taste and the urge is to spit it out but don’t - wait for four minutes then rinse. You can also use or buy clove oil and you apply a few drops to a cotton ball and dab it directly to where the tooth hurts. 2. Warm saltwater It’s not just for sore throats, apparently. Rinsing you mouth with warm saltwater can help to relieve the pain of toothache. Place 1/2 tsp of salt in about 8oz of very warm (not hot) water. Swish around in your mouth. The salt water ‘draws’ fluid from the tissues of the affected area and reduces pressure if you have an abscess. This is also good for any general mouth sores.

3. Garlic Similar to cloves, garlic has compounds which naturally fight pain. This one is allicin, in which is the active compound responsible for antibacterial properties. It’s released when garlic is chopped or crushed and acts against any microbial pathogens and can help stop infections. 4. Guava leaves You might not have heard of them, but you should have done. Available in Turkish Grocery stores, it’s been suggested that guava leaves can inhibit specific bacteria found in the mouth (like Staphylococcus aureus), and they have antimicrobial activity in general. It is used traditionally for tooth decay and gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) as it can also help heal mouth ulcers and ease toothache. The best way to use them is to chew the leaves until you feel the juice working, or to boil them and leave them in water. 5. Painkillers Many people think that crushing up a painkiller and placing it on the pain site is a sure-fire way to beat toothache – but only if you get the right painkiller. Anti-inflammatory analgesics such as Ibuprofen are the best for toothache as the pain is usually caused by swelling. If you can’t take them – if you are allergic to aspirin, for example - then paracetamol is the next best thing. "But do not place an aspirin tablet on the tooth that is sore - it will make things worse as aspirin is an acid so will cause a ‘burn’ in your gum.”

Thousands Rally In Support Of Imran Khan Tens of thousands of supporters of opposition politician and former cricketer Imran Khan, who hopes to become Pakistan’s prime minister, gathered in Lahore as his political party launched its campaign for July elections. Chanting slogans for change and waving flags, supporters of Khan and his Pakistan Tehrike-Insaf party filled a park in the power base of his rival and former Pakistan premier Nawaz Sharif, who was disqualified last July by the Supreme Court for concealing his assets abroad. Khan’s party managed the impressive show as its supporters travelled to the city from across the country. Khan’s opposition PTI has emerged as one of the leading parties in recent years, promising change. The rally in Iqbal Park took place around a

grand minaret built at the location where a resolution was adopted in 1940 demanding independence from British rule. “I pledge here to work till my last breath and last drop of my blood to make this nation and this country great and prosperous,” he told the massive, cheering crowd. Presenting an 11-point agenda, Khan sought support in bringing about “peaceful political change” and to defeat “corrupt” politicians who he said have done nothing for the betterment of the common man. Other political parties also held rallies Sunday. Former president Asif Zardari’s Pakistan People Party held a rally in the country’s commercial hub, Karachi. Zardari’s son and party leader Bilawal Zardari criticised both Khan and Sharif.

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Sindhi-Baloch Forum UK And Europe Present Petition At 10 Downing Street On 18th of April, commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), members of World Sindhi Congress (WSC), and members of Sindhi and Baloch Forum (SBF) held a protest against human rights violations perpetrated by Pakistani security agencies (ISI, MI, RANGERS, FC and Police), against Baloch and Sindhi people. A procession started Trafalgar Square to Downing Street, where a petition was submitted to the British Prime Minister to press upon Pakistan to stop human rights violations against Sindhi and Baloch people.

The procession then continued at and culminated in the parliament square. The participants raised slogans against enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings of Baloch and Sindhi people and against the CPEC. They also raised slogans, ‘ye jo dahshatgardi hy isky peachy wardi hy, and similarly this slogan has been raised by the people of KPK, especially by Advocate Fazal khan, whose Son was martyred in Army Public school in Peshawar, he slammed Pakistan Army for its notorious role and masterminding the terrible event through its proxies. The purpose of narrating this story is to show the mirror to those proxies of Army staging protest in front of Parliament house, they sabotaged the WSC procession by intervening and trying to attack

Mohamed Salah PFA Player Of The Year Award Mohamed Salah has set his sights on winning the Champions League after being crowned PFA Player of the Year as reward for a stunning season at Liverpool. Salah has been a sensation since swapping Roma for Anfield last summer in a £34.3million transfer. Liverpool host Roma in the first leg of their semifinal on Tuesday and Salah’s dream is to follow up the recognition he has received from his peers by lifting silverware in Europe. “My personal ambition is to win something with the team. I always think about the team, I don’t think about myself,” Salah said. “The most important thing is to win something with the team and we’re very close now with the semi-final. Hopefully we’re going to win. Salah was recognised at the 45th PFA Awards at Grosvenor House in central London after taking the vote ahead of Manchester City playmaker Kevin De Bruyne. But for City boss Pep Guardiola it is De Bruyne who should have been acclaimed

participants and calling them betrayals. What will these army proxies say about the same processions and slogans raised by the people of Pakistan in the country, will they still be attacking them there? There was no one outsider in the procession in London, all were sons of soil [Sindhi and Baloch], Pakistan’s mediocre media covered the event by labelling the participants.

Amir Khan Makes Emphatic Return To The Ring

due to his achievements over the course of the entire season. “I know my opinion about this awards. If he (Kevin) doesn’t win, congratulations to the guy who is going to win,” Guardiola said. Leroy Sane – named Young Player of the Year – and David Silva were also City players on the six-man shortlist, with outstanding Manchester United goalkeeper David De Gea and Tottenham striker Harry Kane completing the nominees.

GCHQ Success Of Cyber Crackdown On Islamic State Islamic State terrorists struggled to promote their ideology of hate online after the UK launched its first cyber campaign against the extremists, the head of the UK intelligence service has said. Ex-MI5 senior officer Jeremy Fleming, in his first public speech since becoming head of GCHQ last year, said the UK cyber attack on IS/Daesh, was “too sensitive to talk about in detail” but his organisation and the Ministry of Defence had conducted a “major offensive”. “These operations have made a significant contribution to coalition efforts to suppress Daesh propaganda, hindered their ability to coordinate attacks, and protected coalition forces on the battlefield. “Cyber is only one part of the wider international response. “But this is the first time the UK has

By Dr Syed Alam Shah

systematically and persistently degraded an adversary’s online efforts as part of a wider military campaign. He said: “The outcomes of these operations are wide ranging. “Of course, the job is never done – they will continue to evade and re-invent. “But this campaign shows how targeted and effective offensive cyber can be.” Hostile states, terrorists and criminals are emboldened and assisted by technology. The Salisbury poisonings showed how “reckless” Russia was prepared to be. Cyber has become an indispensable part of modern national security statecraft and the UK must continue to work with the EU and Nato to face the challenge.

Amir Khan made a blistering return to the ring by beating Phil Lo Greco by stopping his opponent inside 39 seconds at Liverpool’s Echo Arena. The 31-year-old had not fought for two years, since being beaten by Saul ‘Canelo’ Alvarez in Las Vegas in May 2016, and he made up for lost time by knocking Canadian Lo Greco down twice in the early stages. Khan, in his first bout on British soil in five years, sent Lo Greco to the canvas with a swift one-two combination inside the opening 30 seconds. The contest was over moments later as the Briton’s devastating hand speed pinned his opponent up against the ropes to ensure it was over moments after it had started. Following the fight, the victorious Khan said: “I’ve been out of the ring for two years I’ve never taken a day off the gym. I’ve had a hand operation and the hand felt good in the fight. “People just wanted to see me come back and I wanted to prove a point and come back. “I’m two years out of the ring but I’m back with a big bang.” When asked if he is targeting a fight against Brit-

ish opponent Kell Brook, Khan added: “I want to become a world champion again so I want to fight the top guys in the welterweight division. “I’m a 147lb fighter. I moved up to 150lb for this fight because I’ve not been in the ring for two years. That fight I’m not rushing and I’m not running away from. “I will fight Kell Brook and I will beat Kell Brook. I’m a better fighter and a stronger fighter.” This was the first of a three-fight deal Khan had signed with Eddie Hearn and his promoter had conceded his fighter could not afford a fifth defeat on his record. That never looked likely and there was no evidence of any ring rust from Khan either after he changed to trainer Joe Goossen in the build up to this bout. Lo Greco appeared stunned by Khan’s sheer speed from the outset and as soon as he dropped him with a right hand, it looked like a foregone conclusion. There was an eight count on that occasion and moments after the two squared off again, a flurry of left hands from Khan ended it all.

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Shahid Khaqan Abbasi Meets Theresa May

Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi met UK Prime Minister Theresa May in April, on the sidelines of the Commonwealth leaders retreat at Windsor Castle, London. The two leaders discussed matters of bilateral interest. He congratulated Theresa May on a very efficient steering of the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting. He also highlighted the plight of the Kashmiri people and urged the international community to respond to the current human rights situation in IOK. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi informed Mrs May of Pakistan’s efforts in fighting terrorism and extremism. He also underscored the importance of strengthening bilateral relations especially in the context of trade and investment and thanked UK for the work done by its development agency in Pakistan. He also

appreciated the appointment of a trade envoy by the UK government to help explore trade and investment opportunities between the two countries, especially in the post Brexit context. He also spoke of his visit to Kabul and underscored Pakistan’s commitment to peace and stability in Afghanistan. Prime Minister May appreciated Pakistan’s efforts in fighting terrorism and in this context recalled Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi’s reference to more than 100,000 Pakistanis affected in our fight against terrorism over the past 10 years. She appreciated Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi’s efforts in reaching out to Afghanistan especially during his recent visit to Kabul. She added that Pakistan-UK relations are strong. She underscored the importance of enhancing trade between the two countries. In response to PM May’s reference to the recent alleged use of chemical weapons, Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi recalled Pakistan’s principled position of condemning any use of chemical weapons and upholding the principles of the UN Charter.

Next 18 Royals In Line For The British Throne Prince William and his wife Kate´s baby son Prince Louis, is now fifth in line to inherit the British throne. His recent arrival meant everyone below moved down a place, including William´s brother Prince Harry who dropped from fifth to sixth position. The immediate line of succession to the throne includes Queen Elizabeth II´s four children and their descendants: 1. Prince Charles, Prince of Wales: Born 1948, eldest son of Queen Elizabeth 2. Prince William, Duke of Cambridge: Born 1982, Charles´s eldest son 3. Prince George of Cambridge: Born 2013, William´s eldest son 4. Princess Charlotte of Cambridge: Born 2015, William´s daughter 5. Prince Louis of Cambridge: Born 2018, William´s second son 6. Prince Henry of Wales (Prince Harry): Born 1984, Charles´ second son 7. Prince Andrew, Duke of York: Born 1960, Queen Elizabeth´s second son 8. Princess Beatrice of York: Born 1988, Andrew´s eldest daughter 9. Princess Eugenie of York: Born 1990, Andrew´s second daughter 10. Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex: Born 1964, Queen Elizabeth´s third son 11. James, Viscount Severn: Born 2007, Edward´s son 12. Lady Louise Windsor: Born 2003, Edward´s daughter 13. Princess Anne, Princess Royal: Born 1950, Queen Elizabeth´s daughter 14. Peter Phillips: -- Born 1977, Anne´s son 15. Savannah Phillips: Born 2010, Phillips´ eldest daughter 16. Isla Phillips: Born 2012, Phillips´ second daughter 17. Zara Tindall: Born 1981, Anne´s daughter 18. Mia Tindall: Born 2014, Tindall´s daughter Queen Elizabeth´s descendants are followed by those

of her late sister princess Margaret, her only sibling. The offspring of their father king George VI´s siblings then follow. There are more than 60 living people descended from his father king George V, who died in 1936. Only people descended from Sophia of Hanover can inherit the throne, according to the 1701 Act of Settlement. The monarchy´s website goes down as far as Zara Tindall, though some counts list more than 5,700 living descendants of Sophia, including Roman Catholics, who cannot inherit. The highest excluded person is 26-year-old Edward

Windsor, Lord Downpatrick, a first cousin twice removed of the queen, who converted to Catholicism. He would otherwise be 37th in line. In changes to the succession laws which came into effect in 2015, males born after October 28, 2011, no longer take precedence over their older sisters. Also people married to Catholics are no longer excluded, with Downpatrick´s father George Windsor, the Earl of St Andrews, the highest person restored to the line. The line is a vast tangle of nobility and ordinary, untitled descendants from all corners of Europe. Several other European monarchs feature. Besides Britain, it is also the line of succession to the thrones of 15 other Commonwealth realms.

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World’s 100 Most Influential Individuals Donald Trump has been named on the Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People 2018 list, including record numbers of 45 women and 45 people under the age of 40. Shawn Mendes, and Kesha as well as French President Emmanuel Macron and China’s President Xi Jinping. Actress Gal Gadot and tennis star Roger Federer also feature among the 100 along with talk-show host Jimmy Kimmel. The Time list features individuals recognized for “changing the world,” regardless of the outcome of their actions. It is divided into pioneers, artists, leaders, and icons. The magazine paired guest contributors to write about each of the 100 people on the list. Who else made the 2018 Time magazine list? These are just a few more of the names on the world’s 100 most influential individuals 2018 list: Deepika Padukone; Prince Harry; Meghan Markle; Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman; Sadiq Khan; Justin Trudeau; Kim Jong Un; Sheikh Hasina; Rihanna; Oprah Winfrey; Jeff Bezos; Elon Musk; Virat Kohli.

ICC To Hold Back-To-Back World T20 Events Instead Of Champions Trophy In 2021 The International Cricket Council (ICC) has announced the decision to hold an additional ICC World T20 event in place of the Champions Trophy in 2021. The back-to-back editions of the World Twenty20 will be held in 2020 and 2021 in Australia and India, respectively. The ICC members have signed off a new Future Tours Programme (FTP) for 2019-2023 that incorporates these changes. “This provides opportunities for 16 teams to compete at a global level with a subregional, regional and global qualification process every two years, giving more regular cricket to more members,” read a statement issued by the governing body. "We are committed to growing the game and T20 is the vehicle through which we’ll do this," said ICC Chief

Executive David Richardson. The ICC Board also gave green light to all Twenty20 matches between Members being awarded international status along with plans to introduce global rankings in the format. The final structure of the FTP (1923), which received unanimous backing, includes the following: ICC Cricket World Cup — 2019, 2023 ICC World T20 — 2020, 2021 ICC World Test Championship Final — 2021, 2023 World Test Championship Cycle 1 — 2019-2021 Cycle 2 — 2021-2023 ICC Cricket World Cup Qualification League — 2020-2022 All bilateral Tests, ODIs and T20Is outside of the above competitions

Red Meat Increases Risk Of Cancer And Diabetes World meat consumption has increased during the last couple of decades and evidence is mounting high that consumption of red and processed meat has been linked to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and insulin resistance, a new research has claimed. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has now been added to the list of diseases associated with a Western diet that includes relatively high consumption of red and processed meat. A previous study had also found a correlation between red meat and cancer. NAFLD is considered as the hepatic component of the metabolic syndrome, with insulin resistance and inflammation as key factors in its pathophysiology. An unhealthy Western lifestyle plays a major role in the development and progression of NAFLD, namely, lack of physical activity and high consumption of fructose and saturated fat. Although the association between high red and processed

meat consumption and NAFLD remains to be confirmed by prospective studies, it is recommended that we limit red and processed meat consumption in preference for healthier ‘white meat’, such as chicken or turkey, including fish in the diet, and steaming or boiling food instead of grilling or frying meat at a high temperature until it is very well done.

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Nawaz Sharif Barred For Life Friday the 13th certainly proved unlucky for Pakistan’s deposed former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. The Supreme Court disqualified from holding office for life amid an ongoing corruption trial and ahead of general elections due this year. The Supreme Court barred Sharif, 67, from politics earlier in July over an undeclared source of income, but the veteran leader maintains his grip on the ruling Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) party, even though he is no longer its leader. The ruling addressed an ambiguity over whether he was barred for life or for a specific period for not being honest. The ruling was an interpretation of a constitutional article that has been used to remove legislators from office before, a senior lawyer said. Sharif and his family have called the corruption proceedings a conspiracy, hinting at intervention by the military, but opponents have hailed them as a rare example of the rich and powerful being held accountable. The military denies any such intervention. Information Minister Maryam Aurangzeb told reporters “nameless and faceless people” had interfered to orchestrate Sharif’s political demise

and the downfall of the PML-N. “Now they disqualified (Sharif) for life. But people of Pakistan will decide whether the disqualification of an elected prime minister is for one day or for life,” she added. Sharif appeared before an accountability court in Islamabad on other charges linked to London properties his family owns - proceedings ordered by the Supreme Court last July - that could see him jailed if found guilty. Sharif has served as prime minister three times and each time was removed from office - in 1993 by presidential order, in 1999 by a military coup that saw him jailed and later exiled before returning when General Pervez Musharraf stepped down, and in 2017 over the corruption probe. His allies have called the proceedings a political vendetta. Sharif was also removed as head of the party he founded when the courts overturned a legal amendment by PML-N lawmakers in February that allowed him to remain party president despite being disqualified from public office. Despite not being party leader, Sharif has considerable sway over the workings of the PML-N and enjoys the support of its core leadership.

Taj Mahal Minarets Damaged In Powerful Storm A powerful storm toppled two minarets at the entry gates of the famed Taj Mahal in northern India. Winds during the storm in April reached 130 kilometers -- 80 miles -- per hour. One of the damaged minarets was a 3-meter (12-foot) pillar at the main gate. The other was a smaller pillar at the southern gate used by visitors to reach the monument. The 17th century Taj Mahal, located in Agra, south of New Delhi, attracts between 7 million and 8 million visitors a year. It was built by

Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife, Mumtaz Mahal. The monument's complex structure of white marble domes and minarets is considered the finest example of Mughal art in India, but it has suffered damage in recent years due to pollution and construction. The Archaeological Survey of India said earlier this year the Taj Mahal was at risk of losing its sheen and structure due to heightened pollution levels in Agra.

Pakistan Cheapest Country In The World Much has been made in the Pakistani press and media over the report that puts Pakistanis as being more happy than those living in their immediate neighbourhood, most importantly, Indians. And while there is much justification for the satisfaction and devolved happiness expressed over that report, that is not where the good news ends. Among the ten cheapest countries in the world, Pakistan topped the list with a Cost of Liv-

ing Index (CLI) of 25.08. Egypt was second with a CLI of 25.69, Ukraine third with a CLI of 25.98 while India was fourth with a CLI of 26.88. Tunisia, Kosovo, Georgia and Azerbaijan followed in that order and Bangladesh was the third South Asian country on the list with a CLI index of 31.99. Algeria was the tenth. On the other hand, the most expensive countries to live in are Bermuda (CLI 144.88), Switzerland,

Iceland, Norway, Bahamas, Luxembourg, Denmark, Singapore, Japan and Israel. Karachi is one of the cheapest large cities, according to this report with a CLI of 27.6, only very marginally more expensive than Kolkata (CLI 27.38) and Chennai (27.3); but most Indian cities are much more expensive, Mumbai having a CLI of 31.66 and Delhi higher than 33. The index was based on the prices of a variety of

things of every day usage, including food items like beef, chicken, bananas, oranges, tomatoes, potatoes, onions etc, as well as transport cost, cost of renting accommodation and cost of utilities like gas, electricity and water. Perhaps Pakistan would have achieved a CLI even lower than the one it came out with if the data assessors knew that in Pakistan, very few people actually pay for utilities!

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My Poem For The 100Th Edition Of Ilm Newspaper

By Shaheryar A. Chishty

Because of him, ILM news will expand

Understanding what’s happening He conjures solutions for the many controversial conversations

Mr. Jawaid Qazi a jovial presenter He has a proclivity for trying hard I have written a poem on behalf of ILM He lets his voice echo throughout the city Miss Shanaz Bano, writes laudable literature I give him my kind regards news. It is for the 100th edition Her work takes you on an imaginary jaunt Of this newspaper. Before I begin I would Mr. Choudhry Zahoor gives moral support Reading it is a pleasure like to ask for forgiveness From all my elders since I have men- ILM news thrives on his motivating words Her work deserves for me to vaunt I give him copious gratitude tioned their first names. Mr Mohamad Mahroof Hussain, is a cor~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Praising him often occurs dial leader One hundred newspapers have been de- Professor Saleem Akhtar, the chairman of He directs his followers across the country He shows them a shining path the mosque livered Thousands of hearts have been capti- Fulfilling his duties with a commitment He possesses political sagacity, he speaks very humbly that is true vated Dealing with changes Written by cultivated authors An expert in selling To help everyone through Their content is highly rated He writes flawlessly about properties Dr Abdul Qadeer khan, is full of profun- Mrs. Misbah Hussain possesses a gift to Mr Mohamad Mahroof for his clients he can appease nurture dity She gives ample knowledge to all, she is a His knowledge reflects in his text Mr Namat Shah, helps this business funccordial leader Teaching all of his viewers About his theories on physics, he is one She gave solace to people in the commu- tion He designed the impeccable website nity of the best That’s why she is an MBE, she made peo- He is a hardworking man Having him in ILM news is a delight He is a nuclear scientist, a personage of ples flavorless life sweeter Pakistan He graced the world with his movements Mrs. Iffat Hameed is a dignified lady, a ILM news is blessed to have an amazing chief editor paragon in everyone’s eyes An intellectual man Mr Muhamad Ali Shah, who writes in PaThe knowledge was passed on to his stu- She was graced with many awards She has been in Ilm news for a long time kistan dents He brings the newspaper to perfection For her everyone lauds He works as hard as he can Each writer possesses ingenuity They implement it in the newspapers Miss Saher Ali, is a gracious and a courteThe ILM news canvas is painted in two Euous lady without any struggles ILM news is like a glass of elderflower cor- Her presence is great for this newspaper ropean countries Germany and Spain She lacks nothing dial Syed Munir Shah and Syed Shoaib Abbas She is an exemplary communicator Filled with many shooting bubbles edit them Dr Qasir Zaidi, he helps the many de- A venerated teacher graces us with his They are all part of this chain presence spondent souls feel idyllic He also writes poems on the prophets of Mr. Saeed Ahmad Syed, he motivated me Akbar Ali, is the bureau chief of ILM news in Pakistan when I was in need divinity The veteran of journalism He is an impeccable poet and a proficient A great man He is an amazing preacher, he deserves to I give him respect psychiatrist He has a strong vision He brings his many patients back to feel- exceed ing felicity Mr. Ashfaq Kiyani, a teacher who possess- A man guides us with Islamic preaching’s Hundreds walk through the doors es ample knowledge Dr Allam shah and Dr Sabah shah Mr. Maulana Aslam Zahid I am deferential towards him A couple abundance in intelligence As he speaks, the knowledge pours One’s a scholar in philosophy and one`s a His students adore his teachings He is always blithe, never grim pundit in business Mr. Qari Muhammad Ali is a blessed man In ILM news they have shown their relMr Muhamad Mahroof Mirza, is a diligent He gives holy teachings evance He is venerated councillor He is ardent for helping ILM news and the He is an imam in a mosque, is voice is seBarrister Azar, informs our community raphic and pleasing community About any changes in the laws He decides many events He makes sure we are safe Mr. Arshad Richal, he is the president of He helps people stay in unity He deserves a round of applause the British press club He is a man who is very loquacious Mr S.J. Chishty, is an adroit author Mr. Mohammed Nazeer is a solicitor He travels the world He writes articles on science He brings justice for the honest His demeanor is very gracious His movements of acumen are admirable He is a representative for ILM news His pen and ILM news have made a great He is very convivial and modest Mrs. Syed Fiyaz Hussain puts copious alliance amounts of effort in to this newspaper Mr Shafqat Mirza, deserves a lot of reverHe interviewed the ex-lord mayor of Shef- Her presence is significant ence She is an epitome of purity As he has let his pen sink in to this knowl- field In her work she is very diligent Mr Talib Hussain- a great politician edgeable treasure He has been the most successful journal- They had a meaningful conversation Mr Syed Fiyaz Hussain Naqvi, the proud He succeeded, it was his ambition ist founder Working with him has been a pleasure ILM news started many years ago, since I congratulate Mr Ashiq Hussain then it has bloomed like a flower Mr. Mohammed Shabir Mughal, he is the Who is eminent in ILM news He is the heart and soul of this team, He is He is critical on politics Chairman of radio Ramadan resilient everyday Communicating to his inquisitive listeners He understands the world`s views If ILM news carries on like this, success With an open heart He gives a warm welcome to all of his visi- Mr.Munir Blooch, a man who writes on will display the British regime tors The newspaper excels because of this He is eloquent in his speech dexterous man Mr Muhamad Ali Chaudhry, is a supporter This is why people read his columns He is determined for keeping his newspaThey have ample content to teach of ILM news per perfect His ideas with the newspaper work hand He elevates ILM news to the top Mr Zulfiqar shah in hand Next year triumph is what will reflect Discusses about social complications He is worthy of praise

Protein From Nuts And Seeds Helps Heart While eating red meat that is rich in protein is linked with increased risk of heart disease, protein from nuts and seeds could be beneficial for the human heart, suggests a study including more than 80,000 participants. The study, appearing in the International Journal of Epidemiology, found that people who consumed large amounts of meat protein experienced a 60 per cent increase in cardiovascular disease (CVD), while people who consumed large amounts of protein from nuts and seeds experienced a 40-per cent reduction in CVD. While dietary fats are part of the story in affecting risk of cardiovascular disease, proteins may also have important and largely overlooked independent effects on risk. Nutritionists have traditionally looked toward “bad fats” in meats and “helpful fats” in nuts and seeds as causal agents. As a result of being high in unsaturated fat, nuts and seeds are traditionally included in the “good fat” category. However, it is also possible that “good protein” that also adds to their positive health impact. This new evidence suggests that the full picture probably also involves the biological effects of proteins in these foods. Healthy diets can be advocated based on protein sources, preferring low contributions of protein from meat and higher intakes of plant protein from nuts and seeds, the study noted.

Third Of Global Inventors Are Women The UN has hailed a significant increase in women listed as inventors in global patent filings over the past decade, but warned a pronounced gender gap remained. New data from the World Intellectual Property Organization showed that women were listed in 31% of the some 224,000 international patent applications it published last year. That compares to just 23% a decade earlier, the UN agency said. WIPO chief Francis Gurry celebrated in a statement “the innovative, creative accomplishments of women around the globe.” He pointed out that “international patent applications are an important benchmark for measuring innovative activity in the contemporary, global economy,” stressing that “anything less than the achievement of full parity between men and women is a missed opportunity.” The agency’s data showed that South Korea was best in class on gender, with at least one woman listed among inventors in more than 50% of all international patent applications. China, the world’s second largest filer of international patents, also came in second when it came to including women inventors in its filings, at 48%. The world leader in international patent applications, the United States, meanwhile only listed women among the inventors in 33% of its filings, placing it fifth, WIPO said. International patent applications in the fields of biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and chemistry showed the highest inclusion of women, with female inventors listed in a majority of patents in these disciplines, WIPO said. Biotech topped the ranking, counting women inventors in 58% of all filings, while patents related to mechanical elements was at the bottom of the list, with just 14%.

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Yasmeen Shah

Shahnaz Bano

Molana Naseer u Deen

Ifat Hameed

Said Ahmad Syed

Molana Latif Hussain Naqvi

Molana Qari Muhammad Ali

Ibrar Hussain

Shehar yar Chishty

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