October edition ilm news 2017

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1a Senior Road daoR roineS a1 Darnall llanraD 1a Senior Road 1a Senior Road daoR ro ShefÞeld dle Þifn ee hS S a1 Darnall Darnall llN aP nr4a9 DS S9 4PN 1a Senior Road ShefÞeld Tel ShefÞeld 0114 2618979 979d 8l1e6Þ2fe4h1S 10 leT Darnall S9 4PN S9 4PN N P 4 9 S Mobile 07966 234907 709432 66970 eliboM Tel ShefÞeld 0114 2618979 Tel 0114 2618979 9798162 4110 leT facebook.com/vapedaway S9 4PN Mobile 07966 234907 Mobile 07966 234907 70d9a4o 3R 26 6 9 7M 0 etS lib0o2M 120 St Marys Road s y r a 1 Tel 0114 2618979 1a Senior Road daoR roineS a1 twitter.com/vapedaway Town centre ertln e c n w o T Mobile 07966 234907 daoR roineS a1120 StDarnall arnarM aDtS 021a 120 Marys Road Marys Road daoR d slly 1 Senior Road 1a St Senior Road ShefÞeld eÞffeeh hS S ShefÞeld llanraD e centre Town centre 1aTown Senior Road erW tdnlA eÞ c n w o T Darnall Darnall S2 4AW d a o R r o i n e S a 1 2SS 120 StDarnall Marys Road S9 4PN dleÞfehS P44 1a Senior Road ShefÞeld ShefÞeld ShefÞeld dlN fe9 h1S ShefÞeld Tel 0114 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3272252 4 2 S 2 2 7 2 3 4 l e T Town centre S40 2TU S9 4PN S40 2TU550566 P Tel 0114 2618979 1aTown S40 2TU U T0235 07 40 S eliboM S9 S24PN 4AW Storforth Lane S2 4AW centre Mobile 07530 d lN e2 Þ34 fe49 h1S S 6 5 0 5 5 Tel 0114 2618979 Senior Road ChesterÞeld Mobile 07971406145 Tel 01246 767830 2 5 2 2 7 1 0 l e T Birdholme 56 4 1 6 0 4 1 7 9 7 0 e l i b o M ShefÞeld Tel 01246 767830 Mobile 07966 973272252 981 6224S110 leT Tel 01246 767830 120 StShefÞeld Marys Road 1a234907 Senior 038767 64210 leTel T Tel 0114 0114 Mobile 07530 550566 Tel 0114 3272252 Mobile 07966Road 234907 ChesterÞeld Darnall 2618979 S40 2TU 50491 63W 024A6 146 79 97 70 0e elliib bMobile oM M S40 2TU S2 4AW Mobile 07530 550566 StDarnall Marys RoadTown 07530 550566 42 o S2centre 4AW 120 St120 Marys Road 665055 03570 elMobile iMobile boM 7 07971406145 Mobile 07971406145 ShefÞeld Tel 01246 767830 2 5 2 7 2 3 4 1 1 0 l e T 07966 234907 Tel 01246 767830 Town centre Storforth Lane enaL htrofrotS Tel 0114 3272252 Mobile 07530 550566 Tel ShefÞeld 0114 3272252 Specialist In New & Part Worn Tyres e| info@atityres.com w| www.atityres.com ShefÞeldTown centre S9 4PN 5 4 1 6 0 4 1 7 9 7 0 e l i b o M ShefÞeld Mobile 07530 550566 120 St Marys Road Birdholme S2 4AW en as Lyh trM oftrS ot0S21 S2 4AW emlohdriBMobile e| info@atityres.com w| www.atityres.com 07971406145 Mobile 07971406145 moc.serytita.www |w moc.serytStorforth ita@ ofni |Lane e dao RLane ra Tel 0114 2618979 Storforth Tel 0114 3272252ShefÞeld Marys Road S9 4PN Tel 0114 3272252 ChesterÞeld m lo dw rioBT Town centre Mobile e| info@atityres.com w| www.atityres.com Mobile 07971406145 dleÞretsehC120 St 07966 234907 ea retL ne ctrhn Birdholme Birdholme e n h o f r o t S S2 4AW e| info@atityres.com w| www.atityres.com e| info@atityres.com w| www.atityres.com Town centre Mobile 07971406145 moc.serytita.www |w moc.serytitStorforth a@Tel ofn i 0114 |ShefÞeld e S40 2TU d lelÞ refe tsheShC 2618979 Storforth Lane UT2 04S Storforth Lane Lane d e Þ ChesterÞeld 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Specialist In New & Part Worn Tyres Specialist In New & Part Worn Tyres




1a Senior Road 1a Specialist In New & Part Worn Tyres seryT nroW traP & weN nI tsilaSenior icDarnall epSRoad Darnall Specialist Worn Specialist In New & Part Worn Tyres In New ser& yTPart nro traPTyres & weNrecreation nI tsilaiGround,sheffield, cShefÞeld epS vIsIt tHe stores: 703 staniforth road, darnall, sheffield, s9 7re /W Beighton Welfare s20 1ed ShefÞeld S9 4PN Specialist In New & Part Worn Tyres S9 4PN Tel 0114 2618979 1a Senior Road Tel 0114 2618979 Mobile 07966 234907 Specialist In New & Part Worn Tyres seryT nroW traP & weN nI tMobile silaicDarnall e p S 07966 seryTyres T nroW traP & wShefÞeld e N nI234907 tsilaicepS st In New & Part Worn Tyres Specialist In New & Part Worn Ste Marys seryT nroW traP 120 &w N4PN nI tRoad silaicepS S9 st In New & Part Worn Tyres Specialist In New & Part Worn Tyres 120 St Marys Road Town centre 0114 2618979 Specialist In New & Part WornTel Tyres Town centre MobileShefÞeld 07966 234907 Specialist In New & Part Worn Tyres ShefÞeld S2 4AW Specialist In New & Part WornseTyres ryT nroW traP & weN nI tsilaicepS st In New & Part Worn Tyres S2 4AW TelSt 0114 3272252 120 Marys Road Specialist In New & Part Worn Tyres TelTown 0114 3272252 Mobile 07971406145 centre MobileShefÞeld 07971406145 Specialist In New & Part Worn Tyres Storforth Lane S2 4AW Storforth Lane Birdholme Tel 0114 3272252 Birdholme ChesterÞeld Mobile 07971406145

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Aagrah Leopold Square, Unit 1 Leopold Square, Leopold Street, Sheffield, S1 2JG. Tel. 0114 2795577 Open: Mon-Thurs 5.30pm – 11.30pm · Fri- Sat 5.30-12 midnight · Sun 4.30-10.30pm Aagrah Crystal Peaks, 200 Waterthorpe Greenway, Crystal Peaks, Sheffield, S20 8LY, UK Tel: 0114 248 2049 Open: A LA CARTE & TAKEAWAY: Mon-Sat: 5:30pm - 11:30pm & Sun: 4:30pm - 10:30pm BUFFET: Mon-Sat: 5:30pm - 10:00pm & Sun: 4:30pm - 9:30pm Takeaway service available. *TERMS AND CONDITIONS Above promotions not valid on takeaways or throughout December. Not valid in conjunction with any other offer. Please contact the branch to check availability of these offers prior to coming to the restaurant.

Acid Attacks: Ban On Sale Of Corrosive Substances To Under-18S The government plans to ban the sale of acid to minors and prevent people from carrying corrosive liquids in public, in response to a dramatic increase in acid attacks across the country. Home Secretary Amber Rudd announced the decision, describing the growing trend as "absolutely revolting." "You have all seen the pictures of victims that never fully recover, endless surgeries, lives ruined. So today, I'm also announcing a new offence to prevent the sale of acids to under 18s," she said. She did not elaborate on how the government would impose the ban, but her comments were made in the wider context of a proposed strategy to reduce violent crime and the use of offensive weapons, including knives. London in particular has seen a sharp rise in acid attacks, with 454 reported last year, up from 261 in 2015. Many of the attacks are carried out with everyday cleaning items readily available at grocery and hardware stores. Rudd said that she intended to also drastically limit the public sale of sulphuric acid as it could be used as a compound in homemade explosives, such as the one used in the Manchester bombing in May, which left 22 people dead. Police say that acid attacks in London were once typically carried out by men against women close to them but are now predominantly used between young males, often in the context of urban gangs. Many cases against women, however, have been reported this year. Several lawmakers have called for restrictions on the sale of acidbased products in recent months. Rudd had previously called for a life sentence for perpetrators of acid attacks, arguing that many victims were in effect given a life sentence from their injuries.

2050: The Year The World Could Run Out Of Food The world’s population is expected to reach 9.8 billion by 2050. We will have to produce 70% more food than today to feed everyone. Oxfam warns that the price of food will rise steeply from 2030. Corn prices could go up by 180% and rice by 130%. There will also be many more hungry people in the world. The number of ‘food insecure’ people in sub-Saharan Africa will rise by a third. Africa already imports food, India may start soon, and China is demanding more meat. It’s not just overpopulation threatening food security, but new crop diseases, desertification and soil erosion add to the risk. Agriculture must also adapt to a rapidly changing climate. There are some actions we can take to secure the future of food, such as using new technology and big data to make agriculture more efficient, and change how we buy and consume food. We must take decisive action if we are to avoid a future where there is not enough food to go round

READ INSIDE AISCL Season 2017 Page 5

History of the Rohingya People Page 18 CUT PIECE Page 22-23

Downing Street Protest Page 4

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Professional Street Beggars Making £100 A Day Street begging is making Sheffield city centre a 'third world country' with 'professionals' raking in '£100 a day'. That's the view of Sheffield City Centre Residents' Action Group who compiled a consultation on the issue of people who beg on the streets on the request of South Yorkshire Police. One resident said the number of street beggars has 'increased massively' over the last two or three years while another person living in the city centre revealed they have seen people seen 'jogging briskly to their patch before slumping to the floor, crouching under an old coat and proceeding to beg'. Another anonymous resident who has lived in the city centre for 12 years said: " The image of Sheffield city centre is dragged down by these people, who don’t exist in Meadowhall. Something substantial needs doing.

IKEA Sheffield Store Opens In Tinsley Hundreds of customers queued up to be among the first through the door at the new IKEA Sheffield store near Meadowhall, on the site of the former Tinsley Wire firm. The Swedish home furnishing giant has created nearly 500 jobs in the region with the IKEA Sheffield store being the 20th opened in the UK.


Confusing Bus Gates In Sheffield Campaigners fighting to end confusion over bus gates in Sheffield, which appear to have baffled many motorists, have made a breakthrough. Numerous drivers have either been caught out by restrictions along Glossop Road in the city centre or avoided the street altogether, which some businesses say has cost them thousands of pounds in lost custom. The westbound stretch of Glossop Road, between Regent Street and Gell Street, is off-limits to drivers on weekdays between 4pm and 6.30pm to prevent delays to buses

and trams, but it remains open to all traffic at other times. Sheffield City Centre Residents Action Group (SCCRAG) claims the signs and road markings in place are misleading. It has been lobbying Sheffield Council to change them but with little success - until now. The council, which has previously insisted the restrictions are clearly indicated, appears to have had a change of heart. It has drafted plans for an overhaul, based on the recommendations, and the costs are now being calculated.

SCCRAG has objected to the current system since it was first proposed in 2015, though the council only began issuing fines to drivers caught contravening the restrictions by the Regent Street camera in March this year. The changes now proposed include replacing the variable signs at the gates, which only flash on when the restrictions are in place, with permanent signs indicating the hours of operation. The road markings would also be altered from 'BUS, TAXI, CYCLE ONLY' to 'BUS GATE'.

Meadowhall £300m Extension Plan Approved Plans for a £300m extension to the Meadowhall shopping centre in Sheffield have been approved. The 330,000 sq ft (27,800 sq m) development will include restaurants, a cinema and a gym and will create more than 1,500 jobs. Building work is expected to start next year with the new complex opening in 2021. A number of retailers across the city objected to the expansion claiming it would affect their businesses. Meadowhall's co-owner British Land, said the new development would bring more than £24m a year into the local economy. "It sits alongside other significant investments in the city centre and elsewhere, and ensures the area continues to play a key role in the UK economy, creating jobs and a skilled workforce, improving the quality of life for residents and enhancing its appeal to visitors," they added. The shopping centre, which opened in 1990, is already undergoing a £60m refurbishment due for completion at the end of 2017.

UK Marks Three Year Tackling Daesh Daesh fighters are being pinned down by the Royal Air Force in their former stronghold of Raqqa as the UK marks three years of tackling the barbaric cult in Iraq and Syria. Royal Air Force aircraft destroyed 17 targets in Syria in a single day last week as the air campaign intensifies, forcing Daesh to splinter and retreat from areas it ruled when the UK voted to begin air strikes in September 2014. British aircraft have struck Daesh 1,340 times in Iraq and 262 times in Syria. In that time the group has lost territory, finances, leaders and fighters as the 73-member coalition has liberated cities in both countries. Defence Secretary, Sir Michael Fallon, said: “Britain has made a major contribution to the campaign that has crippled Daesh since 2014, forcing this miserable cult from the gates of Baghdad to the brink of defeat in Raqqa. By air, land and sea UK personnel have played a tireless role in striking targets and training allies. As the second largest contributor to the Global Coalition’s military campaign, the UK has flown more than 8,000 sorties with Tornado and Typhoon jets and Reaper drones, providing strikes, surveillance and reconnaissance, refuelling and transport. Since 2014 the UK has hit Daesh with over 1,500 strikes, bombarding targets including heavy machine-gun positions, truck-bombs, mortar teams, snipers and weap-

ons stores. RAF Typhoons, Tornados and Reapers have hounded Daesh day and night, striking from Raqqa and Dayr az Zawr in Syria to Qayyarah and Al Qaim in Iraq”. Air Chief Marshal, Sir Stephen Hillier, said: “This has been an immense effort by RAF airmen and airwomen over the last three years of continued operations, countering Da’esh in Iraq and Syria. However, the tempo continues with RAF aircraft destroying 17 targets in Syria in a single day last week. Three years ago Daesh was barely an hour from the gates of Baghdad, but today it has lost more than 73 per cent of the territory it occupied in Iraq and 65 per cent of its former territory in Syria. The Royal Air Force has played an essential role to allies, helping Syrian Democratic Forces engaged in ground close combat and the Iraqi Security Forces who continue their advance having liberated Mosul and Ninewah province”.

More than 5.5 million people have been freed from Daesh’s rule and over 2 million displaced Iraqi civilians have returned to their homes. In Mosul alone, it is estimated that over 265,000 people have returned. On the ground, around 600 British soldiers are in Iraq, helping to train that country’s forces. UK troops have so far helped train over 58,000 Iraqi Security Forces in battle winning infantry, counter-IED, engineering and combat medical skills. Recognising the valuable contributions made by many serving military personnel, Sir Michael announced an Iraq and Syria Operational Service Medal during his recent visit to Iraq. The UK’s commitment from all three Services to the fight against Daesh across the region now numbers just over 1,400 military personnel, with the latest uplift of 44 Royal Engineers announced in September demonstrating the UKs contribution to the campaign.

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Members Of World Sindhi Congress And Human Rights Activists Protest Outside 10 Downing Dr Syed Alam Shah WSC members and human right activists submitted petition to Prime minister of United Kingdom pointing out that the security agencies of Pakistan are involved in extrajudicial killings of political and human rights defenders. The security agencies are operating with impunity and forcedly disappearing Sindhi and Baluch people. The petition also mentioned that religious radicalism is given open space in Sindh and Baluchistan to preach their ideology of hatred while labelling the minority religious groups as kafirs [infidels] thereby legitimizing their killings in the country. The petition submitted to the office of Prime Minister, the member of world Sindhi congress along with human rights activists and concerned residents of United Kingdom stated that British aid to Pakistan should come with strings attached to force Pakistan to demonstrate its commitment to human rights and the observation of international law according to the UN charter. Dr Syed Alam Shah Sindhi, a human right activist said in his speech that ‘’Pakistan is a country where there is no rule of law or justice. The institutions of justice are working under the influence of MI OR ISI in Pakistan, what would we expect, the decisions to stifle and oppress the freedom of speech, the denial of scheme of basic equal liberties, and equalities to smaller provinces of Sindh and Baluchistan. The international world is well acquainted with the situation in Sindh and Baluchistan, thousands of people are arrested, kidnapped, abducted, enforcedly disappeared and tortured to the death. It is a not only the violation of human rights framework but also an assault on the natural and political rights of the constitutional

citizens of the state. Dr Shah further pointed out that the security agencies have been the accomplice of terror and violence. The recent history is witness account to how most criminal agents of chaos and violence were harboured in remote parts of Khaibar Pakhtun Khuwa. Surprisingly, civilian government in Punjab province shakes hands with terrorist’s organizations and insists them to undo suicide attacks or blasts in Punjab, but are told to carry out attacks in other provinces is not problem for both Military and Punjab government. The current political scenario demonstrates that Sindh and Baluchistan are the most affected provinces by terror attacks. It is true that Pakistan has sacrificed thousands of people in a war against terror, but most of the attacks have been carried out possibly through the help of facilitators already supported by the intelligent agencies in Pakistan. The hypocrisy of security agencies is to accommodate and train terrorists and utilize them inside [especially affecting Sindh and Baluchistan] in particular and the south Asian region in general. I had pointed out that Universities are providing open space to terrorist’s organizations to preach their ideology and brainwash students for the Jihad. I was attacked in 2010 by the student mob facilitated by the terrorist organizations in Karachi University. We are not safe in education institutions, one of our colleagues Professor Dr Shakeel Ouj was assassinated by the same terrorists organizations. Mr Mansoor Baluch, an activist of the Baluch Republican Party in London, said ‘’we are here in front of PM house to let the international community know that Pakistan must stop abducting Sindhi and Baluch nationalists and let them live in peace. Ms Mehnaz Baluch, Baluch political activist said, “In the name of nation of Baluchistan, all those that sacrificed their lives for the country, we have gathered for them. We need to raise our voice against them to put an

end to atrocities committed by the intelligent agencies against the people of Sindh and Baluchistan. The chairman of WSC, Mr Lakhu Luhana, said, “you want me not to raise my voice, you want me not to revolt, but how many of you will keep mum. There are thousands who are revolting and objecting over the issue. Pakistani intelligent agencies have created an atmosphere of terror, horror, suffocation on the Sindhi and Baluch people who want to live in peace in the motherland. If you go and see, then Pakistan is number one in enforced disappearances, which are being carried out since ages. People like us should raise their voice to fight for them and support them in all possible ways”. Listing out the atrocities committed by Pakistani military, the petition stated that from 2012-2014, similar wave of disappearance and nationalists’ being tortured to death has been carried out at the hands of agencies. Mutilated dead bodies of many of those victims were found in later months. Families and friends are genuinely concerned about their lives and welfare of the recently disappeared activists. Pakistani intelligent agencies encourage and provide resettlement opportunities for the Talban in Sindh and Baluchistan, and promote the establishment of religious seminaries, which result in systematic discrimination, hostility and persecution of indigenous Sindhi people. The speakers requested the British Government to exert pressure on Pakistan to guarantee the protection and safety of people of Sindh and Baluchistan. “We appreciate your support for the international rule of law as well as international human rights standards, and we ask that your also stand with the sandhi people to condemn the enforced disappearances currently being undertaken in Sindh. Further we request you to pursue an international enquiry into the human rights violations against Sindh people.” It concluded.

£1.3m Claimed By Lords Who Never Speak Peers who haven’t spoken in the Lords for an entire year have claimed nearly £1.3m in expenses and allowances, research from the Electoral Reform Society (ERS) has revealed. ERS release analysis of voting, speaking and expenses records in the Lords, showing ‘something for nothing’ culture among peers – amid calls for substantive reform 115 Lords – one in seven of the total – failed to speak at all in the 2016/17 session, despite claiming an average of £11,091 each, while 18 peers failed to vote but still claimed £93,162. It comes amid an ‘expenses free-for-all’ in the Lords, with expenses claims soaring by 20% in just two years – at a time when public services have been under strain. The findings show that most peers (58% of those attending the whole 2016/17 session) now claim more


than the average full-time Brit’s take-home pay – for what is essentially a part-time role. The research follows calls from Commons Speaker John Bercow to cut the size of the upper chamber – and ahead of the publication of a key Lords inquiry on reducing the number of peers. Peers do not have to offer proof they have contributed in order to claim up to £300 tax-free per day, plus expenses. Lobby-fodder Lords: £4,086,764 has been claimed by the 36% of peers who spoke five times or fewer in the past year, many of whom simply turn up to vote 167 peers made 10 or fewer spoken contributions – yet claimed more than the average take-home salary Couch-potato peers: Peers who voted ten times or fewer claimed £1,032,653 in 2016/17 The ‘something for nothing’ culture: £7.3m claimed by peers who spoke ten times or fewer this past year, while 131 peers spoke and voted ten times or fewer – claiming £658,314 in 2016/17 The noisy minority: 10 peers – 1.16% of the total – account for over a fifth of spoken contributions, while the top 50 speakers account for 51% of total speeches Supersized-chamber: Despite being the second largest chamber in the world, most of the Lords’ huge costs come from those who contribute the least: the most active 300 peers claim only half the expenses – showing the size of the Lords can be cut without significantly limiting its work

New Bank Of England £10 Note Welcomed The new plastic notes, featuring novelist Jane Austen, began appearing in people’s pockets in the last few weeks after one billion were printed. Like the £5 note already in circulation featuring Sir Winston Churchill, the new £10 banknote featuring Pride And Prejudice author Austen is made from polymer. They’re expected to last around two-and-a-half times longer than the paper versions. The existing paper notes, featuring Charles Darwin, are still legal tender until spring 2018. They’ll be phased out until then, but can still be spent. The exact date will be announced at least three months in advance. A new £20 note featuring artist JMW Turner will follow in 2020. The Bank of England worked with the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) to build accessibility into the design of the new polymer note. It is the first Bank of England note that contains a tactile feature to assist blind and partiallysighted users. The note has two clusters of raised dots at the top left corner of the note to allow blind or partially sighted people to identify the value of the note easily. The Bank of England will also include these features on the new polymer £20, due to be released in 2020. This year marks the 200th anniversary of Jane Austen’s death. Born on December 16 1775, in Steventon, Hampshire, Austen

started to write short, comic stories in childhood, and her first works were published anonymously. While her work gave her little personal fame during her lifetime, Austen’s novels started appearing on university reading lists around the start of the 20th century, with many films later exploring the themes of her writing. Austen died on 18th July 1817. The transition to polymer had sparked controversy after the Bank confirmed that an “extremely small amount” of tallow, or ani-

mal fat, was used to produce polymer pellets, which were part of the production process for creating the notes. In August, following a public consultation, the Bank said that after “careful and serious consideration”, there would be no change to the composition of polymer used for future banknotes. It said the only viable alternative was palm oil, but this raised questions about environmental sustainability and value for money.

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Allama Iqbal Sunday Cricket League Season 2017

Afraz Khan

Abbeydale Cricket Club champions. Yes you read that right and I have to pinch myself when I say that or write this. Who’d have thought this when Alison Law were flying 9 points clear of Abbeydale at one stage. I even recall the loss to Alison Law and their players asking who Abbeydale CC are, who are these players, well you now know who Abbeydale are.

for them. They gained a healthy 9 point lead in the first 8 games. After that they were hunted by the packs.Low point of season 2017, is the way Pindi Tigers left the arena, they gave up and left with lowest points tally in Allama Iqbal, 4 points from a possible 54. Not something they want to be remembered for. But it's a ruthless business teams will chew and spit you out.

It was a rollercoaster season for me, losing a dear friend, Wajid Ali who retuned to Allah (swt), and then Abbeydale

I will sign off with what’s in store for season 2018 and what an exiting time that will be. League will look to introduce red/white ball and increase the over’s to 30. This is dependant on the captains accepting the changes. The league would benefit from another addition and that’s keeping 4 fielders within the 30 yard circle. It would encourage batsmen’s to play their shots and see value for it. This was trailed in the Wajid Ali cup and worked well. Something else the team captains should have a think about is having an end of season game, League champion’s vs best 11 of Allama Iqbal. I’ll leave you with that thought. with win percentage of 82%, 14 wins and 3 losses and not to mention 11 points clear of second place taking the championship. I know Wajid will be looking down on his second favourite team and congratulating Abbeydale. This year I look at the stats table to see which Abbeydale batsmen scored the runs, who took the wickets and which player was the standout, and the only thing I see is a collective team effort. So well done Sarkab Raja and the rest of boys, you guys have not only made me proud but also Narmando and some Palal back in Kashmir. Abbeydale also won the Wajid Ali cup, which was held in his memory. Abbeydale set Alison Law 140 in 16 and won it comfortably in the end. Season 2017 also so Sharrow come mighty close to winning a trophy, they finished runners up in the league and finalist in Alison Law cup. As the saying goes “so close, yet so far”. May be next year will be their year. There were high hopes at Alison Law CC however they seamed to capitulate in the second part of the season, when they had to play away. Davey’s was a good hunting ground


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UN Gives Myanmar ‘Last Chance’ To Halt Rohingya Genocide The United Nations has urged Myanmar’s de-facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi to immediately halt military operation against Rohingya Muslims. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said if Aung San Suu Kyi does not reverse the situation now, then the tragedy will be “absolutely horrible”. He warned the offensive could amount to ethnic cleansing. The UN chief reiterated that the Rohingya Muslims should be allowed to return home. Myanmar says it is responding to last month’s deadly attacks by militants and denies it is targeting civilians. The military launched its operation after the attacks on police in the northern Rakhine state. Aung San Suu Kyi – a Nobel Peace Prize laureate who spent many years under house arrest in the junta-run Myanmar (Burma) – is now facing

growing criticism over the Rohingya issue. She did not attend the UN General Assembly in New York, and has claimed that the crisis is being distorted by a “huge iceberg of misinformation”. She said tensions were being fanned by fake news promoting the interests of terrorists. Guterres’ warning comes after Bangladesh said it was now limiting the movement of more than 400,000 Rohingya who have fled from Myanmar.

DVSA Unveils Changes To New-Look Driving Test Those aiming to take their driving test from December will be interested to learn the details of a new section announced by the DVSA. A new 'show me, tell me' component will require would-be drivers to explain a safety task to their examiner prior to getting the car up and running – with another practical element introduced later in the test. 'Show me, tell me' is just one of a raft of changes being implemented as the driving test undergoes modernisation – including the requirement to follow directions from a sat nav. Coming into force from December 4, examinees will be asked one 'show me' and one 'tell me' question during their test. They will be asked to explain a safety measure – such as how to check the car's brakes are working – before starting a journey. Other examples of the questions they might be asked include detailing where to find information on recommended tyre pressures, and how to tell

if tyres are road-legal. As for the 'show me' section, drivers will be asked to perform one task from a selection, which could include operating the horn, washing the front windscreen or switching on dipped headlights. Among the other new elements of the practical test to come into force at the end of the year, there will an increased independent driving section, the addition of following directions from a sat nav and revisions to reversing manoeuvres. DVSA, said “its priority is to help people through a lifetime of safe driving." "Making sure the driving test better assesses a driver’s ability to drive safely and independently is part of our strategy to help people stay safe on Britain's roads." "It’s vital that the driving test keeps up to date with new vehicle technology and the areas where new drivers face the greatest risk once they’ve passed their test."

34% Of Leave Voters Admit Having Racist Attitudes Britons who voted Leave in the EU referendum are more likely to describe themselves as "racially prejudiced" than those who voted Remain, according to new research. A survey of 2,220 people found that 34% of Leave voters admitted holding racist attitudes compared to 18% of Remain voters. The study, conducted by the National Centre for Social Research, found 26% of Britons still described themselves as "very" or "a little" prejudiced towards people of other races. Twitter Ads info and privacy The study has been conducted annually since 1983 and the number of people saying they are racially prejudiced has never fallen below a quarter. The figure peaked at 39% in 1987 and hit a second peak of 37% in 2011, the report Racial Prejudice In Britain Today said. Also published in the report was new data from the European Social Survey conducted in 2014 revealing that 18% of Britons agreed that "some races or ethnic groups are born less intelligent". A total of 44% of the 3,000 Britons involved in the European Social Survey said that some ethnic


groups were naturally harder working. Men were more likely than women to say they were racially prejudiced, at 29% compared to 23%. The population was also divided along party lines, with 33% of Conservative party supporters admitting racial prejudice compared to 18% of Labour supporters. These numbers provide clear evidence that a significant minority of people in Britain feel prejudiced towards people of other races. The findings seem to buck the trend of growing tolerance we have seen in the British Social Attitudes survey. Dr Omar Khan, director of racial equality think tank Runnymede, said: "We have been far too complacent about a rising wave of tolerance leading to a less prejudiced society. "We need new ways of talking about race to tackle the stereotypes and fears of difference that give rise to unfairness. "But even more importantly, we need policies that tackle racial inequality and enable greater social interaction between people from different backgrounds."

Saudi Arabia Will Allow Women To Drive For The First Time Saudi Arabia is to allow women to drive for the first time. The ultra-conservative kingdom, which announced the change, was the only the country in the world to bar women from driving and for years had garnered negative world publicity for detaining women who defied the ban. Women’s rights activists since the 1990s have been pushing for the right to drive, saying it represents their larger struggle for equal rights under the law. The state-run Saudi Press Agency and state TV reported the news late on Tuesday evening, saying a royal order was issued for both men and women to be issued driving licences. A committee will be formed to look into how to implement the new order. The move comes as Saudi Arabia works to improve its image and the perception of its human rights record in the United States and the West. Prince Khaled bin Salman, the new Saudi ambassador to Washington, said letting women drive was a “huge step forward” for his coun-

try. He told reporters that it was the right time for Saudi Arabia to do the right thing and said his government viewed women driving as a social issue, not a religious or cultural matter. The prince said women would not need permission legally from a male guardian to obtain a driving licence, nor a guardian in the vehicle with them. He said Saudi Arabia would recognise driver’s licences issued to women in other Gulf Co-operation Council countries.

Takeaways Top The List Of Least Trusted Food Outlets NFU Mutual’s Food Fraud Report 2017, reveals that takeaways are the least trusted type of food outlet (42%) followed by online (21%) and convenience stores (16%). As Britain prepares to leave the European Union, the new research by the hospitality business insurer reveals that only 12% of people have confidence in the European food chain and just 7% in the global chain, fewer than one in every ten people. One third of consumers (33%) are less trusting of products and retailers than they were five years ago, compared with only 9% whose trust has increased, and a further 33% believe that food crime is likely to increase in the future. Almost three quarters (72%) believe there to be an issue with food fraud in the UK, with over a quarter also believing that they have personally experienced it (27%). Hearing about high profile cases of fraudulent food in the media, such as the horse meat scandal

in 2013, is the most common cause of reduced confidence in nearly half of consumers (46%). The UK food and drink industry could be losing up to £12bn annually to fraud1, entering the food chain through means including falsified or inaccurate documentation, and redirection of waste products back into the supply chain or re-dating of stock. One third of consumers (33%) are less trusting of products and retailers than they were five years ago, compared with only 9% whose trust has increased. A further 33% believe that food crime is likely to increase in the future. Additionally, over two thirds of people (70%) regularly take measures to ensure their food is legitimate and 17% avoid certain foods altogether that they believe could be susceptible to fraud. Four out of five respondents though (77%) said that they would not know how to spot a counterfeit product.

Seizure Of Thousands Of Fake And Illegal Cigarettes An ongoing operation to tackle the supply of illegal tobacco in Sheffield has resulted in the confiscation of nearly 14 thousand cigarettes and 3.75kg of rolling tobacco. Officers from Trading Standards, South Yorkshire Police and assisted by tobacco detection dogs, visited several shops across the city. In Darnall officers found cigarette packets hidden in a purpose built shelving unit on a shop floor. A further shop in Firth Park concealed a large stock of illicit cigarettes underneath the sales counter. All the tobacco and cigarettes carried health warnings in a foreign language, an obvious sign of illegality, or were counterfeit brands. Investigations have now begun and those involved will be interviewed and could face prosecution. Councillor Bryan Lodge, Cabinet Member for the Environment, said: “The illegal tobacco trade brings crime into our communities as it is often part of organised criminal activity and is linked to a range of other illegal trades including drug smuggling, exploitation and money laundering. “We will not tolerate this in our communities. “Trading Standards are doing an excellent job in ensuring we stamp out the availability of illegal

tobacco in Sheffield. However, we’re not stopping here and will continue to be relentless in our approach.” Illegal cigarettes are cheaper to buy; they cost £4.50 per pack on average and are often sold in singles. Officials warns that this makes it easier for children to buy cigarettes for pocket money prices. Greg Fell, Director of Public Health at Sheffield City Council, said: “Each week in Sheffield there are 16 smoking related deaths and five children start smoking every day. Illicit tobacco is typically smoked by people on low income. “Smoking is the single biggest cause of illness and death in the city and a major contributor to the differences in health outcomes between our richest and poorest communities. This is why we must take action. “The council is committed to supporting people out of tobacco addiction and a key part of our Tobacco Control Strategy is tackling the illicit market.” The sale of illegal or counterfeit tobacco and cigarettes can be reported to Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 03454 04 05 06 or at www. citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/get-more-help/ if-you-need-more-help-about-a-consumer-issue/

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FINITE GOLD LAND Mohammed Mahroof BSc (Hons) MRICS Consultant Mark Jenkinson & Son In the last few years, there has been a steady in- Agriculture crease in enquiries for land, whether this is for As the population increases the demand for food residential, commercial or general. is becoming an everlasting challenge, the demand for land to grow food and rear cattle etc is arguI have talked about it on a number of occasions ably a major issue facing us. The price of agriwhy owning and developing land is a good idea. cultural land is reflected in this demand for food. One only needs to look into the simple economics I believe that over time the demand for land for and you will see that in the world of supply and such uses will rise, and therefore the choices we demand there is an important ingredient supply face as to how we use land become more imporwhich will never change. Although in some coun- tant, hence the laws of planning. tries in the Middle East they are re-claiming sea to develop upon.

21st century and beyond.

is almost certainly going to be a cautious no.

Services The need to build infrastructure for our needs is also land intensive, roads, railways, hospitals, schools, all our basic facilities we take for granted are built on land. If one looks around our surroundings and reflects for a few moments our need for land is intense and rising. I was recently asked by someone why is the price of burial plots rising? The answer again is simple economics.

Controls on land usage through politics and the planning process therefore become terribly important.

Land is a worldwide issue with the world becoming every more populated the challenges on land are increasing. I feel the following considerations are a key factor in demand for land: Population Trends It has been argued by many academics and professionals in the field of world population trends that we are living longer, the population of the world is steadily increasing therefore the need for land to house people is almost certainly going to become a key issue. If you look at some of the worlds major Cities the price of land over time in real terms has not reduced, and the challenges for emerging economies is going to become ever more challenging. Economics It does not need an economist to tell us that supply is finite, although some of you may argue that some countries are reclaiming land from water. Clearly that is expensive and fraught with difficulty. It only strengthens the argument that land is an important commodity when some countries are investing in such projects.

Therefore before you embark on any land project it is important you are aware of a few fundamental principles of development. I would always advise that you take good professional advice, there is no substitute for this, just as the economics of supply and demand are important, these are backed up by legislation and planning policy so there is not a free for all and land is used in the best possible way not only for today but for future generations. Clearly this has an impact on value, therefore land value is not uniform. As an example land for agricultural use is going to be worth less than land in the city centre for development use, every use has a value.

Resources The need for fossil fuels is another key focus for land use throughout the world, we are much more reliant on land or the substructure of land to provide oil, coal, gold, silver, iron ore, chemicals and many other natural products we use in everyday life. Therefore the need to understand the economics of land become more important and more importantly so as we go through the

By no means have I touched on all the conflicting challenges and needs for land, but I do hope I have given you an understanding of the value of land and why our need for land is only, in my humble opinion, going to rise, yes we will see economic changes, we have and will continue to see recessions but ask yourself one question, has our need for land ever really diminished?, the answer

In conclusion one can only summarise that land is an important and valuable commodity, and I for one believe demand over time is going to be a major challenge on supply, this is arguably going to see a rise in prices, this may be hard to imagine going through these difficult times, but history is a reflection of our desire for land. The ownership of land can be considered in the same context as gold, silver, diamonds etc, history is a clear witness of this. Therefore the forward thinking investor/developers are showing signs of return to the market, this is cautious optimism, but a good sign. As ever if you want to contact me please call me on 0114 2760151/07879 015095 or through ILM.

ICC RULE CHANGES The International Cricket Council has announced the implementation of new playing conditions from September 28 across all formats of international cricket Players can now also be sent off the field for misconduct, as the new ‘playing conditions’ will be applicable in all series across formats effective September 28. Teams will also not lose any review due to ‘umpire’s call’, said cricket’s world body, adding that it was doing away with DRS appeal top-ups in Test cricket after 80 overs in an innings. In a move that will help the batsmen survive close run-out chances, grounding the bat or any part of his body inside the crease but losing contact before stumps are broken will not be considered


run out. In one of the biggest decisions announced by the ICC, the sizes of the bats will be reduced to a depth of maximum 67mm and edges cannot be more than 40mm thick. The ICC informed in a press release, “To maintain the balance between bat and ball, the playing conditions now restrict the size of the edges of the bats as well as their thickness. The restriction on the length and width of bats remain unchanged but the thickness of the edges can’t be more than 40mm and the overall depth can be 67 mm at the most. Umpires will be issued with a new bat gauge, which they can use to check a bat’s legality.” Players can now be sent off for the rest of the match for ‘any serious misconduct’, to be dealt under Level 4 offences whereas any misconduct falling under 1-3 levels of offences will be dealt under the ICC Code of Conduct. Here are some key changes announced by ICC

momentum through running or diving" when the wicket is put down. Rohit Sharma was unfortunate to have been run-out on 91 in India’s 2017 ICC Champions Trophy opener against Pakistan.

NO BOUNCING BAT - ’Bouncing bat’ runouts to no longer be out, provided the batsman has "continued forward

BAILS - Tethered bails could be used to prevent injuries like the eye injury sustained by former South Africa keeper Mark Boucher.

WILLOW - Bats with edges thicker than 40mm, depth 67mm are banned. Dhoni’s bat has a 45mm edge.David Warner’s bat has a depth of 85mm, 18mm more than the allowed limit of 67mm. UMPIRES CALL - A DRS review will not be lost if a decision stays unchanged, solely as the result of an ‘umpire’s call’. As for DRS in Test matches, there will be no more top-up reviews after 80 overs. RED CARD - On-field officials will also have the power to send violent players (Level 4 offence) off the field, either temporarily or permanently, and award penalty runs to the opposition. OFF THE HEAD - Batsmen can now be out caught, stumped or run-out even if the ball bounces off the helmet worn by a fielder or wicket-keeper. NO FOXING - Fielders deceiving or distracting a batsman (where a player pretends to throw or pick up a ball) can now be penalised.

This change in rules will be applicable across formats.

“Threatening to assault an umpire, making inappropriate and deliberate physical contact with an umpire, physically assaulting a player or any other person and committing any other act of violence all constitute Level 4 offences,” the ICC said. Teams will not lose reviews for ‘umpire’s call’, the ICC said, while taking away the top-up feature which will force the teams to be more accurate with their DRS calls. “The above changes will be applicable across all formats, as will be a change in the DRS rules by which a review will now not be lost in case of a decision that remains unchanged, solely as the result of an ‘umpire’s call’. As for DRS in Test matches, there will be no more top-up reviews after 80 overs of an innings, meaning that there can only be two unsuccessful reviews in each innings, while the DRS will now also be allowed to be used in T20Is,” the release added. Explaining the new rule of run outs going forward, the ICC said, “If a batsman is running or diving towards the crease with forward momentum, and has grounded his/her bat behind the popping crease but subsequently has lost contact with the ground at the time of the wickets being put down, the batsman will not be run out. The same interpretation will also apply for a batsman trying to regain his/her ground to avoid being stumped.” Also, the ICC ruled that for “boundary catches, airborne fielders making their first contact with the ball will need to have taken off from within the boundary, otherwise a boundary will be scored.” A batsman can also be declared out “caught, stumped or run out even if the ball bounces off the helmet worn by a fielder or wicketkeeper”.

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Kurds Vote In Favour Of Independence From Iraq Iraqi Kurds have voted overwhelmingly in favour of declaring independence from Iraq in a historic and controversial referendum that could have wide-ranging implications for the Middle East. More than 92% of the roughly 3 million people who cast valid ballots last month voted "yes" to independence, according to official results announced by the Kurdish electoral commission. The outcome represents a step towards independence for the semi-autonomous region in northern Iraq and areas it claims, and puts Kurdish authorities on a collision course with their counterparts in Baghdad. The poll took place despite vehement opposition from the Iraqi government, which described it as unconstitutional and has authorized use of force against Iraqi Kurdistan. The Kurdistan Regional Government, however, says the referendum will give it a mandate for talks to secede from Iraq, although Baghdad has already ruled out such talks. Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi quickly called for the referendum to be annulled and for the KRG to engage in dialogue as guided by the constitution. Nearly all neighbouring regional powers objected to the referendum, warning that independence could further destabilize the region. KRG President Masoud Barzani hailed the preliminary results and urged the world to "respect the will of the people of Kurdistan." "Let's engage

in a serious dialogue and become good neighbours," Barzani said during a televised speech. The vote comes as Kurdish forces play an instrumental role in the fight against ISIS in Iraq and Syria. In helping to eliminate the terror group, Kurdish leaders appear to have expected the backing of the international community in pursuing nationalist aspirations. But the referendum has received little support outside northern Iraq. Both Iran and Turkey have sizable Kurdish minorities and fear the ballot might galvanize independence movements in their countries. The United States, United Kingdom and the United Nations denounced the vote amid concerns that it could detract from the campaign against ISIS. Israel is the only country in the region that supported the vote, with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu endorsing what he described as "the legitimate efforts of the Kurdish people to achieve their own state." European Union leaders issued a statement on Wednesday calling on all parties involved to "exercise calm and restraint" and to resolve their issues through peaceful dialogue. Numbering 30 million, Kurds make up a sizable minority in a number of Middle Eastern countries, including Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey. Despite nearly a century of Kurdish nationalist movements in various countries, the Kurds have never had a nation of their own.

100,000 People Missing Out On Council Tax Discount As many as 100,000 people qualify for a substantial council tax discount but are not getting it. That's according to a new report from MoneySavingExpert.com that shows anyone living with someone diagnosed as 'Severely Mentally Impaired' - with conditions like dementia and others - are eligible for certain benefits. These include a 25% council tax discount, while those living alone are entitled to a 100% discount. "The law rightfully recognises that many vulnerable people who have a severe mental impairment such as dementia or Alzheimer's are entitled to a council tax reduction," said MoneySavingExpert.com founder of Martin Lewis. "Sadly many councils do not and the result is that society's most vulnerable face a postcode


lottery with huge variance in take up depending on where people live. "I would urge any family affected by this to speak to their local council. Not only are many due a reduction of £400+ a year, but it can be backdated for years. We've already had a number of successes where people have been paid back £1,000s – though this again depends on a postcode lottery." After feedback from readers, MoneySavingExpert submitted Freedom of Information Act requests to 265 councils across the country and checked up on 100 councils itself. The investigation revealed a shocking difference in the number of people claiming the discount. More than two in three of the councils investigated by the site provided incorrect information about the discount. Council tax staff were unable to clearly explain the criteria for eligibility or how to submit a claim for the discount. "Local councils need to urgently review their processes in order to reduce the amount of misinformation given out by frontline staff," Lewis said. "The people who are missing out on this are amongst the most vulnerable in our society and can't fight for themselves. They should not be left to battle this alone."

Angela Merkel Wins 4th Term German Chancellor Angela Merkel has been reelected for a fourth term in federal elections. Her conservative CDU/CSU alliance has won 32.5% of the vote, remaining the largest party in Germany’s parliament, according to the ARD poll. Its coalition partner, the social democratic SPD, has gained 20%. Meanwhile, the AfD, a far-right nationalist, antiIslam party, was on track to win 13.5%, emerging as Germany’s third-strongest party. Those numbers mean that the SPD, led by Martin Schulz, has fallen to a new post-World War

Two low. The party’s deputy leader, Manuela Schwesig, said the result was a heavy defeat that meant the party would go into opposition, putting an end to the current coalition with Mrs Merkel. AfD’s performance, better than what opinion polls had forecast, means that the far-right party will have a seat at the Bundestag for the first time. Mrs Merkel will now have to search for new coalition partners – a process that could take months.

Rise In Temporary Accommodation And Homelessness The number of households in temporary accommodation in England has risen to its highest in almost 10 years, latest figures show. Some 78,180 households were in temporary housing at the end of June this year, a level not seen since December 2007. The figure jumped 7% between June 30 last year and the same time this year, and is 1% higher than the previous quarter, the Department for Communities and Local Government said. In the same period, the number of households accepted by local authorities as statutorily homeless – those eligible for assistance or made unintentionally homeless – dropped 1% to 14,400 in the last quarter, and 5% on the previous year. The figures come after public spending watchdog the National Audit Office (NAO) criticised the Government for its “light touch approach” to tackling the growing problem. Its report found that welfare reforms and a lack of affordable private housing was to blame for the rise in homelessness. Since 2010, the number of households in temporary accommodation has risen 63%. The latest statistics show that the main driver behind people losing their homes was the ending of assured shorthold tenancy with a private

landlord, which accounted for 30% of all cases of statutory homelessness in England in the last quarter. Figures also show that more than a quarter (28%) of households in temporary accommodation were housed outside of their local authority district, a rise of 7% in one year. Some 6,660 households were also living in bed and breakfast-style accommodation at the end of the last quarter, including 335 households affected by the Grenfell Tower blaze. The Department for Communities and Local Government said it is committing £20 million to selected local authorities dedicated to trialling new homelessness prevention tactics. A spokesman said: “Successful homelessness prevention and relief has risen by 30% since 2009/10, however, we’re committed to doing more to prevent more people becoming homeless in the first place. “We’re investing £550 million to 2020 to tackle homelessness and rough sleeping. This includes £20 million for Homelessness Prevention Trailblazer areas to trial new initiatives to prevent homelessness. We’ve also backed and are now implementing the Homelessness Reduction Act which requires councils to provide support to people earlier.”

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World’s 10 Most Competitive Economies Almost 10 years after the economic crisis, the world economy is in much better shape. The slow yet steady growth seen over the last few years is set to continue, with a predicted 3.5% in growth in 2017. However, we are living in a time of unprecedented change and uncertainty. Geopolitical headwinds are colliding with rapid technological change, creating a world where global leaders have to think long and hard about their political and economic policies. Continued growth is far from guaranteed. The latest World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Index ranks 137 economies by their ability to sustain inclusive growth. That’s growth that delivers positive change and benefits citizens and the environment. The index looks at 12 pillars of competitiveness including innovation, infrastructure and the macroeconomic environment. It ranks countries on how they score in each category. Switzerland tops the overall ranking for the sixth year in a row, scoring highly on nearly every pillar of competitiveness. Its economy is resilient, its labour markets are strong and its people and businesses are good at absorbing new technologies. Swiss citizens benefit from high levels of public health and education, while Swiss businesses demonstrate high levels of sophistication and innovation. Singapore has remained in second place. Despite a strong performance across the board - scoring

in the top three in many pillars - rising government debt has dragged down its macro-economic score. That said, Singapore’s transport infrastructure, product and labour markets, and financial sector are all highly efficient. The US has recorded its best ever performance this year, landing third place. That’s the same from last year and seventh when the rankings began. However, its position is far from secure. While the world’s largest economy scores highly for efficiency and innovation, it doesn’t score so well in the macro-economic pillar. The US also performs poorly on health and primary education. The rest of the top 10 is made up of five European countries - Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Finland and the UK - along with Hong Kong SAR and Japan. Economic growth is important for human development and well-being. Growth creates the resources needed for better education, health, and security, and for higher incomes,” concludes the report. “Yet economic growth should not be an end in itself. It should contribute to human welfare, be rooted in political legitimacy, and be defined and measured based on a multidimensional notion of economic progress that includes values such as a broad-based distribution of economic gains, environmental sustainability, and intergenerational equity for young people and future generations.”

What is sadness? Poet: Shaheryar A. Chishty

what is sadness sadness is a dark cloak which wraps around your shoulders weighing heavy on your back, pushing down like boulders It may also be a grey hammock hanging beneath your eyes Tears lying on them, bringing along many cries Each tear Is an emotion of sadness sailing on your wavy cheeks They slowly sink away Below the sounds of crying shrieks Your eyes squint Making a gate to stop sadness seeping through The pressure builds up A tearful que Sadness may be a story Told by your eyes observing and absorbing stress Hearts could be broken there may be many goodbyes sadness can be disappointment of a shattered dream the eyes are a deep marine covered with saffron vines entwined in a mesh revealing miserable times Written By: Shaheryar A. Chishty

Higher Education Gender Gap At Record High The gender gap among students in higher education has reached a record high, new figures show. Around 55% of women were in higher education in 2015/16, while men were 12 percentage points behind on 43%. It is the third year in a row that the gap has widened, according to estimates from the Department for Education (DfE). Overall, the figures suggest that 49.3% of 17 to 30-year-olds in England were in higher education in 2015/16 - the highest since current records began in 2006/07. The numbers also show a rise in secondary school leavers entering higher education, with more than a quarter (27%) of 18-year-olds starting courses in 2015/16. The Russell Group, a body which represents elite UK universities, said: "Higher education is a path to social mobility. "The fact that young people, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds, are more likely than ever to attend university is good for students and good for the economy. "Building on this progress requires continued investment in teaching, facilities and efforts to widen participation. "A sustainable funding system


that is fair for students, taxpayers and also lets universities plan with confidence for the future is a vital part of this process." The statistics cover 17 to 30-year-olds in England who are attending UK higher education institutions and further education colleges in England, Scotland and Wales in 2015/16. Universities minister Jo Johnson said: "These statistics show the numbers of students are continuing to rise and adds further evidence that the Government's reforms to widen participation in our world-class higher education sector are working. "Young people recognise that degrees gained from UK universities can lead to rewarding and well-paid jobs - this is why more people are going to university than ever before, including record numbers of 18-year-olds from disadvantaged backgrounds. "We continue to improve the university system to ensure that students get value for money and are creating a new regulator, the Office for Students, to hold universities to account for teaching quality and student outcomes through the Teaching Excellence Framework."

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The Day Health Started to 2024 & England’s 2028 Olympics Confirmed Improve Back in July 2007 the English government passed a new law which make it illegal for anyone to smoke in an enclosed public place and within the workplace. This ensured that everyone could use the train station, eat in a restaurant or shop without suffering the negative effects of second-hand smoke. The change in law has been described as: The most important piece of public health legislation for a generation. Of course, bringing it in had its challenges. Various options were proposed, including a plan to exempt private clubs and pubs that didn’t serve food – so-called “wet pubs” – but in some parts of England this would have excluded over half of all licensed premises. Eventually, this proposal was quashed, mainly because of public health concerns. People with jobs forcing them to remain in smoke environments often had no choice but to do so – and why should they be subject to the health risks of secondhand smoke? But from mak- rare Olympic moments This apart was one of those ing public placeswalked moreaway a winner. Paris for where everyone pleasant healthier to And the International 2024. Losand Angeles for 2028. be in, theCommittee new law also Olympic for transforming an unruly had some unexpected bidding process to lock down its future by choosresults. ing not one, but two Summer Olympics hosts at 1. More the samepeople time. have given smokingmarks the first time the IOC has Theupdecision There spike Olympics in grantedwas two aSummer at once. It came people to stop after a deciding year’s worth of scrambling by IOC presismoking as aBach, result dent Thomas whoofhad only the two bidders the Everyone knew 2024, and couldn’t bear left ban. for the original prize, the health risks of smokto see either lose. ing – cities the ban cut third Olympics. Both willsimply host their out of the will places The many Paris Games come on the 100th anniwhere might versary ofpeople its last turn — a milestone that would have to French light up.capital the sentimental fahavewanted made the Ever came voritesince had the onlylaw 2024 been up for grabs. into force, smoking rates have gone down yearLos Angeles moved to 2028, and those Olympics on-year. increasingly young people in parwill halt And a stretch of 32 years without a Summer ticular toUnited be going off the The number Gamesseem in the States. Inidea. exchange for the of children under who compromise, LA will16grab anregularly extra $300smoke millionhas or halved to 3% since theuncertainties lowest figurethat on more that could help2007 offset– the record. lie ahead over an 11-year wait instead of seven. 2. Fewer Can theypeople deliver?hospitalised Figures also soon a significant decline Paris will have theshowed traditional seven-year time in hospital admissions frame to answer that. for heart attacks, asthma and the year following law, Onlylung oneinfections. totally newInvenue is planned — the a swimthere 2.4% fewer attacknear cases ming were and diving arena heart to be built therecordStade ed Accident and will Emergency deinFrance, which serve asdepartments the Olympicthan stathe year before. This might not sound very much, but that is 1,200 fewer cases in the country as a whole. These figures are even more dramatic if you bear in mind that many workplaces had already gone smoke free before the law came into effect. This makes the fact we can see a distinct drop before and after the ban came into place even more remarkable. 3. branded A Goodbye new report by thepackets RAC suggests nine million The success the ban gave people courdrivers are of using theiralso mobile phonesthe illegally age to driving tackle other smoking-related issues that whilst a vehicle. The report released remight oncenumber have seemed impossible to address veals the has fallen by a quarter com–pare suchtoaslast plain packaging forms or of adyear, but manyand areother still texting anvertising thephones point ofdespite sale. tougher penalties swering at their Figures from Australia which being introduced during–the year. imposed plain packaging years before the UK –using foundtheir that Only 16%three of drivers have stopped restricting the colour, size and font on change cigarette handheld phone altogether since a law in packets led to a noticeable drop in the number of March saw penalties double. people smoking. The RAC has identified "a hard core of persistSimilar projections wereover made formillion the UK, with ent offenders" totalling nine drivers, scientists plain packets could who thinkclaiming they can flout the law day encourage in day out more than 300,000 Britons to quit smoking for without facing consequences. good. The Report on Motoring 2017 questioned 1,727 4. Increased awareness pas- Report uncovdrivers – a year after the of previous sive eredsmoking a mobile phone epidemic on the UK's roads. The alsomillion made drivers, are not Still, smoke-free around 11%,law or 4.4 people more that aware the daneven aware theofpenalty for being caught gers of secondhand smoke everywhere, including in their own homes. This is a step in the right direction for people with longterm lung conditions –as it has shown how sensitive to air quality these people are. For them a

smoke-filled environment is a nightmare. 5. No more smoking at stations Some companies went further than required by the new law. The Association of Train Operator Companies and Network Rail, decided to make all station premises smoke free. Perhaps they were remembering the fire at Kings Cross underground station in 1987. It killed 31 and was blamed on a lit match thrown away by a smoker exiting the station. 6. Drop in teen smokers Vending machines, where young people could often obtain their cigs out of the watchful eye of adults, are also a thing of the past. And it is now illegal to buy cigarettes if you are under 18. This was previously set at the age of 16 before 2007. Taxes on tobacco products have also continued to rise, making it even more difficult for young people with less money in their pocket. 7. Smoking banned in cars with kids Smoking in private cars where children are present is now banned. This is important because dium. Roland Garros, which will host tennis and children more boxing, will get a privately funded suffer expansion. In from secondhand smoke all, the projected cost of new venues and upadults, as their airgrades to others is $892 than million. are to smaller and To be sure, Paris alreadyways has much work with. breathe Beach volleyball will bethey played nearfaster. the Eiffel yetArc smoking in pregTower; cycling will finishAnd at the de Triomphe; with the risks equestrian will be held nancy at the –Chateau de Vercarries for mother sailles. And what would this an Olympics be without and baby are be stillpreshigh some water-quality issues? There–will in some sure to clean up the River Seine, parts whichofis Britain. where surprisingly, given open-water and triathlonAnd will be held. thewill ease whichfour toLos Angeles, meanwhile, getwith an extra bacco addiction canLos be years that Garcetti insists is hardly needed. these days, Angeles proposed a $5.3managed billion budget for 2024 smoking still allowed in (to be adjusted for 2028) that isincluded infrasome—NHS grounds.A big structure, operational costs everything. have arrived number, indeed, though8.it E-cigs must be put into perE-cigarettes havethis muddied theorganizers waters ofintobacco spective: Earlier summer, Tokyo control, beacuse although are without doubt estimated their cost for thethey 2020 Games at $12.6 safer some people billion.than Thecigarettes, London Games in 2012firmly camebelieve in at they too should be part of the smoke-free laws. $19 billion. Whatever your on that—score, support for Traffic could be view a problem it almost always smoke higher it was in when is in LAfree — places but theis city willnow be than well along its the law first came in. In other words, are multi-decade, multibillion-dollar transitthere upgrade very few people – both smokers and nonsmokers by 2028, and those with long memories recall –free-flowing who would highways like to return those of the to last timefoggy the days Olymsmoke-filled pics came torooms. town, as locals either left the city or heeded warnings to use public transportation or stay home.

Manchester United Scotland Voted World’s Richest Football Most Beautiful Country In TheClub World United the Guide world’sfound most AManchester poll conducted byare thenow Rough valuable football club at some £2.86bn after readers believe Scotland to be “the most beautimoving ahead of world”, Real Madrid at the top of ful country in the beating Canada to busithe ness magazine Forbes’ 14th annual rich list. Acnumber one spot. cording to concluded Forbes’ calculations, are deep based The guide the “wild which beaches, on equity plus net debt, revenues and operating lochs and craggy castles” of the Scottish highincome for among the 2015-16 season,most United generlands were the world’s beautiful ated some US$765 million (£592m) which saw spectacles. the UK Oldcountries Trafford beat club off return top spot for the The stiffto competition from first time in five years. picturesque tourist favourites such as SwitzerManchester returnwhich to theall topplaced spot isina land Norway United’s and Vietnam, testament to their powerful brand and marketthe top 20. Finishing the list, Rough Guide said: “And finally, the world’s most beautiful country is revealed: Scotland. “Who can deny that these wild beaches, deep lochs and craggy castles are some of the most wonderful and beautiful sights in the world?”

ing acumen. The top 10 most beautiful places in the Spanish giants Barcelona were placed second world with an overall worth of $3.64bn (£2.82bn), with rivals Real, who won both the La Liga title and 1. Scotland Champions League last season, in third place at 2.$3.58bn Canada (£2.77bn), having been top since 2013. side Bayern Munich are listed fourth. 3.German New Zealand The financial muscle of the English Premier 4.League, Italy which is benefiting from a huge increase in broadcasting 5. South Africarevenue, is clear as Manchester City, Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool and Tottenham 6.allIndonesia also made the top 10. 7. England 8. Iceland 9. United States 10. Wales

Nine Million Drivers Still Use Mobile Phones At The Wheel

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using a handheld phone behind the wheel increased earlier this year to £200 and six penalty points. Despite the changes, a seemingly persistent 9.2 million drivers ignore the law on a regular basis. Even though the number making or receiving calls has dropped to 23% – from 31% last year – a total of 15% openly admit the law change has made little or no difference to how they view the offence. Among these habitual users, four in 10 are aged between 25 and 44, while 57.3% are men. Around 20.6 million drivers – or 58% of those aware of the changes – say they have never used their phone behind the wheel. Findings from the Report also make it clear that many drivers think it is acceptable to use a mobile while stationary in traffic, with 40% of respondents admitting to doing so.

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Sheffield One Of Worst Areas In Country For ‘Crash For Cash’ Scams Sheffield has been named as one of the most targeted areas in the country for 'crash for cash' scams - where fraudsters deliberately collide with the cars of innocent drivers in a bid to claim insurance payouts. The S9 postcode - Attercliffe, Brightside, Darnall, Meadowhall, Tinsley and Wincobank - was ranked as the 17th highest postcode area in the UK for the scam in a survey by the Insurance Fraud Bureau. The survey comes after a series of incidents were reported across the country in April, including some in Sheffield. This has been a long-standing problem for the area, as the same survey by the IFB revealed Sheffield as one of the most hit areas in the UK as far back as 2007, which revealed there had been 372 incidents since the turn of the millennium. The latest study estimated this type of scam costs the insurance industry as much as £336 million each year - mainly through whiplash injury payouts. At least one person is know to have died in what is a 'reckless and incredibly dangerous' scam. These scams may seem to some to be a harmless way to beat the system and get an easy pay out with minimal risk. But the reality is that not only do those people now stand a very good chance of getting caught and facing the consequences, but these scams put other motorist’s lives at risk. Fraudsters are taking vehicles out on public roads and forcing innocent people into needless collisions. Birmingham has the highest rate in the country,

with 10 separate postcodes featuring in the top 30, while both Manchester and Bradford contain five different postcodes with a high incident rate. Due to the complex way the statistics are compiled, the IFB has chosen not to release the specific number of incidents for each postcode. A spokeswoman said: "The number of accidents are proportionate to the estimated number of vehicles in an area. So you could have 500 accidents in an area with 1000 cars, and the same number of accidents in an area where there are a million cars. "They have the same number of accidents but it would be unfair to class them as the same because they are not proportionate. So we have decided not to release the specific numbers as one area could end up unfairly ranked the same or higher than another." However, nationally the most recent figures show there were 55, 573 personal injury claims linked to crash for cash scams in 2015. The IFB warned that if you notice any of the following triggers, it may be a sign that someone is trying to scam you:*The other driver being uncharacteristically calm for someone that’s just been involved in a car accident *The driver having already written down their insurance details prior to the accident *Any claimed injuries appearing to be completely at odds with the force of the impact. Report scams to police on 101 or call the IFB's Cheatline on 0800 422 0421.

Judiciary Needs More Black, Female And Working Class People Shadow attorney general Baroness Chakrabarti has said the judiciary "needs to be more representative". The Labour peer said she wanted to see more black, female and working class people in the profession. Speaking at a fringe event at the party's conference in Brighton, Baroness Chakrabarti said Labour respected the judiciary and the rule of law but it was "a two-way street" that needed further action. "If the profession and the judiciary is going to maintain the legitimacy and the trust that it rightly deserves, that profession and that judiciary

needs to be more representative," she said. "And I want to see more working class kids, more black kids, more women in the profession, and in more senior parts of the profession." Abolishing tuition fees would help, she said, adding: "But there's another side to this, which is that we've got be more representative as a judiciary." Baroness Chakrabarti also said that while it was a positive move Lady Hale had been appointed as the first female president of the Supreme Court, it was "wrong" that she had been the only female justice in the UK's highest court.

Written Warnings Over Food Hygiene In Sheffield Nearly 1,300 written warnings over hygiene were issued to restaurants, pubs, grocery stores and other food establishments across Sheffield last year. However, 94 per cent of more than 4,000 outlets within the city which were rated were found to be generally satisfactory or better, an annual report published by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) reveals. In Sheffield, 10 businesses closed voluntarily due to concerns over food hygiene during 2016/17, there were 17 hygiene improvement notices served and one prosecution. When it came to food standards in the city, there were 24 written warnings, one caution and one prosecution. A total of 4,152 outlets were rated last year in Sheffield, with an additional 536 either yet to be inspected or falling outside the food hygiene ratings programme. Of those inspected, 94 per cent

More Than 200 Luxury Supercars Seized For Road Tax Avoidance Last Year Lamborghini, Ferrari and Rolls-Royce owners were among thousands of drivers who had their vehicles seized for avoiding road tax last year, new figures reveal. Enforcement teams clamped or impounded 118,070 vehicles across the UK between April 2016 and March 2017, including 227 luxury supercars, the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) said. Some 137 Porsches were confiscated, with the £56,000 SUV Cayenne proving the most popular high-end model among tax-dodgers. The list also included a Rolls-Royce Phantom – a car which comes which a starting price of £347,000. Teslas, Bentleys, Maseratis and Aston Martins each appeared on the list at least five times. The most common brands to be taken were Ford, Vauxhall and Volkswagen, with silver coming in as the most frequently-occurring colour. Almost 6,000 Ford Focus models were clamped or impounded. Black cab drivers also dodged the legal fare, with 68 London taxis being held. Three Reliant Robins, made famous by hit sitcom Only Fools And Hors-

es, were also seized. Offenders are caught through number-plate recognition cameras installed on enforcement vans, and DVLA said there was “no excuse” for not taxing a vehicle, given the process was now easier than ever. Enforcement teams are out and about on the roads around the UK all year. Their vans are equipped with number plate recognition cameras so any vehicle that isn’t taxed is at risk of being clamped or impounded. The majority of drivers will never come into contact with clamping teams as more than 98% of vehicles on the road are correctly taxed. However, those who risk using an untaxed vehicle on the road have to manage the cost and inconvenience of their vehicle being clamped or impounded. Drivers can release a clamped car within 24 hours after paying a £100 fee and the required car tax. Beyond that, the vehicle is taken to the pound where it may be destroyed after seven days, according to the DVLA. Road tax exemptions are granted to some vehicles including electric cars, and those used to transport disabled passengers.

Theresa May Pays Tribute To Benazir At UN Prime Minister Theresa May addressed the United Nations General Assembly last month and paid tribute to Benazir Bhutto on the tenth year of her death anniversary. In her address, British PM said, “This year is the tenth anniversary of the death of the woman who introduced me to my husband and who is known well to many of us in this United Nations. Benazir Bhutto was brutally murdered by people who actively rejected the values that all of us here at the United Nations stand for.” “In a country that has suffered more than most at the hands of terrorists, murdered for standing up for democracy, murdered for espousing tolerance and murdered for being a woman. When I think of a hundred and thousands of victims of terrorism in countries across the world I think of their friends, their families, their communities devastated by this evil and I say, enough is enough,” she added. The British PM also said: “The fundamental values that we share—values of fairness, justice and human rights—that have created the common cause between nations to act together in our


scored three or better in the FSA's five-star rating system, meaning hygiene was considered 'generally satisfactory' or better. When those not inspected were taken into account, the proportion 'broadly complying' with hygiene regulations fell to 86.9 per cent, which is slightly below the UKwide average of 89 per cent. Nationally, 168,388 written warnings were issued over food hygiene last year, and formal enforcement action, including improvement notices, closures and prosecutions, was taken on 6,543 occasions. The FSA said the statistics showed the proportion of establishments complying with hygiene regulations nationally had risen for a third year running. But the regulator raised concerns that fewer interventions, which include inspections, advice and education and surveillance, were being carried out by local authorities than previously.

shared interest and form the multilateral system. “And it is this rules-based system which we have developed—including the institutions, the international frameworks of free and fair trade; agreements such as the Paris climate accord; and laws and conventions like the Non-Proliferation Treaty—which enables the global co-operation through which we can protect those values. “If this system we have created is found no longer to be capable of meeting the challenges of our time—then there will be a crisis of faith in multilateralism and global co-operation that will damage the interests of all our peoples,” she said.

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Heart Disease Is Still The World’s Biggest Killer Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death and disability in the world, killing 17.7 million people a year. That's a third of all deaths on the planet and half of all non-communicable-disease-related deaths. Around 80% of these deaths are in low- and middle-income countries where human and financial resources are least able to address the CVD burden. Heart disease is the leading cause of loss - a myth that it is the disease of the affluent does not hold true. Indeed, the prevalence of this problem is ubiquitous and the consequences are frequently more devastating for those who live in the impoverished third world countries of the 17.3 million cardiovascular deaths that take place annually, at least 80 per cent of premature deaths from cardiovascular disease (CVD) could be avoided if four main risk factors: tobacco use, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and harmful use of alcohol – are controlled. A heart attack occurs when an artery carrying oxygen to the heart becomes blocked. The likelihood of a blockage increases when arteries are narrowed by fatty cholesterol deposits or plaque – a condition referred to as coronary artery disease. Risk factors for the condition include smoking, an unhealthy diet, obesity, physical inactivity, diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension), high cholesterol or a family history of heart disease. Giving up smoking, modifying poor diets and increased exercise are all good solutions along with the critical management of diabetes, blood pressure and high cholesterol under medical supervision. Many people globally have uncontrolled or undiagnosed hypertension, diabetes and high cholesterol. Recognising a heart attack Speed of reaction is absolutely critical to surviving a heart attack and regaining good health. In some cases, a heart attack causes virtually instant death. But in many cases survival and recovery are perfectly possible – provided you know what to do and get to work instantly.


What does a heart attack feel like? There is heavy pressure, tightness, unusual discomfort or crushing pain in the centre of the chest. This may spread to the shoulders, arms, neck or jaw. It may last more than 15 minutes and could stop or weaken and then return. This may be accompanied by sweating, nausea, faintness or shortness of breath. The pulse could be rapid or weak. Important things to note Women may have different symptoms to men, with more pronounced nausea, dizziness and anxiety. A heart attack can be silent and produce no signs or symptoms. A sharp stabbing pain in the left side of the chest is usually not heart pain. What to do if you experience or witness a heart attack If unexplained chest pain lasts for more than a few minutes, move quickly. Do not try and figure out the cause, rather call an ambulance and state that you are dealing with a suspected heart attack. If the ambulance is delayed, access private transport to get to the emergency department of the nearest hospital. On arrival, advise the staff that this is a suspected heart attack. If you have been trained and you are near a person who loses consciousness due to these symptoms, perform chest compressions at a rate of about 100 per minute. The power to change really is in our hands. Making lifestyle changes such as eating more fruit and vegetables, keeping active and stopping smoking can save millions of lives. It is possible for a person who suffers a heart attack to regain good health by getting the right treatment fast.

The Superhero Fighting For Women’s Rights In Pakistan The first Pakistani comic book featuring a female superhero has been launched to widespread acclaim. Pakistan Girl tells the story of Sarah, an ordinary teenager who discovers she has superhuman powers after a freak accident and uses them to fight corrupt officials and protect vulnerable women. “Donning a green cape, Pakistan’s national colour, the protagonist whips a man beating a woman in a market and saves a young girl taken hostage by a bribe-seeking police officer”. The English-language comic is the brainchild of Hassan Siddiqui, a graphic designer and art director from Islamabad, who says he wanted to create a strong female character that girls - and boys - could look up to. “There’s a huge shortage of female role models and superheroes in the mainstream media here,” he said, adding he hoped the comic would challenge gender stereotypes in Pakistan’s deeply patriarchal society and help raise awareness about assault and corruption. Violance against women and girls remains commonplace in Pakistan, with rape, so-called honour killings, acid attacks and domestic abuse routine, according to Human Rights Watch.

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Red Meat: Good or Bad Mr Shumile J. Chishty Red meat contains numerous vitamins and minerals that are essential for a healthful, balanced diet. In recent years, however, its reputation has been severely blemished, with studies suggesting that red meat intake can increase the risk of cancer and other diseases. But is it really that bad for us? Red meat is defined as any meat that comes from mammalian muscle. This includes beef, lamb, pork, goat, veal, and mutton. For many households, red meat is considered a food staple, with some of us consuming beef, lamb, and pork in different variations on a daily basis. Last year, the average person in the United States is estimated to have consumed around 106.6 pounds of red meat. Although this might appear a high intake, it is a significant reduction from the average 145.8 pounds consumed per capita in 1970. Over the past 10 years alone, red meat consumption has fallen by around 10 pounds per person, but why are so many of us cutting down on red meat? According to a 2016 survey, approximately 8 million adults in the U.S. are vegetarian or vegan, with concerns about animal welfare being the driving factor. However, it seems that millions more of us are opting for plantbased foods over meat-based products because we believe that they are more healthful. The 2016 survey found that 37 percent of U.S. adults "always" or "sometimes" eat vegetarian meals when eating out. A number of studies have suggested that when it comes to health, a plant-based diet is the way to go. When it comes to red meat intake, cancer is perhaps the most well-established health

implication. In October 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a report concluding that red meat is "probably carcinogenic to humans," meaning that there is some evidence that it can increase the risk of cancer. Additionally, the WHO concluded that processed meats - defined as "meat that has been transformed through salting, curing, fermentation, smoking, or other processes to enhance flavour or improve preservation" - is "carcinogenic to humans," meaning that there is sufficient evidence that processed meat intake increases cancer risk. However, the report from WHO concluded that the role of HCAs (Heterocyclic amine) and PAHs(Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) in human cancer risk is

not fully understood, and from their review, there was not enough data to determine whether the way meat is cooked influences cancer risk. The red meat has nutritional value, and that this should be considered in future research in order to balance the risks and benefits of eating red meat and processed meat and to provide the best possible dietary recommendations. But how much meat should we eat? Despite overwhelming evidence of the potential health risks of red meat intake, it is important to note that red meat is full of nutrients. As an example, a 100gram portion of raw ground beef contains around 25 percent of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin B-3, and 32 percent of the recommended daily allowance of zinc. Red meat is also high in heme-iron - which is absorbed better than plant-derived iron - vitamin B-6, selenium, and other vitamins and minerals. Still, based on the evidence to date, public health guidelines recommend limiting red meat consumption. The American Institute for Cancer Research, for example, recommend eating no more than 18 ounces of cooked red meats each week to reduce cancer risk, while processed meats should be avoided completely. However, while the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend cutting back on red meat intake, they do not specify a daily limit. According to the 2015 report linking red meat intake to increased cancer risk supports public health recommendations to limit the consumption of red meat. However, the report notes that red meat has nutritional value, and that this should be considered in future research in order to balance the risks and benefits of eating red meat and processed meat and to provide the best possible dietary recommendations.

Ethnic Minorities Not Exercising Enough A new report, published by Public Health England (PHE), has unveiled concerning figures regarding ethnic minorities. This also includes Asians, particularly those who fall in older age brackets. Whilst the young generations of British Asians work out in gyms and do more sports. There is a concern for the sedentary lifestyle of their parents and grandparents. Especially, the 40-60 age group. The lack of physical activity, even something like a 10-minute brisk walk is not being done by this age group in particular, especially within ethnic minorities, highlights the report. Overall, this lack of exercise leads to the risk of illness and frailty, resulting in a bad quality of life. In response, PHE has started a new campaign, named One You. Placing British-Asians and many others in their focus, they aim to help promote older people in partaking in more exercise. In total, PHE’s report found that 6.3 million adults, aged between 40-60, don’t regularly take a brisk walk of 10 minutes. One in five in this age bracket also is deemed as “physically inactive”, meaning they don’t complete 30 mins of regular exercise per week. It shows a radically different attitude towards exercise in decades past. The UK has become 20% less active nowadays than the 1960s, with key areas targetted. For example, the East of England contained the biggest proportion of least active men. In London, it had the least active women. The report also found that London contained the highest number of ethnic minorities not completing a brisk walk. From these results, not only did they find a huge proportion of ethnic minorities not exercising enough. PHE also reported that this age bracket is more likely to suffer from a disability or long-term condition due to their lifestyle choices. This could potentially lead to a dangerous level of influence older Asians will impact on their younger counterparts. If parents are not


influencing their children by doing exercise, it merely indicates it is ‘not something we do’. Therefore, leads the children into the same cycle. Older Asians settled in the UK are primarily from their homelands, where exercise is not something that was done outright per se. Why? Because, especially in rural lands, working outside and doing practical work in hot weather seldom required additional exercise. Calories were burnt easily doing everyday chores. In addition, they had much fresher diets with very little or no processed foods at all. In the

UK, it is a completely different affair. Foods today are very processed, with high use of fats in Desi cooking, and getting into the car feels easier than walking to the shops. Leading to a lazy attitude towards good health. Walking is something that is free and does not require equipment. Engaging the family into walks is an easy step to start everyone realising the benefits of simple exercise for a much healthier out-

look. The important thing about the walks is that it is not a stroll in the park but at least 10 minutes of brisk and fast walking which increases your heart rate. The reality of not exercising enough means the NHS has more pressure placed upon it. Costing the health organisation roughly £900 million. Perhaps the most startling figure the PHE report found reveals that one in six deaths are directly linked to physical inactivity. This means we need to address and tackle the concerns behind older Asians’ lack of exercise. Older Asian women not exercising is a major issue within the UK South Asian communities and needs the younger generations to help and enable them to start walking or do any other kind of exercise. Maybe the social side of walking can be a good angle, where groups of older women become encouraged to go for walks. Or to form walking groups that meet and walk say in the local park or even around the block. Shyness and reluctance are the barriers that we need to break to help these women develop a healthier lifestyle. Otherwise, it is only going to get worse with health deteriorating faster than it should. However, if ethnic minorities began to partake in regular exercise, they would begin to experience a range of health benefits. Even just completing a 10-minute brisk walk can perform wonders. For example, the risk of death becomes reduced by 15%. In addition, the risk of some illnesses and conditions also reduce. These include type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia and even some forms of cancer. With all these potential benefits to gain, it only stresses the importance that BritishAsians need to participate in more exercises. Through creative and engaging ways to encourage the older generation for walks, perhaps we can one day see higher figures for activity. But first, issues need to become tackled to encourage ethnic minorities to improve their lifestyles.

Smoking In Your Car Can Knock £2,000 Off Its Value If you're one of the estimated 7.6 million smokers left in the UK, you ought to think twice before lighting up behind the wheel. Recent research by buying advice website Carbuyer. co.uk has found that a used car that's been smoked in could be worth up to £2,000 less than one that hasn't. The survey of 6,000 people found that 87 per cent would refuse to buy a used car that's been smoked in. It's backed up by similar findings from automotive data expert cap-hpi, which estimates the lost value caused by potential stains, burns, and smells. There are lots of products on the market that claim to remove the effects of smoke, but these are often not effective. This is because smoke becomes ingrained in a car's upholstery – so rather than simply letting the car air, in extreme cases the car will need a replacement headliner and a purge of the air-conditioning system. Even in less severe cases the damage to your wallet can be considerable. Steam cleaning, antibacterial treatments and wet vacuuming can cost up to £150. The advice, then, is pretty simple. Carbuyer say: "Not only does our research show that a car that's been smoked in will be harder to sell on, but it could also cost you thousands. "Bearing this in mind, it's far better to pull over and get out before you light up."

UK Allocates £250m For Trade Promotion In Pakistan British government earmarked more than $250 million to promote UK’s brands in Pakistani market. The UK government will give an additional £200 million “to help UK exporters win, fulfill and get paid for export contracts and Pakistan’s buyers access finance to source highquality UK goods and services,” the statement said after a meeting between Minister for Commerce and Textile Pervaiz Malik and UK Minister of State for Trade Policy Greg Hands. The UK export credit agency and UK Export Finance have already allocated £200 million for the promotion of British good and services in Pakistan. “With more than 200 million consumers, Pakistan is an exciting market for British business,” the statement added. Mr Hands stated that UK, which is still a member of EU, will continue to support Pakistan to benefit from the EU’s GSP plus scheme, “whilst in return Pakistan pledges to continue to make progress to improve human rights, labour rights, environment and good governance.”

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The Enteric Nervous System Eid al Fitar Your Body’s Second Brain Poet: Shaheryar A. Chishty How many brains do you have? If you answer “one” you are correct. Yet, there are other nervous systems in your body. One network of neurons is so extensive that some scientists have years ago, Prophet referred to it1400 as a “second brain.The It is the enteric‫ ﷺ‬created a day When the night sky is sprinkled with stars nervous system (ENS) and is located, not in your head, but mostly in your belly. So, splendour falls on the indigo sky It takes an enormous amount of coordination The imploring onesfood were and effort for the body to transform intoremembered and the miscreant were fuel. Hence, it is fitting that the brain is de- forgiven signed to delegate, as it were, most digestive Never committing another sin control to the ENS. People started adorning houses with candles While much simpler than the brain, the ENS is a tranquil Incandescent immensely complex.Trailing In humans, it is made up ingest high levels of harmful organisms, the of an estimatedWe 200relieved to 600 million neurons. ENS those drowned in remorse protects the body by triggering powerful This complex network neuronstheir is built intoof themelancholy contractions that expel most of the toxic matter Emptying bags digestive system. Scientists believe that if the through vomiting or diarrhoea. for our good deeds function of the ENSBeing were blessed to take place in the Good communication Thenerves milkywould crescent out While a white brain, the needed be toopours thick. So the light ENS seems to function independently it makes sense, isGlowing safer and the moreearth convenient to night of theofbrain, on the Eid these two nerve centres engage let the digestive system look after itself. in constant communication. For example, the We begin the day with appreciation A chemical workshop ENS plays a role in the regulation of hormones Byofreading salat that tell the brain when you should eat and how Food digestion requires a variety very precise chemical mixtures produced at for the the rightday times you should eat. ENSusnerve cells signal the Thanking the ALMIGHTY he much had bestowed upon and delivered to the right locations. The sophis- brain when you are full and may possible trigger We gusto in pious activities tication of this chemical operation is mind-bog- nausea if you eat too much. positive gling. For instance, theRejoicing intestinal in wall is lined events Even before reading this article, you may have with specialised cells that act asto chemical detec-content Eating our hearts suspected that there is a communication link beAnd socialising with our companions tween your digestive tract and you brain. Have you noticed for The moon has arrived instance, that eating some fatty congregating its armada of clouds foods seems to improve your mood? Research suggests that It’s time to celebrate this happens when your ENS And cherish Eid in many crowds sends ‘happy signals’ to your brain, starting a chain reaction that makes you feel better. This may explain why people tend to eat so-called comfort food when feeling stressed. Scientists are exploring the possibility of artificially stimulating the ENS as a treatment for depression. Another example of commutors, or taste receptors, identifying chemicals nication between the brain and the digestive present in the food you eat. This data helps the system is what has been described as having ENS enlist the right digestive enzymes to break butterflies in one’s stomach. This feeling may There are warnings of confusion over univer- education select committee in March she said the food down into particles that the body can result on the ENS diverting blood away from the sity admissions from changes to GCSE exams that grade 4 would be a "standard pass" and absorb. Also, the ENS plays a vital role in moni- stomach when the brain experiences tension or in England which will create two different pass grade 5 would be a "strong pass". She wrote toring the acidity and other chemical properties stress. Nausea can be another result, as during to the committee chairman to clarify that grade grades. of food particles and in adjusting the digestive stress the brain triggers the ENS to change the A number of universities have minimum entry 4 was the "equivalent to a C and above" - and enzymes accordingly. guts employers normal contractions. According to experts, and universities would be exgrades at GCSE level - such as a C grade pass that Think of the digestive tract as a factory line this brain-gut connection might also be the basis at maths and English. But GCSEs are switching pected to recognise the grade 4. managed mostly by the ENS. Your “second for so-called gut instincts. to numerical grades, from 9 to 1, and there is But there are different interpretations from difbrain” moves food through he digestive system While the ENS may generate such gut feeling, it uncertainty because both 4 and 5 are officially ferent universities. University College London by directing the muscles along the wall of the cannot think for you or direct your decisions. In says it expects applicants for all subjects to classed as pass grades. digestive tract to contract. The ENS varies the other words, the ENS is not really a brain. It canUniversities are now setting different "pass" have a C grade at maths and English GCSE - but strength and frequency of these muscle contrac- not help you to compose a song, balance your grade equivalents. University College London under the new system that will be a grade 5. tions as needed to make the system function bank account, or do your homework. Still, this says a C grade pass now requires a grade 5, King's College London also makes a grade 5 an like a line of conveyor belts. marvellousofsystem continues amaze scientists a grade C for itsto admissions. But while Manchester University has set the bench- equivalent The ENS also supervises safety functions. The for its complexity – much of it perhaps still unLeeds, Manchester and Liverpool put grade 4 as mark at grade 4. food you swallow is likely to contain potentially discovered. So the next time you are about to Students and parents are now confused and their requirement. harmful bacteria. It is no wonder that about 70 eat a meal, pause and think about all the monilooking for advice. It's inconceivable that a London School of Economics, which previously to 80 percent of your body’s lymphocyte cells toring, data processing, coordination, and comsimple task of deciding a pass has led to a ri- required grade Bs, now requires a 5, although – a vital component of your immune defence munication that is about to take place in your diculous "standard pass" and a "good pass". a B grade could also be the equivalent of a 6. system – are housed inside your belly! If you digestive system. "Universities and employers need to decide Oxford and Cambridge, which run their own whether a 4 or 5 is the benchmark. At the mo- tests and interview systems, do not have such ment different standards across universities across-the-board minimum requirements for will lead to a divisive landscape leading to dis- GCSEs. A spokesman for the exam regulator Ofqual advantaged students losing out again. Pupils taking their English and maths GCSEs said that it remained up to universities to set this year will be the first to get the new numeri- their admissions rules. But the spokesman said cal grades this summer - and these results will that this year's GCSE candidates would not aphave an impact on university applications as ply this year - and the requirements might be re-set again after the first wave of results. well as getting on to A-level courses. For pupils who get a grade 4 in English and A Department for Education spokesman said maths, it means that they will already be be- that the changes were "part of our drive to conlow the threshold for some universities - even tinue raising standards" and a wide range of rethough it is a pass grade - and before they even sources had been produced to explain the new grading system. "Most recently every school begin their A-level courses. The new numerical system will be phased in for and college have been sent a pack with information for teachers, students, parents, and other GCSE subjects over the next few years. When the Education Secretary Justine Green- employers." A website had also been launched ing explained the new points system to the to answer questions people may have, he said.

GCSE Pass Levels Causing Confusion Over University Entry


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UK’s New Trade Envoy To Pakistan

A British Pakistani Conservative parliamentarian has been appointed Britain’s trade envoy to Pakistan to promote trade relations between the two countries. Rahman Chishti, Tory MP from Gillingham and Rainham, has been appointed as adviser to Prime Minister Theresa May for promotion of trade relations between the UK and Pakistan. Speaking to Geo News, Rehman Chishti said he was pleased at the appointment and looked for-

ward to working with Pakistani officials to ensure that the trade between the two countries increases. He said that there is a lot of scope and potential which can be utilised for greater economic ties between the two countries. “I am looking to strengthen all aspects of trade with Pakistan.” Rehman Chishti informed that he met Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif during his recent visit to London and discussed trade relating matters and suggested how to improve bilateral trade. He also met Trade Minister Greg Hands. Reham Chishti said he would soon visit Pakistan in his new role where he would meet key Pakistani officials related to trade to discuss improving trade relations. “I am looking to have same GSP trade deal if not better trade deal with Pakistan,” he told this scribe. “I will travel to Pakistan to follow up on taking forward work that has been done. I will do everything I can to enhance trade ties between the two countries, already tied in close cultural relations.”

Pakistani-British Filmmaker’s ‘My Pure Land’ Nominated For Oscar Award Sarmad Masud’s debut My Pure Land, a PakistaniBritish film, has been chosen as Britain’s submission for the foreign-language Oscar race. The film tells the true story of a mother and her two daughters in rural Pakistan who were forced to defend their land from a militia that included 200 bandits. Its submission is very important as it gives way to an Urdu-language film for the first time as Britain’s for the foreign-language Oscar. Masud is an up-and-coming director, who earned critical acclaim with his short film Two Dosas,

funded by Film London and voted best film in their London Calling Plus category. My Pure Land was shot in Pakistan in strenuous conditions. The movie’s production company, said that the crew had to negotiate their way through heavily armed citizen regions with the production banner describing the film as ‘a violent contemporary Western but grounded in realism and crucially with a feminist theme.’ The movie world-premiered at the Edinburgh Film Festival and opened in the UK last month.

History Of The Rohingya People

Muslims have lived in the area now known as Myanmar since as early as the 12th century, according to many historians and Rohingya groups. During the more than 100 years of British rule (1824-1948), there was a significant amount of migration of labourers to what is now known as Myanmar from today's India and Bangladesh. Because the British administered Myanmar as a province of India, such migration was considered internal, according to Human Rights Watch (HRW). The migration of labourers was viewed negatively by the majority of the native population. After independence, the government viewed the migration that took place during British rule as "illegal, and it is on this basis that they refuse citizenship to the majority of Rohingya," HRW said in a 2000 report. Shortly after Myanmar's independence from the British in 1948, the Union Citizenship Act was passed, defining which ethnicities could gain citizenship. According to a 2015 report by the International Human Rights Clinic at Yale Law School, the Rohingya were not included. The act, however, did allow those whose families had lived in Myanmar for at least two generations to apply for identity cards. After the 1962 military coup in Myanmar, things changed dramatically. All citizens were required to obtain national registration cards. The Rohingya, however, were only given foreign identity cards, which limited the jobs and educational opportunities they could pursue and obtain. In 1982, a new citizenship law was passed, which effectively rendered the Rohingya stateless. Un-

der the law, Rohingya were again not recognised as one of the country's 135 ethnic groups. The law established three levels of citizenship. In order to obtain the most basic level (naturalised citizenship), there must be proof that the person's family lived in Myanmar prior to 1948, as well as fluency in one of the national languages. Many Rohingya lack such paperwork because it was either unavailable or denied to them. As a result of the law, their rights to study, work, travel, marry, practice their religion and access health services have been and continue to be restricted. Since the 1970s, a number of crackdowns on the Rohingya in Rakhine State have forced hundreds of thousands to flee to neighbouring Bangladesh, as well as Malaysia, Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries. During such crackdowns, refugees have often reported rape, torture, arson and murder by Myanmar security forces. After the killings of nine border police in October 2016, troops started pouring into villages in Rakhine State. The government blamed what it called fighters from an armed Rohingya group. The killings led to a security crackdown on villages where Rohingya lived. During the crackdown, government troops were accused of an array of human rights abuses, including extrajudicial killing, rape and arson - allegations the government denied. In November 2016, a UN official accused the government of carrying out "ethnic cleansing" of Rohingya Muslims. It was not the first time such an accusation has been made.

Vehicle Thefts Rise By 30% In Three Years Up from about 66,000 in 2013, almost 86,000 vehicles were stolen in 2016, according to the group. The RAC say that new technology is helping thieves to beat modern security systems and that the rise in robberies reverses a downward trend. However, the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders said that new cars “have never been more secure”. The latest technology has helped bring down theft dramatically and manufacturers invest billions to stay one step ahead of the criminals. However, technology can only do so much, and there is a continued call for stronger safeguards to prevent the sale of cloning or signal blocking devices that have no legal purpose. The RAC insurance director, said that before the new figures, there had been a fall in vehicle thefts since around 2002. “We fear thieves are now becoming more and more well equipped with technology capable of defeating car manufacturers’ anti-theft systems.” The RAC obtained the figures from 40 police forces across England and Wales, which revealed that 85,688 vehicles were stolen last year – up 30% from 65,783 in 2013.


The most vulnerable city was London, with nearly a third being taken from the capital, followed by the West Midlands, West Yorkshire and Greater Manchester. Warwickshire police reported the largest percentage rise in stolen vehicles from 2013 to 2016 – up 189%. The statistics are “bad news” for motorists as the increase also causes insurance premiums to rise. Old fashioned anti-theft devices such as steering-wheel locks are making a comeback because they are a “visible deterrent”. Vehicle thefts were at “record low levels”, according to the Crime Survey of England and Wales, which is based on people’s experiences of crime, a Home Office spokeswoman said. She said: “But we know that the methods used by criminals are constantly evolving and recognise the importance of staying one step ahead. “That is why the Home Office brought together senior representatives from the vehicle industry and policing to improve our understanding of the nature and extent to which criminals are compromising electronic vehicle security and to develop responses to it.”

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Momina Mustehsan Is On BBC’s List Of 100 Influential Women For 2017

Rising singer and musician Momina Mustehsan has made it to the 2017 list of BBC's 100 inspirational women from around the world. She is also the only Pakistani woman this year to receive the honour. "This year, the women on the list will be part of the 100 Women Challenge, tackling some of the biggest problems facing women around the world," the BBC reported. Alongside Momina, the list includes women such as the Nasa astronaut Peggy Whitson, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia and England footballer Steph Houghton. Rupi Kaur is also part of the list. The 25-year-old musician, in her short bio for the Challenge, shared the philosophy she holds dear, and said has most influenced her life "The quote that helped me the most with my life was: It only gets better when you get better," she said, adding that she came across the saying in a fortune cookie in New York when she was bingeeating her way through depression. "That woke

me up," she adds. Now in its fifth year, the BBC 100 Women names 100 influential and inspirational women around the world annually. This time around, they are challenging the 100 women "to tackle four of the biggest problems facing women today ─ the glass ceiling, female illiteracy, harassment in public spaces and sexism in sport". Some of the heroes named in the 100 Women list will be asked to innovate real-life solutions in different cities to help the residents affected by these problems. Others will provide support and inspiration from their locations around the globe. They will also have conversations on radio, online and on social media. However, there are 40 spaces in the list that have yet to be filled, it said. "As the season progresses, more women who have taken up the challenge in some way will be added to the list," the statement read, adding the complete list will be released some time in October.

Malala’s student advisory service shuts down

Pakistan Consulate’s student advisory service in Birmingham, which was set up when Malala Yousufzai arrived in the city is closing down – because not a single student has approached it for help. The news comes as Nobel Prize-winning education campaigner Malala announced she had won a place at Oxford University after achieving three As in her A-levels from the independent school Edgbaston High School. At Oxford, she will be studying the same course at the same college attended by Benazir Bhutto, the former Pakistani Prime Minister. After her life was saved by Birmingham doctor Fiona Reynolds - one of the first medics on the scene of the school bus shooting in 2012, Malala was flown to the city’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital for specialist treatment. She eventually moved to Birmingham in 2013 with her family after the Pakistan Consulate in Birmingham offered her father a position as the education attache for a specially created Education Wing at its city centre base. The wing was set up fundamentally to facilitate Malala’s medical treatment. Now, in an apparent bid to save public money, Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has decided to close the wing, which opened on 11thApril, 2013 and instead move all education services to its Lon-


don HQ. A source at the consulate, who did not want to be identified, said: “There was no need for an education wing and, historically, Birmingham never had a post of education attaché. “The Education Wing was opened basically to facilitate medical treatment of Malala in Birmingham and to this end her father Ziauddin Yousafzai was appointed as education attache. “But in the four years since the establishment of this wing not a single student has approached us for any kind of help or assistance. “Hundreds of thousands of pounds has been wasted in the name of student counselling that not a single student has accessed.” Mr Yousafzai’s contract as education attache came to an end on 11th April this year, the source added. Now Pakistan’s Foreign Affairs Ministry says that the closure of the education wing in Birmingham was decided on financial grounds – the education wing was a drain on public money with no foreseeable benefit. It said that monthly expenditure on its maintenance was an estimated £15,000 with “no utility or value for the public money.” The Ministry added: “Since April 2013, there hasn’t been a single student-related case requiring any kind of help or assistance from the wing or, for that matter, the Birmingham consulate. “There are two other consulates besides Birmingham – in Bangladesh and India – and neither of them has ever had an education wing.” The Education Wing was intended to act as a liaison between British and Pakistani education institutions and offer help and advice to Pakistani students in the UK. A spokesman for the Pakistan Consulate in Birmingham confirmed a directive to close its Education Wing had come from the Pakistani government in Islamabad.

Moon Village Will Be First Stop To Mars Setting up a permanent village on the moon is the first step towards exploring Mars, the European Space Agency said as plans to reach and colonise the Red Planet gathered pace. At an annual gathering of 4,000 global space experts in Adelaide, the ESA said the Moon was the “right place to be” as humans expand economic activities beyond low-Earth orbit, even while Mars remained the “ultimate destination”. “We have been living in low-Earth orbit for the last 17 years on board a space station and we are on our journey to Mars for the first human mission,” said ESA. “In between, we believe that there is an opportunity to create a permanent... sustainable presence on the surface of the Moon.” Reaching and colonising Mars has been viewed by private and public interests as the next stage in exploring the final frontier and has been a key part of this year's International Astronautical Congress in Adelaide.

The more immediate goal was to have a permanent presence on the Moon, even if it was just a robot, by the end of the next decade. There are a series of missions planned to the moon over the next 10 years, and all these missions will create a movement, a momentum, and will create a wealth of data that will enable building the village. The space agency has been touting the permanent lunar colony as a replacement for the orbiting International Space Station, which is due to be decommissioned in 2024. Also on the cards is a NASA-led project to build the first lunar space station as part of a programme called the Deep Space Gateway. The Russian space agency Roscosmos and NASA signed a cooperation agreement to work on the station, building the systems needed to organise scientific missions in lunar orbit and to the surface of the Moon.

Huge Iceberg Breaks Off Antarctic Glacier An iceberg over 250 square kilometres in size, has broken off from an enormous Antarctic glacier – the second such incident in two years, scientists say. The Pine Island Glacier is one of the largest in West Antarctica. The glacier loses 45 billion tonnes of ice to the ocean each year – equivalent to one millimeter of global sea level rise every eight years. The single glacier alone contains 1.7 feet of potential global sea level rise and is thought to be in a process of unstable, on-

going retreat. The rectangular piece of ice then appears to have lost some of its shape immediately as smaller pieces splintered off. Last year, researchers had found that Pine Island Glacier developed a new way of losing ice, with rifts forming in the center of its floating ice shelf from beneath, rather than at the sides, the traditional manner. This may be a function of warmer ocean waters reaching the base of the glacier and weakening it.

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SINDH, EXTREMISM AND THE ROLE OF AGENCIES IN PAKISTAN Sindh; one of the province of Pakistan, is a land of peace and love, has been the centre of mystic episteme to rule the hearts of humble people of the land. Sindh bears the plural structure of society embodying the diverse cultural entities; and religious harmony is the core of social cum religious magnanimity uniting people of Sindh into single most nation as Sindhi. Sindh carries a rich history, dynamic values, language, customs, social norms and traditions accompanied by grand narratives. Above all the wisdom and philosophy of Sufism [I call it secularism] has been the regulative principle of its reasonable pluralism to construct the basic structure of society and integrate the large and vigorous segments of civil society entrenched with reasonable diversity towards grand unification of the land. The political landscape of Sindh has always had a prominent place for its social cum political institutions of justice, education and cultural fortitudes. However, the peaceful and spiritual fabric of Sindhi society begun to degenerate in the wake of religious radicalism that not only devastated the large part of the Sufi Sindh but also spread to contaminate the basic structure of secular society. As it has been known that religious tribalism has been on the upsurge in recent years while finding open space sectarian groups have recruited more than 50.000 people, mostly young men [especially university students], across the province excluding Karachi [this figure may quadruple if we include Karachi]. The most affected cities are districts Ghotki, Shahdadkot, Larkana, Shikarpur, and Khairpur. The sectarian groups [Wahhabism] are influenced by the ISIS, TTP, Jundallah, Lashkar e Jhangvi, Sipah e Sahaba Pakistan [existing as ihl e sunnat wal jamaat], Jamatudawa of terrorists’ Hafiz Saeed, [wanted in Mumbai terror attacks], originally based in Punjab province, and partially supported by military establishment [MI, ISI]; notorious agencies of Pakistan. These terrorist’s organizations train young people and enlist them to the Lashkar e Tayyiba and Jaish e Muhammad to wage a holy war against India in Kashmir.

If we read the report ‘’conflicts dynamics of the Sindh’’, it describes that Ahl e Sunnat Wal Jamaat and Lashkr-i-Jhangvi have established themselves in the interior Sindh where they are preaching their ideology of Jihad especially against Shia Muslims whom they consider infidels [Kafir] and out of the fortress of Islam. They have been successful to establish their Madrassas through which they are preaching ideology of violence, chaos and terror against non-Muslim, Hindu, Christian, and Ahmadi minorities including Shia Muslims. Meanwhile, TTP, Al Qaeda and ISIS have enormous influence on these terrorist’s organizations facilitating terror attacks on soft basis in Sindh and Baluchistan. The paradox of Pakistan’s being in the state of war against terror appears in two-pronged way: One, military is fighting against terrorist’s groups in different parts of the country [oppression Raddul Fasad]. Two, it [Pak Army] is supporting the facilitators of the same terrorist organizations doing terror attacks on minorities especially in Sindh and Baluchistan. The military establishment and the law enforcing agencies are very well-acquainted with the situation that how these terrorist organizations are recruiting new Jihadi [so-called holy war fighters], building and raising funds for the dirty cause. Everything is


happening under the nose of security agencies in Sindh. Most of the attacks carried out by the terrorists were not outsiders but sons of soil brainwashed by the Madrasa rhetoric’s.

In the successive years, the Shrine of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar was also attacked by the terrorists killing more than 100 people in interior Sindh. These are the soft targets, and the adherents killed in these attacks were very humble and peaceful people. What comes after all this, is totally unserious security policymaking. The failure of national action plan is evident of this grotesque motive of security agencies in Sindh. Terrorist’s organizations are quadrupling in interior Sindh and other parts of Pakistan. It is surprising that universities in Pakistan are not producing engineers, doctors, and scientists, but are indulged into producing terrorists through the involvement of extremist professors. University students are brainwashed and trained under the influence of Dens and professors of the universities. The students of Science and technology have been exploited by the professors to wage jihad against the liberal forces in the country. The liberal professors, like Professor Shakeel Ouj lost his life when he was attacked by the terrorist belonging to TTP and Ihra rul Sharia organized in the faculty of Islamic learning University of Karachi, Sindh. He was blamed that he is publishing a blasphemous material. And the killer was the son of Den and Professor of the faculty of Islamic Learning Professor Abdur Rasheed. Such cases are ceaselessly increasing in Sindh and other provinces of Pakistan. I was also attacked in the university by the terrorists inside the university of Karachi because my views were not acceptable to extremist’s groups in the university.

How did this happen in Sindh that the terrorist organizations intensified their activities while showing their presence vehemently? The militant groups have not only flourished but also have multiplied their manpower in Sindh. Police department of the province is highly politicised as it is working under the Sindh Government that is inefficient and extremely corrupt, and has no interest to combat law and order situation in the presence of militant organizations. Neither does it dare to fight against the branded Madrasa culture, nor has any intension to stifle their antisocial activities in Sindh. So, police force in Sindh is paralysed or made ineffective under the influence of political mafia. On the other hand, main security agencies [Rangers, FC or Pakistan Army] are involved in a war against Sindhi separatists and nationalists who are their immediate targets, so these security agencies do not intend to throw terrorists organizations out of the country. It is rather understood that Madrasas would provide them new fighters against enemies in general, The situation still aggravates and Sindhi/Baluch separatists in particular. when non-Muslim minorities are threatened by the same nonMoreover, security agencies believe that religious state actors. The counterproductive forces are radicalism could be the best remedy to the long empowered enough to convert Hindu and Chrisstanding nationalistic resentment among victim- tian minorities to Islam enforcedly. Their women ized Sindhi segments of society that could be and young girls are kidnapped, abducted and penetrating revolt against federation and military married to Muslim men. If these girls refuse to establishment. This is the reason why security marry them or defy to convert to Islam, they are agencies do not have to coup with extremism in threatened or sometimes put to terrible punishSindh and Baluchistan. While, other provinces ment or tortured to death. Many Hindu families are not immune to such mischievous tendency have been compelled to migrate to India or other anyway, but Punjab government has left no stone parts of Sindh, especially urban areas. Ihle e Sununturned having extremists’ sections towards nat wal Jamat, one of the terrorists organization transitory accord in terms of extremists promis- influenced by Lal Masjid Mullaism, are accoming to have no hashish designs against the peo- plice of Jamatuddawa who are trying to convert ple of Punjab. Some of the main political figures non-Muslims to Islam. [Ministers of Punjab Assembly] and those of military personals are in amicable relationships to the Following this situation, no terrorist is arrested or brought to book. They [extremist groups] seem to have been licenced to act anyway against the minority communities existing in Sindh from centuries. So, in the absence of prompt response and retaliation from both the security forces and that of Sindh Government, the agents of violence, chaos and terror are triumphantly spreading in the province. The fertile land of mystic wisdom, reasonable pluralism and diversity of all comprehensive moral doctrines based on the lines of philosophical tolerance is shunning its worthwhileness in terms of getting camouflaged under the sway of counterproductive forces. The triumph of extremism, fundamentalism and religious radicalism has turned the people of humble wisdom and mystic epistemes into the violent ideology of futile jihadism against the so-called infidelity. The fundamental maxim of humanism and philanthropy has been replaced by the obsolete narrative of holy war. terrorists organizations, and have been acknowledged publicly. Since, this is not exception to what is the situation in Sindh and Baluchistan, where, if people try to have collective or individual wake up of calls to protest the grave injustices, exploitation, and consequently enforced disappearance happens. The wrath of security agencies materializes in terms of people are tortured to death and their mutilated bodies are found in the debris in the remote parts of the areas of Sindh or Baluchistan. In one or other way, unfortunately security forces of Pakistan encourage the rise of sectarian and militant groups to combat the nationalistic revolt of Sindhi and Baluch people. In this way, Sufi segment of society is threatened and, above all, put to halt if need be. In the recent years, there was an abrupt rise in the terror attacks on Sufi shrines and Shia mosque such as suicide attack was done on the Shia Mosque in Shikarpur killing more than 100 people, and the attackers were native people belonging to Wahabi Sect. During this time, the shrine of Hazrat Abdullah Shah Gazi was attacked twice killing many people there. Shah Bilawal Noorani shrine had been blown up in one of the suicide attack killing more than 70 people.

ing of fresh, empty minds and adolescents. The situation is still worst due to plenty of government schools are closed and ignored by the authorities. Education has gone extinct and valueless in the province due to no-funding or a massive corruption by the officials sitting in the Sindh government. In such a critical state of affairs, what hope lies for the poor masses is religious schools [Madrasas] which not only cater children, but also provide them basic means of livelihood such as cloths and shelter. The religious clerics reciprocate the advantages in terms of getting children to violence, chaos and terror. The federal government of Pakistan does not have power to stifle this criminal attitude of the non-state actors in the country. Since, military is the de facto power and authority in Pakistan. The democratic regime is crippled or totally paralysed through excretion of influence on Judiciary. The supreme court of Pakistan is a stamp machine that always legitimizes every illegitimate action of the military in the country.

In the meantime, Theocrats and religious clerics also exert pressure on the democratic governments in the country and they side with establishment. Their notoriety lies in favouring the doctrines of necessity initiated by the military against civilian legitimacy. This is how the then government of Nawaz Sharif came under pressure when the Dawn leaks disclosed that the international community, especially USA, has insisted Pakistan to give up supporting agents of violence and terror, otherwise, it would have to face international isolation. Moreover, president Donald Trump accused Pakistan to have been supporting and providing the safe heavens to the agents of violence, chaos and terror. While keeping this situation in view, Pakistan has come under the international pressure, because Donald Trump has committed himself that USA will do anything unpredictable. Nevertheless, obstinate military in Pakistan does not give up its support for the terrorist organizations hiding in Sindh and Baluchistan, especially in religious schools. The military has hawkish designs towards land of Sindhi and Baluch, and that nationalists are only tackled through the counterpart strategy in terms of indoctrination of religious sentiment in masses. On the other hand, Pakistan’s mediocre media is also poisoning young blood through the religious programs and shows. Media anchors never venture out to show anything against the powerful adherents of violence in the provinces, especially Sindh and Baluchistan. There exists an incessant molestation of Shia community in Baluchistan and Sindh at the hands of Wahabi terrorists. But, all is neglected because military does not want peace and security in these provinces so that people may feel insecure and demand to call the military to intervene In the modern world today, Sindh is witnessing in the socio-political institutions. the induction of new means of production prerequisite to reshape the basic structure of soci- Following this, if all remains same with Sindh and ety with reshuffle in the productive relations of Baluchistan, I find immense decay of human valsocial classes accordingly. Feudalism is collapsing, ues, and social norms of integrity and tolerance leaving gigantic space open to new forces to fill will go degenerating in no-time. It is onus on the up the gape and make up the constructive struc- nationalist leaders and democratic government in ture of society. Unfortunately, rising social classes the province to realize the gravity of the problems are guideless and totally disorganised to make a of religious extremism, and try to create a strong way towards progressivism, national secularism narrative to discourage the abrupt growth of reand that of productive social mechanism. Even, ligious radicalism in the provinces. The national socio-political and constitutional institutions have action plan is only active for Punjab provinces, also failed to fill up the given-up gapes. There is whereas, Sindh requires more than it in terms no way to resolution mechanism to override the of collective efforts to disseminate the values of archaic narratives filling up the gapes. Though, national secularism, tolerance and religious harinterior Sindh is leaning towards unprecedented mony. In other words, Sindh will not survive as progress in education. People of young age from the land of saints but will appear as the land of middle class have made an enormous progress in violent extremism very soon. the field of education. But it seems to have gone all in vein because they do not tolerate the un- Dr Syed Alam Shah educated, illiterate and lower segments of soci- Writer is a former Assistant Professor ety to compete with them in the new social set Dept. of Philosophy. University of Karachi, Sindh. up. This is reason why, Madrassa [religious edu- Pakistan. cation] has been rampant and penetrates in the Currently visiting scholar, dept. of Philosophy basic structure of Sindhi society whereby inviting University of Sheffield the poor and powerless masses towards religious education. Here begins the notorious brainwash-

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The Rohingya massacre Dr A Q Khan For the past few weeks, we have been seeing and hearing about the horrific persecution of Muslims in the Arakan district of Myanmar (formerly Burma). Fanatic Buddhist monks and regular troops have burnt huts, killed thousands of people and raped hundreds of women. Western powers and the UN are just paying lip service to the matter – in the same way that they reacted to the crises in Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. According to the UN, the atrocities perpetrated by the monks and the troops fall under various crimes against humanity. Nobel Laureate Aung Sang Suu Kyi has not said anything against these horrendous atrocities. As a matter of fact, she has become a spokesperson for the perpetrators. She insists that the events that are being reported have not occurred and that the media is simply exaggerating the matter. Despite these claims, many Western journalists have shown terrifying pictures of atrocities and the bodies of murdered men, women and children. Some of the bodies shown in these photographs had their arms, legs and heads chopped off. These atrocities are in no way any less than those committed by fanatical, orthodox Serbs in Bosnia. At least some of those evildoers paid the penalty that befits their crimes. History is, once again, repeated itself. Similar inhuman treatment and atrocities were committed by the colonial powers in Africa, Asia, North and South America against the original inhabitants. History is filled with accounts of such barbaric actions. In our generation, we have seen this happening in Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. The Americans and their allies have attacked and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent, unarmed people, all under an imaginary


perception of a security risk to their countries. If we examine the history of the Rohingya Muslims, we will realise that during the reign of Mughal Empire and the British Raj, Burma was a part of the Subcontinent and there were no barriers involved in travelling from India to Burma. From the 15th century onwards, Muslim and Arab traders and preachers from various countries started visiting the Arakan district of Burma and a large number of them settled in the region. A majority of those who settled there were from undivided Bengal and were considered to be peace-loving people. Even though they considered themselves to be Burmese, their physical appearance and attire made them looked like Bengalese. The trouble started in 1982 when the Myanmar government adopted a law whereby the Rohingya were deprived of their Burmese nationality. According to the UN, the Rohingya people are the most persecuted minorities in the world. The total population of the Rohingya in the Arakan district was between 1.3 million and 1.4 million. They mostly lived in the northern Rakhine State, which consisted of around 90 percent of the Rohingya populace. The current atrocities have caused about 900,000 people to flee to southeastern Bangladesh and neighbouring Muslim countries. More than 200,000 others have been forcibly confined to camps and are living under deplorable conditions. Government officials claim that the Rohingya are Bangladeshi refugees. However, the Rohingya say that they have belonged to the area for hundreds of years as they came during the Mughal and British colonial periods. Historical evidence shows that migration from the Subcontinent to Burma took place for centuries – mainly as a part of the spread of Buddhism and Islam. Bengal had historical and cultural ties with the Rakhine State (formerly Arakan). The presence of Bengali-speaking settlers has been

recorded in the history of Arakan history since the 15th century. In 1936 and 1939, many Muslims were elected to the Legislative Council of Burma under the Burmese Native Category in British Burma. After independence in 1948, Rohingya leaders held high positions in the government and parliament. They requested the government to declare Arakan as a separate province under the central government. After the 1962 military takeover, Gen Ne Win’s government started enacting laws against the Rohingya. After the return of martial law in 1988, the army launched a violent crackdown against Muslims. After life became unbearable for them, more than 200,000 moved to Bangladesh, Thailand, Pakistan and the Middle East in 1991-1992. During British rule, Muslims from the Subcontinent formed the second-largest community in Rakhine – the largest being the Buddhists. Human beings are an aggressive species. Whenever there is a chance to obtain power and wealth, they immediately become aggressive towards those who are weaker and terrorism, killings, expulsion and torture take place. This has happened all over the world and continues to happen today. Perhaps nothing has caused as much violence as religion and ethnicity. What is happening against the Rohingya Muslims is a crime against humanity – a war crime. At least for once, Muslim rulers should show solidarity to protect their Rohingya brethren. Bangladesh, Indonesia, Turkey and Pakistan could teach Myanmar a lesson that it would remember forever. They should occupy Arakan (Rohingya land), declare it a non-entry province for the

Burmese Army and the police and ensure that the refugees are resettled. A token multi-national force could be put in place to protect the people and no nonsense should be tolerated from the Myanmar government. If the West could create Lebanon, South Sudan and East Timor, Muslim countries should use the same logic and help the Rohingya. Since it is a matter of Muslim repression, the UN and the West will never take concrete action to address the plight of the Rohingya. We hope Muslim rulers will realise that it was their silence in Bosnia, South Sudan and East Timor that allowed new countries to be created from Muslim countries. Let’s not forget how Hajjaj bin Yousuf sent Muhammad bin Qasim to sort out Raja Dahir of Sindh after hearing about a Muslim woman who had been looted and imprisoned by the locals and was in Raja Dahir’s custody. Remember, the Almighty will hold us all responsible for the indifference shown towards our Muslim brethren who are in need. He has ordained that we help the aggrieved and fight against tyranny and oppression. May Allah Almighty show mercy on the Rohingya. Email: dr.a.quadeer.khan@gmail.com

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(Reg Charity No: 1139948) Molana M Aslam Zahid donating sawing machines during his recent visit to Bagh, Azad Kashmir...

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Join with us and become closer to Allah in this blessed month to increase your blessings ÂŁ250 supports an orphan and brings you closer to the Holy Prophet (pbuh) in Jannah ÂŁ600 supports a family with no income and is equivalent to increased blessings from prayers ÂŁ50 buys a sewing machine - an essential source of income for a widow or young orphan girl ÂŁ700 helps a derelict mosque prosper again and reinforces your iman for the here and after ÂŁ2000 helps finance the marriage of an orphan girl and you gain blessings for yourself and our family By making provision for Sehri and Iftar for the needy in the Holy month of Ramadan you can gain forgiveness and sawaab from those fasts and work towards a place in

Yorkshire Bank, Account Number: 19842710 Sort Code: 05 08 58 Alhabib Welfare Foundation is a UK registered international relief and development charity. It was founded by Molana Aslam Zahid who is the imam of Usmania Education Centre and the Vice Chairm an of Jamiat Ulma-e-Bri tain. With your support Alhabib Welfare Foundation aims to help poor families, orphans, and widows across Pakistan and other countries around the world. We ensure 100% of your donation reaches the poor. Please donate generously on the above account number or online by visiting our website...

Molana M Aslam Zahid visited local Madressa during his recent visit to Bagh, Azad Kashmir...

Alhabib Welfare Foundation is relying on your support this Ramadan to help survivors of the Pakistan floods. Donate your Zakat and Sadaqa to us this Ramadan and we will use it to help orphans, widows and those who are in need.

The prophet saw said “Whoever helps any muslim and makes them happy in the process, they have made me happy. Whosoever makes me happy has made Allah happy. And whosoever makes Allah happy, Allah will provide a place in Jannah for him�. Come let us all help the poor, disabled, widows and orphans who desperately need our help,and gain the approval of Allah the Almighty You can give your Zakaat, Sadaqatul Fitra to help towards our ongoing support of these needy families. We invite you to come and be a part of a good and worth cause and gain nearness to Allah and the blessed Messenger (peace be upon him). We are offering you the opportunity to extend your good practice in the month of Ramadan by gaining sawaab for helping our fellow Muslims who need your help.



Molana M Aslam Zahid donated computers during his recent visit to Bagh, Azad Kashmir...

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