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Idea One : Ac+vism Areas to Consider Reasons to develop the idea Reasons to reject the idea How well does it meet Ac9vism fits the brief because it is a very relevant and new ac9vity/group which a lot of young people are joining ac9vist groups to speak out against certain subjects and topics that they feel a passion for.

This topic is a very in-­‐depth topic and a lot can be said about this subject , this is why I fear that the normal viewer will not understand what I am talking about and then easily get bored and switch over.

How well does it appeal to the target audience?

The Target audience for this idea is niche but this can be easily over turned to fit the mainstream audience by showing topic which they are interested in or maybe focusing on one organisa9on which the audience will know or have some sort of knowledge about.

I think this topic will have less appeal to the audience because of its something rela9vely new and unknown. This is why I fear that the audience will get bored or switch over too watch something else do to its niche audience.

How achievable is it given the 9mescale and your skill level?

I believe that this can be achievable in my 9me scale as I will try to get a lot of filming done all together rather than spreading the dates.

I believe that due to the exam 9mes running in January I might have difficulty to get the full effect of the documentary on this topic which I wish to receive.

How passionate are you about the topic

I believe I am very passionate about this subject because it is a topic which I myself find very interes9ng , I believe with a bit more research I can make this documentary even more engaging and also entertaining at the same 9me.

I believe that my passion for this project is a lot but at the same 9me I do not have that much knowledge on the topic to cover it from different angles. This is why I believe I might lack to show everything that I wish for the viewer to see and learn.

What access to experts do you think you have?

At the moment I do not have any access to experts but I think if I look around and find ac9vist organisa9on and people who take part in ac9vism I maybe able to interview them.

At the same 9me it might be difficult to find people to interview because some people do not want to speak out for organisa9ons in fear of saying the wrong things which might represent the organisa9on in a bad way.

the brief?

Summarise why you will develop or reject this idea? I will reject this idea due to the fact that it is a very isolated subject which I do not feel I can empathise enough to reach the target audience as normal teenagers will be watching and would feel bored as it is mote targeted at a more mature audience who understand the nature of ac9vism.

Idea Two : Journalism Areas to Consider Reasons to develop the idea Reasons to reject the idea How well does it meet I think this topic does meet the brief because of its wide range of branches which I could go into with it , the appeal might not be there 100% but this can be changed if I do a rela9ve topic which the audience will find interes9ng and engaging.

This topic does fit the brief but at the same 9me it does’t due to the fact that its not really known to a mass audience.

How well does it appeal to the target audience?

I believe that this appeals to a niche audience but I can some how try and throw this strange topic into the mainstream audience by linking it to something they would understand and not easily get bored of. I can use the topic of Journalism to branch off to many other different aspects and new stories and how that news story was covered by the media.

This topic does not appeal to a wide range of audience and some may not understand what I am talking about if I go into a lot of depth with a topic.

How achievable is it given the 9mescale and your skill level?

I think this can be achieved with the 9me scale if I try my best to get everything filmed before the deadline , this can be done by trying to film a lot of things in one go so then if I needed more shots I would go back and film them.

Due to the fact I don’t know what angle I am trying to reach out to using the topic of journalism at this moment in 9me , I do not know how long it will take to get everything done and also be able to capture the vision I wanted.

How passionate are you about the topic

I believe I am very passionate about this subject due to my huge interest in journalism , I think I can try to cover this topic very well although I do not hold a significant amount of knowledge towards the subject .

I believe that I am passionate about the subject and would not feel the need to neglect the idea because of this non existent issue.

What access to experts do you think you have?

I think I can try to get in contact with journalists and people who work in the media field.

I believe that a lot of journalists and people working in the media filed are busy all the 9me so contac9ng them and wai9ng for a reply and also finding out when they are free to film can be a very long task which means I would not get much done.

the brief?

Summarise why you will develop or reject this idea? I choose this idea because I have the most passion for this topic and I believe that even though it will not have a lot of people interested , if I cover a rela9ve topic inside of journalism then I could have some sort of mass appeal.

Idea Three : Safe Drive Areas to Consider Reasons to develop the idea Reasons to reject the idea How well does it meet The brief is met as the topic is very relevant and also appeals to the target audience , this documentary will be showcased on BBC3 which is watched by most teenagers and young adults.

I think it fits the brief perfectly and there is no reason for this idea not to go ahead.

How well does it appeal to the target audience?

The brief for this topic go hand in hand together as my target audience would find this driving topic very interes9ng and relevant. The age group are star9ng to drive and know that they have a lot of freedom with driving but this would be very though provoking and would make them think twice about driving dangerously.

I don’t think there would be major reasons for rejec9ng this idea other than teenagers feeling as if they are being told the same things over and over again un9l they feel bored and would not want to watch this documentary as it is promo9ng road awareness which a lot of teens choose to ignore and would rather not face the truth.

How achievable is it given the 9mescale and your skill level?

I believe this is very achievable using my 9me scale as it would be fairly easy to gather all the informa9on and evidence to fit the topic , I would also find it easy to film around local loca9ons which means I would most likely get the filming done on 9me and even go out got extra shots if I needed them.

I believe that that there is no rejec9on towards this topic due to the 9me scale but I believe that I would need to do a lot of filming all at one 9me so I do not miss any shots or miss out any ques9ons from the interviews because this will make the topic lack .

How passionate are you about the topic

I think I do have passion for this topic due to a recent sixth form trip , I learn the dangers about rough driving and how it can change someone's life. This is why I believe this would be the most easiest one for me to do due to the fact I can film this locally and also get a huge range of informa9on and aspects about it.

I think my passion for this subject can grow but at the moment I do not believe this is my best topic and I do not feel that I would be able to put 100% of my effort into it due to the fact of the lack of interest I have towards it.

What access to experts do you think you have?

I think I have easy access to the experts which are needed to help structure this type of documentary . The people who I would need to interview are police officers to give out informa9on about the subject and families who have been effected by not driving safe.

I think the experts needed to be interviewed in this topic can be easily achieved although I do think it might be quite difficult to interview the families of vic9ms who have been in car accidents as many people do not want to speak out due to emo9ons and trying to get over the subject.

the brief?

Summarise why you will develop or reject this idea? I will reject this idea due to the lack of interest I have towards it as I don’t think I would be able to give all my effort into something I do not wish to do , so for this simple reason I will reject this idea even though it fits the target audience perfectly.

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