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Mahmoud Dew
Hey, it's me Dew . i'm an Egyptian boy & proud but also i lived for a while in Morocco i'm an Architect , on my way to be an international architect :) i believe that i was born to design to make something also i got something special that what gain me Nice reputation between my profs and friends :) i'm hypered a little bit :) free spirit i got amazing friends all around the world.first thing i do in morning : looking at the clock and hope if i have more time to sleep :D :D . Sometimes i laugh at my own Texts before i send them because i'm that damn funny :D My relationship status: went from being "Single" to "Still Single " :D i don' answer on my mobile whenever it rings because i love to dance on the ring tone :D i've probably learned more from google than from school. i love travelling , meet new friends physically :D , i love Music with all its kinds ,, Music is running through my viens :D i love nature ,dancing , flying Aeroplanes models , riding horses , watching movies , swimming.