Mah m o u d Sa d ek Portfolio | Selected Works
Architecture Undergraduate Student
+1 928 707 9627
South Dakota State University
R E L E VAN T E XP ER IEN CE Visual Graphic Department of Architecture (DoArch) - South Dakota State University
T E C H NI CA L P R O FI C I ENCY Revit 2019
•Graphic, Modeling, and rendering for DoArch Public Works
•Responsible for digital documentation of DoArch Public Works.
•Created series of books summarizing work, events and faculty research conducted at DoArch. Educator Project 1324 (Adobe Youth Voices) •Conducted creative thinking and designing sessions for youth between ages of 13 - 18 years old. •Delivered Adobe programs essential training for participants.
SolidWorks Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Adobe Premiere Pro
Teaching Assistant Math Department - South Dakota State University •Provided assistance for Pre-Calculus undergraduate students. •Responsible for Pre-Calculus Mastery quizzes. •Assisted an average of 25 students per week.
EDU CAT I ON Architecture, Bachelor of Fine Arts South Dakota State University - Cumulative GPA: 3.6
AWA R D S TSP Scholarship Adobe Creativity Scholarship College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s List Adobe Aspire Awards Finalist
LE ADE R S H I P AN D IN N OVAT ION American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) Member
Association Internationale des Étudiants En Sciences Économiques
English : Fluent
et Commerciales (AIESEC) - Cairo University Global Community Development Program Council on International Educational Exchance (CIEE) Civic Leadership Summit - Washington, DC Fellow United World Colleges (UWC) Short Course - Istanbul 2013 Egypt Representative International Education and Resource Network (iEARN) - Egypt Media and IT Team Leader
Arabic : Native French : Fair
C ON T EN T 5 0 1 Di es te Wal l 3 . 0 B ui l di n g Sh o p, Spr i n g 2 0 1 8 0 2 Sec ti o n s So ph o m o re Year Und erg r a d u ate D es i g n Stu d i o, S p r i n g 2 0 1 8 0 3 Stai r s So ph o m o re Year Und erg r a d u ate D es i g n Stu d i o, Fa l l 2 0 1 7 0 4 Spec i m en A n al y s i s – C en tr a l Pa rk Jun i o r Year Un derg r a d u ate D es i g n Stu d i o, Fa l l 2 0 1 8
01 D IE S T E WA L L 3 .0 Building Shop explores the work of the Uruguayan engineer Eladio Dieste through the construction of Ruled Surface using local traditional building materials like bricks. Dieste Wall 3.0 focuses on the analysis and documentation of a previously constructed iteration through an itemized catalogue and individual spatial relationships. Software Rhinoceros Grasshopper Tools Masonry tools Canon T5i
Left: Ruled surface drawings by Federico Garcia Lammer s. Right: Dieste ruled surface wall.
D ieste Wa ll | Spring 20 1 8
The work started by analyzing the structure of the wall previously constructed by students in an earlier version of the building shop. A total of 84 lines were drawn on the wall. Each line represents a section cut. The height, depth, and indentation of each brick and mortar line that was crossed by a section line were measured and recorded manually. The information extracted from Dieste Wall 2.0 was later used to create a virtual version of the wall using Rhino 3D.
Right: Graphical re presentation of Dieste Wall 2.0 Collaborative project with Ted LaCour siere
Top: Mortar and brick lines combined Middle: Brick lines Bottom: Mortar lines
D ieste Wa ll | Spring 20 1 8
Top left: Dieste Wall 2.0 mortar lines. Top right: Dieste Wall 2.0 brick lines.
Top view of Dieste Wall 2.0 brick and mortar lines.
D ieste Wa ll | Spring 20 1 8
Each brick, intact or damaged, was catalogued and recorded physically on the brick itself, showing the position, the number, and which wall it came from. These bricks were later used to construct Dieste Wall 3.0.
Dieste Wall 2.0 brick code. Photo credits: Alexandra Rausch.
D ieste Wa ll | Spring 20 1 8
Above: Bricks from the Dieste Wall 2.0 after demolition.
Dieste Wall 2.0 brick code. Photo credits: Michael Buhl
D ieste Wa ll | Spring 20 1 8
The construction of the new wall started using the bricks from Dieste Wall 2.0 and it used a scaffolding made of wood and ropes to construct the double-curvature of the brick wall.
Right: Dieste Wall 3.0 start of construction.
D ieste Wa ll | Spring 20 1 8
Left and right: Dieste Wall 3.0 construction process images.
D ieste Wa ll | Spring 20 1 8
Image of Dieste Wall 3.0 shows the curved surface.
02 SE C T I O NS This building arts studio focuses on the section cut as a fundamental architectural representation — a mechanism for defining and seeing space. Coupe, profil, scenographica, sciographia, spaccoto, and section are all terms used to describe a vertical cut through form and space. The section cut reveals the relationship between interior and exterior, between forms and forces, and between space and time. Software Rhinoceros Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Photoshop CC Tools Lasercutter Canon T5i
Section drawing of San Carlo Alle Quatro Fontane.
Sections | Spring 2018
Left: Longitudinal section collapsed drawing. Right: Transver se section collapsed drawing.
Sections | Spring 2018
Left: Longitudinal view of sections model. Top: Transver se view of sections model.
03 S TA I R S This building arts studio focuses on stairs as a fundamental architectural element — a mechanism for defining and seeing space. Stairs provide the vertical movement from one space to another. They enable ascent or decent, subtle or exaggerated. Stairs can also define a space onto themselves — a volume articulated by the stacking and arrangement of systems of different species of spaces. Software Revit 2017 Adobe Photoshop Tools Wood tools Canon T5i
Stair s wood model.
Stair s | Fa ll 2017
3x3 stair cubes.
Above: Revit stair cubes.
04 SP E C I M E N A N A LYS I S C E N T R A L PA R K This building arts studio focuses on urban design using main city blocks and town squares around North America. The southeast corner of Central Park was my main focus in analyzing and understanding the movement from the city to the park. Software Rhinoceros Revit 2018 Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Tools Lasercutter Canon T5i
Model of Central Park south east cor ner.
Sp ecimen Ana lysis | Fal l 2 0 1 8
Simplified lines of Central Park south east cor ner. Top left: Traf fic interacting with Central Park. Top right: Investig ating part-to-Whole relationship between Central Park and Pulitzer Plaza. Bottom left: Traf fic passing and/or around Central Park Bottom right: Inter sections.
Above: Figure-g round drawing.
Sp ecimen Ana lysis | Fal l 2 0 1 8
Horizontal Surfaces
Static Surfaces
Vertical Surfaces Static Surface
Park Trails
Brick wall
Buildings facades
Surround the Park
Buildings extend
Outside the park
to the sidewalk Monuments
Dynamic Surfaces
Dynamic Surfaces
The Lake
Trees around the lake
The Fountain
The park Surface
Vertical Elements Signs
Paths Elements Entrances
Massless Conditions The Lake
Road Signs
Buildings Entrances
Commercial Signs
Central Park Entrances
Underneath the trees
Buildings Signs
Subway Entrance
around the lake
Buildings numbers
Subway Stairs
Central Park brick wall Barricades
Above: Taxonomic Catalogue.
Sp ecimen Ana lysis | Fal l 2 0 1 8
Above: Model photog rap hs.
Model photog raph.
Sp ecimen Ana lysis | Fal l 2 0 1 8