Mahmoud Fahmy Architecture portfolio

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Mahmoud Fahmy Architecture portfolio

-MAHMOUD FAHMYINTRO A multdisiplinary architect seeking to find a common ground between heritage conservation and architecture practices in more than the act of conservation, and in the act of urban development, on the smaller scale seeking to gain technical skills to be open for freelancing, outsourcing for art direction ,and interior designs.

Workshops 10-2014 10-2014

we were chosen by the urban research office “cluster” to participate in a project with ETH zurich university , where we the Egyptians in the work shop were assigned to accompany the Msc students from ETH through their tour in Cairo urban structure and then help them in forming their diagnosis for their Msc project. Copy url for full portfolio

INFO Name: Mahmoud Fahmy Email: Phone: +20201002178296 Instagram: mhfahmy93 Linkedin: Mahmoud Fahmy

CLUSTER Urban Research/ lab

01-2015 01-2015


08-2018 08-2018

Heritage for all community

Participated in EL HEIZ – Water Resoures Museum Design Completion.

• Attended heritage for all workshop for heritage management principles which took place in Alexandria putting the Shatby theater as a Case study.

09-2019 12-2019

08-2019 08-2019

BTU Cottbus,Cairo university

double masters of urban revitalization of historic city districts program joined in the intensive workshop on the city of Qusier - Egypt about water sensitive urban integrated approach to revitalized the historic city.

City branding workshop

participated in a three days workshop for city branding held by archhub in the greek campus.

EDUCATION 09-1998 06-2012

02-2016 06-2016

09-2012 06-2017

Cleopatra language school with a score of 94.6% in El Thanaweya El Amma Certificate (Math Section).

Career oriented

08-2020 10-2020

participated at the EUF (Egypt Urban Forum) as CLUSTER Office Organizer and Usher in building a sample for Eco-house in Al Azhar park and ushering an exhibition held by cluster in Marriott hotel in Zamalek.

08-2013 09-2013 03-2019 05-2020


participated with the Urban Research lab Cluster as a trainee in more than on project during summer vacations between semesters for 3 years accordingly.

10-2017 12-2017

Participant • worked with CLUSTER and joined in the French Institute exhibition for publishing housing Cairo • worked with CLUSTER for 3 months on Bab el louq project and French institute refurbishment project

Quality control Engineering

a trainee under the crew working in the Cairo Festival City CFC project according to a program made by the company ECG .. the project name was named university to work "U2W" my responsibilities was observing how does the finishing of the project done and receiving some of the materials with the engineers in the site -

CLUSTER Urban Research /lab 03-2015 Trainee 10-2018


Consultants GrouS.A

German Archaeological Institute Junior Architect • Joined the Deutsche Archaeological Institute DAI excavation in the elephantine island in Aswan as junior assistant architect in Refurbishment of the old Aswan museum.


3D modeling Post modeling Production and Rendering working drawings and BIM illustrations responsive architecture concepts

03-2015 Organizer/ Usher for the EUF 06-2015 Forum .

• Joined TLD The land Developers Development firm as a free lance graphic designer for the marketing sector and architect for the deveopment sector

German university in Cairo -Bachelor project with A- degree with Dr.Tarek Naga German University in Cairo Graduate student Faculty ofArchitectural Engineering with a GPA of 1.89 out of 0.7

German Archaeological Institute Free lance Graphic designer /Architect

personal oriented 09-2016 present

Footloose Egypt traveling agency trip facilitator/Organizer Joined the startup backpacking group Foot loose Egypt as a Trip facilitator in some trip and organizer in some as a chance to go through Egyptian cities as wanderlust satisfac tion and get to know new people and having fun in the process

05-2017 Trip planner got promoted to a trip planner to , form present

programs and logistics to new destinations in Egypt and abroad

-Table of content-Cluster “CAIRO DOWNTOWN PASSEGEWAYS” urban mapping project. -Elephantine Old-Aswan Museum.....(Bachelor thesis) Architecture Conservation Project -The paradigm shift..........................(Bachelor thesis) Experimental Conceptual architecture -The Lego Experiment............................................... Adaptive Urbanism Project. -M20 Museum.......................................................... conceptual brutalist archiecture project. -Nioyti Ecolodge........................................................ conceptual envioremental proemnade project.

CLUSTER Cairo Downtown Passageways The project was under Cluster urban research Lab ,and it was a publication that show possible walking tours in the passageways of downtown Cairo by mapping the passage ways and each map showng certain potentials for Future Dtour maps to be formed upon

Supervised by Dr.Omar Nagati Designed by Nancy nasr el din Participation by Cluster trainee team

Elephantine Poject Aswan Old Museuem The project was under The German Archeological institute in Cairo , as a part of Aswan Archeological Expedition. under supervision of the Architect and the current Aswan Expedition Director Professor Martin Saehlhof.

The project was a pilot project of restoring an Classical English Building placed in the southern tip of elephantine Island in Aswan infront on the position overlooking the 1st cataract position opposite to the old Cataract Hotel.

Supervised by Dr.Martin Saehlhof Drawings by Mahmoud Fahmy

Project Breif The Restoration Project is under the umbrella of the German Archeological institute to be one of many project under refurbishment or rebuilt temple in the expedition site of elephantine island ,and it was researched recently provideing valuable specification and requirment to be applied an formed the parameters on which the building was refurbished the old museum is a two connected buildngs the first built on 1908 to be a rest house for the engineer wallas cook and then was refunctioned to be an adminstrative building for the 1st cataract infront of elephantine island the extention building was built on 1960 and still not labeled as an antiquitie building but it was take in consideration for the connection with the old building and what was caused by this connection. The German Archeological Institute held the responsibilty of dealing with the elvation of the 1908 building based on the parameters accounted by ithe previously held research also by the institute

Elephantine Aswan-Old Museum

Rendered image for the results

Overview Render

01 Stonework Restoration

01.1-Elevation Minute Fixation The stone work was rendered in three sectors: 1-The hooks and the stone opening backfilll after a long process of sampling to find the right mixture mimicing the texture adhisvnes and color of the original stone elevation (fig1) 2-Application of salt sucktion compresses on the rose Qiuons (fig2) 3- fixing the grapevine mortar joints between the granite brick on the building's walls (fig3)


Cement and Granite mixture Paraloid G47 Original granite Brick



02 Woodwork Restoration

02.1- Pavillion The Roof Paviollion was refurbished by replacing the whole stepped floor and adding two staircases between the rooftop and the balcony(fig18),fixing the Columns,and repainting the brackets ,dentils,ceiling and column with their original 1905 color palette (fig5) (fig4)

02.1.1-Pavillion Ceilling Ornate The Paviollion ceiling was repainted in theoriginal 1905 color palette and the ceilig ornate was fixed by adding a layer of wood backfilling the repainted to the original 1905 palette

02.2.1-Balustrades all of the balustrades were removed and replaced with newly pitch pine Balustrades made to sustain heat and droughtness of aswan weather (fig6)

02.2.2- Columns and Pilaster bothe elements needed to be repainted with their original color after refurbishment and craks refilling , each element finished with 2 layers of veniguard and and 2 layers of creamy white paint color

Original wood Veniguard plaster (fig7)

Creamy white paint



02.(1.2)(3.1)(4.1)-Final ornaments

02.3-Side Gables The Brackest ,The Dentils, the eave and the Dormer widows were repainted to their 1905 original color

The top ornament of the Roof and Pavillion Gables were refurbished and placed again in its positon

(fig10) (fig11)

02.4-Gables The Brackest ,The Dentils, and the eave were repainted to their 1905 original color pallete (fig13)


02.5-The Openings the Shutters were repainted in the original 1905 paint and the grille, windows ,doors were repainted and got there mechanical handle replaced

(fig14) (fig15)

03 Gable Roof Restoration

03.2(02.1.3)-Pavillion Floor

03.1-Gutters Instalation An Aluminum Gutter was installed to compensate the improvised connection between the 1905 building gable roof and 1960 buildingin roof top (fig 16). The gutter are screw nailed togather to overcomethe heat expansion damage caused by Aswans atmosphere (fig17)


The Roof Paviollion was refurbished by replacing the whole stepped floor and adding two staircases between the rooftop and the balcony(fig18)



03.3-Chimney Pot The Chimney Pot was destroyed due to weather conditions and was measured to be replaced by a replica (fig20)

(fig 20)

03.4-Roof Tiles Some terracotta tiles were either bent or halfbroken or completely removed , so a scanning was applied to mark the needed Roof tiles to be replace with original tiles remaining from a previous demolition for the western veranda of the1905 building that exsisted before the1960 building constructed over it (fig22)


(fig 21) (fig24)

03.5-Roof Frame Structure the construction of the 1960 cut open the weight transition flow in the roof frames as shown in (fig 23-24) and wooden supports were integrated to amend this structure defaue and also an additional slope was added to the roof skin to overlap the 1960 rooftop(fig24)

The Paradigm shift

The project was an experimental Architecture project, leaning towards the sci-arch design school, the project took 6 months only to form a debate on a philosophical topic in the case of the paradigm shift the debate was about skeptisizing the scintefic methodology and the challenge was to translate the debate into a an architectural space

Supervised by Dr.Holger Glaydes Designed by Mahmoud Fahmy

Tribute to Thales

the project vangaurd was in the paradigm shift of thales of miletus sinceit was the most abstracted form of the skeptical thinking and reasoning. Thales was one of the pioneer in his field and one of the seven sages of greece and the first pre-socrates philosepher, his life was mainly in miletus but his hear abouts were in all greece. He influenced a lot of the philosopher after socrates even if his two publishment didn't reach them and a lot of his teaching were deliverd on the tounge of Aristotle. he influenced a lot of philosphers leading to the establishment of the milesian school and founded through it he spreaded a lot of his theories like the unoverse is created from one element which is water and by product of his students critiques on it. in his life he predicted a sun eclipse before it takes place he was a very rich business man in olive merchendise due to his noticing of the seasons and using it in his advantage he was placed in a story known as "the astronemer who fell in a well" which is considerd a joke or an urban myth, putting light on his way of thinking and always observing and searching for reasons in the nature around him and especialy in the cosmos. all of these fact lead us to know that his influence was in all greece not just miletus and that in order to serve the idea of the tribute for him the site must be a special place in athens itself not miletus so the site moved to athens.

The site the site wasn't limited to a handout and had to be chosen due to the concept in abstarct. Likavittos a lime stone hill on the height of 300 m from the sea level, located in athens north to the acropolis on a distanc of 5 Km away, has two tips one facing the akropolis and another facing the northern part of the city, currently it is just a touristic site to see the landscape view of the city and on the tip there is a theatre ,the 19th century chapel of saint george ,and some touristique restaurants, the tip is reached by car roads till the middle of the lattitude then the rest is a small walk on ramps, and the fast way up is through a funicular which climb up form the eastern side of the hill.

mythologicaly its story tell that it is a falling lime stone that fell from the goddess athena when she was building the akropolis hill, it was the point of gathering of the wolves which is translated into lyko in greek and that what derives its name. geologicaly the two hills akropolis and likavittos are formed due to a huge flood that struck the greek cities due to thera volcano erupted and caused the huge tsunami named ogyges flood earesing the minons civilization, this flood had formd the two hills acropolis and likavittos explaining the smoothness of akropolis hill and the shaped tip of likavittus that lead to the myth that this two hills were built, not shapend by a natural element the point is the two hills have a very strong link visualy and metaphoricaly yet only one of them is used in a remarkable way which is akropolis

by imposing a relation between the site and akropolis as peers in the project to be used to metaphore how thales broke the idea of the mythology just placing the design over the used tip of the hill facing akropolis as a peers and imposing the fact of the ogygos flood in the design could be used in metaphoring the prejudice subdue through putting the design inside the hill to esemble the strong barrier that the prejudice apply on a new paradigm. the milestones paradigm shifts through the relation between the design and the mountain as the shifts are the ones which surpaced the prejudice so they will be extruding out of the mountain and the current paradigm is forming the prejudice so it will be inside

so at this point the site did add up the project and served every point needed so the choice of the site was setteld in likavittus hill in athens.

the conceptual models were used to experiment diffrent languages to morph the idea of the project,the material choce and the scale wether spatial or a releif was open for our decision in te experiment

the conceptual model represent the dynamics between the prejudice to a new idea and the loop that obligat the idea to be back under the same prejudice layer to be reformed in a new one and continue the loop defined by Dr Thomas kuhn to define an idea as aliving idea

the second mode is emphasizing the idea of the loop but revrersing the process in making the prejudice recapturing the idea again in a new form and that what the project is stumbling upon to trancend over

concluded from the instalations was two principels to be used in the concept:

-the extrusion language through the mountains solid -the loop in between the new and the current paradigm

built on that another idea was added to which was the beacons

the idea is attached to the extrusions so it made every extrusion work through a force leading to a certain direction, this force is summoning the metaphoricaly the spirits of the old idea which is the milestone

each extrusion will point to where the idea was stated geographicaly

- Thales towards miletus

- alchemy (toward baghdad)

- Erathones towards biblothique alexandria

- aviation towards italy milano

- newtonien and general relativty conflict towards prinston newyork - copernicus towards poland

a spatial program must be made to arrange the space relation togather so the program was made first into three phases.

- intro for skeptesism. which was through the 6 milestones summoning extruded spaces offering a ind teaser for the possibilty of a paradigm shift typology: exhibition pavilions estimated area: 500m2 each

- the current paradigm a space that describes the currnet paradigm ,the best way to describe what was found to be an archive that collet every info we know about this universe so collectivly it form the current paradigm in a form of a library in a form a digital library its info is controled through a main server to ease up the categorizing and secure the info by easing itstransfer typology: digital library

- the new paradigm the portals a space that trys to predict the new paradigm through showing every possibilty being experemented in all physical labs through showing a live streamin events at every physical labs around the world including: CERN -LEGO - KK - Prinston- NASA......etc typology: Media Portals estimated area: 2000m2

the program was yet translated into schematic drawings and sections to show the relation between spaces more clearly

in the first trial the inside of the mountain was a seperate space for the entry of the design and the library was outside revolvng around the mountain to turn back inside to change to the new paradigm space and get out agin of the mountain

the exhibition were extruded out of the lbrary at this phase as the library formed the prejudic just by being the current paradigm and let the mountain be the next layer of a harder layer of prejudice to be only broke by the future paradigm

At last every thing was ready to be assembeld The program: -

7 milestone Exhibitions Digital library Portals(live streaming accsess points) Confrences areat

The space sole purpose would be to prove the uncertainity of scintefic methodology and enhancethe skeptisism point of view . th project name will be Pandora's box ,for the reason previously disscused in thr thale exhibition narration, which is that skeptesism thinking is juxtaposed by the pandora's box as to equalify the misery of all humanity and the hope with the uncertainity and the continous discovery of reality the universal space holding the library, the portals and the confrence zone is now called the paradigm areana as it show this infinite ouroborus loop in a form of the contradiction that will take place between this space two elements. this is how this space will serve it sole purpose




The lego experiment

The project is held on the scale of a neighborhood , taking place in an abandoed historic train station related to a nenowed economical port in alexandria the site is surrounded by various type of hybird housing typology between informalties , low class social housing, previous workers housing so the concept is to let the flow go and only interfer with a charter in the form of typologies catalouge in a trial or an experiment to test the formation of the urban context based on the previous economic political and social background as an active influencer and the exsisting context as the experiment subject to morph in the siite through the morphing in the catalouge charter

Supervised by Dr.Holger Glaydes Participation By Mahmoud Fahmy Mark Estifan Muhamed el Fouly




religious buildingsreligious buildings youth centers youth centers hospitals hospitals schools schools

Mina El-Bassal

8 hectares Kafr Ashri

Kafr Ashri

366 inh/hectare

366 inh/hectare

Tabyet Saleh

Tabyet Saleh

1,326 inh/hectare

1,326 inh/hectare Site



52 inh/hectare*

52 inh/hectare*

Kafr Ashri

Kafr Ashri


Tabyet Saleh Tabyet Saleh

Tabyet Saleh

8.3 hectares

Mina El-Bassal

8 hectares Kafr Ashri

Kafr Ashri

13 hectares

13 hectares

Tabyet Saleh

8.3 Site hectares 9 hectares



135 hectares

135 hectares

Tabyet Saleh Tabyet Saleh


9 hectares

Koum el shoqafa Koum el shoqafa


Kafr Ashri

Tabyet Saleh

Tabyet Saleh

Koum el shoqafa

92% of the proposed plot times 1.38 6539 inhabitants

44% of the proposed plot times 2.27 7491 inhabitants

92% of the proposed plot times 1.08 11937 inhabitants

97% of the proposed plot times 1.03 500 inhabitants

social housing

Total density

366 inh/hectare

Building area

Building area

463 m2 / 0.05 h


12 floors


8 units

Unit area

100 m2

110 m2

Number of inh.

480 inhabitants

150 inhabitants

Number of blocks 17 block

Total density

1,326 inh/hectare

Total density

52 inh/hectare

157 m2 / 0.015 h

Building area

463 m2 / 0.05 h

Building area

660 m2 / 0.066 h


4 floors


5 floors


5 floors


3 units


6 units


6 units

Unit area

52 m2

Unit area

70 m2

Unit area

Number of inh.

60 inhabitants

Number of inh.

150 inhabitants

Number of inh.

site analysis

DSVII Alexandria Dialogues

Muhamad El-Fouly | Mark Estafan | Mahmoud Fahmy

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Cotton Burse Est. 1883

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Makkabes el Cotton established in 1889 is no longer used in the cotton industry and they are renting the spaces as storage for other companies

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Train Repairing warehouse ElQabbary Mosque built in 1860

Linear structures that were used as a storage for goods when the station were functioning

Railways was the mainstation for passengers and goods till 1876 when el bab el gedid station were built for passengers only but the frieghtrail kept functioning till 1928 when Misrstation were built. Trains and goods transportation still operates in this area. Dekhela port was established in 1892.

Kafr Ashry nowadays is hosting 10,000 inhabitants and the urban fabric did not change since the mid of the 19th century, when the workers of the cotton industry started inhabit the area. In 2003 different projects and proposals started to appear to develop the area but nothing realized

El Qabbary Neighborhood were built in 1700s and it was named after (elQabbary)






ElQabbary Neighbourhood

Kafr Ashry cotton storages

Menna Elbassal

Port (Terrsana)

ElQabbary Station



ElQabbary ElBab Mosque Elgedid train station






Makkabes ElCotton Company

Dekhela port

Misr Station

liquidation of the cotton industry

Kafr Ashry unrealized proposals


The Strategyy

Shifting the public scope of interest the freight railway has always had, from being the key route of transporting goods to and from the Dekhela port, to being a valuable plot of half vacant land following the sheer decline in trading rates after 2011. The availability of land and the proximity to low services areas of Alexandria such as kafr ashry, gabbary and tabyet saleh, have not gathered enough market momentum that seduce actors of the real state sector to speculate around the site due to its condition as being part of the national railway network and its key role for .transporting goods, to and from the port

The low speculation status accompanied by the current low operation at its premises has rendered the empty areas within the vicinity of the station as a peculiar condition of stagnation that there is no enough influx of power that can act within the market dynamics and hierarchy of power or governance to propose a scheme that deprives a part so crucial to Egypt economic thriving from part of its operations and management space. Outlined by kafr ashry

which suffers from sever lack of appropriate housing schemes and accessibility to services accompanied by Alexandria’s overall acute need for housing to compensate the staggering increase in number of residents in recent decades poses a question of re-appropriating space and reprogramming of available structures to try and reach a solution to a much complex question of housing yet the relative temporality of the economic conditions does not suffice the insisting relevance of the question of housing. Retracing the start of kafr ashry and gabary areas, shows that people started to move to those areas last decade due to availability of working opportunity, thus posing a rhetoric of what constitutes what? Does the factory created the house or the house needs the factory



Muhamad El-Fouly | Mark Estafan | Mahmoud Fahmy


The approach that we wanted to follow through out the proposal was to work within the contexts and factors of the situation not with them. The aim was to maintain an extent of intensified flexibility in regard to urban block definitions and network hierarchy that allows an interchangeable appropriation of the block from housing to industrial scale and vice versa. Thus the urban block, with its constituents of house/structure, void/public space, as the main battlefield that is always in tension waiting to be reclaimed by what ever programme is redeeming at the time. This framework of scaled and rescaled urban block resulted in a new architectural language that is not repetitive and is organized through out the site to maintain a flexible projection of program when a change is needed and is in contrast/harmony with the already existing structures that are to be .reprogrammed The architecture language is structured to incubate key factors in the site; Mahmoudya canal, western edge of the site facing the operating rail way, level difference between kafr ashry and the plot and the History bridge. the main strategy is to work between a level of meticulous intervention according to each specific situation and maintain a level of coherent diversity through out the master plan. the intervention consists of a definite design of various building blocks that instigates various areas, building masses and fabrics that sustain social diversity and affordability to different social groups. At the same time the assumed appropriation of urban/industrial block by the rail way is achieved by a seamless acquisitions of the structures and their accompanying voids which double as urban voids of activities and their scale and specifications could be treated as a .incubator of businesses The adjourning edge of the rail way operates as a receiver of activities that grows naturally according to the simultaneous use of the facing housing block, giving the edge, an identity and a program for itself. The canal as a water body is reintegrated through two specific urban acupunctures that bridge the disintegration that has came by as a result of the separation between the site and the canal through the 18 m wide street, thus bridging the canal back to the urban block as a new embark towards total regeneration of the use value of the canal. All of the above factors work in relation to one another and in response to one another at the same time, that the neighbourhood life we target is not a monotonous continuous cycle of repeated routines and activities but rather a contingent metamorphosis of shaping and reshaping the programming of its essence. needs the factory


The catalouge 1








1. mosque 2. church 3. jewish temple 4. theater 5. museum 6. library 7. art center

2.A + 4.B + /

2.A + /

7.A X 7.A + 4.B

catalogue | amendments

4.A + 4.B + /


5.A + 2.C + 2.D + /

4.C + /

1.F + /

7.F + 6.F + 5.A + /



geometrical treatment

Muhamad El-Fouly | Mark Estafan | Mahmoud Fahmy


1 3







1. office building

6. nursery

2. office (one floor)

8. education center

3. start-up office blg 4. school 5. vocational center 5 1





1. clincs 2. clincs (one floor) 3. gym 4. pharmacy 5. hospital

3 2






1. football field (5 players) 2. youth center 3. sport club 4. microbus stop 5. toktok stop 6. parking lot




a c b





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Muhamad El-Fouly | Mark Estafan | Mahmoud Fahmy

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tiles mortar sand membrane concrete

0.12m 0.2m 0.02m 0.02m 0.12m

B % y· ¦

tiles mortar sand concrete

0.12m 0.2m 0.02m 0.12m

tile blocks 0.06m sand 0.02m soil 0.02m earth W Q® µw Q[£¢


1:20 Muhamad El-Fouly | Mark Estafan | Mahmoud Fahmy

M20 Museum

The project was for Academic semester 7 design studio VII in the semester abroad in the Berlin GUC Campus

The museum is formed to contrast with the simplicity of the neue national gallerie Inspired by the phenomena of watr refraction of light the design act as a fractured mirror that shows a new face for the neue national gallerie in a new language the design is extroverted reacting with the urban morphology that mimic its morphimg based on the soid and void map in the context

Supervised by Dr.bess bernard Participation By Mahmoud Fahmy Sarah Morcos Maria joseph Lavinia sawires

Task I -The Dialouge David Reed and Mary Heilmann worked together on The Two By Two exhibition in Hamburger Museum to show case their paintings forming dialogue between them with a conflict, The paintings we chose agree on the same message, but the way of expressing the purpose is totally different between Reed’s and Heilmann’s paintings.

Why White? Because the painting is straight forward and easy to read, as white resembles clarity and purity it would serve this narrative painting perfectly


We found the diversity between the two paintings that showed the same purpose as a strong asset that we decided to implement the experience each painting on it’s own, one with the emotional effect and the other with the narrative expression and at the end they would reach the same conclusion. So we chose BLACK as the surrounding for Reed’s painting and WHITE for Heilmann’s surrounding.

Why Black? Because black evokes strong feelings and can feel overwhelming as it also represents formality, mystery and the unknown. So painting the room in black and applying dim light will put the viewer in a certain mood that will help them understand the painting better.

Task II -The Rain Dropthe second task was to create a language between a sculpture and the neue National galerie, the task was asking for an inspiration of a material or a properties of nature to be implemented and react to the building

The rain drop ability of light refraction is The chosen way to show the diversity, through this property the form of the design was originated by reflecting the urban suroundings with the same technique as a rain drop the technique was inspired of the Cloud Gate Monument by the british indian artist Anish kapoor the sculpture was chosen to implement the chosen language

The language between the Building and the sculptureis n the contrast between the rigid steel corner and the smooth face of the bubble, and how it visualy offers a new morphology for the building on its surface. Cloud gate by anish kapoor

Task III -The morphing experiments-

on this task the requested was to form physical releif to further show case the language , and what isinterpreted by it which in the case of the project the key word was the diversity and inspired from the jewish mueum by daniel libenskiin berlin in applying the relation between the form of antique form and moder form The jewish mueum by daniel libenskiin berlin

first morph is generation of diversity from the reverse assembly , by makig the language of diversity in the orientation while the solid is constant to generate a complementry new form

second morph is generation of diversity from the exterior to the core from the complex to the simple form and the language is formed by the solids morphology

Third morph is generation of diversity from the exterior to the core from the complex to the simple form and the language is formed by the solids and voids



+ The Dialouge


The application


The language


The M20 Concept

To Apply the concept on the urban context we used the buildings form to direct it to make the dialoug with neue nationale galerie only , so the building form is complementry with th urban context except the neue national gallerile wich the building form is contradicting with.

The project was held for the design Studio VI. It was about an Eco-lodge and sand spa to be built in Aswan in Gharb-Suhail district. The main obstacle was linking between two sites, a Nile sites and a dessert site, the obstacle was in the hill between the sites with height of 50m. The solution was through making a 50m apart promenade architecture juxtaposing historical concept of the birth of the soul in the Nubian culture and linking the promenade to its spiritual concept.

Cultural Study In the ancient Nubian kingdom of Kush, the story of the creation was revolving around a pantheon as most of foreigners pantheons influenced by nature elements, due to the shear dependence on the environment assets in the formation of the Nubian civilization and accordingly on the lower scale on their live routine but on the higher level the story transcend to the formation of the spirit and what the mythology offers is a layer able to be form a common ground between the nature and the inhabitant on a spiritual scale.

The story begins from Jebl-Berkel when the first power named Aton created the gods Shu to be the god of the winds, and Tefnut to be the goddess of rains and they created the heaven and earth which are Nut and Geb, The creation was completed by Shu Assembling Nut to be A canopy over Geb to separate as they were in act of love , the separation of them was so he can exist between and by that forming a link of contrast, that link and that conflict was for manifested in the duality and it was the human spirit. In every spiritual meditation the human being was treated as the link between the earth and heaven through his actions and the spiritual level whether for a good or evil, as it stumble mainly upon facing the conflict The Concept The project is juxtaposing the link established between the pantheon and the human spiritual and revolve around the concept of the duality and the link between the two contrasts, offering a promenade between earth and heavens metaphors, a site resembles Geb a site resembles Nut and the promenade between them is the transcendence between the two phases.

NUT is the goddess of heaven,the language used to resemble the heavens was through making a vast courtyard and, focusing the space direction to be perpendicular on the design, emphasizing the connection to NUT

In the middle of the court yard there is a traditional wind catcher, this Nubian wind catcher is the link between NUT and SHU god of the wind as it is the last one in the wind route from the Nile site to the dessert site.

The Dessert Site Plan The court yard had two purposes The spiritual, its openness to the sky is what making it representing the goddess NUT. The vernacular, its courtyard design is made to form a flow of wind current to counter the extreme arid climate its placed in

The wind Design The

space is designed to accommodated wind flows through:

The difference in openings between the outer shell openings and the inner ones, Either by the triangular mesh opening adjacent to narrow doors in the vault around the building The wide opening in the room relative to the inward windows facing the courtyard

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The flow is directed toward the wind catcher that helps in the circulation of the flow.

The Sand Baths


Building is mainly designed to be an eco-lodge Spa that provide Sand baths ,which is served at the southern wing of the building , it is designed to form a cycle that reuse the sand directly from the sand dunes around the building and where the sand is slipped into the sand bath cylo and exits after the use in the session which provide a clean and provide the full experience of the spa

the sand is used directly form the dessert of Aswan west bank which is a very soft and recommended in such a session

GEB is the earth god, the technique to represent the earth was through the toography of the nile site, the design is made of diffrent level on the slope of the nile bank

the building consist of the spa and the restaurant for the ecolodge so the main aspect in the building focuses on the view to the nile, the journy of the wind resmblence toward the dessert site begins at the end of the nile site as the easiest route through the 50 meters height hill is visible from this point the nile site is incuabating the mud baths as a continuation for the snad baths in the dessert site , the restaurant for the ecolodge allowed for the semi public use, th nile site is the open apace that connect the journy with the

The Design of the building is dictated by the multi leveled topography of the site, to form spaces that blend the building with the land , a very few building material is applied as it more of a vernaculer refurbishment to the site than adding an built space.

the building doesn't need the same wind add on like the dessert site as the nile water always giving a good breeze to the site

SHU is the wind god, this resemblance is the key element in the concept of the design , its not a building more WKDQ LW LV MXႋ D EHDFRQ WR VKRZ WKH HDVLHႋ route to climb the 5o meters hill.

the beacons are the traditional nubian air catcher each one represent a node and each node have a small tablet beneath it lookin at the nile to guide the perfect view and written on it a piec of the methodolgy to describe the journey in this promenade architecture

the nodes are assembeld to give the HDLVLHá‚‹ DV WKH\ ZHUH SODFH DIWHU DQ analysis on the hill to see where is the OHDá‚‹ VORSHG SDUW WR PDNH WKH URXWH RYHU it

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