Niyoty Aswan

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The project The project was held was for heldthefordesign the design StudioStudio VI. It VI. wasIt about was about an Eco-lodge an Eco-lodge and sand and sand spa tospabe tobuilt be inbuilt Aswan in Aswan in Gharb-Suhail in Gharb-Suhail district.district. The main The main obstacle obstacle was linking was linking between between two sites, two sites, a Nilea sites Nile and sites aand dessert a dessert site, site, the obstacle the obstacle was inwastheinhillthebetween hill between the the sites with sites height with height of 50m. of 50m. The solution The solution was through was through makingmaking a 50ma 50m apart apart promenade promenade architecture architecture juxtaposjuxtaposing historical ing historical concept concept of theof birth the of birththeof the soul insoul theinNubian the Nubian cultureculture and linking and linking the the promenade promenade to its tospiritual its spiritual concept. concept.

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