Studio X bachelor report

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A Paradigm Shift Pandora's Box

German Univesity in Cairo Department of Architecture and Urban Design Bachelor Thesis 2016 STUDIO X / Dr. Tarek Naga Mahmoud Fahmy 28- 3684


German Univesity in Cairo Department of Architecture and Urban Design Bachelor Thesis 2016 STUDIO X / Dr. Tarek Naga Mahmoud Fahmy 28- 3684 A Paradigm Shift Pandora's box Athens - Greece 2


Table of contents Project approach - Preception of reality - The shifts Thesis statment - "reality is not an absolute"



Resarch process -Epistemology -Thomas kuhn Definition -Milestones in human history -The Prejudice -The New Paradigm

p9- 24

Site/Context Documentation - Tribute to Thales - ogyges flood and likavittos hill


Design Documentation - drafts & models


Final Thesis Documentation References & Bibliography -




The Approach The project began with each one choosing a topic out of the architecture feild and more biosed to humanities , the project was to extract a certain value from the topic we chose and translate this value inta an architectural entity. the Topic in this theisis began with the question of whether we precive a reality through our senses and translate it or does our collective concioussness create the reality we experience. The motive of the question is the fact that no one individual can assure that what he sees and what his mind translate is the same as what other individuel see and translate, leading to the fact that we can say everybody is living in his own illusion of reality,

Preception of reality In order to exam this fact of diffrent preceptions of individuals the resarch had to stumble on the diffrent way the mind may precive and how did it change in the abstravt level ,since the resaerch procees was taking the reality into test to see if it is an absolute or not the resaerch turned toward the epistemology which is a branch of philosophy that investigates the origin, nature, methods, and limits of human knowledge. what the resaerch is keen on to be specific is the methods of gaining knowledge, acording to the epistemology there is three method which are the Empiricism, Rationalism and Skepticism, each one precive reailty in a diffrent way

at this point the in the project the thesis was reached and it state that the project will search after puting the reality under question whether it is absolute or not and also reached the way of how to test it through the diffrent ways of preception to find the tool of testing , the tool is suppose to be an incubateor for the reality entity for metaphoricaly testing it , this tool was found in the research as The Paradigm. The" Paradigm" definition is a very general conception of the nature of scientific endeavour within which a given enquiry is undertaken or a theory or a group of ideas about how something should be done, made, or thought about it would be the tool of testing by being the output of the preception meaning that if an indivivual precive th reality he precive it as a pardigm and if the reality is the collective concioussness of all individuals then all these preceptions form the paradigm of the reality to make it simpler if the human race belived that the earth is flat due to each individual observation of the horizon the coolectivly the human race belive that the earth is flat then a paradigm of the reality is formed based on it another theories such as the end of the world or the earth is floating on water will be byproduct of this paradigm whether it is the real entity of the earth as a huge flat surface or spherical celestial body moving in space realm But what if this paradigm can be changed,


the Shifts infact if a Paradigm changes then this action is called A Pardigm Shift , on the scale of a paradigm formed by collective human concioussness it is considered a phenomena to be studied. this defination was made by Dr Thomas kuhn an American physicist, historian, and philosopher of science whose controversial 1962 book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions gave the Term "Paradigm shift" a dramatic change in the paradigm of a scientific community, or a change from one scientific paradigm to another. or as defined by himself a change in the basic assumptions, or paradigms, within the ruling theory of science. this phenomena is what used as a tool in this project to test the reality whether it is absolute or not by proving that it did change from time to time therfore it is not absolute but still at this point there is one problem which is that reality is a very general term and so is the paradigm shift term so a feild of testing must be determined which would be the physical reality and paradigm shifts in scince during history of human race

Conclusion The project will be putting the reailty trough test for its certainity by using the phenomena of the paradigm shift in scintefic fields


Thesis Statment

THE THESIS “REALITY IS NOT ABSOLUTE� The project discusses how our preception of reality can change into an unexpected preception depending on the prejudice of the clollective consiossness of the humanity and puts the scince as the tool we understand and precive the reality with under the question of certinity whether it can always be certain about the reality or not . The phenomena of the paradigm shifts can prove the scintefic methodology to be uncertain so the project revolves around this phenomena of the paradigm shifts in the scinctific field and showing how skeptical thining can surpass the prejudice


Research Process The research methodology was through studying the field of epistemology to conclude diffrent preceptions , studying the phenomena of the paradigm shifts , the best way to translate the phenomena metaphoricaly.

Epistemology The field of philosophy or the branch of philosophy that investigates the origin, nature, methods, and limits of human knowledge , The term “epistemology” comes from the Greek "episteme," meaning "knowledge," and "logos," meaning, roughly, "study, or science, of." "Logos" is the root of all terms ending in "-ology" – such as psychology, anthropology – and of "logic," and has many other related meanings in general cases it search for the types of knowledge , and how it is gained whether by belif or truth or justification. but during the research the concern will be about the preception of knowledge or the theories of knowledge aquistion Empiricism, which emphasizes the role of experience, especially experience based on perceptual observations by the five senses in the formation of ideas, while discounting the notion of innate ideas. Refinements of this basic principle led to Phenomenalism, Positivism, Scientism and Logical Positivism.

which means that in this method knowledge is gained through the human senses and previous experiences only without any ultering frm the mind Sir Francis Bacon can be considered an early Empiricist, through his popularization of an inductive methodology for scientific inquiry, which has since become known as the scientific method. empeiricism methodolgy was abduted by philosephers like daivid hume, john locke, and george berkeley who also were the primary exponents of Empeiricism and defended it againist the Rationalism method for example The doctrine of Empiricism was first explicitly formulated by John Locke in the late 17th Century. Locke argued in his "An Essay Concerning Human Understanding" of 1690 that the mind is a tabula rasa on which experiences leave their marks, and therefore denied that humans have innate ideas or that anything is knowable without reference to experience. However, he also held that some knowledge could be arrived at through intuition and reasoning alone. Rationalism, which holds that knowledge is not derived from experience, but rather is acquired by a priori processes or is innate or intuitive. which means that the knowledge is gained depending only on the mind translation to what it gets from the senses


While the roots of Rationalism may go back to the Eleatics and Pythagoreans of ancient Greece, or at least to Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and the Neo-Platonists, the definitive formulation of the theory had to wait until the 17th Century philosophers of the Age of Reason. Rene decarts was one of the most well known philosiphers in this field was in favor of Rationalism , he belived that the mind and reasoning only are the key element in gaining the knowledge not the previous experience and from this he said his famous quote "i think therfore i am" and many other philosiphers agrred on Rationalism like Spinoza and Leibniz Empiricism Vs Rationalism both methods are complete contradiction of each others in the gaining of knowledge ,and the argument is mainly about either reasonng only or sensory expeiences only which will lead to diffrent reaction depending on he thinking methodolgy if an empiricist and a rationalist saw an object the empiricist will define this object by the charecterstics he/she knows about this object from previous experience , in the case of the rationalist he will dfine this object as a new entity with its own charecterstics with its own properties but both methedolgies are extremes whether rationalism or empircisism because they deny each other its either sensory experience or reasoning a philosepher named immanuel kunt changed this by forming another methodolgy built on criticizing the two previos methodologies

this new method was Skeptisim which was in a wya the modern name of hellnestic greek philosophy Skepticism holds that one should refrain from making truth claims, and avoid the postulation of final truths. This is not necessarily quite the same as claiming that truth is impossible, but is often also used to cover the position that there is no such thing as certainty in human knowledge in other word neither the previous sensory experiences nor the reasoning only can the full knowledge , therefore no such a thing as certain knowledge gained by human being. in order to show the relation between the 3 methods and the project Conept, the three of them are applied together to form what is called in the project the Paradigm in this project the paradigm shift phenomena is studied in the field of physical reality or in other words the way we understand it which is through scintefic methodology which in a way combine the act of the three methods of knowledge aquisition the scintefic methodolgy depends on observation which in our case the emirical thinking , then the experiment which deoends on numeric uantities and readinga which is in our case the rational thinking, and the last step which is the deduction which is the equivelent to skeptesisim in a way in order to support the thesis statment the last step of the deduction must be proven to be uncertain or else the thesis is contradicting it self , and this precicly what the paradigm shift phenomena proves 10

Thomus kuhn The American physicist , historien , and scince philosepher who introduced the Term of The "Paradigm Shift"in his book "The structure of scintefic Revolution" published in 1962 iin which he disscused two diffrent types of scintefic metohdology he categorised. he divide scince into normal scince and advance scince and formed his concept of kuhn cycle

Model Crisis : The Model Drift becomes so excessive the model is broken. It can no longer serve as a reliable guide to problem solving. Attempts to patch the model up to make it work fail. The field is in anguish Model Rvolution: This begins when serious candidates for a new model emerge. It's a revolution because the new model is so radically different from the old one.

Normal scince is the scince the type of scince resaerch that depends on previous achievments and study complementry theories based on that


Advance scince is the scince type of scince research that depends on refuting a previous theories and replace it with a new one the Kuhn cycle is a loop formed by kuhn to demonstrate when does the the paradigm shift occures the steps of the cycle are Pre-scince - normal scince - model drift - model crisis - model revolution - paradigm change - normal scince....... Pre-scince : at the start The field has no workable paradigm to successfully guide its work. Normal scince : The normal step, where the field has developed a scientifically based model of understanding (a paradigm) that works. Model drift : The model of understanding starts to drift, due to accumulation of anomalies, phenomenon the model cannot explain.

Paradigm Shift

Normal scince

The Kuhn Cycle Model drift

Model revolution Model crisis


Paradigm shift : A single new paradigm emerges and the field changes from the old to the new paradigm. When this step ends the new paradigm becomes the new Normal Science and the Kuhn Cycle is complete. from these step the conclusion is that a paradigm shift occure when the current paradigm theories can't explain a certain idea untill the number of these theories reach acritical point that a new model of thinking is needed which is the paradigm shift which prove that a paradigm shift can occure in the scintefic field and change how scince translate the reailty and by that change our preception of it till this point in the research the Thesis of statment is right but it is not as easy as thta because what make the paradigm shift a phenomena worth of studyng and taken as a revolution in scintefic field is what the new paradigm surpass from prejeduices in order to be introduced

Milestones in human history in order to show the paradigm shifts in action during the research , it stumbeld on some of the examples of paradigm shifts happend before in the scintefic fields in the human history in a form of seven milestones chosen from the infinite number of paradigm shifts. the choosing of the shifts was according to the influence of each one and not according to a heirarchy or a sequence as the paradigm shifts cannot occure in a linear sequence but in a spontaniuos way

-Thales of miletus a pre socratic greek philosepher who was apioneer in the presoctratic philosephers and like most of them he was concerned of undertstanding the origin of nature and the enviroment around him the preception in which he lived in or in better word the Paradigm he lived in saw the natural phenomenas as a super natural entity that cannot be explained and linked the nature to mythology to give an acceptable explaination for it for example Gaia as the entity of the earth thales contribution that refuted this paradigm was that every thing is created from one element and he stated it as the water and by this allowing the natural phenomenas to be understood and not just taken as a supernatural entity since it's origin is known he was also named the father of scince or to be specific the father of the scintefic methodology as he was always taking the skeptical method (as disscused previously ) in studying the natural scince the shift happend through him forming the milesian school to spread his idea which lead to other phiosophical theories on the origin of the universe through his students like anaximanders and Anaximenes and even theories of multiple universes by anaximander Thales change the paradigm of supernatural entitis to skeptical preception and understaning of nature ,which may be if it isn't the first and strongest paradigm shift

the seven shifts are (thales of miletus and the milesien schoolerathones proving the earth spherical- davinci proving the man can fly-newton and einstien gravity conflect - copernicus proving the helcentric model) 12

-erathones of cyrene

-davinci flying machine

a Greek mathematician, geographer, poet, astronomer, and music theorist. He was a man of learning, becoming the chief librarian at the Library of Alexandria. He invented the discipline of geography, including the terminology used today

the italian genius leonardo davinci was an Italian polymath whose areas of interest included invention, painting, sculpting, architecture, science, music, mathematics, engineering, literature, anatomy, geology, astronomy, botany, writing, history, and cartography. He has been variously called the father of paleontology, ichnology, and architecture, and is widely considered one of the greatest painters of all time.

his shift was due to his calculation of the earth circumfrence and by that giving the first proof that the earth is a sphere not a flat surface the paradigm he lived in was seeing the earth as a flat surface only due to the observation of the horizon and upon that a lot of false beliefs were built on how the tip of this surface look like but by his contribution the preception changed and a new ideas were built on exploring the world which was then supported in their future when the technology gave the ability for distant travels he was influenced by thales observations of how the ships appear in the horizon as if the are sinking and that this observation may lead to the shift but it wasn't enough to prove then by calculating the diffrence lengths of shadows casted by obleisks in alexandria and luxor under the same condition erathones could rationalise and measure the circumfrenc of the earth.

his hift that is disscuced in the project is the flying machine he designed in his last days in milano although this topic was aducted by previous tinker like abbas ibn fernas and firman but their attempts failed so they were considered as influences , davinci on the other hand did find the key design for a flying machine so the shift would be at his contribution. the paradigm he changed didn't have the idea of a man who can fly and he changed this paradigm by defying this through making a man fl through a tool not by himself which worked very well as a theory leading to the wright brother putting it into physical reailty and inventing the first plane

he proved the flat earth paradigm earth wrong by its failing to explain the diffrent lengths of the shadows and replaced it by the spherical earth to explain it


-newton vs General relativity

-copernicus heliocentric model

the well known sir Isacc newton who estabished the laws of gravity and forces which led to modern physics as we know it today but it did face a major shift that changed every thing about the laws through a hidden conflict between the his laws and the general relativity laws

the polish astronemer nicholes copernicus who proved the earth not to be the center of the universe or the solar system in fact he proved that there is no center at all

the shift in this case is made by the famous physiscit Albert einstein and the shift here is not on a new disovery like the other chosen shifts but its on the fact that one theory completly reformed the field of physics newtonien gravity treat the gravity as a force and every thing on the mechanics statics and dynamics of the universe is based on this fact in the general relativty it state that every thing you interact with is relative to the speed of both you and the object includingin these interactions the inertia force and the gravity , and in order to establish this theory he made a constant speed which is he fastest element in heuniverse which is the speed of light the conflict here is that if every thibg is relative including the gravity the gavity effect on an object must be slower than the effect of the light on an object so it had to be in another form which einstein stated that gravity is a disturbance wave in the spacetime fabric

in he time of copernicus it was thouht that the earth is the center of the universe acording to biblical writing and beliefs, it was prieviously mentionet by Atistarchus of samos, as well as paying homage to the Maragha school and several notable philosophers from the Islamic world like ibn el shater but the biblical influence at this time refuted this idea , what make the shift credited to copernicus is that he is the one who proved it by the observtion of a phenomena named the parralex effect which can prove the theory by the movment of the stars if the earth is the center of the univers the movment of the star around it will be on a constant longitude but the observation proved that not to be true so that what he used to break the paradigm and replace it with the new paradigm that can explain this phenomena copernicus shift was storng enough to be a revolutionary discovery because it faced a strong foe which is the biblical beliefs

by that he completly changed the newtonien gravity as a force be a wave opening with this the gateway to know the structure of the whole unierse we live in


- Alchemy Codecs Decoded

The prejudices

Alchemy is a a form of chemistry and speculative philosophy practiced in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and concerned principally with discovering methods for transmuting baser metals into gold and with finding a universal solvent and an elixir of life.

In each paradigm shift what made the strong infuence and the common virtue between the 7 is that every one faced a prejudice in order to be published

the studying of alchemy was always in secrecy to hide its metaphysical virtues so ita had its own codecs and some times the communication was through weird paintings describing a certain element the main essence of it was to find the elexir of life or immortality which can be in a way described as the seraching for the ultimate medecine and the philosepher stones whch was the begining of the first chemistry theories that all element are diffrent ratios of five main elements whicha are air,fire,earth, and ether

Thales had to overcome the traditions of hs culture and skeptisise the mythology of ainicent greek in order to establish his assumptons of unoverse origin and the natural phenomenas Erathones had to break the logic of all the humanities observation of the horizon as a flat surface and had to prove that this observation that they see with their own eye is false Davinci had to defy the commen sense at his time that the idea of a man flying is a stunt that will end in failure and proved that it is a possiblity , althought he didn't have the chance to conduct the experient physical but no one can deny his contribution

he alchemy is related strongly to the egyption god thoth and in his other form in greek mytholgo hermis trismajistus and thats what gives it the metaphysical virtue

Newtonien gravity and General relativity had to over come the fact that a whole scintefic field is being updated from its start to its end

but the shift changed all of this in the hand of two muslim scintist in the middle ages called al kindy and gaber ibn hayan , two of the pioneers in chemistry both of them proved the alchemy to be the same as chemistry in their experiments in making new elements through decoding the alchemy codecs and breaking the myth of the philosepher stones and the gold transmuttion

copernicus had to face the religious belif in the concept that we are the center of the universe in order to proof that the observations cannot agree with that alchemy field had to be precived in a whole new way in order to be decoded and tranlsated to what is known today as chemistry with its various fields To recap the prejudices in the seven shifts all had o skeptisize a certain unbreakable idea whether a tradition or a belief in order to be proven true 15

At this point in the resaerch the topic was clear but still it is just stating the obvious at the next step in the research was concerning how would a next paradigm look like

The new Paradigm

the intresting fact found during the research is that it is impossible to seek a new paradigm because at the momment an idea a new paradigm is published it turns itself into the currnent one. as disscussed before a new paradigm will rise if there is a model crisi point i the kuhn cycle is reached where the current paradigm theories can't solve the observations so it can't be somethng that we start spontaniously "today i am making a new paadigm" its not workng that way , there must be an observation or an idea that needs it.

the reserch process stoped at this point and turned toword the metaphorical translation for the project the points to be translated are: - The ouroboros cycle - The prejudice - The shifts

at this point the skepticism role appear in the research if the best way to precive the reailty in the skeptical way then we are continiously in the reaching the model crisis phase as every idea will be skepticised untill more observation conduct theories that will reach the model crisis leading t a new paradigm and at the same momment a new paradigm appear it turns automaticaly to the current paradigm. it is more like the ouroboros concept at this point after addind the skeptesisim in the eqution more than a cycle



The site the parameters of choosing the sites were not so clear at the fisrt step as it was biased more to where a space that talks about the scince exponential growth and since the space itself didn't have any charecterstics yet , the site had to be chosen due to the concept in abstarct

Tribute to Thales The veichle or the linkage between the site and the concept was in the paradigm shift of thales of miletus since it was the most clear one in the part of the skeptical thinking area. the site was chosen as a tribute to thales so the site was first decided to be settled in the city where he lived miletus which now is n the western coast of turkey the ruins f the city still exsist but it is out of the boundries of any modern city around and it had also seen a dramatic change in geographical properties as the sea level changed since the time it exsisted , thats why its urban fabric didn't link with any of the modern cities around it the site disadvantages were too much to bare as it would have to replace an aincient city ruins and will not serve the concept well since it is replacing one the shifts achievment and very iased to one one shift than the others so this site was refuted and replaced with a more general suggestion through studyin the biography of thales him self 18

i all of these fact lead us to know that his influence was in all greece not just miletus and that in order to serve the idea of the tribute for him the site must be a special place in athens itself not miletus so the site moved to athens 6 sites were used in athens to be compared chosen on diffrent parameters

Thales was one of the pioneer in his field and was also one of the seven sages of greece and the first pre-socrates philosepher , his life was mainly in miletus but his hear abouts were in all greece , he was very well known as the steroetype of the absent minded professor. in his life he predicted a sun eclipse before it takes place he was a very rich business man in olive merchendise due to his noticing of the seasons and using it in his advantage he was placed in a story known as t"he astronemer who fell in a well" which is considerd a joke or an urban myth putting light in his way of thinking and always observing and searching for reasons in the nature around him and especialy in the cosmos. he influenced a lot of philosphers leading to the establishment of the milesian school and founded through it he spreaded a lot of his theories like the unoverse is created from one element which is water and by product of his students critiques on it

to the east the city was more biased to the academic, one of athens impotent universities was occupying the eastern part of the map shown in the figure and the west side was more biased to the historic site but still the searching method was still not enough neither of the 6 site give a speciale virtue for the project but just based on who is going to use this hybird typology which was very naive for the concept so the site choosing parameter had to be change to be compatable with the concept, and that what lead the site to be in the hill named likavittos

he influenced a lot of the philosopher after socrates even if his two publishment didn't reach them, a=for example a lot of his teaching were deliverd on the tounge of Aristotle 19

Likavittos a lime stone hill on the height of 300 m from the sea level, located in athens north to the acropolis on a distanc of five kilometers away, has two tips one facing the akropolis and another facing the north part of the city, currently it is just a touristic site to see the landscape view of the city and on the tip there is a theatre ,the 19th century chapel of saint george ,and some touristique restaurants, the tip is reached by car roads till the middle of the lattitude then the rest is a small walk on ramps, and the fast way up is through a funicular which climb up form the eastern side of the hill. the hill have its story just like every thing in ahens its story tell that it is a falling lime stone that fell from the goddess athena when she was building the akropolis hill,and that in other time it was the point of gathering of the wolves which is translated into lyko in greek and maybe that what derives its name but talking geologicaly the two hills akropolis and likavittos are formed due to a huge flood that struck the greek cities when thera's volcano erupted and caused the huge tsunami named ogyges flood earesing th minons civilization this flood had formd the two hills acropolis and likavittos explaining the weird smoothness of akropolis hill and the werid shaped tip of likavittus that lead to the myth that this two hills were built no shapend by a natural element the point is the two hills have a very strong link visualy and metaphoricaly yet only one o them is used in a remarkable way which is akropolis


the relation between the site and akropolis could be used to translate how thatles broke the tradition of the mythologies just by pacing the design over the uused tip of the hill facing akropolis as a foe, also the relation between the site hill and the design could be used in translating the the prejudice through putting the design inside the hill to esemble the strong barrier that the prejudice apply on a new paradigm or a new idea the relation can also serves the milestones paradime shifts through the relation between the design and the mountain as the shifts are the ones which surpaced the prejudice so they will be out of the mountain and the current paradigm is forming the prejudice so it will be inside so at this point the site did add up o the project and served every point needed so the choice of the site was setteld in likavittus hill in athens.





Design Documentation - drafts & models The design process - the instalation after we came up with the topics and fifnshed the research step.we were asked to make spatial instalations to translate the concept metaphoricaly through this instalation.

- the spatial program next step would be to form a spatial program to form the space and to determine its typology and assume near areas

- the concept the instalation provided the metaphorical aspect and the spatial program provided the narration or the space function so at this step the concept must be formed by these two aspect - the trials and errors the design process did stumble on 2 failed trials in thein every aspect and these trials must be mentioned in order to reach the last design


- the instalation the first trial the spatial instalation represent the process of the advanced scince defined by Dr.thomas kuhn , where an idea is declared to fail if it isn't updated " the first layer is the old paradigm the last plane board represent the space to express the new unkown paradigm , -the first layer is made of nickel wire as it represent the old paradigm and how it looks brutaland hard to surpass while on the contrary you can clearly look through it the second layer is the begining of a new idea after surpassing the old paradigm and the forming of new theories represented by the white cardboard material the last layer is an empty plane cardbord represent the space that allows to create a new paradigm - the instalation arrangment can be taken into two process if if it is precived from layer1 to the plane board then it represent the advanced scince process if the opposite then it is the normal scince process

this instalation failed in repreenting the concept because it didn't cover the whole kuhn cycle and didn't provide a suitable way to show that it would be an infinite loop in fact the instalation showed it as a one way road from the current to the new paradigm but what this instalation provided was the wire material it served its purpose as a barrier well and was used in the next steps


-the second trial at this trial the elements used where the copper wires and aluminum wire and an aluminum mesh , the wires as in the previous trial was to represent the prejudice or the idea barrier and in this model it doesn't just stand as a wall barrier it incubate what represent the current paradigm inside it the mesh wire represent the paradigm either the current or the new according to its relation to the wire ,whats inside is current paradigm whats outside is the new one the aluminum wire represnt the new prejudice in formation state that tries to incubate the mesh that escaped formed the copper wire and this part represented the loop that the new paradigms by default will be considerd as current the moment they escape the prejudice the mesh movment outside the copper wire is tilting on it self as influnec of the aluminum wires trying to re incubate the except for one which is the new paradigm that isn't determined yet , making the escaping meshes represent the 6 milestones mentioned before in the concept and the seventh is the futrue one that no one can guess till now through this instalation the idea of the relation between the space and the mounain in the site began to ake shape


-the third trial this trial was just to draw more light on the louroborus part the instalation was only through aluinum wire and copper wire to diffrentiate between the new and the current paradigm also at this one the idea of incubating a paradigm was resembeld through the spherical shape made by the copper wires and surrounded by another mad through the the aluminum wire to resemble the shape of the ouroborus it was mainly to focus on the loop part maybe a metaphorical zoom in on the second trial what got through this instalation is more understanding of how to form the spatial program of the paradigm shift space but had nothing to do with the 6 milestones chosen



at this point what was concluded from the instalations was three virtues to be used in the concept -the extrusion language through the mountains solid - the loop in between the new and the current paradigm based on these two points another idea was added to which was the beacons the idea is attached to the extrusions so it made every extrusion work as if it was made through an force leading to a certain direction,this force is summoning the essence or metaphoricaly the spirits of the old idea which is the milestone each extrusion will point to where the idea was stated geographicaly - Thales shift towards miletus - Erathones shift towards biblothique alexandria - alchemy (at first was toward the aincient agora then updatd to be toward baghdad) - aviation towards italy milano - newtonien and general relativty conflict - towards prinston newyork - copernicus towards poland


the spatial program to translate what was concluded from the instalation at this point a spatia program must be made to arrange the space relation togather so the program was made first into three phses - the awaness of the phenomena exsistence which was through the 6 milestones summoning extruded spaces typology : exhibition pavilions estimated area : 500m2 each - the current paradigm a space that describes the currnet paradigm ,the best way to describe what was found to be an archive that collet every info we know about this universe so collectivly it form the current paradigm in a form of a library but since it is a huge amount of info the typology couldn't be in the normal library form but instead it was a digital library its info is controled through a main server typology : digital library estimated area : 4000m2 - the new paradigm (the portals a space that trys to predict the new paradigm through showing every possibilty being experemented in all physical labs through showing a live streamin events at every physical labs around the world including :CERN -LEGO - KK - Prinston- NASA ...etc typology : Portals estimated area 2000m2

Aviation Erathones

Gravity Copernicus


Alchemy Current Reality Paradigm

The new paradigm


the spatial program to

Schematic plan and sections

the program was yet translated into schematic drawings and sections to show the relation between spaces more clearly the plans shows the relation between whats inside the mountain and whats out of it in the first trial the inside of the mountain was a seperate space for the entry of the design and the library was outside revolvng around the mountain to turn back inside to change to the new paradigm space and get out agin of the mountain the exhibition were extruded out of the lbrary at this phase as the library formed the prejudic just by being the current paradigm and let the mountain be the next layer of a harder layer of prejudice to be only broke by the future paradigm




morphology sketches


the spatial program and morphology had showed a problem in the program which was the library out of the mountain which metaphoricaly wrong for the concept so in the next step after the schematic plans and section the library enterd inside the mountain also the exhibition didn't have a strong dominant shape so the sshape was changed and resketched to take more geometric shape which was in a shape of prisms why prisms the answers was two points to emphasise the penetration language or the extrusion language and to act as a threshold point on the tip of the prisms as the idead reach its summoning place it spreads inside the prism metaphoricaly

second floor

first floor

in this step the space began to appear a little a plan was sketched with the estimated areas to form the space circulations

ground floor

exhibitions draft


still at this point the drawing weren't clear enough and the the exhibition designs weren't complete yet and the major problem was in the netwiorking between the program the first issueu was that the building had one narrative path to path first by all of the exhibitions ,then the library then the portals the way solving it at first was through the tunneling between every space in the design each bridge hovers over the library space inside the mountain and a common bridge passing between all the pavilions begining from the entry till the library but still the complexity these tunnels added didn't serve the program enough it only served as a sketch in order to fix this the program spatial relation must br reforme again so another program relation was sketched the new sketch moved showed the relation between the spaces more clearly , and lead to relocating the library and ajusting the relation between the library and the portal to be combined in a universal space and joined to the exhibition through this universal space at this step the schematic proces ends and the final design begins


in the next step the design began its final stage so in order to achieve this state a step back should be taken to emphasise two points 1- the relation between the design and the mountain the space must be at the top hill of the mountain to serve the idea of ogyges flood , the idea is that if the flood did remove the prejudice metaphoricly then it is meaningles to make the ineer space stil way benath the stonne and rather make it as if it on the tip of extruding out of the stone prejudice, and also it must be high because if it s facing the mythology as thales did it shuld compete with the acropolis and it woon't do that if it remaind in the middle not the top part of the mountain likavittos

2- the exhibition pavilions must ove from the step of just a summoning place to show the essence of the idea they are summoning , till this step they are just indications only




Free fall

The light





Thales of Miletus Shift

juxtaposition the exhibition puts what Thales did and juxtaposes it with promethien in pandoras box legend points the ruined city of miletus

Naration the exhibition is divided into two sectors the user can begin with any of the two and the two sectors end at the same point, the first contains piece that talks about prometheon and how in his legend he defyed zeus and introducec the fire to the huamanity and then in his punishment Pandora's box was used the second sector shows pieces about thales and the milesian school and his acheivment =s in the same order to end both of the sectors at a piece for pandora's box by that juxtaposing the skeptesism with pandora's box and equalifying th box that contain all the huanity mserys and hope with the thinking way that cannot assure any thing yet it is the best way to search into reality


Erathones Flat Earth Shift

recreate the exhibition puts the user infront of the experiment that lead to erathones discovery points to Alexandria Naration the whole exhibition i curved in the ceiling and on the first part of its ground in order to resemble how would it be if we were to proe the earth spherical if we only depend on the observation ,also the ground doesn't occupy alot of the prism volume as the prism contains a piller that main purpose is to recreate the experiment erathones did to calculate the earth then the users get to a normal ground after this part to see the pieces that shows the experiments


Davincis shift

freefall the exhibition follow the history of aviation and mark the contribution of davinci as a shifting step points to milano Naration the exhibition is made of three phases , experiments before davinci , daincis experiments , and after davinici influence first part contains piece on firman and abbas ibn fernas secnd part shows a prototype of davincies model attached to an extention out of the exhibitions prism it, the extention is a translusent ground that extend out so its main purpose is to give the free fall false experience then the third part is the pieces that shows the experiments after davincis ending with the wright brothers


Newtonien to Relativty

the light the exhibition puts two competing ideas and shows the point of argument betwen them which is the speed of light points to prinston Naration the exhibitions is seperated into two sectors meeting at there last point, unlike the first one this exhibtionhas doesn't juxtapose but it shows a conflict between two ideas demonstrated i the seperation of the exhibtion then shows the point of conflict which somehting far related from the two idea , and the two sectors meeting at the conflict point the first idea is newtonien gravity and the second is the General relativty and the conflict point is the constant speed of light


Copernicus Shift

Ego the exhibition show the observations of parralex effect and aristachos and aristotle influence on the heliocentrism theory and mark copericus as the shifting point points to torun(poland) Naration in this exhibition another circulatio is given , in every other exhibition the pieces were forming the parrameter of the groun of the exhibitions, in this one the cirr=culation revolves arond the pieces ,to resemble how the heliocentric model break the Ego of the human being thinking that they are the center f the universe lead by thinking that the biblecal belifs made them the superior beings


Alchemys Shift

transcendence the exhibition shows the codecs of the alchemy and show how did they change to what we nknow today and taking Alkindy and Gaber ibn hayan the shifting point points to baghdad Naration the exhibition here shows the trancendence of the alchemy from its codecs and mythical aspect to the scinces we know of today , so it ismade into two phases (not sectors) first phase is a messy distrubition of the alchemy paintings that show the codecs and then moving t the second phase gradualy begining to be more arranged and the pieces in the second phases decodes whats in the first


FinalThesis Documentation

program site plan plans sections site plan sectin


At last every thing was ready to be assembeld The program: - 7 -

milestone Exhibitions Digital library Portals(live streaming accsess points) Confrences areat

The space sole purpose would be to prove the uncertainity of scintefic methodology and enhancethe skeptisism point of view . th project name will be Pandora's box ,for the reason previously disscused in thr thale exhibition narration, which is that skeptesism thinking is juxtaposed by the pandora's box as to equalify the misery of all humanity and the hope with the uncertainity and the continous discovery of reality the universal space holding the library, the portals and the confrence zone is now called the paradigm areana as it show this infinite ouroborus loop in a form of the contradiction that will take place between this space two elements. this is how this space will serve it sole purpose













Roof plan





funicular arrival

entrance plan


First floor


Ground floor









"The Historian of Scince May be Temped to Exclaim That When a Paradigm Changes, The world itself Changes with them" -Thomas Kuhn-


Refrences and Biblography Websites modified on 25 january 2016)

vedios Alchemy documentry Einstien vs Newton


-scince daily website,quantum theory demonstrated: Observation Affects Reality published on february 27 1998 -The Fourth Dimension and Non-Euclidean Geometry in Modern Art: Conclusion Linda Dalrymple Henderson Leonardo, Vol. 17, No. 3. (1984), pp. 205-210 -Cubism and the Fourth Dimension Elijah Bodish1 The University of Montana -scinart website Salvador Dali, Scientartist10/20/2014 -WHERE DO NEW IDEAS COME FROM? HOW DO THEYEMERGE? - EPISTEMOLOGY AS COMPUTATION(INFORMATION PROCESSING)Gordana Dodig-CrnkovicMälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden -On the philosophy of discovery, chapters historical and critical; by Whewell, WilliamPublished 1860 -Surrealism, Art and Modern Science. Relativity, Quantum Mechanics,Epistemology. By Gavin Parkinson, Yale University Press, New Haven andLondon, 2008, 294 pp., 60 b&w, 20 colour illus. ISBN 9780300098877 -Salvador Dalí and science. Beyond a mere curiosity, Carme Ruiz Centre of Dalinian Studies. Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation


Structure of scintefic revolution b, by Dr.Thmas Kuhn published in 1962


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