Mahsa Adib

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P o r t f o l i o

Mahsa Adib Intern.Architect We l l n e s s C e n t e r Pa r k o f C o l o r Intelligent Skin Pa r k s i d e Naseri Green Lake

Mahsa Adib Resume

150, 24th st, West Vancouver BC, V7V 4G8 T:604 921 1955 HIGHLIGHTS OF QUALIFICATION 2 years of experience in architectural and Interior design practice involved in all phases from concept design to design development and construction stage Proficient at AutoCAD 2D.3D l Rhino l TSpline l 3d MAX l Grasshopper l SketchUp l After Effect l Illustrator l Photoshop l InDesign l Microsoft Office Well Organized l Hard Working l Quick Learner WORK EXPERIANCE 2007-2008, Intern Architect, The Hulbert Group Architects l Vancouver l BC Design development l Architectural detailing l 3d modeling Presentation l Contract administration Corresponding with contractors and sub consultants 2006, Independent Project l Tehran l Iran Renovation of a residential l Interior Details l Construction Supervision 2002-2006, Deno Architects l Part time Student l Tehran l Iran Developing preliminary plan and concept drawings l Architectural detailing

EDUCATION 2009-2010 Master of advanced design in Architecture l Columbia University l New York, USA 2009 Professional Practice of Architecture l Unclassified Studies l UBC 2008-2009, Candidate for Certificate of Management in Interior Design l B.C.I.T 1998-2005, M. Arch., B. Arch, Faculty of Fine Arts l University of Tehran, Iran

AWARDS & RECOGNITIONS 2010, Selected Student project presented at Columbia University , final year show 2009, Selected project as the best studio project, Columbia University 2005, Receiving diploma of Honor from University of Tehran for outstanding Thesis 2002, 1st place at National Khark Student Competition, Designing an Airport in Esfahan 2000, Best Student Project of the year, Studio II, Published in Architecture & Urbanism Journal

PUBLICATIONS Adib Mahsa. “Award winning student project”, Columbia University Abstract (2010) Adib Mahsa. “Final Thesis” > University of Tehran summer (2005) Adib Mahsa. “Award winning Studio Project” > Architecture & Urbanism Vol.69 70, winter (2000)

MEMBERSHIP CACB Canadian Architectural Certification Board AIBC Architectural Institute of British Columbia

flowarchitecture flow


d i f f e r e n t l o o k a t s t r u c t u r e Columbia University Studio Project Can s tructur e be oper ati v e i n shapi ng the experi ence of the bui ldi ng? How c o uld it be desi gned for a chosen quality o f exper i ence r ather than for i ts tec to nic load bear i ng obli gati ng? I n a lo o p str uctur e i nstead of j oi ni ng po ints to li nes, a si ngle thr ead loop and f o lds . I t would sti tch the pr ogr am dem ands to exter nal confi gur ati on. The f o lding line i s cr eati ng cells that gi v es the interpr etati on of IN and OUT as an altern ate checker boar d sequence. T hes e c ells dont stand alone but they are wo und together i n a thr ead of guesswo rk as they ar e i nci dents of folds. So there is an ambi gui ty. In a loop y ou wi ll f lo w f ro m one space to another. Ther e is a c o ntinui ty of one space i nto another. W here i n a li near str uctur e ther e wo uld be a defi ni te tr ansi ti on. T he s tructur e consi sts of twi sted sur f ac es and Y shape column. The twi st takes the for ces and the column would prevent t he twi sted sur face fr om ti pping o ver. T he c o lumn wi ll di v i de i nto two br anches like a Y to hold up two adj acent twi sts. T hey turn i nto the r oofs and walls and will dis appear i n the bui ldi ng to cr eate a differ ent spati al under standi ng o f the bu i ldi ng. The structure contains function i nsi de. They wor k as v er ti cal c irc ulation, and cr eate nods i nsi de the building for v i si tor s. They also conduct light inwar d.

W E L L N E S S C E N T E R D i sp l a ce m e n t o f s t r u c t u r e Modification of form of column O ne co l u m n + Twis t e d s u r f a c e Structure becomes the skin Structure contain Function Columns part of overall architecture


P a rk rkofcolor

u r b a n r e n e w a l medelline in collaboration with mehran parnian

With the death of Pablo Escobar and f ragm enta ti on of the Medelli n Dr ug Car tel, a rare oppor tuni ty pr esented i tself to rem ake the i mage of Medelli n. In thi s pro jec t “Flower ” has been pr oposed as a replac ement for dr ug. Flower i ndustr y in Co lum bi a i s the 2nd lar gest i n the wo rld. Flower festi v al hav e had a majo r im pac t on the ci ty of Medelli n’s culture and play ed a key r ole i n changi ng the f ac e of the ci ty. A flower landmar k c o uld bring li fe to the ar ea besi des i ts ec o no m ic al i mpact. The pr oj ect i ntr oduc es a new i ndustr y to Medelli n: Pr oc es s ing and pr oduci ng by - pr oduct of f lo wer s uch as flower essence. A t higher lev er of the pr oj ect a networ k o f lands c ape wi ll ti e the small nodes to gether. It wi ll pr ov i de walki ng paths aro und the bui ldi ngs. So publi c can experienc e t he bui ldi ngs and walk thr ough them . T hi s pathway br i dges ov er the river and exi sti ng r oads, connecti ng 2 s ides o f the r i v er. Fr om the pathway , it ram ps down to the plaza lev el. On this level v i si tor s enter the publi c ar eas o f the buildi ngs li ke wor kshops, exhi bi tio ns , audi tor i um, shops. To pro vide li ght for spaces under neath the pathway, i t opens i tself dependi ng o n the ac ti v i ty below. O n the gr ound lev el ther e would be a s m all s c ale pr oducti on faci li ty whi ch wo uld wo rk mor e as a demo for thi s new indus try.

Au d i t o ri u m E x h i bi t i o n Wo rk s h o p Lab F a c t o ry Pa rk i n g Cafe

Urb a n Pa thway Uppe r L ev el P u b l i c C i r culati on Mi ddl e L ev el Pri v a t e Ci r culati on L o w e r L e v el



Intelligent skin

experimental parametric design Columbia University Meshing Project

T he pro posal deals wi th the i nter actio n o f a sur face and i ts components to an at tr actor. The ski n consi sts of independent honey combs. T he para meter s for each honey comb c ells respond to the par ametr i c c hanges of the attr actor. Components s iz e, depth and thei r angle v ar i es as the attra ctor mov es. T he attractor has been defi ned wi th the po s iti on of a v i si tor. As the v i si tor appro ac h es, the ski n opens up to pr ovide vie w, li ght and v enti lati on. On the c o ntr ar y the ski n closes i tself and bec o m e denser to r educe the ener gy exc hange wi th the outsi de when the vis ito r is away.


Rotatedbox Rotated S t u d i o P r o j e c t columbia university t w i s t e d a r c h i t e c t u r e The pr oj ect consi sts of fi v e r otated bamboo boxes. The ar r angement of these boxes cr eates a dy nami c sur face fr om outsi de and br eaks that naked pr oj ected face of the bui ldi ng. The si te i s pr oj ected by 4 meter s fr om i ts nei ghbor. The enclosed balconi es wor k li ke an EYE for the bui ldi ng; tr y i ng to r each out towar d the chur ch.


Parksideresort Parkside

the hulbert group architect hotel design v ictoria bc

Parks ide i s a 126 r oom mi xed- use r es o rt dev elopment i ncludi ng hotel, tim es ha r e accommodati on, fr acti onal o wners hi p and whole owner shi p r esi dential. T his 8 stor ey mi xed- use dev elopment f eatures a glass- enclosed wi nter gar den lo bby. Ameni ti es i nclude a spa and a re sor t- sty le health center wi th o n-s ite phy si ci ans. The 1 and 2 bedro o m s ui tes i n thi s dev elopment also f unc tio n as par t of RCI' s networ k of tim e-s har ed r esor ts. Parks ide Vi ctor i a Resor t & Spa, Vi cto ria’s newest r esor t hotel, was a bi g winner at the 2010 Amer i can Resor t D evelo pment Associ ati on ( ARDA) Conventio n and Exposi ti on Awar d Gala i n L as Vega s, N ev ada.

Role in the project: Intern architect, Design Development t Senior Architect: Richard Hulbert t Location I Area BC I 114 ac c



Naseri Residental

independent project interior design renovation project tehran

I n th is re n o v a t i n g p r o jec t, a c ylind ric a l f o y e r h a s b e e n intro duc ed. I t w a s e m p h a s i z e d to def ine publi c a n d p r i v a t e z o nes to pro vide m ore p r i v a c y f o r sleeping area. The c yli n d e r h a s b e en c entered o n ent ra n c e a n d l o n gi t udinal axes . I t p a s s es c l o s e t o t h e c o lum n in the li vin g ro o m t o gi v e it def initio n. The d a r k b r o w n f l o o ring helps the w h it e c y l i n d e r t o s t a nd o ut. Kitc hen p la ys a n i m p o r t a nt ro le in eas ter n cu lt u r e . In t h is reno vatio n, th e id ea w a s t o p r ovide a s o c ial sp a c e f o r t h e f a mi l y gathering. I n ord er t o i n c r e a s e the am o unt of lig h t i n t h e k i t c hen, a windo w is d irec t e d i n t h e wall between kit c h en a n d d i n i n g.







Desi gned all i nter i or detai ls i ncludi ng ki tchen, bathr oom, wood wor ks and li ghtni ng. Super v i sed all constr ucti on and i nstallati ons and communi cated wi th subcontr actor s to i mpr ov e the quali ty of fi ni shi ng wor k.

Role in the project: Design in collaboration with Mehran Parnian Floor Area: 200m 2 Location: Iran I Tehran


Thi s r esor t master plan i ncludes a mi x of housi ng pr oducts ar ound Gr ee n Lake. At i ts cor e ther e i s a r etai l v i l lage wi th a mi xtur e of hotel and a c commodati on. The dev elopment i s desi gned to complement the for este d mountai n env i r onment whi le taking adv antage of v i ews.

Greenlake masterplan

the hulbert group architects master planning whistler bc

Role in the project: Intern architect, Design Development t Senior Architect: Richard Hulbert t Location I Area BC I 114 ac c



Role in the project: Intern architect, Design Development t Senior Architect: Richard Hulbert t Location Kelowna I BC c

Kelownaresidential Kelowna the hulbert group architects resort bc c

Fer r y Landi ng i s a low r i se, 4 stor ey water fr ont apar tment complex i n Kelowna, Br i ti sh Columbi a. The bui ldi ngs step down the si te followi ng the natur al contour s of the land to allow v i ews of the Okanagan Lake fr om ev er y apar tment. These one to thr ee bedr oom apar tment/townhouses pr opose a mor e compati ble model of multi r esi denti al dev elopment i n the r api dly expandi ng r esor t desti nati on of Kelowna.

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