2 minute read
Bowlers get down to business
The weather has disrupted the business house bowls at Warkworth Bowls, but the club still hopes to wrap up the competition this week as scheduled.

An organiser Cathy Parsons says there has been a good response from local businesses, with 19 teams competing.
“For some players, this is their first experience of bowls, while others return on a regular basis to enjoy the camaraderie and opportunity to make contact with other local business people,” she says.
“Two games of one hour each are played each night with a continuous sausage sizzle and piping hot chips available on demand.”

The final night will be held on February 21, where teams will play one extra game to make up for the weather-related cancellation. The evening will finish with dinner and prizegiving.
“Barfoot & Thompson are the main sponsors this year and the club is very appreciative of their generosity. Mason Containers sponsor a team spot prize each week and individual companies sponsor a weekly team prize for the first two players in each game to get a ‘toucher’.
“This provides an incentive to play well.”
Basketball 2023 Kotiro Skills (girls only), 7-week programme held at Kaiwaka Sports gym, from February 21 to April 4, 4-5pm. A skilled focus programme aimed at getting the basics right and learning how to play the game, focusing on dribbling, shooting, lay ups, defence and game knowledge. Info: basketball.kaipara@gmail.com
Warkworth Hockey Second trials will be held on Sunday, Feb 19. Men 7-8pm; women 6-7pm. Register online or just show up on the day. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScZt2SWniIx tKvGEHz6sdt24Yoyli7eZdNBp0PgYHgFr3CvhQ/viewform?fbclid=IwAR0-QVtJQ-AVNgg5Dkk0-tUC44GH naa4cgBXdUMenlV8pjCrSfCVmXN-Q2w
Warkworth Football Women-only free refereeing course. Keep fit, get paid, have fun. All welcome, minimum age is 14. Register: https://mycomet-oceania.analyticom.de/.../ item.../2601963208 or email Beth.Rattray@nrf.org.nz
Sport Northland Are you a sports coach at any level? Complete the Te Tai Tokerau Voice of the Coach Survey so Sport Northland can get a better understanding of the coaching landscape and what’s needed for the region going forward https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SJ5FRLV
Puhoi Sports and Community Club Fields closed. Unfortunately, the annual cricket match Club vs Pub scheduled for Feb 19 will be postponed until further notice due to the field being unsuitable for any play due to extensive floodwater damage.

Sports funding Are you aged between 13 and 25 and doing something amazing? Or, are you a parent/teacher/trainer that knows someone who could do with financial support to support their journey? Apply for an AIMES Awards grant of up to $30,000. Applications close on January 20 at 5pm. Open to youth living north of the Harbour Bridge, including Warkworth. For more information about the Devonport Peninsula Trust go to www.aimesawards.co.nz to apply.
Warkworth Gamefish tournament Tickets are available now for the Warkworth Gamefish tournament, March 2-4. Tickets are on sale at Hunting & Fishing Warkworth, Tackle & Outdoor Warkworth, Mahurangi Marine and Matakana Marine. Tickets are $100 and include a great buffet meal at prizegiving.


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