5 minute read
A SMART REPAIR Service for F&P smartdrive washers, F&P/ Simpson dryers. Prompt service 021 168 7349.
Building experience an advantage. Premises required approx 40sqm. Suit male or female. Stock and plant part of sale. Turnover $30K-$40K per annum.
Ph 425 7627 or 0274 790 720
3.2 Diesel, 5 speed automatic, 2008, NZ New, tinted windows, tows 3300 kgs, red. 2 owners. Approx 134,000kms. $65,000.
Phone 021 0235 8140
Working around the greater Warkworth Region. Offering hairdressing, manicure and pedicure services, in your home. Call Rebecca 021 0825 8242
Blue Skies Cleaning Window Cleaning, Soft Bio House Wash, Gutter Clean, All Exterior Cleaning, Water Blasting, Roof Treatment, Local Professional service.
Ph Pat 022-646-5849
Or need your Freeview box tuned for the new channels? TV repairs, microwave oven repairs, Freeview installations.
Ph Paul 09 422 0500 or 027 29 222 04
WINDOW CLEANING/ HOUSEWASH/GUTTER CLEANING Local professional service. Ph Pat 022-646-5849.
PLUME VILLAS at 37 Sharp Road, Warkworth, are looking for
Flexible hours with a minimum of 10-12 hours a week.
We are looking for
Job Vacancy: Predator Control Volunteer Coordinator
Based at Omaha Flats, 32- 40 hours a week.
Te kaupapa
Our Vision at The Forest Bridge Trust is to create a connected landscape with healthy forest and flourishing indigenous wildlife from the Kaipara Harbour to the Pacific Coast.
Tēnei tūranga /About the role
This new (paid) role at TFBT combines working within our predator control team to extend and maintain our traplines, with the coordination and support our growing number of local volunteers taking on traplines in their area.
Ngā pūkenga me ngā wheako/Skills and experience

Alcoholics Anonymous
Warkworth meetings: Warkworth Fellowship and Snells Beach Big Book Meeting Phone/text 0275 773 689 www.aa.org.nz | www.12steps.nz
Supported by Mahurangi Matters
Notice of
• Experience in trapping / predator controlvolunteer or professional
• A good level of computer and administration skills Experience or ability to train volunteers joining our traplines.
• A good level of physical fitness
He Kōrero Mō / What We Are Looking For
• Someone who can be our bridge between the TFBT predator control team, our community volunteers, and our Volunteer Programme Coordinator.
• Excellent personal communication skills, with a friendly and helpful approach.
• Ability to be flexible with work hours and work occasional evenings or during weekends to meet and train volunteers.
MAINTENANCE Grading, rolling & metalling for rural Driveways. No job too BIG or small. Ph Trevor 021 0225 5606
Please take note that the Annual General Meeting of the Association will be held at the Clubrooms, 28 Neville Street, Warkworth, at 10am Sunday 26th March 2023.
1. Receive Apologies
DVD/hard drive. Phone or txt
Tetotara Video 021 777 385 www.localmatters.co.nz
2. Confirm Minutes of AGM 27th March 2022
3. Presentation of Annual Reports and Accounts
4. Election of Officers
5. Election of Executive Committee
6. Notices of Motion Nominations for Officers and Committee as well as written Notices of Motion, are to be lodged with the Secretary no later than 9am Friday 3rd March 2023.
Bob Harrison. President Warkworth & Districts RSA (INC)
Please contact Anne for a Job Description/ Application Form on admin@theforestbridgetrust. org.nz. Applications close 3rd March 2023.
CATHOLIC CHURCH www.holyname.org.nz
Holy Mass Timetable:
Holy Name Church, 6 Alnwick Street
Saturday Vigil: 6.00pm
Sunday: 10.30am
Phone 425 8545 PUHOI SS. Peter & Paul Church
Sunday: 8.30am
5 Pulham Road, Warkworth Phone 425 8861 www.mahu.org.nz
Sunday Services 9am & 10.35am www.localmatters.co.nz
Kaiwaka included in Art Trail
A Kaiwaka artists’ hub is a new feature in this year’s Mangawhai Art Trail, which takes place over the weekend of February 25 and 26.
The trail includes 32 artists exhibiting in 17 different venues in and around Kaiwaka, Mangawhai Village and Mangawhai Heads. The trail starts with with nine artists in Kaiwaka, then there are seven in Mangawhai Village and 16 around Mangawhai Heads. Artworks will include ceramics, photography, painting in oils, watercolour and acrylics, and all forms of sculpture, including the use of lead drippings, rusty steel and sand cement. Trail venues include the Mangawhai Artists’ Gallery, where a new exhibition of large paintings by Roland Seibert, ‘Where do we put it all?’, will be on display from February 16 to March 1.

Copies of the trail are also available from Mangawhai Artists Gallery and selected locations in Mangawhai and Kaiwaka. The Trail is open from 10am to 4pm on Saturday, February 26 and 10am to 3pm on Sunday, February 26.

To find out more about the Mangawhai Art Trail, visit www.mangawhaiartists.co.nz, where a list of venues, artists and maps can be found and downloaded.
15 The Frank Burkitt Band, Whangateau Hall, 7.30pm
16 Matakantata Choir rehearsals, Matakana Hall, Thursdays, 7pm, all February. Contact Jenny at musicaldirector@matakantata.org.nz to register
17 Vineyards in the Village, Matakana Farmers Market, 4.30-7.30pm.
18 Youth Clubs and Groups Day, Old Masonic Hall, Warkworth, 10am-2pm
18 Matakana Opera Picnic, Ward Rd, Matakana, 5.30pm. Tickets $60 adults, under 16s free. Info: www.aucklandoperastudio.co.nz
19 Andy Buchinger, The Tahi Bar Warkworth, 4-6pm
Men’s Rebus meeting Shoesmith Hall, Warkworth, 10am. Info: Ron 422 3111
25 Wellsford Warkworth Vintage Car Club Swap Meet, Satellite Station Road, Warkworth, 7am-12 noon. Info: Contact 027 423 8122
25 Ahuroa Hall & School fundraiser trek 2023, Ahuroa Road, 9am. Info: christine_a_bullock@notmail.com or phone 027 514 9696
25 Wellsford Drama Club auditions, Wellsford Community Centre, 2-5pm. Auditions for historical comedy Keep to Thy First Wife (see brief p 48)
25 International Flamenco Concert, Warkworth Town Hall, 7pm (see story p 42)
25 Diane Ponzio, accompanied by musicians
Helene Piper and Hank Trenton, Mahurangi West Hall, 7pm. Entry by donation.
25&26 Mangawhai Art Trail
Info: www.mangawhaiartists.co.nz

28 An Evening with Ruud Kleinpaste - The Bug Man, Mahurangi College, 6-8.30pm. Koha at the door. Hosted by The Forest Bridge Trust.
28 Warkworth Ladies Rebus club meeting at Besoul, 3/12 Gumfield Drive, 10am
28 Warkworth Music AGM, Mezzanine room of Warkworth Town Hall, 7pm
1 Warkworth Liaison Group meeting, Warkworth RSA downstairs meeting room, 7.30pm. All welcome
3 World Day of Prayer Service Holy Name Catholic Church, Alnwick Street Warkworth at 1.30pm Service prepared by the Women of Taiwan. All welcome.
4 Summer Serenade - Jazz in the Garden, Couldrey House, Wenderholm Regional Park. Gates open 4pm, concert starts 6pm. Info and tickets: www.eventfinda.co.nz
4 Warkworth annual Cosplay Picnic, Cement Works, Warkworth, 10.30am
4 Warkworth RSA fishing competition, tickets $30 adults, under 16 $10. Weighin 2-4pm. Info: warkworthrsa.co.nz/fishingclub
9 Operatunity Daytime Concerts presents When Irish Eyes Are Smiling, Warkworth Town Hall, 11am (see story p43)
10-12 Women on Water Weekend, Gulf Harbour Yacht Club (entries close February 23). A chance for women, regardless of their sailing ability, to experience the fun of sailing. Info: admin@ghyc.co.nz
11 Warkworth & District RSA market, 8am-1pm
12 Barfoot and Thompson Annual Raft Race, Mahurangi River.
15 A Night in the Gardens of Spain, Miles Jackson, classical guitar and flamenco, Whangateau Hall, 7.30pm
18 Harvest Festival, Sculptureum, Matakana (see ad p42)
18 Warkworth A&P Show, Warkworth Showgrounds
18&19 Mangawhai Walking Weekend. Info & bookings www.mangawhaiwalking.co.nz
26 Take a Kid Fishing (see ad p47)