7 minute read
Multi-sport project calls for support
The team behind the proposed multi-sport centre at the Warkworth Showgrounds is asking a few locals to roll up their sleeves and get involved to help get the project over the line.


The design for the centre, which has been in the pipeline for nearly a decade, has gone through a recent iteration, which means it has to reapply for both landowner’s consent and resource consent from Auckland Council.
However, Mahurangi Sport and Recreation Board chair Graham Buchs and president Mark Illingworth say the reconfiguration has been worth the delay.
“We now have a design that focuses squarely on the sports elements of the complex,” they say. “We’ve spent a lot of time talking to a lot of sports clubs and the design changes reflect their feedback.
“We want to build a facility that will meet the needs of this community for many years to come.”
A major change in the new design is that a functions area has been deleted and will be looked at again in Phase Two, and possibly at a different location in the park.
Buchs says the biggest challenge the project faces at the moment is recruiting willing volunteers for a number of sub-committees. In particular, they are looking for people with governance and fundraising expertise, and they also need a treasurer.
“We have good board level support except for a treasurer, but we know once this project evolves, we will need people on the ground to make it happen,” Buchs says. Governance is a priority and the board is looking for someone with the expertise and experience to lead a governance and fundraising sub-committee.
Young parents are being asked to give the idea of volunteering some thought.
“It is the toddlers of today who will be the beneficiaries, so it would be awesome to get some support from young families,” Illingworth says. He says that although the district’s population is growing, the number of people prepared to put their hand up to help is dwindling.

In particular, we are looking for people with governance and fundraising expertise, and we also need a treasurer. Graham Buchs
The multi-sport centre will include four full sized basketball courts and a purposebuilt gymnasium. It will cater for the key sports of netball, basketball, pickleball, badminton, Futsal, indoor hockey, gymnastics and bouldering, as well as many other codes.
“It will be an amazing facility for the town,” Illingworth says.
The estimated cost to build is $12 million, of which Auckland Council has already agreed to contribute $2,250,000. It will be up to the board to raise around $10 million. Current board members are president Mark Illingworth, chair Graham Buchs, secretary Karlie Stanbra, interim treasurer Nicola Jones, and Koen McGee, Jo Morrison, Cameron Gray, Sean Mitchell, Gerard van Tilborg and John Hunt (Harbour Basketball chief executive).
The board will hold its annual general meeting at the Bayleys office, corner Mill Lane and Queen Street, on Monday, June 12, starting at 7.30pm. All welcome. Enquiries and info: email mahusport@ gmail.com or phone Graham Buchs on 027 840 7592.
Bowler hits one hundred
While normally it’s cricketers who notch up a century, former Warkworth lawn bowler May Evans hit 100 herself on April 10 – 100 years, that is.

Bowls Warkworth marked the occasion with a special lunch in May’s honour, and two other life members were among the guests – Les Hatfull, who was celebrating his 97th birthday, and Jack Knowles, who is also 97. Now living in the Waikato with her daughter Trish Good, May was still playing bowls up until she was 96, making her possibly the oldest competitive bowler in NZ at that time.
She played bowls at Warkworth for more than 30 years where she was, at one time or another, treasurer, coach, winter coach and match committee convenor.
She had a formidable record on the greens, winning in club singles, pairs, triples and fours, as well as many centre level tournaments. In 2006, May, Eileen Trotter and Joy Harper-Keeley won the Bowls North Harbour Champ of Champ triples. At the birthday celebration, Joy paid tribute to May’s generosity in sharing her bowling skills and recalled a particularly wet tournament on
May Evans made a special trip from the Waikato to attend the celebration in her honour at Warkworth Bowls.
Norfolk Island where they beat the Norfolk Island Commonwealth team.
May thanked the speakers for their memories and the club for the lunch, the flowers and the birthday cake.
#Nurture is this term’s theme and we have a range of activities/workshops on offer. We look forward to seeing you soon! Make sure you like us on Facebookwomenscentrerodney and Instagram womenscentre_rodney and check out our posts for all the latest news and happenings.
Monday 15 May - 19 June, 10am - 12.30pm
$30 people receiving a benefit. $70 waged. Deepen your experience of Art Therapy by learning a layering technique that will help you to process and integrate feelings, thoughts and emotions. You will come away with one unique work of art. You don’t need to have any art experience to attend this 5-week course. Facilitator: Heidi Downey
WOW Move Up Programme
Tuesdays from 9 May - 27 June, 9.30am - 12.30pm
$30 people receiving a benefit, $60 waged Discover your unique worth and strengths and how to use them and explore ways to make the changes you want that will last. We will help you develop a realistic plan – a way forward to keep building a better life for you and your family. Have fun and celebrate with other women in a supportive group setting.
Facilitators: Jo Nicholson and Bridget Farmiloe
Young Mum’s Educational Programme
Thursdays from 27 April
10am - 12.30pm FREE
For mothers up to 24 yrs. Make friends and explore strategies for raising healthy, happy children. Some childminding & morning tea provided. Facilitator: Sarah Woolford
Women’s Circles
Tuesdays from 2 May - 27 June
Wellbeing Circle 6pm-7pm drop in - KOHA Sharing practices to support wellbeing during times of stress
Song Circle 7:30pm - 8:30pm - FREE Sharing simple circle songs to support and uplift. No musical talent necessary
SuperGrans - Kaitiaki MentoringThe Sharing of Generational Knowledge
Info and Volunteers Mentor Sessions
Tuesdays 2 May, 16 May, 6 June, 20 June, 1.30pm-2.30pm FREE
SuperGrans Rodney is a free service supporting women to develop life skills through one-onone mentoring and workshops. Mentors walk alongside, supporting them to develop a range of different skills including cooking healthy meals on a budget, gardening, growing food, CV writing, applying for jobs, budgeting, sewing and more. If you are interested in becoming a mentor or want to know more about the service come along to one of our info sessions.
Sustainable Life Skill Sessions
Every 2nd Wednesday from 10 May, 10am-12.30pm FREE
COOKING: Would you like to try some new healthy, low budget meals in hands-on small ratio groups?
All ingredients provided and is shared together and some taken home.
10 May Feijoas 3 ways – stewed, crumble, chutney with Deirdre.
24 May Q&A - Rachael Wilson (Dietitian, Family nutritionist & parenting coach)
7 June Soup for the Soul with Glenda.
21 June TBC
Thursday Evening Seminars,
3rd Thursday each month, 5.30pm-7pm FREE
18 May Romina Shahram – Webster
Thriving through Art & Creativity Series: Crafty Conversations
Fridays from 28 April, 10am - 12pm FREE
Crafty Conversations is a peer support group where you can unleash your creative side while enjoying the company of others. Whatever your craft is, this is an opportunity to meet in a safe environment and connect with others to enhance wellbeing. Focus this term on supporting our Winter Warmer Campaign Host: Jo Nicholson (and special guests) Clay Workshop
Saturday 27 May, 10am - 2.30pm at Kowhai Arts Centre $70
A one-day workshop at artist’s studio. The class will start with an introduction to clay, making pinch pots, joining them. Followed by creating, decorating and texturing another sculpture using your new skills. Make something beautiful to take home. Facilitator: Emma Zhang
Harakeke/ Flax Weaving workshop
Saturday 20 May, 10am - 2pm at Shoesmith Hall $65
Learn basic flax weaving skills from an experienced local weaver and create a waikawa basket. Students are also introduced to the customs (tikanga) around working with flax. Facilitator: Britta Conrad
Women’s Naturopath, Herbalist & Massage
Tuesdays from 2 May, 10am - 2pm $20 per 15 min. Bookings essential
Facilitator: Tania Burrows
Holistic Pulsing Massage
Mondays from 5 May $65 per hour. Bookings essential
Practitioner: Heidi Downey FREE* and Subsidised
Counselling for Women
Six sessions available. Please call the Centre to discuss an appointment. (* free for women with dependents under 18) Phone 09 425 7261.
Drop In Mon-Fri – 9.30am - 2.30pm
We know there are unique challenges for everyone and we are here to help you navigate them. The Centre is open 9.30-2.30pm and you are welcome to drop in for a chat, coffee, or to just take a moment in a safe space.
We are keen for volunteers to help us at the centre.
AA Group Meetings
Every Wednesday, 7.30 pm FREE Women’s AA Meeting - Held every week at the Women’s Centre. We welcome you. No booking required. Facilitator: Janene
FREE Legal Clinic
9.30 am– 10.30 am every third Friday. Bookings essential. 28 April, 12 May, 9 June, 30 June Phone and in person appointments are available. Call or book via our website.
Hope motivates swimmers
Members of the Leigh ocean swimmers turned out in force to support the Due Drop Hope Challenge team when it came through the district earlier this month. The swimmers did a four kilometre swim from Matheson Bay to Ti Point in support, where they rendezvoused with the team at the wharf. Mike King, Rick Wells and Ian Jones then swam to the Omaha Surf Club, where the challenge continued to Auckland on bikes. The team is due in Wellington around Wednesday this week. It was organised to raise awareness of the struggles young people face accessing counselling, despite a $1.5 billion investment by the current government. To support their efforts, go to: https://www.gumbootfriday.org. nz/hope-challenge

Malcolm – Guardianship Matters.
15 June Tania Burrows – Naturopath & Herbalist
– Wintering Well
FREE Cervical Screening
17 May. Call or register via our website.
09 425 7261 or 0800 2DROPIN (0800 237 674) info@womenscentrerodney.org.nz