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Education steps up growth plan
The site for a new primary school has been secured in Woodcocks Road, Warkworth, with negotiations for a second site further south of the town well underway.
The Ministry of Education leader (north) Isabel Evans says consultation on the proposed new school will be undertaken with the boards of all state and state integrated schools whose rolls might be affected. This is likely to start this year.
“An establishment board will be appointed, and one of the establishment board’s primary tasks will be to develop a vision for the school,” Evans says.
She says that based on anticipated population growth in the Warkworth area over the next few decades, the initial build is anticipated to be for 400 student places and learning support specialist provision will be included.
“The establishment board will assist in the design of and planning for the school, appoint the principal and other senior management staff and decide on the name of the new school.
“As part of the consultation process, we will be seeking nominations from members of the community to be members of the establishment board.”
A construction start date or opening date could not be confirmed.
Concern about the site for the new school was raised at a Warkworth Liaison Group meeting this month. It was described as inappropriate to put it on such a busy road and not in closer proximity to the residential areas it is being built to serve.
The two new primary schools are in response to planned growth in Warkworth, which will also see expansion at Mahurangi College.

Late last year, the college was in the design stage for an eight-classroom, twostorey block, to be built on the existing football field, behind the gymnasiums and swimming pool and next to the bus bay. The new building is expected to open sometime next year and will accommodate Years 7 and 8 classrooms.