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In brief
School consent
Snells Beach residents, concerned at a plan to establish a Montessori school on the site of the former Bayside Café, at Snells Beach, want Auckland Council to make the resource consent fully or at least partially notifiable. The Warkworth Liaison Group was told at its meeting last week that the consent application would be processed as non-notifiable, which would exclude general public input. The school needs both Auckland Council and the Ministry of Education consent before it can proceed. It is understood the consent will be for a school of 25 students and three staff.
Young filmmakers
Students aged between nine and 18 years are being encouraged to enter a Te Tai Tokerau short film contest based on the theme of Climate Action. The films can be five to seven minutes long and need to show how people in Te Tai Taokerau, which stretches from Wellsford to Cape Reinga, are working to mitigate and adapt to climate change. The films will be judged in two age groups – nine to 13 years and 14 to 18 years. The prize is $1000 and entries close on July 8.
Info: filmcontest@northland climatechange.org
Volunteer week

National Volunteer Week, June 18 to 24, will be marked with a celebration at the Matakana Hall on Saturday June 24. The event will be an opportunity to meet the not-for-profit groups and charities working in the Rodney area who are looking for new members. There will be groups from across the rohe who all do amazing work in the community including The Forest Bridge Trust and several other local conservation groups. The day will run from 10am-1pm.