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Fun fundraisers for Daffodil Day

Bingo, a quiz night and a vintage car rally are some of the events being planned to mark Daffodil Day in the Mahurangi/ Kaipara area this year.
Daffodil Day is about showing support for cancer research and awareness, and cancer societies who are doing their best with volunteers to raise funds. While the day officially falls on August 31, fundraising events are being held throughout the month.
Charlene Morrison, from the Warkworth ANZ branch, is organising a bingo night at the Warkworth Bowling Club on August 16 starting at 5.30pm for nibbles, bingo from 6pm. Tickets are $25 per person, which includes nibbles, dinner and entertainment. She says $10 from every ticket goes to the Cancer Society.
Mazon Sierra 2 Spring Mattress & NZ Made Base

Call into the bank to reserve a table or call Charlene on 021 831488.
The Daffodil Rally & Car Show, organised by the Waitemata, North Shore and Wellsford/Warkworth branches of the Vintage Car Club of NZ will be held on August 20.

The rally will start at the North Shore Airfield and the cars will make their way to Matakana for lunch and a public display next to the school from midday onwards. Each vehicle will pay a $10 entry fee which will be donated to the Cancer Society.
The Mangawhai Tavern will host a special Daffodil Day Quiz Night on Tuesday August 29. The night will start at 7pm and bookings are essential. Phone John on 09 431 4505.
Honey Mustard Chicken Thighs
800 gram chicken thighs, boneless, skinless, at room temperature
Olive oil, for cooking
2 leeks, white and light green parts only, sliced into 1cm-thick rounds
1 cup chicken stock
1 1/2 tablespoon wholegrain mustard (like Lusty Mustard from Windfall Foods)

2 tablespoon honey
2 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves 1/2 cup crème fraiche
Pat chicken thighs dry with paper towels and season with salt. Add a drizzle of oil to a large, non-stick frying pan on medium-high heat (choose a pan with a lid as it will be needed later). In two batches, sear chicken for 2-3 minutes on each side until golden (thighs do not need to be cooked through at this point).
Set aside , I use a Concave Cutting Board to save all the juices.

Return pan to heat with meat juices, add a drizzle of oil and reduce heat to medium. Add leeks and cook for a few minutes on each side until golden.
Try to keep the leeks intact as this will prevent them from drying out.
Mix stock, mustard and honey in a bowl then add to leeks in the pan, along with thyme and seared chicken (plus its juices). Allow to bubble for a minute, then cover with a lid and cook for 8 minutes
Remove lid and reduce heat to lowmedium. Carefully transfer about ¼ cup of cooking liquid to a bowl. Add crème fraiche to bowl, whisk until smooth, then return to the pan. Simmer gently until the sauce thickens slightly. Season generously with freshly ground black pepper. Serve with mashed potato and steamed beans or broccoli.