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Fundingroundcloses APPLY1September NOW
He hōnore, he korōria, he maungārongo ki te whenua, he whakāro pai ki ngātangata katoa. Paimārire.
Ngāti Manuhiri Settlement Trust and Auckland Council have partnered to deliver the MLRP - a $5 million, five-year p programme funded by the Ministry for the Environment's (MfE) 'Jobs for Nature' programme The Mahurangi catchment c covers about 13,500ha including 206.6km of rivers and streams that discharge into the Mahurangi Harbour. MLRP aims to i increase the health of the harbour and its waterways by reducing human induced sediment from private and public land a activities Sediment is the third-highest threat to marine habitats in New Zealand
up to 60% funding
Mahurangi Land Restoration Programme (MLRP) towards fencing and planting for rural landowners in the Mahurangi catchment
Funding covers: buying native plants & planting labour fencing materials & fencing labour site preparation & maintenance alternative water supply removal or remediation of fish passage barriers www.ngatimanuhiri.iwi.nz/melr
Funding does not cover: activities to meet subdivision or title requirements extensive weed control
Find out more about applying. Contact MLRP Land Advisor, Holly Fleming. Mobile: 021 548 818
Email: hollyfleming@terrapura.co.nz mahurangilandrestoration@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz