
Hollywood came to Mahurangi this month as the NZ shoot for multi-million dollar movie The Wrecking Crew, starring Jason Momoa and Dave Bautista, descended on Martins Bay for more than two weeks.
Dozens of trucks, trailers and marquees took over the reserve and holiday park to form the film unit base, with more than 500 crew and cast either staying locally or being bussed in daily.
As well as trailers and marquees to house the stars and extras, there were trucks for catering, wardrobe, make-up, hair, production, lighting and stunt crews.
Another 25 trucks and trailers, plus generators and a 250-tonne crane for lighting were sited nearby to serve the set location, a clifftop property that will double as the home of the movie’s bad guy (Claes Bang) in the Amazon MGM
Studios buddy cop action comedy.
The sheer scale of the operation meant that local accommodation was booked out, including a luxury vineyard villa near Matakana for the two main stars, and the underground carpark at Snells Beach had to be hired for ancillary parking.
Supervising location manager Clayton Tikau said local residents had been incredibly accommodating and welcoming,
considering the equivalent of a new small town had moved in overnight.
“We have a big impact on the community and require a little patience and buy-in, but we hope people realise it’s a good thing and it employs a lot of people,” he said. “It’s quite a circus, but we work hard to leave no footprint and want to leave everything as good, if not better than before.”
25, 2024
17 Neville Street, Warkworth, 0941 ph 09 425 9068 mahurangimatters localmattersnz
Next issue: December 9 Book your advertising by Nov 27
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A division of Local Matters Mahurangi Matters is a locally owned publication, circulated to more than 13,000 homes and businesses fortnightly from Puhoi to Waipu.
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Tikau said that the 300-strong crew was 95 per cent Kiwi and everything they could was bought or hired locally.
“This is a really professional crew, it’s a blessing to be with them,” he said. “We really try when we come to Mahurangi or Warkworth to buy from here, so local people see the benefit. We put tabs in with local businesses, buy water from a local supplier; all the money we can is being spent here.”
Martins Bay Holiday Park manager Tony Sharp said the campground had done very well from The Wrecking Crew using its accommodation and grounds for the unit base.
“It’s been great. It was a fairly lastminute thing when they found the house they wanted to use, but they’ve been so accommodating and the feedback we’ve had was that they loved the place.”
Location manager Jordi Scott-Smith said they had worked to keep local residents informed throughout and everyone had been great.
“We’ve had nothing but positive feedback from everybody,” he said.
After a couple of night shoots last week, including a number of stunts and gun battles, filming finished at Martins Bay in the early hours of Thursday, November 21. It will take up to a week for the crew to fully pack down and move out.
Tikau said that while the crew had been disappointed not to be able to film in the Johnstones Hill Tunnels (MM, Sep 16), they had managed to work around that by using a race track, and were pleased to have found the Martins Bay set after that.
“It’s such a beautiful area, we all love it,” he said.
US producers Rob Cowan, Lynn Harris and Jeff Fierson agreed, saying Mahurangi was a beautiful location for filming the movie, which is set in Hawaii.
“Our experience in the area has been exceptional,” they said. “The local people and businesses have been so supportive and even the weather came to the party.”
The lengths to which the crew went included laying a new floor on top of the existing floor in the set property, to ensure they didn’t damage the original, and constructing a new metal road so the almost-constant traffic to and from the set could run on a one-way loop.
The movie is likely to be released in around a year’s time.
Rodney Local Board has granted a community lease for a vacant house on Sandspit Wharf to be used as a marine educational hub by Manuhiri Kaitiaki Charitable Trust, the operational arm of Ngāti Manuhiri Settlement Trust (NMST).
Members voted to publicly notify their intention to grant NMST the lease a year ago (MM, Oct 9, 23). This attracted four submissions, two in favour and two against, and triggered a oneday hearing in August, which recommended granting the lease.
However, two members at the board’s monthly meeting on November 20 were not happy with either the recommendation or the three-year process.
Tim Holdgate criticised council for failing to notify submitters of the hearing decision
and said the Sandspit community felt like there had been insufficient consultation.
Community lease specialist Karen Walby said the hearing manager had apologised for the oversight in not notifying submitters, and added that “a large consultation” with all interested parties had been undertaken in 2021.
More controversially, Colin Smith claimed NMST had no affiliation with the land at Sandspit, and said it belonged to Ngāti Rongo.
“Manuhiri means ‘visitor’ and their rohe is out at Great Barrier,” he said. “They are only the treaty partner for Auckland Council, they do not have any rohe in our area.”
At least two members told Smith he was misinformed and wasn’t helping.
Members voted to grant the lease for five
years, with a right to renew for a further five years, at a nominal $1 rent. Smith and Holdgate voted against.
After the meeting, NMST kaitakawaenga Delma O’Kane made a formal complaint to the local board, saying Smith’s comments were factually incorrect, inappropriate and “deeply disappointing and harmful”.
“The remarks cast a shadow over what should have been a positive outcome, as we look forward … to fostering community engagement about our beautiful Te Moananui ā Toi Hauraki Gulf,” she said.
O’Kane added that NMST was legally recognised as the mandated iwi authority in the region and Manuhiri in this instance referred to an ancestor directly descended from the priestess Mahurangi, not the dictionary definition.
Plans to upgrade the Hill Street intersection in Warkworth have been scrapped by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (NZTA).
One Mahurangi co-chair Dave Stott has called the decision “appalling”.
The construction-ready project, which has been the subject of designs, consultations and business case studies for decades, was expected to start early next year. However, at the eleventh hour, NZTA withdrew its funding support.
NZTA had previously agreed to share costs 50/50 with Auckland Transport.
Stott says despite NZTA representatives attending quarterly infrastructure forums in Warkworth, the decision was communicated to One Mahurangi second-hand through Auckland Transport and Rodney Councillor Greg Sayers. The organisation still has not been contacted directly by anyone from NZTA.
NZTA: “NZTA is waiting on pre-implementation work to be completed, including a business case addendum, which will update the economic analysis and provide current evidence of demand and safety at the intersection to help identify when the project is needed.
“With the new Government Policy Statement on Land Transport now in effect, its new priorities mean that the intersection improvements have not been prioritised for funding in the 2024-27 National Land Transport Programme (NLTP).
“Funding for the project has been rated as ‘committed’ for pre-implementation (development) work only, meaning that work which was funded in a previous NLTP period has been carried forward into the current 2024-27 period. This allows planning work to continue but there is no new funding for construction of the improvements.”
“We still don’t know who put a stop to it or why,” Stott says.
One Mahurangi is seeking answers from Parliament’s Transport and Infrastructure Committee chair Andy Foster.
“We’ve given him a detailed background on Hill Street, as well as providing further traffic volume figures.
“He wasn’t all that optimistic, saying that if it was a decision that had been made at a ministerial level then he would have very little influence.
“I think we have to accept that the chances of the project proceeding are pretty slim.
“The only conclusion we can make is that Warkworth is not important to them.”
Stott also suspects that the opening of the Puhoi to
Warkworth motorway has had an impact. He says that although the motorway has reduced traffic [by an estimated 26 per cent] through the intersection, volumes are likely to increase to pre-motorway numbers, or may even exceed premotorway numbers, when all the consented developments around Warkworth come online in roughly five years’ time.
“We really thought we had finally got this project over the line – it is a huge disappointment.”
Stott says he personally doesn’t see any point in continuing to lobby for Hill Street under the present government. It had been hoped that the upgrade would happen in tandem with the installation of a new sewer main, from Warkworth Showgrounds to Elizabeth Street.
Stott says even though this will not happen now, One Mahurangi has received an assurance from Watercare that the sewer will be installed at such a depth that, should the roundabout proposal proceed in the future, there will be no need to re-do the mains.
Auckland Transport: “Funding to deliver the Hill Street intersection upgrades has not been secured. The project has, therefore, been deferred until such a time as funding is available.”
Rodney Councillor Greg Sayers: “Auckland Transport has put its 50 per cent of funding aside for Hill Street and lobbied NZTA that now is the best time to upgrade it before traffic counts increase again. However, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says he has other intersections to fix ahead of Hill Street. This is deeply disappointing because Watercare needs to run its underground lines through Hill Street and they wanted to coordinate with Auckland Transport to only dig up the intersection once. Now it will looks like disruption will occur twice. And the major reconstruction has been pushed out by the Minister by at least 10 years.
One Mahurangi, the Warkworth Area Liaison Group and myself, along with the Rodney Local Board, will meet with local MP Chris Penk and Mayor Wayne Brown to discuss how the Minister may be persuaded to reprioritise Hill Street. This will be in the New Year.”
Kaipara ki Mahurangi MP Chris Penk had not responded when the paper went to press.
Plans to open a new charter school south of Warkworth have been dealt a major blow, after the application for the former Ransom Wines site was turned down by the government on November 15.
However, the applicant, education consultant and former principal Alwyn Poole, is not giving up on the project, not least because he said the school for Years 7 to 10 was ready to launch next year, with 100 expressions of interest from parents.
“We can’t wait until the next round in 2026,” he said. “We had a board meeting last week and we’re looking at all options, including challenging the Charter Schools Authorisation Board’s decision.”
Those options also include the possibility of opening as a private instead of a government-funded charter school, although Poole is reluctant to have to charge.
“The reason charter schools are a good option is because it means families can come to a school pretty much fees-free,” he said. “My life’s work is to try to provide education for young people who don’t thrive in the normal system and it’s unfortunate if you can only provide that for people who can
pay a certain amount. We’d much rather provide for people who can’t pay.”
Poole was highly critical of Associate Education Minister David Seymour and the application process for charter school status, saying it was strange, inept and Seymour should step down.
“The Charter School Authorisation Board had criteria that none of the applicants were initially aware of. We were told there will be no interviews, then there were interviews. As a another applicant said, it’s been the absolute Wild West,” he said.
“David Seymour has to take significant responsibility for this situation and it hasn’t been done well. I’m a sports coach and I know that sometimes you do your very best and hope it’s fair, but you lose and that’s okay, but this situation is anything but fair, and it has consequences for many people.”
Poole said he thought the minister had been distracted by other issues, such as the Treaty Principles Bill and school truancy, and the authorisation board challenged by receiving 78 charter school applications.
“I think David Seymour is the most inappropriate person to handle the issue of school attendance,” he said. “He’s
authoritarian. I think he should step down.” As well as the proposed Warkworth school, Poole had applied for three other charter schools in Auckland that were also turned down.
In an email to Seymour shared on his mailing list, he said it was “absolutely unbelievable” that they had not been approved, despite a “remarkable” board with experience of starting charter schools, four properties lined up, multi-million dollar investment, nearly full rolls already, support from leading academic John Hattie and educational publisher Dame Wendy Pye, and having four different offerings,
including schools aimed at neurodiverse and Maori Pasifika students.
“It really does beg the question of what is really going on, as it is not what you promised to anybody,” he wrote. “We will be seeking an immediate, full, independent and public review.”
Poole said he would be organising a public meeting in Warkworth soon to address what happens next.
“We’re ready to go now and we have staff in waiting, that’s why we’re challenging as much as we can,” he said. “We’re seriously ready to go.”
A Snells Beach couple is appealing to the public for information after they found their beloved rescue cat Twiggy seriously injured last month.
Julienne and David Law had originally thought their 11-year-old cat, who never ventures far from their property on Hewson Drive, had been in a fight.
However, Paws and Claws Veterinary Clinic in Warkworth, which treated Twiggy, revealed the injury was likely caused by an air pistol pellet, after entry and exit wounds were discovered above her tail.
In other words, their cat had been shot.
Julienne Law says she doesn’t know who could so such a thing.
“I just thought she’d been fighting and got an abscess. Then the vet rang and said, ‘do you live on a farm? Because she’s been hit by an air pistol’. And I said, ‘no we’ve never lived on a farm’.
“The vet kept her in overnight she was so sick, they were excellent. When we got her home, she was in absolute agony all week, she just cried all night. We had to try to get painkillers down her,” she says.
Twiggy’s condition continued to deteriorate, so she was taken back to the vet a few days after her first visit, and again on the next day to have the wound cleaned and receive a painkilling injection.
Now Twiggy is convalescing at home and well on the road to recovery, but the Laws hope someone will come forward with information that could help identify the perpetrators.
“I’d just like to know who did this because you know it’s terrible and I read in the NZ Herald that somebody’s cat in Whanganui had been shot and nearly died. You just don’t do this to animals.
“I’ve talked to all my friends, at tai chi and so on, asking if they know anyone who owns an air pistol, but we’re not getting anywhere.”
Law says she talked about the incident with her neighbour Margaret Faed, who launched Snells Beach Neighbourhood
recovering after being shot by an air pistol.
Support in 2007, and that the next step might be to contact Warkworth Police.
“This is a very peaceful area. This is our sixth year here and this is the first time we’ve had any problems,” she says.
Having been found under a house in Devonport, Twiggy had a rough start to life but after being rescued and fostered, she was then given to the couple by David Law’s granddaughter as a present.
“When she arrived, she was all skin and bones and looked so small and skinny, so David called her Twiggy, after the famous 1960s model,” Law says.
If you have any information that could help identify the perpetrator(s), please contact the Warkworth Police on (09) 425 8109.
The Wellsford community has been rallying round after heartless thieves stole gardening machinery and equipment worth tens of thousands of dollars from the town’s community garden in School Road.
Andrew McLennan, who has been restoring and running the garden for the past two years, said it was “like a punch in the guts’ when he found the storage container had been broken into and raided on the morning of November 18.
“We’ve really been hit hard this time and they’ve taken valuable stuff. Half the container’s gone and they went for the really essential gear. The value’s still being tallied but it’s in the tens of thousands,” he said.
The haul included a near-new wood chipper, a rotary hoe, a brand-new chainsaw, wheelbarrows, hand tools, spades, secateurs, trowels, hoses, reels, petrol cans and more.
McLennan thought it was “almost certainly” the same people who broke the container’s heavy-duty padlock and stole equipment worth $5000 around six months ago.
“After that, we got a lockbox welded on, but they took a battery-powered grinder to it, and a grinder with the right disk on it will cut through anything,” he said.
“This was purposeful targeting. They knew exactly what they were doing and what was in there. They came back committed, and even brought a truck this time.”
Although initially disheartened, McLennan said he was touched by a huge
wave of offers to replace stolen items from individuals and businesses in and around Wellsford.
“It’s amazing when the community rallies, it restores your faith in bucket-loads,” he said.
“I want to tell everyone how heartening it is to get that kind of response, it lifts my spirits and makes it seem there’s still a very much worthwhile purpose to doing this.”
He expressed his thanks to everyone who had offered to donate items, including local businesses Civil IQ, Silverhill Small Engine Repairs, Fistonich Building and Good to Grow NZ.
“It’s good to know a lot of people do care about this place and are mindful that a lot of activity goes on here,” he said.
“The potential to do so much more is just amazing, but until we can find a way of deterring these thieves, we just keep getting hit all the time.
“We have to get the vibe out there that this is a place you shouldn’t touch,” McLennan added. “It’s everybody’s place and the food we grow is going to your aunty, your uncle or your cousin – so if you steal from here, that’s who you’re stealing from.”
The community garden has allotments for local residents, grows produce for foodbanks, rest homes and charities, and plays host to weekly visits from a large group of budding gardeners from Wellsford Primary School.
Info and donations: contact Coast to Coast Hauora Trust, where the community garden is based, on 09 423 6006
Representatives from local iwi, hapu and their supporters did their bit to bolster the national Hīkoi mō Te Tiriti against David Seymour’s Treaty Principles Bill last week, as it travelled through the Mahurangi region and south to Parliament.
More than 100 people waving flags, including members of Ngāti Manuhiri Settlement Trust, Ngāti Wai and Omaha Marae, converged on the Pukerito roundabout at the northern end of the Ara Tūhono-Pūhoi to Warkworth motorway to welcome the hikoi as it passed by on Tuesday, November 12.
Groups and individuals also travelled to Auckland to march with the procession over the Harbour Bridge the following day, and buses from several local iwi drove down to Wellington to join the hikoi at its final destination last Tuesday, November 19.
Those taking part in the Hīkoi were also acknowledged by the Rodney Local Board at the start of its monthly meeting in Kumeu on Wednesday, November 20. Michelle Carmichael read out a karakia – “may peace be widespread, may the sea be like greenstone, a pathway to give us respect to each other, for one another, bind us together” – before several members joined in singing a popular waiata, Te Aroha, which espouses love, hope and peace for everyone.
As landowners also affected by the Warkworth to Wellsford (W2W) motorway project, and previously the Puhoi to Warkworth (P2W) motorway project, we noted with interest the lead article in Mahurangi Matters (Oct 28). For the P2W, we were assigned the Property Group. But because we were not happy with how we were dealt with on the P2W project, this time we asked for a different NZTA agent and were assigned to Align. Neither has been completely open about the acquisition process. Fellow stakeholders in the acquisition process should be aware that the NZTA agents need to follow the LINZ Standard for the acquisition of land under the Public Works Act 1981. This states that the Crown acquiring agency must provide to the owner:
(a) a copy of the instruction to the registered valuer,
(b) a copy of the confirmed scope of works received from the valuer, and
(c) a copy of the current best practice template for PWA valuation reports, if available.
We were entitled to receive these automatically and as of right but have instead had to request them.
In our experience, the acquisition process is heavily weighted in favour of the Crown and not undertaken according to its own standards. Property owners need to be proactive, aware of the requirements of the Crown and ensure that the NZTA and its agents act in an appropriate manner. Denise and Ian Civil, Warkworth
We are currently facing the compulsory
acquisition of part of our land by the Crown for the new motorway.
While we understand that progress requires sacrifices and the motorway has to go somewhere, we are deeply concerned about the process led by the buyer’s agent.
Valuations have been conducted from the roadside – and driveways – without prior consent from landowners, and without providing us with detailed plans of the motorway route.
This lack of transparency makes it impossible for us, or the valuers, to determine the true diminished value of our property.
It’s already challenging to accept that our quiet, rural lifestyle will soon be compromised by a motorway of unknown proximity.
To add to this, the compensation figures we’ve seen so far are alarmingly low. For instance, a valuation of $240,000 for two acres within five minutes of Warkworth seems unrealistic and out of step with the actual market.
We urge those responsible to approach this matter with greater transparency and fairness to landowners.
Name and address withheld
Thanks Mahurangi Matters for your November 11 story about the proposed large development near Valerie Close, on the southern side of Warkworth township. And for highlighting the claims by developers KA Waimanawa Limited Partnership, and Stepping Towards Far Ltd that they have the ability to provide: a private water supply and sewage disposal system for nearly 1600 new homes; parks; a retail business centre; a transport hub; and a special Morrison Heritage Orchard precinct to the north. Really?
Your story says that Watercare now opposes the plan change, which would allow the proposed development.
Also you report that Auckland Council consultant and planner David Wren recommended that the plan application be declined “due to concerns over adequate water and wastewater infrastructure”. Developers come and go but Warkworth residents and ratepayers will be the ones expected to pay for a clean-up if this questionable scheme doesn’t work.
B. F. Wright, Campbells Beach
Thank you to the generous readers who have already started putting presents around the Christmas tree at our office in Neville Street. These gifts and food will be distributed to families in the area who would otherwise struggle to celebrate the festive season. Partnering Mahurangi Matters in this endeavour are Womens Centre Rodney, Christian Foodlink and Homebuilders.
Homebuilders coordinator Quentin Jukes says it is great to get gifts that encourage children to play and be creative.
“Things like frisbees, balls, racquets,
buckets and spades for the beach, are all fantastic gifts. Books, art supplies, jigsaw puzzles and games are all very welcome, especially on the inevitable rainy days over the holidays.”
Quentin says that unfortunately this year, there is a growing number of families who are struggling just to put food on the table, so being able to buy presents for their children simply isn’t feasible.
“The families who receive the gifts are always incredibly appreciative of the kindness and support of those who donate to the Christmas appeal. They know what
One of our team who takes a keen interest in local birdlife became very excited last week after waking in the small hours and hearing what she was convinced was a bittern. For the uninitiated, bitterns are large, elusive wetland birds that look a bit like chunky brown herons, and whose males make a distinctive nocturnal ‘booming’ noise in the mating season. Not wanting to disturb her own mate, our intrepid reporter leapt – very quietly – out of bed so she could go outside to hear this rare visitor more clearly. Unfortunately, as she tip-toed out of the bedroom, she realised the noise was not, in fact, a rare booming bittern ... instead, it was a common garden-snoring terrier.
Canny staff at a popular Matakana riverside restaurant have come up with a winning idea to keep customers’ kids amused and deter scavenging seagulls from swooping down and swiping their chips. As soon as greedy gulls gather, MMK offers youngsters eating outside with their families a toy water-blaster to squirt at the pesky seabirds, giving parents a bit of peace on two fronts.
One Mahurangi Business Association wishes to make it clear that, although listed as a submitter at the recent independent hearing into Private Plan Change 83 for Warkworth South (MM, Nov 11), it did not in fact make a submission and maintains a neutral stance on the proposed development.
Congratulations to David Begg, who was the lucky winner of our recent Hello Sailor VIP ticket giveaway. He wins a double pass, two T-shirts and a meet and greet with the band at their Leigh Sawmill gig on November 30.
it means for their children to have a gift of their own at Christmas and are painfully aware of what Christmas day would feel like for their children if there was nothing for them at all.
“Thank you to the Mahurangi community for making this possible.”
Jenny Marcroft, Rodney-based MP jenny.marcroft@nzfirst.nz
As Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Regional Communications, I have been signalling with relevant agencies the closure of the 3G networks as being particularly problematic for rural communities. The three main cell phone carriers (One NZ, Spark and 2degrees) are planning to retire their third generation cell networks in favour of their newer and faster 4G and 5G networks.
A significant proportion of rural users are tied to a network, not by choice, but instead by having the only service that works in their rural location. I welcome One NZ’s announcement last week of their extension of 3G services across New Zealand to the end of next year. The 3G network is almost 20 years old, and originally, their intention was to retire their 3G service in stages, starting this year. I have advocated for all three cell carriers to line up with the shutdown. Spark and 2degrees are planning for the end of 2025. 3G networks are also used in machine communications, from enabling GPS to locate assets, the Coke machine signalling it’s running low, for smart power meters, and for monitoring train barriers are working. Retiring the 3G network means a huge number of these daily life devices will need to be upgraded.
There is little argument that more evolved networks provide a faster user experience, but we need to ensure that the change doesn’t expose coverage issues for those of
us in more rural settings where we often have only a single provider with coverage where we live or work. You’ll see increased marketing communications from the three main cell carriers in the new year.
Meanwhile, if you’re heading out on the water this summer, the invasive seaweed exotic caulerpa remains a biosecurity issue in the Hauraki Gulf. Our government has supported efforts across multiple fronts to the tune of $15 million this year. Of note, benthic mats made from pure wool have been deployed with the assistance of a local Warkworth dive company. A small but concerning incursion at Leigh has been successfully eliminated.
Summer brings new challenges, with MPI asking boaties to be extra vigilant – look out for the caulerpa signage at our local boat ramps.
While we will no doubt see an expected increase in visitor numbers over the holidays, I hope this will bring good economic activity to all in the region, whether it’s our world-class cafes, restaurants and wineries, the refurbished local dairies and superettes, local markets or even pony rides at the Matakana Country Park.
It has been a tough few years economically but there is much to be positive about as we head towards the new year. All the very best for a safe and relaxing festive season and a happy and prosperous 2025.
It seems Warkworth Primary School’s use of music instead of a traditional school bell to signal the start and end of the school day, as well as morning tea and lunch breaks, has hit a bum note with neighbours. The school recently received a petition signed by 39 residents, as well as 16 members of Bowls Warkworth, asking it to revert to using a bell at its junior campus in Hill Street.
The request has since been rejected by the Board of Trustees.
Board chair Tiffany Hubbard says while the school understands the concerns raised by the petitioners, it is committed to balancing the needs of the school community with all of the neighbours it has in the surrounding area.
“A noise specialist from Auckland Council has confirmed to us that the music volume is not excessive or disruptive to our immediate neighbours.
“However, in an effort to continue to be good neighbours and to address the concerns of the petitioners, the board has introduced measures such as ensuring consistency in volume and length of the music, and adjusting the start-of-day music to be more subdued,” Hubbard says.
When the petition’s cover letter was published on social media, it caused quite a stir, with some suggesting that residents try dancing to it instead of complaining.
Auckland Council has almost doubled the budget for gravel road improvements over the next three years.
The Governing Body, as a part of the National Land Transport Plan, has agreed to spend $10.1 million annually, or $30.3 million over three years, on road sealing.
Over the previous three years it spent just $18.4 million –$6m (2021/22), $3.2m (2022/23) and $6m, plus $3.2m allocated to the Warkworth targeted rate area (2023/24).
There are around 800km of unsealed roads in Auckland –about 80 per cent in the Rodney area, with the remaining 20 per cent in Franklin, Great Barrier Island, Waiheke Island and Waitakere.
An Auckland Transport spokesperson says that the allocated $30.3 million will deliver about 65km of sealing over the next three years.
In the current financial year, sections of Wharehine and Run Roads, west of Wellsford, are earmarked for maintenance seal, as well as Govan Wilson in Matakana. Several sections of Ahuroa Road will receive maintenance seal, while a section from 5964 to 7772 will get a seal extension including drainage and kerb and channelling. Roads listed for maintenance seal in the 2025/26 financial year include Ocean View at Te Arai, Run, Old Woodcocks, Cowan Bay, Black Swamp, Pakiri and Ahuroa.
Auckland Transport says it costs about $350,000 per kilometre to seal a road, but this varies depending on the extent of work required. Engineering design and quality assurance costs take about five per cent of the budget, with labour, plant and material costs for drainage works, road
widening and pavement work making up the balance.
Council’s Rural Advisory Panel chair, Andy Baker, commended Rodney Councillor Greg Sayers for his efforts to secure the funds.
“He has fought long and hard for the Unsealed Road Improvement Programme (URIP),” Baker said.
He added that sealing roads was not just about improving their functionality, but also protected the environment by preventing sediment from entering Auckland’s waterways.
Sayers said that never in the history of the Supercity had such a large amount of money been won for sealing and upgrading rural roads, and thanked the Mayor Wayne Brown for his support.
In addition to the environmental benefits, Sayers said sealing rural roads made them safer by reducing serious injuries and deaths.
“Rodney’s roads are the greatest contributors to serious injuries so I would like to see the unsealed roading budget doubled to $250 million in the next 10 Year Budget.”
He said that despite the positive news, vigilance was needed as several councillors had already suggested reducing the programme’s budget and redirecting funds to cycling capital projects.
“Unfortunately, even at the Annual Plan budget setting times, there will be pressure from urban-based councillors to reduce and redirect the URIP.”
Sayers also encouraged landholders with blocked culverts to report them to Auckland Transport to get them cleared.
“It is essential for water to drain away from the roads, otherwise they soften and quickly pothole.”
The Warkworth of Colin Copestake’s youth was one where kids learned to swim in the river and many of them hand-milked cows before they went to school. Bylaws were set by the Town Council, a trip to Auckland city involved driving to the North Shore and catching a ferry, and cars were an uncommon sight on local roads. Born and raised in the town, Colin wasn’t a man defined by grand achievements, but rather someone who found meaning in simple acts that filled his days – his dedication to family and friends, a long career with the Post & Telegraph Company, and a love of gardening, fishing, boating, rugby and bowls. And, in his twilight years, needlepoint.
Colin grew up on a dairy farm in Pulham Road, one of eight children. His father George was from Stoke-on-Trent, in England, while his mother Isabel was born a Came at Matakana in 1900. The farm is long gone, now covered in houses. He attended Warkworth School when it was opposite the current doctor’s rooms in Alnwick Street and learned to swim in the dam, below the Bridgehouse, where there used to be a diving board and two large changing sheds. Just prior to leaving school, around 1941, he and his brother Noel, along with a group of about 10, swam from the Bridgehouse to the Cement Works. Colin and his brothers
often sat around the kitchen during summer with no shirts on, which was said to annoy their mother who asked the boys to properly clothe themselves when they were at the table – to no effect. Then one day she disappeared and came out in her bra and pants. This indeed had the desired effect and henceforth, the Copestake boys always wore shirts at the table.
Initially working on the family farm after leaving school, Colin then got a job on a tug boat in Auckland. The boat worked for the Navy and was involved in building a submarine boom defence across the entrance to Auckland Harbour. However, he soon decided life on the tugs was not for him, and returned to Warkworth to work at the dairy factory, then located in Wharf Street, where the Riverview Plaza now stands. In 1946, aged 19, he joined the Army and was posted to Japan with the Jayforce, which occupied Japan following World War II. He was stationed in Mazuba, in the Yamaguchi Prefecture, near Hiroshima. This was about a year after the bomb had been dropped and he recalled a horrific landscape where no one dared drink the water. His duties included escorting Koreans who were being repatriated, guard duty around the camps and for one month-long stint in Tokyo, he was a guard on various embassies, radio stations and the Emperor’s Palace. Colin and wife Thelma visited Japan in later years as part of a Jayforce reunion.
By 1951, Colin was back in Warkworth and working for the Post & Telegraph (P&T) as a linesman, a job he retained for the next 39 years. He married Thelma Trotter, of Matakana, in 1955 and they had three children – Raewyn, Brian and David. His job with the P&T took him all over the Mahurangi district initially, and then later this expanded to include Auckland city and the North Shore. When he was made redundant at age 62, he took his payout and bought a new boat. Boating was a big part of the family’s life together with many weekends spent in Kawau Bay, and Colin was still fishing with his son well into his 80s.
Colin was a keen gardener with a big vegetable patch, especially at the property on Matakana Road. His shelter for the strawberries, predominantly made out of old telegraph poles, was remembered as being an impressive structure. He grew beans, peas, huge watermelons and potatoes by the bucket-load. There were also fruit trees and a sprawling grapevine. Colin and Thelma were remembered as being good dancers especially when the Puhoi Old Time Band fired up, and were involved in the road runners club for many years, as well as keen bowlers in their retirement.
Colin passed away in his 98th year and was farewelled at a service at Besoul Funeral Home on November 2.
Auckland and Northland emergency air ambulance provider Northern Rescue Helicopter has bought another Leonardo AW169 helicopter as part of its fleet modernisation programme.
The near-new helicopter has just 70 hours’ flying on the clock and cost more than $18.5 million, funded by Te Whatu Ora Health NZ and ACC. The purchase follows Northern Rescue’s agreement in May to lease another two AW169s from Dublin-based aircraft leasing group Milestone Aviation.
Northern Rescue chief executive Ian MacPherson said the latest purchase from the US marked a significant milestone in its plans to upgrade to a fleet of five AW169 helicopters in future.
With the three latest acquisitions due to arrive over the next few months, he said the plan was to have four AW169s and
one Sikorsky S76 in service across both Northland and Auckland bases by next September.
“At that time, the BK117 at Ardmore and one of the S76s in Whangārei will be retired. The last remaining S76 in Whangārei will be retired once we’ve sourced another AW169,” he said.
Northern Rescue Helicopter is a joint venture between the Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust and the Northland Emergency Services Trust established in 2021, providing medical assistance and emergency air ambulance transport to 1.85 million people living from the Coromandel to Cape Reinga.
MacPherson said the AW169s were the emergency helicopter of choice going forward as they had state of the art capabilities and avionics systems, plus large, easy-to-reconfigure cabins, which
allowed the latest medical equipment to be fitted and clinical teams to deliver lifesaving care to patients.
“We acknowledge that this deal would not have been possible without the support and cooperation of the Crown funders, together with our two trusts, and not to mention the public of Auckland and Northland for their unwavering support over three decades.”
The new AW169 and two leased models are part of a government investment programme to supply eight new emergency helicopters to upgrade and replace the ageing air ambulance fleet across New Zealand.
In the last three years, air ambulance use has increased nationally by 21 per cent, with the total fleet flying 13,026 hours in the year to October 2023, an average of more than 35 hours every day.
Work has started on an 80-metre long timber bridge that will link Kowhai Park to the Warkworth Showgrounds.
The long-awaited bridge will traverse a steep gully and cater for pedestrians and cyclists.
Auckland Council parks and community facilities manager for Rodney Geoff Pitman says a resource consent for the Kowhai Park Reserve walkway has been granted.
The project has three components – a 2.5 metre-wide concrete footpath, a timber boardwalk and the 80-metre timber bridge – and will cost around $1 million.
“The project is expected to finish before next winter,” Pitman says.
The contractors are Mason Contractors.
The new shared path will link key Warkworth destinations and provide safe pedestrian access from Warkworth through two reserves and away from SH1.
Mahurangi residents have again been generous in their support of the Pink Ribbon appeal to support Kiwi women affected by breast cancer. Pink ribbon volunteers, coordinated by Shona Pickup, raised just over $5000 in donations last month. Breast cancer is the most common cancer for New Zealand women, with around 1030 women in the greater Auckland region diagnosed with it annually.
Nominations and applications are being sought for the 2025 Fonterra Dairy Woman of the Year. The Dairy Women’s Network (DWN) is looking for “outstanding women who support the wider dairy sector and its people, are committed to giving back to their communities, and have a vision to add value to the future of dairy through their leadership aspirations”. The winner will receive a scholarship to the Kellogg Rural Leadership Programme. Applications and nominations close February 28. Info: https://www.dwn.co.nz/ fonterra-dairy-woman-of-the-year/
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When Carpet Court and Curtain Studio moved to the corner of Woodcocks Road and Morrison Drive from The Grange in Warkworth three years ago, the store became far more visible in the community.
But this isn’t the only reason the company is getting noticed.
Whether it’s looking after their customers, getting behind causes such as RhinoKids and Breast Cancer CURE, or donating to schools in the area, people are seeing the good work they do.
Franchise owner Tom Corbett says they support local, their installers are local and they employ local as well.
“When I came on-board in July, I hired all new staff from around Rodney and put together a handpicked local team that had over 15 years’ industry experience, so we were able to hit the ground running,” he says.
As well as being trusted carpet specialists, the store has a full range of curtains available from ready-made options to custom blinds and accessories.
“We offer venetians, shutters, automated blinds, block-outs, chairs, double-track curtains – whatever the customer needs,” he says.
“We do a free measure and quote for all of our flooring and window furnishings, and are happy to come to you, covering from Pūhoi up to Waipu. We’re more than happy to have a conversation to find the solution that works for you.
“And people are welcome to come in and have a look around our showroom as well.”
Carpet Court and Curtain Studio not only looks after residential customers, but also commercial clients, education providers and healthcare providers.
“At the end of the day, we’re local servicing locals,” he says.
Twenty years ago, a 21-year-old cricket coach from Warkworth in the UK arrived in Warkworth, NZ on his first OE. It was a big step for Stephen Boyd – although he was a rising star who had bowled for the junior England side, he had a chronic anxiety disorder and had never travelled alone outside the country before.
He decided he needed to conquer that by travelling as far away from home as possible, so he couldn’t just nip back if things got tough.
“There’s always been sign just up the road from our village that says ‘Welcome to Warkworth, twinned with Warkworth, New Zealand’, so I thought that sounded the perfect place to go,” he said.
Having taken the plunge, Boyd was put in touch with Ros Guy at Kaipara Flats, who hosted him while he played for the club and did some coaching with school and club teams.
The trip was such a success that Northland Cricket invited him back six months later for a full season of playing and cricket development in local schools. At the time, Boyd brought over letters from Warkworth primary school children in the UK to share with their NZ namesake school students, and he gave talks explaining the connections between the two towns.
This month, Boyd returned to Warkworth for the first time since 2004 and again brought letters from Year 5 students in his home town, in a bid to resurrect the connection. He visited the primary school on November 14, showing students photos of the English Warkworth, including its cricket ground in front of an ancient castle, and telling them that John Anderson Brown, who established Warkworth NZ in 1853, had once been headteacher at the UK village school. He also explained that many of our Warkworth streets were named by Brown after places or people from his old home, such as Alnwick, Morpeth, Hexham, Percy and Coquette.
Boyd said the students were “extremely pleasant, entertaining and good company”, though admitted it was a bit surreal coming back after 20 years.
“If I meet anybody who was at school then and is now 30, that’s very strange,” he said.
Although Boyd was planning to come to NZ for the three-match English test series next month, he decided to return to Warkworth after hearing that former policeman, Kaipara cricket legend and the man who mentored him during his sixmonth stay, John Stephen, had died in July (MM, Aug 5).
“John taught me a lot, he was a proper role model and a good old-fashioned gentleman,” he said. “He had some great stories, we both loved cricket and sport, and he looked after us every day in John Wynyard’s market garden, where we worked.”
Boyd has already met up with John Wynyard, now 83 – “he still remembers all the things that I broke” – as well as a few former students, who fondly remember his cricket coaching and tournaments.
Those early trips to Warkworth also well and truly broke his overseas travel duck, to the point that he’s now an
international tour guide.
“It was a big life-changing thing. Because of what I learned here, I’ve been able to travel the world, and I’ve even written a book about my travels.”
Boyd is currently touring NZ, but should be back in Warkworth on December 9 for a quick hit with the Warkworth Year 5s and to collect letters they are writing back to their UK contemporaries.
If anyone remembers him and would like to catch up, visit Facebook and search for Stephen Boyd, Morpeth.
Rodney Inclusive Communities Inc (RICI) will host a series of arts events next month to raise awareness of diversity and accessibility issues in Rodney.
RICI secretary Ursula Christel says events and activities will be held during the first week of December in various Warkworth venues, with a focus on celebrating creativity and inclusion.
A highlight of the week will be artists’ presentations at Warkworth Library and a human sculpture to mark International Day of Persons with a Disability at Warkworth Wharf on December 3.
“The main public events will showcase local talent, encourage diverse expressions and public participation, while also promoting environmental responsibility,” Christel says. RICI is a voluntary organisation, which was formed in 2020 to provide a central contact point for disabled people of all ages and backgrounds.
As well as responding to the needs of the disabled community, the group advocates for more inclusive opportunities, disability services and general accessibility in Rodney. Christel said there was a lot of room for improvement in Warkworth, particularly around the provision of disabled parking and kerb cuts.
The December 2 to 6 Creative Convergence
programme will include pop-up venues putting on eco-art demonstrations and displays, yoga and dance sessions, and street art. There will also be two performances by the Glass Ceiling Arts Collective at the Warkworth Town Hall on Friday, December 6.
Christel hopes the arts-led awareness week will broaden the community’s understanding of disability issues. She thanked the Rodney Local Board for providing funding for the week through its Creative Rodney East fund. Info: www.ricinz.com
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At Spectrum Care, we provide support for adults and children with intellectual and/or physical disabilities to live great lives.
We are looking for people to support a young man living in one of our homes at Snells Beach . He is very keen to go on community outings to interact with the locals, make new friends. He enjoys coffee time, music and being out and about. Your role will be to support him to extend his social networks and skills, develop relationships and explore what the world has to offer. He is in his early 20’s and therefore the ideal support person will be vibrant, fun, selfmotivated, innovative and a good listener. He needs someone he can connect with, someone who wants to help him grow, make informed decisions and sometimes take considered risks as he develops his independence.
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Every Tuesday evening, people line up at the Warkworth RSA – but not to get in, or to the bar.
It’s the Razza Dazzlers line dancing social group, which was started by Snells Beach locals Cath Hodder and her sister Christine Kyle in March this year.
Hodder, who leads the group and calls the steps, says they had around 46 people the first night.
“That was more than we expected. It was quite packed in there (on the dance floor next to the bar). Now we’re averaging about 30 dancers a week, from children to people in their 80s,” Hodder says.
A session costs $5 with the money going to the RSA, or the “Razza” which inspired their name, and its popularity has meant that so far the group has raised over $6700 for the organisation.
“We’ve been going for around 40 weeks, so it adds up. Obviously, we’re using the RSA’s facilities, which are really good, so they should have the money, and they’re
upgrading the bathrooms and the kitchen at the moment.”
The sisters first got into line dancing in February last year after one too many injuries pursuing their previous hobby –roller skating.
Kyle found a class with local teacher Krista Fletcher, and the sisters would practise their steps every Friday night on the RSA dance floor with a few friends. This soon attracted an audience and led to them starting their own class on Tuesdays.
Not only is line dancing safer than roller skating, Hodder says it’s good for the mind, body and soul.
“You’ve got a focus, and you don’t need a partner so it’s good if you’re single. It’s still quite social because you get to dance with like-minded people.
“It’s good for your body because you’re moving. People also really enjoy the music because we’ve veered away from just country and western music, so we might play Beyoncé or some old-school hip hop.”
A beautiful three-panel mural that depicts Mahurangi scenery and a large kotare (kingfisher) was unveiled inside the senior staffroom at Warkworth School on November 12.
The school is a fitting home for the work given it was painted by members of the community, including local children, under the guidance of Mahurangi West artist Noila Souza as part of the Mahurangi Artist’s Studio Trail (MM, Apr 2).
Warkworth School principal Karney Dawson, who was at the unveiling, said the mural lit up the whole room and could be enjoyed from inside and outside the building.
“It being local, that’s really important to us. It’s our place, a connection to the Mahurangi region. It’s like a window in our staffroom out to where we’d probably
prefer to be.”
Dawson said it was also important that there was a plaque next to the mural because over time, as people leave the school, the story of how it came to be could be lost.
Supported by Creative New Zealand, the mural was painted over five days at the Warkworth Town Hall with passers-by more than welcome to pick up a paintbrush and contribute to the panels.
Brazilian-born artist Souza, who has lived in New Zealand for eight years, led the project and was inspired by the view from her farm that looks out to Mahurangi West Regional Park, as well as the kotare she saw each morning.
“It was heartwarming to see the enthusiasm and excitement as the mural came to life. Art has the power to inspire, ignite imagination and foster a sense of
Razza Dazzler Richard Legae says he was dragged kicking and screaming to his first line dance at the RSA, but now he’s been there 12 weeks and counting.
“When I came, I didn’t know any of the steps or dances so I went away and thought I’d make sure that when I come back next week that I at least know what the steps are.
“I found that when I knew the steps, I actually enjoyed the dancing. And it went from there.”
Hodder says the Tuesday session caters for absolute beginners and there’s only a limited number of steps you need to learn.
“Everyone’s welcome. It’s pretty casual and about having fun, you just need enthusiasm. If you’re moving, you’re doing it right.
“But the majority rules – if everyone’s facing one way, go that way,” Hodder says. What: Line dancing with the Razza Dazzlers for $5. Where: Warkworth RSA. When: Tuesdays, 5.30pm to 6.30pm
community. I was grateful to be able to share my colours with the world in this way,” Souza said.
Her next work is another mural for the school and will be just as vibrant, but even bigger and painted directly onto a wall outside.
The idea is to show that despite the senior and junior campuses being divided by Hill Street, the two sides of the school are still connected.
“The kids are going to paint with me so I’ll have plenty of volunteers,” she said.
Wilson, The Food Tree rachael@thefoodtree.co
Navigating nutrition during menopause can be challenging, with conflicting information often clouding what truly supports wellbeing. Evidence-based guidance is essential during this transition. As a dietitian, my goal is to help you make positive, sustainable changes that nourish your body, focusing on health rather than weight or restrictive diets. Menopause brings unique physiological changes, and understanding how nutrition can support these shifts is empowering.
Bone health – As oestrogen levels decrease, the risk of osteoporosis rises, making bone health a priority. Aim for 1000-1300mg of calcium daily. Good sources include dairy (if tolerated), fortified plant milks, leafy greens, nuts and seeds. Ensure adequate vitamin D, from food, safe sun exposure or supplements, as it enhances calcium absorption and supports bone and immune health.
Protein – Muscle mass naturally declines with age, and protein is important for maintaining muscle and metabolism during menopause. New Zealand’s protein guidelines are lower than some international recommendations, generally around 0.8–1.2 grams per kilogram of body weight daily. Increasing protein slightly may support muscle health. Include a range of protein-rich foods such as lean meat, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, tofu and nuts.
Heart health – Menopause can bring shifts in cholesterol levels, so cardiovascular health is beneficial to focus on. Choose heart-healthy fats from sources such as olive oil, avocado, nuts and oily fish. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish like salmon, mackerel and sardines, support heart health. Aim to include these fish two
to three times weekly. Plant-based omega-3 sources, such as chia seeds, flaxseeds and walnuts, are also beneficial.
Overall eating pattern – A balanced approach to eating a variety of wholefoods helps meet nutrient needs and supports wellbeing. Prioritise fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, lean proteins and healthy fats, which provide nutrients for energy, bone and heart health. Aim for at least 25 grams of fibre daily to support gut health, which is linked to hormone balance, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and wholegrains.
The role of seeds – Seeds can be beneficial additions to the diet, as they provide healthy fats, fibre and phytoestrogens that may support hormonal health. Flaxseeds, in particular, contain lignans that positively affect hormone levels, making seeds a valuable dietary addition.
Maintaining healthy body composition and lifestyle
The goal isn’t necessarily to prevent all weight gain, but rather to focus on maintaining a healthy body composition and lifestyle. Shifting to a weight-neutral perspective, we can aim for changes that enhance overall health:
• Build and maintain muscle strength through adequate protein intake and regular strength-based exercise. This supports metabolism, helps maintain muscle mass and increases energy levels.
• Support cardiovascular health by including heart-healthy fats and omega3-rich foods. Focus on wholefoods that provide a range of nutrients to help maintain metabolic health and consistent energy levels.
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Jules was rushed into Warkworth Vets after-hours service one evening after having a collision with a moving vehicle. After X-rays were taken to check for any broken bones, she was diagnosed with a brachial plexus avulsion – a traumatic condition in which the nerve function to the forelimb is severed, resulting in limb paralysis. Following an overnight stay on fluid therapy and pain relief Jules went home the next day with some bruises and instructions for strict cage rest in the hopes she would start to show improvement. After a long 3 weeks of complaining (because we all know how dogs tend to ignore dogtor’s orders) the difficult decision was made to amputate her leg. While losing a leg is no small matter, Jules made the best of a ‘ruff’ situation and bounced back with a new lease on life. So here’s to Jules, a little less balanced but still full of bark and love.
Vets: Jon Makin BVSc, Danny Cash BVSc and Associates
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Christine Rose christine.rose25@gmail.com
The nudibranch is a wondrous creature. For a start, many wonder how to pronounce its name correctly. It’s nudibrank. Nudibranchs are a type of mollusc gastropod – slugs and snails. All mollusc gastropods have an external shell at one stage of their life cycle, but nudibranchs are a marine species that lack a shell in the adult stage. Mollusc gastropods all have a special protective tissue (the mantle), a foot for locomotion, a feeding organ (radula), and they are hermaphrodites – with both male and female sex organs. There are around 3000 species of nudibranchs known around the world. From the Arctic to Antarctica, they’re found mostly in shallow shores but also on the surface of the open sea, living in plankton, and in the deep ocean. They can live at 700m deep and have also been seen 2500m down.
They are incredibly diverse and colourful. They range from a few millimetres to several centimetres long, but they make up for size in sheer gaudy freakiness. They sport a range of psychedelic patterns and forms. Their outlandish colours and shapes are why they have attracted names like the ‘clown’ nudibranch (Ceratosoma amoenum), which is usually a soft white colour with orange spots, a frilly rosette at the tail end and a couple of red horn-like antenna at the head. There’s the marigold dorid nudibranch (Neodoris chrysoderma), which is a beautiful bright yellow with white dots and feathery gills. The blue sea dragon nudibranch (Glaucus atlanticus) looks like something out of Alien. It has limb-like blue spikes and it adheres to the underside of the ocean’s surface (meaning it is neustonic), far
out at sea. They predate Portuguese men-ofwar jellyfish and absorb the jellyfish toxin to become toxic themselves – and they look like it! There are other nudibranchs that are fluorescent yellow/green and lumpy, black and white patchy; ‘nodulosa’ looks like it sounds. Some are covered in soft green spikes with yellow tips or are stripey black and yellow.
Nudibranchs are also ecologically and biologically remarkable. Their diets are very varied, as is fitting for their diversity and occupation of many habitats. They mainly eat sea sponges and hydroids (small jellyfish), but according to NIWA, every animal group in the sea is predated by one type or other of nudibranchs.
A total of 80 species of nudibranchs have been recorded in New Zealand. More are being discovered all the time, and NIWA suggests there are still possibilities to discover and name nudibranchs never recorded before. They also say nudibranchs can be seen in an area, and then not seen again for 10 years.
When I was at Tiritiri Matangi recently, I saw two types of nudibranch in the rock pools. They were the bright orange Berthellina Citrina and lumpy cinnamon coloured gem nudibranch, Dendrodoris denosoni. Though I was visiting the island for the birds and reptiles, the nudibranchs reminded me to save some awe for the little things.
Denodoris denosoni, gem nudibranch.
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There have been great celebrations in Matakana as the Village Farmers’ Market marked its 20th year last Saturday, November 23. From Day One, I have been there most weekends, along with a core of loyal locals, who often stay to chat around one of the market tables with their coffee after they’ve done their purchasing early.
I remember a speaking engagement in the South Island in 2005 (one year later), when I extolled the possibilities for the future for growers, food producers and, as a consumer, the important and valuable connections that would be made as the farmers’ market movement grew. When I sat down, a belligerent farmer come over and told me in no uncertain terms that within three or four years these “markets” would fail and completely disappear. Wouldn’t it be good to meet this gentleman again, and talk about their forever popularity and the extent of the food connections that have been established through markets like this.
Too many of us are still not properly connected with food and its provenance. While this is understandable for those truly struggling with getting food on the table night after night, a trip to the market and the opportunity to engage with growers and farmers is worthwhile on every count. The genuine passion that these people share for food is admirable and one of the best spinoffs is when they become so successful they simply have to move on to manage the large businesses they have grown.
1 small onion (or
It is a real commitment for the stallholders who must rise before dawn to travel and get their stall ready before 8am. But that’s the time when you get the bargains and the pick of the crops. It is also less busy and that makes it easier to spot the seasonal fruit and veges that make their brief appearance. Right now, the strawberries are spectacular.
Another favourite stop I rush to is the Matakana Smokehouse (also open at the tiny store at the junction of Sharp and Matakana Roads, from Tuesday to Friday) for fresh and smoked fish. This week, Michael had smoked some fat whole mullet, which inspired me. I took one home and we warmed one side in tin foil, stripping it bare for a lovely lunch with salad. The remaining side was quickly made into a gorgeous smoked fish dip/spread. If there’s no mullet available, smoked snapper, kingfish, kahawai or salmon will work beautifully, too.
2 tbsp olive oil or butter
2 tbsp mayonnaise
2 tbsp Greek yogurt
1 lemon, juice and rind
2 oranges Salt and plenty of freshly ground pepper
Bunch of fresh coriander leaves
Remove all the bones and skin from the fish, and break the flesh into small pieces.
Dice the onion or fennel into tiny fine pieces. The smaller the better as you want them to flavour, not dominate the fish. Take a very small frying pan or heavy little saucepan and let the butter or oil warm over gentle heat. Add the chopped onion/fennel and cook very slowly and gently until it is soft and translucent.
In a bowl, mix the yogurt and mayonnaise together with the lemon juice and the cooked onion/fennel and taste this. Add a little salt, if needed and plenty of pepper.
mayonnaise mixture with the chopped orange and coriander and mix very gently so you don’t turn it mushy. You can now serve it on crackers, in a bowl for dipping with carrot and celery sticks, or make a fabulous smoked fish sandwich with sourdough bread.
Decorate with extra orange pieces and coriander leaves. Makes enough for about 30 crackers.
Nine years ago, land acquisition began to bring the vision of a unique and special community to life. A project of passion, Hudson Warkworth has been designed and built by locals, and aims to combine the best of rural living with the enjoyment of urban life.
Hudson Grounds, the latest local development at the site, is now offering an exclusive opportunity for early movers to build architecturally designed homes within a picturesque, natural bush environment.
As the opening phase of the larger Hudson Warkworth project, Hudson Grounds sets the tone for what is shaping up to be one of our region’s most desirable communities. With its impressive location and deeply considered design, this development is aimed at families, empty nesters, and active individuals who value both style and lifestyle.
It’s a rare opportunity for locals and those looking to move from Auckland to secure a slice of paradise with all the benefits unseen from a premium residential development to date.
The first release of 12 freehold lots, sized between 600 to 780 square metres, is now available. With generous sections that offer stunning views of mature native bush and rural countryside, Hudson Grounds homeowners have an opportunity to create outdoor living spaces that embrace the peaceful surroundings and natural environment.
Each lot is part of a meticulously landscaped 19-hectare site, showcasing crafted stone walls, emerald lawns, and thoughtfully designed gardens. The care taken in the presentation of the grounds sets the standard for the quality that can be expected in the broader Hudson Warkworth development. Buyers can choose to work with their own architects and builders or select from trusted Build Partners, ensuring design flexibility while maintaining the high standards expected of the community.
Nine years ago, land acquisition began to bring the vision of a unique and special community to life. A project of passion, Hudson Warkworth has been designed and built by locals, and aims to combine the best of rural living with the enjoyment of urban life.
Nine years ago, land acquisition began to bring the vision of a unique and special community to life. A project of passion, Hudson Warkworth has been designed and built by locals, and aims to combine the best of rural living with the enjoyment of urban life.
Hudson Grounds, the latest local development at the site, is now offering an exclusive opportunity for early movers to build architecturally designed homes within a picturesque, natural bush environment.
Hudson Grounds, the latest local development at the site, is now offering an exclusive opportunity for early movers to build architecturally designed homes within a picturesque, natural bush environment.
A key drawcard for Hudson Grounds is the extensive range of resort-style amenities planned for the additional development, which will be called Hudson Villages. At the heart of the community will be the future Clubhouse, set to open in 2026. The Clubhouse will include a bar, cafe/restaurant, serving chef-prepared dishes using locally sourced ingredients. Whether you’re dining out, want home catering, or need a meal delivered, residents will have a range of convenient, top-quality options at their fingertips.
Those looking for personalised wellness routines will appreciate the planned world-class Health Club, which will feature a heated 20-metre swimming pool, sauna, spa pool, ice baths, Pilates studio and a fully equipped gym.
Hudson Grounds is designed to provide a lifestyle that combines the best of nature with the comfort and convenience of modern living.
As the opening phase of the larger Hudson Warkworth project, Hudson Grounds sets the tone for what is shaping up to be one of our region’s most desirable communities. With its impressive location and deeply considered design, this development is aimed at families, empty nesters, and active individuals who value both style and lifestyle.
As the opening phase of the larger Hudson Warkworth project, Hudson Grounds sets the tone for what is shaping up to be one of our region’s most desirable communities. With its impressive location and deeply considered design, this development is aimed at families, empty nesters, and active individuals who value both style and lifestyle.
It’s a rare opportunity for locals and those looking to move from Auckland to secure a slice of paradise with all the benefits unseen from a premium residential development to date.
It’s a rare opportunity for locals and those looking to move from Auckland to secure a slice of paradise with all the benefits unseen from a premium residential development to date.
Kim Clementson, Head of Sales at Hudson Warkworth, notes that the first stage of Hudson Grounds is already generating strong interest from prospective buyers. “There’s something special about Hudson Grounds,” she says. “It offers a sanctuary for those looking to escape the busy city life or high maintenance acreage, but still be within easy reach of Auckland. This development isn’t just about owning a piece of land; it’s about embracing a once-in-a-lifetime lifestyle. For those who act early, there’s a significant first-mover advantage in terms of choice and timing.” In fact, the appeal is so enticing, that Clementson, a Warkworth local, is moving into the development herself.
Clementson encourages those interested to visit the site and see for themselves what makes Hudson Grounds unique.
“With construction of the Clubhouse scheduled to begin in early 2025 and completion in 2026, now is the perfect time to get involved. Building a new home takes time, and starting now means your dream home could be ready just as the new amenities are ready.”
The first release of 12 freehold lots, sized between 600 to 780 square metres, is now available. With generous sections that offer stunning views of mature native bush and rural countryside, Hudson Grounds homeowners have an opportunity to create outdoor living spaces that embrace the peaceful surroundings and natural environment.
The first release of 12 freehold lots, sized between 600 to 780 square metres, is now available. With generous sections that offer stunning views of mature native bush and rural countryside, Hudson Grounds homeowners have an opportunity to create outdoor living spaces that embrace the peaceful surroundings and natural environment.
For those who are curious, a visit to the site at 223 Falls Road and the Sales Suite at 12 Queen Street, Warkworth, is the best way to understand the vision behind Hudson Grounds. It’s a development designed to make the most of Warkworth’ s natural beauty, and the wider Matakana Coast lifestyle while offering the benefits of a well-planned, resort-style community.
To learn more, visit hudsonwarkworth.nz or contact Kim on 027 496 4363 to book an appointment.
Each lot is part of a meticulously landscaped 19-hectare site, showcasing crafted stone walls, emerald lawns, and thoughtfully designed gardens. The care taken in the presentation of the grounds sets the standard for the quality that can be expected in the broader Hudson Warkworth development. Buyers can choose to work with their own architects and builders or select from trusted Build Partners, ensuring design flexibility while maintaining the high standards expected of the community.
Each lot is part of a meticulously landscaped 19-hectare site, showcasing crafted stone walls, emerald lawns, and thoughtfully designed gardens. The care taken in the presentation of the grounds sets the standard for the quality that can be expected in the broader Hudson Warkworth development. Buyers can choose to work with their own architects and builders or select from trusted Build Partners, ensuring design flexibility while maintaining the high standards expected of the community.
The organisers of the Great Summer Art Exhibition are inviting local artists to register their work for this year’s event. Art categories are Established, Intermediate, Emerging and Students from Mahurangi College. Photography entries will be accepted in all categories. The total prize pool, sponsored by local businesses, will be just over $4200 and as well as section winners, there will be a Judges’ Encouragement Award and People’s Choice, voted by exhibition visitors.
All artworks are for sale, with 20 per cent of proceeds and all entry fees going to community tennis initiatives, such as Love Tennis free family events and new member BBQs, as well as the maintenance and upgrading of club facilities.
Deadline for registrations is Friday, December 13.
Info: www.mahutennis.co.nz/art-expo
The annual Great Summer Art Exhibition will be on display at a new location this year. For the past 30 years, it has been held in the Mahurangi East Community Centre. However, delays in the current renovations forced the organisers to look at alternative sites.
That’s when Denis Horner, the owner of the former Warehouse building, which now houses the new Four Square, stepped up and offered the free space adjoining the supermarket.
The event is organised by volunteers as a major fundraiser for the Mahurangi East Tennis Club.
Club president Maureen Bernie said the club felt quite strongly that the venue should remain in Snells Beach, as it had been a destination for residents and holidaymakers for many years.
“We are very grateful that this was made possible by Denis Horner’s offer,” she said.
“Other similar local events, such as MaRTakana and Kowhai Arts & Craft have been cancelled because of lack of volunteer support, so the tennis club is extremely grateful for the ongoing support it receives from club and community members, helping to ensure that it continues.”
As well as the artworks, organisers anticipate
A Day of Festive Fun for the Whole Family!
2pm: Santa Parade down Queen St from Baxter St 3pm: Prizegiving followed by live music, food trucks, family games, and more!
7:30pm: Carols in Lucy Moore Park
there will be at least 20 cash and carry tables, which offer quality work including large and small ceramics, ceramic/wood mixed media, resin and silver jewellery, wood and resin tableware, wooden platters and bowls, small prints and original paintings, cards and leather wallets.
The exhibition will open with a ticketed preview night on Monday, December 30. Tickets cost $20, which includes priority viewing and refreshments, and the opportunity to purchase artworks and attend the prizegiving ceremony. Tickets will be available at the door.
The doors will then be open daily from 10am to 4pm until January 2, when admission will be by donation.
Anyone interested in the history of Warkworth now has a new resource at their fingertips. Heritage Mahurangi Inc has launched its website with a wealth of heritage photographs that tell the story of the town and district.
Group chair Dave Parker says it took a small group of executive members, along with Duncan Standley of Nextwave Digital Solutions, around five months to construct.
“Much of the featured history, stories and photos have been supplied by committee members,” Parker says.
“It will appeal to members and supporters, along with our international friends, especially our sister towns worldwide. New residents will also benefit from the information on the site and the Heritage Walking Trail of Warkworth has also been included.
“We have produced the first stage of recognising our local heritage buildings by creating heritage plaques, which will shortly be placed on the buildings. A QR code will feature on the plaques, which will direct locals and visitors to our history section on the site.”
Parker says the website is a work in progress, which Heritage Mahurangi can continue to build on.
“We would welcome new member support, as well as suggestions of projects which will further our purpose. Part of our focus next year will be on involving local schools.” Enquiries, Dave Parker dh.parker@xtra.co.nz or 027 484 9935. The new website can be found at: www.heritagemahurangi.co.nz
7th Dec Saturday 7th Dec FROM
The Warkworth Santa Parade on Saturday, December 7 promises to be something special this year.
For the first time ever it will culminate in Carols in the Park, with the Warkworth Big Band, Matakantata Choir and Warkworth School Choir performing Christmas songs as the sun goes down.
Another first is that a purpose-built stage will be donated for the performance by local companies Absolute Scaffolding and Omaha Construction with Shrinkclad Ltd providing its services as well. The stage will face Lucy Moore Memorial Park, creating a natural amphitheatre where people can sit on the hillside relaxing, singing along and holding candles.
Warkworth Big Band manager Aaron ‘Buck’ Rodgers, who organises the carols supported by Warkworth Rotary, says having a proper stage this year, instead of a flatbed truck, means the concert will be on a much larger scale.
“We could have 70 or 80 people up there performing. It’s great to have the schools involved, because they’re involved in the parade as well,” he says.
Parade organiser Murray Chapman says not only are the two events being combined, the schedule is packed from start to finish with no gaps in the entertainment.
“We’d like to start with a market day in the morning, and encourage retailers to get involved, followed by the Santa Parade and the prizegiving in the afternoon, then the Family Fun Day, which leads into the carols.
“We wanted to put something on that was affordable for families with zero or very little cost.
“We’re expecting 40 floats, which is on par with last year, and it’ll take around 45 minutes. For the best viewing spots, getting there early is probably a good idea,” he says.
As is traditional, town crier Dave Parker will lead the procession in a sports car ringing his bell, followed by the Warkworth/Wellsford Pipe Band, the police, fire service and the event’s two main sponsors, Warkworth Toyota and Barfoot & Thompson.
And of course Mr and Mrs Claus will make an appearance.
“People get quite enthusiastic about their floats. It’s not like the Auckland parade where people can spend thousands of dollars. I’m just as happy here if someone gets a supermarket trolley and dresses it up.”
Chapman says attendees will be able to cast their votes for the best floats with a prizegiving to be held after the parade.
“Also people can enter to win a doll’s
house, which has been donated by Keith Hay Homes.”
After the prizegiving Family Fun Day kicks off with live music from local acts all afternoon until the carols start, he says.
“We’ll have food trucks, a coffee car, and Mr Whippy. We’ll also have face painters and things like an egg-and-spoon race, tug of war, three-legged races – almost like school gala activities. Games that we can do with little kids right up to adults. Then we have the carols to cap everything off.”
If you’d like to enter a float, walk or volunteer in the Santa Parade on Saturday, December 7 email admin@onemahurangi.co.nz
12pm: Floats begin assembling on Baxter Street (via Percy Street).
2pm: The Santa Parade kicks off, winding its way down Queen Street, looping behind the Bayleys Building, returning to Queen Street, continuing down Kapanui Street, and onto Wharf Street, before making one more circuit along Queen Street and finishing on Baxter Street.
3pm: Prizegiving on the stage at the bottom of Baxter Street by Lucy Moore Park.
4pm onwards: Enjoy live music on the stage throughout the afternoon.
Food trucks and coffee carts will be located at the bottom of Baxter Street, offering a variety of tasty treats and hot drinks.
4pm: Family games kick off in the Baxter Street reserve. These activities are free of charge and weather dependent, so fingers crossed for sunshine!
7.30pm: Carols in the Park – a perfect way to close the day with festive cheer.
Santa comes to Snells
Santa will also be landing on Snells Beach on Friday, December 13 at 5pm.
Santa and Mrs Claus will arrive at the Snells Beach reserve by amphibious craft accompanied by the town crier and the Mahurangi East Volunteer Fire Brigade.
The Claus’ will join the pohutukawa family gathering on the reserve, with an opportunity for photos with Santa, not to mention the traditional lolly scramble.
The Snells Beach Ratepayers and Residents Association as well as the Algies Bay Residents and Ratepayers Association will also be there with a focus on ‘meet your neighbour’.
This will be the first time that Mahurangi East and Kawau Bay Action Group have combined to bring people ‘Christmas at the Beach’.
Families are encouraged to join the festivities, which will run from 4pm to 9pm.
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Pretty Tortoiseshell and White, missing from Kaipara Flats/Warkworth area.
Timid but likes snacks. Might answer to “Zena”.
Pakiri artist Ra Gossage (Ngāti Wai, Ngāti Manuhiri, Ngāti Ruanui, Ahitahi ’Apū) has won a major award in the 22nd National Art Awards, presented last month.
The annual event is a national visual art award offering a $17,000 prize pool and an opportunity for artists to exhibit and sell their artwork.
It was held at the Sinclair Events Centre, Opunake, Taranaki and entries were judged in seven sponsored categories – painting, Taranaki artists, 3D, works on paper, fibre art, Tō Taranakitanga and photography.
Ra was the Tō Taranakitanga winner with her painting titled Arohanui Ra.
The awards were judged by City Gallery Wellington Te Whare Toi senior curator Aaron Lister and Govett-Brewster Art Gallery Len Lye Centre assistant curator Māori art, Taarati Taiaroa (Te Ātiawa, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Apa).
The judges praised the painting’s technical skill and its elegant composition, which evoked the connections between people and place. The painting was described as a kōwhaiwhai form of Taranaki Maunga, and symbolised strength, resistance, resilience and unity.
Ra has ties to Taranaki through her late grandfather, Joseph Garver Pongakawa Haddon.
“Winning was very special,” she said. “I felt both honoured and blessed to be able to go to Taranaki and share my gift. It was a privilege.”
Ra, and her sisters Star and Aroha, who are also painters, are currently preparing to exhibit together at the Page Gallery in Wellington in January.
The exhibition – Tohaina ō painga ki te ao/Share Your Gifts With the World – will celebrate whanau and art.
Watercare project manager Casper Kruger.
Snells Beach in numbers
459,307 hours worked on site (up to September 2024)
A tunnel-boring machine, nicknamed Piper, working on the $300 million wastewater upgrade in Mahurangi completed the final leg of its 5km journey this month, connecting Warkworth to the Snells Beach wastewater treatment plant.
The new pipeline is part of a broader programme of work by Watercare to improve the performance of the local wastewater network and support growth in Warkworth, Snells Beach and Algies Bay.
Watercare project manager Dirk Du Plessis says the pipeline was tunnelled in three stages, with the last stage being the shortest and easiest to complete.
“On the final leg, Piper went headfirst, mostly downhill, to tunnel through consistent but hard ground,” Du Plessis said.
“Unlike the other two legs, her third leg
98,928m of electrical cabling installed
28,828m3 cut to spoil 1724m of stainless steel pipework
4,850,000 litres of activated sludge reactors
had no curves on it – making things a bit easier and faster.”
Dirt was transported out of the tunnel and separated from the water at a dedicated separation plant at the launchpad. Water was pumped back to Piper to transport much-needed bentonite for lubrication and for pumping tailings back to the surface.
Since September last year, Piper has been installing the pipeline at a rate of about 36 metres per day.
Watercare senior project engineer AJ Jaafar says despite Piper breaking down twice on her 14-month journey, the installation of the pipeline has gone “rather smoothly”.
He credited this to regular maintenance.
“During downtime, the crew would wash and check her hydraulics, motors and
navigation systems, as well as replacing worn-out seals and mechanical parts, or broken equipment damaged from her last leg.
“Plus, it also gave the crew time to set up the equipment at each new launch site and do final checks and balances before starting each leg.
“When she was tunnelling up to 50 metres underground, it was almost impossible to get her out for repairs without causing damage and delays to the project.”
Jaafar said the next major milestone for the project would be to backfill the drive sites and to connect the pipeline into the Lucy Moore Wastewater Pump Station and Snells Beach Wastewater Treatment Plant.
After that, the pipeline will be brought into service at the same time as the pump station
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There are currently more than 120 workers employed on finishing the mechanical and electrical installation at the Snells Beach treatment plant.
Watercare project manager Casper Kruger says the crews have enlivened the motor control centre recently, permanently connecting the plant to the local power network.
“Achieving this required a coordinated effort between the contractor, power supplier, and electrical inspector, following months of preparation and planning,” he says.
Kruger says the team’s focus is on completing key elements of the plant in preparation for commissioning.
“In the coming weeks, our crews will finish the installation of the outfall tanks and UV systems, as well as having the process water in place for the cold commissioning start in early 2025.
“The completion of our control building is another key element of the plant that will shortly be fitted out to enable the cold commissioning to begin.”
Kruger says cold commissioning is a crucial step to ensure the plant operates smoothly and safely.
“This process involves testing and verifying the plant’s electrical and mechanical equipment, as well as treatment systems, without introducing wastewater into the system. This phase is essential for identifying and rectifying potential problems early, reducing the risk of operational failures, and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.”
and treatment plant, which is scheduled to be in service by mid to late next year.
Currently, the two wastewater treatment plants at Warkworth and Snells Beach serve a population of around 8500 people. The new plant will be able to serve 18,000 people initially and will undergo staged upgrades as required to serve up to 35,000 people.
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Water Safety New Zealand is again stressing the importance of the use of lifejackets on boats.
Chief executive Daniel Gerrard said the importance of lifejacket use could not be overstated.
“So far this year, there have been 14 craftrelated fatalities in New Zealand,” he said.
“Tragically, in 13 of these incidents, lifejackets were not worn.
“These are preventable deaths. Wearing a lifejacket significantly increases your chances of survival, and it is a simple step to put one on.”
Gerrard said the Bay of Plenty Regional Council was to be commended for its recent update to navigational bylaws, particularly the enhanced requirements around lifejacket use. The new bylaws, which mandate the wearing of lifejackets at all times on vessels six metres or under, were a vital step toward reducing preventable drowning incidents in the region, he said. This change aligns with best practices already seen in other parts of the country, including Northland.
“It’s a critical measure that will undoubtedly contribute to reducing drowning fatalities.”
Gerrard said that the water safety community had long been lobbying successive governments and Ministers of Transport to amend Rule 91 of the Maritime Transport Act to make lifejackets mandatory on all vessels under six metres.
The numerous and varied interpretations of Rule 91 have resulted in a patchwork of regional variations, creating confusion for the public regarding lifejacket requirements and water safety rules across different areas.
“Despite our continuous efforts, no significant changes have been made at the national level,” he said.
Auckland Council is one of the outliers,
Water Safety is pushing for one rule across the whole of NZ to make the wearing of lifejackets on craft six metres or less mandatory.
with a bylaw that states that lifejackets must be worn on any vessel six metres or smaller, unless the skipper allows their removal. The bylaw is not set to be reviewed until around 2027.
Gerrard added that with the summer season approaching, the timing of the changes in the Bay of Plenty was perfect.
“It sends a strong message to boaties and water users that safety should always come first. Every life lost to drowning is a tragedy, and wearing a lifejacket is one of the simplest, most effective ways to protect yourself on the water.”
Water Safety New Zealand continues to work alongside councils, communities, and water safety partners to promote safe practices in and around water.
A Warkworth reserve and pond will remain closed off until early next year while Auckland Council removes a large buildup of silt and upgrades stormwater pipes. The stormwater pond at the southern end of Alnwick Street has been fenced off since August for a $1.6 million-operation to empty the pond, remove the sediment and upgrade the adjoining pipe network, pond forebay and access tracks.
Head of strategy at stormwater arm Healthy Waters Andrew Chin said the pond, which was built in 2007, provided stormwater management for that end of Alnwick Street and the surrounding Jade River area.
“Regular desilting is essential work for all stormwater ponds,” he said. “While we’re doing this, we’re also upgrading the stormwater pipes going into the pond from
the nearby residential properties.
“There have been issues identified with the stormwater network and we’re taking this opportunity to have them addressed.”
Chin said the work, which is consented to take place six days a week from 7.30am to
6pm, was expected to be finished by February.
“We’d like to thank the local community for their patience while we undertake these works,” he added.
Healthy Waters is responsible for maintaining more than 650 stormwater ponds throughout
the Auckland region, including the periodic removal of sediment build-up.
Stormwater ponds are used for three main purposes – to reduce potential flooding, provide water treatment and to minimise downstream erosion.
A new Access Charter has been launched to improve access for recreational hunting and fishing on public conservation land (PCL).
The charter establishes guiding principles for the Department of Conservation (DOC) to provide clear and transparent decisions on PCL access that makes it easier for kiwis to go hunting and fishing.
Every year, 1.2 million people hunt and fish recreationally. The charter guarantees a
common and consistent approach to access across all regions and ensures that PCL will always be open for recreational use and that DOC will only limit this use rarely.
Minister for Hunting and Fishing Todd McClay says it provides uniform rules and guidance across the country, making it clear and consistent for everyone.
“The charter is the first of its kind and a significant step towards preserving New
Zealand’s hunting and fishing heritage while safeguarding the experience for generations of Kiwi’s to come,” McClay said.
For further information, permits, responsibilities and maps, visit: Department of Conservation http://www. doc.govt.nz or phone 0800 362 468 Fish & Game New Zealand http://www. fishandgame.org.nz or phone 04 499 4767
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Summer’s coming, which means it’s time for farmers and growers to take time out from the land and get into the sea again, thanks to another Surfing for Farmers season at Waipu Cove.
The weekly surf lessons and post-session barbecues have become a popular way for rural people to take a break from the farm and meet up with like-minded people, since Stephen Thomson started the initiative in Gisborne seven years ago.
Since then, Surfing for Farmers sessions have expanded quickly to include 25 beaches around the country, with more than 8000 people in the ag and hort sectors taking part to date.
Organisers say the sessions give farmers and growers a good reason to get off the farm and away from day-to-day pressures that can become all-consuming. Thanks to national and local sponsorship, plus volunteer coordinators, all equipment, food and drink are free, making it accessible to all.
This summer, the Waipu Cove sessions are moving to Wednesday evenings, starting on January 8 at 5.30pm.
Local coordinators Sophia Wood and Katrina Stead say they are already gearing up for another great season, which regularly sees at least 20 or 30 farmers catching
some Waipu wave action, but they are still looking for some sponsorship.
“Let us know if you or your business are keen to be a ‘local legend’ sponsor,” they say. “This could be financial or in-kind –get in touch and we can talk through some options.”
Surfing for Farmers is open to all ages, abilities and fitness levels, and no surfing experience is necessary. Lessons at Waipu are provided by local instructors from Learn 2 Surf Waipu Cove, and there is no obligation to attend every week – just turn up on the night.
Surfing for Farmers says the summer evenings, which run for around three months, offer a respite from the allencompassing demands of rural life, as well as fostering social connections.
“We recognise the importance of providing an outlet that liberates individuals from the daily grind and overwhelming to-do lists,” says a spokesperson. “By engaging in surfing activities, our farmers and growers gain a renewed perspective and prioritise their own self-care.”
For more information or to discuss local sponsorship, contact Sophia Wood on 021 227 4379 or Katrina Stead on 027 489 7343, or see Surfing for Farmers – Northland on Facebook.
Two teams of six from Horizon School each entered a recycled electric vehicle (EV) into the EVolocity Auckland Regional Finals held at Whenuapai Airforce Base in Auckland last month, with one of them pulling off a, well, shock win.
The event marked the culmination of the year-long EVolocity programme, which is available to schools throughout New Zealand and asks teams to design and build an EV. EVolocity, a charitable organisation that promotes sustainable engineering, gives each team an electric motor kit, some guidelines to follow, and runs workshops throughout the year, but everything else is up to the students.
The Horizon team that finished first overall competed in their three-wheeler kart Horizon Classics against schools from around Auckland in a variety of events, including drag races, slalom and endurance/efficiency.
Their Horizon stablemates entered a similar kart called Volt Velocity, which was also competitive but had high energy readings, which saw them finish further back.
Horizon School physics and mathematics teacher Roushan Johnson, who helped guide the Year 11 and 12 students through the build process during the year, says they were the underdogs and not expecting to win.
“None of us thought we’d win the regionals. It was incredible, the kids were ecstatic.
“Some of them even thought it was more about participation, we’d get to see what it was like and then try again,” Johnson says. What makes the result even more remarkable is this was Horizon’s first year in the EVolocity programme and its teams had a tiny budget and fewer resources than some of the other schools, not to mention zero sponsorship.
Johnson says it’s very easy to spend “four or five grand” on a kart and that one of the school’s he spoke to had spent $10,000.
“We’re a very small school, with less than 300 students. We had no money, and no backing. We reached out to sponsors, but had no luck whatsoever.”
This meant the students had to salvage materials, find ways to fundraise, and come up with innovative designs that were cost effective.
“At first, they wanted to build a full-blown four-wheeler, then realised four wheels was too complicated and very expensive. So they went with one wheel at the back with two in the front to provide more balance and better steering.
“A lot of the materials used was recycled scrap that the students got from Northland Waste’s Warkworth Re:Sort transfer station. They grabbed whatever they could find – a couple of old bikes, a wheelchair and even an ironing board.”
All up, each Horizon EV only cost around $200 to build.
Following the regionals, Horizon’s two karts were put on display at the Museum of Transport and Technology (MOTAT) in Auckland for one day as part of its STEM Fair (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics).
Johnson says the school will definitely be participating in the EVolocity programme in 2025.
EVolocity is an electric vehicle (EV) programme that asks teams to design, build and race an EV. It aims to promote sustainable engineering and is available to intermediate and secondary schools, either as part of the curriculum or as an extra-curricular project.
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Then look no further than Pakiri Beach Holiday Park. One of New Zealand’s best beaches right in your backyard. Superbly located, overlooking the stunning white dunes of Pakiri Beach, there are plenty of activities to keep you and children occupied or you can just relax and enjoy the peace and quiet of our location only 15 minutes from Matakana or 90 minutes from the heart of Auckland.
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Two young car enthusiasts who have seen the negative impact illegal street racing has had on their community first-hand are now looking for a suitable location near Wellsford, where they can host their own legal event – it’s called Skidgames.
For former Warkworth local Kadyn Stent and North Shore’s Jordan O’Shaughnessy say the initiative is about safety, affordability and having fun.
“Our goal is to pretty much replace the illegal drags,” O’Shaughnessy says.
“The drags are run every weekend, and we see the effect that it has on the car community – people are losing their licences, getting hit by cars, police are getting hurt. It’s just a bad car scene.”
As an alternative, the pair want to set up their own skid pad “out the back of Wellsford, where the noise won’t bother anyone”, and run weekly events that are sanctioned, as well as properly organised with the backing of local emergency services.
“We know people who have said that they’d be keen to come to an event where they’re not going to get pulled over by police and lose their licence.”
Affordability is also a must.
“Hampton Downs probably has the biggest skid pad, but to go there you’re spending around $400 for a group (a Skidpan session is $69 per car). We want to make it more affordable so we can have as many people as possible.”
Partner Stent says the goal isn’t to make money, it’s to actually start a new community.
Skidgames might be in the early stages of the planning process, but they have already had some interest from potential collaborators.
“We’ve had a couple of people who have talked to us, but nowhere in Rodney. It’s more like Hamilton and around there, where people have their own skid pads,” Stent says.
“We’re reaching out and looking for people who will be happy to host a skid pad that we could do an event with. We’re still searching to be honest,” O’Shaughnessy says.
Stent’s uncle, Brad Stent, who has been helping the pair with Skidgames, says they’re looking at running a smaller event as a trial run in February, which depends on the availability land and a potential site.
“A tennis court size, that’s perfect. It doesn’t have to be huge, maybe like 15 metres by 15,” O’Shaughnessy says.
“Just a big slab of concrete where people can bring their cars in and drift,” Kadyn Stent says.
In the meantime, the trio are building a community by raising awareness about Skidgames on social media.
If you have a site available where Skidgames could host a trial event email crew@skidgames.nz Or visit skidgames.nz on Instagram.
Nena Nepia, Wellsford Vet Clinic https://wellsfordvet.com/
Obesity isn’t just a human issue – our pets are also packing on extra kilos, which can lead to serious health risks. Overweight pets are more prone to conditions like diabetes, heart disease, certain cancers and joint issues like osteoarthritis. Obesity also affects their immune system, reduces heat tolerance and increases anesthesia risks. Studies show that lean pets live longer, have better mobility and enjoy an overall higher quality of life than their overweight counterparts. So, how can we help keep our pets fit and healthy? Here are some top tips:
Feed for fuel, not fun
What goes in must be used up, or it’s stored as extra weight. If your pet is consistently taking in more calories than they burn, those snacks add up quickly. Whether they’re chasing a ball or lounging on the couch, their intake should match their activity level. Keeping pets on a set feeding schedule rather than free-feeding helps control portions and prevents overeating. It’s also essential to remember that treats and table scraps count toward their daily intake, so if your pet gets extra snacks, adjust their next meal accordingly. For pets that need to shed kilos, specialised weight-loss diets can make a difference by keeping them feeling fuller with fillers like fibre or water – reducing calories without sacrificing satiety. While these diets aren’t always necessary, they simplify weight management by ensuring pets get essential nutrients even when calories are restricted.
Exercise: not just for humans
Regular walks, games of fetch, or even a good romp in the yard can make a world of difference for dogs. For cats, toys like laser pointers or feather wands encourage jumping, running and stalking behaviour. And exercise isn’t just about burning calories, it also keeps their joints flexible, supports heart health and provides mental stimulation, keeping them content and engaged.
Neutering and weight gain
Neutering offers important health and behavioural benefits, but it also affects your pet’s metabolism. Spayed or neutered pets experience about a 25 per cent drop in metabolic rate, making them more prone to weight gain. However, a lower metabolism doesn’t mean your pet has to get fat – just that we need to be more mindful about their feeding and exercise routines.
Know what ‘overweight’ looks like Extra weight can be hard to spot under a layer of fur, but a simple test can help: run your hands over your pet’s sides – you should feel their ribs without pressing hard. If you’re only feeling spongy padding, it might be time to cut back on treats and boost activity. Checking with your vet can also help determine an ideal weight for your pet’s breed, size and age.
Keeping our pets trim isn’t about denying them treats – it’s about giving them the best chance at a long, healthy life.
There’s a free barbecue dinner for farmers, growers and other rural residents in the Tomarata area next month, thanks to the combined efforts of more than a dozen primary industry bodies and community organisations known as the Northland Collaborative Group.
Volunteers will be firing up the barbie at the Tomarata Hall from 6pm on Thursday, December 12 for a pre-Christmas community get-together.
Originally held to help build morale during the last drought, the dinners have been run throughout Northland ever since.
“As rural communities continue to experience the pressure of tough financial times, significant weather events and
changing land use, the free dinners aim to bring the community together for an easy, stress-free, enjoyable evening off the farm,” a spokesperson says.
“We will be serving dinner from 6.30pm – bring along your family, neighbours and farm team; everyone is welcome.”
Northland Collaborative Group members include the Rural Support Trust, Fonterra, Federated Farmers, Beef + Lamb NZ, DairyNZ, FMG, Dairy Women’s Network, MPI, Civil Defence, Bayleys, Forsyth Barr, Rural Women NZ, police and Young Farmers.
Anyone attending is asked to RSVP for catering purposes by emailing Hazel MacMillan at nh.macmillan@xtra.co.nz
There’s a chance to learn more about future strategies to manage and protect local coastlines at Leigh Community Hall next Saturday, November 30. Auckland Council is holding a presentation and Q&A session on its draft Shoreline Adaptation Plans for Pākiri to Mathesons Bay, Ti Point to Sandspit and Snells Beach to Ōrewa, following public consultation earlier in the year. There will be a presentation by the Shoreline Adaptation Plan team at 4.15pm, followed by the chance to ask questions, learn more about the plan programme and provide feedback. The session will run from 4pm to 6pm. Info and feedback: Go to https://akhaveyoursay.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/ and scroll down to Shoreline Adapatation Plans for Pakiri to Orewa.
AT thanked for post-flood fixes
Rodney Local Board members acknowledged “the exemplary work Auckland Transport has done for flood recovery” at its monthly meeting on November 20. Chair Brent Bailey said to date, 130 out of 213 major sites and 492 of the 592 minor sites that needed repairs and reconstruction had been remediated. “That’s a massive amount of work undertaken in just 12 months without too much mucking about, so let’s support them when we catch them doing something right,” he said.
Freeview Installs, Satellite Dish, UHF Aerial. Installation & Repairs. Ph Dave 09 422 7227 or 027 458 5457
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Freeview installations & new Freeview boxes for sale. TV repairs & installation, microwave oven repairs. Ph Paul 027 29 222 04
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Trees: BIG, small, difficult. Pruned. Removed. One off section tidy-ups. Hedge reductions. Insured. Experienced. Ph or text for a quote. Dom 027 222 1223
Hedge trimming • Fruit tree & orchard pruning • Trees: Formative prunes, Stump grinding • Free Quotes 020 4027 6200 trimandproper@outlook.co.nz
REID EQUESTRIAN ENGINEERING, Wellsford. Float rebuilds, horse truck conversions, etc. Dog kennels made to measure. Quality work. Ph Ron 423 9666
Experienced Owner Operator 30 years. Single items Flat/ House lots. Silverdale based. Ph Gavin 0274 973 867
PEST CONTROL Eradication of rats & mice. Competitive Rates. Ph 426 2253 Ph 027 286 7321, www.noratsandmice.nz
WELLSFORD RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB INC. Tuesday 2 December, 6pm at the clubrooms, Centennial Park, Wellsford. Existing and new members welcome. Ph 027 268 5280
The deadline for classified advertising for our December 9 paper is December 4. Send classified advertising enquiries to design@ localmatters.co.nz
The Minister of Conservation gives notice under section 17SC of the Conservation Act 1987 of an application by Matakana Coast Trail Trust to form a track/cycleway through the upper section of Lawries Scenic Reserve for a period of 30 years.
Further details of the proposed concession are available at www.doc.govt.nz/consultations.
Any person or organisation may make a submission in writing to the Director-General on the proposal. The submission must be made on a submission form downloaded from the specific application webpage found at www.doc.govt.nz/consultations (or available from your local DOC office).
You may make a submission by sending a written or electronic submission to: Director-General Private Bag 3072, Hamilton 3240 Attention: A Nair Permissions Advisor anair@doc.govt.nz
Submissions close on Friday 20 December 2024 at 5.00 pm. Once submitted, submitters’ information is subject to the Official Information Act 1982 and may be released under that Act. If you wish to keep any part of your submission confidential, you need to state this in writing when making your submission.
Any person or organisation wishing to be heard in support of their submission, must request (within that submission) an opportunity to appear before the Director-General. If a hearing is required, it is likely to occur on the week starting 27/01/2025.
066 0838
The concept of a heritage rose is, to me, a dichotomy. On the one hand, roses have been the subject of centuries-old documentation by past cultivations. They have been written about, painted, drawn and sung about. On the other hand, you can hold, in your hand, a fresh, fragrant, and exquisitely formed rose, plucked straight from a garden.
This dual existence is currently on display at Matakohe.
Just inside the gates of the Matakohe cemetery, there is a plaque that reads, “This planting is a joint project between the Kauri Museum and Heritage Roses Northland. We acknowledge the generosity of Heritage Roses NZ, Tasman Bay Roses, the Coates Memorial Church Board, and the Matakohe Cemetery Committee in making this project possible as a living extension of the Kauri Museum, thus preserving our early rose heritage.”
In fact, now is the best time to visit this expansive, living collection of historical roses, splashed across Matakohe’s historical precinct, comprising the grounds of the Kauri Museum, the Coates Memorial Church and cemetery, the neighbouring Gumdiggers Cafe and Totara House. The roses are now in bloom, and they provide a history lesson, as well as a relaxing stroll around the extensive grounds.
The concept for these plantings, aimed at protecting and preserving a wide range of heritage roses, arose from a visit to the Kauri Museum by Heritage Rose Northland members Olga Yuretich, Jennifer Crawford and Jenny Stoddart. The group offered to plant a small number of roses at the museum. Chief executive at the time, Bet
Nelley, welcomed the idea and offered the delegation a blank canvas of the museum grounds, including out-buildings, the cafe and Totara House.
On meeting Mavis Smith, who was still living in Totara House, Olga found there were already many heritage roses in her garden. She was delighted with the idea of planting more rose beds in her extensive garden.
Discussions were also held with the Coates Memorial Church Board and the Matakohe Cemetery Committee, and it was agreed that historical roses would grace the surroundings of all these historic buildings. Olga obtained more funding from Heritage Roses NZ and secured the support of Tasman Bay Roses as suppliers.
Drawings of the proposed rose beds were developed, naming every rose to be planted, and allotting it a space. Index cards were compiled for each rose, specifying its name, year of identification, shape, rose type, petal colour, flowering frequency and where it is located on the precinct. These plans are held in the Kauri Museum archives, along with details of the management plan agreed between Heritage Roses Northland and the museum in February 2021.
The establishment project was completed over two years – 2012 and 2013 – with more than 300 roses being planted. Members of Heritage Roses Northland and the Kauri Museum’s volunteer gardening group still maintain these roses.
Anyone wishing to become involved can contact either Judy Webster at webster. holdings@xtra.co.nz or myself on 021 823 944 or email marion.walsh@kaurimuseum. com.
Family tennis Families can play tennis at Mahurangi East Tennis Club every Saturday morning from 9am. Free for members or $5 for non-members.
Accessible yoga Little Yoga Warkworth is hosting an inclusive Community Mindful Movement Class on Wednesday, December 4, from 1-2pm at the Warkworth Town Hall. Spaces are limited. To register, contact Zuzana on 022 097 4663
Chess club Warkworth Library hosts a chess club every Friday afternoon from 3.30-5pm. Suitable for all levels of ability from beginners to skilled players. Recommended for ages 7 and over. All welcome.
School holiday tennis A Kids Tennis Holiday Programme will be run at Mahurangi East Tennis Club on Tuesday, January 14, 21 and 28, from 8.45am until noon. Suitable for kids of any level that are aged between 6-12 years. Cost $25 per session.
Info & book: www.seedtennis.co.nz or Hugo on 022 311 3216
Mountain biking Auckland Downhill Club’s (AKDH) December Shuttle Day will take be held at Kraack Road, Dome Valley, on Sunday, December 1, from 9.30am-3.30pm. A Shuttle Day gives riders of all ages and experience levels five or six hours to go as fast as they can downhill without having to pedal up. Riders must be a member of AKDH to participate. For more info or to register, visit https://www.akdh.co.nz/
Regatta Sandspit Yacht Club’s 2024 Christmas Regatta will be held on Saturday, December 7, from 10am at Algies Bay. Open to monohull centreboard boats from 2.4m to 5.5m. The event is open to members and non-members of Sandspit Yacht Club of all ages and skill levels. Info & register: Sandspit Yacht Club - Centreboard Division on Facebook or email office@sandspityachtclub.nz
Swim funding Water Skills For Life is currently taking expressions of interest for 2025 funding. A limited amount of funding is available to cover the provision of 8-10 Water Skills for Life lessons per tamariki in Years 3-6. Available funds will be allocated on a first-in, first-served basis to schools within the greater Auckland area.
For more details visit: https://aktive.org.nz/funding-services/funding
Sam Woolford, LegaSea Project Lead sam@legasea.co.nz
False promises and pretences are all that remain of the Hauraki Gulf Marine Protection Bill. Despite the tagline to “restore the Hauraki Gulf”, last-minute amendments will exclude public access to prioritise commercial interests. This legislative process has been hijacked by industrial fishing interests to maintain the status quo. This means no fishing with your family in traditional and sheltered waters close to home.
The Hauraki Gulf/Tīkapa Moana Marine Protection Bill is about to pass through Parliament. However, the Bill completely misses the boat, failing to implement effective fisheries controls to address key issues contributing to the Gulf’s depletion. Thousands of hours invested in the Sea Change process have been disregarded. All parties compromised and agreed to establish some marine protected areas, if fisheries tools were also implemented. That’s because you can’t close areas to fishing without reducing existing catch limits, otherwise fishing effort just shifts into smaller areas, quickly depleting them. The problem is clear – fish abundance and diversity are declining in the Hauraki Gulf. Proposed protected areas are just a stepping stone. The so-called High Protection Areas (HPAs) now offer hardly any protection. Minister for Conservation Tama Potaka has teased that commercial gill netting could be permitted in protected areas at Kawau Bay, the Noises and Motatapu. Condoning commercial netting from boats without cameras, at night, midwinter raises a red flag. Department of Conservation (DOC) officials advised the minister against this biased move. DOC’s advice mentions
species targeted by gill netters – kahawai, mullet, rig and trevally – can be caught outside the protected areas with minimal impact to commercial fishers. Details of this proposed amendment are scarce, but regardless, local families will still be banned from fishing in these areas under false pretences that the HPAs will restore fish populations.
Past research identified that seven of the highest-ranking threats to New Zealand’s marine habitats sadly relate to human activity, including sedimentation, bottom trawling and scallop dredging. So, effective restoration of the Gulf requires diverse and robust changes to the status quo. Declaring the entire Marine Park as a Type 2 marine protected area would ban mobile bottom contact fishing methods that destroy the sea floor – bottom trawling, dredging and Danish seining.
Greater fish abundance and diversity is needed to address the significant loss of productivity in the Gulf. If the Government is bold enough to designate the Hauraki Gulf as a separate fisheries management area, fish stocks could be reassessed and lower catch limits set to restore all species. Combined with fisheries controls, regional councils need to be held accountable to better manage land run-off and sedimentation from entering our waterways. Coastal hot spots for juvenile fish and spawn are being suffocated by run-off.
The Protection Bill is due to be enacted soon, but it’s not too late to put the pressure on officials and voice your distaste to your local MP. Otherwise, we risk losing more public space just to satisfy commercial demands.
Rising Warkworth dance star Brooke McMahon has been chosen for three of the most elite ballet programmes for her age group in New Zealand and Australia next year.
The 13-year-old Mahurangi College student had already retained her place in the New Zealand School of Dance Scholars Programme before successfully auditioning for the school’s prestigious Associates Programme, in partnership with the Royal New Zealand Ballet.
She was then also offered a place on the Australian Ballet School’s Invitee Programme, which is only open to a few select students at the discretion of the school’s director, and usually only to those aged 14 or 15.
As if that weren’t enough, McMahon was also awarded three international scholarships at the YAGP international ballet competition in Sydney last month, to the International Summer Nervi Festival in Italy next year and the Alberta Ballet School in Canada.
Her mum Louise says of these latest awards and other recent achievements, it’s the Australian invitee programme and the Italian scholarship that are the biggest thrill for Brooke, “especially the Nervi festival, that’s a big one”.
“We never dreamed she’d be an invitee,” she says. “She’ll have a week in Melbourne
in April and we’ll go for an intensive week with a few other invitees and full-time students, plus another two or three times.”
The logistics of getting Brooke to her various ballet programmes and scholarships is mind-boggling, even before factoring in training most days at Talbot Dance Academy and the small matter of school.
“There are eight trips to Wellington for scholars, and another five or six weekends with the associates, so 13 or 14 trips either overnight or for the weekend, plus Australia and the international scholarships. It’s quite overwhelming,” Louise says.
“She does miss some school, but Mahurangi College, and Warkworth School before that, has been incredibly supportive in giving her the time that she needs, I think because she is achieving things.”
Brooke’s parents are keen to ensure that dance doesn’t completely take over her life, however, and actively encourage other interests, as well as time out to chill.
“She plays touch and she rides motorbikes with her dad, she’s got a Yamaha trail bike. They go to BermBusters in Taupo for two days of motorbiking and no dance chat.”
At this stage, Brooke hopes to pursue a career in dance one day, but is keeping an open mind as to how exactly she’ll get there and what she’ll end up doing.
“For now, she just wants to keep enjoying it,” Louise says.
25 & Dec 5 Matheson Bay stream assessment training days, To register, email hana.a@mountainstosea.org.nz
26 Warkworth Ladies Rebus Club Meeting, Besoul, 3/12 Gumfield Drive Warkworth, 10am. Club and guest speakers. Last meeting for 2024. Info: Pam Chapman 09 945 3316
28 Christmas Night Market, Kaipara Flats Sports Club, 4-8pm. Stalls, raffles, live music & more.
30 Tractorama, reserve between Ariki Drive and Snells Beach Road, 11am. Rally, display, tractor tug-of-war and more
30 Hello Sailor, Leigh Sawmill Cafe, doors open 7.30pm for an 8.30pm start. Tickets from Eventfinda.
30 You, Me, Everybody, Whangateau Hall, 7.30pm. Tickets $20. Bookings: Email whangateaufolk@gmail.com
30-Dec 8 Treemendous Christmas Tree Display, Old Masonic Hall, Baxter St, Warkworth, 10am-5pm (except Sundays, 10am-3pm). Trees, decorations, model train, etc. Santa visiting 2-5pm Monday to Friday, 10am-noon and 1-3pm at weekends, or by arrangement. Info: 09 425 0969 or 027 620 6006
30 A Merry Kowhai Christmas, Warkworth Town Hall, 7.30pm. Kowhai Singers concert with traditional and non-traditional carols. Tickets $25 from trybooking.com/nz, Briar Rose Flowers or choir members, or $30 at the door, cash only.
1 A Merry Kowhai Christmas, Leigh Community Hall, 4pm. Kowhai Singers concert with traditional and non-traditional carols. Tickets $25 from trybooking.com/nz, Briar Rose Flowers, or choir members, or $30 at the door, cash only.
1 Sunday in the Park - A TOSSI Workday. Meet at the Tāwharanui woolshed. Work from 9am-12.30pm followed by lunch. BYO sturdy footwear, water, and mid-morning snack. Last workday for 2024.
2 Recycled Paper-making Demonstration and Display of Artisan Gift Products, AIM (Adults in Motion), 16 Auckland Rd, Warkworth, 11-12pm. Limited parking on-site.
3 Creative Convergence: Speaker Event, Warkworth Library, 10-11.30am. Celebrating International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Presentations and information for On Display Global. Refreshments provided. All welcome.
3 Rodney Inclusive Communities Inc Creative Convergence: On Display Global, Warkworth Wharf, 12.30pm. A community-led human sculpture court. All welcome. Info: http://www.ricinz.com/ (see story p15)
4 Paint & Sip, Bridgehouse Warkworth, 7-9pm. No experience necessary. Tickets $39 (does not include a drink). Tickets: https://www.creativemoments.co.nz/
4 Inclusive Music/Dance Session, Shoesmith Hall, 6-8pm. Organised by PHAB. Ages 16+. Info & register: Sarah 022 451 4659.
5 Creative Convergence: Street Art & Music, outside Warkworth Library, 10.30am. Interactive public event. Info: https://www.ricinz.com (see story p15)
6 Vineyards in the Village, Matakana Village Centre, 4-8pm. Wine, music and pizza.
6 Accessible Music Making Workshop, Warkworth Town Hall, 10-11am. A sensory experience by Glass Ceiling Arts Collective. Info: www.glassceilingartscollective.com (see story p15)
6 Rodney Inclusive Communities Inc Creative Convergence Finale Event, Warkworth Town Hall, 5-7pm. Art display, music & film festival by Glass Ceiling Arts Collective. All welcome. Info: www.ricinz.com (see story p15)
7 Santa Donkey Day, Highfield Gardens, Algies Bay, 11am-1.30pm. Santa, donkey rides, traditional games, free BBQ & more.
7 Warkworth Santa Parade, leaves from Baxter Street at 2pm. Live music, family games from 4pm in the Baxter Street reserve. (see story p23)
7 Carols in the Park, Lucy Moore Park Warkworth, 6.30pm (see story p23)
7 Christmas Outdoor Movie Night, Puhoi Sports Club, 4pm. Food trucks, bar, raffles, bouncy castle, bubble soccer & more.
7 Local Vocals Choir Christmas Concert, Wellsford Community Hall, 2.30pm. Choir songs and sing-alongs. Afternoon tea provided. Koha/gold coin entry. Raffle. Cash only
7 Kiwi Avoidance Training for your Dog, Morris and James Pottery, 9am-3.30pm. Bookings essential. Email KAT@theforestbridgetrust.org.nz
8 Kiwi Avoidance Training for your Dog, Matakana Country Park, 9am-3.30pm. Bookings essential. Email KAT@theforestbridgetrust.org.nz
This season, Mahurangi Rugby Football Club (RFC) went from underdogs to overachievers.
The Mahurangi premiers (prems) made the top four in the North Harbour club rugby playoffs for the first time, then their sevens team won the North Harbour sevens tournament, capping off one of the most successful years in the club’s history.
Mahurangi manager Mike Rodden says the difference was the belief the prems players had in themselves this season after becoming more competitive in 2023 under coach Amasio Valence.
“A few years ago, we wouldn’t win a game and we never really got close to winning –we were getting beaten by 60 to 70 points,” Rodden says.
“Whereas now we’ve had a couple of good seasons with Amasio and his assistant coaches Akuila Matanibukaca and Lyle Robertson. He brought a few Fijian boys over to the district to live, work and play here.”
Eight players from Fiji were selected to play for Mahurangi by Valance (MM, Feb 19).
Rodden says while the Fijian players have made “a huge difference to Mahu rugby”, their success was also because of the depth of local talent coming through the grades.
“The good thing about the club was this year we had a B team and an under 21s team, which we haven’t had for quite some time.
“We’ve got a lot of boys who have been through Mahu College, played under 21s and are now playing prems. We’ve probably got 12 or 15 in the squad that are actually local boys, which is just so good for us.”
With more quality players available for selection, this meant increased competition for starting spots.
“Two or three years ago we didn’t have that.
Basically, if you turned up to training on a Thursday, you got a game for the premier team.
“But now, in a lot of the positions, the guys are fighting week in, week out. If you have a couple of bad games, you’ll get dropped down to the B team. And that showed in our result,” Rodden says.
Led by their captain Ben Dallow, one of the highlights of the prems season was coming from behind in their quarter final to beat favourites Massey RFC on their home ground at Moire Park in Massey, stunning the crowd.
“Massey were one of the top teams in the competition and the hot favourites to win the quarter final, and we’d lost to them in the round robin.
“I think we were 13 points down with 10 minutes to go. And then we scored 14 points with first five Cooper Rodden (Mike Rodden’s son) nailing the conversion to seal the win. So the boys showed a bit of grit and character there.”
Unfortunately, the Mahurangi prems couldn’t repeat their heroics against North Shore RFC in the semi-final the following week at Vauxhall Park in Devonport.
“We played North Shore who had been undefeated all year. And they beat us in the semi, then went on to beat Takapuna in the final. North Shore was simply the better team.
“But it was good for the boys to be in a semifinal, because a lot of them hadn’t really been tested at that level before,” Rodden says.
A few months later, the Mahurangi sevens team (made up of prems players), took revenge on Northcote RFC by beating them in the final, having been knocked out in the semis by them last year.
“Northcote won the tournament in 2023 and were going for their second win in a row and were the favourites. But the success we’d had in the 15s carried through to the sevens and we pulled off another upset.” Rodden says the players can take their success and experience from 2024 into the premier championship and sevens tournament next year.
“The boys have started to believe in themselves and back themselves. Now we’re competing and on our day I think we can beat any team we come up against.”