May 17, 2017
Your Local Community Newspaper FREE
Proudly NZ Owned
What’s inside Matakana link road page 3
Early childhood feature pages 21-25
Masters claim medals
pages 32&33 Mahurangi East Civil Defence chair Frank Babbott (left) and Warkworth chair Glyn Williams are among the Community Response Groups who are banding together.
but are seeking urgent clarification about their future role. They were told in March their Community Response Plans, which had been formulated over many years, would not be activated and evacuation centres would not be recognised by Auckland Civil Defence Emergency Management (ACDEM), as it could not take
Sayers says. The volunteer Community Response Groups (CRGs) were set up by Council in 2011 after the Christchurch earthquake to create local plans and activate them in an emergency. ACDEM resilience manager Ani Brunet says that under the new
Council withdraws support for local civil defence Cathy Aronson
Health and safety compliance has been blamed for Auckland Council Civil Defence leaving Community Response Groups to fend for themselves. The groups are reassuring the community they will activate along with official services in an emergency,
responsibility for health and safety. It follows a restructuring of ACDEM last June, which groups say was poorly communicated and confusing. Rodney Cr Greg Sayers has asked Council to review its decision, saying the move was short-sighted. “It only further disenfranchises the community from Council,” Cr
RD Construction Master Tradesmen
2 Mahurangimatters May 17, 2017
Issue 318
Mahurangi Matters
PO Box 701, Warkworth 0941 17 Neville St, Warkworth 0941 General enquiries 09 425 9068 GENERAL MANAGER: Jannette Thompson NEWS: James Addis, editor Ben Donaldson Cathy Aronson
425 9068
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ADVERTISING: Ken Lawson 022 029 1899 Rob Anderson ACCOUNTS: Angela Thomas
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Community response groups ‘community empowered approach’ introduced last year, the CRGs and their plans will not be formally activated. “However, they are seen as valued members of their communities and will be alerted and guided by CDEM as much as possible depending on the scale of the emergency.” She says the former approach indicated CRGs had full powers delegated by the Controller under the CDEM Act, which she says is not the case. “The health and safety concerns from that model included the expectations and responsibilities put on CRGs during an emergency.” ACDEM has a highly trained group of ALERT volunteers who assisted the public alongside other emergency response agencies.
Rainfall figures for April
425 9068
334mm Mangawhai
245mm Wellsford
Mahurangi Matters is a locally owned publication, circulated twice a month to 13,600 homes and businesses. Views expressed in Mahurangi Matters are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission of the editor is prohibited.
Warkworth CRG chair Glyn Williams says they are concerned the health and safety liability has now fallen on the groups. They need funding for small operational costs, including replacing safety clothing as they can no longer wear anything with a CD logo. “We were set up by Council for the community. Now we’ve been left on our own and told our plans aren’t recognised. It’s flabbergasting.” He says despite the confusion the groups will still activate in an emergency based on their previous plans. They are creating a committee to ensure they are individually and collectively prepared. Scotts Landing chair Peter Seers is hoping to get more clarification about the emergency plans, liabilities and ongoing communication
Spotlight on Warkworth
Highest rainfall day March 10 - 143.3mm
Takatu Rd 329mm
Warkworth Kaipara Flats
323mm 324mm
Snells Beach
Longest period with rainfall: Ten days Total rainfall for year 763mm * All figures collected by Mahurangi Matters. Do not reproduce without the permission of Local Matters Inc.
from page 1 for preparedness and emergency response at a meeting with ACDEM on May 16. Mahurangi East chair Frank Babbott says communities could be selfsufficient but still needed to know their role and responsibilities. Mahurangi West chair Cluny Macpherson is concerned the new structure does not provide certainty and practical advice. “Many of us invested a considerable amount of time working with very experienced Council Civil Defence people to assemble, and later revise, Community Response Plans, which provided clear outlines of appropriate responses for various emergencies in particular areas.” Groups in Leigh and Whangateau say they have always acted selfsufficiently and the changes will make little difference. Tony Enderby says regardless of personal liability he is confident the community will do whatever is needed in an emergency. ACDEM strongly advises that in an emergency, people should stay at home if it is safe for them to do so. They encourage communities to have community-led places to gather in an emergency to support each other, but they will “no longer be called evacuation centres due to the incorrect expectation they are part of formal Civil Defence Centres”. Should any centres be opened, ACDEM would communicate to the public where they were located.
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May 17, 2017 Mahurangimatters
Meeting rejects Matakana link road options Snells liquor Auckland Transport’s (AT) Matakana store approved Link Road team may be forced to return to the drawing board after people at the first public consultation meeting were angered that none of the four options presented connected to the motorway. The meeting was held on May 6 at the Mahurangi Rugby Football Club where five AT representatives took questions and ran a presentation for more than 50 people. The presentation was interrupted early on by Grant Reddell, the owner and managing director of Northwood Developments, who is developing a subdivision in Northwood Close, off Matakana Road. “Why is the link road not aligned with the motorway, which will mean traffic will have to follow this silly zigzag?” he asked. AT delivery manager north and west David Nelson said that AT could not address that issue in this project as the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) was managing the motorway. AT added later that where the link road met SH1 would later connect to the Western Collector road, which meant that vehicles on the collector route would not have to make an unnecessary trip on to SH1. AT was asked at the meeting what it would do if people were not in favour of any of the current link road options. “I don’t have an answer if you don’t want any of the options,” David said. Another person commented that the problem was that each project had a different team managing it and that the two transport bodies needed to coordinate their work better and look at the bigger picture. Don Tomlinson, whose property is on Matakana Road near Clayden Road, was concerned about the proximity of the link road options to the Warkworth Showgrounds and the route that would cross through about eight-hectares of his family’s covenanted bush.
Despite strong community opposition, Auckland Council has given the go ahead to an off-licence in the former Video Ezy shop, in Snells Beach. The application for the bottle store was submitted by Sri Venkataramana Holdings, run by two partners who between them own eight other liquor outlets, all located in Auckland. Although neither police nor the Medical Officer of Health opposed the application, two petitions and several public objections were received. The application was granted with conditions, including that trading be limited to 10am to 8pm on Sunday to Wednesday, and from 10am to 9pm on Thursday to Saturday. The new bottle store will be the third liquor outlet in the Snells Beach area.
Lease rolls over
Don Tomlinson in front of an area of bush his father gave to the QEII trust, which Matakana Link Road Option C would run through.
Don’s grandparents bought 48 hectares between SH1 and Matakana Road in 1920. The farm was handed down to Don’s father who put the area of bush to the east of the showgrounds into the Queen Elizabeth II National Trust in 1989. Don questioned AT on why he wasn’t notified that one option would cross through this area. His father also sold the flat area of land they owned to Rodney County Council for a community space, which was now the showgrounds. “We’ve got hectares of sports fields here and you’re going to run a four
lane highway right next to them,” Don said. “I think it’s clear that AT doesn’t want to spend money on this and has taken the cheapest option with their routes.” David Nelson said prior to the meeting, AT did receive feedback that Option B ran too close to the showgrounds facility. He added that the Rodney Local Board would advise them on how parking options at the showgrounds could be affected by the link road. Feedback is open until May 20 online at or call 09 355 3553.
A permanent use for the Atlas site, next to the Warkworth Showgrounds, is still in limbo. The site is currently occupied by North Power while they construct a new premises. Their lease, which was set to end on March 31, has been extended. Rodney Local Board chair Beth Houlbrooke says no consultation process has been planned to identify how the site will be used in future, but thinks the Local Board Plan process will be the best time to make submissions for those interested in utilising the site. The plan process opens for submissions on May 22 and closes on June 30. Ms Houlbrooke says if enough submissions are made on ideas for the site, a case can be presented by the Local Board to the Finance and Performance Committee, which will next allocate funds for key projects in July 2019. She says although the site was an option for a swimming pool, it was no longer being considered for that use. In the meantime, the Auckland Council lease team will notify the Board of any short-term opportunities to lease the site once North Power has vacated it.
Book your WOF time & be gone in 30mins!
4 Mahurangimatters May 17, 2017
Figures disputed
See story page 1
We welcome your feedback but letters under 300 words are preferred. We reserve the right to abridge them as necessary. Unabridged versions can be read at Letters can be sent to or PO Box 701, Warkworth
More off-licences Once again that incompetent shambles of an organisation that calls itself Auckland Council (AC) has let our community down big time. In 2012, Parliament re-wrote the Sale of Liquor Act to give local communities much more say in what liquor laws applied in their areas by providing for their councils to make ‘Local Alcohol Policies’ (LAP). Note the use of the term ‘local’. So in response, AC decides to make their LAP a ‘one size fits all’ policy to apply to the entire Auckland region.
Although this policy was ratified by the governing body in May 2015, it still cannot come into force due to appeals centred around downtown Auckland issues, which have nothing to do with our local situation. Had AC done what Parliament clearly intended and made truly LAPs for each distinct community, such as Snells Beach, most of the individual LAPs would now be in force and make it much more difficult for these boutique booze shops to proliferate with the inevitable attendant alcohol-fuelled crime. So thanks very much AC for your lack
of foresight. You have denied the good citizens of Snells Beach their wishes and allowed another off-licence to be granted by the licencing committee who had little choice to do otherwise. Had the LAP been in force, it would carry with it a ‘presumption of refusal’ and put the onus clearly on the applicant to show his activity would somehow benefit the community. A tall order indeed. How much longer do we have to suffer the ministrations of the buffoonery of downtown Auckland? Bill and Mona Townson, Scotts Landing
We Say
Jannette Thompson
Right wins over might The NZ Commerce Commission made an important and courageous decision this month when it declined a proposed merger between Fairfax and NZME. Had the proposal been approved, the merged entity would have controlled nearly 90 per cent of the daily newspaper circulation in NZ and an overwhelming majority of traffic to online sources of NZ news. So what, you might ask? For starters, one large media entity in NZ would produce opportunities for powerful and ambitious lobbyists to use their advertising muscle to have their interests protected and promoted. It would also dilute the range of
editorial opinions which inform community debate, not to mention the impact it would have on the quality and breadth of news coverage. Small independent newspapers, like the one you are reading right now, could find themselves squeezed out of the market by a sustained assault on their advertising streams, which they could neither counter nor survive. The Commission’s decision recognises that “the media” is not just a business in the narrowest sense. Yes, media companies must be viable, but they must also be guided by the founding principles of the press – newsrooms must be well-resourced
so they can investigate and write their stories without fear or favour. They must remain the watchdogs of society, holding the powerful to account and providing the voiceless with a place to tell their stories. Newsrooms that are continually gutted to balance the books, while company executives and shareholders cream off the profits, threaten the very fabric of a fair and healthy democracy. We applaud the Commerce Commission for a decision that steers NZ away from the concentration of media into the hands of a few and towards a diverse landscape of voices and opinions.
It was indeed good news to see that NZTA and AT have allocated $2 million for the design and investigation of potential reconstruction solutions for the Hill Street intersection (MM May 3). Our real concern is that NZTA and AT insists that it will not happen before the motorway and the Matakana Link are completed because of the disruption they claim the construction works will cause. We believe a smart design can be built within a 15-month period and that most of that work will be off the highway. NZTA says that by waiting for the Matakana Link and motorway there will be 7000 less vehicles per day (vpd) going through the Hill Street intersection. Their recent responses to questions in Parliament, however, do not support that position. Initially, transport engineers calculated that the motorway would reduce State Highway 1 traffic through the Hill Street intersection by, on average, 7200 vpd whereas the Matakana Link will reduce traffic by 1250 vpd. NZTA has recently revised those figures to a drop in State Highway 1 traffic by only 1600 vpd, but an increase of 3100 vpd on Matakana Road. Why the difference? The Unitary Plan’s future zones allow for an additional 4000 dwellings, large format commercial shops, and light industrial sites north of the intersection. Construction will be well underway within four years Based on NZTA’s “revised” figures, Hill Street intersection traffic increases from the current 34,163 vpd to 44,550 vpd in 2026 after the motorway and Matakana Link are built. Well, I guess if you repeat “alternative facts” often enough many people might believe them, but the figures actually show that we need to Fix Hill Street Now. Our best bet at this stage is to get the design completed and agreed to early, and a contract let ASAP. We all know that local dissention and the development of the Road of National Significance (RONS) allowed politicians to delay funding. Let us all pull together to make sure that similar delays do not happen again. continued next page
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May 17, 2017 Mahurangimatters
Viewpoint Colin Smith, Rodney Local Board
First 180 days
Wellsford is not getting a fair deal and this has nothing to do with the Northern Action Group (NAG). We went into the Supercity with the promise of better roads and levels of service, but instead we have seen Wellsford regress. It is evident that priority for Council expenditure is for Warkworth and Kumeu. Community consultation for a proposed three-year plan will be held on 6 June at the Wellsford Library, between 2pm and 7pm. All ratepayers and citizens need to submit on this plan. Community feedback is vital because it informs the Council of what is needed. This plan sets the next 10 years to deliver to us what we ask for. If there are no submissions, another 10 years will pass and nothing will happen. We need a new structure plan for Wellsford now. No growth means no investment in infrastructure because there are not enough people to support the investment. If Council can’t afford the infrastructure, then a plan change needs to be implemented supporting countryside living. Use the helpline to make your views known. Phone 09 301 01 01 for infrastructure matters; and phone 09 355 3553 (Auckland Transport) for roading issues. Ask for a CAS number, and make sure you record it and compile a physical file. If this doesn’t work, ring your hardworking local board member. Here’s an update on some of the issues I have been working on: Araparera Joint Venture – The investigation is ongoing and staff are working to gather the last of the information for review. Roading – Greg Sayers and I have been working hard through consultation with Auckland Transport. As a result, AT recognises that our roads are currently not fit for purpose. Watch this space. Drainage – Stormwater and drainage will be delivered to us through a new project group, Healthy Waters. This is not a Local Board matter but rather a regional matter and Council should be pushing government to fund our drainage requirements. Wellsford Sports Collective – The local board staff are ready to help the Wellsford Sports Collective progress the proposed sports facility. This needs all sports groups to be involved in this process. Watercare – I am finding Watercare has its own agenda and seems to know better about what locals want than the locals themselves. How do we put another wetland into a flood plain when the last wetland failed? The Te Hana water is a safe supply. The Hoteo River is not a safe supply and will always be prone to contamination. Watercare needs to listen to the community.
YO U S AY from previous page
I ask that everybody channel their concerns through fixhillstreetnow. org or the Warkworth Area Liaison Group so that we can correct any misconceptions and local people can speak with one voice. Roger Williams, Warkworth
Direct link needed At the public meeting held on May 6, at the showgrounds, Auckland Transport asked for feedback on the four options they presented regarding the route for the new Matakana link road from Clayden Road to SH1. All four options were strongly opposed by many at the meeting for one simple reason – AT proposals all state that the link road is to end with traffic lights where it will meet SH1. This is an illogical suggestion and would lead to
Email letters to
Hill Street Version 2. The logical solution is for the link road to be connected directly to the new motorway. Apparently NZTA opposes this idea as it would interfere with the flow of the motorway traffic. This is nonsense as witnessed by the two excellent connectors to the existing motorway at Orewa and Silverdale where cars merge effortlessly like a zip. AT does not seem to know that under the Unitary Plan over 5000 people will be living north of Warkworth. We need a common sense approach that includes adequate provision for the near future. I urge, as did many at the public meeting, AT not to proceed with their four options but to talk with NZTA and come back to the public with the options all including a direct link to the new motorway. Bryan Jackson, Snells Beach
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6 Mahurangimatters May 17, 2017
Vale Betty Paxton About 200 people attended the Mahurangi East Community Centre in Snells Beach to pay their respects and celebrate the life of Elizabeth (Betty) Paxton who served on the Rodney District Council for 11 years. Betty died peacefully on May 7 at the Amberlea Rest Home, Algies Bay. She was 90 years old. Celebrant Dave Parker said the community had lost a much loved community leader and friend, a “treasured icon” who gave far more than she received. Mr Parker said the depth and range of her involvement in community concerns was reflected in the numerous positions she held and the awards and honours bestowed on her during her life. These included founding chairperson of the Mahurangi Community Trust, life membership of the Snells Beach Residents and Ratepayers Association, honorary life membership of the Omaha Life Saving Club, and at least five community service awards. She served four terms on the Rodney District Council as a councillor for the northern ward. On a lighter note, Betty was also awarded the Paddle Award from the Warkworth Visitor Centre in recognition of her role as the community’s “biggest stirrer.” Betty was remembered for a sense of humour but also her ability to call a spade a spade. She was sometimes referred to as the “Iron Maiden of Kawau Bay,” in recognition of her determination to fight for what she believed in. Mahurangi East Volunteer Fire Brigade station
Betty Paxton
officer, Richard Wilcock, who worked alongside Betty at the Mahurangi Community Trust, recalled how Betty fought for the establishment of the fire station despite the opposition of the New Zealand Fire Service. “Betty dug her toes in and thanks to her we are
1926 - 2017 here,” he said. “Betty did not know the word ‘no.’ She was a legend. If she wanted something done she would push everyone along to achieve her goal. She was just a whirlwind and swept everyone along with her enthusiasm,” he said. Former Rodney Mayor Penny Webster said Betty was a person who worked for her community and put them first. She said a lot of fellow councillors were concerned they were not getting the money for their area because Betty had managed to pull it off for hers. “She was a legend in her lifetime and many of us politicians worked to emulate her,” she said. Betty drove the construction of the Mahurangi East Community Centre and its Betty Paxton room was named in her honour. Betty had a tough early life that saw her growing up on a farm near Waimauku that was covered in gorse and blackberry. Every morning she would bike five miles to Waimauku to catch the train to attend Helensville High School. However, she did not complete her schooling until much later in life. She finally secured her School Certificate at the age of 60. In addition to her community work, Betty was devoted to her family and took particular pride in the achievements of her grandchildren and great grandchildren. Betty is survived by her children Wayne, Ken, Jude, Steve and Barb; her 18 grandchildren; more than 30 great grandchildren; and one great, great grandchild.
ANNUAL HARVEST SALE - begins this weekend! Sale begins at 9am Saturday 20th May. Check out specials on Morris & James handmade pots, planters and ceramics. Discounts also available online. Sale ends 5th June 2017. Open 9am - 5pm 7 days. See you there!
Handmade Pottery from Matakana
May 17, 2017 Mahurangimatters
Concrete Mixer - Just Arrived • 350 Litre Bowl Capacity There will be some inconvenience at the Warkworth conveniences until July.
Long wait for toilets over Much-need upgrades to public toilets at the Warkworth i-SITE, Kowhai Park and Leigh Hall started this month. Auckland Council originally planned to start the work between February and April, but the projects were delayed due to “a busy construction industry”, Council says. Both the Warkworth refurbishments involve the closure of the toilets from now until July, plus a loss of several parking spaces while the work is carried out and both sites become construction zones. Temporary portable toilets have been installed next to the i-SITE. A modular unisex toilet with three cubicles and a distinctive exterior design featuring historic local photographs is being installed at Kowhai Park, near the Matakana Road entrance. Rodney Local Board chair Beth Houlbrooke told a recent Warkworth Area Liaison Group meeting that the new toilet could cause quite a stir. “I think they are going to be a real spectacle,” she said. “One facade will feature a photo from the 1950s of the roundabout at Hill Street, and I think that will create a lot of discussion.” Photos of an old car, a horse and cart, and the old cement works will also feature. She added that there would be a review of all public toilets in the
Rodney district next year, based on local population and visitor numbers. The $350,000 Kowhai Park upgrade will also include a new campervan dumping station, a 16-space sealed car park, a grassed area for overflow parking, a new precast concrete footbridge and footpath improvements, including a new path to a safer pedestrian crossing point on Matakana Road. Council says the park’s redesign and new facilities have taken into account any possible future widening of the Hill Street intersection, and adds that the modular toilet can be moved if necessary. The southern end of the car park will remain open until June 12 then the whole site will be closed until the end of July. Council is directing people hoping to use the loos or dump station to the toilets at Warkworth Showgrounds and to campervan dump stations at Wellsford and Hatfields Beach. The $275,000 upgrade of the town centre i-SITE toilets includes replacing all internal fittings and fixtures, re-cladding and painting the inside, installing new drainage and recoating the floor. The finished block will consist of three female and two male toilets, two urinals and a unisex toilet with wheelchair access and a baby-change table. The i-SITE toilets and the toilets at Leigh Hall, which are also being refurbished, are due to re-open on July 7.
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8 Mahurangimatters May 17, 2017
Mangawhai heritage hub takes shape
Susan Vize hands out some samples from her chocolaterie and cafe to BNI visitors.
Chocs away for new business visitors Fifteen new businesses enjoyed an array of treats from Warkworth’s Chocolate Brown as part of a Visitors Day organised by business networking group BNI recently. Bill Raynel, director consultant for BNI Warkworth, said it was a very energetic meeting, with members making “fantastic” contacts with the new businesses who came along. “It was a real eye-opener for our existing members in terms of showing them how many keen business people are out there looking to network,” he said. BNI Warkworth president Lynn Hailes said the chapter had enjoyed a successful year last year, generating around $675,000 in business.
The Mangawhai Pioneer Village is taking shape after three more historic buildings moved to their new home in March. The old Tara School, Post Office and Te Arai Library have been relocated to the village opposite the Mangawhai Museum on Molesworth Drive. They joined the old Mangawhai Anglican Church, originally a school, which moved to the site two years ago. The village is part of the Mangawhai Community Park master plan, approved by Kaipara District Council in 2014. The 33-hectare park includes the Mangawhai Activity Zone, the new St John building and proposed NZ Fire Service station. Park chair and Pioneer Village trustee Jim Wintle says the village should be open in time for summer, after landscaping and a courtyard to connect the buildings is complete. In addition to tours through the historic building, they plan to hire them out for community events, including educational trips and weddings. Jim says money raised from events will be used for ongoing restoration and maintenance of the buildings. He says it took at least six months to prepare the foundations, piles and landscaping for the new buildings by a group of volunteers, including retired builder Bert Sainsbury. They were transported by Haines House Haulage, Mangawhai Transport and Mangawhai Engineering. The volunteers are now restoring and strengthening the buildings to meet current and health and safety regulations. “It’s not just a matter of saying ‘she’ll be right’, there is a lot of work involved to preserve and strengthen the buildings to make them last,” Jim says. The 130-year-old Tara School is believed to be the oldest building in Mangawhai. Much of it has already been restored by local residents Ken and
Pioneer Village trustee Jim Wintle hopes the 130-year-old Tara School building has found its final resting place after being moved five times in the past century.
Gayle Brown. Jim says many people in the area had a connection to the school. He attended it and so did his father. His sister was the last pupil to attend before the school closed in 1968. “It’s very important to preserve history for the future. These buildings should last for another 100 years as long as we use them. If we leave them locked up they will just rot.” The Mangawhai Community Park was identified as a premier reserve in Kaipara District Council’s Long Term Plan 2015-2025, with $100,000 a year allocated for five years and $30,000 allocated in 2015/16 for maintenance from the Mangawhai Endowment Account. The land was purchased in 1979 by Kaipara District Council and adjoins the Mangawhai Golf Club, between Mangawhai Heads and Mangawhai Village.
May 17, 2017 Mahurangimatters
Charlie’s Gelato Garden
37 Morrison Drive, Warkworth (Opposite Repco)
QUALITY - VALUE -TRUST New owners (from left) Andrew Cole and Tania Nevill with former owners Heather King and Charlie Wrigglesworth.
Local gelato lovers can relax – it’s going to be business as usual at Charlie’s, according to new owners Andrew Cole and Tania Nevill, who took over from Charlie Wrigglesworth and Heather King in April. “We’re very aware that we have big boots to fill,” Tania says. “We’re not going to change what Charlie’s is at all.” Both Andrew and Tania grew up on farms, but have always worked in Auckland in finance and the clothing business Working Style, which was established by Tania and a business partner 30 years ago. However, Andrew’s passion for growing, gardening and cooking has led the couple to seek their own small business and a new rural life for them and their three children, Will, Georgia and Johnny. “We’ve always loved this area, and always thought we’d end up moving up here,” he says. “I’ve been looking for a business here for a couple of years,
and this was ideal. The real thing that attracted us to this place was Heather and Charlie … once we met them, it just felt like the right thing to do.” For now, Charlie’s customers will continue to enjoy the familiar range of gelato, sorbetto and produce, served by familiar faces Lynette, Kylie and Angela. “They’re training us,” quips Tania. Sometime down the track, Andrew is hoping to grow more produce like salad greens and tomatoes, and he also wants to utilise the outdoor pizza oven to slowcook meats such as pulled pork and beef brisket. Meanwhile, Tania would like to develop a small range of organic coconut-based ice creams. For now, however, they simply want to settle into local life and get to know the business and their customers. “We’re looking forward to getting to know people here,” they say. “And we want to hear what they think as well. We’re very open to comments.”
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Mon-Fri 9.30am-5pm, Sat 9.30am-1pm
10 Mahurangimatters May 17, 2017
Rugby / Hockey / Gymsports / Football / Netball / Pony Rides / Skateboarding / Rugby / Hockey / Gymsports / Football Netball/ Tai / Pony Skateboarding Basketball / Mountain-biking / Karate // Tennis Chi /Rides Dog /Agility / Cricket / Basketball / Mountain-biking /Athletics Karate / /Tennis / Tai Chi / Dog Agility / Cricket / Scouts Athletics / Scouts Rugby Rugby // Hockey Hockey // Gymsports Gymsports // Football Football // Netball Netball // Pony Pony Rides Rides // Skateboarding Skateboarding Rugby / //Hockey / Gy Basketball // Mountain-biking // Karate // Tennis // Tai Chi // Dog Agility // Cricket // / Mount The Rodney Local Board and Mahurangi Sport Recreation Collective Basketball Mountain-biking KarateCommunity Tennis Tai Chi and Dog Agility Cricket Basketball Rugby / Hockey / Gymsports / Football / Netball / Pony Rides / Skateboarding / Athletics // Scouts The Rodney Boardcompleting and Mahurangi Community Sport and Collective invite you toLocal celebrate upgrades to the grounds andRecreation clubrooms, and the Athletics Scouts Basketball / Mountain-biking / /Karate // Tennis //Tai Chi//Rides Dog / Cricket / Rugby / Hockey / Gymsports / Football /Netball Pony /Agility Skateboarding Rugby / Hockey Gymsports /Netball Football Pony Rides / Skateboarding invite you to celebrate completing upgrades to the grounds and clubrooms, and/ the installation of new LED floodlights at the Warkworth Showgrounds. Scouts Basketball / Mountain-biking / Karate// Tai Tennis / Tai / Dog Agility //Cricket / / Basketball / Mountain-biking /Athletics Karate / /Tennis Chi / Chi Dog Agility Cricket of new LED/floodlights at the Warkworth Showgrounds. Athletics //Scouts Rugby installation / Hockey / Gymsports Football / Netball Pony Rides / Skateboarding / Athletics /activities, Scouts Sport The Rodney Local Board and Mahurangi Community and Recreation Collective Come along for a fun night of “have-a-go” demonstrations, competition The Rodney Local Board and Mahurangi Sport Recreation Collective Rodney Basketball / Mountain-biking / KarateCommunity / Tennis / Tai Chi and / Dog Agility The / Cricket / Local Boa Comeyou along for a funThe night ofLocal “have-a-go” demonstrations, competition and matches and celebrate lights getting on!!! invite toexhibition celebrate completing upgrades tothe theCommunity grounds andturned clubrooms, and the invite you to celebrate Athletics /activities, Scouts Rodney Board and Mahurangi Recreation Collective The Rodney Local Board and Mahurangi Community Sport Sport and and Recreation Collective
and exhibition matches and celebrate theWarkworth lights getting turned on!!!and the installation of you to celebrate completing upgrades to the grounds and clubrooms, installation ofinvite new LED floodlights at the Showgrounds. invite you toLocal celebrate upgrades to the grounds and clubrooms, and the The Rodney Boardcompleting andinstallation Mahurangi Community Sport and Recreation of new LED floodlights at the Warkworth Showgrounds.Collective installation of new LED floodlights at the Warkworth Showgrounds. invite you to celebrate completing upgrades to the grounds and clubrooms, andalong the for a fun along - Community everyone welcome! Come along for fun night of “have-a-go” activities, demonstrations, competition FREE Come along for aaBoard funCome night of Come Come along for a fun night of “have-a-go” activities, demonstrations, competition The Rodney Local and Mahurangi Sport and Recreation Collective COMMUNITY along - everyone welcome! installation ofCome new LEDexhibition floodlights atandthe Warkworth Showgrounds. and matches celebrate the lights getting turnedon!!! on!!! and matches andupgrades celebrate getting FREE invite toexhibition celebrate completing tothe thelights grounds andturned clubrooms, and and the exhibition EVENT Comeyou along for a fun night of “have-a-go” activities, demonstrations, competition COMMUNITY EVENT installation of new LED floodlights the Showgrounds. and exhibition matches and celebrate the-Warkworth lights getting turned competition on!!! Come along for a fun night of “have-a-go” activities, demonstrations, Come at along everyone welcome! FREE COMMUNITY and exhibitionCome matchesalong and celebrate the lightswelcome! getting turned on!!! everyone EVENT FREE FREE Come along for a fun night of “have-a-go” activities, demonstrations, competition COMMUNITY Come - everyone welcome! exhibition matches and the lights gettingat turned EVENT Seeand you on Friday 19along Maycelebrate 2017 from 4.30pm the on!!! sports FREE EVENT
COMMUNITY Come along - everyone welcome! Seefields you on May 2017 from at atthe FREE See19 you onShowgrounds, Friday 19 May 20174.30pm from 4.30pm the sports sports at Friday Warkworth SH1, Warkworth EVENT COMMUNITY fields atShowgrounds, Warkworth Showgrounds, SH1, Warkworth fields at Warkworth Warkworth Come along - everyone SH1, welcome! EVENT FREE COMMUNITY See you on Friday 19 May 2017 from 4.30pm at the sports See you on Fr EVENT Follow us on at Friday Warkworth Showgrounds, SH1, Warkworth us2017 on Seefields you on 19 Follow May from 4.30pm at the sports fields at W us2017 on Seefields you on 19 Follow May from 4.30pm at the sports at Friday Warkworth Showgrounds, SH1, Warkworth at Friday Warkworth Showgrounds, SH1, Warkworth Seefields you on 19 May 2017 from 4.30pm at the sports Proudly Follow us Follow us on on fields at Warkworth Showgrounds, SH1, Warkworth AVCO
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May 17, 2017 Mahurangimatters
Mahurangi sports turn on The Mahurangi Community Sport and Recreation Collective’s longawaited Great Turn On event will be held at the Warkworth Showgrounds on May 19, starting at 4.30pm. The event has been organised to mark the installation of new state-of-the-art LED lighting at the grounds. A total of 12 sporting organisations will host activities during the evening with five running skills sessions open to anyone. Warkworth Pony Club will offer pony rides and Warkworth Scouts will host a scavenger hunt. The Warkworth and Districts Museum will hold a display in the Mahurangi Rugby Football Club rooms featuring sporting history from the Warkworth area. The first 100 people to arrive at the event will receive a stamp card, which will entitle the holder to a free sausage and ice-cream if they attend and receive a stamp from at least six activities. The event will be started by a nominated local junior sportsperson who has excelled in a sporting activity and will sound a hooter on the night. Nominations for the junior, who must be under 20, close on May 18. To nominate or for more information, visit
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Jacqueline Corry says the new two-day market will not be affected by the weather at the Matakana Community Hall.
New vintage market underway in Matakana The demise of the Sunday Vintage Markets in Matakana in March has led to the formation of a new monthly market down the road at the Matakana Community Hall, starting on Saturday and Sunday, May 27 and 28. The new two-day event is being organised by Jacqueline Corry, who was a regular at the Vintage Markets selling silverware, crystal, glass 948 and animal hides. “Because the Sunday Vintage Market at Matakana has closed permanently and many of the stallholders are extremely disappointed, we are going
to test opening two days towards the jewellery, dog blankets, wheat bags, end of each month at the community perfume, silverware, china, crystal, hall,” she says. seedlings, produce and secondhand “We hope it will become more of books. There will also be a medium in attendance. a community event, with antiques, and healer Call: 09 411 9604 vintage, bric-a-brac and collectables, “We’re hoping that quite a few of the plus produce and fresh goods, and stallholders who were at the Vintage A D I V I S I O N O F W YAT T L A N D S C A P E S U P P L I E S maybe local fundraisers. Currently, Market will join us,” Jacqueline says. several people have shown an interest, “Everyone is welcome.” but the more the merrier. If it succeeds, The last Sunday Vintage Market was State Waimauku we willHighway keep it going16 and • have booked held on March 26. Its founder, Fiona ( justuntil after the ) the hall theMuriwai end ofturn theoffyear.” McGeough, said it had “justt .nreached a e z The first new market will be open natural end”. p e s u p p li e s .n ca a n d sbookings: from 10am to 2pm, and will sell a wInfo w Jacqueline Corry d t e 422 9221, 0278 565656 or email jic@ range of goods, including bric-aa r e p & o handmade brac, clothing, n e dcandles,
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12 Mahurangimatters May 17, 2017
Tracey Martin List MP based in Rodney
Getting rid of student financial debt and keeping their skills at home. New Zealand First will implement upfront investment (UFI) in post-secondary education. This policy will remove the financial burden of student loans, particularly on our young people and replace this with a payable skill debt to the country. The UFI Tertiary policy will reduce both the human and financial waste currently created by inadequate work force planning and under resourced careers advice. Our post-secondary study suite of policies, which includes a universal student allowance, will remove current lurching from skill shortage crisis to individual profession oversupply.
To make this happen New Zealand First will: Bring back Workforce Planning: • We will reinstate the leadership role for workforce planning development by Industry Training Organisations and require all Government Ministries, where the state provides the majority of services, to establish and participate in planning leadership eg MOE, MOH, MSD, Corrections etc. • We will amend the Tertiary Education Commission funding model to be a control mechanism when requiring ITOs to develop workforce plans for 5 years, with a forecast for 20 years. • We will only fully fund the required number of identified industry places with a 5% to 10% buffer for natural attrition. • Students would compete for these places at point of educational entry ensuring greater fit between the student and the field of study. • We will introduce key markers during the period of study and the ability to transfer from one line of study to another as a feature of the overall policy.
Invest in greater Career and Vocational Advice: • We will upskill and development Career Advisors, tag funding specifically for release time to facilitate both general staff professional development and individual student consultations. Identify and spread best practice. • We will use the recent absorption of Careers NZ into TEC to create closer links with real life work force planning. Inform and enhance the Careers NZ website with greater forward projections.
• We will strengthen and modify career/vocational advice from Y7 to Y13 as per New Zealand Curriculum. • We will provide greater resourcing and widen the scope of the Gateway and STAR Programmes to better facilitate short term internship/work experience to gain a realistic understanding of employment areas. • Combined with New Zealand First policy to pay job seekers benefit to approved employers when taking on an apprentice who gains on the job qualifications to further support Small and Medium size enterprises, employment growth and enhanced productivity.
Remove the Student Loan Scheme and transfer from a financial debt to a skill debt: • We will record the total Upfront Investment with IRD using the individuals NSN (National Student Number). • We will switch to a year for year reduction of debt – for every year studied there is an expectation of one year skill exchange. Each year worked in New Zealand would reduce skill debt by a year. • We will use bonding system models for certain industries e.g. teacher, nurses, doctors, police along with other industries would accelerate skill debt reduction. • For those who wish/need to go overseas to gain further international knowledge, industry lead groups e.g. Medical Council, would be required to find a similarly qualified person to come to New Zealand for the period our citizen is out of the country. This person would count toward the year for year repayment. • If individual left New Zealand, without replacement and did not return, IRD would convert the skill debt into a dollar debt which would be pursued under current interest charging conditions.
Introduce a Universal Student Allowance: • We will introduce a universal living allowance which is not subject to parental means testing as a priority for all full-time students. • We will remove the deduction regime currently in place if a student earns over a certain dollar value per individual to an income cap yet to be established. • We will reverse recent amendments to the Social Services Act which shut out full time students from accessing the accommodation supplement when they fit the appropriate criteria.
• Current outstanding student debt is close to
• $4,183 million per annum • Equivalent to 1.67% of GDP
• $4,638• Equivalent million per annum to 1.86% of GDP Tracey Martin New Zealand First Shop 5, Riverside Arcade, 62 Queen St, Warkworth
May 17, 2017 Mahurangimatters
Incredible art designed to entertain, inspire and amuse Sculptureum, a major new collection of art and sculpture from all over the world, has opened its doors in Matakana, and its sheer size and scope is already causing a stir both locally and further afield. Roadside glimpses of a giant flower made from yellow buckets and giraffes formed from rusty mesh give no clue to the extent of the hundreds of exhibits and displays that stretch back from Omaha Flats Road over the 10 hectare site. There are three large outside areas – the Garden of Creative Diversity, the Palm Garden and the Pink Snail Garden – plus six themed galleries, as well as the new Rothko restaurant and a large function hall. The range, style and sheer number of exhibits is dizzying in its diversity, from classical Italian statuary and bronzes through ancient rocks and driftwood to vivid glass and plastic animals. There are surprises at every turn … and that’s the point, according to Anthony Grant, the Auckland-based lawyer who, with wife Sandra, has put together this extraordinary collection of art, sculpture and design over a dozen years. He wants to delight and excite people by showing them things they wouldn’t normally be able to see in New Zealand, whether ancient, modern, or even alive. There is a corral of giant rabbits, a turtle tank and several aviaries of jewel-coloured birds dotted through the grounds. So, why has he done it? “Just to show people some of these wonderful things. And because it’s fun!” he says. “Where else can you go to see art that’s fun? How many galleries can you go to where you see something that makes you laugh?” He is dismissive of the snobbery and elitism that can surround the art world and wants people to feel confident in their own likes and tastes. “I’m trying to get people here who are put off by, or disillusioned with art, and urge everyone to have the confidence to like what they like and not worry what anyone thinks. ”
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Anthony Grant has spent many years and millions of dollars to bring an eclectic collection of international art and design to his Matakana property.
Another objective is to show that good art or design need not be expensive and to inspire people with ordinary things. Nevertheless, there are a few priceless exhibits. The figurative gallery alone contains works by Matisse, Picasso, Chagall, Cezanne and Rodin, and there’s a massive installation by renowned US glass artist Dale Chihuly. But there are plenty more works made using everyday objects, including sleepers, Lego, cutlery, cable ties and milk bottles. “One aim of doing this is to help people to make their own surroundings more attractive by showing them what can be done with everyday things, with colour, not only sculptures,” Anthony says. “Things to make a garden lovely, say, to give it personality.” There was never a grand plan for Sculptureum. It started with a simple desire to display Anthony’s considerable collection of glass then gradually evolved into a far bigger enterprise to curate and display a wide gamut of different sculpture and art. “I was going to do an art gallery, so just thought I’ll put what I’ve been planning out here,” he says
A passion for design, colour and fun shines through the exhibits.
of the gardens. “It was a fairly muddled start, I just thought I’ll have some fun. There was no concept at the outset, and for most things here I’ve thought of a dozen different things. “I don’t think of it as a sculpture park, I think it’s a new paradigm. It’s art entertainment.” It has also provided Mahurangi with a new restaurant, an important tourist drawcard and a source of employment – around 30 people work at Sculptureum. Info:
14 Mahurangimatters May 17, 2017
Departing school coach identifies transport barrier A leading local sports coach believes the lack of transportation in the Mahurangi area is the biggest barrier to children’s participation in sport. Tony Mordaunt is returning to his native England this month after working with schools and clubs throughout Rodney since 2009. He says the lack of public transport means it is often difficult for children to meet sports commitments, particularly if they have to travel outside the area. “The more clubs we have based locally, the easier it will be for children to engage in sporting activity,” he says. If both parents are working it can leave children stranded or dependent on other parents. “Clubs within walking distance would be ideal.” Tony, 46, of Snells Beach, has been a coach for 25 years since he started coaching the junior England badminton team. He moved to New Zealand in 2005 to coach badminton at North Harbour before starting work with Badminton Oceania in 2007. Two years later he took up a role in the Warkworth area aimed at increasing children’s participation in sport and working with physical education teachers.
Sports coach Tony Mordaunt is returning to England after eight years of working with children in the Mahurangi area.
The Harbour Sport-funded programme saw Tony work with Ahuroa, Kaipara Flats, Leigh, Horizon, Snells Beach, Warkworth and Matakana primary schools. “My goal has always been to make a difference through sport and I would like to think I have achieved that in my time here,” Tony says. “The kids in this area are passionate and committed, and the community has really helped me in my work.” Tony says there is a lot of sporting
Hearing Health your questions answered
potential in the children he has worked with, particularly in hockey since the construction of the Warkworth Hockey Turf. “The whole Warkworth Showgrounds facility is a huge asset to the community.” This year, Tony began working for the first time with a secondary school, coaching at Mahurangi College. He says that gave him new challenges with a different demographic and staff to work with.
Another big challenge he faced with his job was balancing fun with competition. “If children find sport fun they will also win,” he says. He says he is sad to leave NZ, but is returning to the UK for family reasons. He thanks all the schools and volunteers who have made his role possible over the last eight years. Funding for his role is set to continue and Harbour Sport will advertise for a replacement soon.
There are so many choices when it comes to purchasing hearing aids, what are some questions I should ask? Which is the right hearing aid for me? We ask you questions about your personal listening situations to give us an idea as to the level of technology you require. Bay Audiology is not affiliated with any one particular manufacturer and can therefore offer you a wide variety of options to choose from. Will I get the opportunity to trial the hearing aids? It’s important that you are able to take the hearing aids away from the clinic and try them out in your own situations. Bay Audiology offer a 60-day money-back guarantee. Am I eligible for any funding assistance? There are funding options for hearing aids, each with their own criteria. Many people don’t know that most NZers are eligible for a $1000 subsidy from the Ministry of Health. Myself and the team of clinicians at Bay Audiology are able to access this funding for you.
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May 17, 2017 Mahurangimatters
Fun, friendship and funding
Jane Bentley has found friendship and fun hosting Pink Ribbon high teas.
Sarah Denny, Optometrist
Back Row: Donna Hamilton, Sally Wilson, Rebecca Hay, Louise McLaughlin Sue Wynyard
Info: Pink Ribbon High Tea, Mangawhai Senior Citizens Hall, Fagan Place, $15 entry, May 20, from 2pm-4pm.
Front Row: Nicky Snedden, Nicole Upton, Terri Jury, Kathy Carter-Lee Inset: Left, Melanie Brownlee. Right, Creaghan Mitchell
Melanie Brownlee 021 263 3133. Kathy Carter-Lee 09 425 6749 021 425 115 Donna Hamilton 021 140 9866 Rebecca Hay CURRENTLY ON LEAVE
Terri Jury 09 4237350 021 2371856
Louise McLaughlin 09 425 6115 027 242 8830
Sally Wilson 09 425 8127 0274 977 745
Creaghan Mitchell 021 901 550
Sue Wynyard 09 425 8912 0274 934 491
Nicky Snedden 09 425 8249 021 662 393
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Good In The Hood community funding programme, where every Z station in the country has $4000 to donate to four local causes, plus a further $1000 to use for discretionary neighbourhood support during the year. Motorists will be given an orange token to vote with every time they make a purchase this month, and the number of tokens per charity will determine what percentage of funding goes to each group.
Our experienced midwives will care for you from conception to 6 weeks after the birth of your baby. We work from Whangaparaoa to Maungaturoto Coast to Coast.
Fuel up for community causes Motorists filling up at Warkworth’s Z petrol station throughout May have the chance to nominate a favourite charity or neighbourhood group to give them the chance of winning a share of $5000. The Hudson Road service station is offering drivers four good causes to vote for: Fostering Kids NZ; Omaha Beach Surf Lifesaving Club; Pinc and Steel Cancer Rehabilitation Trust; and Victim Support Rodney. The giveaway is part of Z’s annual
“I travelled that journey of fear, hope and despondency, and really wanted to recognise that the partners often pick up the pieces for the family torn apart during treatment.” Jane says companionship was an important part of healing and it was a get together with a group of women a month ago who kickstarted her again. She says a fundraiser can be as easy or as complicated as you want. Along with pink outfits and decorations, including pink bunting to tie a room together, she recommends having a clear vision of what you want to achieve and, most importantly, to have fun.
Phone/fax: 09 425 7002 Email: Visit: 23 Neville Street, Warkworth
After years of putting on lavish Pink Ribbon high teas for women, this year has special meaning for Jane Bentley. It is her first breast cancer research fundraiser in Mangawhai, her retirement home after moving from Greenhithe 18 months ago. It was also a reason to get active again after her husband died from lymphoma last December. “I’ll never stop grieving, but I just had to get out of my own head. I passionately believe in this cause and know how important it is to catch these things sooner rather than later,” Jane says. Jane put on her first Pink Ribbon breakfast in 2011 in memory of her mother, who died of breast cancer. It was a small event at her home and raised $1700. It grew every year until five years later it was held in a hall and raised $17,000. Jane admits she has to do it ‘properly’ after 20 years of corporate experience with Estee Lauder as a sales manager, often attending and hosting events for women. The cosmetic company has donated lipsticks for this year’s raffles, along with Mangawhai businesses. “I just want everyone to have a fantastic time and go away remembering to check their breasts,” Jane says. She encourages men to be involved, as a reminder that men play important supportive roles but can also get breast cancer themselves.
16 Mahurangimatters May 17, 2017
Send your nominations to
Congratulations Barbara Sullivan, who is the recipient of a gift basket from Chocolate Brown. Barbara was nominated by Charmaine Gravatt, who wrote:
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On behalf of the Mahurangi Rugby Football Club I would like to nominate Barbara Sullivan from Trade Mark Embroidery. Barbara has looked after the club’s embroidery for a number of years and often has to do a lot at the last minute. Just recently, the senior part of the club had to change shirt styles at the last minute and Barbara pulled out all the stops to make sure that the club had these for their 1st XV home game along with dress shirts. We are always able to pop up to Barb’s and pretty much get anything done.
She really looks after us, and we really appreciate it.
Know someone who deserves a big “thank you” for their community spirit? Tell us and they will receive acknowledgement in Mahurangi Matters and an amazing hamper from Chocolate Brown, 6 Mill Lane, Warkworth. Send your nominations to (subject line: Sweet Appreciation) or post to: Sweet Appreciation, Mahurangi Matters, PO Box 701, Warkworth. Kindly refrain from nominating members of your own family.
• Milford Eye Clinic, 181 Shakespeare Road, Milford • Warkworth, Unit 3, Warkworth Health Centre, Cnr Alnwick & Percy Streets, Warkworth • Orewa, Unit 5, The Nautilus 9 - 13 Tamariki Ave, Orewa
For all appointments phone 09 422 6871
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May 17, 2017 Mahurangimatters
Endowment Theatre collaboration targets bullying funds support Mangawhai Eleven Mangawhai community groups have received a total of $170,000 in grants from the Mangawhai Endowment Lands Account committee. The committee, consisting of three Otamatea Councillors, met at the end of March. Major projects funded included an investigation in to a wharf in Mangawhai Village by the Mangawhai Harbour Restoration Society, continuation of a walking and cycling track along the harbour’s edge by the Mangawhai Recreational Charitable Trust, and funding to continue with planting and preservation of heritage features in Mangawhai Community Park, by the Friends of the Park. Grant recipients were: Friends of Mangawhai Community Park $15,000; Mangawhai Activity Zone Charitable Trust $35,000; Mangawhai Recreational Charitable Trust $13,800; Mangawhai Harbour Restoration Society $20,000; Mangawhai Heads Volunteer Lifeguard Service $7525; Mangawhai Riparian Planting Group $13,228; Mangawhai Library Hall $15,502; Mangawhai Tennis Club $9000. Conditional grants: Mangawhai Football Club $20,000 and NZ Fairy Tern Charitable Trust $20,000.
Warkworth Theatre Group and budding actors from Mahurangi College have teamed up to stage a play about bullying. Road to Netherland, featuring Year 11 drama students, was written and tailored for the co-production by Joanna Jayne St John, of Sandspit. “The theatre group was bemoaning that we needed more youthful energy and I’ve always had an interest in motivating young people, so we decided to give it a go,” Joanna says. The theme is about bullying at all stages in life, from school to a retirement village, and how to overcome it. The production is also a play within a play, as the characters are putting on a play. Joanna says it was challenging to write a theme that worked for school students and retirement age, while making it cohesive for the audience. Teacher-in-charge of drama Jonathan Dutton says the co-production was a chance to involve the school and community. He says it presented extra challenges for the playwright, including finding a compromise on what was true to life but also appropriate for a school play. Another requirement was to make sure the students had big enough roles so they can achieve their NCEA Level 1 drama assessment. Drama teacher Emily Woodfield says the assessment involves performing a role in a scripted production, developing a character, portraying
The co-production between Mahurangi College drama students and Warkworth Theatre Group is ‘a play within a play’.
them on stage and following direction from a script. She says the experience will also be valuable for the students next assessment on script writing. “They’ve had a rare opportunity to workshop the play with the playwright which helps give them an understanding of the character. Also performing with an older cast has been really valuable and will help with opening night nerves.” &
One of the theatre group members, Manish Tanna, is a commerce teacher at Mahurangi College and says the collaboration gave him the impetus to join the group. Info: Road to Netherland, At Mahurangi College hall, May 26 and 27, 7pm, $20 adults and $10 children, students and pensioners. There is an open dress rehearsal for students and parents on May 25.
Warkworth Theatre Group Mahurangi College Level 1 Drama Class Present
The Road to Netherland By Joanna Jayne St John. Fri 26 May & Sat 27 May, 7pm at Mahurangi College Hall
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18 Mahurangimatters May 17, 2017
Matinee: Matinee: Matinee: 10 am POI E: THE STORY OF OUR SONG (2016) 10 am POI E: THE STORY OF OUR SONG (2016) 96 Min. - NZ -STORY G 4 am POI E: THE OF OUR SONG (2016) 10 96 Min. - NZ - G 4 44 4 4
4 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 43 pm 3 pm 4 pm 34
Directed by Te Kahi 96 Min. - NZ - GArepa Directed by Te Arepa Kahi Directed by Te Arepa Kahi
The story of musician Dalvanius Prime and the origin The story of musician Dalvanius Prime and the origin of the song E", a ground-breaking o 1980s The story of "Poi musician Dalvanius Prime fusion and the origin of the song "Poi E", a ground-breaking fusion o 1980s pop and traditional Maori music. of the song "Poi E", a ground-breaking fusion of 1980s pop and traditional Maori music. pop and traditional Maori music. ED SHEERAN: JUMPERS FOR GOALPOSTS (2015) ED SHEERAN: JUMPERS FOR GOALPOSTS (2015) 110SHEERAN: Min. - UK - M ED 110 Min. - UK - MJUMPERS FOR GOALPOSTS (2015)
44 4 4
Directed 110 Min. - by UKPaul - M Dugdale Directed by Paul Dugdale
4 44 44
Directed by Asif Kapadia 128 Min. - by UKAsif - MKapadia Directed Directed by about Asif Kapadia A portrait Amy Winehouse, a once in two
44 44
Directed Michael 184 Min. - by USA - M Wadleigh
Directed by Paul Dugdale 4 Presents the singer's captivating performances from 4 Presents the singer's captivating performances from the threethe biggest shows of his career at Wembley 44 Presents singer's captivating performances from 4 the three biggest shows of his career at Wembley Stadium July 2015 and interview footage. 44 the three in biggest shows ofexclusive his career at Wembley 4 Stadium in July 2015 and exclusive interview footage. 4 Stadium in July 2015 and exclusive interview footage. Happy Hour Movie: Happy Hour Movie: Happy pmHour Movie: 530 (2015) 530 pm AMY AMY (2015) 128 Min. - UK - M 54 (2015) 430 pm AMY 128 Min. - UK - M
Program: THURSDAY 1 JUNE Program: Happy Hour Movie:
SOCIAL CLUB (1999) 530 pm BUENA1VISTA THURSDAY JUNE 105 Min. - USA/CUB - G 4 Directed by Wim Wenders 4 Happy Hour Movie: 30 45 pm 4 4 4 4 4 48 pm 4 4 4
BUENA SOCIAL CLUB (1999) In 1996 VISTA Ry Cooder gathered some of the greatest 105 Min.from - USA/CUB -G names the history of Cuban music to collaborate Directed by Wim Wenders on the best selling and Grammy winning album. In 1996 Ry Cooder gathered some of the greatest names from the(2008) history of Cuban music to collaborate SHINE A LIGHT on and Grammy winning album. 121the - USAselling -M Directed by Martin Scorsese
SHINEaALight LIGHT (2008) thrillingly and with bombastic displays, 48 pm Shine 121 - M ‘happy place’, why many love theTBC 4 POPMin. of a- USA revisited 4 Directed by Martin Scorsese 4 Rolling Stones and many love the style of Martin 4 Shine a Light displays, thrillingly and with bombastic Scorsese. 4 POP of a revisited ‘happy place’, why many love the 4 Rolling Stones and many love the style of Martin 4 FRIDAY 2 JUNE Scorsese. 4 Happy Hour Movie: 4 30 JOPLIN - LITTLE GIRL BLUE (2015) 5 pm JANIS FRIDAY 2 JUNE 106 Min. - USA - NR 4 Directed by Amy Berg 4 Happy Hour Movie:
30 JANIS - LITTLEof GIRL BLUEcomplex (2015) new JOPLIN understanding a bright, 45 pm A 106 Min. -whose USA - NR 4 woman surprising rise and sudden 4 Directed by Amy Berg 4 demise changed music forever. A new understanding of a bright, complex 4 woman whose 48 pm MARLEY (2012)surprising rise and sudden demise forever. 144 Min. -changed UK/USA - music M 4 Directed by Kevin Macdonald 4 48 pm MARLEY (2012) Marley is the definitive life story of Bob Marley, 144 Min. - UK/USA -M 4 musician, revolutionary, and legend, from his early
Directed by Kevin Macdonald
4 4
days to his rise to international superstardom. Marley is the definitive life story of Bob Marley, musician, revolutionary, and legend, from his early days to his rise to international superstardom.
Tickets: Adults $14 / Students, Seniors $12 / under 12’s $10 Festival pass $99 - Choose `Five $49
Available at/Local Matters Adults $14 Students, Seniors $12 / under 12’s $10 or online on Festival pass $99 - Choose `Five $49 This is a fundraiser for the Warkworth Town Hall Available at Local Matters or online on This is a fundraiser for the Warkworth Town Hall
4 A portrait about Amy Winehouse, a once in two generational musical talent whose appeal crossed 44 A portrait of Amy Winehouse, a once in two 4 generational musical talent whose appeal crossed cultural and demographic 4 generational musical talentboundaries. whose appeal crossed cultural and demographic boundaries. 4 cultural and demographic boundaries. 4 pm WOODSTOCK (1970) 48 8 pm WOODSTOCK (1970) 4 184 Min. - USA - M 4 pm WOODSTOCK 184 Min. - USA - (1970) M 8 4 Directed by Michael Wadleigh Directed by Michael This iconic musicalWadleigh documentary covers the three-day 4 This iconic musical documentary covers the three-day 4 music festival that symbolised thecovers late 1960s in terms 44 This iconic musical documentary the three-day music festival that symbolised the late 1960s in terms of musical, social and political ideology of the era. 4 44 of musical, social political ideology of thein era. music festival thatand symbolised the late 1960s terms 4 44 of musical, social and political ideology of the era. 4SUNDAY SUNDAY 4 4 JUNE JUNE
SUNDAY Matinee: 4 JUNE
Matinee: 10 am THE TOPP TWINS: UNTOUCHABLE GIRLS (2009) Matinee: 10 am THE TOPP TWINS: UNTOUCHABLE GIRLS (2009) 84 Min. - NZ - M 4 84 Min. - NZ TWINS: -M 4 TOPP UNTOUCHABLE GIRLS (2009) 10 Directed by Leann Pooley 4 am THE 44 44
4 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 pm 43 3 pm 4
34 4 pm
Directed by Leann Pooley 84 Min. - NZ -M The story the world's Directed byof Leann Pooley only comedic, singing,
The story of the world's only comedic, singing, yodeling lesbian twin sisters whose political activism yodeling twin sisters whose political activism The story lesbian of the world's only comedic, singing, and unique brand of entertainment has helped and unique brand of entertainment has helped yodeling lesbian twin sisters whose political activism change New Zealand's social landscape. change Newbrand Zealand's social landscape. and unique of entertainment has helped change New Zealand's social landscape. LANDFILL HARMONIC (2015) LANDFILL HARMONIC (2015) 95 Min. - PAR/USA - NR
95 Min. - PAR/USA - NR LANDFILL Directed by HARMONIC Brad Allgood /(2015) Graham Townsley
4 4 44 4
Directed by Brad Allgood / Graham Townsley 95 Min. - PAR/USA - NR Follow the livesAllgood of a garbage picker, a music teacher Directed by Brad / Graham Townsley Follow the lives of a garbage picker, a music teacher
4 4
86 Min. - USA - M 86 Min. - USA - M
4 44 4
86 Min. - USA - M In the early 1970s, Sixto Rodriguez had a short-lived Directed by Malik Bendjelloul In the early 1970s, Sixto Rodriguez had a short-lived
4 and a group of children from a Paraguayan slum that and a group of children frompicker, a Paraguayan slum that 44 Follow lives of a garbage music teacher 4 startedthe creating instruments entirelyaout of garbage. 4 started creating instruments entirely out of garbage. 44 and a group of children from a Paraguayan slum that 44 started creating instruments entirely out of garbage. Happy Hour Movie: Hour Movie: 4Happy 30 530 pm SEARCHING FOR SUGAR MAN (2012) SEARCHING 5 pmHour Happy Movie: FOR SUGAR MAN (2012) 30 Directed by Malik Bendjelloul FOR SUGAR MAN (2012) 54 Directed by Malik Bendjelloul 4 pm SEARCHING
4 44 4 4 44 4 44 4 4 8 pm 48 pm 4 4
44pm 8 44 44 4 444 4 4 4
recording career. Unknown to him, his musical story recording Unknown to him, his musical story In the earlycareer. 1970s, Sixto Rodriguez a short-lived continued in South Africa where hehad became a pop continued in South Africa where he became a pop recording Unknownfor to generations. him, his musical story music iconcareer. and inspiration music icon and inspiration for generations. continued in South Africa where he became a pop music icon and inspiration for generations. KURT COBAIN MONTAGE OF HECK (2015) KURT COBAIN MONTAGE OF HECK (2015) 132 Min. - USA - M 132 Min. - USA - M
Directed by Brett MONTAGE Morgen KURT COBAIN OF HECK (2015) Directed by Brett Morgen
132 Min. - USA - M A journey through Cobain's life and his career with Directed by through Brett Morgen A journey Cobain's life and his career with
Nirvana through the lens of his home movies, Nirvana through the lens of his home movies, A journey through life and hisjournals. career with recordings, artwork,Cobain's photography, and recordings, artwork, photography, and journals. Nirvana through the lens of his home movies, recordings, artwork, photography, and journals.
May 17, 2017 Mahurangimatters
OPEN 7 DAYS FROM 8AM BREAKFAST & LUNCH Locally roasted Rush coffee, hand made food, gluten free, low carb & vegan options Snells Beach Shopping Centre Mahurangi East Road, Snells Beach 425 5582 |
Police boost water courses Students taking part in North Rodney Blue Light programmes can continue to enjoy water-based activities after a $1500 donation from the New Zealand Police Managers Guild Trust. The activities involve teaching safety and skills around snorkeling, kayaking, fishing and stand up paddle boarding. “We want people to be able to enjoy their coastal environment,” North Rodney Blue Light community youth coordinator Shane Gould says. The organisation takes about 1000 students a year through its water-based programme. Shane (left) accepted the cheque from Rodney Area Commander Inspector Mark Fergus.
Crossroad Rural Services • Rural Hand Fencing - Gullies No Problem • Residential Fence & Gate • Tree Felling & Clearing • Rural Property Maintenance
Good turnout at Highfield family day The inaugural Roberts Trophy running race for primary school aged children was held at Highfield Garden Reserve, Algies Bay, recently. The winner was Giselle Grimmer of Snells Beach. As well as running races, there were novelty races for the whole family, donkey rides and a sausage sizzle. The trophy was made from totara by park volunteer Peter CacciaBirch and inscribed by Steve Cleverly. The fun family day was sponsored by Auckland Council and the Highfield Donkey Association. The trophy running race will be held annually in conjunction with the Christmas
Highfield get-together. Pictured at the presentation are Peter Caccia-Birch and Giselle Grimmer.
Caring for the locals who support us Sponsors of
Warkworth Food Rescue During April 1633kg of food was distributed to those in our community who need a helping hand fromy the volunteers of the Food Rescue. This brings the total saved since July 2016 to 15374kg.
Canine Behaviour and Training Specialist PHONE 027 44 99 580
Warkworth Music presents
CROSSING RACHMANINOFF The story of Flavio Villani’s journey to redemption through Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 2
Flavio Villani will be in attendance
Sunday June 11 at 4pm Matakana Cinemas, Matakana
Tickets $20 via or by mail • Info. Ph 425 6289 or 425 7313
In addition to the local businesses who support us, donations have come from further afield. Early in April, over 300kg of pumpkins was donated by a grower in Gisborne through contact in Rotary. This was followed up by another load at the end of the month. Fresh produce such as this is welcomed and we know it is appreciated by those who received the assistance. We are grateful for any donations of food – canned, fresh and packaged. With the assistance of Warkworth Christian Foodlink we will get it to those who need it in our district.
To donate goods: Call 0274 776519 or email To volunteer: Call Gordon Loughnan on 021 2549652 or Pick up from supermarkets is after 5pm and takes less than an hour and we currently work on a quarterly cycle. A few nights each three months will make a difference to other lives. Thanks to our locals supporting us, we are able to support our local community
GULL MATAKANA 09 422 7105
20 Mahurangimatters May 17, 2017
Lyn Johnston, Albertland Museum
Canine Behaviour and Training Specialist PHONE 027 44 99 580
COLD? Warm up your warehouse and factory staff!!!
21KW Diesel Heater with thermostat
Tradextra Extra for the trade
3 Glenmore Drive, Warkworth (Opposite Warkworth Wreckers)
Phone 0800 425 800
Jubilee celebrations From the first years of settlement, Albertland pioneers have celebrated May 29, the date their ships left London’s East India docks for New Zealand. 1887 marked the Albertlanders’ 25th Jubilee and the opening of the new Port Albert Temperance Hall. Everyone was determined the double celebration would be a huge success. Settlers living in Auckland formed a committee to arrange transport north for as many as possible. The SS Durham was booked, leaving Helensville on Saturday, May 28, to return the following Monday or Tuesday. She arrived in Port Albert, flags flying, at 4pm Saturday with 50 passengers, who were greeted with cheers from people waiting on the wharf. Many other visitors came from Whangarei, Matakohe, Paparoa and Maungaturoto. One gentleman from Thames couldn’t make it – his daughter wrote to a friend, ‘Today papa received a letter from Auckland re. the gathering of which you wrote but does not think he will be able to be there. We have had a dreadful flood since this was written.’ In Port Albert, however, the weather was perfect. On the Sunday morning, a Thanksgiving service was held in the Temperance Hall, with Mr James Coupland presiding. William Armitage conducted several musical items with Mrs Cutforth, Mrs David Becroft and
Mr George Nicholson on piano and harmonium. The Reverends Gittos and Barley officiated at special afternoon service and, in the evening, Edward Browne chaired a political meeting. Newspapers reported that 400 to 500 people filled the Temperance Hall for a traditional old-fashioned tea on Monday. Afterwards, Mr Coupland presided over ‘one of the most enthusiastic meetings ever held in Albertland’. Esteemed Missionary Rev William Gittos briefly addressed the meeting, saying that he had done his best to encourage local Maori Chiefs to sell the Oruawharo Block to the government for settlement. He added that there was a Maori proverb which could be applied to them: ‘No
weeping or sighing for the past, no complaining or discontent for the present; but joy, prosperity and success for the future’. Rev Gittos added that he had every confidence in the future prosperity of the district. 2017 marks the 155th Albertlanders’ Anniversary and celebrations will be held at the Port Albert Hall on Sunday, May 28, at 2pm. A varied programme will include items from the 1999 Albertland Dinner and Concert, a pictorial history of Wharehine’s Minniesdale Chapel, which will celebrate its own 150th anniversary in December, and an Old Time Magic Lantern Show of local images, many of which have not been shown before. Afternoon tea will be provided.
Saturday 1st July 2.30pm Matinee
MATILDA THE MUSICAL Saturday 9th September 2pm Matinee
Phone Leabourn Passenger Service 09 423 7416 Bus. hours Phone: 09 423 7416 • Email:
Mobile Dog Grooming & Training Full Mobile Dog Grooming Service - Puppy Training Foundation Training for Older Dogs Obedience Training - Behavioural Modification Specific Task Training Horsemanship Lessons - Float Loading and Training Servicing Rodney, Whangarei and Far North
PHONE 027 44 99 580
17 May 2017 Your property guide for Hibiscus Coast, Rodney and Kaipara
Properties from: Bayleys | LJ Hooker | Mike Pero | One Agency | PGG Wrightson | Premium Real Estate | Ray White | Summerset Village | United Real Estate
Matakana Lifestyle Block with Omaha Views
One hectare on display overlooking Omaha Bay and just around the corner from vibrant Matakana. New heavy gauge post and rail will make a statement as you enter this sought after lifestyle block. You will be rubbing shoulders with some of Matakana’s finest lifestyle properties, including the recently opened Leigh Brewery and a world class equestrian facility. Matakana offers boutique restaurants, award winning wineries and shopping. Surrounded by white sandy beaches, golf courses and boat launching facilities, this 1 hectare lifestyle land holding is a ‘no brainer’ purchase in this coastal playground. Immediate viewing is highly recommended to secure this prime slice of real estate. Matakana – it’s the place to be, and to be seen! See the online video tour today –
Contact Shailenne Parkes
Dianna Coman
021 117 9142
021 790 307
Macky’s Real Estate Ltd. Licensed under REAA 2008
A Local Matters publication. Distribution - 37,000 copies. For advertising enquiries contact or 09 425 9068
UNITED 09 425 7949
WARKWORTH 3 Blue Gum Drive An Affordable Option Just a short walk to Warkworth township this private site has well established gardens & contains a lovely 3 brm, 2 living area, 2 bthrm home. Great for first home buyers or investors alike! Don’t miss out on this great property, call Cara or Michelle.
For Sale $695,000 Property ID RX1087280 View Sunday 1.00 - 2.00pm Cara Postlewaight 0221 538 780 Michelle Carden 021 425 002 UNITED REAL ESTATE 09 425 7949
11 Albert Road French Country Chic
This home effortlessly marries an old world French feel with an edge of sophistication. Accommodating 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms & spacious living areas, this is the perfect home. There is a dble garage & the property is well located, close to kindys, schools & townships. For Sale $750,000 Property ID RX1142865 View Open Home Sunday 1-2pm Cara Postlewaight 0221 538 780 Michelle Carden 021 425 002
POINT WELLS 2 Harbour View Road Be beside the Seaside The last section in this location, bounding Harbour View & Riverside Drive & with views out over the Omaha River and beyond. This property also has its own Jetty! Take this chance to build your dream home on this 852m² site & to live the dream with waterfront street ownership.
For Sale $1,100,000 Property ID RX1033515 Michelle Carden 021 425 002 Cara Postlewaight 0221 538 780
WARKWORTH 43a Victoria Street First Home Buyers/Investors 3 bedroom home with single garage giving internal access. The property is very well maintained with a lovely low maintenance garden. There are polished floors in the lounge, kitchen & dining areas. The property is currently tenanted & would make an ideal rental investment or permanent home. For Sale $679,000 Property ID RX1021429 Terry Mills 027 239 5142 UNITED REAL ESTATE 09 425 7949
90 Pulham Road Site of the Seven Sisters
Ready now are 11 beautiful sections which were once home to 7 colonial homes named The Seven Sisters. Sites range in size from 642m² to 1140m² with Titles due in approximately 6 weeks time! No height restrictions, and minimal other restrictive covenants. Only a short walk to Warkworth village and all its amenities. Call one of the team United for more information.
Rarely does a home of this calibre come to the market. Spacious deck with lovely views, watch the boats in the bay. Just down the road a public track to popular Stingray Bay. The home features 4 large brms, with the master having an ensuite. Substantial kitchen, lounge area, & 2 garages, internal access & storage.
For Sale Priced from $405,000 to $425,000 Property ID RX1082486
For Sale Priced to sell $999,000 Property ID RX1082619 Terry Mills 027 239 5142
Licensed under REAA 2008
SNELLS BEACH 37 Fidelis Avenue Supreme, Substantial, Solid
40 Que e n Stre e t, W a rk wo rth
uni tedr
17 May 2017 Price Reduced
195 Rodney Road World Class Act
Panorama across the entire Hauraki Gulf and secluded amongst 4ha, half in pasture and half in a Queen Elizabeth II Heritage forest. This extremely private home, designed by the late architect Rewi Thompson will impress with its well thought features such as wine cellar, wind turbine, under-floor heating, oak timber floors, fireplace, large kitchen, 3 decks to follow the sun all day with different views and pool with its own self-contained pool house.
95 Dennis Road
For Sale By Negotiation View
Marie-Dominique 021 490039 LJ Hooker - Warkworth 09 425 8589 Broadbents 2001 Ltd
A Perfect Lifestyle - Vendor Says Present All Offers Well located close to Warkworth Township, 3.77 ha of gently rolling pasture an attractive landscaped garden. The substantial Hinuera Stone home has a very large open plan living area, 4 bedrooms, large office or rumpus room. Well set on the property, private and peaceful. Single garage with internal access, plus a large shed with a wash room, implement shed, small shearing shed, loading ramp and yard are further improvements. An excellent orchard, the balance of the land is in pasture.
For Sale $1,289,000 View
Jennie Georgetti 021 389 236 LJ Hooker - Warkworth 09 425 8589 Broadbents 2001 Ltd
Broadbents 2001 Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.
17 May 2017
25 Esme Grove, Omaha Enjoy beach holidays as they used to be in this traditional three/four bedroom kiwi bach in a quiet one back location
with private beach access.
Price by Negotiation View Phone for Viewing Times
32 Te Mana Street Stylish 177m² (approx.) retreat with open plan living, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and spacious outdoor entertainment areas. Close to beach.
Asking Price $1,280,000
Snells Beach
10 Ferndale Drive - Lots 5, 7 and 9
For Sale from $599,000
in an elevated, north facing position capturing sparkling
Agent on site
Secure your section now in this stunning new subdivision View Sun 1-1.30pm water views over the bay by day and the lights of Snells
View Sunday 1 - 1.45 pm
Beach by night. Snells Beach is rapidly becoming a
seaside destination of choice offering a relaxed lifestyle
Paul Elsden
within a comfortable commute to Auckland.
M 021 936 011
The ultimate dream location!
Dallas Honey
5 Woodlands Place
Nestled in a quiet cul-de-sac street with elevation and
Auction (Unless Sold Prior) 10am, Thursday 15 June 2017 41 Queen St, Warkworth View Sat & Sun 2 - 2.45pm
sweeping views of the bay, this will surprise you. The open plan living areas provides ample room for entertaining and the wood-burner adds warmth for the
winter. Three double bedrooms and two bathrooms make Jenni Marsh
it easy for a family to enjoy this home. If your wish-list is M 021 717 719 for a property that is private, well positioned and has great sea views then this is a must see!
17 May 2017
1/15 Merehai Place
Snells Beach
For Sale $569,000 View Sat/Sun 12-12.30pm
Wanting a low maintenance, 2 bedroom 1 bathroom home? Aside from great views & layout, this property offers a double lock up garage & off street parking.This
Steffan Meyer
M 021 055 4346 B 0800 UR SOLD investment or first home & a quick lick of paint will really A/h 0800 877 653
home would be an amazing lock up & leave bach, rental freshen things up. Affordable opportunities like this are MACKYS REAL ESTATE LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008
few & far between so don’t miss your chance!
Snells Beach
Ahi Kaa Lane and Hampton Mews, Whisper Cove
For Sale from $390,000 View Sun 2-2.30pm
Limited opportunities remain to secure your dream in
Agent on site
exclusive Whisper Cove. Stunning northern end of the bay on the outskirts of Snells Beach, the sandy beach
17 May 2017
Dallas Honey
just minutes from your front door, could you ask for
M 027 477 9957
more? Low maintenance, flat sections, titles issued.
Steffan Meyer
An opportunity too good to miss!
M 021 055 4346
85 Percy Street
62 Percy St Warkworth
182sqm (approx.) four
Lovely 4 bedroom family
bedroom family home with
home plus study on a
study and two bathrooms.
1237sqm private section.
Separate living, double
Fantastic central location.
garaging and covered
For Sale $769,000
outdoor entertaining.
View By appointment
For Sale $710,000
View Sunday 1 - 2pm
Anthony Shaw
M 021 234 9797
Dianna Coman
4 Oystercatcher Lane D
1,024m² flat site
Fibre optic and
Price by Negotiation View Agent on Site Sat 15th April 11 - 11.45am
wastewater to site D
99 Takatu Road
Concept plans available
Hannah Anderson
Quality development
M 021 865 635
View Sunday 11 - 11.30am
Kellie Bissett
Jenni Marsh
M 027 5306 843
M 021 717 719
Smith Road 41 hectares (approx 103
Just 3 kilometres from
acres) of pasture. Well
Matakana Village. A
fenced, 15 paddocks,
brilliant home and lifestyle
yards, 2 road accesses.
Motivated vendor.
For Sale View by appointment
Price by Negotiation
Shailenne Parkes
Kellie Bissett
M 021 117 9142
M 027 5306 843
Whangaripo Valley Rd
Northern end of the Bay
lot subdivision with
on the outskirts of Snells
sections ranging from 1.01Ha - 2.995Ha. Located between 688 & 735 Whangaripo Valley.
Beach. Last section available in private position bordering reserve.
For Sale View Sun 2-2.30pm
Price by Negotiation View Sunday 11 - 12pm
Dallas Honey
Dianna Coman
M 027 477 9957
24 Hampton Mews
Lots 3 & 5 are part of a 9
Beach across the road
17 May 2017
THINKING ABOUT SELLING YOUR HOME? Talk to the Team at Premium Matakana about our latest Office at 9 Matakana Valley
Call one of our team for further information*
021 767 273
021 772 865
021 937 766
0274 788 202
021 279 3610
021 244 5683
ld o s
ld so
ld o s
NOW IS A GREAT TIME TO SELL when there’s less competition.
ld o s
ld o s
ld o s
Maximize your outcome with a proven performer! Selling Properties In All Price Ranges From Puhoi To Pakiri. CALL TERESA TODAY!
Knowledgeable, Trustworthy & Offering Quality Service TERESA GIBSON 0274 788 202 | PREMIUM.CO.NZ | FINE PROPERTIES | MATAKANA 422 9280 PREMI UM REAL ESTATE LTD MR EI NZ LI CENSED REAA 2008
17 May 2017
18 Te Kapa Place, Snells Beach 18 Te Kapa Place, Snells Beach
The sign you want. 3 Kauri Crescent, Snells Beach 3 Kauri Crescent, Snells Beach
The agent you need: Mick Fay 021 544 769
10 Kauri Crescent, Snells Beach
10 Kauri Crescent, Snells Beach
LD SO LD O S 9 Mason Heights
15 Mason Heights, Warkworth
18 Te Kapa Place, Snells Beach
9 Mason Heights
15 Mason Heights, Warkworth
18 Te Kapa Place, Snells Beach
We were very satisfied with Mick. We have now used him twice to sell our properties and he delivered great results both times. We found him to be very honest and he really goes out of his way to deliver to the vendors the results they were wanting. Nothing was too much trouble and we would highly recommend him. Bryan & Jocelyn - Snells Beach
Many thanks for all the effort you put into selling our house at Snells Beach. We especially appreciated your goingCrescent, beyond Snells the call of duty and giving your free 3 Kauri Beach time to the builder, as a ‘builders labourer’ in order to get our bathroom ready for sale! You are certainly true to your word with your saying “there are never 3 Kauri Crescent, Snells Beach problems, only solutions!” We found you very easy and upfront to deal with and we would certainly without hesitation use your services again. Helen LD& Barry - Snells Beach
9 Mason Heights
15 Mason Heights, Warkworth
9 Mason Heights
15 Mason Heights, Warkworth
At Ray White we go about things the right way. We put you, the customer, at the heart of everything we do. We stop to listen, we offer trusted, impartial advice, and we put in the hard yards to deliver on expectation – from listing your home, right through to settlement. At Ray White we work for you.
Get in touch.
What do you value?
<company name> Licensed (REAA 2008)
Mick Fay
<Agent Name> Licensee Agent Licensee Salesperson 021 544 769 09 425 1634 027 123 4567 <agentname> rw<officename>
Snells Beach
Bogue Real Estate 2014 Ltd (REAA 2008)
At Ray White we go about things the right way. We put you, the customer, at theWelcomeHome heart of everything we do. We stop to listen, we offer trusted, impartial advice, and we put in the hard yards to deliver
Get in touch. <Agent Name> Licensee Salesperson 027 123 4567
17 May 2017
21 Wilson Road, Warkworth 4 |
2 |
The perfect package! For sale by auction
• Single level sun-drenched home on • Single level sun-drenched home on ¾ ¾ acre north section acre north facing facing section • Additional stand alone garage • Additional stand alonedouble double garage for extra vehicles,hobbies hobbies && storage for extra vehicles, storage • Established garden ensures ensures privacy • Established garden privacy COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF!
27 May 2017, on site 3.00pm (unless sold prior)
Auction 27 May 2017, on site 3.00pm Viewing & prior) Wed 2.00 - 2.45pm (unlessSun sold
Internet Viewing Sun & Wed 2.00 - 2.45pm Contact Pip Foote 0274 997 990 Internet ______________________________ Contact Pip Foote 0274 997 990
14 Tohora Crescent, Omaha
17 Dornie Place, Omaha
3 |
2 |
Check this out! For sale by auction
Perfectly suited asasa aholiday Perfectly suited holiday oror permanent permanent home, the free home, the free flowing floorflowing plan has a spacious / kitchen / living dining area floor plan hasliving a spacious / that opens onto a north courtyardonto a kitchen / dining areafacing that opens from the neighbours and road, north screened facing courtyard screened from the perfect setup for outdoor living & the neighbours entertaining. and road, the perfect setup for outdoor living & entertaining. Auction
3 |
1 |
Demands inspection! For sale by auction
27/5/2017 (unless sold prior)
Auction 27/5/2017 sold prior) Viewing Sat / Sun(unless 1.00 - 2.00pm Viewing Sat / Sun 1.00 - 2.00pm Internet Internet Contact Teresa Hall 027 603 0565 Contact Teresa Hall 027 603 0565 ______________________________
A major renovation has this A major renovation hastransformed transformed this 1990´s1990´s “Omaha Original” an “Omaha Original” into into an extremely appealing Omaha holiday extremely appealing Omaha holiday homelooks that looks and feelslike like aaholiday home that and feels holiday home should. Beach close by with home should. Beach close by with walkway at the back gate! walkway at the back gate! Auction
27/5/2017 (unless sold prior)
Auction 27/5/2017 (unless sold prior) Viewing Sat / Sun 1:00 - 2:00pm Viewing Sat / Sun 1:00 - 2:00pm Internet Internet Contact Rob Hall 021 897 545 Contact Rob Hall 021 897 545 ______________________________ TMR Realty Ltd, Licensed REAA 2008
17 May 2017
Their own home, with help on hand Even though Mum or Dad might not be quite ready for full time care, they may be starting to need a little extra help – and you could be dealing with more day-to-day worries than you were before. The great news is, there’s a middle ground. Summerset serviced apartments offer: • Independent living in their own home, but with help on hand • Stylish, modern designs • Multiple support options • The confidence that Mum or Dad are getting the best of care.
View a new serviced apartment today!
Summerset Falls 31 Mansel Drive, Warkworth
Contact Steven Garner on 09 425 1202 or 027 572 2364
Love the life 10
Plus Mum or Dad will enjoy living the life at Summerset – including all the comforts they’re used to, in a vibrant community they’ll love to call home.
17 May 2017
Licenced under REAA 2008
Private Paradise! • Impressive elevated, north east facing, four double bedroom home • Open plan living opening out to uninterrupted views of the harbour • 4.785ha of clean, well fenced pasture along with stables/farm buildings to compliment your lifestyle living • Opportunity for a farm stay/bed and breakfast ID: WEL25589
Helensville $1,895,000
Scott Tapp M 021 418 161 Victoria Tapp M 021 027 24087
Great Lifestyle Location - Ready To Build! • • • •
1.2ha of excellent north facing land New fencing throughout Sunny aspect with excellent building platforms Only 1.5km to Wellsford Town Centre
Wellsford $475,000 ID: WEL25798 Scott Tapp M 021 418 161 Victoria Tapp M 021 027 24087
Lifestyle Property! • 20.30ha of predominantly easy rolling pasture • Lovely three bedroom, two bathroom home • Established, sheltered private grounds • 7x7m coloursteel shed plus tractor shed • Reliable water supply to troughs • Wetland plantings and mature trees Attractive farmlet was proudly developed by its Vendors for over 25 years & is fresh to the market, you will be impressed!
Plus GST (if any)
41.65ha (103acres) located 3.5km from Matakana village Predominantly flat to easy rolling contour, small amount of steep Reliable water pumped to header tank, gravity to troughs Well fenced into 15 paddocks, excellent fertiliser history Good yards, two road accesses
Matakana $2,750,000
Plus GST (if any) ID: WEL25547 Scott Tapp B 09 423 9717 M 021 418 161
A Place To Call Home!
Wellsford ID: WEL25685
• • • • •
$1,200,000 ID: WEL25203
• Great low maintenance family home with single garage • 3 double bedrooms, family room or a 2nd lounge and open plan dining and modern kitchen • Indoor outdoor flow with french doors opens up onto a large deck and private backyard • Situated in a quiet cul-de-sac within walking distance to College and Primary Schools • Don’t miss out, as this property won’t be around long!
Rare Matakana Grazing Block
Te Arai
Scott Tapp B 09 423 9717 M 021 418 161
Make This Lifestyle Gem Your’s!
Call Rebecca now to arrange a viewing
Rebecca Brady B 09 423 9718 M 021 839 459
• 1950’s fully fenced home, open plan modern kitchen, dining room, combined lounge with a separate deck • 3-bedroom, double & single rooms upstairs & large bedroom downstairs with it’s own entrance • Semi-covered deck has a rural outlook & inside there is a heat pump, insulation & double glazing • One fenced paddock with a small stockyard for your sheep, calves or alpacas ID: WEL25331
Wellsford $659,000
Viewing is by appointment only so call today!
Rebecca Brady B 09 423 9718 M 021 839 459 17 May 2017
Mike Pero Real Estate Ltd Licensed REAA (2008)
Real Estate T
Andrew Steens, Brand & Territory O
Real Estate is a pretty competitive business, but identify the best agents by the number of signbo around the neighbourhood. This is a rough mea most agencies award their salespeople and thei according to how well they have performed.
We´re very proud to announce that once again o scooped a bunch of top Mike Pero awards for s 2017 financial year. That makes it every year si started that we have taken the lion´s share of awa
Rick Law - Your Warkworth Specialist Rick Law - Your Warkworth Specialist Snells Beach - 2 Brigitte View Snells Beach - 2 Bri 2
Are you thinking of selling your home?
• Ruth Perkin - Warkworth; Bronze Award (1 of 17 aw
Are you thinking of selling Entry your Level home? Snells Beach!!
Entry Level Snells Beach!
• Denise Pearson - Wellsford; Silver Award (1 of 6 aw
I can Whether to sell redecorated or just researching the market, I can - Nicely redecorated in excellent lo I can help! Whether you're ready to sell or just researching thehelp! market, I can you're ready- Nicely in excellent location call to round for best a chat about your -property, its value, how to getEstuary the bestand only 400m- Lovely viewsBeach over to Mahurangi E call round for a chat about your property, its value, and how get the Lovely views overand to Mahurangi from Snells • Angela Wain - Matakana Coast; Gold Award (1 price the market will pay for it. Primary School and only a little furtherIsland). price the market will pay for it. to shops & beach Primary School and only a little fur - Fully fenced, easy-care section wi - Fully fenced, easy-care section with carport With worth one ofofthe lowest commission rates in town and $6,000 worth ofWellsford, Warkworth & Matakana Coast Offices With one of the lowest commission rates in town and $6,000 marketing for free, I can help! marketing for free, I can help! (3 out of the 9 awarded in the North Island), w
For Sale - $575,000 Forvery Sale efficient - $575,000support team in salespeople and the Open Home - Sunday 10:00 - 10:30am Open Home - Sunday 10:00 - 10:30a Rick Law 021 865 321 Ruth Perkin 021 425 109 Perkin 021 425gratifying, 109 ruth.perk The Office AwardsRuth were particularly as
Rick Law 021 865 321
When you’re looking to sell your p you want to sell with the best team Snells Beach - 20 Rangimaarie Snells Beach - 20 Rangimaarie Cres 4 2 Crescent 2 2 1 1 in Real Estate?
Snells Beach - 15 Rawhiti Place
Realistic Vendors Want Sold Now!!
Price by Realistic Negotiation Vendors Want Sold Now!! Prime Location and Awesome Price by Sea Negotiation Views!
For Sale Prime Location and Awesome Sea View
$725,000 Sea views, double garage and heaps 809m2 of off sitestreet and has been in the same Here family for they 809m2 and has been in the sa are, site selling coastal parking for all the toys. Quiet cul-de-sac over 60inyears. a great More than Ruth just Perkin land. over 60 years. More than just land Ruth Perkin Ruth Perkin East to Pakiri & inland from 021 425 109 021 425 109 021 425 109 neighbourhood. Open Home Saturday 11:00-11:30am Kaiwaka. Open Home Saturday 11:00-11:30am Open Home Sunday 11:00-11:30am
Sea views, double garage and heaps of off street parking for all the toys. Quiet cul-de-sac in a great neighbourhood. Open Home Sunday 11:00-11:30am
Angela Wain
Andrew Steens
027 493 6800 Matakana Coast
021 968 405 Matakana Coast
Snells Beach - 20 Hinemoa Place
A Must To See...
For Sale A Must To See... It Doesn't Get More Central For Sale Than This! $880,000 $880,000 Large, 3 level, genuine Ian ThornTwo architecturally storey home with sea views and double
Large, 3 level, genuine Ian Thorn architecturally designed pole house. Warm wooden interior, stained glass window & fitted cabinetry lovingly crafted by the owners. Open Home Sunday 12:00-12:30pm
Snells Beach - 15 Rawhiti Place 2 2
2017. Also gratifying are the large number of list from referrals and repeat business, a clear indic worked for our vendors in the past and continue to
Snells Beach - 20 Hinemoa Place Snells Beach - 2 Snells 3 1 3 Beach 3 Road1
Snells Beach - 2 Snells Beach Road 2 2
For Sale It Doesn't Get More Central Than This! $699,000 Two storey home with sea views a
designed pole house. Warm wooden internal interior, garage. internal garage. Ruth Perkin Ruth Perkin Ruth Perkin Rick Law 021 425 109 021 425 109 021 425 109 Denise Pearson stained glass window & fitted cabinetry lovingly 021 865 321 027 303 6001 crafted by the owners. Open Home Saturday 2:00-2:30pm Open Home Saturday 2:00-2:30pm Warkworth & Omaha Wellsford, Tomarata, Open Home Sunday 12:00-12:30pm & Kaiwaka
17 May 2017
Mike Pero Real Estate Ltd Licensed REAA (2008)
Mike Pero Real Estate Ltd Licensed REAA (2008)
Mike Pero Real Estate Ltd Licensed REAA (2008)
Real Estate Talk
Owner, Mike Pero Real Estate
Real Estate Talk
Andrew Steens, Brand & Territory Owner, Mike Pero Real Estate
Andrew Steens, Brand & Territory Owner, Mike Pero Real Estate
t the publicReal can Estate often only is a pretty competitive business, but the public can often only oards and sold identify stickers theseen best agents by the number of signboards and sold stickers seen asure by any around standards, the neighbourhood. so This is a rough measure by any standards, so ir branch offices most agencies each yearaward their salespeople and their branch offices each year according to how well they have performed.
Real Estate is a pretty competitive business, but the public can often only identify the best agents by the number of signboards and sold stickers seen around the neighbourhood. This is a rough measure by any standards, so most agencies award their salespeople and their branch offices each yea according to how well they have performed.
our Northern We´re Rodney veryTeam proud to announce that once again our Northern Rodney Team sales performance scooped over a bunch the of top Mike Pero awards for sales performance over the ince Mike Pero 2017Real financial Estateyear. That makes it every year since Mike Pero Real Estate ards! started that we have taken the lion´s share of awards!
We´re very proud to announce that once again our Northern Rodney Team scooped a bunch of top Mike Pero awards for sales performance over the 2017 financial year. That makes it every year since Mike Pero Real Estate started that we have taken the lion´s share of awards!
Point Wells - 5 Harbour View Road Point Wells - 5 Harbour View Road
igitte View
warded in the • Ruth North Perkin Island). - Warkworth; Bronze Award (1 of 17 awarded in the North Island).
Kiwi Meets Bali!
• Ruth Perkin - Warkworth; Bronze Award (1 of 17 awarded in the North Island)
Kiwi Meets Bali!
warded in the • Denise North Pearson Island). - Wellsford; Silver Award (1 of 6 awarded in the North Island). • Denise Pearson - Wellsford; Silver Award (1 of 6 awarded in the North Island) This stunning designer home is enveloped in lush subtropical gardens,This withstunning designer home is enveloped in lush subtropical gardens, with ocation multiple outdoor living spaces, spacious light filled open plan living & dining multiple area, outdoor living spaces, spacious light filled open plan living & dining area, Estuary and only 400m from Snells Beach of 4 awarded • Angela in theWain North- Matakana Coast; Gold Award (1 of 4 awarded in the North • Angela Wain - Matakana Coast; Gold Award (1 of 4 awarded in the North superb kitchen with stone topped island bench & handy butlers´ kitchen superb & pantry. kitchen with stone topped island bench & handy butlers´ kitchen & pantry. rther to shopsIsland). & beach Island). An ideal bach or peaceful haven just 100 metres to swimming in crystal-clear An ideal bach or peaceful haven just 100 metres to swimming in crystal-clear ith carport waters. waters. all achievedWellsford, a Silver Award Warkworth & Matakana Coast Offices all achieved a Silver Award Wellsford, Warkworth & Matakana Coast Offices all achieved a Silver Award which is a credit (3 outtoofall theour 9 awarded in the North Island), which is a credit to all our (3 out of the 9 awarded in the North Island), which is a credit to all ou For efficient Sale - $1,395,000 For Sale -salespeople $1,395,000 and the very efficient support team in administration. n administration. salespeople and the very support team in administration. am Angela Wain 027 493 6800 Angela Wain 027 493 6800 Web - /1093139 Web - /1093139 no office achieved The Office gold Awards for were particularly gratifying, as no office achieved gold for The Office Awards were particularly gratifying, as no office achieved gold fo
tings that have 2017. come Alsoabout gratifying are the large number of listings that have come about cation of how from wellreferrals we haveand repeat business, a clear indication of how well we have o work for them. worked for our vendors in the past and continue to work for them.
2017. Also gratifying are the large number of listings that have come abou from referrals and repeat business, a clear indication of how well we have worked for our vendors in the past and continue to work for them.
property, When wouldn’t you’re looking to sell your property, wouldn’t m you want to sell with the best team scent 2 1 1 in Real Estate?
When you’re looking to sell your property, wouldn’t you want to sell with the best team in Real Estate?
$725,000 ame family for from Mahurangi Here they are, d. Ruth Perkin
Here they are, selling coastal from Mahurang East to Pakiri & inland from Warkworth to Kaiwaka.
For Sale
selling coastal from Mahurangi m Warkworth East to021to Pakiri & inland from Warkworth to 425 109 Kaiwaka. m
Matakana - 840 Matakana Valley Road Matakana - 840 Matakana Valley Road 3
Sarah Wells Angela Wain
and double
For Sale $699,000 Ruth Perkin
Ruth Perkin Rick Law 021 425 109
021 968 405 Matakana Coast
021 243 0333 Wellsford
Denise Pearson
Ruth Perkin
Sarah Wells
027 493 6800 Matakana Coast
021 968 405 Matakana Coast
021 243 0333
Rick Law
Denise Pearson
Ruth Perkin
Wellsford Stylish home on gorgeous lifestyle block just 7km from Matakana Village. Stylish Superb home on gorgeous lifestyle block just 7km from Matakana Village. Superb rural & native forest views from spacious open plan living, dining, kitchen rural&& native forest views from spacious open plan living, dining, kitchen & covered wrap-around deck & a separate media room / sunroom with covered wrap-around BBQ deck & a separate media room / sunroom with covered BBQ area & outdoor shower. Gently sloping lawn & low maintenance gardens areawith & outdoor shower. Gently sloping lawn & low maintenance gardens with children's playground and beautifully regenerating native bush. children's playground and beautifully regenerating native bush.
For Sale - $1,050,000
021 425 109 021 321 027 303 6001 021 425 109 Angela Wain 027 493 6800 Sandspit Warkworth & & Omaha Wellsford, Tomarata, Sandspit & Web - Snells Beach & Kaiwaka Snells Beach
17 May 2017
Andrew Steens Wells Angela Wain Andrew Steens Village! Serene Country Living CloseSarah to Matakana Village! Serene Country Living Close to Matakana
021 243027 0333493 6800 Wellsford Matakana Coast 3
For Sale - $1,050,000 021 865 321 027 303 6001 Angela Wain 027 493 6800 Warkworth & Omaha Wellsford, Tomarata, Web - & Kaiwaka
021 425 109 Sandspit & Snells Beach
for Renovation
Warkworth New beginnings
Warkworth Ripe for Renovation
ated in a prime location in Warkworth This near new, four bedroom home has been built to a very ve completed some renovations high over standard. Spacious open plan living, great indoor/outdoor ad of opportunity to enhanceflow. and This home will work exceptionally well for both For ee good sized bedrooms withentertaining great andSale busy$745,000 lifestyles. Conveniently located in a quiet k for outdoor living which hascul-de-sac, great with childcare, shops and the local college all within Shelly Freestone 027 935 7242 e original workshop provideswalking extra distance. Secure and private, being set off the road 425 1613 and imagine all the possibilities, andthis fully fenced, with off street Warkworth office 09 parking 425 7959and a garage. All the ok. hard work isBogue done Real here,Estate all you have do is(REAA move 2008) in. 2014 LtdtoLICENSED
Sunny Side of Town’
Warkworth When Location Counts... For Sale Price On Application View by appointment Terrence Banks 021 412 183 425 1612 Paul Gothard 021 422 738 425 1608 Warkworth office 09 425 7959 Bogue Real Estate 2014 Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)
Warkworth Affordable Dome Valley Lifestyle.....
dy to just move in & enjoy. Featuring Only 5 minutes drive into Warkworth town centre. The For Sale $675,000 ngle & the added bonus of a vendor secondis ready this lovely block go and will look at Viewtobyletappointment n but not large enough to consume offers. 021 412Road. 183 Terrence Banks s in maintenance. This block is accessed via Kraack Is is combination 425pine 1612and esentation, with good off street of grazing and also features an old barn. It adjoins Paul Gothard 021 422 738 on in quality location with great SH1 on it’s Northern boundary. 425 1608 p and leave for those who enjoy Warkworth office 09 425 7959 es are available in this prestigious area. Bogue Real Estate 2014 Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)
This super sunny property has 4 bedrooms and office plus 2 bathrooms and has a great indoor/outdoor flow with open plan living and a lovely large deck which gets all day sun. It even has a fully fenced child friendly section. Motivated vendors who are ready to sell... You will have to be quick on this one, so call today and be sure to ask for Terrence or Paul to make a time to view.
For Sale $735,000 View by appointment Terrence Banks 021 412 183 425 1612 Paul Gothard 021 422 738 425 1608 Warkworth office 09 425 7959 Bogue Real Estate 2014 Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)
Warkworth Tucked Away In Westpark... For Sale $495,000 + GST View by appointment Terrence Banks 021 412 183 09 425 1612 Paul Gothard 021 422 738 09 425 1608 Warkworth office 09 425 7959 Bogue Real Estate 2014 Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)
Warkworth Blessing in Disguise
’n’ Sound
For Sale $745,000 Shelly Freestone 027 935 7242 425 1613 Warkworth office 09 425 7959 Bogue Real Estate 2014 Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)
Warkworth ’The Sunny Side of Town’
y has 4 bedrooms and office This plus well 2 presented family home is in a great location and an For Sale $735,000 at indoor/outdoor flow with open easyplan stroll toView town. on one level with formal lounge, kitchen byAll appointment eck which gets all day sun. Itdining/family even room with a great flow to the north facing outdoor 183for children and pets. endly section. Motivated vendors entertaining who Terrence area. All Banks fenced021 and412 safe 1612 Established 425 gardens, with easy care in mind. The home is in Paul Gothard 021 422 738 on this one, so call today andexcellent be sure condition. Generous sized bedrooms, comfortable, 425 1608 ul to make a time to view. quiet and spacious living for your relaxation and enjoyment. Warkworth office 09 425 7959 Those that know location will appreciate the2008) benefits. Boguethe Real Estate 2014 Ltd LICENSED (REAA
ed Away In Westpark...
For Sale $799,000 Shelly Freestone 027 935 7242 09 425 1613 Warkworth office 09 425 7959 Bogue Real Estate 2014 Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)
A solid 1960’s beauty located in a prime location in Warkworth township. The owners have completed some renovations over the years but there is a load of opportunity to enhance and potentially add value. Three good sized bedrooms with great living spaces, a large deck for outdoor living which has great views over Warkworth. The original workshop provides extra storage and more. Come and imagine all the possibilities, this property is well worth a look.
amily homes (1980’s). Looking for the perfect 2 bedroom home? Then look no $679,000 edroom home is tucked away further!. and View by appointment the warmth one needs. The small This immaculate property could be a great start on the property 0274 for 980the 804future. Offering spacious lenty of room for a vege garden. market or anJanice ideal Bogue investment 1606lovely mp, underfloor heating, lockup living, garage North 425 facing, flat section and off-street parking. Trevor Bogue 0274 980 836 eet parking. A peaceful Northerly All in all an attractive property which will not last. 425 1607 Only a few minutes walk to Doctors, Countdown and in fact Warkworth office 09 425 7959 you’re prettyBogue central to Estate everything. Real 2014 Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)
Perfectly presented & ready to just move in & enjoy. Featuring 2 bedrooms plus office/single & the added bonus of a second toilet. Gardens to potter in but not large enough to consume those back breaking hours in maintenance. Absolutely immaculate presentation, with good off street parking. An attractive option in quality location with great neighbours. Ideal lock-up and leave for those who enjoy travelling. Few townhouses are available in this prestigious area.
For Sale $675,000 View by appointment Terrence Banks 021 412 183 425 1612 Paul Gothard 021 422 738 425 1608 Warkworth office 09 425 7959 Bogue Real Estate 2014 Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)
Warkworth Solid ’n’ Sound For Sale $615,000 View by appointment Janice Bogue 0274 980 804 425 1606 Trevor Bogue 0274 980 836 425 1607 Warkworth office 09 425 7959 Bogue Real Estate 2014 Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)
Built in the days of solid family homes (1980’s). This low maintenance 3 bedroom home is tucked away and sitting smugly to enjoy all the warmth one needs. The small easy care section offers plenty of room for a vege garden. This home offers heat pump, underfloor heating, lockup garage plus a carport, and off-street parking. A peaceful Northerly aspect. Centrally located.
$679,000 View by appointment Janice Bogue 0274 980 804 425 1606 Trevor Bogue 0274 980 836 425 1607 Warkworth office 09 425 7959 Bogue Real Estate 2014 Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)
17 May 2017
Algies Bay Brilliant Make-Over
Snells Beach Don’t Miss This One
This is it - The Kiwi stepping stone. Fantastic opportunity to add value here. Turn this approximate 150sqm 3 bedroom home on 648sqm section into a real ’beach pad’. Large kitchen, combined dining/lounge opening onto decks with fantastic sea views over Kawau Bay. Facing north east for that all day sun. Long tandem garage/workshop and heaps of basement storage.
Very comfortable, well presented 3 bedroom, single bathroom home set in a very popular quiet location of Snells Beach. Only a short walk to the beach. Lim report available. - Open plan kitchen with new stove - Separate 2nd lounge that could convert to 4th bedroom - New shower & solar hot water - Spa pool & covered decks - Carport & garden shed
For Sale $695,000 View by appointment Barrie Bogue 021 835 914 09 425 1631 Snells Beach office 09 425 5457 Bogue Real Estate 2014 Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)
Snells Beach Brick and Tile
Here is your opportunity to purchase a brick and tile home in a great location. Down a private driveway the home sits on a sunny back section which is fully fenced for children and pets to play safely. Set on a single level the 120sqm home has three bedrooms & one bathroom. Great indoor/outdoor flow to a lovely private deck and grounds. There is extra parking for your guests. There is still scope to add value to this property or add your own creative flair if you desired.
Land Bank between Auckland and Whangarei For Sale $670,000 View by appointment Mick Fay 021 544 769 09 425 1634 Warkworth office 09 425 7959 Bogue Real Estate 2014 Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)
Purchase this block of land and chose to drive either 50 minutes north to Whangarei or just over an hour south to Auckland. Only a 2 minute drive from State Highway 1. The 10.84 ha (approximately 27 acres) of land has already been fenced into 12 paddocks so it is easy to rotate the stock. The large dam supplies water to all the troughs which are in every paddock except the top one.
For Sale $675,000 View by appointment Mick Fay 021 544 769 09 425 1634 Snells Beach office 09 425 5457 Bogue Real Estate 2014 Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)
For Sale $365,000 + GST View by appointment Debra Fokkema 0211681821 09 425 1609 Warkworth office 09 425 7959 Bogue Real Estate 2014 Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)
17 May 2017
We sell paradise
Proudly selling slices of paradise in all price ranges If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re thinking of selling, call for a confidential discussion. Our Bayleys offices in the North: Orewa Beach 09 426 5911 Mangawhai 09 431 5415
Whangaparaoa 09 428 0600
Bream Bay 09 432 7125
Warkworth 09 425 7640
Whangarei 09 470 0960
Omaha Beach 09 425 7640
Dargaville 0800 293 620
Matakana 09 425 7640
Paihia 09 402 8088
Kerikeri 09 407 9221
Mackys Real Estate Limited, Bayleys, Licensed under the REA Act 2008
17 May 2017
May 17, 2017 Mahurangimatters
Midwife starts online support for breastfeeding mums Breastfeeding can be challenging at times, even for experienced mums, but extra help is at hand via a local online support group. Mahurangi Breastfeeding Support is a Facebook page set up by Nicky Jordan, of Matakana, after she noticed a few mothers asking questions about it on various local Facebook pages. “I’m a midwife, though not practicing at the moment, so I knew about breastfeeding and had breastfed my own three children, but even then it was still difficult at times,” she says. “It’s really only something you learn by doing it. Lots of people struggle, and it isn’t always easy to find information and support. “Normally, most people can breastfeed, but you have to have the right information and support. New mothers often feel like they’re failing, and a lot of them fake that they’re doing well when they’re not.” Nicky initially thought about starting a meeting group as a support facility, but quickly realised that many mums seemed more comfortable in an online environment, where they didn’t have to ring someone up or leave the house, but could just type out a question or share a concern on social media.
Nicky Jordan, left, with some of the mums and babies who have used Mahurangi Breastfeeding Support.
“It’s turned into being a really cool, easy way for people to get information online,” she says. “You can be anonymous and just ask other mothers about their experiences.” As well as parents sharing their stories, Caroline Hawes, who runs a mums and baby group twice a month at Warkworth Birthing Centre, regularly contributes information and advice to the page. “It’s a busy group with lots of members
and some have said that this was the only help, along with the Birthing Centre, that they could find up this way,” Nicky says. As well as helping many local mothers to breastfeed more easily and for longer, the group has helped people to source breast pumps, milk bags and even breast milk itself. It has also resulted in some mums becoming friends or going to meetings at the birthing centre that they otherwise
wouldn’t have known about. Now, Nicky wants to spread the word to any local mums who might not be aware of the group. “A few of the founding members are either finished or finishing breastfeeding and we would like to encourage other mothers to join our group,” she says. “We’re there for everybody and everyone is welcome.” Info: search for Mahurangi Breastfeeding Support on Facebook
Early Learning Centre Where learning and discovery are nurtured by nature
Offering flexible hours to suit needs For babies to 6 years old Open 8am to 5pm
20 ECE hours
For further information contact us on 09 425 4305 or Visit us at 20 Goodall Road, Snells Beach
Phone 425 0511 | 33 Glenmore Drive, Warkworth 100% NZ family owned & operated
22 Mahurangimatters May 17, 2017
Looking at schooling options for your soon-to-be 5 year old? • Individual attention • Caring school community PARENTS OF PRESCHOOLERS OPEN DAY
Ready for school?
26th MAY 2017
Tour at 10am followed by 09 425 6878 "How to prepare your child for school" How do we prepare children school? Is it 410 Mahurangi East Rd,our Snells Beach for
reading their name, writing letters, sitting still? Research tells us that social and emotional areas of development are the most important for a positive start to school. Being willing to try new things, listen to instruction, care for self and manage feelings like separation anxiety or frustration are all a huge help for transitioning to school well. Horizon School, in Snells Beach, will welcome all parents of preschoolers to an Open Day on Friday 26 May. Guests will see the classes in action and join a guided tour of our current campus and the future secondary campus. Following this there will be opportunity to discuss over coffee, with the school’s junior teacher and principal, some great tips for surviving and thriving these challenging and exciting preschool years as the preschoolers play. “We look forward to meeting families who would like to find at outschooling more aboutoptions our delightful learning Looking environment and warm school says for your soon-to-be 5 yearcommunity,” old? Horizon’s principal, Helen Pearson. • Individual attention • Caring school community PARENTS OF PRESCHOOLERS OPEN DAY
26th MAY 2017
Tour at 10am followed by "How to prepare your child for school" 09 425 6878 410 Mahurangi East Rd, Snells Beach
Sally Smith and Tracey Martin MP are seeking items for Days For Girls kits to help all young women have the dignity of decent sanitary protection.
Mahurangi women meeting need for reusable protection Two women who want to start a local chapter of a global initiative to provide disadvantaged young women with free, reusable sanitary protection, have found their contributions are needed much nearer to home. MP Tracey Martin and Warkworth Business & Professional Women (BPW) president Sally Smith had both heard of Days For Girls, an organisation that makes and provides feminine hygiene kits, and were keen to start making them here. But they hadn’t realised that the kits, which are given to girls who either can’t afford or don’t have access to commercial sanitary protection, would be needed locally. “When we started talking about this, we believed the need would be in the Pacific Islands and maybe the Far North,” Tracey Martin says. “But in conversation we said maybe we should ask around here, and we found there were people right here in Warkworth who needed them.” Each Days For Girls kit consists of a cotton drawstring bag, two brushed cotton liners, eight brushed cotton pads, two pairs of cotton knickers, a bar of soap, a cotton flannel and two resealable plastic bags. The pads and liners are washable and can last for two to three years. Sally Smith soon mustered a group of dedicated local sewers, who have since stitched and compiled 17 kits, all of which have found a home in Warkworth.
“I talked about this at a BPW meeting and contacted local Tuvalu and Kiribati women, and found there was a need here in the Pasifika community,” she says. “There is also a postpartum kit that can be made, so we’ll be talking to the birthing centres in Warkworth and Wellsford to see if they might be needed, too.” Tracey says although Days For Girls originally started as a means to help girls in Africa who were missing school just for lack of sanitary protection, the supply and cost of feminine hygiene products is a much wider issue, and is causing concern here in New Zealand. “Young women are taking sanitary pads and turning them into tampons, because they’re trying to make do,” she says. “But they’re not sterile and can cause infection.” The Days For Girls sewing group meets on the first Thursday of each month at Sally Smith’s Sandspit home. They are currently looking for donations of the following items to put into kits, which can be dropped into Tracey Martin’s office in Riverside Arcade, Warkworth: new dark cotton knickers, all sizes; cotton face flannels (not microfibre); bars of soap; medium resealable snap lock plastic bags. The group would also love a die-cutting machine to make the specially-shaped liners and pads, since all cutting is being done by hand at present. Info: Tracey Martin’s office 425 7360.
May 17, 2017 Mahurangimatters
Music mothers take tea stop
Mainly Music mothers from Mahurangi were given a special Mother’s Day morning tea on May 10. While volunteers minded their children, the mothers enjoyed a few uninterrupted minutes to chat in an adjoining room. Mainly Music is a fun music group for parents (and/or care givers) to enjoy together with their young child. Throughout the session, children are introduced to music, dance, creativity, language, numbers and imagination, and get to socialise with other children. Sessions are run in Warkworth and Snells Beach, and usually last around 40 minutes. Info:
Mental health championed A Maungaturoto mother is spearheading a national campaign to increase Government funding for women to receive more help for antenatal and postnatal depression. Kristina Paterson, of Maternal Care Action Group NZ, presented a 4000-signature petition to Parliament last week for Mother’s Day asking for designated funding towards community-based early intervention programmes and increased midwife training to help prevent delays in identifying, referring and treating mothers with depression and anxiety. She says up to 97 per cent of new mothers who have depression do not fit current criteria for Maternal Mental Health referral, and twothirds of women who are eventually diagnosed will experience significant delays before diagnosis. “Maternal mental health has been neglected for a very long time and it needs to be addressed,” Kristina says. “There are gaps all the way through the system – from lack of education through to poor identification of antenatal and postnatal depression. When we know the lasting impact untreated depression and anxiety has on an entire family, it just beggars belief that we have no funded holistic services.” Kristina believes current screening of women is insufficient in identifying when a mother is depressed, and is calling for increased training for midwives and Plunket nurses to help them recognise the signs more readily. Kristina first started advocating for mothers’ mental health seven years ago, when she formed the non-profit organisation Mothers Helpers in a bid to address the gaps in mothers’
mental health services, as a result of her own experiences. “I had experience of postnatal depression myself, and I wasn’t diagnosed for 18 months,” she says. “It had a massive impact on my life, my children and my family, so I wanted to do something to help other people going through the same thing. “In my first trimester I told my midwife, ‘I think I’m at risk of developing postnatal depression’. I had a number of risk factors including a previous episode of clinical depression, but my midwife never once screened me or asked about any of my symptoms. “Support during labour and postnatally was very, very poor. In fact, there was no health professional that ever asked me about how I was doing in myself or screened me for depression at any point. It wasn’t until things were extremely bad, when my baby was nine months old, that I finally went to the doctor and he diagnosed me with postnatal depression. By that time, my energy was so terrible that it took all my willpower just to get off the couch and attend to my baby’s needs. I was utterly exhausted and overwhelmed. After that, the only real help available to me was prescription medication. I had to pay for my own counselling and there was just nothing else out there for me.” Mothers Helpers devised a holistic recovery programme, which has been shown to help more than 65 per cent of attendees to fully recover from postnatal depression, with an average 51 per cent improvement in symptoms. However, despite the charity’s best efforts, it has failed to secure Government funding so has to charge for its services. Info: or
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24 Mahurangimatters May 17, 2017
Montessori has Warkworth link
Liz Cole, Homebuilders family support worker
Finding your own way as a parent When you announce you are pregnant, suddenly people – family, friends, even random strangers – start to share their birth stories and offer solutions to issues you may or may not be experiencing. And so begins parenthood, whereby others somehow feel that they can have an opinion about your life and share that opinion with you. It helps to understand that generally people offering advice and opinions usually have the best intentions, as particular strategies may have worked for them, or they may just need affirmation for how they parented their baby by trying to convince you to do it the same way. As a new parent, you get to decide who to listen to. I suggest choosing people who help you to feel more confident and less judged. With any unwanted advice, just let it be water off a duck’s back. My mother’s babies were born at a time when there was a lot of pressure on mothers to only feed their babies to a strict schedule and, to ‘build character’, it was even suggested mothers avoid cuddling their babies. When the nurse visited to see how Mum was doing with the schedule, she reported that she and baby were managing it very well. However, in reality she was demand feeding us and we were well cuddled by both our parents and siblings … water off a duck’s back. If you feel distressed by trying to do something, like controlled crying, then perhaps it is your instincts letting you know that this is not beneficial to your baby. Our babies’ cries are designed to distress us so that we are alerted to their needs and are then able to meet them. Without this mechanism, they would not survive. Research shows that when babies’ needs are met, they develop a sense of security in the world, trust in others and in themselves. This makes them more confident. Secure babies grow into children who learn well, can manage their feelings and are generally happy. You cannot spoil a baby. Your attention lights up their brains. They need your eye contact more than they need activities. The experience of becoming a parent is different for each of us and there can be some really big challenges that make it more difficult for some. Things like postnatal depression, financial worries, having a colicky baby, being in a difficult or violent relationship – all these can really impact on our ability to manage and enjoy the experience. And even without these extra challenges, the reality is that parenting can be hard work, overwhelming and often isolating. However, there are many resources in the community – your midwife, the Women’s Centre, Plunket, Maternal Mental Health Services, Women’s Refuge, your doctor, neighbours, friends and family. Homebuilders Family Services is also here to support you, or to help you find the support you need.
From starting a Montessori school to becoming president of the Montessori Association New Zealand (MANZ), Kaipara Flats resident Dave Stott has been instrumental in developing Montessori education in New Zealand. In 1982, Dave’s children, aged two and three years, attended Wellington’s only Montessori early childhood centre. Montessori was founded by Maria Montessori in Italy in 1907 and focuses on learning in accordance with natural body and brain development. Dave was so impressed by the philosophy that he set up New Zealand’s first Montessori Primary School in Wellington called Wa Ora, in 1988. Wa Ora still remains the country’s only multi-level school run entirely on the Montessori philosophy. It includes a pre-school, primary and secondary section. “Wa Ora started with one pre-school class and within 12 months we had three pre-school classes and a primary school class,” Dave says. Dave went on to become the president of MANZ. “As we worked to establish Montessori across New Zealand, we did face some opposition initially, but eventually we were accepted as a mainstream form of education.” This was partly accomplished when Dave was accepted to represent Montessori on the Early Childhood Advisory Committee, which met regularly with the Ministry of Education.
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Dave Stott has helped established Montessori schools in New Zealand.
In 2000, Dave established a Montessori early childhood and primary degree at the Auckland University of Technology (AUT), and he and wife Nicky Chisnall moved to Auckland where Nicky became a lecturer on the course. However, the Montessori degree, as well as degrees in Pasifika and Steiner studies, were discontinued this year. One of the largest Montessori events Dave was involved in was a conference in Sydney in 2007, which attracted more than 1000 parents and teachers. He also visited Italy for the Montessori 100th anniversary in 2007. After 2007 Dave ended his involvement with Montessori, but Nicky went on to gain her PhD in teaching and wrote a book on Montessori education. Nicky passed away four years ago before the book could be released so Dave hopes to publish it later this year.
Chair steps down Around 80 people turned out to the recent Algies Bay Residents and Ratepayers’ Association annual meeting to farewell chair Richard Papworth, who has stepped down after 15 years in the role. Presentations were made to him, to outgoing committee member Brian McGrath and Auckland Council staff member Ian Murray. Former deputy chair and secretary Brendan Chaffe will be the new association chair.
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May 17, 2017 Mahurangimatters
Supporting your children as they learn through play and prepare for school. First Kicks football gives children the opportunity to develop skills in a social environment.
Sporting skills can contribute to child’s early development Many parents may wonder when their child should start to engage in sporting activities and Harbour Sport believes there are many benefits of starting young. Harbour Sport community sport coach Miguel Gallardo says 85 per cent of brain development happens in the first three years of life and that sport can contribute to this. “The most important skills young children can learn through sport are social skills and self confidence,” Miguel says. “These are core skills for life that will allow children to overcome challenges and be part of different groups.” Those are the mental positives and Miguel believes modern lifestyle means the physical benefits are important, too. “These days there is an increase in sedentary habits due to technology, meaning movement is vital to develop strength from an early age. “This will also help them to understand their physical limits and assist weight control to avoid obesity.” Miguel says that unfortunately there are a number of factors that either prevent young children from participating in sport or cause them to drop out. One of these is introducing a competitive environment too quickly. “Adult models of sport focused around winning are sometimes adopted too early when children are not ready to face the psychological pressures that come with that.”
He says it is also important to let children try as many sports as they can until the age of about 14 when they can begin to specialise. Some of the options that children can try around Rodney include rippa rugby, football and netball. The Mahurangi Rugby Football Club has introduced two rippa rugby teams for four year olds this year. Coach Bernie Kose says the teams work on ball skills, fitness and developing team work. “Starting young gives them good grounding not only in the way rugby is played but also in working together as a team,” he says. Cam Gray coordinates First Kicks football for children aged three to five years. There are no competitive games, but instead, team challenges to meet the mental capabilities of the age group. “They enjoy the chance to be part of a team and follow in the footsteps of their footballing idols,” Cam says. Lynette Gubb is president of the Rodney Netball Centre, which hosts the ANZ Future Ferns programme introduced by Netball New Zealand in 2014. “This provides progressive development stages for players with the emphasis on developing fundamental movement skills, introducing netball skills, providing a game that grows with the players and the focus on having fun,” she says. On May 13 the centre hosted a muster day to measure interest among preschool children for the introduction of a Fun Ferns programme.
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26 Mahurangimatters May 17, 2017
Full circle for Town Hall films
Artist Taipari Connelly and Rodney College art teacher Julie Lithgow.
OWL hosts art exhibition
Wellsford artist Taipari Connelly hopes that his exhibition at the OWL Community Hub (the former library) in Wellsford will encourage other young creatives to pursue their talent. Taipari is believed to be the first Rodney College student to receive a scholarship to Elam School of Fine Arts two years ago. His former art teacher Julie Lithgow says his unique talent, influenced by Maori and popular culture, stood out at school, where he painted a mural and sold out at the annual art exhibition. “He’s been a real inspiration to the other students,” Julie says. Taipari says his teacher helped him realise he could pursue his passion, otherwise he would probably be a pig hunter, which he still enjoys and incorporates into his art. He also explored the traditional style of his iwi Ngati Whatua, Ngapuhi and
hapu Te Uri O Hau. The exhibition will include Taipari’s earlier pen drawings and his recent paintings created during a break from Elam. One spray paint abstract work is influenced by the culture clash of urban and rural life that he felt in the city. Taipari says he has been making art for as long as he can remember and would often get in trouble at school for drawing on his books. “If I ran out of paper I would start drawing on my arms; I just couldn’t stop it bursting out.” He has also covered his car in paintings, which is how OWL Community Hub coordinator Filani Macassey first came across him when he parked outside the hub. The exhibition is on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays until June 6.
The return of cinema to the Warkworth Town Hall is also a return to programming film festivals for organiser Urs Bauer. The four-day Sounds on Screen music documentary festival, from June 1 to 4, is a fundraiser for the hall. It will feature digital HD projections with surround sound inside the hall. Urs says it will be a unique experience to watch films in the newly-renovated town hall while raising money for it. “It’s good to have a town centre where arts can be performed. Performing arts, music and film is an important part of life,” Urs says. Urs and his wife Denise staged the first big screen open air cinema in New Zealand at Auckland’s Viaduct Harbour in 2004. It led to his running movies in parks for councils and organisations, with 40,000 turning out to 22 different parks in Auckland last year. Urs says the outdoor cinema is designed to attract families and large numbers. Programming a festival gives him the freedom to select films that interest him. For the Sounds on Screen festival he followed his appreciation of great documentaries and his passion for music to select the
Urs Bauer is bringing movie magic back to the Warkworth Town Hall.
best music documentaries. “There are films I want to have on my screen and there are other films that are like a pollution of my screen. This festival is a work of art of what we love to show and see.” The festival features 12 films over the four days with stories on artists including The Rolling Stones, Bob Marley, Ed Sheeran and The Topp Twins. Urs says if it goes well he would like to do more regular cinema fundraisers at the town hall.
Ticket giveaway
Mahurangi Matters has 10 double passes to give away. Write your name and number on the back of an envelope, post to Music Film Festival Competition, Mahurangi Matters PO Box 701 Warkworth or email with the subject line: Music Film Festival. Competition closes 26 May.
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May 17, 2017 Mahurangimatters
Fired-up with Chris Jensen
Avoiding trouble I hope you all came through unscathed from the recent storms that hit much of the country. In reality we got off very lightly, especially when compared to what happened in the Bay of Plenty. The full force of the storms did not miss us by much so while there is a slight pause in the weather, now is the time to take some precautions before the true onset of winter. This will save some distress and also save the local brigades a callout. Clean all gutters and drains of leaves and debris that has fallen during the change of seasons. This will take just a few minutes, but could save you a heap of anguish later during heavy downpours. Clean down any paths or decks that may have become slippery, and could be a slip or fall hazard. Put a rough tread onto steps that may be dangerous when wet. Maybe even install a handrail if there is not one already in place. Clean chimneys before use. Trim any overgrown trees or loose-looking branches that may come down in strong winds, particularly those that threaten your house, car or power lines. If on public land, notify Auckland Council. It is highly likely there will be power cuts at some stage so remember to have some water stored, fresh torch batteries etc. Lastly, check or change your smoke alarm batteries if you didn’t do so at the conclusion of daylight saving. On a social note, a friendly rivalry has developed between the Matakana and Leigh Brigades. In March, the Leigh Brigade held its annual raft race which was gloriously won for the second year running by the Matakana brigade. Not being ones to boast (well, maybe a little), we gave Leigh the opportunity to redeem themselves with a social afternoon of petanque held at the Whangateau Domain. Redeem themselves they did, with a narrow win (well, maybe not so narrow)! Clearly they are a station proficient at throwing things. Matakana now looks forward to avenging this at our next challenge. Lastly, the Matakana Fire Brigade has celebrated its 10 year anniversary and has published a soft cover book for historical records. The book is called Ten Years On. It shows how the brigade has progressed and some of the highlights, as well as photos of all the brigade members over those years. Copies are available from Jennie Burt on 422 7123. The cost is $20.
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Patrollers celebrate milestone
Painting and Decorating The Warkworth Community Patrol celebrated its one year anniversary at the Warkworth Toyota Showrooms on May 11. Patrol volunteer Ross Sutherland says the patrol is in a good position with 22 volunteers as well as a vehicle, first aid kit and on board defibrillator. “The main thing is that we have a presence in the community and people are talking about us, which I believe is helping to prevent crime.” To join the patrol, contact Ross on 027 472 8332.
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28 Mahurangimatters May 17, 2017
Innovation at whitebait facility could prevent extinction The Manaki Whitebait fish farm in Woodcocks Road, in Warkworth, is developing what could be the key to keeping whitebait from extinction and still on the dinner table. Whitebait is a freshwater fish that comes in five species – banded kokopu, giant kokopu, inanga, koaro and shortjaw kokopu. Three species are endangered, including the giant kokopu, which is bred by Manaki Whitebait. Manaki Whitebait aquaculture manager Paul Decker says there is no limit to how much whitebait can be fished so unless a source is created outside of the wild they will become extinct with their growing popularity as a food source. “We’ve managed to reproduce all five species on our farm and it’s sustainable,” Paul says. “It’s a breakthrough really because it means we can save them from extinction.” He says Minister of Conservation Maggie Barry has shown interest in the project and its possibilities. Manaki Whitebait started to farm the fish in 2006 as a conservation project, but is now also reproducing the fish to sell as table food after receiving
Manaki Whitebait aquaculture manager Paul Decker (left) looks on as marine biologist Dr Roger Grace feeds whitebait during a Mountains to Sea Wānanga conference held at the fish farm recently.
financial backing from New Zealand Premium Whitebait. “Lots of groups were dealing with the conservation of birds and land animals at the time, but no-one was doing freshwater fish.” Last year the farm produced just over one tonne of whitebait, but hopes to
deliver at least 25 tonnes a year in two years time. “When you’re small, things like feed are more expensive per weight, but we are scaling up to a commercial size.” Paul says they are currently the only facility farming whitebait and will have to move to a coastal premises to
deliver their future target. Although whitebait live in freshwater, they hatch and grow as larvae in saltwater before swimming back upstream to freshwater. Manaki Whitebait has made a number of discoveries during its time farming the fish, including the fact that whitebait will not climb over a black surface. “When we started the farm we had problems with whitebait trying to climb out of their tanks, getting stuck on the walls and dying. We found the only tanks that didn’t have that issue were the black ones and we realised that they won’t climb a black surface.” Paul says this is a game changer as many fish passages to help them upstream in the wild are black, which could be affecting their movement. “We are constantly working with the Department of Conservation (DoC) and other environmental groups around these discoveries.” They will also work with DoC and the Tawharanui Open Sanctuary Society on June 10, when 10,000 giant kokopu whitebait will be released in two streams at Tawharanui Regional Park.
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Being the eternal male chauvinist,. my husband once said to me, “you are the boss of the home and the yard and I am the boss of everything else”. Excellent, I thought, I can be the queen of my own little castle and I can leave him to be $ $ $100 $194 Save up to toone 100 on on selected models. 194 refers refers to to model model 122C 122C broke **until Save up selected models. the king of all his land. That wasOffers day when * up Offers valid until 28 February 2017‘bedroom at$participating participating dealers only. 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My husband’s farm employee to gift him 849 was decided 525RS 135R $ $ 34.6cc -- 1.4kW 1.4kW -- 6.8kg 6.8kg NOW was 899 525RS 849 was 25.4cc -- 0.95kW --shape 5.0kg $799 25.4ccit) 0.95kW 5.0kg NOW was 899 135R $ 849 was $ 34.6cc - 1.4kW - 6.8kg‘beer a rather34.6cc large metal bar’ in (you guessed the of a tractor! $ Horrified 749 $ $ was 899 525RS 135R 849 was 25.4cc - 0.95kW - 5.0kg NOW $749 NOW $ 525RS 135R 34.6cc -- 6.8kg was $899 $799 was $ $$849 bar, 25.4cc --525RS 0.95kW 34.6cc -- 1.4kW 1.4kW 6.8kg at the 34.6cc thought that myNOW castle about to be overthrown a Trojan 135R $ was799 25.4cc 0.95kW -- 5.0kg 5.0kgby $ I $ - 1.4kW - 6.8kg was NOW 749 wastractor $899 525RS $849 was 899 25.4cc 0.95kW 5.0kg $ 849 was 135R $ an 34.6cc - 6.8kglargest kitchen knife in all my 135R 525RS dived for the-- 1.4kW sharpest artillery. 25.4cc - 0.95kW -With 5.0kg all the zest of $ 525RS $ 34.6cc 1.4kW 6.8kg $ $into 34.6cc - 1.4kW - 6.8kg was 549 25.4cc -- 5.0kg 122HD60 25.4cc -- 0.95kW 0.95kW 5.0kg iron clad knight, I waved it at my king and pronounced, “That thing makes it 122HD45 $ $ 21.7cc 0.86kW 4.9kg NOW 569 21.7cc 0.6kW 4.7kg NOW 499 my bedroom over your dead body!” Now I possibly won’t kill my husband over Don’tlike waitaany longer, you could take your new Husqvarna Tractor $ conquered this war, but just good episode of Game of Thrones, one Garden day Iwas am 599 was $549 with 30 months interest free on purchases $2,299 and over. $ 122HD60 122HD45 and the next home day Itoday amwas the conqueror. Or that is, I will be until such time as the $ 549 21.7cc 0.86kW 54.9kg wasFebruary 549 Offer- 4.7kg ends 28 2017. 21.7cc - 0.6kW 122HD60 was 549 afford PRICED 122HD45 $ lamb price goes up and I can to build him his own ‘man cave’ and turfforalldetails. his $ 122HD60 Available at participating Husqvarna Dealers only. Conditions apply, visit or$ see instore 21.7cc -- 0.86kW 0.86kW 4.9kg NOW 569 -- 4.9kg 122HD45 was 21.7cc -- 0.6kW 0.6kW 4.7kg $499 21.7cc 21.7cc -- 4.7kg NOW was 549 549 21.7cc - 0.86kW -battle 4.9kg NOW 122HD60 569 122HD45 $ 21.7cc 0.6kW 4.7kg man junk in it! Until such time as that, however, my will rage on. 122HD60 NOW 499 FROM $ 122HD45 21.7cc - 0.86kW - 4.9kg NOW $569 $
SAVE TRIMMING PRICES, NOT QUALITY SAVE TRIMMING PRICES, NOT QUALITY TRIMMING PRICES, NOT QUALITY TRIMMING PRICES, NOT QUALITY $ TRIMMING PRICES, NOT QUALITY up to $Tractor 100 NOW 194 NOW 449Don’t wait any longer, you could takeup to 100 your new Husqvarna Garden Don’t wait any longer, you could take your new Husqvarna Garden Tractor NOW NOW 749749 home today with 30 months interest free on purchases $2,299 andTractor over. Don’t any longer, you take your new Husqvarna Garden SAVE Don’t wait any longer, you could could take free youron new Husqvarna Garden homewait today with 30 months interest purchases $2,299 andTractor over. $
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Husqvarna 17.5hp* - 3 Husqvarna * 17.5hp 3 17.5hp* -- 3
Husqvarna V-Twin en
Don’t wait any longer, you could take your new Husqvarna Garden Tractor Z242E home today with 30 months interest free on purchases $2,299 and over. $Z242E * * Husqvarna Save Save up to $ 100 up on to selected 100 on m Husqvarna Z242E Offer ends 28 February 2017. Offers valid Offers until 28 valid February until 2 Husqvarna Z242E ^
Available at participating Husqvarna Dealers only. Conditions apply, visit or see instore . . for details.
V-Twin en en V-Twin Husqvarna V-Twin en Husqvarna V-Twin V-Twin en en
Your Au SAVE YOU COULD TAKE IT Trimmers from SAVE Trimmers from ww 1 2 Servici SAVE ww $ SAVE ww $ $ 122C 122C 322L up to 100 NOW 194 NOW 449 $100 only 194! $ up to only 194! NOW 194 NOW 449 $ $ $ 569 $ up to 100 up to194 100 NOW 194 NOW 449 NOW NOW 194Your Au HOME TODAY! up to $100 NOW NOW 194 194 Your Au YOU COULD TAKE IT $ Trimmers from Trimmers from $ Servici Your Au YOU COULD TAKE IT Trimmers from Your Au Trimmers from 5,799 3,999 Servici YOUNOW COULD TAKE IT YOU YOU COULD COULD TAK T Trimmers from Servici Trimmers from Trimmers from 629 NOW 699 Servici only 194! only 9 569 only 194! NOW 629 NOW 699 only 194! 194! 569 HOME TODAY! only 194! only 194! 569 NOW NOW 569 569 only 194! OW 499499 HOME HOME TODAY! TODAY HOME TODAY! $ $ $5,799 $3,999 $$ $
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799 799 799
Husqvarna Series™ Intek engine 17.5hp* - 38” Cutting Deck. Automatic transmission.
Husqvarna Endurance Series™ * $ * Deck $ engine 22.0hp * - 46” Reinforced Cutting V-Twin
TS138 TS138 Husqvarna Series Series™™ Intek Intek engine engine Husqvarna ™ TS138 Husqvarna Intek engine $ TS138 38”Series Cutting Deck. Automatic transmission. 17.5hp** -- 38” $ Cutting transmission. 17.5hp 525LST 525LST ™ Deck. Automatic
$ $ $
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TS246 5 2 5 2 3,999 TS246 wasTS246 729 was 729 $ $5,799 525RJD525 5,799 3,999 2 5 . was 729 was 729 525LST 525LST 525R $ $ NOW 629 629 $ $ 25.4cc - 0.95kW 25.4cc--4.7kg 0.95kW - 4.7kg NOW 25.4cc NOW NOW 629 629 $ $ 8,399 6,999
Husqvarna Endurance Endurance Series Series™™ Husqvarna ™ $ 2 Husqvarna Endurance 46” Reinforced Reinforced Cutting Deck Deck 5 V-Twin engine 22.0hp**$Series -- 46” Cutting V-Twin engine 22.0hp $ ™ Husqvarna Endurance Husqvarna engine ™ - 46” Reinforced Cutting Deck V-Twin$engine 22.0hp* Series ™ Intek Cutting Deck. Automatic transmission. 17.5hp* - 38”Series Husqvarna Endurance Series Husqvarna Series Intek engine 25.4cc 0.95kW 25.4cc 4.7kg 0.95kW 4.7kg 25.4cc - 0.95kW 25.4c * V-Twin engine 22.0hp* - 46” Reinforced Cutting Deck 17.5hp** - 38” Cutting Deck. Automatic transmission. V-Twin engine 22.0hp - 46” Reinforced Cutting Deck 17.5hp - 38” Cutting Deck. Automatic transmission.
699 699 699
NOW 799
home today with 30 interest free on purchases and Offer ends February 2017. home today28 30 months months purchases $2,299 $2,2991 and over. over. Offer ends 28with February 2017.interest free on 2 ^^Available at participating Husqvarna Dealers only. Conditions apply, visit or $ Available at participating Husqvarna Dealers only. Conditions apply,$21. visit or see see instore instore for for details. details. 7 ^Offer ends 28 February 2017. was 279 was 279 $visit * $ Available at participating Husqvarna Dealers only. Conditions apply, or see instore for details. 21. Offer ends 28 February 2017. $ * 322L $ ^ was 279 was 279 122C 122C 322participating Husqvarna Dealers only. Conditions apply, visit or see instore for details. ^Available at 21.7cc - 0.76kW 21.7cc --4.4kg 0.76kW - apply, 4.4kg 22.5cc Available at participating Husqvarna Dealers only. Conditions visit or see instore for details. $ $ 22.5cc - 0.75kW 21.7cc - 0.76kW 21.7cc - 4.4kg - 0.76kW - 4.4kg 22.5cc -
* up to $100 on selected models. $194 refers to model 122C Save TS352 dealers only. Offers valid until 28 February 2017 at participating
Vanguard™ Commercial V-Twin engine . 21.0hp* 42” ClearCut™ Fabricated Cutting Deck.
NOW 749
Kawasaki FR series V-Twin engine *Save up to $100 on* selected models. $194 refers to model 122C. 23.0hp 52” Fabricated Cutting Deck. Offers valid 1/9/16 – 28/02/17 at participating dealers only.
Your Authorised Husqvarna $ Servicing Dealer $
** up Save Save up to to $$100 100 on on selected selected models. models. $$194 194 refers refers to to model model 122C 122C TS342 TS342 TS352 Offers valid until 28 selected Februarymodels. 2017 at at participating participating dealers only. * upvalid Save to until 100 on 194 refers todealers model 122C TS352 Offers 28 February 2017 only. $ TS342 TS352 $until $participating Vanguard™™ Commercial Commercial V-Twin V-Twin engine engine Offers valid 28 February 2017 at dealers only. $ * . Vanguard Save up to 100 on selected models. 194 refers to model 122C Kawasaki FR series V-Twin $toto model .Save $100 on selected $194 $Kawasaki FR series V-Twin $$engine engine ™ * TS342 $ up to models. refers to model 122C $ *Save up to 100 on selected models. 194 refers 122C. Vanguard Commercial V-Twin engine * ™ TS352 2017 at participating dealers only. *Save up at toparticipating 100 on** selected models. 194Deck. refers 122C. 3 1 * 42” ClearCut™ Fabricated .Offers valid until 28 February TS342 Kawasaki FR series V-Twin engine 21.0hp $to model $TS352 $ 42” 21.0hp 23.0hp 52” Fabricated Cutting 2017 dealers only. ™ ClearCut Fabricated Offers valid until 28 February *Save up to 100 on selected models. 194 refers model 122C.
$ $
8,399 8,399 8,399
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$ 1 3 NOWNOW 799 799
23.0hp*–52” Cutting Deck. * Vanguard V-Twin engine Offers valid 28/02/17 at dealers only. ™ Commercial . $ 1/9/16 21.0hp 42” ClearCut™ Fabricated FR Fabricated series$899 V-Twin engine 34 Offers valid 1/9/16 –52” 28/02/17 at participating participating dealers only. $Kawasaki $ Vanguard Commercial V-Twin engine Cutting Deck. 23.0hp was 899 was Cutting* Deck. Deck. . Cutting FR Fabricated seriesmodels. V-Twin engine *Save up to 100 194 refers to 122C. ™ $Kawasaki $ Offers valid 28/02/17 at participating dealers only. 135R 135R 21.0hp 42” ClearCut *Save up to 1/9/16 100 on on**–selected selected models. 194Deck. refers to model model 122C. ™ Fabricated Cutting* Deck. 23.0hp 52” Fabricated Cutting 525RS 525 21.0hp 42” ClearCut Fabricated $ $ 52” Fabricated Cutting Deck. 23.0hp Offers valid 1/9/16 – 28/02/17 at participating dealers only. 34.6cc 1.4kW 34.6cc 6.8kg 1.4kW 6.8kg Cutting Deck. Offers valid 1/9/16 – 28/02/17 at participating dealers only. Your Authorised Husqvarna Servicing Dealer 25.4cc - 0.95kW 25.4c Cutting Deck.
NOW NOW 749 749 NOW 749
Your Authorised Husqvarna Servicing Dealer 34. was $899 was $899 135R 135RServicing Your Authorised Husqvarna Dealer 525R $ $ Authorised Husqvarna Servicing Dealer $ $- 6.8kg Z242E Your 34.6cc - 1.4kW 34.6cc - 1.4kW - 6.8kg Z254i 25.4cc Husqvarna Endurance Series™
7,299 5,999 NOW NOW 799 799
V-Twin engine 20.0hp* - 42” ClearCut™ Fabricated Cutting Deck.
Husqvarna Endurance Series™ V-Twin engine 24.0hp* 54” Reinforced Cutting Deck.
$ $ $7,299 NOW $5,999 PRICED $ 1 2 5,999 $ $7,299 Massey Ferguson $5,999 7,299 122HD60 122H 122HD45 122HD45 $ $FROM NOW NOW 499 499 NOW 569 Don’t wait any longer, you could take your new Husqvarna Garden Tractor NOW 499 599 was Don’t wait any longer, Tractor was 549 you could take your new Husqvarna Garden 599 was $12,990 home today with 30 interest on purchases $2,299 and over. $21,990 was 549months 122HD60 122HD45 1 2 Don’t wait wait any longer, you$could could take free your new Husqvarna Garden Tractor Don’t wait Don’t any wait longer, any you longer, could you take could your take newyo H LIMITED w $ home today with 30 months interest free on purchases $2,299 and over. 122HD60 Don’t any longer, you take your new Husqvarna Garden Tractor 599 was was 549 was 549 was 549 122HD45 $ 599 was Offer ends 28 February 2017. NOW $ was 30 549months home today with interest free on purchases $2,299 and over. home today home with today 30 months with 30 interest months free interest on purc fre 122HD60 122HD NOW 499 PRICED +gst NOW 569 122HD45 122HD45 122HD45 PRICED $ +gst home today with 30 months interest free on purchases $2,299 and over. 122HD60 Offer ends 28 February 2017. NOW 499 Is $ $ $ STOCK 122HD45 Massey Ferguson PRICED $ Iseki TG6370 $ NOW 569Massey Offer February Offer ends Offer 28 February ends 28 February 2017. 2017. NOW NOW 499 499PRI Ferguson PRICED Offer ends ends 28 28NOW February 2017. 2017. PRICED FROM 499 PRICED PRICED FROM PRICED Iseki TG6370 Iseki Iseki TG6370 TG6370 Massey Ferguson FROM
NOW 499 Iseki TG6370 $ $ $
21.7cc -- 0.6kW 0.6kW -- 4.7kg 4.7kg 21.7cc
$ $
$ $ $ $ $
21.7cc - 0.86kW - 4.9kg
$ $ $ $ $
*special conditions apply TTC -for 21.7cc - 0.86kW - 54.9kg 21.7cc see - 0.6kW 4.7kg 21.7cc - 0.86kW - 54.9kg 21.7cc - –0.6kW - 4.7kg ^^Available details tractor shown at apply, or Available at participating participating Husqvarna Husqvarna Dealers Dealers only. only. Conditions Conditions21.7cc apply, visit visit or see see instore instore for for details. details. -- 0.86kW -- 54.9kg ^ 21.7cc 0.6kW 4.7kg Available at participating Husqvarna Dealers only. Conditions21.7cc apply, visit 0.86kW 54.9kg or see instore for details. with front end 21.7ccoptional - 0.6kW 4.7kg ^ ^Available at participating Husqvarna Dealers only. Conditions apply, visit or see instore for details. at participating Husqvarna Dealers only. Conditions apply, visit or see instore for details. loader andAvailable ag tyres *special conditions conditions *special *special apply see seeconditions TTC for for apply TTC *special conditions apply see TTC forshown *special details – – conditions tractor details tractor apply see see TTC for forshown details – tractor shown apply TTC with optional optional front front end with end details – tractor tractor shown with optional front end details – shown loader and and ag ag tyres tyres loader with optional optional front end loader and ag front tyres end with loader and and ag ag tyres tyres loader
Iseki TG6370
• 4wd & Differential lock • Power Shuttle 12 x 12 transmission •• Reliable Iseki Diesel engine • 4wd 4wd & & Differential Differential lock lock 4wd & & Differential Differentialxlock lock •• Power 4wd Power Shuttle Shuttle 12 12 x 12 12 •• Power Shuttle 12 x transmission Power Shuttle 12 x 12 12 transmission transmission •• Reliable Iseki Diesel transmission Reliable Iseki Diesel engine engine Cnr• Heights & Paerata Rds, Reliable Iseki • Reliable Iseki Diesel Diesel engine engine
SHW 22 Pukekohe Ph 09 238 7179 Cnr Heights & Rds, Now at Te Hana Tractors Cnr Heights & Paerata Paerata Rds, Cnr Heights Heights & Paerata Paerata Rds, Rds, Cnr & SHW 22 Pukekohe 308 State Highway 1, SHW 22 Pukekohe SHW 22 Pukekohe SHW 22 Pukekohe Ph 09 238 7179 RD4, Wellsford PhTe09Hana, 238 7179 Ph 09 238 7179 Ph 09 238 7179
FROM FROM FROM $21,990 $21,990 +gst $21,990 +gst +gst +gst
• 37HP • Optional Front End Loader shown •• Ag or Turf Tyre option • 37HP 37HP 37HP Front End Loader •• Optional 37HP Optional Front End Loader •• Optional Front End Loader shown Optional shown Front End Loader shown •• Ag or Turf shown Ag or Turf Tyre Tyre option option •• Ag or Turf Ag or Turf Tyre Tyre option option
Z242E Z254i Z242E ™ Husqvarna Z254i Husqvarna Endurance Endurance Series Series™™ Husqvarna Endurance Endurance Series Series™™ V-Twin V-Twin engine engine Z242E Husqvarna Endurance ™ $ Husqvarna $ ™ ** Series ™ Z254i Z242E 42” ClearCut Fabricated Cutting Deck. V-Twin engine 20.0hp was 549 549 Husqvarna Endurance Series V-Twin ** was 21. - 42” ClearCut Fabricated Cutting Deck. V-Twin engine 20.0hp* Series ™ Z254i 54” Reinforced Cutting Deck. engine 24.0hp ™ Husqvarna Endurance 54” Reinforced Cutting 24.0hp ™ Deck. ™ Fabricated Cutting Deck. V-Twin engine 20.0hp - 42” ClearCut
Husqvarna Husqvarna Endurance* Series ™ V-Twin ReinforcedSeries Cutting Deck. engine 24.0hp* 54”Endurance ™ Husqvarna Endurance Series V-Twin engine 21.7cc - 0.86kW 21.7cc ClearCut Cutting Deck. V-Twin engine21.7cc 20.0hp - 42” ™ Fabricated - 0.6kW 21.7cc - 4.7kg - 0.6kW - 4.7kg 24.0hp** 54” Reinforced Cutting Deck. ClearCut Fabricated Cutting Deck. V-Twin engine 20.0hp* - 42” 24.0hp 54” Reinforced Cutting Deck. $
21. 7 21.7cc 21.7cc - 0.6kW 21.7cc - 4.7kg - 0.6kW - 4.7kg
Massey Ferguson LIMITED ^
Available at ^participating Available at participating Husqvarna Dealers Husqvarna only.Dealers Conditions only. apply, Conditi vis
FROM w FR FROM $12,990 * sp $12,990 LIMITED app $12,990 *special conditions *special conditions $21, +gst LIMITED det STOCK +gst apply seeapply TTC for see TTC forLIMITED STOCK wit +gst +g +gst details – tractor details shown – tractor shown STOCK STOCK loa
GC1705 loader and loader ag tyres and ag tyres • 23Hp Diesel • 2 Speed Hydrostatic Trans • Optional 60” Mid Mount GC1705 GC1705 Mower GC1705 • 23Hp Diesel GC1705 • 23Hp Diesel • Optional Self Levelling FEL 23Hp Diesel • 2 Speed Hydrostatic Trans 23Hp Diesel • 2 Speed Hydrostatic Trans • Optional 4-in-1 Bucket • Speed Hydrostatic Hydrostatic Trans • 60” Mount 22Optional Speed Trans • Optional 60” Mid Mid Mount • 4wd • & 4wd Differential & Differential lock lock• 37HP • 37 • • Optional 60” Mid Mount Mower • Optional 60” Mid Mount Mower • Power • Power Shuttle Shuttle 12 x 12 12 x 12 • Optional • Op Mower • Optional Self Levelling FEL Mower Self Levelling FEL • Optional Brett Carter • 027 231 9070 transmission transmission shown sh Self Levelling FEL • Optional 4-in-1 Bucket • Self Levelling FEL • Optional Optional 4-in-1 Bucket Steve Farrell 027 engine 499 8372 • Reliable • Reliable Iseki Diesel Iseki Diesel engine • Ag or • Tu Ag • Optional 4-in-1 Bucket • Optional 4-in-1 Bucket with optional withfront optional end front end
Grant Hudson 027 496 9280 Carter MarkBrett McDonagh 774 4600 Brett Carter 027 027 231 231 9070 9070 Brett Carter 027 231 Cnr Brett Carter 027 231 9070 Steve Farrell 499 8372 Graeme Rogers027 021499 3869070 776 Steve Farrell 8372 Cnr Heights Cnr Heights & Paerata & Paerata Rds, Rds, Steve Farrell 027 499 8372 SHW Steve Farrell 499 8372 Grant Hudson 027 496 9280 Grant Hudson 027 496 9280 SHW SHW 22 Pukekohe 22 Pukekohe Grant Hudson 027 496 9280 Ph 0 Grant Hudson 027 496 9280 Mark McDonagh 4600 Mark McDonagh 027 774 774 4600 Ph 09 Ph 238 09 7179 238 Mark 7179 McDonagh 027 774 4600 Mark McDonagh www Graeme Rogers 021 386 776 Graeme Rogers027 021774 3864600 776
30 Mahurangimatters May 17, 2017
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Timely advice I recently attended a Veterinary Club Practice seminar and Dr Tom Mulholland spoke about his healthy community initiative in an after-dinner speech. He reminded us of the importance of looking out for ourselves and each other, reiterated the importance of regular heath checks, taking medication as prescribed and refilling your scripts when medication was finishing. The story he told to reinforce this was specifically about blood pressure medication, mentioning several cases where people were taken to the emergency department with severe brain haemorrhages. Many of these were people who were on continuous hypertension or high blood pressure medication, their scripts had not been refilled or they hadn’t been back to their medical practitioner. The high blood pressure and lack of medication had directly led to a catastrophic result. Regular health checks are similarly important in cats and dogs. When animals have changes in eating habits, toileting behaviour or general demeanour (outward behaviour) we have a responsibility to look out for them and get their health checked. Health checks can be as simple as a clinical examination or may include additional diagnostic checks such as blood tests and urine assessment. In the veterinary field we place similar importance on completing medication courses as prescribed. Our industry is implementing modification to our prescribing and usage of antibiotics on farms. The importance of taking the correct dosage and using the entire course prescribed is something we all have responsibility to implement. High blood pressure causes similar health issues in cats and dogs as it does in people. It can lead to degeneration in the eyes and kidneys, and is associated as a cause of death in many aged animals. Historically, routine blood pressure monitoring was a difficult process to perform accurately with cats and dogs as they can be extremely sensitive to movement or touch during examination in a clinic setting, but new, modern equipment has improved the ability to accurately measure blood pressure in small animals. There are benefits from looking out for ourselves, each other and our pets. When things aren’t normal the benefits of seeking and following professional advice can be huge.
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• Fertilizer SPREADERS
May 17, 2017 Mahurangimatters
Dan’s Tips
Andrew Steens
May 2017
Winter planting frenzy
It’s time to replenish the garden beds with fertilisers and mulch and plant some of our favourite fruits - citrus, blueberries and feijoas. Plus, sharpen those pruning tools! I’ve been planting up a storm lately, in between storms that is! Seriously though, there is a very good reason for all the planting activity as autumn is the best time to plant a whole bunch of different crops and ornamentals. Frequent rainfall (a little too frequent perhaps), mild temperatures, lower sun intensity and soil still warm from the summer sun equals great growing conditions for little plants. This is the time of year to get the winter flowering annuals in. These add bright cheery colours to brighten dull winter days. This year I’m clearing under all my pip and stone fruit trees to create a circle of colour under each one, with a vibrant mix of Iceland poppy, viola, alyssum, calendula, cornflower, forget-menot and borage. Other plants that can go in now include polyanthus, primrose and pansies. An important side benefit is feeding the various beneficial insects over the lean winter months. Subtropical plants are also best planted now while the soil is still warm. I’m splitting bromeliads, heliconia, gingers, cannas and bananas. Easily done, just dig them up, break them apart or use secateurs or a pruning saw to separate the tougher ones, then replant straight away into their new location. Cuttings of many subtropicals will also strike well at this time of year; think cordyline, yucca, brugmansia, hibiscus and many more. The veggie garden doesn’t get neglected now. The typical winter vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, kale, broccoli, spinach, leek, onion and silverbeet are almost a no-brainer, but this is also the best time to plant out more specialist veggies such as coriander, parsley and celery, all of which run to seed if planted in hotter conditions. I like to get in early with setting out garlic and shallot cloves, as I find they establish better now than at the traditional planting time of the Shortest Day. Likewise, I get my strawberries in now, so they get a good head start before winter sets in. Even fruit trees get a look in at this time of year. It’s a great time to be planting subtropicals such as citrus, tamarillo, passionfruit, guava and feijoa. Berry crops such as raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and boysenberries are ideally planted now, although any canes lying on the ground will probably have beaten you to it, setting vigorous root systems from the ends! And although winter is the traditional time to plant deciduous trees such as stone and pip fruit, if they are container grown plants, they can be successfully planted now too. There’s no excuse really – get your gumboots (or in my case jandals) on, give the spade a sharpen, stock up on fertiliser to go in the planting holes and get planting!
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Growing Food • Perfect time to sow broad beans – in a warm area of the vegetable patch, that will see some sun over winter; but don’t put them where your last legume (bean or pea) crop was. • Also good to plant some of our favourite fruits: Citrus, blueberry and feijoa bushes, not to mention the sub-tropicals - avocadoes, bananas, mangoes and guavas – do chose frost-free areas for planting the latter.
Lawns • Mow less often – a late over-sow of bare patches can be attempted in warmer areas.
Other Work • Replenish Garden Beds: replenish depleted organic matter and fertilisers by adding more Living Earth Garden Mix. • Sharpen: It’s time to sharpen tools for pruning. • Weed and mulch: Tuck the garden up for winter, by getting rid of weeds and layering a thick (50-100mm) layer of BLACKGOLD Mulch around your garden.
Get your outdoors ready for Winter Time to clear up all those fallen leaves, spread mulch and fertilise plants and gardens and tidy up before winter sets in. At Central Landscape and GardenSupplies Warkworth we have a large range of planting soils, barks and mulches to get your outdoors all ready for winter!
Open Hours: Monday - Friday: 7am - 5pm, Saturday: 8am - 4pm, Sunday: 9 - 2pm. • 09 425 9780 25-31 Morrison Drive, Warkworth
32 Mahurangimatters May 17, 2017
World Masters Games 2017
Local Masters finish on podium
by Ben Donaldson
The World Masters Games last month have been dubbed ‘the best games ever’ by the International Masters Games Association after Auckland hosted the event from April 21 to 30.
compete from over 50 countries across 28 sports. Within the 48 venues for the Games, over 120,000 arrows were shot in archery, more than 1150 games of tennis were played and almost 240,000 points were rallied for in badminton.
The world’s largest multi-sport event saw 28,000 people
Games 2017 chief executive Jennah Wootten says
Congratulations to all those who were involved in the World Masters Games 2017.
John Winkie, Omaha
Antoinette Spain, Ti Point
Murray & Bev Billington, Warkworth
Sport: Cycling Age: 76 Medals: Gold (mountain bike), silver (criterium, road race)
Sport: Touch, basketball Age: 52 Medals: Gold (touch)
Sport: Tennis Age: 73 and 69 Medals: Gold (mixed doubles), silver (men’s doubles)
Antoinette had to play touch rugby and basketball on the same day, three days in a row, before taking out a gold medal with her touch team, the Sharks. “It was quite challenging playing two sports on the same day leading up to the touch final,” she says. “The games lived up to my expectations with the standard of play and I learnt shooting is an area our basketball team needs to work on.”
Murray and Bev Billington won their second gold this year in mixed doubles tennis at the masters games after winning at the Tennis New Zealand Seniors National Champs. “The standard was lower than what I expected as there weren’t many foreign players in our group,” Murray says. “We enjoyed the professional set up, though, and it was great to win a medal.”
John Winkie took gold in the mountain bike race beating second place by 13 minutes. “I enjoyed racing against overseas competitors and I certainly wouldn’t dismiss the idea of attending the next games in Japan,” he says. “The biggest challenges for me were the long hill climbs in the mountain bike and road race.”
Kaye Jackson, Snells Beach Sport: Squash Age: 70 Medals: Gold (singles)
Robbie Blair, Warkworth
Mike Fitzgerald, Omaha Sport: Surf life saving Age: 43 Medals: Silver (surf team)
Sport: Table tennis, tennis Age: 61 Medals: Bronze (team)
Kaye Jackson won her sixth masters games medal and second gold for squash in Auckland. “It was an excellent tournament that was really well organised,” Kaye says. “The girl I played in the final was very fit so I had to move her around a lot.” She hopes to compete in the World Masters Squash Championships in Virginia next year.
coordinating all this activity was a huge logistical undertaking, but all the hard work produced a fantastic event.
Robbie Blair reunited with his junior table tennis rival Kerry Palmer to win bronze in the team event. “It was hard at times accepting you’re not the player you used to be,” Robbie says. “Seeing some of the older players was inspiring and reminds you to keep doing these things while you still can.”
Mike Fitzgerald won silver alongside Omaha Surf Life Saving Club team mates Rhys Powell and Frank Maher. “Seeing the standard of the other competitors has inspired me to improve and compete in the New Zealand Nationals next year,” he says. “Ultimately I would like to compete in an event at Coolangatta Surf Life Saving Club in a couple of years time.”
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May 17, 2017 Mahurangimatters
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Both Karlie Stanbra (pictured) and her mother Helen Schmidt made the podium at the games.
Other local winners by medal count: Allan Martin: Athletics, six gold (100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, long jump and javelin) Matt Craig: Surf life saving, gold, two silver, bronze (2km run, board race, board team and beach flags) Terry and Kim McDell: Sailing, gold (two-handed WETA trimaran) Lesley Holmes: Waka Ama, gold (500m sprint) Sarah Gordon and Angela Fletcher: Badminton, gold (doubles) Kathryn Ramel: Touch, gold Rachael Lawrence: Touch, gold Allison Roe: Cycling, gold (mountain bike) Rhys Powell: Surf life saving, two
silver, two bronze (board team, surf team, beach flags and beach sprint) Frank Maher: Surf life saving, two silver (board team, surf team) Deb Collings: Surf life saving, silver, bronze (board race, board relay) Gloria Wilmot: Tennis, silver (singles) Karlie Stanbra: Hockey, silver Alistair Elder: Football, silver Ross Miller: Football, silver Jonathan Leaver: Athletics, silver (400m) Lee Georgetti: Surf life saving, silver (board relay) Ruth Tanner: Surf life saving, silver (board relay) Helen Schmidt: Golf, bronze
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34 Mahurangimatters May 17, 2017
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May 17, 2017 Mahurangimatters
Book Now 1hr $50 • 2hrs $90 Phone 09 425 8517 42 Kaipara Flats Road, Warkworth Google: Horse Riding Warkworth
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RAWLEIGH Products. Ph Pat 09 945 0495 PLANTS Quality groundcovers, shrubs and trees. Large and small grades. Wholesale direct to the public. Contract growing and pre-orders welcome. Liberty Park Native Tree Nursery, 90 Jones Road, Omaha 09 422 7307.
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JUST NEED A HAND? If you need, section tidying up, hedges & exterior painting – small jobs, water blasting, rubbish removal, extra hand for furniture removal, house checks or property assistance if away or any small general job about the place- I can help! Phone Anton 0211338884
STUMP GRINDING WARKWORTH Stump Removal, Tree Removal, Chipping. Ph 021 623 330
WATER FILTERS Underbench filters & whole house Ultra violet filters – Kill and remove ecoli/bacteria. FREE site visits. Ph Steve 09 945 2282 or visit WATER PUMPS Low water pressure? Get it sorted. Sales, service and installation. Work guaranteed. Steve 09 945 2282
Sat 27 and Sun 28 May. $15 per space. Contact Jacky 09 422 9221 email
Come and join the fun, 1st Monday of month, Old Masonic Hall, Baxter Street, Warkworth, 7pm. Proceeds to Warkworth Museum.
WARKWORTH & DISTRICTS MUSEUM SOCIETY INC. AGM At the museum, 1pm, May 21st Election of officers, guest speaker and afternoon tea
BABYSITTER/DRIVER For two school-aged girls. Will suit a mature/responsible woman. Twice a week from 3pm to 7pm, occasionally other days/times. Meet the children after school, supervise lunch and drive to after school activities. The area is Snells Beach, Warkworth, Matakana. Txt your details or ph 027 304 9229
Your LOCAL Community Newspaper
Bulk Distributor Wanted Are you looking for a part-time job? We have a vacancy for a paper distributor. This job involves approx. 12 hours a fortnight, which can be done during school hours and would be ideal for a home-based parent or two. You must have either a van or a 4WD to carry the quantity of papers involved, and the delivery area covers from Omaha/Matakana to Orewa. We are looking for someone who is absolutely reliable and you need to be fit. For more information, ring Angela on 425 9068 or email
HIAB training available Based in Kaiwaka Absolute Concrete Ltd 027 722 5549 - Kayne
Located in rural Omaha this newly created role requires someone who is well organised, motivated and able to use a computer. If you are a mature self starter that is able to work as part of a small and busy team then this could be the perfect full-time and permanent job for you. An HT or forklift licence would be ideal but not essential. Drivers licence is important as is a can do attitude and the ability to spend time in our freezer. Please email with your cv.
SHEETMETAL / STAINLESS FABRICATORS Warkworth Sheetmetals Ltd. Experienced Tradesperson required for quality Architectural, Commercial, Marine Stainless & General Sheetmetal fabrication. Varied, interesting work and opportunity to advance career. Phone: 09 425 7366 Malcolm Email: Call in: 27 Woodcock Rd, Warkworth REID EQUESTRIAN ENGINEERING, Wellsford. Float rebuilds, horse truck conversions, etc. Dog kennels made to measure. Quality work. Ph Ron 423 9666
the numbers game
2 5
PAINTER Must have experience, have basic tools and own transport. Warkworth area. Ph Paul 021 838 806
Email to book your classified advertising
Senior Stylist - Full time, Tues - Sat Good all rounder. Confident in cutting and colouring for well-known, friendly, relaxed salon in Warkworth. Ph 425 0441 or txt 027 293 0146
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CLEANERS ASSISTANT REQUIRED Parttime, around Warkworth. Must be reliable and have own car. Phone 021 113 7223
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2 BEDROOM COTTAGE With carport. Rural setting. 10mins from Warkworth. $360p/w. Phone 09 425 7942 CUTE FURNISHED COTTAGE Coastal Warkworth available for short-term through winter to qualified,mature quiet person(s). Ph 021 752182 SNELLS BEACH Lovely fully furnished 2 bedroom flat available till December 40m from beach. Phone Barry 425 5613
Advertise your classifieds and church notices here for only
$4.40 inc GST per line or $11.20 per/cm inc GST for boxed adverts.
DRIVEWAYS MAINTENANCE Grading, rolling & metalling for rural Driveways. No job too BIG or small. Ph Bruce 425 7766
38 Mahurangimatters May 17, 2017
Mahurangi win at team champs
Mahurangi College sailed its way to victory in the bronze fleet at the Secondary Schools Team Sailing National Championship at Algies Bay last month. The event saw a record 36 teams compete, with almost 12,000km sailed across gold, silver and bronze fleets. Teams came from as far south as Wanaka, right up to Kerikeri and the Cook Islands. Mahurangi College team captain Heather Niccolls says although she was disappointed with some individual race results, she was pleased with the overall performance. “The team was good at staying positive and communicating,” she says. “Our team was made up of three families, so we’re all close and able to work together.” Next year Mahurangi College will lose two skippers, but Heather says a strong group is coming through that would like to win silver fleet next year. Auckland Grammar took out first in gold fleet this year, with Kerikeri second and Kristin third.
Gemma Harris (left) is one of the younger players to enter the Warkworth Women’s side this year.
Warkworth eyes cup defence The Warkworth Women’s first football team will focus on defending the Second Division Cup after suffering a heavy defeat in their league competition. The team won both their opening matches this season, beating Norwest United 2-0 and Te Atatu 3-2, before losing 2-1 to Glenfield and 7-1 to Takapuna. Warkworth player Sue Lester says they were outclassed in the match against Takapuna and it shocked the team a bit. “We got off to a good start this year, but there are a couple of teams in our league who could just be too good for
Cycle trail to be less inclined
us over the course of a season,” she says. After seeing the standard of play from Takapuna, the team is aiming to improve on last year’s finish of sixth, but has its sights set on defending the Second Division Cup later this year. Sue says the squad is positive about moving forward and has been boosted by the addition of some younger players into the team. “They bring new energy, which combines well with the knowledge of the experienced players.” Their next home game will be against Glenfield at Shoesmith Domain, May 21, 10.45am kick-off.
Part of the Matakana cycle trail is currently closed for tree felling and realignment. Pine trees are being removed from the steep, banked section that drops down from Takatu Road towards Jones Road, Omaha, and these will be replaced by native trees. There are also plans to redirect the track to make it less steep. It is hoped the work will be completed by the end of this month.
Matakana fielding ideas Matakana Community Group is asking residents for ideas for sports and recreational activities they might like to see at the village’s Jubilee Park in future. The 3.8 hectare field on Matakana Valley Road is currently home to the Matakana Pony Club and Matakana Tennis Club, but Rodney Local Board is conducting a needs assessment in a bid to ensure the space is used in the most efficient way possible and to determine community needs as the population grows. Ideas that have already been aired include a pump cycle track, a skate park, a cricket pitch and a football field. Anyone with a suggestion should email it to Matakana Community Group member Chelsea de Berry at by the end of May.
Warkworth Game Fish Club | 09 422 7728
3rd and 4th of June. Limited tickets
May 17
May 18
May 19
May 20
May 21
May 22
May 23
May 24
May 25
May 26
May 27
May 28
May 29
May 30
May 31
Jun 1
Jun 2
1:49am 7:55am 2:06pm 8:13pm
2:43am 8:50am 3:04pm 9:14pm
1:51am 8:16am 2:17pm 8:45pm
2:45am 9:11am 3:09pm 9:37pm
5:26am 1.0 12:10am 3.0 12:57am 11:40am 2.9 6:12am 1.0 7:02am Tide 5:36pm 0.9 12:25pm 2.9 1:13pm 6:23pm 1.0 7:15pm Times 7:13am 5:22pm
Sun Fishing Guide Moon
Matakana Marine Seawatch Auckland Area Sea Watch
7:14am 5:21pm
Best At
4:47am 5:11pm
7:15am 5:20pm
Best At
5:35am 5:59pm
6:23am 6:47pm Last Quarter
3.0 1.0 2.8 1.0
7:15am 5:20pm
Best At
Set 11:54am Set 12:34pm Set Rise 10:31pm Rise 11:29pm *Not for navigational purposes.
3.0 1.0 2.8 1.0
7:16am 5:19pm
Best At
7:11am 7:35pm
3.0 3:38am 0.9 9:46am 2.9 4:06pm 1.0 10:13pm
7:17am 5:18pm
Best At
8:00am 8:24pm
3.1 4:34am 0.8 10:42am 3.0 5:06pm 0.9 11:10pm
7:18am 5:18pm
Best At
8:49am 9:15pm
3.2 5:30am 3.3 12:05am 0.6 12:58am 0.7 11:37am 0.5 6:26am 3.4 7:21am 3.1 6:04pm 3.3 12:31pm 0.4 1:25pm 6:59pm 3.5 7:52pm 0.7 7:18am 5:17pm
Best At
9:41am 10:08pm
7:19am 5:17pm
Best At
10:36am 11:04pm
7:20am 5:16pm
Best At
0.5 3.5 0.3 3.6
7:21am 5:16pm
Best At
12:03am 12:33pm
0.4 3.5 0.2 3.7
7:21am 5:15pm
Best At
1:04am 1:35pm
0.4 3:39am 3.5 10:05am 0.2 4:01pm 3.7 10:30pm
7:22am 5:15pm
Best At
2:07am 2:38pm
0.4 4:34am 3.5 10:59am 0.3 4:54pm 3.6 11:24pm
7:23am 5:14pm
Best At
3:08am 3:38pm
0.5 5:31am 0.6 12:19am 3.4 1:16am 3.4 11:53am 3.3 6:29am 0.7 7:27am 0.4 5:48pm 0.5 12:49pm 3.2 1:45pm 6:45pm 0.7 7:44pm 3.5 7:23am 5:14pm
Best At
4:08am 4:36pm
7:24am 5:14pm
Best At
New Moon
5:03am 5:30pm
7:25am 5:13pm
Best At
5:55am 6:20pm
3.3 0.8 3.1 0.8
Best At
6:44am 7:07pm First Quarter
1:12pm Rise 12:28am Rise 1:29am Rise 2:33am Rise 3:40am Rise 4:48am Rise 5:59am Rise 7:11am Rise 8:21am Rise 9:27am Rise 10:26am Rise 11:17am Rise 12:02pm Rise 12:41pm Set 12:06am Set 1:48pm Set 2:24pm Set 2:59pm Set 3:37pm Set 4:17pm Set 5:02pm Set 5:51pm Set 6:47pm Set 7:48pm Set 8:53pm Set 9:58pm Set 11:03pm Rise 1:16pm G B F Good Fishing Fair Fishing Not So Good Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.
For the latest wind and swell information for the Auckland area, go to:
What’s on
See What’s On at for a full list of upcoming events
May til Jun 6 OWL art exhibition, Wellsford (see story p26) 17 Albert Rd Boutique, Mahurangi Kindergarten presents new and pre-loved clothes at great prices, along with raffles and more, 7pm. Tickets $10, ph 425 7096 18 Warkworth Forest & Bird, Winter Talk on Predator Free NZ by Kevin Hackwell, Forest & Bird manager for campaigns and advocacy; Totara Retirement Village Hall, 7.30 pm; all welcome. Info: Sally Richardson 425 0161 19 Kowhai Art and Craft open day, free entry, Mahurangi Rugby Football Club rooms, 10am to 2pm. Info: Merryl 425 6722 19 Mahurangi Community Sport and Recreation Collective Great Turn On with sporting activities and demonstrations, Warkworth Showgrounds, 4.30pm. Free entry, food and drink available. Info: Nicola (see ad p10) 20 Young musician Riley Popham performs for NZ Music Month at Warkworth Library, 11am 20 Gala dinner, dance & auction, Wellsford RSA, raising funds for Wellsford Plunket Group. Tickets $50 from Mike Pero office, 423 7614 20 Pink Ribbon High Tea, Mangawhai Senior Citizens Hall, 2pm4pm (see story p15) 20 Auckland Opera Studio at The Vivian Gallery, 39 Omaha Valley Road, 5-7pm, $50 21 Warkworth & District Museum AGM, at the museum, 1pm. All welcome 21 The Nukes ukulele trio album release show, Hakaru RSA, 733 Settlement Road. Doors open 5.15pm, show from 5.30pm. All welcome. Tickets: Bammas (Mangawhai Village) or Mangawhai Books & Gifts (Wood Street), or online at eventfinda 22 Farmers’ Riparian Planner Day with Integrated Kaipara Harbour Management Group, Wellsford Community Centre, 10.30am. RSVP and info: Jane Worthington 021 133 6390, 25 Warkworth Grey Power AGM, Warkworth Scout Hall, Shoesmith Street, 10am. Chris Murphy will speak about the Warkworth Surgical Centre. 26&27 Road to Netherland, stage play, Mahurangi College hall, 7pm (see story p17) 27 Planting Morning Te Whau, Snells Beach, 10am-12pm followed by a BBQ. 27&28 New Vintage Market, Matakana Hall (see story p11) 28 Albertlanders 155th anniversary celebrations, Port Albert Hall, 2pm (see history column, p20) 29 Whangateau Acoustic Music and Social Club night with special guests bluegrass band Rhode Workz, Whangateau Hall, 7pm 30 Quiz night fundraiser for Warkworth Lions Club, Bowling Club, Mill Lane, 7pm, $10 31 Winter Words poetry evening, featuring Whangarei’s Poetry Posse, Mahurangi East Library, 7pm
June 1-4 5
Music Documentary Film Festival, Warkworth Town Hall (see programme p18) Bingo, Old Masonic Hall, Warkworth, 7pm
List your event directly on our What’s On calendar at or email the details to
May 17, 2017 Mahurangimatters
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40 Mahurangimatters May 17, 2017
A record number of Mahurangi Rugby Football Club juniors turned out for the opening weekend of North Harbour rugby.
Juniors roll up for annual Mahurangi sign-on The Mahurangi Rugby Football Club has welcomed 50 new players to its junior competition this season, with 275 children in total registered for the opening round played on May 6. Club junior secretary Deborah Steel says the 22 per cent growth in registered juniors is across all grades, which cater for ages four to 12. “I think the reasons for the increase are positive word-of-mouth, new families coming into the area and children switching codes,” she says. Additionally, the club has introduced
a new four-year-old rippa rugby programme, held on Thursday nights, with two teams entered. “It’s a great opportunity for young players to learn rippa rugby without the Saturday morning commitment for parents.” The club was trying to set up a team this season to play in the girls Over Seven rippa competition, but couldn’t get enough registrations. “We are hoping with some more promotion we can enter a side next year for girls who don’t want to play tackle
rugby, but would like another option from the traditional female sports.” Deborah says dealing with late registrations has been a challenge for the club this year. “The committee has been very busy so far organising registration events, sponsorship, our muster day and setting up teams.” The club also hosted the Seaforth Balgowlah Raiders U10 touring team from Australia from April 19 to 23, whose members were billeted by the junior players’ families.
The visitors took the shield in the fifth exchange between the two sides, winning both of the two matches. The MRFC will begin fundraising soon to send an U11 team to Australia to continue the tradition next year. The club hosted 16 games for the opening round of junior rugby on May 6, with every team from the North Harbour J5 grade at the venue. “The results were mixed for Mahurangi, but it was an enjoyable opening round for the season,” Deborah says.
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