Hibiscus Matters_Issue 260_22 May 2019

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May 22, 2019

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Doug Wheeler would not move from the cliff face until he knew his dog, Commie, was safe.

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Orewa cliffhanger for man and his dog What began as a regular walk from Hatfields Beach to Orewa for Doug Wheeler and his dogs turned into a nail-biting cliff rescue involving emergency services. Doug, 36, was on his way back up the hill from Orewa, on Sunday, May 12, when one of his dogs, Mastiff-cross Commie, broke free from her lead. Doug’s mother, Karen, says Commie loves bush walks which is why the dog immediately headed for scrub near the Orewa lookout. The bush is on the cliff edge and a steep drop awaited the dog, her fall eventually arrested by a narrow ledge. Doug called his parents, who headed for the cliff with their truck and winch. “It was a bit of a heart stopping moment when we got there, and heard Doug call out ‘I’m down here’ from way down the cliff face,” Karen says. Having followed Commie down, Doug was now trapped with her on the ledge about halfway down the 25-metre cliff, clinging to a tree root. “He was determined to prevent Commie falling any further,” Karen says. Unable to rescue the pair themselves, Karen and husband Robert called the fire service. Four units responded – two from Silverdale, one from Manly and operational support as well as police, the St John ambulance and even a vet. A Level 3 Line Rescue team was on standby to come from Auckland, but was not needed. By now a crowd had gathered on Orewa Beach to watch the dramatic rescue.

Officer in charge for Fire and Emergency was chief fire officer Don McErlich of Silverdale Fire Brigade. Don says fire fighters train for rope rescues but don’t get to do them very often on the Hibiscus Coast. The crew abseiled down to Doug and Commie to ensure they were secure. Doug was uninjured, apart from grazes on his face. “Normally we would bring people down a cliff face, but there was heavy rain and the cliff was steep and slippery so it was easier to bring them both up,” Don says. The 30kg dog was brought to safety first. “Doug would not go up until the dog was safe – that will resonate with a lot of dog owners,” Don says. Constable Roger Dustow assisted in the rescue. He says the Fire and Emergency lines team did an amazing job. “It was a great example of everyone working together to help save the man and his dog,” he says. “He was extremely lucky to be alive, it was a big drop.” Karen says the family is immensely grateful to the emergency crews, particularly the fire service. As well as taking beer and baking into the Silverdale fire station the following day, Karen says Doug went back to the cliff, climbing up this time, to find his phone. He also found a fire fighter’s walkie-talkie and was able to return it.


| Hibiscusmatters | May 22, 2019


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May 22, 2019 Issue 260

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Our next Welcome Home property liftout guide is June 5, book now!

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A Local

public Matters

Next issues: June 5 & 19 – Book your advertising now Editor: Terry Moore ph 427 8187 | terry@localmatters.co.nz News: MacKenzie Dyer ph 028 889 0418 | coastnews@localmatters.co.nz Design: Lorry McCarthy ph 427 8188 | hibiscus@localmatters.co.nz Advertising: Angela Gallagher ph 022 029 1895 | sellit@localmatters.co.nz Janet Moses ph 022 096 8517 | sales@localmatters.co.nz A division of Local Matters. Hibiscus Matters is a locally owned publication, circulated to more than 22,950 homes and businesses twice a month: Puhoi • Waiwera • Hatfields • Orewa • Silverdale • Millwater • Dairy Flat Red Beach • Whangaparaoa Peninsula Views expressed in Hibiscus Matters are not necessarily endorsed by the publishers. All rights reserved. Reproduction without editor’s permission is prohibited.

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The local board wants the public to join them at the Council meeting where a decision on these land sales is to be made.

Chance to tell Council enough is enough says local board Auckland Council’s proposal to sell 23 properties along Whangaparaoa Road (HM May 8) resulted in the most strongly worded rebuttal yet from the Hibiscus & Bays Local Board. This strip of properties, which extend from just past D’Oyly Drive, around the corner into Brightside Road was purchased by the former Rodney District Council for future widening of this narrow section of the main road. Council’s property arm, Panuku Development, and Auckland Transport (AT) say that the properties are surplus to requirements and that widening Whangaparaoa Road is no longer needed because of the Dynamic Lanes, despite projected growth in the area. At its meeting on May 15, local board members were unanimous in expressing their disapproval to Panuku portfolio review team leader Anthony Lewis, who was there for a second time seeking the board’s endorsement of the proposed sale. The board instead rejected the proposal utterly, pointing out that this section of road has significant safety issues for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians and that there will be no way of improving that situation if the properties are sold. Chair Julia Parfitt told the meeting that she was shocked by the scant information contained in a summary of a confidential AT report that she

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and other members have recently seen regarding the land disposal. “It did not even include traffic modeling or demographics,” she said. Deputy chair Janet Fitzgerald said the local board, on behalf of its community, should have been consulted right at the start, not asked to sign off the proposal at the last minute. The final decision will be made by Council’s Finance & Performance Committee at its June 18 meeting. Local board members will address that meeting and they want the community to come and join them in sending a strong message that enough is enough. Cr John Watson says having the community there always changes the dynamics of the Council chamber. “Some councillors are very brave when there is no one there, but less so when faced with angry ratepayers,” Cr Watson says. “Wholesale flogging off of assets is rapidly increasing because of budget blow outs such as the City Rail Link.” Cr Wayne Walker describes this section of road as dangerous. He says a solution could be to sell some of the properties, provided that AT ensures land is retained for better walking and cycling, and that an alternative access/ exit to the properties is created from Brightside Road.

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May 22, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |



New wall increases sand transfer requirements Orewa’s controversial seawall appeal came before the Environment Court this month, with the parties close to an agreement on a revised design for the structure. The case pits separate divisions of Auckland Council against each other as appellant and respondent – a process that has so far cost ratepayers close to $1 million (HM September 19, 2018). During mediation, the wall has been significantly redesigned. The changes include reducing the footprint of the structure on the sand and adding two new access points. Sections that were loose rock are now grouted into a solid wall. A 600mm ‘upstand’ has been removed. Dense planting has been added on the seaward side as a health and safety feature, to reduce falls. The foundations are deeper, and the wall is expected to take longer and be more costly to build than the original proposal. The transfer of sand from the southern end of the beach to the north, which was always to continue (with, or without, a wall) could increase substantially. This is because wave action against a solid structure has more impact than against loose rock. Currently around 500-1000 cubic metres of sand is transferred each time. If the wall design now before the court is built, Council expects that around 10,000 cubic metres will need to be transferred initially, and 5000 each time thereafter. Transferring the sand could mean closing the beach for 1-2 weeks. Concerns for those in opposition include the fact that this new design could be granted consent by the court without being put before the public, although the original proposition was publicly notified. The original proposal to build a seawall on Orewa Beach, between Kohu Street and Marine View, was turned down by independent commissioners who said that it would generate adverse effects on coastal processes, public access and natural character.

Changes have been made to the design of the proposed Orewa seawall that is now being considered by the Environment Court. The new version (pictured) is smaller, but will require increased sand transfer.

Council appealed the decision, which led to a drawn out legal process that began in December 2017 and culminated in the Environment Court appeal hearing before Judge David Kirkpatrick that took place May 6-10. In her opening submissions, lawyer for the appellant, Janette Campbell, said that there is a high level of agreement on the revised proposal – four of the 13 respondents are still opposed to resource consent being granted for the seawall. Lawyer for the respondent, Diana Hartley, said that coastal experts agree that the revised proposal is a significant improvement. However, she said the experts also agree that it will not provide a sustainable, longterm solution. Coastal experts also remain at odds over whether a hard structure is needed now, or in 10-20 years; whether a different combination of hard and soft responses would be better; and whether or not the wall should be moved further landward. One of the respondents who is still

The Environment Court sat for a week to hear the case for and against Orewa’s seawall.

opposed to consent being granted is Greg Shaw, an engineer who has lived on Orewa Beach for more than 30 years. He considers that the new, increased volume of sand transfer alone would be sufficient to combat erosion on this part of the beach for the next 10 years or more, which,

he says, would give Council and the community time to work on solutions for the beach as a whole. The Environment Court hearing ended on May 10. Closing submissions are to be filed in the coming month. Once those are in, the court aims to issue its decision with three months.


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| Hibiscusmatters | May 22, 2019


Lack of vision

I was dismayed to read your story in the May 8 Hibiscus Matters that the block of properties between D’Oyly Drive and Brightside Road are to be sold. This is an absolute travesty. A purely financial decision made by a totally remote council that has no regard for the people that they should be consulting, considering and representing. Our previous local council had the forethought and long term vision to make these land purchases to help to resolve hazardous vehicle crossings at this very dangerous intersection. As long term rate payers we fully supported this decision because we could see the critical need to make sound decisions and action them. This “Auckland Super City Council” has little regard for the needs of the little people in Rodney. Do people need to be killed at this terrible intersection to get the attention of the callous council money grabbers? Show some vision for the future and at least retain enough land to make the Brightside Rd intersection safer. The only sensible voice I can hear is from our elected councillor John Watson, it must be so frustrating for him to have to deal with a visionless council. Tony Grant, Red Beach.

localmatters.co.nz What’s on your mind? Readers are welcome to air their views. We do not publish abusive or unsigned letters. Letters may be abridged and full versions are at localmatters.co.nz/opinion. Address on p2 or e:terry@localmatters.co.nz

the record

Car park bidding war

Editor’s note: AT eventually agreed to meet with local board members and let them see a summary of the ‘confidential’ report and ask questions before the issue goes before Council’s Finance and Performance Committee next month for final sign off. (see story p2)

Car parking can be hard to find on the Coast, and this was highlighted when a car park was one of the most popular items auctioned at the Silverdale Rugby Club’s recent fundraising luncheon. A serious bidding competition for 12 months’ exclusive use of a car park at the rugby club resulted in the item going for $700. In total the luncheon raised more than $20,000, which will go towards the club’s building project and Endowment Trust.

Thanks for help On Thursday May 9, I had an accident in the New World carpark – the door swung forward and took a piece of skin out of my arm. A lady who was with her daughter and granddaughter insisted on taking me to the chemist, who redirected us to the doctor. She helped me along as I get very breathless. Then her daughter drove my car from the supermarket to the doctors for me. The mother’s name is Lee and I would like to thank her for her help to an 88-year-old who is very grateful for all her care. Maureen Holliday, Orewa.



Dept of conversation

Several local photographers captured images of thick fog that rolled onto the Hibiscus Coast from the sea early this month. One of our favourites is this image of the “disappearance” of Stanmore Bay, by Richard Field.

A misprint in the recent local board agenda had members chuckling as they discussed the item entitled “Department of Conversation Proposal to Revoke Reserves Act”.

Following the dog

Labradoodle Jett, a trained hearing assistance dog, is popular with a lot of Coasties, and has the Facebook followers to prove it! Owner Richard Field started up Jett’s Facebook page a year ago due to public demand. There are currently 245 members following Jett’s adventures. Her page is Jett Service/Assistant Hearing Dog.

Power to Local Board It’s discouraging to see our Local Board being treated with such disdain by the Council’s Panuku department and Auckland Transport (HM May 8). Those ‘public servants’ need reminding that the Local Board represents us, the people, in issues that affect us – like traffic management on Whangaparaoa Road. Auckland Transport should be made to hand over their ‘confidential’ report about Whangaparaoa Road properties and then the Panuku bureaucrats should abide by what our Local Board decides. Fiona Mackenzie, Stanmore Bay

Apartments horrific I was horrified when I read the article in Hibiscus Matters’ April 3 edition about the six storey apartments approved for Stanmore Bay in Brightside Road opposite Langton Road. We bought our home in Brightside Road because it was a lovely, non-multi-storey bay. Why wasn’t the public given the option of these apartments being

approved? Next thing will be a set of lights at that corner as there will possibly be another 122 cars coming out of this complex. The site will spoil our nice peaceful environment. Val Mason, Stanmore Bay (abridged) Editor’s note: The consent for this complex could be granted without notifying the public because it was processed under Special Housing Areas legislation.

CONGRATULATIONS to Joanna Lea of Stanmore Bay, winner of the Hibiscus Matters’ Mother’s Day hamper. Thanks to all who entered and to the local businesses who provided the hamper’s contents – Hair By Design, Charisma, Kings Plant Barn, Hair Designer, Wainui Golf Club,Bulk Bin, The Lost Flower Shed and The Avenue Hair Studio. Joanna is pictured, left, receiving the hamper from Hibiscus Matters’ advertising consultant Angela Gallagher.

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May 22, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |


The whole of Wainui School was in pink, supporting the anti-bullying message of Pink Shirt Day on Friday, May 17. Pink tee shirts for the entire school were donated by Karlene Jonkers, a trustee of the Sophie Elliott Foundation who works with Police in facilitating the Loves Me Not programme in colleges. In the week leading up to Pink Shirt Day, each child chose an anti-bullying message to decorate their tee shirt with. Teachers and students discussed concepts such as, what bullying is, identifying their support network, how to be brave for others and showing kindness. There was a Pink Parade and gold coin donations to raise funds for the Mental Health Foundation.

Brave locals prepared to strut their stuff for a Cancer Society fundraiser were able to hand a cheque for more than $2000 to the organisation recently. A Full Monty & Burlesque Show was held at the Crows Nest Bar in Whangaparaoa last November. The cast included staff as well as patrons, ranging in age from their 20s to 50s. Pictured at the cheque presentation on May 2 are members of the Full Monty cast, with, far left, Crows Nest owners Pauline Biggins and Nick Hegh and, centre holding cheque, Sue Beuvink of the Cancer Society.

Quilts for a cause

The Hibiscus Coast Quilters handed over a stack of 40 warm, cosy and colourful quilts to Red Cross Auckland at a morning-tea event on May 7 at Whangaparāoa Ratepayers Hall. The quilts, which are mainly made with donated fabric, will be delivered by the Red Cross to refugees and Meals on Wheels recipients throughout New Zealand. The group gives quilts to the Red Cross every year – each can take as long as a whole year to make. Pictured, from left, Hibiscus Coast Quilters president Pat Carlton and member Fran Carter presenting the quilts to Red Cross Auckland’s humanitarian services coordinator Claire Speedy. Info: hibiscuscoastquiltersclub.weebly.com/

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| Hibiscusmatters | May 22, 2019


School protests firing up

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College students are holding a second climate change protest this week, on Friday, May 24, as part of a global movement. Among those who will take part is Orewa College student, 15-year-old Taleah Panoho of Dairy Flat. Taleah took part in the March 15 climate change march up Queen Street and says seeing so many students come together was incredibly powerful. Taking part in the demonstration is important to Taleah, because of her passionate interest in the science and effects of climate change. Last term she represented Orewa College at the World Vision Youth Leadership Conference, held in Auckland. Her interest in the issue began last year. “Climate change was just a phrase that meant nothing much to me, but last year in social studies we looked at it and it totally opened my eyes about what it was doing to the planet,” Taleah says. Through the Facebook page set up for the climate change protests, Taleah

Taleah Panoho

found out about a Youth Reporter competition run by the Jane Goodall Institute NZ for students aged 14-18. The 300-word essay that she entered won the Auckland-wide competition. As a result, Taleah will be the official Auckland Youth Reporter for two Jane Goodall events this month. “I am always looking for ways to get my views on climate change heard,” Taleah says. “I think if we all work together we can do something to help save the planet.”

The teacher’s ‘mega strike’ proposed for May 29 is expected to close almost all primary schools and colleges on the Hibiscus Coast. One exception is the private Wentworth Primary and College which coincidentally has an Open Day, planned for months, that takes place on the day of the strike. Teachers are striking for a better pay offer from Government, as well as issues such as classroom sizes. During union meetings earlier this month, members of the NZ Educational Institute (NZEI) voted to hold a day of joint strike action with the Post Primary Teachers’ Association. Rolling strikes later in the year are also possible. Last November’s NZEI strike included some local protest action, pictured.

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May 22, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |



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The construction of 61 apartments at 85-89 Brightside Road, on the corner of Ozone Road, in Stanmore Bay (HM April 3) is on track according to Colin Craig of developer Ozone Limited. Mr Craig told the paper that there is already a long list of investors lined up for the project. The work programme is being progressed with a start date to be confirmed once contractors are secured. Mr Craig says the apartments will include a limited number of ‘affordable units’ as the construction was approved under Auckland Council’s special housing rules. The site was sold for development by Foodstuffs as it formed part of the land where it built New World Whangaparaoa.

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Solution page 30

Brightside build on track

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For many people winter can be a troubling time, struggling to afford the additional costs of heating, to ensure a healthy, warm home. As a Government, we don’t believe anybody should face that worry. All New Zealanders should have access to warm, dry housing. We simply don’t accept that in New Zealand, people end up getting sick because they live in cold, damp houses. Across New Zealand 6000 children are admitted to hospital each year because of diseases caused by cold, damp housing, such as rheumatic fever and asthma. That level of preventable disease is not acceptable in a country like New Zealand. Recently the Government announced that around a million New Zealanders will be protected from the cold this winter, thanks to the Winter Energy Payment (WEP). This extra payment was first introduced last year, and in 2019, the WEP will run for an extended time, from May 1 to October 1. The payment is available for every New Zealander aged 65 and over who receives NZ Superannuation or a Veteran’s Pension, as well as people receiving a main benefit, to heat their homes during the coldest months. It will give a million New Zealanders that extra bit of financial security to keep the heater on without having to worry about cutting back on other costs like food or doctors’ visits. The annual payment is $450 for single people with no dependent children, and $700 for couples or single people with dependent children. You don’t need to apply; if you are eligible, you will get the WEP automatically along with your regular payments. Scientific evidence from the World Health Organisation (WHO) shows that cold, damp housing can severely impact people’s physical and mental wellbeing. But I don’t need the WHO to tell me that – people in Rodney tell me themselves. I had many people last year tell me what a difference it made, helping them keep their homes warmer and themselves and their family healthier. The WEP complements the work the Government is doing to ensure houses are well insulated and energy efficient. One example is the Healthy Homes Guarantee Act, which requires all rentals to be fully insulated up to the current Building Code standards and have a fixed heating source, like a heat pump or wood burner. This Government is managing the books carefully, with the latest financial statements showing a solid, sustainable surplus. That puts us in a good position to be able to deal with whatever happens out there in the global economy. We will measure our success differently too and soon will announce the first ever Wellbeing Budget. Sustainably growing our economy is important, but so is the health of our people, communities and the environment.


| Hibiscusmatters | May 22, 2019


May 22, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |



Companies tackling plastic problems The recycling bins for plastic bags and soft plastic packaging are back, but it looks as though, initially at least, they will not be making an appearance on the Hibiscus Coast. The scheme, run by The Packaging Forum, provided bins for soft plastic located in local supermarkets. It was halted last December, after much of the plastic had to be stockpiled, once Australia refused to take any more. The Soft Plastic Recycling bins came back at 37 Countdown, The Warehouse, and Huckleberry stores across Auckland this week. The Packaging Forum is phasing in the service while it establishes collection volumes and, as Hibiscus Matters goes to print it looks as though no local stores are in the first group. Customers can see which stores are offering the service on the store locator at recycling. kiwi.nz, from May 17. Although they supported it in the past, Foodstuffs, which owns New

World, Pak ‘n’ Save and Four Square supermarkets, will not be part of the scheme this time around. In a press release, Foodstuffs sustainability manager, Mike Sammons, says this is because it is a vastly reduced scheme which, he says, does little to address the core problem – the prevalence of problematic packaging materials. “The recycling infrastructure needed for goods made from soft plastics to make the scheme viable and sustainable, simply isn’t there right now. But, as soon as there are significant developments that make for a more sustainable recycling solution for soft plastics – we’ll certainly reconsider our position,” Mr Sammons says. He says Foodstuffs is instead investing in initiatives which include banning the sale of plastic straws, plastic cotton buds and plastic applicator tampons; trialling home compostable packaging, incorporating recycled

plastic into new packaging, working with suppliers to reformat their packaging and extending the trial of BYO containers. The BYO policy will see customers at Foodstuffs stores able to use their own clean, leak-proof containers at the in-store butchery, seafood, delicatessen and bakery. The policy kicks off from June 1.

Another soft plastic scheme

This month, Australian company TerraCycle launched its own soft plastic recycling scheme called The Glad Food Storage Recycling Programme. To participate, companies, individuals or organisations sign up online, collect and then send all their waste plastic packaging, including clingwrap, ziplock bags, and accepted containers in any cardboard box. They can free ship it through NZ Post to TerraCycle, which melts it into pellets to be used as an alternative to virgin plastic. Every shipment over 2kg earns collectors $0.02 per unit of waste toward their nominated school or charity. Collectors also have the option of becoming a TerraCycle public drop-off point. Currently there are none on the Hibiscus Coast, and TerraCycle is keen to hear from anyone who wants to get involved. Alongside this, there is a competition that encourages New Zealanders to recycle soft plastics, as well as win one of two prizes of $1000 plus an equivalent donation to their nominated school or charity. The competition is open now and closes on August 31. Info: www.terracycle.com/en-NZ/brigades/glad-food-storage-brigade

Kilos of rubbish removed from Coast beaches The cleanup of rubbish from Whangaparaoa Peninsula’s beaches on May 5 proved to be the biggest yet for Auckland environmental group Down to Earth Kiwis (DTEK). DTEK founder Dan Anderton says that around 80-100 adults and 50 children volunteered for the cleanup, which began in Red Beach and covered both sides of the peninsula – a total of 13 beaches. Three boats went along the shoreline to clean up areas

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less accessible by foot. Among the 620kg of rubbish brought in were some interesting finds, including a bike, supermarket trolley and two road cones all found in a creek. A king sized mattress and a boat was found dumped on the side of the road and Council was called to collect the boat. Dan says that by far the most common thing found was cigarette butts, followed closely by alcohol bottles

and cans. “Unfortunately there is a common perception that cigarette butts break down quickly however this is not the case. They are probably the most common thing we find on our cleanups,” Dan says. The teams met up for a prizegiving and barbecue at Sportscave. “We were so humbled with the turnout,” Dan says. “We will definitely be back to do this again.”

Clean up volunteers at Red Beach. Photo, Jasmin Harding

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| Hibiscusmatters | May 22, 2019





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May 22, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |



Robotics team do NZ proud

The Whangaparaoa Kiwibank and Post Shop, in Coast Plaza, are to close.

Post Shop and Kiwibank to leave Coast Plaza mall Whangaparaoa is to lose its Kiwibank and Post Shop, with NZ Post currently looking for a local business to run postal services from. This is to ensure that those services can continue to be offered in Whangaparaoa – something NZ Post says it is committed to. The changes follow the news last year, revealed in Hibiscus Matters, that the Orewa Kiwibank and NZ Post Shop were to split, with postal services to be re-located once a business prepared to provide a new base or agency for those services could be found. A year later, NZ Post is still looking for an Orewa business to partner with. “We have had some positive engagement in Orewa, however we are still working through due diligence

and nothing is confirmed,” the NZ Post spokesperson says. Last week, a Kiwibank spokesperson confirmed that the timing of the changes in both Whangaparaoa and Orewa are still unknown as, in both cases, Kiwibank is waiting for NZ Post to find a postal partner. NZ Post head of retail, Mark Yagmich, says while the company carries out its search for a Whangaparaoa business that it can partner with, it would like to reassure customers that there will be no change to services. “Customer who use the Whangaparaoa Post Shop can still access postal services, and access the box lobbies,” he says. Once the Whangaparaoa Kiwibank closes, its nearest branch will be in Orewa.

Just getting to the Vex World Championships in the USA last month was a big challenge for a small robotics team from Stanmore Bay. The team, which operates from the coach Phil Davidson’s home, became NZ champions in March and had just a few weeks to put together enough funding to get to Kentucky for the worlds (HM March 13). There, they came face to face with 600 top teams from around the world. Phil says the team won eight out of 11 qualification matches thanks to a focus on strategy, match planning and execution. “The only bad luck was in our final qualification match when our alliance partner drove into us accidentally at the start of the match, damaging our robot and leading to a loss,” Phil says. The team’s efforts came to an end in the semi-finals when they were beaten by the eventual division champions. “Our team had many hurdles to overcome as a small self-funded team and yet we were able to represent New Zealand on the world stage showing that we are among the best, often outperforming teams from schools with a mature and well-funded robotics programme,” Phil says. He says Resolution Robotics built a strong reputation. “From day 1 we had ‘groupies’ coming to our pit area to meet the team, and have a selfie taken – not with the team but with the robot,” he says.

The Resolution Robotics team, from front, Rahul Bhati, Lachlan Davidson, Josiah Bull, William A’Court and Sarah Thomson take on the world.

The team’s result ranks them as one of the top 48 in the world. At the end of the tournament, they were approached by the director of robotics from Hawaii, who invited the team to compete in an exclusive world signature event in July. Phil says the team is taking a break and is yet to make a decision regarding the Hawaiian offer. “The team as it stands can’t compete in next season’s college competition, as they will be too old, but there is the university division to consider, and they are also considering passing on their knowledge and experience through mentoring junior teams,” Phil says.

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| Hibiscusmatters | May 22, 2019




         

May 22, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |



Red Beach pioneering pilot celebrated One of New Zealand’s pioneering aviators, Red Beach resident Cliff Tait, 89, is being recognised with a special exhibition at MOTAT. It was 50 years ago this month that Cliff set out on a historic flight from Hamilton to become the first person to fly around the world in a singleengine plane, completing the feat in three months. During his aviation career, Cliff broke 28 speed records, including some that were set by Jean Batten. MOTAT is honouring Cliff ’s contribution to the country’s aviation history by hosting The Flying Kiwi exhibition on weekdays, from Friday May 17 onwards. A range of artifacts are on display including the plane Cliff made his historic flight in, which he affectionately named Jacy (JC) – a mix of the first letters of his, and his wife Joyce’s, names. The couple now lives at North Haven Retirement Village. A private MOTAT event was held for Cliff and other special guests from his career on May 12, the date on which he left New Zealand, 50 years ago. When Cliff originally pitched the idea of flying the Hamilton-made 115 HP Airtourer around the world to promote New Zealand-made aircraft, he intended that someone else would undertake the journey. According to Cliff ’s son, Cliff Tait Jr, officials did not take Cliff Snr’s

Cliff Tait, left, at MOTAT with his Airtourer. Photo, Cliff Tait Jr. Right, Cliff in 1969. Photo Walsh Memorial Library, MOTAT.

proposal seriously, and told him to “do it yourself ”. “If there is one thing about my Dad that stands true, it is that if he is challenged to do something, he’ll do it,” Cliff Jnr says. So, just five years after learning to fly and becoming a commercial pilot, Cliff undertook his global adventure, which was largely self-funded.

“Half a century on, he can still recall the trip in unbelievable detail,” Cliff Jr says. “He can still describe exactly where he went, what problems he had at each location and who helped him.” Cliff faced his fair share of dangers along the way including having his permission to land in Russia withdrawn because of the Cold War.


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Despite the difficulties and lack of onground support during many of his stops, Cliff made it home safely to his family on August 1, 1969. Joyce and their four children were there to greet him. “Arriving back home to Mum is the part he remembers most fondly, as well as remembering all those who helped him along the way,” Cliff Jnr says.


| Hibiscusmatters | May 22, 2019


Coast inspired art in Hospice exhibition






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The Hospice Hibiscus Art Exhibition returns to the Estuary Arts Centre on Queen’s Birthday weekend to raise funds for Hospice, featuring over 400 pieces from 95 artists. The popular exhibition is in its 14th year and Royda Vitasovich has entered her creations in the exhibition for the last 10. This year she is providing four pieces that she describes as “contemporary Pacific flora and fauna.” Coming from three generations of shell collectors, Royda’s art is inspired by, and created with, natural resources. Materials she used in this year’s entries include seaweed, tumbleweed and tapa cloth made from mulberry tree bark. Another local artist, Rose-Mary Read, is entering water themed art inspired by her studio’s view of Stanmore Bay. Her paintings are created by acrylic pouring, the process of mixing silicone with fluid acrylic paint to create celllike patterns. “It takes a while to work out the science behind it, and then it is an intuitive process from there,” Rose says. Thirty five percent of the profits from every piece sold go to Hospice, as well as 100 percent of proceeds from one donation piece from each artist. The exhibition begins with a $25 opening auction night on Thursday, May 30 and is then available to view for a donation from Friday May 31 to Sunday June 2, 9am to 4pm. Info and opening night tickets: phone 09 421 9180, or visit harbourhospice.org. nz/event/hibiscus-art-exhibition-2019/

Rose-Mary Read has been painting using acrylic pouring for the last 18 months, and says she is inspired by Stanmore Bay and deep meditation.

Royda Vitasovich holds one of her Hospice Exhibition entries: a cross woven out of seaweed, finished with varnish, and held together by steel bars. Royda is especially grateful to Hospice after they “were wonderful” in supporting her husband, who died from a brain tumour three years ago.


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May 22, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |



Blast from the Past with Susanne Wilson, Hibiscus Coast History on Facebook

Rodders number one donor The proceeds of last summer’s Hibiscus Rodders Beach Festival – a record breaking $60,000 – was handed over to Westpac Rescue Helicopter Trust last month. Festival coordinator Sharon Morris, club president Shane Bennett and other members drove their hot rods to the helicopter base in Auckland to present the cheque. Accepting the money, the Trust’s general manager of marketing and fundraising, John Hooper, thanked the club and said the amount puts it on top of the list of donors that raise money from community events. “You’re our number one community donor now,” he said. The Rescue

Helicopter recently bought two new state of the art aircraft, which cost $15 million each. The new helicopters, AW69 machines from Italy, are the first of their kind in NZ. They have more space for crew to work on the patients. Response time is about 8 minutes from emergency call to takeoff. The first of the new helicopters was expected to be operational this month, with the second in about July. Hibiscus Rodders Club will have its logo on the side of one of the new helicopters. Hibiscus Matters was a proud sponsor of the Hibiscus Rodders Beach Festival.

Support the businesses that support Hibiscus Matters

Gulf Harbour Marina was once a picturesque hidden away spot known as Hobbs Bay. In 1988 our ‘old girl’ was one of the first boats to move in and claim her spot and I can even make her out in this early picture. I had the privilege of growing up in Gulf Harbour, watching the ever changing landscape and development. I remember the summers of dirt getting on the boats as the neighbouring suburb was developed, the construction of the Marine Village, the apartments, the yacht club and later the golf club. This photo, taken in the late 1980s, shows how much development has occurred in the last 30 years – in the 1980s we thought it was already pretty flash and amazing. The marina’s expansion has evolved and well-established channels and homes now fit a space that stood vacant for what seemed like decades, to the rear of the marina. The marina itself is based on a 99-year lease, due to expire in 2088.

Heart help needed

Every week in NZ, 12 babies are born with a congenital heart defect. It is the number one cause of death in babies and infants, and there is no known cure. Heart Kids supports families whose child has a heart defect. The charity receives no Government funding and relies on donations and grants. On June 3, the organisation launches its national awareness week and needs volunteers to help with the annual street appeal on June 8 and 9. The money raised goes towards providing support to thousands of families. Info: email Lisa events@heartnz.org.nz


| Hibiscusmatters | May 22, 2019

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One woman takes fight to moth plant Sandi Notredame is on a one-woman crusade to rid Whangaparaoa Peninsula of moth plant, which she describes as “Auckland’s worst weed”. The Matakatia resident is a member of Hibiscus Coast Forest & Bird and loves our native species, which, increasingly, she finds smothered by this invasive vine. At times, the sheer number of moth plants has had her in tears, as she cuts them back, smears Vigilant paste on the stumps and removes the plump seed pods. “When I found out that each pod contains 1000 seeds, I realised why it is particularly bad and we have to get rid of it,” Sandi says. “It’s important to let people know how bad this plant is, and how to recognise and remove it.” A year ago Sandi joined the Society Totally Against Moth Plant (STAMP) Facebook page and says in the last six months she must have pulled out more than a million seedlings and cut and poisoned more than 1000 stumps. She says there are two bad infestations locally – in the area around Gulf Harbour Country Club and in the Zita Ave/Hardley Ave/Roberts Road triangle – but she also spots it in many home gardens, often spreading between neighbouring properties. Pest Free Peninsula coordinator Pauline Smith of Hibiscus Coast Forest & Bird says this species is a huge problem for the few remnant bush areas that are left on the peninsula and in particular for Shakespear Regional Park. Moth plant or kapok vine (Araujia sericifera) was introduced to the country as an ornamental plant. It grows vigorously over anything in its path. At this time of year, the thick, leathery green seed pods (which look similar to edible chokos) dry and split, releasing parachute-like seeds which are dispersed by wind and can reach as far as 30km away. While Auckland Council will deal with

Sandi Notredame wants to rid the peninsula of moth plant, one pod at a time.

pest plants found on public land, Sandi keeps an eye out for the vines on private property while walking or driving. She knocks on the doors of residents and asks their permission to remove the plants, and says so far everyone has been supportive of her efforts. She often spends 3-4 hours a week finding and removing moth plants. Sandi admits the job is too much for one person, and hopes that anyone who identifies the plant in their garden will at the very least remove the pods, which must be put in the rubbish, not the compost. Seedlings pull out easily. Larger vines can be cut near ground level and the stump painted with Vigilant. The sap is poisonous, a serious irritant and can also stain clothing, so is best avoided. Info: www.weedbusters.org.nz, or look for STAMP on Facebook.

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May 22, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |

Travel feature




From left, Sarah on top of the world, at the bottom of the world. Chinstrap Penguin on the South Shetland Islands. Crabeater seal, Paradise Bay. Zodiac cruising.

Ice melts Hibiscus Coast traveller’s heart Hibiscus Coast resident Sarah Porter works for Wild Earth Travel. It follows that she has some great work stories – including this one, about visiting Antarctica.

Antarctica is a destination many dream about. However, I have to confess it was not top of my bucket list. I used to joke that I was solar powered and allergic to snow and ice. But things changed in February when, through work, I was offered the chance to head to Antarctica on the French fivestar mega-yacht Le Soleal – an opportunity no one would refuse! Although New Zealand seems close to Antarctica, the vast majority of expedition vessels leave from Ushuaia, at the bottom of South America, as this port is far closer to the Antarctic continent. We were fortunate that our crossing south through the notorious Drake Passage was when it was a “Drake Lake” and relatively calm, and after less than 48 hours, we reached land in Antarctica.

The wildlife is what you imagine, and see on documentaries – but it’s real, and all around you – penguins waddling from nest to shoreline in search of food, seals lazing about on icebergs and beaches and whales popping up around the boat. One evening we skipped dinner to spend more than four hours viewing Humpback whales and Orca bubble net feeding incredibly close to the boat. However, it was the ice that really took me by surprise. I had no idea that ice could be so mesmerising, and so varied in shape, colour and texture. It ranged from tabular icebergs to zodiac cruising through bays that were like huge ‘slushies’ and there was also the rumble and crack of ice carving off glaciers into the sea. I spent 11 days on board Le Soleal, which gave us

about a week in Antarctica exploring the different bays. Regulations set by the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators allow only 100 people on the ice at any time, so with just under 200 passengers on board, we had two landings most days. The peninsula is also rich in history – with scientific research bases, old whaling stations and the like. It was a real privilege and very humbling to walk around the base at Port Lockroy, and the ruins of the whaling station at Deception Island – it gave me goose bumps. Antarctica is like no other destination, and leaves you wanting more. As our expedition leader said, “Many people say they have ‘done’ a destination. You have not ‘done’ Antarctica, you have just lived a little bit of it.”

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| Hibiscusmatters | May 22, 2019

Travel feature

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May 22, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |

Travel feature


South American highlights South America is home to the Amazon, ancient cultures and rare wildlife. We asked Rachel Williams, founder of Viva Expeditions, to come up with her five all-time favourite South American destinations.

Galapagos Islands

Here you can hang out with giant tortoises, sunbathe with marine iguanas and dive with sharks. Up to 100 hammerhead sharks gather in the Galapagos islands. Rachel says this is something that only occurs in a few rare places on earth, so if you get a chance to see it, then dive in – with expert support and advice of course. She recommends a cruise as a great way to take in the islands.

Machu Picchu

After you have visited the citadel perched up high in the mountains, surrounded by cloud forest, you will realise why Machu Picchu features in so many bucket lists. Rachel believes the picturesque setting of this archaeological wonder, with the Andes as a backdrop, makes it the biggest of the Big 5, in every sense of the word. Options include hiking the Inca trail or taking the train to Machu Picchu from Cusco – Rachel’s recommendation is the ultraluxury Harim Bingham train.

Rio de Janeiro

While the name may conjure up images of Brazilian street parties and Samba dancers, for Rachel, Rio de Janeiro’s appeal goes way beyond carnival, Explore the exciting metropolis, check out the views from the statue of Christ the Redeemer or stroll along the beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema. Rachel describes the panoramic view from Sugarloaf Mountain as “one of the best in the whole continent”.

The Amazon

Galapagos Islands

The Amazon covers entire regions from no less than nine South American countries. Rachel suggests accessing it via Brazil, Peru or Ecuador. Generally, after arriving at the gateway to the Amazon, you will travel by boat up or down river to your lodge. Excursions from this base include hikes, canoeing, boating, wildlife viewing, visits to native villages, shamen visits, canopy exploration, swimming and fishing for piranha. Cruises allow you to cover a greater range and offer a different perspective.

Iguazu Falls

Rachel says she has seen the Iguazu Falls amaze even the most experienced traveller and the fact that you can visit it from two countries (Argentina and Brazil), makes it even more intriguing. For the ultimate ‘wow factor’, she recommends taking a helicopter ride over the falls.

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| Hibiscusmatters | May 22, 2019

Travel feature


Auckland – Auckland, departing March 8, returns March 12, 2020 I am holding a range of cabins on the luxurious PONANT, Le Lapérouse. I am taking the opportunity and will be cruising the four night itinerary ..... why don’t you join me? La Lapérouse has the first ever underwater lounge, A truly beautiful ship. All cabins have balconies. This is a fantastic opportunity to experience a 5 star PONANT Ship at a fabulous price.

Innovative & environmentally-friendly Elegantly designed staterooms, spacious suites with large windows, and lounge areas that open onto the outside, this new limited-capacity yacht boasting just 92 staterooms and suites will offer you a truly unique cruising experience. Fares include: All meals whilst on board the ship (from dinner on the day of embarkation to breakfast on the day of disembarkation) • Captains Welcome cocktail and gala dinner • Open bar including French champagne, wine, beer, spirits and non alcoholic beverages (list available upon request) • Complimentary unlimited on-board Wi-Fi • Evening entertainment and events • Rooms service 24 hour (special selection)

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Borneo is a destination that Joanne says has so much to offer ‘off the beaten track’ travellers. Below, Joanne in Patagonia. Photos, Joanne Saunderson

Looking for answers with adventurous experiences Joanne Saunderson of Silverdale initially went travelling to find out where she fitted in the world. Born in the UK, she has also lived in Australia and New Zealand and says she first went overseas looking for answers about her life. What she found was a yearning to travel more and more. Joanne has worked in the travel business, both retail and wholesale, for 25 years and recently celebrated this with an exhibition of her photographs at Estuary Arts Centre. In that time she has visited 50 countries, several more than once – for work, independently and with her family. She enjoys adventure travel and says she is happiest off the beaten track. In particular, Joanne says she ‘has a thing’ for mountains – her honeymoon with husband Wade was spent in a tent in Nepal, and she loves other destinations

that have mountainous regions such as Borneo and South America. In 2016, the whole family spent almost four months in Egypt and Europe. “Travel to me is about creating experiences – definitely not just ticking a box,” Joanne says. “It’s about making connections with those people and places.” More importantly perhaps, travelling has given her a strong sense of who she is, and what happiness is. “So many cultures have very little and yet they seem content with what they do have, while others are very materialistic,” Joanne says. “It’s very grounding and makes you want to come home and clear out your cupboards of things that you really don’t need.” Joanne’s travel exhibition at Estuary Arts Centre in Orewa closes this weekend, on May 26.

May 22, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |

Travel feature

ISLANDS OF TAHITI Relaxation at its Finest

A kids holiday programme in a new unfurnished classroom.

Travel with a purpose

Last summer, local board member Caitlin Watson went to Uganda withPurpose Projects – an organisation that works in developing communities to provide help where it is needed most. Here’s what she found. Travelling overseas is exciting, whether it involves amazing sights, experiencing a different culture or embracing new foods. But from my experience the travel that has been most valuable and eye opening is that which involves connecting with the local community. Over the summer I said a nervous ‘yes’, to what would be the adventure of a lifetime. The trip to Uganda was to help build a primary school in a rural village community, with a newly established organisation called Purpose Projects which seeks to provide long term support in developing communities. While working with a local building team on the school, we also ran kids’ holiday and medical outreach programmes, and a women’s group that taught new skills to help women become economically self sufficient. The combined fundraising efforts of 30 young adults raised $70,000 to build a school for up to 2000 students. This will go a long way towards providing an education that will help break the cycle of poverty for generations to come.

My time was enriched, not so much by eating the local speciality (banana stew), but by learning about the culture and language, singing and dancing with neighbourhood kids, attending vibrant church services, and being humbled as the ‘homestay’ guest of a village family. For me, travelling combined with sightseeing alone does not fully satisfy. Travel comes alive through developing intercultural relations as well as transcending language and cultural barriers through acts of service, laughter and of course playing the sport that has no borders – football! Furthermore, travel of this sort, gave me renewed appreciation of the unique qualities of our Coast community and the opportunities we are blessed with in Aotearoa that need not be taken for granted, but rather used for the betterment of our local and international communities. Applications for the next Purpose Projects trips are now open. The next one will focus on building a secondary school for the Kkoba community. Info: purposeprojects.org.nz/register/






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| Hibiscusmatters | May 22, 2019

Travel feature

Night Skies

Get a $50 GIFT VOUCHER towards your next holiday, on ad. presentation of this

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Star gazing journeys

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ANTARCTICA Unlike any other place on earth Join us for our cruise information evening! Sarah Porter from Wild Earth will share her recent experience in Antarctica. Come and hear first-hand about her trip to the seventh continent with exclusive offers on the night

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Once you have started exploring the night sky, you begin to realise that your backyard is not always the best place to easily view some of the night wonders. Although you can view the Omega Centauri and 47 Tucanae globular clusters with binoculars, there is something special about seeing these with the naked eye. For that we need a dark location with minimal light pollution. Hibiscus Coast residents are pretty lucky as we do not have to travel far to find some of these good viewing spots. For those on the peninsula, you may want to head out to Shakespear Regional Park for some stunning views of the Milky Way. If you live out towards Orewa, you can take a trip up to Wenderholm Regional Park, or further up to Mahurangi. Any of these locations would be excellent viewing spots on a clear night. For the more adventurous, you may consider going to Great Barrier Island which has now been designated as a Dark Sky Sanctuary. Great Barrier Island has some of the most spectacular night skies anywhere in New Zealand, due to the small, dedicated population who are preserving this heritage. On the island, you can join a Dark Sky Tour, a guided star gazing evening with one of their Dark Sky Ambassadors. You can find more info at www.greatbarrier.co.nz/great-skies/ Heading down towards the bottom of the North Island, a must-see place is Stonehenge Aotearoa. The henge was built by members of The Phoenix Astronomy Society near Carterton, Wairarapa and is a modern, full-scale, working adaptation of the Stonehenge ruins on the Salisbury Plain of England. Not only do you get to see Stonehenge by day, along with the guided tour, but you also get to experience the awesome night skies of the Wairarapa. They too are looking to get Dark Sky Sanctuary status. For more information, take a look at: www.stonehenge-aotearoa.co.nz/ Another must-do astronomy destination can be found in the Mackenzie Region of the South Island. The Aoraki Mackenzie International Dark Sky Reserve is a large area where light pollution is strictly controlled. It is also the home to the University of Canterbury Mount John Observatory. They have six telescopes including the country’s largest which can observe 50 million stars each night. It is New Zealand’s premier astronomical research centre. From this Dark Sky Reserve, you are also able to see the Southern Lights, if conditions are good. For more information on this Dark Sky Sanctuary, take a look at: mackenzienz.com/scenic-highlights/dark-sky-reserve/ In New Zealand we are lucky to have many places dark enough to study the night skies. Whether you are just looking for a short evening observation, or a longer holiday away, there are plenty of destinations to view the stars from. Coming up next month: June is the month to spot Mercury and Mars. They will be very close together on June 18 in the dusk sky. Many people never get to see Mercury, so this may be a good time to look for it! Look for red Mars just after sunset and Mercury will be right next to it. The Hibiscus Coast Astronomical Society meets every first and third Thursday of the month at the Faithfull Funeral Services Hall, 35 Red Beach Road at 7.30pm. All are welcome.

Cruising numbers up

The number of New Zealanders taking an ocean cruise broke through the 100,000 mark for the first time last year, reaching a total of 112,000 passengers in a year of what travel agents describe as “world leading growth”. The NZ figure was up 14.6 percent on the previous year – well ahead of the world’s largest and more established cruise markets including the USA (9.4 percent) and Europe (3.3 percent). Source: Annual Cruise Lines International Association 2018 Ocean Source Market report for NZ

Toiletries find good home

Sample toiletries, often brought home by travellers who have stayed in hotels, are being collected for distribution to people in need. Orewa resident Jessica Cooper used to work with Air New Zealand and says the airline already collects the sample toiletries from flight attendants and donates them to charity. She wanted to become a local distribution point and offered to collect the sample packs from anyone who has them – including travellers. Donations made through Jessica’s Facebook page have also included new toothbrushes and toothpaste, which she is adding to the packs. She is supplying her packs to the local Women’s Refuge, as well as Hibiscus Hospice in Red Beach and, if Police agree, to homeless people via the community patrol. Jessica is happy to pick up, in Orewa. If you have toiletries to donate, contact Jessica via Facebook or text 021 245 7200.

May 22, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |



Kaia Davis shows off her drumming skills amongst Whangaparāoa Toy Library’s more than 700 toys.

with Tania Adams, pharmacist tania.adams@unichemmanly.co.nz

Healthy gums, healthy heart

Pop-up play date for Toy Library Awareness Week An event called ‘pop-up play date’ is coming to Whangaparāoa Toy Library for Toy Library Awareness Week. Toy libraries lend toys, puzzles, and games to members, allowing families to try new things as their children grow without having to purchase toys that can be expensive. The local ‘play date’ is on May 28 at the toy library in Link Crescent, Whangaparaoa and all interested families are welcome to come and find out more about what is on offer. There are more than 700 toys to choose from, ranging from construction blocks and farm animals to trikes and musical instruments. Toy Library Awareness Week, which runs from May 27 to June 2, will see similar pop-up events nationwide.

The aim of this year’s theme, “play is the way,” is to promote the benefits that play has on children’s cognitive development. Whangaparāoa Toy Library also recognises the important role toys play in keeping the minds of dementia patients active, and has started working with dementia therapist Carole Tregidga-Wheeler to provide toys, particularly puzzles and construction games, for patients. The Whangaparāoa Toy Library opened in September 2017. It currently has 80 members – around 40 use the library regularly. The pop up play date is on Tuesday, May 28 from 9.30am to 11.30am in the Agora Centre, 5 Link Crescent, Stanmore Bay. Info: phone Trudy Woolley on 027 281 3239.

In New Zealand, 62 percent of people admitted to hospital for a heart attack have high blood pressure. But what is high blood pressure and what do those numbers we get when our blood pressure is measured actually mean? Heartbeats pump blood around the body. As the blood moves, it pushes against the sides of the blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart – the arteries. The force of this pushing is your blood pressure. High blood pressure (hypertension) pushes too strongly on the artery walls. Over time, this can lead to damaged arteries and increase your risk of heart attack and stroke. An ideal blood pressure reading is 120/80 mmHg. You probably have high blood pressure if the readings are more than 140/90 mmHg. The first number refers to the amount of pressure in your arteries during the contraction of your heart muscle, which is the systolic pressure. The second number refers to your blood pressure when your heart muscle is between beats and is called the diastolic pressure. I am often asked which number is the most important – actually, both are important. However, to accurately estimate your real risk of heart attack or stroke, other factors, such as family history, other medical conditions and cholesterol ratios are used by your doctor to assess what, if any, treatment you need. There are usually no warning signs to alert you that your blood pressure is too high. The only real way to tell is to have it measured by a health professional. If you haven’t had a blood pressure reading lately, it’s worthwhile getting one taken. Alarmingly, while 30 in 100 adults in New Zealand have high blood pressure, only 6 in 100 take medication for this. In case you are being treated for high blood pressure and wish to monitor readings more closely, home blood pressure monitors are available from your local pharmacy. A fun fact associated with all this is how shiny teeth can lower your blood pressure! Recently published research has shown that people with high blood pressure who are taking medication for their condition are more likely to benefit if they have good oral health. In fact, periodontal disease (gum disease) is associated with a 20 percent increased risk of unsuccessful high blood pressure treatment. This means that good oral hygiene becomes even more important if you are being treated for high blood pressure. So get that toothbrush and floss going!

Another talented surgeon joins us Introducing: Dr Katherine Gale Katherine is a NZ-trained surgeon specialising in oncoplastic breast surgery, general breast surgery, and all skin cancer surgery. She has specialised overseas, currently holds a consultant surgeon position at Waitemata DHB, and is now consulting at Rodney Surgical. Katherine is passionate about offering her patients the best surgical management of breast cancer, and aims to achieve the same or better aesthetic result after cancer surgery.

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| Hibiscusmatters | May 22, 2019


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Estuary Arts volunteers, from left, Robyn Tubb, Jill Bryce and Judy Patterson, transformed this op shop chair last year, inspiring an Upcycling Challenge that has just begun.

Exhibition inspired by transformed op shop chair A chair that was on its last legs and cost $5 from a local op shop has become the inspiration for an upcoming challenge and exhibition at Estuary Arts Centre in Orewa. Last year Estuary Arts volunteers ‘upcycled’ the chair, fixing it up and recovering it in offcuts and recycled fabric pieces in a creative way. They did this for fun, but centre manager Kim Boyd says they’ve had so many comments from visitors about the chair, which is now in her office, that she decided that an exhibition dedicated to upcycling would be held. The Great Upcycling Challenge exhibition is an opportunity to transform anything that has been discarded and repurpose it into an artwork or a designer piece of furniture. Kim says there is plenty of inspiration to be found in the New Zealand TV series Designer Junkies or the BBC TV hit Money for Nothing where Sarah Moore saves things from being dumped, transforms them into bespoke pieces and returns the profits

to the people who threw the items away. The exhibition will be held from November 15-December 1 with a ticketed auction and opening function on Friday November 15. The Hibiscus Men’s Shed has been brought on board; its members can assist any participating artist with carpentry repairs or modifications to furniture that may be needed. To kick the process off, Estuary Arts Centre has a small number of vintage stools that need transformation, and will be auctioned. Auction proceeds go towards equipment for the centre’s education wing. Expressions of interest are sought from artists wishing to take part in the Great Upcycling Challenge by 5pm on October 5. There is a $10 non-refundable entry fee per item (maximum of three items per person). Artwork needs to be delivered on November 8-10. Info or to claim a stool, call into the arts centre, email manager@estuaryarts. org or phone 426 5570.


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May 22, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |


Gardening with Dee Pignéguy mikedee@outlook.co.nz


Grass not so green There is an army of beneficial insects—spiders, bumble bees, dragonflies, hoverflies, wasps, ladybirds, praying mantis, beetles, earwigs and honey bees just waiting to help us manage pests, pollinate crops, and recycle waste and debris. All they need is a home, a safe haven, something to eat and somewhere to live and reproduce. Although lawns may provide a bit of green in what is increasingly a mass of tar, roads and pavements, they are neither safe havens nor homes for beneficial insects. On balance, lawns are awful for the planet in this time of climate change. Lawn mowers guzzle gas, pollute the air and provide a constant weekend noise factor. Meanwhile, densely planted undisturbed areas with shrubs, flowering perennials, weeds, natives, and flowering umbelliferae, will provide year-round flowering to attract a diverse population of insects, crucial for the health and productivity of both surrounding ornamental and productive vegetable gardens. And at the same time, this wild riot of nature’s plants will help you reduce your planetary impact while pulling carbon out of the air and burying it underground. For children, the beneficial insect garden is a magic place for them to experience the pulse of life in the natural world around them while providing lessons in abundance. While we applaud the government’s initiative of planting a billion trees to reduce the CO2 in our atmosphere, homeowners could be planting up their verge with a billion beneficial insect plants while in the process of reducing their domestic emissions. What about the poor lawn mowing person who will not have a business to feed their family? Well maybe instead that business could be engaged in maintaining all the beautifully planted verges. They will have plenty of people to talk to as the walkers, dog walkers and general public, even the occasional bus load of excited gardeners who will stop to talk, collect seeds and view a proliferation of birds, insects and lizards that have moved into their new homes. All our ecosystems are in trouble, but with current regulations and restrictions about planting verges, when will councils and transport agencies who are largely responsible for driving biodiversity loss, begin to turn our concrete cities around by having homeowners involved in suburban plantings as a priority?



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SCOREBOARD A roundup of sports activities and events in the district

Petanque Social petanque group, known as “SPROGS” (Stanmore Petanque Recreational Oldies Group Sessions). Stanmore Bay Leisure Centre Thursday mornings, from 9am to approx 12pm. For all skill levels including beginners, free. Info: Ph Graeme 428 4339 or 027 490 2903.

Harriers and Triathlon Hibiscus Coast Harriers and Triathlon Club running group, Red Beach Surf Club, Wednesdays 6pm. Ocean Swimming: 8am Saturdays, Manly Sailing Club, 6pm Tuesdays, Stanmore Bay Boat Club. Info: hibiscuscoasthtc.co.nz

Yoga Yoga, Pranayam (Yogic Breathing Techniques), Meditation, and cleansing your energy field/Aura. Pay what you can. Indian teacher. Every Sunday, 4.30pm-5.30pm, Orewa Community Hall. Info: Ph 021 143 9679.

Surf boating & canoeing Red Beach Surf Club is hosting an introduction to surf boats and canoes workshop at 1pm, Saturday May 18. Bring your active wear, togs and towel and give surf boating or canoeing a go and learn more from past and current athletes. RSVP: oliviasoesbergen@gmail.com List sports news FREE by emailing coastnews@localmatters.co.nz

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| Hibiscusmatters | May 22, 2019


Six-year-old BMX rider heads to Belgium He is only six years old, but Coast BMX champion Dylan Szaszy is heading to the UCI BMX World Championships in Belgium in July. Dylan, who is in year two at Whangaparāoa School, qualified for the World Champs after coming first in the New Zealand BMX Championships seven-year-old division last month. He won five out of his six races and achieved a personal best time, which was fast enough to qualify for the finals in the division above him. The World Championships is an allages event that is held over two weeks in a different location every year. It attracts some of the biggest names in BMX including Kiwis Sarah Walker and Dylan’s favourite, Michael Bias. Mum Nicky Bonsall and Dad Andre Szaszy say that despite only having three months to organise the trip, and its high cost, it was an opportunity they couldn’t pass up. “Dylan lives and breathes BMX,” Nicky says. “We never wanted to put pressure on him to do BMX for the sake of competing, but he gets so excited every time he gets to race. He just does it because he loves it, which has led to him doing really well.” As well as biking to school every day and during every lunchtime, Dylan also rides with the North Harbour BMX Club three or four days a week. He remains undeterred even after a nasty injury last year, which left him with seven stitches in his chin and two

Black Stick Rose Keddell, in grey, runs the Orewa College 2 team through some drills. Photo, David Newman

Black Stick guides college team Dylan Szaszy after winning the New Zealand title for his age group at this year’s New Zealand BMX Championships in St Johns, Auckland.

missing teeth. “He wasn’t allowed to bike to school for a while after that, but it was still all he wanted to do even the after it happened,” Nicky says. “It was hard to stop him!” While Dylan doesn’t quite know

Winners on the water

where Belgium is, he says it is pretty cool that he gets to go on a plane for 24 hours. His Mum and Gran will be accompanying him. To support Dylan, donate here: givealittle.co.nz/cause/please-help-dylanszaszy-attend-the-uci-bmx-world

Gulf Harbour Yacht Club held its summer prizegiving on Saturday, May 18. The event, which was attended by almost 100 people, celebrated the summer sailing programme, which included five race series and some inter-club events. A total of 38 races were held, some combined with Weiti Boating Club, Milford Cruising Club, Sandspit Yacht Club or Manly Sailing Club. Overall 36 Gulf Harbour Yacht Club boats and 33 boats from other clubs participated, making racing exciting and competitive. The sailing prizewinners were: Taylor Law Ladies Twilight Series – Jocelyn Allemann on Glory Days; Gulf Harbour Marina Twilight Series – Mark Holliday on First Priority; Fairway Bay Gulf Series – Keith Auld on Fastlane; Barfoot & Thompson Two-handed Series – John & Jocelyn Allemann on Glory Days; Burnsco Cruising Series – Keith Smith on Shine On.

One of Orewa College’s hockey teams got some tips from an expert when Black Stick Rose Keddell put them through some drills this month. The Black Sticks defender spent more than an hour with the Orewa 2 team on the hockey turf at Metro Park East in Millwater. The session, on May 6, focused on individual and team skills. Team manager Andrew Turner says Rose quickly identified areas each player should work on and was absolutely positive and encouraging in all aspects of the session. “Every player walked away having learnt something new and feeling positive about their hockey,” Andrew says. He says the team would like to thank Educare learning centres, which made the session possible through a fundraising effort run by the NZ Hockey Foundation. Are you following us on facebook? www.facebook.com/hibiscusmatters

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May 22, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |



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ph Jon 021 514 622 What your company specialises in: Small to medium sized jobs ranging from fences, decks to renovations. I’ll work from the North Shore, Hibiscus Coast, Helensville and up to Warkworth. What are the essential skills and experience that you bring to this trade/service? I am a licensed builder (LBP) who has been building for more than 12 years. I have been working on my own for the last two years. For larger jobs, I can call in a couple of builder friends and we will get the the job done together. What is it about this job that gets you out of bed in the morning and keeps you motivated? Every job, big or small, brings its own set of challenges. I like working together with the owners and achieving these. The end result is what gets me out of bed each day, as seeing the finished product leaves me feeling extremely satisfied. Tell us about your favourite aspect of the job and/or the key piece of equipment in your toolbox and why you would not be without it. I enjoy working outdoors, especially on the Hibiscus Coast as there’s no better backdrop for a working day than the ocean. I am a keen fisherman and head out on my boat any chance I can. Customers can count on you because? I care about my customers. I am reliable, efficient and passionate about my work and pay attention to detail. I am able to work in with other tradespeople and council. I am friendly and adapt to my customers’ needs if required.

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| Hibiscusmatters | May 22, 2019


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May 22, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |



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MOBILE HAIRCUTS European trained hairstylist to visit you at your time, your place. Sabine Ph 426 9652 021 149 8598

STANMORE BAY POOL AND LEISURE CENTRE will be running a special one day holiday programme on Wednesday 29 May for the Teachers’ Strike. Children can be dropped off from 8am and collected by 5.30pm. Cost is $32 for the day which will be “Kids Choice” activities including making slime and cupcakes, sports, art, etc. Normal holiday programme terms and conditions apply – For more information: www.aucklandleisure.co.nz/ locations/north/stanmore-bay-pool-andleisure-centre/recreation/ AGM – SHAKESPEAR OPEN SANCTUARY SOCIETY INC (SOSSI) The AGM of SOSSI will be held on Tuesday 28 May, at 1pm at Shakespear Regional Park’s Office at the Park’s new woolshed. The AGM will be preceded by a free barbeque at midday, also to be held at the Park’s new woolshed. AGM – HIBISCUS COAST GREY POWER ASSOC invite all seniors over 50 to their quarterly meeting and AGM, Friday, May 31, 1.30pm in the St John’s Catholic Church hall, 180 Centreway Rd, Orewa. Updates on what the Assn is doing and a very interesting speaker, Tania Adams, the Manly Pharmacist, on keeping well in the winter months. Finishing with the usual delicious afternoon tea. AGM – MANLY PARK SENIORS TENNIS CLUB At the Clubrooms, 56 Laurence St, Manly, 11am, Friday June 28.

New gardens, clean ups. Specialising in maintenance & improvement. Phone Dave 021 950 154 SECURITY ALARM SERVICING Local technician, 20 years experience. Ph 027 553 3032 or 09 428 5887 A PUMP DOCTOR will keep you pumping. Ph 0274 430 654. BUILDER SEMI RETIRED – for all those small building jobs. Good rates. Ph/txt Rob 021 167 2155 or 09 426 2960 ELECTRICIAN – SEMI RETIRED Affordable rates. Ph Bruce 021 241 0000. ELITE HOME CARE Lawnmowing, Handyman, Reasonable rates. Quality service Call/text Rob 021 152 8561. HANDYMAN Carpentry, small jobs, rubbish removal etc Phone/Txt Dave 027 420 5155 PEST CONTROL, Flies, spiders, cockroaches, ants, rodents, wasps. Competitive prices. Ph 426 2253. WATERBLASTING & CHEMICAL HOUSE WASHING. Careful service, reasonable rates. Ph 426 2253. WATER FILTERS - Underbench, Whole house, UV & water spotting, Work Guaranteed. Ph Steve 027 478 7427 steve@aquafilter.co.nz

DVDS & VIDEOS VIDEOS TRANSFERRED to DVD/hard drive. Phone Te Totara Video 09 422 5710 or 021 777 385.

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GETTING IT WRITE, Communications consultant. Phone 021 248 3800. Visit www.kiwijock.weebly.com


DINING OUT SHRIMP COCKTAIL & AVO, Mussel fritters & salad, Lambs Fry & Bacon, Smoked Snapper Fish Pie. Wed-Sun Walnut Cottage Cafe’ ph 427 5570

HEALTH & BEAUTY FINGERNAILS & TOENAILS CUT & FILED includes foot massage. $30 pp or $50 for 2. I will come to you. Ph 424 0676.

TUITION DANCE TUITION – DON’T DIET, DANCE Learn the beautiful Waltz & Chacha. Come, meet new friends. Silverdale Hall, every Thursday 7pm. Ph 427 5542.



Local Matters needs walkers, in various locations on the Hibiscus Coast, to deliver the Hibiscus Matters. Good rates! Twice monthly delivery. Info: Rosemary 021 0300 263 or em: hmdelivery@localmatters.co.nz

Support the businesses that support Hibiscus Matters

| Hibiscusmatters | May 22, 2019


Classifiedadvertising COMMUNITY NOTICES - Proudly sponsored by Hibiscus Matters HIBISCUS MATTERS PUBLISHES COMMUNITY NOTICES AS A FREE SERVICE FOR THE COMMUNITY. A strict first in, first served policy, published subject to space & availability, for non-profit organisations only (conditions apply). All other classifieds are $6 per line. Em: hibiscus@localmatters.co.nz (no attachments) Visit: Tamariki Plaza, Cammish Lane, Orewa

A CLUB FOR SEMI RETIRED AND RETIRED PEOPLE. Monthly meetings with guest speakers, bus trips, luncheons, movie group, plus other social get togethers. Whangaparaoa Combined Friendship Club. Ph Pat Hoyle 428 5285 A TALK ON BUDDHISM The Theosophical Society on Sunday May 26, 2pm. All welcome. Suggested donation $5 includes tea and cake. 9E Forest Glen Orewa ph 09 427 0149 CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU With effect April 1, the Orewa Justices of the Peace will be carrying out their service at the Orewa Barber Shop located in the corner of Hilliary Square Orewa. It is anticipated that the service will remain at the barber shop until the July 31, 2019. Normal services will be conducted but customers are reminded that there will be no computer facilities or photocopying services available. Mon & Sat 10am-12.30pm, Tues, Wed & Fri 12.30pm-3pm, Thurs 10am-12pm. There will be no Justices of the Peace service on Public Holidays. Please remember that Justices of the Peace are all volunteers and their service is provided free of charge. DO YOU HAVE ANY OLD CAR OR BOAT BATTERIES sitting in your garage, that you no longer want? I can pick these up from you and dispose of them. The Orewa Lions collect all old batteries and ALL the money received for them goes into the Child Mobility Foundation fund. This is certainly a fabulous cause to support. So, if you want rid of those old car or boat batteries or any batteries for that matter (although not the small AAA batteries) then just give me a call

and I will dispose of them for you. If you would like to see more information regarding this, then go to this url, and you may well be staggered by what you see, at just what a difference can be made. www.lionsclubs.org.nz/Clubs/ Activities/Child-Mobility Ph Laurie, 426 3122 or Frank 021 761 161 ELDERLY PEOPLES LUNCH CLUB, Every 2nd Monday. $5, includes cup of tea and entertainment, followed by a hot 2 course lunch. The Masonic Lodge, Centreway Rd, Orewa. Ph Treve 426 5698. EMPATHY SUICIDE BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP. Last Monday of month. 7pm. Hibiscus Coast Community House, Western Reserve, 214 Hibiscus Coast Highway. Orewa. Gold coin donation please towards refreshments. All welcome at any time. Ph Susan 021 884 162, or message on Facebook. FRIDAY ART GROUP Fridays 10am1pm @ Orewa Community Church. Exercise your artistic abilities and meet with like minded people. Ph Alan Smith 09 962 4929. GOOD AS NEW WINTER PRE LOVED KIDS MARKET Saturday June 8, 9am –12pm, Orewa Community Centre 40+ stalls selling quality pre loved kids; clothes, toys, games, books, nursery furniture, buggies and baby accessories. HELP US WIN A SCHOOL VAN (plus other great prizes) Mrs O’Donnell’s class at Orewa College is organising the collection of Anchor milk bottle tops to enable the college win a school van plus other prizes. Could you please

Huge Savings on carpet & hard flooring




May 22

May 23

May 24

TABLE TALK WEEKLY SOCIAL CHAT All ages welcome and encouraged to attend. Every Wednesday, first event – Whangaparaoa Library, 1.30pm. THE PIONEER DANCE CLUB. Every Thursday 1.30pm 3.30pm. Silverdale Hall. Coin donation. Friendly social dance, all welcome. Comp tea & Coffee. THE WHANGAPARAOA LADIES’ FRIENDSHIP Club meets at the Bridge Club in Edith Hopper Park, Ladies Mile, Manly 10am-12pm, second Tuesday of the month. Ph Anne 424 3769/027 655 6373 or Robyn 4241264. WELLSFORD COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB 2nd sunday of the month Wellsford Community Centre 1pm start. WHANGAPARAOA INDOOR BOWLING CLUB welcomes new members of all ages. Come and learn this easy to play game. Club night Monday 7pm Whangaparaoa Primary School hall, also Thursday afternoon Whangaparaoa Hall. Ph Geoff 428 5915 or Owen 426 8476 for info. VOLUNTEERS needed to maintain bait lines on the Whangaparaoa Peninsula as part of the Pest Free Hibiscus Coast project. A good level of physical fitness is required. Full training will be given, and equipment supplied. Please contact hibiscuscoast.branch@forestandbird.org. nz or call Rhiannon 021 358 884.

ask neighbours, grandparents, friends, even your local cafes to collect them on your behalf? Students can drop them into the special box at Student Reception. Any questions, please email s.odonnell@orewacollege.nz HIBISCUS COAST COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB, get together with live music. First Sunday of every month. Next one on Sunday, April 7, Orewa Community Hall, 1pm. Live music, $4 entry. All welcome. Info: email hibiscuscmc@gmail.com HIBISCUS COAST STAMP CLUB meets second Thursday of month, Methodist Church Hall, cnr Walbrook & Whangaparaoa Rds. Ph Royce 424 2737 or Derek 427 8911 or dereklambstamps@ gmail.com KIWI DANCE CLUB every 4th Sunday, 5pm to 8pm, social dancing for all ages. Silverdale Hall, Ph 427 5542. Next dance May 26. OREWA KEEP FIT CLUB Gentle exercises to music for ladies every Thursday at 9.30am. Presbyterian Church Hall, 107 Centreway Road, Orewa. Contact Anne by phone: 424 5365 or email: anne@kiwipride.co.nz OREWA LADIES GARDEN CLUB meeting 2nd Thursday of each month, 12.30pm, Orewa Catholic Church Hall, 180 Centreway Rd. Trading table, competitions. RED BEACH LADIES REBUS CLUB An active group of retirees, interesting speakers and outings. All welcome 2nd Wednesday of each month, the Methodist Church, Red Beach Road. Ph Lorraine 426 0494 or Wendy 428 1091 RODNEY APHASIA SUPPORT Meeting for people with aphasia and their caregivers, 4th Thursday of month, Rotary House Silverdale, 1.30pm-3.30pm. Membership single $15, couple $20 includes afternoon tea, guest speakers, aphasia library, and attendance to workshops designed to help improve communication. Contact Lisa rodneyaphasiagroup@gmail.com.

Sudoku 7 8 9 2 4 3 5 6 1

3 5 1 9 7 6 4 8 2

4 6 2 8 5 1 9 7 3

1 3 5 7 9 8 2 4 6

9 7 4 5 6 2 3 1 8

6 2 8 3 1 4 7 5 9


8 4 3 1 2 7 6 9 5


2 9 7 6 8 5 1 3 4

5 1 6 4 3 9 8 2 7



Auckland Area Sea Watch Hibiscus Matters Seawatch – Carpetlink Whangaparaoa Sat














May 25

May 26

May 27

May 28

May 29

May 30

May 31

Jun 1

Jun 2

Jun 3

Jun 4

Jun 5

Jun 6

Jun 7

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Tide 3:47pm 0.6 4:30pm 0.7 5:13pm 0.8 5:59pm 1.0 12:50pm 2.8 1:39pm 2.8 2:32pm 2.7 3:27pm 2.7 4:22pm 2.8 5:14pm 2.9 6:03pm 3.0 12:22pm 0.7 1:08pm 0.6 1:53pm 0.5 2:39pm 0.5 3:26pm 0.4 4:15pm 0.5 6:49pm 3.1 7:34pm 3.2 8:19pm 3.3 9:06pm 3.4 9:54pm 3.4 10:44pm 3.4 6:48pm 1.1 7:42pm 1.1 8:40pm 1.2 9:36pm 1.2 10:28pm 1.1 11:15pm 1.0 Times 10:17pm 3.3 11:02pm 3.2 11:47pm 3.1 7:17am 5:19pm

Sun Fishing Guide Moon

7:17am 5:18pm

Best At


2:40am 3:07pm

7:18am 5:18pm

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3:33am 3:58pm

7:19am 5:17pm

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Set 10:07am Set 10:58am Set 11:43am Set 12:23pm Set 12:58pm Set Rise 8:07pm Rise 9:01pm Rise 9:56pm Rise 10:53pm Rise 11:49pm *Not for navigational purposes.


Good Fishing


7:21am 5:16pm

6:42am 7:04pm

Last Quarter

7:22am 5:15pm

Best At


7:25am 7:46pm

7:22am 5:15pm

Best At


8:07am 8:28pm

7:23am 5:14pm

Best At


8:50am 9:11pm

7:24am 5:14pm

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9:33am 9:55pm

7:24am 5:14pm

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10:18am 10:42pm

7:25am 5:13pm

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11:07am 11:32pm

7:26am 5:13pm

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11:58am New Moon

7:26am 5:13pm

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12:26am 12:54pm

7:27am 5:13pm

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1:23am 1:52pm

7:27am 5:12pm

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1:29pm Rise 12:45am Rise 1:41am Rise 2:38am Rise 3:36am Rise 4:36am Rise 5:38am Rise 6:42am Rise 7:47am Rise 8:51am Rise 9:52am Rise 10:46am Set 1:59pm Set 2:27pm Set 2:55pm Set 3:24pm Set 3:56pm Set 4:31pm Set 5:11pm Set 5:57pm Set 6:51pm Set 7:52pm Set 8:59pm B Fair Fishing Not So Good www.tidewiz.com www.tidespy.com www.ofu.co.nz Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.

For the latest wind and swell information for the Auckland area go to: www.tidespy.com/?place=3005

669 Whangaparaoa Road | Phone 428 3168 | melissa@carpetlink.co.nz Proud Sponsors of: Hibiscus Coast Boating Club

May 22, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |


May 2019 13-Jun 2 Paintings by local artist Neville Bradley, Whangaparaoa Library Foyer.


Pink Ribbon High tea, hosted by Orewa Lions, Sharks Sports Trust, Victor Eaves Reserve, Orewa, 2pm. Entry $40pp. Cash bar. Raffles, games and spot prizes. To book, phone Lorna, 424 5561 or Mandy, 021 419 224.


Mairangi Writers share their writing experiences, Orewa Library, 12 Moana Avenue, Orewa, 11am-2pm.


Orewa College Band, Orewa Library, 12 Moana Avenue, Orewa, 3.45pm-5pm


Hospice Hibiscus Art Exhibition – Opening Night and Auction, Estuary Arts Centre, Western Reserve, Orewa, 7pm9pm. Tickets $25, ph 09 421 9180 or https://harbourhospice. org.nz/event/hibiscus-art-exhibition-2019/

31-Jun 3 Hospice Hibiscus Art Exhibition, Estuary Arts Centre,

Western Reserve, Orewa, Friday to Sunday 9am-4pm; Monday 9am-2pm. Entry by donation. (see story p14)

June 2019 1 Whangaparaoa Lions Monster Book Sale, Stanmore Bay

Community Hall, 41 Waiora Rd, Stanmore Bay, 10am to 4pm. Ph 021 033 2354 for book pickup, or drop off to 9 Tindalls Bay Rd.


Public planting at Shakespear Regional Park, 10am-midday. All welcome. Follow the signs to the assembly point at the park’s new woolshed. Wear sturdy footwear and dress for the weather. Free barbecue at midday.


Reiki Share, Theosophical Hall, 9 Forest Glen, Orewa, 10am12pm. Gold coin koha on the day. Info: ph Eileen 021 152 5470.

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tu m m y!

LOCAL MARKETS: Silverdale Markets, every Saturday 8am–1pm • 25km North Market, 15 Karepiro Drive, Stanmore Bay, twice a month on Sundays, 8am-1pm • Waitoki Village Market day, Waitoki Hall, Kahikatea Flat Rd, first Saturday of month 8.30am–12pm • Crystal Visions Holistic Market, St Johns Ambulance Hall, 36 Silverdale Rd, Silverdale, second Saturday of the month 10am-3pm • St Chads Market, 117 Centreway Rd, Orewa, first Saturday of the month • Orewa Farmers’ market, Orewa Square carpark, every Sunday 8am–12.30pm • Puhoi Farmers’ market, Puhoi Sports Club, last Sunday of the month 8.30am -12.30pm.





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32 | Hibiscusmatters | May 22, 2019


Silverdale Rugby Club hosts girls’ festival day Young female players took over Silverdale Rugby Club’s grounds on Saturday, May 11 for a Girls’ NonContact Rugby Festival Day, held to mark the start of the season. A total of 51 teams from the North Harbour region took part, made up of around 500 girls, all aged 15 or younger. All were playing non-contact forms of the game – the U15 and U13 teams played Quick Rip and the younger ones played Rippa. Rugby Manager for Women at North Harbour Rugby, Sarah McIlroy, says the region is one of the fastest growing for women’s rugby in New Zealand and that non-contact forms of the game are increasing participation rates. She says North Harbour Rugby has almost doubled their non-contact rugby grades in a year –from around 30 girls teams last year to more than 60, covering both boys and girls (2019 is the first year for boys). “The festival day was a great way to kick off the season, congratulate the clubs on their efforts in growing the game and give the girls a fun day out playing rugby with their friends,” Sarah says. For many of the girls, the festival at Silverdale was the first time they had played the game. Parents said that their girls were encouraged to take part because it was an all-female event, and that increased their confidence. The Silverdale event began with a mass warm up, followed by three rounds of games.

Twenty four junior girls teams warm up at the start of the first round.

Do whispered sweet nothings need to be quite a lot louder these days?

Above and left, The Silverdale Green U11 girls (dark green/red strip) played Kumeu Black at the festival. Several team members were taking the field for their first ever game of rugby. Sparkles and stars on the face, and hair ribbons added fun to the occasion.

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