October 23, 2019
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Kiwi Hugh’s rescue team, from left, rangers Amy Waldmann and Larissa Bickers- Cherrie, senior ranger Matt Maitland, SOSSI volunteers Maree Johnston and Filona Fee, and senior ranger Jason Maguiness.
Kiwi found in home garden Shakespear Open Sanctuary at the end of Whangaparaoa Peninsula has always wanted to be a source of native birds that will spread further down the peninsula and into residents’ gardens – they just didn’t think the flightless kiwi would be the first! Hugh, a little spotted kiwi, recently escaped the open sanctuary and was found, on October 2, in an Army Bay
resident’s front garden, hiding under some shrubs. Homeowner John Kelly had no idea that he had a kiwi on his property until he saw half a dozen anxious people on his front lawn, aerial transmitter in hand. “Someone came rushing up and said they were looking for a kiwi,” John says. “My dog isn’t allowed in the front garden, which is probably just as well.”
This kiwi was affectionately named Hugh after one of New Zealand’s foremost kiwi scientists Hugh Robertson. He is known for wandering long distances around the park, as he looks for a mate. He was one of the little spotted kiwi introduced to the open sanctuary from Kapiti Island in 2018. Shakespear Open Sanctuary Society continued page 2
Inside this issue Makeup tricks for Halloween
page 31
| Hibiscusmatters | October 23, 2019
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Continued from p1....
October 23, 2019 – Issue 270 Hibiscus Matters: 21 Florence Ave, Orewa, 0931 General enquiries ph 427 8188
www.localmatters.co.nz Next issues: November 6 & 20 – Book your advertising now Editor: Terry Moore ph 427 8187 | terry@localmatters.co.nz News: MacKenzie Dyer ph 028 889 0418 | coastnews@localmatters.co.nz Graphic designer: Lorry McCarthy | hibiscus@localmatters.co.nz Advertising: Angela Gallagher ph 022 029 1895 | sellit@localmatters.co.nz Janet Moses ph 022 096 8517 | sales@localmatters.co.nz A division of Local Matters. Hibiscus Matters is a locally owned publication, circulated to more than 23,500 homes and businesses twice a month: Puhoi • Waiwera • Hatfields • Orewa • Silverdale • Millwater • Dairy Flat • Red Beach • Whangaparaoa Peninsula Views expressed in Hibiscus Matters are not necessarily endorsed by the publishers. All rights reserved. Reproduction without editor’s permission is prohibited.
Army Bay resident John Kelly meets Hugh, in the arms of senior ranger Matt Maitland.
(SOSSI) volunteer Maree Johnston began looking for him during her regular monitoring activities and was very surprised to get a signal from his transmitter that appeared to be outside the pest proof fence. “I thought, ‘this is a first – and let’s go find him before a dog does’,” Maree says. A group of rangers and volunteers was quickly assembled and eventually tracked Hugh to John’s garden by following the radio signal. Open sanctuary senior ranger Matt Maitland says Hugh was probably outside the sanctuary for no more than two days. “The property where he was found is not far from the park’s entrance,” Matt says. “As well as the pest proof fence itself, we have additional fencing and added chicken wire on existing walls and fences to try and contain kiwi but we meet the coastline and they can wander to the Okoromai buffer zone and out of the sanctuary. It’s an anticipated risk, but this is the first THE OUTSIDER Aluminium Awning System
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time it’s happened.” Matt says male kiwi wander as they look for a female, after which they settle down and establish a territory. Currently there are more male kiwi than females in the park and Matt says as the population builds there will be additional pressure on territories. He says Hugh was lucky to be found safe and well, given the number of hazards that lie beyond the pest proof fence. “Dogs, cats, cars – even lawn mowers or weedeaters – can be dangerous for kiwi,” Matt says. “If anyone spots anything like this outside the fence in future, securing any cats and dogs should be a priority.” Once the kiwi was safely in the arms of the rangers, homeowner John was able to get up close and touch the bird – something he says was a first. “I also picked up a bunch of feathers that were dropped, so I have a souvenir of the visit,” John says.
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October 23, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |
Uncertain times for Hibiscus Men’s Shed The Hibiscus Men’s Shed is seeking legal advice after its landlord, Auckland Council’s property arm Panuku Auckland, asked for more certainty about when the charity will leave the site it rents from Council in Stanmore Bay. The Hibiscus Men’s Shed is a charitable trust that provides a space and equipment for its members to work on community projects. It has 55 paid up members and a database of almost 150. Several new members join every month. While it works on building a permanent facility in Silverdale, the organisation is leasing the lower storey of 1 Brightside Road where it has been for around two years, paying just under $300 per month. Chair Maurice Browning says a representative of Panuku approached him last week, initially saying he wanted to know when they could move out.
“Since then it has become clear that they want to renegotiate their lease with us, which is currently on a monthby-month basis,” Mr Browning says. Panuku is spending around $100,000 on structural and refurbishing work on the upper floor of the property and has been offering this for lease (HM October 2). Mr Browning says Panuku told him that during discussions about leasing the rest of the building, several parties enquired about the lower level. “I can understand why they want to give any perspective tenant more certainty but we are not in a position to provide that,” Mr Browning says. “We hope to break ground at Silverdale in the next few weeks but any building, let alone moving in, is a long way off and dependent on funding and other factors. If we make a commitment by changing our lease, we may have to go on a certain date even if we have nowhere to move to.” He says as the premises is filled to the
brim with woodworking machines, lathes and sundry other equipment as well as a 12m container full, it would be like moving a small factory. Panuku was invited to an emergency meeting last week with the Men’s Shed trustees, but declined. Incoming councillors Wayne Walker, John Watson and incoming Hibiscus & Bays Local Board members Janet Fitzgerald and Gary Brown attended as observers. Mr Browning says the trustees’ decision was to seek legal advice before talking with Panuku about any change in the terms of lease. Cr Walker says the track record of interactions between Panuku and other community groups has, at times, been ruthless. “Community groups really need to push back and I’m encouraged that the Men’s Shed is doing that.” He adds that it will be important for
any perspective tenant of the upper floors to be made aware in advance that the Men’s Shed’s operations can be noisy. Panuku’s portfolio management director, Ian Wheeler, says Panuku understands that the Men’s Shed is looking to move to a more permanent home. “We need to agree their longer term intentions,” he says. “Panuku’s mandate is to obtain a market related return from non-service property. On completion of the renovation of the building, we will be leasing the upper level. A number of parties have expressed interest in renting this space. There is has been limited interest to date on the lower level. We will continue to talk with the Men’s Shed about their plans, and how this fits with our mandate and any future market interest and leasing arrangements for parts or all of the building.”
Vandalism upside for Life Education Trust
The Rodney Life Education Trust trailer, believed to be the oldest of the organisation’s 44-strong fleet, was vandalised recently, but there was an unexpected upside. The charitable trust, well known for its mascot Harold the Giraffe, spreads messages about leading healthy lives to students nationwide. As well as nutrition and the body, the lessons tackle issues such as alcohol, drugs, bullying and stress. Its mobile classroom is kept in the grounds of Kingsway School in Red Beach. Life Education Trust Rodney chair, John Davies says sometime over the weekend of September 28 and 29, thieves stripped off all the lighting for indicators, brakes and sidelights. “They took every external light they could reach – even the lights for the number plate,” John says. “It’s simply a mean spirited, nasty act against a charity.”
Repairs, estimated to cost around $700-$800, were covered by insurance. However, John says that following Hibiscus Matters’ story about the incident, which was posted on Facebook soon after the theft occurred, a couple of locals stepped forward to help. Eddie Grooten, managing director of Dad’s Pies in Silverdale, gave a donation of $750 and a private individual gave a further $500. “The incident really angered people and prompted this generous response,” John says. “We are very grateful for the support.” John says that the money will go towards much-needed repairs on the ageing trailer’s suspension. These are essential if the vehicle is to pass its next WOF, and are expected to cost around $2500. If anyone has any information that could lead to the people responsible for the vandalism, contact Orewa Police.
After vandals stripped all the lights off all the charitable trust’s mobile classroom, the community came forward to help.
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| Hibiscusmatters | October 23, 2019
Boulevard ‘done deal’?
Is it just me, or does the Orewa Boulevard “consultation” which is coming up soon (HM October 2) seem like a done deal? So much planning and budgeting has already gone on behind the scenes, and I can’t help but feel that any public input will be read and then “filed” (binned). Is it worth the bother? This kind of thing will change I hope as local board workshops open to the public and your paper and we can all be better informed of what the plans are, before they are finalised. Paula Robinson, Orewa
Sight line blocked The owners of the sports shop van parked in Silverdale (HM Off the Record October 2) possibly do not realise that by parking there they make it very difficult to see traffic coming down Silverdale Street when you are turning out of Agency Lane. This is already a difficult intersection with cars speeding down Silverdale Street, the adjacent pedestrian crossing, cars coming out of Palm Court and heavy trucks frequently parked in the middle of Silverdale Street (how can this be legal?). If the Silverdale Business Association is serious about promoting business in the area they might like to start by removing the traffic hazard that parking the van there creates. John Shepherd, Orewa
Kindness of strangers This not so much an enquiry as a commentary. In your online paper I see New Zealand shares many of the concerns we deal with in the States. But having had the pleasure of a weeklong visit to your shores, I must confess your people show far more compassion and civility than many of us across the Pacific. During my visit to Silverdale and Orewa, I met the kindest most helpful strangers. In finding my way to the bus stop, my bus ride to Auckland,
What’s on your mind? Readers are welcome to air their views. We do not publish abusive or unsigned letters. Letters may be abridged and full versions are at localmatters.co.nz/opinion. Address on p2 or e:terry@localmatters.co.nz
my shopping stops, several times in the Orewa library, even crossing the streets people showed me the kind of courtesy I might only expect from family. It was a delicious break from the traffic, noise, rudeness, and even dangers of living where I do in the States. Despite your newspaper’s many valid concerns about local government, vandalism, mail theft and street signs, unscrupulous businesses or rampant construction as the case may be, I hope you realise that compared to much of the so called civilized world, you are surrounded by paradise. You can walk the streets unarmed, speak to strangers without making them fearful, and treat each other generously without being taken advantage of in return. I still have years of teaching before I can retire, but some day I hope to be back and this time for keeps. Ron Carpenter, Texas
the record
Air race issues Your article about the Orewa Air Races (HM October 2) shows up a number of causes for concern. For me the standout was why this type of organisation would go ahead and seek so much money in sponsorship when at present it has no permits? Such a spectacular drawcard will no doubt be welcomed to the area with open arms but I agree with the local board chairperson’s advice that caution is needed here until the organisers have all their ducks in a row and can front up to the community with all the permits in place. Tony Armstrong, Whangaparaoa
The typo in this sign from newly elected “concillors” was pointed out by a reader, who noted with glee that John Watson was formerly a teacher. This one was spotted in Orewa.
Community coffee
Shout out to local coffee house El Cupo Coffee Cantina in Whangaparaoa, who announced last month that they would offer a free cuppa to all onduty emergency service personnel. They also open at 5am to suit early morning commuters.
Intersection care Driftwood Drive turns left into Jelas Road. The centre line follows that turn around. You can turn right into Jelas Road to reach the Hibiscus Coast Highway. The road code says that if you are turning, give way to all traffic that is not turning. I have had three near collisions here with SUVs turning right into Jelas Road who did not give way. I’ve also been following another car to see them have the same experience. I have also followed cars along Driftwood Drive to see them suddenly brake, ending up across the centre line as a car drives across their path up Jelas Road. People use Driftwood Drive as a shortcut to avoid the traffic lights at the top of Totara Views Drive. It seems that in order to make this effective, you drive at speed and turn right without due care and attention. It really isn’t a big deal to slow down at that corner to turn safely – I know, I’ve done it many times. I would say that this is “waiting for an accident”, but there is nothing accidental about the inevitable. Daryl Crosby, Orewa (abridged)
Footpath inequalities A footpath was built from Tavern Road along the riverbank to Titan Place. No signs were placed telling people about this path. I have been informed by the local board that this path was built at a cost of $93,000. I have only seen one person walking along this path and yet the people who live in the properties 29 to 51 Hibiscus Coast Hwy have no footpath. Apparently a path is going to be built on the opposite side of the highway at the back of the Silverdale Centre, Northern Arena and Medical Centre. A person from Auckland Transport told me that I would be able to cross the road and use the new path when it is built. I told him that it was not safe to cross four lanes of 70kph traffic. I wonder why locals do not have any consultation regarding work to be done. It would seem that although we pay rates we do not get any safe passage from our properties to cross the highway. Lorraine Sampson, Silverdale
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Praise for mural I was in Orewa last week and parked at the far end of the New World car park. I was facing the beautiful mural on the wall of the building. It is an amazing picture – I had to look twice. It really is a work of art. I felt I wanted to walk among the bush to the two houses set high up in the trees and the sail boats gave the impression that all were having a great time in Orewa. Well done to the artist and well done to whoever suggested that that wall be so beautifully painted. I am assuming it was sponsored by the companies whose names are in the sky. What a pleasure. Marguerita Minns [CHK] Editor’s note: This mural was created by two local artists, Susannah Law and Anna Evans.
October 23, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |
Remembering a Coast environmental champion The Hibiscus Coast lost an environmental champion when Philip Wrigley, of Red Beach, died on October 1, aged 66. Philip was a loyal member of Forest and Bird Hibiscus Coast and served on the committee for several years, including as chair. He was a dedicated volunteer on the Raroa bush restoration project in Stanmore Bay from 2003, and continued with the growth and maintenance of the site for many years. His involvement included health and safety training for Pest Free Hibiscus Coast volunteers and assisting with the installation and management of the pest control lines through Alice Eaves bush. He worked with the Department of Conservation to eliminate more than 300 pines from the Nukumea Reserve in the back of Orewa, near the motorway, and was instrumental in getting a cat covenant on the Hall Farm subdivision, and preserving a patch of native bush in that area. He assisted in planting restoration and pest animal and weed control at Stillwater, and Crocodile Island in the Orewa Estuary. He also wrote Forest & Bird’s environmental column for Hibiscus Matters and made valuable contributions to many stories in the paper. Editor Terry Moore says that beneath Philip’s outwardly mild exterior lurked a true environmental warrior. “He was always the Forest & Bird member who made thoroughly researched and documented submissions on resource consents with the aim of protecting native bush and birds, and often saw issues right through to Environment Court decisions,” she says. But Philip’s interests expanded well beyond the environment. In one tribute, he was described as “husband, father, brother, friend, economist, businessman, conservationist, toastmaster, train buff, historian, author, photographer, ocean swimmer,
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www.silverservicetransport.co.nz small boat captain, botanist, gardener, singer, jazz fan and barbecue chef ”. He was an enthusiastic member of the Auckland Marklin Club, which brought the popular model train, boat and plane show to Whangaparaoa where it is now an annual event. His enthusiasm for model rail, and rail in general, started when his father introduced him to the hobby. Philip, in turn, shared the hobby with his son, William. The model trains in his Red Beach home included landscaped backdrops and tunnels and the first train he was given as a boy remains in his collection. Philip’s interest in trains extended to full size locomotives. He worked at MOTAT, rode on many historic railway lines and self-published a book entitled Non-steam Locomotives of NZ. Modern train rides did not hold much appeal. “I like being on trains where you can go out on the balcony at the back and feel the breeze, and hear the toot of the steam whistle,” he once said. Philip passed away peacefully at Harbour Hospice’s Hibiscus House.
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| Hibiscusmatters | October 23, 2019
Hibiscus Coast votes for blend of experience and absolute beginners In an exact repeat of the 2016 local body election result, sitting councillors John Watson and Wayne Walker have been re-elected to represent Albany Ward and three of the four local board candidates (all new to politics) that were with them in the Coast People & Penlink First team have been elected also – with Janet Fitzgerald taking up the remaining spot. This will be the third term on Auckland Council for Watson and the fourth for Walker. Both were previously on the former Rodney District Council and Watson also served a term on the Hibiscus & Bays Local Board. With special votes still to be counted, both councillors got significantly more votes than last election – Watson gained 28,073 votes – almost 9000 more than last time, and Walker 24,371 – around 6500 more. Nipping at their heels was former chair of the Hibiscus & Bays Local Board, Julia Parfitt, with 19,884 votes. Parfitt was returned to represent the East Coast Bays subdivision of the local board. New faces around local board table There will be an interesting new dynamic on the Hibiscus & Bays Local Board, following a split in voter allegiances. After more than a decade in local body politics, Janet Fitzgerald was returned again to serve on the Hibiscus Coast subdivision of the local board, with the highest number of votes – 7453. However, none of her supporting Positively Penlink team was elected to the board. Instead, three members of the opposing Coast People & Penlink First team will join Fitzgerald – Gary Brown (who had the second largest number of votes), Andy Dunn and Leanne Willis. All three are new to politics. The other four members of the local board represent East Coast Bays. Julia Parfitt and Gary Holmes, who
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Clockwise from top, Back again to represent Albany Ward are councillors Wayne Walker and John Watson. The Hibiscus Coast subdivision of our local board features experienced member Janet Fitzgerald and three members of the Coast People and Penlink First team Andy Dunn, Gary Brown and Leanne Willis.
were previously on the board, will be joined by two new members, Alexis Poppelbaum and Victoria Short. The new local board will be sworn in on October 30. Note: As Hibiscus Matters went
to print, a large number of special votes were still to be added to the totals. More than 6000 special votes were received – 2000 more than last election. Final figures, after Friday October 18, are at voteauckland.co.nz
Voter turnout slightly down
Local Government NZ figures show that nationwide turnout for the local body elections was around 41.4 percent. Overall voter turnout in Auckland was slightly down on last election – 34.76 percent before special votes are counted, compared with just over 38 percent in 2016. The Hibiscus Coast and Rodney local board electoral areas were among the highest for voter turnout – 41.1 percent for the Hibiscus & Bays Local Board area (Hibiscus Coast subdivision) and 46.6 percent in the Rodney Local Board area (Warkworth subdivision). Both these are down on last election, when the figures were 45.2 percent for Hibiscus and 53.1 percent for Rodney. Island voters again turned out in the highest numbers – Waiheke 52 percent and Aotea/Great Barrier 63.5 percent.
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October 23, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |
Whangaparaoa the windiest Marja Lubeck As gale-force winds and heavy downpours pummelled Auckland and other parts of the North Island on October 15, Whangaparaoa Peninsula was by far the windiest place to be. Metservice figures show that on the peninsula, winds peaked at 104kph but were blowing in the 80kph and 90kph range for several hours, particularly overnight. A Metservice meteorologist says that a deep low-pressure system caused very strong easterlies to blow into the peninsula, directly off the sea. And although this was exceptional, in general, the peninsula is a windy place – with an average yearly ‘wind run’ of 460km. A wind run is the measurement of how much wind passes the Metservice sensors over a year. The peninsula’s 460km compares with the average yearly wind run for Auckland airport at 398km, and Wellington airport at 589km.
Labour List MP Based in Rodney
The Hibiscus Coast appears to have coped with the country’s highest winds in a storm last week, emerging largely unscathed.
Although Fire and Emergency NZ say that Silverdale fire attended two incidents of trees blocking roads, and the Manly brigade dealt with power lines down over a road, most damage reported from the October 15 weather system appears to be minor, with some flooding, difficult driving conditions, outdoor furniture knocked around and tree debris blown down. On the plus side, a large number of kite surfers took advantage of the conditions, with some fast rides off Orewa Beach.
‘Heavy metals’ win t-shirt competition A knack for art and an appreciation of chemistry puns paid off for Ōrewa College’s Emma Burnett, who won the Royal Society of New Zealand’s periodic table-themed t-shirt competition in May. As part of her prize, everyone in Emma’s Year 12 chemistry class received a t-shirt featuring her winning ‘heavy metals’ design, which arrived in August. Emma’s submission was one of two winning shirts selected from high-schools throughout NZ. The competition celebrates the international year of the periodic table, which marks 150 years since its creation. Pictured is Emma Burnett, fourth from left in middle row, wearing her winning shirt, with her chemistry class.
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| Hibiscusmatters | October 23, 2019
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15/10/19 8:35 am
October 23, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |
Manly Volunteer Brigade’s chief fire officer Shayne Kennedy, left is presented with the Chief’s Axe by firefighter Deon Holgate.
Fire awards include Chief’s Axe
awarded to a firefighter who exhibits outstanding leadership, integrity, inspiration, professional excellence and commitment to their community. The J E Carn-Bennett Memorial Trophy for Firefighter of the Year went to Deon Holgate. Deon also received a Toki Poutangata – this is a leadership gift, which was passed from senior firefighter Dave Nyman to Deon in recognition of the effort and mana Deon has shown in the time he has been with the brigade. Clint Robinson and Mike Williamson each received the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal, which were presented by Rodney MP Mark Mitchell. A number of United Fire Brigades Association awards were also handed out. These included threeyear certificates, a five-year medal and Silver Bars for 15 and 21 years’ service.
A full sized axe was one of the new awards presented at the Manly Volunteer Fire Brigade Honours night, held on October 12 at Gulf Harbour Yacht Club. The Chief ’s Axe was presented to Shayne Kennedy, the recently appointed chief fire officer of the Manly Brigade. Previously Manly was an auxillary station of Silverdale, and as such both brigades shared a chief and deputy fire officer. Now, as a station in its own right, Manly has gained its own chief fire officer. The Manly Brigade’s Chief ’s Axe will be passed from fire chief to fire chief over the years to come. Another new trophy, the Robinson Cup for Medical Excellence, went to firefighter Jasmine Holgate. Firefighter Reece Ellis was awarded the Nyman Cup for Rookie of the Year and the Andi Jackson Trophy Servimus Award went to James Macdonald – it is
From top, The inaugural Robinson Cup for Medical Excellence went to firefighter Jasmine Holgate. It was presented by senior officer Clint Robinson. Firefighter Deon Holgate, right, was gifted a Toki Poutangata by senior firefighter Dave Nyman in recognition of mana. Mike Williamson received his Long Service and Good Conduct Medal from Rodney MP Mark Mitchell.
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October 23, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |
Para athlete sprints to world championships Stanmore Bay sprinter Mitch Joynt will represent New Zealand in the 100m and 200m races at the World Para Athletics Championships in Dubai next month. The 24-year-old qualified for the World Champs at the Australian Athletics Championships in Sydney last April, where he ran the 200m sprint in 24 seconds flat, shedding 1.08 seconds off his previous personal best time. Mitch will attend a pre-camp in Darwin at the end of this month. “For other competitions, you just show up on the day, run the race and that’s it,” he says. “This time, there will be training days and rest days where I don’t have to go to work – I’ll get to live like a proper athlete.” Mitch was spotted by Athletics New Zealand three years ago, while running in the Auckland marathon. “I just did the marathon to tick it off my bucket list and then Athletics NZ asked if I wanted to try athletic sports. I wasn’t any good at javelin or long jump, so I stuck to running. I’m a bit of a slow starter so I’m definitely stronger in the 200m. I’m really hoping to make the final for that.” Mitch lost his right leg from the knee down in a woodchipper machine, while working as an arborist in 2013. Currently, he juggles sprint training with working
Consultation on highway speeds
Speeds along State Highway 1 in the vicinity of Puhoi could be reduced, with public input sought. The NZ Transport Agency is proposing to reduce speeds from 100kph to 80kph on SH1 from Warkworth to Puhoi, as well as from L Phillips Road (near Sheepworld) to Kaipara Flats Road. The proposed changes affect a 15km stretch of road that has been the scene of a high number of crashes. Between 2009 and 2018 there were 209 crashes, with 13 people killed and 45 seriously injured. More than 23,000 vehicles travel the route each day. A public drop in session was held in Puhoi last weekend, but if you missed that, feedback can be made online until October 28 at nzta.govt.nz/auckland-speed-reviews
60 hours a week as a truck driver. “Being an arborist was the dream job, but I broke my other leg at work after losing my right one, so it was strongly advised that I did something else,” he says. “To be honest, the leg I broke causes me more problems than the one that isn’t there.” Prior to losing his leg, Mitch played rugby for his school and was a junior world champion archer. “But it’s a bit dangerous to play rugby with a steel leg and I felt like I had peaked with archery. That’s why I’m hooked on running because I am not naturally fast, so I have to work hard to be good at it.” Despite being the highest-ranking 200m sprinter in his disability classification in New Zealand, Mitch’s trip to Dubai is not fully funded. “The trip costs $13,000 and I’ve had $6000 donated. Any money I can’t raise I’ll have to top up with my savings,” Mitch says. The competition will be held from November 7 to 15. To donate, visit givealittle.co.nz/cause/mitch-joyntsparalympic-dream
Mitch Joynt will travel to Dubai with 13 other Kiwi para athletes – the biggest para athletics team New Zealand has ever sent to a World Championship. Photo, Alisha Lovrich.
Game for kerbside recycling
It is Recycling Week NZ (October 21-27) and Auckland Council is promoting its new online game, Recycle Right, to improve people’s knowledge of what can be put into a kerbside recycling bin. Playing the game involves swiping left and right to choose whether items should go in the rubbish or recycling bin. To play, visit recycleright.co.nz
bigthank thankyou you for for your AAbig yoursupport support A big thank you for your support and encouragement in the and encouragement in theelection election and encouragement in the election It is much appreciated by all ofofusus ItItisismuch appreciated by all It is much much appreciated appreciated by by all all of of us us
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| Hibiscusmatters | October 23, 2019
Big buzz around new honey blends
A beekeeping hobby that started in “grandma’s backyard” in Arkles Bay is stepping into the big league this month with the launch of a line of five flavoured honeys. Surfing buddies, James Miles and Francis Morton-Jones, is the team behind f&j NZ, which has secured a contract with major supermarket chain Foodstuffs. As a result, the company’s Nectavia honeys will start appearing on supermarket shelves before Christmas. James says it has been a pretty taxing 12 months getting through the paperwork, but they are pretty excited to be finally in a position to launch the honeys into mainstream markets. Up until now, the product has only been available in a select few outlets. The flavoured honeys were developed through trial and error at a laboratory in Constellation Drive on the North Shore. James says that initially, they were looking for a lemon honey that could be marketed as a cold-relieving remedy. But the citric levels in the lemon proved a tough nut to crack so they turned instead to ginger. The result showed them that they were on the right track so with more experimentation, they came up with ginger, rose, cacao, mango and matcha (green tea). And, there are another five in the pipeline. “There’s quite a science to getting the blends right,” James says. “Our goal is to change the way people
The honey comes from all over the North Island.
James Miles (pictured) and his Coast based partner Francis Morton-Jones are excited that their new honey blends will soon be on supermarket shelves.
look at honey – what we’ve got is not just another honey product, it is something entirely new with all natural ingredients and no added salt or sugar.” James says the potential for the flavoured honeys is enormous and early marketing has been promising. Far from being just a spread on toast at home, they see it being used in restaurants and bars, for everything from desserts to cocktails. Both James and Francis maintain
fulltime jobs outside the honey business – James is a paid firefighter on the North Shore and Francis works for a packaging company. Their honey is supplied from nine commercial beekeepers, located between Whakatane and Kerikeri. “We will eventually have to increase the number of beekeepers we work with, but we’re definitely not looking at the export market. We decided early on not to concentrate on the lucrative but more risky manuka honey market.
Sweet giveaway
Hibiscus Matters has a pack of the new Nectavia honey range to give away. To be in to win, ‘like’ our Facebook page and private message us your details to go in the draw. Or write Nectavia Honey Range competition, your name, address and daytime phone number on the back of an envelope and post or drop into Hibiscus Matters, 21 Florence Avenue, Orewa. Entries close November 8.
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RIVERSIDE ARCADE QUEEN STREET, WARKWORTH JENNY.marcroft@parliament.govt.nz A u t h o r i s e d b y r t j e n n y m a r c r o f t, n z f i r s t l i s t m p, p a r l i a m e n t b u i l d i n g s , w e l l i n g t o n
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| | OctoberTRACTORS 23, FROM2019 Hibiscusmatters
Ōrewa author in Human Kindness A story written by Ōrewa author Pamella Laird has been included in Timeless Wisdom, a four-part book series that celebrates international writers over the age of 60. Pamella’s story, The Other Man, features in the Human Kindness book, published on October 1. “My story is based on an experience my daughter had when she was in her twenties at St Matthews Church on Queen Street,” Pamella says. “I used some creative licence by changing the character of my daughter, but the rest of the story – and the surprise in it – is all true.” The Timeless Wisdom project was run by Nelson-based Exile Publishing. Project organiser and author Renée Hollis received more than 300 entries from countries including South Africa, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom. “Putting together four books at the same time and only picking 100 stories from all the submissions was a big job, but celebrating the work of the authors has been rewarding,” Renée says. “Pamella’s story suited the interesting and compelling examples of humanity we wanted to show in Human Kindness.”
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Pamella Laird
Pamella has had work published before in New Zealand, as well as Australia, England, and the United States. Her interest in writing began when she travelled around the UK in her twenties, as she would write letters to her parents and keep a diary. She returned to her muse later in her life and has been writing since. “I got to the stage where I realised I wouldn’t be running around playing tennis or raising my kids forever, and thought ‘what am I going to do now?’” Pamella says. “I remembered my father telling me that he adored my writing, because he thought it sounded different. So, that’s what I’ve been doing for over 40 years now.”
Win this book
Hibiscus Matters has a copy of Human Kindness to give away. To go in the draw, either: ‘like’ Hibiscus Matters on Facebook and send us your details in a private message, or write your name, address and daytime phone number on the back of an envelope and send to Human Kindness, Hibiscus Matters, 21 Florence Avenue, Ōrewa. Entries close November 8.
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| Hibiscusmatters | October 23, 2019
Cold comfort on hot pool closure for Hibiscus Coast
n I N T R O D U C I N G
Drifter Coffee NZ After three years on the road, Drifter Coffee NZ has found a home at 1/3 George Lowe Place, in Ōrewa. The decision to operate from a permanent location means that Raglan Roast coffee is available every weekday from 7am to 1pm. Drifter Coffee owner Maddy Bennett says there is huge demand for Raglan Roast beans. “Fortunately, I know a guy who knows the owner,” she says. Maddy, 25, grew up in Waiwera and is a qualified barista and has an event management degree from AUT. She worked in hospitality in the United States for about two years, before returning to NZ to start Drifter as a mobile business. She is in the process of securing a second coffee cart so she can continue to go to local markets and summer events such as the Rhythm in Vines festival. While Maddy enjoys the variety of having a travelling business, she says having a permanent place to socialise is one of the best parts of the job. “People are the best part of coffee. Now that I have the shop, there is a space for people to let off some steam and have a coffee to make it better,” she says. “Monks weren’t allowed to drink wine, so would discuss these big ideas over a cup of coffee. The French revolution started in coffee houses, too – it’s a societally social thing.”
Maddy Bennett with Cracka.
Turning what was previously a welding workshop in George Lowe Place into a comfy, coastal social house has been a DIY up-cycling project for Maddy and her family. The tables are made from old doors and the signs are homemade from recycled materials. All of the couches are second-hand, and customers can choose their own ‘thrifted mug’ to drink from in store. Maddy keeps her business as environmentally friendly as possible by using compostable takeaway cups, giving customers a discount if they bring their own cups, and using wastewater on the shop’s garden. She hopes the taste of Raglan Roast, the homeliness of the shop and the company of her dog Cracka will set Drifter NZ apart from other local coffee shops. “I want this to be a place where people can really chill-out, because Lord knows Ōrewa doesn’t need another coffee place!”
There is no good news yet for anyone hoping to take a dip in the Waiwera thermal hot pools. The historic pools closed in February last year for refurbishment but then in November, the landowners, Waiwera Properties, cancelled the lease on the complex citing defaults on rental payments. The leasee was the Waiwera Group, whose sole director at the time was Russian billionaire Mikhail Khimich. His company Waiwera Thermal Resort Limited was placed into liquidation in February this year.
“Unfortunately our hands are tied while we await the final wrap-up of liquidation proceedings,” a Waiwera Properties spokesperson said last week. “We are aware of concerns about the state of the Waiwera pools site and are considering options for the future of the property. “In the meantime, we have a number of security measures in place around the property.” Until its closure last year, there had been a thermal spa in Waiwera for 170 years.
A fourth Rebus Club has been established on the Hibiscus Coast with a foundation membership of 21. The Rebus Club of Gulf Harbour is NZ’s 54th Rebus Club and it meets at the Gulf Harbour Yacht Club, on Laurie Southwick Parade, on the second Wednesday of each month (excluding January). The club plans to host a range of activities including low-cost monthly outings, lunches and a Monday morning walking group. There is also a plan to establish special interest groups on subjects such as travel, movies, dining out, digital photography, computer studies, genealogy and floral art. Info: rebus-gulfharbour.nz
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October 23, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |
Affordable apartment living – Available NOW!
Cutting Bayes Coachlines’ birthday cake are the company’s directors, from left, Richard, David, Joan and John Bayes.
Bayes buses big birthday Last month, Bayes Coachlines celebrated 40 years of providing a local school bus service, as well as coach tours. Local community, church and school groups have also been transported on many day trips and to camps, sporting and cultural events over the years. The family business was started by David and Joan Bayes of Dairy Flat. It has grown from a fleet of five school buses in 1979 to almost 80 vehicles,
including double decker and bendy buses and luxury coaches. David and Joan’s sons, John and Richard, now look after the day-today running of the business. The company celebrated the milestone with a special event at the Dairy Flat depot where more than 150 current and former staff reminisced and celebrated the achievements of a great team – including many who have worked for the company for a very long time.
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More Bridge on the cards for 99-year-old Betty At the age of 99, Betty Thompson of Orewa has been playing Bridge half her life. Her love of the game was rewarded on October 4 with the surprise presentation of a Life Membership of Hibiscus Coast Bridge Club – an honour that moved Betty to tears. Her name will be the 21st added to the Life Members board on the wall of the clubrooms in Edith Hopper Park, Manly. Club president Jocelyn Avery says just three of those Life Members are still alive. Betty joined the Hibiscus Coast Bridge Club 30 years ago when she lived in Manly, and still plays weekly. Jocelyn says she is still a very competitive player and is never short of a partner. Betty now lives in Maygrove and members give her a lift to make sure she can still attend Friday afternoon Bridge. The social aspect is one of the reasons Betty says she still loves the game. “I enjoy the companionship, as well as the challenge to your brain and memory,” she says. Sherry and cake rounded off
Ninety-nine-year-old Betty Thompson, right, receives flowers from friend and fellow Bridge Club member Barbara Ranum, on behalf of the club.
the celebrations of Betty’s Life Membership. “Betty has a great sense of humour and loves a social event,” Jocelyn says. Hibiscus Coast Bridge Club welcomes new members. Info: hbcbridge@xtra. co.nz, phone 424 1252.
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Retirement as you dreamt it to be
| Hibiscusmatters | October 23, 2019
Baha’i bicentenary celebrated The Rodney Baha’i community will hold an exhibition on the theme of Expressions of Unity at Estuary Arts Orewa, from October 21 to November 17. The show will commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of the Báb, one of the founding prophets of the Bahá’í faith. On show will be around 50 artworks, from paintings and sculpture to ceramics and jewellery. More than 25 artists, including award-winning artist Suzannah Law, have contributed work, and many of the artists are members of the Baha’i community. An organiser Bronwyn Dale says that
as an independent world religion, the Baha’i faith holds preeminent the principles of the oneness of God, the oneness of religion and the oneness of humankind. “The exhibition in Rodney is one of the many diverse global celebrations of this historic occasion, with the theme reflecting a belief in ‘oneness’,” she says. As part of the celebrations, a Baha’i Holy Day event will be held at Estuary Arts on Tuesday October 29, from 7pm. The event is open to the public and will include a devotional portion, a brief presentation, music, a dance performance and light refreshments. All welcome.
Members of the Rodney Baha’i community with some of the artworks that feature in the exhibition.
Baha’i faith based on ‘independent investigation’ One of the Rodney Baha’i community’s most respected members, Manoochehr Ala’i known as Manoo, says he has his faith to thank for his move to New Zealand. Originally from Persia, he moved here 60 years ago under the Colombo Plan to study agriculture at Massey University. While still a student, he met his future wife Margaret at a Baha’i summer school. They were married for 64 years until her death last year, and had four children and nine grandchildren. Most of their married life was spent on a 600-hectare farm near Kaikohe, in Northland, where they raised sheep, cattle and goats, before retiring to Orewa. “Baha’i are encouraged to go abroad
for their tertiary education and that’s what brought me to NZ,” Manoo says. “We don’t travel as missionaries; but Baha’i see themselves engaged in the process of learning how the principles of their faith can be translated into the realities of personal and community life. We share experience with others who are similarly devoted to the ideal of a world at peace. “Baha’i believe that we are all fruits from one tree and that we should treat one another with love and harmony, friendliness and fellowship.” Manoo explains that his family has been Baha’i for generations, but each person must find their faith after their own ‘independent investigation’.
“We don’t become Baha’i because our mothers and fathers are Baha’i; we are required to discover the truth ourselves.” The Baha’i faith is one of the world’s most tolerant. It believes in one God, and teaches regard for all religions warning against the temptation to make any differences among them with respect to their station or their authority. It has no professional clergy with its affairs governed by democratically elected councils. Manoo’s daughter Suzanne Mahon is the current secretary of the National Spiritual Assembly. Manoo, who turned 90 in July, is also an active member of Hibiscus Coast SeniorNet where he teaches four days
a week, leaving one day in the working week for indoor bowls at the Orewa Centre.
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When Manoochehr Ala’i arrived in NZ from Persia in 1949 people had trouble pronouncing his name so he shortened it to ‘Manoo’.
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Tandem Property Management Limited Support the advertisers who support Hibiscus Matters
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October 23, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |
Student’s art wins silver After almost not entering, Kingsway College student Eliana Braddock came second in the 16 to 18-yearold category at the Greater Auckland Art Awards Exhibition last month. The Year 13 student received $250 at the exhibition prizegiving at the Corban Estate Arts Centre in Henderson on September 26. “It was such a surprise,” Eliana says. “They called me a week before the prizegiving to say I would be receiving something, but I didn’t expect to come second.” Eliana’s art teacher, Mary Morgan, encouraged her to enter. “If it wasn’t for her believing I could do well, I wouldn’t have done it,” Eliana says. “I was a very late entry.” Eliana submitted two pieces. Her prizewinning piece, Young, was from her school art board. “My art board shows how hopelessness can start young, but that hope can grow and mature as we do,” she says. “I want people to know that being in a dark place when you are young doesn’t mean you will never find hope, which I think is very relevant in this day and age. It has become a personal and important message to me.”
Young features Eliana’s two younger sisters, Evangeline and Mikayla.
The painting is of Eliana’s two younger sisters, Evangeline, 8, and Mikayla, 13. “It was so hard to get them to look sad when taking the photos – there were lots of giggles.” To create the piece, Eliana used black acrylic paint and applied it with a dry, small paintbrush. The only colour in the piece is a spot of blue in Mikayla’s eyes. Eliana will continue her art when she leaves school at the end of this year. “I’m looking forward to doing art as a hobby rather than for school. It’s something I’m really passionate about.”
LIVE LIFE BY THE BEACH Located at the northern end of Orewa Beach at 445-449 Hibiscus Coast Highway - just one property back from the beach front. La Residence De La Plage features a range of 1 & 2 bedroom apartments and 3 bedroom townhouses, many with private gardens This exclusive development offers lifestyle living at its best. Call in our showroom today to secure your new home by the beach.
The Hibiscus Coast Concert Band has a new baritone saxophone after receiving grants from the Lion Foundation and Pelorus Trust. The instrument cost $8000. Band committee member and oboe player Teresa Connell says trying to afford bass instruments is an issue for bands across New Zealand. “We are very short on bass instruments,” she says. “Having a balance of high and low instruments allows the band to have a well-rounded sound and be able to perform a greater range of music.” The group placed second at the New Zealand Concert Band Festival held in Auckland in August. “Adding a baritone sax with its lovely low tones will enhance our performance even more. “We want to publicly thank our two generous sponsors for supporting us.”
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WESLEY GERBER 021 647 117
| Hibiscusmatters | October 23, 2019
From left, Year 11 team Sophia-Aimee Paton, designer Chanté Pretorius and Maddison Bernie. More photos, www.localmatters.co.nz
Wearable workplace waste Workplace waste proved to be a popular inspiration at Ōrewa College’s annual wearable arts show on Thursday September 26. “My Dad works as a telecommunications specialist, and I remember seeing all of this pink plastic at his work from equipment packaging,” Year 9 entrant Sophia Miller says. Sophia used that plastic to create her The Princess of Plastics Present piece, earning her first equal in the Year 9 and 10 category. The majority of the hundreds of singleuse Nespresso capsules, used to make Chanté Pretorius’ Madonna-inspired outfits, came from the workplaces of her modelling team’s parents. “I also approached Nespresso in Albany who were very helpful,” Chanté says. “All the capsules are stuck on with a hot glue gun. There are some plaited
rubbish bags on there, too.” Other ‘work waste’ inspired garments included a dress made from a primary school’s recycled paper and a skirt made from plastic gloves. The house competition had 55 entries across all year groups. While conservation was not the official theme, entrants scored points for using recycled materials. The crowd of parents, teachers and fellow students filled the Ōrewa Arts & Events Centre to capacity, which was split in half by a runway. Teacher organiser Jo Hayward said this year’s entries were “spectacular”. “Our students put a lot of hours in to create their outfits for the day,” she said. “We have kept wearable arts as a house competition because it’s very successful every year.”
Outfits from the “element” category will be auctioned on Trade Me to raise funds to buy native tree seedlings. From left, Breanna Difarn, Durandt Potgieter and Josiah Bayley. More photos, www.localmatters.co.nz
Stanmore Bay School seniors turn paper into fashion A showcase of recycled-paper fashion took place at Stanmore Bay Primary’s Wearable Arts show on Friday September 7. Senior students designed and modelled a variety outfits to match categories including Cultures of the World, Venetian Masks and 80s Fashion. Classes in each category took turns at showing off their designs on the catwalk. Some were individually made, while others were created in small groups. The opening Element category showed outfits inspired by earth, water, fire and air. Starring pieces from this group will be auctioned on Trade Me so the school
can buy native tree seedlings, which cost about $10 each. The trees will be planted on the school grounds to offset the paper used for the Wearable Arts Show. “The event was held on World Climate Day, when thousands of people marched to save the planet,” teacher Linda O’Brien says. “It was only right to do our bit by recycling and giving back to nature by planting more trees.” Music to match each category played while the students modelled their creations, and the show also featured dance and musical performances. To view the auction, search sbs paper garments on Trade Me.
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October 23, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |
Night Skies with James Smith, Hibiscus Coast Astronomical Society hibiscuscoastastronomy@gmail.com
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Spring star gazing As we enter the summer months, the weather starts clearing and the evenings get warmer. This gives us the perfect opportunity to do some stargazing. I like going out around 10pm as the sky is dark and it is not too late. We begin by looking towards the south south-west where Alpha Centauri (also known as Rigel Kent) and Hadar sit a little above the horizon. They are both bright stars and should be easy to spot. You may know them as the ‘pointers’ from the Southern Cross, which will just be popping up over the southern horizon. As we swing around towards the west, we see another reddish, bright star. This is Antares – sometimes called The Heart of the Scorpion, as it sits in the middle of the constellation of Scorpio. Slightly above it and to the right is another bright object. This is not a star, but the planet Jupiter. If you observe Jupiter through a good pair of binoculars, you should be able to see the four largest moons – Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. There are a few apps out there that can show you which moons you are looking at. If you draw an imaginary line from Jupiter to the moon, about a third of the way from Jupiter, is another bright object. This is Saturn. To see the rings around Saturn, you will need a fairly good, small telescope. Moving over to the north-west, we come across another bright star. This is Altair, one of the closest stars to Earth. Altair is in the constellation of Aquila and rotates once on its axis every nine hours! Moving to the north-east, we find the home of various meteor showers. From October to January, we have a few showers due and all appear to come from this portion of our night sky. So if you want to see a shooting star, this is the place to look. In the south south-east, we see a bright star just above the horizon. This is Canopus. Quite a way above it and more to the south-east is Achenar. While these stars are interesting, it is what is near them that is even more interesting. About halfway between them, you may see what looks like a wispy cloud. This is the Large Magellanic Cloud. And just to the right of Achenar is another wispy cloud – the Small Magellanic Cloud. These are dwarf galaxies which orbit the Milky Way. Try looking at them through a good pair of binoculars, or a telescope. If the evening is particularly clear, and you are in a pretty dark spot, the Milky Way will be visible as a band of stars and dust, stretching from north to south. The Milky Way is a good choice if you would like to begin experimenting with astrophotography. All you will need is a good camera and a tripod. Come along to one of our meetings, to find out more about doing this. One exciting event will be coming up on October 30, around 8.15pm, when Mercury, Venus and the Moon all meet up in the west, just after sunset. Mercury and Venus will be just under three degrees apart and the waxing crescent Moon will be just eight degrees away from the planets. Almost directly above the Moon, but further away, Jupiter also makes an appearance. Through a telescope you’ll see the three different phases of the different objects, with the Moon being just a slither, Mercury being about 35 percent illuminated and Venus, nearly full at 94 percent. Please be careful when using binoculars or telescopes for this observation. Make sure that the sun is completely below the horizon as you can permanently damage your eyes if you accidentally view the sun. The best way to find these objects is by using an astronomy app on your mobile phone. Skymap is fantastic to use on an Android device and StarWalk2 is a great choice for your iPhone, although there are many other options. If you have never done it before, go out on a clear evening, look up to the heavens and explore the universe around us.
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| Hibiscusmatters | October 23, 2019
Urlich stars at Gulf Harbour outdoor gig The 16th fairway on the Gulf Harbour Country Club’s golf course is known for its spectacular views out to sea, and until now you needed to be a member to appreciate them. However, that will all change next month when the fairway is thrown open to the public for the first time as the venue for an outdoor concert, called Swing on the Green. The concert features well-known Kiwi musician Peter Urlich and his Swingin’ Sextet as well as female swing trio Purrzazz. Peter is best known as a former member of Th’ Dudes, who will be inducted into the NZ Music Hall of Fame just a few days before the Gulf Harbour concert. Swing on the Green concertgoers will be able to enjoy a picnic on the plush fairway, and live, easy listening swing music with the sea as a backdrop. Turning the 16th fairway into a concert venue is a long-held dream of event organiser Stuart Dwight of Smart Moves Group. Stuart is a member of the golf club and long time Whangaparaoa resident. “Every time I’ve played that hole, over the last 18 years, I’ve thought what a great place it would be for a concert,” Stuart says. “The ocean views open up beautifully – everyone I’ve taken out there goes
Peter Urlich swings into Gulf Harbour next month for a one-off concert.
‘wow’!” Stuart says both Swing on the Green bands are known for “Michael Bublé style” swing music – a range of pop songs, performed in a swing style. The event is supported by the club, and a portion of the proceeds will go to the Shakespear Open Sanctuary Society, which will use the money towards future reintroduction of species. Currently the team is working towards bringing back hihi (stitchbirds). Ticket numbers are limited to 1000. Participants can bring a picnic and alcohol will be sold at the venue. The concert will be moved to the following week if the weather is bad. Info and tickets: at Eventfinda or look for Swing on the Green – Concert on Facebook.
570 Whangaparaoa Rd, Stanmore Bay 09-200 8777 / www.picador.co.nz
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October 23, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |
Health & wellness feature
Health & wellness Local ambassador encourages
Orewa’s new half marathon There’s a new half marathon coming to Orewa Beach. The demise of Orewa’s biggest and longest running sporting event, the Orewa Beach Half Marathon (which would have been held in April this year) left a gap that is to be filled next March by the MTF Get Moving Festival 21km. The new half marathon will be the finale of the Get Moving series, which consists of four walk/running events that take place in Warkworth, Stanmore Bay, Gulf Harbour and Orewa from January to March. Get Moving organisers Maree Leith and David Kayes say their course will be similar to the Orewa Half, including a portion of the beach and Te Ara Tahuna, the estuary walk and cycleway. David says the cancellation of the half marathon provided additional motivation for starting a new event, but that it would have gone ahead regardless. “The MTF Get Moving Festival has evolved to the point where we want to ramp it up a bit and were looking for a suitable finale,” he says. Like the Orewa Beach half marathon,
the Get Moving 21km will be suitable for elite runners right through to first timers and walkers. “We want to keep that running vibe going and get people coming up here to do a 21km,” Maree says. Currently the process of gaining Council consent is underway. The Orewa Beach Half Marathon was originally held in the early 1990s and re-introduced to the Coast by Laraine Chase of Orewa Events in 2009. In 2016 it was purchased by Running Events, who made it part of a fiveevent series based in various Auckland locations but chose not to continue it this year (HM March 1, 2019). At its peak, it attracted close to 2000 participants. At the time it was canned, Running Events race director Rob Docherty said it would be replaced by an event in Maraetai. He said his company was actively seeking proposals to take over the Orewa event from 2020. The MTF Get Moving 21km will be held on March 22. Info: http:// getmovingfestival.co.nz/ Hibiscus Matters is a proud sponsor of the MTF Get Moving Festival.
Coasties to Get Moving The MTF Get Moving Festival returns with four running events across the Coast early next year, and the event’s ambassador, Zoe Butt, encourages people to give it a go – regardless of their running ability. Zoe believes the mental health benefits of running should be enjoyed by everyone, not just people who are training for marathons. “I struggled to get into running because I thought people would judge me for not looking like a runner or for not being fast enough,” she says. Her attitude changed after discovering Go Run Girls, a group run by MTF festival organiser, Maree Leith. “Maree believes doing some kind of fitness is better than nothing, even if you are just jogging from lamp post to lamp post. Her message is very encouraging and is the reason I started running.” Zoe’s running achievements peaked when she completed the Auckland half marathon in 2017. Her training was suspended after breaking two bones and tearing multiple tendons in her ankle while walking down her driveway last December.
Zoe Butt
“I was scared of losing the progress that I had made, so I tried going to the gym in my moon boot. Now I know that you have to let your body rest, so I take Sundays off running and focus on stretching.” Zoe is training to race in all four Get Moving events although she still has days where she lacks motivation. “Most people say fitting in a run around work and other commitments is the hardest thing,” Zoe says. She stresses that while distance and speed are good benchmarks, giving it a go is the main thing. “Sometimes you can only muster a 20-minute jog, and other times you have enough energy to keep going for an hour – the point is that you get out there and take a moment for yourself.” Info: getmovingfestival.co.nz
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| Hibiscusmatters | October 23, 2019
Health & Wellness feature
Confidence-building workshop for parents The summer athletics season kicks off at Metro Park in Millwater on October 30, but it won’t be just the young athletes who will be lining up on the start line this year. Hibiscus Coast Athletics Club is investing resources into upskilling parents so they feel more confident helping with club activities. Club captain Brad Barron says it is always a struggle to find enough coaches to help train and mentor the 300-odd children and young adults who turn-up to the weekly club nights. “A lot of parents don’t like to put their hands up because they feel they don’t know what they’re doing,” Brad says. To address this, Olympian Brent Newdick will run a workshop with parents on Wednesday October 23. Brent won the silver medal in the men’s decathlon at the 2010 Commonwealth Games in India and placed 12th in the 2012 Summer Olympics in London.
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The workshop will start with some coaching basics. Brent will also run an advanced programme for young Coast athletes who are keen to progress in the sport. The athletics season runs for about 20-weeks. Three to six year olds have the field from 4.30pm-5.30pm and participate in the foundation programme Get Set Go, which involves a range of fun games to develop motor skills. The seven to 17 year olds start at 5.30pm and do track and field events, including 100 to 1500 metre races, discus, shot putt, long jump and high jump. Whangaparaoa Baptist Church volunteers run a BBQ on club nights, which helps raise funds for equipment and training. To register, go to: hcac.co.nz or email info@hcac.co.nz. For more information about the club, visit FB: hibiscuscoastathletics Silverdale St John celebrated 50 Years on the Hibiscus Coast (HM September 18) with a function on September 28. Guests included Rodney MP Mark Mitchell, 96-yearold Tim Cocks, who was the Coast’s first volunteer ambulance driver, and foundation cadet Bernadette Straka. In addition, the event organiser and local Treasurer, Barbara Everiss, was recognised for 50 years of outstanding service. The celebrations also included an Open Day at the Silverdale Station Hall where the era’s uniforms and ambulances were on display. The Dodge provided quite a contrast to the latest Gen 4 ambulance fitted with a state-of-the-art Powerlift stretcher. Visitors had the opportunity to try CPR, learn how to use a defibrillator, and St John staff checked their blood pressure and glucose counts. Pictured, are St John Silverdale’s first cadet, Bernadette Straka, right, with current cadet, Faybian Shore, cutting the cake.
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October 23, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |
Health & wellness feature
Stanmore charity gets wheels turning in Fiji A charity that has a humble workshop in Stanmore Bay is making a big difference to the lives of disabled people in Fiji. Orewa Lion Mandy Hebben started the Pacific Rehab Foundation with Andy O’Sullivan this year. The pair has good connections in the medical equipment trade and originally aimed to help a few disabled people by sourcing equipment such as wheelchairs. One such person is paraplegic Mere Roden – a gold medal winning table tennis player and Fijian Sportswoman of the Year, 2016. She was making do in heavy wheelchairs that were the wrong size until the Foundation stepped in, providing an ultralightweight chair that was customised for her from a demonstration model. However, Mandy says the scope of the problem quickly grew as they made more contacts in Fiji. One of the big problems, they discovered, is pressure sores. Also known as pressure ulcers or bed sores, they can happen when there is friction or unrelieved pressure on one part of the body. People who cannot make even small movements are at risk of the sores, which can affect any part of the body. “In Fiji, people are dying from pressure sores,” Mandy says. “In the period from spinal injury to first follow up, 80 percent were dead from pressure sore related complications.” Pressure injury protection cushions help with prevention and management of this problem. In Fiji, an additional cultural element also came into play – “We were challenged to design a cushion for people to use at kava ceremonies, where everyone has to sit on the floor,” Mandy says. She says other issues include remote locations and poor housing. “Currently most of the disability equipment comes
Pacific Rehab Foundation’s Mandy Hebben and Andy O’Sullivan (blue shirts, front row, centre) with representatives of the Fijian Spinal Injuries Association, the Ministry of Women Children and Poverty and physiotherapists at a recent training session in Suva.
Another facet of making the project sustainable for local people is showing them how to make customised seating from recycled foam packaging and even items such as pool noodles. “There is some out of the box thinking going on,” Mandy says. “We even got a large quantity of polyurethane foam packaging from the Whangaparaoa Recycling Centre which can be repurposed into cushions that can cost upwards of $1500 each, if you buy them new.” “We expect to spend a solid three years in Fiji before the locals can look after it themselves and we can move onto another group of Pacific Islands. It is huge, and the need is way more than we anticipated. We were taking the equipment to Fiji as luggage, but it’s getting to the stage where we may need a container.” Pacific Rehab Foundation relies on grants and donations. Info: look for Pacific Rehab Foundation on Givealittle or Facebook.
from the Latter Day Saints in Utah, or a charity called PhysioNet. They do a wonderful job, but it’s all pre-loved, ‘one size fits all’ wheelchairs – in fact one size generally fits no one. It’s like choosing clothes when the only sizes available are not your size.” Through its contacts, Pacific Rehab Foundation has been able to source pressure care equipment from cancelled shipments and donations from overseas manufacturers. Some wheelchairs were obtained at reduced cost from the US, because they had been ordered but not measured correctly. Allied Medical in Albany donated an ex-demonstration wheelchair. Mandy says that she and Andy soon realised the importance of also training local physiotherapists, occupational therapists and wheelchair technicians to assess who needs the equipment, fit and monitor it and reissue it to the next person. “The Spinal Injury Association is excited about having that practical help,” she says.
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| Hibiscusmatters | October 23, 2019
Health & Wellness feature
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Health with Sheryl Takayama, nutritionist sheryl@whyweightnutrition.co.nz
Food choices give you power If recently released statistics are anything to go by, the future health of New Zealanders is looking bleak. Our obesity rates are now the third highest in the OECD and it is predicted that within the next 20 years, two million people – nearly one-in-two adults – will be considered clinically obese. Alongside this, diabetes is increasing at an alarming rate and doctors are performing nearly 1000 amputations a year due to diabetes-related health conditions. While the potential health consequences and financial costs of this trend are huge, we have the power to turn this around. Obesity and type two diabetes can be improved by changing the important food decisions you are making multiple times daily: what, when and how you eat. I recently worked with a client who has type one diabetes. Within three months he lost 9kgs and was able to halve his levels of daily medication. I have clients with type two diabetes who are seeing vast improvements with their blood sugar levels simply by making different food choices. Food decisions are powerful because it’s something we need to do every day. If you are worried about your weight and health, start making better choices. I am a big believer in keeping it simple. Eat real food as often as possible, with as few ingredients as possible. Processed convenience foods are fine to have occasionally but shouldn’t be eaten every day. If you need to lose weight, the approach I recommend is a low carbohydrate diet. Limit your intake of high-carbohydrate foods such as bread, pasta, rice, grains and sugary foods, and get most of your daily carbohydrates from vegetables. Make sure you are eating protein with every meal and include healthy fats, so you feel satiated between meals. Lowering carbohydrates – especially sugary foods – is a great way to balance your blood sugar levels. In addition to what you eat, it’s important to look at how you eat. Your body needs time to process and digest food so you should eat slowly and wait at least four hours between meals, preferably longer. This is often sabotaged by having snacks that are usually eaten out of habit rather than hunger. Any time you eat when you are not truly hungry is a problem if you are trying to lose or maintain weight. Timing of meals is important, too. For optimal digestion, don’t eat a huge dinner late in the evening. Have dinner as early as possible or make lunch your largest meal of the day and have a light dinner. This one small change can make a big difference. There are many diseases we don’t have a lot of control over, but obesity is not one of them. Be responsible for the choices you are making; make good choices and avoid becoming one of New Zealand’s health statistics in the future.
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October 23, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |
Health & wellness feature
Beau Henriksen, right, with assistant manager Chris Da Silva in one of the new hospital rooms.
Breast Care PRODUCTS
Rest home adds hospital The independent and family-run Beachfront Rest Home, at Stanmore Bay, has obtained Ministry of Health certification for hospital level care. The rest home can cater for up to 55 residents and is one of three homes run across Auckland by the Henriksen family. Business manager Beau Henriksen says that as a dual-purpose care facility, the
Beachfront will offer residents and the local community the convenience of both hospital and rest home 24-hour nursing services with the option of longterm care or short-term respite. The rest home, which opened in the early 1990s, is located in what was once a motel. As well as the new hospital care facilities, room renovations are also underway.
Free play decrease due to more than digital devices A study by Kinetics physiotherapist Joe McGowan found a lack of free play is leading to an increase in serious sport injuries in intermediate schoolage children (HM June 19). While an increase in technology use may appear to be the obvious culprit, Kinetics’ principal physiotherapist David Cooper says other factors are also at play. “I believe that the economic reality of many families having both parents working means that kids may get less time to engage in physical free play at home,” he says. In addition, he says schools are feeling pressured by parents, sports clubs and
sporting bodies to provide formal structured sporting environments. “This is under the false impression that it provides similar developmental benefits to free-play, or a path into elite sport. Neither of these assumptions are particularly well grounded in research and in fact some research would completely contradict this view,” David says. “The emphasis on health and safety in school playgrounds is also making free play less common. A child who can’t jump out of a tree and land safely becomes a teenager who can’t stabilise their knee on a soccer field – potentially rupturing their ACL.”
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| Hibiscusmatters | October 23, 2019
Health & Wellness feature
Early detection key in skin cancer fight Heartbeats – Sharing the Journey
Heart event support group for those who have had a heart attack and family members. Meets on the first Tuesday of every month at Hibiscus Coast Community House, Orewa, 10am-11.30am. Guest speakers.
Info: ph Trent 0220 606 199 or
LIFE COACH TRAINING Start a LIFE-CHANGING career as a Personal/ Executive/Business Coach: Help people live their ideal life • Versatile SKILL SET for any Profession • Become ICF Credentialed • Be your own boss, flexible hours • Study part-time in supportive group
Skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer worldwide, but if it is detected early, it can also be one of the easiest to cure. According to an international skin index (derma.plus), New Zealand and Australia have the highest skin cancer risk rates in the world. Research suggests that two in three New Zealanders will develop a nonmelanoma skin cancer during their lifetime, with more than 90 percent of skin cancers caused by excess UV exposure. Non-malignant skin cancers are generally found on the exposed parts of the body such as the face and forearms, and long-term frequent UV exposure is thought to be a predominant cause. Malignant melanoma risk is linked to an individual’s UV exposure patterns, as well as genetic characteristics such as fair skin. A light skin type, a large number of moles and excess sun exposure, particularly episodes of sunburn in childhood and adolescence, are the major predictors
of skin cancer risk. Coast skin specialist Dr Spencer Craft says it is vital that people get their skin checked annually, especially as they age. “If you’ve had skin cancers in the past, that should go up to every six to12 months – and if you’ve had them frequently, aim for every three to six months to be safe,” he says. “And for those who tan easily rather than burn, you’re not out of the woods – tanning is a sign of UV radiation damage.” Protection The usual ‘slip, slop, slap’ never goes amiss, Dr Craft says. He also recommends wearing a hat and UV protected sunglasses, and lightweight, loose clothing that is cool but still provides sun protection. “Aim for a moisturising sunscreen if you’ve got dry skin, and aim for an alcohol-based spray for men (especially for bald scalps, unshaved beards, hairy arms and legs) – they’re easy to apply, with no stickiness or residue.’
Why Kiwis burn
Some reasons for New Zealand’s particularly high skin cancer statistics: • The strength of the UV radiation that New Zealand receives. Our UV levels are 40 percent higher during summer than at corresponding latitudes in the northern hemisphere (NIWA research) • Low ozone levels (ozone absorbs a good deal of damaging UV rays) • A significant proportion of the population has skin types, which burn easily due to our genetic heritage • An outdoor lifestyle
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October 23, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |
Health & wellness feature
Petals pack a pretty punch Edible flowers are the latest addition to the list of foods on a healthy diet. Horticulturist and flower expert Kate Hillier says flowers are not just decorative. “People seeking a healthy diet are turning to petal power for important nutrients,” Kate says. “Daily consumption of edible flowers could be considered along with the 5+ A Day as they can provide valuable nutrients. We know that flowers have been used across many cultures for centuries to treat disease and restore health. It is great to see their value once again being recognised.” Here are some of the top flower power performers (Note: Only eat the petals of an edible flower, unless you have verified that the rest of the plant is safe to eat. Make sure the flowers are washed before eating): Hibiscus: The flower can be eaten straight from the plant, but many cultures drink it as tea for its medicinal properties. Hibiscus tea is rich in antioxidants thought to slow the harmful activity of ‘free radicals’, which are responsible for a major part of the ageing process. The flower can also be used in relishes, jam or salads. Dandelion: All parts of this highly nutritious plant can be used – the flower, roots, stem and leaves. The flowers can be eaten raw in salads or made into jelly or wine. The roots can be steeped for tea or dried for coffee. The stems and leaves can be used in salads or stews. Dandelion is an excellent source of vitamins A, C and K. They also contain
vitamin E, folate and small amounts of other B vitamins as well as iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium. Lavender : This can be used in baked goods, infused syrups, liqueurs, herbal teas, dry spice rubs and herb mixtures. Lavender is known for its calming effects. When steeped as tea, lavender blossoms may have a relaxing effect and help alleviate stress. Adding the fresh blossoms to your bathwater can help relax muscles. Nasturtium: The flower and leaves can be eaten, and are a popular addition to salads with their slightly peppery flavour, similar to watercress. They can also be blended into pesto, taken as a tea and the flowers make beautiful garnishes for cakes. The orange, red and yellow flowers contain iron and Vitamin C. The leaves or petals can be ground up to make a paste which may help with treating minor cuts and scrapes and some skin irritations. Borage: Borage is used in herbal medicine to treat minor ailments such as sore throat or cough. It contains vitamins C and A, calcium, iron, magnesium and B complex vitamins thiamin, riboflavin and niacin. The blue, delicate, star-shaped flowers are cooked and eaten like spinach and borage seeds are used to make oil. Roses: All rose petals are edible but the most fragrant are likely to have the best flavour – a very aromatic, floral and slightly sweet flavour. They can be eaten raw, mixed into salads, made into beverages, jams and jellies or dried and added to muesli or mixed herbs.
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shorecare.co.nz Support the advertisers who support Hibiscus Matters
| Hibiscusmatters | October 23, 2019
Health & Wellness feature
Scraps made scrumptious in cook-off competition A team cook-off using ‘back of the fridge’ food will be held at the Ōrewa Community Hall on Friday November 8, starting at 7pm. The Great Big Rescued Food Cook-off will see teams of up to six people try to cook the best meal, using provided food items that are often thrown away. “We want to see how creative people will be,” Love Food Hate Waste’s Jo Smart says. Participants will judge each other’s meals to determine the winning team, which will receive a hamper. Spot prizes will also be awarded. Jo says the cook-off is designed to be fun, but the underlying message is how important waste minimisation is for the environment. Every week, the Auckland region generates enough rubbish to fill a rugby field, half of which is food waste. When food scraps decompose without oxygen, methane gas is released to the atmosphere.
Protect your lenses. Protect your eyes. Look great! Ask the experts at Visique Hawkins Optometrists for a coating that will enhance your lifestyle. VISIQUE HAWKINS OPTOMETRISTS Shop 20, 175 Millwater Parkway, Silverdale P: 426 5308 E: millwater@seriouseyes.co.nz www.seriouseyes.co.nz
Jo Smart
While Love Food Hate Waste has hosted several workshops on the Coast this year, this is its first cook-off event. “The cook-off will be interactive and will be held over about two hours,” Jo says. Teams and individuals are asked to bring their own glass, bowl, plate and cutlery. BYO drinks optional. Registration: Pip Beagley at pip@ compostcollective.org.nz Info: lovefoodhatewaste.co.nz
Call for junior TRYathletes
Registrations have opened for the Hibiscus Coast Weet-Bix Kids TRYathlon, which will be held at Manly Park in Whangaparaoa on Sunday, March 22. The TRYathlon caters for children aged six to 15 years. Team events are for juniors aged 7-10 years and senior aged 11-15 years, while individual age groups are six, seven, 8-10 and 11-15 years. Distances for the swim, cycle and run legs vary depending on the age group. The swim leg will take place in the ocean parallel to the beach, the bike leg will be around the streets surrounding the park and the run leg will be around the park itself. Early bird registration is open until March 1. Info: tryathlon.co.nz/locations/hibiscus-coast
*To redeem this offer, you must mention this ad. Coatings discount applies when a pair of lenses are purchased. Offer only available at Visique Hawkins Optometrists, and ends 31/1/20.
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October 23, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |
Health & wellness feature
Beach series leaves Balance is better Orewa high and dry One of the most popular summer sports events on the North Shore has failed to fire on the Hibiscus Coast, after three years of trying. The G J Gardener Homes Orewa Beach Series – an extension of the weekly run/swim/standup paddleboard series that has been held in Takapuna for around 15 years – started up in the summer of 2016. It was held for three summers, but has now been cancelled. Event owner Nick Carroll says the costs involved in putting on the series are considerable and the Orewa series hasn’t grown over the three seasons to a size and number of participants that is sustainable. In Takapuna, it attracts on average 400-550 participants per event. The Orewa event averaged 200. Nick says that a major factor was beach conditions. “With regular large swells and vastly fluctuating tide lines, Orewa Beach was quite frequently not suitable for an ocean sport event, which limited the opportunities for new participants to join the series,” he says. This was reflected in low ocean swim numbers, which Nick says were around 70-80 per night, due largely to the very tidal nature of the beach, and the associated wade and run up the beach to the finish line. By comparison, the Takapuna series attracts 200-250 ocean swimmers.
As part of the Health & Wellness Feature, the team at Kinetics are keen to share some of their recent involvement in the evolving youth sport scene. One arm of Kinetics is in the field of Kids and Youth injuries which is backed by experienced and post-graduate qualified clinicians.
Nick Carroll says the cancellation of his Orewa Beach series is “a shame for the area”.
SUP Shed in Orewa, which was a sponsor of the Orewa Beach Series, approached the Hibiscus & Bays Local Board hoping to fill the gap by holding a similar event over summer. The local board granted $5000 towards this, but SUP Shed owner Nik Sams says he will have to decline the grant as his event proved not viable once he crunched the numbers. “Everyone wants to promote an active lifestyle and water safety, as well as bring people to the area, but the costs involved in holding something like this are too high,” Nik says. “Once you take into account parking provision, council consents, the need for water safety and public liability insurance, plus paying people involved in support on the day it is just not going to fly.”
Do you have difficulty hearing?
Jody McG
This is a hot topic in recent media, with ACC also releasing youth sport guidelines in June this year. Kinetics physiotherapists David Cooper and Jody McGowan were recently involved in a youth sport think-tank at AUT, where discussions on many aspects of the youth sport experience were had. A large number of sporting bodies were represented on the day, along with academics working in the field, a few clinicians and sport administrators too. The increase in sport related injuries, particularly overuse injuries in the 10 to 14-year-old age group was a key point discussed on the day. Research recently published by our Kinetics physiotherapist Jody McGowan was also presented to the group. Conclusions from this research suggest that children, who have not yet completed puberty, need to find a better balance in the amount of organised sport they participate in with the general free-play or unorganised physical activity. Children that participated in more than twice the number of hours of structured sport (competitions and trainings) than general free-play activity (riding bikes, climbing trees, kid generated games), were 2.5 times more likely to report a sport related injury than the kids that balanced the activity between the two. Our team would encourage you to visit the Sport NZ website www. balanceisbetter.org.nz or have a read of the ACC Sport Smart Initiative www.accsportsmart.co.nz which has a dedicated section on Kids in sport. Otherwise feel free to book in for a chat with a team of Physio’s who are on the pulse of this hot topic. We are happy to help you understand how your child is faring in this changing climate of youth sport.
Focus Hearing can help. Don’t buy a hearing aid without talking to us first. We provide: • FREE 15-minute hearing checks • FULL hearing assessments with reports • FREE hearing aid consultations & trials • FREE hearing aid checks & cleaning
The recent announcement by Sport NZ demonstrates a commitment from five of the most popular sporting organisations to refresh the thinking around how youth sport is delivered in NZ. In this, a statement of intent was made by Netball, Rugby, Cricket, Hockey and Football to implement six key commitments, one of which is raising awareness of the risks of overtraining and overloading.
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Clinics also at Takapuna and Howick. Registered for ACC, War Pensions and WINZ subsidies.
www.focushearing.co.nz Support the advertisers who support Hibiscus Matters
| Hibiscusmatters | October 23, 2019
Something for everyone at annual gala Silverdale School’s annual Country Show Day may be a little less ‘country’ these days, but there is still something for everyone. The fundraising event is on Saturday, November 2 and always attracts a big crowd. As well as the chance to get up close to a Royal NZ Navy helicopter, there is a big selection of food trucks on ‘Eat Street’, inflatable rides, games and plenty of stalls, including the cake stall. The silent auction again has a vasectomy, valued at almost $700, up for grabs as well as trips and many other prizes donated by local businesses. Children are expected to flock to the toilet roll toss and Dunk the Teacher and will also enjoy the chance to decorate a cupcake. Entertainment on stage includes Fuse – a local band made up of school parents. Chair of the school’s PTA, and one of the Country Show Day organisers, Louise Petrie, says only a small number of children bring pet farm animals to the event and take part in the Young Farmer competition, which has evolved to have elements of town and country. This has happened over the years with the development of the surrounding area from fields into Millwater, as well as the recent exclusion of Stillwater from the school’s zone. Louise says it’s important however that a rural element is retained, because it is
Lieselle Higgins. Photo, Vaughan Scott Images.
Dancers return
Dunk the teacher and the Navy helicopter at last year’s show day. Photos, Kerry Howard Photography
a reference to the school’s heritage and a point of difference. Old Macdonald’s Mobile Farm petting zoo will be there, along with pony rides. She says the support of local businesses, including Platinum sponsor Bayleys Millwater, the small team of organisers and the wider school community is
vital in putting on a good gala. Last year around $40,000 was raised at the Country Show Day and organisers are hoping for something similar this year. The funds will be used to keep the Garden to Table project going, as well as for upgrading play areas and purchasing sports uniforms. Info: see What’s On, p39.
A not-for-profit dance studio, The Dance Company, is returning for a second ballet performance at the Silverdale Hall on Sunday November 3, at 3.30pm. The show features two neo-classical pieces – A Little Bit Of Shakespeare and Three Dancers, 30 Minutes, which was originally performed as a Harbour Hospice fundraiser in July. The evening raised $750. “It would be great to do another fundraiser, but because we are a notfor-profit, this performance is to raise funds so we can continue to support young dancers in the community,” The Dance Company founder and choreographer Rebecca Toms says. While the first performance was a trial for The Dance Company, Rebecca is committed to seeing it continue. “It’s important to provide a platform for young people to explore their creativity away from exams and competitions,” she says. Tickets cost $15, door sales only. Info: Rebecca Toms, 021 195 6766.
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October 23, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |
Hours Mon - Wed 11am - 7pm Thurs & Fri 11am - 8pm Sat & Sun 11am - 6pm Ph: 09 - 421 - 1119
SPECIALISTS IN This face and body art was created by Meredyth Bailey, who will tutor the DIY Halloween Make-Up Workshop with Estuary Arts manager Kim Boyd.
Creating Halloween horror Ghouls, zombies and princesses are just some of the characters that will leave the Estuary Arts Centre on Halloween, following a DIY Halloween Make-Up Workshop on Thursday October 31. The centre will provide basic face paint, gelatines, latex and two experienced special effects artists to help trick-or-treaters look the part. Participants are encouraged to bring along their own supplies, and an idea of what creepy or cute creature they would like to become. For those who cannot make it to the workshop, Estuary Arts Centre manager and experienced special
effects artist, Kim Boyd, has some tips. “Keep it simple by using just a few colours that contrast and by focussing on just one or two big features, like your eyes and mouth,” Kim says. “Also, think about the colours that will match the look you are going for. If you want to look like the living dead, use cold undertones like blues and greys with a dark contour.” The workshop is for seven to 17 year olds, and will run from 3.30pm- 5pm. Bookings are essential as spaces are limited. Info: Estuary Arts Centre, Western Reserve, Ōrewa, estuaryarts.org or phone 426 5570.
Upcoming Exhibitions 23 Oct to 17 Nov G1: “Venetian Lights” by Arte Mani Studio featuring the art of Italian decorative plaster panels G2&3: “Ko te kotahitanga te whakaaro Expressions of Unity” Celebrating 200 years with the Rodney Baha’i community
G4: “The Bird is on the Wing”
2181 East Coast Rd, Silverdale City Albany
Don’t let not having a suitable travel companion, or being too nervous to travel alone, hold you back from seeing the world.
The team at Bucket List Travel are excited to launch their new venture Bucket List Travel Club NZ which has a goal of getting like-minded individuals together and socialising over a cup of tea while talking travel, and making friends you might later wish to travel with. They’ll be hosting travel suppliers from the industry at monthly meetings, who will talk about what they can offer solo travellers, and feature different destinations. The Bucket List Travel team will also be discussing their personal travel experiences. There will be offers especially for club members, and opportunities for the group to also travel together to destinations that there is demand for whether this be nearby Norfolk Island or further afield such as a River Cruise in Europe. Their first meeting is being held at the Red Beach Surf Club on Friday 17 January 2020 at 10.00am which will be a meet and greet to find out what everyone would like to get out of the group. So if you’re by yourself for whatever reason, or your partner is unable to accompany you but you’d love to travel, they’d love to meet you! For more information, or to RSVP for their first meeting contact Michelle or Cathy at Bucket List Travel today.
Photography and Printmaking by Deborah Martin and Paul Mason
“You never really travel alone. The world is full of friends waiting to get to know you.”
G5: “Embrace” Drawing and painting by Anna Molineux Estuary Arts Centre
214B Hibiscus Coast Highway, Orewa, 09 426 5570, e: admin@estuaryarts.org www.estuaryarts.org Open 7 days a week, 9am to 4pm
52 Courthouse Lane, Auckland CBD 5/215 Rosedale Road, Albany, Auckland
For more information, or to RSVP for their first meeting contact Michelle or Cathy at Bucket List Travel today.
Bucket List Travel – 38 Walton Street, Red Beach info@bucketlisttravel.co.nz or 09 426 1490 or 021 949 414 Support the advertisers who support Hibiscus Matters
| Hibiscusmatters | October 23, 2019
Sail past salutes 30 years It was an impressive sight as more than 100 members of Gulf Harbour Yacht Club, and friends, took 26 boats on a ‘sail past’ to celebrate the club’s 30th anniversary. Committee member Mike Pinéguy says that the sail past took some organising. “It was a bit like herding cats at the start, but soon all the boats were in a circle and ready to sail, or motor, past
the club’s launch, Olympus,” he says. On the launch was club patron and well known yacht designer Alan Wright, and the club’s first commodore, Tom Baker. As the boats passed, there was an exchange of salutes. The sail past, on September 29, was the final event of what had been a busy weekend of celebrations for everyone associated with the club.
Hockey newbies win round robin The majority of Silverdale School’s Year 3 and 4 team, the Silverdale Slammers, pictured, only started playing hockey this season – but that didn’t stop them from winning the Hockey Hibiscus Trust’s primary school round robin last term. While the team lost the final to the Waitoki Pushers on September 26 at the Millwater Hockey turf, their unbeaten streak over the rest of the sevenweek competition secured them the win. They also won the previous term’s round robin in their age group.
For the past 4 years we have been Carpetlink Whangaparaoa, but now its time for something new and exciting!
Oct 23
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Auckland Area Watch Hibiscus Matters Seawatch – TheSea Flooring People Sat
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2:56am 2.9 4:00am 2.9 5:07am 3.0 6:11am 3.1 12:42am 0.4 1:36am 0.3 2:28am 0.2 3:18am 0.2 4:06am 0.2 4:52am 0.3 5:39am 0.4 12:29am 3.1 1:18am 2.9 2:09am 2.8 3:03am 2.7 4:01am 2.6 5:00am 2.6 8:59am 0.8 10:06am 0.8 11:12am 0.7 12:12pm 0.5 7:10am 3.3 8:04am 3.4 8:56am 3.5 9:45am 3.6 10:33am 3.5 11:20am 3.4 12:08pm 3.3 6:25am 0.6 7:15am 0.8 8:09am 0.9 9:09am 1.0 10:12am 1.1 11:10am 1.0
Tide 3:30pm 3.0 4:35pm 3.0 5:36pm 3.2 6:34pm 3.3 1:08pm 0.4 2:00pm 0.3 2:50pm 0.3 3:40pm 0.3 4:28pm 0.4 5:17pm 0.5 6:07pm 0.6 12:58pm 3.1 1:50pm 3.0 2:45pm 2.9 3:42pm 2.8 4:37pm 2.8 5:29pm 2.8 6:59pm 0.8 7:54pm 0.9 8:50pm 1.0 9:48pm 1.0 10:43pm 1.0 11:34pm 0.9 7:29pm 3.4 8:22pm 3.5 9:13pm 3.5 10:03pm 3.4 10:52pm 3.3 11:40pm 3.2 Times 9:40pm 0.8 10:44pm 0.7 11:45pm 0.6 6:28am 7:44pm
Sun Fishing Guide Moon
6:27am 7:45pm
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8:33am 9:01pm
6:25am 7:46pm
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6:24am 7:47pm
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5:10am 5:37pm
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Best At
6:03am 6:29pm
6:13am 7:57pm
Best At
6:55am 7:19pm
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7:43am 8:06pm
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6:10am 8:00pm
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9:54am 10:15pm
New First Moon Quarter Rise 3:24am Rise 4:07am Rise 4:46am Rise 5:22am Rise 5:57am Rise 6:32am Rise 7:08am Rise 7:47am Rise 8:30am Rise 9:17am Set 12:11am Set 1:05am Set 1:53am Set 2:34am Set 3:10am Set 3:41am Set 4:10am Set 1:49pm Set 2:59pm Set 4:10pm Set 5:22pm Set 6:33pm Set 7:45pm Set 8:55pm Set 10:04pm Set 11:10pm Rise 10:08am Rise 11:03am Rise 12:00pm Rise 12:57pm Rise 1:54pm Rise 2:50pm Rise 3:46pm *Not for navigational purposes.
Good Fishing
Fair Fishing
Not So Good
Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.
For the latest wind and swell information for the Auckland area go to: www.tidespy.com/?place=3005
669 Whangaparaoa Road | Phone 428 3168 | team@theflooringpeople.co.nz Proud Sponsors of: Hibiscus Coast Boating Club
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October 23, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |
Coastguard with Dale Hodson, Hibiscus Coast Coastguard, www.coastguardhibiscus.org.nz
Crucial role for volunteers Coastguard Hibiscus has spent the colder seasons training and honing our skills so we can help those in need and bring boaties in distress home. There have been a few jobs over the winter, mostly towing and jump-starts but as things go south very quickly on the water we have been lucky to do these without incident, although I did come home one day covered in fish guts as I had to lie on the floor of a 6m trailer boat to secure a battery into its holder. Aside from my laundry we have had a roaring start to the warmer boating season. On September 22 the crew were out training when they were called to a breakdown just to the north of the Gulf Harbour Marina entrance. Our skipper for the day, Reg, is magic with everything mechanical and as usual he managed to get the vessel started before they shadowed it back towards Matakatia Bay. The crew was then tasked to make best speed to Gulf Harbour to pick up paramedics who were needed to help a patient on a 55ft launch on its way back from Anchorite Rock. The patient had suffered a suspected cardiac event and needed urgent medical attention. After a quick safety briefing the crew made best speed towards the last known location of the target vessel. At this stage our sister vessel North Shore Rescue as well as the Police Launch Deodar 3 were on route to assist as well. Hibiscus Rescue 1 rendezvoused with the launch north of Tiri Tiri Matangi, where North Shore and Deodar were on scene stabilising the patient. The paramedics and our crew leaped aboard to assess the patient before the decision was made to transfer to Deodar 3 for a more comfortable ride back to Gulf Harbour, and the waiting ambulance transport to hospital. The hospital later confirmed a heart attack and after treatment the patient is now recovering. Its very rewarding for our volunteers to be able to help in these situations, whether its safely responding at speed to transport medically trained staff to vessels, being first on scene to assess and offer medical assistance, or offering support to families and friends of those who need help, all our Coastguard crews give up their time to train and help wherever they can. In this instance it was also lucky that two volunteers happened to be on board for the outing with the patient who were up to date with their medical training. They administered immediate first aid and following the transfer of the patient, assisted getting the vessel back to its berth. This incident is a reminder as to how vulnerable you can be out at sea when things occur unexpectedly. Preparations need to be made to ensure safety equipment is on board and working. Luckily in this instance a charged cellphone, working VHF radio and chart plotter were all present, which enabled a quick response and favourable outcome.
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SCOREBOARD A roundup of sports activities and events in the district
Hibiscus Petanque is an established & growing club, now located behind Bowls Orewa Clubrooms. Club Days every Tuesday & Wednesday 9am to 12pm and Sundays 1pm to 4pm. Visitors keen to learn welcomed, and can lend boules to “try your hand”. Info: Ph Jill 021 108 3165 Social Petanque group, known as “SPROGS” (Stanmore Petanque Recreational Oldies Group Sessions). Stanmore Bay Leisure Centre Thursday mornings, from 9am to approx 12pm. For all skill levels including beginners, Free. Info: Ph Graeme 428 4339 or 027 490 2903.
Harriers and Triathlon
Hibiscus Coast Harriers and Triathlon Club running group, Red Beach Surf Club, Wednesdays 6pm. Ocean Swimming: 8am Saturdays, Manly Sailing Club, 6pm Tuesdays, Stanmore Bay Boat Club. Info: hibiscuscoasthtc.co.nz
Manly Park Seniors Tennis Club, located on 56 Laurence St, Manly. If you are 40 years or over and have played tennis in your past, you are welcome. Info: Ph 424 4144 or www.sporty.co.nz/manlyseniors
Lawn Bowls
Summer Season has commenced at the Manly Bowling Club, 56 Laurence St, Manly, now is the opportunity to join a friendly community bowling club. We welcome all ages with coaching provided for all first time bowlers and we will lend you some bowls to try this enjoyable game. Info: www. manlybowlingclub.co.nz or manlybowlingclub@xtra.co.nz List sports news FREE by emailing coastnews@localmatters.co.nz
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| Hibiscusmatters | October 23, 2019
Mud challenge coming to Rodney Auckland Regional Helicopter Trust (ARHT) is inviting all that love a good challenge to crawl through cargo nets, rope swing across rivers and get down and dirty all in support of a vital service. Action Matakana will be hosting the inaugural Westpac Chopper Challenge on Sunday, November 17 and entry is open for teams of four, aged 16 and up. ARHT events manager Leanda Hunt says participants will be expected to work together to make sure each team member completes all 30 obstacles in the course. “Team members need to work together against the clock, much in the way that a real helicopter crew must coordinate to provide patients with the best possible outcome. You don’t need to be an athlete – anybody can do it. In a team of four everyone will have different strengths and help each other out.” When participants sign up at chopperchallenge.co.nz, they are able to set up a personal fundraising webpage, which can be shared with friends and family on social media. ARHT is aiming to raise $100,000 for Westpac Rescue and is hoping that at least 30 teams might raise $5000 each through the event, which is around what it takes to fund one mission. Internationally ranked para climber Rachel Maia will be taking on the challenge along with helicopter
Rodders registration opens
Left to right, helicopter emergency doctor Louise Park, para climber Rachel Maia and intensive care paramedic Rob Gemmell will compete as a team at Westpac Chopper Challenge.
emergency doctor Louise Park, pilot Simon Owen and intensive care paramedic Rob Gemmell. “I’ve experienced rescue services first hand both for myself and my son. It made me aware of how much of a need there is to support this service and I am excited to get behind it and hope other Kiwis will too,” says Rachel. Rachel suffered from a severe ankle break during a climbing accident that left her immobile when she was 16 but spent two decades rehabilitating before
placing fourth in the world in para climbing at the IFSC championships in 2018. In February this year, she made the decision to amputate the lame limb and will be taking on the course with her new prosthetic leg. As well as a prize giving there will be a DJ and food truck there on the day and members of the public as well as friends and family are encouraged to come along and support challengers.
It’s time now to pre-register if you’ve got a classic car or hot rod that deserves a place in the popular Rodders Beach Festival at Orewa on Auckland Anniversary Weekend at the end of January. The event has a charitable focus and Hibiscus Rodders Club president Shane Bennett and show organiser Sharon Morris are keen to surpass the record-breaking $60,000 raised by this year’s event for the Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust. The festival attracts hundreds of classic cars and hot rods from throughout the North Island, with tens of thousands of spectators coming along to enjoy the entertainment. VIP passes are limited, and sell out fast, so Sharon advises early booking. Registration is open to all American origin cars, caravans, motorbikes, trikes or any pre-1978 vehicles of any origin. Anyone with a vehicle outside this criteria can email a photo of their vehicle for approval by the show committee. The 2020 Rodders Beach Festival takes place on January 24-26. Info and registration: roddersbeachfestival.co.nz
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Hire a Hubby Orewa & Hire a Hubby Whangaparaoa What does your company specialise in? Handyman services for residential and commercial properties. We can do everything from small repairs to larger projects such as replacing kitchens, bathrooms, decks and fences. Our services also include rubbish removal, water blasting/cleaning decks/ drives/patios, gutter cleaning/repairs, replacing doors, painting, and more. What are the essential skills and experience that you bring to this trade/ service? Alex was a quantity surveyor, but has done a lot of other kinds of work which means he can find a practical solution to most problems, whether they From left, Alex Johnston & Richard Thompson are minor or more complex. Richard is a former police officer, but has spent all his adult life renovating houses and developing properties. He sets very high standards of workmanship to ensure his customers are 100 percent satisfied. What keeps you motivated? Being independent and not having to rely on others to be able to deliver excellent customer service. Alex and Richard like helping people and get a great deal of satisfaction from taking care of customers’home improvement or general maintenance needs. Every day is different with a wide variety of work. Customers can count on you because? We turn up when we say we will and we do what we say we will do (and often do more), and we make sure the work is done well. We firmly believe that communication is key and listening carefully to customers’ needs will ensure that the process goes smoothly from start to finish. We are honest and possess a high level of integrity.
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October 23, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |
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PROUD SPONSOR OF THE COMMUNITY NOTICES A CLUB FOR SEMI RETIRED AND RETIRED PEOPLE. Monthly meetings with guest speakers, bus trips, luncheons, movie group, plus other social get togethers. Whangaparaoa Combined Friendship Club. Ph Pat Hoyle 428 5285 EMPATHY SUICIDE BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT group. Last Monday of month except December and January. 7pm, Orewa: Hibiscus Coast Community House, Western Reserve, 214 Hibiscus Coast Highway. Contact Susan 021 884 162, or message on Facebook (Empathy support group), for more info or to meet with one of us. ‘HEARTBEATS’ CARDIAC SUPPORT GROUP Meets on first Tuesday of each month, with a speaker, at Hibiscus Coast Community House, Orewa, 10am. Families welcome. Ph Trent 0220 606 199. HIBISCUS COAST COMMUNITY PATROL: We act as the eyes and ears of our local police, as our region’s population expands rapidly. We have a great team ranging from those in full-time work to those who are devoting some of their post-work time to contributing to the Hibiscus Coast community. There’s room for more to join us and experience great camaraderie as well as the satisfaction of making a worthwhile contribution. Info: ph 021 0274 6229 or email hbcchairman@gmail.com
PAPAROA PRIMARY SCHOOL 150TH ANNIVERSARY: Paparoa Primary School invites current or past students, parents, family or staff to help us celebrate our 150th Anniversary. This event will be held in Paparoa on 8th, 9th and 10th May 2020. This is your chance to catch up with old friends and see how the school is getting on. Please see our School Facebook page for details and registration information. PERFORMERS WANTED FOR THE BOULEVARD ARTS FIESTA in Orewa 15 & 16 February 2020, performers of all types and ages including performers of music and/or dance from a particular culture. If interested, contact Pat Shanks at rpshanks@xtra.co.nz REBUS CLUB OF GULF HARBOUR. This newly formed Club for Active Retirees, both men and women, couples or singles, meets at the Gulf Harbour Yacht Club on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 9.30am.Ph 424 7115 or visit www.rebus-gulfharbour.nz REIKI 1 TRAINING DAY, Sunday. November 17th, Theosophical Hall, Orewa. Please contact Eileen 0211525470 for further details. SILVERDALE & DISTRICTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY & SILVERDALE PIONEER VILLAGE: Bus trip to MOTAT, Friday November 1, meet at the village at 9.15am. Bring your Gold Card for free entry to MOTAT. Visit the Aviation Park after lunch at St Lukes.
To book, contact Ngaire 424 8619 or email pioneervillage1968@gmail.com. All welcome. $25 per person Coffee morning, Tuesday November 19. Bring along a curiosity of historic interest to discuss over coffee in the Old Parsonage. SMART AGING - A BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO MATURITY Dealing with the stuff that affects body and soul to live life to the full! By Dr Peter Hall & Michelle Youngs. All welcome. Tuesday, 29 October 10am-11.30am, free (Koha appreciated). Refreshments served. Hibiscus Coast Presbyterian Church, 107 Centreway Road, Orewa. Ph 0426 4502 or Gaynor 027 274 2435 SMARTPHONE LEARNING SESSIONS Come along to a free Q&A session suitable for tech novices of all ages. Orewa library, Wednesday 13 November, 10:30am Android smartphones, or 12:30pm Apple iPhones. Sessions run for 1 hour. Seats are limited and allocated on a first in, first seated basis – no bookings are taken. Optional gold coin donation for Harbour Hospice. For further information, contact Toby Malcolm: 021 148 1834 ST CHADS MARKET. Corner of Centerway and Florence Avenue. 10am – 2 pm. Stalls $15.00, Table Hire $5 per table. Call Grant to book a space on 0210 830 7743. TEA DANCE, Dairy Flat Hall, 4 Postman Rd, Dairy Flat, 1pm-4pm. First and third Monday of every month until
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December. Includes high tea, dance tutor, and line dancing. No partner needed. Admission $15, or $20 with a wine or beer. Info Caz 027 395 8210. THE PIONEER DANCE CLUB. Every Thursday 1.30pm-3.30pm. Silverdale Hall. Ballroom, Latin American, Modern sequence, social dance. Friendly social dance, all welcome. Comp tea & Coffee. WHANGAPARAOA LADIES FRIENDSHIP CLUB will be celebrating a birthday with a morning tea at 10 am on Tuesday 8 October at the Bridge Club in Edith Hopper Park. We invite any interested ladies ( of mature years) to come and mix and mingle with us for a cup of tea and a chat to learn about our club and ARE activities. YOU ... Enquiries to Anne Francis 027 655 6373/424 3769 or RobynABLE Love TO424 GET A1264 POLICE CLEARANCE?
| Hibiscusmatters | October 23, 2019
Classifiedadvertising SITUATIONS VACANT
TO BUY, RECORDS/LP’S Ph 428 1587.
WHANGAPARAOA RECORDING STUDIO: Vocals to backing tracks, original projects, vocal training and vocal PA hire. Ph Dennis 021 115 5233
New gardens, clean ups. Specialising in maintenance & improvement. Phone Dave 021 950 154 HANDYMAN AVAILABLE for all those odd jobs. Ph Nev 021 399 226 @ Nev’s Odd Jobs. Great rates. Local & reliable.
VACANCIES School Bus Drivers Class 2 or 4 Driver Licence and P Endorsement required. 4-5 hrs per day, morning and afternoon, with some charter work available if desired.
Enquiries to danny@bayes.co.nz or Phone 426 5504
Support workers needed to assist clients in their own homes with showering, housework, shopping, meal preparation and passive exercises. Full training provided! Tertiary students apply now! Full drivers licence and reliable vehicle, good communication skills with clear spoken English and New Zealand residency or valid work permit essential. Starting rate from $20.50 per hour. APPLY TODAY!
Email hr@visionwest.org.nz or phone 09 818 0757 www.homehealthcare.org.nz CHARGING FOR PLASTICS AND CARDBOARD AT THE WCRC The Whangaparaoa CRC (WCRC) is being hit hard by new policies of overseas countries to no longer accept our recyclable materials. Until new on-shore solutions are developed, the WCRC apologises for having to charge to accept paper, cardboard and all plastics. This is because it is costing the WCRC more to transport these materials into Auckland than the WCRC is receiving for them. The WCRC has been operating at a loss for a few months now so, reluctantly, charges must be introduced. It will cost $2 per 20 litre bucket for plastics and a gold coin donation for a boot load of mixed paper and cardboard. Hibiscus Coast Zero Waste, the community trust that runs the WCRC the community will continue support us during this difficult time. The WCRC would like to thank the support provided by Reclaim Ltd for protecting us for as long as they could from the variability of the international recycling commodities market.
DINING OUT FRESH SNAPPER CHIPS N SALAD, lambs fry n bacon, scallop salad, portabello mushrooms n toast. WedSun, Walnut Cafe ph 427 5570.
SECURITY ALARM SERVICING Local technician, 20 years experience. Ph 027 553 3032 or 09 428 5887
FINGERNAILS & TOENAILS CUT & FILED incl foot massage. $30pp/$50 for 2. I come to you. Ph 424 0676/027 271 6676.
BUILDER SEMI RETIRED – for all those small building jobs. Good rates. Ph/txt Rob 021 167 2155 or 09 426 2960 HANDYMAN Carpentry, small jobs, rubbish removal etc Phone/Txt Dave 027 420 5155.
HANDYMAN SERVICES Kitset assembly. Flat packs. Delivery & pickup. Ph Daniel 021 347 733. A PUMP DOCTOR will keep you pumping. Ph 0274 430 654. ARKLES BAY PAINTERS/DECORATORS In the area for the area. Kevin 022 0291 056 DRIVEWAY SPECIALIST Repair washouts, drainage, re-metal, Bobcat – digger hire. Ph Geoff 027 494 5996. PAUL THE PAINTER 027 550 3635 interior & exterior. PEST CONTROL, Flies, spiders, cockroaches, ants, rodents, wasps. Competitive prices. Ph 426 2253. ROY’S MOWING LAWNS – Free quotes & pension discounts. Ph 021 506 908, email royslawnmowing@gmail.com TRADESMAN PAINTER (20yrs) serving the Hibiscus Coast. New or Repaint, interior & exterior no job too small. Free competitive quotes Wayne 0274 329 397 WATERBLASTING & CHEMICAL HOUSE WASHING. Careful service, reasonable rates. Ph 426 2253. WATER FILTERS - Underbench, Whole house, UV & water spotting, Work Guaranteed. Ph Steve 027 478 7427 steve@aquafilter.co.nz
APPLIANCE REPAIRS A SMART REPAIR Service for F&P smartdrive washers, F&P/Simpson dryers. Prompt service ph 021 168 7349.
Safe, reliable, Total Mobility Scheme & ACC provider; Phone 021 035 0432; 428 4490 hibiscus@drivingmissdaisy.co.nz CAR RENTAL – Gulf Harbour & Coast Car Rentals Ltd. Reasonable rates. Short/long term. Ph 027 477 7413 or 021 378 905. orewa2airport.nz
DVDS & VIDEOS VIDEOS TRANSFERRED to DVD/hard drive. Phone Te Totara Video 09 422 5710 or 021 777 385.
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MOBILE HAIRCUTS European trained hairstylist to visit you at your time, your place. Sabine Ph 426 9652 021 149 8598
TUITION ADULT BEGINNER CLASSES in Ballroom, Latin American, New Vogue & social fun dances. Last course before the festive season. Thurs 7.15pm, Silverdale Hall. Qualified teacher. Ph 09 427 5542
OBITUARY: KARL HORST SPECHT Formerly of Auckland and Red Beach, who died after a short illness in June 2019 in Thailand. Karl came to New Zealand from Germany in 1963. He was a trained baker, pastry cook and chef. He was employed at the “Gourmet Restaurant” in town and was Head Chef at the “Four Canoes” Restaurant at Sir Robert Kerridges “White Heron Lodge”, Parnell. At the end of the 1960s Karl and his wife Magdalene had their own restaurant “The Coachman”, Anzac Street, Takapuna. The family moved to Red Beach in 1973. Karl managed the former Waiwera Hotel. Karl and Magdalene later operated the “Coffee Inn” a very popular coffee bar, and the “Bread Basket Bakery“, Hibiscus Coast Highway, Orewa. Placed in fond memory by Karl’s family. Red Beach, Mission Bay, Taupo, Wanaka and Germany.
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October 23, 2019 | Hibiscusmatters |
October 2019 21-Nov 17 Expressions of Unity exhibition, by members of the
Rodney Baha’i Faith, Estuary Arts Centre, Western Reserve, Orewa. Special Holy Day event on October 29, 7pm-9pm. All welcome (see story p16)
Vinyl record sale, Hibiscus Coast Community House, Western Reserve, Orewa, 9am.
26 & 27 Antique and Collectables Fair, Orewa Community Hall, Orewa 27 31
Square, Orewa, Saturday 10am-5pm and Sunday 10am-4pm. Entry $2 adults, children free. Tea Dance, Silverdale Hall, 5pm-8pm, including ballroom, Latin, American and modern sequence. All welcome. Info: 427 5542 DIY Halloween Make-Up Workshop, Estuary Arts Centre, Western Reserve, Orewa, 3.30pm-5pm. The workshop is for 7-17 year olds. Bookings essential. Info: estuaryarts.org or phone 426 5570. (see story p31)
November 2019 2
Silverdale School Country Show day, Silverdale School, Longmore Lane, Silverdale, 10am-2pm. Navy helicopter, entertainment, stalls, silent auction, food and entertainment for the whole family. Fundraiser for the school. (see story p30)
The Dance Company, is returning for a second ballet performance at the Silverdale Hall, Silverdale Street, Silverdale, 3.30pm. Tickets cost $15, door sales only. Info: Rebecca Toms, 021 195 6766. (see story p30)
Transition Town talk – Waveney Warth, of Rubbish Free, talks about what is happening with plastic in NZ, Whangaparaoa Community Hub, 707 Whangaparaoa Rd, 7pm-9pm. Free entry.
Love Food Hate Waste cook off, Orewa Community Hall, starting at 7pm. Registration: Pip Beagley, pip@ compostcollective.org.nz Info: lovefoodhatewaste.co.nz (see story p28)
Swing On the Green Concert, outside on the 16th Fairway, Gulf Harbour Country Club, Whangaparaoa, from 4pm. Featuring the Peter Urlich Swingin’ Sextet. Supporting Shakespear Open Sanctuary. Tickets and info: www.facebook. com/swingonthegreen (see story p20)
Tea Dance, Silverdale Hall, 5pm-8pm, including ballroom, Latin, American and modern sequence. All welcome. Info: 427 5542
LOCAL MARKETS: Silverdale Markets, every Saturday 8am–1pm • 25km North Market, 15 Karepiro Drive, Stanmore Bay, twice a month on Sundays, 8am-1pm • Waitoki Village Market day, Waitoki Hall, Kahikatea Flat Rd, first Saturday of month 8.30am–12pm • Crystal Visions Holistic Market, St Johns Ambulance Hall, 36 Silverdale Rd, Silverdale, second Saturday of the month 10am-3pm • St Chads Market, 117 Centreway Rd, Orewa, first Saturday of the month • Orewa Farmers’ market, Orewa Square carpark, every Sunday 8am–12.30pm • Puhoi Farmers’ market, Puhoi Sports Club, last Sunday of the month 8.30am -12.30pm.
ARTISAN Silverdale Street, every Saturday 8am-1pm
Phone Sarah 027 589 7320
Pharmacy Talk with Tania Adams
Pharmacist at Unichem Manly
Probiotics - to have or not to have? First of all, what exactly are they and what do they do? We usually think of bacteria as being bad for you and in most cases we are right. However, your digestive system is home to millions of microbes, both good and bad. An imbalance of the good and bad bugs system causes problems both in your digestive system and can have other effects throughout your body. Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for you which can help balance your good and bad bacteria to keep your body working the way it should. There has been a lot of research into what health problems probiotics can help with. Common conditions they are used to treat are Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Infectious Diarrhoea including travellers diarrhoea. Tummy upsets are one of the most common side effects of antibiotics. In fact one in three people taking antibiotics will get diarrhoea. Taking probiotics significantly reduces the risk of this. There are also studies researching whether probiotics could help with skin conditions such as eczema, prevention of allergies, inflammatory conditions, vaginal health and support a healthy immune system. What sort of probiotic should I use? Will yoghurt help? Fermented food? Whilst studies indicate that it is certainly healthy to add fermented food to your diet, only high strength probiotics of the right strain of bacteria are shown to have the therapeutic effects listed. For example: • Ethical Nutrients state that “ you would need to eat as many as 22 tubs of yoghurt a day just to get the same amount of good bacteria that is in just one capsule of (their probiotic) Inner Health Plus”. This brand also has a specific probiotic that is particularly helpful for irritable bowel syndrome. • Unlike most probiotics Saccharomyces boulardii (SB) is a probiotic made from yeast. Yeasts are not affected by antibiotics (unlike bacterial probiotics numbers which are lowered by the antibiotics broad effects) It is thought that supplementation with SB at the same time as the probiotic bacteria allows for the probiotic bacteria strains to colonise the digestive system rather than leaving room for opportunistic bugs to take hold. • Go Healthy have just brought out a new Kombucha range that combines the probiotics and antioxidants from kombucha tea but supercharges it with high doses ofadditional probiotics, certainly an easy and great way to get a digestive boost! So one size does not fit all. As you can see there are many different strains and strengths of probiotics as well as multiple combinations developed for each of the therapeutic effects, so ask us at Unichem Manly about which might best suit your purposes. 53B Rawhiti Road, Manly Village Whangaparaoa Ph (09) 424 7708 Fax (09) 424 7427 www.unichemmanly.co.nz
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Manly Pharmacy
Your local health professional
40 | Hibiscusmatters | October 23, 2019
Junior surfer Alani Morse left her rivals in her wake when she competed in Gisborne.
Surf’s up for Hibiscus junior From left, Silverdale Rugby Club’s under 12 team was presented with Best and Fairest Team Award by tournament founder, Tyrone Campbell. Team captains Riley Wilson, left and Hugo Pieterse, with Tyrone Campbell.
Silverdale rugby sportsmanship awarded
Despite a mixed result in play, Silverdale Rugby Club’s under 12 team was the standout winner for sportsmanship at the Junior Rugby Festival in Taupō last month. The team received the Best and Fairest Team Award, and Nate Bayer was named Best and Fairest Player for walking away from a fight. More than 100 teams played in the tournament, which ran from September 19 to 22. Recalling the incident, Nate says the fight happened after he pulled an opposing player out of the ruck. “He didn’t like that very much, so he started punching me,” Nate says.
Nate took several punches to the head. Junior Rugby Festival founder, Tyrone Campbell, made a special trip to the Silverdale Rugby Club on Wednesday September 25 to present Nate and the team with their awards. “We don’t normally drive around after the event, but this is a special occasion,” Tyrone said at the prizegiving. “You were noticed by event organisers, referees and other teams for the respectful way you conducted yourselves. I’d like to thank your parents, managers and coaches for instilling such good behaviour and culture amongst your team.”
Do whispered sweet nothings need to be quite a lot louder these days?
Nate Bayer, winner of the Best and Fairest Player Award.
Orewa surfer Alani Morse, 9, out rode the competition to win a national title at the New Zealand Primary School Champs in Gisborne recently. The Year 4 Orewa Primary School student won the Year 6 and Under Girls Division. Alani has been surfing almost since she could walk and cites US surfer Bethany Hamilton as a “huge inspiration”. Her mother, Hanna, says that although they are trying to keep the fun in surfing, Alani is a fierce competitor who is keen to sign up for more competition. Her next event is likely to be the Billabong Grom Series, where she will have to compete in the Under 14 section. “We’re a big surfing family, not just my husband and I and our kids, but the wider family as well,” Hanna says. Alani appears to have a natural ability to read the waves and her skill level could be attributed to the time her Dad Richard puts in to teaching her.
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