Mahurangi Matters_Issue 316_12 April 2017

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April 12, 2017

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What’s inside Welcome Home There’s something WelcomeHome special inside this issue of Mahurangi 1 Matters. Flip to the centre 2 3 4 and you’ll find a 16-page real estate lift-out, featuring some of the loveliest homes in our neighbourhoods, from the Hibiscus Coast north to Mangawhai. This section is set to become a regular feature in our paper, so we hope you enjoy it. 12 April 2017 Your property

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Council contracts reviewed

page 3 In the same week that a 9092-strong Fix Hill Street Now petition was tabled in Parliament, the NZ Transport Agency scotched any suggestion that the congested intersection will be addressed before 2021. Fix Hill Street Now organiser Grant McLachlan (left) is pictured handing over the petition to Rodney MP Mark Mitchell.

Hill Street petitioners ignored Calls for an urgent solution to the congested Hill Street intersection in Warkworth have fallen on deaf ears. The action group Fix Hill Street Now last week presented Rodney MP Mark Mitchell with a petition carrying more than 7320 signatures, backed up by a further 1772 online signatures. The petition, which called on the Government to prioritise the design, funding and works to address safety

and congestion at Hill Street, was tabled in Parliament on April 5. But on the following day, the NZ Transport Agency and Auckland Transport issued a joint statement restating that Hill Street would not be upgraded until after alternative routes to State Highway 1 were completed. The only commitment the authorities gave was to “look at design options and investigate the future form of the

intersection”, a position they have maintained since the motorway was first announced. AT delivery manager David Nelson says any significant changes to the intersection won’t happen until other significant roading projects in the area are completed over the coming years, including the Puhoi to Warkworth motorway. continued page 2

Winter feature

pages 25-28

Mahurangi College newsletter pages 44&45

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2 Mahurangimatters April 12, 2017


Issue 316

Mahurangi Matters

PO Box 701, Warkworth 0941 17 Neville St, Warkworth 0941 General enquiries 09 425 9068 NEWS: Jannette Thompson, editor Ben Donaldson Cathy Aronson ADVERTISING: Ariana Billington

425 9068 425 9068 425 9068

022 029 1897

Ken Lawson 022 029 1897 ACCOUNTS: Angela Thomas

425 9068

GRAPHIC DESIGN: Martin Tomars Mahurangi Matters is a locally owned publication, circulated twice a month to 13,600 homes and businesses. Views expressed in Mahurangi Matters are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission of the editor is prohibited.

Green light for wastewater improvements The first stage of a multi million dollar wastewater project for Mahurangi has been given the go-ahead. Watercare plans to pipe Warkworth sewage to a new hi-tech plant in Snells Beach, where it will be treated and pumped to the existing outflow at Martins Bay. Construction is expected to start this year and be completed over five years. It will be expanded over 35 years as the population grows, with the total project expected to cost $135 million. Discharge of treated wastewater

into the Mahurangi Harbour will end and the Warkworth plant will be decommissioned once the new infrastructure is in place. The current treatment plants at Snells and Warkworth cater for 8400, which is expected to increase to 11,300 by 2021 and 30,000 by 2051. Both wastewater plants are operating under expired resource consents. On March 22, consent was granted for the new pump stations between Warkworth and Snells Beach, shortterm discharge from Warkworth,

short and long term discharge from the Snells/Algies wastewater treatment plant, and the new ocean discharge outfall at Martins Bay. The decision was made by Auckland Council independent hearing commissioners. Submitter Greg Stevenson presented evidence questioning the rationale of only considering centralised systems and not distributed systems. Watercare last year spent $1.8 million investigating wastewater solutions for the area.

Hill Street at standstill “The work will examine designs that have been developed by AT, as well as those submitted by the community, and will take into account the changes in traffic flows that will result from the completion of the Matakana link road and the Puhoi to Warkworth motorway in 2021,” Mr Nelson says. However, at last week’s Warkworth Liaison Group meeting, Mr Nelson added that an agreed approach to fixing Hill Street was close to being finalised and NZTA would fund 53 per cent of the project. Fix Hill Street Now organiser Grant McLachlan says a lot of people are confused by the media release. “It certainly isn’t what was agreed to at a recent meeting organised by Mark Mitchell, where we were told that a dedicated project manager had been appointed and funding was being secured,” Mr McLachlan says.

One Warkworth Business Association deputy chair Mark Macky says One Warkworth is not convinced a solution can’t be found, and potentially addressed, before the Matakana link road. “And I’m not sure the community can wait another five years for a solution,” he says. “Warkworth needs a vibrant business community to help enable more people to work locally and encourage more growth. Fixing Hill Street is absolutely essential to get our community moving.” NZTA regional director for Auckland and Northland Ernst Zollner says that the new motorway will improve transport choices in the region and is expected to remove many of the current traffic frustrations. “The completion of the Puhoi to Warkworth project will provide an alternative route bypassing Warkworth, easing a significant proportion of

from page 1 the existing pressures on the Hill Street intersection,” he says. “These investigations are a step towards ensuring that if any further improvements are required at Hill Street after 2021, we are in the best position to be able to get them underway.” Meanwhile, AT says a preferred option for the Matakana link road will be confirmed in August. The new road will also align with Warkworth’s Western Collector route, a three-stage plan to improve connections to the west of the state highway. Stage One of the Western Collector, connecting Mansel Drive to Falls Road, opened in March. The exact route of the remaining two stages has yet to be determined, but will connect to SH1 in the vicinity of McKinney Road in the south and in the vicinity of the Hudson Road intersection in the north.

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April 12, 2017 Mahurangimatters


Council promises return to local contractors Trust serious Auckland Council is heralding a new era in the maintenance of parks, buildings and open spaces after June 30, which will open the door for more local suppliers to be involved. Finance and Performance Committee chair Cr Ross Clow says that when new maintenance contracts take effect on July 1, Aucklanders can expect to see more responsive, streamlined local maintenance services. “One supplier will now manage the cleaning of a public toilet and, while they’re at the site, will ensure bins are emptied, lights fixed, and gates and doors locked or unlocked,” he says. “Until now, this has been done by different suppliers under different contractual arrangements. “We are excited about the innovation this opportunity offers and using technology to take us into the future. We will be able to empty bins before they overflow by installing sensors and will install counters on public toilet doors to monitor use and schedule cleaning.” Rodney’s Cr Greg Sayers says the whole idea is to produce better value for money and better local services for Aucklanders. There will be standardised levels of service across the city. “I have pushed for suppliers to be subject to stronger auditing and reporting, and there will be independent Council staff charged with overseeing contract delivery rather than the suppliers policing themselves as they have been,” Cr Sayers says. “I am pleased this has been changed as previous self-auditing was open to abuse. “Another victory is that the Rodney Local Board can create variations to the standard contract to better reflect our local needs, rather than having to operate to a one-size-fits-all model. I pushed this. “In the new contracts, the suppliers are required to work with communities to promote local smaller suppliers where

on cycleways

The maintenance arrangements that have seen contractors travel from South Auckland to change a hall light bulb in Rodney may be a thing of the past.

that is possible. This is good news for local businesses who can provide the skills needed. This was one way to ensure our rates flow back to our area. “The only downside is that there weren’t any overall cost savings.” Board chair Beth Houlbrooke says the number one complaint she receives on maintenance usually concerned walkways. “We have a lot of walkways that fall between Auckland Transport and Parks’ areas of responsibility,” she says. “We have been assured that these new maintenance contracts should pick up those in a more ‘joined up’ way. We have all heard anecdotal evidence of one mowing contractor coming out to mow a reserve, while the roadside adjacent to that same reserve is left and a separate AT contractor comes out to do that. I would like to see these new contracts rolled into one job, one contractor.”

Ms Houlbrooke says the new contracts should allow the Local Board to use more local contractors, volunteers and social enterprise. “The great centralisation of amalgamation seems to gradually be devolving back to communities, which is good to see.” The three major types of contracts awarded were full facilities, which includes sportsfield renovation, parks, open spaces and building maintenance; arboriculture (tree maintenance); and ecological restoration. The new contracts will cover the whole Auckland region, but are structured in service areas aligned with local board boundaries. The financial costs and full list of successful suppliers won’t be announced until the end of this month, when all contracts have been signed.

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The developers of a rural subdivision around Moirs Hill, south of Warkworth, are facing a challenge in the Environment Court over their failure to include a public accessway as part of their development. The Matakana Coast Trail Trust has appealed against part of a decision by Auckland Council to grant resource consent to the developers, Asia Pacific International Group (API). The company plans to develop a 207-lot subdivision in exchange for transforming 1300ha of pine forest into native bush. Trust chair Allison Rowe says the trust appealed the decision to grant API consent only because the subdivision was consented without walking/cycling access as environmental compensation. “The original API plans included cycle/walking paths so gave a sense of comfort that we could work together with the parties, but the cycleways were removed from the plans at the 11th hour,” she says. Ms Rowe, who is also a member of the Rodney Local Board, says Council has an enormous commitment to planning cycle and walking connections in collaboration with Auckland Transport (AT), so it was a surprise and presumably an oversight given the unexpected change to original plans. “What we all need to understand is that the Puhoi to Warkworth connection is a critical strategic link in the wider trail network and the only safe, viable access from Puhoi to Warkworth. “The trust and all trail interest groups in the region work together with community, Council, the Board, AT and the NZ Walking Access Commission to plan trails for recreation, alternative transport and to connect towns, villages, schools and sportsgrounds.” The Rodney Local Board will adopt its Puhoi to Pakiri Greenways Plan at its business meeting on June 15. WWW.RDCONSTRUCTION.CO.NZ




4 Mahurangimatters April 12, 2017

The Kowhai Connection service will continue as is, at least until next July.

See story page 6


We welcome your feedback but letters under 300 words are preferred. We reserve the right to abridge them as necessary. Unabridged versions can be read at Letters can be sent to or PO Box 701, Warkworth

accuracy that we readers expect. However, the suggestion that Jannette Thompson deliberately printed “false news” is unfair and unsubstantiated. Mahurangi Matters has established a reputation as “a great paper” and the paper has always provided quality reporting on local matters, as well as significant advertising support for local charities. Neville Johnson, Matakana

Transformer site Does anyone else agree with me, that installing this transformer on the Town Hall right-of-way wins the 2017 prize for stupidity? There was ample room between the footpath and the Town Hall wall. Simon Withers, Warkworth

More Police needed I was not surprised to read (MM March 29) that there were 480 burglaries in Warkworth and Snells Beach area in the last two and a half years and that 86.9% were unsolved. This area is seriously under-resourced regarding police numbers so it is not surprising that the low-lifes are making a killing. With the police station closing at 4pm daily and only one officer available at night, it is impossible for the police to patrol our area.

Here in Snells Beach we urgently need a permanent police presence as houses are being burgled with increasing regularity. Cars are cruising our streets day and night sussing out properties to break into. While the police, crime patrol and Neighbourhood Support groups do the best that they can, more resources are needed now to combat this plague.

OFF THE RECORD Off the record contributions welcome. Email to

Bryan Jackson, Snells Beach

Accusations unfair Richard Didsbury’s reaction to the false information regarding the Boathouse Bay development, promoted in the letter by Jacquie Staley, is understandable (MM Mar 15). It was an unfair attack on his reputation and integrity. The failure of Mahurangi Matters to check the validity of the letter was disappointing and not up to the usual standard of

A recent customer at the Wharf Street Bistro in Warkworth was impressed with the lengths staff would go to provide service.

Service delay A new public bus service between Warkworth and the Silverdale park ‘n’ ride won’t start before July next year. Although Auckland Transport (AT) was expected to release a draft timetable early this year, this won’t happen now until early next year. An AT spokesperson says consultation on the timetable will happen about six months out from the service’s launch. At this stage, it’s envisaged that the service will start at the current main bus stop in Baxter Street, outside the old Masonic Hall, with stops along Whitaker Road. Stops along State Highway 1 would be subject to approval from the New Zealand Transport Agency, especially from a safety perspective. “There are no specific proposals for car parking as yet, but AT recognises that there will be demand for park and ride, which is likely to require a dedicated facility,” the spokesperson says. “We are planning to provide a seven day a week service, subject to funding. The affordability of this, and the scale of the service generally, will not be able to be confirmed until the tendering process has been completed and we have a clearer indication of our likely budget for 2018/19.” The Warkworth bus service will be included in AT’s North Shore and Hibiscus Coast contracts. Meanwhile, the Kowhai Connection service contract with Gubbs has been extended until the new network is launched on the Hibiscus Coast and North Shore, set for July 2018. No changes are proposed to the service until the new Network North is in place.

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April 12, 2017 Mahurangimatters

Viewpoint Beth Houlbrooke, Rodney Local Board

Appreciating community Today as I sit down to write my column I feel a bit like George in the TV Series 800 Words, only I’ve got about half that many. I recently had a visitor from the city stay for the weekend with me here in Warkworth. We spent the weekend being “tourists in my own town”, and attending a charity fundraising dinner for Hospice and the Mahurangi Restoration Trust, organised by Mahurangi Rotary and Warkworth Lions. It was a wonderful way to spend the weekend – shopping, eating out, and supporting a significant local event. My friend found it remarkable that people stopped to say ‘hello’ on the street, shopkeepers engaged in conversation that was more than polite small talk, and generally, people seemed to know and like each other. She was particularly inspired by the strength of community spirit shown at the fundraising dinner, saying “you would never find this where I live” (an upmarket suburb in east Auckland). Of course, living in a small community has its downsides. Just like the characters from the fictional town of Weld, people are wondering who’s dating who, mentally noting how many bottles of wine are in my supermarket trolley; I’m not able to get around the store without hearing about a persistent pot hole that needs repairing or a street light that’s out; I must make sure I drive absolutely perfectly – not too fast, but definitely not too slow – without ever forgetting to indicate, know my give way rules, and execute flawless parallel parking manoeuvres – because there’s always someone watching! But here in north Rodney, we have a sense of community that’s hard to beat. We pick up our neighbour’s wheelie bin if it’s blown over and put it out of harm’s way; we take our excess fruit to someone who can produce something of value with it; we organise street pot luck dinners; volunteer at school, church, charity shops or sports clubs; we join service organisations; get involved in community projects; plant trees; we report graffiti, broken footpaths, fallen branches and the like; we look out for each other’s children. We support fundraising events by digging deep to find the ticket price, buy items at auction, purchase raffle tickets; and we attend ANZAC Day services. The remarkable thing is that none of these actions require government rules or regulations. We do them because we have free will, and we care. There is no requirement to be an active contributor to society, and yet somehow we have people willing to be so. Yes, the Warkworth area is growing and to resist that growth will be like trying to hold back the tide. The challenge is to keep our sense of community, welcome the newcomers and see them as valuable new additions to the community. They have chosen us for a reason.

Growth timetable reviewed Auckland Council has extended the deadline for giving feedback on the sequencing of ‘development ready’ land in rural areas. The deadline has shifted from April 18 to April 24. Council is seeking comments on the proposed changes to the Future Urban Land Supply Strategy and updating the sequencing of land identified for future urban development. Following changes arising from the Auckland Unitary Plan, particularly live zoning, some areas can be brought forward, enabling earlier development, while other areas are put back due to infrastructure and funding constraints. Rural settlements including Wellsford and Algies Bay are now also included in the strategy. The existing strategy was adopted in 2015 and covered future development potential for 11,000 hectares of

greenfield land in north, north-west and south Auckland. The Unitary Plan now includes about 15,000 hectares of future urban land, which will enable around 136,000 new houses. Under the new sequencing, Warkworth North is in both the ‘actuals, contracted or planned’ stage from 2012-2017 and in the first half of Decade One (20182022). Warkworth South is in the first half of Decade Two (2028-2032). Both Wellsford and Algies Bay are now in the second half of Decade One (20232027). The new land in Wellsford will cater for about 832 new dwellings, while its anticipated that the new land at Algies Bay will cater for 455 dwellings. Council says the strategy gives a joinedup approach to meet growth over 30 years. Information and feedback forms can be found at libraries or visit

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6 Mahurangimatters April 12, 2017

Shooting range development hits hurdles at Makarau Two months out from the planned opening of a major new shooting range in Makarau, owner Raymond O’Brien has run into problems with neighbours and Auckland Council consents. Mr O’Brien owns 111-hectares on Tuhirangi Road, off State Highway 16, and is developing a 37-hectare portion into what he hopes will become New Zealand’s largest shooting club. He was given the go-ahead for the development last August after receiving a Certificate of Compliance (CoC) from Council. However, Northern manager for resource consents Ian Dobson says the Auckland Shooting Club’s website indicates that the general scale of the activity will be larger than what is permitted under the CoC. Mr Dobson says he can’t confirm which parts of the plan will require resource consent until an application is lodged. The CoC will also be challenged in the High Court by the Vipassana Meditation Centre, which says gunshots will be intrusive and alarming for its students. The centre is located on Burnside Road, off Tuhirangi Road, and was established in 1987. Vipassana learned of the plans for the shooting range when a neighbour notified it after seeing the proposal on Facebook. The legal case was filed on December 23 with a High Court date still to be confirmed.

The final design, pictured here, will require a resource consent.

Mr O’Brien says that the CoC will only allow a small part of the final design to be developed for the July 1 opening. He hopes to secure resource consent in the near future so the whole project can be completed. He says he is confident about a positive outcome from the court hearing. “There are no allegations that we have breached any rules,” he says. “The case is only challenging the process that Council followed in granting us the certificate.” Under Council rules, the noise

level from the range is limited to no louder than 55 decibels at the nearest property. Mr O’Brien says a digital model using data from two other shooting ranges shows that at the nearest property the level will be 38 decibels. “This is probably an over-estimation because the new range will be more noise absorbent than those used in the model.” Lesley Rowntree, who lives next to the club, is not convinced. She believes the noise will be above the 55 decibel

limit at her property. She is also concerned about the operating hours of 6am to 6pm, seven days a week, and Tuhirangi Road’s ability to cope with the potential increase in traffic. “I’m not against guns or shooting, but this is set to be a massive development open 365 days a year,” she says. “The road is already dusty in summer and slippery in winter, and for any project of this size to take place the road would need to be sealed.” When fully completed, the range will be one of the largest in the Southern Hemisphere costing between $5 and $6 million, and capable of hosting international events. The 37-hectare site is eight times larger than any other gun club in the country. Construction is still in its early stages and just a small part of the final design will be operational at the official opening in July. The balance of the land will be kept as a working cattle property with the potential for expansion of the range in the future. “Truthfully, we haven’t thought too much about what we would construct on the larger section, but for now it will provide a nice gap between the range and neighbouring properties,” Mr O’Brien says. The Auckland Shooting Club will be given exclusive use of the new facility. The club currently has more than 500 members.

April 12, 2017 Mahurangimatters

Self-Loading Power Barrow

Motorway construction work has started in Woodcocks Road, but NZTA has agreed to take a fresh look at the need for a southern interchange.

Third interchange mooted The NZ Transport Agency will investigate adding a third interchange on the new motorway networks proposed for Warkworth. This follows a meeting with NZTA and Auckland Transport officials in Warkworth on March 30, with One Warkworth Business Association, Warkworth Area Liaison Group, Snells Beach Residents & Ratepayers, and Rodney Local Board representatives. The quarterly meetings are organised by Rodney MP Mark Mitchell. One Warkworth deputy chair Mark Macky said when the Puhoi to Warkworth motorway was first mooted, NZTA had no idea that Warkworth would become a satellite town of Auckland. “They realise now that the population predictions under the Unitary Plan have put a whole different perspective on where the population hubs will be,” Mr Macky says. “We gave them the example of places such as Pokeno and Te Puke, which have both northern and southern interchanges, and yet Warkworth will be bigger than both those towns eventually.” One Warkworth is advocating for a full interchange at Valerie Close, in addition to the interchanges proposed at Woodcocks Road, on the Puhoi to Warkworth motorway, and Kaipara Flats, on the Warkworth to Te Hana motorway. The assessment of a possible third intersection will happen as part of the future stages of the Transport for Future Growth investigations. NZTA highway manager Brett Gliddon says NZTA will review to see whether

any of the factors used in the 2010 analysis on where to site the interchange have changed significantly and whether a further connection would be justified. He says the decision to build an interchange to the north of Warkworth was based on community feedback and four key advantages: 1. The best connections between the Puhoi to Warkworth motorway and the eastern beaches including Matakana/Sandspit, especially in peak traffic periods 2. Responded best to the proposed future growth to the north of Warkworth including planned community and industrial developments 3. Reduced traffic past Mahurangi College and Warkworth Primary School, which will improve safety through this area 4. Required the least amount of work to the local road network Mark Mitchell said it would be extremely difficult to include the interchange on the Puhoi to Warkworth project, given that the contract was already let. “Although NZTA made it clear that any southern interchange would not be prioritised over what is already in the plan, they have agreed to take a fresh look at the suggestion,” Mr Mitchell said. Mr Macky says all the southern land marked for future urban was on the market and it was important to secure the designation for the interchange before it was too late. “We’re very pleased NZTA is taking a long-term view of planning for Warkworth,” he says.

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8 Mahurangimatters April 12, 2017

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“We have had some really good success. The club is growing all the time and doing well.” Colman and Bravenboar have also qualified for the prestigious Association of Intermediate and Middle Schooling (AIMS) competition, which takes place in September.

Junior fishermen reel in prizes

Mentoring outlined Lulu Perkins from Springboard Community Works, based at Snells Beach, was the guest speaker at last month’s Warkworth Men’s Fellowship Club meeting. Lulu is involved in a mentoring programme for eight to 12 year olds, matching children in need with positive role models from the local community. The mentors are volunteers who are screened, trained and approved, and they meet with the child once a week for two to three hours. Lulu finished her talk by producing her guitar and singing three songs to a captive audience, which applauded her loudly at the end. At the annual meeting, held on the same day, the following officers were elected: President Bob Dyer, vice president Eric Brayshaw, secretary Chris Poulter, treasurer Ken Bird, and committee Ron Smalley, Don McGill, Terry Norris and Brian Scarth. Contributed

A total of 33 children participated in the Warkworth Lion’s Club Take a Kid Fishing contest in Kawau Bay last month, with Zane Carter’s 2.2kg kahawai winning him the Leroy Brown Trophy.














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The Warkworth School Fiesta on March 24 raised a total of $29,000, excluding the raffle money, and enjoyed good weather in a change from previous years.

Jill says.


Fine school fiesta raises funds

Laurens Bubbert, of Kowhai Swimming Club, with his haul of medals.


Experiencing Marine Reserves gave 407 participants a free opportunity to use snorkeling gear at Jones Bay, Goat Island and Whangateau Harbour last month. The activity was part of Seaweek.

Seven members of Kowhai Swimming Club have qualified for the junior nationals following a competition in February. “It was a great experience for those taking part at West Wave in Henderson with good performances put in across all strokes,” coach Jill Fayerman says. The local swimmers who qualified were Annika Bayer, Ava Bravenboar, Ashlie Bissett, Portia Houston, Grace Richards, Nick Cooper and Sila Coleman. Rosa Ewing and Laurens Bubbert followed up these successes by gaining many personal best times at the Division II Nationals in Rotorua. Laurens won two silver medals in the 100m and 200m, and managed personal bests, while also taking out a bronze medal in the open men’s 50m fly, another great achievement. “The club once again showed its strength by having multiple swimmers reach the inter-school competitions,”


Summer splash for Seaweek


Swimmers clock up success


out & about...

April 12, 2017 Mahurangimatters











10 Mahurangimatters April 12, 2017

Warkworth growth accelerates school zone introduction Warkworth Primary School has introduced an enrolment zone in response to increased roll growth and a predicted future population boom. The school is undergoing a $13 million senior campus redevelopment due to be completed by 2019, following a $7.6 million upgrade to its junior campus last year. Both are designed to provide modern learning environments. Associate Education Minister Nikki Kaye says the school will play an increasingly important role as Auckland’s population spreads northwards. “Warkworth is at the heart of massive growth in Auckland,” Ms Kaye says. The 10 existing classrooms on the senior campus for Years 4 to 6 will be replaced with 14 new classrooms, along with renewed administration, library and resource spaces. It will cater for 120 new students, taking the roll up to 750 students. Principal Cynthia Holden says they had to repurpose a library for an extra classroom this year to accommodate the growing roll, which was 650 at the end of last year. “The enrolment zone is to manage numbers based on classrooms currently available. The building programme will increase capacity to make sure people moving into the area have access to Warkworth School,” she says. The school started consulting on the enrolment zone last July, based on Ministry of Education recommendations. The home zone came into force on March 1. It is based

Matakana Road Kaipara Flats Road

Old Kaipara Road

Hamilton Road Woodcocks Road

Cowan Bay Road Moir Hill Road


Warkworth School School zone

Mahurangi West Road

Warkworth School enrolment home zone.

on the bus transport network and is on the halfway boundary between surrounding schools. Mrs Holden says the only change was Anderson Road, which the Ministry decided was a shared zone with Matakana School as it is four kilometres from each school. Several families on the road wanted to attend


Sandspit Road

Warkworth School


Warkworth and the shared zone means they can chose a school, she says. Children outside the zone, but already attending the school, can stay enrolled but siblings of current or former students have to apply in an annual ballot if spaces are available. They will be given priority, followed by children of a former student, then children of

32 HP

an employee or board member. The Warkworth School home zone includes: • State Highway 1 (496-844, 513-844) from Waiwhiu Road (excluded) to Mahurangi West Road (included). • Matakana Road (523, 494 and below included) to Anderson Road. • Anderson Road is a shared zone, meaning students may attend either Warkworth School or Matakana School. • Sandspit Road (809, 836 and below included) to Sharp Road and Mahurangi East Road (both excluded. • Hamilton Road included; Laurie Road, 104 and above included). • Kaipara Flats Road (388, 383 and below included) to Streamlands Swamp Road and Smyth Road (both included). • Woodcocks Road (870, 869 and below included), to Denis Road and Matthew Road (both included). • Addresses on Old Kaipara Road between Woodcocks Road and Streamlands Swamp Road. All residential addresses on included sides of boundary roads and all no exit roads off included sides of boundary roads are included in the zone, unless otherwise stated. The only other primary schools in the district to have zones are Matakana and Snells Beach.


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Maggie Cornish, TOSSI

TOSSI and education

April 12, 2017 Mahurangimatters



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TOSSI has had public education as one of its main objectives since its inception in 2002. Initially, Alison Stanes put up posters about TOSSI and the Tawharanui Open Sanctuary in the Sanctuary Information Hut. The hut, behind Anchor Bay Beach, now has brilliant photos and illustrations of the wildlife (animal and plant) in the park and the progress of revegetation. There is even a display case of stuffed birds! The hut is also used as a hub for presentations to visiting students and the general public, and is where visitors can obtain some new, beautifully illustrated information brochures. The TOSSI nursery has maintained a relationship with Mahurangi College over many years. In 2005, when the nursery was in its infancy, the nursery leader Paul Williams and Les Cave, then a science teacher at Mahurangi, held a plant nursery session at the school. It was such a novel idea that it was even reported in the paper with photos. The students were involved in all stages of the process and nurtured their plants from seed to planting. Les organised a few student trips to Tawharanui to allow the students to put their own plants in the ground. At this time of year, many schools use the park for group camps. However, Mahurangi College is the only one that spends time with our nursery team as part of its stay. Groups of students learn about what we grow and why, are shown seeds and plants, and then bag up some plants in preparation for planting in the winter. All are encouraged to join our planting days on the first Sunday of the months of June, July and August. As well as a learning experience, the number of plants they prepare gives our nursery team a great boost. Though these projects are now part of TOSSI’s annual work, this year the Committee has specifically targeted public education and environmental awareness as a major focus. There are several retired and part-time teachers among our active membership so the momentum is anticipated to keep a steady pace. TOSSI is a volunteer organisation with active leadership and many conservation projects. If you are interested in any aspects of our team’s work check out our website or email Next Sunday in the Park will be held on May 7. Meet at The Woolshed at 9am. Wear old clothes, gumboots/sturdy shoes, gardening/work gloves. Please make sure that the soles of boots are clean. Bring raincoat or sun hat, depending on weather.

New Zealand drought monitor A new tool to monitor drought conditions has been launched by the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research. The New Zealand Drought Index colour coded map is modelled on similar indexes used around the world, displaying the dryness of each district. It will be used by Ministry for Primary Industries as one of the criteria, alongside the wider impact on the rural community, to determine the scale of a drought, support and recovery measures. Info:

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12 Mahurangimatters April 12, 2017

April 12, 2017 Mahurangimatters


Waipu dune work honoured

The rocking boat is one of many additions to the Mangawhai Activity Zone, with plenty more in the pipeline.

Mangawhai funding ramps up activity zone Funding has been secured to start building a cross-fit fitness gym at the Mangawhai Activity Zone (MAZ). The work will be funded from a $20,000 grant from the the Mangawhai Endowment Land Account (MELA) and $10,000 from Pub Charities. MAZ chair Colin Gallagher says the zone is a family area so they were keen to incorporate something for adults. “We see plenty of people exercising at the activity zone so that’s why we chose to put the money into a fitness set up,” he says. The gym will comprise an exercise circuit consisting of 12 stations. Colin says they will probably need

around double the money to complete the project, but he hopes to get part of the circuit underway within the next two to three months. A rocker boat for children was installed at the zone earlier this month and the first of three drinking fountains has been put in the playground. Colin approached Kaipara District Council this month with a request for $500,000 to complete the activity zone skate area. The upgrade would include a flow bowl and street plaza area to make it into a training facility for those interested in skateboarding at the Olympics, with the sport set to join

the games in 2020. Last December, an $11,000 cricket pitch was put down and is already being utilised by a coach for cricket training once a week. The project is being paid for from crowd funding donations on social media, which has so far raised $35,000. In addition, a $36,000 pirate ship was imported from Germany and put in after designs for a castle proved too expensive. A total of $15,000 from the MELA fund will go towards putting shade covers over the ship. Colin says the zone is proving popular, with over 30,000 visitors between December 26 and January 31.

Volunteers’ efforts to restore dunes at Waipu Cove over the past decade have been recognised at a national level. The Waipu Cove Reserve Board has scooped the award for best coastal dune restoration from the Coastal Restoration Trust of NZ. The board operates popular Camp Waipu Cove with its work supported by Northland Regional Council’s CoastCare programme. “This award recognises on-the-ground achievements of a restoration project, and is open to community groups and organisations carrying out work around the country,” Langs Beachbased councillor Rick Stolwerk says. The project aims to restore Waipu Cove’s dunes as natural defences against coastal hazards, while maintaining and enhancing recreational opportunities. Its latest stage saw a 100-metre section of steep bank reshaped to match the natural dune profile and the removal of historic fill material, some placed there decades ago. The upper part of this newly-formed dune has been intensively planted with native sand-binders spinifex and pingao, while other work has included education, signage, fencing and providing access ways. Cr Stolwerk, who is also president of Waipu Cove Surf Lifesaving Club, says the work has been well received. Work will continue over winter with more reshaping and planting planned further north of the camp.

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14 Mahurangimatters April 12, 2017


Natasha Hallam Warkworth Library



Unlimited services I hope you are enjoying reading your free eBooks, eMagazines and eNewspapers from Auckland libraries. It has been great to be able to help you discover these fantastic eResources. These eTreasures are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to digital resources available at your local library. Did you know every Auckland library provides free wifi? Our wifi is simple to access and will provide access to 1GB free a day to download your eBooks or magazines, check your emails, browse Facebook, catch up on your favourite TV show, or finish that assignment or work that needs to be done. For those people without their own computers or devices, each Auckland library provides free use of public computers loaded with common software and librarians are available to help you navigate anything unfamiliar. Wellsford Library also has a number of iPads for use within the library. Printing from either the public computers, webprinting from your own digital device within the library or printing from home (to pick up at any library) is another excellent service offered at a very reasonable cost of 20 cents per A4 black and white page. Many people are unaware that they can request books, renew books and access their own reading history all from the comfort of their own home via or the Auckland Libraries app. Online learning is also available on a huge range of topics via Auckland Libraries using – a database offering video courses and tutorials on software, technology, creative and business skills. There are over 5800 courses and 260,000 tutorials for users of any skill level. Apart from all these amazing digital services, local librarians can help you to create a CV, an email address or research your family history. Libraries run classes on how to use eBooks, get the most out of your digital device and internet safety. There are Minecraft clubs for kids, online homework help from a real live librarian at, digital databases, online exhibitions and family history resources. To access all these digital resources (and many more) get your library card by visiting any local library with photo ID and proof of your address. Come in and check out our digital services, give us a call to ‘Book a Librarian’ or follow your library on Facebook to find out more. (This is the final column in this series on the library service’s digital resources).

Luke Ferguson and Mandy Logan

Luke Ferguson has been working hard behind the scenes for the past six years to take on the family painting and decorating business, Raphaella. Now, as his mother and Raphaella founder Mandy Logan heads to Australia, he’s ready to become the new face of the Warkworth-based business. It is not the first time he has had to face the spotlight. He was only 12 years old when he appeared in Home and Garden magazine with his mother after she renovated her villa in Hill Street, Warkworth. The article helped kick off her business, which at the time was set up to be run by women. Mandy says she was the only female decorator in the region then and she had to fight hard to be recognised. But as the years went on she employed whoever was best suited to the job. She says one of the qualities Raphaella

is known for is a high attention to detail and level of finish, so she has trained her son to the same standard. Luke says it has been challenging meeting her expectations, but after six years of training he is grateful for the experience and could not imagine working differently. He has also been managing the business, staff and clients in the past year in preparation for running it day-to-day when his mother leaves. Mandy will still be the managing director in the background. Luke says he is happy for his Mum, who raised three children as a solo mother and ran her own business, and as this is the first time she has done an OE. She is not even sure if she is returning and has a one way ticket to Byron Bay with her dog, Barry. “She’s had her time working; it’s time for her to put her feet up and live a little,” Luke says.

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April 12, 2017 Mahurangimatters



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Celebrating success at Sawmill Brewery, from left, production brewer Scott Sharp-Heward, operations manager Mason Isbey, brewery manager Sam Williamson and Mike Sutherland, head brewer and managing director.

Sawmill brewery wins gold The owners and staff at the Sawmill Brewery in Matakana are celebrating after taking out a top award in a prestigious national competition. The brewery won a gold medal for its Sawmill Pilsner at this year’s New World Beer and Cider Awards. Not only does winning gold give the business more credibility in the industry, it should also prove lucrative in opening doors to extra sales. “It’s fantastic to get the gold medal and our whole team is thrilled. We got six medals overall,” says Kirsty McKay, co-owner of the brewery with her long-term partner Mike Sutherland. Other local gold medal winners were the Two Point Five Cider, from Zeffer based in Silverdale, and Tropical Cyclone Double, by McLeod’s of Waipu. Kirsty describes securing the win for the Pilsner as a “great coup” because it is brewery’s flagship beer. “The Pilsner makes up nearly half of the beer we make and always remains a hit. After winning this award, we feel it’s time to put our foot down and really go for it. We can do so much here at our new site. With the space we have, we have triple the capacity we did a year ago.” Brewery manager Sam Williamson says the award will help the business gain wider distribution through Foodstuffs’ chain, so there’s not only credibility for the brewery but also monetary benefits. “We also received a silver for our pale ale, which is an easy-drinking beer, and our dopplebock called The Doctor.” Sam was also a judge at this year’s awards, putting his taste buds to the test on various beers and ciders. “It’s really good for my professional development and to experience so

many flavours,” he says. “There might have been 12 or 13 brewers judging and to be one of them was pretty lucky.” The judges at the awards were impressed by the Sawmill Brewery’s focus on balance and drinkability. “Its Pilsner is slightly sweet over bitter with a honey and cereal grain character underpinning a classic Kiwi hop combo of Motueka, Riwaka and Nelson Sauvin,” they said. More than 500 beers and ciders were entered by 81 local and international breweries. The entries were blindjudged by 19 experts based on technical excellence, balance, mouthfeel and drinkability.


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After meeting a Mangawhai local at a Blues rugby game nearly four years ago, Michele McVie has now married him and is setting up shop in the seaside town. The cosmetic medicine doctor is currently living between her home and work in Auckland and a new home with her husband Rob Leslie. The Mangawhai Heads house came with a studio, which they are renovating to base her practice from. “Whenever I come home to Mangawhai I feel like I’m on holiday. It’s so much more relaxed and I would love to spend more time here,” Michele says. She says the studio in Albert Street is perfect as it is private, looks out over the estuary and has a peaceful view. Setting it up has consumed their spare time in the past year, but she has enjoyed the creativity. Michele says she picked up her creative eye from her father, who was an architect. She sees her work, which is non-surgical appearance medicine, as creative and a way of enhancing a person’s beauty. She has a special interest in botulinum toxin and dermal filler injections. “You can make subtle changes that make a big difference to how people feel and look. It’s very rewarding and it doesn’t feel like work.”

Michele McVie

Michele moved into her field after extensive medical training in Johannesburg, including two years of forensic pathology, two years of paediatrics and two years at hospice while working in South Africa. Since moving to NZ in 1993, she has practised as a general practitioner on Auckland’s North Shore. Since 1998, she has focused on appearance medicine and is a Diplomate of the New Zealand Society of Cosmetic Medicine.

I have over 10 years of experience in cosmetic medical injectables and offer a variety of dermal fillers, muscle relaxants and skin-boosters to treat all areas of the face, neck and decolletage. As a previous GP with 30+ years of experience I understand the importance of a healthy therapeutic relationship and take into consideration who you are as a person as well as your context. My aim is to achieve subtle ageappropriate results in a safe, professional environment. I look forward to meeting with you to plan and carry out your Cosmetic Medicine treatments.

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16 Mahurangimatters April 12, 2017

Mahurangi district ANZAC Day services - 25 April 2017 Upper Waiwera A Cenotaph Service will be held at Upper Waiwera, at 2.30pm. The cenotaph is on Upper Waiwera Road, off Weranui Road.

Puhoi A service will be held at the memorial gates at the entrance to the Domain at 9am. There will be a wreath-laying ceremony, followed by a cup of tea afterwards. The historical society is coordinating the service and the fire brigade, scouts and sports club will be involved.

Warkworth The dawn service will start at the rotunda on Church Hill at 6am, followed by breakfast at the Warkworth RSA. The Civic Ceremony will be at 10.30am, also at the rotunda. The service will include the New Zealand and Australian national anthems, the ode in Maori and a reading in Turkish, and will be followed by light refreshments at the RSA, where the Mahurangi College Kapa Haka group will perform and the Lions Club will be selling sausages. A $10 breakfast will be available to the public.

Matakana A service will be held at the King George War Memorial Statue at 10am.

Leigh A service will be held at the Leigh cemetery at 11am.

Students of Matakana School will gather at the King George statue on Thursday April 13 for a memorial service ahead of Anzac Day. As part of their learning experience, the students will make special note of the former school pupils who enlisted in World War I. A painting, retrieved from the school archives some years ago, records the names of the pupils who enlisted and a copy of the painting is on permanent display at the school office. The students will be at the memorial from 11.15am and members of the public are welcome to attend the service.

Kawau Island


A community service will be held at the Kawau Boating Club, starting at 12 noon. MC will be John Duder and Helen and Dave Jeffery will lay community wreaths. Those who attend the service will also have an opportunity to lay wreaths. Refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the ceremony, which has been timed to fit in with ferry sailing times.

A dawn parade will be held at the Wellsford Memorial Park at 6am. During the parade primary school students will read poems. Tea, coffee and nibbles will be provided after the parade at the RSA, followed by a champagne breakfast at 9am.

Hakaru The Hakaru & District Memorial 1368_MM_0417

Lest we forget...Anzac Day services Where



Wellsford. Parade assembly 5.45am, 1 Point Albert Rd. Service at RSA, 1 Olympus Rd, Wellsford.

Parade Service

6am 6.45am

Warkworth Dawn Parade and Service. Parade assembly 5.45am at Warkworth RSA. Service at War Memorial, Church Hill.

Parade Service

5.50am 6am

Warkworth Civic Parade and Service. Parade assembly 10.10am at Warkworth RSA. Service at War Memorial, Church Hill.

Parade Service

10.15am 10.30am

Kawau Island. Service at Kawau Island Boating Club.



Leigh. Parade assembly at 10.50am. Service at Leigh Cemetary on arrival of parade.

Parade and 11am Service

Matakana. Service at Matakana War Memorial.


For more details about services near you, please go to or phone 09 301 0101.


RSA service will start with an assembly at the clubrooms at 10am. The parade will march to the flag for a wreathlaying ceremony at at 10.15am. This will be followed by a service with a guest speaker in the clubrooms at 11am. A light lunch will be served at the conclusion of proceedings.

Matakohe/Paparoa A combined Paparoa RSA and The Kauri Museum service will be held at the museum, with fall-in at the Matakohe War Memorial Hall at 10.30am. The march to the flagstaff will be accompanied by a mounted soldier, weather permitting. The march will halt at the Cemetery Flag, the flag will be lowered and the Last Post sounded. There will be wreath-laying ceremonies at the Gun Memorial and the War Memorial Hall. A service will be held at the Volunteers Hall at the museum during which family or friends will have the opportunity to lay flowers or poppies in the display near photographs of family members. This year’s theme for the service will be the Battle of Passchendaele.

Maungaturoto Assembly will take place at the back of the hall at 5.45am. The dawn service will begin at 6am at the Maungaturoto Community Centre Hall, opposite the War Cemetery. A breakfast at the Maungaturoto RSA will follow. There will also be a brunch at the Maungaturoto RSA at 11am.


Jenny Schollum, Puhoi Historical Society

Loyalties questioned In the climate of hatred for anything German during the years of World War I, questions were asked about the loyalty of the people of Puhoi to the English crown, and it was suggested that maybe they should be interned. Puhoi had often been referred to as the German Settlement. Once when a Government official attended a meeting and asked who was the chairman, the settlers replied, “We’re all ‘Chermans’ here”. For the first 50 years it hadn’t mattered. They had come from Bohemia, on Austrian passports, spoke a Germanic dialect, and about a quarter of their surnames were Czech. William Massey, the leader of the recently formed Reform Party, with five other present and past Members of Parliament, and a press contingent, had visited Puhoi in 1911. He was, at that time, the Leader of the Opposition. Mr Phillips, the member for the Waitemata Electorate which included Puhoi, was of the same party. They proceeded to the hall to participate in a banquet. Mr Massey paid tribute to the settlers of the North who, despite the difficulties of no roads and poor markets, had successfully carved out their homes and holdings. The party was known for its support of rural interests. In 1917, a parliamentary party again travelled the north as guests of the North Auckland Executive and Development Board. Benedict Remiger, when welcoming them to Puhoi, stated that the early settlers had come from ‘the heart of Bohemia – the home of the old Czechish kings and people closely related to the Slavs’. He continued, “They have now lived here peacefully and contentedly for a little over half a century. The old pioneers were going the way of all flesh and the young generation was growing up in the laws and customs of the British Empire”. By the time the Puhoi question reached Parliament in 1917, Mr Massey had become Prime Minister. He vouched for the loyalty of the settlers saying, “No more useful or industrious immigrants came to New Zealand than the men and women who settled at Puhoi and, as had been admitted, they had given proof of their loyalty to the British Sovereign on every possible occasion.” The Puhoi settlers had, in fact, sent six men to the Boer War. Twelve had left New Zealand for the 1914 war with the Expeditionary Force before conscription was introduced. These men were sons of the Bohemians who had immigrated as children in 1863. In all, 102 men from Puhoi, Ahuroa and Waiwera, and Bohemian descendants from other areas served overseas, 21 losing their lives. Puhoi had subscribed liberally to patriotic funds, holding Queen Carnivals, dances and competitions to raise money. Puhoi Red Cross regularly sent parcels of clothing for the soldiers. Nine members of the extended Turnwald family served, including John, who lost his life with the Camel Corps in Egypt and Larry, who was awarded a Military Medal. Unfortunately, because he spoke English with an accent, he was enrolled under the name Turnbull. Puhoi will commemorate Anzac Day at the Memorial gates on April 25 at 9am.

Close call for fishing contest winner John Ellis took away the top $40,000 prize package at the Leigh Fishing Contest last month. It was a close call after he and a friend on the same boat both caught the average weight snapper of 1.89kg. After their names were put into a draw, John won the 4.95m Surtees Workmate boat with a Honda 60hp engine. The 14th annual Auckland Westpac Rescue Helicopter fundraiser on March 25 raised $60,000, 50% more than last year. The crowds were up from 500 to 700 anglers. The fishing contest is the biggest fundraiser for the rescue helicopter. The service is not centrally funded so relies on donations and events to keep flying. For many remote communities it is the main access to care in a medical emergency. They had 1111 missions last year, with 145 callouts in Rodney, including six in Leigh.

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April 12, 2017 Mahurangimatters


18 Mahurangimatters April 12, 2017

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A u t h o r i s e d b y B . S t e w a r t , P a r l i a m e n t B u i l d i n g s , We l l i n g t o n

The Topps have a well-honed show after years of travelling.

Topp Twins come to town The Topp Twins shared a womb so travelling in a small red shed on wheels for their national tour will be roomy, jokes Jools Topp. Jools and twin sister Lynda will stop at the Matakana Country Park woolshed on April 22 and 23 during their ‘Heading for the Hills’ tour. Their travelling accommodation, purpose-built by Ashburton locals, is nicknamed ‘stinky’ after wagons that road workers lived in and dried socks over potbelly stoves. The Topp’s version will have a small kitchen, room to sleep, hang costumes and house Jools’ dog White Feather. Jools says they enjoyed the last time they toured in close comfort for the Gypsy Caravan Tour in 1989. The Kiwi music and character comedy icons have been busy travelling NZ for the past three years for the TV1 show Topp Country. Their culinary journey “poking our noses in other people’s backyards” features locals like the family behind Lothlorien feijoa winery at Ahuroa. “There are so many people doing weird and beautiful things, coming up with an idea and following it to fruition. The show ended up being about couples and what it means to have a great partnership,” Jools says. Her partnership with Lynda has grown even stronger after battling breast cancer. “We don’t sweat the small stuff anymore.” She says they love performing live. “It’s our greatest joy. With filming you

can do it again, but performing you’ve got one crack at it.” The latest show will be family-friendly with comedy, music, yodelling and iconic favourite characters, including Ken and Ken, Camp Mother and Camp Leader and the Bowling Ladies. “It’ll be a bit of everything and a good time. If you don’t get that you’ve been short changed.” Jools told Mahurangi Matters they do their homework for each country town they visit by reading the local paper and incorporating topical issues in the show. They have a head start in Auckland’s north, where Lynda had a bach in Leigh and Jools has a horse ranch in South Head Kaipara. They both still have strong connections with rural life and it is the theme of their tour. “It’s where we come from, we will always honour that; we are farming stock. If you’ve ever been a farmer or lived off the land you know it never leaves you,” Jools says. They also enjoy the pace of country life, say there is time to slow down and turn off your devices, but at the same time “country folk know how to have fun”. The Topp Twins are originally from Huntly and have been performing for 35 years. They have received the New Zealand Order of Merit and Honorary Doctorates, and in 2010 were inducted into the NZ Music Hall of Fame in 2010. Info:

Ticket giveaway Mahurangi Matters has a double pass to the April 22 show to give away. Write your name and number on the back of an envelope, post to Topp Twins Competition, Mahurangi Matters PO Box 701 Warkworth or email with the subject line: Topp Twins. Competition closes April 19.

April 12, 2017 Mahurangimatters


Warkworth Music presents


Contemporary Jazz Octet

Alto saxophone, trumpet, tenor saxophone, trombone, guitar, piano, double bass, drums

Friday May 5 at 7.30pm Matakana Hall, Matakana

Cash/Chq Only - Adults $35 • Students Free • Info. Ph 425 6289 or 425 7313

The Kowhai Singers rehearsing Handel’s Messiah.

Town Hall stages Messiah

Sudoku 1

3 8

2 7 9

















Landscaping Solutions for Bare Paddock Syndrome, Sun 28th May, 10-3 Beginner’s Upholstery - 2 all day consecutive Sundays 14th & 21st May For all info and bookings:


Messi ah Presented by the combined voices of Kowhai Singers and Matakantata With concert organ, instrumental ensemble of 11 players and soloists -

the numbers game




with the Kowhai Singers. “There will be about 70 voices and a small orchestra for this well-known work,” treasurer Elizabeth Clark says. “People will also be treated to four of the best soloists in New Zealand. “I have been singing Handel’s Messiah for too long to remember. It’s one of the major oratorios and one of the most familiar to audiences. It’s something that everyone really should hear.” Admission is $30 with $5 entry for school children. Tickets are available from Maria’s Florist and Not Just Hats in Warkworth, the Gull Service Station in Matakana and on the door.

8 9 5

Soprano Alto Tenor Bass

Jayne Tankersley Beverley Hicks Iain Tetley Chalium Poppy

Conducted by

Peter Cammell


Sat.1 3May4pm Sun.1 4May4pm

5 2 7 3



A masterpiece by Handel will be performed by two groups of singers at Warkworth Town Hall to celebrate the venue’s reopening after renovations. On stage will be Kowhai Singers and Matakana choir Matakantata, as well as a concert organist and an instrumental ensemble of 11 players. The soprano will be Jayne Tankersley with Beverley Hicks as alto. Iain Tetley will sing tenor and the bassist is Chalium Poppy. The two concerts will be held on Saturday and Sunday, May 13 and 14, starting at 4pm. The performances will be the musical director and conductor Peter Cammell’s swansong after 21 years

Master that Machine - Beginner’s Sewing, Sun 28th May, 9.30-3.30

Warkworth Town Hall (celebrating its re-opening after renovation) Tickets $30 school children $5 from Maria’s Florist, Not Just Hats, Warkworth Gull Service Station, Matakana or at the door

20 Mahurangimatters April 12, 2017 Cazador Restaurant head chef Dariush Lolaiy will share secrets of meat preservation, sausage making and cooking over the Sawmill Brewery fire for Creative Matakana cuisine classes.

Film festival strikes popular note

Creative Matakana launches in May Creative workshops with everything from painting to storytelling are on offer in Matakana this May. It is the inaugural event for Creative Matakana, set up by Jo Connor and friend Vivienne Kerr, along with local art enthusiasts and volunteers. It was inspired by a similar event in Wanaka, and organisers hope it will become an annual event. Vivienne says tutors have been recruited from around New Zealand. “They are highly qualified and in many cases award winning masters of their art,” Vivienne says. The five day programme includes painting and drawing with Mandy Thomsett-Taylor, making a Windsor chair with Richard Hare, eco-dyeing and felting with Marion van Oeveren, fiction writing

with author Owen Marshall, kiln-formed glass and sandblasting with Liz Sharek, digital photography with David Wethey and flax (harakeke) weaving with Kahutoi Te Kanawa. There are also one day local food and wine courses. Leading chefs will showcase their own style of cuisine, cooking fresh local produce to present a three course lunch at a different venue each day, including private homes. Local winemakers and food artisans will also share their stories with tastings. Vivienne says the workshops and events are a chance to meet others, exchange ideas and techniques. There are also side activities including local walks, artist talks, morning yoga, dinner and trips to the Gibbs Farm sculpture park. Info:



With over 40 years first hand farming/lifestyle experience Simon has all the knowledge needed to help you achieve the best possible price for your property! Whether you are buying or selling call Simon for a no obligation, confidential chat about your property today Phone 021 819 844 or United Real Estate... buying & selling property in Rodney for over 40 years

Fans of music documentaries are in for a treat in June. Open-Air Cinema director Urs Bauer, of Kaipara Flats, is organising a four-day festival at the Warkworth Town Hall, which will run from June 1 to 4. Money raised after costs will go towards hall fundraising projects. “A lot of people remember the days when the hall was used as a cinema, so it seemed appropriate to bring that use back,” Urs says. “There will be popcorn and Jaffas for the whole cinema experience, as well as a licensed bar.” Urs is planning to screen 12 films over the four days, with a programme that will appeal to all ages. Although it is still to be confirmed, one of the highlights will be the first showing on a big screen in NZ of Keith Richard’s movie Under the Influence. Other movies will look at the lives and music of artists such as Amy Winehouse, Bob Marley and Ed Sheeran. A three-hour documentary on the Woodstock Festival, held in August 1969, will bring back memories for many and it will be an opportunity to see the award-winning documentary Landfill Harmonics about the recycled orchestra of Cateura, Paraguay. Urs says if the festival is well supported, it is likely to become an annual event.

April 12, 2017 Mahurangimatters

Wendy Hawkings with the huia feathers which will form an artwork in the new building. She is hoping donors will come forward – recognition on a single feather costs $1000 and the framed feathers are $1600 each.


The completion of the roof on Tui House was cause for celebration with the traditional roof shout last month. Pictured, from left, are quantity surveyor Kyle Good, Hospice Advisory Board chair Stephanie Paxton-Penman, project manager Alan Dickinson and site manager Chris Davenport.

Warkworth Wellsford Hospice feathers its funding nest The fundraising finishing line is getting close for Warkworth Wellsford Hospice with less than $500,000 left to raise to finish Tui House in Glenmore Drive. Hospice hopes to secure $200,000 in grants and raise the balance from the community. The $5.2 million facility will meet the district’s palliative care needs for the next 50 years. It will contain treatment, therapy and counselling rooms for patients and family members, as well as space for day programmes, therapeutic activities

and community and professional education. The hospice will have two patient bedrooms for day-only respite care. One wing will be self-contained, with a commercial kitchen, flexible meeting space and its own entrance. When not being used by hospice, this area will be available to the community for gatherings of up to 100 people. The weekly garage sale will be accommodated on the basement level, with access from Morrison Drive. Fundraising committee chair Wendy Hawkings says the purpose-built facility will mean hospice can offer

services that help people feel supported instead of isolated and alone – services that can make the difference between being cared for at home and having to go into hospital. Hospices receive no government funding for capital projects. “I have been humbled by the generosity of people in our local community, who have given donations to this project ranging from $480,000 to $1000,” she says. Hospice has commissioned an artwork for the new building, from Sarah Brill of Whangaparaoa. It is made up of

300 stainless steel huia feathers, which are available for donor recognition. A total of 250 of the feathers have been dipped in black, gold and silver, and will form a wall-hung cloak representing hospice’s all-embracing care for patients and families living with a life-shortening illness. A further 50 feathers have been dipped in special colours and framed individually, and will be displayed along a corridor. For more information, contact hospice on 425 9535.

Operanesia donation

Thank you to our amazing community

from everyone at Warkworth Wellsford Hospice! Call Campaign Manager Lesley Ingham on 425 9535 or email

You have raised $4.7 million for Tui House, the new day hospice for North Rodney. Just $300,000 to go...

Let’s get to $5 million by August!

5 4 3 2 1 0


Fundraising for the new Warkworth Wellsford Hospice is $10,000 further down the track after a donation from the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church. In addition to that, members of the church raised a further $1016 for the cause as a result of running a barbecue at the Tawharanui Coastal Challenge last month. To make a donation call 425 9535 or visit


$10,000 boost for Hospice

Gillian Peebles, left, and Frances Wilson, from the The Auckland Opera Studio, with hospice nurse Aliscia Fleming. The studio took a collection among the 550 people who attended the recent Operanesia concert, raising just over $1100. The trustees topped this up to $1500 for Warkworth Wellsford Hospice. “We were delighted with this generosity, especially as the Opera Studio is, itself, a trust that raises money for its own cause,” hospice communications coordinator Lesley Ingham says.


22 Mahurangimatters April 12, 2017

The Local Vocals Choir is running a workshop to encourage young singers to discover “the joy of singing”.

Robert Hankey and Jessica Woomack begin work in the new Adults in Motion (AIM) garden.

AIM digging in at Warkworth garden Youth singers on key The community organisation Adults in Motion (AIM), which cares for young adults with special needs, has started a vegetable garden at their centre on SH1 in Warkworth. The Rodney Health Trust has filled in the old swimming pool on the site, enabling the 12 young people at the centre to start work. “We’re very grateful to the community for making this all possible,” spokesperson Marg Hargreaves says. “Mahurangi Ducks donated duck poo and Wyatt Landscaping provided soil. “These will make a big difference to the garden and the support is hugely appreciated.” Mahurangi Ducks is also coordinating the donation of seedlings, which can be left at the Warkworth Library. There are further plans to create some raised beds to provide access for those who can’t bend down easily or are in wheelchairs. The participants will be growing vegetables for

meals that they will prepare at the centre and they hope to have enough to donate to local community groups. They are also growing flowers. AIM recently hosted a visit to the centre by NZ First MP Tracey Martin. Mrs Hargreaves says the organisation is always looking for work experience opportunities for able participants. Currently, the young people work at the Homebuilders Op Shop one morning a week and learn valuable skills in taking money and sorting new deliveries of clothes. “We would welcome hearing from anyone who could provide work opportunities. “We also need a volunteer to help in the mornings, from 9am to 12pm.” Donations of seedlings, lime, tools and materials and assistance to build some raised beds would also be appreciated. If you are able to help, contact programme manager Corinne on 422 3554 or

Wellsford-based choir Local Vocals will hold a free ‘taster’ workshop for children in the Wellsford Community Centre during the April school holidays. This will be followed by six singing group lessons starting in Term 2. The junior group will be taught by Jill Jackson, a member of Local Vocals, and an experienced primary teacher. Jill hopes the taster workshop will encourage young singers to attend a short singing course, which will finish with a combined concert with Local Vocals at the Wellsford Community Centre on July 8. The initial workshop will be be held on Wednesday April 19, from 3.30pm to 5.30 pm. All primary school aged children over seven years old are welcome to attend. The series of six later sessions will be held on Thursday afternoons, starting on May 25, from 5.30 to 6.30pm. Info:

Milford Eye Clinic

Warkworth Branch

Affiliated Southern Cross Healthcare provider

• Dr Michael Fisk • Dr Brian Sloan • Dr Jo Koppens • Dr David Squirrell • Dr Rasha Altaie • Dr Nadeem Ahmad

Serving the eye needs of North Shore and Rodney for over 35 years Cataract, Glaucoma, Macular Degeneration, Retina, Cornea, Laser, Oculoplastics, Paediatrics. Consultations available at our Warkworth, Orewa and Milford branches.

• Milford Eye Clinic, 181 Shakespeare Road, Milford • Warkworth, Unit 3, Warkworth Health Centre, Cnr Alnwick & Percy Streets, Warkworth • Orewa, Unit 5, The Nautilus 9 - 13 Tamariki Ave, Orewa

For all appointments phone 09 422 6871

COURSES FOR TERM 2 2017 – WARKWORTH & WELLSFORD Young Mum’s Educational Programme Clay Workshop Mondays starting 1st May for 10 weeks 10am-12.30pm Held at Wellsford Plunket Rooms FREE For mothers up to 25 yrs

Personal Development

Mondays starting 1st May for 10 weeks 10am-12.30pm Held at Women’s Centre Warkworth FREE Weekly support group for women. Facilitator: Francis Sullivan

Computer Training: Beginners, Basic & Intermediate Word or Excel

Fridays starting 5th May for 8 weeks 9.15am-11.15am Held at Warkworth RSA FREE Suitable for any level of computer literacy. Tutor: SeniorNet

Career Development & Job Search

Saturday 27th May 9.30am -3.30pm Held at Wellsford Library FREE For women returning to paid work or wanting a career change and don’t know where to start. Tutor: Fiona Brading, People Architects

Saturday 20th May 9:00am - 3:00pm Held at tutor’s studio, Dome Valley Cost: $35 An introduction to clay, progressing to making a bird feeder & decorated coiled sculpture. Tutor: Judy Wood

Creative Expression through Painting

Saturday 17th June 9:30am – 3:30pm Held at Kourawhero Hall Cost: $35 Awaken your creative potential, have fun & learn to paint with watercolour. No previous drawing or painting skill required to achieve exciting results. Tutor: Tiina Power

Harakeke/Flax Weaving

Saturday 24th June 9:30am – 3:30pm Cost: $35 One day workshop teaching basic flax weaving skills. Tutor: Cissy Woodcock

Pasifika Women’s Group

Tuesdays starting 2nd May for 10 Weeks 10am-12.30pm Held at Women’s Centre Warkworth FREE For women from the Pacific to meet, share & learn. Facilitated by Heidi Downey

Most courses run in Warkworth. Please check details when booking. Bookings essential: Contact us on 09 425 7261 or 0800 2DROPIN (0800 237674) Email: • • Follow us on Facebook at Women’s Centre Rodney 10 Morpeth Street, Warkworth • 9.30am to 2.30pm Monday to Friday


April 12, 2017 Mahurangimatters



Quentin Jukes, Homebuilders Coordinator

Homelessness here Homelessness is spreading and it is certainly present here in rural Rodney. Wellsford, Warkworth, Snells Beach, Araparera and Leigh all have people who are largely hidden, but living in cars, campgrounds and garages. For many years, soaring house prices and skyrocketing rents have stretched and broken people’s ability to be housed adequately. Whether it is seven people squashed into a two bedroom flat or a single man sleeping on the veranda of a Warkworth Church – the problem in our community is fast getting worse. Imagine the insecurity and constant worry of trying to get your children to school when you are not sure where you will be sleeping tonight or in a week’s time. How is it for a child? What is it like trying to make and maintain friendships, or wanting to be in a sports team when your family has had to move four or five times in the last year. Fundamentally, being housed is about having a home – somewhere stable and healthy, which enables a family to thrive. At Homebuilders, we are meeting more and more people who are fabulous budgeters, often working two or more jobs, and still unable to make ends meet. From what we see in our work the issue of homelessness is largely not about people making “bad choices”, it is about the “housing market” being about making money rather than making homes. We are lucky to have a supportive and caring community in North Rodney, and while individual acts of kindness and generosity are hugely welcome and essential to living in a civilised society, individual charity is no answer to a systemic problem as large and entrenched as that faced in the area of housing. We will need a sustained programme of building low cost accommodation both in this community and around the country if we are to have any chance of turning this tide around. Without immediate action on a huge scale this issue will only continue to get worse, faster. The human impact of this issue continuing to spiral out of control in the short and long-term is appalling to consider.

Tennis champs claim club titles Several district tennis championships were held last month to close out the season, with juniors and seniors battling to be number one. Waipu Primary School principal Paul Ramsay won the Waipu men’s singles beating Alvin Setiawan, while Catherine McClure beat Natasja Martin in the ladies singles. Men’s doubles winners were Josh Hoodle and Anton Trist, and Huia Coll and Megan Bellshaw won the women’s doubles. Intermediate boys champ was Rhys Davies while junior champs winners were Harris Lymburn, who beat Hunter Dobson and Ella McKay, who downed Rosie Wigram. At the Mahurangi East Tennis Club, Peter Dibley and John Allen won the men’s doubles and Gitte Dibley, and Anna Sullivan took the women’s title. Paul Milton and Linda Barclay won the mixed doubles while the senior singles is still to be played. In the 12-18 years section, singles winners were Jordan Vegar and Jenna Farrell, and in the 8-11 years, James Elder and Anjelina Ujdur. Runners up were Jozef Ujdur, Luka Vegar and Anika Bayer.

Phone/fax: 09 425 7002 Email: Visit: 23 Neville Street, Warkworth

Sarah Denny, Optometrist



Caring for the locals who support us Sponsors of

Warkworth Food Rescue By the end of March, 13,731kg of food had been distributed to people in our community who need assistance. Do you have surplus fruit and vegetables? Please call 0274 776519 to arrange delivery to those who need it.

Mahurangi East juniors show off their singles silverware.

The Warkworth Tennis and Squash Club saw Murray Billington claim two titles, winning the men’s doubles with David Theyers and mixed doubles with Robin Denton. Warren Burton secured his seventh men’s singles title downing Jono Boundy, while Kay Kayll beat Gloria Wilmot to take out the women’s singles. At the Pakiri Tennis Club, Ben Cooper took the over 12 singles title beating Norah Williams, and Matthew Came won the 9-12 years singles beating Kacey Williams. The under nine singles title was won by Joe Cooper who beat Quinn Brown.

Warkworth Christian Foodlink distributes the food daily and ensures it goes to those in need. We also acknowledge the support of businesses such as New World and Countdown –their support is paramount to the success of this worthwhile endeavour. Although managed by local Lions and Rotary Clubs, Food Rescue relies on volunteers and we would welcome your involvement. To donate goods: Call 0274 776519 or email To volunteer: Call Gordon Loughnan on 021 2549652 or Pick up from supermarkets is after 5pm and takes less than an hour and we currently work on a quarterly cycle. A few nights each three months will make a difference to other lives.

Thanks to our locals supporting us, we are able to support our local community

GULL MATAKANA 09 422 7105


12 April 2017 Your property guide for Hibiscus Coast, Rodney and Kaipara

WelcomeHome Mike Pero Real Estate Ltd Licensed REAA (2008) Mike Mike Pero Pero Real Real Estate Estate Ltd Ltd Licensed Licensed REAA REAA (2008) (2008)

Properties from: Bayleys | Harcourts | LJ Hooker | Maygrove | Mike Pero | Ray White | Remax | United Real Estate Mike Pero Real Estate Ltd Licensed REAA (2008)


2 Point Point Wells Wells -- 26 26 Riverside Riverside Drive Drive Point - 26 Riverside Drive The Only Wells One!!


The Only One!! Highly desirable Coast property! Outstanding residence & caretakers´ cottage, on 1 The Only One!! Matakana Highly Matakana property! Outstanding & caretakers´ on 1 hectaredesirable of residential zonedCoast land with full riparian rights, residence in 2 cross-lease titles withcottage, subdivision hectare of residential zoned land with full riparian rights, in 2 cross-lease titles with subdivision Highly desirable Matakana Coast property! Outstanding residence & caretakers´ cottage, on 1 potential. Substantial 4-bedroom home features; extensive automation, gourmet quality kitchen potential. Substantial 4-bedroom home features; extensive automation, gourmet quality kitchen hectare of residential zoned land with full riparian rights, in 2 cross-lease titles with subdivision & scullery, open plan lounge & dining area, sheltered outdoor living, impressive home theatre, & scullery, open plan 4-bedroom lounge & dining area, sheltered outdoor living, impressive theatre, potential. Substantial home features; extensive automation, gourmet kitchen Master suite, stunning bath-house, spacious office, 4 bay garage, multiple sheds home &quality 1-bedroom Master suite, stunning bath-house, spacious office, 4 bay garage, multiple sheds home & 1-bedroom & scullery, open plan lounge &boat dining area, outdoor living, impressive theatre, cottage. Your own waterfront, ramp & sheltered jetty. 5km to Omaha or Matakana. cottage. Yourstunning own waterfront, boatspacious ramp & jetty. 5km to Omaha Matakana. Master suite, bath-house, office, 4 bay garage, or multiple sheds & 1-bedroom cottage. Your own waterfront, boat ramp & jetty. 5km to Omaha or Matakana. Tender closes 12pm Friday 12 May 2017. Viewing Strictly by appointment; call Angela now! Tender closes 12pm Friday 12 May 2017. Viewing Strictly by appointment; call Angela now! Tender closes 12pm Friday 12 May 2017. Viewing Strictly by appointment; call Angela now!

4 4 3 4 3 4 Tender3

4 4 4

Tender Closing 12:00pm on 12 May 2017 Closing 12:00pm on 12 May 2017 Tender

Angela on Wain Closing 12:00pm 12 May 2017 Angela 027 493Wain 6800 027 493Wain 6800 Angela 027 Mike 493 Pero 6800 Matakana Coast Mike Pero Matakana Coast Mike Pero Matakana Coast

Web - Web - Web -

A Local Matters publication. Distribution - 37,000 copies. For advertising enquiries contact Ariana Billington at


Real Estate Talk Andrew Steens, Brand & Territory Owner, Mike Pero Real Estate


The 5 P's of Property It appears we are in a balanced property market phase, with the balance possibly shifting in favour of buyers. A key characteristic of this market is that buyers become pickier; as a result, some properties take much longer to sell than others. However, we have properties that are selling within days of hitting the market, sometimes achieving full asking price or even higher with a multi-offer situation. Why is this? Agents often talk about the 3 P´s in property. I´ve extended this to include a couple more P´s; Property, Position (location), Presentation, Promotion (marketing) & Price. These interact to make a property more or less desirable and therefore more or less sellable. In a hot market, just about any property will sell quickly for top dollar. When listings on the market increase and buyer numbers decrease, there is more choice and therefore properties with one or more issues are overlooked. Property issues might include; 2 bedrooms when most buyers are looking for 3, potential leaky home, steep site, flood prone area. Position issues might include road noise, unsightly views, long gravel roads, undesirable neighbours. Presentation issues might include a manky bathroom, untended gardens, dark rooms, peeling paint. Promotion issues may include not listing on popular sites like trademe, hougarden,, or advertising in media that does not reach your target market. Price is obvious; too high and the buyers won´t come, as the saying goes, "there is a message in the silence".

Warkworth - 34 John Andrew Drive 4



Cosy, Comfortable & Convenient! Immaculate, modern, low maintenance 4-bedroom brick home on a corner site, within walking distance of town. Modern kitchen, adjoining spacious open plan living. Snug 2nd lounge and private, north facing outdoor entertaining area. 3 double & 1 single bedroom, ensuite & walk-in wardrobe in the large master bedroom. This is an ideal home for an older couple, or a young family; so call Rick now! For Sale - $860,000 Open Home - Saturday & Sunday 15/16 April 2:00-2:30pm Web - Rick Law 021 865 321

Some of these issues may be fixable, but if not, they can sometimes be overcome by adjusting price or promotion to attract more buyers and increase the chances of an offer. How do you know which P to fix? Ask a good agent!


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Exquisite Equestrian Estate With Subdivision Potential Gorgeous Tuscan Villa & Equestrian Estate on future urban zoned land. Main residence with exquisite Master suite, formal dining with wine room & superb indoor-outdoor living. Subsidiary buildings contain a 64sqm gallery, 3rd bathroom, butlers´ kitchen, laundry & several studio style rooms. Equestrian facilities include 4 stables, tack & feed rooms, implement / hay barn, all-weather arena, 6 post & rail fenced paddocks. For Sale - Set Sale Date - 12pm 5th May 2017 (unless sold prior) Web - Angela Wain 027 493 6800


12 April 2017 Mike Pero Real Estate Ltd Licensed REAA (2008)

Mike Pero Real Estate Ltd Licensed REAA (2008)



ew Drive

brick home on a corner site, within spacious open plan living. Snug Point Wells - 95C Point Wells Road aining area. 3 double & 1 single A Delightful aster bedroom. This is anBlend ideal Of Old & New!! Rick now! It´s a tough decision, will you like the modern weatherboard 2-





For Sale $1,150,000

bedroom bach or fall in love with the pre-1950´s funky barn? Luckily on this large property you can have both! And located in the ever-so desirable, delightfully retro & increasingly chic village of Point Wells! Midway (5 mins drive) between Omaha Beach & Matakana Village & only a few hundred metres to the harbour and boat ramp. Fall in love with this property, call Angela today!

Open Home - Saturday 15th April 2:00 - 2:30pm Web -

Matakana - 29 Torea Road


Entry Level Family Living In The Village Heart

For Sale

Entry level, board & batten family home on a large fully fenced section, situated in the middle of the village, within walking distance to cafés, shops, markets, cinema, preschools & primary school. Become part of this great community! Call Angela now!

Angela Wain 027 493 6800 angela.wain@mi Mike Pero Matakana Coast


Angela Wain 027 493 6800 angela.wain@mi

Open Home - Sunday 16th April 1:00 - 1:30pm Web -

Mike Pero Matakana Coast





bdivision Potential

Sandspit - 73 Brick Bay Drive


e urban zonedAland. MainPeaceful residence Haven on the Matakana Coast Private oom & superb indoor-outdoor 3rd bathroom, butlers´ kitchen, Would you like to live in Stunning Sandspit at an entry level price? lities include -4Modern stables, tack feed with log fire log &cabin ost & rail fenced paddocks. - Among nearly 2 acres of native bush with an abundance of birdlife



For Sale $950,000

- Totally private large outdoor area

Ruth Perkin

s sold prior) - Close to new marina and wharf

021 425 109

Web -

Mike Pero Real Estate Ltd Licensed REAA (2008)


Mike Pero Real Estate Ltd Licensed REAA (2008)

12 April 2017




Mike Pero Real Estate Ltd Licensed REAA (2008)



rew Drive

brick home on a corner site, within Mangawhai - 222 Staniforth Road g spacious open plan living. Snug Plus in Staniforth taining area. 3Opportunity double & 1 single master bedroom. Thisfor is aanfabulous ideal lifestyle property with potential to add value? Looking Rick now! This simple, sunny three-bedroom home is elevated with north east


Mangawhai - 852 Kaiwaka Mangawhai Rd


Price by Negotiation

Quality, Substance & Options

Alan Corkin 021 906901 alan.corkin@mik

Web -



Price by Negotiation

This spacious & comfortable home on 2.18ha lends itself to extended family living, holiday home-stays or lifestyle farming. A brand-new kitchen with open plan living/dining with a spectacular separate lounge. Offered for sale subject to title, plus GST (if any).

views overlooking 5.2ha of established grazing land of mixed contour, a large pond and some bush. The bones are good but the house is due for some TLC. There is a large basement with internal access to the garage/workshop.



Mike Pero Mangawhai

Alan Corkin 021 906901 alan.corkin@mik

Web - 1040557


Mike Pero Mangawhai



ubdivisionMangawhai Potential - 4 Longview Street

Impressive e urban zoned land. MainHome residence

room & superb indoor-outdoor The motivated owners of this impressive home want it sold! Ideal for 3rd bathroom, kitchen, an butlers´ owner/occupier or as an investment. Positioned well - only a few walk to Mangawhai cilities include minutes´ 4 stables, tack & feed Village, with large open plan lounge/ dining/kitchen areas, 3 double bedrooms and 1 single. The master post & rail fenced paddocks.

ss sold prior)

bedroom has an ensuite/walk-in-wardrobe. Bright & airy with great indoor/outdoor flow, the house is very appealing. Immaculately presented, fully fenced, plus a good sized double garage with internal access. Priced realistically to sell, don't risk missing out!

Web -




For Sale $650,000

Alan Corkin 021 906901 alan.corkin@mik Mike Pero Mangawhai

Mangawhai - 53 Kedge Drive


High Quality New Build

For Sale

The unique layout of this home allows for many options - holiday visitors, work from home or to accommodate an older/younger family member. It offers three spacious bedrooms, two bathrooms and living at one end PLUS separate independent facilities (living, kitchenette, bathroom & bedroom), at the other. A spacious double garage with internal access to both living areas divides the two. The house is well finished and stylishly designed for low maintenance. Call to view now!

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Alan Corkin 021 906901 alan.corkin@mik Mike Pero Mangawhai

Mike Pero Real Estate Ltd Licensed REAA (2008)




12 April 2017



18 Te Kapa Place, Snells Beach 18 Te Kapa Place, Snells Beach





The sign you want. 3 Kauri Crescent, Snells Beach

The agent you need: Mick Fay 021 544 769



10 Kauri Crescent, Snells Beach

10 Kauri Crescent, Snells Beach

3 Kauri Crescent, Snells Beach


LD O S LD SO 9 Mason Heights


15 Mason Heights, Warkworth

18 Te Kapa Place, Snells Beach

9 Mason Heights


15 Mason Heights, Warkworth

18 Te Kapa Place, Snells Beach






Mick is very professional and in my particular situation he believed the property would achieve a realistic price from the very outset. Not overstated, not understated. Ian - Snells Beach

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for selling our home in 3 Kauri Crescent, Snells Beach Snells Beach. It was conducted in the most professional manner and the Ray White auction and publicity was first-class. Wayne & Elaine - Snells Beach 3 Kauri Crescent, Snells Beach

LD O S LD SO 9 Mason Heights


15 Mason Heights, Warkworth

9 Mason Heights


15 Mason Heights, Warkworth



At Ray White we go about things the right way. We put you, the customer, at the heart of everything we do. We stop to listen, we offer trusted, impartial advice, and we put in the hard yards to deliver on expectation – from listing your home, right through to settlement. At Ray White we work for you.

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<company name> Licensed (REAA 2008)

Mick Fay

<Agent Name> Licensee Agent Licensee Salesperson 021 544 769 09 425 1634 027 123 4567 <agentname> rw<officename>

Snells Beach

Bogue Real Estate 2014 Ltd (REAA 2008)

12 April 2017







The Sunny Side of Town 4 bedrooms & office, plus 2 bathrooms with a great indoor/outdoor flow with open plan living & a lovely large deck. Fully fenced section. View As advertised or by appointment Terrence Banks 021 412 183 09 425 1612 Paul Gothard 021 422 738 09 425 1608

RANGING IN SIZE FROM 2.5 TO 28 ACRES PRICED FROM $495,000—$1,200,000 WAINUI, KAUKAPAKAPA AND MAKARAU For further details please contact Peter Morton 0274 758 221

Affordable Selling Fees

with Warkworth, Snells Beach, Hibiscus Coast & surrounding suburbs

2.95% plus $500 admin fee plus GST

If you need anything real estate, please give our friendly team a call Warkworth

Snells Beach

14 Queen Street 09 425 7959 6

250a Mahurangi East Road 09 425 5457


12 April 2017


Present All Offers!


View by appointment Kim Gordon 0211267499 Katie Boyle 021 733 858

Snells Beach 28 Governor Grey Road AUCTION 12.30pm, Saturday 15th April 2017 On Site (Unless Sold Prior) Warkworth

Perfectly presented and ready to just move in and enjoy. View by appointment Terrence Banks 021412183 Paul Gothard 021 422 738


Don’t Miss This One, Available Now! Very comfortable, well presented 3 bedroom, single bathroom home set in a very popular quiet location of Snells Beach. View As advertised or by appointment Mick Fay 021 544 769 09 425 1634 W.




Easy Care Living Lock up and leave this easy care home, ideal as an investment or a place to nest, this property covers all the bases. Wrap around deck at the front of the house. View As advertised or by appointment Debra Fokkema 021 168 1821 09 425 1609


When Location Counts... Well presented family home all on one level with formal lounge warmed by natural gas View As advertised or by appointment Terrence Banks 021 412 183 09 425 1612 Paul Gothard 021 422 738 09 425 1608

E Bogue Real Estate 2014 Ltd Licensed (REAA 2008) 12 April 2017



09 425 7949




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SNELLS BEACH WARKWORTH SNELLS BEACH WARKWORTH SNELLS SNELLS BEACH BEACH WARKWORTH WARKWORTH WARKWORTH 4 3 2 3 2 1 37 Fidelis Avenue 3 Blue Gum Drive 4 3 44 4 2 333 2 3 2 3 33 1 2 22 11 1 37 Fidelis Blue Gum Drive SNELLS BEACH WARKWORTH 37 Fidelis 37 37 Avenue FidelisAvenue Avenue 322Blue Gum 33 3Blue Blue Drive Gum GumDrive Drive SNELLS BEACH WARKWORTH Supreme, Substantial, Solid Nest or Invest! 4 3 2 3 2 1 Supreme, Substantial, Nest or Invest! SNELLS BEACH WARKWORTH 4 3 2 3 2 1 37 Fidelis Avenue 3 Blue Gum Drive Supreme, Supreme, Supreme, Substantial, Substantial, Solid Solid Solid Nest or Nest Invest! Nest or or Invest! Invest! SNELLS BEACH WARKWORTH 4 3 2 3 2 1 4 3 2 3 2 1 37 Fidelis Avenue 3 Blue Gum Drive SNELLS BEACH WARKWORTH Rarely does a home of this calibre come to the market. Bordering on Just a short walk to Warkworth township this private site has well 4 3 2 3 2 1 37 Fidelis Avenue 3 Blue Gum Drive Supreme, Substantial, Solid Nest or Invest! does a home of this calibre come to the market. Bordering on Just a short walk to Warkworth township this private site has well 4 3 2 3 2 1 Rarely doesRarely Rarely a Rarely home does does of this a a home home calibre of of this come this calibre calibre to the come market. come to to the Bordering the market. market. on Bordering Bordering on on Just a short Just walk Just a a to short short Warkworth walk walk to to Warkworth township Warkworth this township township private this site this private has private well site site has has well well 37 Fidelis Avenue 3 Blue Gum Drive SNELLS BEACH WARKWORTH Supreme, Substantial, Solid Nest or Invest! 4 3 2 3 2 1 2 to the Highfield reserve with a track at the bottom of the garden giving established gardens and contains a lovely 3 bedroom, 2 living area, 37 Fidelis Avenue 3 Blue Gum Drive to the Highfield reserve with a track at the bottom of the garden giving established gardens and contains a lovely 3 bedroom, 2 living area, 2 Supreme, Substantial, Solid Nest or Invest! to the Highfield a track at the bottom of the garden giving established gardens and contains a lovely 3 bedroom, 2 living to the Highfield to the reserve Highfield with reserve reserve a track with at with the a a track bottom track at at the of the the bottom bottom garden of of the giving the garden garden giving giving established established gardens established and gardens gardens contains and and a lovely contains contains 3 bedroom, a a lovely lovely 3 2 bedroom, living area, 2 living 2 area, area, SNELLS BEACH WARKWORTH Rarely does a home of this calibre come to the market. Bordering on Just a short walk to Warkworth township this private site has well 4master 3 ensuite.2on 3 2 has 12 2 Supreme, Substantial, Solid Nest or Invest! Rarely does a home of this calibre come to the market. Bordering Just a short walk to Warkworth township this private site well 37 Fidelis Avenue 3 Blue Gum Drive access to it. The home features 4 large brms, with A bathroom home. Great for first home buyers or investors alike! Don’t Rarely does does aThe home of this this calibre comebrms, to the themaster market. Bordering on Just a a short short walk to to Warkworth township this or private site has has well Supreme, Substantial, Nest orhome. Invest! Rarely home of calibre come to market. Bordering Just walk Warkworth township this private site well access to it. a home features 4Solid large with ensuite. on A bathroom Great for first home buyers investors alike! Don’t

access features large brms, with ensuite. bathroom home. Great for first home buyers or investors access to it. access The home features The The home home 4 large features features brms, 444large master large brms, brms, with master master with with bathroom home. bathroom bathroom Great home. home. for first Great Great home for for buyers first firsthome home ora investors buyers buyers alike! investors Don’t alike!area, Don’t Don’t ensuite. ABordering ensuite. ensuite. AAA 4master 3garden 2on 3 2alike! 1 2 to the Highfield reserve with a track at the bottom of the giving established gardens and contains lovely 3 bedroom, 2 living Rarely does a home this calibre come to the market. Just a short walk to Warkworth township this private site has 37 Fidelis Avenue 3 Blue Gum Drive to the Highfield reserve with a track at the bottom of the garden giving established gardens and contains lovely 3 or bedroom, 2 living area, 2 substantial kitchen &of lounge area & huge deck with expansive views out onInvest! this great property, calla Cara or Michelle today! miss Supreme, Substantial, Solid Nest or Rarely does akitchen home of this calibre come to thewith market. Bordering on out onmiss Just aout short walk to call Warkworth township this privatetoday! site has well well to the Highfield reserve with a track at the bottom of the garden giving established gardens and contains a lovely bedroom, 2 living area, 2 area & huge to the Highfield reserve with a track at the bottom of the garden giving established gardens and contains a lovely 3 bedroom, 2 living area, 2 kitchen & deck with expansive views on this great property, call Cara or Michelle today! miss miss missout substantialsubstantial substantial kitchen substantial & it. lounge area &lounge & lounge huge area deck area & &huge with huge expansive deck deck with views expansive expansive views views this great out on on property, this thisgreat great property, property, Cara orcall Michelle call Cara Cara or today! or3 Michelle Michelle area & huge Rarely does a home of this calibre come to the market. Bordering on Just a short walk to Warkworth township this private site has well access to it. The home features 4 large brms, master with ensuite. A bathroom home. Great for first home buyers or investors alike! Don’t to the Highfield reserve with a track at the bottom of the garden giving established gardens and contains a lovely 3 bedroom, 2 living area, 2 access to The home features 4 large brms, master with ensuite. A bathroom home. Great for first home buyers or investors alike! Don’t Supreme, Substantial, Solid Nest or Invest! of Kawau Bay. 2reserve garages with internal access & loads loads of storage. storage. to the Highfield with a track at the bottom of the garden giving established gardens and contains a lovely 3 bedroom, 2 living area, 2 access to it. The home features 4 large brms, master with ensuite. A bathroom home. Great for first home buyers or investors alike! Don’t access to it. The home features 4 large brms, master with ensuite. A bathroom home. Great for first home buyers or investors alike! Don’t of Kawau Bay. 2 garages with internal access & of of Kawau Bay. of of Kawau 2 Kawau garages Bay. with 2 garages internal with access internal & loads access access of storage. & & loads loads of of storage. storage. Rarely does a home of this calibre come to the market. Bordering on Just a short walk to Warkworth township this private site has well to the Highfield reserve with a track at the bottom of the garden giving established gardens and contains a lovely 3 bedroom, 2 living area, 2 substantial kitchen & lounge area & huge deck with expansive views out on this great property, call Cara or Michelle today! miss access to it. The home features 4 large brms, master with ensuite. A bathroom home. Great for first home buyers or investors alike! Don’t substantial kitchen & lounge area & huge deck with expansive views out on this great property, call Cara or Michelle today! miss 4 3 2 3 2 1 For Sale $695,000 37 Fidelis Avenue 3 Blue Gum Drive access to it. The home features 4 large brms, master with ensuite. A bathroom home. Great for first home buyers or investors alike! Don’t substantial kitchen &oflounge lounge area &come huge deck with expansive views out on this great property, calla Cara Cara or Michelle today! miss For Sale $695,000 Rarely does a home this calibre to the market. Bordering on Just a short walk to Warkworth township this private site has well For Sale $695,000 For For Sale Sale $695,000 $695,000 substantial kitchen & area & huge deck with expansive views out on this great property, call or Michelle today! miss to the Highfield reserve with a track at the bottom of the garden giving established gardens and contains lovely 3 bedroom, 2 living area, 2 access to Bay. The home features 4& large brms, master with ensuite. A bathroom home. Greatproperty, for first home buyers or investors alike! Don’t of Kawau 2 garages with internal access & loads of storage. substantial & lounge area huge deck with expansive views out on this great call Cara or Michelle today! miss of Kawau Bay. 2 garages with internal access & loads of storage. For Sale priced to & sell $999,000 Property IDInvest! RX1087820 substantial kitchen lounge & huge deck with views outor on this greatand property, calla Cara or3 Michelle today! miss of Kawau Bay. 2 garages with internal & loads of storage. Supreme, Substantial, Solid Nest to the Highfield reserve with aarea track at access the bottom ofexpansive the garden giving established gardens contains lovely bedroom, 2 living area, 2 of Kawau Bay. 2 garages with internal access & loads of storage. For Sale priced to sell $999,000 Property ID RX1087820 access to it. The home features 4 large brms, master with ensuite. A For Sale priced For For Sale Sale to sell priced $999,000 to sell $999,000 Property ID Property RX1087820 Property ID ID RX1087820 RX1087820 For Sale $695,000 substantial kitchen & lounge area & huge deck with expansive views out on this great property, call Cara or Michelle today! miss bathroom home. Great for first home buyers or investors alike! Don’t For Sale Sale $695,000 $695,000 of Kawau Bay. 2 with internal access & loads of For of Kawau Bay. 2 garages garages witharea internal access &with loads of storage. storage. Property ID RX1082619 View Sunday 1.00 - 2.00pm 2.00pm For Sale $695,000 bathroom home. Great for first township home buyers or investors alike! Don’t access toID it. The home features 4& large brms, master with ensuite. A Sunday substantial kitchen &sell lounge huge deck expansive views out on this great property, call Cara or Michelle today! miss Property RX1082619 View Sunday 1.00 of Kawau Bay. 2 garages with internal access & loads of storage. Rarely does a home of this calibre come to the market. Bordering on Just a short walk to Warkworth this private site has well For Sale $695,000 Property ID Property RX1082619 Property ID RX1082619 View View View 1.00 Sunday Sunday 2.00pm 1.00 1.00 2.00pm 2.00pm For Sale priced to $999,000 Property ID RX1087820 For Sale priced to $999,000 Property ID RX1087820 For Sale $695,000 For Sale priced to &sell sell $999,000 Property ID gardens RX1087820 substantial kitchen lounge & huge views out on this great property, calla Cara miss View Saturday & Sunday 1.00-2.00pm Cara Postlewaight 0221538780 For Sale priced to sell $999,000 Property ID RX1087820 of Kawau Bay. 2reserve garages with internal &with loads of garden storage. For Sale $695,000 to the Highfield with aarea track at access thedeck bottom ofexpansive the givingPostlewaight established and contains lovelyor3 Michelle bedroom,today! 2 living area, 2 View Saturday & 1.00-2.00pm Cara Postlewaight 0221538780 For Sale priced to sell $999,000 Property ID RX1087820 View Saturday View View & Saturday Sunday Saturday 1.00-2.00pm &Sunday Sunday 1.00-2.00pm Cara Cara Cara Postlewaight Postlewaight 0221538780 0221538780 Property ID RX1082619 View Sunday 1.00 --0221538780 2.00pm Property ID RX1082619 View Sunday 1.00 For Sale priced to sell $999,000 Property ID RX1087820 of Kawau Bay. 2 garages with internal access & loads of storage. For Sale $695,000 Property ID RX1082619 View Sunday 1.00021 - 2.00pm 2.00pm Terry Mills 027 239 5142 Michelle Carden 425 002 Property ID RX1082619 View Sunday 1.00 2.00pm For Sale priced to sell $999,000 ID Property RX1087820 access to it. The home features 4 large brms, master with ensuite. A bathroom home. Great for first home buyers or investors alike! Don’t Mills 027 239 5142 Michelle Carden 021 425 002 Terry MillsTerry Terry 027 Terry 239 Mills Mills 5142 027 239 5142 Michelle Carden Michelle Michelle 021 Carden 425 Carden 002 021 021 425 425 002 002 Property ID RX1082619 View Sunday 1.00 2.00pm View Saturday & Sunday 1.00-2.00pm Cara Postlewaight 0221538780 For Sale $695,000 View Saturday & 1.00-2.00pm Cara Postlewaight Property ID RX1082619 View Sunday 1.00 - 0221538780 2.00pm For Sale priced to &sell $999,000 Property ID this RX1087820 View Saturday & Sunday Sunday 1.00-2.00pm Cara Postlewaight 0221538780 substantial kitchen lounge area & huge deck with expansive views out on great property, call Cara or Michelle today! miss View Saturday & Sunday 1.00-2.00pm Cara Postlewaight Property ID RX1082619 - 0221538780 View Sunday 1.00 2.00pm UNITED REAL ESTATE 09 425 7949 UNITED REAL ESTATE 09 425 7949 View Saturday & Sunday 1.00-2.00pm Cara Postlewaight 0221538780 Terry Mills 027 239 5142 Michelle Carden 021 425 002 UNITED REAL ESTATE 09 425 7949 UNITED REAL ESTATE 09 425 7949 UNITED REAL UNITED ESTATE REAL 09 425 ESTATE 7949 09 425 425 7949 7949 UNITED REAL UNITED UNITED ESTATE REAL REAL 09 ESTATE 425 ESTATE 7949 09 09425 4257949 7949 For Sale priced to sell $999,000 Property ID RX1087820 UNITED REAL ESTATE 09 425 7949 UNITED REAL ESTATE 09 425 7949 Terry Mills 027 239 5142 Michelle Carden 021 425 002 View Saturday & Sunday 1.00-2.00pm Cara Postlewaight 0221538780 of Kawau Bay. 2 garages with internal access & loads of storage. Property ID027 RX1082619 View Sunday 1.00021 - 0221538780 2.00pm Terry Saturday Mills 027 239 5142 1.00-2.00pm Michelle Carden 021 425 002 Terry Mills 239 5142 Michelle Carden 425 002 View & Sunday Cara Postlewaight Terry Mills 239 5142 Michelle Carden 021 425 002 For Sale $695,000 Property ID027 RX1082619 View Sunday 1.00 - 2.00pm UNITED REAL ESTATE 09 425 7949 UNITED REAL ESTATE 09 425 7949 Terry Mills 027 5142 Michelle Carden 021 425 002 UNITED REAL 09 425 7949 UNITED REAL ESTATE 09 425 7949 View Saturday &239 Sunday 1.00-2.00pm Cara Postlewaight 0221538780 UNITED REAL ESTATE 09 425 7949 UNITED REAL ESTATE 09 425 7949 Terry Mills 027ESTATE 239 5142 021 425 Michelle Carden 002 UNITED REAL ESTATE 09 425 7949 UNITED REAL ESTATE 09 425 7949 T TT UNITED REAL ESTATE 09 425 7949 UNITED REAL ESTATE 09 425 For Sale priced to sell $999,000 Property ID RX1087820 View Saturday & Sunday 1.00-2.00pm Cara Postlewaight 0221538780 UNITED REAL ESTATE 09 425 7949 UNITED REAL ESTATE 09002 425 7949 7949RAC ARCAC Terry Mills 027 239 5142 Michelle Carden 021 425 R _ _ _ UNITED REAL ESTATE 09 425 7949 UNITED REAL ESTATE 09 425 7949 Property ID027 RX1082619 View - 2.00pm Terry Mills 239 5142 Michelle Carden _ _ ___ Sunday _ ___1.00021 _425 __ 002 NT NTNT UNITED REAL ESTATE 09 425 7949 UNITED REAL ESTATE 09 425 7949 POINT WELLS CO CROCO POINT WELLS POINT POINT WELLS WELLS POINT WELLS View Saturday & Sunday09 1.00-2.00pm Cara Postlewaight 0221538780 _ _ _ R R UNITED REAL ESTATE 425 7949 UNITED REAL ESTATE 09 425 7949 _ _ _ Harbour View Road _ _Road _ 2 Harbour View 222Road Harbour 2Harbour Harbour View View Road View Road DE DEDE _ _ _ Terry Mills 027 239 5142 Michelle Carden 021 425 _beside _ _ 002 POINT WELLS Be the Seaside POINT WELLS UN UNUN





Be beside theBe Seaside Be beside the the Seaside _beside _Seaside _ Be beside the Seaside POINT WELLS POINT 2 Harbour View Road _ WELLS _ _ 2 Harbour View Road POINT WELLS UNITED REAL ESTATE 09 425 7949 2 Harbour View Road The last section in this location, bounding POINT WELLS 2 Harbour View Road The last section The in The this last last location, section section inSeaside bounding this this location, location, bounding _beside _in _bounding Be the The last section in this location, bounding 2 Harbour View Road Be beside the Seaside POINT WELLS Be beside the Seaside Harbour View & Riverside Drive && with views 2 Harbour View Road Be beside the Seaside _ _ _ Harbour View & Harbour Riverside Harbour View View Drive & & Riverside & Riverside with views Drive Drive & with with views views Harbour View & Riverside Drive & with views 2 Harbour View Road Be beside the Seaside POINT WELLS POINT WELLS The last section in this location, bounding out over the Omaha River and beyond. This Be beside the Seaside The last section in this location, bounding out over the Omaha out out over over River the the and Omaha Omaha beyond. River River This and and beyond. beyond. This This out over the Omaha River and beyond. This The lastWELLS section in this this location, location, bounding bounding POINT 2 Harbour View Road Be beside the Seaside The last section in 2 Harbour View Road Harbour View & Riverside Drive & with views property also has its own Jetty! Take this Harbour View & Riverside Drive & with views The last section in this location, bounding property also has property property its own also also Jetty! has has its Take its own own this Jetty! Jetty!Take Take this this property also has its own Jetty! Take this Harbour View & Riverside Drive & with views The last section in this location, bounding Be beside the Seaside 2 Harbour View Road Harbour View & Riverside Drive & with views Be the Seaside out over the Omaha River and This _beside _your _beyond. chance to build your dream home on this out over the Omaha River and beyond. This The last section in this location, bounding Harbour View &your Riverside Drive & with views chance to buildchance your chance dream toto to build build home on dream dream this home home on on this this chance build dream home on this out over the Omaha River and beyond. This Be beside the Seaside Harbour View & your Riverside Drive &Take with views out over the Omaha River and beyond. This property also has its own Jetty! this 852m² site && to live the dream with waterfront property also has its own Jetty! Take this The last section in this location, bounding Harbour View & Riverside Drive & with views out over the Omaha River andwith beyond. This POINT WELLS 852m² site & to852m² live 852m² the site dream site & to to live with live the waterfront the dream dream with waterfront waterfront The last section in this location, bounding 852m² site & to live the dream with waterfront property also has its own Jetty! Take this out overtothe Omaha River and beyond. This property also has its own Jetty! Take this chance build your dream home on this street ownership. The last section in this location, bounding chance to build your dream home on this Harbour View & Riverside Drive & with views out over the Omaha River and beyond. This property also has its own Jetty! Take this 2 Harbour View Road street ownership. street street ownership. ownership. Harbour View & Riverside Drive & with views street ownership. chance toalso build your dream home on this this property has its own Jetty! Take this chance to build your dream home on 852m² site & to live the dream with waterfront Harbour View & Riverside Drive & with views 852m² site & to live the dream with waterfront out over the Omaha River and beyond. This property also has its own Jetty! Take this chance to build your dream home on this Be beside the Seaside out over the Omaha River and beyond. 852m² site & to dream with waterfront chance to build yourthe dream home on thisThis For Sale $1,100,000 852m² site &Omaha to live live the dream with waterfront For Sale $1,100,000 For For Sale Sale $1,100,000 $1,100,000 street ownership. For Sale $1,100,000 out over the River and beyond. This street ownership. property also has its own Jetty! Take this chance to build your dream home on this 852m² site & to live dream with waterfront property also has itsthe own Jetty! Take this street ownership. 852m² site &RX1033515 to live the dream with waterfront Property ID RX1033515 street ownership. The last section in this location, bounding Property ID RX1033515 Property Property ID ID RX1033515 Property ID RX1033515 property also has itsthe own Jetty! Take this chance to build your dream home on this 852m² site & to live dream with waterfront street ownership. Property ID RX1033515 chance to build your dream home on this For Sale $1,100,000 street ownership. Michelle Carden 021 425 002 For Sale $1,100,000 Harbour View & your Riverside Drive & with views Michelle Carden Michelle Michelle 021 425 Carden Carden 002 021 021 425 425 002 002 Michelle Carden 425 002 For Sale $1,100,000 chance to build dream home on this 852m² site & live the dream with waterfront street ownership. For Sale $1,100,000 852m² site & to to live021 the dream with waterfront Property ID RX1033515 Cara Postlewaight 0221 538 780 Property ID RX1033515 For Sale $1,100,000 out over the Omaha River and beyond. This Cara Postlewaight Cara Cara Postlewaight 0221 Postlewaight 538 780 0221 0221 538 538 780 780waterfront Cara Postlewaight 0221 538 780 852m² site & to live the dream with Property ID RX1033515 street ownership. For Sale $1,100,000 street ownership. Property ID RX1033515 Michelle Carden 021 425 002 For Sale $1,100,000 property also has its own Jetty! Take this Michelle Carden 021 425 002 Property ID RX1033515 street ownership. Michelle Carden 021 425 425 002 UNITED REAL ESTATE 09 425 7949 Property ID Michelle Carden 021 002 UNITED REAL UNITED ESTATE UNITED REAL REAL 09 RX1033515 425 ESTATE ESTATE 7949 09 09 425 425 7949 7949 Cara Postlewaight 0221 538 780 UNITED ESTATE 09 425 7949 For Sale $1,100,000 chance toREAL build your dream home Property ID RX1033515 Cara Postlewaight 0221 538 780 Michelle Carden 021 425 002 For Sale $1,100,000 Cara Postlewaight 0221 538 780on this Michelle Carden 021 425538 002780 Cara Postlewaight 0221 For Sale $1,100,000 852m² site & to live the dream with waterfront Property ID RX1033515 Michelle Carden 021 425 002 Cara Postlewaight 0221 538 780 Property ID RX1033515 UNITED REAL ESTATE 425 7949 Cara Postlewaight 022109 538 780 UNITED REAL ESTATE 09 425 7949 UNITED REAL ESTATE 09 425 7949 Property ID RX1033515 street ownership. Michelle Carden 021 425 002 Cara Postlewaight 0221 538 780 UNITED REAL ESTATE 09 425 7949 Michelle Carden 021 425 002 UNITED REAL ESTATE 09002 425 7949 Michelle Carden 021 42509 UNITED REAL ESTATE 425 7949 Cara Postlewaight 538 Cara 0221 538 780 11 0221 11780 3 1 333Sale 3 Postlewaight 1 11 11 UNITED REAL ESTATE 425 7949 For $1,100,000 Cara Postlewaight 022109 538 780 4 2 2 UNITED REAL ESTATE 09 425 7949 Property ID RX1033515 4 2 44 4 2 222 222 WARKWORTH UNITED REAL ESTATE 09 425 7949 WARKWORTH WARKWORTH WARKWORTH WARKWORTH 3 1 1 3Victoria 1 1 UNITED REAL ESTATE 425 43A Street Michelle Carden 43A Victoria Street 43A 43A Victoria Victoria Street Street 3 1 021 42509002 1 7949 43A Victoria Street 3 1 1 4 2 2 3 Postlewaight 1 780 WARKWORTH AA RARE FIND Cara 4 2 2 A RARE FINDAA RARE RARE FIND 1 WARKWORTH 3 FIND 1 0221 538 1 4 2 2 RARE FIND WARKWORTH 24 bedroom, 2 2 WARKWORTH 43A 1 1 Architecturally year old home. North facing 4bedroom, 2 2 222 Architecturally Architecturally designed 2designed designed year designed old home. 2 2year yearold North oldhome. home. facing North North 44 facing facing 4 2 4 bedroom, bedroom, 43A3Victoria Victoria Street Street WARKWORTH Architecturally 2 year old home. North facing 4 bedroom, 43A Victoria Street 4 2 2 3 bedroom home with single garage giving UNITED REAL ESTATE 09 425 7949 3 bedroom home 3343A bedroom 3 with bedroom single home home garage with with giving single single garage giving giving WARKWORTH Victoria Street 3Victoria 1with single garage 1garage A RARE FIND bedroom home giving 4 2 2 43A Street A RARE FIND bathroom home site. WARKWORTH bathroom home bathroom on 701m² home site. on on 701m² 701m² site. site. A RARE FIND internal access. The property isis very well 43A Street bathroom homedesigned on 701m² site. internal access. internal The internal property access. access. isThe very property well property is1 very very well well A RARE FIND 3Victoria 1The Architecturally 2 year old home. North facing 4 bedroom, 2 internal access. The property is very well 4 2 2 43A Victoria Street Architecturally designed 2 year old home. North facing 4 bedroom, 2 A RARE FIND WARKWORTH Elevated positioning beautiful aspect and views. This popular WARKWORTH Elevated positioning Elevated with positioning beautiful with with aspect beautiful and aspect views. aspectand This andviews. popular views. This This popular popular 3 bedroom home with single garage giving Architecturally designed 2 year old home. North facing 4 bedroom, 2 maintained with lovely low maintenance maintained with maintained maintained abedroom lovely low with with maintenance aaalovely awith lovely low low maintenance maintenance A RARE FIND 3 home single garage Architecturally designed 2beautiful year old home. North facing Elevated positioning with beautiful aspect and This popular maintained with lovely low maintenance 4views. 24 bedroom, 2 2 3 bedroom home with single garage giving giving bathroom home on 701m² site. WARKWORTH 43A Victoria Street A RARE FIND Architecturally designed year old home. North facing 2 3 bedroom home with single garage giving 43A Victoria Street bathroom home on 701m² site. internal access. The property is very very well new subdivision short walk new subdivision new issubdivision only a short isisonly only walk onlya a2 short short walk the walk township. to thetownship. township. totothe the township. garden. There are polished floors the lounge, garden. are garden. polished There There floors are are polished in polished the lounge, floors floors inin in the the lounge, lounge, Architecturally designed 2ato year old home. North facing 4 4 bedroom, bedroom, 2 There garden. bathroom home on 701m² site. internal access. The property is well 3 bedroom home with single garage giving bathroom home on 701m² site. to the township. new subdivision is short walk garden. There are polished floors in the lounge, internal access. The property is very very well 43A Victoria Street garden. There are polished floors in the lounge, 3 bedroom home with single garage giving A RARE FIND Architecturally designed year old aspect home. and North facingThis 4 bedroom, 2 Elevated positioning with views. popular internal access. The property well bathroom home on site. A RARE FIND Elevated positioning with2beautiful beautiful aspect and views. This popular maintained with aareas. lovely low maintenance 3 &The 1 1is kitchen & dining kitchen kitchen areas. & dining dining property areas. areas. isThe The property property is kitchen & dining The property is maintained with a lovely low maintenance 3 bedroom home with single garage giving internal access. The property is veryisis well bathroom homedesigned on 701m² 701m² site. old aspect Elevated positioning with beautiful and views. This popular kitchen & dining areas. The property maintained with a lovely low maintenance Elevated positioning with beautiful aspect and views. This popular A RARE FIND internal access. The property is very well Architecturally 2 year home. North facing 4 bedroom, 2 maintained with a lovely low maintenance bathroom home on 701m² site. walk to the township. new subdivision is only a short Elevated positioning with beautiful aspect and This garden. There are polished floors in the lounge, currently tenanted currently currently & would tenanted tenanted make would ideal would make make anan an ideal ideal currently tenanted && would make ideal to the township. new subdivision is only a short walk By Negotiation By Negotiation By Negotiation 4views. 2 popular 2 garden. There are polished floors in lounge, 3 bedroom home with single garage giving internal access. The is very well maintained with a&an lovely low maintenance WARKWORTH 3 bedroom home with single garage giving Elevated positioning with beautiful and views. popular to the township. new subdivision is only a walk currently tenanted & property would an ideal garden. There are polished floors in the the lounge, By Negotiation Architecturally designed 2short year old aspect home. North facingThis 4 bedroom, 2 maintained with aareas. lovely lowmake maintenance to the township. new subdivision is only a short garden. There are polished floors in the Elevated positioning with beautiful aspect and views. This popular kitchen & dining The property is lounge, bathroom home on 701m² site. walk rental investment rental rental or Victoria permanent investment investment home. or or permanent permanent home. home. rental investment or permanent home. to the township. new subdivision is only a short walk 3 bedroom home with single garage giving kitchen & dining areas. The property is internal access. The property is very well maintained with a lovely low maintenance garden. There are polished floors in the lounge, 43A Street internal access. The property is very well Property ID RX1088862 Property ID RX1088862 RX1088862 rental investment or permanent home. Property ID kitchen & dining areas. The property is to theand township. new subdivision is only a short garden. There areareas. polished in the bathroom home on 701m² site. walk kitchen & dining The floors property is lounge, Property ID RX1088862 Elevated positioning with beautiful views. This popular currently tenanted & property would make an ideal By Negotiation to the township. new subdivision is only a short walkaspect internal access. The is very well currently tenanted & make an ideal maintained with a lovely low maintenance garden. There are polished in the kitchen dining The property is lounge, A RARE& FIND By Negotiation maintained with aareas. lovely lowfloors maintenance currently tenanted & would would make an ideal By Negotiation kitchen &tenanted dining areas. The property is currently & would make an ideal View OpenView Home View Sunday Open Home 2.30-3.00pm Sunday Sunday 2.30-3.00pm 2.30-3.00pm View Open Home 2.30-3.00pm By Negotiation Elevated positioning with beautiful aspect and views. This popular 2 rental investment or permanent home. to the township. new subdivision is only a short walk maintained with a lovely low maintenance rental investment or permanent home. garden. There are polished floors in the kitchen & dining areas. The property is lounge, currently tenanted & would make an ideal Open Home Sunday 2.30-3.00pm Architecturally designed 2 year old home. North facing 4 bedroom, By Negotiation garden. There areor polished floors in the lounge, Property ID RX1088862 rental investment permanent home. Property ID RX1088862 Price $679,000 Price Price $679,000 $679,000 currently tenanted & would make an ideal Price $679,000 By Negotiation rental investment or permanent home. 3 bedroom home with single garage giving Property ID RX1088862 to the township. new subdivision is only a short walk Price $679,000 Cara Postlewaight Cara Postlewaight 0221 538 780 0221 0221 538 538 780 780 garden. There are polished floors in the Cara Postlewaight 780 Property ID RX1088862 kitchen & dining areas. The property is currently tenanted would make an ideal rental investment or& permanent home. By Negotiation kitchen & dining areas. The property is lounge, bathroom home on 701m² site. Cara Postlewaight 0221 538 780 Property ID RX1021429 Property Property ID ID RX1021429 RX1021429 Property ID RX1088862 rental investment or permanent home. Property ID RX1021429 View Open Home Sunday 2.30-3.00pm internal access. The property is very well View Open Home Sunday 2.30-3.00pm Property ID027 RX1088862 Property ID RX1021429 currently tenanted & permanent would make an ideal ideal kitchen &tenanted dining areas. The make property is rental investment or& home. By Negotiation View Open Home Sunday 2.30-3.00pm currently would an Terry MillsElevated Terry 027 Terry 239 Mills Mills 5142 027239 239 5142 5142beautiful View Open Home Sunday 2.30-3.00pm positioning with aspect and views. 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UNITED REAL UNITED UNITED REAL REAL ESTATE 09 RX1021429 425 ESTATE ESTATE 7949 0909 09 425 425 7949 7949 Property ID RX1021429 UNITED REAL ESTATE 425 7949 Price $679,000 Cara Postlewaight 0221 780 Property ID RX1021429 Terry Mills 239 5142 UNITED REAL ESTATE 09538 425 7949 Property ID027 RX1088862 Terry Mills 027 239 5142 Terry Mills 239 5142 UNITED ESTATE 09property 425 7949 Cara Postlewaight 0221 538 780 kitchen &REAL dining areas. 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WARKWORTH WARKWORTH WARKWORTH WARKWORTH 30 Earlsway 30 Earlsway 30Earlsway Earlsway 30 WARKWORTH WARKWORTH Location Location Location & Class & Count! &Class Class ClassCount! Count! Count! Location & WARKWORTH 30 Earlsway WARKWORTH 30 Earlsway WARKWORTH 30 Earlsway Location & Class Count! 30 Earlsway WARKWORTH Location & Class 30 Earlsway Location & Class Count! Count! WARKWORTH Location & 30 Earlsway Location & Class Class Count! Count!

40 Queen St r eet , War kwor t h 40 Queen St r eetUNITED , War kwor th REAL ESTATE 09 425 7949




Licensed under REAA 2008 Licensed under REAA092008 UNITED REAL ESTATE 425 7949




30 Earlsway Location & Class Count! WARKWORTH Location & Class Count! 30 Earlsway Location & Class Count!

uni t e d re a l e s t a t e . c o . nz uni t e d re a l e s t a t e . c o . nz

Price Reduced

Price Reduced



95 Dennis Road A Perfect Lifestyle - Vendor Says Present All Offers Well located close to Warkworth Township, 3.77 ha of gently rolling pasture an attractive landscaped garden. The substantial Hinuera Stone home has a very large open plan living area, 4 bedrooms, large office or rumpus room. Well set on the property, private and peaceful. Single garage with internal access, plus a large shed with a wash room, implement shed, small shearing shed, loading ramp and yard are further improvements. An excellent orchard, the balance of the land is in pasture.




For Sale $1,289,000 View

Jennie Georgetti 021 389 236 LJ Hooker - Warkworth 09 425 8589 Broadbents 2001 Ltd

A perfect 10 out of 10 with: 1. River boundary out to the Kaipara Harbour. 2. Easy-care salt water 9.5m x 4.5m swimming pool. 3. 4.69ha with 6 paddocks, stock yard, & animal shelters. 4. 3 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms, large guest suite or 4th bedroom. 5. Wood burner and HRV. 6. 4 car gge with office. 7. Orchard, vege plot, established gardens, & dam. 8. Gorgeous sunsets. 9. Just a Peaceful slice of Heaven. 10. Exceptional value.


Ti Point Coastal Gem

Marie-Dominique 021 490 039 LJ Hooker - Warkworth 09 425 8589 Broadbents 2001 Ltd




Leigh 198-200 Ti Point Road For Sale By Negotiation View


440 Wharehine Road

Only an hours drive North East of Auckland, this private waterfront property, tucked away at the end of a bush clad driveway, is full of charm with an iconic beach on the harbour. The views of boats moored and of the Omaha Beach sand spit will take your breath away. With 2 titles on 2.91 ha, there are 2 dwellings, a huge barn/game room, a sleepout and garages. The original 100 year old renovated Queenslander is filled with character with its stone fireplace, wide timber windows

For Sale $829,000 View Saturday 2-3pm Roxanne Harrison 027 271 4875 LJ Hooker - Warkworth 09 425 8589 Broadbents 2001 Ltd



and original tiles and the stylish barn/game room and bathroom was added for the teenagers. The road front old cottage has its own 1500m2 title. This coastal property offers a wonderful playground for adults and young, an ideal escape, and is minutes drive away from all exciting cafes, shops, vineyards and beaches around Matakana and Leigh. With more development potential to explore if you wish to, this property is truly a quiet heaven on this coast.

Broadbents 2001 Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.

12 April 2017



Have the time of your life at Maygrove

If you’ve reached the time in your life where quality is important, Maygrove Village offers a fantastic lifestyle. You can live securely and independently in your own home set amongst beautifully manicured grounds with access to a range of amenities and activities including heated swimming pool, spa, indoor and outdoor bowls, croquet, petanque, restaurant and bar, movie theatre, games room, gym, library and computer room, chapel and putting green, without the worry of lawns and gardens that need maintaining. This is retirement living at its best. Visit Maygrove now and make yourself at home.

MAYGROVE VILLAGE - OREWA | Make yourself at home | PHONE LOUISE FOR AN APPOINTMENT: 09 427 0090 or 0508 629 476 10


12 April 2017

Real Estate ... Easter Style Yes, You Can Say It ... WOW!!!


$1,085,000 Home & Income With Views, Privacy, Sun & Style

$1,395,000 Family Living At Its Best ... By Big Manly Beach

Karen Franklin

Well here we are at the end of term one and daylight saving has finished ‌ at least we have a couple of long weekends ahead if you add the Monday to Anzac Day and, of course, Easter. As you may have noticed there is a lot of stock coming onto the market, all for differing reasons ... leaving the area, downsizing or simply a change. I certainly have my fair share of listings – here are a few of them including two “home and incomesâ€? - all of which will be available for viewing at your leisure during Easter and the holidays, just call to make an appointment instead of having to rush to open homes and then only having a few minutes. I also have several section listings for those of you wanting to build your ‘dream home’. You will notice most have prices to make life easy and also to encourage conditional buying which is a slightly less stressful way of buying. Have a great Easter, hope the Easter bunny is kind to you and give me a call if you are looking for a change of scenery.


Cheers Karen

Views, Lifestyle And Brand New

Home & Income ... or ... Lock & Leave


$995,000 (plus GST if

Enjoy Total Privacy & The Birds Singing



Immaculate & Affordable

Waterfront Opportunity - Owner Has Another Project



RV $1,300,000 ... Asking $1,395,000 ...

Found!! A Large Family Home Close To The Beach

$1,149,000 Manly, Deceased Estate


*+ Ç”Ę - *0-/. )/ -) /$*) ' ǝǝǝ 4 - Ćœ - 4 -Č€ Ç˝ Ç“Ç•Ç” ǚǚǜ ǛǖǛ Ç˝ Ç“Çœ Ç—Ç•Ç› ǘǙǖǘ Ç˝ & - )Çť!- )&'$)Č­# - *0-/.Çť *Çť)5 ) ( '/4 $($/ Č&#x;Č&#x; $ ). " )/ Ç•Ç“Ç“Ç›

12 April 2017




RE/MAX Realty Group MREINZ (Northern Properties Limited) Licensed REAA 2008 RE/MAX Realty Group MREINZ (Northern Properties Limited) Licensed REAA 2008 Each office Independently Owned and Operated Each office Independently Owned and Operated RE/MAX Realty Group MREINZ (Northern Properties Limited) Licensed REAA 2008 RE/MAX Realty Group MREINZ (Northern Properties Limited) Licensed REAA 2008 Each office Independently Owned and Operated Each office Independently Owned and Operated

Realty Realty Group Group Realty Realty Group Group Realty Group

ea Realty Realty Group Group 12 RE/MAX Realty Group MREINZ (Northern Properties Limited) Licensed REAA 2008 12 April 2017 WelcomeHome Realty Each office Independently Owned and Operated Realty Group Group RE/MAX Realty Group MREINZ (Northern Properties Limited) Licensed REAA 2008 RE/MAX Realty Group MREINZ (Northern Properties Limited) Licensed REAA 2008 Each office Independently Owned and Operated Each office Independently Owned and Operated



Pukapuka Road

Smith Road


2 Lots approx. 1.6ha

41 hectares (approx 103


Approx. 40 minutes

acres) of pasture. Well

north of Auckland

fenced, 15 paddocks,

North Facing

yards, 2 road accesses.


View Sunday 12 - 12.30pm

Asking Price $2,750,000 +

GST if any

Peter Marsh

M 021 772 477

Shailenne Parkes





99 Takatu Road Price by Negotiation View Agent on Site

4 Oystercatcher Lane D

1,024m² flat site


Fibre optic and


Concept plans available

Sat 15th April 11 - 11:45am

wastewater to site

Hannah Anderson

View Sunday 11 - 11.30am

M 021 865 635

Kellie Bissett

Jenni Marsh

M 027 5306 843

M 021 717 719




Whangaripo Valley Rd


35c Hauiti Dr Warkworth

Lots 3 & 5 are part of a 9

A tidy two bedroom, one

lot subdivision with

bathroom unit close to

sections ranging from

shops & schools.

1.01Ha - 2.995Ha.

For Sale $455,000

Price by Negotiation View by appointment

View Sunday 1 - 1.30pm

Anthony Shaw

Dianna Coman




88 Alnwick St Warkworth


Immaculate three

Large family home with

bedroom, one bathroom

views over to Kawau Bay.

brick and tile home.

For Sale $775,000

Price by Negotiation View phone for viewing times

View Sunday 11 - 11.30am

Jenni Marsh

Anthony Shaw

M 021 717 719

Steffan Meyer


12 April 2017

7 Arohia Place




NO W !


7 Inanga Lane, Omaha Stunning 4 bedroom, 3


bathroom beach retreat.

Auction (Unless Sold Prior) 2pm, Wed 10 May 2017 30 Gaunt Street, Auckland View Sat/Sun 2 - 2.45 pm



49 Beach Street Commanding position,


Snells Beach

water views & privacy.

Hampton Mews, Whisper Cove

For Sale from $425,000 View phone agent

Auction 2.00pm, 10 May 17 (unless sold prior)

Limited opportunities remain to secure your dream in exclusive Whisper Cove. Stunning northern end of the bay on the outskirts of Snells Beach, the sandy beach just

Dallas Honey

M 027 477 9957 minutes from your front door, could you ask for more? Low

maintenance, flat sections, titles issued. An opportunity too good to miss!

View Sat/Sun 11 - 11.45am

Steffan Meyer

Kellie Bissett

M 021 055 4346

M 027 530 6843



75 Alnwick St Warkworth Beautifully presented three bedroom, two bathroom brick and tile.

For Sale $925,000 View Sunday 2 - 2.30pm



238 Point Wells Road For Sale $2.170m. Immac 4 bdrm home on 2 acre site amongst big trees in charming seaside village.

View Sunday 1 - 1.45 pm




12 April 2017

Why sell with

Steffan Meyer?


1 Hapuka Close

Near new 4 bedroom 2 bathroom, solid designer-brick

Auction (Unless Sold Prior) 10am, 26 April 2017 41 Queen Street, Warkworth View Sunday 1 - 1.30pm

home sits less than 400m to the beach. A home that stands out on the street, positioned on a spacious & meticulously landscaped 648m² site, it’s easy to see why this home is so desirable. Just move in and simply enjoy

Steffan Meyer

life by the beach. With all the mod cons like LED lighting,

M 0800 UR SOLD

double glazing, heat pump-the list goes on. Making a move

on this home just makes sense!

61 Homes Sold

93.3% Success rate


35.5 Avg groups through


Lots 98 & 99


For Sale View phone to view

Before the chance is gone, create the home of your

0800 U R SOLD

dreams on your pick of two great building sites, metres to Steffan Meyer the beach. With easy building platforms, elevated to M 0800 UR SOLD capture potential sea views, in the picturesque Kawau

Waters subdivision. The opportunity for a superb coastal

lifestyle is on offer here, so it’s time to make the move! Call 0800 U R SOLD to view.

12 April 2017




Mackys Real Estate Ltd (REAA 2008)



16 Tamahunga Drive, Matakana

Magnificently set on an elevated lifestyle block of 1.16 hectares within walking distance to village and school. Luxurious indoor spaces offer multiple living areas with sound proofed media room, family lounge and formal living. Well appointed kitchen boasts walk-in scullery, high quality appliances and fittings. Four bedrooms include 2 large masters with walk in robes and ensuites with floor to ceiling tiles. Plus two double bedrooms and a family bathroom. Relax on the sunny decking and there's plenty of room for the pool! Post and rail entrance, double internal garage, plenty of off street parking. 10 year master builders guarantee. Highly motivated vendors ready to sell.

For Sale By negotiation View by appointment

Shailenne Parkes

Helen Bartrom

M 021 117 9142

M 021 130 6381



List with Bayleys in April and earn double Airpoints Dollars ! TM

To celebrate the second birthday of our partnership with AirpointsTM, you’ll earn double Airpoints DollarsTM when you list with Bayleys during the month of April*. This means not only will you get yourself a great result, you could also earn up to 1,000 Airpoints Dollars* to put towards your next trip or to spend at the Airpoints Store. To find out more about how to double the distance, double the trips or double the fun, contact your local Bayleys office. Orewa Beach 09 426 5911

Whangaparaoa 09 428 0600

Warkworth 09 425 7640

Omaha Beach 09 425 7640

Matakana 09 425 7640

Mangawhai 09 431 5415

Licensed under the REAA 2008. *Double Airpoints Dollars offer is capped at 1,000 Airpoints Dollars. Only available on standard commission rates. Must be sole agency. Only available for residential, rural and lifestyle properties. Cannot be used in conjunction with other specials or promotions. Double Airpoints Dollars offer is only available to property listed between 1st-30th April 2017. Airpoints Dollar accrual requests will be submitted to Air New Zealand after the settlement of sale. Only available to vendors on sale transactions. Further terms and conditions apply. Visit bayleys. to view terms and conditions. Airpoints Programme terms and conditions also apply.

12 April 2017



24 Mahurangimatters April 12, 2017

Bream Bay College steel band, The Panamals, stepped up the tempo with their tropical sounds to counter the downpour.

Lucy and Nigel Scott, from Magpie Magic, which made the headgear worn by many at the carnival.

The Brazilian Divas wowed the audience with their fabulous costumes and dancing. All cameras were out in force when they were on stage.

Carnival fun and fascinators boost Matakana carpark An intense six months of work culminated in three days of colourful activity in Matakana recently when locals held MataCARnival and raised $45,000 towards the cost of a new carpark. The new facility on Matakana Road will provide a safe school drop off, as well as a place for visitors to park on weekends. Event coordinator Barbara Souter, on behalf of the Matakana Community

Group, said locals donned carnival costumes and joined with professional dancers and bands to create a great carnival atmosphere. Around 180 guests attended a Grand Gala opening night at Plume Restaurant, which was the major sponsor. An auction run by Mark Macky and his team at Bayleys Real Estate saw more than 60 items and services sold in live and silent auctions. “A total of $30,000 was raised

under the hammer, with a further $9000 donated by Clyde and Farida Cooper, of Plume Restaurant, for the hospitality on the night.” The weekend continued with entertainment in the village on Saturday morning and culminated with a family day at the Matakana Country Park, which did well despite torrential rain. “We couldn’t have created such a perfect celebration in Matakana

without all the voluntary hours spent by locals,” Barbara said. “On the big Sunday at the Country Park a large number of people donated their time to ensure the event ran smoothly and safely. John Baker’s Country Park was perfect for the occasion and his generosity in providing equipment, manpower and professional event management in Fiona Angus made for a very memorable event.”

Warkworth Music hosts intimacy and power at jazz night A diverse range of experience in musical ensembles from the Roger Fox Big Band to the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra is coming to town. Warkworth Music welcomes the jazz octet, The Jac, on Friday, May 5, for a concert at Matakana Village Hall. The group draws on an impressive line-up of musicians. They include Matthew Allison, who is associate principal trombonist with the NZ Symphony Orchestra, and Alexis French (trumpet), who is ex-Black Seeds and leader of the Richter City Rebels. Guitarist Callum Allardice, drummer Shaun Anderson and Jake Baxendale (alto saxophone) met while studying jazz at the NZ School of Music.

Jazz octet The Jac.

Completing the line-up are bassist Nick Tipping, Chris Buckland (tenor saxophone) and pianist Daniel Millward. Best described as sitting between a small combo and full big band, The Jac’s four-horn, four-rhythm section instrumentation is flexible with

catchy melodies, rich harmonies and driving grooves.

The octet will perform a programme of originals with broad crossover appeal. The writing of Jake Baxendale, Callum Allarice and Daniel Millward allows its members to combine the controlled power of a big band with the intimacy and playfulness of a chamber jazz group. The Jac plays Matakana Village Hall, on Friday, May 5, from 7.30pm. Tickets are $35 for non-members, $25 for members and students free. Info:

Ticket giveaway Mahurangi Matters has a double pass to give away. Write your name and number on the back of an envelope, post to The Jac Competition, Mahurangi Matters PO Box 701 Warkworth or email editor@localmatters. with the subject line: The Jac. Competition closes April 26.


April 12, 2017 Mahurangimatters


chillfactor Hope for best, prepare for worst as winter approaches 

The heavy rain that saturated the district last week has served as a reminder to residents to take precautions before winter fully sets in. An Auckland Civil Defence and Emergency Management spokesperson says soil already saturated from the March storms and last week’s deluge has the potential to cause landslides. Their advice is to: • Prepare for the possibility that your road access may be cut off. • Ensure you have food and provisions on hand in case of isolation. • Never attempt to drive over slips. • Treat power lines as live at all times. For residents who live on properties or in suburbs that are flood prone, the advice is to: • Make sure drains and gutters are cleared. • Report any blocked or overflowing public street drains to Auckland Council.

Move any items in flood-prone areas to somewhere where they won’t get wet or damaged. As a general rule, residents are reminded never to drive through floodwaters, observe road closure warnings and, if stuck in flood waters, get out of the car and move to higher ground as quickly as possible. Roads can be slippery and affected by slips or debris after a storm so slow down and drive carefully. If your property is damaged, take photographs for your insurer as early as possible. Handy numbers: • Report flooding and trees down on public land to Auckland Council on 09 301 0101. • Auckland Civil Defence offers temporary shelter for anyone who has been affected by flooding and storm damage, and who can’t return home or stay with friends.


Info: 0800 22 22 00

Rainfall figures for March 320mm Mangawhai


The Auckland Rural Fire District season changed at the start of the month, allowing open fires on the mainland without fire permits. However, a restricted fire season remains for Kawau Island and there is still a total fire ban on conservation islands. Info: aucklandcouncil/



Wellsford Matakana


Warkworth Kaipara Flats

Takatu Rd


330mm Snells Beach



Spotlight on Warkworth Highest rainfall day March 10 - 82.5mm

Fire rules change


Longest period with rainfall: Six days

Total rainfall for year 438.5mm

At the Alnwick Street rain gauge, 315mm was the highest rainfall count for March since the year 2000. The next highest is 278mm in 2003. * All figures collected by Mahurangi Matters. Do not reproduce without the permission of Local Matters Inc.

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26 Mahurangimatters April 12, 2017





















































































Warm up your warehouse and factory staff!!!

How are your customers looking for you?

21KW Diesel Heater with thermostat





With these... or with these?

Extra for the trade

Enhance the online profile of your business at

3 Glenmore Drive, Warkworth (Opposite Warkworth Wreckers)

Phone 0800 425 800

Shutters & Blinds

F F O % 0 1 & FREE ION T A L L A T S N I

Valid on al

l or

before ders placed

Ways to reduce power costs Here are some tips to save money and avoid power and electricity costs escalating over winter. 1. Talk to your electricity company about their plans. Most provide options including direct debits at a flat rate all year round, prepayment meters and low use rates, and apps to monitor your energy on a hourly and daily basis. 2. Most of your electricity bill will go on hot water so use less if you can. Set your washing machine on a cold wash and rinse your dishes in cold water. Take short showers instead of baths. Showers use 60% less water than baths. 3. Fix dripping taps. A dripping hot tap can cost $80 a year but a washer to fix it costs less than $1. 4. If your hot water cylinder is old, keep the heat in by using a hot water cylinder wrap. These are available from hardware stores. Make sure the thermostat is set to produce a temperature of 55C at the tap. 5. Always turn the lights off in rooms when you leave. If you are using energy efficient light bulbs it is better to leave them on if you are returning within ten minutes. 6. Appliances that have a standby

function (such as TVs, stereos, mobile chargers, computers or microwaves) should be turned off at the wall. This can save you up to $75 a year. 7. Clothes dryers can be very expensive to run so try not to use them unless you have to. Heated towel rails are expensive and cost around $120 a year to run. 8. Make sure there is generous air space behind the back of your fridge and try to locate it out of direct sunlight, or in a cooler room like the laundry. Don’t open the fridge door too often or leave it open. 9. Make sure you cool food before putting it in the fridge. Turn off your second or ‘drinks’ fridge – this could be costing you $190 a year. 10. When cooking, always keep lids on pots and use as little water as possible to cook foods. Simmer rather than boil food and if possible use a microwave, as this uses 30 to 40 per cent less power than a conventional oven. Defrost food naturally if possible (in the fridge is best) rather than in the microwave. Source: Ministry of Social Development

Rugby premiers under pressure 17

31 May 20

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Nothing says ‘winter’ like the start of the rugby season. The Mahurangi Rugby Football Club premier teams are already looking stretched for players after losing three in the first match of the season. The Premier One game saw two blue cards issued on the basis of suspected concussion, with one Mahurangi player knocked out following a red card tackle at the breakdown. Premier One coach Koen McGee says he was disappointed with the discipline from both sides, with four yellows and two reds handed out by the referee. His side went down to Takapuna 66-8. “We were a bit shell-shocked to start with and had a disappointing first 40 minutes,” Koen says. “We retained possession better in the second half and restricted Takapuna to scoring just one try.” Koen says numbers were an issue in pre-season training, with not enough players showing up to properly develop game strategies. A couple of players also left the side just before the season start and Koen says one of his front rowers is still being hunted by a North Shore side.

He says the team has some quality players and hopes to win at least half their matches this season. To bolster the side after the injury losses some Premier Two team players will move up to the top level. Club captain and Premier Two interim coach Matthew Johnson says the struggle for numbers is a similar story to previous years. “Substitutes will be an issue this season, but we hope to keep the starting team consistent,” he says. He praised his side’s performance for a first game with a lack of pre-season training, despite losing 19-5 to the Navy Doggies. “Our goal line defence was outstanding, but we do need to work on the breakdown to avoid losing so much turnover ball.” The Mahurangi U85s squad is looking comfortable for players, but also lost its season opener 39-20 to Massey. Coach Bruce Gravatt says a slow start meant his side was always on the back foot, and that work needs to be done on defence and line-outs. The team goal is to make the top four this year, after narrowly missing out last season.


April 12, 2017 Mahurangimatters




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Visit our showroom at 16-18 Morrison Drive, Warkworth An organiser of the storytelling night, Margaret Simpson, with one of the yarn spinners, John Bluck.

Storytellers welcome winter St Leonard’s Anglican Church in Matakana is marking the start of the cooler weather with a night of storytelling later this month. Local yarn spinners will be joined by folk singer John Hayday, and a glass of mulled wine and supper are included as part of the free event. The storytellers will include retired Anglican bishop, author and broadcaster John Bluck; retired local farmer Hugh McKergow; a former

deck officer in the British Merchant Navy, Ian Macdonald, who has travelled widely as an internationallybased photographer for the BBC; Anglican priest and travel consultant Annie Mellor; artist, writer and retired teacher Ina Shaw, who grew up at Whangateau; and keen local historian Neil Sutherland. Our Places, Our Stories will be held at the church on Friday, April 28, from 7pm to 9pm.

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28 Mahurangimatters April 12, 2017


Get your property sorted for winter with Greenwash Let us sort out those slippery paths and decks and overflowing roofs and gutters

Auckland saw winter temperatures drop to as low as -5.7 degrees Celsius in June of 1936.


Cold and damp homes are linked to poor health, especially for babies and small children, people who are ill, and older people. Here are some tips to keep your home warm.

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Keep your home warm

You can use dehumidifiers and avoid creating moisture in the air by not drying clothes inside. Drying on the outside is free and

Insulation is the best way to keep a house warm and save on heating costs. Recent changes to the Residential Tenancy Act mean that by 1 July 2019, all rental properties must have ceiling and under-floor insulation meeting a set standard, where reasonably practicable. A limited number of grants are available through Warm Up New Zealand: Healthy Homes for ceiling and underfloor insulation for rental properties built before 2000 and occupied by low-income tenants.


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Dress warmly for bed and make sure your bedroom is warm and stays warm during the night. Only heat the room you are in. Try to keep the temperature between 18 and 21 degrees especially if you have babies, people with illnesses, or older people living in your home. Up to 20% of heating can be lost through draughts. Block up unused chimneys and stop draughts around doors and windows. You can make your own draught ‘snakes’ by stuffing rugby socks or pantyhose with newspaper or cushion filling. Open windows and curtains on sunny days, and close them when the sun goes down to trap heat in your home. Trim trees that prevent sun entering your house.


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the sunlight kills bacteria. Use a shed or garage if it is raining. To reduce moisture caused by steam, always open a window when you are showering and when you are cooking on the stove top. Use pot lids to reduce the amount of steam escaping. Keep doors to bedrooms closed at these times as steam can make beds damp. If you use a clothes dryer, make sure your clothes are properly spun first and leave windows open while you are using it or vent it outside.

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Groups with innovative ideas for reducing waste to landfill can apply for grants of up to $5000 from the ‘zero waste’ fund, which closes on April 30. The scheme is funded through a levy of $10 per tonne on all waste sent to landfill and grant recipients must meet at least half the cost of their project. Businesses, schools and community groups are all eligible to apply. Since April 2013, more than $2.5 million has been allocated to fund a range of projects from surveys, pilots, and feasibility studies to workshops, education programmes and new equipment. Info: or 09 301 0101.


Fired-up with Chris Jensen

Whether you’re an experienced investor, or if you’re just starting out, Quinovic’s proven Care and Return systems can 29 April 12, 2017 Mahurangimatters give you the edge to make it a real success.

We are so confident in our abilities to market rental properties that D J READER CONSTRUCTION we will provide FREE D J READER CONSTRUCTION Leave it to the experts, leave it with us. DJ JREADER READER CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION rental advertising forD your READER CONSTRUCTION DDJJREADER CONSTRUCTION CANʼT FIND A BUILDER? CANʼT FIND A BUILDER? property. LINDA OTTER Considering new projects now!

CANʼTnew FIND A BUILDER? Considering projects now! CANʼT FIND BUILDER? CANʼTFIND FIND BUILDER? CANʼT AAA BUILDER? FRANCHISE OWNER Considering new projects now! Give me a call Darren 484 8245 Give me a call Darren 027 484 027 8245 Considering new projects now! Considering new projects now! Considering new projects now! Give me a call call Darren 027 484 8245 Give mea callDarren Darren027 027 484 8245 Give me 484 8245 Matakana village suffered another serious fire recently when the Matakana Sawmill Call us now to enquire! Give me aacall Darren 027 484 8245 had a fire in a large wooden shed in the middle of the afternoon. The shed contained Offers like this won’t last long. -References much of the company’s woodworking machinery. Initial reports suggested the fire

Fuel, oxygen and heat

-References Available- -ReferencesAvailableAvailablewas caused by a spark when a saw blade hit a nail while milling a slab of timber. -References -References Available-References AvailableThe fire quickly spread and was well ablaze by the time fire crews arrived. The QUINOVIC WARKWORTH building was totally destroyed. Fire crews attended from Warkworth, Matakana, Mahurangi East and Leigh. They were backed up by water tankers from Shop 1, 20 Neville Street Warkworth Quinovic’s FREE Matakana and Mahurangi East, as well as a number of support vehicles from P O Box 330 Warkworth 0941 advertising offer! further afield. Crews used portable pumps to pump water from a nearby creek Quinovic Property M: 022 697 Whether you’re7921 an experienced investor, to supplement water supplies. or (09) if you’re just starting out, Quinovic’s T: 973 5397 Management’s We are so confident in our Although this building was lost, crews worked hard to save nearby buildings that proven Care and Return systems can E: abilities to give you the edge to make it a real Whether you’re anmarket experienced investor, were under serious threat of catching alight. One Warkworth firefighter suffered FREE advertising success. rental properties that minor burns to his hands when he bravely put himself in a position close enough Whether you’re an experienced investor, or or if you’re starting out, Quinovic’s Whether you’re an experienced investor, wejust will provide FREE offer! to apply water to a nearby building that so was confident being scorched byour flames and also if you’re startingleave out,itQuinovic’s We are in Leave it to just the experts, with us. proven rental advertising your or if you’re just starting out, Quinovic’s proven Care and Returnforsystems can in danger of catching fire. The heat from the fire was intense, not helped by the Care and Return systems can give you the We are so confident in our property. proven Careit and edge make a real Return success. systems can heat of a hot summer day. abilities to market give you the to make in it a real LINDAtoOTTER Wemarket areedge so confident FRANCHISE OWNER abilities to Call now to discuss how we make can helpityou with give you the edge to a real A large digger was brought in to overturn the debris to allow crews to damp success. rental properties that our abilities to market your property management needs down hotspots. It was several hours before crews departed the scene. It rental was an properties success. Call us nowthat to enquire! rental we Leave it to the experts, leave it with us. extremely demanding and taxing for all staff involved. all! Offersproperties like this won’tthat last long. wedaywill provide FREEWell done to them we will provide FREE will provide FREE rental What the blaze showed is how fast a fire can spread given the right conditions, Leave it to the experts, leave it withLeave us. it to the experts, leave it with us. forThese yourare commonly rental advertising your Linda Otter advertisingfor for your which include three elementsrental – fuel, advertising oxygen and heat. Whether you’re an experienced investor, QUINOVIC WARKWORTH FRANCHISE OWNER referred to as the fire triangle. property. When all three exist in abundance, as theyproperty. did on property. Shopif1,you’re 20 Neville Street or justWarkworth starting out, Quinovic’s Quinovic’s FREE LINDA this occasion, then you have a fire that burns fiercely, and is extremely difficult to LINDA P O Box 330 OTTER Warkworth 0941 We are so OTTER confident in our proven Care and Return systems can M: 022 697 7921 OWNER bring under control and put out. The building was an old, dry wooden structure FRANCHISE Quinovic’s FREE advertising offer! FRANCHISE OWNER abilities to market T: (09) 973 5397 022 697to7921 give you the edge to make it a real that contained further fuel with quantities of timber. As such, this was perfect Call us now you’re enquire! E: advertising offer! Whether an experienced investor, success. rental properties that fuel for the flames to thrive. The building had plenty of ventilation allowing air Call us nowOffers to enquire! thisjustwon’t or like if you’re startinglast out, Quinovic’s Whether you’re an experienced investor, to flow freely through the building andnow feed to theenquire! fire. Once We the are firesotook holdwill itin our Call us confident we provide FREE QUINOVIC WARKWORTH or if you’re just starting out, Quinovic’s Offers like this won’t last long. proven Care and Return systems can long! spread rapidly and as said, the heat was intense. We are so confident in our proven Care and Return systems can Leave it20 to the experts, leave it with us. Shop 1, Neville Street Warkworth Offers like this won’t lastabilities market give you the edge to make it a real rental advertising your abilities tofor market give you the edge to make it a real P O Box 330 Warkworth 0941 success. rental properties that Quinovic’s FREE success. rental properties that property. M: 022 697 7921 we will provide FREE LINDA OTTER we will provide FREE advertising offer! QUINOVIC WARKWORTH T: (09) 5397 leave it with us. Leave it to the experts, leave it withLeave us. it to973 the experts, rental advertising for your rental advertising for your Warkworth Weedbusters were FRANCHISE OWNER Whether you’re an experienced investor, E: Shop 1, 20 Neville Street Warkworth QUINOVICproperty. WARKWORTH property. or if you’re just starting out, Quinovic’s targeting the edge of Mill Stream and LINDA OTTER WeLINDA are so OTTER confident in our PFRANCHISE O Box 330 0941 proven Care andWarkworth Return systems can the Mahurangi River recently. OWNER CallShop us now enquire! FRANCHISE OWNER 1, 20to Neville Street Warkworth abilities to market give you the edge to make it a real M: 022 697 7921 A particular focus was the small park success. rental properties that Offers won’t last long. CallWarkworth us now to enquire! P Olike Box this 330 0941 T: (09) 973 5397 Call us now to enquire! opposite the Bridgehouse. The main we will provide FREE Offers like this won’t last long. Leave it to the experts, leave it with us. Offers like this won’tM: last022 long.697rental weeds were pampas, privet and some 7921advertising for your E: Phoenix palms. property. T: (09) 973 5397 LINDA OTTER QUINOVIC WARKWORTH QUINOVIC WARKWORTH An organiser Patte Williams said each A Phoenix palm being removed FRANCHISE OWNER Shop 1, 20 Neville Street Warkworth QUINOVIC WARKWORTH E: frond of the palms was carefully cut, from opposite the Bridgehouse, in 20 Neville0941 Street Warkworth P O Box1, 330 Warkworth You find us easy talk to...Shop We’re more than just accountants. Callwill us now enquire! Shop 1, 20toNeville Streetto Warkworth pasted and then placed over the fence Elizabeth Street, Warkworth. M: 022 697 7921 P O Box 330 Warkworth 0941 Offers like this won’t lastlocal long. accountancy practice that does We are your modern your tax P O Box 330 Warkworth 0941 T: (09) 973 5397 022 697 7921 for collection. The bush privet was Bird area chair Sally Richardson. M: 022 697 7921 returns and grow your business. M: 022 697helps 7921 you fine tune & E: given the same treatment. T: (09) 973 5397 022 697 7921 “The skips had plenty of agapanthus T: (09) 973 5397 QUINOVIC WARKWORTH She said the pampas grass clumps took and wild ginger in them so some • Small Business Specialists E: Shop 1, 20 Neville Street Warkworth E: a lot longer to be removed as every leaf locals have been doing a great job • Full Accountancy & Bookkeeping Services P O Box 330 Warkworth 0941 was like a sawblade when touched. • Friendly & Easy to Talk To M: 022 697 7921 for Warkworth,” Patte says. “A big T: (09) 973 5397 022Training 697 7921 Meanwhile, a weed amnesty was held thank you from the Warkworth • Xero & Implementation E: at the Warkworth Showgrounds on Weedbusters.” • Rentals, Trusts, Sole Traders, Companies March 26. • Exit Planning & Business Sale Advice The next Weed Amnesty will be held Despite the weather, trailer loads of on May 7, again at the showgrounds, • Experienced Business Coaches & Mentors invasive pest plants were delivered. from 10am to 2pm. It would be our pleasure to get together Lending a hand were Rodney Info: or for a free confidential meeting to see Councillor Greg Sayers and Forest & phone 021 137 9035. what we could do for you

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Pakiri donation

The North Auckland Federation of Women’s Institutes has donated $1000, a selection of fruit trees and some compost bins to Pakiri School. The money came from a fundraising campaign last year, which netted $3000 via a series of raffles and sausage sizzles. Two institutes from Rodney – Matakana and Warkworth – make up the wider organisation. ACCOUNTANTS & 51 Morrison Drive, Warkworth BUSINESS ADVISORS Phone 09 425 9833







30 Mahurangimatters April 12, 2017

Farm award recognises dedicated environmental efforts Rodney farmers outdid the field at the Ballance Farm Environment (Auckland) gala awards night held on March 29. They won four of the five awards, with the Narbey family farm at Helensville taking out the Supreme Award. Mahurangi winners were Greg and Ingrid McCracken, of Wellsford, Sue Meszaros and Karyn Maddren, of Streamland Suffolk at Ahuroa, and Bev Trowbridge, also of Ahuroa. The annual awards recognise and celebrate good farm practices that promote sustainable land management, and are run in 10 regions throughout New Zealand. This was the first year Streamland Suffolk had entered the awards and owners Susan and Karyn say the win was a happy surprise. “We hear so much bad farming news, but the awards are all about the great news and how so many individuals and agri-businesses are contributing to make New Zealand and NZ farming better,” Susan says. The women bought their 68-hectare property on West Coast Road in 2010. It once formed part of the Jenkins property and was at the heart of their sheep operation. “We fell in love with it as soon as we saw it. It had good farm infrastructure, good sheep paddocks and an old kauri farm house with history, all set in a beautiful environment. “The Jenkins had already covenanted

Sue (left) and Karyn were “chuffed” to pick up one of the four awards that came to Rodney.

two large bush blocks to the QE11 National Trust and although it was an old farm, it had been meticulously cared for. We knew our job was going to be to learn how to manage it.” The property is currently carrying 200 Suffolk ewes and around 80 rams, as well as a few beef cattle and goats that provide milk for the lambs. It is a dry-summer farm that is run as a low-input system with a clear focus on healthy stock and good biodiversity and conservation practises. The Ballance award judges

commented that Sue and Karyn demonstrated a true commitment to stewardship – streams were being fenced and planted with generous margins, impressive stands of native bush were protected and cared for, and they had established strong relationships with community groups and Auckland Council to achieve their goals. “(The farm) was well presented and an aesthetically pleasing property that was a pleasure to visit,” the judges said. While Canadian-born Sue started

breeding sheep in the 1970s, Karyn worked in optical manufacturing until recently. They met during a sailing competition in Auckland in the 80s and reconnected when Sue moved to NZ from Australia where she had completed a PhD in animal breeding and genetics. Sue and Karyn see themselves planting trees, trapping pests, sampling water and caring for their animals and property for many years to come. continued next page

Our Birthday Bash is over and we want to say a BIG thank you to all our suppliers for their contributions and support. See our facebook page for more details.

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April 12, 2017 Mahurangimatters


DOES MY SEPTIC TANK NEED CLEANING? Fencing is a priority, both to protect the two streams that run through the property into the Araparera River and Kaipara Harbour, and as part of the management plan to reduce the size of the paddocks. from previous page

“Our vision is to demonstrate that farm sustainability is achievable and we’d like to share that with people in future.” Streamland is already a flagship site for the Integrated Kaipara Harbour Management Project and a sponsor of Trees for Survival at Ahuroa School. Sue estimates that conservation work on the farm so far has probably cost around $50,000. “You could spend hundreds of

thousands of dollars, which is cost-prohibitive for most farmers, especially sheep farmers. You have to weigh up the cost-benefits. Planting trees and fencing makes a huge difference to how you manage the land, and it also prevents erosion which can be costly. “It is one of the big challenges for our society – people have to be prepared to pay farmers the full price for produce, which includes the cost of taking care of the land.”

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A Weed Amnesty will be held at the Warkworth Showgrounds, May 7th, 10am to 2pm.

Remove dead heads to prevent further contamination

Is your tank water discoloured or funny smelling?

Remove Agapanthus to prevent blocking of road drains

AGAPANTHUS - African Lily This robust lily has been a popular choice in many gardens. It forms dense clumps of dark green strappy foliage, totally excluding other plants. The tall stems of blue or white flowers appear over summer, drying to a brown head of 3-sided capsules holding many black winged seeds which invade nearby areas. They are often seen filling road drains and gutters with their dense growth. Remove every dead head to save further contamination. (See photos) Seeds are spread by gravity, wind, birds and water, over long distances. We see them invading native bush areas and particularly along bush margins. They are really problematic when invading coastal cliffs causing a great loss of biodiversity. Controlling Agapanthus requires ongoing efforts. Dig out random plants. Dispose of them at a refuse station. Keep checking the area for further growth. Where large clumps are covering an area, spraying may be the only choice. But get advice on this matter first. Please note, only environmental Pest Plants like Pampas, Agapanthus, Woolly Nightshade, Monkey Apple tree, Ginger, Wattles, Phoenix Palms, Privets and Arundo Grass, etc, are accepted. No commercial business.

For further information about this event, email: call: 021 137 9035



32 Mahurangimatters April 12, 2017

Growing optimism in forestry circles Women invited to A rise in the number of timber tree seedlings being sold indicates the recent decline in plantation forest replanting may be reversing. A Ministry of Primary Industries survey of all 28 commercial forest nurseries in New Zealand shows stock sales last year for planting this year were 52.2 million seedlings, compared with 49.5 million the year before. Forest Owners Association chief executive David Rhodes says the increase in seedling sales is a positive sign the industry is gearing up for increased production, even if the trees planted now will not be harvested for about another 30 years. “Improved log prices over the past year will be one factor,” he says. “Another is the carbon credit value for planting trees under the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is increasing, now we don’t have those bogus Eastern European credits in the market. “One important trend is the gradual increase in the number of timber woodlots on farmland. Farmers appear to be seeing the countercyclical value in having profitable timber plantations growing on their properties to balance low meat and wool prices. They may also have a long-term eye to carbon offsets from their trees, if agriculture was ever brought into the ETS.” Production from New Zealand forests will increase over the next five or so years, due to extensive plantings in the past, which peaked at a growth of nearly 100,000 new hectares planted in 1994. But some recent years have seen a reduction in New Zealand’s total plantation forest area. The MPI survey has revealed other plantation forestry trends, including an increase in the use of Pinus radiata. Ninety per cent of current plantation trees are Pinus radiata, with Douglas fir the next most important species, especially in the South Island. The Pinus radiata dominance appears to be

share farm stories

David Rhodes

increasing. The survey indicates nearly 94 per cent of 2016 seedling sales were Pinus radiata. Foresters are also taking advantage of the genetic developments in Pinus radiata, with 72 per cent of seedling sales comprising Growth and Form 19 trees or better. This is higher than the 69 per cent in 2015. New Zealand Farm Forestry Association incoming president Neil Cullen adds that the indication from nearly all responding nurseries is that sales for 2017 are going to be the same or better. “However, the new planting rate is still too low,” Mr Cullen says. “I don’t expect a big increase until the Government provides incentives to deliver policies of national importance through more planting, in particular for improved water quality and to offset greenhouse gas emissions.” Mr Cullen says the reported sale of 9.8 million manuka seedlings, enough to stock 6300 ha, is of special interest in the nursery survey. He says this is a reflection of the current high demand for manuka honey.

Women involved in primary industries in the Mahurangi area are being encouraged to tell their stories as part of an international celebration of women in agriculture. AgWomen Global launched last month to celebrate all women who help shape the primary industries in their countries, no matter the size of the part they play. It is a year-long project to collect stories directly from women who experience farming first hand. Images accompanied with written stories will be used in a book, as well as being posted on the AgWomen Global Instagram and Facebook accounts. The women profiled won’t only be from farms or the wives of farmers – they may be within a business that supports the industry. “Please don’t think you don’t have a story for AgWomen because you’re ‘just a wife or mother who lives on farm’,” Grass Roots Media NZ founder Chelsea Millar says. “By engaging with your community, doing the school run, inventing new tools or even working within an agribusiness, you’re all playing a part in making the boat go faster, so please share that with us. We’d love to profile you!” Info:

School challenge The ‘Toolbox Challenge’ is underway to find New Zealand’s future engineers and furniture makers. The inter-school competition by industry training organisation Competenz is open to all schools that offer engineering or furniture subjects in Years 11 to 13. This year includes a free smartphone app to register, track and update entries and win prizes. Info:


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April 12, 2017 Mahurangimatters

Gardening Andrew Steens

Greenhouse growing

Dan’s Tips April 2017

It’s time to transition your garden from summer to autumn and remove crops that have finished producing. If you’re not doing a winter plant, sow a green crop like lupins; best of all, fork some compost around the garden. Growing Food Lots of people grow vegetables, happy to potter along growing crops with the seasons. Fanatical gardeners, though, like to push the boundaries; growing crops that would otherwise struggle to grow in their environment or to get a jumpstart on the season. You can gain an advantage of at least a month at the start of the season and more than a month at the end of the season by using an unheated greenhouse, or more if you can heat it (even though the cost of heating is probably not cost-effective). So instead of tomatoes from December to April, you may be eating tomatoes from November to June. You can make a greenhouse from glass, polythene or twin-wall polycarbonate sheeting. The latter option is increasingly preferred by home gardeners as it is lightweight, reasonably cost-effective and safe. A double-glazed greenhouse is much more efficient at holding heat than single layers, which is where the twinwall polycarbonate excels. Glass has the best light transmission and lasts the longest, but is costly, heavy (needing more structural support) and carries an inherent danger of injury. For those on a tight budget, old wooden windows with their sashes still attached can often be picked up for free or very cheap from people making renovations; connecting these together makes a lovely retro looking greenhouse. Polythene plastic film is the lightest and cheapest option, but it doesn’t have the permanence of the other two options and can be easily destroyed in a storm. Although it heats up well during the day, it does lose heat faster than glass or twin-wall at night. One critical area when choosing a design for your greenhouse is sufficient ventilation. Poor ventilation dramatically increases the amount of leaf diseases and stresses the plants by letting temperatures climb too high. A good rule of thumb for working out the amount of windows and vents you need is that if you take the dimensions of all of the openings at their widest point, they should add up to at least 30% of the floor space. This amount of ventilation should be enough to prevent your greenhouse getting too hot until the middle of summer, when some shading might be needed. If possible, get a larger greenhouse rather than a smaller one, as the more air volume in a greenhouse, the more stable the environment, which is better for your plants. As we move into winter, make sure there are no gaps in the cladding, such as broken panes, badly fitting doors or windows that don’t close fully. Then look at the possibility of adding an extra layer of cladding. This is the same principle as double-glazing – the aim is to create a layer of air between the two layers. I’ve found the easiest way to achieve this is to run wires the length of the greenhouse at the peak, at the gables and near the floor. A sheet of clear polythene can then be hung over the wires, much like a tent. Sealing the joins with greenhouse tape adds to the insulation quality. The heat retention of this extra layer is nearly double that of a single layer cladding and well worth the effort. Another useful tip is to cover the southern wall of the greenhouse with a solid material such as plywood or corflute. The light gain from the southern wall is minimal, but the heat loss can be quite high when a southerly wind is blowing, so this wall is better covered for increased insulation. A side-benefit of this snug environment is the pleasant working conditions for sun-deprived gardeners; much better than working outside in winter!

• Managing transition from the end of the summer garden: now is the time to remove spent diseased crops that have given up their best yields • Replenish organic matter ahead of spring planting: Dig over the cleared areas and add compost or Veggie Mix plus some sheep pellets to replenish organic matter • Time to sow a green crop: generally lupins and mustard seed • Seed-saving: the seed from any heritage/heirloom vegetables may be saved and stored in paper envelopes or bags in a cool dry area.

Other Work • Nature’s Best: the planting season of the year. The soil is warm and moist and there is time for to establish plants before the cold • Fork some compost around everything in the garden • Early flowering camellias (sasanqua varieties) begin their flowering season from now on. • Plant spring flowering Bulbs: tulips, hyacinths and daffodils are ready to hit the soil.

Looking to redo your lawn or show it some love? Now is the time to do it! With the cooler temperatures and more moisture in the earth, now is the time to show your lawn you care. At Central Landscape and Garden Supplies Warkworth we have a wide range of grass seed, soils, fertilisers and lawn care products.

Open Hours: Monday - Friday: 7am - 5pm, Saturday: 8am - 4pm, Sunday: 9 - 2pm. • 09 425 9780 25-31 Morrison Drive, Warkworth



34 Mahurangimatters April 12, 2017



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• Fertilizer SPREADERS

Ear infections, especially in dogs, are quite often reoccurring and some individuals are more prone to infections than others. This can be due to environmental causes, like working in the water during duck hunting season, or anatomical predispositions like spaniels with large floppy ears, for example. The symptoms of infection are usually head shaking and scratching of the ear with the hind leg. Sometimes we also see head tilt and very often a noticeable discharge from the infected ear canal. The infections are usually caused by bacteria, mites or fungi and quite often a combination of the above. The ear canal should always be examined by your vet because the ear drum needs to be intact before any medication is put into the ear canal. If the medication runs through a hole in the ear drum into the middle ear, severe complications may occur. Furthermore, foreign bodies as well as the occasional neoplasia, will be detected when the ear is properly examined with an otoscope. The veterinarian will quite often take smears to check for mites or fungi under the microscope, and also take a sample for bacteriology to select a more targeted antibiotic. This will quite often be done when the infection is reoccurring. Treatment will be dependent on the cause of the infection. Often the vet will prescribe a combination product before bacteriology has been established. Clinical experience mostly leads to an effective choice of medication straight away, but remember that it is very important to establish the integrity of the eardrum every time treatment is initiated. This examination involves the cleaning of the ear canal and using an instrument, called an otoscope, which will allow the vet to visually explore all the surfaces of the ear canal. Apart from giving a proper field of vision, the cleaning of the ear canal also facilitates better absorption of topical medications. The main reason for treatment to be started before the bacteriology is done lies in the fact that the infection is very irritating to the animal and the head shaking, as well as the scratching of the ear, frequently leads to the formation of a haematoma (blood blister) between the ear cartilage and the outer skin. This development then requires a surgical intervention, so earlier treatment is seen as preventative action. In severe cases, the veterinarian will prescribe oral antibiotics and anti-inflammatories in addition to a topical medication. Sometimes topical medications cannot be applied because the animal is in too much pain, so if you see your pet showing symptoms of an ear infection get it seen to as soon as possible because these things progress quite quickly. One last piece of advice to remember is do not use leftover medication from last time without consulting your vet.

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Trimming SAVE SAVE from MONTHS Trimming Prices, Prices, Trimmers Trimming Trimming Prices, Prices, SAVE $ $ 322L today! N Not322L Quality 9 up to 100 $ it home INTEREST FREE 449 only 194! $ up to 449 $ $ $ $100 Not Not Quality Quality u 449 OW 194 194 NOW NOW 449 449 Not Quality up to 100 You could take rurallife 35 April 12, 2017 Mahurangimatters Trimmers from You could take MONTHS Trimmers from MONTHS Trimmers from Tr MONTHS Trimmers from MONTHS it home today! INTEREST FREE only 194! INTEREST FREE only 194! it home today! INTEREST FREE FREE CountryLiving only INTEREST only 194! 194!


TS138 Husqvarna TS138 3 17.5hp** -- 3 17.5hp

was 499 22.5cc - 0.75kW 22.5cc--4.2kg 0.75kW - 4.2kg $

$ $ $ $

Husqvarna 17.5hp* - 3 Husqvarna * 17.5hp 3 17.5hp* -- 3


was$$499 *


3 30 30 3

** **

Vanguard 21.0hp* 4 Cutting De

^ ^ ^ ^ ^

TS342 TS342 Vanguard Vanguard TS342 Vanguard TS342 ** 4 21.0hp 4 21.0hp

Julie Cotton

Vanguard * 4 21.0hp Vanguard Cutting* De De Cutting 4 21.0hp Cutting* De 4 21.0hp Cutting Cutting De De

525RJD 525RJD

25.4cc - 0.95kW 25.4cc -- 4.9kg 0.95kW - 4.9kg

Double standards on rubbish

* up to $100 on selected models. $194 refers to model 122C Save Offers valid until 28 February 2017 at participating dealers only. .


9 749 749 OW 799 749 799




It looks as if our lovely rural communities are suffering from a bit of a hangover and, unfortunately, it is not of the alcohol variety, which is a pity, because perhaps a greasy hamburger could have easily fixed the problem! Nope, I believe $100 $194 Save up to to $ 100 on on selected selected models. models. $ 194 refers refers to to model model 122C 122C ** up Save $until $participating our hangover stems from a massive population explosion in Auckland pushing * Offers valid 28 February 2017 at only. Save up to 100 on selected models. 194 refers to model 122C Offers valid until 28 February 2017 at participating dealers dealers only. $until Offers valid 28 selected Februarymodels. 2017 at$ participating dealers only. * up Save to 100 on 194 refers to model 122C . $ $ $ $ . * up Save to until 100 on selected models. 194 refers to model 122C people122C and their rubbish our communities. Steadily, over the last two wasout 279 to Offers was 499 valid 28 February 2017 at participating dealers only. 322L . Offers valid until 28 February 2017 at was participating 279 499 $ dealers only. $ 322L .$ our beautiful $ - 0.76kW - 4.4kg was 22.5cc -849 0.75kW - 4.2kg years, 21.7cc I122C have watched in horror as rural landscapes have become 899 849 was was . $ $ 21.7cc - 0.76kW - 4.4kg 22.5cc - 0.75kW - 4.2kg 525RS 194 NOW the$dumping ground NOW for525RS the disrespectful losers who believe that449 their junk $ $ 25.4cc - 0.95kW 25.4cc -- 5.0kg 0.95kW - 5.0kg and rubbish looks better in our communities than in their own backyards. I was $$$a499 mean,122C for goodness sake,was at$$$279 the end of my rural322L road I have got half flat! Dirty waswas 279$279 was 499 499 was $499 122C 322L was 279 was 122C 322L $ 21.7cc 0.76kW 4.4kg 22.5cc 0.75kW 4.2kg was 279 was 499 was 279 was 499 couches, a cupboard and just general junk (and don’t get me started the$pack $ $on 122C 322L 122C 322L 21.7cc 0.76kW 4.4kg 22.5cc 0.75kW 4.2kg was 279 was 499 $ $ $ 21.7cc 0.76kW 4.4kg 22.5cc 0.75kW 4.2kg 21.7cc 0.76kW 4.4kg 22.5cc 0.75kW 4.2kg 122C was 279 was 499 122C 322L NOW NOW $194 $449 $ 21.7cc - 0.76kW 0.76kW - -4.4kg 22.5cc -322L 0.75kW -- 4.2kg $ 21.7cc 4.4kg 22.5cc 0.75kW 4.2kg was 279 was 499 122C 322L of roosters that have been dumped as well). $ $ 21.7cc - 0.76kW- -4.4kg 4.4kg NOW $194 22.5cc -- 4.2kg 0.75kWNOW - 4.2kg $449 $ 21.7cc 22.5cc 21.7cc -- 0.76kW 0.76kW - 4.4kg NOW $194 22.5cc -- 0.75kW 0.75kW - 4.2kg NOW $449 I don’t believe for a second that this dumping is being performed by our locals. $ was $729 799 525LST 525RJD Generally speaking, I believe that people who choose to livewas in communities such $ was $729 was 525LST $ $ 799 25.4cc - 0.95kW - 4.7kg 25.4cc -525RJD 0.95kW - 4.9kg as ours have a certain sense of affection and pride, which is clearly not instilled $ $ in 25.4cc - 0.95kW - 4.7kg 25.4cc - 0.95kW - 4.9kg 549 122HD60 122HD60 these shameless and faceless characters who are dumping their rubbish all over $ $ $ 21.7cc - 0.86kW 21.7cc - 0.86kW 4.9kg - 4.9kg the show. The other rubbish dumping bugbear I have is this freedom camping $ $ $ was $$729 $ $ 525LST $ gig. So, Auckland- 4.7kg Council advertise to the525RJD world that youwas can$$799 come was 729 was 799 was 729 was 799 stay in 525LST 525RJD 525LST $ $$and $ $729 $ 25.4cc 25.4cc 0.95kW 25.4cc -- 0.95kW 0.95kW - 4.7kg was 25.4cc --525RJD 0.95kW -- 4.9kg 4.9kg MONTHS was 799 729 was $ $799 was 525LST 525RJD $ $ 525LST 525RJD was 729 was 799 25.4cc 0.95kW 4.7kg 25.4cc 0.95kW 4.9kg $ $ our communities for free, but don’t provide enough rubbish disposal facilities 25.4cc 0.95kW 4.7kg 25.4cc 0.95kW 4.9kg $ $ 525LST 525RJD was $729 was $799 om 525LST $ 799^ $ $ 25.4cc -- 0.95kW 0.95kW 4.7kg 25.4cc --525RJD 0.95kW -- 0.95kW 4.9kg - 4.9kg was 25.4cc 0.95kW-- -4.7kg 4.7kg was 729 $ 25.4cc 525LST 525RJD $ $ 25.4cc 25.4cc 0.95kW 4.9kg INTEREST FREE for them to dump all their rubbish and junk. So, once again, our beautiful picnic $ $ 25.4cc 0.95kW 4.7kg 25.4cc 0.95kW 4.9kg $ $ 25.4cc - 0.95kW - 4.7kg 25.4cc - 0.95kW - 4.9kg and camping spots are littered with rubbish. Why is it when we go to parks and beaches135R we are told towas“take freedom camping 899 your rubbish home”, but these was 849 MONTHS 525RS $ MONTHS $ don’t spots are cesspits, withNOW broken camping chairs and anything else they 34.6cc - 1.4kW - 6.8kg ^ want ^ 799 25.4cc - 0.95kW - 5.0kg NOW 749 MONTHS $ $ ^ 899 wherever. It is ironicINTEREST MONTHS 849me was FREE crammed dumped that citizens like 135Rin their vans was INTEREST FREE 525RSINTEREST FREE^^ $who $ 34.6cc 1.4kW 6.8kg are paying serious amounts of rates and can’t get our rubbish INTEREST FREE have to 25.4cc - 0.95kW - 5.0kgcollected was to 899be collected for people on holiday! 849I mean honestly, was 849 was 899 help pay for the rubbish was 135R was 899 was 849 525RS $ Europe to 34.6cc 1.4kW -- 6.8kg 6.8kg 34.6cc -- 1.4kW was was if you 135R can afford an airfare from come here, you $ afford to 25.4cc -- 0.95kW -- 5.0kg $799 525RS 25.4cc 0.95kW 5.0kgsurely was 899 899 135R $can 849 was 849 $ 34.6cc - 1.4kW - 6.8kg NOW $ 749 $ $ 525RS 135R 25.4cc - 0.95kW - 5.0kg NOW was 899 NOW 799 was NOW 749 $ $ 525RS $ $849 135R 34.6cc -- 1.4kW 1.4kW --a6.8kg 6.8kg help contribute small amount (coin operated dumpsters was 899 $ to our communities 849 was $ 525RS 25.4cc 0.95kW 5.0kg 34.6cc 135R- 1.4kW - 6.8kg NOW $ 25.4cc -525RS 0.95kW - 5.0kg NOWwas749 $ $ 34.6cc was $$899 899 799 $849 was 25.4cc 0.95kW - 5.0kg $ 849 135RI -honestly perhaps?) that nothing should be --free while ourwas communities $ 34.6cc 1.4kW - 6.8kgbelieve 135R 525RS 25.4cc 0.95kW 5.0kg $ 525RS $ 34.6cc -- 1.4kW 1.4kW -- 6.8kg 6.8kg was 549 $ $ 34.6cc 25.4cc -- 0.95kW -- 5.0kg go without basic, core services. 122HD60 25.4cc 0.95kW 5.0kg 122HD45 $ $ 21.7cc - 0.86kW - 4.9kg NOW 569 21.7cc 0.6kW 4.7kg NOW 499 I, like many others of my ilk, have a deep affection and love for both our longer, you could take your Garden Tractor communitiesDon’t andwait ourany beautiful landscapes, andnew it’sHusqvarna just heart-breaking $ 599 to drive was was $549 home today with 30 months interest free on purchases $2,299 and over. 122HD60 122HD45 $ in around and see this utter filth and disrespect. Let’s start a campaign to “dob $ was 549 21.7cc - 0.86kW - 54.9kg wasFebruary 549 Offer- 4.7kg ends 28 21.7cc - 0.6kW 122HD60 was 549 to 2017. PRICED a dumper”, let it be known all and sundry that our place in this beautiful 122HD45 $ 122HD60 $ Available at participating Husqvarna Dealers only. Conditions apply, visit or$ see instore for details. 21.7cc -- 0.86kW 0.86kW 4.9kg NOW 569 21.7cc -- 4.9kg 122HD45 was 21.7cc -- 0.6kW 0.6kW 4.7kg $499 21.7cc -- 4.7kg NOW was 549 549better 21.7cc - 0.86kW - 4.9kg 122HD60 NOWdumped country deserves so much than the unwanted garbage by the 122HD45 $ 21.7cc - 0.6kW - 4.7kg 122HD60 NOW FROM $499 122HD45 $569 21.7cc - 0.86kW - 4.9kg

Husqvarna V-Twin en

SAVE TRIMMING PRICES, NOT QUALITY SAVE TRIMMING PRICES, NOT QUALITY TRIMMING PRICES, NOT QUALITY TRIMMING PRICES, NOT QUALITY $ TRIMMING PRICES, NOT QUALITY up Garden to $Tractor 100 NOW 194 NOW 449Don’t wait any longer, you could takeup to 100 your new Husqvarna Don’t wait any longer, you could take free youron new Husqvarna Garden Tractor NOW NOW 749749 home today with 30 months interest purchases $2,299 and over. Don’t any longer, you take your new Husqvarna Garden Don’t wait any longer, you could could take free youron new Husqvarna Garden Tractor homewait today with 30 months interest purchases $2,299 andTractor over. SAVE $



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Your Au SAVE YOU COULD TAKE IT ww Trimmers from SAVE Trimmers from 1 2 Servici ww SAVE $ SAVE ww $ $ 122C 122C 322L NOW 194 NOW 449 up to 100 $ only 194! $ up to 100 only 194! NOW 194 NOW 449 $ $ $ 569 $ up to 100 up to194 100 NOW 194 NOW 449 NOW NOW 194Your Au HOME TODAY! up to $100 NOW NOW 194 194 Your Au YOU COULD TAKE IT $ Trimmers from Trimmers from $ Servici Your Au Au Trimmers from Your Trimmers from 5,799 3,999 Servici YOU YOU COULD COULD TAK T Trimmers from Trimmers from YOU COULD TAKE IT Servici Trimmers from NOW 629 NOW 699 Servici only 194! only 194! 9 only 194! 569 NOW 629 NOW 699 only 194! 569 HOME TODAY! only 194! only 194! only 194! NOW NOW 569 569 OW 499 569 499 HOME HOME TODAY! TODAY HOME TODAY! $ $ $5,799 $3,999 $$ $

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Offer ends February 2017.interest home today with 30 free on purchases and home today28 30 months months purchases $2,299 $2,2991 and over. over. Offer ends 28with February 2017.interest free on 2 ^^Available at participating Husqvarna Dealers only. Conditions apply, visit or $ Available at participating Husqvarna Dealers only. Conditions apply,$21. visit or see see instore instore for for details. details. 7 ^Offer ends 28 February 2017. was 279 was 279 $ * Available at participating Husqvarna Dealers only. Conditions apply, visit or see instore for details. 21. Offer ends 28 February 2017. $ * 322L $ $ ^ was 279 was 279 122C 122C 322Available at participating Husqvarna Dealers only. Conditions apply, visit or see instore for details. ^ 21.7cc - 0.76kW 21.7cc --4.4kg 0.76kW - apply, 4.4kg 22.5cc Available at participating Husqvarna Dealers only. Conditions visit or see instore for details. $ $ 22.5cc - 0.75kW 21.7cc - 0.76kW 21.7cc - 4.4kg - 0.76kW - 4.4kg 22.5cc TS246




NOW 799 $ $ $

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TS246 TS246 2 Husqvarna Endurance Endurance Series Series™™ 5 Husqvarna ™ 5 2 $ 2 $Cutting Husqvarna Endurance TS246 46” Reinforced Reinforced Cutting525RJD Deck 5 V-Twin engine 22.0hp**$Series wasTS246 729 was $ -- 729 46” Deck V-Twin 22.0hp ™ 525 $engine $ ™ * Series Husqvarna Endurance * 2 5 . Husqvarna Series Intek engine - 46”729 Reinforced Cutting Deck V-Twin engine 22.0hp was 729 was ™ Deck. Automatic transmission. Cutting 17.5hp - 38”Series Husqvarna Endurance Husqvarna Intek engine 525LST 525LST $* Series 25.4cc - 0.95kW 25.4cc - 4.7kg - 0.95kW - 4.7kg 25.4cc -525R 0.95kW 25.4c - 46” Reinforced$ V-Twin engine 22.0hp Deck. Automatic transmission. 17.5hp** - 38” Cutting Cutting Deck engine 22.0hp* - 46” $Reinforced Cutting $Deck Cutting Deck. Automatic transmission. 17.5hp - 38”25.4cc 0.95kW 25.4cc --4.7kg 0.95kW - V-Twin 4.7kg 25.4cc -

5,799 3,999 5,799 3,999 NOW NOW 629 629 NOW NOW 629 629 $ $ 8,399 6,999

* up to $100 on selected models. $194 refers to model 122C Save TS352 dealers only. Offers valid until 28 February 2017 at participating


Vanguard™ Commercial V-Twin engine . 21.0hp* 42” ClearCut™ Fabricated Cutting Deck.

Kawasaki FR series V-Twin engine *Save up to $100 on* selected models. $194 refers to model 122C. 23.0hp 52” Fabricated Cutting Deck. Offers valid 1/9/16 – 28/02/17 at participating dealers only.

Your Authorised Husqvarna $ Servicing Dealer $


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TS138 TS138 ™ Husqvarna Husqvarna Series Series™™ Intek Intek engine engine TS138 Husqvarna Series Intek engine $ * TS138 Deck. Automatic transmission. 17.5hp $ 38” Cutting Cutting transmission. 17.5hp* -- 38” 525LST 525LST ™ Deck. Automatic

699 699 NOW 699

NOW 629

Husqvarna Endurance Series™ $ engine 22.0hp * * $ * Deck - 46” Reinforced Cutting V-Twin

Husqvarna Series™ Intek engine 17.5hp* - 38” Cutting Deck. Automatic transmission.

** up Save up to to $100 100 on on selected selected models. models. $194 194 refers refers to to model model 122C 122C Save TS342 TS342 TS352 Offers valid until 28 selected Februarymodels. 2017 at at$participating participating dealers only. * upvalid Save to $until 100 on 194 refers todealers model 122C TS352 Offers 28 February 2017 only. $ TS342 TS352 $ Vanguard™™ Commercial Commercial V-Twin V-Twin engine engine Offers valid until 28 February 2017 at$$participating dealers only. $ * . Vanguard Save up to $100 on selected models. 194 refers toFR model 122C Kawasaki FR series V-Twin $$engine engine $ .Save $Kawasaki series V-Twin ™ * TS342 $ up to 100 on selected models. 194 refers to model 122C $ *Save up to 100 on selected models. 194 refers to model 122C. Vanguard V-Twin engine TS352 2017 dealers only. *Save up attoparticipating 100 on models. 194 refers 1 .Offers valid until 28 February ** 42”Commercial TS342 Kawasaki FR series V-Twin engine * selected 21.0hp ClearCut™™ Fabricated Fabricated $TS352 $ * 42” ClearCut 21.0hp 23.0hp 52” Fabricated Cutting Deck.$to model 122C. 3

$ $

8,399 8,399 8,399

6,999 6,999 6,999

$ 1 3 NOWNOW 799 799

Offers valid until 28 February 2017 at participating dealers only. ™ *Save up to 100 on*–selected 194Deck. refers to model 122C. 52” Cutting 23.0hp * Vanguard V-Twin engine Offers valid 28/02/17 at dealers only. ™ Commercial . $ 1/9/16 21.0hp 42” ClearCut™ Fabricated Kawasaki FR Fabricated series$models. V-Twin engine 34 Offers valid 1/9/16 –52” 28/02/17 at participating participating dealers only. $Kawasaki $ Vanguard Commercial V-Twin engine 23.0hp Cutting Deck. was 899 was 899 Cutting* Deck. Deck. . Cutting FR Fabricated seriesmodels. V-Twin engine *Save up to 194 refers to 122C. ™ $100 on $ Offers valid 28/02/17 at participating dealers only. 135R 135R 21.0hp 42” ClearCut *Save up to 1/9/16 100 on**–selected selected models. 194Deck. refers to model model 122C. ™ Fabricated Cutting* Deck. 52” Fabricated Cutting 23.0hp 525RS 525 21.0hp 42” ClearCut Fabricated $ $ 23.0hp 52” Fabricated Cutting Deck. Offers valid 1/9/16 – 28/02/17 at participating dealers only. 34.6cc - 1.4kW 34.6cc - 6.8kg - 1.4kW -valid 6.8kg Cutting Deck. Offers 1/9/16 – 28/02/17 at participating dealers only. Your Authorised Husqvarna Servicing Dealer 25.4cc - 0.95kW 25.4c Cutting Deck. $ $

Your Authorised Husqvarna Servicing Dealer was 899 was 899 135R 135RServicing Your 749 525R $ $ Your Authorised Authorised Husqvarna Husqvarna Dealer $ $ Servicing Dealer 749 7,299 5,999 NOW NOW 799 799 749Scenes like this are becoming commonplace in rural areas. Are high fees at



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Husqvarna Endurance Series™ V-Twin engine 20.0hp* - 42” ClearCut™ Fabricated Cutting Deck.

Husqvarna Endurance Series™ V-Twin engine 24.0hp* 54” Reinforced Cutting Deck.

25.4cc -

Council facilities to blame or are some people just lazy?

$ few. So, to the $dumpers out there, it’s called a “waste disposal facility” $7,299 NOW 569insolent $5,999 PRICED 7,299 $ 1 2 and if you can’t get your head around that concept, then then we politely ask you 5,999 $ $7,299 Massey Ferguson $ 122HD60 122H to take 122HD45 your rubbish, pack5,999 your bags and leave! $ 122HD45 FROM $ NOW 569 NOW 499 NOW NOW 499 499 Don’t wait any longer, $ you could take your new Husqvarna Garden Tractor 599 was Don’t wait any longer, Tractor was 549 you could take your new Husqvarna Garden 599 was $12,990 home today with 30 interest free on purchases $2,299 and over. $21,990 was 549months 122HD60 1 2 Don’t wait any longer, you take your new Husqvarna Garden Tractor Don’t wait Don’t any wait longer, any you longer, could you take could your take newyo H LIMITED w 122HD45 $ $could home today with 30 months interest purchases $2,299 and over. 122HD60 Don’t wait any longer, you could take free youron new Husqvarna Garden Tractor 599 was was 549 was 549 was 549 122HD45 $ NOW 599 was Offer ends 28 February 2017. $ was 549 home today with 30 months interest free on purchases $2,299 and over. home today home with today 30 months with 30 interest months free interest on purc fre 122HD60 122HD NOW 499 PRICED PRICED +gst NOW 569 122HD45 122HD45 122HD45 $ +gst home today with 30 months interest free on purchases $2,299 and over. 122HD60 Offer ends 28 February 2017. NOW 499 Iseki TG6370 Is $ $ $ STOCK 122HD45 Massey Ferguson PRICED PRICED $499 NOW $569Massey Offer 28 February Offer ends Offer 28 February ends 28 February 2017. 2017. Iseki NOW NOW 499 499PRI Ferguson PRICED Offer ends endsTG6370 28NOW February 2017. 2017. PRICED FROM PRICED FROM PRICED Iseki TG6370 Iseki Iseki TG6370 TG6370 Massey Ferguson FROM FROM

NOW 499 Iseki TG6370 $ $ $


21.7cc -- 0.6kW 0.6kW -- 4.7kg 4.7kg 21.7cc

$ $

$ $ $ $ $

21.7cc - 0.86kW - 4.9kg

$ $ $ $ $

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• 4wd & Differential lock • Power Shuttle 12 x 12 transmission •• Reliable Iseki Diesel engine • 4wd 4wd & & Differential Differential lock lock 4wd Differential lock •• Power 12 12 4wd & & Shuttle Differential Power Shuttle 12 xxlock 12 •• Power Shuttle 12 x 12 transmission Power Shuttle 12 x 12 transmission transmission • Reliable Iseki Diesel engine transmission Reliable Iseki Diesel engine Cnr•• Heights & Paerata Rds, Reliable Iseki Diesel • Reliable Iseki Diesel engine engine

SHW 22 Pukekohe Ph 09 238 7179 Cnr Heights & Rds, Now at Te Hana Tractors Cnr Heights & Paerata Paerata Rds, Cnr Heights Heights & Paerata Paerata Rds, Rds, Cnr & SHW 22 Pukekohe 30822State Highway 1, SHW Pukekohe SHW 22 Pukekohe SHW 22 Pukekohe Ph 238 7179 RD4, Wellsford PhTe09 09Hana, 238 7179 Ph 09 238 Ph 09 238 7179 7179


FROM FROM $21,990 $21,990 $21,990 +gst +gst +gst +gst

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Husqvarna Husqvarna Endurance* Series ™ V-Twin ReinforcedSeries Cutting Deck. engine 24.0hp* 54”Endurance ™ Husqvarna Endurance Series V-Twin engine 21.7cc - 0.86kW 21.7cc ClearCut Cutting Deck. V-Twin engine21.7cc 20.0hp - 42” ™ Fabricated - 0.6kW 21.7cc - 4.7kg - 0.6kW - 4.7kg 24.0hp** 54” Reinforced Cutting Deck. ClearCut Fabricated Cutting Deck. V-Twin engine 20.0hp* - 42” 24.0hp 54” Reinforced Cutting Deck. $


21. 7 21.7cc 21.7cc - 0.6kW 21.7cc - 4.7kg - 0.6kW - 4.7kg ^

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FROM w FR FROM $12,990 * sp LIMITED $12,990 LIMITED app $12,990 *special conditions *special conditions $21, +gst LIMITED det STOCK +gst apply seeapply TTC for see TTC forLIMITED STOCK wit +gst +g +gst details – tractor details shown – tractor shown STOCK STOCK loa with optional withfront optional end front end

GC1705 loader and loader ag tyres and ag tyres • 23Hp Diesel • 2 Speed Hydrostatic Trans • Optional 60” Mid Mount GC1705 GC1705 Mower GC1705 • 23Hp Diesel GC1705 • 23Hp Diesel • Optional Self Levelling FEL 23Hp Diesel • 2 Speed Hydrostatic Trans 23Hp Diesel • 2 Speed Hydrostatic Trans • Optional 4-in-1 Bucket • 22 Speed Trans • 60” Mount Speed Hydrostatic Hydrostatic Trans • Optional Optional 60” Mid Mid Mount • 4wd • & 4wd Differential & Differential lock lock• 37HP • 37 • • Optional 60” Mid Mount Mower • Optional 60” Mid Mount Mower • Power • Power Shuttle Shuttle 12 x 12 12 x 12 • Optional • Op Mower • Optional Self Levelling FEL Mower Self Levelling FEL • Optional Brett Carter • 027 231 9070 transmission transmission shown sh • Optional Self Levelling FEL 4-in-1 Bucket • Self Levelling FEL • Optional Optional 4-in-1 Bucket Steve Farrell 027 499 8372 • Reliable • Reliable Iseki Diesel Iseki Diesel engine engine • Ag or • Tu Ag • Optional Optional 4-in-1 4-in-1 Bucket Bucket •


Grant Hudson 027 496 9280 MarkBrett McDonagh Carter 231 9070 Brett Carter 027 027 774 231 4600 9070 Brett Carter 027 231 9070 Cnr Steve Farrell 499 8372 Brett Carter 027 231 9070 Graeme Rogers 021 386 776 Steve Farrell 027 499 8372 Cnr Heights Cnr Heights & Paerata & Paerata Rds, Rds, Steve Farrell 027 499 8372 SHW Steve Farrell 499 8372 Grant Hudson 027 496 9280 Grant Hudson 027 496 9280 SHW SHW 22 Pukekohe 22 Pukekohe Grant Hudson 496 9280 Mark McDonagh 4600 Ph 0 Grant Hudson 027 496 9280 Mark McDonagh 027 774 774 4600 Ph 09 Ph 238 09 7179 238 Mark 7179 McDonagh 027 774 4600 Mark McDonagh 027 774 4600 www Graeme Rogers 021 386 Graeme Rogers 021 386 776 776



36 Mahurangimatters April 12, 2017

Junior golfers at Omaha got the chance to watch some of New Zealand’s best players in action.

Golfers swing by local clubs for Northern ProAm Series Omaha, Warkworth and Mangawhai golf clubs hosted up to 56 pro golfers, over five days last month, as part of the Northern Swing ProAm series. Omaha Beach Golf Club celebrated its 20th anniversary of the event, which is the longest running ProAm in New Zealand and still hosts golfers who have competed in it since its inception. Fifty pros played from March 24 to 26, and were partnered with three amateur players each. Harry Bateman took home the $5400 prize money, shooting 66 on both days to move ahead of Hayden Beard,

who cracked a course record of 62 on day one. Club general manager Mike Reid says the pros commented on both the quality of the course and the hospitality provided. The club had a particular focus at this year’s ProAm on involving younger golfers, in an effort to attract more juniors to the club. This included four pros doing a 90-minute coaching session, as well as signing autographs. Caps signed by the pros were auctioned, raising $700 for junior golf. Warkworth Golf Club hosted the only NZPGA certified women’s ProAm on

March 27, where 56 pros partnered with 84 amateurs. David Klein, who lives in Te Anau, shot two off the course record of 60 set in 2015 by Ryan Fox, to win the largest share of an $11,000 prize pool. With three holes to go, a rain delay stopped play for an hour at 4pm, but all teams completed the course once play resumed. Event organiser Marie Claydon says the feedback all round was positive and she is already in talks with sponsors, with high hopes of running the ProAm for what would be its third time next year.

Mangawhai Golf Club was pleased to be back on the ProAm circuit for the first time in seven years with its event held on March 28, inviting 29 pros, who teamed up with 91 amateurs. Pieter Zwart snatched first place with a score of 67 and the largest share of an $11,000 prize pool. Mangawhai Golf Club shop manager Nick Launder says although the event was financially challenging, it was worthwhile and will most likely be run again next year with a commitment already from sponsors. He says the greens were in top condition and the club has a growing membership.

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April 12, 2017 Mahurangimatters


Members of the Warkworth Athletics Club show off their awards at the end of the season.

Change at top for athletics Members of the Warkworth Athletics Club have waved goodbye to the summer season and to club president of six years, Brett Illingworth. Brett will be replaced by Jared McGee. “It’s been a well-supported season and the club’s glad to be back at Shoesmith Domain,” Brett says. “They’ve done a good job with the domain renovation and the addition of two new shot put circles has been good for us.” The club had 163 registered children this summer, who competed in either the six and under section or seven and over. Brett says the biggest challenge the club faced was getting parents involved to help. “When you see the smiles on the kids’ faces and the achievements, you realise why you do it.” He also backs the decision this season to not be part of the Auckland Athletics Association, believing it has benefited the majority of club members. “Those who want that higher level of competition usually move to a bigger club anyway.” Luka Rissman gained the most points of any club member this season with 135, coming first in the 11-year-old boy’s group. The top girls in each age group were Piper Strudwick, Breagh McGee, Dakota Corringham, Madison Priem, Lucee Illingworth and Bree Illingworth. The top boys were Asher Moore,

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Murdoch Phillips, Matthew Hay, Rawiri Haua, Josh Clarkson and Jordon Thomas. Meanwhile, Rodney College had six competitors claim first at the Northland Champs last month with Georgia Brierly, Luca Rudolph, Javarne Porter, Sapphire NorburnCormack, Jade Zaia and Harrison Warahi. Georgia claimed three firsts in track events and Jade two in field events. Alice Williams of Mahurangi College came first in the 200m and 300m junior girls races at the Auckland Athletics Champs also held last month.

Willie and Sam Ryburn back in 2015.

Revved up for Mini charity run About 60 Minis will be completing a circuit of Warkworth on Good Friday April 14, as part of this year’s Pork Pie Charity Run from Kaitaia to Invercargill. The vehicles are due at the Warkworth RSA car park in Mill Lane, about 10am as part of the week-long rally, which will raise money for KidsCan. There’s a local connection to the run with Warkworth-raised Willie Ryburn flying in from Australia with a friend to take part. He previously completed the event with his brother Sam in 2015. Sam says quite a lot of mechanical

work has been done to the vehicle – a souped-up 1976 Mini Clubman – with finishing touches being added. “What we still need are more sponsors who will get a panel on the car,” he says. “Anyone interested should get in touch with me on 027 442 7685.” KidsCan is the charity partner for the second consecutive event, which raised more than $200,000 in 2015. The aim is to amass at least the same amount this year and donations can be made via Info:

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38 Mahurangimatters April 12, 2017

Athlete Profile

Antoinette Spain

Age 52, Ti Point

Multi-sport athlete competes in dual events Ben Donaldson

Ti Point resident Antoinette Spain will compete in both touch rugby and basketball at the 2017 World Masters Games. At 52, she will be in the 40-plus category for touch and 50-plus for basketball. Antoinette grew up on the North Shore and started playing netball at Birkdale intermediate and secondary schools. “Mum was definitely sporty and coached me through my netball years,” she says. She made the Auckland U20 representative netball side two years in a row, before taking up basketball at 27. She has competed in the North Harbour women’s basketball competition and was in a gold medal winning team at the 2015 Australian Masters Games held in Adelaide. This will be the first time she has competed in the World Masters and she has high hopes of turning in good performances. “I always want to win and my team mates are equally competitive. “We don’t know what level of opposition will show up, though, and Australia has some high calibre players.”

Being a house painter has helped keep Antoinette fit.

Antoinette will have a busy schedule. On one day, she will play basketball in the morning followed by a touch

match immediately afterwards. Her involvement with touch rugby came quite late after she was scouted

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at a Becroft touch module to trial for the North Harbour mixed over 35s team, for which she was selected. She played mixed for five years before switching to the women’s over 35s team, which has claimed gold in three of the past four touch nationals. She has also participated in the Whangateau and Mahurangi touch competitions. However, her highest sporting achievement came with indoor cricket, when she represented New Zealand in the women’s team at the 2000 World Cup held in South Africa. Antionette has also tried her hand at multi-sport events, including the Coast to Coast race in the South Island. She competed three times with her best result being sixth in the women’s open grade two-day event. After the games she would like to continue playing basketball and touch, and will compete in the Coromandel Classic during the off-season.

Read more athlete profiles online at


April 12, 2017 Mahurangimatters

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Kade Banks attempts to out-step his opponent in the social grade competition.

Touch finals go down to wire The Mahurangi Senior Touch Module wrapped up last month with nailbiting finals in both the social and open grades. The open grade was won by team Touch’e, which beat Tap and Gap 4-3 after eight minutes of drop-off time. Drop-off time involves players leaving the field from each side until a try is scored when the match is still drawn at the end of regular time. The two open grade teams were reduced from six to three players each, before Touch’e eventually broke through. The social grade final also went into drop-off time, with WDPO beating The Opposition 3-2 after the score

Briefs Hitting up hockey Registrations are open for the winter social hockey league held at the Warkworth hockey turf. Players must be 14 or older and teams are 11-a-side with a goalie, with matches played on a full size pitch. The women’s season starts May 1 and men’s May 5, with registration closing April 15. To enter a team email warkworthhockey@gmail. com. Registrations are also open for Year 0 to 2 and 3 to 6 junior hockey with games to be played on a Saturday at the Warkworth hockey turf. Info: Sandra

Greenkeeper wanted The Mahurangi East Bowling Club is on the lookout for a new greenskeeper to take care of the club’s Cotula grass surface. It is preferred applicants have their Growsafe and approved handler certificates. All applications to the club secretary at PO Box 108, Snells Beach 0920. Info: Peter 425 6663

was 2-2 at full time. Two more teams participated in this year’s module, with 20 in the social grade and four in the open. Module organiser Bernie Kose says the social atmosphere of the tournament is what keeps people involved. “Everyone is there to have a good time and people enjoy that,” he says. He said the competition would require more quality referees in future, with just three of a high standard available this season. Bernie says this, combined with space restrictions, means there isn’t much room for expansion in the tournament at this stage.

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40 Mahurangimatters April 12, 2017


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April 12, 2017 Mahurangimatters

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Betty Paxton Room, Snells Beach Community Centre. Saturday 22 April 2017 at 10am


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WANTED TO BUY OLD RIDE-ON MOWER Any condition. Phone 423 8882 evenings. OLD CARAVAN Ph 423 8882 evenings.

Phone 09 422 0500 or 027 29 22204

FIBROUS PLASTERER QUALITY TRADESMAN All aspects of plastering. No job too big or too small. 28 years experience. Phone Heath 022 639 9547

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Warkworth Anglican Parish Holy Week Services 13 April 6.00 pm 14 April 9.30 am 9.30 am 15 April 7.30 pm 16 April 8.00 am 9.30 am 9.30 am 11.00 am 11.15 am

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Book Now 1hr $50 • 2hrs $90 Phone 09 425 8517 42 Kaipara Flats Road, Warkworth Google: Horse Riding Warkworth

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FIREWOOD pick up, $90sqm unstacked macrocarpa and london plane. Whangaripo valley. Txt 027 221 5905 PLANTS Quality groundcovers, shrubs and trees. Large and small grades. Wholesale direct to the public. Contract growing and pre-orders welcome. Liberty Park Native Tree Nursery, 90 Jones Road, Omaha 09 422 7307. YURT. From Mongolia. Cool in summer. Warm in winter. Affordable housing option. Ph 021 298 9907.


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MANGAWHAI MISSION DISTRICT EASTER SERVICES Good Friday 14 April Family Service - 9am at Christ the King Anglican Church 9 Molesworth Drive, Mangawhai Village Easter Sunday 16 April Family Communion – 9am at Christ the King Church, Mangawhai & St Paul’s Church, Kaiwaka

SNELL’S BEACH BAPTIST CHURCH Easter Good Friday Service - 9.30am Easter Sunday Service - 9.30am Organist John Wells

CATHOLIC CHURCH Phone 425 8545

HOLY WEEK 2016 TIMETABLE Holy Thursday April 13th Mass of the Lord’s Supper & Washing of the Feet Procession of the Blessed Sacrament to the Altar of Repose Adoration Puhoi 7pm Warkworth 8.30pm

Good Friday April 14th

(Day of Fasting & Abstinence) Puhoi 10am Stations of the Cross followed by Confessions Warkworth 3pm Celebration of the Lords Passion Reading of the Lords Passion Collection of Lentel Appeal and for Holy Places Holy Communion Confessions after Ceremonies

Holy Saturday April 15th

No Mass on Saturday Morning (Fasting recommended till after Vigil) Warkworth 10-11am Confessions Warkworth 7pm EASTER VIGIL Easter Fire & Candle Vigil Readings Blessings of Baptismal Water Mass of Easter

Easter Sunday April 16th

Puhoi 8.30am and Warkworth 10.30am

44 Mahurangimatters April 12, 2017

Mahurangi COLLEGE

From the

assessed tasks and an opportunity for students to use their literacy skills (including reading, writing, researching, form filling for risk analysis, speaking) and key competencies (eg. managing self, thinking, participating) in the “real world” and in the classroom.


David Macleod Dear Parents and Guardians

Firstly, I would like to thank Mrs Tracey Martin for her 8 years as Board Chair at Mahurangi College, during which time she has given excellent leadership to our Board and worked tirelessly on our behalf. Mrs Martin is still on our Board of Trustees but has stepped down from being Chairperson in order to focus more on her role as a NZ First MP, particularly in the lead up to the General Election being held in September this year. Mr Dean Iversen, Managing Director of Iversen Publishing, has taken over as our Board Chair. We have had an excellent start to the new school year with a calm, settled atmosphere throughout the school and high levels of enthusiasm and energy from our students towards their learning. As I write this our Year 9 English students are all heading out on their community work day. During Terms 1 and 2 this year our Year 9 students are exploring the concepts of identity and belonging. This project day in English brings these two concepts together, asking them to think about themselves and the role they play in contributing to our community. Some of these student initiated and organised activities include hosting a thankyou luncheon for local community volunteers; visiting retirement homes; assisting in kindergarten and daycare centres; cleanups of local beaches, parks and walk-ways; volunteering at the SPCA, the local Kauri museum and at Goat Island. These are

Our annual Year 8 camp to Tawharanui coincided with a weather bomb, causing an evacuation of four classes, and a cancellation for the rest of our Year 8 students. I’d like to take Students Alec Webb and Holly Olsen cleaning up bush reserve areas this opportunity to thank our staff, parents and community for the smooth around Warkworth as part of the Year 9 English community work day and efficient camp pack up and for ensuring all our students arrived back at school safe and sound. Despite the dramatic end, our Year 8’s had a great time, with the wet weather seemingly adding to their enjoyment. Photos can be viewed on our Facebook page. Last, but not least, our congratulations to Sports Prefect Heather Niccolls, who won the NZ Open Women’s 8km NZ Paddleboarding Championship against a very tough field of both NZ and international competitors. Well done! David Macleod, Principal

Our Baby Grand has arrived with thanks to First Sovereign Trust. Check out Mrs Sutherland’s first trial recorded on our Facebook page.

A severe weather bomb caused our annual camp to Tawharanui to be evacuated, despite protests from our year 8’s.

Achiever o f the Month

Proudly Supporting Mahurangi College

Carrie Wooller

Deputy Head Girl Academic Blue for Excellence in L1 NCEA Academic Blue for Excellence in L2 NCEA Purple House Leader Left: Carrie Wooller with Walter Braidwood, Team Leader

Corner Woodcocks Road & Mansel Drive WARKWORTH Phone 425 8119

April 12, 2017 Mahurangimatters


Mahurangi College Newsletter ISSUE 02: April 2017

School Athletics Day Champions Year 7 Boys: Kahn Thompson Year 7 Girls: Melissa Hart Year 8 Boys: Samuel Darby Year 8 Girls: Maia Collins Bowman Junior Boys: Eli Hallam Junior Girls: Alice Williams and Kaleigh Morris Intermediate Boys: George D’urban-Burgess Intermediate Girls: Brianna Cadwallader Senior Boys: Luke Hitchcock Lucy Rowe comfortably winning the Intermediate Girls 1500m at the 2017 North Harbour Athletics Championships

Senior Girls: Heather Niccolls

Twenty Athletes Qualify for 2017 Auckland Championships After impressive performances at the 2017 North Harbour Athletics Competition, 20 of our athletes qualified for the Auckland Athletics Championship – our biggest team to qualify at this level. Congratulations to our 5 2017 North Harbour Champions; Alice Williams, Lucy Rowe, Kaleigh Morris, Sean Wilcox and Luke Hitchcock. There were many other excellent results (see below) with all of our athletes performing well under pressure.

North Harbour 2017 Results Alice Williams 1st JG 200m, 300m (4th 100m) Lucy Rowe 1st IG 1500m Kaleigh Morris 1st JG Discus Sean Wilcox 1st IB Long Jump Luke Hitchcock 1st SB Javelin Lucy Rowe 2nd IG, 800m Sam Cadwallader 2nd SB 800m Brianna Cadwallader 2nd IG Long & Triple Jump Moana Courtenay 2nd SG Long Jump Brianna Cadwallader 3rd IG 400m Heather Niccolls 3rd SG 200m (3/3) Shona Illingworth 3rd JG High Jump Moana Courtenay 3rd SG Discus Eli Hallam 3rd JB Javelin Sean Wilcox 3rd IB High Jump George D’urban-Burgess 3rd IB Triple Jump Robbie McFarlane 3rd IB Javelin

Alice Williams continued to dominate at the 2017 Auckland Athletics Championships, winning both the Junior Girls 200m and 300m. Silver medals were awarded to Lucy Rowe in the Intermediate Girls 1500m, Brianna Cadwallader in the Intermediate Girls Triple Jump and Robbie McFarlane in the Intermediate Boys Javelin. Leah Jones took home a bronze medal in the Junior Girls Triple Jump. There were some other excellent results with Blake Heaven placing 4th in the Junior Boys 100m, Sam Cadwallader 4th in the Steeplechase, Moana Courtenay 5th in the Senior Girls Long Jump, Kaleigh Morris 5th in the Junior Girls Discus and Kate Rowe 5th in the Intermediate Girls 1500m. Well done all! Below: Alice Williams in full control of the 200m Junior Girls final, 2017 North Harbour Athletics Championships

Above: Sean Willcox winning the Intermediate Boys Long Jump, 2017 North Harbour Athletics Championships


46 Mahurangimatters April 12, 2017

Kawau Coastguard stands ready to train new volunteers While normally on the receiving end of calls for assistance, Kawau Coastguard has issued an appeal of its own. The service, whose motto is ‘Saving lives at sea’, is in urgent need of more volunteers. Last year, nearly 4000 people were brought home safely from the northern region’s waters – in every case, by Coastguard volunteers. The region’s 1019 volunteers also dedicated 141,762 hours to assisting boaties in need. Kawau currently has 24 active volunteers, who are working on a three-week roster, with some members almost permanently on duty. Unit president Luke McCarthy says that another six recruits would shift the volunteers onto a four-week roster. “While we need a crew of four to respond, there are a range of ways volunteers can help the service,” Luke says. “Not everyone has to be on the boat. For instance, if we had someone who was prepared to drive the tractor that would be an enormous help. “I’d really encourage anyone who can spare some time once a month to lend a hand.” At 21, Luke is the unit’s youngest ever president. During the day he works as a mechanic at Snell Beach Motors and he says the support of his employer has been “huge” in allowing him to participate in Coastguard. He got involved with the unit when he moved north from Auckland about

Luke McCarthy says Coastguard needs volunteers to fulfil all sorts of roles with varying amounts of commitment.

six years ago. “I love being around boats and I like helping people, but what I’ve learned in return has been awesome. The opportunity for self-development is huge, and it is great for self-esteem and motivation. Plus, there are those times when you know you have really made a difference.” For Luke, one of those times happened when the Kawau crew was training in Kawau Bay a couple of years ago. They

we got back to the jetty, his wife and three children were waiting, and it really hit home just what we’d done.” Training is provided for all volunteers and no one needs any particular skills to join, although some previous water experience is an advantage. Anyone aged 16 or over, male or female, is eligible, providing they live within 20 minutes of Sandspit.

got a call that a boat near Little Barrier was taking on water. When they located the vessel, only the tip of the bow was above water and they feared the worst. “Then we saw a paddle flipping in the air about 200 metres from the boat. When the Westpac helicopter arrived, they told us the guy was suffering from hypothermia and probably would have been lucky to last another five or 10 minutes in the water. We’d got there just in the nick of time. When

Info: or


Warkworth Game Fish Club | 09 422 7728

3rd and 4th of June. Limited tickets

Tide Times





Apr 12

Apr 13

Apr 14

Apr 15

1:49am 8:11am 2:13pm 8:39pm


0.7 3.2 0.7 3.2

2:29am 8:52am 2:52pm 9:19pm

6:44am 6:00pm

Sun Fishing Guide

Auckland Area Sea Watch Matakana Marine Seawatch

12:39am 1:01pm

3:08am 9:32am 3:30pm 9:57pm

6:44am 5:59pm

Best At


0.7 3.2 0.7 3.2

6:45am 5:57pm

Best At


1:23am 1:46pm

0.7 3:47am 3.1 10:10am 0.7 4:07pm 3.2 10:34pm

2:08am 2:31pm













Apr 17

Apr 18

Apr 19

Apr 20

Apr 21

Apr 22

Apr 23

Apr 24

Apr 25

Apr 26

Apr 27

Apr 28

0.8 4:27am 3.1 10:48am 0.8 4:45pm 3.1 11:13pm

6:46am 5:56pm

Best At



Apr 16

6:47am 5:55pm

Best At


2:53am 3:16pm

0.9 5:09am 3.0 11:27am 0.8 5:25pm 3.1 11:54pm

6:48am 5:53pm

Best At


3:40am 4:03pm

0.9 5:54am 1.0 12:40am 2.9 1:30am 3.0 12:09pm 2.9 6:42am 1.1 7:34am 0.9 6:08pm 1.0 12:54pm 2.8 1:44pm 6:56pm 1.0 7:50pm 3.0 6:49am 5:52pm

Best At


4:27am 4:51pm

6:50am 5:51pm

Best At


5:15am 5:39pm

6:03am 6:27pm


Good Fishing


Fair Fishing


Not So Good

6:52am 7:16pm

2.9 1.1 2.8 1.1

3:20am 9:25am 3:38pm 9:50pm

6:51am 5:48pm

Best At


Last Quarter Set 7:11am Set 8:07am Set 9:02am Set 9:57am Set 10:49am Set 11:40am Set 12:28pm Set 1:13pm Set Rise 6:47pm Rise 7:20pm Rise 7:56pm Rise 8:35pm Rise 9:16pm Rise 10:02pm Rise 10:52pm Rise 11:45pm *Not for navigational purposes.

2:24am 8:29am 2:39pm 8:50pm

6:50am 5:49pm

Best At


2.9 1.1 2.8 1.1

6:52am 5:47pm

Best At


7:41am 8:05pm

2.9 4:16am 1.0 10:20am 2.8 4:38pm 1.0 10:47pm

6:53am 5:46pm

Best At


8:30am 8:55pm

3.0 5:10am 0.9 11:14am 2.9 5:36pm 0.9 11:40pm

6:54am 5:44pm

Best At


9:20am 9:45pm

3.1 6:02am 3.2 12:31am 0.6 1:21am 0.8 12:06pm 0.6 6:54am 3.4 7:45am 3.1 6:31pm 3.3 12:57pm 0.4 1:48pm 7:23pm 3.4 8:14pm 0.7 6:55am 5:43pm

Best At


10:11am 10:37pm

6:55am 5:42pm

Best At


11:03am 11:30pm


2:12am 8:37am 2:38pm 9:04pm

6:56am 5:41pm

Best At


0.5 3.5 0.3 3.6

6:57am 5:40pm

Best At


12:25am 12:53pm

0.4 3.5 0.2 3.6

Best At


1:22am 1:52pm

New Moon

1:56pm Rise 12:41am Rise 1:41am Rise 2:43am Rise 3:47am Rise 4:54am Rise 6:03am Rise 7:14am Rise 8:25am Set 2:36pm Set 3:14pm Set 3:51pm Set 4:28pm Set 5:05pm Set 5:45pm Set 6:27pm Set 7:14pm

Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.

For the latest wind and swell information for the Auckland area, go to:



What’s on

See What’s On at for a full list of upcoming events

April Snells Beach Garden Circle meeting, Mahurangi East Community Centre, at 1.30pm. Speaker, sales table, competition entries and afternoon tea. Info: Barbara 425 5371 14&15 Wellsford Volunteer Fire Brigade Fishing Tournament, kids and adults open fishing from 6am Good Friday through to weigh-in at Wellsford Fire Station on Saturday, 2-4pm. Tickets from Wellsford Sports & Leisure and Hunting & Fishing, Warkworth. Info: Colin Greenwood 0275 951 957 15 Painting and craft market, Old Masonic Hall, 9.30am-2pm. Info: Suzanne Williams, 425 5349 15&16 Antique Fair, Matakana School, Gold coin entry donation for ArtsHub 15&16 Whangarei Heads Easter Art Trail 16 Annual Easter Egg Hunt, Kaipara Coast Sculpture Gardens, 9am-3pm. 16 Leigh School Carnival, 9am to 3pm, 16 Matakana River Ukes river tour, boat leaves from Matakana Wharf, 10am-11.30am. Cost is $35. 17 Garage sale, Point Wells community sidewalk, 9.30am12.30pm. 19 Local Vocals children’s workshop, Wellsford Community Centre, 3.30pm. All welcome (see story p22) 20 Forest & Bird (Warkworth area branch) annual general meeting, Totara Park Village, 7.30pm. Guest speaker, Forest & Bird chief executive Kevin Hague, who will speak on ‘Nature in crisis’. All welcome. Info: Sally Richardson 425 0161. 22 Algies Bay Residents & Ratepayers Assn, annual meeting, Mahurangi East Community Centre, 10am. 22 Market Stalls fundraiser for HELP, Matakana Hall, 9am to 3pm. 22 & 23 The Topp Twins - Heading for the Hills, Matakana Country Park Woolshed (see story p18) 24 North Rodney Community Arts pencil drawing lesson, Warkworth Bridge Club, 9am, gold coin donation. 24 Whangateau Acoustic Music and Social Club night with guests My Pennyworth, Whangateau Hall, 7pm. 25 ANZAC Day services (see p16) 28 Wellsford Combined Friendship (formerly Probus) final meeting to wind-up the club, Wellsford RSA, 10am. Info: Bev on 423 9552 28 Our Places, Our Stories, St Leonard’s Anglican Church, 7pm. All welcome (see story p27) 30 Ethnic Day at Puhoi Village Market to celebrate the village’s diverse cultures with stalls, plants, produce and more, 9am to 1pm. Info: 0274 270 440 or email puhoivillagemarket@gmail. com or to book a stall. 12

May 1 1 5 6

Bingo, old Masonic Hall, Baxter Street, 7pm. Fundraiser for Warkworth Museum Snells Beach Ratepayers & Residents Assn annual meeting, Betty Paxton room, Mahurangi East Community Centre The Jac, Matakana Hall, 7.30pm (see story p24) Whangateau Acoustic Music and Social Club presents Australian country stars Col Finlay & Will Day, supported by the Pipi Pickers, Whangateau Hall, 7.30pm

List your event directly on our What’s On calendar at or email the details to

April 12, 2017 Mahurangimatters


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48 Mahurangimatters April 12, 2017

Season results confirm new era for Rodney cricket Both Whangateau Rams Cricket Club and Warkworth Cricket Club have established themselves as strong contenders in Rodney after denying traditional victors a title this season. Whangateau Rams enjoyed a late season flourish to clinch the Rodney Men’s Championship One Day Competition ahead of Pakiri Cricket Club, with one win separating the two sides after 12 matches played. Whangateau Rams team manager Ben Curtin says beating Pakiri away from home towards the end of the season was undoubtedly their most important victory. “The boys played well in the big games and someone always stepped up if the more experienced players were struggling,” he says. The team did experience some mid season troubles after a dominant start in the competition, losing to the then bottom of the table Kaukapakapa Cricket Club. “We lost to a couple of teams we probably shouldn’t have, but we pulled it back with some big game wins.” Rodney Cricket chair Kevin Forde says it is great to see the Whangateau Rams win the One Day competition in their first season. “They always had the potential with ex-premier players to win, the test will be whether they can repeat this success and not go out as one hit wonders.” Ben says everyone who played this season for the Rams is keen to return

Improving with the bat will be a key feature in rebuilding the Kaipara Flats Premiers next season.

and defend the title. Warkworth Cricket Club had a difficult One Day season finishing sixth, but downed Whangateau and Pakiri consecutively to win the Waitemata Cup T20 competition. Team captain Joel Hodgson says confidence built up from a good record in the format helped push them over the line. In the final against Pakiri, they

finished their innings with 105 runs but bowled the opposition out for 97. “It’s not the score we wanted to put on the board, but we felt we could defend it and everyone pitched in for the final.” Joel gave credit to his side’s bowling, but says batting for a whole innings will be a focus next season. He says winning the T20 title has kept club members interested and has

confirmed the same team will return next season, with hopefully a second team in the making. “We struggled a bit this season in the One Day Competition because we rotated our squad rather than putting out the best side each week. This is something we could avoid with a second squad.” Kevin says a higher standard of cricket in Rodney has the competition on the right track and he hopes to see the addition of a Mangawhai team next season and continued youth development. Meanwhile, in Northland cricket, the Kaipara Flats Premiers failed to clinch a title after high aspirations at the start of the season. “There were some pleasing performances, but consistency was an issue and I don’t think we deserved to win,” captain Kevin Forde says. Kevin says batting was an issue all season and one still not resolved, with just one century scored by the team this year and a lack of runs from the top order batsmen. He says one positive was that with the departure of a number of experienced players, a group of young players got an opportunity to play. “We’re not the force we used to be, but I think it’s a new era for the team. We can still beat any team on our day, but the other Northland teams are a lot better than they used to be, too.”

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