Proudly NZ Owned
October 1, 2014
Puhoi • Warkworth • Snells • Matakana • Omaha • Leigh • Pakiri • Wellsford • Port Albert • Kaiwaka • Mangawhai
Report paints bleak picture of Gulf’s environmental health The exploitation and contamination of the Hauraki Gulf is continuing unabated, with little evidence that management changes over the last three years have made any improvements. In the 2014 State of our Gulf report, released to the Hauraki Gulf Forum on September 22, the conclusion was that environmental decline is continuing in almost every measurable category – from fisheries to seabird and shorebird populations, the Bryde whale, sedimentation, water quality and introduced marine species. Auckland Councillor Mike Lee summed up the feeling of the forum when he said that after 14 years and four State of our Gulf reports, the response had been “pretty pathetic”. Cr Chris Darby said the report was sobering and painted a miserable picture of the state of the gulf. “This is a scathing indictment and I wonder how long we are going to take to fulfil our mandate,” he said. State of our Gulf is a three-yearly report card on the environmental health of the gulf. The author of the 2014 report was Dr Shane Kelly and contributing author was Dan Hikuroa. Forum chair John Tregida believed that wider awareness of the issues confronting the gulf had not translated to significant change. “We need to find some ‘actions’ that we can put in place to reverse these continued page 3
what’sinside Local folk Bob Sharp page 9
Kowhai Festival
It’s back pages 25-31
Epic ride Sandspit couple set off page 36
List your business on our new online directory and be in to win a
While some small environmental improvements have been detected in the Hauraki Gulf over the past three years it’s volunteers like these kindergarten children, who did a clean up at Snells Beach last month, who are making the biggest positive difference. (For kindy story, see p39)
off the drawing board this month . . .
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Mahurangi Matters
October 1, 2014
contacts Issue 258
General enquiries: Call 425 9068 PO Box 701, Warkworth 0941 17 Neville St, Warkworth 0941 Editor: Jannette Thompson 021 263 4423 Reporter: George Driver 425 9068 Advertising: Cathy Busbridge 022 029 1899 Shona Mackinnon 022 029 1897 Digital Editor: Cathy Aronson 425 9068
Mahurangi Matters is a locally owned publication, circulated twice a month to more than 13,000 homes and businesses. Views expressed in Mahurangi Matters are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission of the editor is prohibited.
School dismisses wifi health concerns A group of Matakana parents, who are concerned that wireless internet (wifi) is harming their children, are starting a petition to have wifi removed from the school. They are also threatening to withdraw their children if changes aren’t made. But school principal Darrel Goosen is refusing to budge. He says the school will not remove wifi as it is not harmful. The school board is deciding whether to purchase 150 Chromebook computers to enable every student in six classrooms to have a device to use in an initiative called 1-to-1 devices. The cost is about $50,000, which the board is planning to pay from fundraising. However, before an information evening on the initiative, a parent handed out fliers which claimed wifi could cause cancer and tumours, alarming many parents. Mr Goosen says the information derailed the meeting and caused confusion and unnecessary concern. “The school has had wifi for eight years and no-one has ever raised it as an issue,” Mr Goosen says. Following the meeting, the school asked parents to vote on whether they wanted the roll out of 1-to-1 devices. More than 100 parents responded, with 72 per cent in favour of the move and 27 per cent against. About 70 parents attended a second meeting at the school where the board reassured parents that the consensus of science is that wifi is safe and its
decision is based on Ministry of Health advice. However, the board admitted it could have done more to consult with parents about the initiative. Concerned parents paid for Nelson environmental lawyer and anti-wifi activist Sue Grey to fly to Matakana to address the school meeting on September 24, but the board declined to allow her to speak. Ms Grey subsequently spoke to 12 people at the Matakana Hall afterwards. Ms Grey said there was international research which found radiation from wifi and cellphones caused brain tumours and could damage the cells and reproductive health of children. “About four per cent of people also have an allergic reaction to wifi, causing headaches and itchiness,” Ms Grey said. One parent at the meeting claimed her child was already suffering from an allergic reaction and got headaches while at school. But Mr Goosen says the Ministry of Health research found there is no evidence wifi causes any harm. “I’ve done my homework. I’ve read a lot on the issue and have talked with New Zealand radiation experts and everyone is saying there is no evidence wifi causes any harm. One of our board members is a radiation engineer and says there’s no risk. He said ‘if I thought there was the remotest possibility of danger to my child I
The introduction of new laptops at Matakana School looks set to go ahead, despite concerns by some parents about the health effects of wifi.
wouldn’t allow this to happen’.” Mr Goosen says the school will not be removing wifi and will not be making accommodations for children to use wired, ethernet Chromebooks. “Every parent has a choice. There are lots of other schools around here.” The World Health Organisation says studies have found no evidence that wifi increases the risk of cancer and classifies the radiation as “possibly carcinogenic”, in the same category as coffee and pickled vegetables. The 1-to-1 devices have been trailed in one classroom at the school since the start of the year and were considered a success. The board is yet to decide on whether the devices will be purchased for a further five classrooms.
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Gulf on brink
commentonline Does it matter that the gulf is dying?
On the surface, observers may think the Gulf is as clean and healthy as it has always been, but the science is telling a different story.
from page 1 trends,” he said. “That’s our challenge.” Cr Wayne Walker called for the information to be presented clearly and graphically. “We need to be showing when we think extinctions will occur, how close we are to the tipping points for things like nitrification and when will parts of the gulf be uninhabitable for some marine species,” he said. While Dr Kelly rejected suggestions that there were already dead zones in the gulf, he said there needed to be a clearer consensus on what constituted ‘sustainable’. “If we set high levels for sustainability, then we will have to reduce the pressure we are putting on the gulf.” Cr Lee said there were many vested interests involved who weren’t interested in hearing the truth about what was happening in the gulf. He said the report highlighted the huge amount of technical information that was missing. He listed 11 fish species where there was no or very little understanding of their status. The list included Jack mackerel, pilchard, red gurnard, leatherjackets, yellow-belly flounder, parore and tarakih i. Dr Kelly said stock assessments were the realm of the Ministry of Primary Industries but at the end of the day, it came down to budget prioritisation. Cr Christine Fletcher said the forum wanted to mover towards evidencebased decisions and she felt the report raised questions around the effectiveness of the forum. She said that the little good news contained in the report came almost exclusively from the volunteer sector, not central or local government initiatives. The Forum is an advisory group that meets quarterly and is made up of local government, tangata whenua, the Department of Conservation and the MPI representatives.
Mahurangi Matters
Charting the Gulf’s decline While the 2011 State of our Gulf report called for some “bold, sustained and innovative” steps to be taken to halt progressive environmental degradation, the 2014 report released late last month, shows that little has changed over the last three years. Here are a few of the report’s findings: • Sediment is a serious environmental contaminant particularly in estuaries and near-shore areas of the inner gulf. Increasing trends in the proportion of fine and/or muddy sediments have been detected at numerous estuaries including Puhoi and Waiwera, and the Mahurangi Harbour. • The status of the top 15 finfish stocks remains unknown. Snapper and crayfish populations have been reduced by around 70 to 80 per cent. • Thousands of tonnes of fish and shellfish are extracted from the gulf every year by both recreational and commercial fishers. Around 12,450 bottom trawls occurred in the gulf between 2001 and 2013, and 27,600 commercial scallop dredge tows between 2010 and 2012. Trawling and scallop dredging occurs in areas that contain sensitive marine habitats, but the impacts on
seabed communities have not been addressed. • Auckland’s population growth is driving the need for land development and adding pressure on aging pipe networks, which were never designed for today’s needs. • Nitrogen loads are predicted to increase beyond 2020. • Recent aquaculture reforms allow for an additional 1100 tonnes of nitrogen a year to be discharged into the Firth of Thames, which is close to one third of the 3716 tonnes already coming from the Hauraki Plains. • Applications for a further 4827 hectares of spat catching space are due to come off hold later this year and if granted, will more than double the area currently occupied by marine farms. • In some areas of Auckland, overflows of untreated wastewater still occur on a relatively frequent basis. • Fourteen of the 19 water quality sites continually monitored by Auckland Council display deteriorating trends in concentrations of suspended solids. • At least six non-indigenous marine species with the potential to cause serious harm have already become established in the gulf,
with five high risk species arriving in the past 15 years. To date, no successful programmes have been implemented to control their spread and growth. • The gulf contains one of the few known resident populations of the Bryde whale, which is a nationally critical species. Ship strikes already account for 84 per cent of Bryde whale deaths, but habitat availability may become an issue if activities such as aquaculture start moving into the areas the whales use. • There are serious concerns about the long-term survival of four seabird species including the black petrel and the flesh-footed shearwater. Large numbers of the shearwater are caught in longlines and the NZ population has declined from an estimated 50,000 to 100,000 pairs in 1984 to less than 12,000 pairs currently. • Proposed changes to the resource Management Act will also reduce environmental protection for the gulf, while changes to the National Policy Statement: Freshwater have established particularly low bottom lines. • Low level sediment quality guidelines are frequently exceeded for copper, lead and/or zinc in urbanised Auckland and the southeastern Firth of Thames.
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Mahurangi Matters
October 1, 2014
Nap time
We welcome your feedback but letters under 300 words are preferred. We reserve the right to abridge them as necessary. Unabridged versions can be read at Letters can be sent to or PO Box 701, Warkworth
Unitary Plan democracy The Unitary Plan process is rapidly revealing that it is heavily biased in favour of individuals and organisations able to afford a team of lawyers to sit in Auckland Central waiting to appear in the pre-hearing and hearing meetings at short notice on a succession of days. Individuals and small organisations with no such finance or facility, especially those in out-lying rural areas, are hugely disadvantaged in this process and can expect to have little influence on the outcomes. The community group I represent put in a straightforward submission expressing our concerns followed by further submissions expressing our support or opposition to other submissions. The Unitary Plan process is unlike any other Hearing or Environment Court process. Normally, you would appear once before Commissioners, make your case, and wait for the result. For the Unitary Plan process, the submissions are thrown into a huge machine which grinds them up and spits them out in bits, each with its own hearing process. To make your case you must then attend a multitude of meetings – all in Auckland Central. Lawyers’ Heaven! So far in the last week we have received “invitations” to attend six separate meetings and this is just the beginning. We anticipate many, many
visits from groups or individuals to strengthen the market’s appeal and spread the net as it were to bring in new and more people and so increase the vitality of its function.
more as the pieces of our submission are set in place. How is it possible for those in more remote parts of the Super City to attend these meetings as the costs are prohibitive and there is no public transport for most. Added to this, who has the time? This monolithic Council, which spends our rates with such abandon, cannot even organise meetings on issues North of the bridge to be held in Orewa. But then why would they? Heaven forbid we bumpkins should have any say in ‘their’ plan.
Patrick Miller Market stallholder
Editor’s Note: The oversight certainly wasn’t intended and, as regular market goers will know, Michael indeed does a great job and injects the market with his own brand of friendly, zany fun.
There was a rise in crime in Mahurangi last month, but police are assuring the community it is still a safe place to live. Two men were arrested and charged following a burglary in Snells Beach. Neighbours noticed suspicious activity and contacted police who were already at a checkpoint on Mahurangi East Road. They reacted quickly and caught the burglars in the act. A Tauranga man and a former Mahurangi resident have been charged with the burglary. Warkworth officer-in-charge Sergeant Morgan de la Rue says the incident highlights the importance of neighbours keeping an eye out and contacting police if there is any suspicious activity. Meanwhile, police are running forensic tests on a bandana, which was recovered after a smash-and-grab at Leigh General Store last month. The store was broken into at 4.30am on Tuesday September 9. A bandana was recovered at Mathesons
Kessel missing in action The recent article in the Mahurangi Matters (Sept 17) dealing with the Matakana Farmers Market and its 10th anniversary provided some good information about the beginning and the people involved with establishing it. However, it was deficient in one important detail. The market, for the last eight years, has been managed by Michael Kessel but he didn’t rate a mention which was unfortunate. Michael is the ‘go to’ man for all the stall holders needs and he keeps an overview of the smooth functioning of the market week in week out. Michael is also active in promoting the market further a field. Part of this entails visiting other markets to see what other people are doing. Other activities involve organising Parmco 8.5kg Front Load Washer
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One of the more colourful memories shared at the Warkworth Town Hall restoration launch last month was a gem from Auckland Council deputy mayor Penny Hulse, who said the hall was known as a place to hook up. “The movies were probably responsible for quite a few of the extended families in the area.” Off the record contributions welcome. Email to
Bay which police believe belongs to one of the offenders. The Ahuroa Fire Station had its garage door smashed in shortly after 5am on September 16, but nothing was taken. On the same morning, another property had its front gate rammed and residents of a third property reported a car driving up to their house at 5am and speeding off when security lights came on. Constable Steve Hunt says the community was on edge following the incidents and a neighbourhood meeting was a chance to remind people that, despite the recent incidents, the area is a safe place to live. “It was a timely reminder for people to make sure their property is secure and they don’t leave items out which may tempt criminals. Any suspicious activity should be reported to police immediately,” Constable Hunt says. Mitsubishi Frigeration
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Hooking up
Spike in crime in Mahurangi
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Everyone knows meetings can be boring but we were a bit surprised to see one councillor on the Hauraki Gulf Forum nod off shortly after the meeting started. What was even more surprising was that when he woke up the first thing he exclaimed was how “invigorating” the session had been.
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Mahurangi Matters
Viewpoint Tracey Martin, NZ First MP
Back to business I am penning this contribution from my hotel room in Wellington. Today was the first meeting of the new and enlarged New Zealand First caucus. Currently, at 11 MPs, with a very good chance of another once the special votes are counted, New Zealand First had the largest party vote percentage increase of all parties from the 2014 election. Not wasting any time, all newly-elected MPs from all parties were contacted on Sunday to have their travel and accommodation organised so that they could attend induction that started today and will continue into next week. The machinery of Parliament never really stops. I am here to support my new caucus colleagues as Deputy Leader and to get myself up to speed on the many changes that have taken place around funding and support from the 50th Parliament to the 51st Parliament. I also have appointments to sit down with parliamentary services and start to plan my desired parliamentary office in Warkworth. More and more members of our community have been dropping into the Party office that I pay for privately which is manned by our party volunteers. As the needs of these individuals become more complex, it has become obvious that I need trained parliamentary staff in a Warkworth-based office to truly serve this community. These trained staff have dedicated access into Government departments such as ACC, Housing NZ, WINZ and Immigration to name just a few. I want to take this opportunity to thank all those who supported me during the election and I hope to be able to more widely serve this community, reaching through the Dome up into the Wellsford and Te Hana communities as well, over the next three years. It is no secret that New Zealand First had hoped to gain enough of the Party vote so as to hold the balance of responsibility – I mean that is the whole point of the contest after all, to try and get your Party’s policies implemented. But the surprise election result in National’s favour means that this is no longer an option. But anyone who has followed New Zealand First and the career of our leader, the Rt. Hon. Winston Peters, will know that New Zealand First is a force to be reckoned with in opposition. Our job now is to hold the Government to account. To seek to shine the public light on the Government’s actions and spending. With the Labour Party completely absorbed by its internal issues, New Zealand First has no hesitation in stepping up to lead the Opposition. Parliament is set to resume on October 20. So we will soon all be back into our routine and I want to encourage anyone that would like to talk with me about issues of concern to drop into Shop 5, Riverview Plaza, Queen Street, Warkworth and leave your contact details with one of the volunteers. I am back in Warkworth four days out of seven so I will get back to you to organise a time to meet and discuss your issues or concerns face to face.
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Mahurangi Matters
October 1, 2014
Ac t lo c a l
Takahe testament to Tawharanui’s success Conservation grants shared A milestone in NZ conservation will be reached when 10 takahe are released at Tawharanui Regional Park on October 4. Auckland Council Open Sanctuary coordinator Matt Maitland says the release provides fresh hope for a critically endangered species. “The takahe is a conservation success story which is the culmination of decades of hard work,” Matt says. “You don’t often get an opportunity to bring an animal back from extinction. This is a huge validation of the value of sites like Tawharanui. “It’s a welcome, but daunting, prospect to have four per cent of the world’s population of takahe in our hands.” The birds are one-year-old “teenage” takahe and will hopefully begin pairing to start laying eggs next October. They have been raised at Burwood Takahe Breeding Centre, near Te Anau, from eggs taken from nests in the wild and have been selected to prevent interbreeding. Every takahe relationship is recorded to try and maintain a diverse gene pool. Tawharanui is expected to receive a further 10 birds over the next year, which will be transferred from other sites. The release is part of an effort to increase the number of breeding pairs from 65 to 125 over the next five years by releasing large numbers of breeding aged birds into a few select locations. Despite concerted conservation efforts, the takahe population remains around 260, roughly similar to when they were rediscovered in 1948 after being declared extinct in 1898. But Matt says this will be the largest breeding programme ever attempted and shows confidence in the pest control efforts at mainland sanctuaries. It is the most northern location for
TOSSI members Jacinda Wooly and Michael Boyle have been learning to use monitoring systems to keep tabs on takahe at Tawharanui.
the birds and in stark contrast to the Murchison Mountains in Fiordland, which has the only wild population. “They will have grown up in an alpine tussock environment, where there is frequently snow on the ground. But we have seen them thrive in a similar environment at Tiritiri Matangi.” Each bird will be radio-tagged and monitored daily for the first month until they settle into nesting sites. About 20 volunteers have been trained to use the monitoring system. Tawharanui Open Sanctuary Society (TOSSI) deputy chair and takahe coordinator James Ross says about three TOSSI volunteers will work for up to six hours each day to track the animals for the first month. But James says no-one is complaining about the workload. “It gives us a chance to see up close, one of the rarest and most interesting birds in the world,” James says. “There
is a slim chance the birds may try walk out of the park, but the tagging system will alert us if they get near the boundary.” Matt is heading to Auckland Zoo to get some experience handling the birds and is planning a trip to Fiordland next year for a more intensive handling course to learn how to tag the birds and take blood samples. Meanwhile, TOSSI has nearly reached its fundraising goal of $50,000 to pay for improved fencing and tracking equipment. Mitre 10 and the Tindall Foundation have donated fencing materials and there have been a number of smaller donations. Members of the public are welcome to attend the takahe release at the park on Saturday October 4, about 1pm. Meet at the Anchor Bay car park. The release on October 4 will be covered online at
Two local iwi have received more than $200,000 in funding from the Department of Conservation (DOC). Ngati Whatua o Kaipara received $113,500 for pest control at Atuanui Scenic Reserve at Mount Auckland on State Highway 16. The reserve was included in the iwi’s treaty settlement last year and is co-managed by DOC and Ngati Whatua. Nga Maunga Whakahii o Kaipara Development Trust chair Haahi Walker says they are developing a programme to work towards reintroducing kiwi. “It’s a big area so it will be a huge task to keep pest numbers down,” Mr Walker says. “We are still working to form a group to help restore the area, and will be assessing the current state of the forest and developing a plan to restore the reserve.” The reserve contains 615 hectares of mature native forest, which is the largest area of native forest between the Waipoua Forest and the Waitakere Ranges. There is a public walkway through the reserve and Mr Walker says it will remain open to the public. Meanwhile, Ngati Manuhiri received $92,500 for conservation work in Mahurangi. Chief executive Mook Hohneck says the funds will be spent on pest control focused around the Goat Island area and revegetation work at Pakiri and Tawharanui. “We want to make Goat Island pest free and reduce pests around Matakana, Leigh and Pakiri,” Mr Hohneck says. The grants come from the Community Conservation Partnerships Fund which was established in March. The fund will distribute $26 million to community groups nationwide for priority conservation work over four years.
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October 1, 2014
Mahurangi Matters
Environment Christine Rose
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Whale ballet off the New South Wales coast. Photo, Christine Rose.
Whales show recovery is possible We can all learn a lot from animals, but what Australia’s humpback whales can teach is special in particular. Like magnificent whales everywhere, humpbacks were hunted to the very edge of extinction during the 20th century, and the slow painful death by whaling only stopped in Australia back in 1979. That’s in living memory of both Australian residents and the whales. But despite the animal genocide that was mass whaling, there are lessons for us in their spectacular recovery and in the cultural change occurring throughout the country as a result. When whaling stopped because the numbers were so low as to make the industry unsustainable, there were only a few thousand humpbacks left on the planet. Humpbacks have one of the world’s great migrations. In winter months, they leave their polar feeding grounds and head to the tropics to calve and mate. So many of the whales that used to travel past New Zealand were killed during the whaling era, that the Cook Strait Humpback whale survey only counted 96 humpbacks this year. In contrast, maybe up to 20,000 migrated up the East Australian coast this winter. On Australia’s East Coast 95 per cent of the migrating whales travel within seven nautical miles from shore. That means from headlands and in bays right down the ‘New South Whales’ coast, whale watchers can witness a full range of dramatic whale activity. Humpback whales are about 15 metres long, around 36 tonnes and acrobatic so observers can see (repeated) full body breaching, tail slaps and spy-hopping. The whales forge along the coast like locomotives, displaying tender moments of play, affection and nursing among mothers and their new born calves. The Northern New South Wales coastal geography makes a perfect whale watching location. There are long, beautiful golden sandy beaches interspersed with elevated headlands, and small friendly coastal communities. So you can watch whales in their natural habitat in a semi-tropical location without disturbing the whales or paying an additional cent. Watching these massive and gentle animals from headlands adds a whole different and natural dynamic to the whale watching experience. You never know what you might see with patience and care. But the whale recovery says a lot about nature and human culture, too. Whole communities now take ownership of the passing whales. Everyone asks with excitement ‘Have you seen any whales?’ Everyone has a magical story. All walks of life, from kids to roadworkers and granddads are interested and enthusiastic about the passing whales. The whales show how beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. Their interactions with humans show curiosity, compassion and trust. They show that nature will bounce back if we give it a chance – it’s resilient. No matter how badly we devastate species, we shouldn’t give up hope. We can atone for travesties of the past by love and compassion in the present. It’s a magnificent and beautiful world.
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Mahurangi Matters
October 1, 2014
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Mahurangi Matters
Bob Sharp, writer
Life has gone full circle for former apiarist Bob Sharp. A resident of the area his whole life, he grew-up on a property at the Matakana end of Sharp Road and now lives, in his retirement, at the Sandspit end. In between the shift, he was a leading commercial beekeeper. But, as Jannette Thompson discovered, the boy who loved writing essays at school hasn’t lost his imagination despite now being almost completely blind ....
tell people my life has been so boring, I had to write fiction. Although I’ve always been a great reader and enjoyed writing at school, it’s only been in my retirement that I’ve had the time to devote any effort to it. My first published story was on the children’s page of the NZ Women’s Weekly when I was nine years old. More recently, Radio NZ accepted my short story The Last Waltz, which was read on air last month. It’s set in rural NZ in the 1950s and is about two cousins – one from the city and one from the country. It was really at the encouragement of a local writing group that I belong to that I even submitted my story. I didn’t have any expectations so was over the moon to receive a contract in the mail. My current project is a collection of five short stories. I plan to sell the book on Amazon, which is a lot cheaper than conventional publishing. Once you get a cover designed – mine was organised by email with a woman in Eastern Europe – then you open an Amazon account that costs US$2.99 and you’re in business. You put your own price on your book and, as long as it’s over $3, Amazon only takes a 30 per cent cut on each sale. In traditional publishing, I’m told the author is lucky to get 10 per cent of the cover price. If a book becomes popular, then you can increase the price. I’m not too worried about making a fortune – I’ll be happy if I make coffee money. My book’s called A Twist of Justice and each story, although separate, is set on the same imaginary street in Auckland. The whole process of getting published online is very exciting.
y only formula for thinking of an idea is that I don’t have a formula. If I get stuck, I just try to stop labouring the thought and then, usually, something occurs to me. If I get an idea though, I won’t pursue it unless I have an ending with a good twist. Perhaps that’s why I love Roald Dahl’s books. I also like historical, crime and adventure stories, and travel books by Bill Bryson. These days I rely on the Blind Foundation’s library of talking books. They have 7000 titles and each disk they send has 40 hours of listening on it. I’m never quite sure what I’m going to receive, as it’s a random selection based on my favourite authors and genre preferences. It really is a very
good service.
lost my sight six years ago to giant cell arteritis (GCA), which affects the large artery at the back of the neck. There were symptoms – night sweats and an aching jaw – but I thought they were just signs of old age. But once the artery starts to close, you only have about 48 hours to arrest the damage or lose your sight completely. In my case, I was driving home after a day of picking grapes in a local vineyard. It came on quite suddenly and I nearly drove off the road. The next day, my wife Mina took me to the Red Beach surgery and they referred me immediately to Greenlane Hospital. As a result, they were able to save 20 per cent of my sight in one eye. I can make out people and objects but it’s like looking through a blurry mist. I’m only able to write using a closed circuit magnifier, which I lease from the Blind Foundation. It looks like a computer screen or small TV and to use it, I write on an ordinary lined piece of paper beneath the screen. The image is thrown up on the screen and I can adjust the magnification and change the colours. I find yellow type on a black background works best for me. The magnifier allows me a degree of flexibility because I can read my own mail and I can still write my own cheques. Of course, it means all my stories are handwritten so I’m very grateful to Steph Mellors who types and edits them for me. I find that when I sit down to write, I become oblivious of what’s happening around me and time just flies. I love it. he original Sharp farm, at the Matakana Road end of Sharp Road, was settled by my grandparents Bill and Annie, who were both second generation New Zealanders. They had three daughters and six sons including my Dad, Brownie Sharp who married Elsie Webster. Dad worked with his older brother Cyril at the Sharp quarry in Kawakawa for a few years but then set himself up as a beekeeper, close to where the Dragonfly Café is now located on Matakana Road. He named his business Matoma Apiaries after the local rugby team. When I left school, I joined the business. Together with the Waitemata Honey Company, which was based on the East Coast Bays, Matoma pioneered the export of comb honey. At that time, all honey had
I’ll be “happy if I
make coffee money...
to be marketed through the Honey Marketing Authority but this didn’t include comb honey. The authority opposed our export plan and in the end, the matter was settled by Parliament. I guess you could say Waitemata and Matoma exploited a loophole. In time, we had around 500 hives and were exporting around 1000 dozen comb honey squares a year to Europe.
ad mainly had manuka honey in the early days, but unlike now, you couldn’t give it away. Noone wanted it. He used to send 60lb kerosene cans full of it away and he’d barely get back the price of the cartage. Years later, we targeted clover for the comb honey, which particularly appealed to the Japanese. By the time manuka honey became popular and pricey, other beekeepers had already locked up all the manuka blocks. I worked with bees all my life and loved the seasonal nature of the work. In the summer we’d be outside every fine day working the hives and later collecting the honey, and in the winter when it was cold, we’d concentrate on the shed work. The varroa mite, which attacks honey bees, arrived in NZ just before I retired, so I was pretty lucky as it didn’t really have an impact on my business.
um and dad had four kids and my sister Pat and I were twins. Our arrival caused a small sensation and was featured on the front page of the NZ Herald on May 16, 1939. The photo showed Mum lying in the bed at Warkworth Cottage Hospital holding Pat and I, and we looked like a couple of wizened up little walnuts. Our claim to fame was that we were the first babies born under Prime Minister Michael Savage’s Social Security Maternity Benefits Scheme (the first family benefit). I suppose you’d say I had a pretty typical upbringing. The family has always been keen on tennis and Matakana had a strong club when we were young. My brother Des was one of the top players in Rodney and started the Warkworth Veterans Club. I’ve lived my whole life in Matakana and I still think it’s a great place. I haven’t got a bucket list because I’m quite happy just plodding along. Perhaps I’m just too lazy! But I enjoy what I do – my writing, gardening and drinking coffee. I’ve never expected too much from life. What the years have taught me is to be a little more tolerant and not quite so opinionated.
Mahurangi Matters
October 1, 2014 October 1, 2014
Mahurangi Matters
Council investigates Sandspit Marina dredging stockpile The construction of the Sandspit Marina is under investigation following complaints to the Auckland Council Environment, Climate Change and Natural Heritage Committee. In a presentation to the Committee on August 27, Sandspit resident Michael Taplin raised concerns the marina wouldn’t be built within its resource consent timeframe, due to issues with the dredging timetable. Mr Taplin said the marina’s Construction Management Plan, approved by Council this year, did not align with the consent conditions for dredging disposal. The plan showed 82,000m3 was to be dredged in the 12 months from October this year, but in the dredging disposal consent, issued by Maritime NZ, the Marina Society was only allowed to dump 35,000m3 in the 12 months to November 2015. “Under these circumstances the dredging period must be extended. This affects the amenity of the area to an unacceptable level of nuisance,” Mr Taplin said. However, marina project manager Luke Kirkpatrick said the dredging disposal consent was being changed to align with the Construction Management Plan. The timetable for dredging disposal was developed to fit with an older construction plan and needed to be updated. “It’s not a game stopper,” Mr
Concerns have been raised about Auckland Council’s management of resource consent compliance at the Sandspit Marina construction site.
Kirkpatrick said. “Maritime NZ is more concerned with the total volumes that are dumped. How those volumes are distributed throughout the dredging period is not likely to be an issue. “The construction of the marina is going to plan and there is no indication the project will overrun.” At the Committee meeting, Mr Taplin also raised concerns that the Marina Society was stockpiling dredgings without resource consent. In 2010, Auckland Regional Council declined a stockpile application. However, Council subsequently approved the stockpiling as part of the Construction Management Plan. “This issue was extensively debated
at the Environment Court hearings. Such an important issue should require a consent,” Mr Taplin said. He asked the Committee to investigate the management of environmental risks during the marina’s construction. “Council’s present hands-off, tick-theboxes approach gives us no confidence risks are being adequately managed.” Mr Kirkpatrick said the marina construction was complying with the plan vetted by Council. The Committee asked Council officers to further investigate the adequacy of, and compliance with, the resource consent conditions. Council also wanted to investigate the stockpile of dredgings at the marina to identify current environmental risks.
As a result, officers visited the marina construction site last month and discovered dredge material not in accordance with the consent. Councillor support advisor David Gaspard said the applicant swiftly removed the material and Council was satisfied with the result. Committee chair Wayne Walker said Council had poorly managed construction of the marina, which could lead to environmental degradation that could have been prevented.
“There needs to be a more critical assessment of practices and more oversight from Council,” Cr Walker said. “This is an example of Council’s role to protect the environment being neglected and things going wrong.”
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Mahurangi Matters
October 1, 2014
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Mahurangi Matters
Snells Beach residents seek THIS MONTHS speed limit zone extension USED CAR SPRING CLEAR OUT A Snells Beach resident is starting a campaign to extend the 50km speed limit at the entrance of the town so a new footpath can be built. The construction of a footpath along Mahurangi East Road to Arabella Lane has been put on the back burner after estimated costs more than doubled. In the meantime, residents are walking down the main road to get to the town centre. In June last year Rodney Local Board allocated $135,000 to construct the path, but costs ballooned to $300,000 following an investigation by Auckland Transport (AT). Part of the reason for the blow out was because about 200 metres of the footpath runs along a section with an 80km-per-hour speed limit, which requires significantly more work. An AT spokespersons says they are looking at incorporating the project into broader road works on the road to reduce costs, but options are still being investigated. Snells Beach Residents and Ratepayers Association chair Bryan Jackson has suggested shifting the 80km limit so the footpath is within the 50km limit and extra safety work would no longer be required. “It’s only a few hundred metres,” Bryan says. “It would make very little difference to the traffic.” However, AT says this is not possible under the criteria for speed limits set by NZTA. But Bryan believes an exemption should be made for such a small change. “NZTA’s opposition to this practical and cost-effective alternative idea must be vehemently opposed.” The Residents and Ratepayers Association is also going to present to the Local Board this month advocating for another footpath development to link a new subdivision on Riverleigh
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Snells Beach Residents and Ratepayers Association chair Bryan Jackson wants the 50km speed limit moved to allow a footpath to be built from Arabella Lane.
Drive to the shopping area in town. Meanwhile, work on a sea wall in Snells Beach may be completed by Christmas. The 85-metre sea wall is to protect the waterfront walkway which has suffered severe erosion from storms and will run south from the boat ramp off Sunburst Avenue. Manager local and sports parks north Martin van Jaarsveld says the resource consent is due to be granted this month. The timber wall will be about one metre high and is estimated to cost around $90,000.
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Mahurangi Matters
October 1, 2014
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October 1, 2014
stories of
World War I
A monthly series compiled by Mahurangi Matters & Warkworth RSA following World War I events.
Mahurangi locals join the fight One of the first young soldiers to leave the Mahurangi area for service overseas in World War I was Henry John Rowe. Henry was the son of Mr and Mrs Charles W. Rowe, of Lower Matakana. He enlisted in August 1914 when he was an 18-year-old and embarked from Wellington with the Auckland Infantry Battalion (Samoan Advance Party) on August 15. By June 1915, he was back in Wellington and embarked with the 5th Reinforcements on the Maunganui bound for Egypt. He rose in the ranks from Private to Sergeant. Henry was just 21 when he was killed in action at Messines Ridge, in Belgium, and he is buried in the Messines Ridge British Cemetery. He is commemorated on the Matakana District War Memorial (King George) and is possibly a brother of William Charles Rowe who is recorded on the memorial as W.R. Rowe. Among the men from the district who embarked in October 1914 were: William J. Birdsall, of Leigh (killed in action June 1915); Arthur Thomas Hannah, of Ahuroa (killed at Gallipoli, July 1915); M. Vipond, Streamlands (killed in action August 1916); Victor Adolph, Kaipara (killed
Henry Rowe was killed in action, aged 21.
in action March 1918); Thomas Burke, Kaipara; Frederick Dill, Kaipara (served at Gallipoli and in WWII, passed away in 1988 aged 95); Angus R. Dunning, Leigh; Thomas O.L. Jenkins, Kaipara (served with the Medical Corp); and Edgar Wyatt, Leigh. If anyone can provide further information on Henry Rowe or the other men listed here, please email it to:
Mahurangi Matters
October 1914 3 First contingents of Canadian and Newfoundland Expeditionary Forces leave for England. Mine-laying in the open sea (between the Goodwins and Ostend) commenced by British. 7 Japanese naval forces occupy Yap Island (Pacific). 8 Second British air raid on Germany (Düsseldorf and Cologne airship sheds attacked). 10 Antwerp capitulates to German forces Battle of La Bassée begins. 13 First appearance of a German submarine on the Southampton-Havre troop-transport route reported. 14 The Waimana and Star of India arrive in Wellington Harbour and join the vessels carrying troops from Wellington, Canterbury and Otago, and the warships that will escort the convoy. 15 Belgian coastline reached by German forces; Zeebrugge and Ostend occupied by German forces. First units of Canadian and Newfoundland Expeditionary Forces land in England. HMS Hawke sunk by German submarine in North Sea. 16 New Zealand Expeditionary Force leaves Wellington in 10 troopships. The Main Body consists of 8454 soldiers and about 3000 horses. Although they had originally intended to fight in France, this changed when the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) entered the war on the side of the Central Powers in November. The main
body arrived in Egypt on December 3 and established a camp at Zeitoun, near Cairo. Trooper Angus (Pat) Dunning was among those who left with the Main Body. He was from a family of eight, and the son of Archibald and Catherine (nee Matheson) from Leigh. Pat, 23, embarked with the 1st of the Mounted Rifle forces and was involved in the Egypt, Gallipoli and Sinai campaigns receiving a gunshot wound to his right arm at the Dardanelles in Gallipoli. He was hospitalised three times during the war with influenza, pleurisy and myalgia, and discharged in August 1919. He passed away in November 1948 and is buried at the Leigh Cemetery. Pat’s brother Archibald embarked with the reinforcing Mounted Rifles in November 1917. 18 First bombardment of Ostend by British warships. 20 First British merchant vessel sunk by German submarine, the SS Glitra. 26 German forces begin an unprovoked invasion of Angola (Portuguese West Africa). 28 NZ convoy arrives at Albany, Western Australia, and joins a convoy carrying the main body of the Australian Imperial Force (AIF). 29 The Ottoman Empire enters the war as an ally of the German and AustroHungarian empires. The British Empire (including New Zealand) and France declare war on the Ottoman Empire on November 5. 31 HMS Hermes sunk by German submarine in Straits of Dover.
We acknowledge the following sources: New Zealand History Online, Auckland War Museum Cenotaph Database and Papers Past websites. Your loCal Community newspaper
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Mahurangi Matters
October 1, 2014
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October 1, 2014
Mahurangi Matters
Workforce shortages predicted to fuel house price rises The cost of building a house in Mahurangi could soon rise as a labour shortage starts to hit home. Master Builders acting chief executive Brendan Ward says if demand for housing continues to grow at current rates, it could outstrip the labour supply and people could end up on waiting lists to get homes built. He says this is likely push up prices. “We are entering a boom with more building activity but the same number of construction workers or less, as companies down sized and took on fewer apprentices following the financial crisis,” Brendan says. “Currently, there is enough competition to keep prices competitive.” Brendan says the Christchurch residential rebuild is predicted to wind down in the next 18 months, which should soften the effect. By far the biggest factor in housing costs is land supply, he says. “All other costs associated with building have roughly tracked with inflation, but the cost of land has grown exponentially.” However, Bayleys in the North manager Steve Orr believes a shortage of skilled builders and subcontractors will become a bigger factor than land supply and inflate the cost of building a home. “A lot of work is being done to free up land for residential use, but we don’t have enough builders to
The rise in building activity in Rodney is highlighting the shortage of labour in some building trades.
fill future demand,” Steve says. “There weren’t enough homes built following the financial crisis so there is now a huge backlog. But in the meantime, the industry has lost a lot of skilled labourers to Australia and Christchurch. When demand for builders outstrips supply it will push up costs.” Steve Haycock, of Steve Haycock Construction, says demand may have already reached that point. He is currently turning down work because he is so busy. “There is strong demand in the area and some people are finding it difficult to find a builder,” Steve says.
But he says it is difficult to make predictions in the industry. “Construction is incredibly fickle. You never know what will happen in three months time.” Stonewood Homes Rodney general manager Stewart Wilson says they have found a shortage of builders and bricklayers. “But because we are a big company we’ve been able to cope and subcontract some of the work,” Stewart says. “We haven’t had to turn down work, but we could complete jobs faster with more workers.” In contrast, GJ Gardener Rodney
co-owner Elaine Morley says the company has not had a problem finding builders, but there has been a shortage of bricklayers. Steve Brackenridge, of Brackenridge Builders, says demand for housing has been exaggerated and he doesn’t believe there will be an issue with a shortage of builders in the area. But the building boom is reflected in the number of building consents issued in Rodney, which have nearly doubled since 2012. In the year to July, 1206 residential building consents were issued, up from 1120 in the 2013 year and 726 in 2012. During July, 116 residential building consents were issued.
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Mahurangi Matters
October 1, 2014
Warkworth Town Hall takes final bow before restoration The community came out on a windy Sunday last month to take one last look inside the Warkworth Town Hall before restoration work begins on the heritage building. About 100 people turned up to the restoration launch, with many taking a guided tour led by project manager Steven Davey and architect Antony Matthews. The hall has been closed since March last year and is set to re-open in late 2015, with restoration work starting in October. It includes strengthening and repairs, seating for 300 people, a mezzanine floor, multi-purpose meeting rooms, a lift, new toilets, green rooms, a lowered stage and storage. Architect Antony Matthews talked about retaining the art deco design and mosaic floor in the foyer. While new additions would make it more functional for more community groups, the majority of the work in the main hall was strengthening. “Essentially we have to unstitch the interior by pulling all those surfaces apart, putting in the new structure, then stitch it back together again.” Warkworth Town Hall Restoration Trust member Ilona Rodgers commended the architectural plans, which she says will turn the ‘duckling into a swan’. At the launch celebrations, Ilona talked about the history of the hall, including how 100 years ago men
Take a video tour of the hall with architect Antony Matthews and project manager Steven Davey. Video courtesy, Majorlook Productions
from the area came to the hall to sign up for World War I. “For them alone we should remember this hall.” Auckland Council deputy mayor Penny Hulse acknowledged the lone protestor outside, Jim Visser, and said in a good democracy nothing happens without protest. “I think it’s no secret for those of us who are part of the community that this has not been plain sailing, there has been some debate,” she says. “Old buildings like this are controversial, they are challenging, but they deserve our love and our care.” The $3 million restoration is funded by Auckland Council, through the Rodney Local Board. The Trust is fundraising for another $1 million for the hall fit-out including a new kitchen, rehearsal space and retractable seating. They have raised $13,000 in the first month.
Jim Visser protested during the restoration launch outside the Warkworth Town Hall, which he says should be demolished. Auckland Council deputy mayor Penny Hulse acknowledged him during her speech saying “in a good democracy nothing happens without protest”.
October 1, 2014
Mahurangi Matters
Modelling mix robs Warkworth of infrastructure funding Number households in warkworth 8000
unitary Plan
7000 6000 Households
Warkworth may be missing out on “hundreds of thousands of dollars” in infrastructure investment because Auckland Council population forecasts have grossly underestimated the level of growth, Rodney Local Board member Steven Garner says. Council, Auckland Transport and NZTA all use the same population modelling to forecast the level of growth in towns to help determine the level of infrastructure needed. Steven says incorrect modelling may be stalling work on the Western Collector route and significant work on the Hill Street intersection. “Warkworth has potentially missed out on hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of dollars of investment,” Steven says. “I had been struggling to understand why these projects were not seen as priorities, but the position of AT and NZTA is consistent with these models, which predict low levels of growth in Warkworth. But the data is wrong.” Council’s modeling predicted a decline in the number of households in Warkworth from 2006 to 2011, but the 2013 census showed that there was actually an increase of 306 occupied and unoccupied households, growing from 1425 to 1731 – a 21 per cent increase. The Council model also predicted an increase of just 511 households by 2041. In terms of population, the 2013 census showed the town’s population increased by 642 people, between 2006
5000 4000
Census Trends*
Council Model
Census (actual)
1000 0 2006
2027 year
* Census trends are based on a continuation of the 21 per cent growth rate recorded over the past seven years.
and 2013, to reach 3909 – a 20 per cent increase. At that rate, Warkworth’s population would reach 8106 by 2041, which is nearly double the growth predicted by Council (4509 in 2041). Additionally, Council’s own draft Unitary Plan is signalling an increase of 8000 households over the next 30 years, which could see the population rise to 20,000. Predictions for Wellsford also appear to underestimate the level of growth, with the number of households predicted to stay flat at around 650 by 2041. Council research investigations and monitoring unit (RIMU) manager Regan Solomon says the forecasts help determine funding for infrastructure.
“The growth assumptions of the Auckland Regional Transport (ART) model are used to underpin the decisions made on key capital works and service planning in Council’s Long Term Plan,” Regan says. The model uses data from the 2006 census, as well as other information such as the number and accessibility of jobs in the area, access to transport and future housing supply. “The forecasts are quite uncertain though. There’s always a degree of misalignment and there are a lot of factors which could dramatically change predictions over the next 30 years.” The model is being updated to include the 2013 census and the Unitary Plan, however the new model is not expected to come online until next year.
Steven says Council investment in Warkworth needs to increase substantially to catch up with years of under funding. “There have been eight years of underinvestment and under-planning. We’ve got to catch up,” Steven says. “The modelling also needs to change as fast as possible.” Steven says there must be accountability over why incorrect models have been used. “Auckland Councillors and the Mayor must answer why RIMU have not been instructed to ensure that modeling is representative of what is actually happening. Do these people ever look up from their computer screens and look at what is actually happening on the ground? “This situation provides the strongest rational for Rodney to be more independent of Auckland Council than anything else I have seen in the last four years.” Councillor Penny Webster says she is investigating how the forecasts have been used but says Steven’s claims are exaggerated. “We haven’t missed out on hundreds of thousands,” Cr Webster says. “We have got investment in Hill Street and have had significant Watercare and roading projects in Warkworth. The models are only one of the factors used to determine infrastructure funding. “Warkworth may have missed out on some funding, but we’ve got to focus on making sure it’s right for the future.”
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Grant Clifton, Countrywise Financial
Oh no, not the B word Following on from the last month focusing on “debt free”, here is the second instalment which focuses on the mindset of getting ready to budget. Budgeting - can you do it? Of course you can! The problem is you just need to decide to get into it and start practising the theory. Like anything, if you want it bad enough you will have it, right? Just like how you wanted the new 55-inch flat screen TV so you just went and put it on 12 months interest free. Now when it comes to paying the monthly payment it hurts. Most financial decisions and many of life’s decisions are based on two core principles, which are pleasure and pain. Lots of our decisions are based on just those two words. Things that give us pleasure we find very easy to do. Buying things gives us pleasure, eating junk food gives us pleasure, watching TV when we should be working gives us pleasure, but unfortunately the end result of most things that give you pleasure is a resulting pain. This is in the form of lost time, money or disappointment. Humans, by nature, avoid things that give us pain. These are generally the things, which ultimately give us pleasure. Things such as hard work, study, budgeting, eating well, exercise, being careful with money and avoiding impulse. But, what do you think happens when we switch our mind set? You guessed it – things that give us pain will result in pleasure and things that give us pleasure will result in pain. Amazing results can be achieved. This is how most successful people think. They first think of the consequences before the action and decide ‘Pleasure or Pain’. This is how you need to think with regards to your finances. Think what longterm result do I want? Becoming “debt free” is a pleasurable result, but in order to get there you will need to experience things you will find painful. It might be no Sky TV, no going to the movies, no chocolate biscuits, no going to the pub, no more cafes, no holidays for a few years or maybe trading down the car. To do anything worthwhile in life properly you must first decide if you can stick to something once you decide to do it. Are you prepared to make sacrifices to your lifestyle for the short term? If your wallet leaks money like a tap, you need to stop it. Next issue, understanding a basic budget.
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October 1, 2014
Horncastle Property Management Horncastle is a big name in Christchurch – big enough that it has naming rights for the Horncastle Arena, where international artists regularly perform. The original company, Horncastle Homes, added a property management company, and both have now expanded beyond Christchurch, establishing bases on the Hibiscus Coast. Horncastle Property Management recently opened an office in Florence Ave, Orewa and general manager Michael Skinner says being on the coast is not only about rapid growth in the area, but also convenience, allowing the company to operate from the Auckland CBD through to Warkworth. The property management service includes everything from an appraisal and marketing to collecting rent, chasing arrears and making sure a property is well maintained. General manager Michael Skinner says property management can bring challenges, such as staff getting phone calls at midnight from tenants when their water main bursts – a responsibility that many property owners are happy to hand over to the professionals. “It’s not only the overseas owners who want a degree of separation from an investment property,” Michael says. “Even when an owner lives right next door to their investment property, they appreciate having us take those
worries off their shoulders.” Michael says it was the amount of development in Millwater and Gulf Harbour that brought Horncastle to the region, and they already manage many properties in both those subdivisions. He says property investment is not just for ‘the big boys’ with sizable property portfolios, but also popular with ‘mum and dad’. “Sometimes it’s people who have moved on from their family home, but have a sentimental attachment to it and would rather rent it, than sell it – there are many reasons why people invest in property.” “In Millwater and Gulf Harbour we’re working with a mix of people who have purchased investment properties and those who plan to live there down the track, but are renting the home out in the meantime.” Horncastle Property Management has a team of three, backed up by substantial resources in Christchurch via computer server. Michael says this makes for efficient handling of issues such as rent arrears and also ensures there’s always someone on the end of a phone when needed. “It is a specialist area and mistakes can be costly. What we offer is peace of mind, so owners can focus on their other responsibilities, or their leisure activities.”
Mahurangi Matters
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Richard Wallington
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The Leading Property Management Company has arrived! • Come and visit our new office at 18 Florence Ave, Orewa • Full service Property Management and Casual Listing available • Independent Property Management company • Established for over 15 years in the NZ rental market • Contact us for a free rental appraisal on 0800 RENT HPM (0800 736 8476)
Rent well, live easy.
Mahurangi Matters
October 1, 2014
Webster Malcolm Law
Bacon wins bronze
Two well-established law firms in Warkworth will merge this month. From October 1, Webster Malcolm & Kilpatrick and Town & Country Law will operate under one roof at the existing Webster Malcolm offices in Neville Street. The new firm will be called Webster Malcolm Law and will be headed by six partners – John Allen and Jackie Woolerton, from Town & Country; and Chris Murphy, Alan Stuart, Patrick Steuart and Les Miller, from Webster Malcolm & Kilpatrick. Town & Country partner David Rolfe will continue to operate independently as David Rolfe Law, while the other Town & Country partner, Bruce Wilson, has chosen to move to Webster Malcolm as a consultant. Jackie Woolerton says merging the two practices means resources can be consolidated and will position the firm well for future growth. It will be the largest law firm between Puhoi and Whangarei. “The area is changing and we want to be ready for the growth that’s ahead,” Jackie says. “Plus, the way solicitors and clients interact is evolving. The internet has changed clients’ expectations of lawyers and the working relationship has to reflect that change. “People want documents in plain English so they are more easily understood and they want a service
Les Miller and Jackie Woolerton, two of the six partners in the new Warkworth law firm Webster Malcolm Law.
that is responsive. “While building strong relationships with clients through face-to-face meetings will always be our focus, we recognise that a lot of services can be delivered electronically. We’re keen to explore how we can use technology to improve our services to make them more efficient. This should mean costsavings for clients.” The new firm will offer a full range of legal services, excluding criminal law. This includes dispute resolution, family law, subdivisions and resource consents, property and commercial, retirement home and estate planning, family and charitable trusts. Alan Stuart is also an accredited mediator and is available as an independent mediator for disputes involving a wide variety of domestic, civil and commercial issues. Jackie says the partners have different
strengths and areas of expertise, which means the firm will work well as a team. Both firms, in various forms, have been in the district for many decades. Trentham Webster started his own central Auckland law firm in 1925 but, by the 1970s, had established a Warkworth office. When Alan Stuart joined the partnership they purchased the Warkworth law firm Elliot Holden Wood, which was established in 1919. John Allen set up a fulltime office in Warkworth for Jackson Russell in 1987, which after mergers and expansion, eventually became Town & Country. Outside the office, the partners are involved in a wide range of community and sporting activities including Warkworth Rotary and Warkworth Lions, Warkworth Business & Professional Women (BPW), Camp Bentzon, local schools and the Rodney Surgical Centre.
Warkworth Butchery won bronze for its bacon at the NZ Bacon and Ham competition last month. There were 168 bacon entries, from 60 butcheries. The awards were blind-judged by a panel of 33 industry experts, food writers and connoisseurs. The freerange mid loin bacon was manuka smoked and cured at the Warkworth Butchery from South Island pork from Freedom Farms. The judges commented that the Warkworth bacon had “good bacon aroma, was nice to look at, had good overall mouth feel and all-round taste, showing its smoke and a little sweetness.”
Renters disadvantaged People living in rental accommodation are suffering from a lower level of health and wellbeing because of substandard conditions in their home, new research shows. Homeowners who are struggling to pay off their mortgage are not much better. The State of the Home Survey, conducted by independent research company Buzz Channel, shows that renters are putting up with homes that are cold, less comfortable and continually mouldy due to condensation and dampness. The survey found that people who rent and those with a mortgage took double the number of sick days as those who own their own home mortgage-free. Support the businesses that support Mahurangi Matters
Announcing the merger of two of Warkworth’s well-respected law firms.
Town & Country Law Warkworth and Webster Malcolm Kilpatrick are now
Same approachable people – larger experienced team
15 Neville Street Warkworth | 09 425 8037
October 1, 2014
Properties Wanted!
Mahurangi Matters
Sarah Clark
Sales and Marketing Consultant
A growing demand for handcrafted candles has given Sue McFadden the confidence to expand from a market stall to her own candle shop Trio, on Matakana Road. Sue has been making candles for six years and has been selling at the Matakana Indie Market for the past two years. The candles are made from soy wax, derived from soya bean oil, which has a lower melting point than traditional petroleum-based paraffin wax. “Because the wax doesn’t heat up to the extent of paraffin wax, you can get a bit more creative with the container for the candles as they don’t need to be as heat resistant,” she says. The wax is also easy to clean up as it washes away in hot water and it burns cleanly without releasing fumes, allowing the added scents to come through strongly. “The scent lasts right through the candle,” Sue says. Sue will make candles out of any suitable vessel people bring in and can do “refills” of exhausted candles. She has developed 16 different scents, ranging from the traditional lavender and sandalwood through to her own concoctions of kiwi icons such as pohutukawa. But her favourite, and the best seller, is French pear. “Fragrances have an effect on your
Call me for an obligation free property appraisal. Contact me on...
T 09 427 0266 M 022 314 1150 F 09 426 4438 E U1a 16 Florence Avenue, Orewa, PO Box 115, Orewa, New Zealand Bogue Hibiscus Realty Ltd Licensed (REAA 2008)
Candles & Gifts
Sue McFadden
moods and can relax or revive you. They also have a strong connection with memory. I get a lot people come up to me at the Indie Market and say a scent takes them back to a certain time and place in their lives. It’s quite magical.” Sue recently retired from a career as an IT consultant, which took her around the world to jobs in the UK and Australia. She moved to Mahurangi two years ago in search of a lifestyle change.
Trio Soy Candles are made from 100% natural soy wax, deliciously fragrant in a wide range of scents & styles.
304 Matakana Road. Ph 021 028 43938
Open Saturday, Sunday & Monday 10am – 4pm Find us at Matakana Indie Markets every Sunday 9am - 2:30pm
TRUSTED | ExpERiEncED | AppRoAchAblE
patrick Steuart
John Allen
les Miller
Jackie Woolerton
Alan Stuart
15 neville Street Warkworth | 09 425 8037 |
chris Murphy
Dolly Miller hopes that a better understanding of the King George V statue as a War Memorial might protect it from further vandalism.
Judy Waters, Warkworth & District Museum
Generosity saves kauri
Memorial researched
to refresh & protect your cooling system
PLUS a FREE safety check
09 425 7575
4 2 5 7 5 63
sp w. ww
appealing to their friends from the Kauri and Native Bushmen’s Association. So the men who had once made their living felling kauri were now working to save the forest that was left. Contributions also came from the wider community until £4000 was raised. The land was vested in the council but the Kauri Bushmen requested that the naming of the reserve be granted to their association. The park was named Parry Kauri Park and the drive leading to the trees Tudor Collins Drive. The trees were named respectively the McKinney kauri and the Simpson kauri. Work goes on each year planting native species to rebuild the forest. The boardwalk through the bush is well used by the many visitors who enjoy the park. Children come from city schools to learn about the kauri trees, their history, and the care needed if they are to have a future. Harry Parry in his long life supported many charities, including Boystown. I think he would smile if he could see the children enjoying the heritage area he helped to save. It is a fitting memorial to him and to all the kauri bushmen whose skills shaped a part of our history.
d. co .n
Harry Parry, second from left, and Sir Henry Kelliher, far right, in the park, in 1925. If you know who the other men in the photo are, contact Mahurangi Matters on 425 9068.
A Matakana resident is researching the history of fallen Matakana soldiers in the hope that it will prevent any further vandalism to the King George V War Memorial. Dolly Miller says people don’t think of the statue as a war memorial, but she wants to re-emphasise its role in remembering Matakana residents who died at war. “It has been abused and neglected for so many years because people forgot what it’s there for,” Dolly says. “Every person on that memorial worked and played in the area, and many of their families are still living here. People need to understand that background and, hopefully, that will bring back the mana and reverence the memorial deserves.” The statue was unveiled in December 1919. Dolly believes it was first vandalised in 1938 and King George has lost his head numerous times since. “Other war memorials aren’t subject to that kind of vandalism.” She researched all names on the memorial and created the Facebook page, Matakana War Memorial, to post photos and information of locals lost at war. “Every single one of those men had an interesting history. I’ve had a great response from it and some of the families of veterans have got in touch with me.” She has also started a photo competition to foster interest in the memorial, offering $50 in prize money for the best photo of the statue. The photo competition ends November 30. For more information, visit the Matakana War Memorial Facebook page. 0
Visitors to the Warkworth and Districts Museum often express interest in the history of the kauri park and the significance of the naming of the trees. The 21-acre park which surrounds the museum buildings was originally part of the property farmed by the McKinney family. Rev. Robert and Mrs McKinney arrived in New Zealand in the ship Martaban in October 1856 and moved to Mahurangi to establish the Presbyterian Church later in the same year. Like most early settlers, they farmed a few acres cleared from the bush, planted fruit trees and looked to the land to provide for their growing family. The property was retained by one of their sons until July 1919 when it was reported that the Simpson family were newly-arrived in Warkworth, having purchased part of the McKinney farm. It became home to several generations of Simpsons and judging by the regular advertisements for firewood, which appeared in the local press, a considerable clearance of manuka and other trees was taking place. As time went by, large kauri trees were becoming more unusual and the trees on the Simpson property were a known attraction often shown to visitors to Warkworth, with the Simpsons willingly granting access across their land. When eventually the land was sold to Mr D. Ingham, it was made a condition of sale that should he ever wish to dispose of the trees he would first offer them to the Warkworth Town Council. In the mid-1960s, this opportunity presented itself but the council had no funds for such a purpose. It was then that the help of two former kauri bushmen was enlisted. Harry Parry and Tudor Collins accepted the challenge to raise the funds to save the kauri. Both men made considerable personal donations as well as
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Mahurangi Matters - October 1, 2014
Glaziers & Joiners ...................................... 1 Automotive Services ............................... 1 Auto Wreckers............................................ 1 Panel and Paint.......................................... 1 Trellis, Fencing & Supplies ..................... 2 Carpenters, Builders & Roofers ............ 2 Scaffolding .................................................. 2 Construction & Earthworks ................... 2 Brick & Block Layers ................................. 2 Tiling & Waterproofing ........................... 2 Concrete Specialists ................................ 2 Engineering ................................................ 3 Flooring ........................................................ 3
Solar .............................................................. 3 Architects & Surveyors ............................. 3 Arborists ...................................................... 3 Lawn Mowing & Landscaping .............. 3 Driveways .................................................... 3 Electrical ...................................................... 4 Property & Handyman Services .......... 4 Furniture & Restoration .......................... 4 Painters/Decorators & Plasterers ........ 4 Window & Carpet Cleaners ................... 4 Water Pump Specialists .............................. 4 Plumbing & Drainlaying ......................... 5
TV Aerial & Satellite Servicing .............. 5 Picture Framing ......................................... 5 Water Supplies .......................................... 5 Water Tank Cleaning & Purification......... 5 Storage ......................................................... 5 Mobility Scooters...................................... 5 Furniture Removal.................................... 5 Beauty Therapy & Nail Creations......... 5 Finance ......................................................... 6 Printing, Copying, Logo Design .......... 6 Specialty Foods ......................................... 6 Tractors New/Used/Maintenance....... 6 Classifieds & Church notices ...... 6-7
Glaziers & Joiners | Auto Wreckers | Panel & Paint | Automotive Services
For all your glass, glazing, and aluminium needs
53 Station Road, Wellsford • Phone (09) 423 7358 Email:
425 7340
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Independent WoF, CoF, Vehicle Condition Assessments & Maintenance Check-Ups. No bookings required. Visit the team at VTNZ Warkworth: 6-14 Glenmore Drive, Warkworth Ph: (09) 425 7441 Mon to Fri: 8:00am–5:00pm Sat: 8:00am –12noon
Northland 0800 55 66 00
EDMONDS & MASON PANEL & PAINT Private & All Insurance Work
Ph 425 8723 • Fax 425 9526 Wayne 021 765 706 or Ian 021 977 729 47 Woodcocks Road, Warkworth
20 Glenmore Drive, Warkworth 09 425 8678 • 021 952 077
Composite Joinery Ltd 7 Glenmore Drive Warkworth 0941
arkworth lass & lazing
027 490 4564
Domestic and Commercial Glazing Glass Showers Splash Backs Mirrors • Cat Doors Windscreen Replacement and Chip Repair
Snells Beach
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Snells Beach Panel and Paint all insurance work, crash repair, rust repair • courtesy cars available
ph 09 425 6755
Your handy pull-out guide
Mahurangi Matters - October 1, 2014
Trellis, Fencing & Supplies | Builders, Roofers & Suppliers, Carpenters | Scaffolding | Construction & Earthworks | Concrete
RODNEY TRELLIS Trellis - Panels - Fencing Installations - all shapes and sizes Specialities: Framed Archways – Superior Trellis Pedestrian Gate Frames (mortised) Trellis spray painting / oiling Gazebo's ~ dove cotes ~ pergolas
Trellis & Fencing Fences - Gates - Screens - Pergola Phone Bob Moir 422 9550 or 0274 820 336 Email:
872 Kaipara Flats Road Ph: 425 7627 • Fax 422 4976
CARPENTER-JOINER • Terraces • Alterations • New Housing
• Renovations • Maintenance • Small jobs a specialty
Phone 09 425 5491 • Mobile 027 275 1172
Trellis Guy Snells Beach • Warkworth • Orewa
• Custom made • Quality material • Quality workmanship
Also see Lance for your supply of Native and Landscaping plants
Ph 09 422 5737 • 027 272 7561 Fax 09 422 5800
Auckland region house of the year 2008 For the construction of:
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BEN CLEAL Contracts Manager • New Roofs • Roof Repairs • Re-Roofs • Roof Inspections
Specialists in long-run roofing M:021 220 5404 P:09 422 2131 Free Phone:0800 649 324
ROOFING NZ New • ReRoofs • Cladding Specialists Covering Rodney in Long-Run Iron Local Quality Guaranteed
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CONTRACTORS Footings Hole Boring Landscaping
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Bob Waata Mobile 021 634 484
Denis 021 945 498 Joel 021 422 592 PO Box 193, Warkworth
Foundations • Floors • Drives • Paths • Digger & Truck Hire Concrete Specialists backed by over 30 years experience Established since 1984
Your handy pull-out guide
Mahurangi Matters - October 1, 2014
Tiling & Waterproofing | Brick, Block Layers | Engineering | Flooring | Architects & Surveyors | Driveways | Lawn Mowing & Landscaping | Aborists
Tiling & Waterproofing Bricks • Blocks • Paving
Carpet, Vinyl, Cork, Ceramic Tiles, Wood & Laminate
09 422 2275 21 Glenmore Drive
Phone Alan Berthelsen 021 780 170 • A/hrs 425 8252
FLOOR SANDING - FLOOR PREPARATION FLOOR SANDING - FLOOR PREPARATION Polyurethaning:- Wooden Floors, Particle Board & Cork Cork Tiles:- Natural & Coloured Enviro Friendly Products available
KAE JAE CONTRACTORS (LTD) PHONE KEN (0274) 866-923 A/Hrs (09) 422-7328 • Fax (09) 422-7329
house designs
Housing, Units & Landscaping
UnitsUnits, & Landscaping NewHousing, Houses, Light Commercial
TTE DESIGNS TTE DESIGNS TTE DEsigns Ar Thomas F. Errington Dip. Arch. ARIBA Thomas F. Errington Dip. ARIBA PO Thomas F. ErringtonArch. Architectural Designer W Architectural Designer Architectural Designer PO Box 83 Ph PO Box 83 Warkworth P 09 425 0512 Fa Warkworth Ph 09 425 0512 M M 0274 532 495 Ph 09 425Fax 0512 09 425 0514 Dip. Arch. ARIBA
Mob 0274 532 495 Fax 09 425 0514 W Mob 0274 532 495 New structures,Supervision, Restorations, Alterations, Surveys etc... Renovations, Landscaping
Ho Ne
New structures, Restorations, Alterations, Surveys etc...
Ar PO W Ph Fa M
Rupert Mather 021 425 837 Graeme Smith 021 422 983
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Specialising in: STUMP GRINDING Fine Pruning Tree Removal Hedge Trimming Ph Kevin on 021 725 757
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Your handy pull-out guide
Mahurangi Matters - October 1, 2014
Electricians | Property & Handyman Services | Furniture & Restoration | Plasterers | Painters & Decorators | Water Pumps
COASTAL CONCEPTS • Electrician • Gates & Automation Dan Wood
021 104 8175
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027 526 1146
‘Just one call and we’ll arrange it all’
t. 09 422 2175 m. 027 497 0464 e.
Phillip Keesing
Decks Fences General repairs 09 422 6036 Clean ups 021 045 0132 All things considered
General repairs covering a wide range of jobs around the house including decks and fences
ElEcTRicAl lTd
heatpumps aIRCON maINteNaNCe COmmeRCIal & dOmestIC eleCtRICal
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For all your property maintenance and small building projects Phone to discuss YOUR requirements 021 423 860 - 423 8619 a/h • COUNTRY CHARM
Phone 09 423 8945 – service all areas
Timber Furniture Specialists with quality workmanship guaranteed Specialising in antique, new furniture & all other timber surfaces.
OUTDOOR FURNITURE Tables to order Chairs • Swingseats Benches • Umbrellas NZ made – quality built to last
Furniture Restoration • Re-spraying • Special Finishing • Colour Matching Insurance quotes • Furniture repairs • Custom made – Recycled or new timber • Modifications • Upholstery
25 Hibiscus Coast Highway, Silverdale (next to BP) Ph: 09 426 9660 • em:
Phone Grant or Lesley 23b Foundry Rd, Silverdale | 09 426 2979 09 426 8412 |
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Welch Painting & Decorating Mark Welch
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Mob: 027 240 8330 A/h : 422 2678 • Fax: 422 2676
NZ Made Solid Wood
Your Painter/Decorator with over 25 years experience serving all surrounding areas
Leigh Decorators Painting • Paperhanging • Roofs • Airless Spraying • Stopping (small jobs) • Repaints • New Homes For your Free Quote and/or Consultation phone Gary HOME: 09-422-6695 • MOBILE: 021-024-44941 EMAIL:
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Owen Ward
Phone 021 771 878 • 24hrs 09 425 6002 Email: MoBILe eFTPos AVAILABLe
Interior/Exterior n Waterblasting n Roof Painting Airless Spraying n Plastering n Wallpapering Colour Consulting n Decorative Effects Qualified Tradesmen - Honest/Reliable Ph Mandy 09 423 0005 or 021 507 463
Pump & Filtration Services (2007) Ltd
• Water treatment & Filtration • Pumps • Pool & Spas • Waterblasters 7days / 24hours Paul Harris M: 021 425 887 T: 09 425 0075 E:
Your handy pull-out guide
Mahurangi Matters - October 1, 2014
Water Pumps & Tanks | Plumbing & Drainlaying | TV Aerial & Satellite | Carpet Overlocking & Cleaning | Picture Framing | Water Suppliers | Mobility Scooters | Storage | Furniture Removal | Beauty
WATER TANKS 09 4312211
water pumps
New Pump Sales Service Installation
Phone/Fax 425-5619 Mobile 0800 733 765
0800 638 254
09 422 3700
Mark Sim 021 102 4561 TTT Plumbing & Drainlaying Limited
Household Water Deliveries 0800 747 928 mobile: 027 556 6111
Digital Freeview Satellite clean. care. repair. WATER TANK & WATER APPLICATION CLEANING AGENCY Warkworth: Phone John or Annette Carr
p: 09 425 7477 | m: 027 240 7791 | f: 09 425 7483 email:
Mangawhai: Phil Lathrope 431 4608 | 021 642 668
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Your handy pull-out guide
Mahurangi Matters - October 1, 2014
Finance | Specialty Foods | Equine Care | Printing & Photocopying | Logo Design | Tractor Sales/Servicing/Parts
Need FiNaNce? Phone Felicity on 021 916 854 email: Based in Warkworth, we offer fast friendly flexible finance for all needs
Digital Print Centre 3 Alnwick St. (opposite town hall) Ph 425 9394
Equine Craniosacral Massage Therapy
office & Internet services • Plan Printing, Colour & B/W Photocopying • Laminating, Binding, Fax and Scanning Service • Internet and Email Service
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Phone Cathy or Shona 425 9068 or email your advert to
Contact us for a free consultation 021 189 8807 • 09 422 5709 Email: Ph 09 426 7109 or 021 838 365
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING aPPlianCe RePaiRS a SMaRt RePaiR Service for F&P smartdrive washers, F&P/Simpson dryers. Same day service 09 423 9660 or 021 168 7349.
dRiVewaYS MaintenanCe Grading, Rolling & Metalling for rural Driveways. No job to BIG or small. Ph Bruce 425 7766.
eQueStRian eQuine CRaniOSaCRal MaSSage theRaPY Bringing balance to horse & rider. Kim Dobney 021 933 598. 0508 267642.
Phone 425 9068 to book your classified advertising
*for a three insertion contract
Advertise your classifieds and church notices here for only
$4.40 per line or $11.20 per/cm inc GST for boxed adverts.
FOR Sale
SCeniC FlightS 30 mins $59; 20 mins $49; Min. 3 passengers. Trial flights $79. Gift vouchers available.
Rawleigh Products. Ph Pat 423 8851 Please note new phone number Student deSk on castor wheels, excellent cond. Includes shelves plus sliding keyboard table. Dimensions: 1.2m long x 1.3m high x 550m wide. Matakana area. $55 ono Ph 021 263 4423 SuPeR COMPOSt Untreated wood shavings & duck poo. Bag $10, Bulk $75m3. Enquire about delivery. Ph 422 5042
gReat BaRRieR FlightS. Special stopover up to 4 hours. Return $110. Min. 3 passengers. One way flights $115 each. Min 2 passengers. nORth CaPe FlightS $430 each. Min 3 passengers. Rodney aero Club 425 8735 or Rod Miller 425 5612
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FOR leaSe PROFeSSiOnal gROund FlOOR PReMiSeS
25 Neville Street, Warkworth (opp. RSA) 261 m² (2812 s.ft) Fully fitted office and reception 4 car parks Available from mid October 2014 (ex Town & Country Law Ltd) Phone Owner 027 279 1155 or Withers & Co Ltd at 23 Neville Street, Warkworth
SMall uPStaiRS OFFiCe tO let
Central Warkworth location. Phone 027 430 8440.
Your handy pull-out guide
Mahurangi Matters - October 1, 2014
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CRaniOSaCRal MaSSage theRaPY Bringing balance to body
& mind. Kim Dobney 021 933 598. 0508 267642.
hOlidaY aCCOMMOdatiOn hihi FaR nORth Small bach suit couple $80 per night. Ph 09 422 6005 or 027 226 1717
hOMe MaintenanCe lawnS - Contouring, prepping and laying. Owner/operator 25+yrs experience. For complete quality projects phone Bruce (09) 425 7766. wateR FilteRS Underbench filters & whole house Ultra violet filters – Kill and remove ecoli/bacteria. FREE site visits. Ph Steve 09 945 2282 or visit SteVe’S MaintenanCe lawns, hedges, waterblasting, rubbish removal, section clearing, property maintenance. No job too big or small. Phone Steve 029 770 7101 or 09 425 9966. Serving Warkworth, Snells, Matakana, Sandspit. wateR PuMPS Low water pressure? Get it sorted. Sales, service and installation. Work guaranteed. Steve 09 945 2282
PuBliC nOtiCeS
Ph Steve 029 7707101
MaRketS MuSeuM SuMMeR MaRketS 1st Saturday of the month, 8am, Old Masonic Hall, Baxter Street, Warkworth. Enquiries Warkworth 425 8391
kidS MaRket
Stall Holders Wanted 9am-12noon, 8th November Senior Hall Warkworth Primary School For more information contact
PuBliC nOtiCeS hOuSie, hOuSie, hOuSie Warkworth RSA downstairs meeting room, 1.30pm start October 1st, 5th & 29th 2014
BingO, BingO, BingO!
Come and join the fun, 1st Monday of month, Upstairs New Masonic Lodge, Baxter Street, Warkworth, 7pm. Proceeds to Warkworth Museum.
ClaSSiFied deadline for forOct Oct15 15issue issueisisOct Oct13 1 Phone 425 9068 to book your classified advertising
SituatiOnS VaCant
Nau-mai, Haere-mai Notice to the Beneficiaries of the following block of land located at 1006 Fairburn Road, Kaitaia, Northland: Taheke 2 (CFR: NA38A/303) Please be notified that a Hui concerning the establishment of a new electricity line across the above mentioned block will take place at The Northerner Hotel, Kaitaia on Sunday 12th October at 10.30am. All Beneficiaries are welcome to attend and comment on the proposal. Information prior to the Hui can be obtained from Mita Harris on 027 5844 332 or 0800 867 363. When dialling the 0800 number, please ask for Mita Harris.
the waRkwORth hOCkeY tuRF ChaRitaBle tRuSt
10th of November 2014 at 7:30pm at the Warkworth Fire Station for the local Hockey Turf. All are welcome!
Tree Removal • /Chipping Ph Steve 029 7707101 09 425 9966 lawn MOwing 09 425 rubbish 9966 removal, hedges, small tree removal. WW & beach areas. Ph Jeff Hatfull 027 425 7357, 425 7357
Advertise your classifieds and church notices here for only
$4.40 per line or $11.20 per/cm inc GST for boxed adverts.
Art, Craft & Jewellery Full & part time courses
Puhoi & Albany Campus 09 422 0752
FRee intROduCtORY wORkShOP On eXCel Oct 8, 10:00 - 12:00 am at Bramble - Espresso Shop & Honest Canteen, Matakana Country Park. Workshop is introductory, free, and a free morning tea will be provided. Bring your laptop and learn how to make Excel fly! Presenter: Peter Mullins, Statistician at Auckland University, and Black Belt Excel user. PhYSiCS, MathS and CheMiStRY tutoring up to and including level 3. Contact Eleanor on 021 074 0360. Warkworth based. $40 per hour.
a Rare Sales / Business Opportunity
Let’s combine your superb selling skills and a desire to earn a substantial income, with our commitment to quality product, quality service and planned growth. Our unique software puts pricing at your fingertips while you enjoy the benefits of operating your own business within a business. You will learn about building and design, gain contact with developers and investors, while enjoying working with Rodney’s No 1 Home builder. Position is situated in Mangawhai/upper Rodney areas. To apply please forward your CV to The General Manager – G.J. Gardner Homes email with whom applications close 9 October.
tV SeRViCeS & SaleS
COntRaCt BOOkkeePeR PaRt tiMe - Matakana We are a small motorcycle business in Matakana and seek the contract services of a part time bookkeeper who has comprehensive skills and experience with MYOB, GST, debtors, creditors, bank rec’s and general office management. You will work closely with the owner and workshop team. Initially one or two days a week. Please email your CV and covering letter to or call 09-4229936
aeRial & Satellite diSh inStallatiOnS
Professional Installation of Satellite Dishes and Freeview UHF Aerials. Wall mount TV Installations, Multi-room Solutions. Audio and Home Theatre. TV Tuning Services. Phone 425 5431.
all FReeView inStallatiOnS Dish, Aerial, Additional Outlet .. the tV Man iS the One! FRee QuOte Call JIM THE MAINTENANCE MAN 021 254 2048 or visit FReeView TV, Audio, Installation, Faults & Supply. Andrew 021 466 394 or 422 2221.
CaRPenteR for top end alterations and New Houses to work in the Matakana area. Good rates, travel time included. Phone 0274 755154
tV SeRViCeS Aerials, Dishes, Freeview sales, installation and service. Extra outlets. Serving the area for 18 years. Phone Gavin 027 476 6115.
the numbers game
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Nanny & More! Quality full-time local courses for nanny & childcare careers Call Amanda now for free info! 424 3055
7 1
wanted tO BuY CaSh Paid tOOlS & Machinery, Shed & garage clearouts. All things considered. Call or txt 021 161 5139. SCOuting MeMORaBilia wanted Ph 027 476 1041
4 2
Fill in thiS gRid SO that eVeRY COluMn, eVeRY ROw and eVeRY 3X3 BOX COntainS the digitS 1 tO 9.
health SeRViCeS
Your handy pull-out guide
Mahurangi Matters - October 1, 2014 SituatiOnS VaCant
ChuRCh nOtiCeS
Phone 425 8545
Holy Mass Timetable: WARKWORTH
Sales Representative
Holy Name Church, 6 Alnwick Street Saturday Vigil: 6.00pm Sunday: 10.30am
SS. Peter & Paul Church Sunday: 8.30am
Mahurangi Matters is looking for an enthusiastic and hardworking advertising representative to join our team in Warkworth. This job will suit someone who is friendly, reliable and confident, with good IT skills. Previous selling experience is essential. The job involves liaising with existing and potential advertising clients, understanding their marketing requirements and providing first class customer service. On a day-to-day basis, you will be out and about in the paper’s circulation area, which stretches from Puhoi to Mangawhai and Maungaturoto. An important part of the job is record-keeping – you must be able to keep an accurate database. A new aspect of the position is the development of our online interface with clients and customers, through sections of our website such as the newly-launched Business Directory and Cheep Cheep Local Deals. A driver’s licence and a reliable car are essential. A mobile phone will be provided. This is a fulltime position. Please email a covering letter and CV to: Attention: Jannette Thompson Applications close on October 17.
Warkworth Anglican Parish Church Services Christ Church, Church Hill, Warkworth
Every Sunday 8am and 9.30am St. Leonard's, Matakana
1st and 3rd Sundays at 9.30am Snells Beach Community Church
2nd Sunday at 9am
St.Alban's, Kaipara Flats
1st Sunday at 11.15am
Kowhai Festival Combined Service Oct 12th - 10am at Mahurangi College Guest Speaker is Rod Thompson principal of Laidlaw College
St.Michael and All Angels, Leigh
3rd Sunday at 11.00am
Phone 425 8054 or
5 Pulham Road, Warkworth Phone 425 8861 Sunday Services 9am & 10.30am
Mahurangi Methodist Parish Warkworth Methodist
1 Hexham Street, Warkworth Parish Office: Ph 425 8660 Sunday Service 10.30am Hall Bookings PH 425 8053
snell’s Beach Community Church 325 Mahurangi East Rd Sunday Service 9am Hall Bookings PH 425 5707
Phone 425 8660 for information
Temporary road closure Queen St (between Neville St and Mill Lne), Baxter St and Neville St (between Warkworth St and Queen St) shall be closed from 7am until 4pm and Kapanui St and Wharf St shall be closed from 6am until 7pm on Saturday, 11 October for the Kowhai Festival Huge Day Out. This closure applies to all except authorised and emergency vehicles. For further information, please contact Warwick Massey 021 202 3713.
What’s On at
Top 10 viewed stories in September 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Matakana assault leads to arrest Snells Beach home gutted by fire Boaties save Kawau yacht club Election night get-together in Warkworth Northland MP Sabin in hot seat over Mangawhai rates Campaign distractions frustrate Mitchell Leigh commercial landscape changes Warkworth twin town outings Hauraki fishing park dangled Te Arai regional park in pipeline
October 1, 2014
Mahurangi Matters
Kowhai Festival says “summer” in Mahurangi There will be music and entertainment all day long at the Kowhai Festival’s Huge Day Out on Saturday, October 11. From 10am onwards, the streets of downtown Warkworth will be filled with music, stalls, hot rods, vintage cars and well-dressed dogs vying for a ribbon in the Children’s Dog Show. The competition is sponsored by the Warkworth Vet Farm & Pet Clinic this year. Prizes will be awarded for the Waggiest Tail, Best Trick, Scruffiest Dog, Owner Look Alike, Best Costume, Smallest and Biggest Dog. Entry is by donation with all proceeds going to Julie’s Animal Shelter. The festival theme this year is The Fifties so visitors can expect to see rock ‘n’ roll demonstrations and some impressive hot rods. Among the entertainers will be the Tyler Brothers, Tom Sharplin and Sal Valentine and the Babyshakes. Appearing on the Baxter Street Stage will be The Kavelliers and Wellsford Rockers, George and his rock and roll band, Andy Richards, Lou Lou and Festus McBoyle and the pirates. As usual, children will be well catered for with plenty of fairground rides. The giant water slide is back for those who don’t mind getting a little wet. It
will again operate in Lucy Moore Park. A Garden Bar, which replaces the Wine and Food Festival, will be located a comfortable distance from the main stage, under the shade of Pohutukawa trees by the wharf. Patrons will be able to enjoy locally made beverages, including wine on tap from the Free Range Wine Co, a manuka-flavoured lager made specially for the festival and cider from the award winning Zeffer Cidery. Low and non-alcoholic refreshments will also be available. Justin and Cynthia Oliver, of the Free Range Wine Co, say they have had discussions with festival organisers
about expanding this area at future festivals to showcase high quality local food and beverage producers. Other festival events include the Warkworth Museum Open Day on October 5, The Troubles at the Matakana Hall on October 12, the Great Debate at Ascension Wine Estate on October 16, a screening of Grease at the Openair Cinema on Friday October 17, and ‘Colours of Rodney’ Rodney Arts Award Exhibition in the Old Masonic Hall, Warkworth, from October 17 to 19. See www.kowhai for more details and programme updates.
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2.95% + GST On a $400,000 property you could save more than $4,000 in fees compared to most major nationally recognised real estate brands.
Selling with Ray White Warkworth/ Snells Beach doesn’t make cents— it saves $’s—$1,000’s of them. Warkworth 09 425 7959 / Snells Beach 09 425 5457 / Email: /
Mahurangi Matters
October 1, 2014
2014 |
5 October - 19 October the best5th dressed Superhero so grab your cape and tights and join in the fun October 2014
Huge Day Out | 11th October
10am to 3pm - Entry to the museum is free all day.
Lots of fun for the whole family at Warkworth and District Museum Programme of children activities:Colonial dress competition. (entry forms in children’s tent) Find the Dinosaurs competition (Prizes for best boy & girl) The age old art of polishing Kauri gum. Make your own peg doll. Make a Grass Head Creature. Pony rides on the lawn. Vintage hay baler working. Vintage engines and machinery all running. Old rope making machine. (it will be making rope) The archives will be open, if your family lived here we have records from the early 1800’s look for them. Photographic archives may have a photo of Great great granddad. Textiles can show you clothing, lace wear, furs & needle work from the early 1800’s. All day refreshments & sausage sizzle. If you like what we do, ask to become a MUSEUM VOLUNTEER.
11 October 2014 - HUGE DAY OUT For more information see advert this page.
12 October 2014 HISTORIC WALK - CRUISE
Departs from Warkworth i-SITE at 8.45am.
Join a one hour Historic walkabout of Warkworth Township followed by optional one hour Excursion aboard the Jane Gifford at 1000hrs. Costs: Walk $10, Cruise $15pp Total $25.00. Reservations 4259081 / 4255006 or 0274849935
4pm, Matakana Hall - Warkworth Music presents ‘The Troubles’
Tickets $30 on the door (students free) Wellington’s coolest Jazz band and one of the most original and engaging ensembles. 6 musicians and 2 strings, double bass, percussion and saxophone. Playing Blues, Swing, Ballads and All that’s Jazz
16 October 2014 THE GREAT DEBATE
to be held at Ascension Wine Estate 6:30pm
Great night out with lots of laughs!! Come along and watch the teams battle each other in these funny, lighthearted debates. Tickets: $30 Includes finger food and two debates Moots: Toastmasters Vs Rotarians ‘What was good enough for our parents is not good enough for us’ Parlimentarians Vs Toastmasters ‘The Female, the deadlier of the species’ Tickets available at Hospice House, The Vintry, Or phone 0274 966550 email
17 October 2014 OPEN AIR CINEMA
Shoesmith’s Domain Event start 7pm, Movie start 8pm, Gold coin donation, ‘Grease’
Rodney Arts Award Exhibition, Old Masonic Hall, Warkworth, Friday, Saturday 10am til 4pm, Sunday 10am - 3pm For entries or more information please contact the following: Enquiries to: Joy Bell – Ph (09) 4224957, email: OR Mona Townson – Ph (09) 4256121, email:
Other events dates, times and venues to be confirmed
The theme for this year’s festival is “The Fifties” so come along to see the hotrods and enjoy some rock n’ roll. From 9am there will be kids entertainment, stalls, stalls and more stalls!
8:30am Canoe Showdown 2014 Registration On The Day Starts At 8:30am Briefing Is At 8:45am Race Starts At 9am Distances: 20kms Premier Race, 10kms Race, 5kms Cruise Enter: Registration is open online now at Canoe
10am Children’s Dog Show Ross Lynch, Warkworth Vet Farm & Pet Clinic
Warkworth Riverbank, behind the library Waggiest Tail, Best Trick, Scruffiest Dog, Owner Look Alike Best Costume, Smallest and Biggest Dog, Entry by donation with all proceeds going to Julie’s Animal Shelter
11am Warkworth Taoist Tai Chi Demonstration 11am outside the Masonic hall and library Taoist Tai chi is an ancient art that is practised for good health and wellbeing. Society members will be on hand with information about the moves and details about upcoming classes in Warkworth and Wellsford.
12pm Giant Water Slide Opens at 12pm - Lucy Moore park
Wine, Food and Music at the Wharf All Day!! This year the wine is provided by ‘Free range wine company’ Come along and see them at “The Garden Bar” on the grass at the bottom of Kapanui St
Wharf stage:
9:30 - 10am - Kapa Haka group performing in front of the stage 10am to 12pm - Tyler Brothers 12:30 - 2pm- Tom Sharplin 2:30 - 3:45pm - Sal Valentine and the Babyshakes
Baxter Street Stage:
10am -11:30am - The Kavelliers and Wellsford Rockers 11:30 - 1pm - Festus McBoyle and Pirates 1pm -2pm - George and his rock and roll band 2:30 - 3:30pm - Andy Richards Other acts include LouLou. There will be other musicians playing in Argyle Angle during the day too!! Guggemusik will also be back again this year plus The Warkworth Wellsford Pipe band!
Hotrods The Hotrods will be parked down Baxter street so make sure you go and have a look!
Vintage Cars Also don’t miss the Vintage cars which will be parked down Neville St
Plus win great prizes!!! Prizes include: • a mystery weekend away donated by Harvey World Travel Warkworth. • a half day boat charter donated by ‘Chill out Charters’ • a kids mystery box donated by Warehouse Stationery Warkworth • a Panasonic Bread maker donated by Noel Leeming Warkworth
October 1, 2014 The Troubles will be a departure from Warkworth Music’s normal concert programme and will wrap-up another successful season.
Troubles bring improvisation to Matakana A Wellington-based jazz band The Troubles will present an engaging and eclectic programme of original and newly-arranged jazz compositions in the Matakana Hall on Sunday October 12. Warkworth Music will host the show, the last concert of a successful season. The concert promises something for all musical tastes, from traditional blues, swing and ballads to works influenced by traditions of the Middle East, Mediterranean and South America. What will make the music and its presentation particularly special will
be the mixture of written material with the spontaneity of improvisation, which will include extended solos to restructuring a piece mid-way in response to the energy in the room. The Troubles have been based at the Wellington jazz venue Meow since the beginning of 2012. The musicians on tour comprise three of New Zealand’s most talented and sought after string players, a legendary double bass player, a percussionist of international repute, and a critically-acclaimed saxophone player. Their leader, drummer and composer John Rae, describes the band as being about call and response,
KOWHAI ART & CRAFT AnnuAl EXHIBITIOn & SAlE Old Masonic Hall Warkworth Admission Free Fri Oct 10th 12-4pm, Oct 11th 9-4, Sun Oct 12th 9-3pm All Welcome
Sponsored by Creative Communities & Resene Paints
not just between instrumentalists but by the band vocally responding to his trade mark exhortations. In August, The Troubles played a series of gigs at the Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival including being part of the Commonwealth Jazz Orchestra. The concert is an exciting departure for Warkworth Music, being somewhat less conventional than their norm, but reflects the membership’s wideranging musical tastes and interests. Tickets are $30 and are available at the door; students free. The concert starts at 4pm. Info:
Mahurangi Matters
Science of beer under scrutiny Tahi Bar will be showcasing Mahurangi’s brewing talents at the Kowhai Festival with brewers from Sawmill Brewery, Zepher Cider, 8 Wired and Lothlorien Winery manning a drinks stall. Bar owner Ian Marriott says it’s a great chance to celebrate the award winning local drops. “We’ve had individual brewers come in previous years, but we wanted to do something to celebrate the collective abilities of these people,” Ian says. “We have some world class talent in the area. 8 Wired brewer Soren Erikson is rated the 40th best brewer in the world on international website Ratebeer and all of the breweries took home medals at the recent Brewers Guild Awards.” Ian says it will be a great opportunity for both beer geeks and novices to find out more about what goes into the beers they enjoy. “Beer is a science. This is a chance to talk with the scientists. People will be able to taste a wide range of beers and sit down and discuss the intricacies of the beers with the people who made them.” Carl Vasta, head brewer from Paraparaumu brewery, Tuatara, will also feature as a guest brewer at the stall. Carl is coming to Warkworth as part of a trip north to see for himself why a number of top brewers are relocating to the region.
Warkworth Music presents
“...a rambunctious live performance”. Blues, Swing, Ballads & All That’s Jazz
SUNDAY 12th October at 4pm At Matakana Village Hall, Matakana
Adults $30 • Students Free • Info. Ph 425 7313 or 425 7015
THANK YOU FROM MARK MITCHELL MP FOR RODNEY I would like to convey a huge thank you and acknowledgement to all those who voted this year, regardless of the Party or Candidate you supported. For Rodney National Party supporters you made the biggest Party Vote contribution in the country, and the support and belief in both myself and Rt Hon John Key will be returned by sheer hard work and dedication in continuing to make sure New Zealand remains on track to achieve our potential, and continues to be the best country in the world to live, work and play. • • 09 426 6215 • @MarkMitchellMP
Authorised by Mark Mitchell Tamariki House,7 Tamariki Ave, Orewa
Mahurangi Matters
October 1, 2014
The classic 1950s-themed musical, Grease, will screen at Shoesmith Domain on October 17.
Shoesmith setting for summer nights
Warkworth gardeners will compete for $100 prizemoney in the vegetable garden competition at the Warkworth & Districts Rose & Flower Show next month.
Gardeners sharpen trowels
Kaipara Flats
Algies Bay
There are 31 sections in the show and entries are free. Entries to the vegetable garden competition close November 1. All other entries close November 13, at 3pm. To enter, contact Jocelyn Sharp on 425 7724 Show schedules will be available at the Warkworth i-SITE, Mahurangi East Library, Mahurangi Matters office in Neville Street, and Tumbleweed Garden Centre, Matakana or
enter in the categories,” Lois says. There will be a $50 prize for the winner of the First Ever Rose competition. It is the third year the show has had to downsize to fit into the Old Masonic Hall, but there are plans to hold the event back at the Town Hall once it is refurbished. “Visitors always delight in the gorgeous scent of roses as they enter the hall. The perfume of the room hits you you when you enter and the whole space is transformed with flowers.” Surplus funds raised from the show will be donated to a local charity. This year the Club donated $1000 to Springboard Community Works.
Preparations for the Warkworth Garden Club’s annual Warkworth & Districts Rose & Flower Show are well underway for the event in the Old Masonic Hall on Friday November 14. Club member Lois New says people wanting to enter the vegetable garden competition should already have sunk in a few seedlings as entries for the competition close on November 1. There will be a $100 prize for best vegetable garden with gardens judged on variety, quality, weeding and “neatly trimmed edges”. “A lot more people are into growing their own food and we wanted to do something to encourage more men to
Shoesmith Domain will be filled with leather jackets and Brylcreemed hair during an open air screening of Grease, on October 17 as part of the Kowhai Festival. There will be food stalls at Warkworth Primary School from 7pm with the movie starting at 8pm Openair Cinema owner Urs Brauer says it will be a special night. “In the cinema people don’t stand up and dance like they do when it’s screened outdoors,” Mr Brauer says. “But we always have people singing and dancing and dressing up, especially with a movie like Grease.” People should bring their own chairs, rugs and cushions and a tarpaulin if the ground is damp. Entry is a gold coin donation.
We would most certainly be referring anyone we know to you, we were very pleased with your service and support when the going was tough, your ‘never give up attitude’ was what kept us going. Thank you both...... D & M Starr (July ’13) Well done Adrienne and thank you for the great service you and Borders have provided over the sale of our family home. You have been so professional and we have enjoyed the whole process. You’re outstanding attention to detail has meant that the sale was always going to happen one way or another. Thanks again and I will have no hesitation in recommending you to my friends and clients..... B. Kose (Aug ’14) We want to take the opportunity to thank you very much for selling our home. We absolutely loved dealing with you - from the first time we met you to get a valuation, an unbelievable quick sale for the price we had in mind & right through to settlement day. Your professionalism, honesty & likable personality is undeniable. We felt extremely well looked after by you. Thank you again - you are an absolute asset to Borders Real Estate!..... A & E Metzler (Aug ’14)
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October 1, 2014
Mahurangi Matters
Tresses fall for Hospice funds The long locks of 21-year-old IT student Jonathan Symons, of Snells Beach, will be lopped off at the Big Day Out to raise funds for Hospice. It’s been at least six years since Jonathan last had a haircut and he admits to feeling a little nervous about getting a number two. “It’s probably about time though,” he says. Jonathan was motivated to organise the fundraiser after experiencing firsthand the help and care provided by Hospice. His father, Aubrey, is terminally ill with cancer and recently spent time at the North Shore Hospice. “I was blown away by the quality of care he received at North Shore and in Warkworth. “Hospice has been really impressive and their regular visits have given us a certain amount of peace of mind.” While the money raised by family, friends and strangers will be donated to Hospice, Jonathan’s hair will be donated to a wig maker who specialises in wigs for women suffering from cancer.
Kowhai Festival Day Stall The Big Day Out will be the setting for Jonathan Symons’ fundraising haircut.
The Warkworth Wellsford Hospice has to raise $1 million annually to meet running costs. To donate to Joanthan’s fundraiser, go to haircutforhospice When Mahurangi Matters went to press, the total was $1340 and climbing.
The annual canoe race on the Mahurangi River will get festivities underway on the Huge Day Out on October 11. Registrations will be accepted at the race HQ, at the end of Baxter Street, from 8.30am onwards. Racing will start at 9am. Casual paddlers, first-timers and children are encouraged to enter the 5km race, while the 10km race is ideal for sea kayaks and recreational craft. The four-lap 20km race is for serious contenders for the King and Queen of the Mahurangi River crowns.
11am, 11 October 2014, Kowhai Festival Big Day Out
Outside Warkworth Library/ Old Masonic Hall
Then come and have a go:
7 week Introductory Class Starting Saturday Nov 1st 2014 10am at Warkworth Scout Hall One off cost $35 for the 7 week course
Phone for details Lynda 09 422 5040
Retro & recycled treats
at the Hospice Stall
In Queen St (outside Argyll Angle) on Festival day
On the water
Taoist Tai Chi Demonstration
2 stores open Mon-Fri 9am-4pm; Sat 9am-1pm Warkworth Argyll Angle, Queen St behind Gaby’s Wellsford 181 Rodney Street PLUS Garage Sale every Wed 7-11am Hospice House 51 Woodcocks Rd, Warkworth
p. 425 9535
* 2.45 per week
Based on per weekly empty for 80 litre bin. Available in 80, 120 and 240 litre bin sizes for general refuse.
*10c from every bag you buy will be donated to your local hospice - an estimated $15,000 per year!!
*Special conditions apply.
Phone 425 8567 • Mason Bins •
Mahurangi Matters
October 1, 2014
Warkworth Museum treasures on display History will come alive at the annual Kowhai Festival Open Day, at the Warkworth Museum, on Sunday October 5. Treasures from the museum collection will be on display and volunteers will be on hand to share their knowledge and experience. Admission to the museum will be free. Immediate past president Ian Ferguson says this year there will be an emphasis on activities for children including a dinosaur hunt. There will opportunities to make peg dolls and learn other early crafts, watch a rope making demonstration, polish kauri gum and ride a pony. A number of museum exhibits will be fired up and demonstrated including engines, tractors and an old hand hay baler. “For anyone interested in the town’s history or their own family history, this is a great time to come along and talk to the volunteers who work in the archives,” Ian says. “You can do the research yourself or get some advice and guidance. “As well as the usual resources, visitors will also have access to more than 15,000 photos.” The impressive textile section, one of the largest collections in the area, will also be open. The open day will run from 10am to 3pm.
The annual exhibition showcases the range of talented artists in the area.
Art celebrates Rodney colour Colour is the theme of the annual Rodney Arts Exhibition, which will be held in the old Masonic Hall in Warkworth later this month. The exhibition showcases a wide range of arts and crafts from painting and photography to porcelain painting to mixed media, sculpture and jewellery. As well as the Supreme Award, there will also be prizes for Most Promising Artist and The Peoples Choice. The exhibition works, both two and three dimensional, were selected on the theme, quality, originality and craftmanship. The exhibition runs from October 17 to 19.
You never know quite what you’ll find during a stroll through the Warkworth Museum. Admission is free on the Open Day.
Kowhai Festival
N S/59 JspEeA cial Don’t forget new spring clothing arriving daily: CANTERBURY, RM WILLIAMS, TAROCASH, ACC, BREAKAWAY, HUSKI and much more W A R K W O R T H
18 Queen Street • Phone 425 8408
Traditional butchery making all our own Sausages & Dry Cured Bacon free range/ organic meats available gluten/dairy/& nitrate free options Meat packs instore / Raffle trays available Start a
‘Worth It’ card today
ask us how!
Calling all community groups
We have a bbq & fridge we would like to be used for fundraisers outside our shop on Saturdays. Please let us know if that sounds like your group
New Butchery at 10 Queen St Warkworth New No 09 425 9947 Phone orders welcome
October 1, 2014
MPs line-up for great debate MPs and orators will be arguing across the generation gap and questioning gender roles in the fourth annual Kowhai Festival Great Debate on October 16 at Ascension Wine Estate. Event organiser Murray Chapman says the first debate will pit Warkworth Toastmasters against Warkworth Rotarians on the moot, ‘what was good enough for our parents is not good enough for us’. “It’s around the idea that the way our parents were educated and brought up isn’t going to work in today’s world,” Murray says. “But it’s not a serious debate. It’s a chance to have a lot of fun and take the mickey out of each other.” The second debate will feature local MPs headed by Rodney’s Mark Mitchell. They will take on Toastmasters’ top team on the moot, ‘the female is the deadlier of the species’. “They will be trying to determine whether women are more ruthless than men and call the shots in the workplace and at home. It will be great to see the rival MPs teaming up and working together and we will get to see how politically correct they really are.” But people will need to get in quick, as Murray is anticipating a sell out. “We had 75 people attend in our first year, then we jumped to 110 in the second and 180 in the third, so we think we will break the 200 barrier
Mahurangi Matters
Kowhai Festival Combined Church Service Oct 12th - 10am at Mahurangi College Guest Speaker is Rod Thompson principal of Laidlaw College Contact your local church for more information.
Mark Mitchell
this year.” The night will raise money for Warkworth Wellsford Hospice, which Murray has a close connection with. “I lost my wife to pancreatic cancer 12 years ago when our children were eight and nine years old. Hospice was a great help. It’s an organisation I believe does a huge amount of work and struggles for funding.” Ascension’s previous owner, Darryl Soljan, will again moderate the evening and present the Darryl Soljan Trophy to the speaker he believes is the best on the night. “He’s absolutely hilarious. Ascension’s new owners have also been great to us, giving us the venue for free and allowing us to use the kitchen.” The Great Debate is at Ascension Wine Estate at 6.30pm. Tickets $30 available at Hospice House in Warkworth and The Vintry in Matakana. Ticket price includes finger food and two debates.
4 BAxter Street Christmas Stock Arriving NOW 09 425
Warkworth & District Museum Open Day Sunday 5th October starting 10am
Come and have a look around the Museum! Children’s Colonial Dress Competition Entry forms from the childerens tent. Gum Polishing • Peg Doll Making • Pony Rides $100 note Raffle Refreshments and Sausage Sizzle Machinery Display A display of vintage Agricultural and Horticultural machinery from the extensive collection of the Engineering Department including some recent aquisitions that have not been displayed before. Members of the Veteran Engine Restorers club from Auckland will aslo be bringing some of their collection up. Subject to the availability of hay we hope to have the Hay Baler running. All departments will be staffed and visitors are encouraged to take the opportunity to view areas not normally open to the visiting public. Parry Kauri Park, Tudor Collins Drive (Off Wilson Rd, Warkworth) Phone: 425 7093 | Email:
See you there!
Mahurangi Matters
October 1, 2014
Tim Stewart and Nick Atkinson, aka Hopetoun Brown, will perform in Leigh this month.
Southern horns play Sunday gig in Leigh Warkworth Rodeo’s bulls will get a second outing this year when Bullmania rolls into town in early December.
Top riders enter Warkworth Bullmania Some of NZ’s top bull riders will be in Warkworth later this year for the inaugural Warkworth Bullmania. The event will be held at the Warkworth Rodeo Club grounds, on State Highway 1, on Friday December 5. Rodeo secretary Krista Fletcher says a Bullmania is a fast-moving event, limited to 20 riders. “They each ride two bulls and then the six riders with the top scores go on to ride again to decide the winner and placegetters,” she says. “The purse will be in excess of $1000.” After the bull riding, there will be live entertainment by Kylie Austin, Trevor Stevens and the Beasts, a well-known Auckland country rock band.
Krista says half of the 40 bulls that will be ridden belong to the Warkworth club, while event organiser Shane Bird, of Parklee Bulls, will provide the other 20. “The Bullmania is a great opportunity to showcase the club’s new bucking bulls, which are bred especially for events like this. “We’re very proud of our bulls and it’s great to give them another outing, rather than just the January rodeo.” The bulls are locally bred by Tom and Marie Whiteford, of Tomarata. Families are encouraged to bring dinner and enjoy a picnic on the hill. Food will be available for sale. Gates will open at 5pm, with the first ride set down for 6pm.
Fans of Supergroove, who remember the bouncing horn section of Tim Stewart and Nick Atkinson, will be pleased to hear the pair have formed their own group Hopetoun Brown, which will perform at Leigh Sawmill on October 3. Back in their school days, Nick and Tim fell in love with the sounds of New Orleans after seeing The Dirty Dozen Brass Band march down Queen Street. “It was the rhythms that drew you in,” Tim says. Since then they’ve worked on their chops, sharpening their skills on a classic Southern repertoire. But late last year, something happened that changed their sound. “Tim started to sing that big easy classic Saint James Infirmary,” Nick says. “When the bass clarinet picked out the bass-line Hopetoun Brown was born. “There’s a natural balance between Tim’s voice and the sound of the low clarinet.” The duo has been gigging around central Auckland haunts, but Nick is especially looking forward to heading north to Leigh. “I’m in love with the little boatyard in Tramcar Bay – what a slice of heaven that is with its beautiful old boats and those little slipways leaning into the mangroves.” Hopetoun Brown will be joined on stage by bass player Nick Eagles for three sets starting at 4pm.
October 1, 2014
Mahurangi Matters
FREE Active Holidays Info. Evening Tuesday 14 October 5.30pm
•Walking •Cycling •Hiking •4WD •Mountain Biking •Mountaineering •Rafting •Canoeing •Culinary Tours •Kayaking •Family Adventures Guest speaker from World Expeditions & UTracks. Exclusive Deals. Spot prizes. Light refreshments.
RSVP by 10 October. Numbers are limited.
World Travellers Warkworth
Walk options are selling out fast.
•42 Queen Street •T: 09 425-8009 •E:
Walk options still available It took less than an hour to sell out the Hauturu Walk in this year’s Warkworth Walks Programme. Altogether, close to 360 people are expected to take part in 12 walks, from November 6 to 9. Organiser Luke Williamson says nearly 80 per cent of places were sold in the first week. “Hauturu, which is limited to just 18 people, is undoubtedly the most popular walk closely followed by the Gibbs farm, which can take up to 50 walkers,” he says. While the bulk of walkers are local, there have also been registrations
from Auckland, New Plymouth and Dunedin. At the time Mahurangi Matters went to press, there were still places available on the following walks – Cape Rodney, Sandspit, Pohuehue to Puhoi, Kaipara Back Country, Big Bay, Big Omaha and Glorit. Warkworth Walks is in its sixth year and organisers recently made a donation of surplus funds from its first five years to Mahurangi College. The money has been earmarked to assist students to attend the annual outdoor camps. For walk details and to make a booking, visit:
Waste opportunities Auckland Council has invited groups with innovative waste reduction projects to apply for grants of up to $50,000 from the organisation’s ‘Zero Waste’ fund, which opened on October 1. The grants are to be used to seed innovative waste solutions. It provides businesses and community groups with support for activities such as feasibility pilots, surveys, education Walton Parkstudies, Motor Lodge programmes and workshops. Applications Viki & Danclose at 4pm on October 31. Info: keyword ‘WMIF’
2 Walton Ave Warkworth
Flavour of the month
HOMEMADE SORBETTO 2015 Revised Proof Banana MERINGUES & JAMS Berry Swirl Gelato ESPRESSO COFFEE PO Box 101 001 North Shore 0745
T: +64 9 966 8720 ext 0 F: +64 9 966 8721
Summer hours: 7 days, 9am-5pm
Edition: 17NZSharp Rd, Matakana • Ph 422 7942 • Ad Size: Half Page | Section: Directory | Category: Motel | Listed Under: Rodney (Auckland North)/Matakana Coast & Country
2 Walton Ave, Warkworth Ph: 09 425 8149 Email:
Client Code: 3923 - Fax: 09 425 8564
E: Check out
0800 425 0222
(Enquire about our weekday & corporate rates)
Thurs-Sun 6-9 Nov 2014REVISED PROOF - Nº 1
Date of Proof: 13 August 2014
PLEASE NOTE: • AA Tourism Publishing Ltd will not be liable for any errors on this proof if we are not advised to correct them or this proof is not returned by the due date. • There is no charge for changes requested on the first proof. Any subsequent changes may incur a fee of $50+GST.
Twelve fascinating guided trails through the unique & beautiful • Non-return of this proof does not constitute a cancellation. surrounds of Mahurangi, Warkworth & advertising Matakana, ReferKaipara, to Cancellation Clause in your contract. including otherwise inaccessible areas & local hospitality. • Changes must be made in writing on/or attached to this Featuring new & updated walks. proof or emailed to • Affiliations/Qualmark ratings may be withheld if authority is denied during our validation check.
UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT & RECENTLY REFURBISHED • Located north of Auckland. Gateway to Matakana Coast, cafés, vineyards, markets & beaches
• 25 modern studio, 1, 2 & 3-bedroom units • FREE WIFI • Pool • Easy walk to town
Edition: NZ Ad Size: Photo Bold | Section: Directory | Category: Motel Listed Under: Rodney (Auckland North)/Matakana Coast & Country
Mahurangi Matters
October 1, 2014
By The Village Bookshop, Matakana
bookgiveaway Open 7 Days Mon-Sat 9am-5pm • Sun & Public Holidays 10am-4pm The Village - 2 Matakana Valley Road • Matakana P: (09) 423 0315 • E:
Exquisite stationery Writing Accessories ~ Unique Gifts 2 matakana valley rd matakana t: 09 422 9748 f: 09 422 9768 ponsonby store t: 09 378 8085 e:
Cafe Sandspit Open seven days a week Monday
Wednesday 8-4 Thursday
Mahurangi Matters has a copy of The Rosie Effect to giveaway. Just write your name and daytime contact phone number on the back of an envelope and post to Rosie Effect Competition, Mahurangi Matters PO Box 701 Warkworth or send us a message Facebook/mahurangimatters with the subject line: Rosie Effect. Competition closes October 17.
Luigi’s Freedom Ride by Alan Murray If you loved The Unlikely Pilgrimage Of Harold Fry then we’re quite confident you’ll be equally enthralled by Luigi’s Freedom Ride. It’s the 1920s and Luigi is a young lad growing up in Tuscany. A young Englishman gives him his first bicycle and thus begins Luigi’s life-long passion for cycling which subsequently sparks a dream to travel by bike to the other side of the world – namely Australia. In the meantime, there are adventures to be had with his best friend and together they use their bikes to explore the countryside. War isn’t long in coming and Luigi enlists with the Italian Army Cycling Corps and becomes a bicycle man of the very first order. Of course war has a way of turning lives upside down and Luigi ends up fighting with the Partisans near his hometown. This is delightful reading with lip-twitching humour.
The Rosie Effect by Graeme Simsion Don Tillman is back and as Don himself says “The Rosie Project was complete but I was unprepared for the Rosie Effect”. Don and Rosie are happily married and living in New York. They have agreed to abandon the Standardised Meal System and have also agreed that sex should be scheduled in advance. Don is coping with these changes admirably and can even see some advantages to this new lifestyle, but when Rosie tells him that they have something to celebrate he is faced with his greatest challenge so far. More delightful humour from Graeme Simsion and this is sure to please all his Rosie Project fans. We are hoping to have Graeme Simsion visit us in November – more details to come!
Songs from a lost world
Booking recommended 09 425 9475
The sounds of ancient Aotearoa is the theme of two upcoming Sunday trips to Tiritiri Matangi. The Supporters of Tiritiri Matangi, in conjunction with 360 Discovery and the Department of Conservation are running a spring Dawn Chorus Trip on October 5 and 13. Numbers are limited. Bookings can be made through 360 Discovery or visit
Plume, the vineyard restaurant, Matakana is a must visit destination on any Matakana wine or food journey. Plume also provides a spectacular setting for all couples taking that next step in their journey together or even a special event. Your day will benefit from the special atmosphere we have created. Plume, proudly the house of Runner Duck Wines.
For current opening hours please call or visit 49a Sharp Road | Ph: 09 422 7915 |
October 1, 2014
Andrea Hinchco, Taste The Kitchen Shop
Egg reputation restored Eggs were very much part of our family diet when I was growing up with my father sending us off to school most days having had a poached egg on toast. Although being recognised as a nutritional powerhouse, for a while, egg yolks have been demonised in the health-food industry as causing blood-cholesterol levels to skyrocket. The current thinking seems to be that there is definitely room for whole eggs in a healthy diet. They are a fantastic source of lean protein and heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids along with other pretty important vitamins and minerals. If you have a history of high cholesterol or heart disease in your family though, you may want to consult your doctor about how to limit your cholesterol intake. As long as you haven’t been advised otherwise, you can enjoy the many nutritional benefits of a whole egg. I am a great devotee of using eggs in all manner of ways but omelettes are my specialty – a tasty and super quick meal for any occasion. Once you have mastered the method, anything can be added according to taste and ingredients. A favourite light dinner for us is to use a little left over chicken, sliced mushroom, some chopped tomato and dash of soy sauce, served with a spinach and avocado salad on the side. Make each omelettes individually. They only take 3 to 4 minutes each.
Mahurangi Matters
Wellsford Inn
services Available
184 184 Rodney Rodney St St ••Wellsford Wellsford •• 09 09 423 423 8046 8046
MULTI FUNCTION KITCHEN MACHINE Stand Mixer, Dough Maker Blender, Mincer and Pasta Maker all in one. With a 1400 watt capacity long life motor and die cast aluminum housing this German designed, heavy duty appliance would grace any kitchen.
Basic Omelette Method
Just arrived in store
with an opening offer of just
$599 during October.
• 2 large free range eggs • a small knob of butter • Sea salt • Pepper • Small handful grated cheddar cheese (optional) • A good quality 20cm frying pan with low sides. Crack the eggs into a mixing bowl with a pinch of salt and pepper (freshly ground black or my preference on this occasion is ground white). Beat well with a fork. Put frying pan on a low heat and let it get hot. Add a small knob of butter. When butter is melted and bubbly pour in the eggs and move pan to spread them out evenly. Pull in from the sides of the pan to make fluffy. It will quickly begin to firm up so while it still has a little raw egg on top sprinkle over the cheese, if using, or any other filling. Ease the edges again with a spatula, then fold in half, allow bottom to become golden brown. Remove pan from heat and slide omelette onto serving plate.
16 Mill Lane, Warkworth
09 425 0302
Matakana’s Newest Food Hub! Come into our new purpose built commercial kitchen in Matakana village and ...
“Unleash Yours Today”
• Grab a group of friends and participate in a small group, “hands-on” cookery lesson with our experienced Chef/ Tutor • Feel like a “My Kitchen Rocks” challenge? – great for corporates / other competitive groups • Experience tastes and flavours of Matakana’s Artisan Food Producers on site or on one of our Food Producer Tours • Hire our new A Grade kitchen
989c Matakana Road, Matakana Village – 022 167 1500 or 021 100 9607 – –
Mahurangi Matters
October 1, 2014
Sandspit seniors setout on epic cycle For the second time in two years, Sandspit “pensioners” Alan and Sally Smith will cycle the length of NZ as members of the Ride Out of the Blue fundraiser. The event is a 22-day cycle ride starting in Invercargill on October 10 and finishing at Cape Reinga on November 1. The aim is to raise awareness of depression and suicide, as well as raise funds for the Mental Health Foundation. The ride will cover 2330 kms. “We enjoyed it so much in 2012, we couldn’t ‘not’ do it again,” Sally, 65, says. Alan, 70, says although he is looking forward to the ride, knowing what’s ahead of them has tempered his excitement a little. “We know where the hills are this time and we know what it’s going to take out of us both physically and mentally.” Their preparation has included spin classes at least twice a week since April, at least one 50 to 60km ride a week, and three days of weight training a week. Sally says she feels in better shape than she was for the start of the ride in 2012 when she was still a novice cyclist. The couple will join eight others on the ride, including four from Australia. The team will stop in cities and towns throughout their journey, visiting and engaging with schools and communities on the issues surrounding depression, suicide and mental health. They will stay at the Bridgehouse in Warkworth on October 29 and hope local residents will take the opportunity to meet the team. “We’ve had some great support from local businesses this time around. For instance, Ray White Warkworth is contributing half the fuel costs for our support vehicle, the Bridgehouse is feeding and
Chickens rescued from a battery farm have been wrapped in specially made jackets after losing their feathers from life in a cage.
Battered hens need safe new homes
Alan and Sally Smith at the end of their trip in 2012.
accommodating the whole team for a night, and the Black Dog is providing breakfast for the team.” Ride out of the Blue hopes to raise $50,000 for the Mental Health Foundation’s initiative Mindfulness in Schools. To donate, go to
Sally will send Mahurangi Matters regular updates throughout her ride, as well as video, which will be posted on our Facebook page/ mahurangimatters
The Animal Sanctuary in Matakana is re-homing 140 hens after rescuing the birds from a battery farm, which was going to kill them. Sanctuary owner Shawn Bishop is one of six people in the Auckland area who have rescued tens of thousands of birds over the past decade. “The farmers kill all of the hens when they are 18 months old when they stop laying for a period of about a month,” Shawn says. “It’s a huge waste. They will start laying again after that period, but the farmers see it as uneconomical to feed the hens without getting any eggs. It’s often worse with free range hens because they kill them earlier because they tend to go off laying at a younger age. “The birds we save are a drop in the bucket, but it’s a drop we are happy to contribute.” The latest rescue involved nearly 1000 hens from a South Auckland farm. “There’s huge demand for the birds as a lot of people want backyard chicks. They are incredibly personable. They become pets and follow us around. It’s just like having a cat or a dog.” People can apply to re-home a hen via the ‘adopt’ section of the website
Summerset Respite Care Does a loved one need looking after while you take a break, or do they require help while recuperating from a hospital stay? If Mum or Dad requires ongoing care while you’re taking a break, or needs somewhere to recuperate after illness or an operation, Summerset Falls is a great option. In our village centre we have a number of respite options that our village manager and care team would be more than happy to take you through. To discuss our long term or short term care options, please talk to our village manager, Hyrum-Daniel Dennis on 09 425 1200. You’ll find our village at 31 Mansel Drive, Warkworth.
welcome home
October 1, 2014
Citizens Advice Bureau Wellsford
Mahurangi Matters
Warkworth Satellite Service
Volunteers Wanted
CAB Wellsford and Warkworth are looking for men and women to join our team of volunteers, to assist people in our community and to help them find solutions to their problems. If this sounds like something you might like to give some time to, come and visit or give us a call. Our services cover from Puhoi to the Brynderwynns and Coast to Coast.
Wellsford Community Centre
1 Matheson Rd, Wellsford 0900 Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10am-3pm
Queen Street, Warkworth
Auckland Council Building, The Board Room Opening hours: Wed & Fri 10am-1pm
09 423 7333 or 0800 367 222 • •
Youth worker Sarah Crocombe (right) accepts a cheque from Warkworth Lions president Angela Taylor.
Lions support teenage girls A 20-week mentoring course for teenage girls has received $2000 from Warkworth Lions. The annual GIRL programme is run by the Mahu Vision Community Trust and targets ‘at risk’ teenagers, who have been referred by Mahurangi College. They meet weekly and learn strategies and skills to help them handle some of life’s challenges. Discussions fall under broad topics such as communication, relationships, personality and strengths, self, health and safety, truth and lies, goal-setting, and choices. Programme coordinator Sarah Crocombe says the primary goal is to support meaningful relationships.
At the conclusion of the course, participants have the opportunity to meet older women in the community to have an on-going mentoring relationship. Dinner and transport to and from the meetings is provided, and the money donated by Lions will help meet some of the programme’s annual operating costs. Lions president Angela Taylor says the GIRL programme gives the participants new experiences and reinforces their ability to reach their potential. Five girls have participated in the programme this year, although the programme can cater for up to eight.
L S AL ICE EE RV FR SE RE A Corporate apparel, t-shirts, hats, sports gear, safety gear, pens, lighters, coffee mugs, bags, water bottles & more! Need a brand? Let our award winning art department create one for you!
Ph 09 424 1262 | 18A Silverdale Rd Silverdale |
Stained Glass & Leadlights Stefanie Mann
Designed and constructed for domestic and commercial buildings. Restoration work also undertaken, including china cabinet repairs.
Phone 425 7723
Warkworth Birth Centre
quality maternity care
Breast Feeding Support Group Wednesday 4th November @ 10am ALL MOTHERS WELCOME
FREE pregnancy tests Prenatal classes, birth venue & post-natal stay Own room in peaceful rural surroundings Excellent equipment and atmosphere Water birth a speciality Our friendly helpful postnatal staff at the birthing centre Midwives on call at all times, and as backup for your caregiver (LMC) For further information talk to your Full post-natal hospital stay LMC/Midwife or Warkworth Birth Centre 24 hour Registered Midwives/Nurses to care for you and your baby You can transfer from your birth hospital within Phone 09 425 8201 12 hours of normal birth or 24 hours following a Caesarian
Available to all women and their caregivers
56 View Road, Warkworth
Mahurangi Matters
October 1, 2014
Wellsford Work & Income closes
All three of the Wilson sisters have had success on the equestrian circuit.
Wilson sisters saddle up for Matakana show New Zealand’s answer to McLeod’s Daughters, the Wilson girls of Northland, will be at the Matakana Country Park on Saturday October 4. Originally from the Waikato, the sisters run the Showtym Equestrian Stables where they train their competition horses, run training clinics and holiday camps. Vicki, Kelly and Amanda are all accomplished horsewomen, with many equestrian titles to their names. They will be in Matakana to promote the book For the Love of Horses, written by Kelly, which tells their story. It follows the girls’ early years in
Mahurangi Matters has a copy of For the Love of Horses to giveaway. Send us an email at with ‘horses’ in the subject line and include your name and daytime phone number. Alternatively, write your name and daytime contact phone number on the back of an envelope and post to For the Love of Horses Competition, Mahurangi Matters PO Box 701 Warkworth. Competition closes on October 16.
pony club through to the pressures of adolescence and competitive showjumping. It is also the story that embraces their involvement with the Kaimanawa horses on the Central Plateau, which are rounded up every two years and sent to the slaughterhouse. In 2012, the sisters became aware
of the horses’ plight and decided something needed to be done. They started saving and training the horses, and now compete on them and showcase their talents in displays. The Matakana event is free and will include the girls riding bareback and bridleless, and jumping displays. It starts at 12 noon.
Work and Income’s satellite office in Wellsford will remain closed until further notice. The office operated on Mondays from the Wellsford Community Centre. The closure follows the shooting at the WINZ office in Ashburton and the subsequent urgent review of security. The office will remain closed while the Ministry of Social Development reviews public-facing service centres. Wellsford is one of 29 satellite sites affected. Most home visits have also been suspended until further notice. Staff at the satellite sites are working from other Work and Income offices. “These measures will be in place until we’re sure of the safest way to offer our services,” WINZ spokesperson Debbie Power says. “We regret any inconvenience this may cause our clients, but security must take priority for our staff and our clients at this time.’’ People requiring assistance can call the WINZ contact centre at 0800 559 009.
Milford Eye Clinic Warkworth Branch
Affiliated Southern Cross Healthcare provider
• Dr Michael Fisk • Dr Brian Sloan • Dr Jo Koppens • Dr David Squirrell • Dr Rasha Altaie
Serving the eye needs of North Shore and Rodney for over 35 years Purpose-built eye consulting rooms in Warkworth. Surgery available at Rodney Surgical Centre or Shore Surgery, Milford, as appropriate. For your convenience consultations available at Milford, Red Beach and Warkworth.
• Milford Eye Clinic, 181 Shakespeare Road, Milford • Coastcare, Red Beach Shopping Centre, Red Beach • Warkworth, Unit 3, Warkworth Health Centre, Cnr Alnwick & Percy Streets, Warkworth
For all appointments phone 09 422 6871
Courses for Term four 2014 – WarkWorTh ‘It’s All About Me’ : Two Day self-awareness Career Development & Job Search Workshop for Year 7 to 9 Girls. holiday Programme: Tues 21 Oct • 10am-12pm • 6wks • FREE A course for women returning to work or changing Thurs 9 & Fri 10 Oct • 9am to 3pm • Cost $30 Artwork, fun games and hands-on activities for girls, while discovering personal boundaries and learning about self-identity, body image, assertiveness and selfdefence skills. Facilitated by Rana Moir
Young Mum’s Educational Programme Wed 15 Oct • 10am-12.30pm • 10wks • FREE
For young mothers up to 25 years to encourage positive parenting, behaviour management skills & strategies for raising healthy and happy children. Runs weekly. Facilitated by Maria Collins
Personal Development Tues 14 Oct • 10am-12.30pm • 10 wks • FREE
A weekly support group for women that encourages learning, sharing and inner-growth in a confidential and caring environment. Facilitated by Heidi Downey
Mum’s Post-Natal Support Group Thurs 16 Oct • 10.30am-12.30pm • 10 wks • FREE Come along for a cuppa and a chat with this friendly group. Meet other mums, make friends and gain strength every week. Facilitated by Danielle Stapleton
career, including creating a career plan and a CV, job search, interviews, assistance with clothing and much more. Tutor: Fiona Brading, People Architects
Computer Skills: Basic & Int. Word Fri 17 Oct 9.15am to 11.15am • 8wks • FREE
Have your computer skills extended with either of these word-processing courses: The Basic Word course suits beginner level. The Intermediate course is for women who already have good skills. Both are valuable for those returning to or looking for work. Tutored by Senior Net
Counselling: Low Cost Sessions
Available by appointment with a qualified counsellor. Conditions apply. Please contact the Women’s Centre
Massage for Women: $45 for 1 hour
Available on Tuesday afternoons by appointment. Please contact the Women’s Centre. Christmas Donations: If you wish to support local families in hardship over this period, please drop your gifts in at our Centre: Opening hours 9.30am to 2.30pm Monday to Friday.
Most courses run in Warkworth. Please check details when booking.
Bookings essential: Contact us on 09 425 7261 or 0800 2DROPIN (0800 237674) Email: • follow us on facebook at Women’s Centre rodney 10 Morpeth Street, Warkworth • 9.30am to 2.30pm Monday to Friday
October 1, 2014
Mahurangi Matters
Kindergarten kids pitch in to clean up environment About 40 children picked up cans, pieces of plastic and old fishing line in Snells Beach last month after learning how rubbish can harm marine life. The working bee was inspired by fouryear-old Lucas Hathaway, the son of Steve Hathaway, who created the hit children’s TV series Young Ocean Explorers. Snells Beach Kindergarten head teacher Kerrie Weenink says the children have been watching Young Ocean Explorers videos, learning about the effects of plastics on turtles and fish. “Lucas has been organising rubbish collection trips around the playground and the children got so passionate about cleaning up the sea we decided to organise a time to get to the beach so they could make a difference,” Kerrie says. The children also learned ways to cut down on waste to stop rubbish entering the ocean in the first place. “We have now got children going home and teaching their parents how to reduce waste and change their ways.” Steve says Lucas has been running around picking up rubbish for about a year and frequently organises family clean-ups. “He’s changed the way I do things,” Steve says. “Now I find I’m picking up pieces of plastic all the time.” Lucas appears to be following in the footsteps of his sister, Riley, who stars in Young Ocean Explorers, and may also be destined for the screen.
Varicose Vein Clinic
see us at the Warkworth Medical Centre Young Ocean Explorers creator, Steve Hathaway, and his son, Lucas, helped inspire children at Snells Beach kindergarten to get out and clean up their beach. More pics online.
“He’s even more passionate about the environment than she is.” The message of the TV series may soon be inspiring children across the country as DVDs of the series will be distributed to more than 2500 schools in New Zealand and the Cook Islands early next year after Steve raised more than $40,000 through a crowd funding website. “We set out to raise $20,000, but the response was so overwhelming we are going to be able to partially fund series two of Young Ocean Explorers. We want to get a whole new generation of kids inspired about how cool NZ’s underwater world is.”
STUDIO Tom is back By popular demand we have extended this deal with Tom until the 1st Nov Colour, Conditioning treatment, Cut & Blowwave for
Conditions apply: colour to be block or top head foils. Appointments to be made on Wednesday with Tom & Bianca. New Clients only. Expires 1st November.
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FOR October 1, 2014
Mahurangi Matters
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Eugene Sims, Warkworth Natural Therapies
Curves Coach to teach & motivate!
SPECCurves IAL O FFER Coach to
A Curves pain Coach toin the neck teach & motivate!
I use the phrase “pain in the neck” in a tongue-in-cheek kind of way. Nearly all of the migraine symptoms that I treat are caused from problems arising in the neck. Strangely, many migraine sufferers experience little or no pain in their neck. In many cases, they don’t even have a significant restriction of neck movement so I usually get sideways looks when I suggest that the neck may be involved in the FITNESS FOR WOMEN problem. WhenEVERY CIRCUIT an examination is performed, the neck often becomes more COACHES DURING obvious uncover what is going on ‘underneath the radar’. RESULTS as FORwe EVERY FITNESS LEVEL BODY WORKOUT TheTOTAL neck is like the highway from the brain to the rest of the body and vice BODY BASIC CIRCUITS versa. Contained in the neck is everything we rely on to stay alive and function. Food, oxygen, arteries, veins, lymph vessels and nerves/spinal cord are all within the neck. By all accounts, there is not much spare space in this critical part of our anatomy so when something is not working well it can severely compromise the blood flow or nerve function. I have seen the following as a result of treatable neck dysfunction – headaches, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, hearing changes, tinnitus and dizziness. It can also cause chest pain, impaired circulation to the hands, numbness, pins and needles, or pain down the arm. If the symptoms are due to neck dysfunction then they will resolve with appropriate treatment. However, many of these symptoms can also be related to serious and life-threatening conditions. It is critical that these potential risks are identified and immediate medical help is given where necessary. It is not uncommon for us to see clients with neck issues that can also have very high blood pressure, angina or even strokes occurring at the same time. Often we are the first health practitioner that the client might see. It is our responsibility to be aware of the more serious conditions that may be occurring. The appropriate thing to then do in these cases is to make sure they receive immediate medical care. When the life-threatening conditions have been cleared we can confidently treat the musculo-skeletal problems and in most cases resolve the problem. However, there is nothing that we can do to help if people don’t come for treatment. One of my biggest frustrations is hearing about how long people have suffered needlessly. One gentleman I saw had been having migraines for more than 10 years. His problem was coming from nerves trapped in the front of his neck. This had been overlooked but when we addressed it he had immediate improvement. It only takes an hour of your life to have your neck assessed accurately but it could change the quality of the rest of your life.
* Offer valid until 31 October 2014 at participating clubs only. Only valid for new memberships. 12 week Fitness package at $237. Includes standard joining fee of $149. Does not include Curves Smart or Curves Complete. Ask in Club about how to upgrade. Joining Fee encompasses a consultation which evaluates your current fitness & diet levels and set your goals. © 2014 Curves International, Inc. Weight Loss programs take time and personal commitment to be effective and require professional advice on diet, exercise and lifestyle changes. Individual results may vary.
12FF WER SPECIAL O EE teach & motivate! K PA CKAGE*
WARKWORTH 09 4222249
* Offer valid until 31 October 2014 at participating clubs only. Only valid for new memberships. 12 week Fitness package at $237. Includes standard FOR EVERY FITNESS LEVEL joining fee of $149. Does not include Curves Smart or Curves Complete. Ask in Club about how to RESULTS upgrade. Joining Fee encompasses a consultation which evaluates your current fitness & diet levels and set your goals. © 2014 Curves International, Inc. Weight Loss programs take time and personal TOTAL BODY WORKOUT commitment to be effective and require professional advice on diet, exercise and lifestyle changes. Individual results may vary.
WARKWORTH 09 4222249
to Curves CoachCurves to &Coach teach motivate! teach & motivate! BODY BASIC CIRCUITS
* Offer valid until 31 October 2014 at participating clubs only. Only valid for new memberships. 12 week Fitness package at $237. Includes standard joining fee of $149. Does not include Curves Smart or Curves Complete. Ask in Club about how to upgrade. Joining Fee encompasses a consultation which evaluates your current fitness & diet levels and set your goals. © 2014 Curves International, Inc. Weight Loss programs take time and personal commitment to be effective and require professional advice on diet, exercise and lifestyle changes. Individual results may vary.
WARKWORTH WARKWORTH 09 4222249 09 4222249
Offer valid until 31 October 2014 at participating clubs only. Only valid for new memberships. 12 week Fitness package at $237. Includes standard * Offer valid until 31 October 2014 at participating clubs only. Only valid for new memberships. 12 week Fitness package at $237. Includes standard ning fee of $149. Does not include Curves Smart or Curves Complete. Ask in Club about how to upgrade. Joining Fee encompasses a consultation joining fee of $149. Does not include Curves Smart or Curves Complete. Ask in Club about how to upgrade. Joining Fee encompasses a consultation ich evaluates your current fitness & diet levels and set your goals. © 2014 Curves International, Inc. Weight Loss programs take time and personal which and evaluates current advice fitnesson & diet, diet exercise levels and your goals. © Individual 2014 Curves International, mmitment to be effective requireyour professional andset lifestyle changes. results may vary. Inc. Weight Loss programs take time and personal
commitment to be effective and require professional advice on diet, exercise and lifestyle changes. Individual results may vary.
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BPW election Sally Smith has been elected president of the Warkworth Business and Professional Women’s Club, replacing Jillian Bray. The club was recently addressed by Mandy Moon who spoke about osteopathy and the treatment of animals, and horses and dogs in particular. Mandy graduated from the European School of Osteopathy in 1988 and has trained in canine and equine osteopathy, as well as gaining a Diploma of Acupuncture for the specialist treatment of dogs and horses.
0210 799 754 • 0210 0210 799identify 754 799 754 • goals, • Our Design helps you wants, and needs, plans inspiredbyltd inspiredbyltd inspiredbyltd
with architectural elements that provide you comfortable, distinctive spaces to entertain family and friends. We ensure you receive yougoals, deserve. Our Design helps you identifyINDEPENDENT goals, Our the Design Ourindividual Design helpsDESIGNER helps youattention identify you identify goals,
wants, and needs, plans with architectural wants,wants, and needs, and needs, plansplans with architectural with architectural 0210 799elements 754 • provide elements that provide you comfortable, elements that that provide you comfortable, you comfortable, inspiredbyltd distinctive DESIGN spaces to entertain family distinctive distinctive spaces spaces to entertain entertain familyfamily OM DESIGN • INTERIOR DESIGN • STEREO UNIT DESIGN • KITCHEN DESIGN • FURNITURE • KIDS ROOM DESIGN •to FURNITURE DESIGN ESIGN • ENTERTAINMENT UNIT DESIGN • VANITY DESIGN • WARDROBE DESIGN • OUTDOOR DESIGN OFFICE and friends. We FURNITURE ensure you receive the and friends. and•friends. We ensure We ensure youDESIGN receive you receive the •the LIBRARY individual attention you deserve. individual individual attention attention you deserve. you deserve.
Our Design helps you identify goals, We look We forward look forward to working to working with you! with you!
We look forward to working with you! October 1, 2014
Sweetappreciation with Chocolate Brown
Send your nominations to
Congratulations to Ann and Larry Cates, of Warkworth, who are the recipients of a gift basket from Chocolate Brown. Mr and Mrs Cates was nominated by Emily Shaw, 11, of Warkworth Primary School, who wrote:
Kowhai Laundry
Ann and Larry are a Christian couple who in the past few years have experienced cancer and treatment, but they have still carried on with life as normal. Normal for some people over 70 is knitting, reading and just ‘round home’ stuff. For Ann and Larry, it’s a completely different matter. They run SupaKidz for Matakana School, home school their grandkids one day a week, are involved in community music groups, run fundraising events for people volunteering overseas, hold prayer meetings in their home, do part-time work for Wycliffe Bible translators and, on top of it all, they teach Sunday school for Mahurangi Presbyterian children. Lots of kids and even a few adults know them as Nana Ann and Uncle Larry. I think they deserve this appreciation because they are always encouraging and seeing the best in people. Their extra effort has made our church holiday programmes a massive success. All of the things they do are optional and I appreciate their effort a lot. Seeing them anywhere brightens up my day.
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Ensure an attractive, functional design that will stand the test of time by calling on the experienced cabinetmakers from Neil Taylor Cabinetmaker & Design. We can provide a cost-effective makeover for existing properties or cater to new homes, with designs to suit your needs. For affordable solutions to meet your unique requirements and budget we are the name to trust in the Rodney district.
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Know someone who deserves a big “thank you” for their community spirit? Tell us and they will receive acknowledgement in Mahurangi Matters and an amazing hamper from Chocolate Brown, 6 Mill Lane, Warkworth. Send your nominations to (subject line: Sweet Appreciation) or post to: Sweet Appreciation, Mahurangi Matters, PO Box 701, Warkworth. Nominations of family members are ineligible.
Cafe / Chocolaterie / Gifts Phone 09 422 2677 No 6 Mill Lane, Warkworth
Mahurangi Matters
Contact Neil 09 425 7017 or 021 070 0643 Unit A, 16 Glenmore Drive, Warkworth
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High quality plants at wholesale rates. Buy direct from our nursery.
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Mahurangi Matters
October 1, 2014
U3A marks 25 year jubilee
Surf Life Saving is both a sport and a community service, and provides young people with valuable training and skills. Pictured are members of the Omaha club.
Omaha surf life saving invites new recruits
The Omaha Surf Life Saving Club is gearing up for summer and is looking for new recruits for its junior surf and lifeguard training programmes. The junior programme caters for children aged between six and 13, and aims to develop their water safety and surf skills in a safe and fun environment. Learning outcomes are tailored for different age groups to ensure participants are challenged and learning appropriate skills. “Our ultimate goal is that they become our future lifeguards and our Junior
Surf Programme is structured with this in mind,” surf sports coordinator Ruth Tanner says. The first session will start on Sunday November 2, at 9.45am. The Lifeguard Training Programme is for those aged 14 years and older. As well as water safety and surf skills, participants will learn first aid and rescue skills, and can sit an exam to qualify as a surf lifeguard. The assessment includes a 400m pool swim in under nine minutes. “Once qualified, our lifeguards join a
Make short work of the long weekend.
Info: Ernie Gidman on 425 9869.
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weekend patrol team and they also have the opportunity to further develop their skills in first aid, surf sports, coaching, instructing and leadership.” A briefing session will be held at the surf club on Sunday November 2, at 10.30am. Both programmes are held every Sunday morning at Omaha Surf Club throughout the season. Lifeguard patrols on Omaha Beach start on Labour Weekend. For more information or to re-register,
Four members of Warkworth U3A attended a recent celebration marking 25 years of U3A in New Zealand. The first club formed in Remuera and there are now 25 clubs throughout Auckland. Guest speaker at the jubilee was Professor Winston Byblow, of Auckland University, who discussed the causes and complications of strokes. His talk can be viewed online at Several groups offered presentations, which showcased the diverse range of interests and accomplishments achieved by various members. They ranged from a poetry presentation to video photography and a talk about Medieval art work. Member Valma Gidman said it was an interesting experience and reminded club members once again of the value of getting together “to exercise and stimulate the brain”. “The social outcomes are also of enormous importance,” she said. U3A, or University of the Third Age, is an informal group for people aged over 55. It is made up of small groups defined by specific interests. Warkworth U3A has 15 groups covering topics such as history, medicine, poetry and play reading, and food for thought. Meetings are held during the day, generally in the homes of participants, and general meetings with speakers are held every two months.
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October 1, 2014
Visit Our Showroom
Valuing volunteers
Martial arts on display More than 100 competitors took part in the inaugural Korean Traditional Martial Arts Organisation Open Championship held at the Whangaparaoa College Gymnasium on Saturday September 20. The tournament was organised by Whangaparaoa-based Daehan Taekwondo and Global Martial Arts from Albany. The day included a performance by the Haidong Gumdo Demonstration Team from Korea. Medals were awarded in Poomsae (patterns) and Kyorugi (sparring). Daehan TKD students were prominent in both sections and Brandon Chandra received a trophy for Most Valuable Participant.
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By Richard Casutt, sport development manager
When a new sports season comes around we are often faced with the challenge of gathering volunteers. Volunteers are a key pillar for your local club so what are you doing to ensure you retain, recruit and reward your volunteers? How are you demonstrating to them that they are valued? To really grasp the concept that volunteers do not just appear ‘out of thin air’ you need to understand why people actually stick their hand up to volunteer. Volunteers want to see others succeed in sport; they want to give back to their community, sport, school or club after years of being a participant. Seeing people do well in their sport creates a positive impact on the community. Volunteers often want to learn or try something different which is a rewarding experience. They want to be able to help their children, relatives or friends, or make a difference in someone’s life. They want to show their appreciation for the work that has been done for them. Most importantly they need to be valued for what they do. Consequently, there are things you should consider when trying to recruit volunteers. What is it that you have to offer and what are you going to do for your volunteers? What will they get out of volunteering for your organisation? How much time out of their life will it take up? What is the job you want them to do? Research has clearly shown, the clearer the plan for your volunteers the more likely you will recruit and retain them. Here are some ideas we think might help you recruit volunteers for this new season. • Advertise positions you need before you begin team trials – get the word out early. Don’t forget to advertise the number of hours involved. • Approach people when they come to your organisation – you’ll be surprised how many people are actually willing to help out – you just have to ask. • On registration forms, ask if your members (or their parents) can spare three hours a week to help at the club. They could possibly help out with filing, data entry or score keeping. • Put a call out in the local community newsletter or the Mahurangi Matters. • Ask your current volunteers to find a friend who is keen to help out. When advertising for positions say what you have to offer your volunteers. This might include the opportunity to support your club, experience in managing a group of people, opportunity to upskill and develop young talented athletes, target university students looking for experience to put on their CVs – give them a point of difference, provide some training or support to upskill them. For more information on building your volunteer plan, visit Harbour Sport Volunteer Toolkit: volunteer_toolkit_web
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SCOREBOARD A roundup of sports activities and events in the district Junior Tennis • Mahurangi East Club reg. Oct 13 from 3.30-5.30pm. 5 to 11-year-olds $95, 12 to 18-year-olds $120. Info: Snr Judy 425 5617 or 021 353 841 Jnr Helena 425 Rodney pRoud sponsoRs of 4647ToTalspan or • Kaiwaka juniors. Info: Lindell 4312 542 or • WW Club reg, 3.15pm Oct 13, 14 & 15, Shoesmith St Info: membership@ a Roundup of spoRTs acTiviTies in THe disTRicT Tides Out Fun Run Fundraiser ibus omnimolum Ruakaka Beach, Nov 2, 9am. 5km & 10km. Run or walk. $15 for adults $5 for Is quas vendipsantus sint restincti blaborr umquisi muscius idipitae la et qui nus school children. Breamdenimod Bay College PTA. Qui Enter at autatur sanissit, conseri onsequi magnametur? omnimet as magnima gnihil il ilictati Cricket te nam qui blaboria is amusanitio. Nam excepelenis nima con pore etur? Rodney Derum est andia perfernatem fugit qui dit auditi cum eum vendusant volupta quam Players needed. Info: Kevin Forde 021 795072 evelit ipitessum aut ut am. Whangateau simusci llabo Touch Friday nights at Whangateau Reserve. Oct 17, Ucimporrum lautat rerum renducia voloreiur, comniendelReg. ipis etFri, volorrupta sum6pm at Rams Carpark. voluptatus eum quis abor aut31. aut ut dit, nem moluptus Toucham starts October Info: Ed dolliciurem 021 084 fugiate 83174 or Merv 029 978 8780 doluptaquis quosant iorepro volor aut inullab orrovitae eosam, soluptas volore ea delis Touch quam, optisRugby erum faccaborest, cus, ommoluptat aliquis di quiam eat arum serianda quiMahurangi si reptium dolut quo et haruptature parit, ex eat quatus, que at proWarkworth optasim season starts Oct 16.officiunt Games Thursdays Showgrounds. oluptat restiistrum nit et alitias pietus enihil ium sus. or visit Info:utBernie Kose oTaTuR GreatcoRum Barrier Marathon Nonsed exeri occabo. Parciendania sendio omnimus nonet est et qui sae pera Wharfaut to expereperum Wharf Octrestrum 11. Booking limit 250. Halfvelavailable. endipitatur harum aturreqd, reperumet dipid millibus int occae $85 for adults, $45 for et children. doloriorumet excearciis Info: ntibeati omnihil molut od earum quis del magnis maSailing pra volori ipienie niatus plibus quia veniatibus. Illorit as imusam voluptatem sitio officidel ium int a consequi nis rae int vidundae perferum nonem corum. Sandspit Centreboard Club enrolments are open gaInfo: nempeRnaTis 0221712550
THE scorEBoArD
Ad eic tem reiunt volut porate ped ma non niendi arum eumque.
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44 Mahurangi Matters | Mahurangimatters
October 1, 2014
from the
Congratulations also to our Hockey teams which all had very successful seasons. The Senior Girls’ team won the North Harbour A division. They played 16 games, won 11, lost 3 and drew 2.
important dates Monday October 13 • Term 4 begins
Monday - Friday October 13 - 17
David Macleod
• Pasifika Week
Wednesday October 15
• Basketball Prizegiving Evening
Sunday October 19
Dear Parents and Guardians Tena Koutou Katoa
• Kapahaka Intensive - all day
Tuesday October 21
The Technology Evening at the end of Term 3 was enjoyed by all who attended. Our Senior s Girls’ 1st XI Hockey Champion Technology students had samples of their work on display from wood, metal, electronics and Fortunately the wins graphics, as well as folio included the semi-final boards tracking progress against Orewa College from concept through to 3-0, and the final against final design or product. Kingsway School 3-2. The The Hospitality students Senior Boys’ team also treated us to a delicious made it through to the final, array of hors d’oeuvres against Long Bay College, and the Fashion Design which was drawn at full-time students presented but unfortunately they lost a wonderful fashion the resulting penalty shootparade in which the out. As previously reported, Mrs Carse with her Hospitality Stud ents students modeled their our Year 8 Girls’ team also own creations. won both the North Harbour Whaia te iti Kahurangi, our Maori Achievement Competition and the North Harbour Intermediate Evening, was held on Tuesday 19th August in Zone days competition. the school auditorium. All students of Maori descent who gained Merit or better in their Middle School Graduation (MSG) or their NCEA were awarded certificates of recognition. The guest speaker was Hayley scka Schiscka who was our Mahu students with Hayley Schi Whaia Te iti Kahurangi Purple House Prefect in 2004. At school she did well academically, was a Student Leader in Kapa Haka and excelled in a range of sports. Since school she has travelled overseas, completed an intensive course in Te Reo, and she is now working for Waitemata Health and completing her Masters Degree at university. Congratulations to all the Year 7-9 students involved in this year’s Junior School Production, ‘The Music Hall’. It was a very entertaining show with plenty of opportunity for audience involvement and participation. A big thank you to all staff and parents who assisted, and particularly to the Director, Craig Taylor.
The Sports Blues and Cultural Blues evenings will both take place in the second week back in Term 4 and the Senior Academic Prizegiving will take place in week 4, on Wednesday 5 November. The NCEA External examinations start on Friday 7th November.
David Macleod, Principal
• Sports Blues Awards Evening - 6.30pm hall
Thursday October 23
• Cultural Blues Awards Evening - 7pm hall
Monday October 27 • Labour Day
Tuesday October 29
• Yr 9 Camp Meeting - Parent/Student 6pm hall
Wednesday October 30
• Senior Art Exhibition - Old Gym - 3.30 - 5.30pm
Friday November 1
• Kaipara Festival - at Mahurangi College
Wednesday November 5 • • • •
Yr 11 - 13 Reports issued Last Day Yr 11 - 13 Senior Prizegiving - 7.00pm hall Yr 8 Shellfish Monitoring
Friday November 7
• Yr 6 Orientation Day 10.00am - 1.00pm
BYOD Tip of the Month: Apple Quick Tips
On your iPad or iPhone: When ending a sentence, instead of typing a fullstop and then a space, just tap the space bar twice. Tapping the space bar twice adds a full stop, a space, and capitalises the next letter. It may not seem like much, but when you’re composing a lengthy message, this little tip will really improve the speed of your typing once it becomes second nature.
Junior School Production Cast October 1, 2014
Thank you Pub Charities
The students from the Student Learning Centre are enjoying their Horse riding lessons which they are able to attend thanks to ‘Pub Charities’ who donated the money to make this possible. They go to Mackenzies Horseriding along Kaipara Flats Road each week for these specialised lessons which help to improve their mobility and general physical well being. Bev Tennant & Tessa Scovell
SLC Student
Mahurangi College had 2 teams playing in the competing at the 30th Annual NZ Schools National Underwater Hockey Champs in Rotorua. At this years Nationals the Senior Open Team placed 6 out of 10 Teams in their grade. A very credible result in a tough competition. Forrest Axford was selected Mahu Most Valuable Player and Senior Open Tournament Team Player. All but 2 of the the Mahu Junior Girls Squad of 12 were in their very first year of playing underwater hockey competitively. The weekend progressed with Mahurangi playing stronger with every game. They defeated teams that they had never before beaten, to eventually advance to the semi-finals and winning Bronze. Congratulations to Juliana Panui Leth for being selected MVP for Mahu. Rebecca Twhigg was awarded Tournament Team Player, and special commendation went to Captains Sarah Wilson and Tayla Rogers.
Thursday 30 October from 2.30pm - 6pm in school hall. A chance to view all our Senior Art boards from Photography, Design and Painting classes. Come and be awestruck! Refreshments available.
2014 Archery Nationals
Mahurangi College Underw
ater Hockey Team
A great result overall for our Mahurangi UWH Teams and it bodes well for College’s Underwater Hockey program for 2015. The Coach and players would like to take this opportunity to thank our managers/organisers Colin Snedden, Marg Hargreaves, Carolyn Wilson, Judie Twhigg, Paul Kelly plus all of our supporters in the 2014 season. Terry Axford, Head Coach
Mahu’s Young Fashion Designer Anastasiya Baranova, a Year 13 student in the Level three Fashion and Design class at Mahurangi College, has been selected as a finalist in the Newmarket Young Designer Fashion Award Competition. Raewyn Astbury
Anastasiya Baranova
Official Facebook Page Now Active Mahu’s Archers: Hannah Brassett & Bailey Earley
Thanks to the parents for providing transport and support and to all the Archers who took part. You represented the school and your parents well and I look forward to your participation in the future. Tom Dowling, TIC Archery
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We are posting regular updates with sport, cultural and prizegiving information, reminders, photos and notices. Posts will link back to articles and photo galleries on our website which we are updating reguarly with new events and articles. Remember ‘liking’ posts helps get more people seeing our posts. Let us know if you have any feedback: ictadmin@
Achiever of the Month: Findlay Buchanan Presented by Andrea Jacka - Customer Services Supervisor, Mega Mitre 10
Proudly Supporting Mahurangi College
Mahurangimatters |
UWH Nationals 2014
Senior Art Exhibition Invitation
Mahurangi Archers did well in the Inaugural 2014 Archery in Schools National Competition. After firing five practice arrows at 10 and 15 metres, each Archer then had three sets of five arrows at each distance to count. Mahurangi College gained the following places: Senior Girls: Hannah Brassett - 1st place. Hannah also achieved the highest girls score and was awarded a bow, bow case, quiver, arrows and a target. Junior Girls: Kartini Clarke - 2nd place and Claire Mattner - 3rd place Senior Boys: Bailey Earley – 1st place and highest score for boys and overall competition. He was awarded with a bow, bow case, quiver, arrows and a target. Junior Boys: Sam Overton – 1st place & Lars Noordhoek – 3rd place
Mahurangi Matters
• Merit Endorsement in NCEA Level 2 • Deputy Head Boy • Captain 1st XI Boys’ Cricket • 1st XV Rugby Team • Stage Challenge
Corner Woodcocks Road & Mansel Drive, Phone 425 8119
Mahurangi Matters
October 1, 2014
Hockey grounds ready to go October holiday programme at the Goat Island Marine Discovery Centre
It’s all systems “go” for the new hockey turf at Warkworth Showgrounds. Auckland Council has finally signed the lease, funding has been secured and weather-permitting, the new turf should be ready for a local competition starting in February. Warkworth Hockey Turf Charitable Trust chair Brett Illingworth says it feels good to have reached this stage of a process that has been going on for so many years. “There were times when I thought we’d never make it, but it’s just awesome to think we’ll be playing hockey on the grounds within months,” he says. As well as the multi-sport turf, the $1.7 million project includes footpaths, lighting, fencing and dugouts. It has been designed to also accommodate other sports such as soccer, touch footy and netball. Warkworth has around 380 hockey players, including 180 juniors. The new grounds will be the first LED light lit fields in New Zealand. “The lights are coming from Holland,” Brett says. “We found them on a
Come and be a mini marine biologist! Make-a-seastar ages 6 to 9
While exploring our tidal touch tank we will identify the different animal groups and determine how many different seastars there are. You will then get to design and make a paper maché seastar to take home!
10 to 12pm
Become a mini marine scientist ages 10 to 15 You’ll get to identify a species in our tidal touch tank, feed it and observe it. Following a short discussion on the range of movement and feeding methods we will then dissect a bivalve!
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 29 September to 10 October
Asthma Awareness Week will be held from October 13 to 19 with the annual fundraiser Balloon Day on Friday October 17. New Zealand has the second highest asthma rate in the world and on average one person dies every week from the disease. One in four children in NZ with asthma struggle to blow up a balloon and it is the most common cause of hospital admissions for children. One in seven NZ children and one in nine adults take asthma medication. Obesity, smoking, housing conditions and poverty have all been linked to increased likelihood of asthma.
Questions? Message us on Facebook
Oct 2
Oct 3
Oct 4
Fishing Guide Moon
3.0 0.6 3.0 0.7
1:32am 7:33am 2:08pm 8:11pm
6:58am 7:24pm
6:16am 6:44pm
3.0 0.7 3.0 0.8
2:28am 8:33am 3:09pm 9:13pm
6:56am 7:25pm
Best At
Thinking re-power? Talk to Matakana Marine your marine engine repower specialist. Auckland Area Sea Watch Matakana Marine Seawatch
Oct 1 12:41am 6:41am Tide 1:12pm Times 7:13pm
6:55am 7:26pm
Best At
7:12am 7:40pm
2.9 3:30am 0.7 9:39am 3.0 4:13pm 0.8 10:17pm
8:08am 8:36pm
Oct 6
Oct 7
Oct 8
Oct 9
Oct 10
Oct 11
Oct 12
Oct 13
Oct 14
Oct 15
Oct 16
Oct 17
9:04am 9:32pm
3.0 5:41am 3.1 12:18am 0.4 1:13am 0.7 11:49am 0.6 6:43am 3.2 7:40am 3.1 6:15pm 3.2 12:47pm 0.4 1:41pm 7:11pm 3.4 8:05pm 0.6
6:52am 7:27pm
Best At
Oct 5
2.9 4:36am 0.7 10:46am 3.0 5:16pm 0.7 11:19pm
6:53am 7:27pm
Best At
6:50am 7:28pm
Best At
10:00am 10:28pm
6:49am 7:29pm
Best At
10:55am 11:22pm
2:06am 8:33am 2:32pm 8:56pm
6:47am 7:30pm
Best At
0.3 3.3 0.3 3.4
12:17am 12:44pm
2:57am 9:23am 3:21pm 9:46pm
6:46am 7:31pm
Best At
0.2 3.5 0.3 3.5
6:45am 7:32pm
Best At
1:11am 1:38pm
0.2 3:46am 3.5 10:11am 0.3 4:09pm 3.5 10:35pm
6:43am 7:33pm
Best At
2:05am 2:32pm
0.2 4:33am 3.5 10:58am 0.3 4:57pm 3.4 11:24pm
6:42am 7:34pm
Best At
2:59am 3:26pm
0.2 5:19am 0.3 12:11am 3.2 12:59am 3.4 11:45am 3.3 6:05am 0.5 6:52am 0.4 5:45pm 0.6 12:33pm 3.1 1:22pm 6:35pm 0.7 7:27pm 3.3 6:40am 7:34pm
Best At
3:52am 4:19pm
Good Fishing
Fair Fishing
Not So Good
6:39am 7:35pm
Best At
First Full Quarter Moon Set 1:00am Set 1:54am Set 2:47am Set 3:35am Set 4:19am Set 5:01am Set 5:41am Set 6:20am Set 7:00am Set 7:41am Set 8:24am Set 9:10am Set Rise 11:31am Rise 12:29pm Rise 1:32pm Rise 2:39pm Rise 3:47pm Rise 4:56pm Rise 6:06pm Rise 7:15pm Rise 8:23pm Rise 9:29pm Rise 10:31pm Rise 11:30pm *Not for navigational purposes.
Info: 425 9148
Asthma awareness
$19 per child $5 per accompanying adult Maximum of 12 students To book phone 09 923 3645
2 to 4pm
website and then Dave Morrison, from Davco, did some research on them. “Traditionally, fields are lit with liquid halogen lights. They last around 2500 hours, which is about five years at normal use, and then cost around $18,500 to replace. The LED lights will last for 50,000 hours, which is about 100 years. “But the real savings will be in the fact that they can be dimmed, plus they can be operated from a mobile phone.” The autumn tournament will run from February to June and will be a chance for anyone interested in hockey to join in. “The teams will be made of a men, women and juniors, and it will be a great way for people who haven’t played for a while to be involved, as well as people who are new to the game.” Brett says Pat Came and the former Golden Oldies deserve a special thanks for their support and fundraising. “It’ll be tight getting everything done within the budget, so we would still welcome donations.”
4:45am 5:11pm
5:37am 6:02pm
1:49am 7:42am 2:14pm 8:22pm
6:38am 7:36pm
Best At
3.0 0.6 3.0 0.8
6:27am 6:51pm
2:41am 8:37am 3:09pm 9:19pm
6:36am 7:37pm
Best At
2.9 0.8 2.9 0.9
6:35am 7:38pm
Best At
7:15am 7:38pm
2.7 0.9 2.8 1.0
Best At
8:01am 8:24pm
Last Quarter
9:59am Rise 12:24am Rise 1:13am Rise 1:57am Rise 2:37am Set 10:50am Set 11:42am Set 12:35pm Set 1:29pm
Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.
For the latest wind and swell information for the Auckland area, go to:
50 Matakana Valley Road Matakana • Phone 09 422 7822 • Mobile 021 429 955 Email •
Your one stop shop for your marine needs! October 1, 2014
what’s on
See What’s On at for a full list of upcoming events
3 4
Hopetoun Brown, Leigh Sawmill (see story p32 ) Takahe release at Tawharanui, 1pm at the Anchor Bay car park (see story p6 ) 4 Free blood pressure tests, Warkworth New World, 10am-2pm. Info: Alan Boniface on 425 6696 4 Horse display and book signing by the Wilson sisters, Matakana Country Park, 12 noon - 2.30pm (see story p38) 5 Sunday in the Park with TOSSI, Tawharanui Regional Park woolshed, 9.15am. Dune wedding and track maintenance, followed by free BBQ lunch. Info: Patte on 425 9127 5 Warkworth Museum Open Day, free entry (see story p 30) 6 Bingo, new Masonic Hall Warkworth, 7pm 9 Bee Gees Tribute Show, Warkworth RSA, 7pm. Info: Ph 425 8568 or 10-12 Kowhai Art and Craft annual exhibition and sale of work, Old Masonic Hall, Warkworth – open Fri 12-4pm, Sat 9-4pm, Sun 9-3pm. All welcome, free admission. 11 Kowhai Festival Huge Day Out (see feature p25-31) 11 The Boundary Riders, Whangateau Hall, 5pm. Info: 12 The Troubles, presented by Warkworth Music at Matakana Hall, 4pm (see story p27) 12 Kowhai Festival Combined Church Service (see ad p31) 13 Warkworth Genealogy Society monthly meeting 10am-noon, Shoesmith Hall, Shoesmith Street. Shared lunch. 13 U3A meeting, Totara Park, Melwood Dr, Warkworth, starts at 10am 14 Book launch, Betty Paxton Room, Mahurangi East Community Centre, Snells Beach, at 2pm. Occupy Omaha, by Dr Cathie Dunsford. Discussion, music, author signing & afternoon tea. 16 Kowhai Festival Great Debate, Ascension Wine Estate, 6.30pm. Tickets $30 (see story p31) 17 Open Air Cinema screens Grease, Shoesmith Domain, 7pm for 8pm start. 17-19 North Rodney Community Arts Council exhibition, Colours of Rodney, Old Masonic Hall, Baxter St, Warkworth. Open: 10-4pm on Fri & Sat, prize presentation at 2.30pm on Sunday. 25 Matakana School Gala, 7am-2pm. Info: 26 Leigh Preschool Gala 26 Puhoi Farmers Market, 9am-1pm 29 Ride Out of the Blue team overnights in Warkworth, at the Bridgehouse (see story p36)
November 1
1 1 6-9 9
Fright Night, Kaiwaka Sports Complex. A halloween event for the whole community – music, dancing, games, face painting, haunted house. Prizes for scariest costumes. Starts at 7.30pm Spooktacular Warkworth Womens Bowling Club, Shoesmith Street, from 5pm-8pm. Fundraiser for the Mahurangi Gymnastics Club. Tickets $5, available at Pukeko Patch. Entries for Best Vegetable Garden at the Warkworth Rose and Flower Show close (see story p28) Warkworth Walks, 12 walks to choose from. Info: (see story p33) Warkworth Wellsford Hospice Homes tour in the Matakana/Pt Wells area.
List your event directly on our new What’s On calendar at or email to
Mahurangi Matters
Mahurangi Matters
October 1, 2014
Most of the players on the successful Mahurangi Junior Girls underwater hockey squad will still be young enough to play in the junior division next season.
Competition winner Cameron Keats.
Cameron Phillips was runner-up.
Young sharks Wildcard pays dividends for Mahu juniors on RSA tables The Mahurangi College junior girls underwater hockey team has been making a name for itself on the national stage. At the 30th annual NZ Schools National Underwater Hockey Championships in Rotorua last month, the team entered as a wildcard and finished third from a field of 10 of the best junior teams in NZ. Head coach Terry Axford says the performance was outstanding and
augurs well for the sport in Mahurangi. While loathe to single out individual players for what had been a wholeof-team effort, Terry said captain Sarah Wilson, Jorgia Bayes, Taylor Rodgers and Juliana Lett had played particularly well. Also, Rebecca Twhigg, who was treated at Rotorua Hospital mid-way through the tournament after taking a punch to the head, was pivotal in the team’s success.
Juliana was selected Most Valuable Player for Mahurangi. Mahurangi College’s Senior Open team also played in the championship after placing in the top four at the Northern Regionals in June this year. “Both teams could be said to be in development stages for their respective grades,” Terry says. “The seniors were the youngest average aged in their grade.” The seniors finished sixth out of 10 in their grade.
The Warkworth RSA has formed a Junior Pool Club. Eight to 10 boys are receiving coaching and instruction from president John Stephen and keen pool player Bill Wright on Tuesday afternoons. Bill has donated a trophy for the club and on September 14, the inaugural Junior Pool Club Championships were held. The games were intense affairs played in great spirit and in complete silence. The winner was Cameron Keats and runner-up was Cameron Phillips.