Mahurangi Matters_Issue 257_17 September 2014

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Proudly NZ Owned

September 17, 2014


Puhoi • Warkworth • Snells • Matakana • Omaha • Leigh • Pakiri • Wellsford • Port Albert • Kaiwaka • Mangawhai

Winter sports end with a cheer

what’sinside Matakana celebrates market turns 10 24-27

Education feature new courses 28-31

Election Coverage

For Rodney and Northland election results, Saturday, September 20, visit

There has been a round of club prizegivings as winter sport codes mark the end of the 2014 season. Among those celebrating was the Mangawhai Stingrays, who walked away with the trophy in the ROSA 6th Grade competition. See story p42

$1.2m of capital projects on chopping block Nearly $1.2 million of capital works projects in Rodney may be deferred as Auckland Council struggles to keep rate rises down. Members of the Rodney Local Board were angry when discussing the cuts at their monthly board meeting this

month, with Board members Phelan Pirrie and Greg Sayers describing them as “undemocratic and possibly illegal”. “This proposal undermines our decision-making,” Member Pirrie said. “To have Council say we can’t progress projects after we’ve consulted with the

community at great expense, and had projects confirmed and signed off by the Governing Body, is unacceptable. “This is an organisation that takes months to do anything, but in a matter of weeks they can go through millions of budget cuts. It’s unbelievable.”

Board members were given just 24 hours notice to meet with Council staff to outline the deferrals, and only four Board members were able to attend. At the meeting this month, it declined Council’s request to immediately defer the projects. continued page 2

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Mahurangi Matters

September 17, 2014

contacts Issue 257

General enquiries: Call 425 9068 PO Box 701, Warkworth 0941 17 Neville St, Warkworth 0941 Editor: Jannette Thompson 021 263 4423 Reporter: George Driver 425 9068 Advertising: Cathy Busbridge 022 029 1899 Shona Mackinnon 022 029 1897 Digital Editor: Cathy Aronson 425 9068

Rodney projects may be deferred Auckland Council’s Finance and Performance Committee has identified $28 million in Local Board projects to be deferred for at least a year to keep rate increases to 2.5 per cent. A report by Council manager of financial planning, policy and budgeting Mathew Walker said delays in completing projects had meant “a significant bow wave has built up” and Council could not afford to complete all projects in the current budget. In order to keep rates down, the Committee recommended deferring $130 million from total Council capital expenditure. “These are not deferrals,” Member Pirrie said. “The only way to complete these projects is to get them into the Long Term Plan, but we’ve already been told that we face cuts to projects in the Plan, so other projects will have to be deferred or canned.” Member John McLean was particularly incensed by the deferral of main-street toilet upgrades. “I find this absolutely absurd that we defer something we’ve been tossing around for many years,” John said.

from page 1

The Rodney projects proposed for deferral totalled $1,187,000 and included: main-street toilet upgrades


enhancement to town gateways in the Board area


the Arts Embellishment budget


recreational walkways and bike trails


Mahurangi West toilet development


parks minor works


Sandspit Reserve toilet block


boat ramp and mooring facilities


reserve water supply improvements


Sandspit seawall upgrade


Mahurangi West boat ramp upgrade


toilets design, consultation and consent


hard court development


“This highlights the ongoing issue of our ability to facilitate and bring about results.” Member Greg Sayers questioned the legality of the move. “I’ve never heard of a Council that’s adopted a spending plan and then a few weeks later has been asked to cut $1.2 million,” Greg said. “I don’t agree with the process. I ask my colleagues not defer any projects.”

Phelan put forward a recommendation that no projects be deferred until the end of the financial year, when it can be confirmed what projects couldn’t be delivered. This resolution received unanimous support and will go to the Governing Body, which will decide on all Board deferrals on September 18.


Matakana knees-up funds tennis Mahurangi Matters is a locally owned publication, circulated twice a month to more than 13,000 homes and businesses. Views expressed in Mahurangi Matters are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission of the editor is prohibited.

Food, wine and some home-grown entertainment were rolled into a successful fundraising night at the Matakana Hall recently. The occasion was the inaugural Matakana Variety Performance (MVP), which was organised by members of the Matakana Community Group. About 200 people attended and ticket sales, plus proceeds from a silent auction, raised $12,500. The money will go toward the Diamond Jubilee Park tennis court restoration project. Organisers Robin Barclay and Rob Anderson thanked the many people who contributed to the night with donations of food, wine and auction items. Another success on the night was the Zero Waste result. Permaculturalist Trish Allen said close to 98 per cent of waste produced was diverted from landfill – 60 per cent was recycled, nearly four per cent was flattened cardboard and just over one-third was composted.


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September 17, 2014

Mahurangi Matters


Atlas Site concept developed, but funding unconfirmed Attachment A

Development of the Atlas Site has taken a step forward as a concept plan has been created following three rounds of community consultation. The plan includes a multipurpose community facility, green space and native plantings, car parking and a walkway to Kowhai Park through to Warkworth. These were the most popular elements highlighted by the community. The plan is similar to “concept 1”, which was the most popular of two options which went to public consultation in May. Auckland Council policy analyst Wendy Rutherford said further investigation would create a detailed design, which would enable continued flexibility with the placement of the different elements. A budget for the development is being drafted and a needs assessment study will be conducted for the Warkworth area to determine what other facilities address community needs. The study could be undertaken as part of Auckland Council’s draft Community Facilities Network Plan, which will guide Council’s investment in community facilities over the next 10 years. The timing and priority for

The concept for the Atlas Site reflects suggestions raised during public consultation.

the Atlas development would be a part of the Network Plan. There is currently no budget allocated to the project, and funding won’t be identified until Council’s Long Term Plan

2015-25 is finalised in June next year. The project may be completed in stages as funding becomes available. Meanwhile, the site will continue to be leased. An investigation into

contamination levels at the former transport depot found “relatively minor levels of contamination which can be managed as part of any development of the site”.

Board funds “another” report on north Rodney’s swimming pool debate Atlas site concept plan

The Rodney Local Board will fund a $30,000 feasibility study on a swimming pool for northern Rodney. At a meeting this month. the Board was faced with two options – either fund the study from the Board’s budget or wait until next July and have the investigation funded by Council through an allocation in the Long Term Plan. Member Thomas Grace was skeptical of the need for another report. “I’m wondering whether we should be spending on this,” he said. “We’ve already got a lot of information from the needs assessment study. “I’m not sure whether Council will fund any more swimming pools anyway.” Member John McLean agreed. “I’m loath to spend more money on reports. We’ve got to cut through the level of bureaucracy and get more results on the ground,” he said.

However, members Beth Houlbrooke and Phelan Pirrie said the investigations were necessary. “The community has asked us to identify a site for a pool and what the options are,” Beth said. “We’ve tried for two years to progress this project. I’m prepared to get this to the next stage. We’ve had hundreds of submissions in favour of a swimming pool. Are we going to stop progress because of $30,000?” Phelan said the needs assessment study was a required part of the Council process. “After the study, we create a business case and look at the options for how this could be funded, but we can’t get to that point until we’ve gone through the processes.” Board chair Brenda Steele also supported funding the study. “We’ve just been through three days of hearings for the draft plan where the need for a swimming pool


was highlighted again and again. We’ve always stated that Council may not pay for a swimming pool, but the community says they still want us to investigate the options,” she said. The needs assessment study earlier this year found a significant need for a swimming pool in northern Rodney. The nearest public swimming pool facility to north Rodney was at Stanmore Bay which was a 37 km drive from Warkworth and 54 km from Wellsford. “There is no other major settlement in the Auckland region where residents have to travel these distances to access a public swimming pool facility,” the report found. More than half of the submissions on the Rodney Local Board Plan 2011-2014 requested a community swimming pool for the area.


See the needs assessment study at

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Mahurangi Matters

September 17, 2014

OFF THE RECORD R-rated Christmas

We welcome your feedback but letters under 300 words are preferred. We reserve the right to abridge them as necessary. Unabridged versions can be read at Letters can be sent to or PO Box 701, Warkworth

Unintended consequences I would like to respond to Paul Rogers letter in your latest edition (MM Sept 3). I expressed a concern that the alcohol policy being proposed by Council could have unintended consequences. Like everyone else I am concerned about the spread of ‘bottle stores’ selling spirits and cheap RTDs, and this was what prompted the policy review. There is a risk, because of the blanket approach, that the policy suggests both supermarkets and businesses like, for example, a boutique brewery, would not be able to sell alcohol as there was to be a two year ban on new licences. It may well be that the community might feel that replacing liquor stores with a boutique brewery or similar venture would be a positive thing; the policy as it was presented would prevent that. Phelan Pirrie Rodney Local Board member

Vague statements Viewpoint (MM Sep 3) has some very telling statements which reflect how the North Rodney area’s destiny is being determined. Quote … “We have suffered from under-investment for decades”. This is very true. The author was a Councillor or Mayor for quite some years. From fiscal neglect,

during her tenure, we now get the full effect of financial incompetence. Being rewarded with the chair of the Finance and Performance Committee with such a CV would be worthy of a skit by Monty Python. Michae l Palin and John Cleese would be so wishing that they had thought of that. Then we get to Watercare’s $65 million investment in Rodney, not North Rodney, but by inference it was a Council policy whereas Watercare, as a CCO, is a fully self-funding, selfadministrating company independent from council interference with it’s own Board of Directors. The article is full of vague statements with a lack of any factual evidence. This type of spin is the basic tool of those without the ability to grasp or convey the true realities. Another quote … “making sure our money stretches further”. Yes it is, stretching all the way to Auckland City, then the elastic is cut before any can be returned. Do we deserve this level of stewardship to take us into the future? Lance Taylor, Dome Valley

Reclaim democracy The Northern Action Group Inc. has had the courage to take on the Local Government Commission and challenge its decision which effectively regarded the views of residents in North Rodney as irrelevant.

High Court proceedings are well under way and residents in Councils around the country are watching with interest this ‘David and Goliath’ battle. Our efforts are supported by the National Party, New Zealand First and the Greens. Labour remains fence-sitting at this stage. We are also supported by Board Member Greg Sayers. The only local voice opposing us is our Councillor, Penny Webster, who feels she knows better than the 90 per cent of residents who supported NAG’s petition. If you are fed-up with the nightmare of the bureaucratic morass, intensifying regulation, disintegrating roads, knowing a third of our rates are spent outside our area and we face an uncertain future, then NAG can use your help to fund their defence. You can make a donation at Get back the democracy you lost in the formation of the ‘Super City’. Elizabeth Foster Whangateau

Call for NAG support Are you contented with how the Auckland Council manages this area of Northern Rodney? Many people are not. If you are one of a swelling number of dissatisfied residents or ratepayers unhappy with poor service, high costs and loss of our local democracy, since Rodney was forced into the new

Take cover Farmers at a Kaipara Flats workshop on farm planning this month said it was going to take time for Auckland Council to repair the damage done by over-zealous staff during the first term of the Supercity. “We’re not ready to take down the gun emplacements just yet,” one old farmer added. Off the record contributions welcome. Email to

Auckland Council four years ago, you have an opportunity to do something positive about it. The Northern Action Group (NAG) recently became a registered society, has received legal advice, and is pressing ahead with the task of becoming independent of Auckland Council, so we can get our identity and democracy back. NAG has worked hard on this task and we can win but NAG can’t do it without your help. Please visit the NAG website ( where you will find further information, and can join up as a member and make a contribution toward the vital campaign fund needed to achieve the local government we want and are entitled to. Your contribution is needed, will be worthwhile and very much appreciated. Peter Buckton Warkworth

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Believe it or not, communities are already starting to plan for Santa parades and carol singing. When the Matakana celebrations came up for discussion at the community group meeting this month, there was talk of putting on an afternoon event for children at the school, which could then roll into an evening event in the village. “In that way we could provide some adult entertainment later on,” one group member suggested helpfully. Needless to say, the idea was well supported by the male members of the group.

September 17, 2014

Mahurangi Matters



A new reserve at Te Arai will run along Te Arai Beach and Te Arai Stream, linking Mangawhai Wildlife Reserve and the existing regional park at Te Arai Point.

Te Arai reserve in pipeline A new regional park, being created as part of the Te Arai development, will stretch from the existing regional park at Te Arai Point to Mangawhai Wildlife Reserve. Nearly 200 hectares of land is being vested in Auckland Council as a condition imposed by the Environment Court for the 46-lot development. The proposed reserve land includes a continuous reserve strip along the dune system of Te Arai Beach, and extends inland on either side of the Te Arai Stream. Management costs of the park will be shared between Council and Te Arai Coastal Lands (TACL), a joint venture between developers Darby Partners and Te Uri O Hau, with the bulk of the costs being borne by TACL. TACL is required to contribute $525,000 in the first two years of the reserve, which will pay for pine removal and revegetation work, the creation of a site management plan

and funding for a ranger. From then on, TACL will pay $100,000 a year to fund a ranger, who will work primarily on private land but also on reserve land, and $25,000 a year for the shore bird management programme. Costs to Council are estimated at a minimum of $50,000 a year, which includes undertaking work the ranger is unable to fulfill. A report by Council manager regionwide Rob Cairns says the land will provide a regionally significant expansion of the ecological, landscape and recreational values of the existing 87-hectare regional park at Te Arai Point and offers the opportunity to develop a network of recreational trails. At the September business meeting, Rodney Local Board endorsed the vesting of the land in Council. Board chair Brenda Steele did not vote on the recommendation, declaring a conflict of interest as a benefactor of Te Uri O Hau.

Legal highs ban proposed Retailers will be unable to sell legal highs in Wellsford if recommendations endorsed by the Rodney Local Board are implemented. The Ministry of Health deems Wellsford a high deprivation area so retailers would be unable to get a licence to sell the drugs. Rodney-wide, retailers will also be unable to sell legal highs in neighbourhood centres, near schools or mental health or addiction treatment centres. The Board also wants organisations working with ‘high risk’ youth such as Springboard to be added to the controlled areas. Consultation on the Local Approved Products Policy will start in November with the adoption of the policy expected in March next year.


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Mahurangi Matters

September 17, 2014

Infrastructure investment underpins submissions The need for greater investment in infrastructure to cope with population growth was a running theme in submissions to the draft Rodney Local Board Plan 2014. The Board received 395 submissions and sat through a day-and-a-half of hearings on this month. Board chair Brenda Steele says transport issues were highlighted repeatedly. “Road sealing, public transport and footpaths were running themes,” Mrs Steele says. Pleas for more funding for road sealing were heard loud and clear. “There will absolutely be changes to the plan based

on what we’ve heard from the submissions.” Mrs Steele says submissions voicing frustration with the fractured nature of decision-making in the Supercity showed that the Board needed to communicate its role more effectively. “Our job is to ensure that people are aware that we understand the issues they face and we will be vocally reminding Council that greater investment in Rodney is needed.” The development of walkways also featured heavily in submissions. Various groups were taking the initiative to build tracks throughout the region, but needed a little assistance to deliver on the projects.

A swimming pool and multis port complex in Warkworth, developing a green space at Matakana Diamond Jubilee Park, and the future of the old Wellsford Library also received a lot of submissions. Mrs Steele does not believe the Board will have to make cuts to projects, but says if cuts do eventuate, it shouldn’t discourage people from making submissions. “What ever happens to the budgets, the priorities which are informed by the public will remain.” The Board will incorporate the submissions into the final plan which will be made public next month and will set-out the projects that the Board will fund over the next three years.

Residents have their say … On day one of the draft Rodney Local Board Plan hearings, David Haynes said unsealed roads were a serious safety hazard which required greater funding. “If there was a school bus accident on one of our unsealed roads, would you feel like you’ve done all you could to prevent that tragedy? The state of our roads is a disgrace,” David said. “To have a funding regime which will take centuries to seal roads should render Council criminally liable for any accidents that result.” David received a round of applause from member James Colville, and member John McLean asked David to speak at another meeting on the issue. Brian Moorhead said the Supercity structure had undermined the ability for Rodney residents to have a meaningful impact on decision-making. “We need a change to empower the Board. We need to get deeper into the actual doing of things. Right now you do the talking, but don’t get to do anything. It’s not Cr Penny Webster’s fault. She’s

run off her feet trying to represent the whole area. It’s an impossible job.” Helene Carpenter spoke on the need for a facility to make the most of the artistic talents of Warkworth. “There are many people wanting to take art classes, but no facility to hold them in,” Helen said. Snells Beach Residents and Ratepayers chair Bryan Jackson presented on the lack of investment in infrastructure to cope with rapid population growth and the poor quality of road maintenance in Mahurangi. Roger and Patie Williams spoke on the need for a plan to guide Warkworth’s development to prevent dividing the town into separate business districts and advocated for more walkways and cycleways. Several speakers, who had intended to speak on their submissions in Orewa, had had to cancel because the Rodney Board hearings clashed with the hearings on the draft Unitary Plan in Auckland.

The need to invest in infrastructure, like road sealing, was highlighted in submissions to the Board draft Plan.

September 17, 2014

Mahurangi Matters


Firefighter Games canned Four Warkworth firemen were forced to take a two-week holiday in the US last month after the World Firefighter Games they were to attend were cancelled. The team spent two years raising $30,000 for the trip, but the event was cancelled amidst investigations into the disappearance of the organiser and all the entry fees. Competitor Shaun Pilgrim says the team hadn’t organised travel insurance so had to make the most of it. “We were pretty disappointed,” Shaun says. “We had done a lot of the fundraising, selling firewood and doing odd jobs for people in the community. We are family men and had put in a lot of time.” Shaun says none of the funds were raised through donations and most of the money was spent on flights. “It looks like the entry fees will never be recovered as the organiser has also been declared bankrupt.” Shaun has been going to the games for 20 years and says they were a real highlight for the Warkworth brigade. “This has put the whole future of the event in doubt. There will have to be a lot more security and transparency around the event for us to enter again.” The team was in the US for 16 days and ended up seeing the sites along the East Coast, traveling between LA, Santiago, Los Vegas, Yosemite National Park and Hawaii on the way. A Wellsford team of seven firefighters was also due to attend the games and had spent 18 months fundraising $30,000.

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Warkworth firefighters saw the sites of the eastern US after the World Firefighter Games were cancelled.

Station officer Trent Jones says the Wellsford team was “a bit luckier” than the Warkworth team. “We weren’t quite as organised as Warkworth so hadn’t booked flights or anything,” Trent says. “But we were pretty guttered. We had just reached our fundraising goal the weekend before it was cancelled. We had booked some accommodation, but had travel insurance so we got a refund.” Trent says the funds they raised will go towards the 2016 event. The World Firefighter Games is a multisport event, similar to the Olympics, which was held every two years.

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Mahurangi Matters

September 17, 2014

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September 17, 2014

Mahurangi Matters


Weeds and trees targeted in environment project funding Environmental projects in Rodney have received a boost from the Local Board. A total of 12 projects worth just more than $90,000 were supported at the board’s business meeting this month. The funding was allocated as follows: Community-led projects, $42,000:

Warkworth War on Weeds Proposal, $20,000 A project to provide the Warkworth community with tools and support to better manage weeds and to reduce the impact of weed plants on biodiversity in the area, enhancing native habitats and improving ecological corridors across the landscape. The proposed War on Weeds initiative would provide support for a number of community groups to have a greater impact on controlling weeds. The project will provide public access to weed bins on a regular basis in a central Warkworth location (one bin in one location over one weekend monthly). The project will also provide community groups with weed action kits such as weed bags, cut-n-paste weed gel and tools, and provide a weed bin to support community weeding events. Takatu Landcare Group, $10,000 Continuing climbing asparagus and other weed control work initiated with local board funding in the last financial year. Carrying out weed control in new areas and follow up work in areas targeted last year. Sandspit Residents & Ratepayers community engagement, $5000 To enable a contractor to continue working alongside the group to help implement of communityled Stratgeic Plan for the Sandspit catchment. Predominately this will involve setting up an advisory group and agreeing upon initial projects or actions. Rodney bat survey, $5000 The biodiversity team is continuing the distribution surveys for new long-tailed bat locations. There are currently only five known bat sites in the Rodney

area, but there is potential for more bat habitat areas such as areas near Kumeu, Woodhill Forest, north of Riverhead Forest and Puhoi. Once new bat areas are found, a roost search can be completed the following summer and any identified roosting locations can be actively protected. North West Wildlink Bird Survey, $2000 This work expands on the continuing Wildlink Wonders work initiated as part of the North-West Wildlink project. Annual bird monitoring using the same methodology will identify whether key indicator species are increasing over the duration of the North-West Wildlink project. Surveying during late September is optimal to enable the detection of the migratory shining cuckoo which arrive mid-September. Ecological survey of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, $49,500:

Woodcocks-Kawaka Reserve, $5000 A high-quality, intact forest remnant, the forest contains an unusual species assemblage including several threatened plant species. Kauri and rhytid snail are present. A threatened native orchid species (Anzybas rotundifolius) with a threat ranking of regionally critical is a recent discovery within the reserve. An assessment of the perimeter stock-proof fence will be carried out and any repairs required to protect the forest understorey from stock will be implemented. McElroys Scenic Reserve, Mahurangi West, $5000 This reserve is the largest, intact native forest remnant on local parks in the Rodney local board area. It is highly significant due to its size, diversity and quality of forest cover, and several threatened native plant species. A stock-proof fence around the perimeter of the park has not been maintained and stock are able to access the forest near the pa site on the south west margin. It is proposed to repair the fence to fully exclude stock. Animal pest control targeting rats and possums over a four-month period beginning in spring, as well as kauri dieback hygiene measures.

Reserve surprise Offices presenting to the Board on the environmental programme budget were surprised when Board chair Brenda Steele told them one of the reserves to receive funding had recently been incorporated into a treaty settlement. Mrs Steele distributed a copy of the Deed of Settlement between the Crown and Ngati Whatua o Kaipara showing Makarau Bridge Reserve, on Highway 16, had changed ownership. The settlement had been signed in June, but Council relationship advisor Theresa Pearce was unaware of the change and had proposed the Board spend $6500 on riparian planting for the reserve. Approval of the Makarau funding is subject to further information clarifying ownership. Lake Tomarata Dune Lakes Reserve, $3000 Planting is required to establish a dense vegetated wetland buffer to protect the fragile wetland ecosystem and to replace pest plant species removed from the wetland margins. It is proposed that the existing wetland buffer is widened and, given the unique ecology of the local area, locally eco-sourced plant species are contract grown by a suitably experienced and reputable nursery. When the plants are available local volunteers will be coordinated to plant the buffer. Brick Bay – Puriri Place Reserve, $3000 This park protects a high quality, diverse mosaic of coastal, kauri and kanuka forest remnant with a good population of forest gecko and a forest-clad permanent stream with good quality aquatic habitat. Existing shade tolerant pest plant species including arum lily, climbing asparagus and ginger within the forest remnant will be controlled before they expand further and significantly impact the integrity and long-term viability of the forest. Pest animal control and kauri dieback hygiene measures are also needed.


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Mahurangi Matters

September 17, 2014

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Vale Clare Dill

Clare was born at Port Albert, the fifth child of Rosa and Ernest Farr. Her TOWARDS YOUR FENCING AND GATING SOLUTION brothers were Jack, Llew and Evan *Promotion ends 30th September 2014 (Snow), and she had a sister Eunice. The family farmed at Oruawharo and some of Clare’s earliest memories were of accompanying her mother every EXPERTS IN FENCES & GATES two or three weeks on the launch to Strong, durable and maintenance free, Post Office, Bennetts’ general store these gates will stand the test of time. and the library in Port Albert. They would go on the cream run, which her father operated. Clare joined the other children at Oruawharo School when she was Call now for six, either walking barefooted along a FREE the beach or across country owned MEASURE by their Maori neighbours. Sunday & QUOTE School was held at the school once a fortnight. As there were no roads, the Methodist teachers – usually Mrs Annie Gubb and Fred Payne – would row down the river from Port Albert. 16-18 Morrison Drive • 09 425 7053 Maori families would join the services and Clare remembered their perfect 137M hymn singing. In summer, apples were given out after the service as Port Albert was an excellent apple growing area before the possums arrived. Although dependence on the river changed when the road from Topuni opened, Clare still did her secondary education through the Correspondence School as there was no school bus from Oruawharo to Wellsford. She took a full range of subjects, but with the onset of World War II, books were abandoned as all For the professional sewing hands were needed to work the farm when her brothers joined the Air service you desire and deserve Force and the NZ Army. Clare and Where quality alterations her youngest brother Snow would help their father milk a herd of 90 and finishing to all your sewing jersey cows, in two sheds powered by requirements are guaranteed diesel engines. When the war ended, she was 17 and SAME DAY SERVICE AVAILABLE visiting her future sister-in-law Betty Eilers in Lower Hutt. She recalled the New Zealand First Spokesperson for: Due to very popular demand Communications & IT | Education | Research, Science & Technology bands playing and the happy crowds Jo’s increasingWomen’s her team Affairs |... Youth Affairs parading in the street. Select Committee: Education and Science After the war, when petrol became Shop 6Auckland River View Plaza more available, there would be Office: weekly dances, films at the Wellsford 157A Kitchener Road, PO Box 31-119, Milford Auckland Tues-Fri 8am-4pm • Sat 9am-12pm P 09 489 8336 | cinema, sport and fishing trips. She Phone 09 425 9673 remembered the “Welcome Home” Martin A4 flyer.indd 1

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I bring a fresh, energetic, practical approach to issues of importance that impact on you.

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Tracey Martin MP e Welcom ilson W y a K

Parliament Office: Freepost, Private Bag 18 888, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6011 P 04 817 8361 | | tracey.martin.16144

Brendan Horan

I am holding clinics in Helensville, Warkworth, Wellsford, Whangaparaoa and Orewa. Talk to Tracey For an appointment P: 021 1330 444 E: Authorised By Tracey Martin, Parliament Buildings, Wellington

Rt Hon Winston Peters

Barbara Stewart

Denis O’Rourke

Asenati Lole-Taylor

Richard Prosser

Tracey Martin Deputy Leader New Zealand First List MP


dances for the troops as being “so much happier” than the farewell dances they’d had at the start of the war. It was at one of these dances that she met her future husband Marcus. The couple married at All Saints Church in Birkenhead in 1947. The newly-weds set-up home on the Dill family farm in Kaipara Flats and two years later, Lynley was born followed at intervals by Bruce, June and Alice. Clare and Marcus farmed in Kaipara Flats along with Marcus’ parents Dora and Fred. Shearing was one of the busiest times of the year for the Dills and Clare gradually took over the catering from her mother-in-law. In 1989, the farm had its centennial anniversary and anyone with a Dill connection came from far and wide for the celebration. Marcus and Clare moved to Clegg Place in 1990. One of her motivations for moving to town was to be available to her grandchildren and nine grandchildren. Clare was a woman of faith, who was committed to her church in Kaipara Flats and worked hard for her family and her community. Over her long life, there was a long list of sports, church and community groups who benefited from her support, and her service to Plunket was specifically recognised with two Medals for outstanding service. Sources: The Memoirs of Clara Gwladys Dill (nee Farr) and eulogy by Rev Jan Olsen.

Tracey Martin

Andrew Williams

September 17, 2014

Mahurangi Matters



Funding for events allocated THIS MONTHS A total of 11 groups from Mahurangi In round one, 26 applications totalling have secured Rodney Local Board funding for upcoming events. The Board has a contestable fund of just over $50,000 available for distribution, over two funding rounds, in the current financial year.

$180,130 were received and reviewed at a workshop in July. At it’s meeting this month, the Board allocated $37,335 to 17 events. The 11 successful applicants from Mahurangi were:

Group/event Kawau Music in the Gardens Getin2Life Youth Development Trust Kowhai Festival Mahurangi Pasifika Mahurangi Regatta Point Wells Fete Mahurangi Spooktacular Warkworth A&P Warkworth Santa Parade Wellsford Country Show Wellsford Christmas Parade

Requested Allocated $7000 $3100 $3192 $2000 $10,000 $5000 $4000 $1500 $4000 $2000 $5000 $656 $2000 $1000 $10,000 $3000 $2500 $2300 $5000 $1500 $3840 $2370

Applications for the second round of funding close on October 31.

Board performance rated Rodney Local Board has met 20 of 31 targets which were assessed as part of its annual report. The Board failed to reach the target of 36m2 of library floor space per 1000 residents, achieving 33m2, but they exceeded targets for library customer satisfaction. The use of community centres and halls was also well below target, with halls used 23 per cent of available time, compared to the goal of 50 per cent. There have been recommendations to change the targets for rural areas. Satisfaction with community centres was on target. The Board missed the target for perceived night time safety by 4 per cent, but met the target for perceived daytime safety.



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Mahurangi Matters

September 17, 2014

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Sweetappreciation with Chocolate Brown Send your nominations to

Congratulations to Sarah Walsh, of Wellsford, who is the recipient of a gift basket from Chocolate Brown. Sarah was nominated by the 17 girls from the Netball Rodney Centre leadership camp, which includes players from Wellsford, Mangawhai and Otamatea. They wrote: Sarah volunteered to take on the role of coordinator for the leadership programme run through the centre. She is already a very busy volunteer who is already involved in many other community projects, so this was amazing of her. It took weeks of planning, meetings and late nights typing up everything for us. Then, she helped organise our three-day camp at Moirs Point in Mangawhai, which included lots of activities as well as guest speakers. It was during the last week of the school holidays, which meant organising people to look after her two other children who weren’t on camp with us. We think Sarah is really cool and her efforts deserve the sweet appreciation. Thank you Sarah for being there for us and for all your help.

Know someone who deserves a big “thank you” for their community spirit? Tell us and they will receive acknowledgement in Mahurangi Matters and an amazing hamper from Chocolate Brown, 6 Mill Lane, Warkworth. Send your nominations to (subject line: Sweet Appreciation) or post to: Sweet Appreciation, Mahurangi Matters, PO Box 701, Warkworth.

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September 17, 2014

Petition advocates for Wellsford bus

The long lunch in Warkworth Ontario. View more photos online

Warkworth Ontario finds its twin town Warkworth has had two encounters with its twin town in Ontario recently. On a three-month overseas trip, which included Alaska and Canada, Jim and Jenni McGlashan altered their travel plans to include a visit to Warkworth Ontario. “It was an odd feeling to be greeted by big road signs announcing our arrival in Warkworth,” Jenni says. “We stayed with George and Ann McCleary. George was the mayor of Trent Hills at the time of the official twinning of the two Warkworths in 2003, and the couple attended Warkworth NZ’s 150 Year celebrations that year.” Jenni and Jim spent two days as guests of the town, where they enjoyed a round of social events including dinners in their honour, a picnic, an official welcome by the current Mayor, a trip on the canal where they marvelled at the 1800s lift lock, a forest walk, and visits to a boat building enterprise and a buffalo farm. “Farming, cropping and local tourism are the main industries in the area, and it was lovely to see how the town has preserved its heritage buildings. It’s

slightly colder than here though – during winter, temperatures can fall below 40 degrees Celsius.” Meanwhile, Sarah Torrance, who grew up in Warkworth Ontario, visited Warkworth NZ this month where she was shown around the town by Twin Town coordinator Dave Parker. Sarah is in NZ until the end of the month as part of Cirque du Soleil, where she manages the front of house team. “Warkworth NZ is bigger than my hometown but there are similarities such as the old buildings and the waterway,” she said. “Warkworth Ontario is in the Northumberland County.” Dave said he’d welcome enquiries from anyone interested in joining the Warkworth Sister Towns Group. “If anyone is thinking of travelling to either Ontario or the UK, then I could guarantee them a warm welcome,” he said. Dave has also located a Warkworth in New South Wales, Australia, and is exploring that town’s interest in becoming part of the ‘Warkworth’ network. Info: Dave on 425 5006.


Mahurangi Matters

A petition to get a bus service in Wellsford has received more than 200 responses and has tweaked the interest of a local transport provider. Petition organiser Valerie Jarvis hopes it will be the first step to break the isolation of the town. Valerie started the petition after reading that roughly one-third of Auckland Council rates go Auckland Transport (AT) and set about working to get more funding for services in Wellsford. “It’s an amazing community here, but we have very few facilities,” Valerie says. “You’ve only got to have your car in the garage and you’re stuck. I think people in Wellsford get discouraged because they don’t get a lot from their rates.” Valerie says the lack of transport made it difficult for some people to get a job or even get on a benefit, with the nearest Winz in Warkworth. “If people need to go to the Winz office they often have to hitch-hike, which isn’t a good scenario.” Valerie has discussed her concerns with Wellsfordbased bus operator Leabourn Passenger Service. Owner Lyndon Leabourn says he is open to investigating a bus service to Warkworth. “With plans for Warkworth to enter the Auckland bus network, it’s timely to investigate the options.” An AT spokesperson says more than 300 submissions were received on future public transport options for the area and will investigate options for Wellsford depending on the level of interest in the submissions. Meanwhile, passenger numbers for the Kowhai Connection have taken a dip over winter. Passengers averaged 40 per day in June, with a total of 1199 passengers, down from 46 a day in May and a total of 1439. Numbers picked up in July with 43 daily passengers and 1334 for the month, while August had 42 daily passengers and a total of 1313. The average rate is still well below the target daily rate of 66 a day.


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Mahurangi Matters


September 17, 2014

David Evans says the house could be on the market early next year.

View more photos online

The house takes about three days to construct.

This Warkworth-designed house is almost entirely built from fibreglass panels, with a weatherboard veneer.

Earthquake resistant house designed in Warkworth more than a traditional wooden house of a similar size. “But it’s low maintenance and will last much longer than a wooden house.” The plan is to produce the fibreglass panels in a Warkworth factory and have the option of a massproduced line of pre-designed houses to bring down costs. As the panels are pre-made off site, the houses can be assembled in about three days. The company is currently going through structural testing and plans to go to the market next year. The government has also got behind the idea, giving Perception Housing a $26,000 research and development project grant this year, facilitated by Crown Entity, Callaghan Innovation.

and liquefaction. As the foundations are not driven into the earth, it reduces the effect of an earthquake, allowing the building to move on top of the ground. The lightweight,interlocking design also reduces the impact of a quake, he says. The houses could be an option for construction in coastal areas which are at risk of sea level rise. “If you the turn the house upside down, it’s basically a boat. It’s uses the same materials and processes and is watertight,” David says. There is also the option to have the house permanently on water, for something a bit different. David says the houses are also much less flammable than timber housing. “They will smoulder rather than burn.” However, the house costs about 10 to 15 per cent


Rodney North





Property Market Report




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A Warkworth company has built a fibreglass house, which is floatable and earthquake resistant. The houses are constructed from interlocking fibreglass panels, which have no wooden framework, making them much lighter than traditional houses. Perception Housing formed three years ago after the director, John Tyler, was caught in the destruction of the Christchurch earthquake. The former boatbuilder set about designing a house to withstand large earthquakes, and the flooding and liquefaction which often follows. Last year, the company built the first prototype on pontoons and floated the building in a purpose-built dam on Morrison Drive. General manager David Evans says the experiment proves the house will be able to rise above flooding


September 17, 2014

Mahurangi Matters


Rams club rebuild planned New clubrooms for the Rodney Rams may be built in a joint venture with Auckland Council. Rams chairperson Lynette Penney says Council has suggested new clubrooms could be built as part of an upgrade of the toilets on the Whangateau Domain Recreation Reserve. “We’ve been given that option, but plans and costs of the project are still under investigation,” Lynette says. “It’s at a very early stage.” Rodney Local Board has allocated $115,000 to refurbish the public toilets in this financial year. Council manager local and sports parks north Martin van Jaarsveld says officers are only undertaking initial discussions to establish whether the club is interested. Lynette says the proposal suggests building the clubrooms on a second storey, above the toilets. “It would give us a great view of the field and we’d get a bit more sun, so we are definitely interested.”

The club estimates it will cost about $750,000 to replace their clubrooms, but a combined project with Council could substantially reduce costs. The club has raised about $40,000 over the past three months and, with the insurance payout from the previous clubrooms, they have about $220,000 for the project. Ideally, they would like to have new clubrooms established by the end of next year. “The generosity of the community has been amazing. People can’t do enough to help us. We will look at applying for national fundraising grants next February,” Lynette says. Meanwhile, temporary clubrooms have been removed due to resource consent and health and safety issues. But another temporary building is being erected, made from a shipping container, with a lean-to to enable the club to cater for social activities on site. ignite property management It is hoped the temporary building will be in place before the start of the touch season at the end of next month.

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Waipu walks away with grant

The Waipu Lions Club has been awarded $8000 from the New Zealand Walking Access Commission to support its work extending the Waipu Beach to Langs Cove Coastal Walkway. The grant will assist the club to complete the final section of the trail between Waterman’s Drive and Ding Bay. 22-07-14 des: RS rep: JF client: IGNITE Commission chief executive Markdate: Neeson says the trail will enable walkers date: 22-07-14 des: RS rep: JF client: IGNITE is a visual representation only. Final production may differ in colour and scale. A colour sample can be supplied upon request. to experience parts of the BreamThis Bay that are not easily accessed. COPYRIGHTcoastline MONSTER PRINT LTD 2014. THE INFORMATION IN THIS VISUAL IS DEEMED CONFIDENTIAL, COMMERCIALLY SENSITIVE AND REMAINS THE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY PRINT LTD. only. Final production may differ in colour and scale. A colour sample This isOFa MONSTER visual representation COPYRIGHT MONSTER PRINT LTD 2014. THE INFORMATION IN THIS VISUAL IS DEEMED CONFIDENTIAL, COMMERC “Waipu Lions has formed excellent partnerships with the local authority and the Bream Bay Coastal Care Trust which has agreed to maintain the track and keep it tidy and clear of litter.” Further funding for projects that enhance access to the outdoors is available throughout the year. Info: www. Julie Beaumont



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Mahurangi Matters


September 17, 2014



Eaves Plumbing

Absolute Scaffolding

It’s been a month of firsts for Rodney plumber Curtis Eaves – not only has he become a father for the first time, but he’s also started his own business Eaves Plumbing. The former Mahurangi College student has spent the last eight years achieving the various qualifications required to call himself a craftsman or certified plumber. “Right from when I started my apprenticeship, which I did mainly through Elmore Plumbing in Warkworth, it was my goal to some day run my own business,” Curtis says. “I pride myself on being meticulous and tidy, and my customers won’t be left to clean up a mess when I’ve finished the job. “Plumbing is one of the most regulated trades in the country and rightly so – when you’re dealing with potable water supplies, you just can’t be too careful.” Curtis says one of the things he likes about the trade is that it requires plenty of problem-solving skills. “Every job has its own set of circumstances and there are always options. You’ve got to give people the information they need to make the right decision for their budget.” Curtis is offering a full range of plumbing services from home and commercial work, to solar, wetback, roofing, pump systems, water blasting, steam cleaning and compressed air. He also specialises in marine and motorhome plumbing systems.

Warkworth police officer Stephen Murphy is trading in his truncheon for a set of spanners. After 15 years in the police force, including 11 years in Warkworth, he’s setting up his own business Absolute Scaffolding. “It wasn’t exactly planned,” he admits. “I’ve got a building background and was looking at doing a spec house at Snells Beach. I got a price on the scaffolding and thought ‘it’d almost be cheaper to buy my own’. About the same time, my two sisters decided they were going to build new homes so it became a ‘no brainer’.” After a few more enquiries, Stephen realised there was “quite a good little business there” and took the plunge. He’s taken on ticketed scaffolder Matthew Roche as manager and already has a team of about seven locals on board. “The construction industry has taken off so this feels like the right time,” Stephen says. Matthew adds that Occupational Healthy and Safety (OSH) rules are also tighter. “If you’re more than a metre off the ground or on the roof, you have to have railings, and anything over five metres must be set-up by a qualified scaffolder. If appropriate scaffolding isn’t on site or it’s not up to regulation, then OSH will have no hesitation in

Curtis Eaves

His specially equipped truck has been custom fitted to provide him with a mobile workshop, which he says will mean he can work much more efficiently. Tools are readily at hand, and quotes and invoices can be delivered on the spot. He’s well versed in working on a range of projects, from multi-million dollar homes at Omaha to heritage-type buildings, which are still fitted with copper, galvanised and lead pipes. Unfortunately, he also sees a lot of homes built in the 1980s and 1990s, which used the black Dux Quest plumbing system. “It’s notorious for leaking and some insurance companies are even putting clauses in their fine print saying that they won’t cover burst pipe leaks in houses where it’s fitted. It was one of the first polybutylene pipe systems after copper and you see a lot of it in houses in Algies Bay, Snells Beach and Warkworth.”

Stephen Murphy (left) and Matthew Roche.

shutting down the job.” Stephen and Matthew share a rugby background, having both played for Mahurangi. While Matthew grew-up on a farm at Tomarata, Stephen moved to Warkworth after his OE which included playing rugby for Surrey in England and, with his wife Wendy, driving overland trucks across Europe and into Africa and India. Stephen says his aim is to use the scaffolding to make life as easy as possible for the builder and the other tradesmen on the job. Although there are six different types of scaffolding, Absolute Scaffolding will focus on tube and clip which is versatile enough to do most jobs. The company is currently focusing on residential buildings and has completed work for Warkworth Construction, Brown Bros Builders, McMahon Builders, 3 Dimensional Builders, Baldwin Builders Ltd, All Aspects and Bungalow and Villa.

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September 17, 2014


King Post Timber Works After a life-changing brush with cancer, Joey Chalk has gone after his dream and started his own wooden furniture business, King Post, in Wellsford. Joey was diagnosed with bowel cancer three years ago at age 27 after surgeons discovered a tumour while they were removing his appendix. Two weeks later, he was back on the operating table to have half his large bowel removed. “They said they got it at an early stage,” Joey says. “If I hadn’t needed my appendix out, they wouldn’t have found it so it could have been a lot worse.” He closed his building business, which employed four people, and spent the next six months on chemotherapy, which lead to the skin on his hands and feet becoming severely blistered. In spite of this, he managed to complete his second-Dan black belt in taekwon-do with hands and feet in bandages, just two months into the chemo. His experience featured in a Korean documentary on the discipline. The cancer is now in remission, but it will be two more years before he can be given the ‘all clear’. But the experience convinced him to go after his dream of building handmade wooden furniture. “It’s what I’ve always wanted to do,” Joey says.


Mahurangi Matters


“We m

ake w hat y ou ca

n’t fin d


Built in cabinetry Desks Chairs Dining tables Doors Windows

Book cases Entertainment units Coffee tables Replica furniture Vanitys Anything in timber

Joey and Holly Chalk

Soon he had more orders coming in than he could handle and he hired his wife, Holly, as an apprentice. For three years they worked out of a small garage in West Auckland, underneath a family home, but as the business grew they went in search of a larger workshop. “We couldn’t get anything in Auckland, but we found a great place in Wellsford,” Holly says. The couple has been run off their feet and Joey’s dream has come true. “In some ways, having such a close call while we are so young has made us make so much more of life,” Holly says.

Daffodil appeal another success Warkworth raised just a shade under $10,000 in this year’s Daffodil Day Appeal. The local fundraising was coordinated by ANZ Warkworth, which has been involved with the appeal for the last nine years. Loan specialist Charlene Morrison thanked the community for its support, as well as businesses who donated items and vouchers for raffles. “A special thank you to Warkworth Butchery for all the sausages and the loan of a barbecue, and to New World Warkworth for supplying all condiments and bread,” she said. Daffodil Day is a day for remembering and sharing stories of loved ones who have lost their battle against cancer, and for sharing the success of those who have beaten it. “The team at ANZ Warkworth have loved being part of this fundraiser and are humbled by the generous hearts of those we have spoken to over the last few weeks at all of our events.”

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Celebrating 30 years

Mahurangi Matters


September 17, 2014


Seniors get social

Lyn Johnston, Albertland Museum

HBC Senior Moments, in Warkworth, is an activity group dedicated to encouraging more of the district’s elderly to socialise and build new friendships. Group spokesperson Monique Blankestein says research shows that joining a social group adds to a person’s quality of life and may even contribute to them being able to stay in their own home for longer. “Social interaction is an important aspect as a lot of our seniors are getting lonely and are looking for companionship and friendship,” she says. Activities organised for the Warkworth group also include guest speakers, entertainment and an outing once a term. HBC Senior Moments meets every Wednesday morning from 10am to 12.30pm, during school terms, at the old Women’s Bowling Club, Shoesmith Street. Morning tea and lunch are provided, and transport can be arranged. The group would also welcome enquiries from volunteers who could help with games, exercises and craft activities. Info: Monique on 09 426 0056 or

Pouto childhood Excerpts from the memoirs of Clarence Irvine Curel (1898-1991) My father, Edwin Curel was harbour pilot, signalman, then lighthouse keeper at Pouto from 1885 until he retired in 1910. He married 16-year-old Annie Grant (of the Albertlander Grants) in 1884 and they raised a family of five daughters and six sons. We lived in a Government house at Pouto which was described as ‘rather crude’. The inside walls were plain dressed kauri boards, unpainted at first, but painted after a routine Government inspection. Edwin was a self-taught blacksmith, painter and plumber. In addition to his official duties, he spent his leisure hours making beautiful wooden furniture, woollen rugs and many other items used by a large family. Annie, a competent mother and housekeeper, was proficient at handiwork, especially crochet. She would light a fire in the cast iron stove in the morning to do the day’s cooking. This meant cleaning out the previous days ashes, brushing the stove up with black lead, filling the cast iron kettle with water, then cooking porridge and breakfast. Bread came from Helensville twice a week (weather permitting). There were also boiled eggs, bacon and eggs, and fish. My jobs were to bring in the kindling (called sticks), empty the ashpan, set the table and do the dishes. The school was only 150 yards away so we children often came home for lunch and we did the dishes before going back to school. After school I fed the fowls, collected the eggs, got kindling in before tea and, because was my father was very lame and suffering from rheumatism, I would change his

Edwin and Annie Curel at their Port Albert home, with four of their 11 children – Jean and Iris (front) and Hazel and Laurie. Photo courtesy, Albertland Heritage Centre.

socks and put his slippers on for him. After tea the dishes were once again done, then the children washed their feet (we were all barefooted) and did school lessons before going to bed. Of course, there were other chores. Once a week we made butter. Cream was skimmed off from milk set in pans, then stirred in a white enamel billy with a wooden paddle – sometimes for two hours. Later, the family had a wooden churn with a handle, which turned wooden beaters inside – a huge improvement.

Heritage exhibition The Albertland Museum and Heritage Centre is again taking part in the Auckland Heritage Festival between September 27 and October 12 with a new exhibition in the Harold Marsh Gallery. Sponsored by La Padella Restaurant and Peppers Cafe, Wellsford – ‘Albertland, the Special Settlement’ will be an exhibition of photographs, archives and memorabilia celebrating the Albertlanders’ diverse cultural heritage. Admission is included in entry fee. Group bookings outside normal opening hours can be arranged by contacting Peter Marsh at or phone 423 8181.

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September 17, 2014


Mahurangi Matters


Missionaries such as Thomas Kendall, painted here by James Barry (1820) with Chiefs Hongi Hika (centre) and Waikato, have not been treated well by history, according to Bishop John Bluck, who will speak in Warkworth later this month.

Missionaries story revisited The forgotten legacy of early NZ missionaries will be the subject of a talk by Bishop John Bluck, at the Christ Church Warkworth, on Sunday, September 28, at 3pm. In Right Reverend Bluck’s opinion, the missionaries deserve better press. “We know more about missionary misdemeanours and their supposed land grabbing and musket trading, than we do about their achievements,”

he says. His talk ‘Mad Dogs and Missionaries’ will include a short film by his filmmaker daughter Jessica Bluck, which imagines the lie of a young trooper who’s short life was defined by missionaries and the consequences of their work. This year is the bicentennial of the first sermon preached in New Zealand on the beach in Northland.


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Mahurangi Matters

September 17, 2014


Ascension Wine Estate - Cellar door & wine tastings open 7 days

Ascension Osteria - Open 7 days for lunch & Thursday - Sunday Dinner

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GRAND REOPENING SATURDAY 27TH SEPTEMBER A little slice of Tuscany in Matakana +64 9 422 9601



September 17, 2014

Mahurangi Matters



Alex Sipka (left) and Gino Gurshin hope Ascension will stay in their families for generations.

Italian and Serbian flavour to Ascension makeover A new look Ascension Wine Estate in Matakana will officially reopen this month with more than a hint of the European backgrounds of its new owners. An extensive nine-month makeover has included everything from chandeliers to car parks. Serbian brothers Alex and Mick Sipka and Italian brothers Gino and Kiro Gurshin purchased the restaurant and winery last December. Gino and Kiro are renowned for the Portofino restaurant chain which has nine restaurants in Auckland, Hamilton, Taupo, New Plymouth and Wellington. Alex and Mick have an electronics and sound system business, and are involved in property investment. But Alex has been coming to Mahurangi to work in vineyards since the day he

arrived in New Zealand 20 years ago. His family moved to NZ to get away from the civil war unfolding in Serbia in the 1990s. “I wanted my kids to grow up with their grandparents. For 150 years, we have lost family members to war in the region. That’s something I wanted to change.” When he arrived, he was picked up from the airport by Providence vineyard owner and fellow Serbian, Jim Vuletic, and stayed to work on the grape harvest. “I’ve come back to help with the harvest almost every year since,” Alex says. “I fell in love with the wine industry and the region. It became a new passion in my life. Since then I’ve dreamed of having a vineyard here.”

When Ascension came on the market, Alex could see the opportunity to make his dream a reality. “I knew I was going to buy it no matter what. But I thought with Gino’s experience in hospitality, we could work together to make great wine and a great restaurant.” Alex and Gino had already worked together, establishing Osteria restaurants in Mt Maunganui and Matamata. Alex says his investment in Mahurangi is “for the long haul”. “We hope Ascension will stay in our families for generations. We all have kids and hope they will grow up to become a part of the lifestyle here.” The new owners are doubling the size of the winery, expanding production to include everything from barrel

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aging to bottling. A large portion of the wine was previously produced off site, and it has never had a bottling line before. They also intend to plant more vines, including some Italian red varieties. “We want to make premium quality reds, in the style and quality of Bordeaux Grand Cru,” Alex says. “We also want to produce a red blend of merlot, malbec and cabernet sauvignon. This region is quite good for those three.” The vineyard produces about 30,000 bottles a year and all wine will be sold locally at the restaurant, functions and selected outlets, as well as online. Jim Vuletic from Providence will be one of the winemakers. continued page 22


We are pr oud to have wocerknsedion on the make over of As


Mahurangi Matters


September 17, 2014

from previous page

Meanwhile, Gino has focused on upgrading the restaurant to recreate the feel of the osteria restaurants in his hometown of Leguria, in north-west Italy. The idea of an osteria restaurant is to serve simple food and to drink wine in the vineyard where it was grown, he says. “It’s not about selling wine in big volumes, but producing it for the locals and the people who come to eat,” Gino says. It has become a popular formula, with many osteria restaurants gaining international recognition. “Our goal is to become an internationally award winning restaurant. Everything must be to a very high standard. It must be perfect,” Gino says. Gino started working in hospitality in Rome when he was 14 and spent time in London before settling in NZ about 35 years ago. “It’s all I know.” A new menu is being launched this month, showcasing traditional Italian cuisine with a modern twist, featuring a new pizza oven and a spit to roast lamb. A garden has been built at the rear of the kitchen to provide fresh produce and herbs. Croatian head chef Patrick Jankovic has cooked at Ascension for seven years and says the menu will be structured into a variety of courses in a traditional Italian style.

It took one week to install two of these crystal chandeliers. The 762 crystals were attached by hand and feature 42 light bulbs. They each weigh about 250kg.

Every room in Ascension has had a fresh lick of paint and been subject to Gino Gurshin’s eye for detail.

“We will try to produce everything we can in-house,” Patrick says. Patrick has worked as a chef in Rome and originally came to NZ to work at Ascension for a year. “But I love this place and have never left.” The summer events at Ascension are

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set to continue. The seventh annual Shakespeare in the Vines will be held on January 4 and 5 featuring Macbeth. The New Zealand Winery Tour will be held on February 6 and 7 featuring yetto-be-announced iconic kiwi bands. Ascension Osteria is re-opening on Saturday September 27.

This Italian glass chandelier was once hanging in a private Auckland home before Gino purchased it for the foyer at Ascension.

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September 17, 2014


Mahurangi Matters


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Under 1km from the town centre


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grew up immersed in Mediterranean cuisine in Croatia.

The finishing touches to the new rotisserie and pizza oven are being made as Ascension launches a new menu this month.

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Proud to have supplied landscape & Yes, Yes,it’s it’sproduct that thattime timeofofthe theyear yearagain. again. aggregate to the Come Comeand andsee seeus usorororder orderonline, online,and andget getgardening. gardening. Ascension project



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Gino Gurshin (left) and Alex Sipka have combined their European heritage and als love of wine and food to launch Ascension Osteria this month.


Over 5 in stock Free Over loan trailers 50 products

NOW OPENCome 7 DAYS! Sat: 7am-4pm 9am-3pm andMon-Fri: see us 7am-5pm or order online, and getSun: gardening. Specials 50 products

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Morris & James has a great selection of handmade terracotta, glazed and hand decorated pots and planters to dress up your outdoor living areas for spring.

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Mahurangi Matters


September 17, 2014


c e l e b r at e s 1 0 Y e a r s

Artisan food market maintains founding principles The astounding success of the Matakana Farmers market, which started 10 years ago next month, owes more to passion and enthusiasm than any wellmanicured business plan. Founders Richard and Christine Didsbury, the first manager Barbara Souter and influential first stallholders such as Trish Allen, of Rainbow Valley Farm, all talk of being swept along by an idea whose time had come. “There was no grand master plan for Matakana,” Richard says. “It seemed at the time that we were on the cusp. There were some big conversations going on, nationally and worldwide, about where our food was coming from and people were getting nervous about the anonymity of the supermarket.” The Didsburys were also a little concerned that Matakana’s burgeoning wine district didn’t have a focal point. “When we’d travelled overseas, we were inevitably attracted to wine districts and noticed that they always had a ‘heart’. We felt Matakana needed that, too.” Barbara remembers one of her first tasks was to approach prospective stallholders and answer the question: “A what?” “Richard had some lovely drawings of what the market might look like and we used those to inspire people,” she says. “The challenge was finding growers who could maintain a regular supply of produce and who were prepared to commit to being on their stall every Saturday.” Richard says Rainbow Valley Farm founder, the late Joe Polaischer, set a high ethical standard for the market from the start. “I might have been signing the cheques, but a lot

Richard Didsbury feels justifiably proud of the success of the Matakana Farmers Market, but is quick to point out that there are many people in the community who share the credit for that success.

of the credit has to go to Joe,” Richard says. “He loved the concept of providing an interface between the people who grew the food and the people who bought it, and it was his idea to extend the market to include educational workshops.” Along with that ethos came a strong recycling and waste reduction plan, locally sourced timber for market furniture and reusable bags. There were also strict rules around how products were presented and packaged, and quality expectations.

Christine says the market was also about fostering community and was designed with spaces for people to congregate and relax, and space was made available for musicians. “We opened with trepidation on that first Saturday,” Richard says. “It was pretty exciting but we didn’t know if anyone would even turn up. But from the start, the success has been astounding.” There were 20 stallholders on that first day, but to meet demand, this has since expanded to 35. A more

everyone loves matakana

farmers’ market EVERY SATURDAY FOR THE PAST 10 YEARS THE MATAkAnA FARMERS’ MARkET HAS bEEn A SHOwcASE FOR ARTiSAnS, gROwERS AnD FARMERS OF THE REgiOn. nestled on the banks of the Matakana river, and surrounded by the famous Matakana Village, it’s a unique experience everyone loves.


September 17, 2014

Mahurangi Matters


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Waste minimisation has been part of the market’s ethos from the beginning.

recent addition has been a children’s playground on the riverbank. During peak periods, the market can cater for up to 5000 visitors and a lot of other NZ markets have followed the Matakana example. “Some people might say we’ve been ‘too successful’ but what a fantastic problem to have,” Richard says. “That’s not to say we didn’t sympathise with the community’s complaints about traffic congestion and parking. There’s no doubt it has changed locals’ lives on Saturday mornings. Some get around it by getting in and out of the village early and, thanks to a local farmer, we have additional summer parking in a paddock. But I believe most locals now love the new dynamic of Matakana and wouldn’t want to go back to how it was before.” The market has only closed twice and both times, as a result of the weather. The major flood that went through the village in 2011 won’t be forgotten in a hurry.

“What was very humbling was the way volunteers turned up with brooms, wheelbarrows, shovels and chainsaws, and within a few hours the site was nearly tidy again. I think it showed the market had become a valued part of the community.” It was the success of the market that encouraged Richard and Christine, through the Brick Bay Trust, which owns the entire site, to subsequently build the cinemas and shops that now embrace the market. A number of stallholders have gone on to set-up their own successful businesses and the crowds who have been drawn to Matakana can now also browse craft markets, garage sales and bric a brac stalls which have sprung up nearby. “The market demonstrates that if you do something interesting with retail, you can draw Aucklanders north and it can be a community success as well.” Trish Allen recalls the market’s start. continued next page

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Mahurangi Matters


September 17, 2014

“Markets bad for business” Trish Allen laughs when she remembers the night her husband Joe Polaischer came home after giving a talk about farmers markets in Matakana, well before the Farmers Market opened. “We’d recently returned from teaching permaculture in Japan. While we’d been there, our friend had taken us to all these wonderful farmers markets and Joe became absolutely passionate about the whole idea of producers selling their fresh food locally and directly to consumers. “He went off to the meeting in high spirits, but came home very dejected. “Apparently, he’d been given a very hard time. Many of the retailers felt it was going to hurt their businesses and weren’t in favour of it at all. I’m not sure, but I think perhaps Richard (Didsbury) was at that meeting and perhaps that’s where idea germinated.” Trish and Joe, who then owned Rainbow Valley Farm, were part of a group that met regularly in the run-up to the market opening and helped set the rules. “We made a call to be staunch and I believe that that discipline has been part of the market’s success,” she says. “Although we had lots of requests from

Tyler gives the impression that the serious business of running a fire station just can’t be left to adults!

Littlest firefighter makes a stand

Joe Polaischer and Trish Allen were passionate about the Matakana Farmers Market from day one.

people who wanted to sell things like craft and clothing, we said it would be only food-related and the producers must be local. We then had to define ‘local’.” Education was also a big part of those early markets with regular talks and demonstrations on subjects such as worm farms, composting and making sugar from sugar cane.

There are no surprises in the news that most little boys get pretty excited when they see a big red fire engine, but not many five year olds would show their devotion quite like Tyler Dale, of Howick. Tyler’s grandparents, Jenni and Peter Marsh, live at Omaha and Tyler is a regular visitor to the area. “He’s been fixated with fire bridges and fire trucks since he was little and the fireman suit he got for his third birthday has been worn to death,” Jenni says. “His room, his books, everything he loves has a fireman theme.” During a visit to the Matakana Fire Station earlier in the year, Tyler met station officer Larry Patterson who took the time to take Tyler on a ride on an engine and showed him the equipment and building. The visit obviously made a huge impression and Tyler later asked his

father, Chris, if the station would always be there. Chris explained that the community fundraised to build and equip the station, and it would always need people to donate money if it was to remain. “Apparently, that was all it took. Tyler decided that for his next birthday, his friends weren’t to bring presents. “He sent out the invitations saying ‘no presents, but please make a donation to the Matakana Fire Station’. He painted a tin, put a slot in the top and put it on the table.” This month, Tyler revisited the Matakana station and handed Larry the grand sum of $61.20. The gesture wasn’t wasted on Larry, who says he was “absolutely blown away” that a five-year-old would go to such an effort. “The boy’s one helluva human being!”




11 MATAKANA VALLEY RD, MATAKANA. TEL 09 422 7518 checkout Facebook for upcoming events and live music


September 17, 2014

Mahurangi Matters



Ngaire Wallen, TOSSI

Park housekeeping You can tell when spring has arrived. For a start we all cheer up a bit because the dark days of winter have morphed into slightly lighter mornings and evenings. At Tawharanui, the lambs are bounding around the paddocks, twitching their stupidly pink ears as they loll in the sunshine and take in the world. Hard to imagine anything that screams “spring” louder than lambs. Look a bit closer though and you will see clutches of ducklings swimming in the drains, safe from the pukeko that will soon have their own little bundles of fluff to fuss over. Before long there will be a whole generation of “our birds” – kiwi, saddleback, whitehead pateke, robins, grey-faced petrels and bell birds. Apart from the procreating, for TOSSI spring also means a collective deep breath, as the planting season closes. With another 20,000-plus plants in the ground, and only one seriously rainy day to balance a couple of superb winter mornings in the sun, we can only say an enormous “thank you” to everyone who makes it possible. The nursery work goes on, of course, with the seeds collected in autumn almost ready to get their own pot in which to grow big enough for, dare we even think about it, next year’s planting. Spring is also a time for housekeeping and we have done a bit of that, too. Those who venture to Maori Bay will be surprised to find that our enterprising crew of (it has to be said) blokes have completely rebuilt the track. Nice solid steps will now take you safely down from the breathtaking lookout at the top to the stony beach at the bottom. So, for those who haven’t ventured down the cliff for fear of ending up in a heap at the bottom, there is now a new place you can explore. The coastline is beautiful – perfect for fossicking in rock pools and seriously getting away from it all. You will, in all likelihood, see gannets soaring on the up draughts. They may well be checking out our very own gannet colony, recently tarted up with some housekeeping of its own, including additional planting of flax and astelia. All we need now are some real gannets. Save the date The next Sunday in the Park will be October 5. Meet at the woolshed at 9.15am. A barbecue lunch will follow the day’s activities. Info:

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Mahurangi Matters


September 17, 2014

HOMEBUILDERS FAMILY SERVICES 5 Hexham Street, Warkworth • Phone 425 7048

TERM 4 FREE COURSES PLEASE ENROL AS PLACES ARE LIMITED Pruning Fruit Trees and Berry Canes with Arthur Hopkins

Parents Who Rock

Planning Your Food Garden

Festive Gifts From Your Kitchen

Venue: 129 Grange St, Snells Beach Date: Fri, 26th, Sept Time: 9.30am - 12.30pm

Venue: Homebuilders Family Services, 5 Hexham St, WW. Date: Oct, 23rd Time: 9.30am - 12.30pm

Backyard Chooks

Date: November, 13th Venue: Homebuilders Family Services, 5 Hexham St, WW Time: 9.30am - 12.30pm

Mike Hanne-Vege Gardening For Real Beginners

Venue: Homebuilders Family Services, 5 Hexham St, WW. Date: November 7th and November 14th Time: 9.30am - 12.30pm.

Facilitator: Brian Shires. Venue: Wellsford Community Gardens Date: Fridays, October 17th-November 21st Time: 9.15 am - 12.15 pm Date: Venue: Time: Venue: Date: Time:

Friday, November 21st. Warkworth Methodist Church Hall 9.30am - 12.30pm Wellsford Co-operating Parish Hall Friday, November 28th 9.30am - 12.30pm

Vicki Macgillivrays, Cleen, Green Homemade Products

Date: Thursday, November 6th. Venue: Homebuilders Family Services, 5 Hexham St, WW Time: 9.30am - 12.30pm

Bag Of Tricks Parenting Course

Dates: Tuesdays’x6 beginning October 21 - November 25th Time: 9.30am - 11.30 am. Venue: Homebuilders Family Services, 5 Hexham St, WW

All courses free of charge, free childminding is available if you request it when you enrol. For more information or to enrol call Homebuilders 425 7048 or email

Early Learning Centre Where learning and discovery are nurtured by nature

Natures Nest – bringing out your creative side


Christian school may expand Mahurangi Christian School, at Snells Beach, could be offering high school education from 2016. School principal Helen Pearson says the Board decided to start the application process in June because of a growing demand from parents. “They like our strong sense of community, small roll and Christian perspective, and want their children to stay in that style of education,” Mrs Pearson says. Currently, the nearest Christian high school is KingsWay School in Orewa. The Board is likely to lodge its application early next year and if accepted, it could implement the changes by 2016. “But we are still in the early stages of consultation with the community.” Mahurangi Christian School is the only state-integrated Christian school between Whangarei and Orewa, and draws students from as far a field as Wellsford and the Hibiscus Coast. If the school does introduce high school education, it will start by enrolling Year 9 students, gradually expanding to cater for higher grades in subsequent years. The school roll continues to grow, with 25 new pupils this year taking the roll to 60.

High school students could be enrolled at Mahurangi Christian School by 2016.

“We think we will have about 68 students by the end of the year and could reach 100 by the end of next year.” The school, which had a higher enrolment before Snells Beach opened in 2009, can currently accommodate up to 140 students. As an integrated school, Mrs Pearson says it is unlikely to receive government funding for any additional classrooms. The school has had secondary students in the past, but reduced to primary level when it changed from a private school to an integrated school in 1995. There is no move to return the school to private education. The school will hold a public meeting on the expansion soon.

Care programmes in demand

There’s an increasing demand for programmes that keep young children busy after school and during school holidays in Warkworth. The demand is being fuelled by longer working hours, an increase in the number of families where both parents work and the number of sole-parent families. The Cool Kids Warkworth programme, based at Warkworth Primary School, is one programme meeting that demand with places for up to 40 children, aged from five to 13 years. Programme

Phone 425 0511 33 Glenmore Drive, Warkworth

manager Kristen Thomson says it’s much more than babysitting. “We try to provide a variety of activities that the children will enjoy, but which will also expand their learning,” she says. This includes activities in art, science and sport, as well as day excursions, picnics and special days such as Japanese Day and Wheels Day. While the holiday programme runs from 9am to 3pm, before and after school care is available from 8am to 6pm, and subsidies are available to help cover costs.

Please contact the Women’s Centre to enroll P: 0800 237 674 or 09 425 7261 • E: or visit: HOLIDAY PROGRAMMES ‘It’s All About Me’ A two day Self-Awareness Workshop for Year 7 to 9 girls • Thurs 9 & Fri 10 October, 9am to 3pm at the Women’s Centre • Cost $30 Two days of fun activities, learning about ourselves and gaining some new skills! We will be doing artwork, fun games and hands-on activities while discovering our personal boundaries and learning about self-identity, body image, assertiveness and self-defence skills. Facilitator: Rana Moir, supported by Comprehensive Care in association with Waitemata PHO

DJ Workshop for Teenage Girls A one day workshop for girls aged 13 to 16 years • Weds 1 October, 10am to 2pm at the Women’s Centre • Cost $20 Come along and learn the basic techniques of operating turntables and DJing. Express your passion for music and have a lot of fun for the day. Facilitator: Maria Collins, supported by Creative Communities NZ

TERM 4 RETURN TO WORK COURSES Computer Skills: Basic & Intermediate Word (Word 2010 and Windows 7) - FREE Starts Fri 17 October, 9.15am to 11.15am in Warkworth 8 week course for women who have some computer experience and will teach you basic word-processing skills. For those who have Basic skills, the Intermediate course will extend you. Facilitated by Senior Net, Supported by Auckland Council.

Career Development & Job Search – FREE Starts Tues 21 October, 10am to 12pm at the Women’s Centre A free 6 week course women looking for work or changing careers. Help with a career plan, creating a CV, job search, interviews and so much more. Facilitated by Fiona Brading, People Architects


September 17, 2014

Mahurangi Matters

Tapora principal Ingrid Stewart, left, helps pupils prepare for the Ag Day wearable arts show.

SeniorNet Warkworth

the place where you acquire computer skills

Growing democracy at Tapora Voters at Tapora may find a lamb in their polling booth on election day as Tapora School hosts its Agricultural Day and the town’s voting station, both on September 20. School principal Ingrid Stewart says the combination is a win-win. “People were thinking we’d have to cancel it, but I think it’s a great way to get people along to both important events,” Ingrid says. “But we aren’t allowed to wear any red or blue on the day.” Nearly all the students live on farms, or are closely connected with farming, so agriculture is a huge part of their learning experience, she says. At calving time, pupils often come to school a bit weary-eyed after getting up early to help their parents. Students have also been rearing a lamb each since June, which will be put through a range of challenges at the Ag Day to judge the children’s husbandry skills. It is Ingrid’s first term at the school, after working as school principal in Aitutaki in the Cook Islands. “My mother is from Aitutaki and my childhood was spent between the islands and Nelson, so it was a chance for me to reconnect with my roots.” Her passion for adventure has taken her to all corners of the globe. At the age of 16, she boarded a 48-foot ketch to sail from Aitutaki to Hawaii. She went on to Alaska where the family she was sailing with worked as pilots near the Arctic Circle.

“I learned to fly and completed high school through night classes and almost had enough hours for my commercial pilot’s licence.” When Ingrid returned to NZ, she studied art at Otago Polytechnic, but soon found the ski slopes more appealing than brush strokes and became a professional skier. She was a pioneer of free skiing in New Zealand, is a two-time NZ champion and competed in six world championships, living between winters in New Zealand and Colorado. Then, after six years living in Connecticut, Ingrid came back to NZ to study business at Massey and developed a line of coconut oil with Cook Island coconuts. She later settled into a teaching job in Nelson for 10 years, before teaching in Dubai for a year, which included tutoring a sheik’s family. “They had lion cubs and snakes as pets which they wanted to bring to school all the time.” She managed to see 14 countries in the region over the year, including a trek through the Himalayas. Ingrid says her varied life experience has taught her that learning shouldn’t stop at the school gate. “Life’s full of education. I think I’m the epitome of that. I’ve always been really interested in my surroundings, and it’s taken me on quite a journey.” Tapora School Agricultural Day starts at 10.30am at the school.

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Mahurangi Matters


September 17, 2014

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Exhibition focuses on eels The fascinating world of Mahurangi’s eels has been under investigation by a Year 5 class at Snells Beach School and their findings will be on display at the Mahurangi East Library later this month. The Nikau 2 students are studying large and small human communities this year, as well communities of plants and animals. Teacher Erena Williamson says many students were curious to know if there were eels living in our local streams and rivers.

“A huge amount has been learnt about these creatures through various learning areas including science, technology, writing and visual art,” she says. The exhibition is an opportunity to foster a connection with the students’ own community and provides an opportunity for others to view examples of their learning. The exhibition opens on Monday September 22, at 5pm, and will be on display for a week.

Cool Kids Warkworth

School Holiday Programme October 2014 Make your bookings now for our fantastic October 2014 Holiday Programme! Some great fun is planned with trips to Extreme Edge Rock Climbing, Ice Skating, Devonport Tunnels and Ferry, The Old Lolly Shop and Takapuna Beach plus Magical Science, Bead Craft, Awesome Art, Sports Day, Japan Day, Sausage Sizzle, and much more! Contact Cool Kids on 027 931 1311 or email

Learning about the ecology of eels has been a hands-on exercise for students of Snells Beach.

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September 17, 2014

Mahurangi Matters


Learning well at

Mahurangi Christian School

Our feelings and relationships profoundly affect learning and life effectiveness. At Mahurangi Christian School, we take this seriously, providing a learning environment to develop: 1. Self-awareness: Learning conversations with teachers help learners to know themselves, their strengths, their challenges. Children learn to notice their feelings and make positive choices. 2. Self-management: Learning goals focus children to set and monitor their own progress towards personal and academic goals, and to ‘own their learning’ and their personal growth. 3. Social awareness: Our learners are encouraged to take the perspective of and empathise with others. 4. Relationship skills: In a small school, children learn to cooperate and collaborate with people who are different from them. 5. Community-building skills: At Mahurangi Christian School we are creating a school community that is caring, supportive, and responsive to students’ emotional, social and spiritual needs. Students Oliver Corteen, Tabitha Gleeson and Alyssa Gore working on an item for the library exhibition.

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Mahurangi Matters


September 17, 2014 Former All Black Buck Shelford will be the guest speaker at a men’s health night in Wellsford this month.

Rugby great speaks at Wellsford dinner A blood pressure test is quick and simple, as Joy Boniface demonstrates.

Free blood pressure tests offered Warkworth Rotary Club is gearing up to help St John give free blood pressure tests to more people than ever before in the Stroke Foundation’s sixth annual blood pressure awareness day on Saturday October 4. With almost every New World and PAK’nSAVE supermarket in New Zealand taking part on the Saturday, last year’s record of 22,000 shoppers tested or given information looks set to be broken. The free tests are available between 10am and 2pm as part of the Stroke Foundation’s campaign to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke. Warkworth St John chair Alan Boniface says his organisation is delighted to support the campaign with volunteers helping St John paramedics carry out the tests on the day.

“This is a good opportunity for Warkworth people to have a quick, simple and painless check,” he says. “It can be hard to make the time for something as simple as a blood pressure check, or we just don’t think about it, and yet it could end up saving our lives,” he says. “Many people with high blood pressure probably don’t even know they have it.” Alan says information about blood pressure and other risk factors for stroke will be provided during the check, and people with raised blood pressure will be referred to their GPs for medical advice and treatment. “The big thing is to know what your blood pressure should be, have it checked regularly and remember that the lower your blood pressure the less likely you are to have a stroke.” Info: Alan or Joy Boniface on 425 6696.

Men’s health will be on the table when dinner is served at the Wellsford Community Centre on Friday evening, September 26. Men from throughout the district are invited to attend the annual Mana Tane Dinner, coordinated by the Ngati Whatua health organisation Te Ha Oranga. The guest speaker will be former All Black captain Buck Shelford who will talk about his own health challenges and the importance of achieving a life/work balance. There will also be a presentation on prostate cancer. Te Ha practice leader Judy Kennedy says previous evenings have addressed issues such as violence, and drug and alcohol abuse. “There aren’t a lot of opportunities for men to talk openly with one another about these sorts of issues, even though there is real benefit in doing so,” she says. “A Kaumatua, who’s attended previous events, says he’s seen a change in the behaviour of the men who were there and now older men are bringing younger men along.” The event is open to men only, aged 20 years and over. The evening is free and includes a three-course dinner. For catering purposes, those attending are asked to RSVP on 423 6091 or txt: 027 323 9807.

Summerset Care


The modern care centre at Summerset Falls offers a range of aged care options. From short term respite care through to round the clock rest home and hospital-level care for the Warkworth community. Come along to our Care Centre presentation to find out more about the continuum of care we offer. Our presentation at 11am will cover:

• Care options at Summerset • Costs involved and subsidy entitlements • Daily life in the Care Centre For more information about the presentation or our range of care options call 09 425 1200. You’ll find our village at 31 Mansel Drive, Warkworth.

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September 17, 2014


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The truth about tantrums

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Nearly $1000 was raised for Warkworth St John and the Breast Cancer Foundation at the Kaipara Flats Country Dance last month, organised by the Warkworth Rodeo Club. More than 100 tickets were sold, raising $690 for Warkworth St John, while the Kaipara Flats netball girls prepared the dinner for the dance and donated their $300 fee to the NZ Breast Cancer Foundation.

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As parents, we have all experienced tantrums. These commonly occur between the ages of one and four. Some people have a belief that tantrums are caused by bad parenting and that the child is “naughty” or “out of control”. What is actually happening is the child wants ‘something’ but doesn’t have the words to express what it is she or he wants. This is all part of learning and growing up. Tantrums are not caused by ‘bad’ parenting. The frustration the child feels at not being able to express themselves clearly can lead to a tantrum and this can be caused by a number of things – boredom, tiredness, hunger, being over-stimulated or being told they can’t have something they want such as a lolly. Another reason children can ‘throw’ a tantrum is that they feel jealous either of a sibling or if their parent is paying attention to someone else. Children need to learn how to express their feelings and manage their behaviours. It is our job as parents to teach them how to do this. They can learn other ways to communicate their needs and desires without having a tantrum. One of the best and most effective ways of teaching them is by ignoring the tantrum. Getting angry doesn’t help the situation and by ignoring the tantrum, the child soon realises that they are not going to get their way and the behaviour de-escalates. Once a tantrum is underway, it is often very hard to stop. It is hard not to try to reason with them, talk to them and/or discipline them, but if you pay no attention to their behaviour it will soon stop. If you feel yourself becoming angry, make sure your child is safe and leave them to it. Let the child know you are near in case they need you, but it is better for them and you to calm down. A good technique is by taking some long deep breaths and thinking positive thoughts about your child. Once your child has calmed down, comfort them but do not give in to the demands they were making before the tantrum. This will lead them to believe that if they behave this way again, you will eventually give in. One way to avoid future tantrums is to be consistent, which will teach them that “no” means no! When the child has calmed down, praise them for calming themselves. Praise the positive, and in this way, they will try to gain your positive reinforcements in the future. “Tantrums are not bad behaviour, they’re small children overload”. SKIP booklet Homebuilders Family Services has two parenting courses coming up in Term 4 – Parents who Rock and Bag of Tricks. If you are interested in attending, phone 425 7048. (For other courses, see ad page 28)


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Mahurangi Matters

Mahurangi Matters


September 17, 2014

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Musical tales of New Zealand’s pioneering women will be presented by singer songwriter Rachel Dawick, in the Whangateau Hall, on October 11. Rachel’s performance is part of the Auckland Heritage Festival and coincides with the launch of her new album and book The Boundary Riders. The show will follow the journey of a range of infamous characters whose names are largely unknown in NZ’s history, but who would slip easily into any Wild West adventure book. “From prostitutes to missionary wives, goldminers to magicians these beguiling tales are of conquests, survival, persistence, and the merging of peoples and cultures from far distant lands into the birth of New Zealand as we know her today,” Rachel says. Rachel will be supported by a full backing band including Dave Khan and Jon Sanders.

Rachel Dawick

The Whangateau Hall show starts at 5pm and is a fundraiser for the Rodney Rams Clubrooms re-build project. Tickets $20 adults, $10 children. Info:

Country-folk at the Sawmill Wellington country-folk band Eb & Sparrow is heading to Leigh Sawmill on Sunday September 21, as part of its first nationwide tour following the release of its debut self-titled album this month. The band has been together for three years and has released three EPs, but singer-songwriter Ebony Lamb says they wanted to take the time to get the album right. Last year the band played to a sold out crowd at Wellington’s TSB Arena after being chosen to open for Rodriguez,

AKA “Sugarman” from the award winning documentary Searching for Sugarman. “It was a great reminder that big things do happen.” Ebony says the Sawmill will be a highlight. “Matinees are my favourite kind of concert. There is a lot more focus on the music.” Eb & Sparrow play at 5pm at the Sawmill on September 21 with support from Mahoney Harris. Tickets $10.

Ticket Giveaways Win a double passes to: • Eb & Sparrow (closes Fri, September 19 at 3pm) • Brendhan Lovegrove (closes Tues, September 23 at 3pm) • The Boundary Riders (closes Fri, October 3, at 3pm) Enter on the Mahurangi Matters Facebook page by sending a message or email Remember to mark in the subject line which act you want to see.

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September 17, 2014

Mahurangi Matters


The 2nd annual Warkworth RSA

Ben Dugdale, Matakana Winegrowers Assn

Talent Quest & Karaoke 2 Separate Competitions


Standing out from the crowd Matakana has more than one million people less than an hour away – you do not have to spend $140 in ferry fees to get here – just $4.40 for the tunnels. I think we need to form close relationships with organisations whose sole raison d’etre is promotion of the region. I say let’s not reinvent a wheel and let’s assist those whose interests overlap ours in terms of promoting the Matakana region. In terms of the marketplace, currently wine has become both a niche product (high cost with high value) and a commodity product (low cost with low value). The middle ground of the market, with wine retailing at the $18 to $29 bracket, is what is termed the death zone. It will be the graveyard of quite a few brands, as the large factory wineries can dedicate significant resources and make wines that fit into that bracket, either enhancing their own brand or making up a completely new one. Huge volumes of particular South Island wines will depress prices from now to March 2015. The Matakana region will never produce a wine that can compete against Sauvignon Blanc, which is mostly now a commodity. It is bought and sold purely on market prices and often sent overseas in 24,000 litre plastic bags, as if it were like milk powder or logs. Can you profitably make and sell wine at $8 a bottle retail? No – we are not industrialised factories pouring out insipid, dull wines bereft of character and soul. Buy ’em if you like but it’s like getting a pair of kids school shoes from a bulk retail outlet – don’t be surprised when they fall apart after a month. These industrial wines are designed to be cellared for two hours in the family fridge, not treasured for a special occasion or a night out with one’s darling. On the bright side, the area has more skilled and qualified winemakers than ever before – and needs those people who can make the right, and sometimes very expensive, decisions when it comes to the harvest. Your vineyard will be with you for a long, long time so get to know it intimately. It is very much a special child that requires constant monitoring, careful parenting and targeted strategies to allow it to function at a high degree. Matakana Wine’s success will be down to hard work and finding ways to enhance the positive fruit characters and the rich textural elements we find in the wine here. We need to go all-out to explain to our customers what it is that we do that is different and allow them to taste those particular characters in something that has been nurtured from soil to bottle to glass with great care. Why not come and visit and we’ll explain it all over a glass or two? From the Chairman’s Report to the recent Matakana Winegrowers annual meeting.

Comedy night at the Sawmill Multi-award winning comedian Brendhan Lovegrove will be on stage at the Leigh Sawmill on Saturday September 27. Brendhan won Best Male Comedian at the NZ Comedy Guild Awards seven years in a row, from 2006 to 2012. He has also appeared on programmes including all eight series of Pulp Comedy TV and several appearances on 7 Days. Brendhan will be joined by UK comedian Neil Elston and Kiwi Jarred Fell. See giveaway previous page

2014 Held over the 4 Saturdays of October 2014

Over $3,000 value in prizes Calling Talented Singers, Musicians, Bands, Groups, Entertainers, Magicians, Comedians ENTER NOW – Post or drop in your entry to the Warkworth RSA, 28 Neville Street, Warkworth. Just $5 entry per person or act. Thanks to our generous sponsors. Your LOCAL Community Newspaper

ENTRY FORM To be eligible to enter, you must be:

• Available to perform for up to 15 minutes Saturdays between 7pm and 9pm from October 4th to October 25th 2014 (Finals night) • Provide and be responsible for your own gear/equipment (microphone and speaker available)


Warkworth Music presents


“...a rambunctious live performance”. Blues, Swing, Ballads & All That’s Jazz

SUNDAY 12th October at 4pm At Matakana Village Hall, Matakana

Adults $30 • Students Free • Info. Ph 425 7313 or 425 7015

Or Contact name if part of an act _______________________________ Best contact phone __________________________________________ Home address ______________________________________________ Email I agree to the judges decisions & conditions above and enclose $5 entry fee. Signature


Guardian Signature if under 18 years ________________________ Post or hand in your entry with the $5 fee to The Warkworth RSA, 28 Neville St, Warkworth or email to Phone 09 425 8568


Entry Number ___________________

$5 fee received ________

Date ___________________


Mahurangi Matters


September 17, 2014

Farmers told to keep abreast of markets Councils share Farmers who want to get the best price for their stock should be keeping abreast of the markets. That was the message delivered to about 40 farmers at a Lower North Beef & Lamb workshop at Kaipara Flats Hall this month. iFarm agri-market analyst Mel Croad, who grew-up on a farm in Dannevirke and has a business and valuation degree from Massey University, said an early decision was a good decision. “Timing is everything when it comes to buying and selling livestock, but you need to be informed so you know when to move to get good prices,” she said. “You need to know what’s going on beyond the farm gate.” Mel’s talk gave an overview of some market trends, both in NZ and overseas. She said the yearling store beef market was struggling due to oversupply, although there had been a turnaround in recent weeks. Store values lifted 10-35c/kg in July and further price increases were expected into spring although the weather “could take the sting out of some of these prices”. Bull calf availability was declining and she suggested that one contributing factor could be the level of distrust between rearers and finishers. In 2004, the North Island bull calf kill peaked at close to 600,000, but this has nearly halved to around 350,000 this year. Her advice was for finishers to sign a

sediment data

Bob Thomson, Mel Croad and Alison Whiteford at the Kaipara Flats workshop.

contract, even if they paid a premium. “You’ll get good calves from a rearer you know and trust.” With unprecedented highs in the US market, which takes around 50 per cent of NZ’s bull beef exports, returns are well above historical levels. Returns at over NZ$7.50/kg are at least $2/kg above last year and fiveyear averages. Mel said that while US prices are expected to remain high, they may not have the same “fire in their belly” as in recent weeks. “It’s like a ‘perfect storm’ – herds are rebuilding, imported beef prices are lifting and consumer demand is

exceeding expectations despite the price skyrocketing. Even the volume of beef coming out of Aussie can’t meet demand. “The US is a nation of hamburger eaters and they have more disposable income than they did a few years ago. There’s nothing at this stage to suggest prices will do a u-turn anytime soon.” On the lamb market, the new season prices were stronger than last year, but slaughter prices were “dragging their heels”. “Although the outlook has been downgraded, it’s still looking good.” iFarm has a range of market reports. Info:

The Government will spend $115,000 to assist Auckland Council, and Northland and Waikato Regional Councils, to share data on soil loss into waterways. Environment Minister Amy Adams says most regions have monitoring programmes and collect data, but these have usually been developed in isolation. The money will help the three councils to calibrate their three different datasets to provide a regionally representative sampling programme. “This will enable them to develop a model that can predict soil loss under different conditions of climate, land cover and geology,” she says. “Such a model could be used across all freshwater catchments and so benefit all regions around New Zealand. It could also help identify where resources need to be targeted to manage and mitigate soil loss into water.” Sediment is caused by activities such as forestry, farming or earthworks for building, or from flooding or natural erosion. It causes poor water quality for drinking, recreation, and plant and animal life.

Vege month The animal advocacy group SAFE is promoting a 30-Day Go Veg Challenge next month. As part of the campaign, there will be a talk on pork farming at the Maranatha Building in Grey Lynn, Auckland, on October 1, at 7pm. Info:

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Feeders, waterers, supplements, diatomaceou s earth (fossil flour) and other remedies available too.


September 17, 2014

Mahurangi Matters


Farm plan workshops offered DON’T WAIT TILL IT’S TOO LATE! The benefits of Land and Environment management to share knowledge and Planning (LEP) were discussed by farmers at a Lower North Beef and Lamb workshop at Kaipara Flats this month. Auckland Council senior land management advisor Vanessa Vujcich said that for the best farm outcomes, property owners couldn’t separate land and production from the environment. “LEP is an opportunity to look at your farm operation in an holistic way,” she said. “It’s entirely voluntary and can be integrated into the business plan.” An LEP toolkit is delivered in modules, which cover subjects such as ways to keep stock out of water ways, erosion and sediment management, and nutrient management. The modules are now being augmented by workshops on request. “Ideally, we need 10 to 15 participants and a host farm. We can provide an overview of LEP, work on individual farm maps to identify land and environmental challenges, carryout a risk assessment on each property, and develop an LEP from there.” Beef & Lamb extension officer Alison Whiteford said that nationally, there was a move to coordinate catchment

resources, and additional staff were being employed to facilitate this. Several farmers, who had LEP plans, felt they had been worthwhile, particularly in helping to identify slipprone soils on the farm. “It’s a document that should evolve and be passed down with the farm. If I was buying another farm, it’s the first document I would ask to see.” Another farmer said that while the emphasis was on planting along waterways, planting hillsides and tomos could prevent a lot of sediment runoff. “There needs to be some give and take between Council and farmers to better understand the practical applications of what they’re recommending,” he said. Another farmer believed that the only way Council staff would ever learn about farming was to let them onto the farm and try to educate them. “But we don’t want to open the gate and then be penalised!” For LEP toolkit information or to arrange an on-farm workshop, phone 0800 233 352, email LEP@ or visit www.

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NOT JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL! Farmers - we have managed to get some more! Hurry while stocks last.

Make it loud It’s time to find your most outrageous bright shirt and support deaf kids on Loud Shirt Day, Friday September 19. Loud Shirt Day helps profoundly deaf children, who have received cochlear implants and need specialised therapy, to learn to listen and speak. Info:




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Mahurangi Matters

September 17, 2014




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Mary had a little lamb As I drive to work every day, I pass a flock of sheep and see the number of lambs increasing. It brings a smile to my face and makes me hum the song Mary had a Little Lamb. Some of these cute lambs will become pet lambs and be trained for Ag Day by kids. An intense bond and close contact will arise between child and lamb. Now, not to scare anyone, but there is a disease called scabby mouth to watch out for because it is a zoönoses. The causal agent is a parapoxvirus and scabby mouth is also known as ecthyma or orf. It is found worldwide in bottle fed and in older lambs on pasture during late summer, autumn and winter. Lesions develop on the lips as papules and progress through vesicular and pustular stages before encrusting. Coalescence of numerous discrete lesions often leads to the formation of large scabs, and the proliferation of dermal tissue produces a verrucose mass under them. Lambs that get fed by their mothers can infect the teats and give the ewe a mastitis. By sucking or playful biting of each others ears, the infection can spread to the ears. The disease takes about one to four weeks to result in scabs falling of without remaining scar tissue. Because the lesions are painful around the mouth, the lamb will be reluctant to drink and can loose condition. Topical antibiotics can help control secondary bacterial infection. After the animal has gone through the disease it will develop a good immunity to it. Commercial sheep farms will vaccinate the lambs to prevent any weight loss. Handling lambs with scabby mouth can result in similar lesions on arms and hands of humans. It usually occurs as a single skin lesion or a few lesions. The initial lesion is a small, firm, red to blue papule at the site of virus penetration, most often a finger, hand or other exposed part of the body. The papule develops into a hemorrhagic pustule or bulla, which may contain a central crust and bleeds easily. In the later stages, the lesion develops into a nodule, which may weep fluid and is sometimes covered by a thin crust. It eventually becomes covered by a thick crust. The skin lesion(s) may be accompanied by a low grade fever that usually lasts only a few days or by mild swelling of the lymphnodes. In uncomplicated disease, the lesion heals spontaneously in three to six weeks without scarring. Secondary infections can occur. It is important to tell the GP that you have been in contact with animals with scabby mouth. Prevention is the best cure so watch hygiene when working with livestock, wash your hands, wear gloves and separate sick animals from their healthy mates to prevent spread.

Daffodil appeal another success Warkworth raised just a shade under $10,000 in this year’s Daffodil Day Appeal. The local fundraising was coordinated ANZ Warkworth, which has been involved with the appeal for the last nine years. Loan specialist Charlene Morrison thanked the community for its support, as well as businesses who donated items and vouchers for raffles. “A special thank you to Warkworth Butchery for all the sausages and the loan of a barbecue, and to New World Warkworth for supplying all condiments and bread,” she said. Daffodil Day is a day for remembering and sharing stories of loved ones who have lost their battle against cancer, and for sharing the success of those who have beaten it. “The team at ANZ Warkworth have loved being part of this fundraiser and are humbled by the generous hearts of those we have spoken to over the last few weeks at all of our events.”





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! u p s d S September 17, 2014

Gardening Andrew Steens

King of the veggie patch Okay, this may seem a little neurotic, but I’ve been fretting about the upcoming tomato season. It is only the first week of spring as I write this, but as any gardener worth their fertiliser will know, a bounteous tomato crop at least a fortnight, and preferably a month earlier than your neighbour, is the crowning achievement of your garden. I have this gnawing sense of impending disaster; already I should be tending to young tomato seedlings on the kitchen windowsill, to give them a flying start come the traditional planting time of Labour weekend. I like to have them at least to the stage of the first flower truss opening at planting time. Looks like this will be another year where I have to buy big seedlings from the garden centre! I also don’t have an operational greenhouse. Normally, I put my first three plants in there (a cherry tomato, a beefsteak and my favourite, a Campari cocktail tomato), along with a cucumber, an eggplant and a capsicum. These produce the early fruit that is so gratifying at the start of the season when prices are still high and the neighbour has definitely not started producing. The recent storms have smashed about a third of the panes so I’ve been planning on replacing these with sheets of twinwall plastic; a job which I’ve started, but run out of time to finish. At the same time, I’ll reseal the vents with insect proof mesh. This was indispensable last year in keeping out the dreaded potato psyllid, which would otherwise have destroyed the tomatoes, capsicum and eventually, the eggplant. This little pest injects a nasty and irreversible disease into the plants as it feeds, causing them to lose vigour, stop producing fruit and eventually succumb to other diseases such as late blight. Growing outdoor tomatoes over summer is getting increasingly difficult thanks to this pest. This year, I’ll use “determinate” tomato varieties outdoors as part of my anti-psyllid strategy. This is the technical term for tomatoes that don’t vine; sometimes called dwarf tomatoes or bush tomatoes. The advantage of growing these is that they stay compact, which makes them easier to cover. In spring, to get them moving, I’ll use a cloche of plastic. As the temperatures rise, I’ll change this to an oversized cloche made from insect mesh. Fortunately, tomato flowers will self-pollinate with a bit of wind to move the flowers, so bees aren’t essential. All this extra effort should pay off, with plenty of delicious vine-ripened tomatoes from the greenhouse for fresh eating for 10 months of the year and buckets of outdoor tomatoes for juicing, preserving and making into a variety of soups and sauces for year-round enjoyment. Tomatoes truly are the reigning kings of the veggie garden!

Mangawhai Art Trail The Mangawhai Spring Art Trail is running on September 27 and 28 from 10am to 5pm. Over 40 artists will be exhibiting their works at 12 different venues. Studios and galleries marked with ART signs and colourful flags are open to the public. Trail maps are available from the new Mangawhai Museum, Sail Rock Café and the Mangawhai Information Centre. The Spring Trail replaces the event which is usually held on Labour Weekend. Free admission.

Mahurangi Matters



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Mahurangi Matters


September 17, 2014


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CountryLiving Julie Cotton

Mad bulls and herb gardens One of the greatest pleasures I derive from living on the land is my ability to grow a large veggie garden. Mine is huge, all raised beds and I am now proud to call it organic, but it has been a mountain of work. I get the biggest buzz from that whole garden-to-table concept and not a day goes by when I don’t harvest something to cook for my family. I am also obsessed with some of those TV shows produced around the concept. I dare any member of my family to change the channel when River Cottage or the Great British Bake-off is on – I am armed with a remote and I am not afraid to use it! I have to admit it hasn’t all been plain sailing to get my “digs” to this amazing point. The elements and insects, amongst other things, always seem to think they have overall rights to the fruits of my hard labour. One night at 2am in the morning, 40 rising one-year-old bulls broke through my garden fence. My husband heard it and raced out. Can you imagine the commotion? There was my husband starker’s in the dark at 2am desperately trying to chase 40 bulls out of a labyrinth of raised garden beds with his working dogs in their kennels just metres away, going ape because they were missing out on the action. It was not a good look! And all I can say is thank God our nearest neighbours live miles away. Unbelievably, I slept through the lot. I awoke in the morning and surveyed the damage. Decimation is one polite word I can use in print. I just screamed and cried, everything was just about eaten or trampled. Where once there were whole beds of prospective vegetable and herb frittata there was now complete devastation. The whole mad bull garden experience did come with an upside though. I have now got a far greater understanding of the preferred culinary choices of bulls. Apparently, they are not keen on Thai food, as all that was left in the garden was chillies, lemon grass and coriander. So for a while there it was back to the paddocks of grass for our growing big boys and out with the Asian cookbooks for me!


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September 17, 2014

Mahurangi Matters


Spooktacular returns Ten Mahurangi gymnasts have bagged a host of medals after the Northland Championships in Whangarei last month. Club president Liz Davie-Martin says they often feel like the underdogs at championships, as the club doesn’t have the facilities as some other clubs. One of the standouts was eight-year-old Willow Dysart who came first in Step 2 and has been racing through grading system after joining the club last year. Emily Campbell, 15, who won second overall, is also setting her sights high, aiming to compete in the nationals next year. Meanwhile, the club has been busy organising its biggest fundraiser event of the year, Spooktacular, on November 1. There will be prizes for best costume and spot prizes donated by local businesses. “We’ve got some pretty neat special effects and some great new games. “It takes over 40 helpers and months of planning to organise, but the kids love it and it’s well-attended. Local businesses have also been fantastic in supplying prizes.” It’s been two years since the club has hosted the event. Last time, 700 tickets were sold, bringing in about $6000. The funds go towards securing a permanent club headquarters. Liz says she has been fundraising for a new gym for nearly 30 years and has raised about $140,000. “We are on a never-ending mission to get a gym sports facility so we can run

Dracula helped raise $6000 in 2012 for the Gymnastics Club.

all our programmes under one roof. It’s been pretty demoralising waiting all this time, but it feels like there’s a little bit more momentum behind it now.” The club is looking to be part of the Warkworth Showgrounds multisport complex which is still in the planning phase. “It’s a huge process sorting out the governance between all the different users.” Spooktacular is on November 1 at the Warkworth Womens Bowling Club, in Shoesmith Street, from 5pm to 8pm. Tickets are $5 and available at Pukeko Patch, in Baxter Street, Warkworth. Games cost between $1 and $2. The Northland Championship medallists were: Emily Campbell, second overall in Step 5; Olesya Korchagina, third in Step 2 Unders; Willow Dysart, first in Step 2; Lucy Campbell, second in Step 2 Overs; Taylor Turner, third in Step 1; Olivia Jones, fifth in Step 1; Sebastian Smith, first in Level 2; Timus Nel, second in Level 2.


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SCOREBOARD A roundup of sports activities and events in the district

Swimming Aquakidz Swim School is running a Learn to Swim Holiday Intensive, from Oct 6 to 10, for children aged four years and over. Contact Cindy on 425 9924 or 021 1635050, or Athletics Warkworth Athletics will hold two registration days at Shoesmith Domain on September 17 and 24, from 5.30pm. New members, aged three and over, welcome. Season starts October 15. Rodney Cricket Players are needed to establish Rodney cricket teams. See story pg 48 or contact Kevin Forde 021 795072 Junior Tennis Membership days for junior tennis at the Warkworth club are October 13, 14 & 15. Primary ages 3.15-4.15pm. College 4-5pm. Cost $140 p.a. Pony Club Hakaru branch of Wellsford District Pony Club is holding an open day and 40th anniversary celebration on Sunday September 21, 12.30-2.30pm on Settlement Rd opposite the RSA. Pony rides and riding displays. Info: Marj Steiner 027 294 ToTalspan Rodney pRoud sponsoRs of 1227 Whangateau Touch Rodney Rams Touch, Friday nights at Whangateau Reserve. Registration Friday, 17, 6pm at Rams Carpark. Touchin starts 31. Info: Ed 021 084 aOctober Roundup of spoRTs acTiviTies THeOctober disTRicT 83174 or Merv 029 978 8780 ibus omnimolum Touch Rugby Is quas vendipsantus sint restincti blaborr umquisi muscius idipitae la et qui nus autatur conseriRugby onsequi denimod magnametur? Quistarts omnimetOctober as magnima The sanissit, Mahurangi Club touch season 16. Games Thursdays gnihil il ilictati te nam qui blaboria is amusanitio. con pore etur? Kose bkdesign@ at Warkworth Showgrounds. To Nam enterexcepelenis a teamnima email Bernie Derum est andia perfernatem qui dit auditi cum eum vendusant volupta or visit (see quam ad this page) evelit ipitessum aut ut am. Sailing simusci llabo Sandspit Centreboard Club enrolments are open for Term 4: Learn to Sail One, Ucimporrum lautat rerum renducia voloreiur, comniendel ipis et volorrupta sum ages 9am and Learn to utSail Two, Sundayfugiate mornings; voluptatus eumover; quis abor aut aut dit, nem dolliciurem moluptus Green Fleet race training Mondayquosant afternoons. Info: doluptaquis iorepro volor inullab orrovitae eosam, soluptas volore ea022 delis 171 2550 quam, optis erum faccaborest, cus, ommoluptat aliquis di quiam eat arum serianda Bowls qui si reptium dolut quo et haruptature parit, officiunt ex eat quatus, que pro optasim The ut Mahurangi East Bowling 41sus. Hamatana Road, Snells Beach, will hold a oluptat restiistrum nit et alitias pietus Club, enihil ium Have A Go Day on Sunday September 28, 10am-2pm. All welcome, flat oTaTuR coRum soled shoes please. Bowls supplied. Info: Laurie Webb 425 5223 Nonsed exeri occabo. Parciendania sendio omnimus nonet est et qui sae pera Great Barrier Marathon endipitatur aut expereperum restrum harum atur reperumet dipid millibus vel int occae doloriorumet et excearciis atibusa ntibeati omnihil molut od earum quis del magnis Wharf to Wharf Marathon on October 11. Booking required, limit ma pra volori ipienie niatus plibus quia veniatibus. Illorit as imusam voluptatem sitio 250 runners. Half marathon available. $85nonem for adults, officidel ium int a consequi nis rae int vidundae perferum corum. $45 for gnitratSchildren. Info:

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Mahurangi Matters


September 17, 2014

Wellsford junior prizegiving caps off top rugby season Wellsford Rugby’s junior club wrapped up the season with prizegiving on September 8. This year, six U13 players were selected for the Rodney/Otamatea Taniwha Cup team. They were – Ethan Whyte, Rawiri Walker, Javarne Porter, Rocky Olsen, Jackson Brown and Noah Pride. The team came second in the Taniwha Cup tournament and Rawiri, Javarne and Rocky were selected for the Northland Roller Mills team. In spite of the extra trainings and commitments that came with Rep selection, Rocky continued to captain the U13 club team, keeping up with his commitments to the Wellsford club. “We are extremely proud to have these three boys from Wellsford RFC playing for Northland and wish them well as they continue on in the Roller Mills tournament,” club spokesperson Rachel Brierly said. Club volunteers were thanked at the prizegiving for their contribution over the season. Award recipients were: U7 Grade: Best Try Scorer, Korban Whyte; Best Rippa, Slade Treadwell; Most promising, Mason Thomas-Harris; Most improved, Millie Brierly; Sportsperson, Jahkobie Kapea. U9 Grade: Best Back, Johnny Woolley; Best

View more photos online

Matakana Machines win big.

Prizegiving wraps-up season The Rodney Otamatea Soccer Association (ROSA) held its end of season prize-giving at the Port Albert Domain on Saturday, September 6.

Sam Morrow was named Referee of the Year. Results: 6th Grade – Mangawhai Stingrays 1, Mangawhai Jellyfish 2, Matakana 3; 8th Grade – Wellsford Bulldogs 1, Matakana Bulldogs 2, Matakana Wolves 3; 10th Grade – Matakana Machines 1, Mangawhai Dominators 2, Matakana Mud Kips 3; 12th Grade – Matakana 1, Mangawhai 2, Wellsford 3; 14th Grade – Wellsford Fusion 1, Wellsford 2, Mangawhai 3;17th Grade – Athletico Mangawhai 1, Matakana United 2, Wellsford Chiefs 3; Open – Mangawhai 1, Warkworth 2, Matakana 3.

President Pat Mason said it had been a successful season involving around 400 players in 14 teams, competing in seven grades. “It’s been a very competitive season, with only a few points between teams,” he said. Pat said a special thanks to the team officials from the four member clubs – Kaipara, Wellsford, Mangawhai and Matakana – as well as thanking coaches and referees.

Tide Times





Sep 18

Sep 19

Sep 20


2:16am 8:17am 2:48pm 8:58pm

6:19am 6:13pm

Sun Fishing Guide

2.9 0.8 2.9 0.9

6:45am 7:10pm

3:13am 9:18am 3:46pm 9:56pm

6:17am 6:14pm

Best At


2.8 0.9 2.8 1.0

6:16am 6:14pm

Best At


7:34am 7:57pm

2.7 4:11am 0.9 10:16am 2.8 4:41pm 1.0 10:49pm

8:20am 8:43pm














Sep 21

Sep 22

Sep 23

Sep 24

Sep 25

Sep 26

Sep 27

Sep 28

Sep 29

Sep 30

Oct 1

Oct 2

Oct 3

2.7 5:06am 0.9 11:09am 2.8 5:30pm 1.0 11:36pm

6:14am 6:15pm

Best At


9:06am 9:28pm

2.7 5:57am 2.8 12:19am 0.8 1:00am 0.9 11:55am 0.8 6:42am 2.9 7:24am 2.9 6:15pm 2.9 12:37pm 0.7 1:16pm 6:56pm 3.0 7:35pm 0.9

6:13am 6:16pm

Best At


Forward, Aarron Hedley; Most improved, Baylee Miringaorangi; Sportsperson, Raniera Barlow. U11 Grade: Best Back, Callum Whyte; Best Forward, Dallas Martin; Most improved, Cory Stubbs; Sportsperson, Kauri Beattie. U13 Grade: Best Back, Rawiri Walker; Best Forward, Patrick Abellera; Most improved, Ethan Whyte; Sportsperson, Noah Pride.

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Sep 17 1:21am 7:19am 1:50pm 7:58pm

A highlight of the season was the selection of Rawiri Walker, Rocky Olsen and Javarne Porter to the Northland Roller Mills team.

6:11am 6:17pm

Best At


9:50am 10:12pm

6:10am 6:18pm

Best At


10:33am 10:55pm

11:16am 11:38pm

1:38am 8:03am 1:53pm 8:14pm

6:08am 6:18pm

Best At


0.7 3.0 0.7 3.0


2:16am 8:41am 2:31pm 8:52pm

6:07am 6:19pm

Best At


0.7 3.0 0.6 3.1

12:21am 12:43pm

2:54am 9:18am 3:10pm 9:31pm

6:05am 6:20pm

Best At


0.6 3.1 0.6 3.1

6:04am 6:21pm

Best At


1:05am 1:28pm

0.6 4:32am 3.1 10:57am 0.6 4:51pm 3.1 11:12pm

7:02am 7:22pm

Best At


1:51am 2:15pm

0.5 5:12am 3.1 11:38am 0.6 5:34pm 3.1 11:55pm

7:01am 7:22pm

Best At


3:39am 4:04pm

0.5 5:55am 0.6 12:41am 3.0 1:32am 3.1 12:23pm 3.1 6:41am 0.6 7:33am 0.6 6:21pm 0.7 1:12pm 3.0 2:08pm 7:13pm 0.7 8:11pm 3.1 6:59am 7:23pm

Best At


4:29am 4:55pm

6:58am 7:24pm

Best At


5:22am 5:49pm

6:16am 6:44pm

2:28am 8:33am 3:09pm 9:13pm

6:56am 7:25pm

Best At


3.0 0.7 3.0 0.8

6:55am 7:26pm

Best At


7:12am 7:40pm

2.9 0.7 3.0 0.8

Best At


8:08am 8:36pm

New First Moon Quarter Rise 1:33am Rise 2:19am Rise 3:01am Rise 3:39am Rise 4:14am Rise 4:46am Rise 5:18am Rise 5:49am Rise 6:21am Rise 6:53am Rise 7:29am Rise 9:07am Rise 9:50am Set 12:03am Set 1:00am Set 1:54am Set 2:47am Set 11:58am Set 12:50pm Set 1:43pm Set 2:37pm Set 3:31pm Set 4:25pm Set 5:20pm Set 6:16pm Set 7:13pm Set 8:10pm Set 9:07pm Set 11:06pm Rise 10:37am Rise 11:31am Rise 12:29pm Rise 1:32pm *Not for navigational purposes.


Good Fishing


Fair Fishing


Not So Good

Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.

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Mahurangi Matters

September 17, 2014

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HOLIDAy PrOGrAMME PrESByTErIAN HOLIDAy PrOGrAMME for 1- 6 years. Sept 29 - Oct 3. 9.15am to 12.30pm. Donation $2 per morning. Games, craft, songs, baking, bible stories, puzzles, morning tea. To register contact Ann Cates on Ph 425 0966 or email


Central Warkworth location. Phone 027 430 8440.

FOr SALE ADJUSTABLE BEDS - for your wellbeing ADJUSTABLE BEDS - for a better lifestyle ADJUSTABLE BEDS at Drummers Home Store Wellsford 09 423 9077 SUPEr COMPOST Untreated wood shavings & duck poo. Bag $10, Bulk $75m3. Enquire about delivery. Ph 422 5042 2002 NISSAN PrIMErA st wagon. Gd cond. 131,000ks $6000 or near offer. Ph 431 4966 or 027 291 1632 STUDENT DESK on castor wheels, excellent cond. Includes shelves & sliding keyboard table. Dimensions: 1.2m long x 1.3m high x 550m wide. Matakana area. $55 ono Ph 021 263 4423 rAWLEIGH Products. Ph Pat 423 8851 Please note new phone number PLANTS Quality groundcovers, shrubs and trees. Large and small grades. Wholesale direct to the public. Contract growing and pre-orders welcome. Liberty Park Native Tree Nursery, 90 Jones Road, Omaha 09 422 7307.


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September 17, 2014

Affordable Logo Design $149+gst

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Advertise your classifieds and church notices here for only

$4.40 inc GST per line or $11.20 per/cm inc GST for boxed adverts.

HOME MAINTENANCE WATEr PUMPS Low water pressure? Get it sorted. Sales, service and installation. Work guaranteed. Steve 09 945 2282 TANK WATEr TESTING Find out what bad-bugs are in your drinking water. We collect, test and report. Ph Simon at 09 422 9345 or tankwater@

WATEr FILTErS Underbench filters & whole house Ultra violet filters – Kill and remove ecoli/bacteria. FREE site visits. Ph Steve 09 945 2282 or visit

STEvE’S MAINTENANCE lawns, hedges, waterblasting, rubbish removal, section clearing, property maintenance. No job too big or small. Phone Steve 029 770 7101 or 09 425 9966. Serving Warkworth, Snells, Matakana, Sandspit.


Tree Removal • /Chipping Ph Steve 029 7707101 09 425 9966




Nau-mai, Haere-mai Notice to the Beneficiaries of the following block of land located at 1006 Fairburn Road, Kaitaia, Northland: Taheke 2 (CFR: NA38A/303) Please be notified that a Hui concerning the establishment of a new electricity line across the above mentioned block will take place at The Northerner Hotel, Kaitaia on Sunday 12th October at 10.30am. All Beneficiaries are welcome to attend and comment on the proposal. Information prior to the Hui can be obtained from Mita Harris on 027 5844 332 or 0800 867 363. When dialling the 0800 number, please ask for Mita Harris.

KAIPArA FLATS SPOrTS CLUB AGM Monday 29th Sept at 7.30pm. Peter Hudson - Secretary Ph 425 8187

Ph Steve 029 7707101 09 425 9966

If it’s local news, let us know!

The New Zealand Fire Service officially acknowledges the following Employers of Volunteer Firefighters: • • • • • • • • • • •

Borich Builders Ltd Discover Goat Island Good Odds Grant Bonner Ltd Leigh Builders Newton Holdings Reptile Park Shortyz Short Cutz SP & FW Holdings WRB Builders Ltd Auckland University Marine Laboratory Through the invaluable support of employers Leigh Volunteer Fire Brigade and other volunteer fire brigades throughout New Zealand can continue to protect our communities.


Come and join the fun, 1st Monday of month, Upstairs New Masonic Lodge, Baxter Street, Warkworth, 7pm. Proceeds to Warkworth Museum.

SENIOR MOMENTS provides social activities for seniors in HEALTH SErvICES the Warkworth area. Every Wednesday apes 939117 10am–12.30pm (during school terms) at the old Women’s Bowling club, Massage For Health Shoesmith Rd, Warkworth. Morning Massaging locally for 18 years - Qualified Relaxation, Deep tissue, Pregnancy tea & lunch provided. Transport can be Home clinic/Mobile. New clients welcome arranged. Info: Monique 09 426 0056 Ph Evelyn 09 - 425 6479 Mob 021 148 1779 or Diploma Therapeutic Massage NZ College of Massage

Mahurangi Matters

425 9068

your contact:


Mahurangi Matters


September 17, 2014


Notice of final report and decision of the Board of Inquiry into the Ara Tūhono – Pūhoi to Wellsford Road of National Significance: Pūhoi to Warkworth section The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) gives notice under section 149R(5) of the Resource Management Act 1991 of the release of the final report and decision of the Board of Inquiry into the Ara Tūhono – Pūhoi to Wellsford Road of National Significance: Pūhoi to Warkworth section. A copy of the final report and decision can be viewed at the following locations: Environmental Protection Authority • EPA Auckland Office, Level 6, Tower Centre, 45 Queen Street, Auckland • EPA Head Office, Level 10, 215 Lambton Quay, Wellington. Auckland Council • Auckland Council Civic Service Centre, 1 Greys Avenue, Auckland • Auckland Council Orewa Service Centre, 50 Centreway Road, Orewa, Auckland • Auckland Council Warkworth Service Centre, 1 Baxter Street, Warkworth, Auckland. Local Libraries • Pūhoi Town Library, Pūhoi Road, Pūhoi, Auckland • Wellsford War Memorial Library, 13 Port Albert Road, Wellsford, Auckland. Advertise your classifieds and church notices here for only

$4.40 inc GST per line or $11.20 per/cm inc GST for boxed adverts. SITUATIONS VACANT



TV SERVICES Aerials, Dishes, Freeview sales, installation and service. Extra outlets serving the area for 18 years. Phone Gavin 027 476 6115.

Snells Beach, Puhoi, Waiwera, Matakana, Omaha and surrounding areas. Have you ever wanted to help people and give something back to your community? We need experienced (ideally) Support Workers to work with high needs clients. If you have experience in Personal Care and/or Home Help we need you. Applicants who have similar experience are welcome to apply as we offer free training towards NZQA Home Support Level 2. Geneva Northlink Healthcare benefits include a free uniform, travel allowance (conditions apply) and continued learning. For evening and weekend work we offer a higher hourly rate. Applicants must be good communicators, hold a full, clean drivers licence and be legally able to work in NZ. To apply call Verity on free phone 0800 425 999. For further information email: or phone 0800 722 667.


Art, Craft & Jewellery Full & part time courses

CLASSIFIED DEADLINE for October 15 issue is October 8 Phone 425 9068 to book

Professional Installation of Satellite Dishes and Freeview UHF Aerials. Wall mount TV Installations, Multi-room Solutions. Audio and Home Theatre. TV Tuning Services. Phone 425 5431. FREEVIEW TV, Audio, Installation, Faults & Supply. Andrew 021 466 394 or 422 2221. ALL FREEVIEW INSTALLATIONS Dish, Aerial, Additional Outlet .. THE TV MAN IS THE ONE! FREE QUOTE Call JIM THE MAINTENANCE MAN 021 254 2048 or visit www.

WANTED TO BUY CASH PAID TOOLS & Machinery, Shed & garage clearouts. All things considered. Call or txt 021 161 5139.

WORK WANTED REID EQUESTRIAN ENGINEERING, Wellsford. Float rebuilds, horse truck conversions, etc. Dog kennels made to measure. Quality work. Ph Ron 423 9666


A copy of the final report and decision can also be found on the EPA website:

Sarah Gardner Acting under delegated authority of the Environmental Protection Authority


Puhoi & Albany Campus 09 422 0752




















































































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what’s on

See What’s On at for a full list of upcoming events


Forest & Bird Winter Talk, Totara Park, Warkworth, at 7.30pm. Guest speaker Alison Staines will talk about birds and the forest at Tawharanui. Walton Park Motor Lodge 19 Meet author Charity Norman at Warkworth Library from 6pmViki & Dan 8pm. 2 Walton Ave 19 Suffrage Day Breakfast, Warkworth Zonta Club of Mangawhai, Waipu Golf Club, from 9am with guest speakers Jill Mutch and Sarah Shaw 19 Prince & Princess Ball, at Lifeway Campus, 20 Goodall Road, Snells Beach, 5.30pm-7.30pm. The event is to fundraise for new playground equipment Client at Beehive Childcare Centre. Prizes for Code: 3923 - Fax: 09 425 8564 best costume. Info: Sally 425 4305 20 Agricultural Day, Tapora School, Calf and lamb competitions, starts at 10.30am. Info: (see story p28) REVISED PROOF - NºHall, 1 21 NZ Fairy Tern Trust’s annual meeting, Senior Citizens’ Fagan Place, Mangawhai Heads at 2pm. Address by Nigel DateEnquiries of Proof:to August 2014 Miller, Dept of Conservation. 21 Ambrose Golf Day Fundraiser. Warkworth Golf Club is hosting a fundraiser tournament for the Rodney Rams. Registration 11am, tee-off 11.30am.PLEASE $35 perRETURN person PROOF in teamsPROMPTLY of four. Info: 027 250 2435 21 Ed & Sparrow, Leigh Sawmill (see p34) PLEASE NOTE: 22 Snells Beach School exhibition opens, Mahurangi East Library (see story p30) • AA Tourism Publishing Ltd will not be liable for any errors on this proof(see if we story are not p32) advised to correct them or this 26 Mana Tane Dinner, Wellsford proof is not returned by the due date. 26 Warkworth Plunket Baby Photo Competition entries close. Enter at TheCameraShop or email photos to photos@ • There is no charge for changes requested on the first proof. Any subsequent changes may incur a fee of $50+GST. 27 Ascension Osteria re-opens (see pgs 19-23) • Non-return of this proof doesp35) not constitute a cancellation. 27 Comedy Night, Leigh Sawmill (see story Refer to Cancellation Clause in your advertising contract. 28 Mad Dogs and Missionaries, Warkworth Anglican Church, Church Road, 3pm•(see story p19) Changes must be made in writing on/or attached to this emailed to 29 Kaipara Flats Sports proof Cluboragm, 7.30pm 29-Oct 3 Kids Holiday Programme for years 1-6. Donation $2 per Affiliations/Qualmark ratings may be withheld if authority morning. Info: Ann•Cates on 425 0966


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PO Box 101 001 North Shore 0745

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184 184 Rodney Rodney St St ••Wellsford Wellsford •• 09 09 423 423 8046 8046

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(Enquire about our weekday & corporate rates)

UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT & RECENTLY REFURBISHED • Located north of Auckland. Gateway to Matakana Coast, cafés, vineyards, markets & beaches

• 25 modern studio, 1, 2 & 3-bedroom units • FREE WIFI • Pool • Easy walk to town

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varyWarkworth in printed edition. Free blood pressuremay tests, (see story p 32) Bingo, new Masonic Hall Warkworth, 7pm • You contravene the Fair Trading Act if you make claims or Bee Gees Tribute Show, Info: Ph 425 8568 offer Warkworth services that areRSA, false or7pm. misleading. or 10-12 Kowhai Art and Craft annual exhibition and sale of work, Old PLEASE– open CHECK: Masonic Hall, Warkworth Fri 12-4pm, Sat 9-4pm, Sun 9-3pm. All welcome, free admission. Placement details above advertisements 11 The Boundary Riders, Whangateau Hall&(see story p34) (Ad Size, Category Location listed under) 11 Kowhai Festival Huge Day Out Content of advertisements 13 Warkworth Genealogy Society monthly meeting 10am-noon, (especially phone, fax, email & web) Shoesmith Hall, Shoesmith Street. Shared lunch. 13 U3A meeting, Totara Park, Melwood Drive, Warkworth, starts at Please approve your advertising or 10am. request changes by replying to this email: 16 Kowhai Festival Great Debate, Ascension Wine Estate. 17-19 North Rodney Community Arts Council exhibition, Colours of If you prefer, you may fax your approval or changes to Rodney, Old Masonic Hall, Baxter St, Warkworth. Open: 10-4pm 09 966 8721. All faxed approvals must be signed and dated. on Fri & Sat, prize presentation at 2.30pm on Sunday. 25 Matakana School Gala, 7am-2pm. Info: matakanaschoolgala. Advertisement(s) approved

4 6 9

Mahurangi Matters

Wellsford 2015 Revised Proof Inn Mealsommodatioany nights Acc aoke saturd Accommodation Kar



September 17, 2014

WALTON PARK MOTOR LODGE 2 Walton Ave, Warkworth Ph: 0800 425 0222 or 09 425 8149 Email: 25 modern recently refurbished studios, 1, 2 & 3-brm units. Pool, breakfast avail, FREE WIFI, bus/coach parking, conference & function facilities. Easy walk to town, close to amenities & just north of Auckland. Tariff: $125-$240. H J 4 & T I G E R

Come and Meet WALTONFriendly PARK MOTOR LODGE, 2 Walton Ave Ph: 09 425 8149.....................refer Matakana Coast & Country the Team! Edition: NZ Edition: NZ Ad Size: Cross Reference | Section: Directory | Category: Motel | Listed Under: Rodney (Auckland North)/Warkworth

Diane Sargent 22 years experience Senior Stylist

Rosie Willis 8 years experience Senior Stylist

Ad Size: Line Listing - Feature | Section: Conference | Category: Motel Tracey Wheeler 33 years experienceCoast & Country Listed Under: Rodney (Auckland North)/Matakana Senior Stylist

Rodney (Auckland North)/Matakana Coast & Country WALTON PARK MOTOR LODGE, 2 Walton Ave Ph: 09 425 8149......up to 50 pg 000

Introducing Tracey & Diane Edition: NZ adding a wealth Ad Size: Line Listing - Feature | Section: Pets | Category: Motel experience Listedof Under: Rodney (Auckland North)/Matakana Coast & Country to the team.

Terri Skipper 20 years experience ‘The Boss’

Rodney (Auckland North)/Matakana Coast & Country WALTON PARK MOTOR LODGE, 2 Walton Ave Ph: 09 425 000

Open Monday-Saturday & Late Night Thursday by appointment only

Unit 8, Mahurangi Shopping Centre, Snells Beach • 425 5511 PLEASE NOTE: Photo Bold advert: Please be aware that the new copy has been edited


Mahurangi Matters

September 17, 2014

Pitching for Rodney cricket A former first-class cricketer is stepping up to the challenge of trying to revive the sport in Rodney. Rodney cricket development and competitions manager, and former Wellington Firebirds player, Kevin Forde, says there were only three senior teams in Rodney last year. Only Kaipara Flats and Pakiri had strong teams, while Otamatea had to forfeit games due to a lack of players. Kevin says high school cricket is also basically “dead”, with no school teams active in the region. But it’s not just Mahurangi that’s struggling for players. “There’s been a nationwide decline in cricket since the early 1990s,” Kevin says. “The attractions that bring people to Mahurangi often work against participation in the summer sport. When you’ve got events on in Auckland all the time and so many beaches around, it’s hard to convince people to come out every Saturday.” Hype around the 2015 Cricket World Cup, hosted in NZ and Australia next year, may help get more players involved, but as it doesn’t start until the end of the season, it may have little effect. But Kevin has set himself the ambitious goal of re-establishing teams in Wellsford and Warkworth, and strengthening the Otamatea side, to get a five-side local competition running. “We need to get people playing again.” The Rodney league starts in November, but Kevin is hoping to put together a Rodney team to compete

in the Dargaville Shield, which starts next month. He is also working with schools to put together youth teams. “If I can just find 11 players I can put a youth team together to play in either North Harbour or Northland competitions. But, hopefully, we can get more involved and start a local youth competition.” Kevin wants to register Rodney District Cricket Association as an incorporated society to help it gain grants for equipment and other resources. Despite the drop in player numbers, Rodney has turned out some first class cricketers including Black Cap twins Hamish and James Marshall, who went to Mahurangi College. To join a local cricket team contact: Kaipara Flats Premiers and Rodney youth teams - Kevin Forde 021 795072 Kaipara Flats Seniors - Hayden Searle 0272116004 Otamatea Seniors - Phil Jones 027 243 5503 Pakiri Seniors - Stefan Gravatt 021 425627 Warkworth Seniors - Mark Bishop 027 2911581 Wellsford Seniors - Ross Neal 027 4979645

Kevin Forde is trying to reinvigorate Rodney cricket and, hopefully, turn out future cricket stars such as Black Caps and former Mahurangi College students, Hamish and James Marshall.

For a full range of family health care, including A&M services in an integrated system 24 hours per day, across our region, including public holidays For further information and new enrolments, please contact any of our clinics Wellsford 220 Rodney St (Cnr. SH1 & Matheson Rd) 09 423 8086 ALSO AFTER HOURS Snells Beach 145 Mahurangi East Road 09 425 6666

Matakana 74 Matakana Valley Road 09 422 7737 Mangawhai 4 Fagan Place 09 431 4128

Maungaturoto 138 Hurndall Street 09 431 8576 Paparoa 1877 Paparoa Valley Road 09 431 7222

Wellsford Birthing Unit

Full 2 bedroom birthing and post natal care facility with your own LMC & Registered Nurses 24/7 in attendance. Birthing pool, FREE baby car seat with admission. 218 Rodney St, Wellsford Health Centre, Wellsford • Enquiries Admin 09 423 8745


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