September 16, 2, 2015 2015
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The Mahurangi Action plans show a range of facilities which could be developed along the Mahurangi River.
Spring feature pages 20-25
School holidays pages 26 & 27
Rural news pages 29-33
Warkworth waterfront redesign plans unveiled A vision for the future development of the Warkworth waterfront was presented to the Rodney Local Board this month. Mahurangi Action Inc members Cimino Cole and architect and designer Jefferson Chapple presented plans which included a series of information kiosks, a performance area near the boat ramp and a structure to be used for market days. Mr Chapple said it was time to start a discussion in Warkworth about how to enhance the town’s river frontage.
The plans included about 12 “environment portals”, or sheds, between the Bridgehouse and the Cement Works. The sheds would have information about the history and the environmental values of the area. “They would be spaced a few hundred metres apart to encourage people to progress to the next one. Together they would form a trail right along the riverside,” Mr Chapple said. “The work doesn’t have to be done all at once. Different groups can
contribute and build when they can and as funds allow.” Plans for a maritime-theme hub at the Warkworth Wharf were also unveiled. “It could be a structure which could house Sunday markets and be used for civic occasions.” The group planned to make presentations to other Warkworth groups, including the Warkworth Area Business Association. “This is just the collected conclusions
of a small group of people. We are open to any ideas. We want to start the discussion.” Board member Steven Garner said it was a great idea. “The riverside is the gem of the area but it hasn’t been a focal point of Warkworth. This needs to change and this kind of thing could drive that. The ability to do one piece at a time is fantastic.” The concept drawings were completed using a $1100 community grant from the Board last year.
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2 Mahurangimatters September 16, 2015
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General enquiries: Call 425 9068 PO Box 701, Warkworth 0941 17 Neville St, Warkworth 0941 Editor: Jannette Thompson 021 263 4423 Reporter: George Driver 425 9068 Advertising: Cathy Busbridge 022 029 1899 Graphic Design: Martin Tomars Digital Editor: Cathy Aronson 425 9068
Mahurangi Matters is a locally owned publication, circulated twice a month to more than 13,000 homes and businesses.
Let’s eat cake at Leigh Placemaking day Residents from Whangateau to Pakiri are invited to share cake and ideas at a community fun day at Leigh Hall on Sunday September 27. The Big Omaha Bay Community Day & Spring Bake Off is the next step in a Placemaking workshop, put on by the Rodney Local Board in June. The workshop aimed to get ideas on how community spaces can be improved and encourage groups to work together to pool resources and funding. Since then, volunteers have collaborated with Auckland Council and community groups to organise the fun family day. One of the organisers, Mike Francis, says to get people involved you have to have a reason to come together. “People won’t come just to look at information, it needs to be fun and include all ages,” he says. “There’s a whole bunch of community groups who don’t know what each other are doing. So it’s a chance to showcase what they do and maybe get some more recruits.” The day starts with a powhiri from Pakiri and Leigh Schools, and introductions from deputy mayor Penny Hulse and Board members. There will be music from The Pipi Pickers and traditional games including egg and spoon and wheelbarrow races. The Spring Bake Off Competition will be judged by local celebrity chef Anne Thorp, with prizes for a Grand Winner,
Views expressed in Mahurangi Matters are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission of the editor is prohibited.
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What better way to get the community together than cake? Two of the organisers Mike and Fiona Francis prepare for The Big Omaha Bay Spring Bake Off.
Best Dressed and Most Unusual Spring Cake. A free community afternoon tea will follow the judging. An interactive display will highlight some of the ideas generated at the Placemaking workshop, with opportunities for people to add their feedback. It will also include a special space for younger community members to have their say.
Placemaking is about building a sense of community, pride, identity and connection. The organisers are seeking volunteers to help on the day and donations from local businesses for prizes. Email Info: Big Omaha Bay Community Day, September 27, Leigh Hall, 1-4pm. Competition registrations at 12.30pm
Warkworth street upgrades A new roundabout and three pedestrian crossings in Warkworth are expected to be completed by Christmas. The $150,000 project will include building a roundabout at the Queen, Neville and Baxter streets intersection, and two pedestrian crossings in the same vicinity. A third pedestrian crossing will be built on Queen Street, near the Elizabeth/Mill Lane intersection. A proposed roundabout at the same intersection is planned for 2016/17.
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Advisory panel proposes farm rate relief Rodney Board Farmers in Rodney could be looking at a 20 per cent cut in their rates bill if a proposal put forward by Franklin Ward Councillor Bill Cashmore is adopted. The proposal is being considered as part of the development of Auckland Council’s next annual plan, and feedback has been sought from rural local boards and the Rural Advisory Panel. A meeting will also be held in Warkworth on Tuesday September 22. Properties classed as farm/lifestyle blocks currently pay 80 per cent of the urban residential general rate, recognising that the properties generally have poor access to Council services. But under the proposal, rates on rural properties would be struck according to the size of the property. Large farm/lifestyle properties over 50 hectares would pay 60 per cent of the urban residential rate, while properties smaller than six hectares would have a small rates increase and pay 83 per cent of the urban residential rate. Rates for properties between six and 50 hectares would remain unchanged. This could mean the average large property would pay $1350 less in rates, or 22 per cent, while small farm/lifestyle properties would have an average rates increase of $73, or 2.6 per cent. The proposal would affect 21,100 properties – 19,900 properties smaller than six hectares and 1200 properties larger than 50 hectares. The changes are cost neutral, so the total amount of rates collected from farm/lifestyle properties would not change. Advisory Panel chair Mr Cashmore said the Auckland property boom had driven up the price of rural land, which was inflating rates, although he acknowledged that farm/lifestyle rates in rural Rodney had dropped 8.8 per cent on average in the past year. He said farmers wanted more equitable rates. “This is their chance to show their support for it,” he said. A public meeting on the proposal
has baby blues
About 85 per cent of rural properties larger than 50ha are stock or dairy farms and seven per cent is in forestry. will be held in at Shoesmith Hall in Warkworth on Tuesday September 22, starting at 6pm. Feedback can also be provided at rural-rates-2015
Discussion document An Auckland Council discussion document written by policy analyst Beth Sullivan said large rural properties generally had poor access to Council services. Council facilities make up about 30 per cent of rates spending, but only five per cent of large properties were within 5km of a Council library and 30 per cent were more than 20km from a library, the report said. Rural properties also benefitted less from transport spending. Around 18 per cent of rates fund local roads, but only four per cent of large properties are on sealed roads. A further 15 per cent of rates are spent on public transport, but 90 per cent of large properties are in areas where public transport use is below average. The report suggested Auckland farmers were already getting a better deal than farmers in Northland and Waikato. In a comparison of rural
rates charged by nine other councils, Auckland farmers had the third lowest rates bill. An Auckland farm with a capital value of $3 million would pay $6420 in rates compared with $12,350 in the Far North, $10,210 in Kaipara and $8990 in Waikato. South Wairarapa and Waimate had the lowest rates at $5990 and $6070 respectively. Properties that were more isolated also tended to have lower property values per hectare, resulting in lower rates. Council’s Rural Advisory Panel has unanimously voted to support the proposal. However, panelist and Vegetables NZ chairman Keith Vallabh was concerned some landowners who farmed several smaller properties would be punished under the changes. “Market growers who have a series of small blocks are going to be penalised, because they will be paying extra for every plot of land.” Council financial policy manager Andrew Duncan said landowners had the ability to amalgamate land to be rated as a single property. Feedback on the proposal can be emailed to ruralrates@
Rodney ratepayers are funding a $5000 programme to encourage parents to use cloth nappies. About 12 per cent of waste sent to landfill in Auckland is sanitary waste. For households with a baby, disposable nappies make up about half of their total waste. The funding will be spent on one “waste-free parenting workshop” to educate parents on modern cloth nappies and other options for minimising waste at home. The workshop will still cost $30 per person or $35 per couple, which covers the cost of a nappy kit worth $90. Additionally, Council will also allocate funds for a second workshop in Rodney. The funding will also be used to encourage Rodney early childhood centres to use cloth nappies. Thirtytwo people attended a nappy workshop in Warkworth last year. Meanwhile, the Board will spend a further $5000 on a “door knocking” programme aimed at reducing water pollution from septic tanks in Ti Point and Whangateau. A water quality study completed in the area last summer found three out of five test sites had faecal contamination. Council is contributing a further $10,000 to the programme. The $15,000 will cover door-knocking, five site inspections, one community event, community meetings and programme design and reporting.
Flower show a success The Snells Beach Garden Circle held its annual Spring Flower Show on September 5. Club president Barbara Carpenter said the hall was ablaze with colour with freesia, daffodils, iris, foliage and potted colour. Margaret McCallum was the overall winner, taking the title for the second year in a row. Gay Sutcliffe won the most outstanding exhibit with a yellow Iceland poppy.
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4 Mahurangimatters September 16, 2015
Ratepayers await Court decision on rates debacle
See story page 15 We welcome your feedback but letters under 300 words are preferred. We reserve the right to abridge them as necessary. Unabridged versions can be read at Letters can be sent to or PO Box 701, Warkworth
Mansel Drive re-think I have grave concerns over the planned extension of Mansel Drive, connecting to Falls Road for the following reasons: 1. Mansel Drive is a narrow road connecting Woodcocks Rd with the delivery entrances to two very busy enterprises and an expanding retirement village. There are also empty commercial sections that will in the future be developed. 2. The exit and entrance to Summerset Falls retirement village will soon have to cope with at least 300 residents and their visitors. Mansel Drive has difficulty coping at times even now, with the addition of through traffic it will become positively dangerous. 3. To create a road that only duplicates an already existing road (Falls Road) is a waste of resources. A short and simple new entrance to Falls Road from Woodcocks Rd on the Warkworth side of the present ford would not
Holiday honesty require the felling of old and valuable trees nor would it require the road formation proposed for Mansel Drive. 5. The encouragement of using Mansel Drive/Falls Road as a diversion to Warkworth township puts at risk students at both Mahurangi College and Warkworth Primary School. 6. Woodcocks Road is already a busy, overloaded road servicing a growing commercial and industrial area, schools and retirement village, and to add more vehicles to it does not make sense. I believe Council should be using its resources to resolve the Hill St intersection debacle. A realignment of Matakana Rd accessing SH1, north of the present intersection, would be a far better use of the limited resources available for roading.
Your local community will be pleased to know that you have wonderful and honest people who live in your district. While on holiday in Rarotonga recently I lost my wallet complete with cash, credit cards, driver’s licence and, fortunately for me, a business card with my mobile phone number. It was found by a lovely lady Maree who along with her sister Hanna went to some trouble to track me down. They were very thoughtful in not handing it in to a nearby store or trying to find a police station. My wallet was returned to me absolutely intact, a fairly rare thing these days, and without their honesty the shine would definitely have gone from our holiday. The sisters refused to take any reward for their honesty. Thanks Maree and Hanna. You are a credit to your families and your community.
Kenneth Fearnley, Warkworth
John Anson, Howick
Short story competition reminder Entries in the 2015 Mahurangi Matters Short Story competition are starting to trickle in and already it looks like the judges are going to have a tough time choosing a winner. The competition has two categories – open fiction and teen fiction (written by a teenager). The winner of the open fiction will receive $400 and the winner of the teen section will receive
$250. Runners up in both categories will receive book vouchers from The Village Bookshop in Matakana. Stories should be no more than 1400 words and they must have a link with the Mahurangi district. The best entries will be published in our January paper and online. The judges are local author Lorraine Orman and Warkworth librarian Lisa Outwin.
Aspiring authors have until October 30 to submit their stories. Entries must be an original unpublished short story and must be submitted with an official entry forms. Full entry details including entry forms and terms and conditions are available on our website at or can be collected from our office at 17 Neville Street, Warkworth.
CORREC TION The runner-up in the Ashton Wylie Charitable Trust book awards was Hugh Major, not Hugh Victor as reported in the September 2 issue of Mahurangi Matters. We apologise for the error.
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It could be months before the Court of Appeal reaches a decision on whether Mangawhai ratepayers will have to foot the bill for a $57 million wastewater scheme. The appeal brought by the Mangawhai Ratepayers and Residents Association was heard by Justices Harrison, Cooper and Miller over two days in Wellington last month. Association chair Bruce Rogan says he has been advised a decision is unlikely to be made before mid December. “I believe that we got a very good hearing,” Mr Rogan says. “I think the three judges showed a very commendable level of curiosity in what was going on and asked very penetrating questions of both sides. I think they went away with enough information to make a just decision. I’m reasonably sure that our arguments convinced the court that things cannot be left as they are.” The ratepayers association is challenging the 2013 High Court ruling that found ratepayers were accountable for the $57 million bill for a Mangawhai wastewater scheme. Meanwhile, the Whangarei District Court has still not reached a decision on a case brought against Mr Rogan in June. The Kaipara District Council is suing Mr Rogan and his wife Heather for about $24,000 in rates arrears and fees. The case is likely to determine the outcome of proceedings against 22 other ratepayers who are being sued by the Council.
September 16, 2015 Mahurangimatters
Viewpoint Steven Garner, Rodney Local Board
Is the system broken?
Local body politics can be boring but at some time most people will have issues that they believe that local government should be helping with or sorting out. Local government in Auckland is more convoluted than most. The office of the Mayor, the Council (Mayor and Councillors) and the Local Boards all have different responsibilities, authority and budgets. The Local Boards are arguably the most visible and publicly available. Few people probably realise that the amount of your rates that the Rodney Local Board spends or has responsibility for is only about 1 per cent of the total amount of Council spending. We advocate for this money to be spent in the most responsible and efficient way possible but we are compelled to use the processes and personnel used for the other 99 per cent. There is ongoing criticism of Council around the fact that items it procures regularly cost 50-100 per cent more than what someone in the private sector might be prepared to pay. This is wrong, frustrating, and needs to change. Our Councillor has been very well placed to help address this but, to date, things appear to be getting worse rather than better! It would be great to see this change. Warkworth township is going through some major changes. I am also aware of developers in the area, formerly identified within the Rodney District Plan, who are applying for resource consents for other significant subdivisions. Our town is growing and fast. Traffic movement issues north and south (Mansel Drive Bridge), west and east (both the Alnwick Street connection and more importantly Hill Street) must be addressed. Both Auckland Transport (AT) and the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) continue to speak with the Local Board, the Warkworth Area Liaison Group and one or two interested parties but it is infuriating that not enough is being done. We, in the north, are short-changed with regard to investment by both the NZTA and AT in transport. The latest bombshell is that it appears likely that a bus service to connect Warkworth with the park and ride at Silverdale is unlikely to be supported at this time. I was under the impression that the recent AT consultation and discussion was predominantly about timing. To hear today that this was the precursor to another exhaustive round of consultation, which I imagine will cost as much as a year’s subsidy, is just unacceptable. I deal with both the elderly (through my other work) and youth (I have three children and have spent the last eight years on the Mahurangi College Board of Trustees), and the cries for this service have been loud and long. We need to have this service to provide connectivity and give options for our residents. We do not get great service regarding the maintenance of our roads, we pay a toll to travel south and we have no connectivity with the wider Auckland public transport network. It is time for this to change.
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6 Mahurangimatters September 16, 2015
Restoration of Mahurangi reserves Library usage down The Rodney Local Board will spend $50,000 on restoring native ecosystems in Rodney. About $30,000 will be directed to seven projects in Mahurangi, with weed control being the main focus. Last year, the Board commissioned a survey of parks and reserves, which found several rare and high quality ecosystems, but also significant issues with weeds and pests. The survey helped to target spending on the reserves with the highest biodiversity values and greatest risks. However, this year’s funding came up against opposition from Board chair Brenda Steele who asked that it be postponed pending greater community involvement. She said the Board had received a number of funding applications from community groups for similar work. Council senior ecologist Brenda Osborne said the work was highly specialised and required a high level of expertise and equipment that community groups did not have. “I don’t think this work is likely to be achieved without funding from the Board,” Ms Osborne said. The Board allocated the funding but asked staff to investigate involving community groups. The work funded was: Lake Tomarata Dune Lake – $2000 on wetland buffer planting and weed control. The reserve is the highest ranked reserve for biodiversity in the Rodney parks network. The wetland includes Auckland’s only example of the highly fragile manuka-greater wirerush-restiad rushland ecosystem type, which is an important habitat for several threatened species. Birds Beach, Tapora – $9800 on weed control ($4800) and wetland buffer planting ($5000). The reserve is the largest freshwater wetland (2.3 hectares) in Rodney and has a threatened wetland bird population. Brick Bay Drive Reserve – $2600 on weed control.
The stream at Matheson Bay Reserve appears to provide habitat for invertebrates and fish.
The reserve contains an excellent remnant of healthy kauri-podocarp-broadleaved forest with a diverse and intact under-storey which is well buffered by regenerating scrub and forest. The forest protects a permanent high quality stream and has high habitat value for a range of native species. Brick Bay Puriri Place Reserve – $6000 on wetland restoration, weed control and planting. The reserve has a high quality, diverse mosaic of coastal, kauri and kanuka forest with a small wetland and healthy aquatic habitat within the permanent forest-clad streams. Woodcocks-Kawaka Reserve – $2000 on weed control. It has a high quality, intact forest remnant with a diverse under-storey and an unusual species assemblage with good habitat values. This project is required to eradicate tradescantia and pampas. Glen Kowhai Reserve – $4000 on weed control. A thick mat of tradescantia covers the forest floor and alongside the stream margins within a substantial part of this reserve, inhibiting regeneration of native species. Matheson Bay Reserve – $4000 on weed control. The forest is a valuable site and the stream appears to provide habitat for invertebrates and fish.
Falling usage at libraries in Rodney is undermining any plans to expand the service in future. Library visits and borrowing have dropped across the whole of Auckland over the past four years. The number of items issued in Rodney dropped 11 per cent in the four years to 2014/15, from 676,900 to 602,600. Library visits dropped 15 per cent, from 533,722 to 453,491. Wellsford was the only Rodney library to buck the trend. However, WiFi sessions increased dramatically, up 618 per cent, from 16,768 to 120,374. Participation in library-based information programmes also increased by 158 per cent in Rodney, from 10,075 participants to 512,467. At the Rodney Local Board business meeting last month, member Beth Houlbrooke said that given the figures, the Board would be unlikely to fund significant upgrades of libraries in the future and questioned whether it was Council’s core service to provide WiFi. “It concerns me that there has been a drop in library visits and items borrowed, but an increase in WiFi and entertainment,” she said. “We need to take stock and take this into account for future expansion of libraries. “It may no longer be wise to have a dedicated space for libraries and I question whether it is a core function of Council to provide free WiFi to the community.” North and west libraries customer experience manager Darryl Soljan says the trends reflect the evolution of a modern library service. “Despite some people predicting that the internet age means the end of libraries, modern libraries remain hugely relevant because libraries have never been just about books,” Mr Soljan says. “They have always been about reading, access to information, lifelong learning, developing individual potential, getting skilled help. They are about connection and identity and belonging, about participation and democracy, and about building strong and empowered communities.”
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September 16, 2015 Mahurangimatters
Board addresses iwi delays A time limit on iwi consultation is being considered by the Rodney Local Board to help speed up the community lease approval process. For every lease in Rodney, Auckland Council staff must attempt to consult with 14 different iwi. At the Board’s Parks, Culture and Community Development committee meeting, member Phelan Pirrie, said the process can take months and half of the iwi routinely do not respond to correspondence from Council. “Leases are taking 12 to 18 months to process and the iwi consultation is what is making it take a particularly long time,” Mr Pirrie said,
Community leases advisor Karen Walby said she routinely waits three months for a response from iwi before progressing with the lease. Member Thomas Grace said the process was a major frustration for applicants. “Eighteen months is too long. People start complaining to us and the system is falling down because of too much PC [political correctness].” The Board resolved to set a time limit of 30 working days to allow iwi to respond to declare interests in lease applications. By comparison, public consultation is one calendar month – usually 20 working days.
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School dictionaries donated Warkworth Rotary’s drive to provide as many local children as possible with their own dictionaries received a huge boost on Wednesday last week, when 106 personalised dictionaries were presented to Year 4 pupils at
Warkworth School. Rotary Youth Director Bruce Lambert said Rotary had supplied the specially-produced dictionaries to 10 schools in the area, but this was by far the biggest single donation.
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8 Mahurangimatters September 16, 2015
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Retro collectables on display Owner of Retro on Rodney in Wellsford Jacky Corry was the guest speaker at last month’s Wellsford Combined Probus Club meeting. Jacky’s shop carries a huge range of collectable items. At the meeting, she showed some of her favourites. She said collectables are items that people love, regardless of their value. Arapawa sheep will be the topic of this month’s meeting, which will include a visit to a block near Matakana. Jacky Corry (left) with Probus members Joy Pexton and Norma Brookes who are pictured admiring some of the items on show.
Rotarians guide tree planting
Member of the Warkworth Rotary Club recently sponsored and organised a Trees For Survival planting project. About 30 Kaipara Flats School students, aged 9 to 12 years, took part with the help of parents and Rotarians. The planting took place at the Maunsell-Wade farm and a total of 630 trees and plants were planted. The children worked hard for about two hours, and were rewarded with hot dogs and drinks for lunch.
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September 16, 2015 Mahurangimatters
Ethan, Joshua and Anthony mixing the biscuit dough.
Kids fundraise for kids
Big cheque for big gesture Warkworth Wellsford Hospice palliative care nurses Kate Taylor and Karen Williamson (left) were eager to accept a cheque for $13,000 from Northland Waste staff, representing the company’s ongoing support of hospice. New World Warkworth and Northland Waste donate 10 cents from every orange bag sold at the supermarket. Since January last year, more than $26,000 has been raised. It costs around $1600 a day to maintain the free palliative care service to people with terminal illnesses in the Mahurangi area and the money will go directly towards meeting that cost. Hospice fundraising coordinator Lesley Ingham said Northland Waste and Warkworth New World were Hospice’s two biggest local supporters. “They have been behind us for a long, long time,” she said. “Nothing is ever too much trouble. Their support is amazing.”
Fundraiser a sell-out The Warkworth Town Hall Restoration Trust raised more than $4300 at a sell-out concert featuring The Damage at Bridgehouse last month. About 180 people attended the event. The best dressed classic rock couple and individual each took home $100 Bridgehouse meal vouchers. Two spot prize winners received $100 meal voucher and a Mike Pero gift basket. The event was sponsored by Mike Pero Matakana, Warkworth, Wellsford and Mangawhai along with The Damage and Bridgehouse.
Small Steps Montessori Preschool in Matakana raised $568 for Cure Kids charity last month. Teacher Jude Collings says the centre chose Cure Kids as the charity it supports annually because it is a cause that is close to their hearts. “Children are our future and we are very aware of the impact of a child’s illnesses on them and their families,” she says. “The children wanted to contribute in some way to making a difference.” By the end of the Red Nose week, the children had baked more than 200 chocolate chip biscuits with a Jaffa on top. “This required groups of children measuring the ingredients and mixing them together. They learnt all about the importance of food safety and hygiene, and working as a team.” The centre also held a Dress in Red Day. “We couldn’t have done it without our very capable young bakers, supportive parents and the community of Matakana who gave so generously. We thank you so very much for your contributions for a very worthwhile charity.”
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10 Mahurangimatters September 16, 2015
Grand Designs uncovers one-of-a-kind house in Pakiri A little house near Pakiri will be beamed into living rooms around the country when it is featured in the firstever episode of New Zealand Grand Designs next month. The house was completed by local contractors – Steve Haycock Construction built the house with elements completed by MS Engineering, Matakana Kitchens and Warkworth Sheet Metals. The house, on the Pakiri Tablelands subdivision, was built for Scottish expat Scott Lawrie, who divides his time between Auckland, Pakiri and Sydney. The two-bedroom 120m2 house has an angular copper exterior which encloses an oiled cedar interior with views to Pakiri beach. It was designed by Auckland architect Paul Clarke from Studio2 Architects, who won an NZIA Local Award for Architecture for the design. “We spent a year on it,” Scott says. “We worked out the design to the last millimetre, which made the construction process far easier. There were no alterations mid-build and the construction didn’t run over budget. I knew exactly how it was going to end up. I wouldn’t do anything differently.” The process included testing the design in wind tunnels. “We had 100km winds during construction. Building with vertical walls puts so much more pressure on the building; you have to use more steel bracing for the structure. The angles help reduce that pressure.”
Computer models were also used to plan the length and height of walls to match the placement of artwork and other furnishings. After leaving Scotland 15 years ago, Scott’s job in advertising took him around the world. He lived in Auckland for six months before spending two years in Wellington. He has been living in Sydney for 10 years, where he started his own company which attracted clients including Ikea, Subaru and Toyota. But he sold the company and decided to return to NZ to build his dream home. “I wanted to live within two hours of Auckland airport and have sea views. I
looked for land for a long time, but as soon as I came here I knew.” Builder Steve Haycock says it was an extremely challenging build. “The angles of the walls and roof not only go inwards, but also taper horizontally throughout the house. It was very difficult to know where things were going to start and finish. And everything had to be exactly right because there are no skirting boards. “It was also a challenging site because it’s so exposed and access is poor.” Steve worked for 10 months on continued next page
Building owner Scott Lawrie.
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September 16, 2015 Mahurangimatters
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CARPET YOUR CARPET HOUSEYOUR * SMALL HOUSE LOTSHOUSE The kitchen was created by Matakana Kitchens and Warkworth Sheet Metals.
the build with foreman Phil Isted running the job. “It took twice as long as you’d expect for a building this size, because it was so complex.” The film crew was on site once a month during pivotal points in the build. “They tried to find drama to report, but the build went remarkably smoothly.” Steve Haycock Construction won a gold award in the Nulook New Home $650,000 category at the Auckland Registered Master Builders 2015 House of the Year competition and will compete for the top award in the national finals in November. The Pakiri house will feature on Grand Designs on TV3 next month.
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19A Silverdale St Siverdale
The 120kg fireplace is suspended from the ceiling and rotates 360 degrees.
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21 Glenmore Dr Warkworth
422 2275
12 Mahurangimatters September 16, 2015
When you’re looking to sell your property, wouldn’t you want to sell with the best team in Real Estate? Here they are, selling coastal from Mahurangi East through Matakana to Mangawhai & inland from Warkworth through Wellsford to Kaiwaka
Jeff Montrose Ruth Perkin Melissa Brown Warkworth Sandspit/Snells Beach Mangawhai 027 621 3765 021 425 109 027 636 0798
Denise Pearson Wellsford 027 303 6001
0800 000 525
Avalon Sanders Warkworth 021 230 9515
Andrew Steens & Angela Wain Pt Wells/Leigh 0274 936 800
Jodene Mildon Matakana 027 647 7775
Ross Bell Wellsford 021 022 07579
Alan Corkin Mangawhai 021 906 901
Valerie Hunter Snells Beach/Algies Bay 027 289 9532 Mike Pero Real Estate Ltd Licensed REAA (2008)
September 16, 2015 Mahurangimatters
Ngaire Wallen, TOSSI
Interpretive signage recalls park’s history Tawharanui has been occupied by people on or off since the first migrations of Pacific people centuries ago. The history of the original occupiers of the land, and the subsequent arrival and influence of European settlers, are stories that have been largely left untold at the park until now. Auckland Council working in consultation with Ngati Manuhiri has recently installed interpretive information that recalls the impact of people at Tawharanui. It was a very real privilege to walk up to the pa site overlooking the lagoon – known as Pa-hi – with Te Ao, knowing that her ancestors walked the same route for centuries. One can only imagine the strength of connection to Tawharanui if you are a descendant of Manuhiri (from whom Ngati Manuhiri takes its name) himself a son of the great the chief Maki. The view from the pa site is astonishing. Kawau Bay glistens to the south, the impressive Oponui pa site lies to the west, and Hauturu (Little Barrier) can be seen in the distance to the north-east. As part of this project, an audio device beside a carefully placed totara log enables you to take in the outstanding views while listening to recent recordings made by direct descendants of the people who
Work continues on completing koru planting, which requires protection from pukeko and rabbits until well established. Pa-hi stands guard in the background.
once lived right there. A second audio device will be located next to the po that will soon be reinstated (having been removed for renovations) on the northern side of the lagoon, adjacent to the lagoon carpark. Information about the man-made lagoon and its contribution to the growing city of Auckland can be found on the eastern shore of the lagoon, while installations at the woolshed give a brief history of farming on the site. My uncle Frank Thompson’s autobiographical recollections of living in what is now the ranger’s house during the 1920’s provide a useful insight into conditions at that time. Collectively, the chosen sites form a trail named Te Hikoi O Ponui
in honour of the chief Ponui. His descendants occupied the Waikauri Bay-Tawharanui area until the mid 1870’s and retained ownership of the western part of what is now Tawharanui Regional Park until 1912. Posts with distinctive red bands that include the Ngati Manuhiri logo identify the route. We estimate it will take about an hour to walk the trail plus allow time to absorb the stories and information and look with newly informed eyes at what you see around you. This is an outstanding opportunity to experience the living history of Tawharanui. The koru adjacent to the park office, created out of the materials of the pest proof fence, has undergone a
refurbishment as an ancillary part of the project. The koru emblem, found in many different cultures and natural forms such as the iconic unfurling fern frond, is of particular significance to the Open Sanctuary. The curls or koru at either end of the predator fence are literally the last line of defence, as pest animals will follow the curl to the centre and find a baited trap. A koru form also represents new beginnings; text now installed on the structure reflects the delight that the sanctuary has already given to many people, while acknowledging that the habitat we are creating now will take hundreds of years to mature. Those of us who love this place do so with great hope for the future. Now we can also get a glimpse of the past. The last day of August saw the release of three male takahe – a father and two sons – translocated from the breeding population at Tiritiri Matangi Island. We will be watching carefully to see how the new birds integrate into the existing population, and can report that the adult male has already found the two females in the area of his release, and they seem to be coexisting happily together after just one day. The next workday is Sunday October 4. Meet at the woolshed at 9am.
Painting The Town Red!!! With the only Real Estate Office in town and the superb service that Denise provides, it’s no surprise that she sells more homes in Wellsford and surrounding areas than any other agent! Call Denise now for a no-obligation, free appraisal on your home and you’ll be just as happy as all these delighted clients she’s recently sold homes for.
Denise Pearson 027 303 6001 • 09 423 7777
Mike Pero Real Estate Ltd. Licensed REAA (2008)
14 Mahurangimatters September 16, 2015
A New Zealand fur seal, or kekeno in Maori, soaked up the sun on the riverbank in Warkworth. Springboard is looking for people who want to buy a portable building to support the youth programme.
The house that Springboard built
Springboard has gone into business to help a group of unemployed youth gain experience in the construction industry. The organisation has funding from the Ministry of Social Development to start a pilot programme working with eight unemployed youth. The youth are paid by the Ministry and work 30 hours a week with a qualified builder to produce portable office buildings, which can be sold or rented to fund the programme in future. Springboard founder Gary Diprose says the programme is about building work habits. “Some kids need that extra support to get them ready for work. Through this programme they get work experience in an environment where we can support them and work through the issues which are preventing them from getting full-time employment. At the end of the programme they have building experience and a proven track record. “It also gives them a huge sense of accomplishment. They can say ‘I built that!’” After three months, the students have produced two portacoms which are being used at the Springboard
headquarters in Snells Beach, but they are looking for people who want to rent or buy one of the buildings. The buildings can be made to order. “They can be used as an extra bedroom, office space or for storage and because they are only 10m2, they don’t require resource consent. We are looking for locals to get behind this. It’s all up to a professional standard.” The future of the programme depends on selling the buildings. “If there’s only enough demand for six months then we won’t be able to run it for long, but we are hoping this will be ongoing.” Merv Ashton, 21, was unemployed for about two months before starting the course, after losing his job on a dairy farm. He’s hopeful the course will enable him to find work again. “I feel a lot more confident now that I’m able to learn a skill before I go out looking for work. It feels good to be actually doing something with my time, not just sitting around unemployed. Now I want to continue this work and get a building apprenticeship.”
Seal of approval for Warkworth riverbank A New Zealand fur seal pup stopped in for a nap in Warkworth this month. The animal was found sleeping just off the riverside track near Rivendell Place. Department of Conservation ranger David Wilson took the seal to Warkworth vet Ross Lynch, where it was given the ‘all clear’ and released at Brick Bay. “It was in good condition,” David said. “It probably just wanted a quiet place to rest, but because it was so close to a public track there was a chance it would be harassed by dogs.” The seals breed in the South Island and the pup was likely born last year and weaned earlier this year. There have been numerous sightings of young seals around Auckland this winter, including one that stopped at the Viaduct and another made it to Middlemore Hospital. Some experts say the sightings point to a rebound in seal populations, which were decimated by hunting in the 1700s and 1800s. In 1978, fur seals were fully protected by the Marine Mammals Protection Act, and they have continued to grow in numbers ever since, with studies showing population growth at 25 per cent a year.
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September 16, 2015 Mahurangimatters
Warkworth Rodeo under fire at Local Board meeting A proposal calling for a ban on rodeos in Warkworth was presented to Rodney Local Board this month. But the Board reserved its decision on whether or not to support the ban. It says it will consider the proposal when it next assesses future applications to hold rodeos at the showgrounds. Anti-Rodeo Action NZ representatives, Lynn Charlton and Jill Latham, told the Board’s Parks, Culture and Community Development committee meeting that the Warkworth Rodeo had often breached the Rodeo Code of Welfare. The group made a series of complaints to the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) about breaches of the welfare code at Warkworth and other rodeos over the past year. Ms Charlton said the main issues were calf roping and steer wrestling events, which went over the 30-second time limit required under the code. Rodeo handlers also failed to release animals that attempted to jump from the chutes, she said. “It was also common for animals to be hit and kicked and shocked by cattle prods,” she said. MPI investigated the claims and found there had been several minor breaches during this year’s Warkworth Rodeo and had spoken with the Warkworth Rodeo Club. Ms Charlton asked the Board to make complying with the welfare code
The Ministry for Primary Industries found there had been several minor breaches of the Rodeo Code of Welfare at Warkworth Rodeo.
a condition for allowing rodeos at Warkworth Showgrounds and if the club breached the code, the rodeos should be banned. She also asked the Board to ban the Bullmania event for breaches of the code at last year’s event. “We feel ratepayers should not be supporting a circus/bull riding club.” However, Board members appeared reluctant to adopt the ban. Member Steven Garner said many people viewed rodeos as an important part of rural life. “Warkworth Rodeo has been going a
long time. There’s an argument that they are part of rural NZ and build animal handling skills. Some of the skills the guys get they can take back to the farm and apply in a more positive way.” Ms Charlton said animals were being assaulted and their was film footage to prove it. “This is not part of rural life. These animals feel pain. To allow this to continue is like keeping us in caveman times.” Member Thomas Grace said the treatment of animals at a rodeo wasn’t
any different to farmers drenching stock in a cattle yard. “If this gets traction, the next step will be cancelling horse racing,” Mr Grace said. But Ms Charlton said the crucial difference was that drenching was necessary for animal health and safety, while rodeos were purely for entertainment. Member James Colville was worried any changes would set a precedent. “We come from a heritage of having to man-handle animals. When is this going to end? Will the next stage be not allowing animals to be transported in trucks?” Warkworth Rodeo Club member Gary Jackson also presented to the Board. He said Ms Charlton’s claims were incorrect. Member Phelan Pirrie asked Mr Jackson directly if he could reassure the Board that no animals were being put under unreasonable pain or distress. Mr Jackson said rodeo cowboys were ethical people. “At all times, we abide by the laws of NZ. Warkworth Rodeo firmly believes rodeo supporters have every right to engage in lawful activities.” Board member Warren Flaunty asked if the animals were kicked and shocked, as Ms Charlton claimed. Mr Jackson said using a cattle prod was legal and the animals weren’t punched or kicked.
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16 Mahurangimatters September 16, 2015 CHANGING PLACES n
Mooi Mooi
Oceanz Direct
When Kim and Jeremy Hewitt returned to NZ after living in Africa for eight years, Matakana ticked all the boxes. “We wanted our three children to grow up in a rural environment, but it also had to be somewhere where I could pursue a retail business,” Kim says. “Being close to Auckland was a bonus.” While living in Africa, Kim started a portfolio of indigenous products in the hope of one day selling them in NZ. In 2012, she set up Mooi Mooi in the Matakana village, but was forced to relocate when her lease was not renewed. Her new store is now in the grounds of her house on Matakana Road. “I import mainly from the Western Cape and southern regions of Africa, and most product in the shop is exclusive to Mooi Mooi.” The stock includes handmade tableware and dinnerware, furniture and children’s wear. Wonki Ware, which is microwave and dishwasher safe, as well as being chip-resistant, is a particularly good seller. “Wonki Ware employs 40 people from disadvantaged backgrounds. Di Marshall, who went on to become Business Woman of the Year, started it in a shed. Just about everything I sell has a story behind it. Nothing is mass produced and the sale of the goods is helping small communities become more self-sufficient.”
A sports fundraiser that turned into an Auckland business venture eight years ago is expanding to the Mahurangi area this month. Chris and Lucie Hawkins, who recently moved to Point Wells, began delivering fresh fish in Kumeu in 2007, as a fundraiser for their son Zak’s school trip to the world cross country championships in the Czech Republic. The home delivery service proved popular. “When we stopped, people started asking, ‘where is our fish?’” Chris says. “I was winding up my advertising agency at the time so decided to give the business a go.” It started as Fresh Fish Deliveries in 2008, but about a year ago, teamed up with Oceanz Seafood and has rebranded as Oceanz Direct. “Oceanz has partnered with a major fishing company, which means we have a secure supply of seafood, summer and winter, which is really important.” The door-to-door service currently operates in Auckland and the North Shore, but from Friday September 18, it will also deliver to Warkworth, Matakana, Point Wells, Omaha, Snells Beach and Algies Bay, plus addresses on the main roads in between. Bookings and payments are made online, and the orders are delivered direct to homes or workplaces on
ur homeware
Kim Hewitt
While Kim and Jeremy loved Africa, Kim admits it’s not for everyone. “It’s a real culture shock compared to NZ, particularly the level of poverty. But it’s also a very creative place. A couple of years ago, Cape Town was named the world’s design capital. Design there is constantly evolving and reflects South Africa’s African, Dutch and French heritage.” Mooi (pronounced Moy) is a Dutch word for ‘beautiful’, which is also used in the Afrikaans language. Kim says it is great being back on the Matakana Golden Mile Collective Trail. “I’m very grateful for the continued support of my customers. It’s been such a long road to getting back on track that their enthusiasm has been invaluable at a time when it’s difficult to find the energy and stay positive.”
Chris and Lucie Hawkins.
Friday afternoons. Lucie says most people leave a chilly bin outside their home where their order can be left, regardless of whether or not they are at home. “We send out an email earlier in the week to let customers know what’s available. As well as fish, there is a wide range of seafood including crayfish, scallops and whitebait.” Recipes are included for less common fish. “It’s our way of trying to educate the Kiwi palate that there is more than snapper, gurnard and tarakihi in the ocean! Our focus is on quality and service.” As well as helping to run the business, Lucie is a qualified Montessori teacher who plans to continue to offer hourly one-on-one sessions for children preparing for school.
home Fresh Fish delivered to your home
| childrenswear | furniture | linen
od available Oceanz Direct now delivers the bestin in quality seafood available in od available New Zealand direct to homes of Warkworth, takana, Leigh, takana, Leigh,Matakana, Leigh, Pt Wells, Omaha, Snells Beach and Algies Bay each Friday. each Friday. each Friday.
New location | 650 matakana rd etails etails thursday to monday 10-4pm | Like us on Facebook by 30 September 2015 for a 10% discount z z Opening special 25% off Sticky Fudge childrens clothing
Check out our website for details
September 16, 2015 Mahurangimatters
Pink Ribbon seeks Wellsford coordinator Saving women’s lives through better research is one of the focuses of the annual Pink Ribbon Appeal, which will be held on Friday and Saturday, October 9 and 10. But to be successful, the appeal needs to recruit around 9000 volunteers nationwide to help with the door-todoor collection. While the Mahurangi coordinator Shona Pickup is pleased with the response from her area, the NZ Breast Cancer Foundation is urgently seeking a volunteer area coordinator for Wellsford. The coordinator is responsible for managing a small team of volunteers, overseeing local collection sites. The foundation supplies a detailed briefing, along with a roster of volunteer collectors, street permits and all the materials necessary to run a successful appeal. “The area coordinator role is very important – we didn’t have one last year, so couldn’t run our appeal in Wellsford,” appeal manager Jaimi Bailey says. “We’d be so grateful if someone could step up to help out this year. “The appeal does make a difference and helps raise funds for life saving education programmes and for people with breast cancer.” Shona says that the Snells Beach/ Warkworth area raised $6500 last year and she hopes to better that figure this year. Money raised is spent on breast
Television personality and Pink Ribbon Appeal ambassador Jude Dobson.
health education and promoting early detection through mammograms,
running the support advice line for women with breast cancer, and research for better treatment and greater survival. Eight women are diagnosed with breast cancer every day and yet 30 per cent of those eligible for free screening are not enrolled. Additionally, it is estimated that around 60 per cent of young women don’t know the signs apart from a lump. Ideally, one person will take the area coordinator role in Wellsford for both days, but if necessary it can be split across the Friday and the Saturday. Anyone interested in volunteering should call Jaimi on 09 304 1220 or email
LIST NOW COMMUNITY DIRECTORY Keeping locals in touch with locals
*FREE for not-for-profit service clubs, groups and organisations
Rotary promotes blood pressure testing Members of Warkworth Rotary will assist the Stroke Foundation with its annual Blood Pressure Day on Saturday October 3. A St John Ambulance station will be set-up outside New World in Warkworth, from 10am to 2pm, where shoppers can get a free blood pressure test. Failure to detect and control high blood
pressure is the single biggest cause of avoidable strokes. A person with high blood pressure is up to seven times more likely to have a stroke than someone with normal or low blood pressure. Trained St John staff will be on site to take and record people’s blood pressure. Last year, more than 18,000 people were tested and the foundation hopes to beat that total this year.
Snells Beach gala invitation A family gala will be held at Snells Beach on Waitangi Weekend next year. The Snells Beach Ratepayers and Residents Association has set the date as Sunday February 7, and would like to hear from anyone who would like to hold a stall or volunteer their services before the event or on the day. Info: Bryan on 425 9094.
Warkworth Branch
Affiliated Southern Cross Healthcare provider
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Back Row Kathy Carter-Lee, Terri Jury, Nicole Upton, Louise McLaughlin, Sue Wynyard
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Serving the eye needs of North Shore and Rodney for over 35 years Purpose-built eye consulting rooms in Warkworth. Surgery available at Rodney Surgical Centre or Shore Surgery, Milford, as appropriate. For your convenience consultations available at Milford, Red Beach and Warkworth.
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For all appointments phone 09 422 6871
Milford Eye Clinic
Front Row Nicky Snedden, Sally Wilson, Rebecca Hay
Sally Wilson 09 425 8127 0274 977 745
Kathy Carter-Lee 09 425 6749 021 425 115
Louise McLaughlin 09 425 6115 027 242 8830
Sue Wynyard 09 425 8912 0274 934 491
Lydia Miller Unavailable Until MaY 2016
Terri Jury 09 4237350 021 2371856
Nicky Snedden 09 425 8249 021 662 393
Rebecca Hay 09 425 9805 027 453 6992
Nicole Upton 09 4247898 027 9724442
Contact one of the midwives or the Warkworth Birthing Centre
09 425 8201 •
18 Mahurangimatters September 16, 2015
Sweetappreciation with Chocolate Brown Send your nominations to
Matakana Clinic Closing We are sad to announce the closure of our Matakana clinic on Aug 21st. We have done all we can to stay open but with Hannah off on maternity leave and no cover available we have decided to close the doors We want to take this opportunity to say thank you to the community for your support over the years. We will miss you!
Wellsford Clinic - Business as usual
WWW.ACTIVELIVING.CO.NZ WELLSFORD: 220 Rodney St, Wellsford P: 09 423 7449
Congratulations to the staff at Warkworth Vets, in Neville Street, who are the recipients of a gift basket from Chocolate Brown. They were nominated by Anne Champtaloup, of Point Wells, who wrote:
Warkworth Vets really go the extra mile! I recently had a 3½ hour flight delay from the Gold Coast. This meant that although my dogs had been dropped at the vet for pick up, I was two hours late and it was past closing hours. Naturally, I didn’t want to wait another day to see the dogs, so Becky (at reception) left her home and opened the clinic for me in the cold, dark pouring rain so I could take them home. I can’t tell you how appreciative and thankful I was. Know someone who deserves a big “thank you” for their community spirit? Tell us and they will receive acknowledgement in Mahurangi Matters and an amazing hamper from Chocolate Brown, 6 Mill Lane, Warkworth. Send your nominations to (subject line: Sweet Appreciation) or post to: Sweet Appreciation, Mahurangi Matters, PO Box 701, Warkworth. Kindly refrain from nominating members of your own family.
chocolate brown
only the good stuff...
Cafe / Chocolaterie / Gifts Phone 09 422 2677 No 6 Mill Lane, Warkworth
SeniorNet Warkworth
the place where you acquire computer skills We offer courses for PCs, Apple Mac, IPads and Tablets from absolute beginners to advanced users.
Come to our Open Day
Have you listed your club on the * FREE local online Community Directory yet? Want to know how? Visit
*Free listings for not-for-profit service clubs, groups and organisations
Tuesday 22nd September 2015 at 2.30pm at the RSA Warkworth (downstairs meeting room)
and learn more about us All Welcome. Entry from Mill Lane If you cannot attend but wish to get further information contact our course co-ordinator on 422 3728
Quentin Jukes, Homebuilders Co-ordinator
Rental housing dilemma in Rodney The problems facing first home buyers are being fairly well covered in the media currently. We hear a lot less about the impact of surging house prices on those who rent the home they live in. In our work alongside local families, it is very clear that there is a massive shortage of affordable housing in the Rodney area. This is a particularly significant problem for the large number of local people who are in low paid work or on a benefit. As reported in Mahurangi Matters in June this year, between 2001 and 2013 median house rents increased 54 per cent faster than incomes in the Warkworth area. For a family in part-time employment, in a job paying the minimum wage or on a benefit, any increase in housing costs is likely to impact on all other spheres of their budget. The extra $20 being spent on rent, means $20 less for food, heating or the ability for little Johnny to play sport. There have been decades of research showing that cold, damp and overcrowded housing impacts significantly on both the short and long term health of children. In addition to the health impacts, these problems create enormous emotional distress to families and long-term financial costs to our health system. We regularly work alongside families who work miracles in their budgeting, but simply don’t have enough income to heat their sick children’s room. Accessing good quality affordable housing is such a problem in this area for a number of reasons, the major one being there is a chronic shortage of such houses. Building new, good quality and affordable housing is an obvious part of the solution. Sadly, the lack of an urgent, concerted and planned response which includes the needs of families on low incomes is lacking. The real cost in spiralling house prices is being borne by the children developing avoidable health conditions, which may well impact them their whole lives. An Accommodation Supplement can be available to people in low paid work or on a benefit. If you know someone who is struggling to cover their rent or their mortgage costs, suggest they contact Homebuilders Family Services on 425 7048 and we can quickly do a free check to see if they may be eligible for this assistance. While the Accommodation Supplement won’t fix their problem, it may help a little.
September 16, 2015 Mahurangimatters
Psssssst! Have you seen our new look?
Life Pharmacy Franklins
have had a facelift and we would like to show you around.
Join us for our
“New Look” Launch Evening Thursday 24th September, 5pm – 7pm Product Demonstrations, Discounts, Specials and GWP storewide Wine and nibbles served from 5pm Spin the prize wheel with your purchase over $80
HOMEBUILDERS FAMILY SERVICES 5 Hexham Street, Warkworth • Phone 425 7048
COURSES STARTING SOON Mike Hanne, Vege Gardening for Real Beginners A two-session course for people on a tight budget, who want to get started on growing vegetables for their families. Venue: Homebuilders, Warkworth Dates: 9.30-12.30 Friday 25 September and Friday 2 October. Children on holiday from school are very welcome at the second class.
COURSES STARTING NEXT TERM Terry Healy Bag of Tricks, Parenting Course This course is based on techniques to manage children’s behaviour, enhance self-esteem and at the same time build and maintain warm, happy and loving connections between family members. Venue: Homebuilders, Warkworth. Dates: 20th October for 6 weeks. Time: 9.30am - 11.30 am.
Brian Shires Coaching children for life Discipline is not just a technique to manage children’s behaviour, but rather a coaching method demonstrating a way of being and a way of thinking. This course focuses on important elements of parenting that help set our children up for life. Suitable for all ages. Venue: Wellsford (Times and dates to be determined, possible evening option).
To enroll or join our email list contact us on, or ph 09 4257048, or text 0276226809. All courses free of charge, free childminding is available if you request it when you enrol. For more information or to enrol call Homebuilders 425 7048 or email
Dermalogica Beauty Treatment Room
20 Mahurangimatters September 16, 2015
This straw bale house in Matakana, ingeniously designed by engineer and sustainability consultant Ewan Briggs, is nearly complete.
The Good Life Home Tour is on Sunday October 11.
Mahurangi’s alternative eco-house designs showcased A house that heats itself, a sewage system based on composting worms and an edible garden will be showcased in the Good Life Home Tour in the Matakana area on Sunday October 11. The tour will be an opportunity to meet a few Kiwi eco-pioneers who have each created their own version of ‘the good life’ – in one case from the ashes of disaster. The four very different properties are located in Sandspit, Matakana and Pakiri. In Sandspit, the tour will take in a home that generates its own power, uses worms to process
sewage and sits on 1.2 hectares of edible gardens. The two properties in Matakana include a nearly completed, low-impact, straw-bale house designed to heat itself in winter and a purpose-built eco-house set amidst a prolific edible garden. The last house on the tour is a 125sqm mud brick home in Pakiri which has a composting toilet, passive solar design and permaculture garden, and was built by a family who lost their previous home in a fire. The tour is part of a mini Ecofest, organised by the Kaipatiki Project, the environment centre of the
North Shore. Other events include: • Edible Native Landscapes, free food-foraging walks and talks around Hobsonville Point, on Saturday October 3 • The Good Life Talks, an entertaining evening with actor, broadcaster and MC Rick Leckinger and eight special guest speakers, at The Pumphouse in Takapuna, on Thursday October 8. The free Good Life Home Tour will run from 9am to 3pm. Info:
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September 16, 2015 Mahurangimatters
Spring clean for Starship The Starship Foundation is asking Kiwis to clean out their cupboards, sell their unwanted goods and pledge some or all of the proceeds to the children’s hospital. People can support the Spring Clean fundraiser by buying and selling items on Trade Me or hold a good oldfashioned garage sale. Trade Me has set up a special section for people to buy and sell goods for the fundraiser – Sellers who donate at least half of the sale price to Starship will be refunded their success fee by Trade Me. Helping launch the campaign is 14 year-old rugby fan and player Lachlan Gibson-Owen, from Whangaparaoa. In mid-August, Lachlan needed surgery at Starship after a rugby boot sprig tore a 10cm gash in his lower leg at school rugby practice. “It’s a really cool auction – everyone should get behind it because Starship does so much for kids,” Lachlan says. His mother, Natasha Gibson, adds: “We are so grateful for the care Lachlan has received at Starship; the nurses and doctors were so professional and helped make the whole experience less stressful. It’s so comforting to know that Kiwi kids have access to such quality care when they need it and I really hope the New Zealand public gets behind Starship’s Spring Clean – it’s such an easy way to help raise money for our national children’s hospital.”
Lachlan Gibson-Owen spent time at Starship Hospital after suffering a rugby injury.
Supporters have already gone through their cupboards to donate special items including a framed All Blacks jersey signed by the 2011 World Cup winning team, donated by SKY TV; a brand new SKODA Fabia; a bag full of Tikidub gear including t-shirts, a jacket, cap and signed albums donated by Tiki Taane; and a framed Auckland Blues jersey signed by the 2015 team and management donated by Auckland Blues and Barfoot & Thompson. To hold a garage sale in support of Starship, participants should register at to download a garage sale toolkit.
We Restore Weathered Decks
(left to right) Production Manager - AJ Rawiri. Leading Hand - Corey Nancarrow. Our newest addition - Shane Berger. Office Manager - Ellie Foote. Returning for his second season - Liam Gallichan. Leading Hand - John Elliot. Owner - Nigel Ross.
THE TEAM AT CHEMWASH are fully trained and certified and are ready to transform your property this Spring; offering you a safe and hassle free process. We take pride in all aspects of our business; from customer service, through to carrying out your property clean. We service the Rodney, Waitemata and Kaipara districts; and guarantee all of our work to a high standard.
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22 Mahurangimatters September 16, 2015
Garden structure benefits from spring makeover
One of the jobs to think about when tackling spring-cleaning in the garden is tree pruning. Winter storms can damage branches, which if left unattended can be dangerous. TreeContracts owner Linus Wood says broken branches can also affect the health of the tree. “If the branch rots, it leaves the tree susceptible to fungus, viruses and bacteria, which in turn can lead to disease,” he says. Spring is also the time to have a good look at the structure of the garden and identify what needs to be removed. Doing structural work through summer means the garden is ready to replant at the start of winter. “Arborists are often inundated with work at the end of summer when people suddenly realise they want to make changes. It’s much better to start in spring when the ground is drying up and access is easier. This is particularly true for anyone who might be thinking of building over summer.” Linus says a common mistake is to plant quick-growing trees too close to the house. They usually grow bigger than expected and rob the ground of nutrients. “In my experience, cypress, pine and poplars cause more problems than any other trees. Natives are probably a better option because they are suited to the environment, don’t grow so fast, aren’t as heavy and don’t
If care isn’t taken when choosing where to plant large trees then there may be no choice but to bring the tree down when its size becomes a problem.
cause as much damage.” Linus, who went to Kaipara Flats School, says that being a “local” is a plus when it comes to knowing the best times to prune. “Knowing the local climate means I know when I can prune trees back hard and when I can’t. “Mum (Judy Wood) was a member of Forest & Bird and our holidays were spent walking through bush all over the country. I love trees and consider it a privilege to care for the trees my client’s value. There’s often a lot of emotional connection to trees, but they can also be the cause of problems between neighbours. Keeping them well-maintained is often the secret to keeping everyone happy, and the tree healthy and looking its best.” Linus added that from this month, the rules around the removal of trees have changed. “Under Rodney’s old rules, everything over six metres was under general protection. Under the new rules, if a tree is not on a significant tree register, then it can be removed. But, property owners should check with Auckland Council first because the penalties for felling a listed tree will be severe.”
Pruning tips • •
Keep trees well away from the house If planting big trees, think of putting deciduous trees on the north side of the house. In this way, they will provide shade in summer but won’t block the sun in winter.
Trim big hedges regularly. In the long run it will be cheaper and the finished job will be neater.
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September 16, 2015 Mahurangimatters
Target dust mites for asthma Targeting dust mites this spring could result in significant health benefits for anyone in the house who suffers from asthma. About 800,000 New Zealanders are affected by asthma and about 80 per cent of asthma is associated with allergies. A recent survey found a quarter of Kiwis with asthma or allergies say their homes aggravate their symptoms. The house dust mite produces one of the most common allergens. The mites are microscopic creatures, less than half a millimetre long, and they live in most human environments, thriving in warm, moist places such as bedding and carpets. Their faeces get into the air easily and can provoke a strong allergic response when inhaled. The Asthma Foundation has a comprehensive guide to combating dust mites and suggests starting the battle in the bedroom. It recommends buying covers for mattresses, pillows, bed bases and duvet inners to stop dust mite faeces becoming airborne. Retailers should be able to give written evidence on the effectiveness of the different kinds of covers they sell. It is also important to buy linen with strong sewn seams which totally enclose the bedding item and can be damp-dusted rather than having to be removed frequently to be washed. Check to see that items have a water vapour permeability index of at least
Tree removal aT Home & BacHes
• Tree felling 40 per cent. • Pruning Synthetic fill bedding is no longer • Hedge Trims recommended over feather fill items. It used to be thought that less house • Chipping dust mite allergen would be released • Bamboo removal from synthetic fill, but this is not the • Driveway case – possibly because the material Clearing around synthetic fill has a looser weave. Effective barrier covers are Graham rauner owner/operator needed for both types of fill. P 09 425 9639 • M 021 525 073 Another way to alleviate dust mite symptoms is to remove fitted carpet, especially in bedrooms. Vacuum cleaners won’t eliminate dust mites, but can reduce the level of dust mite faeces. Vacuum at least once a week or ask someone else to do it for you if you have asthma which is triggered by dust mite faeces. Use vacuum cleaners with a micro-filter, an “S-class” filter, or an HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filter system. Machines without these are more likely to re-circulate the fine dust mite faeces through their exhaust vent, back intoMasport the air. Masport Supreme Supreme Plus RBW210 Masport Plus RBW210 Supreme Masport Supreme Plus RBW210 PlusRBW210 RBW210 Masport Supreme Masport Plus RBW210 Supreme Plus Avoid using vacuum Stainless cleaners which Stainless Steel Barbeque Steel Barbeque Stainless Stainless Steel Barbeque Steel Barbeque Stainless Steel Barbeque Stainless Steel Barbeque expose you to the contents when you Masport Masport PRESIDENT PRESIDENT PRESIDENT MasportPRESIDENT PRESIDENT empty them. After vacuuming, leave MasportMasport PRESIDENT Masport the house and allow the dust to settle chipper/shredder chipper/shredder chipper/shredder chipper/shredder chipper/shredder chipper/shredder for a half an hour or so before reMasport Masport 250ST lawnmower 250ST lawnmower Masport 250ST Masport lawnmower 250STlawnmower lawnmower entering. When washing, hang items Masport 250ST lawnmower Masport 250ST out in the sun to dry. If you must use a drier, run it an extra half-an-hour on plus x10 200ST Masport 200ST plus x10 Masport plus200ST x10Masport Masport200ST 200ST plus x10 Masport 200ST plus x10 warm after the contents are x10 Masport lawnmowerslawnmowers which will bewhich will be lawnmowers lawnmowers will be which whichwill willbe be lawnmowers which will bewhich lawnmowers Air blankets weekly, where possibledrawn in one fordrawn each one yardfor each yard drawn each drawnyard onefor foreach eachyard yard drawn one for each one yardfordrawn one 00 00 natural sunlight for a whole day. Do– valued at $499 00 0000 – valued at $499–00valued at $499 – valued at $499 valued $499 – –valued atat$499 the same with any loose rugs. Asthma Foundation New Zealand
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24 Mahurangimatters September 16, 2015
Spring clean at your peril
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About 81 people in Rodney injured a power tool. themselves doing spring cleaning last Know your capabilities year, according to figures released by ACC. The accidents cost ACC just over This especially applies to power tools. $40,000 in compensations. A further Match the size and type of your job to 22 people were injured in Kaipara last the appropriate tools, and if you don’t own the appropriate tools, hire them or spring, costing just over $16,000. get a professional to do the job. Don’t The data is based on accidents which use any tool to do a job it’s not designed were lodged with the words “clean”, for – it may end up cutting you instead. “gutter”, “ladder” and “broom” in their description. The most common Remove obstacles and clutter cause of spring cleaning injuries was Do regular clean ups so you don’t trip loss of balance, lifting/carrying/strain on stuff left on the ground. Install lots of storage space and use it. Invest in and “twisting movement”. More people are injured at home than cordless tools or, at least, keep electrical anywhere else in New Zealand. ACC is cables strapped securely to the wall. encouraging people to take extra care Ladders when doing DIY or tidying the garden Never use a ladder or stepladder if any this spring, and has a list of safety tips to parts are missing, broken or loose – it’s ensure spring cleaning doesn’t include just not worth the risk of a life-long cleaning yourself off the pavement. injury. Once the ladder is up properly, Safety gear secure it well and keep three points The professionals wear it for a reason, so of contact with it at all times – that make sure you have the right protection means two hands and one foot or two for the job. That may include a hard hat feet and one hand when climbing, or or helmet, eye protection, ear muffs, two feet and one hand when working. overalls, gloves, safety masks and dust Chainsaw safety masks, and even respirators if you’re If you don’t know how to use a spray painting or welding. Closed-in chainsaw, don’t attempt it. It’s not shoes, or steel caps, are a good idea – worth the injuries. even for mowing the lawn. Road, WARKWORTH Under 1km from the town centre 183 Sandspit Residual Current Device (RCD) Keep tools in good condition If you’re working with power tools Are the handles on your hammer, outside, an RCD could save you from screwdrivers or files split and loose? being electrocuted. Do your spanners have splayed jaws or do your chisels have blunt or Don’t over-reach yourself mushroomed cutting edges? If they If you don’t feel you have the skills for do, replace them. You might not think the job, there’s noRoad, shame in getting Under aUnder1km1kmfromfromthetht 183 183Sandspit Sandspit Road, WARKWORTH WARKWORTH it, but you’re actually twice as likely professional to do it for you. Remember, to be injured using a hand tool than doing it yourself should be fun! z n
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Yes, it’s that time of the year again. erated p p o Ph 022 0386 046 & andsca ned n z.l it’s w t.w w.nw Yes, it’s that that time time ofofthe theyear yearagain. again. eYes, o Come and see us or order online, and get gardening. s y e d li Mike ll p esup a tpe Loca a nrd s c a w.le o Come Comeand andsee seeususorororder orderonline, online,and andget getg w wp & d ate neerd op o &w y l d l e a n L oy cow L o c a ll an w w w.l
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September 16, 2015 Mahurangimatters
Lyn Johnston, Albertland Museum
Joys of spring
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A stiff breeze and some sun are always a big help when spring cleaning.
Longer, warmer and windier days are here, and it makes me wonder if anyone still does the annual ‘spring clean’ of their home as our mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers did? Spring was once the time to bring out the heavy winter clothing and bedding to wash and dry in the sunshine after months of cold, wet weather. Kapok mattresses were shaken and put out to air, rugs and carpets flung over the clothesline, and the dust beaten out of them. No laundry detergents, fabric softeners or stain removers in those days, but household hints were plentiful. For example, ‘For boiling clothes, add two teaspoons full of Laurel kerosene to the copper when the water is boiling and difficult grease stains will be more easily removed’. The clothesline was usually strung between two trees with a long ti-tree pole used as the prop. Imagine the despair if a line broke. Spring lambs gamboling in the sunshine bring a smile to most faces. Mrs Lily Steventon, of Tauhoa, had a different opinion in the late 1800s. She wrote, ‘We have brought up several lambs by hand, there are two larger ones running about the kitchen now. I think pet lambs are best in books, they are great nuisances in real life. Nothing is safe from them, they take all the young buds off the trees, run over the flower beds, and put their noses into everything’. Old letters and diaries say that the men were responsible for the vegetable garden, as well as growing farm crops and tending stock. However, the ladies did love their flower gardens and regularly swapped cuttings, seeds and bulbs. Mary Constance Hargreaves, at Oneriri, wrote, ‘Will you let me know if I have ever given you a root of the bronze iris or London Smoke. The other bulb is Hunters Horn, I only got last year and if you like it you shall have some roots. The colour is peculiar, a kind of magenta. I admire that ixia you sent Mother, I think it is the most beautiful one I have ever seen’. FOR FAST & EFFICIENT SERVICE Kitchen and pantry were thoroughly cleaned to prepare for the summer Call FREE chore of bottling fruit and vegetables, and making jam. Without fridges or freezers to keep food from spoiling, Ph: 09 423 8820 • Mob: 021 456 429 pantries had a ‘safe’ on the south Email: side of the home, with a mesh screen to prevent bugs getting in. One CARPET CLEANING Edwardian cookbook says, ‘In hot DOMESTIC & weather keep fish and meat covered with wire screens or muslin to keep COMMERCIAL off flies. A large porous flower-pot Truck Mounted Carpet wrapped in a wet cloth and turned Cleaning System over the butter, or some fresh cabbage • Stain Removal & Protection leaves, wrapped around it, will keep it • Carpets, Rugs & Upholstery firm.’ How lucky we are to have the • Water Damage Restoration labour-saving devices, which make our • Insurance Work lives so much easier. Clothes-driers are EMERGENCY FLOOD SERVICE wonderful appliances but nothing BOOK NOW FOR YOUR is more blissful than going to bed in sheets that have been dried outside in SPRING CLEAN a sunny spring breeze.
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26 Mahurangimatters September 16, 2015 How are your customers looking for you?
Baby iguana a rare sight in New Zealand With these... or with these? Enhance the online profile of your business at
The reptile park at Ti Point has become a nursery for 20 green iguana. They are believed to be the first reptiles of their kind bred in NZ. Ti Point Reptile Park director Ivan Borich says that keeping iguana as pets is illegal in NZ and there are only two known pairs here – at Ti Point and in the Wellington Zoo. The young were hatched in an incubator from a large clutch of eggs. “They are unusual reptiles in so much as they are plant, rather than meat, feeders,” Ivan says. “In the wild they would probably forage on leaves, but we feed them on things like puha, thistle and dandelion.” The male iguana at Ti Point is about 1.2 metres, but is probably not full grown. They have been known to grow up to 2m and can weigh more than nine kilograms. The female is slightly smaller. “Two thirds of the male is tail, which he will use as a whip if threatened.” Iguana are natives of Central and South America where many thousands are kept as pets, mainly because of their calm disposition and bright colours. In NZ, their care involves special attention to lighting and heat. Ivan says he hopes to maintain a group of iguana at the park, while others will be dispersed to other zoos.
Green iguana are native to Central America so in New Zealand they are kept in a heated environment. These babies can be seen at the reptile park in Ti Point.
The male in his breeding colours is an impressive sight.
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September 16, 2015 Mahurangimatters
The bookshop adventure for booklovers
Quality Used & New Book Orders & Gift Vouchers Contemporary & Classic Fiction Huge Range of Children’s Books and Specialist Advice The Kaipara Flats Country Show still holds on to its traditions established 70 years ago.
Kaipara fair honours tradition There will be wood chopping, fire engine rides, oysters and toffee apples at the Kaipara Flats School Country Show Day on Saturday September 26, 10am to 2pm. School principal Gary O’Brien says the event has become an important tradition at the school. “It’s a really special day that’s been held annually for over 65 years,” he says. “It hasn’t been commercialised, and it’s an opportunity to feel the flavour of our community and the school. It’s all about our children with their lambs and calves and a great way for the community to get together.” Stalls will sell whitebait and mussel fritters, oysters, Devonshire teas, toffee apples, home-made cakes and sweets, fresh produce, preserves and more. The Puhoi Axemen will put on a woodchopping display and there will be fire engine rides, face painting, pony rides, bouncy castle, mini hot rods and a dunking machine. There will also be
quick fire raffles and silent auctions. An All Blacks jersey signed by Richie McCaw will also be auctioned off. The jersey has been valued at $5000 and is framed with a letter of verification. Mr O’Brien says the highlight of the day is the calf and lamb rearing, leading and grooming competition. Calves are led through a course and must halt on request and are judged on their condition. Lambs must be tailed, castrated and clean, but not washed. They are also judged on their wool. The competition has been run for 70 years. The Rose Bowl for Champion Calf was first awarded in 1945 while the Morison Cup for the Champion Lamb was first awarded in 1950. The school is fundraising for an allweather playground surface to replace the deteriorating tarmac court area. Last year, the gala raised over $15,000, which helped complete a classroom upgrade and purchase new junior reading books.
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28 Mahurangimatters September 16, 2015
Warkworth Music presents
Young Steinway Artist Brilliant young pianist with a programme sparkling with virtuosity and flair
THURSDAY 1st October at 7pm At Mahurangi College, Warkworth
Adults $30 • Students Free • Info. Ph 425 7313 or 422 9281
Jason Bae’s concert in Warkworth is an opportunity to see a NZ pianist who is impressing audiences worldwide.
Renowned pianist visits Martin A4 flyer.indd 1
28/09/12 11:52 AM
Brilliant young New Zealand was the NZ Young Performer of the pianist Jason Bae will perform at Year in the same year. the Mahurangi College hall, in He was the first New Zealander to Warkworth, on Thursday October 1. become the Young Steinway Artist The concert is part of the Chamber and in 2013, he became the youngest Music New Zealand Encompass Series Chief Conductor of God’s Vision Tour and is presented by Warkworth Church Choir in London. Music. Last year, his performances included Jason has recently completed his his recital debut at the Steinway Hall Masters of Arts in piano performance in London, the Bloomsbury Festival at the Royal Academy of Music in in London and NZ Wallace Piano London, studying with Christopher Festival. Tracey Martin The MPWarkworth concert programme Elton and Joanna MacGregor. will include works by Chopin, Liszt New Zealand First Spokesperson for: He has a long listCommunications of prizes &and IT | Education | Research, Science & Technology and Prokofiev. awards. He was the Women’s 2008 winner of Affairs Affairs | Youth Select Committee: Education and Science concert starts at 7pm and tickets the Bradshaw & Buono International The are available at the door; adults $30, Piano Competition Auckland in New Office:York, 157A Kitchener Road, PO Box 31-119, Milford free.Auckland which included a performance at the students P 09 489 8336 | Carnegie Hall Weill Recital Hall, and Info: 425 7313 and 425 9281. I bring a fresh, energetic, practical approach to issues of importance that impact on you.
Tracey Martin New Zealand First List MP
09 422 3465 4 1 Q u e e n St r e e t • Wa r k Wo rt h W W W. S u m m e r S e S S i o n S . c o . n z W W W. fac e bo o k . c o m / S u m m e r S e S S i o n S S u r f S k at e
Parliament Office: Freepost, Private Bag 18 888, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6011 P 04 817 8361 | | tracey.martin.16144
Meet Tracey, List MP based in Rodney. I’m here to help you
For an appointment please phone 09 425 7360 Richard Prosser
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Tracey Martin, New Zealand First Andrew Williams
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Cameron Auto Services - Ph 425 7575 Unit 3 / 6 Glenmore Drive, Warkworth
September 16, 2015 Mahurangimatters
Rise of local food distribution schemes The drive to reduce the dominance of supermarkets in the Mahurangi area has stepped up a notch. The local fruit, vegetable and produce service Ooooby – Out Of Our Own Backyards – started in May, and now Hayden Kerrisk has launched New Zealand’s Patch, a home delivery service for fruit, eggs, herbs, meat, seafood and vegetables, and eventually other locally produced goods. He says his vision is to enable local suppliers, businesses and communities to be self-sustainable when it comes to food. “We plan to do this by bringing convenience and affordability to buying local,” he says. “Through NZ’s Patch, customers buy directly from the suppliers and local businesses on the website, which takes out all the middlemen. As a result, suppliers are receiving 80 per cent of the retail value of their items.” Local suppliers who have already teamed up with the new venture include Warkworth Butchery, Bonjour Patisserie, Matakana Smokehouse and Waysand Farm. “Together we have created a one-stop shop for local food and we even deliver,” Hayden says. “We believe this will help funnel money away from larger corporations and back into the fabric of the community. The short distance that food has to travel also means its fresher with less need to add additives and preservatives. “The door-to-door service also makes it very convenient for busy people.” Meanwhile, Ooooby is now packing around 90 boxes each Tuesday at the Matakana Ooooby hub and has added many local products to the local Ooooby page.
Algies Bay resident Kaye Grand with an example of the damage that the guava moth can do to citrus fruit. She was told not to dispose of infected fruit in her compost, but to ensure it is taken off site in her rubbish bag.
Moth damages fruit Overseeing the first delivery is Hayden Kerrisk. The boxes are being packed at the old Masonic Hall in Warkworth and are then delivered to homes in the Warkworth, Wellsford and Mangawhai area, and all places in between.
“We are still keen to hear from anyone interested in providing Ooooby with organically grown or spray-free produce,” co-organiser Angelica Garcia Petersen says. Ooooby has also expanded to Wellsford, where boxes can be collected from Wellsford Health & Wellness, 155 Rodney Street, every Tuesday from 2.30pm. Info: NZ’s Patch, go to Ooooby, go to
WIN a $100 Gift Voucher! FREE ENTRY for every bag of horse feed purchased till end of October 2015
Something for all... tractor linkage components, gambrels, mutton cloth, machetes, chainsaw chaps, disposable, clothing, raincoats, bird netting, ferret traps, wasp, spider & fly control, pyrethrum, moth traps, organic fertiliser, thistle control, weed matting, grass seed, water timers, rabbit fencing, bird food & feeders, garden tools, fish tank supplies, bird food & feeders, signs: No shooting, drainage coil, dog kennels & crates, cat carriers, Himalayan Salt, Diatomaceous Earth, drenches, IBC tanks sacks & garden bags & clearance corner
Home gardeners are being advised to carefully dispose of any fruit they think may be infected with guava moth. In NZ, the Aussie moth is found in the northern North Island, as far south as Waikato. Its larvae infest a range of soft fruit and nuts year-round including citrus, peaches, plums, pears and nashi, guava, macadamia and loquat. The larvae develop within the fruit, so insecticidal control options are limited. The Ministry of Primary Industries says there is continuous re-infestation of fruit from breeding populations in a range of environments including home gardens, derelict orchards, roadsides and hedges. No natural control agents have been recorded in New Zealand. The Northland Regional Council recommends removing fallen and rotting fruit and associated leaf litter from beneath trees and bury or burn it. Alternatively, it can be put in a rubbish bag for removal from the property.
All supplies for your cats, dogs, birds, fish & small animals Leading brands - Pro Plan, Eukanuba, Pedigree and others 25% off ALL beds & mattresses
Spring savings for lifestylers and gardeners till end of Sept 15 G-Lime only $20/25kg Rok Solid only $35/20kg Dongbu fertiliser only $45/20kg
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30 Mahurangimatters September 16, 2015
TE HANA TRACTORS GOOD OLD FASHIONED SERVICE • New/Used Tractors and Machinery • In-house Engineer • Mobile Servicing • Repairs • Comprehensive Parts Range
Gardening Andrew Steens
Spring compost clean-up
Just like a house, a garden needs a good spring clean at this time of year, Authorised Agents for Kioti and TYM tractors in preparation for the busy season 308 SH1, Te Hana, Wellsford • PH 09 423 8558 to come. First on the list is turning the compost. The winter compost heap (unless you’ve been diligent and covered it) tends to become soggy and anaerobic from the constant winter rains and cold conditions. Beneficial micro-organisms such as fungi, bacteria and miniscule insects that EXC break down organic matter hate these K A VA T OR conditions and stop working, making way for slime moulds and less beneficial T R UC H IRE bacteria to thrive. Kick your compost into gear by lining the bottom of the next EXCAVATOR HIRE • ROLLER GRADER • DRAINLAYING compost bin with dry, twiggy material to provide an aerated layer and then turn ROADING • BUILDING SITES • FOOTINGS • HOLE BORING the old compost over the top. The turning process also aerates the compost, POLE DRIVING • METAL SUPPLIES / TOPSOIL • LOADER HIRE which will get those micro-organisms working again. Sprinkle a few handfuls of p 09 425 7214 m 021 951 518 e lime over the compost as you work, this will do wonders to encourage worms FREE MOBILE CALLS FOR USERS and beneficial fungi. A thick layer of rich, moist, black compost should be at the bottom of your old bin – once all the partially rotted material has been cleared away. This is the basis of your spring veggie bed preparation. An easy way of working compost into your garden beds is to strip off the top 5cm or so of soil, apply a 2-3cm thick layer of compost, add some lime or dolomite, blood and bone, Fencing / Post Driving and sulphate of potash, then cover back over with 2-3cm of soil. The soil acts Mulching / sPraying as mulch, protecting the compost from extremes of weather, while the most active part of the plant root systems will thrive in this nutrient and humus rich relieF Milking / FarM MinDing layer. The worms will do the rest, moving organic matter up and down the soil anDrew & tania weber profile over the coming season. nZQa / Firs accreDiteD This technique will provide a solid start for most crops, but if you are planting particularly hungry crops such as tomatoes, spuds, capsicum, courgettes, melons 021 960 958 / 021 1102 991 or kumara, then a layer of animal manure under the compost will give them an weber.FMs@hotMail.coM extra boost of energy. Just about any manure is good to use, but sheep pellets and horse manure rate amongst the best. Putting the manure at the bottom of the layers gives the manure time to break down a little, before the young roots get to it. This method avoids having to age the manure before you incorporate it into the garden. Spuds, which are planted deeper than the other crops, will actually thrive in direct contact with the manure, so this technique works well for this crop too. And finally, what to do with any excess garden soil after adding all these bulky ingredients? Just remember that this bulkiness will break down over a few months, so don’t worry too much if your beds seem a little overfilled. However, if you do have surplus, this ex-veggie soil is a real boon for your lawn, fruit trees or flower gardens. If you’ve been looking after your soil it will contain much more nutrients and organic matter than the rest of your property. Just sprinkle it around wherever your garden looks a bit hungry, rake in to your lawn or cover Your local Sales Contact: Your local On-Site Service Contact: Norwood Farm Machinery Centre with mulch in your flower beds and Richard Wallington • 0274 430780 85 Adams Dr, Pukekohe Brett Dahlkamp • 027 455 5141 the rest of your plants will also benefit Offer valid to 18th December 2015. All prices exclude GST *Finance is based on 36 month total term. from your spring clean-up. Normal lending criteria apply. Free brush cutter DM262 value $579. Free push mower W819P value $1,390.
15KB035 - Imported by C B Norwood Distributors Ltd
FarM MinDing services
See your local Kubota dealer for full terms and conditions
September 16, 2015 Mahurangimatters
CountryLiving Julie Cotton
Cementing dreams By crikey we’ve had some rain! And to be honest, the farm feels like one big “bog hole”. Not that I’m complaining about the rain. I would harvest every last drop if I could. It’s just the annoying little by-products of it that get my knickers in a twist. When you start wishing somebody would invent 4WD gumboots you know it’s wet! It’s usually around about this point that my selfish (non-profit making) thoughts jump into my head and I get a nasty little urge to grab the farm cheque book. Here’s the thing … I have this recurring dream that one day I will be able to walk from the house to the clothesline and to the garage wearing a full blown pair of sheepskin slippers and make it safely back inside without a trace of mud on them. But hey, I can’t see that happening any time soon. Unfortunately for me, farm houses with their drainage and paving issues come a very frustrating last on the “farm works” priority list. This quagmire that I have surrounding my house takes its frustrations out on all things footwear. I just can’t remember living in the city and having a “death shoe” box, but it’s what I have here. A hideous box stuffed under my house of shoes caked in mud, stained and warped that calls at me, for a jar of vanish and a scrubbing brush! For neither love nor money can I seem to get it through to my kids’ heads not to wear “going out” shoes on the farm! My weekly grocery list always seems to include bread, milk and shoes. Uuugghh! Then there is my stupid covered alcove out the back to take boots off, 2.5m x 2.5m of sheer gumboot and shoe-cluttered hell. Last weekend I counted 15 sets of shoes jammed into that space. Getting out the back door in a pair of heels can be a most treacherous affair, especially after a couple of wines. But it’s not all bad or muddy, I do have blue metal mixed in with it all, and for the vertically challenged this can be a bonus. Mixed with mud and stuck to the bottom of your shoes, you can instantly become an inch taller (although you do need to find a sharp object to eventually scrape it off ). So, with all these drainage problems, is it any wonder I get “concrete and paving” envy? Is it strange that I find myself driving to the city and drooling over driveways and shoe-free front doors? Or my sinister urge to hijack concrete trucks? Nope, I think not. So, to my girlfriend in one of the other farm houses, I say “sista” our dreams of drainage and paths are free my friend and maybe, just maybe, one day I might follow through with that threat, grab the cheque book and dart out and buy a cement factory.
• Fertilizer SPREADERS
en nda’s prov n and Ho l suspensio table Long trave With selec e. gin en system, ted 475cc D TraxLokoven fuel injec oven 4W Honda’s pr go. d pr sion and lock anen edtato nelec ble use nt diff frong travel susp you whe. ereWyo ith Lo ts for m, oven pring a’s er 0FM2 ge5cc engin dpoHo nd r ste e 50 thel ant4Wwe axLok syste injected 47 nge Tr D sio e fu en tim sp d en ble su l! . l kite tato de lim lec d prov aloc mo trar ve se an go fo ng ing ith d er Lo W An ed e. ste r you a’s ne proven m, weer pogin front diff dth n-en nocyo ndaxLo wh e5c u k syste deHo of 47 ecte an4W ts injice for ge pr sionen D Tr e 50 fu ing thel erta 0F spen ble . r ste l suan e veM2 th lec d prov tra ng diff gete.po ith se to go e gin Lo Wwe lockite d tim need en del! m, yoeruing c lim front e a mo 5c er r 47 fo wh d d u k syste An ecte r ste ts yo axLo inj0F for Trste ge we el 50 D fu po ing M2 n4W er no en e d prov t power thee priceloc of than . to go th nt diff limkite d time ge ere you need l! fro wh r steering modefor And for aM2 gets you we ing po er n0F no wer ste thee 50 of the po t ice ge pr e th l! ited tim r a limcl GSTpower steering mode And fo 95 inth *$15,9 of e nonthe price
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nda’s ing 4WD, Ho a hardwork If you need d engine c fuel injecte 0c 42 l ica econom ottle excellent thrnda’s power anding 4WD, Ho e ers smootha hardwork off res the sam gine If you need w lsha 0 cnofue injected en a’st 420c e Th . nse po ndnole Ho resec ing D,an onomical 42 ork r me ott ing thr the4W bro rdw big hacwe a0c d excellent gine ed an 50 r ne its u h as yo po If lase is th dwen sp cte chass nethe l inje veres sam offers smoo l 42 fuessi c gre 0c a’s sha Hond tethe ge om u. ica 0agnowing 4WD,nt onyo le 42 ottof do thr Th lyec ility onres iab rdwr ork nse elle relan po noet n a hawe exc ve d ing ed an pro ne u me the r gin yo t If bu the th d ensamis. rk,po oo ctethe wo sm e injeres c bigc bro dyits boas fuelsha off ass ofers 500c pro h ionwch l 420c lasle ratne spott w ssi neve assis omica ge ch tgre esno econ lat0ag e 42 Thas nt thr . nd t Ho ponse t the d excrelle resdo ing no gepo u th yooo wer an mean of ly sm on brothe iability e rel big n c sam ve 0c offers the 50 pro its rk, but the res w splash is as w sha no chass wo 0 ne 42 dy is. ve e bo ass . Tht the aggressi proof ionanch ponse not rat resdo ing ne ge ge u t me yo es ther asclat ility of nd0c only Ho50 big bro proven reliab lash is as itswo rk, but the ssive new spass chass ch is. proof body u get the aggre generation ility of only do yoHondas latest iab rel n ve pro work, but the is. assT proof body ionclchGS neratin ge95 11t ,9 lates Hondas *$
10 Morrison Dr, Warkworth 0910 Phone:09-425 9498
Offer available on new ATV’s only. This offer is valid until the 31st Octoboer 2015. stocks last. At participating dealers only. 10While Morrison Dr, Warkworth 0910
Phone:09-425 9498
10 Warkworth 10 Morrison MorrisonDrive, Dr, Warkworth 0910
Phone: 09 425 Offer available on new ATV’s only. This offer is valid until the 31st Octoboer 2015. While stocks last. At9498 participating dealers only. Phone:09-425 9498 Mob: 021 486 115 (Dave)
10 Morrison Dr, Warkworth 0910
Email: Offer available on new ATV’s only. This offer is valid until the 31st Octoboer 2015. While stocks last. At9498 participating dealers only. Phone:09-425 Offer available on new ATV’s only. This offer is valid until the 31st Octoboer 2015. While stocks last. At participating dealers only.
32 Mahurangimatters September 16, 2015
We provide: • Care for all your veterinary needs.
• Four dedicated Vets and friendly office staff, who deliver a comprehensive service. • A Saturday morning clinic. • An after hours emergency service in Wellsford.
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Grillo Climber 7.18 • •
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David Haugh, Wellsford Vet Clinic
Digestive health Cellulose in plant fibre is the hard-to-digest carbohydrate that animals like us cannot use at all. But ruminants such as cattle, sheep, goats and deer are designed to have a way around that. Their digestive system effectively grinds away at cellulose. That’s great when you have lots of grass and hay to eat, but the downer is that the same digestive system can spiral out of control to self-destruction if too much easily digested carbohydrate is eaten. Things like bread, grains, molasses, stock “nuts”, apples, kiwifruit, potatoes, kumara, turnip or swede bulbs, finely chopped maize silage and even whey can potentially lead to an intake of too much sugar and starch. Ruminants’ digestive tracts can gradually adapt to higher sugar/starch intake levels so an intake that is toxic initially can be safe at another stage. Also, they cope better if they already have a high fibre diet. How much is safe to feed is the $60 million question. Here are some ballpark figures for feeding grain … 50g/adult sheep/day to start with increasing to 300g/adult sheep/day over a 3 or 4 week period. Adult cattle can start safely on 1kg/day. Make sure no individual is “pigging out” and eating more than their share. Ruminants’ digestive tracts are very different from ours. Before food reaches their fourth stomach (the equivalent of ours) it goes into the reticulorumen, or the “paunch”. This is effectively a huge vat of food, water, friendly bacteria and protozoa, and a few potentially not so friendly bacteria. The bacteria and protazoa are the ones that slowly digest the cellulose. They produce volatile fatty acids which the host animal will absorb into the bloodstream and use as an energy source. Like all acids, the volatile fatty acids lower pH and a happily functioning reticulorumen will be slightly acidic. Because the animal can absorb the acids away as quickly as they are made and because there are some antacids in saliva, which the animals produce when eating fibrous food, everything stays in equilibrium. However, if you add too much sugar or starch, the production of fatty acids will outstrip the animal’s ability to remove them from the reticulorumen. Over the next few hours, the pH starts falling. Many of the “friendly” bugs die and “bad” ones now thrive and produce lots of lactic acid. The pH falls even further and water is drawn into the reticulorumen from the blood. It sounds sloshy if you push on it (left side of abdomen) and there is pain and dehydration. Irritability progresses to dullness. Most animals that go down and won’t stand are going to die without major veterinary intervention.
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Agria great for mashing, roasting, baking Jersey Benne, Cliffs Kidney great for boiling Traditional Christmas potatoes Many other varieties to choose from
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September 16, 2015 Mahurangimatters
Gary Heaven, President, Matakana Winegrowers
Air-conditioned climate Officially spring is here, but looking out the window at the weather the past few days I am not so sure. In the vineyard, however, we can most definitely say that spring has sprung with budburst in the chardonnay and some good bud movement in the other varieties. Looking back at winter, I think the weather gods have been rather kind to us here in Matakana. We have had average rainfall but more frosts, seven at the last count. Our usual number of frosts in winter is two or three. Frosts in winter are good as they help eliminate predators in the vineyard. Frosts from now on, however, can damage the delicate buds and therefore impact vine production. We have our highest rainfall in early spring and that means that the ground becomes quite soft. The challenge in the vineyard is to maintain good protection on the vines without leaving too many tractor marks in the process. The Matakana winegrowing region is framed in the north and west by a continuous line of moderately high bush-clad hills, which are punctuated by a number of locally significant peaks – Mt Tamahunga, The Dome, Conical Peak and a number of others all above 300m. These hills moderate the weather for the region. The Dome and Conical Peak have some of the highest rain rates in New Zealand. This rain however is very localised and, as a rule, the further you are from the base of the hills, the lower the average rainfall is. Most Matakana vineyards are the result of meticulous site selection with north facing slopes and a good distance between them and the hills. These sunny spots have naturally lower rainfall and shelter. It is quite common to look out over the vineyard to the hills and see the rains go around us. A Canadian friend of mine once described our local weather here in Matakana as being ‘air conditioned’ – it does not get too hot or too cold. His frame of reference was summer time being 35 degrees plus and winter being 20 below. I think that being air-conditioned makes Matakana wine quite special. Spring also marks the first opportunity for you, the wine consumer, to see what the last vintage was like. The first of Matakana’s 2015 Rose’s will be released this month just in time to be tasted among the spring blossoms. You should plan your visit to one of our cellar doors or to a local Matakana restaurant and sample the new vintage in our air-conditioned climate amongst the pinkness of spring.
A AGRICULTURAL & FENCING Post Ramming Slashing Spraying Haymaking Topping All types of fencing
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Young farmers skills on the line Young farmers from around the country will be sharpening their agricultural skills over the coming weeks and months as entries are now open for the ANZ Young Farmer Contest. The Lower North Young Farmer district final will be held at Greg McCracken’s property, at Te Hana, on Saturday November 7. The ANZ Young Farmer Contest is New Zealand’s ultimate rural challenge. It inspires excellence, showcases the innovation and growth in the agriculture sector, and helps develop young Kiwi farmers become the leaders of tomorrow. Entry is open and free to all paid members of New Zealand Young Farmers between the ages of 15 and 31. District finals will be held early next year, with the Grand Final set down for around June next year. Info & entry form:
Your local Sales Contact: Richard Wallington • 0274 430780
Your local On-Site Service Contact: Brett Dahlkamp • 027 455 5141
Norwood Farm Machinery Centre 85 Adams Dr, Pukekohe
34 Mahurangimatters September 16, 2015
Phone 425 9068 for more information or email your advertisement to *for a three insertion contract. For ideas and advice about our windows and doors talk to us.
Denis 021 945 498 Joel 021 422 592
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Foundations • Floors • Drives • Paths • Digger & Truck Hire Concrete Specialists backed by over 30 years experience Established since 1984
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September 16, 2015 Mahurangimatters
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Spraypainters of quality kitchens Lacquers, enamels, urethanes, 2 pacs, clearcoats Resprays and Recolours
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Landscape & garden design • Digger hire & earth works Project management • Palm & tree installation & removal Decks, fences, paving • Water features & dams • Wetland design & planting
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Michelle Boler
PHONE 09 425 5597
PO Box 487 Warkworth
Digital Freeview Satellite Installation & Repairs
TV • FM Aerials • Tuning Additional TV Outlets Phone David Redding 09 422 7227 or 0274 585 457
Parker Tree Tree and Hedge Work Pruning and Thinning Removals Free Quotations Fully Insured 26 Years Experience
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Freeview Sales & Installation TV & FM Aerials GAVIN BROUGH Ph 09 425 5495 Mob 0274 766 115
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Call Roland 021 102 2594 • 09 422 5109
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0800 638 254 OR 09 422 3700
Grant torkington 021 138 7206
Household Water Deliveries 0800 747 928 mobile: 027 556 6111
36 Mahurangimatters September 16, 2015
Advertise your classifieds and church notices here for only
$4.40 inc gST per line or $11.20 per/cm inc gST for boxed adverts.
A SMART REPAIR Service for F&P
PLANTS Quality groundcovers, shrubs and trees. Large and small grades. Wholesale direct to the public. Contract growing and pre-orders welcome. Liberty Park Native Tree Nursery, 90 Jones Road, Omaha 09 422 7307. RAWLEIGH Products. Ph Pat 423 8851
smartdrive washers, F&P/Simpson dryers. Same day service 09 423 9660 or 021 168 7349.
Friendly and affordable specialising in small businesses. Contact Dennis 021 338330
Untreated wood shavings & duck poo. Per Bag $10, Bulk $75/m3. Enquire about delivery. Ph 422 5042
MAINTENANCE Grading, rolling & metalling for rural Driveways. No job too BIG or small. Ph Bruce 425 7766
WATER FILTERS Underbench filters & whole house Ultra violet filters – Kill and remove ecoli/bacteria. FREE site visits. Ph Steve 09 945 2282 or visit WATER PUMPS Low water pressure? Get it sorted. Sales, service and installation. Work guaranteed. Steve 09 945 2282 PLUMBER Maintenance work. New tap to new house. Matakana based. Ph Steve 027 494 5499 LAWN MOWING rubbish removal, hedges, small tree removal. WW & beach areas. Ph Jeff Hatfull 027 425 7357, 425 7357 PLUMBER Semi retired for small jobs. Point Wells 09 423 0193 or 027 490 2054
5 Pulham Road, Warkworth Phone 425 8861 Kids’ Holiday Programme October 5 – 9 9.15am – 12.30pm Phone Ann Cates on 425 0966 Sunday Services 9am & 10.30am
MAGICIAN For children’s parties 3-90 yrs, Prize-givings etc. - George 09 423 0249
Come and join the fun, 1st Monday of month, Upstairs New Masonic Lodge, Baxter Street, Warkworth, 7pm. Proceeds to Warkworth Museum.
HAY Conventional bales, new season, shed stored, Tomarata/Pakiri area $10 per bale can deliver. Phone 09 423 8055 or 021 425 393
S3 udoku6 7 9
6 8
7 1
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Auckland Council service centre, Baxter St, Warkworth. Every Monday, 10am to 2pm. Saturday 10-12 noon. No appointment necessary. Service includes signing, witnessing, declarations, certified copies & immigration. Sponsored by Mahurangi Matters
Qualified Duty Manager 30 Hours+ Apply to or in writing to P.O. Box 404091, Puhoi 0951
AGM WOMEN’S CENTRE RODNEY 10 Morpeth Street Warkworth on 13th October at 1pm All members welcome
Monday 28th Sept 2015 at 7.30pm. All Welcome. Peter Hudson - Secretary 09 425 8187
WELLSFORD TENNIS CLUB AGM Monday 21 September 2015 7pm at Wellsford Tennis Club All Welcome
Shoesmith Domain Weds 16th & 23rd September 5.30pm. Ages 4-17 welcome. Season starts 14th October. PART-TIME BARISTA / SHOP ASST POINT WELLS Mostly weekends. More hours over summer. Ph 027 240 3002
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We are looking for a Qualified Timber Joiner to be part of our growing team. The right person will: • Be experienced in all aspects of exterior timber joinery. • Have confident leadership abilities, & be able to take responsibility for a team • Have an eye for detail • Have positive communication skills • Take pride in producing a high quality product • Have good problem solving skills and initiative • Be able to do overtime • Hold a full NZ driver’s license • Be an NZ resident A forklift license is helpful also. Please phone Joel on 021 959 341 Or email your C.V to or visit
Volunteers wanted to coach children’s competitive athletics. Ring Brett 425 9148 or Mark 425 9183.
The summer is fast approaching and Ascension is looking for hospitality stars to join our wait staff team. If you have a passion for great service and great food please send your CV’s to
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BUS DRIVERS Wanted for commuter runs and possible tourist runs Class 2 & P-endorsement needed Flexible hours available Please call 021 507 621 for details
CLEANERS - PART TIME We require experience, self motivated and reliable cleaners to work in our site based in Warkworth. Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun 4am to 6.30am or Mon Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun 9pm-11.30pm Reliable transport is required Please call 09 263 5010 or email
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September 16, 2015 Mahurangimatters
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ADMIN / OFFICE WORK 20+ Years exp sole charge. Looking for full or part time work. Able to do all office duties. PH Jen 021 299 1184 VERSATILE, SKILLED FEMALE Looking for a new opportunity either in childcare, admin or similar. Pref 20+ hours p/week. Ph Corinne 021 1411 627
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Email to book your classified advertising
$10 EACH Available from
A roundup of sports activities and events in the district
Mahurangi Matters, 17 Neville Street, Warkworth or Paper Plus, 37-39 Queen St, Warkworth
Mahu RFC Bridgehouse
Touch rugby a Roundup of spoRTs acTiviTies in THe disTRicT Wellsford Touch starts September 29. Juniors start at 5pm, seniors after. Info: for registration forms The Mahurangi Bridgehouse Touch Module at Warkworth Showgrounds starts on October 15. Info: Junior entry forms available from Fleur Hurley, senior forms from Bernie Kose Touch referee course, Wellsford Rugby Club, September 17, 6-9pm. $10. Text Rosa to register 021 123 2948. Summer hockey Seven aside mixed at the Warkworth turf, Thursday nights starting October 29. 30 minute games, 1/2 field. There must be at least two girls on field at all times. 12-years and over. Fees to be confirmed. Registrations close October 15. Info: Monique Vujcich or 0212396157 Adult beginners hockey, alternating between Monday and Friday mornings, 9am, $5. Info: Sandra Hatch Cup boys practice game, North Harbour U13A V Northland U13A at Warkworth Hockey Turf, September 20, 10.30am Tomarata tag Tag is a version of touch rugby. Season starts October 15. Adult registration close September 25, children registration close October 1. Info: tomaratatag Cricket A cricket competition is starting for Year 5-8 children. Kaipara Flats Cricket Club and/ or Centennial Park Wellsford, Fridays, 5:30pm-7:30pm. 8 players per side, soft ball, everyone gets to bat and bowl. Short season from November 6 to December gnitratS18. Info: Kevin Forde 021795072 or
Mixed Touch Module 2015/2016 ... YDAER TEG Starting THURSDAY 15th October 2015. esuoClub hegGrounds, dirB - CFR Mahurangi Rugby A & P Show Grounds, Warkworth.
02/34& 14,0Year 2 e5l&u6,doYear M 7h&c8.uoT Junior - Mixed Year 1 &52,1Year
uhaM dexiM
Junior Contacts: Vanessa and Fleur 102 re-bMahu otcOTouch ht61Rugby YADSRUHT or find us on.4 Facebook
Senior - Family and Youth Grade,, sSocial dnuoGrade, rG buand lC yCompetitive bguR ignGrade aruhaM Senior Co-ordinator Bernie Kose (021 118 3462) email: .htrowkraW , sdnuorG wohS P & A
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38 Mahurangimatters September 16, 2015
Chris Jensen, News from local fire stations
Everyday heroes By the time this article goes to print, the Rugby World Cup will be about to commence. New Zealand will watch and cheer on the All Blacks as they endeavour to bring home the prize. Regardless of whether they do or don’t, they are likely to return home as heroes in the eyes of the nation. But let us ponder this ‒ who are the real heroes in our society? The AB’s, while they are superb rugby players, are getting paid a lot of money to play a game that most of them would otherwise happily play for nothing. There are many heroes off the sports fields who go unheralded. They include the volunteers who serve in volunteer fire brigades and ambulance services across the country. Can they kick goals like Dan Carter? No, they can’t. Can they leap as high as Brodie Rettalick? Not likely. However, they can show a blistering turn of speed and a shoulder charge equal to Ma’a Nonu when the kettle has boiled and the chocolate biscuits come out. Some even show defence that Richie McCaw would be proud of ... when it comes to defending their wallet before their round at the bar. You may be sitting next to one of these volunteers as you read this article. Maybe you work with one or socialise with one of them without even knowing it. They are all ordinary men and women, working ordinary jobs, but doing extraordinary work for their communities. Across the readership area of this publication there are 11 volunteer fire stations – Puhoi, Ahuroa, Warkworth, Mahurangi, Matakana, Leigh, Wellsford, Kaiwaka, Mangawhai, Waipu, and Maungaturoto. Each station has a staffing level of about 20 members, more or less, dependent on the station. That’s over 200 volunteers in this area alone. Nationwide, the number of volunteers runs into the thousands. All of them are members of your community, sacrificing their time, giving their sweat, and enjoy weekly food specials matched with aforget; quality all RoaRing megname of serving your community. seeing things they would rather in the wine fRom centRal otago. They aim to protect your property from harm. They tend and comfort the sick and MONDAY – FRIDAY At the MAtAkANA the injured. They save lives. Sometimes, it may be at their own personal expense or comfort. They appreciate a thank you, although they do not ask for any. They appreciate the odd beer, although they do not ask for payment. What they do ask for is the support and tolerance of the public in times of stress, grief and inconvenience, because that is what they need. So when you groan as your alarm goes off early in the morning to get up and watch the All Blacks, spare a thought for the volunteers whose bleeper may sound at the same time, sending them out in the cold and wet to attend another incident. Do they complain? No, they just say ... “Go the All Blacks.”
wine • food • laugh • done 15135 Roaring Meg Banner 2.0.indd 1
26/05/15 9:47 AM
Breakfasts, Bloody Mary’s and Banter Check out the matches we will be open for on
Tide Times
Sep 16
Sep 17
Sep 18
Sep 19
2:56am 9:20am 3:09pm 9:32pm
0.6 3:32am 3.1 9:56am 0.6 3:46pm 3.1 10:09pm
6:21am 6:12pm
Sun Fishing Guide
Auckland Area Sea Watch Matakana Marine Seawatch
6:19am 6:13pm
Best At
1:50am 2:11pm
0.6 4:09am 3.1 10:32am 0.7 4:25pm 3.0 10:46pm
6:18am 6:13pm
Best At
2:33am 2:55pm
0.7 4:47am 3.0 11:11am 0.7 5:07pm 3.0 11:27pm
3:17am 3:40pm
Sep 21
Sep 22
Sep 23
Sep 24
Sep 25
Sep 26
Sep 27
Sep 28
Sep 29
Sep 30
Oct 1
Oct 2
0.7 5:27am 0.7 12:10am 2.9 12:58am 3.0 11:53am 2.9 6:12am 0.8 7:02am 0.8 5:52pm 0.9 12:41pm 2.8 1:35pm 6:43pm 0.9 7:39pm 2.9
6:16am 6:14pm
Best At
Sep 20
6:15am 6:15pm
Best At
4:03am 4:27pm
6:13am 6:16pm
Best At
4:51am 5:16pm
5:41am 6:07pm
1:52am 8:01am 2:35pm 8:40pm
6:12am 6:17pm
Best At
2.8 0.9 2.8 0.9
6:33am 7:00pm
2:52am 9:05am 3:38pm 9:41pm
6:10am 6:17pm
Best At
2.8 0.9 2.8 0.9
6:08am 6:18pm
Best At
7:27am 7:54pm
2.8 3:57am 0.8 10:09am 2.9 4:38pm 0.8 10:41pm
6:07am 6:19pm
Best At
8:22am 8:50pm
2.9 5:01am 0.7 11:09am 3.1 5:35pm 0.7 11:37pm
6:05am 6:20pm
Best At
9:18am 9:46pm
3.0 7:01am 3.2 1:32am 0.3 0.6 1:05pm 0.4 7:57am 3.4 3.2 7:30pm 3.4 1:58pm 0.3 8:23pm 3.5 0.5 7:04am 7:21pm
Best At
10:14am 10:42pm
7:02am 7:21pm
Best At
2:25am 8:50am 2:49pm 9:15pm
7:01am 7:22pm
Best At
12:38am 1:06pm
0.2 3:16am 3.5 9:41am 0.2 3:39pm 3.6 10:06pm
7:00am 7:23pm
Best At
1:34am 2:02pm
0.1 4:07am 3.6 10:32am 0.1 4:30pm 3.6 10:58pm
6:58am 7:24pm
Best At
2:31am 2:59pm
0.1 4:57am 3.6 11:22am 0.2 5:22pm 3.6 11:50pm
6:57am 7:25pm
Best At
3:28am 3:56pm
Best At
First Full Quarter Moon Rise 7:42am Rise 8:14am Rise 8:49am Rise 9:27am Rise 10:10am Set 12:24am Set 1:18am Set 2:09am Set 2:58am Set 3:44am Set 4:28am Set 6:10am Set 6:52am Set 7:33am Set 8:16am Set 9:00am Set Set 8:48pm Set 9:42pm Set 10:36pm Set 11:31pm Rise 10:57am Rise 11:49am Rise 12:47pm Rise 1:50pm Rise 2:56pm Rise 4:05pm Rise 6:16pm Rise 7:28pm Rise 8:39pm Rise 9:50pm Rise 10:58pm *Not for navigational purposes.
Good Fishing
Fair Fishing
Not So Good
Your one stop marine shop!
4:24am 4:53pm 9:47am
Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.
For the latest wind and swell information for the Auckland area, go to:
Phone 09 422 7822 • Email •
0.1 3.5 0.3 3.4
September 16, 2015 Mahurangimatters
what’s on
September 17 19 19 19 20 22 23 26 26 26 27 27 27
See What’s On at for a full list of upcoming events
Mid North Forest and Bird winter talk, Tony & Jenny Enderby on African wildlife, Totara Park Village Hall, Melwood Drive, Warkworth, at 7.30pm Puhoi Dance with The Damage, Puhoi Centennial Hall, 7.30pm. A fundraiser for the Puhoi Hall. Tickets $20, available from Amego at the Puhoi Pub. Matakana Grand Charity Ball, at The Stables, Matakana Country Park. Info: Kaipara Festival, Rodney College, Kapahaka display, 8.30am-5.30pm Whangaripo Valley Car Boot Sale, Whangaripo Valley Hall, 9.30am-12pm. $10 per car. Info: Deb Came 423 8432 or Farm and Lifestyle Rates Public Engagement, Warkworth, Shoesmith Hall, 6pm-8.00pm. (see story p3) Galapagos Islands talk, Bramble Café, 1pm. Part of the Armchair Travel Talks series. $15, with proceeds to the Friends of Galapagos Trust. Info: RSVP Gill Warren 422 6959 or Kaipara Flats School Country Show Day, 10am to 2pm (see story p27) Roller Disco, Mangawhai Recreation Centre, 6-8pm. Roller and inline skates available. $10, coaching $5 Wellsford Drama Club presents Rural Variety Show, 7.30pm. Tickets from Wellsford Hospice Shop or Info: Dallas 423 9234 Big Omaha Bay Spring Bake Off and Community Placemaking Day, Leigh Hall, 1-4pm. Free entry, free afternoon tea, Info: 422 7219 (see story p2) Puhoi Farmers Market, Puhoi Domain, 9am-1pm Have a Go Day, Mahurangi East Bowling Club, Snells Beach, 41 Hamatana Road, 10am-2pm. All welcome; please wear flat soled shoes. Info: Graeme Bull 425 5303
October 1 3 3 7 11
Jason Bae - Young Steinway Artist, Mahurangi College, 7pm. Tickets at the door. Students are free. Info: (see story p28) Free blood pressure checks, outside New World Warkworth, from 10am-2pm (see story p17) Waipu Country Market, Presbyterian Church Hall, 9am-1pm. Info: Sue Martin Warkworth Liaison Group meeting, Warkworth RSA basement, 7pm. Info: Steve Haycock Good Life Tour, Matakana district, 9am-2pm (see story p20)
List your event directly on our What’s On calendar at or email to
Grief & Loss Support - Volunteers Required Seasons™ runs peer support groups for those living with loss and change. We work with children, teens & adults who have experienced separation, death or other major changes in their lives. Seasons Warkworth/Wellsford is currently looking for new volunteers to join our team. Volunteers work in pairs while being
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40 Mahurangimatters September 16, 2015
Mahurangi junior rugby in good shape The Mahurangi Junior Rugby Club has had a successful season increasing its win rate by 15 per cent. In addition, a number of Mahurangi juniors boys were selected to trial for North Harbour representative teams. Dayne Tohu and Ethan Scalabrini made it through to the final trials in their respective grades and Jackson Gravatt successfully gained a place in the Under 13 Roller Mills Team. College players, Sam Mason and Lewis Gravatt also made the North Harbour Under 14 representative team. Around 210 children, aged from 4-13, made up the 17 teams playing for Mahurangi in the North Harbour competition this year. The Rippa (non-contact) competition caters for the younger players, with games held at the home club or at the new sportsfields in Millwater, while the older children play tackle rugby. The club continues its long tradition of being one of the few clubs to host the opposition for some “kai” after the game. Earlier in the season, the Junior Club hosted a Seaforth-Balgowlah Raiders team, from Manly, Sydney. Their visit involved two ‘test’ matches which the visitors narrowly won. The rest of the time was spent participating in activities showcasing the area. The boys, aged 9 and 10, and their fathers camped at Pakiri, and helped prepare a hangi. They also visited a farm and did some clay-bird shooting. A return trip
Sports briefs What’s the racquet? The Warkworth Tennis & Squash Club is holding an Open Day on Sunday September 27, for anyone who would like to try out tennis, squash or Hot Shots tennis for 5 to 7 year olds. Racquets will be available for tennis and squash, but visitors are asked to wear non-marking shoes. The Midweek Ladies Tennis & Squash for members and non-members is held on Thursdays, from 10am to 11.30am. The cost is $5 for non-members. Info: or Facebook Warkworth Tennis & Squash Club, or phone Kaye Jackson on 425 6965.
Croquet season starts
Jack Cleland heads for the try line in the Rippa competition.
to Manly is planned next year. A club spokesperson says the main purpose of the competition is to teach the players basic rugby skills and encourage a love of the game. “Although winning is not the primary focus, the teams certainly strive to win their games,” she says. A raffle in support of the Rollers Mills team raised $540 thanks to local businesses Bridgehouse Lodge, Warkworth Central Landscapes and
Sam Mason, and Jackson and Lewis Gravatt.
Matakana Botanicals. The prize winners were T. Banks first, and R. Mclean.
Warkworth & Districts Croquet Club celebrated the start of the season on Saturday September 5. The club is based in Point Wells, opposite the general store. Members regularly compete throughout Auckland and Northland. Club member Heather Metcalfe says there’s a growing number of young people getting into the sport. “Youngsters are realising the challenge that comes with being armed with a wooden mallet and being required to pass a ball through a number of hoops which are barely wider than the ball itself.” The club is calling for new members and plays on Mondays, 9.30am and 1pm; Wednesdays, 9am; Thursdays, 1pm; and Saturdays, 9.30am and 1pm. Info: Club captain Marion Taylor 422 9555 or 021 078 4691
For a full range of family health care, including A&M services in an integrated system 24 hours per day, across our region, including public holidays For further information and new enrolments, please contact any of our clinics Wellsford 220 Rodney St (Cnr. SH1 & Matheson Rd) 09 423 8086 ALSO AFTER HOURS Snells Beach 145 Mahurangi East Road 09 425 6666
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Maungaturoto 138 Hurndall Street 09 431 8576 Paparoa 1877 Paparoa Valley Road 09 431 7222
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