Proudly NZ Owned A division of Local Matters
Your LOCAL Community Newspaper
4 April 2012
Puhoi • Warkworth • Snells • Matakana • Omaha • Leigh • Pakiri • Wellsford • Port Albert • Kaiwaka • Mangawhai
Park and ride funding flies south for winter
While the Environment Court has so far only handed down an interim decision, the Sandspit Yacht Club Marina Society is confident it is now plain sailing for the marina project.
Court interim decision finds in favour of controversial Sandspit marina plan Members of the Sandspit Yacht Club hoping to secure a berth in the proposed Sandspit Marina can expect to know this week approximately how much a berth will cost. After five years of negotiation, consent granting consent for the land-based it was satisfied that any adverse effects hearings and a six-day hearing in the activities associated with the project, could be controlled to an acceptable Environment Court, the Sandspit subject to clarification of plans and level, and that the application met the Yacht Club Marina Society is ready to conditions. Consent for the marine sustainable management purpose of start preparing documentation ahead structures, which was granted by the the Resource Management Act. of construction. Auckland Regional Council in 2010, The court has asked the marina society to rework its Development Plan to This follows an interim decision from was not disputed. the Environment Court last month, The court decision stated that overall, continued page 2
off the drawing board this month . . . .
Graham Sawell • Architectural Designer
Funding of around $6 million earmarked by Auckland Transport for the Silverdale park and ride will be reallocated to the City Rail Link as part of a budget reshuffle. This was agreed to at a Strategy and Finance Committee meeting last month and councillors, including Cr Penny Webster who chairs the committee, supported the reshuffle, saying it was simply a matter of deferring funding to next year’s budget pending resource consent approvals. However, concerns raised by the Hibiscus & Bays Local Board about consultation on the matter and surety of funding, reveal that funding for the project may not be guaranteed. Member John Kirikiri says that continued page 3
Inside this issue Full of promise
Youth feature – pages 23 to 25
Get involved
Sports feature – pages 26 to 28
Mahurangi College Newsletter – pages 40 & 41
New Home Matakana Valley
– member of architectural designers NZ inc. – licensed building practitioner
“Architecture has recorded the great ideas of the human race. Not only every religious symbol, but every thought has its page in that vast book.” – Victor Hugo
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2 | Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012
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Issue 200
twice a month to more than 12,200 homes and businesses.
Next issue is April 18 Following issue is May 2 – Advertising deadline April 18
Enquiries: ph 425 9068 • fax 425 9088 • PO Box 701, Warkworth 0941 17 Neville Street (corner Neville & Alnwick Streets) Warkworth • Editor: Jannette Thompson • ph 425 9068 • Advertising: Cathy Busbridge • ph 431 4966 • Views expressed in Mahurangi Matters are not necessarily endorsed by the publishers. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission of the editor is prohibited.
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Residents opposed to the Sandspit Marina development, represented in the Environment Court by Sandspit SOS Inc, say they are naturally disappointed at the interim decision to grant resource consent. Spokesperson Michael Taplin says the group accepts that the court was faced with a difficult decision, complicated by the fact that the ARC decision approving the water-based activities was not appealed. “SSOSI and the community were, therefore, caught in one of the many traps created by the hasty amalgamation of local bodies into Auckland Council,” Mr Taplin says. “We are victims of the law of unintended consequences, and the confusion caused by the conflicting original decisions of the ARC and RDC.” Mr Taplin says SSOSI is working on a robust set of conditions, which can be negotiated to protect the interests of the community and ensure proper management of a marina, if it is eventually constructed.
Marina decision
Orang - Otang
• • • • •
Marina opponents disappointed
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show car and trailer parks including those stacked and for public and private use, vegetation, trees for retention and removal, the public access route, details of hard landscaping, relevant ownership details such as esplanade reserve and esplanade strips, and full details of the site adjunct activities such as dinghy storage. The society had 25 working days in which to submit a draft set of final conditions, after consultation with marina opponents Sandspit SOS Inc. Marina spokesperson Jon Nicolson says the society is “totally happy” with Judge Jeff Smith’s decision and has no concerns about the conditions as outlined. “As far as we’re concerned, the marina has the go-ahead,” he says. “The next step is to determine who’s still interested in taking a berth and what size berth they want.” The project includes 131 berths along five pier structures, protected by a 110-metre long rock breakwater, which people will be able to walk along, and a 200m floating breakwater. At least 100,000 cubic metres of material will be dredged from a seabed area of about 4.8 hectares to form the marina basin and navigation channel. The total cost is likely to exceed $10 million. Although berths can only be sold to yacht club members, Mr Nicolson believes the marina will be over-subscribed. Society representatives were meeting with a lead contractor last week to determine an estimated overall cost. “Once we have these prices, we’ll do the maths to determine individual berth
from page 1 prices. These will be given to members this week with time to think it over and decide. Once we know the mix of berth sizes, we’ll be able to give more accurate costings and prospective berth owners will be asked to pay for the berths up front. We’ll want the money in the bank before any work starts.” The society hopes to start building later this year with the first berths occupied by Spring next year. One issue still unresolved is where the society will dispose of the dredge material. Mr Nicolson says several options are being considered. One is to barge the dredgings to a sea dump on the other side of Great Barrier Island, which is costly and weatherdependent. Another option is to supply it as fill to the Auckland Port extensions at Ferguson Wharf. A third option, which has since been dismissed, was to use the spoil to reinforce the Sandspit spit. “We were offering the dirt for free and to hand over the dollar amount we would have paid to take it away, but Auckland Council wasn’t keen on the idea at all. “The spit is vulnerable to rising sea levels so the option of using the spoil to reinforce it seemed sensible. However, at a recent meeting on site with Cr Penny Webster and staff, we were told that staff are not convinced there is a problem. “Apparently, tide patterns go in 17year cycles and it just happens that we’ve been at a stage in the cycle which results in very high tides. This is not expected to continue.”
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Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012 | 3
Opinions divided on future of town hall Auditor General Submissions on the future of the Warkworth Town Hall have closed, with no sign yet of where public opinion lies. The four options regarding the fate of the hall, which ranged from various upgrades to doing nothing and leaving it unused, were put forward by the Rodney Local Board and the Warkworth Town Hall Advisory Committee at a public meeting at the Old Masonic Hall on March 16. Around 60 people attended the discussion and a number of differing opinions were voiced. Some members of the meeting felt other options needed to be considered. Among these was an option to demolish the hall, which received a lot of support. Comments from the crowd included that the hall was an eyesore and the money would be better spent on a new facility. Other issues touched on the integrity of the building, parking, Women’s Centre young mothers programme facilitator Maria Collins is sad to leave the town hall, where the centre has been based for the past 26 years. costs and the rules governing the hall’s was immediately off-limits to casual would remain in Rodney.” Category 1 heritage listing. Rodney Local Board member Brenda Board member Tracey Martin says user groups such as the Celebration Steel says she understands that not she will be very interested to read the Centre and Shotokan Karate, while with the Women’s Centre Rodney, everyone supports upgrading the hall. written submissions. “But a number of the older members of “While people at the meeting were which has occupied room in the hall the community do support the upgrade asked to place stickers on their preferred for 26 years, and barber, were given because they have fond memories of option, this was only an indication and a non-negotiable eviction deadline time spent at the hall in their youth,” was used to stimulate conversation – of March 31. The Women’s Centre is she says. “They feel that as it is the only which it certainly did. We won’t have relocating to 10 Morpeth Street and community hall in the town, it should any idea what the public wants until the barber has moved to a shop off of Neville Street, near Tahi Bar. Both are the submissions have been collated.” be brought up to modern standards. “Any decision to sell or demolish The 100-year-old hall was closed in opening on April 10. the hall would have to be made by December after the Rodney Local The Rodney Local Board is expected the Governing Body and if that Board deemed it unsafe as it failed to to make a decision on the future of the did occur, it’s unlikely the money meet modern safety standards. The hall town hall next month.
Silverdale park ‘n’ ride queried because of the way these funds were redirected, there is no longer certainty for Silverdale Park and Ride. “This now becomes contestable funding, like any other Long Term Plan project,” he says. Cr Webster says she was shocked to hear this. She says the project is a priority for Auckland Transport and funding remains in its capital expenditure budget for the park and ride. “Money will be shifted back into the project when it is ready to commence, once resource consent issues are sorted out in the Environment Court,” Cr Webster says. “The funding is in place, and there’s no way the project should have to go into a contestable fund. That will happen over my dead body!” The Local Board has asked Auckland Transport for
from page 1
confirmation in writing that a deferral has taken place from the current year’s funding and that the park and ride will be progressed in the next financial year as soon as legally possible. In the meantime, Council plans to use the money for preliminary work for the rail loop including geo-technical surveys, building assessments, contaminated site reports and rail modelling. Council budgeted $2 million for this, but needs $6 million more. The reallocation of funding coincided with the removal of the billboard on the park and ride site, which was seen as an omen by some Hibiscus Coast residents. However, Auckland Transport spokesperson Sharon Hunter says the sign was removed because it was a former Rodney District Council sign and “should have been done months ago”.
seeks comment on wastewater
The Auditor-General’s Ofiice has announced the terms of reference for its inquiry into Kaipara District Council’s management of the Mangawhai community wastewater scheme. The inquiry will examine Council’s development, implementation and oversight of the wastewater scheme and any related projects, from inception. It will also look at Council’s planning and decision-making, including how well it complied with its policies and strategies, and the governance, management, and contracting arrangements for the project. Other matters it will consider will include Council’s financial management, monitoring, and reporting, the funding for the scheme, including the use and setting of rates, borrowing, and development contributions. Members of the public are invited to contribute their views on the scheme and any concerns they may have about how the project was developed and implemented by Council and its contractors. Community meetings will also be held in Mangawhai. Written comments can be submitted at; or posted to “Kaipara inquiry”, Office of the Auditor-General, Private Bag 3928, Wellington 6140. The final report will be publish and presented to Parliament. The inquiry follows repeated calls by ratepayers over concerns about Council’s handling of the scheme. Council itself requested the review following consideration of a report prepared by its new chief executive Steve Ruru.
Current upgrade
Vector Energy is undertaking an electricity cable upgrade to reinforce the power supply in the Warkworth area. Work is being carried out in a number of places including the Hill Street intersection, Browns Road, Woodcocks Road, and Matakana Road. The project is due to finish in June.
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4 | Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012
OFF THE RECORD Straight to the point While Meatloaf, T-bone and Sir Loin are common enough names for cattle, a speaker at a recent Warkworth BNI meeting enlightened his audience with the information that his pet lamb was called Tucker. Anyone else got any interesting pet names they’d like to share?
Traffic tribulations
FEEDBACK Hitting where it hurts Regarding your article on log burners (MM Mar 14), part of your report is logically incorrect. Your report states figures from a 2004 report “ … in winter transport was responsible for around 30 percent of emissions, while domestic chimneys accounted for around 65 percent. In summer, when heating is not in use these figures are reversed.” Logic states that if, in summer, domestic heating is not in use, then that form of heating cannot produce any form of pollution, let alone 30 percent. If I’ve missed something, please be good enough to humour me and let me know. I’m not in favour of banning pre2005 enclosed woodburners. There was a report (1985-1993 to my best recollection), before the new generation of woodburners, stating that when wood was correctly burned in an enclosed woodburner, less pollution was given off than using electricity from coal/gas fired generation to produce the same heating. Just about every day I drive behind (mainly diesel) vehicles that are belching humongous amounts of noxious particulates because their owners are not responsibly maintaining their vehicles. The government is doing nothing about these choking emissions, which could be fixed with regular maintenance. Yet once again, Local Government wants to hit us where it hurts. We
Letters can be sent to or PO Box 701, Warkworth
were promised when Rodney joined Auckland City, our water rates would substantially decrease in this area. Yeah right! Sewage charges linked to water usage also continue to rise, even though we’re on tank water most of the time. We pay increased transport charges in one form or another yet here in Snells Beach/Warkworth we have yet to, and will never, see public transport. Len Brown – many of us are not earning in excess of $100,000 a year. We don’t have the money to pay for your dreams whether in increased rates, petrol tax, toll fees or any other “tax”. Wake up. Lift the burdens from “your” people. Don’t add another straw to the camel’s back. Manfred Lotarius, Snells Beach Editor’s note: The figures in the report were incorrect and should have read: In summer, when home heating is not in use, transport accounts for 75 percent of emissions, industrial sources 23 percent and domestic sources two percent. We apologise for the error.
School milk misses point While it is encouraging that schools are being offered milk for children, it is equally sad that this is necessary (MM Mar 14). Fonterra is making a splash about this, yet would it not be far more beneficial if it looked at how it can ensure retail prices in NZ make milk an easily affordable staple product?
McCoy & Thomas Hunting & Fishing Warkworth
In many smaller communities, basic iconic brands such as Anchor and Fernleaf are disappearing from chillers in favour of budget or house brands. Chiller shelves are loaded with cheap chemical spreads and budget product. Maybe it’s because, for example, at a store in Wellsford, a block of non-budget butter costs $7.25 plus, a bottle of non-budget milk around $5, and 1kg of cheese well over $10. No wonder private brand products are disappearing from chillers to be replaced with Pams, Budget, et al. And make no bones about it, retailers make far more gross margin from house brands than private brands. It is nuts that in NZ, the price of basic dairy products has become so out of reach for many and private brand dairy is now a ‘rich-man’s’ food. If Fonterra is genuine in its desire to ensure children have ready access to milk, it would be doing far more with its clout to keep retail prices at an affordable level, as would the government. While it is vital that we achieve as much income as we can from our exports, it is also important that there is a cap on what can be charged for staples, in this case dairy. That Fonterra rolls out the mantra that we are subject to international economics in this case is ludicrous. We are a nation that has become expert at parking ambulances at the bottom of the cliff. Richard Jansen, Port Albert
Road rule changes tested the mettle of Warkworth drivers, as our busy corner of Neville and Alnwick streets revealed. Dinosaur drivers unwilling to adapt were at risk of becoming T-wrecks and drunk or sober, the unwitting could have been T-totalled. Luckily, most did a T-rific job and if they didn’t, all the talk of T and intersections meant someone was always ready to Toot!
Tomarata what? Tomarata School says it’s used to seeing its name spelt incorrectly, but was amazed when the Fire Safety Inspection team labelled information in an email to … Motorama School.
Get the yolk! yy Why is there no Chocoholics Anonymous? Because no one wants to quit. yy Why does the Easter bunny have such a shiny nose? His powder puff’s on the wrong end. yy What did the bunny want to do when he grew up? Join the Hare Force. yy What kind of stories do rabbits like best? Ones with hoppy endings. yy What do you get when you pour hot water down a rabbit hole? Hot cross bunnies.
Correction The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has confirmed that the current termite infestation being treated at a property in Point Wells (Mahurangi Matters Mar 1) is the first and only infestation to have occurred at Point Wells.
Be in quick! Limited supply of decoys and ammo!
ANNUAL DUCK NIGHT Wednesday 2nd May
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Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012 | 5
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TOSSI supporters John Kendrick, Fern McGee, Nikau-Jarrah and Jaiya McHardy watched as 90 saddlebacks were released at Tawharanui Open Sanctuary. Insert saddleback, photo Martin Sanders.
Tawharanui park welcomes saddlebacks’ historic return
The historic translocation of 90 native saddleback, or tieke, occurred at Tawharanui Regional Park on March 26. It is the first time the birds have been Steve says they are a noisy, visible back on the mainland in more than characters who bound from branch150 years, disappearing in the mid to to-branch rather than flying. They late 1800s as a result of forest clearance source food by probing through dead and predators. wood and leaf litter on the forest floor Efforts to save them from extinction since for weta, grubs and other insects, and the 1960s have seen birds translocated they also eat fruits of various forest between protected and pest-free offshore trees such as kawakawa and coprosma. islands. The Tawharanui birds came Last year Massey University biology from Lady Alice, Red Mercury and researcher Dr Kevin Parker undertook Mokoia Islands. a study of male saddlebacks and Tawharanui Open Sanctuary Society found that because the birds have Inc (TOSSI) chair Steve Palmer says the release was a great way to mark been isolated from each other for around 50 years, they have developed TOSSI’s 10th anniversary. new songs and seem to have trouble “It is special occasions like this that understanding each other. Dr Parker remind us what all the hard work has been for,” he says. “We are delighted to says these differences in song could welcome the tieke to their new home.” ultimately lead to a mating barrier. Saddlebacks are slightly smaller than “The next step in my research is to see tui, with glossy black plumage and a if these birds, with different song, will bright chestnut saddle and pendulous be willing to pair and breed,” he says. orange-red wattles on either side of “I expect they will either mix straight away or their offspring will mix.” their throat.
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6 | Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012
think global n COM M U N I T Y I N AC TI ON
act local
International godwit expert visits Warkworth Godwit expert Keith Woodley will speak at the Forest & Bird mid-north branch annual meeting, at Totara Park in Warkworth, on April 12. Keith, who manages the Miranda and 2007, he participated in the Shorebird Centre on the Firth of Saemangeum Shorebird Monitoring Thames, is also the author of Godwits: Project. Organised by Birds Korea and Long Haul Champions, a highly the Australasian Wader Studies Group, illustrated book that tells the story the project documented the disastrous of the godwits and their migrations. effects on shorebirds of a massive It follows the birds on their intrepid land-building scheme on the west journeys, examining the places they coast of South Korea. The project, visit, ranging from the estuaries of involving the longest sea wall in the northern New Zealand, to the mudflats world, effectively destroyed 41,000ha on the Chinese-North Korean border of intertidal flats and shallows that had supported more than 400,000 and the tundra nesting sites in Alaska. His studies include the bar-tailed godwit, shorebirds during migration. Born-again birder Keith Woodley will which makes the longest known non- The meeting starts at 7pm, with Keith’s be the guest speaker at this month’s Forest & Bird meeting in Warkworth. stop flight of any bird and the longest talk scheduled to start at 7.30pm. journey without pausing to feed by any animal on earth – 11,680 kilometres Book giveaway Mahurangi Matters has a copy of Keith Woodley’s book Godwits: along a route from Alaska to NZ. Keith has taken part in regular Long Haul Champions to give away. To enter, write your name shorebird surveys in China, along and daytime phone number on the back of an envelope and with school visits and other public post to: Godwits Competition, Mahurangi Matters, PO Box awareness activities. In 2006 701 Warkworth. Competition closes on April 20.
Sandspit bird-watching event defies the weather Community bird-watching days could become a regular event at Sandspit Reserve following a successful inaugural event last month. In spite of the rain, more than 100 people turned up to learn more about birds in the area. The event was organised by Sandspit SOS Inc, a group dedicated to the protection of Sandspit’s natural environment. The group’s environmental team, including Frances Hall, Dr Roger Grace and Annette Asher, explained the results of the surveys of bird numbers, and cockle and stream life studies. Rudi van der Zwaal demonstrated the finer points of taking natural wildlife photos. Spokesperson Michael Taplin says numerous birds were spotted including pied stilts, oystercatchers, Caspian terns and godwits.
Briefs Environmental awards Auckland Council is calling for entries and nominations for its Sustainable Environment Awards 2012, with the winners to be announced in July. Held every two years, the awards recognise individuals and groups helping to protect and enhance Auckland’s environment and heritage. The main aim of the awards is to help reward the people making a positive difference to Auckland’s environment and heritage. Entries close on May 9. The award categories are individual, sustainable schools, youth, community and supreme which recognises the stand-out project across all categories. Info: www. or email environmentawards@
Northland schools invited Schools In Northland are being urged to act quickly to win a share of this year’s $20,000 Northland Regional Council Environmental Curriculum Awards. Schools have until May 1 to apply for funding via the awards, which aim to boost environmental education in the north. A maximum of $2000 per school is available for distribution and must be spent on school-based environmental education projects. Last year, 20 Northland schools were funded for school ground projects ranging from streamlining olive harvesting processes, to planting natives to reduce highway traffic noise. Application available at:
TOSSI planting day The Tawharanui Open Sanctuary Society is looking for volunteers to plant 20,000 trees and shrubs on May 6. Bring strong boots/shoes, gloves, drinks and snacks. Sausage sizzle lunch provided, 9am start. Info: Steve Harrison 425 8500.
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Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012 | 7
Environment with Christine Rose
Blessed waters, damned species New Zealand is blessed with a large and accessible marine environment. Most of us live in and love the water. We have high marine biodiversity including almost half the world’s whale and dolphin species. But to our shame, we trash the ocean and we’re damning its inhabitants. New Zealand’s waters are home to the world’s smallest and rarest marine dolphins, Hector’s and Maui’s dolphins. These are also the loveliest of them all. Up until the 1970s, and the introduction of monofilament nets, there were an estimated 30,000 Hector’s and Maui’s dolphins found around most of New Zealand’s coast. Now there are about 7000 Hector’s in a few hotspots around the South Island and about 55 adult Maui’s concentrated on the North Island’s West Coast. Their populations are shrinking due mainly to gillnet and trawling entrapment. As with many other species, set nets catch dolphins as by-catch, and they drown and die. Because Hector’s and Maui’s live close to shore – they can often be seen from land – they are especially vulnerable to human impacts. Even though their biggest threats are from indiscriminate fishing practices; tidal turbines, seabed mining, sonar testing, boat strike and pollution also threaten their habitat and survival. Because of the perilous state of these dolphins, and also because there have been plenty of dead dolphins to study, we know a huge amount about Hector’s and Maui’s dolphins. We know they’re slow breeders, at a two percent increase, at best, per annum. We know they live to only about 20 years old, breed from the age of about five and only about once every five years. They swim closest to shore in summer and out to the 100m depth contour in winter. Because their habitat and populations have shrunk so dramatically over the last 30 years, their genetic diversity has also shrunk. We know for a fact that they cannot sustain a single human induced death if they are to survive as a species. That’s why these beautiful, intelligent, social little dolphins need your help. Only more protection from indiscriminate fishing practices will give this dolphin the time it needs to recover. Most civilised countries do not tolerate set nets. We will be shamed as a nation if we allow these dolphins to become extinct. The world is watching. For New Zealand to allow this little dolphin to become extinct will be immoral and indefensible. There are 70,000 kiwis and great efforts are being made to save them. Hector’s and Maui’s dolphins are as kiwi as the kiwi, but even rarer. We must do more by the dolphins. The Government is consulting on extended protection until April 11. Please submit to MAF and DoC to ban set nets and trawling in the entire Hector’s and Maui’s range. Visit Submit at kara.mcKelvey@maf.govt. nz and We can not let this dolphin die. Love our blessed waters, don’t damn a species. Further reading: • •
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8 | Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012
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By selling through Mike Pero Real Estate, these vendor’s have probably saved between $3,000 to $6,000 in commission compared to other major brands.
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Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012 | 9
Tony Moore Albertlander
Tony Moore was enticed away from a high-paying technical job at TVNZ by an historic house at Te Hana that he never meant to buy, only to discover he’d inadvertently returned to his ancestral roots as an Albertlander – living in an Albertlander’s house and looking out on what was originally his great grandfather’s 40-acre allotment. A motorsport enthusiast turned bus driver, a keen photographer and self-confessed “research nut” who prefers to go barefoot, he lives by the motto “take the chance”, a philosophy that has led him to explore a wide variety of opportunities, as Adele Thackray discovered. I was brought up in rural Bay of Plenty and at 17, applied for a technician’s job at a Rotorua radio station. However, having agreed to work anywhere, I was sent to work for television in Auckland instead. I started on January 9, 1961, six months after New Zealand television began. We were broadcasting a single black and white channel from about 7pm to 9pm and if you weren’t within range of the transmitting aerial on the roof of the Shortland Street studio, you couldn’t get reception. In those days technicians did a bit of everything. One day I’d be sound operator, the next a cameraman, projectionist or a videotape operator. I liked being a cameraman best but ended up being a lighting director, ultimately working in technical production for 25 years. One of my last jobs as cameraman was recording the opening of the Auckland Airport in 1966. Live rugby broadcasts weren’t allowed at the time, but we used to record important matches with just two cameras and show them the next day. In September 1965 I was the on-air camera at one Eden Park test between the All Blacks and Springboks, when a quick All Black throw-in led to a try. Many of the crowd missed it and when they tried to watch it on television the next day they found out that I had too. As a lighting director, I worked on numerous shows, including Happen In and C’mon, as well as on location at the likes of Hudson and Halls’ Ti Point home. I met my wife Colleen at TVNZ and we had two sons. We were making good money and decided to invest in land by the beach that we could eventually retire to, but in Easter 1985 nothing was available. However, a picture of a Te Hana house caught our eye and although we had no intention of buying an old house, we decided to drive up and take a look. We soon bought it, both resigning from TVNZ to make the move. We hadn’t been here for long when I agreed to host local genealogists for their annual meeting and to view our historic home. Albertlander Edward Browne built it in 1867 on 80 acres, after he and his wife
came out from England as 21-year-olds in 1863. His skills as a wheel-maker wouldn’t have been much use in what used to be known as the roadless north, before “the winterless north” became the preferred slogan. However, he was kept busy building his 260 square metre kauri house, marked as “carpenter gothic” style by its high-peaked roofs and fascia board decorations, as well as other houses in the district. Edward and Eliza filled its eight bedrooms with 12 children. Every downstairs room has a fireplace and in 1880 a bay window was added to keep up with trendy Auckland villas of the time. While previous owners did some major restoration work, Colleen and I decorated throughout and created a garden from scratch, including a perennial border and the croquet lawn that I thought Edward and Eliza would appreciate. I knew about the Moore family arriving in Wellington because my dad had a book about it, and I’d also read a book about Albertlanders that included our house. However, I didn’t realise that the book also included my great grandfather, William James Raven, an apprentice watchmaker who’d come out here on the William Miles in 1862. Research revealed he’d probably done a runner from England after getting a girl pregnant. Conditions of his apprenticeship indenture included that he would “not contract matrimony during the said term, not play cards or dice tables or other unlawful games, and not commit fornication”, the latter clause subsequently crossed out – probably by him. After the baby was born, the girl followed him out and married him, but sadly, their baby died. Ultimately, he would have two wives and 13 children. My grandmother was from the second family and my father was one of her six children. Although a lot of people think the Albertland ships came up here, in fact they arrived in Auckland, where William turned up on the brink of the Waikato War and signed up for a volunteer regiment before joining the Forest Rangers commando unit. Like
all Albertlanders, he got his 40 acres of land and we can almost see what was once his block from our front door. I thank William for helping me to integrate into the district. You can easily be a newcomer several years after you get here, but saying your great grandad was here in 1862 gives you instant ‘cred’. I’ve been a really keen genealogist ever since. As a result of my family research I discovered that I’m one-sixteenth Maori and organised a family reunion with the Marlboroughbased tribe Rangitane O Wairau to acknowledge our links, which were news to 95 percent of the people there. I’ve also gained new research skills as a volunteer archivist at the Albertland Museum, where I helped to get the new Harold Marsh Gallery up and running. A keen photographer myself, I joined the local photographic club where I took the declaration by local chemist Maurice Gorbey that the district didn’t offer good landscape shots, as a personal challenge and found quite a few. Nowadays I enjoy the added possibilities for improving and restoring my photos with Photoshop. I’m also a motorsport enthusiast and used to compete in car trialling, the only off-the-track motorsport for cars before rallying. You followed a list of instructions and had to be at checkpoints at exactly the right
time. One event started at midnight at the Chateau Tongariro and ended up in Auckland about midday the next day. At that time, my red Triumph 2000 was my pride and joy. Trialling later included rally-style legs on closed roads. I got quite a buzz out of those flat-out stages, but gave up when I turned 30 and bought my first-ever new car, a Citroen GS, back in the days when there was a 40 percent tax on imported European cars. Driving accidentally became my job after a joking comment from a relative. He was a teacher in charge of buses at Rodney College and said that if we moved to Te Hana, I could fill in as a driver for a few weeks. I began driving school buses and found I loved it. Early in the morning the road from here to Mangawhai is empty and you can see Coromandel in one direction and almost to the west coast in the other. Meanwhile, Colleen has continued as a spinner and weaver and has a shop upstairs. We have also run a B&B, hosting some interesting visitors including Naomi James, the first woman to sail single-handedly round the globe. However, we’re now ready to revert to the original retirement plan, trading in Te Hana for a beachfront bach at Raglan. Our house here is on the market and we’re ready to go when it does.
10 | Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012
with Penny Webster, Rodney Councillor, Auckland Council ™
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Defining core business In the final week of the Long Term Plan submissions, the Local Government Minister announced a change to local government and a return to “core business” by councils. In some quarters I know this is a very popular idea and one that I used to espouse when I was in Federated Farmers and before I was on Council. However, before we all get very excited let’s look at the ramifications. Apparently, Councils must look to rates to fund infrastructure which is “core business”. Sounds okay. What about the intergenerational debate and what is core business? Warkworth Town Hall is a concern to many people at the moment as it has been closed due to earthquake requirements and safety issues. Is a new one or a modified one “core business”? And what about libraries? Now that we can go into any one in Auckland, they are costing far more than before in transporting books throughout the region plus staff costs. Should we start charging for that? There would be an outcry. Regional parks – where volunteers do so much work but are not available to all Aucklanders – where do you put those? Not to mention new swimming pools, sports grounds, events, community assistance and presumably economic development. Rodney District Council, for example, helped fund the Puhoi to Pakiri study. That surely is not core business but it helped define this region. Last week, Auckland was named the host for the 2017 Masters Games. The Government put in some money, but Auckland Council is expected to pick up the rest as we did with the Rugby World Cup. Is that core business? Not everyone will benefit and many will argue either way. Last year, the Government changed the rules allowing local councils to borrow more to build infrastructure. Now they are concerned about the level of debt. In the meantime, subsidies for roads have been cut and promised funding has been denied. Of course, I’m sure the legislation has some good points. The idea that the Mayor can set the vision and the budget plus has the ability to appoint the deputy mayor and the chairs of committees avoids the situation that has happened in the past of factions in the Council getting “control” and working against the Mayor. If there are changes to the requirements for endless plans and reviews of plans within a silly timetable, this could be a positive. Many council processes that frustrate growth and development are controlled by legislation, but successive Governments ignore this fact and tinker around the edges. Look at the “changes” to the RMA that haven’t improved it at all. My concern in all this for the Rodney area is simple. The experiment that is Auckland Council is hardly through conception, let alone the birth process. Rodney hasn’t seen too many benefits yet. Now we are getting more change. Sensible or populist. Can communities afford another disruption? Time will tell.
SPCA urges Auckland dog owners to sit tight The Auckland SPCA is encouraging all dog owners to sign a petition regarding Auckland Council’s proposed dog registration fee increases. The Auckland division is urging dog owners with a dog owner licence to sit tight until Council reviews the planned increase and recognises that dog registration fees should stay at a reasonable level. The SPCA wants to see a significant discount for licensed owners and for desexed dogs. Council claims the substantial increase in fees is due to the fact it costs them more than $12 million annually to undertake dog control enforcement and they currently have a budget deficit of $5 million. Info:
Mark Mitchell MP FOR RODNEY
Meet Mark Mitchell at Mahurangi East Community Centre 21 Hamatana Road, Snells Beach, Monday 16th April, 10am-2pm
For appointments and assistance please call Orewa: 09 426 6215 | Warkworth: 09 425 8603 Email:
Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012 | 11
Rodney MP keeps close eye on Council reform agenda As school children and supporters enjoyed the recent Whangaparaoa Rotary Soap Box Derby, bystanders were predicting the demise of many community events if proposed changes to the Local Government Act are made. The reforms, introduced by former “I don’t see why supporting local events Local Government Minister Dr Nick would not remain a core function of Smith, are focused on requiring Council, but I can’t categorically say that Councils to “stick to their knitting”, it will, until I read the bill in more detail. providing local infrastructure, public If people bring me genuine concerns services and regulatory functions, that we will lose something of value while reducing rates and debt levels. to the community as a result of these The former Minister made it clear reforms, I will certainly look at that.” that this would involve removing He says volunteers, private enterprise, Councils’ responsibility for “the social, central Government or a combination cultural and environmental wellbeing of those could take up any slack of communities”. in the areas of social, cultural and Local Board members suggest this part environmental wellbeing. of Council’s role includes supporting Dr Smith announced last month community events, funding arts, that legislation covering tighter fiscal leisure and cultural centres and controls, stronger governance and responsibility for regional parks. making it easier for councils to merge Rodney MP Mark Mitchell was tackled will be introduced to Parliament next about the issue at the Soap Box Derby month and is expected to be passed by and says he is supportive of the reforms, September. This will enable the Local because of the focus on getting the best Government Commission to consider possible value for the rates paid by council reorganisation proposals households and businesses. in time for the October 2013 local “While everyone reins in their government elections. spending, including central The remainder of the reforms, which Government, Councils put up rates include reviewing the planning and borrow heavily,” he says. “This documents required of councils, bill addresses that.” clarifying central and local government He says he is watching the process regulatory roles, exploring better ways closely to ensure it results in better to provide water, roads and other local governance, but does not believe infrastructure and reviewing the use it will impact in a negative way on the of development contributions, will be covered by a second bill next year. community.
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12 | Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012
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Waste Plan hearing in Orewa draws varied submissions
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Auckland Council’s draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan has received a mixed response, with many submitters preferring the status quo. However others praised the plan for to continue to choose between the use its focus on achieving a 30 percent of bags and crates, or bins. reduction in the amount of domestic “Bins would be a backward step, as kerbside waste sent to landfill by combining all recyclables in one bin 2018, as well as its “aspirational goal” means less is able to be recycled due of zero waste. to contamination,” Mr Murphy said. Bags or bins? He also pointed out that long, steep The focus of attention for many local driveways make it difficult to get the submitters at the Orewa hearings before bins to the gate, especially for the commissioners last month was Council’s elderly or those with limited mobility. proposal to standardise kerbside Others described the bins as awkward collection containers in Auckland, to clean, difficult to store, unsightly and which means introducing wheelie bins. likely to make pavement access difficult. Council proposes that residents have Product stewardship an 80 litre bin for organics (collected The proposal to seek Government weekly, free service), a choice of three legislation to introduce mandatory sizes of bin for recycling (free service) product stewardship schemes for and a choice of two bin sizes for landfill packaging such as cans and bottles that waste (both collected fortnightly). would transfer costs from ratepayers and The landfill bins will be microchipped, on to producers and consumers, received and charges made on a separate bill by the highest level of support of any of the Council, depending on the size of the questions in the submission form, with bin and how often you use it. 82 percent of submissions agreeing with Most speakers were not in favour the proposal. There was also community of bins, asking for a more flexible support for a proposal to advocate for approach that takes into account the container deposit legislation (refundable deposits that return bottles to beverage needs of different communities. Stillwater Ratepayers & Residents companies for refilling), which is largely Association president Paul Murphy opposed by industry. was among those of the opinion that one size does not fit all, saying Council should allow the community
Full story can be read at
Beach Inspired. NEW LOCATION - Shop 1, River View Plaza, Kapanui Street, Warkworth. 09 425 0056
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Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012 | 13
Auckland Council proceeds with Wellsford land sale Auckland Council Properties Ltd (ACPL) is proceeding with plans to sell the Corry Block, at the southern entrance to Wellsford, despite calls for the sale to be deferred pending further investigation of its potential for community use. The Wellsford District Sport and “Any new sales go through a careful Recreation Collective wants part process that initially involves a council of the land to be set aside for a officer review of potential service walkway/cycleway and has made two use, followed by Local Board, Maori presentations to the Rodney Local Statutory Board, ward councillor Board on the issue. Spokesperson and iwi engagement. The final Julie Hawkes says she would be very recommendations on property sales disappointed if the Corry Block was are considered by Auckland Council’s sold without community consultation Governing Body, taking into account any submissions from the engagement or discussion. Council’s draft Long Term Plan states process. ACPL has not consulted that although Council is committed to with the Rodney Local Board on any retaining is strategic stakes in Auckland proposed new sales.” International Airport Limited and The first batch of recommended new Ports of Auckland Limited, there is sales is expected to be presented to the opportunity to rationalise other assets Strategy and Finance Committee this that are under-performing or not month. strategic. Council has budgeted to “In regards to properties already on receive $468 million from asset sales the list, we will be endeavouring to over the period of the 10-year plan. dispose of them as soon as possible.” Auckland Council Properties has The total land area available for sale confirmed that the Corry Block is one on the vacant Corry Block, at 1580 of six in the former Rodney district State Highway 1 Wellsford, following on its list for disposal. The other five completion of the subdivision process, are on the Hibiscus Coast and all six is 34.376ha. It has a rateable value of properties were approved for sale by $900,000. the former Rodney District Council. Rodney District Council purchased An ACPL spokesperson says Local the Corry farm nearly seven years Boards have not been consulted over ago to extend the recreational reserve the sales approved by legacy councils. and provide for industrial expansion. “ACPL has, however, briefed Local However, the venture continually Boards on property disposals through ran-up against difficulties from the Local Board Chairs meeting, and has Transit NZ in securing access off State Highway One. sent out details as requested,” she says.
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Rodney beaches safe from bacteria Auckland Council tested the water quality of more than 180 beaches throughout the region during the 2011/12 summer. A total of 729 samples were collected as part of the Safeswim programme in an attempt to identify any potential public health risks. The water was tested for levels of bacteria called Enterococci in marine water and E. coli in freshwater. Toxic algae are also tested for in the Rodney lakes where a potential problem exists. A number of contamination alerts were flagged in other areas due to the wet start to the summer season. Heavy rain is known to put added pressure on the stormwater and wastewater networks resulting in increased levels of contaminants washing into the marine environment. Info:
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14 | Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012
Matakana watering hole changes hands
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The Matakana House has new owners. Three couples have purchased the heritage pub with plans to upgrade it to a family-friendly village pub serving quality beers, local wines and seasonal, fresh home-style food. The new owners are Duncan and Hannah Anderson, who have owned a small farm close to the village since 2004, and their friends David and Sarah Marshall, and Bill and Jodi Jamieson, who farm in the Rangitikei district in the lower North Island. The Andersons run Angus beef cattle on their 20-hectare block and grow seasonal vegetables from the kitchen garden. Former owner Gerry Pole will continue to run Matakana House until mid-year “We’re Queen Street farmers really, when the new team takes over. but I still wear my red bands to the in his prime, says he is looking forward The new owners say they plan to farmers market pretending to be a real to continuing the annual ‘shear-a- modernise the pub inside and out, farmer,” Duncan says. sheep and drink-a-pint’ day which he creating new spaces for dining and His principal job is consulting to understands is a community favourite. families. However, they stress that the NZ and Australian businesses on “But I won’t be doing the shearing,” renovation will be in keeping with improving productivity. he says. “Just looking at a hand piece the colonial style of the 109-year-old Bill, who could shear 450 ewes a day these days makes me sweat.” building.
Council sees sense over parks security contract Warkworth’s Insite Security is celebrating a victory for common sense after an Auckland Council decision that allows it to continue providing comprehensive security services for Auckland Regional Parks. Council previously announced it would rationalise security service contracts acquired through amalgamation to a single security alarm monitoring service and four area-based contracts providing “manned” services, effective from April. However, Insite Security owner Chris Martin says Council and new northern monitoring contractor Chubb Security have since agreed that, due to the special nature of security
requirements for Northern regional parks, Chubb will subcontract the total service to Insite. That means the company will retain its direct relationship with parks, including monitoring, manned response and servicing of alarm and CCTV systems, making weekly reports to Chubb. “We will continue to do everything we did previously. For us and for parks it’s business as usual.” Chris says he’s had a positive response from parks staff, who are pleased that their security service won’t become fragmented. The decision follows publicly raised
concerns over potential implications of the single supplier policy for ranger safety, response times and predator fence security, as well as the level of local access to Council contracts. Rodney Local Board member Tracey Martin says she is “thrilled that those making that procurement decision have seen the value in a local provider”. However, she is disappointed that a “middle man” in the form of Chubb Security has been introduced, replacing the previous direct CouncilInsite relationship, and at how long it took for Council to reach the same decision as the Rodney District legacy council, “that a local provider was the best provider on many levels”.
Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012 | 15
localbusiness INTR ODUCING n
Hum Café
Dé Lovely
Father and daughter team, Andy and Elyse Sherry.
Fresh, innovative and reasonably priced food that gives value for money is being delivered “eight days a week” at the recently opened Hum Café in Matakana. Located in the building formerly occupied by Matakana Patisserie, the café is family owned and run by Andy and Vanessa Sherry, and their daughter Elyse, who are no strangers to the area. Andy and Vanessa established the Arts Café (now Tahi Bar) in Warkworth and ran the Warkworth RSA restaurant for a number of years. However, Andy’s interest in food goes back to the days when his parents ran the TVNZ studio restaurant in Wellington and his first job was as a Turners and Growers produce auctioneer. “I loved those early mornings, when the fresh fruit and vegetables were being unloaded, and can still smell
how good it all was,” he says. “Food’s my passion – I lie awake half the night imagining new recipes.” After leaving Warkworth, Andy and Vanessa ran several cafés on the North Shore, including Hum in Birkenhead and Rhythm, which was voted Auckland’s top café by Metro. “Our new café in Matakana will be the best we’ve ever done, benefiting from all that we’ve learned over the years. The premises have been completely renovated and staff trained to our standards, both in food preparation and service. There is a great range of cabinet and menu food, all prepared with our own particular flair. Vanessa’s slices, which she designs herself, are truly amazing. If you don’t believe me, then just try her Louise cake, date/fig/ apricot slice or chocolate rum torte!”
Hum~Dinger Of A Breakfast Bacon, Sausage, Eggs on Toast PLUS a Regular Coffee 6:30am - 10:30am daily
The Matakana fashion store De Lovely may have a new owner, but she is no stranger to the store or its large clientele. Wendy Adams has worked alongside previous owner Marie Jones since the store opened in the village four-and-ahalf years ago. Consequently, she doesn’t see the need to make too many changes. “The store is perfect for women of all ages who are looking for individual essentials,” she says. “The clothing, accessories and jewellery come from New Zealand designers and have both day or night appeal. “However, I am bringing in some new labels, including the French line Cannisse which is in store now, and catering to a wider size range.” Wendy, who has worked for Country Road in Auckland and Sydney, was a medical receptionist before moving north to the Matakana area 10 years ago. She ran a B&B Cottage in Hamilton Road for several years but says fashion has always been her passion. She says this season’s look has a heavy French influence. “There will be lots of bright knitwear on shelves and hangers this winter, and rabbit fur trimmings on collars and waistcoats. While black and white remains a perennial winter favourite,
Wendy Adams
teal, pinks, rusts and taupe shades are also big this season, and animal prints are once again very strong.” Wendy’s other interests outside fashion include golf and running. She has already competed in two half-marathons and intends to compete in the Auckland half-marathon later this year.
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16 | Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012
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Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012 | 17
localbusiness Forums boost networking
Premium Matakana Boutique real estate company Premium has snapped up a prime retail location in Matakana Village. Sales manager Garry Knapp says the company has had its eye on Matakana for sometime and when the premises on the corner of Matakana Road, by the roundabout, became available, it wasn’t a hard decision to make. “We’ve been operating out of temporary premises on Takatu Road, waiting for the right location for a permanent office,” he says. “The new high profile premises are ideal and are large enough to accommodate a regional office, capable of servicing a larger area.” Premium was founded by Brian Guy and Alan Tippett in 1984 and for the last 17 years, it was owned and managed by Brian and his wife Jane. Following Brian’s untimely death last year, Jane took over as managing director. Based initially at Takapuna and later Waiheke Island, the company today has offices at Albany, Herne Bay, Mission Bay, Devonport, Waipu and now Matakana. Premium describes itself as a ‘boutique’ company specialising in high-end coastal and lifestyle properties, although Garry says anything “with an edge” is considered. “Normally we wouldn’t list anything under $700,000 but around this area, different rules apply. There
Di Balich and Garry Knapp outside the new office in Matakana, which will cover the area from Puhoi to Pakiri.
are some stunning coastal and river view properties that definitely have the Premium stamp on them, and properties at Omaha certainly fall into this bracket.” Garry says he envisages the Matakana office being a base for five to seven agents. “However, it could take several months until they are all onboard, as we are pretty fussy about who we take. We only accept experienced agents who can deliver a high level of service.” Garry says Premium already has a strong link with the area, as the Guy family has
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had a holiday home at Point Wells for many years. Garry and his wife Gaynor are also planning to settle here. “The great thing about Matakana is that it’s out of the rat race, but still close enough to Auckland to catch-up with family and business obligations. “I’m really excited about this new office and giving the local real estate industry a competitive nudge. I’ve had more than 30 years experience in high-end real estate sales and management, and I’m looking forward to the challenge, and I think the district will benefit from the additional choice and competition.”
A series of business forums, organised by Rodney MP Mark Mitchell, was launched in Warkworth last month. Mr Mitchell says the aim of the forums is to provide a strong platform for business networking in Rodney, to develop a local mentoring programme, and in turn, progress economic policy that will reduce red tape and compliance costs to make local businesses more competitive. “As a former business owner, I understand the importance of business support networks in the local area in order to foster and expand business development,” he says. “I’m keen to bring together Rodney’s business leaders, entrepreneurs, small business owners and residents interested in growing our local economy.” Business Forums will be held throughout the year on the following dates (venues yet to be confirmed): yy 27 April – Growing our exports and tradable sector yy 8 June – Small and medium business development yy 10 August – High-tech science and innovation yy 12 October – Building global enterprises locally
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18 | Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012
Money with Alex Fowler
Managing wealth
Wealth management’s aim is to help you make smart, rational choices about your finances so that you can control your destiny and build the life you want for you and your family. There is a big difference between being rich and being wealthy. Being rich may mean that you live a lifestyle full of the latest cars, gadgets, travel and clothes; it doesn’t mean you are accumulating assets. Conversely, the wealthy usually have specific, defined goals for their money, and are able to make wise financial decisions with these clearly defined goals in mind. At its core, structured wealth management encompasses each specific area of your financial life. For example, business, tax, estate and retirement planning, risk management, and developing investment strategies. The wealth management process stands in stark contrast to how most investors operate. The vast majority of investors tend to address financial goals on an ad hoc basis. These investors neglect to understand the complex scope of issues they face are often deeply interconnected and must be managed in a coordinated manner. Usually, these issues are dealt with only as they arise, and typically just enough information is gathered to implement the particular solution to the problem at hand. Structured wealth management should be thought of as a detailed blueprint guiding all your decisions, ensuring that they all work together in a coordinated manner. Structured wealth management accomplishes this in three ways: yy Using a consultative process to gain a detailed understanding of your deepest values and goals. This process helps ensure that your wealth is utilised to pursue your key life objectives. yy Employing customised solutions designed to fit your specific needs and goals beyond simply investments. The range of services and tools involved in crafting wealth management solutions might include insurance, estate planning and retirement planning. yy Delivering these customised solutions in close consultation with other professional advisors. This enables investors to work closely, and in a coordinated manner, with trusted advisors to identify potential issues, implement solutions and regularly monitor their overall financial situation. Such advisors offer valuable expertise, perspectives and analysis that can help investors avoid making irrational decisions that jeopardise their financial goals. A disclosure statement for Alex Fowler is available on request and is free of charges, or can be viewed at
IT fails to undermine value of spoken word, Toastmasters The prevalence of email, social media and text messaging has seen even some of the most basic oral communication skills take a back seat, making the prospect of a public presentation an increasingly daunting task for many. However, this trend has also heightened should be the focus, not the screen.” the value and importance of an Murray says cue cards with headers are effectively delivered speech or pitch. generally better than screeds of notes, Communication and leadership are which are off-putting to audiences and closely linked, and greater confidence can make you look down too much as in public speaking can lead to you speak. increased confidence in other areas of Strong opening and closing statements your life, from job interviews to social go a long way to getting your message occasions. across and practice in front of a mirror, Warkworth Toastmasters president video camera or friends, will make a Murray Chapman says that although difference to your delivery. speeches and presentations can be Check out the venue beforehand to nerve-wracking, it’s helpful to realise find out if you have a lectern or sound that no one knows exactly what you’re system etc. If using a microphone hold going to say so it’s hard to get it wrong. it close to your mouth rather than at However, it is important to know your chest level and if not, address people at the back of the room. audience and when to stop. “A three to five minute speech is Letting your eyes rest on individuals fine for a social event, but a business for a few moments is an effective way presentation normally requires longer, to include the audience, however, in which case asking for or allowing glancing around too rapidly can questions is a good way to break up it be a distraction, sending too many up and keep audience attention,” says messages to your brain. Murray. Finally, never admit that you’re Resist the urge to fall back on nervous, that only increases the level technology and if including it, set up of audience scrutiny. It’s better to “fake it till you make it”, Murray says. and test equipment well in advance. “There is a saying, ‘death by Joining a Toastmasters club is one way PowerPoint’ as so many of these types to improve your speaking skills. of presentations fail when technology Info: Warkworth Toastmasters breaks down. A PowerPoint is best used phone Murray 0274 966 550 or to highlight points rather than to be Steve 027 478 7427 or visit www. the entire presentation. The presenter
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Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012 | 19
Timber Joinery
The law with Nathaniel Heslop Wynyard Wood Lawyers & Notaries
Prepared for settlement? The emails were flying thick and fast. The vendor had packed and moved out of the house, and the purchaser and moving truck were on their way to move in. The only thing left to do before the house could be sold was for the purchaser to exercise their contractual right to a pre-settlement inspection. A purchaser can inspect the property, chattels listed in the sale and purchase agreement, and fixtures to ensure they are in the same condition they were in at the time the agreement was signed. A purchaser’s right to remedy after a pre-settlement inspection will depend on the purchaser’s inspection of the property; was there existing damage the purchaser did not notice when they looked at the property? A purchaser is also entitled to rely on representations made by the real estate agent, and despite its common occurrence, the fact an inspection occurs on settlement day itself is an issue; pre-settlement inspections should be conducted on a day prior to possession. Although a purchaser is entitled to inspect the property, fixtures and chattels to ensure they are in the same condition they were when the purchaser signed the sale and purchase agreement, there is nothing in a standard agreement that says chattels must be sold in good working order. Often disputes arise over whether damage to a chattel was pre-existing or had occurred after the agreement was signed. It is wise to confirm chattels such as lights, ovens, heat pumps and curtains are in good working order before you sign a sale and purchase agreement. People can be disappointed moving into a property that does not meet their standard of cleanliness. Sale and purchase agreements do not specify that a property needs to be clean on possession. If you want to ensure the property you have purchased is clean, make certain an appropriately worded clause is included. Vendors are often concerned a purchaser will delay settlement based on a presettlement inspection. However, a purchaser cannot cancel a sale and purchase agreement or delay settlement after a pre-settlement inspection unless the property has become uninhabitable or unsafe to live in. The remedies available to the purchaser are to require the vendor to repair the chattel before settlement, or retain an agreed sum of money until the chattel has been repaired. If funds are retained this may prevent the vendor from settling on a property they are purchasing, sometimes on the same day. A pre-settlement inspection is the appropriate time to raise concerns about chattels and fixtures. After settlement the purchaser has paid money for the property and is now the legal owner. If you have not agreed to retain funds in your solicitor’s bank account or have the work completed before settlement, the most probable solution you are left with is filing a claim in the disputes tribunal; but that is another story for another day.
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Pensions keep pace with CPI The War Disablement Pension and Veteran’s Pension payment rates increased by 1.77 percent on April 1 as part of the annual cost of living adjustment. This means a veteran, who is 65 years or over and in receipt of a full War Disablement Pension, will now receive a tax-free payment of $202 per week, in addition to the Veteran’s Pension or NZ Superannuation, or any other assistance such as a disability allowance. A couple on a Veteran’s Pension will receive $604 (gross), an increase from $588 per week. As at January 31, there were 12,246 veterans in receipt of a War Disablement Pension and a further 5981 Surviving Spouse Pension recipients.
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20 | Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012
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Celebrations at the Matakana School 150th reunion on March 10 included the burial of a time capsule containing photos of the school and town as it is today.
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Matakana time capsule marks school’s 150th anniversary Hundreds of former Matakana School pupils returned on March 10 to celebrate the school’s 150th reunion. Celebrations included the burial of a donating significant items such as the time capsule and the unveiling of a 150th commemorative rock and a 150th anniversary monument. pohutakawa tree, which was planted Organiser Helena Udjur says the time in the friendship garden by past capsule is likely to be opened at the principal Neville Johnson. A beautiful memorabilia museum housed photos of next reunion. “We hope our current pupils and some past reunions, classroom shots, and other staff members will enjoy the contents memories, which will now be archived properly and retained for future pupils. in 50 years time,” she says. “It was a wonderful family and A commemorative booklet, decade community orientated occasion with photo and other keepsakes are a lot of the older Matakana families available from the school. wanting to be part of the day by Info: 422 7309.
Language extension Weekly classes in Mandarin have started in Wellsford under the banner of the Wellsford School of Languages and Music. Organiser Richard Jansen says the classes are an opportunity to start children learning what is rapidly becoming a dominant world language, with increasing emphasis at high school level. He says other languages can be organised if there is demand. “The classes run for about an hour or slightly less, are very informal, relaxed and enjoyable,” he says. “Children, as well as adults, are welcome. Ideally, we would like to keep class numbers to about eight.” Info: Contact Richard on 425 9798, or email
4A Baxter Street, Warkworth
opp. Info Centre
Y E S ! O U R A U T U M N FA S H I O N S A R E A R R I V I N G D A I LY !
Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012 | 21
p 09 425 7214 m 021 951 518 e FREE MOBILE CALLS FOR USERS Mahurangi West Hall supporters held a fundraising event recently, raising $3200 which will be go towards improvements at the hall. About 125 people attended the ‘long lunch’ held in a marquee beside the hall. Immediate improvements needed include new toilets and the addition of a deck.
Call for better hall funding The Mahurangi West Hall and Reserve Society has appealed to the Rodney Local Board for some assistance towards the final leg of its hall upgrade. The society needs $137,000 to into the facility.” complete the works to make the hall Local board member Tracey Martin fully functional. said she thought the land had been Speaking at a Rodney Local Board earmarked for future Waitangi Treaty meeting in Wellsford on March 12, claims, which could complicate any management committee secretary developments. Janie Randerson outlined what When Mahurangi Matters contacted the society and Mahurangi West Auckland Council for clarification on community had achieved to date. the status of the hall, a spokesperson Mrs Randerson said since 2005 the confirmed that Mahurangi West community had raised more than hall sits on Crown land, which was $74,000 for repairs and improvements vested in trust to the former Rodney to the hall, and volunteers had District Council by the Department contributed more than 15,000 hours of Conservation. It is classified as a worth of work. Local Purpose Reserve. The building “This is a community that gives and footprint area is leased from Council gives,” she said. “But we are going by the Mahurangi West Hall and to need some assistance to find the Reserve Incorporated Society and the $80,000 needed for the toilet block – society owns the building. a vital component of the facility.” The spokesperson said all crown land The remaining work includes the not expressly excluded is still available building of a deck and disability access for future claim considerations. ramps, exterior lighting, pavement of At present, no formal record of a the carpark, and power supply upgrade. claim exists for the property. Any “As items become completed the hall recommendations regarding the future then becomes more useable and more of the Mahurangi West Hall will need attractive to hirers enabling a fee to be to be made in agreement with the Local charged. This can then be reinvested Board, Council, DoC and the society.
Fundraiser The Mahurangi West Hall and Reserve will be holding a fundraising jumble sale and sausage sizzle at the hall on Saturday April 28, starting at 8 am. All proceeds to go to the Hall Restoration Fund. Info: Sabina 021 178 4060.
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22 | Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012
Warkworth cement works plan lost in Auckland transition Bold plans mooted for development of the historic Wilson Cement Works site seem to have slipped off the radar in the transition to Auckland Council. The almost six hectare site is largely Council owned Plans for the historic and is a popular swimming hole and picnicking site, Wilson Cement including nationally significant historic ruins. Works site, including A reserve management plan for the site adopted by stabilisation of the large chimney, are in Rodney District Council in May 2007 included jeopardy. proposals to make safe and allow public access to the currently fenced off ruins, create a river front zone complete with visitor centre and café, link the reserve to Warkworth’s public walkway and possibly add a new public wharf and boat ramp. It was also envisaged the area could be used to host arts and performance events. A Conservation Plan was adopted in 2005. However, a new entrance, carpark and toilet block completed prior to amalgamation used up initial funding and under the RDC’s priority ranking model, further landscaping funding of over $900,000 was among items excluded from the 2009-2019 long term plan due to funding constraints, with the proviso that they may be revisited in the future. As a result, no commitment to the project was passed on to Auckland Council during the transition, despite Rodney Local Board’s 2011 Plan stating it aimed to “review and implement existing reserve management developed. I’m right behind the whole thing, but Council and we are suggesting that they up the ante plans” and Rodney board members June Turner and I’m also a realist. You need money and I can’t see because it’s just not enough.” Brenda Steele report that it has not featured in the us getting any at the moment from what I’ve been She believes council-owned sites like the cement board’s discussions or planning to date. told.” works and town hall should be subject to separate June says the board is acting on the community’s However, he hopes at least the Riverbank budgets for community assets with heritage value, wishes and it will be difficult to find funding for Enhancement Group’s planned extension of but says in the absence of legacy funding, the major items not identified in Council’s long term Warkworth’s riverbank walkway to the cement community needs to use the long term plan process community plan, for which submissions closed on works will be successfully completed. to seek more money for the cause. March 23. Brenda says that despite the cement works’ clear Hearings on local matters and draft local board Peter Thompson of the Wilson Cement Works historic value, current heritage funding has little agreements are scheduled at the old council community steering committee says to his to offer the project, as the board is operating under chambers in the Orewa Service Centre, Centreway knowledge no formal submission has been made inherited RDC rules that limit eligibility and cap Road on Monday, April 16 at 12pm with additional about the project since amalgamation. payments at $5000. time on April 17 and 18 if required before the final “It’s definitely an asset that has to be improved and “The policy is currently under review by Auckland plan is adopted in late June.
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Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012 | 23 31 YOU TH F EATU R E
full promise Mahurangi youth endeavour shines light on Rabi Island A group of Mahurangi young people are raising funds to travel to Rabi Island, near Fiji, in July, to donate 1000 solar lights. A dinner and auction night will be held at the Puhoi Hall on April 27 to help raise the money needed to purchase the lights and pay for the trip. The 10 young people travelling to Rabi Island are aged between six to 25 years and are members of the Mahurangi Presbyterian Church. Assistant pastor and trip organiser, Bruce Eirena, says a range of items have been donated to go under the hammer including a Skyworks flight for six people, a signed All Whites shirt, Morris and James pottery and a weekend at Keriwin House Bed and Breakfast in Kerikeri. “Our goal is to provide a simple solar light for every home on the island and bring our two communities closer together,” he says. “There are around 1000 homes on Rabi Island spread between four villages. There is very little infrastructure on the island, which is home to around 4000 people. There is no electricity grid and each village relies on a single diesel generator to power their homes for a few hours each evening. “Most people put kerosene in a tin can along with a rag as a makeshift form of lighting in the evening. From both a lighting and safety point of view, this isn’t a great system. Education is important on the island but the lack of light makes it hard for students to study.” Bruce says the group had hoped to attract a major sponsor to cover the cost of the lights, but hadn’t had any luck so far. They had even been talking to companies in China and Australia, but were still looking for the right light, at the right price.
A dinner and auction evening with live music will be held at the Puhoi Hall on April 27 to help raise funds for the Mahurangi Presbyterian Youth Group solar light project on Rabi Island.
The fundraiser at the Puhoi Hall starts at 6.30pm and tickets are $25 single, $40 couple, $50 family.
Info: Mahurangi Presbyterian Church office, 425 8861 or email
Gardening with the kids Getting out and about in the garden is a nice way for parents to spend time with their children these school holidays. Whether it’s planting a vegetable garden or growing flowers from seed, gardening provides children with many valuable lessons. The practical aspects of gardening teach children basic maths and science, but gardening also teaches responsibility, encourages creativity, and provides a positive place for children to think as well as relax. Info:
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32 24 | Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012 YOUTH FEATURE
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Members of the Warkworth Scout Group relished the chance to get wet and muddy as part of the Scouts National Mud Slide Day in February.
Non-stop action for scout unit To get as muddy as possible was the aim for members of the Warkworth Scout Group on February 24 when they took part in the annual Scouts National Mud Slide Day. Around 30 keas, cubs and scouts battled it out to see who could go the fastest and make the biggest mud-bomb in the mud pool at the bottom of the 40m slide. This was the first year that the group held a mudslide event, which took place on a farm in Duck Creek Road. Group leader David Hay says the event will return next year by popular demand. “The mud bombs proved good training for the cubs as they joined other scout groups the following Sunday at the annual Big Splash
competition where two cub members, Zayde Lee and Leah Jones, placed first and second respectively.” The group also joined other scouts on February 26 to celebrate Founders Day – the birthday of scouting founder Robert Baden-Powell. “With around 3000 people attending, the loudest chant on the day was for the group as they raced against 35 other rafts. We built two rafts in an hour and came second overall.” More recently the group was donated a 100m long abseiling rope from the Warkworth Lions Club. The group has 60 youth members in keas, cubs and scouts, and is starting a venturer unit for 14 to 18 year olds. Info:
T! SCHOLARSHIP ALER 13 For Year 9 students in 20
The Ministry of Education has released 50 ‘Aspire’ scholarships for 2013 to enable students from lower-income families to attend private schools such as Wentworth College in Gulf Harbour – Rodney’s only private school. Scholarship winners receive free tuition PlUS $1500 each year towards school related costs - not just next year, but for the remainder of their schooling at Wentworth! Applications close May 11, 2012. For more information please contact Gail Clews on 09 424 3273 •
Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012 | 25 33 YOUTH FEATURE
full promise Environmental initiative seeks sponsorship A sponsor is needed to help Rodney and Kaipara students turn paper into native trees and plants under a national waste minimisation programme designed to encourage sustainable lifestyles. Last year, over a hundred Rodney schools, from pre-school to college, joined the Paper4trees initiative run by the not-for-profit Environmental Education for Resource Sustainability Trust (EERST). A further 23 Kaipara schools have been involved since 2009. The Trust supplies recycling bins for every room in the school to divert cardboard and paper from the waste stream, as well as other resources including posters, badges and recording sheets. Schools organise collection and report their results annually, being rewarded with one native plant for every two cubic metres of paper and cardboard recycled. Paper4Trees manager Cayley Manson says that while a lot of schools were already recycling to a degree, the programme improves their efforts. Earning trees highlights the importance of replacing used resources and provides a practical focus for teaching recycling and environmental issues, she says. Once planted, trees provide shade, become carbon sinks and attract native birds.
Mangawhai Beach school students are successfully turning their waste paper into school landscaping.
Mangawhai Beach School has received 38 trees and shrubs for school landscaping since it joined and recently ordered a further 28 for its 2011 recycling alone. Teacher Andie Gore, says it has made a major difference to students’ behaviour, increasing recycling awareness and
making it convenient for them to separate paper from other waste. However, while set-up costs were funded through the Ministry for the Environment’s Waste Levy Fund, Cayley says a sponsor is now required before the programme can deliver on the promise of native plants supplied via a local nursery. After a Lion Foundation grant covered 14% of costs for the Rodney region, around $10,000 still has to be raised for the region. Although 2011 recycling statistics have yet to be collated, initial plant deliveries are targeted to coincide with the best planting time around May, making finding a sponsor urgent. In Kaipara, EERST has covered the $3000-$4000 cost of providing trees for schools to date, but can no longer afford to do so without sponsor support, she says. Since the programme began in 2001, schools nationally have recycled over 17,500 tonnes of paper and cardboard earning more than 70,000 plants and saving 140,000 cubic metres of landfill space. EERST estimates that in 2011 schools will have earned more than 40,000 trees. Info: or phone Cayley 0800 727 4873.
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34 26 | Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012 SPORTS TR AINING
get involved Friendly rivalry trademark of Golden Oldies Hockey Festival The 25th annual Tomarata Golden Oldies Hockey Festival will be marked in the same way it has for a quarter of a century, with a fun family day and some friendly rivalry among hockey stalwarts from Rodney and the wider Northern region. The event was originally held at the Tomarata, but the demise of the local cricket club led to the hockey festival relocating to Port Albert Domain in 2006, where players will gather at 10am for a 10.30am start on Sunday April 15 this year. The festival was inspired by a trip to another Golden Oldies tournament at Campbelltown, New South Wales, in 1987 and the Gumdiggers have organised an annual tournament ever since, raising more than $20,000 for hockey in the district in the process. Funds have been fed back into hockey, including purchases of a tractor and mower for the grounds at Tomarata, hockey sticks for a number of local schools, $3000 worth of goalie equipment for Rodney College and a recent donation of $3000 to the Warkworth Hockey Turf Trust. The tournament began with six or seven teams and peaked with 18 one year when it rained, forcing players under cover to happily socialise after just a couple of games. The original men’s and women’s Northland Kauri
Gumdiggers teams have now become one mixed team and only a few of the original players Pat and Morris (Mick) Came and Murray Smith remain. The tournament targets players that are 35 plus and regularly includes the Guinness Book of Records certified, oldest club hockey player in the world, Roger Jones of Western Grapetreaders, who has already committed to playing this year. Pat says while they “don’t check birth certificates” they do put some checks on what younger players can do as the emphasis is on fun. She says all funds raised will go towards getting the hockey turf established at Warkworth’s A&P showgrounds, which she hopes will revive participation in hockey in the district. “There are kids that would love to play hockey but don’t because its so far to travel to Whangarei or North Shore , so we hope getting this turf will see a resurgence.” Along with the hockey, the Port Albert event will include raffles, a barbecue and prize-giving featuring the Ashton Family Hockey Stick and Shield for the oldest ex-hockey player attending, recognition of the oldest player on the field and the less sought-after recognition as the Wrightson Hacker of the Year. Info: Pat on 423 7129.
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Hockey stalwarts will be put through their paces at Tomarata Golden Oldies Hockey Festival on April 15.
Fun and fund-raising are both part of the tournament that draws players from throughout the district and beyond.
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Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012 | 27 35 SPORTS TR AINING
get involved Seniors back on tennis courts Four teams from the Lower Northland Seniors Tennis Club will compete in the annual National Teams Event in Lower Hutt this Easter. The club has entered in the 65plus men’s and women’s divisions, as well as the 50-plus and 40-plus women’s sections. The club season will officially start with an open day at the Warkworth Tennis Club on April 15. President Murray Billington says special guests on the day will be a group of 28 visiting Australian players. “For those who can’t make the morning session, lunch and the official opening will be held at 1pm,” he says. “It will be the usual busy winter programme this season with regular Tuesday and Saturday club days and fixtures against other senior clubs. Our first matches will be against North Harbour and Orewa.” Murray says any players aged 35 years and over who are keen to get back into tennis, or take it up for the first time, should come along to the open day.
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Roger Hoskings (left), a farmer in his 70s from Wellsford who has been a member for 25 years, and Margaret Lowry, of Snells Beach, who has been a member for five years.
Current members range from 35 to 80 years old. Info: Phone Murray 425 7454 or Alastair Pearce 422 2314.
Natural horsemanship to the fore The Northland Natural Horsemanship Games will be held at Barge Showgrounds, Whangarei, on Easter Sunday April 8. Last year, more than a 1000 spectators watched 35 contestants put their horses through 16 different games. The event includes students showcasing their horsemanship skills and professional demonstrations. There will be two demonstrations by Russell Higgins, a four-star Parelli Professional. Info:
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36 28 | Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012 SPORTS TR AINING
get involved
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Sports stars vie for awards
A roundup of sports activities and events in the district Rugby
yy The Tomarata Rugby Club is looking for junior players interested in playing this season. Both boys and girls are welcome. Fees are $40 for single players and $75 for families with two or more players. Info: Mike Hutton 021 587 232. yy A Small Blacks coaching course will be held at the Kaiwaka Sports Complex on Wednesday, April 18, at 6pm. This is a requirement for all coaches of rugby teams from Under 7s to Under 13s. For any JMB enquiries, phone Rebecca Blissett on 431 2085. Karate/Kickboxing
yy Karate for all ages is held from Monday to Thursday from 6:30pm 8:15pm at the Warkworth Showgrounds. Mum’s Karate is held on a Tuesday morning from 9am to 10:15am. Kidz Karate, Tuesdays from 3:30pm to 4:30pm. Women’s Kickboxing is held Wednesday evenings from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. Info: Andrew 425 4509 or 0220 988 310. Tennis
yy The Lower Northland Seniors Tennis Club, for tennis players 35 years and over, holds club days on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 1pm at the Warkworth Tennis Club. The season runs from April 15 until August 30 with a cost of $45. Info: Alastair Pearce 422 2314. Hockey
yy Afterschool twilight hockey is held at the Kaiwaka Sports Complex on Thursday evenings for children in years 4 to 8, from 4pm to 5pm. Year 9 to adults can join in from 5.30pm. Info: 09 431 2309. Soccer
yy The Matakana Soccer Club is taking late registrations for children aged four years and over who are interested in joining the club. The Matakana Soccer Club is part of the Rodney Otamatea Soccer Association (ROSA) and play at Port Albert every Saturday. Info: Michelle Stevenson on 422 7167 or Junior golf
yy Mangawhai Golf Club will hold a juniors open day on April 29, from 9am. New players welcome. Weekly coaching sessions are followed by on-course play; clubs and equipment provided for new players. Info: Denise Stuart 4314023 or Badminton
yy Badminton is held at the Paparoa Hall on Thursday nights. New players welcome. Some racquets available. Info: Pete Hames 4316 822. List sports news by phoning Nichole on 425 9068 or email
The annual Kaiwaka Sports Awards will be held on April 11, at the Kaiwaka Sports Complex. The evening’s theme is the Olympics and emcee for the evening will be John Markby, from More FM. Nominees are: Senior Sportsperson of the Year – Sue Turnbull, squash; Bev Jaques, fitness centre; Adam Exler, Hawks Rugby; Innes Anderson, tennis; Alex Cowie, Otamatea-Ex netball. Junior Sportsperson of the Year, Portia Wehi, primary school netball; Tyler Murray, Eastern United JMB; Rhys Shadbolt, athletics; Tailor Tuheke, Hawks Rugby; Cameron Sloan, gymnastics; Holly Kenyon, Kaiwaka School; Diva Ratu, high school netball;
Soccer registrations strong
Riding a wave of popularity in football, the Kaipara Knights Soccer Club is expecting to field seven teams in the Rodney & Otamatea Soccer Association (ROSA) competition at Port Albert this year. Club president May Seager says the club draws players from Kaiwaka through to Maungaturoto. “We’re getting good registration numbers again this year, but could do with a few more open grade (18-plus) players,” she says. “All teams are mixed.” The club is also adopting the ‘whole of football’ approach to training for under nine-year-olds. This involves training them in smaller numbers so they are more involved in the play. “It’ll be a lot more fun for the younger players and ROSA will be catering for this new approach in its Saturday draws.” At its recent annual meeting the following officers were elected: President, May Seager; treasurer, Lindel Ferguson; and secretary, Brian Seager. The club trains on Wednesdays at both Maungaturoto Primary and Otamatea High School. Enquiries from helpers, team leaders and players welcome. Info: May Seager 09 431 8494 or
Community Foot Services
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Robyn Turnbull, squash; Allister Langridge, hockey; Toni Bell, soccer. Service to Sport, Derek Kirby, Hawks Rugby; May Seager, soccer; Andrew Swadling, gymnastics; Melissa Watts, primary school netball; Michael Gage, high school netball; Kathy Belle Gamble, Otamatea-Ex Netball; Barbara Thomas, squash; Evan Wright, tennis; Ross Millar, hockey. Greg McRae Memorial Award, Hamish Ferguson, tennis; Holly Anderson, gymnastics; Harrison Millar, soccer; Elaina Moulds, high school netball. Tickets $25 adult and $10 child (Year 9 and under), available at Jaques Four Square and from club representatives or phone Cheryl on 431 2051.
Clinic: Snells Beach Medical Centre Corner Dalton Rd & Mahurangi East Rd
Phone (09) 425 5055
Tai Chi is an ancient art that promotes holistic well being for people of all ages
Ph Helen Howard 09 425 9237
PER 100
Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012 | 29 37
Probus rewards long-serving member Speaker gives firsthand account of living with dyslexia
Long serving Probus member Basil Kirker was presented with a Life Membership at the club’s recent annual meeting. The award was made by president Bob Dye and recognised Mr Kirker’s work over several years in arranging monthly speakers – 77 in total. Mr Kirker then introduced his final speaker Angela King who spoke of her OE to the UK when she was 18. She said she got a job on an oil rig in the North Sea and was one of the few women on the rig, amongst 1000 men. She worked on the rigs for two years, where the men earned £300 to 400 a day. She said this partly explained the price of petrol. Officers were elected: President Bob Dye, secretary Bill Speed, treasurer Victor Field, committee Eric Brayshaw, Peter Rose, Ernie Redwood, Malcom Vaissiere and Ron Smalley. Info: Phone Bill Speed Basil Kirker (left) receiving his Life Membership from on 425 8414. Warkworth Probus president Bob Dye.
Health briefs Breast screening offer Women in the Mahurangi area are being encouraged to get a free mammogram when BreastScreen Waitemata Northland’s digital mobile screening unit visits Orewa this month. Women aged 45 to 69 are entitled to a free mammogram every two years. The unit will be based at the Orewa Estuary Arts Centre, at 214 Hibiscus Coast Highway, between April 2 and 28. Info: call 0800 270 200 or txt the word ‘breastscreen’ to 4040.
Starship support The Starship Hospital and Ronald McDonald House are $2200 better off following a fundraiser at the Leigh Sawmill recently. The event was organised by Maria Collins as a way of saying “thanks” for the care and support her family received when her seven-year-old son Kyuss Scott was treated for meningococcal disease. Money was raised from an auction of donated artwork and vouchers. Maria says she is very grateful for the support of local artists, Mahurangi Vineyard, Outerspace Landscaping, Matakana Cinemas, Bloom Saloon, Only and Leigh Sawmill.
A free information day on teaching and understanding children with learning difficulties, particularly dyslexia, will be held at the Warkworth Primary School on April 20. Guest speaker will be Laughton King, an educational child and family psychologist who has worked with children for more than 30 years and published several books on learning difficulties. He is also an academic dyslexic and draws on his own experiences to help teachers and parents understand the confusion children with learning difficulties sometimes feel. Mr Laughton will talk of his own philosophies about being dyslexic to enable parents and educationalists to understand these children, as well as discussing the appropriate support that can be provided at school and at home. The day is being organised by the Rodney Otamatea branch of the NZ Educational Institute. Branch chair Sharlene Tornquist says the day is an opportunity for some excellent professional development at no cost to participants or their schools. “Laughton is a great speaker and as well as being thought provoking, he is very entertaining,” she says. The day will run from 9am to 3pm. Registration is essential for catering purposes. Info: Sharlene at
Warkworth Birth Centre
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38 30 | Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012
Bare your legs again!
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The benefits of a regular exercise programme are well documented. Exercise reduces blood pressure, keeps weight down, reduces cholesterol, improves mental health, reduces stress, boosts your immune system and generally makes you feel better. How much exercise gives benefit? The American Heart Association recommends 20 minutes of exercise that raises heart rate by 80 percent of maximum three times per week. Maximum heart rate is calculated by subtracting your age from 220. Alternatively, exercise for 20 minutes three times per week at a rate where you are too puffed to talk to the person beside you. In New Zealand, the Push-Play campaign recommends any form of even light exercise for 30 minutes each day. Organised sport, especially team sports, can make exercise fun. Regular training with a rugby or netball team each week, helps with motivation and makes getting fit easier. However, one of the consequences of sport is the risk of injury. Warming up by stretching for five minutes before and five minutes after exercise can reduce the risk of injury on the field. If injury occurs, use RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression (bandaging) and Elevation. This reduces the inflammatory response and causes blood vessels to spasm, reducing swelling and bruising, and hastens recovery. Ideally, this should be done as soon as possible and probably has little benefit after 48 hours. The severity of an injury can be judged by the history of the event. Could you keep playing after the injury? Could you walk on it? Did you need to be carried off the field? If a limb appears bent or deformed, then invariably it is broken (fractured). If there is an associated open wound over the fracture then this is an “open” or “compound” fracture, and is a medical emergency. Do not try to straighten a fracture on the field. Cover wounds with a light dressing, apply ice and splint the limb with a makeshift splint. When the patient is comfortable, seek paramedical or medical help.
Salmon vegetable recipe wins healthy heart competition Dr Mark Donaldson of Eye Doctors and team perform the first cataract operation in the Rodney Surgical Centre, July 2010.
Dr Donaldson, cataract specialist now performs surgery in Warkworth. He offers: • the latest technology locally at the Rodney Surgical Centre • a team of experienced local theatre staff • no need for patients to travel No referral necessary. Phone Eye Doctors on 09 520 9689 to make an appointment to see Dr Donaldson at the Warkworth Medical Centre and the Rodney Surgical Centre.
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Congratulations to our Healthy Heart competition winner Kim Kerby, of Warkworth. Kim entered her smoked salmon with stir-fry vegetables recipe and won a Tefal 3-in-1 cooker and a range of Heart Foundation Tick approved products.
Smoked Salmon with Stir Fry Vegetables Serves two
• 2 smoked salmon fillets • 2 tablespoon sesame seeds • 2 medium carrots cut into thin strips • 200g green beans cut into thin strips • 2 tablespoon white vinegar • Squeeze of lemon or lime juice
• 2 tablespoons of lite olive oil • 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger • 1 leek thinly sliced • 1/2 cup cold water • 500g bag of baby spinach
Mix 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds with 1 tablespoon of white vinegar, sea salt and coarsely ground black pepper, lemon or lime and ginger. Marinate salmon fillets for about 30mins. Heat frying pan and add 1 tablespoon of light olive oil, cook the salmon for about 3 minutes each side – salmon can also be grilled Wilt the spinach in the same frying pan or gentle fry separately, set to side Heat a wok and add the extra sesame seeds then carrots, leeks and beans. Add water, remaining white vinegar, stir and cook for about 2-3 minutes. Serve the salmon, stir-fried vegetables and spinach with extra squeeze of lemon or lime to taste.
Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012 | 31 39
Day promotes understanding of Parkinson’s Around one-in-500 New Zealanders suffers from the progressive neurodegenerative condition Parkinson’s. A support group for sufferers and “Light exercise including tai chi, carers in the Rodney area meets at yoga and physio can help with motor Totara Park, Warkworth, every first symptoms, while social activities can Tuesday. The group is facilitated help the non-motor affects.” by Parkinson’s NZ, North Rodney Catherine says Parkinson’s sufferers, field officer Catherine Geeves, a as well as their carers, need a lot registered nurse. She says the meetings of support. The key to living with focus on education. Parkinson’s is to stay physically, “If we don’t have a guest speaker, I mentally and socially active. usually speak about the latest news World Parkinson’s Day on April 11 and research developments,” she says. is dedicated to increasing awareness “While Levadopa is the main about the disease and to show support medication sufferers use, which for those affected. increases the dopamine levels in the Parkinson’s is caused by insufficient brain, there are a number of other quantities of dopamine, a chemical ways to help ease symptoms which found in the brain, which enables can be both motor, such as tremors, quick well-coordinated movement. stiffness and slowness of movement, While Parkinson’s cannot be cured, it and non-motor such as depression, can be treated. fatigue and trouble swallowing and Info: Catherine 09 444 9379 or speaking, related.
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Auckland beefs up lizard conservation with toolkit A Lizard Conservation Toolkit was recently launched to ensure any development in the Auckland area is mindful of the need to protect lizards and their habitat. The toolkit has been put together by Auckland Council in conjunction with the Society for Reptile and Amphibian Research New Zealand (SRARNZ). Its purpose is to ensure anyone undertaking any development project is aware of their obligations to protect and survey for reptiles. The toolkit covers the conservation
Rodney Appearance Medicine
and resource management legislation in place for lizards and their habitats, surveying and monitoring methodologies, predator/pest control, habitat management, translocation practices and funding options for the benefits of lizards. All native lizard species (geckos and skinks) are protected by the Wildlife Act 1953, and their habitats are also protected by the Resource Management Act 1991. The tool kit is currently available on the SRARNZ website and will soon be available on the Auckland Council website. Info:
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40 32 | Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012
Pacific voyagers find quiet respite in Mahurangi waters
After two years crossing the Pacific Ocean on a self-built 38ft catamaran, sailors Beatriz Restrepo and Beat Rettenmund have moored in the Mahurangi River, Warkworth, while they plan the next leg of their journey. The couple left San Francisco in 2009 on the Aluna Beat Rettenmund looking for adventure and the experience of new and his wife and interesting cultures. They were also keen to Beatriz Restrepo. leave behind the everyday rules and regulations of modern life. Beat says the boat’s design is inspired by the early people of the South Pacific who were masters of long distance navigation. “I learnt to sail in the late 1980s and was mostly self-taught,” he says. “My early experience involved sailing from the Canary Islands to Grenada in the Caribbean and along England’s south coast to Europe and the Canary Islands. This is where I experienced how treacherous the sea can be.” Beat says the Pacific crossing was relatively plain sailing with little bad weather. “While Aluna was being built I spent a considerable amount of time reading about the ancient Polynesian’s boatbuilding techniques and about their navigational wisdom. Beatriz, on the other hand, had no sailing experience at all when we ventured out to sea and she initially, suffered considerably from seasickness. She managed to hang in there and is the best first mate I could wish for.” Beat says the most memorable part of their journey was Beat is a professional language interpreter, translator option for now. They plan to sail for Fiji in June and their four-month stay with the people of Te Tautua on and theatre teacher, while Beatriz has 28 years of return to NZ in December. dance experience, with a degree in arts and music Beat says due to local bylaws, they have to move Penrhyn Island, part of the Northern Cooks. “The little community of 34 people turned out to from the School of National Dance in Bogota, Aluna every 14 days. be the most warm hearted and generous people we Colombia. Her training includes modern, jazz, “Whilst moving up and down the river over the last have ever encountered. We were made part of the ballet and ethnic dance. two months, we have been looking for suitable venues family from day one. They had managed to strike a In 1998, the pair founded Moving Beyond Productions, to host a cultural dance class. At last we have secured healthy balance between the many material things a non-profit organisation that provides art education the use of the Warkworth Methodist Hall Church.” of modernity and the wisdom of generations past. for schools and the community, and offers professional We were allowed to do a performing arts project at video and language services, along with organising Beat says the dance class will combine African, their school and after the kids’ final performance the artistic events. Together they established the Colombian European and indigenous American elements, and will entire population of the village participated in a very Ethnic Dance Ensemble, which for 14 years performed be suitable for both beginners and experienced dancers. The classes are being held on Wednesday evenings, throughout San Francisco. lively two-hour discussion about it.” The couple arrived in the Bay of Islands last December Although the couple originally hoped to stay in from 7pm to 8.30pm. and then sailed to the Whangateau Harbour to visit NZ for a couple years, immigration regulations and Info: 021 064 3472, or email beatriz@ friends and explore the Mahurangi area. the tough local economy have since ruled out this
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Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012 | 33 41
with Judy Waters, Warkworth & District Museum
Seafaring family Charles Ludwig Kaspar was born at Memel on the Baltic Sea about 1832 and came to New Zealand as a young man. The timber trade was thriving on the Mahurangi River and it was here he found work. By 1861, he was skipper of a cutter named Clyde and was shipping kauri shingles, timber and firewood to Auckland. In February 1863, he brought the first Puhoi settlers up the coast to the mouth of the Puhoi River where they were transferred to Maori canoes for the final four miles of their journey. In the same year he married a Scottish lass Margaret Ann Johnstone and soon acquired the land the family was to occupy for the next 80 years. Naturalisation papers were issued to him in 1869. It was Captain Kaspar who brought the steamboat Lady Bowen up the river to Warkworth in the 1870s. The progression from sail to steam was not at first universally accepted, but apparently found favour with the ladies. A correspondent to an Auckland newspaper, describing her experience of spending a night in the overcrowded cabin on a cutter, suggested the sailing boat may be fine for men, pigs and potatoes, but women and children needed more space and comfort. Through the enterprise of Jeremiah Casey, who built up a fleet of coastal vessels, the steamers kept coming to Warkworth usually under the command of Captain Kaspar. It was
PH: 09 4222 122 Sail and steamboats share a berth on the Mahurangi river.
said that not only did he plough the deep but also he kept a plough going at home, for his homestead was one of the most promising and his fine crops of maize covered six acres. The Kaspar home was known as Pinegrove and it was here that five sons and three daughters were raised. On September 13, 1888, the flags of the Rose Casey and other coastal boats flew at half-mast in memory of Captain Kaspar who had died the previous evening. The boy from the Baltic was buried half a world away near the river he knew so well. As a widow, Margaret Kaspar stayed on at Pinegrove and advertised rooms to let. Guests could enjoy sea-bathing, boating and fishing. She liked to recall her childhood in Auckland when Queen Street was a creek, where Maori paddled their canoes laden with pigs and kumara, and the law was enforced by confining prisoners in stocks owing to the lack of gaol accommodation. Margaret died in
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Charles Ludwig Kaspar as a young man.
1922 having lived more than 70 years at Mahurangi. The sons of the family continued the sea-going tradition becoming well-known as captains of the scows used in the coastal trade and the Kaspar homestead remained as a landmark on the river. Kaspar or Kasper? The first family used the Kaspar spelling but over time, Kasper has become more usual. The change could be deliberate given the sensitivity to German sounding names during the wars.
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42 34 | Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012
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Businesses in the Northland electorate are invited to ask MP Mike Sabin into their business for a day. The ‘MP on the Job’ initiative will see Mr Sabin working alongside the work team, followed by an industry focused discussion forum. The aim is for the MP to gain an appreciation of what they do, at a grass-roots level. “I’m ready to roll up my sleeves and be a part of Northland businesses in a real way,” he says. “Being close to the action is the best way to understand the challenges and opportunities that business owners face. “The initiative is part of a wider ‘bottom up, top down’ approach to assist Northland in achieving its economic potential, by integrating a whole-of-region economic plan.” Mr Sabin says he welcomes invitations Mike Sabin for him to visit local businesses across “This will provide an opportunity the Northland electorate, and is for these businesses to share thoughts hoping that organisations of all shapes on their industry and growing and sizes who want to showcase their Northland’s economy in general,” says initiative and drive will apply. Mr. Sabin. As part of each ‘MP on the Job’ visit, Applications to have the ‘MP on businesses will also be asked to host an the Job’ are open now. Info: 09 407 informal meeting of other stakeholders 7219 or email northlandelectorate@ and contributors to their industries.
Planning work starts on preparing Warkworth for disaster response Planning has started on the formation of a Warkworth Neighbourhood Response Plan. A Warkworth Liaison Group subcommittee, chaired by Shaun Wilkinson, is driving the initiative. He says the plan is being developed to support the community in the event of a natural or unnatural disaster. It will cover issues such as communication, an action plan and the development of a welfare centre. “‘The purpose of this plan is to build community resilience to emergencies and disasters by identifying hazards that may impact on the community, and to provide a plan to enable the community to respond and remain self-reliant for at least three days without any external assistance in the event of an
emergency,” Mr Wilkinson says. “It is important to form an Emergency Response Group which will be the first point of contact for Civil Defence. “The Response Group will also have a role in providing assistance such as opening evacuation centres if required and knowing which residents are vulnerable to certain events.” Mr Wilkinson says the aim is to hold meetings after June to explain the plan and get community involvement, and to have the final plan in place by the end of the year. Although the Warkworth boundary is yet to be defined, it will roughly cover are area south to Toovey Road, north to nearly Kaipara Flats Road, east to Claydens Road and then across to Sandspit Road and over the river to Hepburn Creek.
New road name rejected The Rodney Local Board has rejected a suggestion that a new link road, between Worker Road and Port Albert Road, in Wellsford, should be called Central Link Drive. The name was rejected at a recent Local Board meeting in Wellsford on the grounds that it had no significance to the area and there had been no consultation with Wellsford residents or iwi. Others names proposed were Robinson Way, Northridge Way and Northgate way. Support the businesses who support Mahurangi Matters
Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012 | 35 43
Hollywood stars drop into neighbourhood Drummer beats A taste of Hollywood came to Warkworth recently, when a scene from the upcoming movie Emperor, featuring Lost actor Matthew Fox, was shot on Wilson Road. The film, directed by Peter Webber Auckland production company, Corn (Girl with a Pearl Earring) is based Cob Limited was in charge of the on a true story and is set shortly after set. Scenes were also filmed at the the Japanese surrender at the end of Auckland Film Studios in Henderson, World War II, when General Douglas as well as in Wellington and Japan. MacArthur, played by Tommy Lee Emperor is the first major production Jones, and his staff decide not to to be filmed at the Henderson studios pursue war crimes against Emperor since Auckland Council Investments Limited (ACIL) – an Auckland Hirohito. The story focuses on American Council-controlled organisation, took General Bonner Fellers (Fox) a over the studios in August. The film leading Japanese expert who works on is expected to be in cinemas sometime MacArthur’s staff and is put in charge next year. of the Hirohito case. The storyline Lost star Matthew Fox was spotted combines a love affair between Fellers in Wilson Road, Warkworth, during and a Japanese exchange student. filming for the movie Emperor.
Comeback kings return to Easter gig in Leigh Popular Wellington-based band TrinityRoots will bring their reformed group and unique blend of “psych-rock reggae dub and soul” back to the Leigh Sawmill Café for Easter on April 6 and 7. First formed in 1998, the band built a strong following and released a selftitled EP and two platinum selling albums True, and Home Land and Sea, as well as claiming their share of New Zealand music awards before
breaking up in 2005. At that time, founding band members Warren Maxwell (lead vocals/guitars/ keys), Rio Hunuki-Hemopo (bass/ vocals) and Riki Gooch (drums/vocals) decided to go their separate ways, joining groups including Little Bushman, Fat Freddy’s Drop, Crowded House, Breaks Co-op and Eru Dangerspiel. However, the September 2010 release of their Music Is Choice live CD and documentary DVD package featuring
live recordings, including songs from their ‘final’ 2005 performance, and interviews about the breakup, led to a resurgence of interest in the band and sold-out comeback shows around the country the following month. Since then they’ve appeared at WOMAD NZ in 2011 and debuted in Australia at the Byron Bay Bluesfest, drummer Gooch has left and been replaced Wellington drummer/vocalist Jean Pompey.
track down memory lane
Once on stage opening for the Rolling Stones, Ahuroa drummer Andy Shackleton will bring a wealth of experience to his part in The Kavalliers performance at Warkworth RSA on April 13 from 7-11pm. The band specialises in hits from the 50s, 60s and 70s, based on a wealth of personal experience from the era when they played with top bands and artists of the time. It was while playing for The Premiers that Andy opened for the Rolling Stones at the Auckland Town Hall, but his credentials also include some of the best-known bands of the early 60’s, including the Librettos, Gray Bartlett and Ray Woolf’s Avengers. He’s also backed top NZ performers such as Teddy Bennett, Tommy Adderley and Alison Durbin, and played as a supporting act for Roy Orbison, Millie Small and Gene Pitney. A part in ‘trio’ jazz with Terry Crayford and country rock with Midge Marsden’s Country Flyers preceded a 30-year break but now he’s back reliving the magic with his similarly experienced band members Pete Traille (lead guitar), Bruce Jarvis (bass) and Mac McInman, who all take a turn on vocals
Comedy Night
with special guest Rhys Darby and friends
Thursday 26th April 8-10pm
Starring Rhys Darby
Show only $50 Non reserved general admission Special Package $99
Indoors (doors open 7.30pm)
Hosted by Adam Crow (UK) with… Anil Desai ‘The Stand Up Chameleon’(UK) Steve Hughes (AUS) Tarun Mohanbhai ‘That Indian Guy’ (NZ)
Includes: • Show • 2 course pre-show dinner • Reserved seating closest to stage • Tea/coffee (limited tickets) Pre-show dinner served from 6pm onwards Please note that content may not be suitable for children
For all tickets: or phone 09-4229601 ext 2
44 36 | Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012
localentertainment B OOK RE V IE W S
Open 7 Days Mon-Sat 9am-5pm • Sun & Public Holidays 10am-4pm The Village - 2 Matakana Valley Road • Matakana P: (09) 423 0315 • E:
Exquisite stationery Writing Accessories ~ Unique Gifts 2 matakana valley rd matakana t: 09 422 9748 f: 09 422 9768 ponsonby store t: 09 378 8085 e:
Reviewed by The Village Bookshop, Matakana
The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin
Although this book came out last year, it only recently came to my attention and I am mentioning it because this book speaks to many of those who have read it. After realising she was suffering from a mid-life malaise, Gretchen decided to dedicate a year to exploring happiness and what it means for her. The book is a lively and compelling account as she chronicles her adventures during these 12 months. We liked the book because it is full of simple achievable goals to enable you to have more fun in your life. One of her many tips is that she proclaims that outer order contributes to inner calm. Tidy areas stay tidy and messy areas tend to get messier. We have already put three of her suggestions into practice and yes, we think she may be on to something. 1) Keep a daily one sentence diary 2) Do things straightaway if they take less than one minute 3) Before going to bed spend 10 minutes doing a quick clean up. Inspired? Then we suggest you get this book.
The Day She Cradled Me by Sacha De Bazin
KAURI TREES FOR HOSPICE $20 Sponsor a kauri and suppport your hospice Kauri will be planted in a new Warkworth reserve Receive a certificate identifying ‘your’ tree
buy at New World or
The only thing we really knew about Minnie Dean is that she was the only New Zealand woman hanged. This novel endeavours to flesh out the woman behind the notoriety. It starts with the death of two babies and we were totally hooked from the beginning. We get the story from two perspectives – Minnie and Reverend George Lindsay. The author has woven the story line around fact, incorporating transcripts of letters and newspaper articles. Minnie is presented in a sympathetic light and given the era, it is easy to suspect that she was set up. Definitely worth reading.
Environmental film looks skyward An environmental film, which takes a closer look at our skies, will screen in Matakana on April 13. Director Kathleen Gallagher says Sky cleaning up polluted atmosphere and Whisperers: Ranginui explores our skies. intimacy with the sky, and talks to Kathleen and cinematographer Mark people who work with and who are Lapwood will be at the Matakana intimate with sky, air and atmosphere. screening, as well as former Warkworth It brings together farmers and satellite station radio astronomer fishermen, navigators, astronomers Sergei Gulyaev, weather forecaster and scientists, and business people Ken Ring and author and ecologist who work to develop clean ways Cath Koa Dunsford. of harnessing energy for industry, The movie starts at 8pm.
Warkworth & District Museum Visit the Museum – see displays of memorabilia, furniture, photographs, clothing, machinery and buildings from our colonial past. Lots to see and do for all members of the family. Browse through our Gift and Souvenir Shop.
Open Monday to Sunday 9am – 3pm Parry Kauri Park, Tudor Collins Drive (Off Wilson Road, Warkworth) Phone: 09 425 7093 | Email: |
Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012 | 37 45
Emerging musicians bring youthful sound northward The Auckland Youth Symphony Orchestra will present a full concert in the Mahurangi College Auditorium on Saturday April 14. The orchestra is performing a threeconcert northern tour before presenting the same programme in the Auckland Town Hall. The concert will feature talented bassoonist Jiaqi (Albee) Ai. A Warkworth Music Society spokesperson says it is an unusual opportunity for the Warkworth district to hear the Mozart Bassoon Concerto. Albee studied at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music and after graduating, played in the Shanghai Sinfonietta. In 2010, she came to NZ and completed a Master of Music degree with Ben Hoadley. Last year, she won the Special Merit Award in the NZ Woodwind Competition, the Most Promising Bassoonist in the Australasian Double Reed Competition and the inaugural AYO Concerto Competition. The Warkworth concert will include the rousing Scherherazade by RimskyKorsakov, The Fantasia on the theme Bassoonist Jiaqi (Albee) Ai will play of Thomas Tallis, and a work for string at the Auckland Youth Symphany orchestra by Ralph Vaughan Williams. orchestra concert in Warkworth this Musical director Antun Poljanich is month. noted for his ability to harness the Concert tickets are available at the energy and enthusiasm of his young door. Adults $25, students free. The musicians and convert it into truly concert starts at 4pm. Info: Phone 425 7313. (See ad this page) exciting music-making.
Warkworth Music Society presents
Auckland Youth Symphony Orchestra Conductor Antun Poljanich Fantasy Vaughan-Williams Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis Mozart Bassoon Concerto – soloist Albee Ai Rimsky-Korsakov Scheherazade Saturday 14 April 2012, 4pm at Mahurangi College Hall, Warkworth Tickets at door Adults $25 STUDENTS FREE • Info: Ph 425-7313
AUTUMN SPECIALS Small Breakfast only $9.90
2 pieces of bacon, 2 eggs, vine tomato on multigrain toast + 1 regular coffee/tea Valid Monday - Friday before 11am
Lunch Deals only $10
Grilled Calamari Salad, or Bacon & Mushroom Cabonara, or Chicken Burger Valid Monday - Friday 11am - 2pm
LIQUOR LICENCE Beer, Wine & Spirits Coming Soon Late Night Fridays
Shadze Sizes 10-22 or made to measure
All New
Autumn Range
The organisers of FRUITLOOP sincerely thank our Sponsors and Properties for their generosity
Now Instore
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
Sponsors and Supporters • Omaha Living • Snells Beach Motel • The Stables Restaurant • Kawau Kat • Warkworth Scaffolding • Trademark Embroidery • Imelda’s Shoes • Omaha Golf • Tumbleweed • Warkworth Tours • The Circuit Room • Coca Cola • Frucor • Hynds Pipes • CopyWorks • Wilmot Toyota • Mahurangi Matters • Repco • Matakana Bicycle Hire • Pure Water Services • Warkworth Power • Marc Herbulot Photography
Properties 6 Neville St, Warkworth Phone: 09 425 0515 Monday-Friday 9.15am-5.15pm Saturday 9.30am-2.30pm
Proudly sponsored by
46 38 | Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012
Cuisine with Andrea Hinchco
Rice as nice
Buy a beautiful 25cm risotto pot and RECEIVE A FREE RECIPE BOOK AND SPATULA
There are at least 40,000 varieties of rice in the world so if you find the results of a dish don’t seem right, you are probably using the wrong rice. I find it necessary to stock several different varieties depending on the dish I’m making. Arborio is the rice for risotto, consisting of small polished kernels that develop a creamy consistency. It is a medium rice with a characteristic white dot at the center of the grain. My preferred risotto rice is Ferron from Northern Italy which differs from the more commercial Arborio styles in that it is not as highly polished, having more essential starches and vitamins on the outer grain. Vialone Nano is “semi fino” with about 23 percent starch and has the ability to absorb two-and-a-half times its weight in sauce or stock, making it naturally creamier and ideal for desserts. Carnaroli is “super fino” with about 21 percent starch and a nutty taste. It absorbs less stock, contributing more of its own flavour to the dish and is generally used for seafood or wetter vegetable-based recipes. Professional chefs use this for the non stir method which can also be precooked.
Basic Risotto
To be demonstrated Friday 28th April 11am to 1pm, call in and sample Wendy’s risotto.
Serves 4 to 6 • 2 cups Ferron Carnaroli • 4 cups simmering stock • 1 onion or 4 shallots, chopped • 2-4 cloves garlic, chopped • Extra virgin olive oil • 150 ml white wine, optional • Sea salt, freshly ground black pepper • Parmigano reggiano, grated • Extra hot stock, Evo or butter Heat a little evo in large heavy-based pot and soften onion and garlic. Add unwashed rice and stir continuously over a low heat until well coated. Stir in wine and allow to evaporate. Add hot stock all at once, bring back to boil, stir and check seasonings. Turn down to a simmer, cover and cook for 15 minutes. Check that it is al dente, add any other ingredients at this stage, such as asparagus, rest for a few moments and then ‘mantecare’. This is the final flourish where the risotto is creamed by adding butter and parmesan and then stirred vigorously for a few moments. This releases the starches in the rice and results in a wonderful oozy quality. While it is ideal to dish up the risotto straight away, you can actually cook the rice and leave to cool unstirred, and then bring it back to life with a little warm stock when you are ready to serve. Just stir enthusiastically with butter and parmesan, and it will cream up beautifully.
where Pantry meets Kitchen
Open: Mon-Fri 9-5.30pm; Sat 9-4pm; Sun 10-3pm
2-4 Neville Street, Warkworth Ph/Fax: 09 425 0302
Email: Web:
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WELLSFORD LIQUOR SPOT | 133 RODNEY STREET, WELLSFORD | 09 423 7913 Specials valid from April 4 to April 18, 2012 or while stocks last. All specials may not be available in some stores. Specials only available at Liquor Spot Stores detailed above. No Trade Sales. Specials valid until 31 December 2011. All specials may not be available in some stores. Specials only available at Liquor Spot Stores detailed above. No Trade Sales.
Partofofthe the Part
Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012 | 39 47
localentertainment Waipu’s $1m pathway project launched
The cast and crew of Annie Get Your Gun. To view a photo of the cast of Salad Days go to
Former theatre group plans show re-run Former members of the Warkworth Theatre Group are being invited to a special screening of two of their performances from the early 1990s. Salad Days was staged in the Warkworth Town Hall “It’ll be a bit like a reunion,” he says. “Salad Days had during May and June 1990 and Annie Get Your Gun a cast and crew of more than 55 and there were more was presented the following year. than 75 in Annie. Both shows received rave reviews, Clem Smith, of Kowhai Photography, and the group had a well-deserved reputation for recorded both performances on video and has quality and professional productions.” recently improved the quality of both films. Peter said all the recent talk about the future of the Group member Peter Millar says if there is enough town hall brought back some wonderful memories interest, then private showings of the video will of the many hours spent in rehearsals at the hall. be arranged. Anyone interested can contact Peter on 425 0425.
Village sale returns After an absence from the local calendar of several years, the Point Wells Community and Ratepayers Association is resurrecting the Village Garage Sale. The sale will be held in the hall on Easter Saturday, April 7, with doors opening at 8am. In the past this event has been popular with both locals and visitors, and a source of income for Point Wells community projects. Recent projects include the cycleway from Point Wells to Omaha Beach. For donations of goods (excluding beds, electrical goods and clothing), contact Marie Claydon on 422 9132 or deliver goods to the Point Wells Hall on Good Friday, between 9am and 3pm.
A $1 million pathway project at Waipu will be launched at a fundraising trail ride, starting at Caledonia Park, on April 15. The project is an initiative of the Waipu Residents and Ratepayers Association. Project spokesperson Marilyn Cox says the proposed pathway will link Waipu township with Waipu Cove, a distance of about nine kilometres. “The route will cross esplanade reserve and paper roads, as well as private land,” Marilyn says. “We’re very grateful for the support of landowners Don and Melanie Mitchell who are allowing us access across their land.” The plan is to follow the river wherever feasible, to make the ride/walk as scenic as possible. It will also pass the historic Waipu cemetery and a wildlife refuge. Whangarei District Council has funded a scoping report which sets out the project in four stages. The first stage, from the township to Riverview Place, will cost an estimated $300,000 and involves construction of a bridge. The April 15 bike trail, which starts at 9am, is open to all non-petrol powered modes of transport, from bikes and scooters, to skateboards, mobility scooters, wheelchairs and unicycles. As well as spot prizes, there will be prizes for best dressed, best decorated, and youngest/oldest participants. Info: Phone Marilyn on 432 0209 or 432 0373. For upcoming events and entertainment visit our What’s On section at
48 40 || Mahurangimatters Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012
David Macleod
Dear Parents and Guardians Tena Koutou Katoa We were very pleased to have Dr James Johnston, our Head Boy from 2005, as the Guest Speaker at our recent Academic Blues Evening.
At the start of every school year, we run a number of sporting and inter-house events, including the Athletics and Swimming Sports.
olas Lee
James presenting the award to Nich
James was awarded the top prize in Medicine at Auckland Medical School last year. He presented 29 Academic Blues to our students who achieved Endorsements with Excellence, by gaining 50 or more credits at excellence level, in their NCEA last year. He then gave an inspirational speech about the capacity of the “divinely created organ”, the human brain, which included some amusing anecdotes about his time here at Mahurangi College. Dear Mr Macleod, alf gratulations to you on beh I would like to offer my con ntly qualified at rece has m who n nsto Joh of Dr James my School of Medicine. It is the Auckland University your school, of uate grad a is he understanding that ld like to send sincere Mahurangi College. I wou at to Dr Johnston’s success congratulations in regards y. He was the recipient mon cere tion lifica qua nt the rece him clinical medicine making of the JDK North prize in icine. Certainly med in uate grad d ishe the most distingu it is worthy of significant mer this is an achievement that to you e writ to ry essa nec it and is such that I thought this award reflects on Dr personally. I am sure that College. I know he is very gi uran Mah at time n’s Johnsto s this to his success. It is bute attri and ool sch proud of his has previous graduates ege Coll gi uran no doubt that Mah tributions to society. It con ing tand who have made outs and will continue to has n nsto is my thought that Dr Joh icine. It is the time med to s make significant contribution m have achieved greatly who e thos e brat cele to of year know of the very significant and I thought I would let you . uate grad r you achievement of
Professor John Kolbe Head of Medicine Auckland School of Medicine
Last year Bradley Morris, who is a cousin to Jacko Gill, broke Robin Brooke’s longstanding Intermediate Boys’ Shotput and Discus Records, and this year he extended his own records even further.
Monday April 2
• Yr 7 & 8 Parent/Teacher Evening 3.45 - 8.00pm • Level 2 PE Outdoor Education Trip
Tuesday April 3
• Swimming Champion of Champions • BOT Meeting - 6.15pm start • L2 PE Outdoor Education Trip
Wednesday April 4
• Yr 9 & 13 Parent/Teacher Evening 3.45 - 8.00pm
Thursday April 5 • Term 1 Ends
Friday April 6 • Good Friday
Friday April 6 - 8 • REUNION WEEKEND
Monday April 23 • Term 2 Starts
Tuesday April 24
• Yr 12/13 Health Talks • Information Evening with Guest Speakers 6.30pm
Wednesday April 25 • Anzac Day
Thursday April 26
• Cross Country • ANZAC Assembly • North Harbour Orienteering International Zone Day • Basketball Competition starts
Saturday April 28
• Rugby Season starts
Tuesday May 1
• EMR /Wai Care Expo - Hall
Wednesday May 2
Our thanks to the following Sponsors... • Cam Caithness of Mitre 10 Mega in Warkworth for sponsoring our school newsletter each month from now on and for sponsoring the Achiever of the Month Award with a $50 voucher. • Robin Brooke for his generous sponsorship of the College, through his business, New World Warkworth. So far this year, he has donated $2,783 to the College which has been used to purchase three extra iPads for use by our Junior students in class. This is an ongoing sponsorship. • Daniel Baturic, owner of the Rusty Pelican, has offered to sponsor the “Rusty Pelican Player of the Day” Awards for all our Sporting
• Senior Drama Students Auckland Workshop
Teams again this year. We appreciate the generosity of these local businesses, and many others, towards the College.
Mahurangi College 50th Reunion and
Sesquicentennial of Education in Warkworth
With Kind Regards
This year many records were broken, including 8 by Nicholas Lee in the Intermediate Boys’ Swimming Championships: 25m Butterfly, 50m Butterfly, 50m Backstroke, 100m Breast Stroke, 100m Back Stroke, 100m Medley, 50m Freestyle, 200m Freestyle.
important dates
We are all looking forward to the School Reunion over Easter this year. It will celebrate 50 years of Mahurangi College and 150 years of Formal Education in the Warkworth District, including Warkworth District High School from 1923 to 1961. The programme includes a number of activities for which there is no charge on the Saturday (7th April), including an Opening Ceremony in the School Auditorium at 9.30am, followed by decade photos, then a number of Past vs Present sporting activities throughout the afternoon. Everyone is welcome to come and join in these activities. Please check our school website for further details and to register.
from the
ISSUE 3: April 2012
(6-8 April)
Register interest NOW! or Ph: 09 425 8039
Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012 2012 || 41 49 Mahurangimatters 1 February Mahurangimatters
Boys 1st XI Cricket
Year 7 Camp - Peter Snell Camp
Week three of this term saw all of the Year 7 students embark on their first College Camp to Peter Snell Youth Village on the Whangaparaoa Peninsula. Mahurangi College has been taking students on this camp for a number of years and it is a great way for students to get to know their new classmates and teachers. With the assistance of a number of incredibly helpful groups of parents, the students were able to spend their first day rotating through four activities - the initiative course, water slide, bivouac building and the slip and slide. The students worked incredibly well together to build some amazing shelters and overcame a number of challenges thrown at them in the initiative course, as well as getting wet and having fun at the water slide and the slip and slide. After an awesome feed, served by the lovely parents and teachers, the students then had to come to terms with the dreaded Burma Trail. Rumours were flying about the scary beasts that could be found in the bush near the camp. Students had to follow a rope, on their own, in complete darkness to navigate past these beasts (masked parents dressed in dark clothes). Despite this frightening experience all students felt a great sense of achievement once they made their way through the bush.
The boys’ campaign to regain the Wyatt Cup got off to a strong start with two commanding wins over Rodney College and Otamatea High School. A few of the players to enjoy particular success, in the Rodney game, were Liam Jones claiming 5 for 19 and Shaun Beamish 3 for 8, with Shane Dawson hitting a rapid 34 n.o. Against Otamatea Findlay Buchanan compiled 86 and Callum McGillivray 43. Joseph Banks picked up 3 for 3, with the ball.
P.T.A. News The second day saw a big cleanup in the morning before the next group arrived and students jumped on a bus and headed for Shakespear Regional Park. Once out of the bus the students took off on a tramp to the lookout which had amazing panoramic views of the surrounding area. Two hours later they were at Army Bay for a swim and play before a bus came to take them back to school. The action packed camp was most definitely enjoyed by all. Students returned home very tired but with lots of stories to tell of the great time they had. Once again a huge thank you to all the parent helpers as without you the camp would not be possible.
Te Ara Poutama
Te Ara Poutama, our Maori Student Study Centre, was set up last year as part of an initiative to raise Maori Achievement within the school. It follows a Maori Kaupapa (way of doing things) but it is not exclusively for Maori students. All are welcome. Students are invited to come along on a drop-in basis every Thursday from 3.30pm onwards in the school library. Each session begins with Karakia, followed by kai and then the students get down to some study! Teachers from several faculties, as well as senior students, are available to help tutor and mentor. As students are working in the library they have access to books and the internet. It is hoped that parents will feel comfortable to drop in too, to have a cup of tea with the teachers and/or to check their child’s online results. We are organising an evening in which parents can come along to find out more about how NCEA works, and on May 3rd, Mrs Newlove will be advising students about applying for scholarships.
For further information, contact g.tahitahi@mahurangi.
Many thanks to all the new faces that came along to our PTA Social last month. It was fabulous to see the support and enthusiasm from you. We have some exciting ideas for fundraisers this year including: A ‘Ladies ‘Pamper Day’ and a ‘Dads and Lads Day’, a ‘Teen Market’ and many other ideas. As well as our annual events such as: the ‘Christmas Gift Fair’ and the ‘Family Movie Evening’ for the Kowhai Festival. We do, however, need your continued commitment and support for these events to be successful, and look forward to a productive 2012! Please look out for our forthcoming events/fundraisers in the school newsletter, emails and posters/flyers, and we’ll see you there! Mahurangi College PTA
Important Date For Your Diary - 24th April `
ip’ a Violent Relatioers:nsh ‘How to Avoidation Elliott and Lynda y Lesle speak guest Evening with
On Tuesday 24th April, we are hosting an Inform a violent and ensure our young people avoid getting into Kearns. The focus of the evening is how to supper. We will also light a with ude concl will and m 6.30p at abusive relationship. The evening will begin children to of you who would like to attend but have young be providing a baby-sitting service for those worry about. to her 22-yearWoman of the Year (2011) and was witness Lesley Elliott was named ‘Next’ Magazine’s . Her presentation erston Weath n Clayto d yfrien ex-bo of old daughter, Sophie’s murder at the hands with the man details Sophie’s five month long relationship entitled ‘Sophie’s Story - What WE Missed’, to recognise failed they abuse of hts the warning signs who would eventually take her life and highlig Bill O’Brien – a Veteran man police r forme and friend family with e moment at the time. Lesley has written a book with vivid honesty the events that led to that terribl , which Champion for Victim Justice – and examines ation’ Found Elliott ie ‘Soph the lished has also estab ation is when the lives of her family changed. She attitude towards relationship violence. The Found them aims to cause a profound shift in New Zealand’s will better prepare which girls and boys for amme progr d committed to developing a school-base rable. themselves at a time when they are most vulne for their emotional lives so they can look after Previously alised in Family Law Issues for almost 30 years. Lynda Kearns is an Auckland Barrister and has speci y Law subcommittee and has presented numerous Famil ty Socie Law t she chaired the Auckland Distric ’s presentation the effects of family violence first hand, Lynda seminars on Family Law Issues. Having seen nting violence preve and s nship relatio ve abusi of signs the to prevent called Hit The Road Jack aims at recognising y’s; Lesle as same the is aim ’s ards. Lynda rather than dealing with the consequences afterw relationships. ve further deaths of young people involved in abusi travelling to fit us in to her very busy schedule and she is able is is able to e We are extremely fortunate that Leslie Elliott anyon if but door, the at ion donat coin for a gold up from Dunedin to do so. We will be asking rt would be very much appreciated. help us by offering some sponsorship, your suppo We look forward to seeing you there. Cath Johnston, Assistant Principal
Achiever of the Month: Nina Su Nina gained her NCEA Level 3 Endorsed with Excellence and 3 Subject Scholarships. She is studying Medicine at Auckland University this year. Mahurangi College had 15 Subject Scholarships for 2011.
Proudly Supporting Mahurangi College
The other 12 students who gained Scholarships were: Jamie Breen, Eloise Docking, Thomas Hargreaves, Louis Houlbrooke, Hannah Lee, Joseph McAuley, Jack Donaldson, Leon Wardenaar, Grace Mitchell, Taylor Helliwell, Jaime Flack, and Stephanie Dumville
WARKWORTH Corner Woodcocks Road & Mansel Drive, Phone 425 8119
50 42 | Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012
with Tony Mordaunt
Your Specialist Outboard & Diesel Repairers
330 Mahurangi East Road, Snells Beach • Ph 425 5806 TIDE TABLE - APRIL 2012 TUESDAY
0246 2.8 0856 1.0 1513 2.8 2121 1.0
0243 0906 1510 2137
0.3 3.5 0.2 3.6
0314 0920 1538 2149
3.0 0.9 2.9 0.9
0222 0845 1441 2106
0.8 3.0 0.7 3.1
0117 0727 1344 1946
2.9 1.0 2.8 0.9
0345 0953 1615 2221
2.9 0.9 2.8 0.9
0334 0959 1600 2229
0.3 3.5 0.3 3.5
0412 1017 1638 2247
3.0 0.9 2.9 0.9
0300 0924 1518 2142
0.8 3.0 0.7 3.1
0212 0822 1442 2047
2.9 0.9 2.8 0.9
0442 1050 1715 2317
3.0 0.8 3.0 0.7
0427 1051 1651 2322
0.4 3.4 0.4 3.5
0505 1109 1733 2338
3.0 0.8 2.9 0.9
0338 1002 1555 2219
0.9 3.0 0.7 3.0
0309 0920 1544 2148
3.0 0.8 2.9 0.8
0537 1144 1812
3.2 0.6 3.2
0522 1145 1744
0.5 3.3 0.5
0555 1158 1823
3.0 0.8 3.0
0418 1041 1634 2258
0.9 2.9 0.8 3.0
0407 1018 1645 2247
3.1 0.7 3.1 0.7
0011 0630 1237 1905
0.6 3.3 0.5 3.3
0017 0619 1240 1841
3.3 0.6 3.2 0.6
0023 0641 1243 1908
0.9 3.0 0.7 3.0
0500 1122 1715 2340
1.0 2.9 0.8 3.0
0504 1114 1744 2343
Times for North Rodney locations differ from Auckland as below: Whangateau ...................................... HW and LW times same as Auckland. Mahurangi.......................................... HW +2 mins, LW +12 mins Bon Accord ........................................ HW -22 mins, LW -1 min Mangawhai, Leigh, Sandspit ............. HW +5 mins, LW +5 mins. Kaipara - Poutu Pt. ............................ HW +3hrs4mins, LW +3hrs14mins Tinopai .......................................... HW +3hrs39mins, LW +3hrs49mins Source: LAND INFORMATION NZ Tide Predictions. NZ Standard Time
3.2 0.6 3.2 0.6
0102 0722 1329 1956
0.4 3.4 0.3 3.5
0115 0719 1337 1942
3.2 0.8 3.0 0.8
0105 0724 1324 1950
0.8 3.0 0.7 3.1
0545 1205 1759
1.0 2.8 0.9
0600 1210 1840
3.3 0.4 3.4
0152 0814 1419 2047
0.3 3.5 0.2 3.6
0215 0820 1437 2046
3.1 0.8 2.9 0.9
0144 0806 1403 2029
0.8 3.0 0.7 3.1
0026 0634 1252 1849
2.9 1.0 2.8 0.9
0037 0656 1304 1934
0.5 3.4 0.3 3.5 MM200
Organisers of the Mighty Mahu Tryathlon are expecting an even bigger turnout next year, as word of the event spreads.
Delivering hockey skills This term I have been delivering hockey in the seven primary schools which I cover as community sports coach. We have been covering various skills including dribbling, passing and shooting, and it has been great to see the children try out their new hockey skills and I have had very positive feedback from all participants asking where and when they can play. Hockey registration for the Mahurangi Junior Hockey Club is now open for players in Years 3 to 6. All schools have information about how to join or contact Jeremy Saunders on 422 2548, email This was my first year of being involved in the recent Mighty Mahu Tryathlon as the community sports coach. The opportunity to do the warm-ups for so many of the children that I work with in schools and in the community was great fun. We had a fantastic turnout of more than 100 competitors and many supporters, despite the dismal weather. The day was drizzly but warm and the rain held off until just after prize giving. We appreciated the attendance of National MP for Rodney Mark Mitchell, who competed with his family and then handed out the prizes. Auckland Transport brought along Big Foot Adventures who offered cycle and helmet safety checks, and set out an amazing obstacle course for the cyclists, once they had recovered from their race. It was a very successful event, which would certainly have attracted more participants if the weather had been kinder. Feedback from participants and supporters was excellent. We look forward to an even bigger turnout next year, weather permitting. We would like to send a big thank you to all our volunteers on the day, as well as Mark Mitchell, Auckland Transport, Comprehensive Health Care in association with Waitemata PHO, Kowhai Lions, Lion Foundation, Harbour Sport, Mahurangi Matters, National Bank Warkworth, Snells Beach Warehouse, WaterSafe Auckland Inc and Wilmot Motors.
Wilmot Toyota proudly supporting The community sports coach programme
Quality Assured Bob & Sandra Brunt
09 431 5571 • 027 287 0922 Well Drilling & Water Ltd
Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012 | 43 51
what’s on April 2012
th At What’s On This Mon
See also Scoreboard (page 28) for sporting events
6-8 6-8 7
Mahurangi College Reunion. Albertlanders 150th Celebration, Port Albert and Wellsford. Pt Wells Monster Village Garage Sale, Pt Wells Hall, doors open 8am (see brief p39) 8 Leigh School Carnival with fine food, wine, art and entertainment, and the return of the super Leigh Fisheries giant ice slide (see ad p25) 11 Kaiwaka Sports Awards, Kaiwaka Sports Complex (see story p28) 11 World Parkinson’s Day (see story p28) 12 Forest & Bird agm and speaker, Totara Park, 7pm (see story p6) 13 Sky Whisperers: Ranginui screening, Matakana Cinemas, 8pm (see story p36) 14 Sands support group meeting (no children please), Hibiscus Coast Community House. Info: Marie Leith 09 947 0569 or 0274426813 or 14 Warkworth Music Society presents Auckland Youth Orchestra in concert, Mahurangi College, from 4pm (see ad and story p37) 15 25th Golden Oldies Hockey Festival, Port Albert Domain, from 10am (see story p26) 15 Waipu walkway/cycleway fundraising trail ride (see story p39) 16 (and 17-18 if required) Draft Long Term Plan Hearings with Rodney Local Board at the old council chambers in the Orewa Service Centre, 50 Centreway Road 12pm. 17 Dinner and auction for Mahurangi Presbyterian Youth Project, Puhoi Hall, from 6.30pm (see story p23) 20 Wellsford Sports and Leisure information day, with visiting fishing and sports experts in store. There will be spot prizes and giveaways; and a Netball Rodney sausage sizzle. 20 Learning difficulties workshop, Warkworth Primary School, from 9am to 3pm (see story p29) 24 Quiz night for the Puhoi Centennial Hall, with Anzac theme, at 7.30pm. $10 per head with teams of up to six people. Reserve a table phone 4220478 or e-mail Some tickets should be available at the door . Remember to bring your own food and drink, and gold coins for the quick raffles. 25 ANZAC DAY (service times will be printed in our April 18 paper) 25 Historic Puhoi Town Library is hosting an ANZAC Day presentation. View a special display commemorating those who served at Gallipoli and subsequent wars. Enjoy free tea, coffee & Anzac biscuits. All welcome, noon to 3pm. 26 Comedy Night, Ascension Wine Estate, featuring Rhys Darby and Adam Crow (see ad p32)
May 4
Kowhai Art & Crafts Open Day, Warkworth Showgrounds, from 10am to 1pm. All welcome.
Email your events to
Sudoku the solution Congratulations to
GAY COWAN Winner of the March Cut & Polish Competition
22 Glenmore Drive, Warkworth Phone: 09 425 9946 or 021 949 408 Email:
Live Music Every Friday Night No Cover Charge Featuring every Friday night in April after the $2 Meat and Grocery Raffles at 5pm
Thursday, 5th April Friday, 13th April Friday, 20th April 20th-29th April
John McCough World Class Trumpeter Kavalliers Four decades of hits Urban Country The finest country rock A WHOLE ANZAC WEEK OF EVENTS
Anyone can join the Warkworth RSA just roll up after 11am or phone 425 8568
52 44 | Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012
Wellsford School celebrates cycle track River walkway A new 800m bike track, circling Wellsford Primary School’s sports field, was opened on March 9. The new track –Te Huanui, meaning the path of our future – was officially opened and blessed by Ngati Whatua Kaumatua Ben De Thierry and Charlie Connolly before students and representatives from Harbour Sport and Auckland Transport took to the course for the first time. Students were encouraged to bring their own bikes, scooters and skateboards to celebrate the occasion. Principal Dave Bradley says Harbour Sport and Auckland Transport approached the school with the idea last November. “The school then went to the community for help to build the track,” he says. A number of local contractors, many of whom have children at Wellsford Primary, responded and donated around $10,000 worth of materials and labour to the school and built the track over the Christmas holidays. “It just goes to show what a small community with a handful of enthusiastic volunteers can achieve with support from a few local organisations.” Harbour Sport and Auckland Transport then sourced funding to purchase 25 bikes for the school. “The bikes will be used as part of the
seeks funding
The Warkworth Riverbank Enhancement Group has made an application for a Rodney Local Board Discretionary Grant for a low-key walkway, along the Mahurangi River, from Warkworth to the cement works. The group is seeking $4000 towards the cost of a boardwalk to cover a section of wetland and to clear some the land along the grass route. Group member Les Buckton says it’s time to make the track more accessible and attractive to a wider use. “The walkway provides a riverside link with the cement works without any serious earthworks,” he says. “It is also time that a few other projects on the riverbank were completed. Some time ago, around 15 MaƩers— sponsor name Local April plaques 2012 along the Mahurangi River walkway were prised off by vandals. To honour the walkway sponsors, we would like to replace them as soon as possible – which is an added cost we don’t need. “Meanwhile, the land adjacent to the skateboard rink, in Baxter Street, needs to be safeguarded from being turned into a carpark which it is Wellsford Primary School teacher Phil Lees leads students on the inaugural lap currently being used as. around the new 800m bike track. “I would like to see the area improve so school’s physical education curriculum, a bike while teaching them about bike it could be perhaps used for barbeques giving children the confidence to ride and road safety.” and as a meeting area.”
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Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012 | 23 Mahurangimatters - 4 April 2012 1
Your handy pull-out guide
Get the right person for the job with our handy service directory, which ensures you can find a local professional or tradesperson, quickly and easily.
Advertise Your Business Here ONLY $48 PER INSERTION (+GST)* *for a three insertion contract Phone 425 9068 for more information or email your advertisement to
Glaziers & Joiners ...................................... 1 Automotive Services ............................... 1 Tyres .............................................................. 1 Auto Electrical............................................ 1 Auto Wreckers............................................ 2 Panel and Paint.......................................... 2 Trellis, Fencing & Supplies ..................... 2 Carpenters, Builders & Roofers ............ 2 Scaffolding .................................................. 2 Engineering ................................................ 2 Sawmilling .................................................. 3 Construction & Earthworks ................... 3 Concrete Specialists ................................ 3
Tiling, Brick & Block Layers .................... 3 Flooring ........................................................ 3 Electrical ...................................................... 3 Design, Survey & Property Valuers ........ 3 Lawn mowing & Landscaping .........3-4 Property Maintenance .......................3-4 Arborists ...................................................... 4 Retail ............................................................. 4 Acupuncturists .......................................... 4 Health & Beauty ........................................ 4 Specialty Foods ......................................... 4 Furniture ...................................................... 4 Carpet & Upholstery Cleaners.............. 4
Home Services - Blinds, Awning etc ...... 4 Painters/Decorators & Plasterers ...4-5 Water Pump Specialists .............................. 5 Swimming Pools ....................................... 5 Marine/Small Engines ............................. 5 Plumbing & Suppliers ............................. 5 Printers & Design ...................................... 5 TV Aerial & Satellite Servicing .............. 5 Water Supplies .......................................... 5 Water Tank Cleaning & Purification......... 6 Storage ......................................................... 6 Furniture Removals.................................. 6 Mobility Scooters...................................... 6 Classifieds & Church Notices ...... 6-7
Glaziers & Joiners | Automotive Services | Tyres | Auto Electrical
For all your glass, glazing, and aluminium needs and
53 Station Road, Wellsford Phone (09) 423 7358
431 5050
Say No to Leaky Homes
• Robust, Good Looking and Durable • Specify Best Practice, Specify Flashman • The only Flashing System Guaranteed
Northland 0800 55 66 00
20 Glenmore Drive, Warkworth (09) 425 8678 • 0800 809 010
Composite Joinery Ltd 7 Glenmore Drive Warkworth 0941
Domestic / Commercial Glazing Glass Showers • Splash Backs Mirrors • Cat Doors Windscreen Replacement and Chip Repair
0274 904 564 425 5340
arkworth instone lass & lazing
Auto GlAss • Mirrors DesiGner GlAss • GlAzinG
09 431 4999
2/194 Molesworth Drive, Mangawhai Heads •
Phone: 09 425 7510 Fax: 09 422 2011
We specialise in: • Vantage Aluminium Joinery • APL | Architectural Series • Metro Series • Internal and External Timber Joinery
Snells Beach
425 5355
1 Hamatana Road - Snells Beach
Mobile Mechanical ServiceS On site servicing of your vehicle • Engine tunes • Brake checks • Lube services
• Cam belt replacement • Shock replacement • Exhaust repairs
John Young Ph (09) 425 7781 • Mob 0274 828 293 Hours: Mon – Fri 8am – 5pm
Your local Auto Electrical & Battery Specialist
Unit 4, 6-14 Glenmore Drive, Warkworth
27 Glenmore Drive, Warkworth Phone Mike: 09 425 7969 Email:
4 April 2012 24 | Mahurangimatters 2 Mahurangimatters - 4 April 2012
Your handy pull-out guide
Auto Wreckers | Panel & Paint | Trellis, Fencing & Supplies | Carpenters, Builders, Roofers & Suppliers | Scaffolding | Engineering
Private & All Insurance Work
Ph 425 8723 • Fax 425 9526 Wayne 021 765 706 or Ian 021 977 729 47 Woodcocks Road, Warkworth
2 Glenmore Drive, Warkworth Ph (09) 425 7835 or (09) 425 7730
Matakana Trellis & Fencing
Trellis - Panels - Fencing Installations - all shapes and sizes Specialities: Framed Archways – Superior Trellis Pedestrian Gate Frames (mortised) Trellis spray painting / oiling Gazebo's ~ dove cotes ~ pergolas
Fences - Gates - Screens Pergola - Trellis - Timber 1A Matakana Valley Rd Ph: 422 9550 Fax: 422 9635 115
CARPENTER-JOINER • Terraces • Alterations • New Housing
• Renovations • Maintenance • Small jobs a specialty
872 Kaipara Flats Road Ph: 425 7627 • Fax 422 4976
Trellis Guy Snells Beach • Warkworth • Orewa
• Custom made • Quality material • Quality workmanship
Also see Lance for your supply of Native and Landscaping plants
Ph 09 422 5737 • 027 272 7561 Fax 09 422 5800
Rural Fencing &
Phone: Ralph Rogers Mobile: 0274 722 744 A/hrs: (09) 431 2938 Email:
• Design & build • New homes • Renovation • Maintenance • Fences & decks • Project management • Alterations & additions • Shade & outdoor living areas
Auckland region house of the year 2008 For the construction of:
• Architecturally designed homes • New houses • Decks • Alterations • Fences
Phone: 027 4771 583 email: 152M
Phone 09 425 5491 • Mobile 027 275 1172
David Just Developments Ltd
New Homes Alterations Decks All Aspects of Building
Eric John Qualified Carpenter Phone 021 263 8981
Bathroom and Kitchen renovations Over 25 years experience References available from past clients • slabs • flooring
• beams & posts • mulch
• panelling • firewood
David Just • Ph: 0274 753 574
362 Matakana Valley Rd, Matakana 0948
ph 422 7716 • fax 422 7717
Roofing N.Z Ph: 09 422 2131
Mob: 021 220 5000
470 KAiPArA FlATS rOAd, WArKWOrTH126
Ring Matt on 021 356 965 A/hrs/Fax: 09 425 6311 Email:
Long Run Iron Specialists New Re-Roofs & Cladding
Calling all local tradespeople Are you looking for more work? Why not join Local Trades Ltd
Calling all customers We’ll find the right tradesperson for those jobs around your home and property
You can trust us to find the right person for the job
Contact Linda Robinson p e
09 422 9860
m w
027 526 1146
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phone 09 425 6431
General Engineering unit 5 • hamatana Road snells beach
Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012 | 25 Mahurangimatters - 4 April 2012 3
Your handy pull-out guide
Sawmilling | Construction & Earthworks | Concrete | Brick, Block Layers & Tiling | Flooring | Electrical | Design, Architects & Surveyors | Lawn Mowing & Landscaping
R.K. PADDISON CONTRACTING LTD • Truck Hire • Metal Supplies • Bulk Cartage
MICK BERGER CONTRACTORS Phone: 09 422 0688 • Mobile: 0274 930 806
43 years experience
Owner/Driver: Ray GRANT TORKINGTON 021 138 7206
38 Coquette Street, Warkworth Ph 422 3450 or 0274 955 566 • Fax 09 422 3451
Dams ● Winching ● Bulldozing ● Driveways House Sites ● Landscaping ● Earthmoving ● Sub Divisions
021 2800 233
CONTRACTORS Footings Hole Boring Landscaping
3.5T Digger 5T Truck
Bob Waata Mobile 021 634 484
Tiling & Waterproofing Bricks • Blocks • Paving
DRIVEWAYS FLOORS • PATHS Exposed • Plain • Coloured Stamped Concrete • Cutting Residential & Commercial Sub-divisions • R.O.W’s • Excavations 135M
Craftsman Tiler | High Quality Workmanship Accredited Waterproof Membrane Installer Specialist in Epoxy Grout | NZQA Trade Certified
Phone Alan Berthelsen 021 780 170 • A/hrs 425 8252
Simon Bennett 09 431-5723 or 021 320-705 email: 72 Cames Road, RD5 Wellsford 0975
FLOOR SANDING - FLOOR PREPARATION FLOOR SANDING - FLOOR PREPARATION Polyurethaning:- Wooden Floors, Particle Board & Cork Cork Tiles:- Natural & Coloured Enviro Friendly Products available
KAE JAE CONTRACTORS (LTD) PHONE KEN (0274) 866-923 A/Hrs (09) 422-7328 • Fax (09) 422-7329
Denis 021 945 498 Joel 021 422 592 PO Box 193, Warkworth
Foundations • Floors • Drives • Paths • Digger & Truck Hire Concrete Specialists backed by over 30 years experience Established since 1984
Carpet, Vinyl, Cork & Ceramic Tiles Installation Service Overlocking Service Free Measure and Quote
COASTAL CONCEPTS • Electrician • Gates & Automation t. 09 422 2175 m. 027 497 0464 e.
ELECTRICAL SERVICES Residential and Commercial Electrical Phone 422 9589 • Mobile 021 679 483 Email:
Lamb & moLLoy Ltd SURVEYORS
Prompt, professional advice and service for all Subdivisions and Land Development Work
Phone Warkworth (09) 425-7393 R. Mather 021 425 837 • R. Molloy 021 779 964
23 Bertram Street - Warkworth
Over 25 years experience in all aspects of residential design THOMAS ERRINGTON Dip.Arch. P: 09 425 0512 M: 027 453 2495 E: W:
It's your day off and you're mowing the lawn? • Lawnmowing • Hedges & Pruning • gardening / sPraying • section cLean uPs • rubbisH removaL • gutter cLeaning • Handyman
CALL FREE 0800 4 JIM JIM (546 546) or book online at
• Planting • Paving • Retaining WallS • FenceS • deckS • gaRden makeoveRS SERVICING HIBISCUS COAST TO MANGAWHAI
JOHN BETTRIDGE P: 09 425 4086 M: 021 665 558 E:
Landscape Industries Association of New Zealand Inc.
4 April 2012 26 | Mahurangimatters 4 Mahurangimatters - 4 April 2012
Your handy pull-out guide
Landscaping & Property Maintenance | Arborists | Retail | Acupuncturists | Health & Beauty | Specialty Foods | Furniture | Carpet & Upholstery | Blinds | Painters & Decorators TOTAL LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION
for complete quality projects
• Lawns - contouring & seeding • Top soil • Retaining Walls • Driveways • Paths • Digger • Truck • Tractor
0800 927 492 021 725 907
Phone Bruce 425 7766 a/h I take the hard work out of Landscaping
House & Garden Care
A complete house & property service • Garden Design • Gardening • Windows • Gutters • Property Maintenance • Raised Vegetable Gardens • Compost Bins • Climbing Frames & Pergolas • Pruning • Chainsaw, Fencing & Handyman Work • Garden Tool Sharpening
Great service, rates & advice | Senior discounts One off or ongoing maintenance | Organic options for weeds & pests
Phone Tim 021 857 433 or 422 9493
For all your property maintenance and small building projects
home & property maintenance
Phone to discuss YOUR requirements 021 423 860 - 423 8619 a/h
Property maintenance for permanent or absentee homeowners
Contact Linus Wood
John Petchell 09 425 6962 • 0275 183 570 NO JOBS TOO SMALL
General household carpentry and repairs • Decks • Stairs • Handrails • Fences • Doors • Letterboxes •
Grant & Jeanette Stewart Owner/Operators
Tree Care
Specialising in: STUMP GRINDING Fine Pruning Tree Removal Hedge Trimming Ph Kevin on 021 725 757
12b Wood Street, Mangawhai Heads 12B Wood Street, Mangawhai Heads M 021 280 4008 P 09 431 4651 E
Beauty Therapy & Nail Creations
Martin Greenleaf
D.Ac., Bac.Ac., Acupuncturist Member of NZ Register of Acupuncturists
Registered ACC Referral Provider
TREATS MOST HEALTH PROBLEMS Over 30 years experience
Lavender House
27 Lilburn Street, Warkworth 09 422 3729 or 09 480 2255
• Facials • Waxing • Tinting • Gel Nails • Acrylic Nails • Manicures • Pedicures • Electrolysis • Make-up • Body Wraps • Massage • Spray Tans
for head to toe pampering
Alison Wech
C.I.D.E.S.C.O, C.I.B.T.A.C, dip Beauty Therapy, dip Electrolysis, dip Body Therapy, dip Nail Technician
46 McKinney Road, Warkworth Mob 021 051 3661 • Ph 09 425 7776
Recycled Matai
Custom Built Kitchens
NZ Made Solid Wood
Ph 425 9030 • Dome Valley 5 minutes past Warkworth
Clean and Repair Verticals, Venetians and Various Blinds Remesh Screens Replace Blinds Repair Curtain Tracks Window Cleaning
mobile 021 274 1676 phone 09 422 0025 email
Emergency Flood Service Technical Experience 12 years Fully qualified and certified
Call FREE 0800 022 101 Mobile 021 456 429 Email:
Certified Member of the Carpet Cleaning Association of NZ
since 1966
Good food that’s Gluten Free
18b Glenmore Drive, Warkworth 425 9593 •
WARKWORTH COMMERCIAL CLEANERS LTD Carpet & Upholstery Cleaners General Commercial Cleaners
Paddy & Gaye Webb Phone/Fax: Mobile: Email: Website:
09 425 6844 021 079 8578
SECURITY DOORS • SHUTTERS • SCREENS Agents for • Supply • Installation FOR • Cleaning • Repairs
09 426 8079 021 2144 250
T +64 (0)9 431 4651 F +64 (0)9 431 4290 E
Interior/Exterior n Waterblasting n Roof Painting Airless Spraying n Plastering n Wallpapering Colour Consulting n Decorative Effects Qualified Tradesmen - Honest/Reliable Ph Mandy 09 425 9007 or 021 507 463
Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012 | 27 Mahurangimatters - 4 April 2012 5
Your handy pull-out guide
Painters & Decorators | Water Pump Services | Swimming Pools | Marine & Small Engines | Plumbing | Printers & Design | TV Aerials & Satellites | Water Supplies
itchen Colours and Wood Finishes Spraypainters of quality kitchens Lacquers, enamels, 2 pacs, clearcoats Resprays and Recolours
Phone / Fax Gary 425 7669 Unit 21/30 Hudson Road, Warkworth115
Your Painter/Decorator with over 25 years experience serving all surrounding areas
Leigh Decorators Painting • Paperhanging • Roofs • Airless Spraying • Stopping (small jobs) • Repaints • New Homes For your Free Quote and/or Consultation phone Gary HOME: 09-422-6695 • MOBILE: 021-024-44941 EMAIL:
Pump & Filtration Services (2007) Ltd
• Water treatment & Filtration • Pumps • Pool & Spas • Waterblasters 7days / 24hours Paul Harris M: 021 425 887 T: 09 425 0075 E:
Building beautiful pools since 1987
Pumps / Water Tanks / Filtration / Treatment Spa & Pool Shop / Pool Valet Service Water Blasters / Sprayers Hose & Fittings / Mobile & Workshop Service 31 WOODCOCKS RD - WARKWORTH - PH 425 9100
H2O PUMPS Water Treatment
Pumping Systems
• Filtration • UV Sterilizers • Softeners and Neutralizers • Iron Removal • Agent for Stallion Pumps
Owen Ward
Phone 021 771 878 • 24hrs 09 425 6002 Email: MoBILe eFTPos AVAILABLe
Water lters - Underbench - UV - Whole House • Water Coolers • Water Pumps • Sales & Service
0800 PURE WATER “If you don’t have a lter you are the lter”
Call Steve today 09 945 2282 he’s your local
Phone 09 425 9985 or 0508 667 843 2/3 Morrison Drive, Warkworth
& DRAINLAYING experienced boat builder - professional craftsman our specialist services include:
simon adams tel 09 425 5243 mob 021 425 878
marine plumbing interior refits maintenance wooden boat restoration retrofitting scheduled servicing
09 422 7618 027 494 5499
Digital Freeview Satellite Installation & Repairs
+ 64 9 422 3725 021 2542 048
Ph 09 425 5495 Mob 0274 766 115
Maintenance New Homes Craftsman Plumber Free Quotes After Hours Callout 30 years experience
Phone 425 7257 | Argyll Angle, 58-60 Queen Street, Warkworth
TTT Plumbing Limited
Freeview Sales & Installation TV & FM Aerials
• Plan Printing, Colour & B/W Photocopying • Laminating, Binding, Fax and Scanning Service • Internet and Email Service
330 Mahurangi East Rd, Snells Beach Phone 425-5806
Mark Sim 021 102 4561
office & Internet services
Available from:
0800 638 254 OR 09 422 3700
TV • Video • DVD Tuning Additional TV Outlets Phone David Redding 09 422 7227 or 0274 585 457
Household Water Deliveries 0800 747 928 mobile: 027 556 6111
4 April 20122012 6 Mahurangimatters 28 | Mahurangimatters - 4 April
Your handy pull-out guide
Water Tank Cleaning & Water Testing | Storage | Furniture Removals | Mobility Scooters
TANK WATER TESTING We collect samples of your tank or bore water, have them analysed for microbes at an IANZ reg. laboratory. Our written report explains the results and makes recommendations.
clean. care. repair. WATER TANK & WATER APPLICATION CLEANING AGENCY Warkworth: Phone John or Annette Carr p: 09 425 7477 | m: 027 240 7791 | f: 09 425 7483 email:
Phone Simon Breeze (09) 422 9345 |
Mangawhai: Phil Lathrope 431 4608 | 021 642 668
Rodney - North Shore
• Specialist Furniture Truck • Packing & Storage • Caring Owner/ Operator • Carriers Liability Insurance Phone 0274 889 216 • Ah 09 422 7495
SALES • REPAIR • HIRE Noel & Lyn Beale
y dsa Lin ylor Ta
09 422 2615 or 0800 022 884
PHONE 09 425 5597
Phone Cathy or Renee 425 9068 or email your advert to *for a three insertion contract
Advertise your classifieds and church notices here for only 30c+GST per word for run-ons or $6.70 per/cm+GST for boxed adverts. FOR SALE RAwLEIGH PRODuCTS Phone Patrick 425 8851.
For Sale – 14.3hh Mare
7 year old, chestnut with flaxen mane Great all-rounder, nice paces, snaffle mouth, confident, bold jump. Phone 021 035 1799
FREEvIEw INSTALLATIONS dish decoder complete from $450. Call Jim THE MAINTENANCE MAN 422 3725 or 021 254 2048. MAZDA DEMIO 1997 5 door, auto, $2495. Phone 09 423 9307. wATER TANK 200 Litre, new, $450. Phone 09 423 9307.
The Jane Gifford STory on dVd only $12.50 each
SCENIC FLIGHTS $39, 20 mins;
$49, 30 mins. Min. 3 passengers. Trial flights $75. Gift vouchers available. GREAT BARRIER FLIGHTS. Special stopover up to 4 hours. Return $99. Min. 3 passengers.
each. Min 3 passengers.
FOR HIRE GRAPE CRuSHER & wINE PRESS AvAILABLE, catering for the hobbiest/ life style grape grower. The equipment is located in Hoteo North, & is available for your crushing/pressing needs. Contact John Macdonald, ja.macdonald@xtra., or 09 4239387 for further info.
FOR RENT COMMERCIAL KITCHEN FOR RENT Small – spotless – commercial kitchen. Long term rental preferred but can do hourly rate. Matakana area. Phone 422 9936 – Helen
($1 from every sale is donated to the Jane Gifford Trust)
HALLS FOR HIRE PuHOI CENTENNIAL HALL Capacity 200, very reasonable rates. For further information phone Kathy on 422 0891 or email SHOESMITH & MASONIC HALLS The Shoesmith Hall (limit 120 people) and the old Masonic Hall (limit 100 people) are available for hire at reasonable rates. Contact the Warkworth Service Centre of the Auckland council on tollfree (09) 301 0101.
wATER FILTERS Underbench filters & whole house Ultra violet filters – Kill and remove ecoli/bacteria. FREE site visits. Phone Steve 09 945 2282 or visit
KAIAPOI HIGH SCHOOL 40TH ANNIvERSARY, October 5-6, 2012. For information: email KHS40@hotmail., Facebook (organisation) or write to P.O. Box 138, Kaiapoi 7644.
wATER PuMPS Low water pressure? Get it sorted. Sales, service and installation. Work guaranteed. Phone Steve 09 945 2282 or visit www.
PuHOI HISTORICAL SOCIETY meets every 3rd Wed, 7.30pm, Puhoi Museum records room. All welcome. Museum winter hours are Sat & Sun, 1pm-4pm.
HORSE RIDING WARKWORTH Family Fun Scenic farm & forest rides Quiet horses and ponies Birthday rides • Lessons Suit beginners & experienced riders and people with Disabilities Social, Language & School Groups
book NoW
1hour $40 • 2hours $75 Phone 425 8517 42 Kaipara Flats Road, Warkworth
Rodney Aero Club Ph 425 8735 or Rod Miller Phone 425 5612
available from the Mahurangi Matters Office, 17 Neville Street, Warkworth
HOuSESITTING HOuSESITTER AvAILABLE Mature, non smoking, experienced, short term OK. Phone 09 431 5662.
Contact Adele 0800 BOWEN 4 U (0800 269 364)
HANDYMAN – THE MAINTENANCE MAN Your one stop fix-it-man. Phone Jim 422 3725 or 021 254 2048.
Videos, slides & old 8mm films all on to DVD. Ph TeTotara Video (09) 422 5710.
wARKwORTH QuILT SHOw vIEwERS CHOICE wINNERS - Quilt, 1st Dorothy Mainland Red Black and White Happy 50th birthday, 2nd Janice Hatch; Calico Wall Hanging, 1st equal Jean Gardner - Rangitoto & Bonnie Brown - My Wonderful Chooks; Card Challenge Jean Gardner wARKwORTH QuILTERS wish to thank all their friends who bought tickets in their show raffles. Prize winners have been notified. Results are: Quilt Raffle, 1st Prize (quilt), Judi Farrow, Ticket 1029; 2nd Prize (quilt), M. Haughton, Ticket 0532; 3rd Prize (bag), R. Logan, Ticket 0408. All bag raffle winners have been told the good news. The White Bear (now called Isabelle) Raffle, was won by Jade Davies. Thank you, Sally Roughan.
VOLUNTEERS WANTED Citizens Advice Bureau Wellsford needs you!!!
We need men and women as volunteers to assist the people in your community & help find solutions to their problems. Come and talk to us TODAY! Phone CAB 09 423 7333 Monday – Friday 10am to 3pm
Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012 | 29
Advertise your classifieds and church notices here for only 30c+GST per word for run-ons or $6.70 per/cm+GST for boxed adverts. PuBLIC NOTICES
Baxter Street Car Park Warkworth Car Park Closed
This carpark will be closed from 26th March 2012 for vital maintenance and is programmed to re-open 1st June 2012, subject to weather. Thank you for your cooperation.
TANZANIA MOuNTAIN BIKING TOuR Fully escorted holiday from Kenya to Zanzibar, 27 July to 17 August 2012 from $10,800 pp share twin. Contact Debbie World Travellers Warkworth Ph: (09) 425 8009 or email debbie@
RIVERSIDE MARKET Closed Until Further Notice PO Box 71, Warkworth
Clairvoyant/ MediuM
CHURCH NOTICES EastEr OppOrtunitiEs Mahurangi at thE anglican Methodist Parish parish in WarkWOrth Invites you to join us in our, Holy Week and Easter Sunday Combined Services 2012
THURSDAY, 5TH APRIL MAUnDY THURSDAY 6.30PM Parish Combined Service at the Warkworth Methodist Church 1 Hexham Street, Warkworth. FRIDAY, 6TH APRIL GooD FRIDAY 10.30AM Parish Combined Service at the Warkworth Methodist Church. SUnDAY, 8TH APRIL EASTER SUnRISE SERvIcE 6.30AM Combined Ecumenical Service on the beach at Snells Beach (Sunburst Ave end) SUnDAY, 8TH APRIL EASTER DAY 9AM Parish Combined Service at the Snells Beach Community Church. 325 Mahurangi East Rd, Snells Beach Phone (09) 425 8660 (Parish Office) or Presbyter (027) 374 0496.
Phone 425 8545
EAsTER 2012 TImETAbLE: Palm sunday April 1st
TRAvEL wOw 2012 – wORLD OF wEARABLE ARTS in Wellington 27 September to 7 October. Call us for your flight and accommodation packages. Contact Kelly at World Travellers Warkworth Ph: (09) 425 8009 or email kelly@ vIETNAM Fully escorted holiday from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City, 2 - 13 August 2012 from $5549 pp twin share. Contact Lynette at World Travellers Warkworth Ph: (09) 425 8009 or email lynette@
ASTROLOGY 2012 Important dates for you. 5@$20, 10@$35. Ph 09 427 6433 or email:
HOLIDAY HOME MANAGER – Work is mainly PT and seasonal but year round. You live in Leigh/Matakana, enjoy cleaning and meeting people with great attention to detail and have computer, internet and mobile phone. Be part of a growing business. Suits semi-retired couple or person returning to the work force. Info:
Monday - Thursday Communion daily at Christ Church Maundy Thursday Christ Church Good Friday Christ Church, Warkworth Easter SundayServices Sunrise Service, Christ Church, Warkworth Christ Church, Christ Church, Warkworth Christ Church, Christ Church Warkworth St.Leonard’s Church, Matakana St.Michael & All Angels’ Church, Leigh St Alban’s Church Kaipara Flats
all enquiries: phone 425 8054
Ph 428 3887 or 0274 750 999
Holy Week 7.30am 5th April 7.30pm 6th April 9.30am 8th April 6.30am
9.30am 11.00am 11.15am
Beryl Clarke genuine accurate messages from spirit. For confidential appointment
Brigid is available to assist you to move forward and make changes. Orewa and Warkworth clinic. Phone 09 426 8361 or
Veronica’s Washing Basket
Veronica, legend has it, took a cloth and wiped the sweating face of Jesus as he was carrying his cross. The exhibition uses the image of the washing basket to underline that the way of the cross is about the everyday realities of human life & human compassion. The exhibition will be open in Holy Week in Christ Church, Church Hill Warkworth, on Tues 3 April & Wed 4 April 10am to 4pm & Thurs 5 April 10am to 1pm in Christ Church Warkworth. All are welcome to come, see, contemplate, reflect and pray.
Blessings of Palms at all Masses (including Sat vigil) Puhoi 8.30am and Warkworth 10.30am
Holy Thursday April 5th
Mass of the Last Supper & Washing of Feet Procession of Blessed Sacrament to Altar of Repose Adoration Puhoi 7.00pm and Warkworth 8.30pm
MATHS & PHYSICS TuITION Year 11 to Year 13, NCEA, Cambridge, I.B., Phone Marty 021 170 9059, msmi042@
Wed & Thurs 6pm-8pm $10/class plus materials costs. Please ring 425 9080. Also in store mosaic supplies and art for sale. Warkworth Floor & Wall Tiles, 2/2 Glenmore Drive, Warkworth
Tv SERvICES & SALES Tv SERvICES Freeview, dishes, aerials, boxes. Sales, installation and repairs. Phone Gavin 027 4766115. Tv TuNING. DVD’s / Sky / Video / Freeview etc. Phone 425 5431.
vEHICLES PARK & SELL Gull Snells Beach. Weekly rates. Great exposure. Ph 425 4092.
Good Friday April 6th
5 Pulham Road, Warkworth Phone 425 8861
Good Friday 9am Easter Sunday 9am & 10.30am Sunday Services 9am & 10.30am
wORK wANTED REID EQuESTRIAN ENGINEERING, Wellsford. Float rebuilds, horse truck conversions, etc. Dog kennels made to measure. Quality work. Ph Ron 423 9666. SEMI-RETIRED BuILDER All types of building work. Free quotes and advice. Ph Wayne 09 425 5757 or 021 112 0696.
CLASSIFIED DEADLINE for April 18 issue is April 11
Phone 425 9068 to book your classified advertising
(Day of Fasting & Abstinence) Puhoi 10am Stations of the Cross to outdoor shrine Confessions afterwards in Church Warkworth 3pm Commemoration of the Lords Passion & Death, Reading of the Lords Passion, Prayers of Intercession, Veneration of the Cross, Collection of Lenten Appeal & Holy Places, Holy Communion and Confessions after ceremonies
Holy saturday April 7th
(Fasting recommended till after Vigil) Warkworth 10-11am Confessions Warkworth 7pm EASTER VIGIL Easter Fire & Candle, Vigil readings Blessings of Baptismal Water and Mass of Easter
Easter sunday April 8th
Puhoi 8.30am and Warkworth 10.30am
AnglicAn PArish of Wellsford
EastEr Day sErvicEs Tauhoa, 8am at the Community Hall Wellsford, 9am at All Saints’ Church, 17-19 Port Albert Road Tomarata, 11am at St Francis in the Fields all enquiries phone 09 4222 560
30 | Mahurangimatters 4 April 2012
Reader takes home new car
Stained Glass & Leadlights
Wholesale Clearance
NEW Winter Garments
Stefanie Mann
Designed and constructed for domestic and commercial buildings.
18th & 19th April 11am-4pm Old Masonic Hall Warkworth
Restoration work also undertaken, including china cabinet repairs.
Phone 425 7723
Sudoku the numbers game 7
6 9
6 5
Hauraki Gulf challenge 4 8
6 5
Warkworth reader Gloria Lawrie (pictured) walked away with a brand new Toyota Yaris last month after winning the national Jojo Moyes Me Before You competition. Gloria, accompanied by her husband James, was presented with the keys to her new car at a small presentation at the Penguin offices in Albany. She entered the competition after purchasing the book from The Warehouse/ Snells Beach. Me Before You is Jojo’s ninth novel and was the number one bestseller for fiction in NZ for three weeks running.
Solution page 43
Fill in this grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
The Beach Discovery Challenge, an educational exercise to raise awareness of beach health and specific issues facing the Hauraki Gulf, was launched during Seaweek last month. Led by the Auckland Council Hauraki Gulf Forum, the exercise involves undertaking a beach cleanup, making a series of observations about the condition/health of the coastal marine environment and testing knowledge of Gulf issues by completing a series of quiz questions. After completing the challenge, there is the opportunity to give an overall rating from one to 10 on the state of the beach and to enter this online. According to a 2011 report to the Hauraki Gulf Forum, health of the gulf is in decline. Its reefs and estuaries have changed considerably from their natural states and show signs of continuing degradation in a slow but steady way. Auckland Council environmental services manager Janis McArdle, says a reef watch project is currently in the scoping phase. Info:
Your LOCAL community newspapers in Auckland’s north
Stories where readers had their say were the most popular on in March. A proposal to ban domestic open fires heated-up with
plenty of fiery comments, and puns!
The Warkworth Town Hall special feature, and our video
report on the public consultation meeting, grabbed your interest and comments. Plus some Matakana Fruitloops, and ‘shameless’ Mahurangi Matters team promotion, made the top 10!
Keep coming back for regular updates, picture galleries, videos and chances to have your say on Local Matters. You can also get daily updates and join the conversation on twitter@localmattersnz or Facebook MahurangiMatters and HibiscusMatters Subscribe to our online newsletter at The subscribe button is on the right-hand side
Top 10 viewed stories in March 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Log burners in the firing line Opinions divided on Warkworth Town Hall Animals star in open day Maori ban Crest Energy Kaipara Harbour project Leigh fishing competition puts boat prize on the line Madcap Matakana Fruitloop defies daunting weather Soap box derby speed demons prepare for race day Council fees head skyward Matakana celebrates schools 150 years Artistic flair to Estuary Arts birthday celebrations
Mahurangi Matters 09 425 9068 • Hibiscus Matters 09 427 8188