MAIB Community FTN Newsletter Issue 3 Fall 2011

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Fall 2011

Issue 3 Fall 2011

CIHEAM-MAIB Issue 3 Fall 2011

@iamb community Newsletter

Newsletter Cover

A:Thinking outside the box is difficult B:...Thinking inside the box is warm :) A


A:...right but stretching the box in the right way you may have new ideas…INNOVATION AB:....We agree that thinking outside many boxes is a big challenge… AB :...Well the important is to keep trying and going on …


Fall 2011

Issue 3 Fall 2011

CIHEAM-MAIB Issue 3 Fall 2011

@iamb community Newsletter Fall sentence

In this issue:

“ “...Students helping students ...”



Table of contents


Editorial Does the Mediterranean still exist? Education/Training & World Food Day Closing Academic Year 2010-2011 / Opening Academic Year 2011-212 Training/Research activities : Events endorsed by CIHEAM-MAIB

3-4 5 6-7


L&W division : Training course: Horizon 2020 project


IPM division: Training course : Forensic Entomology: Theory and Practice


MOA division: 1st International Workshop on Organic Agriculture , GRAB-II Call for paper


E-Learning division : Course announcement


Cooperation activities: latest home news and events


MIRA project: Training seminar


SA & RD division : Technical Workshop/ Sustainability of Mediterranean Diet


PESCAMED : Forum on Sustainable Mediterranean Fishery


Country focus Egypt (part II) Former Trainees Network (FTN)



International Job Opportunities


Latest publications: CIHEAM– MAIB and International organization


Call for contribution to @iamb community newsletter /Editorial information

Editor-in-Chief Maurizio Raeli Managing Editor Noureddin Driouech Steering committee Olimpia Antonelli Stefania Lapedota Luigi Sisto Maroun El Moujabber


Overseas summer course announcement: Leadership Environmental program

Story from MAIB former students

Editorial information

21-22 23

Editorial office Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo CIHEAM-MAI of Bari Via Ceglie, 9 70010 Valenzano (BA) Italy Tel.: +390804606203 Fax: +390804606206 E-mail:

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CIHEAM-MAIB Issue 3 Fall 2011

Editorial Dear FTN members and readers, In the framework of @IAMB community the Former Trainees Network Initiative (FTN) is celebrating its 1st anniversary on December 12th, 2011. We are glad to thank all you for your continuous comments, suggestions and feedback. Since our first info letter sent on December 12th, 2010, we have completed about 17011 sent counts (Fig. 1). Moreover, the FTN initiative is experiencing a rapid increase in the number of confirmed memberships from MAIB former trainees/students. For us, it is a gratifying result to have reached a total of 898 members and users (Fig. 2). Currently, the geographical distribution of the FTN members covers 20 Mediterranean countries and 37 countries across the world (Fig. 3 ). As part of our continuous efforts to better serve the FTN targeted persons, by keeping them well-informed on the latest news/events from CIHEAM-MAIB activities and well connected among each other and with MAIB researchers and staff, we would like to inform you that our web links (follow-up questionnaire, Newsletter subscription form and Forum registration) are still available online. The FTN web page will be available soon. Please should you need any help or assistance do not hesitate to contact us at the following email address: . Eventually, to better fulfill your expectations we assure you we will make any possible effort to give continuity to the work and results achieved this year (follow-up research studies, communication and dissemination of MAIB activities). Best wishes for a happy holiday season and for a happy new year. With kindest regards, Maurizio Raeli and Noureddin Driouech

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Issue 3 Fall 2011

Fig. 1: Monthly sent counts 2010-2011

Fig. 2: Monthly member increasing trend 2010-2011

Fig. 3: FTN membership across the Mediterranean area

Fig. 4: Membership across the world

Source: FTN database October-November 2011

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Issue 3 Fall 2011

Does the Mediterranean still exist? Cos im o L AC I R IG NO L A –

Director of the CIHEAM -Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari

..The dissemination and sharing of scientific knowledge can provide the solutions to the new emergencies ... In the last six months the political and geostrategic equilibrium of the Mediterranean basin has been disrupted. Young hopeless graduates who manage to get by have unveiled the social and economic unrest, the widespread despair and uncertainty for the future. The protest burst even in the remotest villages, and swept away the governments of Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, etc. . Extreme gestures of young unemployed people echoed throughout the Mediterranean basin by the social network. This scenario brings up some crucial questions: does the Mediterranean still exist as an area of shared peace and prosperity that Heads of State and Government had designated in 1995 on the occasion of Barcelona Summit? What has become of the political plan of the Union for the Mediterranean launched in July 2008 in Paris by 43 Heads of state and government and strongly supported by Sarkozy? And again what about the political strategy of the EU towards the South and East Mediterranean shores? Is the Mediterranean still on the political agenda of Foreign Affairs and Agricultural Ministers since the protest stems also from issues linked to food security? As a matter of fact, food security is an issue which is in the limelight and interweaves with the political problems. In 2010, five countries (Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia) totaled 2% of the world population; however, they account for 6% of cereal consumption in the world and 18% of world imports. These percentages are increasing across the region. Demographic evolutions (over 80 million people more in the south shore in the last 10 years), the growing unemployment, mainly of young graduates and in the rural areas, the impact of the climate change, water scarcity and the hypervolatility of raw materials prices in agriculture, the diffusion of financial activities in agriculture, a sector which is increasingly explored by financial speculators, the land grabbing by foreign investors (China, Arab Emirates, etc,) are phenomena which compound access to food and, consequently, cast light on the strategic dimension of agricultural problems. Thus, we are confronted with food and political crisis. It is high time to really create an area of shared peace and prosperity beyond national solutions so as to solve an increasingly global and multidimensional crisis. The world population increases along with the increase in food and energy demand. Photovoltaic panels, wind blades, lands for the production of bioenergy, processes of urbanization on farmland, climate change‌How can we produce more with fewer resources and does the world want to feed the world? And if so, how can that be possible?

Nowadays in the world, one individual out of seven has nothing to feed on. Three fourth of hungry people are very poor individuals who are isolated from the urban areas, from trade channels; they are considered as a sort of social problem with respect to the rest of the world which devours all sort of resources. Trade liberalization and its impact are phenomena which are studied by the wealthy classes of the population while the have-nots suffer from its effects. The social frustration of these countries will inevitably bring forth the cyclical problem of illegal landings of desperate people from the poorest to richer areas of the Mediterranean shores. Itâ€&#x;s up to us to decide whether solutions to development problems and prospects may be shared. In 2003, in Venezia, 37 Agricultural Ministers met to meditate on common problems and on possible solutions. Unfortunately, this meeting did not result in any tangible action for development. The financial crisis of the last years has cut the financial resources for International cooperation projects thereby aggravating the fragile economic situation of beneficiary countries. In the Mediterranean are 39 million people (1 out of 3) are employed in agriculture: 34 million individuals in the south shore. In the north shore, agriculture has a multifunctional value, stress is laid on the quality of production, and provides environmental and social services. In the south, it is a tool for economic development, it helps improving the living conditions in the rural areas and the food security for a growing population. The primary objective of mankind is to avail of food in high amounts and of good quality; hence, the fate of human beings is linked to the increase in agricultural production. Farmlands are shrinking; water is a precious re source more than oil, the biological equilibrium is endangered and the climate change a new challenge. The dissemination and sharing of scientific knowledge can provide the solutions to the new emergencies through a better use of resources, the breeding of plants adapted to dry or saline soils, increasing production. Economic development is the pre-requirement for a stable democracy; democracy and development shall be centered onto human beings, their potential, traditions and shared respect. For the future of Europe and of the world , it would be unsafe not to consider the Mediterranean basin as an area of shared peace and prosperity. Resuming Barcelona process can be crucial for the fate of the region and of its economic development so as to eventually pursue the principles of peace, stability, and the human rights shared by all the nations.

Cosimo Lacirignola 2011. Does the Mediterranean still exist? Editorial. New Medit Mediterranean Journal of Economics, Agriculture and Environment Vol ,X- n. 3/2011.

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Issue 3 Fall 2011

Education/Training World Food Day / Closing ceremony, Academic Year 2010-2011 part II On Monday October 17th 2011, the celebration of the World Food Day, endorsed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs– Italian Cooperation for Development, was organized by the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (MAIB) in collaboration with the Mediterranean Foundation Observatory (MFO). The event dedicated to “ Food Prices, from Crisis to Stability” was celebrated with a conference entitled: The Role of Euro-Mediterranean Policies and the Sustainability Management of Natural Resources under the economic crisis: Impact on prices and food safety”. Development experts and Operators, Policy makers, Scientists and Academics discussed the international cooperation and the opportunities offered to developing countries to increase their competitiveness in the agricultural sector and to promote the sustainable management of natural resources through higher education and technical support. During the event some of the speeches were given by Mr Adel El Beltagy, President of CIHEAM, Mr Cosimo Lacirignola , MAIB Director, Mr Nichi Vendola, President of Apulia Region, Mr Nadir Mohamed Aziza, MFO General director, Mr Gianni Bonini, Italian Government delegate at CIHEAM. Mrs Stefania Craxi, Italian Foreign Affair Undersecretary, closed the works . In parallel to the World Food Day, the 2010-2011 Master courses were officially closed at CIHEAM Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari with an awards ceremony . During this second part of the academic year (which started on October 2010), 32 students from 15 countries (Albania, Bosnia, Congo, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Portugal, Serbia, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey ) and 5 geographical areas ( South Mediterranean, Middle East and Africa countries ) arrived at MAIB campus and carried out various Education/Training and Research activities: 10 students completed the second-year Master course program on L&W; 11 students completed the second-year Master course program on IPM; and 11 students completed the second-year Master course program on MOA. After announcing the names of the graduate students, awards were granted to the best students of each course. The 2010-2011 awardees for the best Master thesis are: Mr Rami Abdellatif (L&W, Morocco), “Sweet corn production under deficit

irrigation regimes using treated wastewater”, Mr Mannaa Mohamed (IPM, Egypt), “Efficiency evaluation of different techniques used for the detection of Spiroplasma citri, the causal agent of citrus stubborn disease, and genetic diversity assessment of the S. citri Mediterranean isolates and Miss Houda Banani (MOA, Morocco), “Molecular characterization of defence mechanisms activated by resistance inducers against downy mildew in different grapevine cultivars. The ceremony was followed by the traditional gala lunch in MAIB garden.

Click to watch the video

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Issue 3 Fall 2011

Education/Training Opening ceremony, Academic Year 2011-2012 In numbers, figures and graphs On Wednesday 2nd November 2011, the 20112012 Master courses at CIHEAM Mediterranean Agronomic Institute officially started and about 117 students arrived to MAIB campus. 1st year Master students: 61 26 students in the L&W course 19 students in the IPM course 16 students in the MOA course 2nd year Master students : 33 12 students in the L&W course 11 students in the IPM course 10 students in the MOA course Advanced specialized course 23 students in SARD During the opening ceremony of the new academic year, Mr C. Lacirignola, MAIB director, welcomed the new students and introduced MAIB staff and researchers. Moreover, he emphasized the importance of multicultural community and its related issues which can provide opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development under the principle of cooperation.

Source: FTN data base, November 2011

Academic year 2011-2012 (Consult our website) Master of science courses: Land and Water Resources Management-Irrigated Agriculture (L&W) Link Integrated Pest Management of Mediterranean Fruit Trees (IPM) Link Mediterranean Organic Agriculture (MOA) Link Advanced specialised courses: Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development (SA& RD) Link E-Learning (EL) Link

For more information please contact:

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Issue 3 Fall 2011

Land and Water Resources Management Division


Horizon 2020 Capacity Building/Mediterranean Environment

Programme Study Visit “Reuse of treated waste water and


26-29 September 2011

Partners countries

Albania, Algeria, Bosnia- Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Montenegro, Morocco, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey.

Main objective

To support the implementation of Horizon 2020 with a special focus on environmental mainstreaming

Adressed problem and specific purpose

It aims to address the following problems: Low political priority given to the environment; Insufficient integration of environment in the different sector policies (agriculture, tourism, transport or energy) and lack of inclusion of the different actors from local to international level; Insufficient capacities and resources at institutional and civil society level.


Partners institutions

The purpose is to support the implementation of the Horizon 2020 Initiative Road Map and Work Plan through capacity building and awareness raising activities, and to promote integration of environment issues in other sectors

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Integrated Pest Management Division

Training course endorsed by CIHEAM MAIB Forensic Entomology: theory and practice From 23 to 26 November 2011, a training course on " Forensic Entomology: theory and practice� was held in Bari. The course was organized by Gruppo Italiano per l'Entomologia Forense (GIEF), in collaboration with GIPF (Gruppo Italiano di Patologia Forense), CIHEAM-IAM-Bari, University of Bari Aldo Moro and University of Molise. The course aimed to supply 40 participants (PhD and Ms specialized in legal medicine) with basic concepts on how to approach forensic entomology. Furthermore participants had the opportunity to attend lectures and seminars given by National and International scientific experts (Universities and Institutions from Germany, Italy, France and UK) . During the opening session, after GIEF President Francesco Porcelli welcome and work course introduction, participants were introduced to the importance of entomological evidences in medico-legal prospective, the issues of multi-disciplinary, transdisciplinary and intersectorial knowledge integration (Entomology, Pathology, Botanic, Anthropology.. etc) in forensic investigation, and legal validity of a scientific evidence during the lawsuit. In the following sessions, students attended theoretical part of the course on various topics about post-mortal phenomena, determination of PMI, animal experimentation and comparison with human model, collection of entomological evidence, forensic taphonomy, forensic botanic, forensic veterinary medicine, DNA analysis, using a data-logger and 3D reconstruction of crime scene. The practical course activities were covered through two demonstrations: using a pork carcass to learn the correct way of inspection and how to collect entomological evidences, and the functions of SEM, scanning electron microscope, and correct use of a data-logger.

At the end of the training course students were able to approach microscopic and photographical techniques useful during samples preparation and observation.

For further information contact Francesco Porcelli: 'Gruppo Italiano Entomologia Forense Gruppo Italiano Entomologia Forense'

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Issue 3 Fall 2011

Mediterranean Organic Agriculture Division

The International workshop is endorsed by CIHEAM– MAI Bari

Organic Farming: a Sustainable Model for Transition in the Mediterranean


Place and date

University of Ancona, Italy ANCONA, 10-11 May 2012

Paper topics

Papers are welcomed from all fields of organic farming covering a wide range of topics including: 1. Mediterranean Organic Farming and new consumption models; 2. The impact of climate changes on soil management and defence of cultural practices in Mediterranean crop and livestock production; 3. Organic Aquaculture and sustainable fishing in the Mediterranean regions; 4. Nutritional and organoleptic quality of the organic product in the Mediterranean area; 5. Transition towns and organic farming in the Mediterranean regions; 6. The role of renewable energies in the Mediterranean organic farming; 7. Economic policies for Mediterranean organic farming; 8. Energetic and ethical efficiency and management of human and social resources in the organic supply chain; 9. Multifunctionality of organic farm (landscape and biodiversity maintenance, education, recreation, etc.)

Useful information

Call for papers on-line link Instruction for authors: Learn more Registration: Learn more (click here to get registration form) Submission deadline: 20 January Download the brochure

For further information please contact: Link to Workshop web site Tel.: 0039- 071‐2204474 Fax: 0039-071‐2204994 E‐mail: Università Politecnica delle Marche Via Brecce Bianche / Facoltà di Agraria

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Issue 3 Fall 2011

E-learning Division


Sustainable Agriculture Innovation Systems for Small-Scale Farmers


20 February –30 September 2012

Financed by

Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs-DGCS

Eligible countries

Applicants from Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kosovo, Lebanon, Libya , Mauritania, Morocco, Palestine, Serbia and Tunisia are eligible.


The training aims at providing participants with an understanding of the basic sustainable agricolture concepts and principles, emphasising the differences with respect to modern intensive agricultural production and its processes. Small-scale farmers‟ conditions will be analysed, with specific focus on their innovation capacities to improve agricultural productions and their livelihoods using conservative practices and an efficient management of the available natural resources. Students will acquire insights into the innovation systems in sustainable agriculture, enhancing their capacity to identify the stakeholders (organizations, institutions, groups, individuals) and determinants (policies, biophysical, cultural and socio-economic conditions), which contribute to and/or influence smallscale farmers‟ innovations, including the ability to assess the typology of the relationships between small-scale farmers and the external environment that favours the development of innovation, with the main determinants influencing the process.

Deadline for application: 9 January, 2012

Information for candidates

Click here to get: Programme Application form

It is crucial for the candidate to receive full support of the institution sponsoring him/ her. This is due to the fact that participants will be allowed to attend the online phase of the course by using their sponsoring institution‟s communication facilities and devoting about 6/8 hours (about 1 to 2 hours per day) per week to the activities of the course modules. Please submit your application (Application form + CV) to the Italian Embassy in your home country by 8 January 2012 and forward a copy to our institute by email to Selection of candidates will be jointly made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials together with MAIB staff, and only applications received through the Italian Embassies will be taken into consideration.

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Issue 3 Fall 2011


Training Seminar: Capacity Building for MPCs to improve participation in FP projects CIHEAM MAI Bari-Italy, 26-28 October 2011 Training Seminar organized in the framework of Work Package 3 - Task 5 MIRA : The Mediterranean Innovation and Research Action (MIRA) is an INCO-Net Coordination Action financed by the International Cooperation - Capacities Program of the 7th Framework Program of the European Union. It aims at developing a scientific and technological partnership between the European Union (EU) and the Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC), by the use of dialogue platforms, identifying topics of common scientific interest, promoting the creation of an Observatory of EU-MPC scientific cooperation, and promoting the development of the Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Space and other join initiatives with a research component such as the Horizon2020 Program of de-contamination of the Mediterranean. Moreover, it support to the functioning of the Monitoring Committee for Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation in S&T (MoCo). Learn more

AGENDA SESSION 1: Overview of FP7 and new perspectives SESSION 2: Drafting a successful project proposal and designing sustainable scientific cooperation SESSION 3 : Submission and evaluation of proposals SESSION 4: Project Management Please click here to get Training seminar AGENDA MAIB contact: Chiara Morini

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International technical workshop: “Guidelines for the Sustainability of the Mediterranean Diet”; Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of CIHEAM MAI Bari-Italy, 28-29 November 2011 The Mediterranean Diet was recently recognized by UNESCO, in November 2010, as an intangible cultural heritage of the humanity. According to the definition provided by the International technical Workshop on “Biodiversity and Sustainable Diets” - held from 3rd to 5th November, 2010, at FAO‟s headquarter in Rome “...Sustainable diets are those diets with low environmental impacts which contribute to food and nutrition security and to healthy life for present and future generations. Sustainable diets are protective and respectful of biodiversity and ecosystems, culturally acceptable, accessible, economically fair and affordable; nutritionally adequate, safe and healthy; while optimizing natural and human resources.” Based on such a shared definition and taking into consideration the recommendations and guidelines of the Steering Committee - that held its meeting in Bari on May 26, 2011 – the MAI-B organised on November 28-29, 2011, an international workshop to formulate “Guidelines for the Sustainability of the Mediterranean Diet”. The workshop will involve 43 experts (nutritionists, agronomists, economists, social scientists) from the EU, Balkans, North Africa and Middle East as well as many international organisations (FAO, Bioversity International, UNEP, FENS, IUNS, Fundación Dieta Mediterránea, ICAF). The Guidelines comprised: features of the Mediterranean diet common to the different Mediterranean food cultures; steps and measures to safeguard and promote the Mediterranean diet; and recommendations for multi-sectoral policy instruments to ensure the sustainability of the Mediterranean agro-food systems. The workshop tried also identify the characteristics of the Mediterranean diet that can serve as a model for sustainable diets in other regions. The formulation of the Guidelines was based on a multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary and intersectorial effort around the following research and action priority areas: nutrition and health aspects of the Mediterranean diet; social and economical sustainability of the Mediterranean diet; relationship between the Mediterranean diet and traditional knowledge in Mediterranean communities; environmental impacts of Mediterranean agro-food systems on natural resources in the region, particularly on the climate change (mitigation and adaptation); and contribution of the Mediterranean diet to biodiversity promotion of Mediterranean agro-food systems.

MAIB Contact: Roberto Capone

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FORUM SULLA PESCA SOSTENIBILE NEL MEDITERRANEO FORUM SUR LA PÊCHE DURABLE EN MÉDITERRANÉE FORUM ON SUSTAINABLE MEDITERRANEAN FISHERY CIHEAM MAI Bari-Italy, 1‐2 December 2011 The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (IAMB) has been appointed by the General Direction of Fishery and Aquaculture of the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies (MIPAAF), to organize the Forum on the EU Reform Policies for Fishery Sector, which was held in Bari (Italy) on 1st and 2nd December 2011. The Forum presented and discussed the new proposal regarding the European Union Reform of the Fishery Sector with the national professional organizations and sector stakeholders. This Forum is a follow up of the project PESCAMED* and will offer a good opportunity for sharing common knowledge for sustainable fishery management in the Mediterranean.


“ Reflections on the EU Reform of the new Common Fisheries Policy” Click here to get the FORUM PROGRAMME

MAIB contact: Biagio Di Terlizzi * Learn more about PESCAMED:

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Issue 3 Fall 2011


The S.P.I.I.E. project - Integrated production systems between Italy and Egypt* -has been implemented by eight Italian regional administrations (Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria, Regione Siciliana, Campania, Molise, Lazio and Friuli Venezia Giulia) and cofunded by the Italian Ministries of Foreign Affairs and of Economic Development within the Framework Programme of the South shore of the Mediterranean. The project has been coordinated by the Regione Puglia in collaboration with the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (IAM Bari), the Italian affiliate of CIHEAM, International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies. The basis of the project is the will to build and stabilize a decentralized institutional cooperation framework through the strengthening of the partnership between Italian regions and the national and local Egyptian authorities. The project is aimed at the harmonization of voluntary and binding rules and the improvement in quality of fruit and vegetable production in Egypt, while respecting the seasonality and complementarily with the Italian production. Special focus has been laid on the development of procedures and protocols between the two countries aimed at the transfer and sharing of information between the inspection bodies of ingoing and outgoing goods between Egypt and Italy, to facilitate trade between the two *: Egypt has been CIHEAM member since 1986

Countries. The project activities have been carried out in collaboration with the implementing bodies of partner Regions (CIHEAM-IAMB, Metapontum Agrobios, ARSSA Calabria, Sviluppo Sicilia, ISVE Campania, Coldiretti Campania, Sviluppo Lazio and ERSA Friuli Venezia Giulia) and the ARC-HRI (Agriculture Researeh Centre Horticulture Research Institute) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation This publication collets the project documents worked out with the Egyptian partners, and it is structured in different parts: Part 1: Guidelines for the Application of the GMP in fruit and vegetable peaking houses; Part 2: Guidelines for the Field Application of the GAP; Part 3: Model of farm traceability manual; Part 4: Overview of the main voluntary standards for the European market (GlobalGap, BRC, IFS) Part 5: Manual for the correct use of agrochemicals and crop protection guide for each selected crop (table grapes, protected tomato, apricot, peach, strawberry, green bean, pea, artichoke, citrus fruit, sweet pepper, cucumber, melon and potato); Part 6: technical and commercial specifications of produce describing quality requirements and providing information on the packaging and transportation of the products intended for marketing, in compliance with the current European regulations.

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Issue 3 Fall 2011

Former Trainees Network (FTN) Initiative

For almost 50 years, The CIHEAM-Istituto Agronomico di Bari (MAIB) recognised the significant role of students and Alumni in defining and shaping its missions. In addition, CIHEAM-MAIB seeks mutually supportive life-long relationships with the global community of its past and present graduates. In order to develop and strengthen these relationships, CIHEAM-IAMB set up the Former Trainees Network (FTN). Therefore, FTN is the key volunteer trainees organisation in international higher agricultural education and research in Mediterranean Basin.

Objectives Serving as a common space where it is possible to gather information on the Mediterranean cooperation initiatives and inter-regional programmes promoted by CIHEAM-MAIB. Increasing public awareness on Mediterranean inter-regional programmes: Publishing and disseminating information on training, research and cooperation activities to foster CIHEAM-MAIB inter-regional objectives and programmes. Support Alumni career development through life-long learning (postgraduate study, follow-up advanced specialized short courses, workshops‌etc), and facilitate access to business network and employment/job opportunities.

We are here!

Where are we going ?

We updated and maintained contacts

We are looking for funds and human resources

We carried out a Follow-up research study We are disseminating CIHEAM MAIB activities and results.

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HOW TO JOIN FTN initiative? FTN membership list is restricted only to Former Trainees/Students of Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari By filling out the survey questionnaire you confirm your membership to @iamb community system and help us in reconnecting you with MAIB staff and researchers, Alumni and worldwide experts. I- Follow-up research study‌ Learn more online LINK II- To receive the latest MAIB news and info activities, please subscribe to our Newsletters, info letters and much more, learn more online LINK III- To interact with @iamb community members, meet online your classmates, post your announcement and much more, please register to the FTN Forum learn more online LINK In addition, in order to enlarge and extend interaction among FTN members and people interested in the FTN initiative we created a space on the main Social media and Networks: - Page on - Group on - Micro blog on

Facebook LinkedIn Twitter

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Previous issues of @iamb community newsletter !

Issue 1: download

Issue 2: download

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Issue 3 Fall 2011


Environment Leadership Program-UC Berkeley (ELP) 2012 Summer Certificate Course in Sustainable Environmental Management JUNE 28 - JULY 20, 2012

The Beahrs ELP links the complex local and global socio-environmental challenges of practitioners and decision-makers around the world with interdisciplinary perspectives in environmental and natural resource science, policy and leadership at UC Berkeley. The core component of the ELP is an annual three-week summer course in Sustainable Environmental Management held on the Berkeley campus. Course graduates become members of the Berkeley ELP Alumni Network that supports on-going learning, peer exchange and collaborative research and policy projects through the Small Grants Initiative. Each summer 40 mid-career environment and sustainable development professionals participate from international organizations, academia, government, NGOs and the private sector. A limited number of partial scholarships are available. Unfortunately, there are no full scholarships.



Cost fee is US 8.000

The application deadline is January 9, 2012.

Online application LINK or click here to get application form

For more information: Please contact program administrator, Anita Ponce (,

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Issue 3 Fall 2011

Job Opportunities

Position Title: Research/Senior Research Fellow, Nigeria Strategy Support Program Client: International Food Policy Research Institute ( Position Location: Abuja, Nigeria Job Summary: The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) seeks a qualified candidate to serve as a Research Fellow/Senior Research Fellow and Leader of its country strategy support program in Nigeria for a two year, fixed-term, renewable appointment. The position will be based in Abuja, Nigeria and reports to the Director of the Development Strategy and Governance Division. Grade level will be determined by demonstrated expertise and experience. The Nigeria country strategy support program aims to enhance Nigerian capacity for evidence-based policymaking in the areas of agriculture and rural development and poverty reduction. It supports research and capacity strengthening for the implementation of Nigeria's national and state development strategies. It addresses policy effectiveness and coherence within the agricultural sector as well as between the agricultural sector and other sectors key to economic growth and poverty reduction in that country. Key research and capacity strengthening activities will be carried out with a broad array of agricultural sector stakeholders, including Nigeria's Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, other concerned federal and state government departments, key Nigerian research institutes and universities, the National Assembly, and selected private sector and nongovernmental organizations. Essential Duties: Learn more‌.LINK

Required Qualifications: PhD in Economics, Agricultural Economics, Public Policy, Public Finance or closely related field. Five or more years of post-PhD research and outreach experience in agricultural policy issues, with internationally recognized publications. Experience in policymaking or advisory position, and strong team-building and networking skills. Knowledge and experience working on gender issues. Knowledge and experience working in Africa, preferably Nigeria. Ability to work across disciplines and cultures. Excellent written and spoken English. To Apply: Applicants should email a detailed letter of interest and resume to For more information please contact Helena Brykarz Global Recruitment Specialists PO Box 7382 Berkeley, CA 94707 tel.: 510.527.3316 email: skype: helenabrykarz

Issue 3 Fall 2011

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MAIB Documentation Center Publications available at MAIB Documentation Center O P T I O N M E D I T E R R ANEENES

NEW M E DIT A M editerranean Journal of E c o n o m i c s , Ag r i c u l ture and Environment

N° 65 Citrus tristeza virus and Toxoptera citricidus: a serious threat to the Mediterranean citrus industry

n ° 03 / 2 0 11

Learn more... Re ad mo r e. ..

OPTION Catalogue Read more.... N° 98 Dialogues on Mediterranean water challenges: Rational water use, water price versus value and lessons learned from the European Water Framework Directive

CIHEAM Latest publications

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GEWAMED learn more... newsletter November 2011 Issue 19

Lettre de veille n° 18 : Agriculture Urbaine en Méditerranée Watch letter n° 18 : Urbain Agriculture in the Mediterranean PRESS REVIEW : Current Events in Euro-Mediterranean Agriculture, Food and Environment

October 2011 Learn more...

International latest publications

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Issue 3 Fall 2011

PhD studies Progress of MAIB Former Trainees

“MAIB Master former students have potential for PhD studies at International level….. ”

Mme Nataša Čereković Former Master student on L&W Academic Years 2006-2008 Nataša Čereković was born in Banja Luka in 1976, after completing elementary and grammar school, she graduated in 2006 as Agricultural Engineer in General Agriculture at University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Having completed her bachelor degree and working several months as a volunteer in a local nongovernmental organization, Nataša continued her study at Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari-Italy (CIHEAM-MAIB). In 2006, she got a Master‟s Degree in Land and Water Management (L&W) discussing a thesis, supervised by Richard Snyder (Davis University, California, USA) and Mladen Todorović on “Evaluation of crop coefficients for tomato and melon crops grown in a Mediterranean climate“. By using lysimeter data from Policoro, Italy, Nataša was able to improve the assessment of annual crop coefficient curves for tomato and melon crops, and she showed that there was a linear relationship between the crop coefficient curves of the two crops cumulative growing degree days and that there was a logarithmic relationship between the crop coefficient curves and the leaf area index. Nataša also found that mulching increased the peak crop coefficient and reduced the length of growing season for melon. After her MAIB‟s study and experience, she returned back home looking for an employment. After realizing that finding a job in her home country was going to be a serious problem, although she was highly qualified for the positions she applied for, Natasa turned to finding a PhD abroad. In December 2009, she had started to work as teaching assistant at University of Private Bussines Banja Luka, Faculty of Ecology. In August 2010, Nataša’s potentials due to her previous master work from IAMB were recognized and she got a PhD position at the Aarhus University, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Food Science, Denmark.

In order to continue her scientific career, considering her current position as a teaching assistant at the University of Private Business Banja Luka, Faculty of Ecology, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, she decided to move to Denmark and work on her PhD. The title of her PhD thesis is “Plasticity of black currants in a changing climate; focus on water efficiency“. She is working under supervision of Karen Koefoed Petersen from Aarhus University, Denmark and Rex Brennan from James Hutton Institute, Scotland. Also, she is working closely under supervision of Hanne Lakkenborg Kristensen and Lillie Andersen, both from Aarhus University, Denmark. Changing climatic conditions are becoming a limiting factor in the sustainable production of black currants from existing commercial cultivars in Denmark. The overall aim of her PhD thesis is to identify elite cultivars that have adaptive and phenotypic plasticity and are therefore more likely to remain productive during unfavourable weather conditions. This will be achieved by identifying specific traits such as an ability to maintain productivity and quality, and increase water use efficiency during drought or heavy rain stress and recovery phases. This project will provide underpinning knowledge so that growers are able to sustain both productivity and quality when climatic conditions become limiting. Moreover, the project will evaluate the ability of elite cultivars to cope with stress and to recover after stress by looking at the interaction between water stress, root growth and photosynthesis. The rate of recovery following drought or extreme rainfall is significantly correlated to plant plasticity and this rate of recovery will provide a screening tool to identify cultivars that can adjust to unstable climatic conditions. The PhD work is partly financed by the Interreg IVB, North Sea Region Programme (2007-2013) through Project ID: 35-2-05-09 („ClimaFruit‟)

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PhD studies Progress of MAIB Former Trainees “MAIB Master former students have potential for PhD studies at International level….. ”

Photo 1 : CIHEAM MAIB field experiments

Photo 2: Crop of non-mulched (foreground) and mulched (background) melons Italy 2008

Photo 3: Tomato crops in the field at the beginning of crop development stage Italy 2008

Photo 4: participation to Economics of Drought and drought Preparedness in a Climate Change Context FAO workshop Istanbul Turkey 4-6 March 2010

Photo 5: Experiment design at Aarhus University, Denmark 2011 Photo 6: Black currants

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