MAIB Community FTN newsletter Issue 5 Spring 2012

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Spring 2012

Issue 5 Spring 2012

CIHEAM-MAIB Issue 5 Spring 2012

Newsletter Cover Special RIO+20 SUMMIT, The Future We Want! Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, JUNE 20-22, 2012 ...!!!!.

A- Green Economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication

B- Institutional framework for sustainable development

Spring 2012

Issue 5 Spring 2012

CIHEAM-MAIB Issue 5 Spring 2012

This newsletter is dedicated to the memory of Vito Simeone Vito Simeone conducted research activities at MAI of Bari focusing on: Innovative methods for the chemical, physical and geographical characterization of foods and of organic matrices in transformation processes.

Ciao amico

Study of the environmental impact of biopesticides and their influence on the soil chemico-physical characteristics in organic grapevine- and olive-growing farms. Rearing and molecular characterization of natural enemies populations (Psyttalia concolor and Orius laevigatus). Testing the efficacy of allowed and alternative products in organic agriculture for the control of the main olive and grapevine pests and evaluation of their phytotoxicity. Study of the interactions between vine moth, microorganisms and plants in the vineyard ecosystem. Insect fauna characterization in olive-growing farms in Apulia. Cold treatment and post-harvest trials for organic table grapes. Chemical characterization of natural biomolecules for their use as bio pesticides. Genetic characterization of germoplasm of agricultural species using molecular biology methods. Innovative methods for the chemical, physical and geographical characterization of foods and of organic matrices in transformation processes

Vito Simeone was devoted to science and knowledge building: - 39 Publications in International refereed Journals and in Proceeding of National and International Congress - 22 Books He supervised : - 9 Master theses - 3 PhD dissertations

Spring 2012

Issue 5 Spring 2012

CIHEAM-MAIB Issue 5 Spring 2012

Spring sentence In this issue:

“ “...International



Dedication Vito Simeone


Table of contents


Editorial / Newsletter evaluation info graphs


dimension of life ...”

4-6 7

New academic year 2012-2013

Research activities, Cooperation and Networking L&W division : Collaborative research project EcoWater


MOA division: BIOLMED Transnational Network


Special Rio+20 summit: Brief Water Governance in the Mediterranean Sustainable Development in the 21st Century Scaling-Up of Agro-ecological Food Production

11 12 13-15 16

CIHEAM MAIB Latest events and activities


Scholarships opportunity: IOC


Former Trainees Network (FTN) Initiative: Major areas of benefits


FTN tentative research: Multiculturalism & Mediterranean Identity


International publications


Stories from MAIB Former Trainees Zhifang LI (China)


Interview with Dr. Inosako ( University of Tittori, Japan)


How to joint FTN initiative


Call for contribution to @iamb community newsletter


Editorial information MAIB Director Cosimo Lacirignola Editor-in-Chief Maurizio Raeli Managing Editor Noureddin Driouech Steering committee Olimpia Antonelli Stefania Lapedota Luigi Sisto Maroun El Moujabber Editorial office Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo CIHEAM-MAI of Bari Via Ceglie, 9 70010 Valenzano (BA) Italy Tel.: +390804606203 Fax: +390804606206 E-mail:

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CIHEAM-MAIB Issue 5 Spring 2012


I have been fortunate to meet many students since my commitment as Director in 1988. Although former trainees undertake very different careers the world over, I am always struck by the sense of community, peace dissemination and goodwill they all share. CIHEAM-MAIB was established in 1962 and over the last fifty years more than 10000 students and experts have post-graduated and/or attended training courses. Therefore CIHEAM-MAIB is now a regional reference point for both Education/ Training and Research; a degree from CIHEAM-MAIB represents an outstanding achievement. CIHEAM-MAIB seeks mutually supportive life-long relationships with the global community of its past and present graduates. In order to develop and strengthen these relationships, CIHEAM-MAIB set up the Former Trainees Network (FTN) to ensure that alumni are well-informed about the latest developments of our activities and to facilitate links and mutual contacts. We have designed the FTN to get in touch with you and to build a CIHEAM-MAIB community. If you wish to join us, please get in touch with our focal person Noureddin Driouech (MAIB coordinator of FTN)- On these online pages you can update your records, subscribe to FTN Newsletter, and register to FTN Forum, receive news from CIHEAM-MAIB and your old friends, your classmates and much more. If your experience at CIHEAM-MAIB had a positive impact on your life, please get involved in CIHEAM-MAIB life. And help us improving our role in educating future generations of students. You are our finest ambassadors, the very people whose future we have helped to shape. We also want to set up alumni relations programmes which might be responsive to the evolving needs of alumni in each stage of your lives. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Cosimo Lacirignola Director of CIHEAM-MAI of Bari

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Info graphs Newsletter evaluation and feedback

Source: FTN database 2012

Issue 5 Spring 2012

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Source: FTN database 2012

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Issue 5 Spring 2012

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Issue 5 Spring 2012

Education/Training New MAIB Academic year 2012-2013 New academic year 2012-2013 Master of science and postgraduate specialisation courses:

1- Land and Water resources Management: Irrigated Agriculture 2- Integrated Pest Management of Mediterranean Fruit Trees 3- Mediterranean Organic Agriculture ....Learn more about CIHEAM Master courses

How to apply?

Participants’ profile and target



Selection of students is based on the evaluation of application documents. Required level: High School Degree + 4 years (or an academic level qualifying the applicant to undertake postgraduate studies in his country) in the fields of Agricultural sciences, Agricultural engineering and related courses.

The MSc programmes are open to candidates of any nationality. In particular, courses are addressed to:

Registration fees amount to 230.00 €/year. Tuition fees amount to 500.00 €/month (without including travel, accommodation and insurance expenses).

Deadlines Deadline for receiving applications is June 30, 2012 Candidates should send their applications directly to MAIB (further details: Application form LINK

Managers of national research centres or public administrations in agriculture-related fields; Researchers and/or assistants from Academic Institutions; Officers of agricultural extension service bodies; Graduate students not yet involved in production or research activities; Professionals and farm managers.

A certain number of scholarships (including travel, accommodation and insurance expenses) will be granted. Priority is given to applicants from Southern and Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East Countries.

Language of Instruction English


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Issue 5 Spring 2012

Land and Water Resources Management Division

Collaborative research project* MAIB contact: Daniele Zaccaria,


ECO-WATER: Meso-level eco-efficiency indicators to assess technologies and their uptake in water use sectors


2011 – 2014/Greece, Italy, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Portugal, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Denmark, Sweden


• To develop and select meso-level eco-efficiency indicators for assessing systemwide eco-efficiency improvements resulting from innovative technologies, using water service systems as case application examples; • To understand how technological changes in water systems interrelate and influence the economic and environmental profile of water use in different sectors.

Strategy adopted

Developing an analytical framework including a comprehensive set of indicators for meso-level eco-efficiency assessment, environmental and economic characteristics of technologies, and methods to support: I.Systemic environmental impact assessments II.Economic assessments III. Analysis of value-chain interactions among actors IV.Conceptualization of scenarios of technology implementation and uptake.

CIHEAM-MAIB activities

Expected results


Lead WP2 (eco-efficiency assessments in agricultural water systems and use) - Participate in:WP1 (Development of framework and tools for meso-level eco-efficiency analysis and technology assessment) - WP4 (eco-efficiency assessment in industrial water use sectors) - WP5 (integration and synthesis of eco-efficiency assessment in agricultural, urban and industrial water use sectors) - WP6 (dissemination, communication and science-policy links) A validated and tested methodological framework for assessing technology impacts on the eco-efficiency of water service systems; A toolbox, providing a platform which could be used by actors for the analysis of the eco-efficiency of their system; An improved understanding of the socio-technical dynamics that influence technology uptake and implementation, and insight on policies to foster ecoefficiency improvements, focusing on different sectors of water use.

* ECOWATER project is financed by EU-FP7 Cooperation Work Programme 2011

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Issue 5 Spring 2012

Land and Water Resources Management Division

Case study : Eco-efficiency improvements in the Sinistra Ofanto Irrigation Scheme

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Issue 5 Spring 2012

Mediterranean Organic Agriculture Division

Title Period Partners

BIOLMED Transnational Network for enhancing the Mediterranean organic olive-growing competitiveness

2007-2013 Italy: Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (MAIB) Italy: Apulia Region Mediterranean Department (RegPuG); Spain: Centre for Education and Training on Organic Farming (CAFAGE); Spain: Spanish Society of Ecological Agriculture (SEAE); Malta: Local Council (MGARR); Greece: Technological Education Institution of Ionian Islands (TEI); Italy: Italian Consortium for Biological Products (CiBi); Italy: Ethical and Environmental Certification Institute (ICEA); Greece: Inspection & Certification Organization of Organic Product (DIO);

Main objective

1. To share and to transfer good practices for improving the product chain quality and its environmental impact 2. To create and to spread company integrated management systems on organic product quality


Establishment of a Permanent Transnational Network; BIOLMED Regional front offices for the development of the Mediterranean olive oil production; Drafting of quality manuals for the oil production chain; Development of technological innovations in the olive oil production chain to decrease the environmental impact; Farm management simplification of certification procedures; On-farm inspection of quality manuals for the olive oil production chain; Transnational sharing of Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) and Farmers' Markets (FM) models; Processing of guide lines for the development of local markets based on the previously shared models of Purchasing Organization and Farmers' Markets service; Development of local services centers of GPO and FMs; Strengthening/development of the BIOL Exhibitions network, organization of 4 exhibitions; Publications, Website, Kick-off meeting, Final meeting, Brochures.


To strengthen the services local authorities provide to farmers; To favour the continuous improvement of the farm's technical skills by supplying a catalogue of technological innovations and tools for a more effective pest control.


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Issue 5 Spring 2012

Special RIO + 20 SUMMIT Rio+20 Issues Briefs The future we want

From June 20 to 22, representatives of governments, private sector and civil society will be in Rio to decide on the path for improve well being for humans and the planet. The occasion will mark the 20th anniversary of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio and the 10th anniversary of World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg. The outcome of this conference, like its predecessors, is a political document with universal implications.

The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development 2012 In 1992, countries gathered in Rio de Janeiro to develop a plan to rescue the environment. Twenty years on, the UN is leading the global effort to revisit those decisions. Through the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) in 2012 also referred to as 'Rio+20' - leaders will return to Rio to review progress, affirm ongoing efforts and design new ways to meet the most urgent needs of the planet and its people. Rio+20 will take place 20-22 June 2012. The main objectives will be to: Secure renewed political commitment to sustainable development Assess the progress and implementation gaps in meeting already agreed commitments Address new and emerging challenges

The objective of the Conference is to secure renewed political commitment for sustainable development, assess the progress to date and the remaining gaps in the implementation of the outcomes of the major summits on sustainable development, and address new and emerging challenges. The Conference will focus on two themes: (a) a green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication; and (b) the institutional framework for sustainable development. The UNCSD Secretariat together with its partners has prepared a series of Rio+20Issues Briefs. The purpose of the Rio+20 Issues Briefs is to provide a channel for policymakers and other interested stakeholders to discuss and review issues relevant to the objective and themes of the conference, including a green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, as well as the institutional framework for sustainable development.

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Special RIO + 20 SUMMIT

Issue 5 Spring 2012

WATER, water, anywhere

Issue brief 11 Water UN-DESA Read more

Water governance in the Mediterranean Atef Hamdy1

Abstract Most of the Mediterranean countries, particularly the arid and semi-arid ones, are chronically waterstressed. Population growth, urbanization, development progress and climate change impacts will all exacerbate that stress and result in enormous pressure on available water resources. It is well recognized that water crisis in many ways is a crisis of governance. It is crisis of failure of the institutions to manage water resources for the well-being of humans and ecosystems. The progress towards water sustainability is in need of governance structures and practices that can foster, guide and coordinate positive work not just for conventional government agencies and business interests, but for the full set of public, private and civil society players, collective and individual. The questions that are now emerging on both national and regional levels are: How can a crisis of governance be solved? What are the tools and the approaches to be recommended? How can we, as individuals and as a part of collective society, govern the success and control water resources? Those questions are addressing the fundamental issues leading to effective water governance. However, achieving effective water governance is not an easy process, but a rather complex one. It cannot be tackled using blueprints imported from overseas; it needs to be developed to suit local conditions with the benefit of lessons learned inside and outside the region.

Introduction In the Mediterranean countries and particularly in the arid and semi-arid ones, current practices in the management of water resources have led to severe challenges in meeting further human, economic and environmental water requirements. Such challenges could be successfully met through effective water governance in all the sectoral water uses and especially in agriculture that gets the lion’s share of the available water resources. Governance is a complex product of social political interactions in which different societal actors are involved at different levels. In the case of water governance, these interactions will directly generate policy outcomes affecting agriculture, food, health, education, economic development and poverty alleviation. Indeed, water governance is not only about one organization that manages a water system; it is about the ability of mutual development adding value (Hamdy and Ragab, 2004; Hamdy et al., 2011). Nowadays, many countries are in the process of changing the ways of how water is being governed. From a practical point of view, this means formulating, setting in place and implementing water policies, legislation and regulations (Tortajda, 2010). Governance should reflect broader concerns, such as issues of accountability, control, responsiveness, transparency and participation, in addition to important issues like economic growth and efficiency (OECD, 2011).


Emeritus professor, Water Resources Management, CIHEAM/IAMBari, Italy – e-mail:

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Issue 5 Spring 2012


IAMB collaborating professor, Daniele Giovannucci, leads a new UN Report on Sustainable Food and Agriculture Managing Sustainability ENTWINED Policy Seminar, October 20th, 2011, Stockholm, Sweden.

A Study led by COSA President Daniele Giovannucci just released by the U.N. Division for Sustainable Development as a strategic input to the "Sustainable Development in the 21st Century Report" to be launched at the Rio+20 Summit .

"Sustainable Development in the 21st Century Report." This larger report will be launched at the Rio+20 Summit in Rio de Janeiro, on June 17th, from 15:30-17:30 in room P3-E. Where will solutions come from? First, we must recognize that we are often aiming at the wrong goal. Agriculture policy concentrates mostly on production and trade and it is divorced from the more fundamental imperative of good nutrition. Our objectives should be: a) better access since there are more than 4000 kcal per person/day available in the global food system already b) more nutrition or healthy food c) fostering efficient agroecological landscapes that reduce risks By promoting cross-sectoral dialogue, the report also exposes areas of disagreement and advances a key set of specific "high impact" areas where smart decisions will make the most difference. Nine areas of consensus have emerged as the key paths of action: 1. Organized small and medium farmers, fully including women farmers, should be a primary focus of investment – recognizing that private enterprise will play a significant role in many solutions 2. Define the goal in terms of human nutrition rather than simply “more production” 3. Pursue high yields within a healthy ecology – they are not mutually exclusive and policy and research must reflect that 4. Impel innovation and the availability of diverse technologies high and low – suitable in different socioeconomic and ecological contexts 5. Significantly reduce waste along the entire food chain 6. Avoid diverting food crops and productive land for biofuels, but explore decentralized biofuel systems to promote energy and livelihood security that also diversify and restore rural landscapes 7. Insist on intelligent and transparent measurement of results - we cannot manage what we cannot measure 8. Develop and adapt public and private institutions that can effectively respond to these new goals 9. Motivate and reward investments and business systems that result in measurable impacts to the “public good”

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Issue 5 Spring 2012

RIO +20 Summit June 20-22 2012 Sustainable Development for the 21st century

the Report was downloaded according to UN more than 11,000 in one month FTN @iamb communty serverlist contributed by 1,300

About SD21 The objective of SD21 is to construct a coherent vision of sustainable development in the 21st century. The project provides a substantive contribution to the debate at the UN Conference on sustainable Development (UNCSD – Rio+20) in 2012. Rio+20 takes stock of the changes having occurred since the Earth Summit in 1992, and provides a clear vision and way forward for the international community, national governments and other stakeholders in advancing the sustainable development agenda in an integrated manner.

SD21 project components

Project approach The approach to SD21 recognizes that for sustainable development to progress, its real political nature has to be recognized. SD21 reports expose important and different views regarding how sustainable development should be pursued to forge a better understanding and overcome the current gridlock on the most divisive issues. SD 21 provides an insightful and empirical basis and a challenging and thoughtful frame of analysis to better understand much of today’s work on the key issues .of sustainability.

Assessment of implementation of Agenda 21 and the Rio principles This component of the project aimed to provide a quick but systematic assessment of the implementation of the 27 Rio Principles, as well as of progress and gaps in the implementation of 39 Chapters of Agenda 21. A synthesis distills the essential messages from thosee two detailed reviews. Lead author: Felix Dodds, Stakeholder Forum,

Long-term vision for sustainable societies

Sustainable Development for the 21st century (SD21) is implemented by the Division for Sustainable Development of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs and co-funded by the European Commission. The project has four major components as shown in the figure above.

This report is a synthesis of ideas about what a new economy-in-society-in-nature might look and how we might get there. The report argues that now is the right time for the transition to a new economic paradigm. It lays out a vision, objectives and concrete policies that could underpin a new model of the economy based on the worldview and principles of “ecological economics,” including sustainable scale, equitable distribution and efficient allocation – a model where GDP growth is not the ultimate goal. The report makes a case for a greatly expanded commons sector of the economy and new common asset institutions to adequately deal with natural and social capital assets. Lead author: Robert Costanza, Portland State University,

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Issue 5 Spring 2012

Sustainable Development for the 21st century

Meta-analysis of long-term scenarios for sustainable development This component of the project has focused on documenting the majority of sustainable development-related scenario exercises undertaken during the last decade by major modeling institutions. The report reviews 98 sustainable development scenarios reflecting contributions from 49 modeling experts and institutions, including all major scenario exercises for Rio+20. It presents the main scenarios in a common reporting template, from ultimate goals to vision, to strategy including goals and targets, to blueprint/scenario pathway characteristics, to implementation including policies, actions and investments. Lead author: R. Alexander Roehrl, UN Division for Sustainable Development,

Food and agriculture: sustainability for the 21st century Synthesizing contributions from more than 70 global agri-food leaders in the business, policy, green, and social arenas, the report explores unforeseen areas of consensus and exposes some surprising issues that are likely to be dangerous for our future food choices. On our current trajectory, it is not “if” but more likely “when” we will see catastrophic breakdowns of at least national or region-level food systems. The report opens the silos of partisan thinking to invite reasoned discussion and advances a key set of specific “high impact” areas where smart decisions will make the most difference. Lead author: Daniele Giovannucci, Committee on Sustainability Assessment (COSA), Reports produced under the SD21 project can be accessed at. dsd_sd21st/21_reports.shtml Contact: Project manager: David Le Blanc, UN Division for Sustainable Development,

Sustainable land management for the 21st century This study examines the choices confronting us in terms of managing competing claims to land use in the next century. It synthesizes our knowledge of the processes by which land use changes occur today, in link with international and national drivers, national policies, and local contexts. It examines the strengths and shortcomings of current land use and land use change management systems in countries at different levels of development and their implications for the prospects for international instruments based on land use change control. The report also suggests possible options to improve the sustainability of land management for the next decades. Lead author: Ephraim Nkonya, IFPRI,

Challenges and ways forward in the urban sector This study highlights some of the top challenges and priorities for the next 30-50 years in the urban sector and to understand the changed role of cities for achieving sustainability. The study takes stock of developments in the urban agenda since 1992. It makes a case for integrated action to solve urban sustainability challenges, including governance and inclusion, and explores the vertical relationships between cities and higher levels of government and their implications for sustainability. Lead author: Kaarin Taipale, Aalto University

Sustainable energy systems Polarized and politicized views dominate the energy debate, at national, regional and global levels. This study documents the main views exist today, and suggests common ‘no regret’ directions for taking the debate forward to achieve sustainability in the energy sector – understood as enabling universal access to modern energy, ensuring that energy systems are managed in a sustainable way, and managing the broader interactions of the energy system with other sub-systems of modern societies. Lead author: Mark Howells, Royal Institute of Technology,

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Special RIO + 20 SUMMIT

Issue 5 Spring 2012


Scaling-Up of Agro-ecological Food Production: Lead-organizer: Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance (EAA) 11:00 - 12:30 Date: 17 Jun 2012 Room: UN2 (Barra Arena) “Scaling-Up

Agro-Ecological Food Production” will profile sustainable, smallholder-based, agro-ecological methods of food production. EAA will showcase research and case studies demonstrating the positive impacts of such methods in terms of both yield and environmental sustainability. Our aim is to stimulate discussion on the economic and environmental practicality of feeding the world through scaled-up implementation of agro-ecological food production methods .

The scaling up of agroecology: spreading the hope for food sovereignty and resiliency* The Report Leaded by IAMB collaborating professors, Miguel Altieri in collaboration with Clara Nicholls Thousands of projects throughout Africa, Asia and Latin America show convincingly that agroecology provides the scientific, technological and methodological basis to assist small holder farmers enhance crop production in a sustainable and resilient manner thus allowing them to provide for current and future food needs. Agroecological methods produce more food on less land, using less energy, less water while enhancing the natural resource base, providing ecological services and lowering outputs of greenhouse gases …..Read more….

Miguel Altieri: Why is agroecology the solution to hunger and food security? v=2yFvD8wuLmU&feature=related

It is expected that this event will contribute to the outcome of UNCSD/Rio+20 by: (1) sharing information on the different farming systems that are encompassed in agro-ecological food production and the demonstrable benefits of these methods; (2) stimulating discussions about how agro-ecological food production could reduce pollution while rebuilding the fertility of the soil and safeguarding the biodiversity of the planet; (3) profiling the extent to which these methods can reduce food waste and post harvest losses from the producer to the consumer and ensure the most efficient use of natural resources; (4) showcasing the extent to which agro-ecological food production can be an effective climate change adaption and mitigation strategy; (5) demonstrating how these food production methods could assist inreducing global poverty and ensuring the right to food and nutritional security by supporting livelihoods; (6) advocating for the support of the small holder food producers, whose production capacity is the foundation of food security in much of the developing world, but whose interests are often ignored in relevant policy formulation and/or implementation; and (7) highlighting what is required for scaling up the use of these methods and encourage policy makers and public commitment to investing in agro-ecological food production with the necessary finance, research and capacity building.

* This position paper draws from material used in the paper "It is possible to feed the world by scaling up agroecology" written by Miguel A Altieri for the Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance, May 2012"

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Issue 5 Spring 2012

LATEST EVENTS & CIHEAM MAIB ACTIVITIES LIFE+CENTOLIMED PROJECT 3rd Meeting of the EU-Med Consultation table. On May 10th the 3rd Consultation Table Meeting took place at CIHEAM- MAI of Bari and was organised by the Italian Ministry for Environment-Directorate for the Protection of Nature and Sea. Representatives from Greece, Spain, Portugal, Tunisia and Lebanon participated to the meeting.

MOAN 6th Annual Meeting of Mediterranean Organic Agriculture Network From May 15th to 17th CIHEAM-MAI of Bari organised the 6th Annual Meeting of the Mediterranean Organic Agriculture Network (MOAN). in SkopjeFormer Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The meeting work sessions was on “BUILDING TRUST IN ORGANIC CONTROL SYSTEMS FOR BETTER TRADE RELATIONS: A MEDITERRANEAN PERSPECTIVE" MOAN website

UPCOMING EVENT 9th meeting of the CIHEAM Member Countries’ Ministers of Agriculture Valetta (Malta)- 27 September, 2012 “Food Security and Price Volatility in the Mediterranean” Learn more: 20may%202012.pdf

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Issue 5 Spring 2012

Scholarship opportunity

Scholarships for university specialisation course in the organoleptic assessment of virgin olive oil Subject: Invitation for Heads of Delegation to designate candidates for scholarships for university specialisation course in the organoleptic assessment of virgin olive oil (University of Jaén) As part of its technical assistance and training programme for 2012 the International Olive Council plans to award 15 scholarships for the university specialisation course in the organoleptic assessment of virgin olive oil (university expert diploma) taught at the University of Jaén (Spain). The aim of the course is to teach students the theoretical fundaments and methodology for the organoleptic assessment of virgin olive oil and the analysis of the factors and positive and negative attributes that define sensory quality in relation to cultural practices, processing methods and other general physical and chemical quality control parameters. This three-month course will begin in 1 October and will end on 20 December 2012. Students who do not have a command of Spanish (the working language of the course) will receive prior intensive language tuition before the start of classes (3 September 2012.) The IOC will pay the enrolment fees, travel expenses at the start and end of the course and monthly board and lodging allowance ( €860). The IOC invites its Members to nominate 3 candidates by 22 June 2012. Nominations should be accompanied by the attached application form (one per candidate) together with a CV providing at least the following information: 1. Full name (first name and surname) 2. Full address, specifying town/city, post code and country 3. Telephone number (preferably mobile and direct landline) 4. E-mail address (private and work) 5. Tax identification number or passport number 6. Date of birth 7. Nationality 8. Area of specialisation 9. Current job: company/institution, post, duties, etc. 10. Prior job experience: companies/institutions, posts, duties, etc. 11. Qualifications: degrees/courses, university/centre, date, etc. 12. Language skills Candidates must attach a photocopy of their passport and qualifications. The course is geared for candidates working in the olive sector holding degrees or diplomas, preferably in one of the following fields: chemistry, chemical engineering, food science and technology, pharmacy, environment science, biology or agronomy. Precedence will be given to applicants under the age of 40 and selection will be based on the CVs submitted. Only official candidates nominated by the IOC representatives will be considered for inclusion in the selection process. This request represents no obligation on the part of the IOC to select the candidates presented by its Members. Please be aware that some candidates may be excluded from participating and that the IOC may also request additional information on candidates. Príncipe de Vergara 154 - 28002, Madrid - ESPAÑA E-mail: Teléfs. 91 590 36 38 Fax: 91 563 12 63


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Former Trainees Network (FTN) Initiative

Brand and identity FTN Personality Mediterranean welcoming ; Collaborative; Helpful; Wellconnected and Well-informed; Multicultural and Multilingual; Full academic spirit; Action-oriented; A good friend; An efficient communicator.

Major areas of benefits For former trainees Opportunities to be well-informed about latest news and events from CIHEAM and MAIB Opportunities to reconnect with fellow graduates and Institute staff and support their former Institute in a meaningful way

For CIHEAM and MAIB Accomplish its mission to accompany FTs in their career evolution by enriching and supporting the students’ MAIB experience Support for the CIHEAM and MAIB lobbying and philanthropic initiatives

Opportunities for career development through lifelong learning (postgraduate study, short courses offered by Professional and Continuing Education…etc) access to business network, mentoring programs and employment opportunities

Promotion of MAIB activities: Education/Training, Research, Cooperation and Networking.

Recognition, promotion and utilization of their professional skills, experience, status and knowledge through collaboration in CIHEAM and MAIB projects and initiatives

Seeking feedback and advice to develop more effective and mutually beneficial relationships with industry, government and their wider communities and to ensure relevance of CIHEAM-MAIB curriculum;

Increasing the profile of the Institute both locally and regionally as a leader in Training, Research and Cooperation

Increase the CIHEAM and MAIB websites ‘ popularity and visibility

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Issue 5 Spring 2012

FTN TENTATIVE REASEARCH: Ethnography MULTICULTURALISM, CULTURAL INTERACTION, CROSS-CULTURAL AND MEDITERRANEAN IDENTITY Case-study of MAIB STUDENTS COMMUNITY By N. Driouech in collaboration with M. Miosi Background and Problem statement Theoretical concepts: Cultural Interaction Lars Perner (2012) defined culture as: “That complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by person as member of society”. According to the sociologist J. Milton Bennet: As people became more interculturally competent it seemed that there was a major change in the quality of their experience, which I called the move from ethnocentrism to ethnorelativism. (…) There also seemed be six distinct kinds of experience (Fig.1) spread across the continuum from ethnocentrism and ethnorelativism . Mediterranean as an Identity and an Anthropological laboratory Anthropologists Albera (1999) and Albera and Blok (2000) have reported: Mediterranean “represents an area of anthropological work; a field of study and not an object of study; a context in which it is possible to adopt a plurality of levels of comparison. In Wittgenstein’s terms it can be described as a network of similarities overlapping and cross-crossing: sometimes overall similarities, sometimes similarities of detail. In Derrida’s terms, it can be conceived as a tissue of differences historically

Figure: 1 : Six distinct kinds of experience of intercultural sensitivity


Addressed questions: Among and within students of Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari, during the MAIB’s study life and community experience , a wider identity “based on transnational and multicultural values” than their local and national identities of origin could be generated. This wider Identity could be called "Mediterranean Identity”. 1- The “Mediterranean Identity” can be generated during students MAIB campus’s common life? 2- How the process of identity perceived level could be redefined under MAIB context and socio-cultural environment ?

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Issue 5 Spring 2012

International publications Integrated Pest Management for Citrus-3rd Edition by : STEVE DREISTADT Newly updated with more detail than ever! Introducing the newly updated IPM for Citrus—3rd Edition. Now with even more pictures, more resources, and more pests! Learn to apply the principles of integrated pest management to identify and manage more than 150 common citrus pests, diseases, and disorders. Complete with more than 550 colored photographs and 80 figures and tables, this guide provides substantial information on pest insects, mites, diseases, weeds, nematodes, and vertebrates. Look for brand new sections on Asian Citrus Psyllid, Citrus Leafminer, Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter and more! What’s new in the 3rd edition? Read more

Worldwatch Institute’s State of the World 2011 Shows Agriculture Innovation Is Key to Reducing Poverty, Stabilizing Climate Report provides a roadmap for food security and agricultural investment, revealing 15 high- and low-tech solutions that are helping to reduce hunger and poverty in Africa : Arabic

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Green Economy Report Towards a Green Economy: Pathways to Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication The Green Economy Report is compiled by UNEP’s Green Economy Initiative in collaboration with economists and experts worldwide. It demonstrates that the greening of economies is not generally a drag on growth but rather a new engine of growth; that it is a net generator of decent jobs, and that it is also a vital strategy for the elimination of persistent poverty. The report also seeks to motivate policy makers to create the enabling conditions for increased investments in a transition to a green economy. Download the Full Report (631 pages - 43MB)

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Issue 5 Spring 2012

Stories from MAIB Former Trainees

Zhifang LI (China) Former student, MOA 2000-2002

She would like to know the carbon quality of added organic matter affects on the N mineralization; the eco-functions of living mulch in crop production system of bean and corn.

Educational and Professional background Zhifang LI, Dr. and Associated Professor, was born in 1968. Bachelor on Vegetable Science 1990, College of Agronomy and Biotechnical China Agricultural University (CAU) China; in 2000-2002 she got her Master science degree on organic agriculture at CIHEAM-Mediterranean Agronomy Institute, Bari, under the supervision of Prof. Fabio Caporali (University of Tuscia) and dott. Nino Duba (MAI of Bari) discussing a thesis entitled “New ecocompatible technologies of durum wheat production: a case study on winter wheat living mulch by sub clover in Southern Italy”. Afterwards she got her PhD on ecology in 2008 in College of Nature Resources and Environment (in CAU), China. From 2003 she becomes an associated professor in College of Agronomy and Biotechnical (in CAU). She worked as a visiting scholar in Plant Nutrition Institute in Hohenheim University, Germany in 2005 (Germany DGF funded) and in 2007 (Ministry of Education China funded). She also visited Boku University, Austria in 2008; and attended a International training on vitro culture of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi, in MUCL, Mycothèque de l'Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium in 2009. She is a membership of Chinese Society for Horticultural Science, Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering. In 2006 she participated to follow-up advanced course in Distance Learning. She reported “ it was very nice to meet again my tutors, some colleagues and the beautiful MAIB campus

Research Interests She is interested in nitrogen and soil fertility management under organic farming. On-farm produced green manure as a source of soil organic matter plays a critical role for the long-term productivity. Green manure (case of legumes) is one of the main measures on self-sufficient maintenance of soil fertility, offers organic matter to soil and fixing N2 into organic form.

She hypothesizes the positive interaction of rhizobium and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal interaction on white clover under P:N fertilization ratio.

Correct and completed projects Dr. Zhifang LI participated and completed several projects related to 1) Rhizobium and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal interaction on white clover under P:N fertilization ratio 2008-2011, Funded by Ministry of Agriculture, China (MOA); 2) Soil Nitrogen performance after organic fertilization 2007-2009, Funded by MOA; 3) Eco-functions of Living mulch in winter wheat-corn production system 2003-2006, Funded by MOA; 4) sub-project of Ninxia Eco-agriculture Building Program funded by UNDP on Biodiversity management on vegetable production; 5) Participator of Germany-Sino symposium on risk assessment on food safety in Berlin Germany; 6) GFA (Germany -Sino project) on Miyun Watershed Protection Project as a translator and co-expert on organic agriculture and ecological basilar study; 7) ecological benefits and rhizosphere nitrogen transfer of maize white clover living mulch funded by MOA) ; 8) EUSino project on integrated HACCP and certification on organic food safety and quality control; 9) subproject of phasing out Methyl Bromide in the agriculture sector in China complemented by MOA; 10) establishment of agro-ecological system in a organic farm in Dalian, Liaoning province, Dalian government funded project.

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Issue 5 Spring 2012

“MAIB MOA Master former students reveal to be a key promoters and active contributor to Organic Agriculture development both at Mediterranean and International level….. ” LI Zhifang selected publications Li, Z.F, Zhang Q.Z., Wu W.L.2011, Nitrogen availability in a winter white/summer maize white clover living mulch system, accepted.. Li, Z.F. ,Schulz, R.,Müller, T. 2009. Short-term Nitrogen Availability From Lupine Seed Meal as An Organic Fertilizer is Affected by Seed Quality at Low Temperatures. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, 26 (4) 337-352. Li, Z.F. Zhu C.M. Wu W.L. Sui X.H., 2009 Genetic and drought effects on white clover biological nitrogen fixation Potential, Agriculture Environment Science, 28 (3) 1-5. Sabahi H., Schulz R., Müller T., Li Z.F. 2009, Nitrogen turnover of legume seed meals as affected by seed meal texture and quality at different temperatures, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science .Vol.55, No. 6.

LI Zhifang feedback about FTN FTN MAIB community is another MAIB excellent initiative linking former trainees/students and MAIB. Yes, it offers opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development under the principle of cooperation. The FTN MAIB is greatly connecting alumni with each other after a long term of graduation. And it provides me information on organic agriculture worldwide and the current MAIB activities . It would be great to disseminate information on international training, summer school and workshops on research, marketing, regulation and certification on organic agriculture.

Li Z.F., Li Xianjun, Guo Chunmin Etc. 2006, Quality control system of food industry under organic certification and HACCP cooperation, China Agriculture science and technique publish company. ISBN:9787801679970. Li, Z. 2003. “Winter wheat living mulch by sub clover on organic wheat production in South Italy” J. Science on Agro-environment, Vol. 24 No.12 Li, Z.F. 2003. “Can organic agriculture feed the world” and “An organic farm system in Sicily, Italy” in China Cooperation Times. Li, Z.F. 2002. “Organic Agriculture Worldwide” , J. Agroenvironment and Development” Vol.1. Li, Z. 2002 . “Practical advance on nitrogen management in organic farming” J. Agro-environmental Protection, Vol..21 No.1.

Email contact: Department of Vegetable Science, College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University. Haidian District, Yuanmingyuan Xilu, 2, 100193, Beijing China Tel: +86 (10)62733923/ Fax: +86 (10)62733830

Li Zhifang has Translated: “Water Resources of Mediterranean– Main Challenges Towards 21st ” by Atef Hamdy and Cosimo Lacirignola, into Chinese in 2008 and published in China by Agriculture Science and Technique Publishing Company, ISBN:9787802337084

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Issue 5 Spring 2012

Olive cropping systems: the great symbol of Mediterranean Culture and Agriculture is generating scientific interest of Japanese researchers 1 March 2012 Interview* with Dr. Koji INOSAKO, Associate professor , Soil and Water Management Department Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University JAPAN Dr. INOSAKO setting up field soil moisture sensor Dr. INOSAKO with Miss Kanako Nitta at MAIB olive groves

In the framework of which cooperation initiative did you plan your visit to CIHEAM-MAIB? In collaboration with ICARDA (International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas), the Tottori University organized an International Master program called JSPS-International Training Program (ITP), in the field of Arid Land Science Research . The JSPS program also included partnership with universities from US, Turkey, Tunisia, China. ( more info about JSPS p. 25). What do you think about Mediterranean area as an opportunity for cultural and economical exchange with your country? I do believe that all Mediterranean Countries are very similar and have deep historic and cultural connections since they share the same sea environment. I can make a comparison with the Japanese sea that in the past permitted to establish many cultural links but also some conflicts and divisions. I think Mediterranean countries do not have these problems. I do not know if the Mediterranean area can become an economic opportunity for Japan, but I know my country already has trade exchanges in the agri-food sector with China, the USA, and many European countries in general. Japanese people do not eat Mediterranean food like olive oil; indeed, the olive oil use is not widespread in our cookery tradition and even Japanese consumption of this product is not increasing at all. Anyhow, some studies on healthy eating created a new perception of Japanese consumers who are now more and more interested in healthier diets like the Mediterranean one. *: The Interview was conducted by Noureddin Driouech in collaboration with Marco Miosi

Which is the interest of Japanese researchers about olive tree? Our interest is just a mere scientific curiosity because our research and investigations focus more on arid land management. In Syria and Tunisia, olive trees are a very important crop that can resist to arid conditions. As you know, we could not go to Syria due the current political situation and, thanks to our cooperation with CIHEAM, we chose to move our research study to Italy. It is not as arid as Syria, but it has climatic and environmental similarities. A few olive trees are already cultivated in some Japanese areas characterized by climatic conditions quite close to the Mediterranean ones. Following the experience of your student who is participating in the second year of the Master of Science Programme at MAIB, are you planning to favour the participation of Japanese students to MAIB Education/Training Programmes? Miss Kanako Nitta is carrying out her one–year research study (more info p. 25) at MAIB laboratories and it is the first time we are collaborating with your Institute. Usually, Japanese students go abroad to study and some prefer to go to the USA, but they also have the chance to go to China, Syria and Tunisia for their Master and PhD research work and studies. After Miss Nitta, who will become MAIB’s ambassador in Japan, I do not know if other Japanese students will come again. Maybe yes, but I do not really know [he answers with a laugh]. Anyway, I think that CIHEAM-MAIB represents a great chance for our students, especially for the good study and research environment as well as the excellent logistic support.

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Issue 5 Spring 2012

Kanako’s Master research work: overview Trees growing under dry climatic conditions originally respond to water stress and drought to survive in such a severe environment. If we manage to clarify the type of response of each tree species, we can select appropriate water management and cultivation methods for them. Hence, the main objective of this work is to improve agricultural water management in dry areas by investigating the response of olive trees to water stress through the analysis the water content in their stem. In addition, the response to water stress will be studied by measuring stomatal conductance, leaf temperature and soil water content as ordinary water stress indexes. Afterwards, the relationship between these indexes, stem water content and water stress will be analyzed as response of olive trees to drought.

JSPS International Training Program (ITP) Capacity Building for Integrated Resource Management in Drylands The aim of this JSPS International Training Program (ITP) is to develop world-class young researchers in the field of dryland study at Tottori University. This human resources development program is designed to train talented professionals to execute their missions at universities, United Nations organizations, and international research organizations. To achieve this goal, we have created the Joint Master's Degree Program in Integrated Management in Drylands, also known as the "MS Program". The MS Program is offered jointly through a partnership between the United Nations University and five other institutions. We plan on continuing to develop and expand the program to train young researchers, including master's degree students. Specifically, we send students to drylands in Tunisia, Syria, and China for about a year. While there, they attend lectures on wide-ranging subjects in dryland study and conduct field work. All lectures and research guidance are given in English, so students can acquire English-language skills while also studying and researching with an international group of students. In addition, we support Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows under a school-wide project tentatively titled the "Project for Developing Internationally Compatible Young Researchers". This is a comprehensive project that includes Tottori University's international human resources development program and uses the university's overseas headquarters for education and research in collaboration with the Global Center of Excellence for Dryland Science. Source:

CONCEPTUAL PLAN : Project for developing internationally compatible young researchers

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Spring 2011 Issue 1: download

Summer 2011 Issue 2: download

Fall 2011 Issue 3: download

Winter 2012 Issue 4: download

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The @iamb community Newsletter keeps members up-to-date with upcoming events, conferences, news from MAIB activities (Training, Research and Cooperation) and the world of Mediterranean Agricultural Studies and recent publications. It is published quarterly and posted to members in Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. FTN Board welcomes contributions from members and those who have news that might be of interest to FTN Members and MAIB staff (i.e. Successful story of a former Trainee). Your feedback and contributions for future newsletter editions will be greatly appreciated. You can email us with your contribution by submitting materials, publications, notice of events news, and documents to :

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POLICY The decision to publish a contribution in the @iamb community newsletter is at the discretion and responsibility of MAIB.

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Editorial information MAIB Director Cosimo Lacirignola Editor-in-Chief Maurizio Raeli Managing Editor Noureddin Driouech Steering committee Olimpia Antonelli Stefania Lapedota Luigi Sisto Maroun El Moujabber Editorial office Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo CIHEAM-MAI of Bari Via Ceglie, 9 70010 Valenzano (BA) Italy Tel.: +390804606203 Fax: +390804606206 E-mail:

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