Good nutrition is important in order to execute body functions properly and stay in pink of health.
Macronutrients, Micronutrients and water are the key components which comprises a complete nutritional diet.
Macronutrients Protein
Micronutrients Vitamins
Good Nutrition Serves As The Building Blocks of Muscle as it serves as a fuel and aids in efficient use of oxygen.
Good Nutrition Imparts Energy to do the daily physical chores.
Importance of Good Nutrition and Fats
They act as major fuel source for our body.
They also help to keep our skin and hair health.
Importance of Vitamins and Minerals They help in bone growth, wound healing, and strengthen the immune system
They convert the consumed food into energy, and repair damaged cells.
Don’t Skip Adequate Water Water act as a lubricant.
Water maintains the appropriate body temperature via perspiration
Water makes up saliva and the fluids around the body joints
Water helps to prevent constipation by moving the food through the intestines
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