Maimonides School

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BH. Iyar

Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434

produced by Rabbi Mendel & students in the TNT (Torah „n Technology) Program Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY

9, 5771 / May 13, 2011


7:50 Shabbos Ends:


JOURNAL DEADLINE 5/16 The Dinner Journal will be prepared for print this weekend, ads arriving this coming week will be included in the journal supplement. Email ad text: and mail payment to the school office.

This newsletter is sponsored by an admirer of Jewish Education There are only a few more newsletters until the end of the 2010-2011 academic year. To sponsor an week, please call the school office 453-9363/3434 or email


DOWNTOWN INTERVIEW Maimonides dinner’s “People of the Book” will also be posthumously honoring the longDELICIOUS FELAFEL LUNCH time Times-Union political cartoonist and HS girls in “Nathan’s Kitchen” meticulously cut up lots of vegetables Albany sculptor Hy Rosen. His son Dr. Ben Rosen (pictured above with his back to the for Israeli salad, mixed sitting sculpture by his late father of former up their own flavorful Techina sauce, baked up Albany Mayor Thomas Whalen) explained to our students how his father came to sculpture falafel balls and served plates for students to fill later on in his life, after 40 years of political cartoons his father was still eager to learn new skills, and how these sculptures (of Mayor Whalen and the life-size sculpture of the City Seal next to it) are placed amongst the very same buildings and neighborhood where his father as a youngster helped his grandfather in his business going around and collecting old newspapers for recycling - coming full circle! up their own pitas. Nursery through High School enjoyed the delicious lunch treat and a taste of Israel. For dessert all enjoyed choco-chip bars frosted with “Happy Birthday Israel!” and in Hebrew: “Yom Huledet Sameach!”

MORE ISRAEL B’DAY ACTIVITY See page 3 for films the children watched, and projects they worked on in honor of modern Israel’s 63rd birthday this past week.

MAIMONIDES 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208

The historic argument between the Perushim (Rabbis) and the Tzedukim (Sadducees) about the validity of Oral Tradition and rabbinical interpretation is highlighted in Talmud Menachos page 66 in regards to the start date of the Omer count. Our 5/6 grade Talmud class recently switched from Bava Metziah to study this piece of Talmud at year’s end in connection with the Omer counting.

NYC’er COMMENTS ON DINNER An out-of-town visitor commented, “Our expensive yeshiva in NYC just honors three wealthy couples each year and the kids have no part in it, and gain nothing educational from the experience (aside for funds, of course). It is amazing that your small school does something this creative and involving every year…”

MORE AUTHOR INTERVIEWS See inside (page 2) for more author interviews. Our students have been meeting and videointerviewing “People of the Book” honorees in preparation for the dinner event on May 24th.

Selections will be woven together for the dinner. It’s been an interesting learning experience for our students!




Mrs. Carroll’s class ran around outside trying to get their kites up in the air as they learned about wind in their science unit. It was a gorgeous afternoon, with here just enough wind to get the kites afloat.

Thanks to those who put time and expertise, the Albany Eruv is back up for this Shabbos.

Lynn Miller-Lachman spoke with the 7th grade about her book “Gringolandia” about PLANS FOR A TRIP the tension between a revolutionary journalist TO NY’S CITIFIELD father from Chile and his teenage son who is Mrs. Mulder and Mrs. eager to assimilate into America. She shared Rosenfield arranged to get the story of how she became acquainted and free tickets to a 1pm NY involved with the Chilean cause, and how this Mets baseball game as a year-end middle work was 20 years in the making before it was school trip on 5/19 or 6/2 and now finalizing finally published and earned awards. drivers/chaperones and travel issues. It’s a fun experience, will be first stadium time for some, MORE INTERVIEWS WITH... and there are educational lessons, too... They Miriam Biskin, BJ Rosenfeld, Bob Herman, are learning about courage, and it takes some Dr. Suzanne Vromen (Bard), and more… courage for the Mets to play on!

DO YOU HAVE THESE AT HOME Please send them into the school office! Each “Box-Top” is worth a dime (10 cents) to our school, some food packaging even has doubles on the box. It’s one more small and easy way to support the school. Every little bit counts!

REPEATING THE QUESTION According to Talmud Menachos, (now being studied by 4/5-6 grades), asking the same question three times was part of the ritual when cutting the Omer back in the time of the Bais HaMikdash. Some people don’t like to hear the same questions asked twice, but there are benefits to repeat, review & clarification.


THE STORY BEHIND MYRON’S MAGIC COW Marlene Newman, a former English teacher told 4th graders the story behind her beautiful 40page picture book “Myron’s Magic Cow” (now out-of-print but available at Bethlehem Library). It began as a school play she wrote for her 5th graders, and developed into a story illustrated in United Kingdom. The book ends with a mysterious golden egg, which formed the basis of a sequel “Zelda and the Magic Egg” which is now in the process, she brought the text on pages for our kids to try illustrating. She told a story about a Chanukah of her youth in Mt Vernon, about her Zeide and Bubbe, the Chanukah gelt penny, and a turkey that she named “Robinson Crusoe”. She spoke a lot about how challenging and competitive it is to get a book published, to which we asked, so why do so many authors bother? She answered, “We don’t have a choice, this is what we love to do, it is part of who we are, whether it gets eventually published or not…”

DISCUSSION ABOUT “HUNGER” AND EATING DISORDERS Jackie Morse-Kessler already published several books, (and more are now in the pipeline). The first of a series of four “Horsemen of the Apocalypse” books is a fantasy novel titled “Hunger” that highlights the issues of eating disorders in young women. She spoke to the HS girls about this issue, as well as some of the subsequent young womens issues which form the themes of the series.

Rabbi Mirsky’s Halacha class learned several reasons given by commentaries for the daily Omer counting from Pesach to Shavuos:  It builds up anticipation for Mattan Torah.  It ensured the farmers would get to Yerushalayim in time.  The Jews in Egypt sunk to the 49th level of impurity, each day lifts us up one level.  Kabbalistically, each Sefirah combination corresponds to another area of character and personal improvement & development.  Each of the 7 Sefirot correspond to another of the 7 Ushpizin: Avraham = Chesed, Yitzchak = Gevurah, Yaakov = Tiferes, Moshe = Netzach, Aharon = Hod, Yosef = Yesod, and King David = Malchus.

QUICK H.S. WEEK IN REVIEW This week HS girls dissected frogs in science lab, played basketball with Batsheva Harel for gym class, visited Howe Caverns with Rabbi Yossi, began learning Aishet Chayil in Mishlei 31 with Morah Raizy, interviewed a number of the “People of the Book” honorees, prepared the Israeli salad for Yom Ha’atzmaut, began reading “A Separate Peace” by John Knowles about friendship and jealousy, studied 3 of the Sefirot/character traits with Rabbi Mendel, assisted at the Laibl Wolf event at Shabbos House and are headed up to Saratoga for a Shabbaton weekend, and then Sunday at FunPlex for Friendship Circle volunteering.

ALUMNI BABY NAMINGS Rivky (Kudan) Dubroff’s girl was named Devorah Leah, and Devorah Leah (Seliger) Schulman’s boy was named Menachem Mendel. May we share many Simchas!

STATE TEST REVIEW PREP In preparing for the State Test this week, 5/6 grade practiced using state tests from past LUCRETIA MOTT years, doing all 6th grade test from 2008-2010. When in social studies class Ms. Zalak first mentioned Lucretia Mott (1793-1880) an early NEAR END OF SAMUEL II pioneer of womens’ political rights, her Morah Clara’s 7th graders learned about King students began to giggle, because they thought David’s efforts to bring the Holy Ark to it sounded just like “Krias Shema”, the daily Jerusalem, the death of Uzzah after his directly obligation to recite the Shema. She was a touching the Ark, and G-d telling David that mentor of Elizabeth Stanton who arranged the Shlomo will build the Beis HaMikdash… Seneca Falls (NY) Convention. As a Quaker, Lucretia was also an abolitionist, who argued against slavery in the early 1800’s.

ISRAEL’S FIRST ASTRONAUT AND THE HOLOCAUST TORAH In celebration of modern Israel’s 63rd birthday this week, upper elementary classes watched the Ilan Ramon film (shown earlier this winter for the community - look for a possible summer date for those who missed it because of the bad weather), that weaves together a Holocaust survivor’s inspiring story, the life of an Israeli fighter pilot and her first astronaut, and the 2003 Columbia shuttle disaster.

TIME AND MONEY Mrs. Hoffman’s Kindergarten class is doing a unit on both, learning to tell time and how to properly identify and count money. Doing them together also highlights that time is valuable and precious, and worth counting!

BIBLICAL ANIMALS IN APPS JERNY’s Yom-Yerushalayim (June 1st) this year will feature a small biblical zoo, so the middle school APPS program is teaming up in pairs to research the animals from Tanach (Bible) that will be featured, including camels, goats, sheep, spiders and snakes etc…

MAZAL TOV WEISSTUCHS To Chava & Dr. Ashi Weisstuch on the birth of a daughter. Much Nachas!



It was so sunny and beautiful outdoors this week. Mrs. Levin took some art students down to Woodlawn Park to create some temporary outdoor art using natural objects like twigs, dandelions, stones etc based on work by British artists and sculptors Richard Long and Andy Goldsworthy. Pictured above are some of the students’ art creations using available natural objects.


On Dr. Josh’s graduation from Albany Medical College and their move to Chicago for his residency. Best wishes!

This year’s program runs from July 4th thru August 12th, 9am-3:30pm, at the Maimonides building at 404 Partridge. Mrs. Clara Simon is the camp director, and can be reached at 4398280. Program includes swimming and swim instruction, music, art, sports, trips, and much D.O.M. AND D.O.L. SHEETS Mrs. Maher’s 4th graders begin each afternoon more in a great Jewish environment. with 15 minutes dedicated to a quick math ADDITIONAL END-OF-YEAR and/or language worksheet, numbered day 1 thru day 5, in sets for each week. Each sheet Nursery Parents: Look for a special end-of-year has a short exercise: for example checking for graduation ceremony (before the rest of the commas or capitals in a paragraph, or seeing if school’s June 17th Moving-Up Day), speak to the listed fractions are greater than or less Morah Rivka for more info. Morah Leyee is than. It’s a way to keep reviewing, using and also arranging a special year-end program for staying fresh with Language and Math skills. the Bnos Chaya HS Girls, date TBA.

Lower elementary classes (above) watched Rechov Sumsum - Hebrew Sesame Street films about Israeli culture, foods and a Hebrew vocabulary. They “visited” places in Israel: Haifa, Eilat, Masada, Metulah, Yerushalayim… By davening class the boys looked out for Zion, Yerushalayim, Mikdash, and other such words in our Siddur’s daily prayers connected to Eretz Yisrael. There are so many! << Morah Devorah’s students painted and labeled a very large colorful map of Israel that’s hanging in their classroom. Look for Yam-HaMelach, YamKineret, and YamHaTichon on the blue (water) spots on the map…

at Maimonides and in the Community 5/14: WOMENS SHABBOS SHIUR 4:45pm by Shayna Kudan at the home of Dini Gordon, 31 Glenwood (a little more than one block behind New Scotland, and diagonally across the back of the Maimonides School).

5/16: DINNER JOURNAL DEADLINE Early afternoon Monday 5/16 is the very latest we can accept ads into the yearbook/journal itself. Please email your camera-ready ad or text to and mail payment to the school office. Ads arriving after this date will be included in the dinner journal supplement.

5/16: WOMENS BEIS MEDRASH Studying and discussing Candle-Lighting in classic Torah sources, 8pm at Maimonides. 495-0779/2.

5/17: LIBRARY (& SCHOOL) VOTE No one likes increased taxes in this economic climate, on top of already high taxes in this area (although library taxes are a small piece of the overall pie), but we recognize and appreciate the value of our local libraries, Maimonides benefits greatly from a quality neighborhood library and communal resource & venue a short walk away. Part of the proposed plan is new Sunday hours, and the Bach New Scotland branch would have first priority. Without the new budget, branch hours will decrease and adversely affect the libraries usefulness. Find out more: and make an informed decision on how to vote.


Berger Memorial Award: Linda Berger-Spivack; Baruch Shenatan Torah Award: Bruce Lorence; and this year’s “People of the Book” award highlights a spectrum of local authors: Dr. Jeffrey Berman, Miriam Biskin, Rabbi Herbert Bomzer, Marlene Rosenfield-Crawford, Dr. Bob Herman, Sylvie Kantorovitz, Jackie Morse-Kessler, Joseph Krausman, Lyn Miller-Lachmann, Linda Elovitz Marshall, Marlene Newman, BJ Rosenfeld, Dr. Mary Valentis, and Dr. Suzanne Vromen. Also honoring posthumously Vera Propp and Hy Rosen.

5/30: MEMORIAL DAY No school Monday, enjoy the extended weekend.

6/1: YOM YERUSHALAYIM EVENT JERNY’s Israel Center and area orgs are already at work preparing for this 2nd annual event - held this year at Beth Emeth. has updates on vendors, program and activities. Look for live animals (and rides!) in the “Biblical Zoo”!

6/5: WALK FOR FRIENDSHIP 2nd annual Walk for Friendship, noon-time at Elm Park in Delmar. See for info or to support a volunteer or team. This important fundraiser benefits the Friendship Circle of local volunteers helping special needs children.

6/7-10: SHAVUOT SCHEDULE 6/7 Tues: Erev Shavuot Half-Day English only. Tefila 8am, dismissal 11:30. Send snack, no lunch. 6/8-9 Wed & Thurs: Shavuot Holiday celebrates the Giving of the Torah, it’s important for all to attend synagogue for the “10 Commandments” read on Wednesday, especially children! 6/10 Friday: No school; Shavuot goes into the extended weekend.

6 Wednesdays, May 18th thru June 22, 7:30-9pm at the Shabbos House. Course fee $60 includes textbooks, some discounts/scholarships available. Explore the depth and relevance of Shabbat in classic Jewish texts & modern context, from Halacha to psychology and many interesting angles. 6/12: CBAJ DINNER HONORS DOCS Call 495-0772 to register or visit: Dinner and Journal honoring member doctors at Cong. Beth Abraham-Jacob who serve the greater 5/22: LAG B’OMER AT HOFFMAN’S community. For more info call the Shul 489-5819. Area Chabads are arranging discounted wristbands ($14 unlimited rides until close), Kosher BBQ 6/17: YEAR-END / MOVING-UP DAY ($7pp, $25 family), free admission to the park, DJ Half-day AM only. 9am program of songs, class music & festive atmosphere for kids & families at presentations and refreshments, parents welcome! Hoffman’s Playland Route 9, Latham. Program 123pm. (Maimonides Lag B’Omer neighborhood 7/4: CAMP GAN ISRAEL OPENS Parade is when Lag B’Omer is on a weekday). This year’s day-camp runs from July 4th thru August 12th, 9am-3:30pm, located at Maimonides, 5/22: LAG B’OMER EVENING FIRE 404 Partridge Street. Mrs. Clara Simon is the camp Later that evening will be the Galway Bonfire at the director, and can be reached at 439-8280. Program Auerback Estate, info/directions: 439-8280. includes swimming/swim instruction, music, art, sports, trips, science activities & more in a great 5/24: MAIMONIDES DINNER Jewish environment with dedicated staff.

HONORS “PEOPLE OF THE BOOK” Tuesday, 6pm. Maimonides honors with the Dr.

MAIMONIDES SCHOOL (Nursery / Elementary / High School) & COMMUNITY 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a UJF-NENY Beneficiary

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