Maimonides Newsletter

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BH. Nissan

Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434

produced by Rabbi Mendel & students in the TNT (Torah ‘n Technology) Program Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY

4, 5771 / April 8, 2011


7:10 Shabbos Ends:


THE MONTH OF NISSAN On Tuesday we entered the month of Nissan.  No Tachanun said in daily prayers after the Amidah until the month of Iyar begins.  Custom to recite the “Nasi” offering of the day (for the first 12 days) by the tribal leaders in the Mishkan dedication.  Pesach is in the air! Many are in the midst of Pesach cleaning at home. There’s less than 2 weeks left to the Seders…


This newsletter is sponsored in honor of Maimonides, its faculty, families and community. For even after moving to a large city with many Jewish educational options and much larger institutions... We haven’t found the quality, flexibility and warm supportive experience we enjoyed in Albany!

The H. Family

New Scotland firehouse’s Captain Dunn gave the OK to this years communal Chametz LEGO COMBINATION LOCK burning at Maimonides, Shmuel Dovid built his own combination-style which will begin after the Lego lock (empty chamber shown here to Siyum (approx 9:30am highlight the locking mechanism) in until about 11:40am). The Shomray-Torah connection with 4th grade learning about Shachris Minyan will meet at Maimonides on Yosef being imprisoned at the end of Parshat Erev Pesach at 8am, followed by a Siyum by Vayeishev. They finished the Parsha this week, Rabbi Simon, a light Chametz breakfast and a with the cliffhanger words “and he (the butler) NYS presentation for the 87/90 Torah project. forgot him (Yosef).”

SALE OF CHAMETZ & MATZAH As traditional every year, Rabbi Rubin (4825781 or 423-4103) arranges for the sale of Chametz (if you can’t get to Rabbi Rubin, use the online form: and handmade round Shmurah-Matzah which many try to use for the Mitzvah at the Seders, and some eat all Pesach-long.

SOME JAM STILL AVAILABLE ANOTHER ROSH HASHANAH 3rd graders are learning Mishnayot Rosh Hashana, these boys were pictured as they reviewed chapter 3 together. The first Mishna of the tractate says that Rosh Chodesh Nissan is also known as a Rosh-Hashanah (but the main Rosh Hashanah is the first of Tishrei).

MAOS CHITIM BEFORE PESACH Everyone knows that Pesach costs money. A pre-Pesach custom called “Maos Chittim” helps us think of those less fortunate and helps them with the basic Pesach needs. Speak to Rabbi Rubin (482-5781/423-4103) if you’d like to contribute towards this holiday fund for local families.

Organic, Vermont-made, and Kosher for Passover… $5 per jar, delicious flavors. For yours, call: 482-0701.

MAIMONIDES 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208

KIDS-SEWN PESACH PILLOWS Morah Devorah’s 2nd graders made their own reclining pillows for their Seders. They each decorated in their own style, stuffed them full, and did the stitching… among many other hands-on Pesach projects!

WWI SIDDUR Joe Adler of the Jewish Book Maven showed our students this abridged, small WWI Siddur (1918).

THOUSANDS OF JUMPS … by students in a recent fundraiser for Leizer Galperin (age 6, recovering from major burns). If you were a Jump -a-Thon sponsor, please be in touch with your student-jumper or forward the monies to the school office. Checks can be payable to “Galperin Family”. If the jump-counts exceeded your expectations, you can still pay per jump but you can cap your donations as needed. Thanks for supporting this Chesed project, which students arranged all on their own!



…Ms. Zalak thought her students would refer to the Texas San Jacinto battle they were learning about in history which lasted only 18 minutes and was a decisive battle of Texas’ independence from Mexico, but a few kids wrote “when Matzah turns Chametz.”

HS girls recently finished “Huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain, so they went for a quick fun outing (along with the “Ants” outing below) to the Huck Finn Warehouse downtown, which is filled with Huck Finn style character.

PESACH TABOO GAME 4th graders enjoyed a game of taboo, where they shared hints about their bold word without using the other words on the card. If you guess it, you win that card, and get to be the one to give hints for the next card. Some words are hard to describe without using any of the words on the card. It makes you think!

GO TO THE ANT, SAID SHLOMO … and the HS girls went! “The Hidden Life of Ants” exhibit closes this weekend at the NYS Museum, so Rabbi Mendel took the HS girls down there to reflect on the lessons from ants they learned in Mishlei (Proverbs) class. They

READING AND... READING also stopped by the “Wish You Were Here” exhibit of landscape photos by photographers from across NY State. And they took a photo (not pictured here) with an iPod made of cans promoting the April 14-28 “CANstruction” project (you vote for very cool designs with a can or two of your own) at the Museum.

A first grader reads a book while he waits his turn to use the laptop with the “Reader Rabbit” program. Either way, they are excited and interested in words (which the walls of their classroom are filling up with) and reading, whether its printed or virtual. Parents, (and siblings) please keep up the reading practice at home, with Hebrew and English books. A little practice goes a long way.

CRISP, BOLD CONTRAST It’s amazing how much these simple black lines and boxes “say” simply by their placement and arrangement design on the white paper. HS did these in art class with Mrs. Levin.

The school purchases supplies at the start of each school year (and periodically throughout the year), but classroom stocks (especially in the younger grades) often need replenishing. Thanks to friends & parents who step-up and pitch-in with used items from home, or with purchases in-store. It helps our school and our students to have the supplies they need especially during this time of financial hardship and budgetary constraints.

GENERAL  Assorted Balls for recess sports & play  Arts & Crafts Supplies (glue-sticks, sequins, buttons, pipe-cleaners, colored construction-paper, felt & fabrics, contact-paper, wiggly-eyes etc…)  Rolling Shelves to expand our library  Judaic youth books (we’re happy to use the Bach library for general reading)  Overhead (transparency) Projector  Metal open-sided bookcase  Garden Tools  Kippas/Yarmulkas for visitors  Folding 3-panel Dividers  CD players KINDERGARTEN  Dry-erase markers, erasers & boards  Washable markers  Block pencil erasers  Classroom library storybooks  Jewish audio: tapes or CD’s  Arts & Crafts supplies all types  Cleaning supplies GRADES 1&2:  2qt/gallon used empty containers (plastic milk/OJ are good) for use in planting  Potting-Soil  Vegetable Seeds  Empty egg cartons  Small Watering Can  Cap-Erasers

April 1st and all we got was rain. Ms. Zalak shared with her students a few April Fools jokes from the past that got some traction or at least attention: Taco Bell bought naming rights to the historic Liberty Bell; Farming technology that would grow pasta on trees; SECOND GRADE BIOGRAPHIES Burger-King offering to make special burgers APPS VISITS THE BOOK MAVEN 2nd graders worked on poster-biographies of for left-handed people… 7th graders did several As part two of their APPS outing on the famous people, ranging from Rebbetzin Chaya tricks of their own in the spirit of the day. subject of “Authors” Rabbi Mendel took them Mushka Schneersohn (r) to Jackie Robinson (l) on Thursday for a walk down Glenwood and and share the stories with their classmates. STEVE (BETH EMETH) REGARDS Pinewood Rabbi Mathless, Rabbi Shmuly & Rabbi Abba Streets (it was FINDING THE DENSITY brought the “Matzah Bakery” experience back such a gorgeous sunny day, they 5/6 with Mrs. Sahay learned the formula: to several Hebrew schools and community took this photo mass (weight) divided by volume (height x venues after a hiatus of several years. The around a bench length x width) equals density (thickness, teachers at Beth Emeth pointed out a picture fullness). In the lab, they used this formula on their wall of a Matzah Bakery we did there on Hackett (plus subtracting the weight of the measuring 15 years ago! Steve Squires, of maintenance at Blvd) down to cup) to find the density of water. Beth Emeth (a familiar face to our faculty and Joe Adler’s Book Maven used book-store. He students from our years there) sends regards to spoke to them about his love for books, where he gets the used books from, and how he sells all Maimonides families, students (by now alumni) and teachers who remember him.

PLEASE VOTE FOR L’CHAIM L’chaim is the UAlbany student group that works closely with Shabbos House since 1996. Go to to watch their video posted in the UAlbany Unite contest, and contribute-vote by clicking on the “click here to support” and checking off “L’CHAIM” with your donation of $5, $10 or $20 etc. The monies go directly to the L’chaim budget (for holiday meals & events at Shabbos House), and each vote (i.e. earmarked contribution) is EDIBLE MAKOT IN NURSERY Morah Rivka & Morah Batsheva made blood an opportunity to highlight the value and for their students out of strawberry yogurt, hail importance of Jewish campus life. made of popcorn and lice using pepper… they are also making Haggadah books and are pictured here at their bulletin board showing what they know about the Seder plate.

them, and showed them how he knows quite a bit about a lot of the books, especially those on Jewish or American history (but not all of the thousands of books he has there... and he’s not as good with Seforim because he didn’t have the yeshiva education our children have). He made a table of books that the kids could purchase for under $5, some books were as little as $1.50. APPS gave each student $2 9for their work on their recent APPS projects) and students brought some extra money, too.

FULL MORNING MODEL SEDER Kindergarteners spent an entire morning with Morah Dini preparing for and enjoying their very own model Seder. They ate (not-forPesach) Matzah that they baked themselves, chopped up Charoset, dipped a potato in saltwater, made Kiddush on grape-juice, asked the 4 questions in 3 languages, using 2 different variations on the order. They reclined and they sang… and can’t wait for the real thing!

APRIL FOOLS JOKES It’s obviously not a Jewish custom, but jokes on April 1st are to be expected. The biggest teaser/joke/surprise is the fact that all (or most) forecasters predicted a big snowstorm on

SPRING ELEMENTS FEST See the shiny bulletin board (on left) at the entrance with posters “advertising” various elements and their uses. 5/6 made the header, HS girls made the paper-flowers on bottom, and 7th graders researched the elements and designed the posters and cards (see below.

at Maimonides and in the Community 4/9: GARDEN OF EMUNAH CLASS Last class of the season in “Garden of Emunah” 4pm at 359C Hackett Blvd for women. Rotating locations/presenters etc begins after Pesach.



$299pp for 4-day package at Greenbush Comfort Suites (fitness center, swimming, trails) with the Labers. Call Nechama at 727-9581. Meals prepared by Birchhill Caterers and Mrs. Laber. Seders-only options are available, or other communal Seders are available throughout the region (Saratoga Chabad 526-0773; Delmar Chabad 439-8280 etc) and many families are happy to have guests.

Look for later date. School can’t store items, so please do not bring them at this time.


4/9: LATER RABBI REISMAN CLASS Due to the later Sat Nights, Rabbi Reisman’s class will now be shown at CBAJ at 9:30pm.


Saratoga Chabad will host an activity morning 10am-12pm (before the start of the 2nd days of YomTov). See event features in ad on right, for more info call Rabbi Abba 526-0773.

Starts 11am. It’s back, and improved! Inside-out cleaning by HS Girls in time for Pesach. They’ll be more efficient if you “order” your car-wash ahead by emailing: Also 5/1: SHPEEN WALK FOR WATER there’ll be a Chametz bake-sale and a JGU program JNF’s annual Walk for Water, established locally in for girls. $7 car-outside, $10 car-inside. memory of Susan Shpeen will take place at the Golub Center starting at 2pm.


Great for Pre-Pesach, get of the house come to “Nathan’s Kitchen” at Maimonides to enjoy breads, pastas, and hot dishes without messing up your own kitchen. $7pp or $25 max per family.

4/13: IN-SCHOOL LUNCH BY HS HS Girls will be prepare lunches for sale at school on Wednesday (only) before Pesach. Menu includes Pasta, veggie soup, salad, drink & dessert etc. Cost is $4 per child; pre-orders are very helpful:

5/22: LAG B’OMER AT HOFFMAN’S Lag B’Omer falls again on a Sunday, and area Chabads are arranging discounted wristbands, a Kosher BBQ, and live music for families and kids at Hoffman’s Playland on Route 9 in Latham. Program begins at noon and runs until about 3pm. Stay tuned for more info. (The Maimonides neighborhood Lag B’Omer Parade is held when Lag B’Omer falls on a weekday).


The annual Maimonides Dinner (now over 20 consecutive years!) will be on Tuesday, May 24th. Thursday and Friday before Pesach will be half-days Berger Memorial Award: Linda Spivack; Baruch English only, dismissal at 11:30am. Snacks only, no Shenasan Torah Award: Bruce Lorence; and this year’s “People of the Book” award highlights a lunch. Kids davening class at school at 8am. spectrum of local Jewish authors, namely: Dr. 4/14-28: “CANSTRUCTION” @ NYSM Jeffrey Berman, Miriam Biskin, Rabbi Herbert New exhibit/activity coming to the NYS Museum. Bomzer, Dr. Bob Herman, Sylvie Kantorovitz, Experts will build amazing colorful everyday objects Jackie Morse-Kessler, Joseph Krausman, Lyn Millerusing food cans, vote for your favorite design using Lachmann, Linda Elovitz Marshall, Marlene cans you bring - all donated to local Food Pantries. Newman, BJ Rosenfeld, and Dr. Suzanne Vroman. We also will be honoring posthumously, Vera 4/18: MINYAN, SIYUM BECHORIM, Propp and Hy Rosen, of blessed memory who past away in recent months. Invites going out soon…



Shomray Torah 8am Shachris to be at Maimonides followed by first-born Siyum on Talmud Zevachim by Rabbi Simon & light Chametz breakfast snacks. A presentation will be made by NYS in honor of the new 87 Thurway-Northway Torah. The Communal Chametz Burning (authorized by Captain Dunn of New Scotland Ave firehouse) to be from approx 9:30am until 11:40am.

6/1: YOM YERUSHALAYIM EVENT JERNY’s Israel Center and area orgs are already at work preparing for this 2nd annual event - held this year at Beth Emeth. See highlights ad on right.

6/5: WALK FOR FRIENDSHIP 2nd annual Walk for Friendship, noon-time at Elm Park in Delmar. See for info.

MAIMONIDES SCHOOL (Nursery / Elementary / High School) & COMMUNITY 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a UJF-NENY Beneficiary

ONLINE 1982 FARBRENGEN An hour-long excerpt from a 1982 broadcast of the Rebbe's pre-Passover gathering on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Talk 1: Time to Retire? Growing stronger with age. Nigun: Napoleon's March. Talk 2: Spiritual Time Management: The Rebbe discusses counting Sefirah days and making the most of time. At the end the Rebbe personally distributes Tanyas to all in attendance. View it online at this Sunday, April 10th, at 3pm, or afterwards on demand.

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