Thurs, Shvat 28, 5773 / Feb 8, 2013
Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434
produced by Rabbi Mendel & students in the TNT (Torah ‘n Technology) Program Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY
4:59 Shabbos Ends:
This newsletter is sponsored in loving memory of
Jules Schreiber Yartzeit Adar 4 May his memory be a blessing THE WRITING ON THE WALL This big bold blue lettering is affixed on the outer wall of Yavneh Middle & HS - Hebrew Academy of Cleveland (where the Goldstein’s formerly of Albany and Monsey attend). It comes from our daily prayers before the Shema: “to listen, learn and teach; safeguard, observe and fulfill all the words of Your Torah’s teaching with love.” What a beautiful message for a Jewish school! We feel (and do!) the same at Maimonides - with special emphasis on “with love!”
ARE U THINKING PURIM YET? CONTEMPORARY HALACHA JOURNALS NOW IN LIBRARY The school received a donation of nearly 40 volumes of “Journal of Contemporary Halacha” by the RJJ School in NY. Rabbi Rubin’s 7/8 Jewish history class looked through the journals’ tables of contents for articles they were most interested in learning about. Why history class? Because this is a practical way to show the development of Halacha over the centuries, how earlier Halachic authorities and discussion have bearing and application in modern-day Halacha questions. Here are some of the articles they are interested in reading/learning together in class: 1. Correcting a Baal-Koreh, if and when? 2. Can a Kohain study Medicine? 3. May a Jew purchase stock in McDonalds? 4. Use of Modern Inks for Torah Scrolls 5. Dental Emergencies on Shabbos 6. Shabbos Elevators
7. Making Sushi on Shabbos 8. Praising G-d at the Zoo 9. CRC Guide to Starbucks Coffee 10. Mezonos Bread: Convenience or Misnomer? 11. Turkey, Prairie Chicken & Muscovy Duck.
MAIMONIDES 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208
These Kindergarteners are! See them pictured in masks on top and rolling up their own soon to be illustrated Megillah paper-rolls above. This Shabbos we bless the new month of Adar Sun & Mon Rosh Chodesh, which means Purim is two Saturday Nights away! Time to start thinking costumes, Mishloach Manot…
LETTER “AYIN” NATURE WALK Nursery is now learning the Hebrew letter “Ayin” and went out for a nature walk earlier this week to look for “Ayin” words. They found Ananim = clouds, Eitz = tree, Anaf = branch, Aleh = leaf, and Aisev = grass, and a few others words, too! Once they got back inside their classroom they did a Ayin-Ananim cloud project using a white sponge-paint with a puffy textured imprint on blue-sky paper.
PAPER-PLATE FOOD-CHAIN After learning a lot about the food chain with Mrs. Carroll, the 1st grade food-chain projects are hanging in the lunchroom, just outside their classroom. The projects go from various types of plants at the bottom plates to birds of prey and predator mammals at the top. Each student used four plates, and illustrated each plate according to the specific food chain lifeforms they included.
Do you know someone who can’t get to Shul on Purim but would love to hear the Megillah and enjoy some Purim spirit?
CALL THE MOBILE MEGILLAH READERS! Motti and friends will be back in town for Purim and are eager to travel around to read Megillah for seniors, shut-ins, work-places and others who can’t make it to Shul and bring them joyous (infectious!) Purim spirit. Purim is only one day-long & time is limited. Please call Motti 522-8478 to reserve a time.
1st graders learned with Mrs. Carroll about the differences between moths and butterflies. Moths have fuzzy antenna, butterflies don’t. Moths can close their wings, but butterflies can’t. Moths develop in cocoons but butterflies do it in a chrysalis. Most people think that butterflies are prettier than moths.
7/8 happened to learn this same concept in both math class and Gemorah class on the same day! Their learning really adds up! This theorem describes the relationship between the sides of a right-triangle (A squared + B squared = C squared). The Gemorah is creating the formula for the minimum area size of a circular Sukkah (7b) and in the course of that discussion discusses the measurement of diameters, radiuses and angles.
QUILT STORY 2nd graders with Ms. Livinston read this story by Tony Johnston (illustrated by Tomie dePaola of Strega Nona and other children’s favorites...) and learned about how an object can hold within it history, memories and personal stories and have lasting value over many years - perhaps even for other people, too. Then each of the students made their own paper-quilt squares about objects of their own that they cherish and have lasting memories of.
LIMA BEANS NOW IN DIRT Their Tu Bishvat lima beans sprouted and this week students carefully planted them into small planters filled with earth to be cared for inside their classrooms.
This Saturday Night (see page 4) there will be a Rambam Celebration 50 IN 120 Melava Malka at Delmar Chabad, Mrs. Carroll’s 3rd graders can now do 50 with several speakers. These days a quick division and multiplication problems in new cycle of Rambam study starts under 2 minutes and get them correct! So how anew and there are various levels of many seconds is that per question? learning (1 chapter, 3 chapters a day or the daily Sefer HaMitzvos) and all have NOW STARTING “THE GIVER” online and apps methods of study. 7/8 has just begin reading Lois Lowry’s classic, “The Giver.” These students have a leg-up on CHECK ON TOOLS FOR SCHOOLS many “Giver” readers in the past, because now Parents & friends: It seems that there has been all four books in the quartet (“Messenger”, some glitch and not all parents’ cards are “Gathering Blue” and finally “Son”) have now linked to our school, so been published and students who wish to read please take a minute to beyond the original book can get a richer, check at any Price more complete picture. (BTW: “Gathering Chopper Customer Service Blue” has some powerful visuals for the Jewish if your AdvantEdge Card is concept of Techelet the biblical blue fringe). linked to our school “Maimonides” in Albany NY. We could be earning valuable points at no effort or cost to you! Even if you are only an occasional shopper your points still add up and make a difference. Thank you for looking into this. Check your Maimonides
Pushka Charity Box!
PURIM PUPPETS Nursery students are making their own Purim stick puppets to help them best tell the story!
ESTY LIBRARY DAY ON TUESDAY Please remember to bring your books back to school so that you can borrow a new book and others can enjoy the book you took out.
If it’s full, drop it off at school or call the office to arrange a pick-up.
AT THE NATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS IN WASHINGTON D.C. Rabbi Yossi (who works tirelessly to get grants and resources for the school) represented Maimonides at this year’s conference in Washington, attending workshops and seminars, meeting educational vendors and networking with fellow day school administrators and professionals. At the conference he met Orit Avital (who taught at Maimonides while in Albany with JERNY and her kids attended here) who is back in Israel working for the World Zionist Organization’s educational department (see picture above-left). At one of the seminars, Maimonides also won a new laptop from Avi Chai’s online/blending learning program. Thank you to Rabbi Yossi for attending and for all his efforts in these important development areas.
High School has been studying Megillas Esther twice a week since the start of the year, indepth with commentary and discussion and hopes to complete it in time for Purim.
Ms. Jill Jones will be our new resource teacher for an early intervention SMART (Some Mentoring and Reading Time) Program at our school. Thanks to Mrs. Rosenfield for all the work put in to make this happen for our kids.
FAREWELL TO CHANI PALEY! Chani is from Virginia and has been with our Bnos Chaya HS for several years now and graduated this January (a little early). Chani brought a lot of life and excitement being an active participant of our high school and community and we wish her much success and happiness in all her future endeavors. The HS girls plan a party for her, and also enjoyed a PLEASE ADD UR SNOWFLAKE! final Shabbaton together as a group a few We usually get enough snow around here as it weeks ago. And nowadays, of course, it is is, but we can never get enough of these very much easier to keep in touch! (Be sure to keep special snowflakes! Have you noticed someone informed with the MC newsletter over email..) doing a kindness to another? It could even be a nice gesture or something small that was thoughtful or helped cheer someone up. Write it down on one of the empty PURIM FUN snowflakes, cut it out and put it right up on Pictured here are a few the bulletin board that 2nd grade put up. exciting flyers of this year’s communal Purim ORDER A FEW PURIM CARDS! events, see page 4 for Call the office 453-9363/3434 (press 1 for additional communal Mrs. Backman) to order the school’s Purimevents and more event cost, times and details. Cards for out-of-town friends & family! Look next week for events we missed this week..
SUPPORT MAIMONIDES! It’s takes small miracles, lots of dedication and communal support to keep a small school like this going in an out-oftown community! Now there’s another way to support Maimonides, using the online secure platform of PayPal. Simply use this link: Thank you for your generous support, all size contributions are helpful & make a difference!
BUT DON’T FORGET “MATANOS L’EVYONIM” (PURIM CHARITY)! It’s easy to get carried away with costumes and graggers, nosh and parties, and forget the very PURIM CARD ART BY KIDS These cards are hanging at the entrance. New important Mitzvah of giving charity to the poor on Purim! As every year in the days leading up illustrated index cards coming soon! to Purim and on Purim itself, Rabbi Rubin EXTRA OLD DOORS ANYONE? collects Tzedakah funds to distribute discreetly Shabbos House is doing “Purim, Inc.” theme and locally to those in need, as well as the this year (think Monsters, Inc.) and is in need school’s campaign to raise funds for the “Od of old unneeded doors for students to paint Yosef Chai” campaign and the “Widows and Orphans Fund” for needy in Israel. May it be a and personalize creatively. Call 438-4227. truly joyous Purim for all!
at Maimonides and in the Community 2/8: REFOEL’S UPSHERNISH
The Gordon’s welcome students & community to Maimonides for a 9am-9:20 haircutting ceremony, as their “Foli” turns three. Hachnosa L’Cheder 9:2010am for N,K-2 and any parents who wish to join. If snow-day Friday, event will be on Monday 2/11.
11am, $3 a seat, also at Albany Visitors Center planetarium. This is geared for grades 2-12 on how astronomy and stars helped the “Underground Railroad”.
2/9: MEVORCHIM & SHEKALIM This Shabbos we read Mishpatim, as well as the special reading of “Shekalim” (first of four special Torah Readings this time of year) and we bless the new month of Adar, which begins on Sat Night.
2/9: T.C.N. LECTURES AT CBAJ Screened at CBAJ Luchins Media Center, Rabbi Reisman’s Sat 7:30pm. Rabbi Frand Thurs 9pm.
2/9: RAMBAM MELAVA MALKA Sat Night Siyum celebration 7:30pm at Delmar Chabad, 109 Elsmere Ave. Speakers include Rabbi Y. Rubin (background & relevance of Rambam), Rabbi N. Simon (to conclude annual Rambam study cycle), Rabbi M. Mirsky (blend of Torah & general studies in Rambam’s thought), and Rabbi Laber (last Mitzvah: Write a Torah Scroll).
2/10-11: ROSH CHODESH ADAR As Adar enters we’re supposed to increase in joy! Rosh Chodesh is on Sunday & Monday - special Minyan at school Monday morning 8am.
2/10: FARMERS MARKET @ JCC 11am-2pm at the Sidney Albert Albany JCC on Whitehall Road, indoor farmers market includes farmers, food and craft vendors.
2/13: CBAJ TEA AND TORAH CLASS 10:30am Wed at CBAJ, Tea & Torah with Rabbi.
In addition to Megillah Reading, of course, below are some of the exciting Purim themes and celebrations open to the community…
Maimonides continues its tradition of “Purim-Prunch” this year with a “Hot-Spot” theme! 10am Megillah followed by 11am hot soup, tea & hot chocolate and other hot items, and opportunity to swap Mishloach Manot with others you might not see at shul or Purim event.
2/19: LIONS & BEARS IN THE SKY 11am, $3 a seat in the planetarium in Albany Heritage Visitors Center. Program is followed by a craft project (plus popcorn, but that’s probably not Kosher certified). For grades K-3. Call 434-0405.
Ed Koch, former 3-term Mayor of NYC (197889) passed away last Friday. In 2009, our “MC” newsletter quoted the NY Times of that year about his inspired choice of what would be on his gravestone and indeed, the last words from Daniel Pearl and the Shema in Hebrew and English is what is engraved there. It is amazing this is how he wanted to be remembered, even if not in a Jewish cemetery. In the small text it 2/24: MOBILE MEGILLAH READERS says: “He was fiercely proud of his Jewish faith.” Motti and friends will be back for Purim and eager In his long political career he also served as US to travel around to read Megillah for shut-ins, work- congressman, ran for governor of NY State, and places and others who can’t make it to Shul. Purim boldly advocated his political views up until is only one day, so time is limited. Please call Motti shortly before his passing. He also served several at 522-8478 to reserve a time. seasons as judge on TV’s “People’s Court”. Ed Koch was a strong supporter of Israel and spoke 2/24: MHDS’ PURIM loud and clear in its defense. May his memory (and that of Daniel Pearl) be a blessing. “HOT-SPOT”
Pasta-Bar night begins 5pm at “Nathan’s Kitchen”, $7pp/$25 per family (includes salads & drinks etc). It’s an easy Thurs night supper, get out and enjoy.
No school for the entire 3rd week of February, from Monday the 18th thru Friday the 22nd (plus the Sat & Sun before and after) so it’s quite a long stretch of school vacation and quality family time!
Shomray Torah Maariv & Megillah. CBAJ (380 Whitehall Rd) Costume-Parade & Improv Comedy. 489-5819. “A Magical Purim” at Saratoga Chabad with “Joey D”, includes musical Havdalah, Purim feast, 130 Circular Street. 526-0773. No charge! “Purim, Inc.” with painted-doors, light dinner, Masquerade contest and some carnival fun at Shabbos House (for students). 438-4227.
Maimonides’ “Hot-Spot” Purim Prunch (see above) 10am Megillah, 11am Hot-Spot Prunch. Friendship Circle’s Purim Party (w/ teenage volunteers to assist kids) 4:30-6pm at the Maimonides School. $8pp/$30 family. 438-4220. “Purim in Paris” 3pm at East Greenbush Fire House, 68 Phillips Rd, Rensselaer with food, marionette theater & a fashion show. “Purim in Africa!” 4pm at 6 Clifton Common Court, with African buffet and music, hairbraiding and jewelry-making, African drum-circle and live parrots! $10pp/Kids $5. 495-0772/9. A “Wild West Purim” 4pm at the Normanside (150 Salisbury Rd) with Bethlehem Chabad. $10 advance, $15 at the door, $5 kids. Purim feast and illusionist David Garrety! 439-8280. Open-House Purim Seudah at CBAJ Rabbi & Mrs. B. Lehrfield’s home, 2-4pm.
(Nursery / Elementary / High School) 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a JF-NENY Beneficiary “A Beautiful Blend: Torah & Worldly Experience!”
2/25: SHUSHAN PURIM The first day back from Presidents Week break will be Monday, “Shushan Purim” (the day after Purim) when we try to come to school in costume. School will begin with a 9am start, as everyone recuperates from the exciting Purim festivities.
3/2: JEWISH IN VIETNAM Captain Zvi "Hank" Webb shares an honest and humorous talk “Waking Up Jewish in Vietnam” on finding Jewish pride in the jungles of war. 7:30pm at Delmar Chabad, 109 Elsmere Ave. $5pp, Sponsors $100. Book signing of “Loyal Soldier” will follow talk. Info/RSVP: 439-8280.
3/10: LORENCE TORAH & B.M. Save the date: Sunday March 10th, 12-4pm for the Lorence “Alumni Torah” dedication at UAlbany’s Alumni House with procession to Shabbos House, for dancing and festivity along with Moshe Rubin’s Bar-Mitzvah celebration.
3/10: CCJE PROGRAM AT NYS-M 10am-11:30am for 4th graders celebrating 350+ years of Jewish American History. Call Marci at the Jewish Federation: 783-7800.