BH THURS Cheshvan
27, 5774 / October 31, 2013
Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District Candle-Lighting: 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 5:31 Shabbos Ends: produced by Rabbi Mendel & students in the TNT (Torah ‘n Technology) Program 6:31 Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY
GOOD, BETTER, BEST Do you ever see “Good, Better, Best” in store displays, car-wash options or in online shopping? Rabbi Shmuly’s 4/5 Mishna class is now learning the Gemorah (tractate Shabbos) about Chanukah, where they learned the “Good, Better, Best” methods of Menorah lighting. Interesting that today all light a Menorah by the “Best” method, unlike many other areas of Jewish observance when some people are satisfied with good or better. In fact, most Jews wouldn’t even know the “Good” or “Better” methods that the Gemorah mentions, they probably never even heard of it! This is a testament to how beloved Chanukah is to the Jewish people and how strongly we feel about increasing (spiritual) light in our world.
Mrs. Suzanne Rosenthal passed away this week. She was active with Beth Emeth Sisterhood, Albany Academies, and volunteered for many years at Albany Memorial Hospital near her home in Menands. Her children Anne Holloway of Vermont and Yakov Rosenthal of Crown Heights (some may know as a wedding photographer) sat Shiva for several days this week at her apartment at The Beverwyck.
This newsletter is dedicated in memory of the
Mumbai Martyrs Rabbi Gabi & Rivky Holzberg, Rabbi Leibush Teitelbaum, Rabbi Benzion Korman, Yocheved Orpaz and Norma Shwarzblatt-Rabinovitch HY’D
Yartzeit: Rosh Chodesh Kislev
MHDS alumna Devorah Leah (Seliger) and Yossi Schulman of Kingston PA had a baby girl this week. The Seligers are formerly of Albany, and Devorah Leah has been back more recently to staff summers at the Jewish Girls Retreat.
RAFFLE-AUCTION MAILED This year’s Maimonides Raffle-Auction has been mailed, and should arrive at area homes by this weekend. It will also be emailed in PDF BEILIS MINI-FLOAT BY HS GIRLS format along with this MC newsletter for those High School girls studied about the Beilis trial who get it via email. We hope to soon have an in History class and found photos & materials online version available as well. There are 28 Prize-Packages, and a free $10 ticket for any related to the story which they reproduced in color & displayed on a mobile burlap-wrapped purchase prior to 11/22/2013. This year’s Chanukah Dinner on the Auction night will cart for participation in the Saratoga Torah feature a delicious menu of Greek dairy foods, dedication this past Sunday. See page 3 for some photos of the Torah celebration, spirited stay tuned! Many thanks to all our prize singing and procession with the Torah & Beilis package sponsors, Raffle-Auction committee and all who will purchase tickets in support! “float” down “The Gut” Saratoga streets...
MAIMONIDES 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208
GEMORAH IN POWERPOINT Rabbi Shmuly’s students pictured above at work in the new Computer Lab/Media Center designing powerpoints of the Chanukah Gemorah they are studying including original text, their own translation, and illustrations and/or animated graphics to go along with the text. It makes it memorable and come alive!
Kirsten of St. Rose is doing stretches and exercises with our girls this year, usually twice a month on Thursdays. They did a "tree" pose with their hands outstretched above their heads and one foot planted (pun intended!) on the ground and the other foot on their thigh. It wasn’t easy at first, and requires some flexibility and coordination, but they got it!
HS girls had a big Navi (Prophets) test from Morah Dini on several chapters in Melachim II about a complex, corrupt, warring and trying period in the upper kingdom of Israel just before the 10 Tribes were exiled.
TAI-KWAN-DO WITH ROBBIE After Kung-Fu last year with Lucas, this year the boys are learning Tai-Kwan-Do with Robbie, also usually twice a month on Thursdays.
KEVER ROCHEL THOUGHTS 2nd & 3rd graders wrote Hebrew sentences about Rochel Imenu on papers illustrated with the iconic image of Rachel’s Tomb in Bethlehem. This student wrote about Rochel’s sensitivity and selflessness in giving her “signs” to her sister Leah, and also how the Prophet Yirmiyah tells of Rachel crying and praying for the Jewish people as they were led into exile. This was for her yartzeit on the 11th of Cheshvan 2 weeks ago, and was good Hebrew practice, too!
Top: Kindergarten students filling in their Hebrew “Hey” letter packets. Among the words they focused on were: Havdalah (said after Shabbos as well as separation between light & darkness & 2 other distinctions, as displayed above right), Hahs (quiet!), Hachnosas Orchim (welcoming guests), Har (mountain), Hadas (myrtle) and Hashgacha Pratis (Divine Providence, as displayed above left).
RABBI TAUB & OUR STUDENTS In addition to his thought-provoking and stimulating talk on addiction this past Tuesday night at Shabbos House, Rabbi Shais Taub also spoke to our students that Tuesday: Boys 8-9: about Bitachon and what it means to trust and depend on Hashem while living and making choices in a real world. HS girls: the difference between happiness and excitement, external expression vs. internal state of mind, and similar topics.
SIYUM FOOD-FOR-THOUGHT Morah Leyee’s 6th graders finished Parshat Shmos in Chumash class and for a Siyum each student brought in a treat that had some kind of connection, even a stretch (now where is that in Shmos?) to the Parsha. Here’s some of the foods they brought in: Lego-Candy bricks = for the building of Pitom & Ramses; triangular chips = like pyramids; Straws for drinks = like the straw needed to make the bricks; Pickles = for the hard, sour life the Jews endured in Egypt. Also, the Torah says that Jews ate cucumbers in Egypt; Orange Juice = because it says that the squeeze of the Exile can sometimes bring out the innermost depth in people. Morah Leyee brought in Moshe ba’Teivah = literally, Moshe in a Basket and also the Hebrew phrase for Franks n’ Blanks.
In Morah Keren’s Ivrit (Hebrew language) class, the HS girls researched Yitzhak Rabin and created Hebrew powerpoints reflecting his life story and military & political career, and his assassination on November 4th 1995 (the Hebrew date is the 12th of Cheshvan).
DERECH ERETZ This Nursery student is coloring in a sheet about “Derech Eretz” which literally means “way of the land” but is usually understood as treating others with respect. The same message is on a yellow yield-shape sign upstairs. Why a yield-shape? Part of respect is yielding to others, letting them go first or go ahead.
MAKING THEIR OWN PLAY Morah Clara’s 4/5 grade Navi class is writing their own script, bringing in home-style costumes and practicing together. It’s about Ehud & King Eglon in the Book of Judges.
Dr. Sahay’s 8/9 are learning about the properties of light and did a number of experiments using prisms & mirrors, & everyday objects including water bottles to see how light affects things, how light itself can be affected. On left you may be able to see rainbow on the wall near the window from one of their hands-on and exciting scientific demos.
TRIP TO CHEMISTRY SHOW On November 7th Mrs. Maher is taking her students to see a Chemistry Show by GE.
BENTSCHING AUCTION WINS Those who say Birkat HaMazon nicely get a ticket. Once in a while Morah Devorah Leah hosts a Bentsching Auction where you can spend those tickets. This time Aharon Meir won a soccer ball, Nechama K. won an art set.
ABOVE: Rabbi Abba stopped the procession on LaFayette Street, at the former site of Eagle’s bungalows with a synagogue, where for years Chassidim and Holocaust survivors would visit in the summertime, to spend some time refreshing and benefitting from the Springs. Rabbi E. Oshry of the Kovno Ghetto was one of the celebrated summer residents. Today the site is no more, new homes are being built there, but Saratoga Chabad hopes to make a guest house to keep up the welcoming tradition. UPPER LEFT: The procession stopped at a streetcorner near the Saratoga Library and Rabbi Rubin pointed out that this very area was once called “The Gut” and Jews lived and worked here, and Mendel Beilis walked these very same streets before he died, haunted by the anti-Semitic persecution and accusations. Now decades later, parading in the very same streets, holding Torahs, singing, escorted with police protection! We sang Utza Eitzah and Hoshiya es Amecha and other relevant songs. On bottom of the Beilis Float on Burlap the HS girls put signs, pictures and posters relating to the Beilis Trial in 1913.
ABOVE: Maimonides students added so much to the joyous celebration. The spirit and singing while dancing in the streets with police escort and encouraging neighbors was very special. Top: They distributed colorful flags for kids to hold in the street procession. Above: Maimonides students gather back at Saratoga Chabad where they were honored with one of the final Hakafot. (Some photos by Eli K.)
LOWER LEFT: Members of the Aronson family, Saratoga Community and other guests were honored with writing letters & carrying the Torah indoors at Saratoga Chabad and outside in the police-escorted procession down Circular Street, Lafayette, Henry & Caroline Streets in the heart of Saratoga Springs.
IS “THE FIXER” PLAGIARISM? Bernard Malamud’s book “The Fixer” is a fictionalized account based on the Beilis story. It went on to win the Pulitzer Prize and became a play and a movie. There is some controversy today whether significant passages in “The Fixer” too closely mirror the writing in Beilis’ own memoir, and there was never any acknowledgement or attribution. The HS girls used “The Fixer” posters to help adorn the Mendel Beilis float along with enlarged photos of the characters in the trial, and discussed this issue in history class.
DRIBBLING THOUGHTS On Wednesdays 4th graders join the older boys for basketball. A 4th grader described his experience in TNT for this newsletter (only slightly edited): I love to feel the texture of the ball, and the run down the court while dribbling. I like how people cheer for me, it gives me good luck. Once I shot it into the hoop and scored! Boy that was fun. I also once ‘stole’ the ball and ran down the court, I ran and ran until almost at the hoop, tried to shoot, but someone jammed the ball down before I could...
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VOYAGE OF THE LUCKY DRAGON The Esty Library is now open again for our 7th graders are reading this story by Jack Bennett about the perilous sea voyage of a Vietnamese family seeking political asylum. The Lucky Dragon is a boat that once belonged to their father but was confiscated by the community government.
students to borrow books. Wed will be the Library Day, check out with Morah Rochel, when you return the book, you can take out a new one. Rabbi Yossi and the older students have begun cataloguing the books online, but we are not fully digitized yet. Hope 2B soon!
OUTERWEAR: Coats and sweaters are important this time of year as the weather changes, and winter is around the corner. Make sure you have a well-fitting coat with a working zipper or buttons. Once the snow starts falling, boots are important, too. ACCESSORIES: Don’t underestimate the warmth of a plain old winter hat, gloves or mittens and a scarf. While not as important or expensive as a coat, these clothing accessories are nevertheless quite helpful in keeping you warm during the wintertime. A hat and scarf can go a long way in warming you up! LAYERS: Not only do multiple layers of clothing keep you warmer in cold weather, but its also more practical when you may be going in and out of different temperatures. Maybe it’s a little chilly when you first come to school but warmer by mid-day, or some classrooms are hotter than others. HOT DRINKS: A nice warm tea or hot cocoa is warming and soothing, not to mention a good bowl of soup - taste delicious and are good for you (as long as you don’t put in too much sweetener). Hydration in winter is important, too, and the warmth is soothing! KEEPING ACTIVE: Standing still and doing nothing will make you colder, moving around and doing things, especially sports or vibrant activity will make you warmer. Same is with our Judaism, growth & movement warms up & invigorates our Jewish soul!
at Maimonides and in the Community 11/3: SHABBOS MEVORCHIM
and “Machar Chodesh” (since Rosh Chodesh is the A panel on “Economics, Politics and Regulation of following day). We bless the new month and we Sustainable Meat Production” includes Naftali and read a special Haftorah about David & Jonathan. Hanna Hannau of Grow & Behold Kosher (look for their 8lb “Sausage Sampler” in the Shabbos Package of this year’s Maimonides Raffle-Auction) 11/2-3: MINYAN ASSISTANCE As a number of men will be away in Brooklyn this and Albany’s own Prof. Tim Lytton, author of a book on Kosher and private regulation systems. weekend for the Chabad Kinus conference or to 7:30pm at 1928 Building, Albany Law School. see family, Shomray Torah could use the help to ensure timely Minyanim this weekend. Thanks!
11/3: ONE-DAY BIG SKIRT SALE Large load of skirts donated to Shabbos House will be available for $3 each or 5 for $10 with proceeds to Maimonides. Selection is limited to a few styles, mostly for women and girls ages 10+, all are new. 12pm-3pm on Sunday, Nov 3rd at Shabbos House. Call 438-4227 for more info or for appointment if you can’t make it on Nov 3rd.
As we change the clocks, and Shabbat begins much earlier, Friday dismissal changes to 2:15pm.
11/9: MOVIE NIGHT AT CBAJ “Fill the Void” (a 2012 Israeli film) will be shown 6:45pm at CBAJ, separate film shown for children.
11/11: VETERANS DAY PARADE Starts at Central Ave and Partridge Street 11am on Sunday, headed toward downtown.
Wow, this means Chanukah is only 25 days away! Rosh Chodesh begins Sat Night thru Mon. Minyan 11/11: PARENT TEACHERS CONF. will be at Shteeble, not at school this Monday. No school, but Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held, be sure to get your appointment schedule. 11/3: KINUS BANQUET VIEWING Due to the many early holidays, instead of “OpenThis year’s speakers at the international Chabad House” evening, class goals/format were sent home Convention Banquet are former US Senator and for parents. Conferences are on November 11th. VP candidate Joe Lieberman of CT, and Rabbi Dov Greenberg of Chabad at Stanford University, CA. 11/11: TWO EVENTS AT THE BACH You can watch it online at or The Bach Library is hosting these events in beginning at 5:30pm on Sunday. connection with Kristallnacht commemorations: Retired US soldier Martin Becker will share his 11/4: “DISOBEDIENCE” FILM ON Kristallnacht and WWII memories along with an audio-visual presentation at 2pm. SOUSA MENDES’ WWII VISAS At 6pm the Library will screen “PaperMonday 6:30pm at the Clifton Park Library, 475 Clips” (rated G) about middle school students Moe Road. This film tells the story of a righteous from Tennessee who learned about the enormity gentile, a Portuguese Consul in French Bordeaux of the Holocaust by collecting paper clips. who (against official orders) granted visas in 1940 There is also an interactive Kristallnacht display at allowing refugees to escape France in WWII. the Library from Oct 21st thru Nov 22nd. Following the movie, Varda LeMonds and Harry Osterreicher will share their family stories of this life-saving escape. Info? Call 495-0772/9. 11/12: KRISTALLNACHT FILM Jewish Federation & the Interfaith Kristallnacht commemoration are screening Simone LaGrange’s 11/6: FAYE SILTON AT BACH 4pm at the Bach Library Branch on New Scotland, “As a Young Girl of Thirteen” memories of her life Faye Silton will share with children from her book before the War, in Auschwitz and her role in bringing a Nazi war criminal to justice. 7pm at “Of Heroes, Hooks & Heirlooms” and lead them UAlbany’s Page Hall (downtown campus). in a finger crocheting activity.
11/6: GROWING OLD... Is it a blessing or a burden? 7:30pm at Federation’s Golub Center Hadassah hosts a panel discussion led by “Lev L’Lev” counselors.
11/16: FIRST PIZZA NIGHT First pizza night of the season by Bnos Chaya HS. Come to Nathan’s Kitchen to enjoy medium-size homestyle pizza pies, French-fries and other treats.
MAIMONIDES SCHOOL & COMMUNITY (Nursery / Elementary / High School) 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a JF-NENY Beneficiary “A Beautiful Blend: Torah &
Worldly Experience!”
11/17: PRE-CHANUKAH ACTIVITY Pre-Chanukah Menorah Making at Home Depot, call Rabbi Yossi 495-0772. FC’s Sunday Circle with Chanukah theme, Call Liba at FC 438-4220.
11/22: EARLY BIRD DEADLINE Get (some of) your raffle-auction entries submitted to school by this date to get a free $10 ticket.
11/23: YUD-TES KISLEV SAT NIGHT Communal Farbrengen Melava Malka, stay tuned!
11/27-12/1: THANKSGIVING AND CHANUKAH WEEKEND BREAK 11/27: Wednesday Erev Thanksgiving Half-Day AM Hebrew only until 11:30am. No School from Thurs 11/28 until Monday morning 12/2.
12/4: RAFFLE-AUCTION & DINNER 8th Night of Chanukah at Maimonides, 5-7pm.
CHANUKAH NIGHTS Wed 11/27: Bethlehem Chabad w/Our Towne Thurs 11/28: Kosher Thanksgiving & Chanukah Dinner at Saratoga Chabad RSVP: 526-0773 Sun 12/1: Celebration at Clifton Park Center -Mall Mon 12/2: Chanukah on Ice in Saratoga Mon 12/2: Afternoon Menorah Lighting at UA Tues 12/3: Clifton Park Chanukah Bowling Wed 12/4: School Auction & Chanukah Dinner
More Chanukah events to be announced soon...
12/4: MHDS RAFFLE-AUCTION Annual Chanukah Dinner (this year with Greek dairy foods) & School Raffle-Auction
12/25-29: JGR WINTER RETREAT Find out more at This year its based out of the Best Western in Albany.
12/23-1/1/2014: END OF DECEMBER AND NEW YEARS WEEKEND Regarding end of December and New Years school schedule: Some slight changes may be made to the half-days and off-days schedule, we hope to finalize this week and announce final in next week’s MC newsletter so people can make plans. Look for special programming and educational activities on the AM only half-days.
Looking ahead… Save the Dates! 1/11: Chabad 40th Year Melava Malka @ SH (they’re looking for people to share 30 second to 1 minute video clips of what Chabad locally means to them, or a specific memory of an event, teaching, experience etc). 2/9: Annual Womens Spa for Body & Soul (Committee now underway, contact Clara Simon, DL or Leyee Rubin if you would like to be involved). 5/28: Annual MHDS Scholarship Tribute Dinner