Maimonides Community

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BH. 12

Adar II, 5774 / March 14, 2014

Candle-Lighting: Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District 6:42 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Shabbos Ends: produced by Rabbi Mendel & students in the TNT (Torah ‘n Technology) Program 7:43 Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY


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Believe it or not, Morah Dini was in school on Monday, teaching Kindergarten as usual, and had a baby girl that night! On Taanis Esther morning they named her Hadassah Esther, just in time for Purim. Mazal Tov to Itche and Dini, and the Gordon children!

RA’ASHANIM / GRAGGERS NINTH OF ADAR ASSEMBLY Just before Lunch recess on Tuesday most of the elementary and middle school gathered for a short assembly. First we watched video footage of this Hebrew date (Adar 9) in 1940 when the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rebbe Yosef Yitzchak arrived in New York harbor by ship after escaping Nazioccupied Warsaw to a large assemblage of people waiting at the pier. Then the kids surprised Morah Devorah for her birthday, with a big paper cake signed by her first grade students (pictured here open on the inside) and a delicious banana cake made by the HS. Morah Devorah shared with us that she shares a secular birthday (March 17) with her mother, and a Hebrew birthday (Adar 9) with her mother-in-law! And now the new Gordon baby girl shares the same Hebrew birthday, too! Then Rabbi Rubin shared “Od Yosef Chai” booklets titled “Modeh Ani” on being thankful & about this organization that raises fund for the poor, just in time for Purim.

Nursery made their Purim noisemakers in a small plastic bottle attached to a cardboard tube handle. Kindergarten decorated paperSPEAKING OF CIRCLES plates stapled tight with beans inside. 2nd and 3rd grade filled their decorated puppet graggers Students illustrated circles depicting the key parts of the Purim story. See the displayed at with beans, beads, fake gems - u name it! the main school entrance as you go downstairs. But squares are Kosher, too, of course! This Nursery student is happy to hold up & display his illustrated Megillah in crayon colors for the TNT student photographer that came to Nursery.

CIRCLES IN OFFICE WINDOWS In preparation for Purim Sunday’s Prunch at school. What circles can you bring? Stop by to share Mishloach Manot with more circles of friends, and to enjoy “All Around Purim!”

MAIMONIDES 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208

MAZAL TOV LABERS! on the birth of a baby boy on Thursday late afternoon. Mazal Tov to Rabbi Avraham and Nechama and all the Laber siblings & family!

WHY MEAL AT END OF PURIM It is customary to eat our own Purim meal towards the end of the day, because we should first spend time giving gifts of food to friends and charity to the poor before sitting down to eat ourselves.

PURIM WHACK-A-MOLE Rabbi Yossi introduced students to a fun 7th grade with Mrs. Sahay learned about ways interactive Purim computer game that starts with questions & then kids get to work fast to to keep our hearts healthy including: maintaining a healthy weight and losing extra whack the holes using the iPad as controller. pounds, getting enough sleep, being happy and living life with less stress, staying hydrated, exercising regularly and staying away from harmful substances that hurt our system.

CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH ONE LETTER, WORD AT A TIME Eli is painstakingly writing out the words of the first verses of the Megillah, in big bold block letters on a poster for a Purim project for Rabbi Abba’s class. Eli only recently discovered that he’s actually quite good with drawing letters and practice like this makes it even better.



Some grades have been learning about literary terms, and realized how many actually apply to the Megillah story: There’s foreshadowing and rising action, conflict and suspense, setting and mood, protagonist and antagonist, the climax or turning point… it was fun to apply ARVEI PESACHIM IN MISHNA Just as Price Chopper already made the change these literary terms to the Megillah! over to Passover aisles, Rabbi Shmuly’s Mishna class is now learning Arvei Pesachim, which discusses Erev Pesach & Seder Night.



MEGILLAH: It’s a Mitzvah to hear the Megillah read twice on Purim, once during the night and again during the daytime. We try to listen carefully and hear every single word! When we say “Shehchiyanu” during daytime Megillah we have in mind the rest of the Purim Mitzvot.


MISHLOACH MANOT: The Mitzvah is to give a gift of at least two foods to at least one friend on Purim Day. Some say it should be given through a messenger, to fulfill the term Mishloach (sending). It is a Mitzvah for each person to give their own, and kids should, too!


MATANOT L’EVYONIM: We have to give Tzedakah to at least two poor people on Purim Day, this can be done directly or via a Rabbi or charitable organization. It should ideally be given before Purim so it can benefit the poor on Purim day.


MISHTEH - PURIM FEAST: The festive meal is joyous and celebratory with fun and Lchaims! It can be done at home with family (& guests) or communally.


MINHAGIM FOR PURIM: Like every holiday Purim is rich with customs: We eat Hamantaschen or Oznei-Haman, some eat triangular Kreplach (like wontons), too. We make noise with a gragger whenever Haman’s name is mentioned in the Megillah. It’s also customary to give Machatzit-HaShekel (3 half-coins) at Mincha of Taanis Esther. And how can we forget the kids favorite custom? Dress-up and costumes on Purim is not a Mitzvah but it is certainly a beloved & fun custom!


THE WEATHER REPORT Mrs. Sahay’s Earth Science HS class is now into the weather (as we all are this winter) and put up an interactive, changing bulletin board which will be modified each day according to the temperature, cloud cover, wind speed and wind direction, air-pressure, precipitation etc. all factors that influence the weather.

ERUV TOUR w/R’ HEINEMAN 8/9 grade Talmud Shabbos class watched a webinar of Rabbi Heineman of the Star-K in Baltimore discuss various complications and Halachos of Eruv, with photos of actual city Eruv poles and wires in various places as points of discussion.

7th grade history class learned about Clipper ships (which had more sail surface) that made travel faster around the world and to the Orient in the early to mid-1800’s. Later that century, Clipper ships were replaced by the new steamships, which traveled even faster.

PLAY TORAHPALACE.COM Free online Jewish holiday game (made in Troy) for kids ages 6-12 to answer questions for chances to win Judaic prizes. This series is open until June 22nd when total prizes will be tallied for Purim, Pesach & Shavuot games.

JUMPING DISCLAIMER Last week’s MC featured students jumping over obstacles & hurdles for indoor recess & “Maimonides Moves”. Jumping over chairs was reserved for a few older boys with practice & experience, and supervision of several adults. Please don’t try without supervision.


APPS Projects now on display in school lunchroom. (L) Eli’s round poster on Circles vs. Squares. (M) Moshe’s “What If Circles would be Squares?” (R) Eli K worked for hours to make this yarn model from the Kabbalistic Sefer Yetzirah. The 22 Nails in a Circle represent the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, and he has yarn strings running from each letter to all the other letters, creating a deeply intertwined and networked circle.

Visit to listen online to Rabbi Rubin’s explanation of a perplexing and seemingly arrogant Talmud (Megillah 7b) statement by Shmuel “Mine is Better!” on how we know that the Megillah was written with Divine Inspiration.

RR’S PURIM ARTICLES IN THE JEWISH WORLD See this issue of the local “The Jewish World” newspaper for some of Rabbi Rubin’s best Purim articles from years past, including his “Potter Purim Patter” about Harry Potter, Muggles & Purim, and “Pertinent Purim Pastry Points” with humorous yet serious reasons on why Purim’s Hamantaschen are triangular. And special thanks to Judith Flax for her letter to the JW editor very supportive of local Jewish day school education!

(L) Nechama wrote her name using tiny circles above pictures of circles she cut out from magazines. (M) Chaya A. did 3 circle projects: an essay on circles, a circle mosaic using dozens of tiny foam squares and she also dipped a Dreidel in paint and spun in circles on a big white paper. (R) Mussie made a Prezi powerpoint on the 360 (a circle is 360 degrees) years of Jewish Life in America since Asser Levy, and each circle highlighted a different milestone of that early Jewish history here.

(L) Rivka and Adina made a colorful layered circle plate. (LM) Ita and Chaya came up with MatzahBall riddles and jokes. (RM) Amiel did 5 facts about doughnuts - they actually date back hundreds of years! (R) Moshe K. made an “All Around Purim” circle with many circular things. Not all projects pictured. Thanks to the students who put work into their projects even with the short two week window during the busy pre-Purim season!

KNEX RACE-CARS IN SCI-ENRICH Grades 4/5 split up into teams named RoadRipper, Moto-Master & S.M.A.R to design and race cars made of K’nex, and measure the total distance. Road-Ripper came in first at over 11 meters. The next 2 teams came in at 8+ meters.

YIFTACH NAVI CARTOON CAN U RECOGNIZE THESE KIDS? In proper Purim spirit Morah Devorah’s class made their own Maseichot (masks) - see the top right Hebrew word behind them. Esther’s true identity was concealed at first, and Hashem’s hand was hidden in the Purim story, too.

Grades 4/5 in Navi class learned about Yiftach the Judge, his successes and STUDENTS CARTOON FEATURE mistake. This is one student’s cartoon of the story of how Yiftach’s prayer and his successful We’re trying a new student cartoon feature. defense of the Jewish people in a time of need. This one by Eli G. a 3rd grader. Stay tuned!

at Maimonides and in the Community 3/14: FRIDAY DISMISSAL NOW 3:30 We’re back to 3:30pm dismissal since the clocks sprung forward, Shabbos begins (& ends) later.


Thanks to the Megillah-Men (NY Yeshiva Students) there 3/15: PARSHAS ZACHOR READING will be extra Megillah Readings available at the It’s an important Mitzvah to hear the special Purim Prunch, if you miss or reading about Amalek on the Shabbos before are unable to attend the Purim (this year on the day before Purim). The famous Jewish slogans of “Remember!” and “Never 10am reading at Maimonides or earlier readings at the Forget!” come from this reading.+ Those who can synagogues. It is a Mitzvah t not make it on Shabbos should make an effort to hear the Megillah once at hear the Torah reading on Purim (Sunday night and once during the morning) which is almost identical to Zachor. day. In addition, one of the visiting volunteer Megillah-Men is also a hypnotist 3/15: CBAJ LUNCH N’ LEARN Rabbi B. Lehrfield on “Let’s Celebrate: Drinking & and is looking for a few volunteers to get going in circles at the Prunch… Partying on Purim” at CBAJ Shabbos Luncheon.

3/15-16: PURIM CELEBRATIONS! Sat Night into Sunday is Purim this year! In addition to Megillah & festivity at local synagogues here’s some of the communal events (so far):  SAT NIGHT “PURIM IN ISRAEL” Megillah, Israeli food and festivity at Saratoga Chabad, Call 526-0773 for more info.  SAT NIGHT PURIM AT BETH ISRAEL in Schenectady, masquerade & Megillah etc. Call 377-3700 for more information.  CBAJ PURIM-BOUNCE Megilla, Masquerade and Bouncing Fun.  MEGILLAH AT SHOMRAY TORAH 8:15pm Megillah Reading (remember, Shabbos ends late now that clocks have changed). Shachris 8am, Megillah at 9, Mincha 2:30pm, Maariv 8:30pm.  PURIM-PRUNCH, Megillah 10am, Prunch 11Noon (or 12:30pm) at Maimonides. Look for a Circular “All Around Purim” theme and come to see, meet and greet circles of friends from around the community in costume and with exchanges of Mishloach Manot. Try to bring something circular to add to our Purim theme! 

MEGILLAH-MEN! As last year, 4 Yeshiva students will assist with Purim celebrations, read Megillah at Nursing facilities, for shut-ins, bringing Purim cheer spirit with energetic dedication. Slots are limited, but they are eager to share the Purim spirit and Mitzvot - at no cost! Please contact Rabbi Rubin 423-4103 or email: if you know someone or someplace who can benefit from their visit and Megillah Reading.

3/23: BDS, ISRAEL BOYCOTTS, ETC. Federation’s Joint Society hosts Dr. Jonathan Adelman (who was the doctoral advisor for former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and has spoken internationally on behalf of the US State Department, author of several books and a dynamic speaker on Israel and the Middle East) for a talk at Beth Emeth (100 Academy Road, Albany) 7:15-9pm on the recent efforts to boycott and divest from Israel. Pre-register online at the Federation’s website, or contact them for more info. Young adult is $10, regular admission is $25.


A Minyan of AEPIers on a Jewish Identity Road trip will stop off to put in Tefillin at school. 9am school start with davening at 9am. (BarMitzvah boys 8am at Shteeble as usual). Not everyone gets to see everyone else’s Purim costume on Purim Day (especially those that live further away) so bring your costume on Shushan Purim, for a special costumed assembly and festivity during the morning and regular classes in the afternoon. NOTE: The Wildman’s are having an Upshernish celebration at school at 3:30pm.



Rabbi Rubin’s 8/9 Gemorah Shabbos class recently finished the first 8 pages of tractate Shabbos that deal with Hotza’ah outdoor carrying. They’ll have a ITALIAN PURIM Sunday afternoon at the Siyum at Shteeble after Shachris on Shushan Purim Shen Adult Community Center (6 Clifton Commons) in Clifton Park: Italian themed food, with leftover Mishloach Manot. Join if you can! Megillah reading & festivity including a mime 3/19: KABBALAH & ASTROLOGY performance, caricature art, etc. Bring a box of raw pasta for use as a Gragger to be later donated 8pm at Bethlehem Chabad (395 Kenwood at the to the Shalom Food Pantry. Call 495-0772/9 for Four Corners in Delmar) with Rabbi Nachman Simon. Free of charge. Call 439-8280 for info. cost and more info. PURIM AT THE STADIUM with Bethlehem Chabad, Sunday afternoon at the Normanside Country Club, with a lively sports theme and festivity, including a “half-time show!” and a sports competition. Call 439-8280 or 866-7658 for cost and more info.

3/23: DONNA GRACIA MENDES History comes to life once again at Beth Tephilah in Troy! 1pm reenactment of the historic period of this famous Jewess with foods from 1500-1600’s. Please only over age 12. RSVP/Info: 894-3491.

THE SHANGHAI MIRACLE Preview the trailer and support the documentary production effort: shanghaidocumentary or speak to Rabbi Rubin.

KRAV MAGA DATES These classes are by private arrangement (this is separate from bi-monthly at Maimonides for boys in grades 4+). Sundays: 10:30-11:15 coed ages 5-9, Girls only ages 10-14 11:15-12. Sundays of March: 9, 23 & 30. April 6 & 13th. May: 4, 11 & 18. Cost is $8per child per class. For info / questions call Liba 894-1088.

MAIMONIDES SCHOOL & COMMUNITY (Nursery / Elementary / High School) 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a JF-NENY Beneficiary “A Beautiful Blend: Torah & Worldly Experience!”

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