Maimonides Community

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Adar I 17, 5776 / Feb 26, 2016

Candle-Lighting: Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District 5:22 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Shabbos Ends:

produced by Rabbi Mendel Rubin & students in the TNT (Torah ‘n Technology) Program Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY


This newsletter is dedicated in memory of

R’ Michel Piekarski Yechiel Michel br’ Efraim Yartzeit Shushan Purim Kattan by his daughter Morah Rochel Rubin and family

AT THE PRUMP PRESIDENTIAL DON’T LET LITTLE THINGS FLY PURIMARY PARTY ON TUESDAY BY WITHOUT NOTICING THEM On Purim-Kattan (the mini-Purim of Adar I) this past Tuesday, nearly all of the school gathered for a special assembly which Rabbi Rubin titled “The Prump Presidential Purimary Party”, especially since our small school values & celebrates small things which are often underestimated. Each child got a very small box, with small, tasty treats (like jelly beans and pistachios) to fill with to share with a friend. It was a good time to give out this year’s bright yellow “School Choice” scarves, because the Jews of Purim made the choice to stick with Mordechai and their heritage, and Esther chose to risk her life to go the king. In fact, because of the “School Choice” scarves and the Purimary theme, Rabbi Rubin held an election if Purim-Kattan is worth celebrating, and got a resounding landslide vote in favor from students of all ages! In true funky Purim spirit, the High School boys pictured above in white hats with a big “B” stickers on front performed a fun and catchy song “Blame it on Bava Basra” based on a song by Country Yossi which Eli K. enhanced and added to with tidbits from their own local Bava Basra learning experience.

MAZAL TOV BARUCH SIMON on his wedding this week to Sarah Greenberg. There was a nice Albany contingent at the Monsey wedding, including Baruch’s classmates and friends from Maimonides years ago. Mazal Tov to Rabbi Nachman & Clara and to all the Simon family. (Picture at Sheva Brachos)

In the spirit of PurimKattan (the little Purim) our High School girls were in the Science Lab when they noticed a tiny insect wing on the window sill. “Why not put it under the microscope?” they said. And this was the beautiful image that appeared when they did.

SENIOR RECIPES AND STORIES We’re still on the lookout for old family recipes or other recipes learned or passed down from our seniors, especially with a short story, description or background that goes along with it. Please submit them to Rabbi Yossi at: There’s a Better-Together Cookbook in the works. Please be a part of it!

MAIMONIDES 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208

ALUMNI HAKHEL GATHERING These Maimonides alumni women (from the HS classes of 1999 through the 2009) got together in Crown Heights for a wonderful reunion to catch up & reminisce. The beautiful pieces on the wall are MHDS alumna Michelle (Chandler) Lieberman’s artwork.

DAILY ADAR DANCING AND A WHITE HOUSE DANCE Virginia McLaurin was born in 1910 (so she’s 106 now!) and her life-long dream was to visit the White House. In her wildest imagination (especially because of the time she grew up in) she never thought it would be with a black President and First Lady! >

> When she saw Barack and Michelle Obama, guess what this very old lady started to do? She started dancing! Rabbi Mendel shared this inspiration with the boys davening group who does a minute or two of spirited Adar dancing each day after davening. There’s so much all of us (young and old) can learn from this special lady, who despite her very old age still has so much spirit and dancing in her!!

STEAL THE SALAMI HS Boys & Rabbi Rubin learned a Talmudic version of “Steal the Salami” aka “Kol d’Alim Gvar” i.e. cases where the court does not get involved. They learned it both in the Talmud as well as in the Code of Jewish Law.



It’s not a Spanish or Italian word! Migo is a Talmudic logic device or reasoning that enhances trust because if the person was truly a liar they could have used a better or more believable claim or argument. Our HS boys Talmud is learning this now in Bava Bava Basra, when Migo is applied and when it isn’t.

Also in this Parsha Ki Sisa, we learn about the Mishkan and Temple’s copper washbasin called the Kiyor. This covered a beverage dispenser in copper colored paper (left) was a useable Kiyor and (top) students are painting their SHUSHAN MADE IN NURSERY own mini-kiyors made of double Styrofoam It may be hard to believe that Nursery kids did bowls. Also an nice lesson about cleanliness! this, but if look close, at each segment, you PURIM ON A PLATE will see that kids colored most of the different This isn’t another Mishloach Manot idea. parts of this Shushan mural now hanging in Morah Devorah Leah’s 2nd graders each the Nursery as part of their Purim learning. decorated a plate depicting a different character in the Megillah, and they wrote the BRIS-CHUMASH CONNECTION typed Hebrew description underneath them. 3rd graders went to attend the Horan Bris at Shabbos House this past Tuesday. R’ Yonah EXPERIMENTING WITH ALGAE the Bostoner Ruv of Boro Park was Sandek You know that green gook that sometimes and spoke at the meal. The baby was named collects on top of water in ponds and lakes? Yisrael. Here’s what the 3rd graders were most That’s called algae, and too much of it can amazed about: When they resumed their mess up ecosystems. Mrs. Roland’s 6/7 grade Chumash studies at school guess what verses HANDS & RIBBONS IN ART science students did an experiment by putting they happened to learn: The Bris of Yitzchak! This is L.’s artwork from 6/7th art class with old aquarium water in jars with some fertilizer Mrs. Levin, depicting hands and ribbons, as in each and they’re going to wait to see what well as zentangles (which 6/7th love doing, see happens to the water in the different jars. their classroom bulletin board collection of free-style zentangling below: VOLCANOES AND ROCKS Mrs. Maher’s 3rd graders just finished a story about volcanoes in Reading Street and are doing a project about that. At the same time in Science class they are beginning a unit about rocks and soil - the two are connected!


GLOW IN THE DARK Why do you think these Kindergarteners are holding glow sticks in a (slightly) darkened classroom? It because of this week’s Parsha where we learn that Moshe’s face shined with a special radiance, a spiritual glow. Each child shines in their own way, glowing from within!

CHUMASH & THE MEGILLAH 2nd grade Chumash class was excited to learn a Rashi in Parshas Noach (about an unusual Hebrew word for “the water subsiding”) that quotes a pasuk from the Megillah (about “the king’s anger subsiding). Learning that in the month of Adar was extra special. And they love reporting connections for the newsletter!

8th grade science with Mrs. Roland is learning about the process of refining crude oil to use at the pump and other fossil fuels processes.

What do you call a Grizzly Bear in the rain? A drizzly bear! What’s a good board game to play on PurimKattan? Settlers of Catan, of course!

GIRLS AFTERSCHOOL HAKHEL In good Adar spirit, the girls made their own stress-balls using a homemade playdough-type material and smiley-face balloons. They also played a lively balloon game, and learned about the joyous spirit of the Adar month(s).

GOING BACK IN TIME... EVEN BACK TO EUROPE IN WWII Dr. Jonathan Cramer came to say Kaddish for his mother’s yartzeit from the Berkshires. When Rabbi Rubin found out about his fascinating lineage and family history, he asked him to share it with the boys. In a short time they learned about the distinguished Sephardic Rodriguez-Pirrera family (which Rabbi Rubin knew about from Talks and Tales). One of the more fascinating stories came later in the family history in 1942, when members of the family were trapped by the Nazis in Holland. Other members of the family were already in Boston and they bribed Nazi officials heavily and repeatedly to allow these family members (and some war orphans they adopted) to avoid deportation and to eventually leave Europe. Here’s the amazing thing. After getting out of Europe, his grandfather and uncle got back to England with the aim of fighting the Nazis! After much difficulty they managed to land at Normandy and even ended up at liberating a Nazi concentration camp! He also spoke to them about his overseas medical work in the Himalayas. One more amazing detail: As a youngster this Jonathan knew Professor Herman Prins Salamon, who our boys know from Shabbos House. He didn’t even know that he lived here in Albany. Small world!


Jewish Federation offers scholarships to area children & college students for overnight Jewish camps, Jewish travel experiences, summer and yearlong Israel programs, based on financial need: questionnaire form, parents recent federal tax return, possible telephone follow-up. Application Deadline is March 4 for programs of summer 100 DAYS OF SCHOOL THIS WED 2016. Questions? call Rebecca Miller at Federation: Kindergarten and first grade will be celebrating 783-7800 x225, 100 days of school this coming Wednesday! Forms are available at the school office or online at For local day camps, the A FEW THINGS ABOUT THE SPA Federation funds eligible day camps directly (to a certain degree). Parents should apply directly to Re: the Womens Spa for the Body and Soul these camps for campership.

event this Sunday at Shabbos House:  Parking is at the nearby UAlbany Dutch Quad Gold/Student Lot with a volunteer shuttle to Shabbos House.  Spa treatments and activities are 12:30-1:30, program and luncheon is at 1:30-3:30pm.  If you haven't paid in advance, please pay at the door when you come on Sunday.

TORAH365 learning this week in Avot Chapter 4 In response to Rabbi Rubin’s Avot question from last week on Rabbi Tzadok’s “don’t make Torah a spade to dig with” (as most translations have it) and the strange usage here of “Kardom” which means more ax or hammer than shovel, and “Lchatoch” means to cut and not really to dig—we received this response from “Avshalom Ben David”:

Rabbi Tzadok says three things, the first two were already said in Avot, the third thing is said in a unique way: Don't make her [the Torah] a crown to glorify yourself through her, nor an axe to dig in her. Rabbi Twersky explains that ‫קרדם‬ is usually translated here as "spade", because a spade is what one digs with, but ‫קרדם‬appears five times in Tanach and in every case means an axe. So R’ Tzadok is pointing out inappropriate HEBREW GREETINGS use. Just as one must not try to use the crown of Everyone knows “Shalom” but our 2nd graders Torah for self-interest, to attempt to elevate with Morah Devorah are learning all types of oneself thereby, trying to appear lofty through appropriate Hebrew greetings for different exploitation, so too he mustn't try to delve into the Torah with an axe - brutally, destructively, occasions and times of year: Chodesh Tov (for insensitively. But after this bit of originality R’ Rosh Chodesh) Shavuah Tov (after Shabbat) Tzadok immediately follows with, "So Hillel B’Tayavon (good appetite, enjoy!) Titchadesh/i used to say" (1:13) "One who exploits the crown (for something new) B’Hatzlacha (success on will fade away", as if to deny that this idea of his venture or endeavor) and of course, Todah ARE YOU READY TO LEARN? was anything new. Once R’ Tzadok has Rabba (thank you very much)! Mrs. Dubarry’s 4/5 graders now have a chart thoroughly grounded us in the repetition of the system at each desk. Students rate themselves sayings of others, he very subtly leads us to a BACKGROUND on a list of questions, such as: Is my desk space startling new conclusion. One might easily think the community is beneath him, he is too good organized? Am I ready to work? Did I walk in BEFORE STORY for them, they bring him down, cramp his style, quietly to class? There are some questions for Before 1st graders read a he would be better off without them. R’ Tzadok the end of class, too. Based on their answers, weather-related story about tells us, no. One could say he loves only Torah, they give themselves a score, and Mrs. Dubarry Frog and Toad, they did a parading knowledge that he acquired in a sharp, checks and validates their self-assessment. worksheet that introduces and maybe destructive manner. R’ Tzadok tells key words and concepts. us, no. When R’ Tzadok has finally convinced BOYS MISHMAR AFTER-SCHOOL us that he is only bringing what others have said This past Monday at the afterschool program READING HARPER LEE previously, he opens our eyes: ‫"הא למדת‬Here you the boys played a game. There were a bunch of Although 8th grade is in middle of “To Kill a learned - only one who enjoys the words of wrapped presents. As the music played the Mockingbird” they were scheduled to have a Torah, elevates his life above the world." Not present got passed around, when the music test the day that its author Harper Lee died disdain for others less worthy, not criticism of stopped the person with the present had to this week. So they pushed off the test and wrongdoers, outward loftiness or sharp cutting answer the Adar/Purim question on a card to instead read a selection of some of her classic penetration into Torah—only sincere enjoyment be able to unwrap and keep the present. passages in her memory. of words of Torah brings true elevation.

at Maimonides and in the Community 2/27: SHABBOS KI T/SISA


In this Parsha: Half-Shekel Coin & Census, Federation scholarship applications for financial Golden Calf, Kiyor washbasin, Moshe’s radiance... assistance with summer camps or Israel programs are due by this date. Don’t leave for last minute.

2/27: RABBI REISMAN SAT @7:30 Rabbi Y. Reisman’s Navi class 7:30pm at CBAJ.



Scholar in Residence at CBAJ, topic is “Ethics in Presidential Elections” $15pp, $6 kids under 10, $50 max per family. Includes a Chinese dinner 4:30pm, lecture at 5:15. Register online:

11th year! This year’s featured speaker is Chana Apfelbaum, a popular and engaging food blogger in NYC. This event at Shabbos House (320 Fuller Rd, parking in UAlbany Dutch Gold lot, with a volunteer shuttle service) is co-sponsored by Capital Chabad, area Jewish Womens groups, Hadassah and Jewish Federation. $20 ahead, $25 at door. For info/RSVP call Leah 495-0779 or: Event includes spa treatments and luncheon.

2/28: SHLOCK ROCK CONCERT Sponsored by a dozen area orgs, Shlock Rock in concert at the Albany JCC, starting at 4:30pm. Email: It appears the concert is now fully booked, all tickets have already been given out.

2/28: SCHEN GREENMARKET November thru April, Schenectady’s Farmers Market, vendors & musicians moves indoors to the Proctors Arcade, each Sunday, 10am-2pm.

2/28: FEEL SPRING IN “WINTER” MiSci Museum in Schenectady now has its Butterfly exhibit open. Dress in layers because its much warmer than the rest of the museum.

3/6: WITTY BRIDAL SHOWER Many of us remember our teacher Mrs. Sanda, her sister Stephanie Witty (who some of us know) is getting married and there’s a bridal shower at 2pm at Beth Israel in Schenectady. RSVP: 377-3700.

3/10: JCC PRE-PURIM CARNIVAL 5:30-8pm at the Albany JCC on Whitehall Road. No admission charge, call for full details: 438-6651

3/10: B.T. ESSAY DUE DATE This is for middle and high school students and there’s opportunities for very valuable prizes. Other Essay Contests: Bnai Brith Holocaust Essay MyLifeAppliedChassidus

3/12: PIZZA NITE COMING UP 7:30pm downstairs at Maimonides. In addition to fresh hot pizzas and sushi rolled on the spot, there will be a pre-Purim surprise, too! That night we change the clocks, springing forward, so it’s the last Pizza Nite of the winter season…


7pm at Beth Emeth, dinner & dessert reception. Richard Fontaine, President of Center for a new 12-3pm at Schenectady JCC, 2565 Balltown Road. American Security will speak on Asian view of the Hawaiian themed (dress for it) for winter blues, Middle East: China, India and Japan. $30pp, $15 therapy dogs, activities. Free admission. 377-8803 for young adults. Info/RSVP: 783-7800.


3/3-5: ROGERS PARK BAND Look them up: out of Chicago - and this weekend in Albany! Thurs 3/3: Friendship Circle Concert honoring FC volunteers at the Ramada Plaza, 3 Watervliet Ave 6:30pm. $10pp covers concert, light appetizers and drinks. Open to community. Shabbos 3/4-5: The duo from RogersParkBand will lead services, a warm oneg-farbrengen, a spirited Shabbat & musical Havdalah at Shabbos House. Saturday Night 3/5: Cozy & intimate Musical Kumzitz, for grad students and young adults at University Heights Chabad, 147 South Lake, 8pm

3/18: FIRST OF LONG FRIDAYS We change the clocks early Sunday morning the 13th, so Friday the 18th will be our first full-day Friday schedule. It’s also Shabbos Zachor that week, so that’s another way to “remember!”

3/23-24: PURIM CELEBRATIONS! Purim is Wednesday night into Thursday this year. Stay tuned for communal listings of Purim events, hopefully in next week’s “MC”. Purim is now less than a month away and time to start thinking of your costumes and Mishloach Manot!

MAIMONIDES SCHOOL & COMMUNITY (Nursery / Elementary / High School) 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a JF-NENY Beneficiary “A Beautiful Blend: Torah & Worldly Experience!”

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