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BH. Kislev

28, 5776 / Dec 10, 2015

Candle-Lighting: Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District 4:04 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Shabbos Ends: produced by Rabbi Mendel Rubin & students in the TNT (Torah ‘n Technology) Program 5:09 Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY

This newsletter is dedicated in memory of

Moshe Sinai

Kindertransport Holocaust survivor and an Albany house-painter with heartfelt Yiras Shomayim Yartzeit on the 4th of Tevet

MENORAHS AND SHIELDS THIS COMING MONDAY! The Raffle-Auction is right around the corner now, this coming Monday evening at school. Now’s the time to buy your own tickets, if you have not already, or to share the online link: with friends and family. Thanks for supporting our school, this important fundraiser is one of the easiest and fun ways to support local Jewish education - and the odds are very good, too!

PHONE SYSTEM IS DOWN If you have been trying to call the school office these past few days without luck, that’s because our system is down due to a technical issue and its taking some time to resolve. In the meantime, here are a few cell numbers you can use: Morah Rochel: 526-0774 for school matters, call Raizy 772-7299 for raffle-auction.

PLAY PRACTICE Our students have been practicing their plays and songs for the Chanukah performances today. Some of the pictures of today’s class performances may make it to this newsletter while other pictures will be in next week’s “MC” newsletter since this newsletter has to be ready today, because we have no school tomorrow.

MIKETZ ON MIKETZ 5th graders are now learning Parshas Miketz, very timely, since this week’s Parsha is Miketz, plus Rosh Chodesh & Chanukah readings.

Nursery made bright colorful Menorahs and Maccabee shields. These represent the two sides and miracles of the Chanukah story: the lopsided war against the Syrian-Greeks and the oil that lasted eight days instead of one.

CHANUKAH VISITS As part of the “Better Together” program, 7th graders visited Mr. Eugene Berkun at home this Chanukah with chocolate that they melted and put cooled in Chanukah molds. He told HAND-GRATED LATKES them about his former soda bottling These 3rd graders made their own latkes, business: Nehi Beverages on grating the potatoes by hand! It’s quite the Broadway that supplied Rabbi experience, but they did a great job. In Rubin’s old Kosher Pizza store (on Washington Ave near Quail). His Yiddish, a handgrater is called a Rib-Ayzen. father was a Melamed (teacher) back in Russia, and once he walked in on a Hebrew KINDERGARTEN OVEN MITTS School class-room in the old Partridge Street Kindergarten students Shul (where Eugene studied) and saw the decorated oven mitts teacher reading a newspaper while the students for their parents for ran their own lively contest who could say Chanukah, wrapped in bows. They’re happy to Yukon Purkan (an Aramaic Shabbos prayer) the bring them home and fastest. That teacher didn’t last long. When he have them put to good was a kid there were no Chanukah presents and no Choco-Gelt, but there were nice family use by their families. get-togethers and plenty of homemade Latkes.

MAIMONIDES 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208

VOLCANOS IN THE MAKING Ms. Ford’s 1st graders are pictured gingerly painting a volcano model they are making in their classroom, as they learn about natural disasters. Below left is a student project with the various components of a volcano labeled: magma, crater, lava, and steam etc.

MYSTERY DOUGHNUTS Speaking of hidden insides (of volcanoes) that can come exploding to the surface… for their Parshat Shmot Siyum that coincided with a Chanukah party, Morah Leyee’s 6th grade Chumash students made mystery doughnuts. Each of the homestyle doughnuts made at school were filled with all kinds of fillings tucked inside that you had to guess by taste and texture: some of the best surprise fillings included banana & frosting.

THE BIG FIND: ROSETTA STONE Mrs. Ramsay’s 6/7 history class learned about the important breakthrough of the Rosetta Stone, which has the same text repeated in 3 languages, allowing for scholars to begin to decipher ancient hieroglyphics.

FLUTE & SAX IN 1ST & 2ND Ms. Ford’s father came in to first and second grade to play some jazz music and introduce them to his saxophone and flute. What a treat! Thank you so much Mr. Ford!

SONGS FOR SENIORS Speaking of music, Morah Leah (Lynn Gross) has been working with our primary grades on lively Chanukah songs which they will be performing for local Jewish seniors later today after this “MC” newsletter goes to print. Pictures next week!

These kids are enjoying yummy soup made by Mrs. Horan this week at “Nathan’s Kitchen”. Parents, sign up with Mrs. Wildman. As it gets colder, it’s more and more appreciated!

MORE CHANUKAH HASHTAGS for Facebook/Twitter/Instagram etc. picture posts of (you &) your Menorah & Chanukah celebration #sharethelights is a popular one, based on the idea of Pirsumei Nissah, we’re supposed to share the miracle. #lightforpeace is based out of Australia, where a donor is giving $2 to support the IDF for each Menorah photo with that hashtag, each photo is an entry to win a trip to Israel. #maythelightbewithyou has nice Chanukah meaning and is connected with an upcoming KID-COLORED CANDLES long-anticipated “Star Wars” movie release. Many use colored candles for their Menorahs #lightupalbany is the hashtag that Motti and but Kindergarten has been coloring giant Co. are doing for local flavor this Chanukah. paper candles to add to their giant classroom Menorah each day of Chanukah. Chanukah!

Jeremy brought in an electric Menorah to display in his classroom for Chanukah.

HANDWRITING ANALYSIS As part of a science enrichment forensics unit, Mrs. Ballard-Hubble had her 6/7 examine and compare handwriting styles: do the letters lean to the right or left, how much spacing is left between letters, is it a dark or light imprint, is it more block or cursive, and other interesting details to pay attention to. One exercise they did in pairs was have partners try to copy their friends handwriting twice - and then have other pairs try to figure out which was the original and which the copy!


Morah Dini made fresh doughnuts to bring to her class first thing in the morning.

PEARL HARBOR DAY Mrs. Dubarry’s 4/5 class learned about the devastating surprise Japanese airstrike against the US Navy Pearl Harbor 74 years ago, how many servicemen died, and the precise location of the various naval ships and their fate, which led the USA to enter WWII.

All the teachers for the special Chanukah treats and projects and food-making this Chanukah! Mr. Ford for coming into the first and second grade to play some great jazz music and introduce them to his instruments!

HOW TO MAKE THE MENORAH LIGHTING EXTRA SPECIAL SUNDAY HOURS AT THE BACH After years of discussions, the Albany Public Library will now have Sunday afternoon hours at the Bach Library on New Scotland Ave, in TWO CAR-MENORAH PARADES! large part to accommodate Sabbath observant patrons. This is its only branch library to have Some of our students and their families were Sunday hours. Starting January 10th, it will be able to attend both Car-Menorah parades, in Delmar on Sunday (this year with an expanded open 1-5pm on Sundays. Let’s support it! route) and Albany on Wed (for the first time). It was exciting, especially when people waved A FLEISHIG MEAL AT AUCTION or videoed us going by. Incidentally, this This year the Kochmans will be making a photo by a HS student shows the unseasonably delicious meat meal for the (post-)Chanukah bright, warm weather we have this Chanukah! dinner at the Raffle-Auction, as always with their rich flavor and special flair! The cost is UNUSUAL LATKE RECIPES $7pp or $25 max per family. Our students were describing some of the more unusual latke recipes they had at home RESTARTING P.T.A. EFFORT or at Chanukah events this Chanukah: sweet Rachel Horan is taking initiative to restart the potato latkes, or a potato recipe with added school’s PTA. Some of the efforts include: (1) rainbow carrots grated in, some families added raising funds for new play equipment at the zucchini to lighten up their potato latkes, and side of the school (2) organizing a teacher one girl said she tasted latkes with kale inside! appreciation lunch (3) arranging for parents to assist with transportation for school trips (4) need parent volunteers to drive our music teacher to and from school on Thursdays (5) arranging an educational speaker to address our parents on a relevant topic (6) parents to contribute $25 to the Sunshine Fund. Please contact her for more info.

AMBASSADOR TO GRENADA Guess who came to the Minyan today? A religious Jew Rabbi Michael Melnick who is the US Ambassador-at-large to Grenada! He spoke with our boys about his experiences there, and also about his involvement with getting Chabad set up there. Do you know where Grenada is?

WORD OF THE DAY Mrs. Dubbary’s “Word of the Day” helps her students enrich (and use!) their vocabulary, one day at a time. This week they learned: relic, attire, cache, abode. Re: abode, Morah Dini told them that its at the root of Ninveh (you know, the city in the Book of Jonah).

CHANUKAH PLAYS AND SONGS As this “MC” newsletter goes to print, our students are performing beautifully, singing delightful Chanukah songs in costume, and performing well-done Chanukah plays with props and scenery. We got a few pictures here in time for this MC newsletter but we hope to put in lots of nice pictures and reports next week. Look for “The Incredible Dreidel of Feitel von Zeidel” (based on the Shmuel Kunda story tape) and another play with a some beautifully painted backdrops, and a lot more! The kids really knew their lines well. Thanks to their teachers for working with them & the students for their eager involvement and investment.


FOOD & DRINK: Eating fresh sizzling latkes (or fresh soft doughnuts) adds to the experience, some kids said they enjoy hot cocoa. Some families had special milchig meals and others made Chanukah cookies. Sometimes at communal celebrations there’s a fun theme that adds color & fun.


ATMOSPHERE: Singing Chanukah songs really does the trick, whether its HaNeiros Halalu, Maoz Tzur, even I have a little Dreidel, whichever tune! Who you are lighting with makes a big difference, too! Celebrating with family, friends or guests makes it extra special. Playing dreidel near the candles or hearing a story adds a lot.


THE TYPE OF MENORAH: It’s always more special for kids to light on a Menorah/Chanukiah that they made themselves, or a unique Menorah that they especially enjoy lighting or watching.


COMMUNAL CELEBRATION: There are many communal events which add excitement and fun to the celebration, including public Menorah lightings indoors or outdoors with lots of people.


THE FLAMES TELL A STORY: Rebbe Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn said that the flames tell a story, and we have to listen closely to hear what they are telling us. By thinking into the message of the lights, the Chanukah story and its modern relevance, we can make the Menorah lighting much more meaningful. There’s also inspirational Chassidic teachings on the anatomy of a flame, and its symbolism for us in life.

at Maimonides and in the Community 12/11: NO SCHOOL AT MHDS


An off-Friday for extended Chanukah Wknd break. The Daf Yomi study group is completing tractate Sotah and will be celebrating with a Sunday Siyum Breakfast at Shomray Torah with more of the 12/11: IMPT: CANDLE-LIGHTING Chanukah candles need to be lit BEFORE Shabbos Shanghai documentary. Come join and celebrate! candles, and Shabbos candle-lighting is quite early! Chanukah is a perfect time (and when isn’t?) to celebrate and highlight Torah study! But the Chanukah lights have to have enough oil or candle to last for a half-hour after dark.


12/11-12: CBAJ ACAPELLA SHABBAT 1-5pm with food and activities at the Troy Atrium. Limited seating for Friday Night dinner & concert, RSVP at by prior RSVP only. Singing will continue on Shabbat day as well during prayers, lunch & learn and the Seudah Shlishit.

12/11-12: SARATOGA SHABBATON Motti and Yeshiva friends are hosting our HS Boys for a Chanukah Shabbaton up in Saratoga.

12/12: THREE TORAHS 3 Torah readings this Shabbos: (3 Torahs if you have) Parshat Miketz, Rosh Chodesh & Chanukah!

More info? Call R’ Leibel and Elisheva: 274-5572.

12/13: JCC & T.I. CHANUKAH 5-8pm at the Albany SAAJCC. Max per family $36. Kids 5-12: $6, Adults: $10pp. RSVP by Dec 7th. Additional $2 fee at door. Hosted by Temple Israel and the JCC. RSVP: 438-7858x112.

12/13: CHANUKAH ON ICE 5-7pm at Bethlehem YMCA, 900 Delaware Ave. For more info call Rabbi Simon 439-8280.


with our HS and Mincha/Maariv Minyan goers. PLEASE NOTE CORRECTION: The Friendship In addition to a-capella songs and study workshops Circle Chanukah Party is NOT at Afrim’s Sports as 12/22: FAST OF TENTH OF TEVET previously announced, it will be at The Playdium (including “The Great American Board Game This daytime fast recalls the siege of Jerusalem. Challenge”, “The Real Hero of Chanukah”, and “A bowling center. Call Chaya: 488-8992. Capella 101”) through the afternoon at CBAJ, 12/24-27: JEWISH GIRLS RETREAT Rabbi Lehrfield’s lunch and learn talk will be: “The 12/14: MHDS RAFFLE-AUCTION Winter session! Contact Nechama Laber for details Catholic Church, the State of Israel, and the Stolen and Chanukah Dinner ($7pp, $25 family) at the on this richly filled overnight camp experience with Temple Vessels”. very last moments of the 8th day of Chanukah, energy and warmth even in the dead of winter… Monday 5-7pm. Please share the online link at: Thanks! 12/12: CHANUKAH KIDDUSH 12/28-31: HALF-DAYS AT MHDS Big Chanukah Kiddush at Shomray Torah, with On the half days at school during the last week of doughnuts and fried foods, and farbrengen! 12/19: PASTA, POPCORN AND December, plans are in the works for an especially


12/12: DAF YOMI SWITCH Due to the special accapella Shabbat at CBAJ, the Shabbos afternoon Daf Yomi, which usually meets at Shomray Torah will meet at CBAJ instead.

12/12: RABBI REISMAN @7:30 Rabbi Y. Reisman’s live Navi class from Brooklyn are screened 7:30pm at the CBAJ Media Center.

12/12-13: ROSH CHODESH TEVET 2-day Rosh Chodesh, Shabbos and Sunday. Please remember: Al HaNissim, Yaale v’Yavo, Hallel etc...

12/13: S.Z.R.’s PIDYON HABEN Dr. Yehoshua and Chaya Bracha Rubin will be having the Pidyon HaBen for their son Schneur Zalman at noon-time at the Maimonides school on the 7th day of Chanukah. Festive meal follows.


For a change of pace and taste, the Pizza Night will serve a pasta bar, salad and popcorn instead, starting at 7:30pm. There will be a children’s movie playing downstairs, and an adult documentary film playing upstairs, most likely “Above and Beyond” about American pilots in Israel in 1948. $10pp or $40 max per family.

12/20: JERUSALEM OF LEGO Using 60,000 Lego blocks, architect Steven Schwartz will lead area students grades 3-6 in a Jerusalem re-creation. Our students are invited too. Begins 9:45am at Beth Emeth. Please be prompt.

12/21: #LEARNFOREZRA SIYUM Jewish High Schools around the country are learning Mishna tractates in memory of Ezra Schwartz, with a joint online Siyum on the day of his Shloshim. Rabbi Rubin is learning “Challah”

exciting and meaningful time. One-day winter camp, and a Breishis Carnival. Stay tuned!

12/30: ONE-DAY “TEAM-UP” CAMP Camp Gan Israel & Friendship Circle are teaming up for a one-day “Team-Up” winter camp for kids ages 3-10 of all ability levels, joining in friendship and fun! This is a unique arrangement modeled on the Camp Kaylie vision which can be a huge benefit and growth experience for all involved. Contact Friendship Circle Director Chaya 4888992 or CGI Director Devorah Leah 698-1836.

2/28: BACH LIBRARY SUNDAYS New Sunday hours, 1-5pm. Let’s support it!

2/28: SPA FOR BODY & SOUL The 11th year! Stay tuned for info. Save the date!

MAIMONIDES SCHOOL & COMMUNITY (Nursery / Elementary / High School) 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a JF-NENY Beneficiary “A Beautiful Blend: Torah & Worldly Experience!”

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