BH. Adar
II 22, 5776 / April 1, 2016
Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District Candle-Lighting: 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 7:04 Shabbos Ends:
produced by Rabbi Mendel Rubin & students in the TNT (Torah ‘n Technology) Program Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY
A YARTZEIT CONTRIBUTION Many thanks for a special contribution that was given to Maimonides in loving memory of Meshulam Feivish ben Chaim, focusing on programs to enable our students to develop practical life skills and talents.
PROMOTING THE COLONIES Why move to Virginia? Delaware? MA or NY? Mrs. Dubarry assigned one of the thirteen colonies to each of her 4/5 grade students and asked them to read up about it and then prepare a brochure or powerpoint about it, as if to advertise and promote their colony to Europeans in the 1700’s thinking of moving across the Atlantic Ocean to the New World.
This newsletter is dedicated in memory of
Meshulam Feivish ben Chaim on occasion of his Yartzeit RECENT TALMUD DISCUSSIONS
Many of our classes learn Talmud every day or at least several times a week. Here are some recent topics they have been learning about: • Proximity or Majority: HS Boys are learning a famous question in the Talmud about private birdhouses, whether lost birds GLUCKEL found in between should be considered to OUR CHIDON CONTESTANTS OF HAMELN belong to the larger but further birdhouse or These 6 girls (top) in grades 4-6 will represent In their weekly to the smaller closer birdhouse. our school at the international “Chidon Sefer scrapbooking class • Statement of Objection: Also in Bava Basra, HaMitzvos” in Brooklyn this weekend. They on special Jewish HS Boys are learning about property owners scored well on several tests on difficult subject Women, 8th making a (public) statement of claim, protest material on a broad range of topics. They are graders learned or objection known as “Macha’ah” or pictured (above) on Megabus on their trip. We about Glickel, an “Moda’ah” to protect rights or property. are very proud of them and excited for them! amazing woman • Must Sukkah Walls Provide Shade? 6/7 from the 17th century who ran her own grade Gemorah finished a short argument AVRAHAM RAPPAPORT OBM business and dealt with sadness and adversity. between the Rabbis and R’ Yoshiya whether Condolences to Tzvie (Rappaport) Hecht and She wrote diaries that describe her life and the a Sukkah’s shade must also come from its alumnus Mendy Rappaport on the passing of German Jewish communities of the time. walls, or only from the Schach-rooftop. their grandfather, great-grandfather to the • Proper Care for Lost Objects: Several Hecht (Rheinbeck) kids at Maimonides—Reb CARRYING OVER grades are learning about this with Rabbi Avram Rappaport of Toronto. A founder of Ms. Ford’s first graders are now Shmuly. The interesting thing is that the the Toronto Chabad community, he was a learning how to carry over from type or specifics of care vary according to the generous supporter of a broad variety of Jewish the “ones” column to the “tens” type of object: books, live animals, precious causes all around the globe, with a special column when adding larger metals. This is a good lesson about properly closeness to the Rebbe and his special projects. numbers. They’ll soon learn the caring for and respecting other people’s same for subtraction, too! property—even if it isn’t lost.
MAIMONIDES 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208
IS IT KOSHER? Kosher is a big topic in this week’s Torah portion of Shmini. These Kindergarten students are learning all about the Kosher and non-Kosher animals and birds.
CELL MODELS IN 4/5 GRADE Students used all types of creative mediums and everyday household materials to create their own 3D cell models in Mrs. Dubarry’s class. Along with their models they each (or each team) included a detailed paper legend/key explaining the specific cell parts and their roles, from the core nucleus to the outer membrane, and all the vacuoles, golgi, ribosome, mitochondria and (both the smooth & rough) endoplasmic reticulum etc... in between.
HS Girls are now doing a different short writing assignment each day based on the prompt (story starter or writing perspective) that Mrs. Crawford assigns to them.
Just in time... 8th Chumash is now studying the Red Heifer in Parshas Chukas, just in time for us to read it in Shul (not for the portion of the week) but for the special reading (3rd of 4 seasonal bonus readings) of Parshat Parah!
ANIMALS ON OUR DOORSTEP THE HUNGRY GOAT Nursery students are writing (well, illustrating) their own stories, too! They make these small paper books as projects with Mrs. Hoffman, this one is about a hungry goat. (Is this in time for Pesach’s Chad Gadya?)
THE YOKE CONNECTION 8th grade English class with Mrs. Crawford is now reading “Lyddie” a book about a girl who used to live on a farm, and the word yoke was one of their vocab words. At the same time they are also learning about yoke in their Chumash class on in Chukas: The red-heifer could not have a yoke placed upon it.
What brings all these animals to Maimonides door? Parshat Shemini, of course! Nursery students dressed up in animal masks were learning about Kosher & non-Kosher animals.
IDIOMS: FIGURATIVE/LITERAL Mrs. Maher’s third graders learned the figurative meaning of idioms: “I’m in hot water” or “hold your horses” are not about bathtubs or stables. Pictured about are their illustrations of both the literal and figurative meaning of some common idioms.
“THE WHOLE NINE YARDS” Speaking of idioms, this one is a mystery. William Safire of the NY Times wrote articles trying to figure it out. It has been described as “"the most prominent etymological riddle of our time.” We thought about it in connection with our three parent honorees (Backman, Kudan, Simon) at this year’s dinner who (as this idiom translates) gave our school “the entire amount, everything, as far as possible…”
HS girls in science lab with Mrs. Berke combined different chemical solutions on the circle grid tray seen here to see what formed a precipitate particles solidified.
FULL-STAR BOOK REPORTS Jacob and Ari are the first 3rd graders to finish their book report stars by reading and doing reports on 10 books, in different genres.
MISHNA MARATHON Rabbi Shmuly’s 3rd graders had an unusual Mishna study this week. They practiced and reviewed their Mishnas while jogging in place!
RADISHES Green shoots are sprouting in many classrooms. These radishes are in 3rd grade.
DAYENU’S IF’S AND NOT’S Morah Dini’s students illustrated 2 panels of a Dayenu song stanza. One side was for ( אלוIF Hashem only did X for us) and the other side was ( ולאeven if Hashem did NOT do Y…)
While Purim is still fresh on your mind, kids THE CHANNEL ages 6-12 head over to, the Gertrude Erdele was online game made by the Morrisons, to answer the first woman to questions. Prizes will be awarded after the successfully swim the Pesach and Shavuos games are complete. English Channel in 1926. She did it in a record-breaking 14 hours, 30 minutes. 3rd DARKNESS OVER graders are reading her story in Reading Street.
DENMARK 6/7 grade with Mrs. Crawford are reading this book about the daring & courageous rescue of Danish Jews by their nonJewish friends and neighbors. They are enjoying the discussion.
8th grade learned a Passover Talmud story about Rabbi Yehudah ben Bsaira, as well as a Mishna in Avot by Rabbi Akiva which are early references to the web or net. The modern understandings of this word (because of the internet and computer networks) lends new insight and meaning to the old Talmudic words, and the old understandings of these ANIMATION ART FLIP BOOKS 6/7 graders made similar pictures of multiple words also give us pause and teach us caution in our use of the web today. Also implied in pages of flip-books (stapled cut scrap paper) with slight variations, so that when you flipped that story is the balance of open welcome and tolerance together with firm and unwavering the pages quickly you saw the figures move! principle. It’s a very important life message!
ROCK PAINTING Mrs. Maher asked her 3rd graders to bring in smooth rocks for painting, small enough to fit into a pocket but substantial enough to make a cat or flower or other design on it.
BETTER TOGETHER RECIPES We’re looking for submissions of recipes our students can get from seniors, neighbors or relatives or family friends. Hopefully we can get enough recipes (short stories, descriptions or backgrounds) to make a cookbook out of it! Email to:
8th grade Yahadus class was learning the laws of Kosher, more specifically animal-sections (which ties into both this week’s Parsha Shemini as well as to the Parsha Parah of the Red-Heifer) and they came up with a bunch of cow jokes: So we were talking about how many Kosher markets (especially in the diaspora) only eat the front half of a cow and one of us said, “What about the udder half?” You're in a mooooooood..... oh you don't like that joke? Ok. I got udders! Why did the cow cross the road? To get to the udder side.
MA’OT CHITTIM FUNDS Purim may be behind us but its now time to start thinking about Passover. It’s customary to give Tzedakah ahead of the holiday for those in need. You can give these funds to Rabbi Israel Rubin, the Kosher Food Pantry, Keren Yehoshua c/o Clara Simon or your Rabbi’s discretionary fund who will distribute these funds to local families in need.
Rabbi Rubin’s HS Boys Talmud class is now learning about “Kiyum Shtaros” - certifying IDEA-WEB FLOWCHART financial documents, so they went down the Morah Mushky used a flowchart format to street to the newly rebuilt TrustCo Bank on teach her Kindergarten students about Kosher New Scotland Ave to visit a notary public who identifiers, whether fish, animal or bird. It was was very helpful and informative. also an exercise in categorization, narrowing and defining characteristics.
ANCIENT GREECE 6/7 are learning in history class with Mrs. Ramsay about the various classes of citizenry, type of government, architecture styles, and famous figures in Ancient Greece like Socrates and Aristotle.
PESACH TABOO Have you ever played Taboo before? Morah Dini’s 3rd graders played a Pesach version of the game and really enjoyed it.
PLAYING CARDS IN MATH A roving TNT student photographer got this candid photo of Ms. Ford’s first graders using playing cards to create and solve addition and subtraction math problems, and doubling up cards as the problems got into double-digits! They recorded all their problems and answers on their own sheets of paper.
MORE PURIM COSTUMES As promised last week here are more pictures of students in Purim costume taken at last week’s Shushan—Purim Costume Parade. From Yoda to gladiator, Google to honeybees, hunters and soldiers, and a kid from Japan...
at Maimonides and in the Community 4/2: PARAH AND MEVORCHIM Shekalim and Zachor are behind us, this week (in addition to Parshat Shmini, with the Kosher and non-Kosher animals) we read Parah, 3rd of the 4 special seasonal Torah readings this time of year. This Shabbos is also Mevorchim Chodesh Nissan! Rosh Chodesh will be next Shabbos.
4/2: CBAJ TORAH365 SIYUM Torah365 study cycle completes Chapter 4 of Avot this week and CBAJ celebrates with a Siyum this Shabbat morning partnered with HACD, guest speaker is HACD Head of School Linda Pollack.
4/2: BAR-MITZVAH ANNIVERSARY The Levins are sponsoring Kiddush this week at Shomray Torah in honor of Eli’s Bar-Mitzvah anniversary this Shabbos.
4/3: WOODWORKERS SHOWCASE 25th annual Northeastern Woodworkers showcase this year featuring handmade musical instruments, live demos, with artisans and hobbyists displaying their crafts, etc. 10am-5pm at the Saratoga Springs City Center, 522 Broadway.
please speak to Mrs. Dubarry or Mrs. Maher, or Sharona 453-9363 at the school office. Parents, please sign the permission slips!
Bethlehem Chabad hosts first Seder at the Normanside. Adults $30, Children $10. RSVP by April 17. To join Bethlehem Chabad familystyle Seder on 2nd Night call Rabbi Nachman Simon 439-8280 or Rabbi Z. Simon 866-7658. 4/10: PRICECHOPPER OPENHOUSE • Shabbos House, both nights, primarily for Taste Passover specialties, meet vendors, 10am-2pm students but community is also welcome. See at the Colonie Price Chopper Kosher Department. signup at • Saratoga Chabad, communal Seders both nights, 4/11: WOMENS CIRCLE EVENT Call 526-0773 for info. Pre-Pesach Albany Womens Circle at the home of • Beth Israel Schenectady hosts the first Seder. Gittel Laber, 321 South Main with a soap-making Call 377-3700 for member/non-member pricing. demonstration by Leah Siegel. 7:30pm. • The Labers hosting guests for Seders at their home, call 833-0704 for more info. 4/13: “31 NEW THINGS TO SAY” Stay tuned for additional listing & details next week! 7:45pm pre-Pesach class at CBAJ with Rabbi B. Lehrfield, “31 New Things To Say At Your Seder” •
4/14: A SENIOR BAR-MITZVAH Once again this year, our HS Boys in the “BetterTogether” program will be doing a Torah-Reading and Bar-Mitzvah for seniors at the Parkview Senior Housing (formerly Bnai Brith Apartments on Hudson Ave) at 12pm. For more info? Call: 4950772 or 522-1872.
Pesach begins and ends on Shabbos this year, which leaves a few solid midweek days to enjoy outings and activities with kids. Any ideas?
Are you interested? DATE T.B.D. CROWN HEIGHTS BUS TRIP
An attorney from Hudson NY (with support of the Jewish Federation) is trying to arrange a full-day bus trip with touring and shopping in Crown Heights, 4/14: CHOP MIX AND ROLL Brooklyn. Shopping to include Kosher food & 4/3: MAPLE SUGARING STILL ON Annual event for mid-20’s to mid-40’s at Daughters Judaica. Tour includes a scribe, handmade See for participating local of Sarah Senior Center with food demos & tasting, Shmurah Matzah bakery, Rebbe’s synagogue and farms. Sugaring continues into this weekend. dinner, drinks and mingling. Vaad supervised. library, a delicious lunch and more. Bus to make $20pp. RSVP: 724-3261 or stops in Albany and Hudson. Cost including bus, 4/3: IMAGINATION STATION lunch & tour: $70pp. For more info contact Rabbi 4/17: JCC PILLARS AWARDS At Faddegon’s Nursery in Latham. Kids activities Rubin 423-4103 / or see and crafts as we approach springtime gardening. The Albany JCC’s pillars awards breakfast will be held at CBAJ at 9:30am, honoring Malka & Eitan Evan, Richard & Kathy Kotlow and (past MHDS 4/3: ALBANY TOY SHOW 6/1: MAIMONIDES DINNER Morton Berger awardee) Harry & Anne Rosenfeld. $5pp, 9am-5pm at the Radisson Hotel, 205 Wolf Save the date for the Maimonides awards dinner Road, featuring collectibles & vintage toys. on Wednesday, June 1st, honoring Phyllis 4/20-29: SCHOOL SCHEDULE Silverman with the Dr. Morton Berger award and 4/20-21: Half-days English only 4/3: ZEPHYR WINDS CONCERT paying tribute to 3 sets of parents with long-term 1:30pm, Free at the Troy Public Library, call ahead 4/22-29: No School. Pesach ends 4/30. dedication to Maimonides, educating all their to find out more. They are a local winds quintet children here from start to finish: Avremi and playing oboe, flute, french horn, bassoon, clarinet… 4/22: EREV PESACH AT MHDS Sharona Backman, Ruvain and Shayna Kudan and An annual tradition: community comes out for the Nachman and Clara Simon. Stay tuned for dinner firstborn Siyum and burning of Chametz at invite, tribute journal info and additional details. 4/7: JEWISH SPOKEN WORD Maimonides on the morning before Passover. Federation’s Womens Philanthropy presents Andrew Lustig who will share poems and artistic 7/11-8/19: CAMP GAN ISRAEL expression about his Jewish and Israeli identity, 4/22-23: COMMUNAL SEDERS Registration is opening soon, a great staff is now 7pm at SUNY Polytechnic, 257 Fuller Road. lined up, and there are exciting plans in the works The first Seder is on Friday Night this year, the second Catered by Raizy. RSVP to Federation by 4/5, $30 Seder is on Saturday Night. Here’s a partial listing of for this summer. Call Camp Director Devorah after: 783-7800. Leah Mathless 698-1836 for more info. The Gan communal Seders, more listings and details next week. • Communal Seder by Chabad to be held at the Israel day camp is based at Maimonides, but you Federation’s Golub Center, details TBA soon. don’t have to go to Maimonides to attend and have 4/8: JOURNEY THRU THE BODY Contact Rabbi Rubin 423-4103 if interested. a really fun, enjoyable and meaningful time. Grades 3-5 are going to the “Journey through the • CBAJ first Seder at the Shul. RSVP by April 3. Body” science exhibit at Crossgates Mall. Parents Visit for member/non-member pricing. who can chaperone and help with transportation
MAIMONIDES SCHOOL & COMMUNITY (Nursery / Elementary / High School) 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a JF-NENY Beneficiary “A Beautiful Blend: Torah & Worldly Experience!”