BH. Elul
20, 5776 / September 23, 2016 ב”ה
Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District Candle-Lighting: 6:32 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Shabbos Ends: produced by Rabbi Mendel & students in the TNT (Torah ‘n Technology) Program 7:30 Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY
כי תבוא
This newsletter is sponsored in honor of our 3 grandsons born this year 5776:
CAMPAIGN FOR NEW SCIENCE CENTER AT MAIMONIDES We are proud to announce that Maimonides was selected for a national matching grant to upgrade & expand our science facilities and program! A good science foundation will allow our children broader opportunities as advanced learners with tools to compete in an ever-changing technology-based world. Our national sponsor will match the first $150,000 we raise toward the $360,000 Science Center cost. Maimonides now celebrates 36 years of Double Chai excellence since 1980; we ask all who appreciate this worthy educational project to respond with multiples of “Chai” to realize this dream! “360” is a significant goal as it represents the well-rounded educational experience we strive to provide for students, a global view and perspective from every angle. All contributions are greatly appreciated. Donors will be appropriately recognized in the new science laboratory and STEAM facilities. More details to be announced soon. Please call Rabbi Rubin (518-423-4103) to discuss your interest in this exciting project.
אהרון חנוךAharon Chanoch יהל חנוךYahel Chanoch יואב מיכאלYoav Michael SHOFAR’S ELUL WAKE UP CALL We are getting closer to Rosh Hashanah. More of our boys davening class are trying their turn to blow the Shofar in addition to Rabbi Mendel. Some are getting much better at it!
SHANA TOVA CARDS Kindergarteners made beautiful Shana Tova cards and then packed them in envelopes and Morah Dini addressed them to be mailed to their grandparents!
PICTURE IN “TIMES-UNION” Our picture w/ City Engineer Neil O’Conner & Council Member Judy Doesschate appeared CODE ON BACK OF MEZUZAH in the “Times-Union” newspaper this week. Did you know that there’s a code written on back of a Mezuzah? Our students learned to BABY NAME CORRECTION crack the code (and its strategic placement), Rabbi Abba and Raizel’s baby daughter born and Rabbi Yossi shared with them a letter this summer is named Shterna Sara. Our from a young girl to the Rebbe written in this apologies for the wrong name listed in last code, the Rebbe answered her also in code! week’s “Summer Babies” Mazal Tov.
MAIMONIDES 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208
POMEGRANATE DISHES Using modeling clay donated to the school, Morah Rivi’s art students shaped and painted their own pomegranate dishes (clay is harder to work with than it seemed at first) which they hope to be able to use at home for Rosh Hashanah! (Remember: they would need to be immersed in a Mikvah before use with food).
By grandparents Sid & Debbie Stark
COOP VOICE KIDS SHOUT OUT TONGUE TWISTERS IN CHOIR The “Coop Voice” (Honest Weight Coop’s membership newsletter) is looking for kids to write 50 words or less: a paragraph, poem or cartoon, on how to help protect honeybees. Perfect timing for Rosh Hashanah’s apple in honey and wishes for a sweet new year! Submit to: dgd722 by October 1st.
Unique New York, Whether the Weather, Baby Bottle Buggy Bumper… are some of the tongue twisters Morah Chaya Bracha is having her choir students master as a vocal exercise.
3rd graders are learning about summaries and how to summarize something themselves. MATH OF DESIGN They enjoyed reading summaries, but found it harder to do it on their own, but they’ve been HS Girls are designing a 3D practicing all week. It takes rereading of the letter “A” and learned a lot original texts, isolating its key essential about proper measurements, precision and accuracy needed so that elements, capturing and restating it in brief. the angles align and the (eventual) piece stands steady on its own. SPONSOR A YAHADUS BOOK? Each year we’ve been adding a new volume of MIGRATION, OLD AND NEW the “Yahadus” curriculum to our school Guess what? 5/6 graders are learning how the library. This year we’re purchasing 13 books of volume 3 at $45 each at a total cost of $585. first chapter of Chumash Shmos These are durable, professional, hi-quality describes Jacob and his family coming down to Egypt at the same books that bring the scope and breath of the 613 Mitzvot to life in an informative, time they are learning about migration of ancient peoples in Social Studies! accessible and engaging way. If you’d like to “I SPY” IN THE “TIMES-UNION” It may be an old issue but it remains current sponsor/dedicate a book or two (for use this Today’s “Times-Union” Social-Scene section year in 5/6 grade and in different grades in and relevant today. It’s often in the news! features photos from Jewish Family Services future years) please speak to Morah Rochel “Women of Tikkun Olam” held at Nanotech. (518) 526-0774 or Mrs. Backman in the office. OF MICE AND MEN See you if you can find Rabbi Nachman & It’s just the start of the year but Clara, Rabbi Zalmy Simon and Chanie (one of VOTE FOR MHDS ALUMNA HS Girls finished reading “Of the event’s three honorees). Our students may Mice and Men” by John (AND CHECK OUT HER RECIPE!) also recognize assemblywoman Pat Fahy who Steinbeck. Most enjoyed it very Do you remember Chana Rivka (Myers) has been at quite a few of our school events. much. It was written in a time Simons? She attending our Bnos Chaya Girls before what we know today about HS years ago. She’s trying to be one of 3 things like autism, so it’s descriptions can be finalists to compete at the KosherFest Cookoff understood with a new lens today. this November. See her Rosh Hashanah Green Salad recipe online at: http:// and give her a vote (you can vote daily).
In an effort to keep our students safe and focused during the school day, we ask that all parents abide by the dismissal rules. If you need to pick up your child(ren) during the school day, you must go to the office and sign them out. Please do not go directly to classrooms to collect your child(ren). Additionally, teachers will dismiss students in an orderly fashion at the end of the school day. Please do not enter the building during end-of-the-day dismissal.
Morah Rivka put these strips of blue tape down on the Nursery carpet. Do they look In English with Mrs. Crawford, 6/7 graders read a story called "The Tell-Tale Heart". It is a familiar? To give Nursery kids a practical feel of the three types of Shofar blasts, she asked about a madman who murders someone all the kids to first take one big giant step because of his "evil eye". Edgar Allen Poe (Tekiah), then three smaller steps (Shevarim) writes scary stories and keeps suspense going and then a whole bunch of tiny steps (Teruah) in all of them. Later, they will read another story of his titled "The Cask of Amontillado". and then one big step again (Tekiah)!
WHY WE LIKE THIS PHOTO The cool thing about this picture is that the shot captured the soccer ball in mid-air, coming right at the camera! But even more special is the inclusive attitude, sportsmanship and positive teamwork of these girls who include all ages (grades 1 thru 8!) in their game, whether its soccer or capture-the-flag this week. Great Ahavat Yisrael!!!
CAN YOU SEE HER GREEN PLANE GO? Odelia, pictured on left, lets her green paper-airplane fly during a scienceenrichment experiment this week. Can you see the green blur flying across the top right corner of the picture? They experimented with different types of paper, different airplane shapes to which would fly best and furthest (and that had to be measured and documented). This picture on left is a little blurry, but it is Shmuly showing off his miniature plane model to the TNT student photographer. Would a smaller plane fly further or not?
No, it’s not Parshat Toldot this week, when we usually serve the school’s annual lentil soup, but 4th graders learned about the lentil soup that Yaakov prepared but sold to Eisav for the birthright. Some of the 4th grade students actually ate lentil soup this week at the Chai Elul farbrengen at the Shteeble. So they learned their lentil soup and got to eat it, too!
Kosher Dining is up and running again at UAlbany, under the supervison of the Vaad HaKashruth and visitors are welcome for an all-you-can-eat cook-to-order Kosher meal. But it is now longer on Dutch Quad, its now on Indian Quad (its tower is the closest of the four to Maimonides School). See more info: kosher-kitchen.html Visitor parking is located very close to Indian Quad on the eastern side of the campus perimeter road loop.
TALES OF A FOURTH GRADE NOTHING Guess which class is reading this Judy Blume book? Mrs. Maher’s 4th grade, of course! They are enjoying the humor and zaniness very much.
RECONSTRUCTION PERIOD 7/8 grade with Mrs. Ramsay is now learning American history following the Civil War, during the Reconstruction of the South. They learned how discrimination against blacks continued even after slavery was finished.
The 18th of Elul is the birthday of the Baal Shem Tov and the Alter Rebbe. Each student got black & white or sandwich cookies to symbolize the dual-birthday, as well as the Alter Rebbe’s dual-teachings of both legal and inspirational parts of Torah.
Rabbi Rubin’s 7/8 Talmud class (these boys learn both Talmud Brachos and Bava Metziah) came across an unusual word on Brachos 28, so Rabbi Rubin took them to the library to look it up in Jastrow’s Talmudic dictionary, so they would learn the skill to look it up on their own. They found the word and even found the reference note there to the exact page of Talmud they are studying!
On the morning of Chai Elul, Rabbi Mendel pointed out to the boys davening class that many of the songs they sing each day can have a nice connection to the Baal Shem Tov: Baruch She’amar = his teaching of constant creation, Hashem’s ongoing investment and involvement; Ashrei = happy and the Baal Shem Tov’s special focus on joy in Judaism & singing in prayer; Kol HaNeshama = is all about his focus on soul, and seeing the hidden soul within every person; uv’Moshe Avodo = is about the role of a Tzadik in the community… The best part of all this is that 6th grader Eli G. remembered each one, and shared it clearly and confidently at the Chai Elul farbrengen that night in the Shteeble.
Morah Chaya Bracha teaches Creative Parsha with the HS Girls, but this week, in honor of Chai Elul had them over at her home (across the street) for ice-cream, brownies and grapes, and of course—a Creative Parsha discussion!
Zushe of Anipoli taught that the 5 Hebrew letters of Teshuvah stand for 5 verses that are important in the Teshuvah process. Morah Raizy is learning these 5 verses with the 7/8 graders in their weekly Pitgam class.
HS science is now learning about the placebo effect and scientific method with a hypothesis, independent and dependent variable. They had to come up with 3 different experiments using the scientific method: a hypothesis, an independent and dependent variable, what could go wrong with the experiment and if there's a placebo or not.
MONTHLY MITZVAH: MEZUZAH How do you weigh things? How do you balance things out? Nursery students learned all about a balancing scale which is Elul’s symbol. They are eager to have their good deeds outweigh any negatives, which brings us to the picture below:
NURSERY MITZVAH NOTES Students are proud to bring them in, but even prouder when their Mitzvot are read aloud. Parents, please keep sending in Mitzvah notes, we are filling up the board!
WHO AM I? FAVORITE THINGS Ms. Ford’s 1st and 2nd graders each filled out forms about their favorite things, so that she could get to know them better. One way to know people is to know what they like, enjoy and are interested in.
at Maimonides and in the Community 9/24: AT CBAJ THIS SHABBOS
Mazal Tov to Mark and Chana Israel & family on Tani’s Bar-Mitzvah, Rabbi Feldman’s talk is on “The Loud and the Quiet”, a welcome to Rabbi Moshe Kornblum of Isralight who will speaking on “Egla Arufa & Rosh Hashanah” after Mincha, and the concert and Selichot on Sat Night.
Beth Tephilah Synagogue (82 River St in Troy) is opening a Kosher Knish Café on a bimonthly basis. The dates will be announced weeks in advance at: with gluten-free vegan food and storytelling of hidden heroes. Our first Knish Café will be Tuesday, September 27th, 5:307:30pm. Admission $5. For info call Elisheva Morrison: 894-3490
We’re nearing the end of summer season for this weekly shiur given by and hosted by women in the 10/1: FROM BK TO BM—DAF YOMI community. This week is the second to last one and The Daf Yomi daily Talmud study group is now will be given by Jory Sussman at her home 42 completing tractate Bava Kama (on damages) and Sycamore Street. 4:45pm. Enjoy it while it lasts! beginning Bava Metziah (on disputed monies) both classic tractates often studied in Yeshivot. The Siyum on Baava Kamma will be 6pm at Shomray 9/24: SAT NIGHT SELICHOT Torah on Shabbos afternoon, and later follow-up Because Rosh Hashanah falls Sunday night, the with a sit-down Kiddush at CBAJ on 10/8. Bava first Selichot will be on Sat Night a week prior: Metziah is classic Talmud, a great time to join! • 8:45pm Pre-Selichot Concert and welcome to new Rabbi Roy Feldman (performing) and his UNTIL 9/30: ISRAEL PHOTO family, followed by Selichot at CBAJ. • 1:00am Midnight Selichot prayers at Shomray EXHIBIT @ THE FEDERATION Torah (Shteeble). The Jewish Federation is hosting a photographic exhibition titled “Through Each Others’ Eyes” by 9/25: ADK BALLOON FESTIVAL 25 Israel young people from Jewish & Arab homes. Adirondack (hot-air) Balloon Festival is one of the It’s open on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Noon-2pm biggest in the country, you have to get there early to through September 30th. For more info contact the see the magnificent balloons rise, but no guarantees Federation at: (518) 783-7800. that they will go up because it depends on weather.
9/25: APPLE & HONEY FESTIVAL At Schenectady JCC, 2655 Balltown Road. 12-3pm, with pony rides, photo booth, vendors and crafts etc. Free Admission, but there may be costs for specific activities. There’s also an 11:30am obstacle course and 1 mile run for kids and parents.
9/25: LAKESIDE FARMS ANTIQUES If you like antiques or like to browse antique shows as a museum of sorts, check out this show of 60 antique vendors at Lakeside Farms in Ballston Lake, 9am-4pm at 336 Schauber Road.
9/25: ANTIQUE TRUCK SHOW $1 admission. 8:30am-4pm at Saratoga County Fairgrounds 162 Prospect Street in Ballston Spa.
9/25: FIBER AND SHEEP SHOW $5 admission, kids 13 and under are free. Sheepshearing, wool-types, spinning demos and yarn. 10am-5pm at Washington County Fairgrounds, 392 Old Schuylerville Road in Greenwich NY. Visit for more info.
A NEW PLAYGROUND? The City is looking to put a new playground in on Woodlawn… stay tuned!
MAIMONIDES TISHREI HOLIDAY SCHEDULE 10/3-4: Rosh Hashanah, No School 10/5: Fast of Gedalia, 9:30am start* 10/11: Erev Yom-Kippur, No School 10/12: Yom Kippur, No School 10/13: Day after Yom Kippur, 9:30am start* 10/17-25: Sukkot & Simchat Torah, No School 10/26: Post- Simchat Torah, 9:30am start*
* on days with a 9:30am start, grades 1+ please daven before school
FOOTBALL FUN Top two photos are from 5th-8th grade and bottom two are just before catches during the 2nd-4th grade game. All these football photos were taken during lunch-time recess on Wednesday with two great games going on at the same time at the park field.
MAIMONIDES SCHOOL & COMMUNITY (Nursery / Elementary / High School) 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a JF-NENY Beneficiary “A Beautiful Blend: Torah & Worldly Experience!”