Maimonides Community

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BH. Kislev

2, 5777 / December 2, 2016

Candle-Lighting: Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District 4:04 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Shabbos Ends: produced by Rabbi Mendel Rubin & students in the TNT (Torah ‘n Technology) Program 5:09 Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY




YORAM RANAAN’S BURNT STUDIO: 40 years of this artist’s masterpieces went up in flames in the arson fires that struck Israel. Read about his work, his “Gam Zu L’Tovah” faith and positive resilience in a article: Burnt Offerings of a Master Painter


SYNAGOGUE & 4K BURNED BOOKS: Cong. Moriah in Haifa had 4,000 books ready to go into a library area, when they were caught up in the arson-set wildfires. See the online story in Ha’Aretz with a picture of their Rabbi holding up a burned book of Rambam. This sad story has a moving outcome: an Arab-Israeli lumber merchant will donate materials for rebuilding!


MULTI-NATIONAL FIRE-FIGHTING: Many nations reached out with special firefighting airplanes and equipment and even firefighters to help Israel put out these raging fires, including: Russia, Turkey, Italy, Cyprus, Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, and the United States.


A UALBANY ALUMNI: Gady Buiumsohn was active in Jewish UAlbany as a student and lives in Israel for many years now. He is involved in the rebuilding of Neve TzufHalamish where 18 homes were destroyed and 40 other homes sustained damage. You can support their efforts at: https://


LOCAL EFFORTS: Even though we live very far from the wildfires, we feel very close to the people and places that are affected. Rabbi Roy Feldman of CBAJ is putting together a collection of support to send via the Jewish Federations, and our classrooms will be putting together their Tzedakah (and some Tzedakah from school family homes) to help in some small way from afar. Some have joined a “fight fire with fire” campaign with a focus on Shabbos candles and soon Chanukah candles in a positive response.

to Shachar & Ilana Luz on the birth of a daughter. Many remember Shachar from his engineering stint in Albany and from his occasional visits back up to this area. to Batsheva (Schreiber) and Yossi Shomer on the birth of a daughter. Batsheva is an MHDS alumnus, her parents R’ Pinchas and Yehudis first served as directors of Saratoga Chabad and then Shabbos House before moving to West Hartford. to Ari & Sara Edelman on the birth of a daughter. Ari, then living in MA, was a student in our High School, years ago.



This newsletter is dedicated in memory of Gaby & Rivky Holzberg, Leibush Teitelbaum, Benzion Kruman, Yocheved Orpaz & Norma Rabinowitz killed by terrorists at the Mumbai Chabad House in India on Rosh Chodesh Kislev

THE ANNUAL LENTIL SOUP In Toldot we read the story of Esav buying Yaakov’s lentil soup. Morah Devorah’s students cook it every year. Their illustrated Hebrew ingredient list on right, and cooking crew ready with their veggies on top. On left THE BIG CHANUKAH POSTER are some of For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Kindergarten made the many (see them painting in top photo) a giant poster very happy with many symbols of this month (see them yummy soup very happily holding it up in the picture above) eaters! they are already so excited for Chanukah!

MAIMONIDES 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208



4th grade is now learning Parsha Toldot in Chumash class, just in time for this week’s Torah reading of Toldot in Shul. But it gets better than that: On Thursday (Yom Chamishi, 5th day) of this week they learned the 5th Aliyah to match it right up.

The HS Girls decorated their 3D letter A’s in a variety of themes ranging from autumn leaves to beachy floral, a marine theme to Afro hairdo’s and others, too.

GOING BACK TO EGYPT 5/6 graders are now learning in Chumash about G-d telling Moshe to go back to Egypt, to confront Pharaoh… at the same time that they are “traveling back in MAKING A DEPOSIT time” to ancient Egypt with Mrs. Ramsay in HS Girls are pictured here making a deposit in Social Studies class. The Nile River plays a the bank of the monies earned at pizza night prominent role in both. to be set aside add up towards their year-end trip and other extra-curricular activities.

SHIMI’S WIFE’S MERIT Shimi cursed out King David, but his wife saved the lives of two Kohanim headed to inform on Avshalom’s rebellious plans. In this merit, Mordechai and Esther were among her descendents. The cool thing is how this tidbit connected two of their classes: Navi & Megillat Esther.

CRUCIBLE & MCCARTHYISM HS English class is writing an essay on a play by Arthur Miller, “The Crucible” as it relates to the Salem Witch Trials and is an allegory for McCarthyism, both of which saw people as suspect, with false or trumped up accusations, ruining people’s reputations and futures.


Rabbi Caras was so pleased with how well 7/8 did on their Yahadus test that he prepared sushi rice, avocado, fake crab & cucumber and the girls rolled their own sushi while they listened to a Torah audio class.


A SWEET EXPRESSION Rabbi Simon was walking down the streets of Crown Heights at the Kinus HaShluchim last week and he ran into this bunk outside the Sweet Expressions nosh shop with four boys from Maimonides - so he had to say hello and take this photo for the newsletter! You can see Aharon Dov, Mendel L. and Yitzchak R., Meir I. is peeking out near Rabbi Simon.

HS Girls learned a Talmud quote about water descending from the highest places ever seeking out the lowest point, while learning in their science class about cell diffusion, how cell molecules move from areas of high concentration to lower concentration.

HEBREW QUESTION WORDS 3rd graders now have a whole wall filled with Hebrew question words: Lamah or Maduah = why, Mee = who, Kamah = how many, Aych = how, Matai = when, Mah = what, Ayfo = where, L’ahn = to where… etc.

THE IF/THEN MIXED UP GAME BIG SCOOPS 7/8 graders each wrote sentences that had ifthen parts. Then they cut the sentence halves BOOK apart and mixed up all the If’s and all the REPORT Mrs. Kirkley’s 3rd graders are loading up on icecream! Actually, these are book reports each scoop is something else about the book: Title and Author, Favorite Part, Characters, and Main Idea.

Then’s. Then each student picked up one If and one Then and read it aloud, trying to match it up. Some sentences came out hilarious while some just didn’t make sense.

BAR-MITZVAH TORAH READERS COUNTY PROJECTS IN FOURTH Our recent Bar-Mitzvah boys pitched in for the Torah reading on Rosh Chodesh at school. Yochanon and JJ each took one of four Rosh Chodesh aliyah readings. It’s great to keep up the Torah reading, even a little bit each time!

Mrs. Maher’s students have each been assigned a different NYS county to research & prepare a project on. Stay tuned as it progresses…

HAKUBAH AND THE KEIVAH HS Girls learned the Hebrew word HaKubah at the end of Parshas Balak and it relates to Keivah intestines/gut in their Halacha class.

CHANUKAH PLAYS ARE ON... It’s not too early now to plan for Chanukah. Several grades are planning or preparing or practicing for their Chanukah plays. These kids are very into it! Stay tuned for exact date for the performances and more details.



Many adult newsletter readers will remember the Rubik’s Cube craze of the late 70’s and early 80’s. Nearly 400 million of these have been sold since a Hungarian architecture professor and sculptor came up with it in 1974. It may be the bestselling single toy of all time! This month Jacob and Max reintroduced it to friends at Maimonides, getting more kids involved, and improving their skill and speed. In addition to getting a mixed-colored cube back to solid colors on each panel there are other objectives like created a checkered panel on each side. And there are new variations on the old classic 3x3 pattern! One puzzle has different size protrusions on each side, making for a lopsided puzzle; another is 4x4 on each panel. All in all it makes for a lot of fun but please let’s try to keep it out of class time since all that clicking and turning can be disturbing and distracting.

Rabbi Shmuly’s 4th grade Mishna/Gemorah class learned the case Camel-Driver vs. the Storekeeper’s Menorah and how Rabbi Rubin’s students a few years back realized how this case (actually the only mention of a Chanukah Menorah in the Mishna itself!) could resolve a famous contemporary controversy about blessings recited over public Menorahs!

ANCIENT BABYLONIA/IRAQ Mrs. Ramsay’s 5/6 graders were learning about ancient Assyria and Babylonia/Iraq, so Rabbi Rubin showed them all kinds of Jewish texts and learning relating to that time period, from Nevuchadnezar the king who destroyed the first Temple, the Jewish exile to Babylonia, he showed them verses from the difficult book of Daniel & how the Babylonian Talmud was later written there. That region was home to thriving Jewish diaspora communities for more than 2000 years, up until mid-20th century!

CREATIVE PARSHA: TOLDOT Jacob & Esau had different relationships with their parents and how they internalized family values. HS Girls each wrote a 350+ word essay on a value or trait learned from their parents.

VICTORIAN WALK SARATOGA Our 7-8 and HS Girls went up to Saratoga’s Victorian Stroll on Thursday night to share preChanukah spirit. They gave out 500+ packets with gold gelt choco-coins and dreidels and endless cups of hot Matzah-Ball soup. People were very happy to have a Jewish presence and they even met a Jewish Santa Claus! We don’t have any pictures (yet) but they have lots of fun memories… They were located (unless they were driving about on the Chanukah-Bike) outside “A Silver Breeze” on Broadway, which donated a $300 gift certificate to our school’s auction. Thanks to Rabbi Abba and Raizel for involving our students, feeding them supper and to Mrs. Levin for driving the school van up & down.


OTIS AND THE ELEVATOR In Social Studies, 7-8 grade with Mrs. Ramsay learned about the development of the elevator as we know it today. The earliest elevators were “dumbwaiters” that used a pulley-system to send food in mansions from the kitchen to the main floor. But if the rope wasn’t held tight it could crash! Elisha Otis came up with an improved system, and much of that mechanical invention is still in use today… This invention led to taller buildings, and changed the landscape of cities.


Rabbi Shmuly’s upper MATH grades Gemorah classes Ms. Ford’s are learning the last students pick a chapter of Bava domino from the Metziah which has a set and have to whole bunch of cases do two equations about issues between based on the upstairs & downstairs numbers on each co-op owners or one: add the two landlord-tenants. This numbers and image found on then subtract the lower number from the higher Google Images actually one. They recorded their calculations in two depicts one of the Talmud’s scenarios: If a hole develops in the ceiling/floor—who is responsible columns on a pink paper. for repairs and to what extent?


UAlbany’s Indian Quad’s cook-to-order Kosher Dining will close mid-December as students leave for winter break. It reopens late January.

“THE LITTLES” IN THIRD Mrs. Kirkley has been reading “The Littles” (a series of kids novels) with her 3rd graders. The whole miniature size thing lends perspective and adds an unusual sense of adventure.

PARKVIEW SHABBOS CANDLES This Friday, Rabbi Yossi took 5/6 grades on a trip to visit seniors in the Parkview Apartments (formerly Bnai Brith) as part of the “Better Together” program. They shared Shabbos Candles (this month’s B.T. theme) with residents, explaining the how and why of lighting them. They also continued a past theme: Mezuzah and found a resident interested in a Mezuzah on the door.


PLANET TOURISM It’s still too early for this in real life, but may be possible (though very expensive!) in the not to distant future. But Ms. Brennan had her students work in teams to prepare tourism booklets for each planet: what visitors could expect, what they’d need to bring, how they’d get there, and a list of things they could do. It had to be based on research they did about their planet.


7/8 grade girls learned in Yahadus class the importance of staying close with good people who can be good examples and positive influences, and then in Chumash class learned how the encampment of the tribes, one tribe influenced another.

Now that they finished the astronomy unit, 5/6 are learning about weather in Ms. Brennan’s science class. Again they are working in teams to research, prepare and present a tri-fold about different types of storms like tornadoes, hurricanes, monsoons, etc.



Morah Chaya Bracha is encouraging her choir students to write draft drama to go along with their music for a grand performance. They are writing their own pieces, thinking of storylines, brainstorming and bouncing off ideas with each other and working their way towards the goal.

Speaking of monsoons, High School Girls are now learning about ancient India in Mrs. Ramsay’s class. They learned about the terrain and climate, including Mt Everest & monsoons, and how their civilization and economy developed over the centuries.

at Maimonides and in the Community 12/2: EMPIRE “SKATE” PLAZA


Empire State Plaza ice-skating rink opens for winter Beth Israel in Schenectady is hosting a Yiddish season. Free ice-skating, skate rentals for a small fee. scholar-in-residence Curt Leviant: novelist, scholar and translator, professor emeritus at Rutgers, at 12/2-3: Y-STUDS @ CBAJ A CAPELLA Friday Night dinner, Saturday night event and a A Cappella Shabbat returns to CBAJ with Y-Studs Sunday brunch, speaking on 100th yartzeit of performing at Friday Night services and a sit-down Sholom Aleichem, works of Israeli Shai Agnon etc. For costs & info, contact Beth Israel 377-3700. dinner, again on Shabbat morning and SeudahShlishit and a musical Havdalah.



Sat Night 7:30pm at Schenectady JCC, all women Dr. Yehoshua and Chaya Bracha Rubin are hosting cast, based on Lorca’s play: “La casa de Bernando this week’s Kiddush/Farbrengen in honor of their Alba” no charge, donations welcome, for ages 14+. Info? call Judy: 377-8803 or speak to Morah Rivi. son Schneur Zalman’s first year birthday.

12/3: RENA BERNSTEIN: “BITTER FREEDOM” A SURVIVORS STORY This Sat Night! An incredible story of Holocaust survival. Hear Rena tell it in person at a Motzai Shabbos Café. Purchase the book online at: 7pm at Maimonides with soups & teas. Info? Rabbi Shmuly: 496-0779 (Union College students loved the book & talk).

12/3: RABBI REISMAN NAVI CLASS Broadcast weekly from Brooklyn, this time of year at 7:30pm at the CBAJ Luchins Media Center.

12/4: HOW TO RAISE A MENTSCH 9am Panel Discussion based on Wendy Mogel’s book “Blessing of a Skinned Knee” at HACD, 54 Sand Creek Rd. Kids program with PJ Library.

12/4: TROY’S VICTORIAN STROLL Beth Tephila will be a stop on the Victorian Stroll in Troy, 11am-5pm, offering hot matzaball soup, sweet luchshon kugel & potato kugel. Chanukah items will for sale. Contact Elisheva 518-894-3491.

12/10: TEN KISLEV FARBRENGEN Melava Malka at the school. Niggunim, stories..


PIZZA NIGHTS AHEAD: Pizza Nights still ahead: 12/17, 1/28, 2/25

CHANUKAH EVENTS: more info and updates as we get closer... 12/25-26: Friendship Circle Camp, contact Chaya to be a part of this or assist in any way 12/26: Bethlehem Chabad Ice-Skating, Delmar Car -Menorah Parade & Chanukah Dinner back at the new Bethlehem Chabad at historic Adams House 12/27: East Greenbush Library Chanukah, and a Clifton Park Center Chanukah event, stay tuned... 12/28: School Raffle-Auction & Chanukah Dinner (with the voted-on menu!) 5-7pm at MHDS 12/29: Chanukah Bowling in Saratoga 12/29: Menorah Car Parade around Albany leaves school on Thursday at 3:30pm 12/31: Bethlehem Chabad at Delmar’s First Night

Dov Smiley is a cartoonist with books on the Jewish 1/22: SPA FOR BODY AND SOUL holidays. He’ll be at the Jewish Federation starting The 2017 Spa date is set! Stay tuned for updates… with an interactive presentation for school-age children 1:30pm. There’s no charge to attend but VIA—AQUARIUM IS NOW OPEN RSVPs are appreciated at See 25,000sf of oceanic treasure, 2000+ fish & aquatic to see his work and style. species, including walk-thru tunnels and a sting-ray touch-tank. Weekday cost is $16 per adult, $10 for 12/23-26: JGR WINTER RETREAT ages 4-17 and kids under 4 are free. Rabbi Mendel See or speak to N. did get a PJ Library small subsidy for PJ Library Laber for registration, cost or more info. This year families who wish to arrange for a small group trip, held at the Holiday Inn in Latham. let’s be in touch and arrange a time that works— possibly on Monday or Thursday of Chanukah?


A Mystery Guest Shabbat—guests and hosts sign up secretly via CBAJ (hosts must be Sabbath and Kosher observant as per CBAJ standards) guests show up at host door on Friday Night!

12/27-29: CHANUKAH @ MHDS

Parents, please note (slightly changed) school schedule: 12/23: Friday, Half-day Hebrew only 12/26: Monday No School 10am-4pm at Empire State Convention Center. $7pp, Kids 12 and under are free. By Upstate Train 12/27-29: Tues-Thurs, Half-day Hebrew only 12/30: Friday, No School Associates and the Hudson-Berkshire Division of the National Model Railroad Association (NMRA) 1/2/2017: Monday, school resumes at 8am A big Lego model train set will be running…



Wed, 5-7pm on 5th night of Chanukah. This exciting annual school fundraiser includes the Shimon has a fascinating background, now works at Israeli consulate in NY. J-Fed brings him to speak celebrated themed Chanukah dinner by the Kochmans (Italian-dairy as determined by our at a Joint Society event, admission at the door is student election) prize packages on display & $30. 6:30pm at Agudat Achim, Schenectady. last chance to buy tickets before drawings that night. Menorah Lighting & some entertainment 12/4: TAL U’MATAR SWITCH as well. Tickets can also be purchased in This year we switch to “Tal U’Matar” in the Amida advance via US Mail, the office, or online link: on Sunday evening, Dec 4th, at Maariv.


MAIMONIDES SCHOOL & COMMUNITY (Nursery / Elementary / High School) 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a JF-NENY Beneficiary “A Beautiful Blend: Torah & Worldly Experience!”

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