BH. Tammuz
15, 5778 / June 28, 2018
Candle-Lighting: Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District 8:19 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Shabbos Ends: produced by Rabbi Mendel Rubin & students in the TNT (Torah ‘n Technology) Program 9:30 Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY
MAIMONIDES 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208
This MC Newsletter is dedicated in memory of
Morris Aronson משה בן יוסף
Yartzeit (this Sunday) 18 of Tammuz
MAZAL TOV MHDS GRADUATES MAZAL TOV LABERS On Wednesday evening, following 8th grade’s return from their Washington DC trip (see pictures on page 3 inside this MC), 8th grade & High School graduations ceremonies were held at school. Each of the 8th grade students articulately addresses a different life-message theme. Leah G. spoke about flexibility, Shira L. resourcefulness, Rivka L. on perseverance, and Mussie R. on invest for success. Malka W. who will be going for post-High-School learning next year in Israel spoke beautifully of how much she enjoyed small children and things we can all learn from them. Mrs. Ellen Kaplowitz drew from each of their talks to highlight what a Maimonides education is all about. Diplomas and special recognition awards were presented to each of them. These are fine girls who have blossomed beautifully at Maimonides. We’re very proud of them all!
MAZAL TOV VOLOVIKS On the Bris and naming of their newborn son Yosef Tzvi in memory of Rabbi Levi Volovik’s late father in whose memory he has been saying Kaddish this year.
Rabbi Avraham and Nechama Laber had a baby boy named Yosef Chaim at bris today, Mazal Tov to all the Laber siblings, too!
REGISTRATION FORMS School is out for the year but planning for the new school year is already in full swing. Please be sure to submit your 2018-2019 registration forms, fees and tuition payment arrangement as soon as possible, so the school and class configurations can be properly prepared for your child(ren) and all other children. For questions/info, please contact Morah Rochel at 518-526-0774 or mail/email the school office. While no child will be turned away from a Jewish education, and tuition subsidies and arrangements are made, Maimonides is not a public school and relies heavily on tuition (as well as grants and communal support) to pay teachers and all the costs necessary for a full-time school to operate and provide a quality education. The Lubavitcher Rebbe wrote that for a family concerned with Jewish education, “tuition ought be the first item/priority in the family budget.”
WELCOME BACK RABBI RUBIN Rabbi Yisroel Rubin was away for about a week at a family wedding in Dnieperpetrovsk, Ukraine. He returned with much to share about his travels, which included a stay in the Menorah Center (perhaps the world’s largest Jewish community center, synagogue, museum and hotel complex at over 500,000 SF!) a visit to Alter Rebbe’s gravesite in remote Haditch, and stories and insights heard from wedding guests from around the world, including Russia and Israel. A little known inspirational teaching that he shared there (from a sefer published in Hungary/Romania in 1940!) was reported in an Israel weekly this week!
MAZAL TOV MENDEL (SCHEN) Mendel R. of Schenectady put on Tefillin for the first time this week in preparation for his Bar-Mitzvah, just before his going to camp.
NURSERY’S MOVING-UP DAY POEM AND SONGS Nursery recited a nicely coordinated poem about “Do you remember me last fall… when I was only just this tall?” They also sang “I am a Jew and I’m proud” and “Hooray for Graduation Day!” with thank you’s for everyone who helped them get to this important milestone.
KINDERGARTEN PRESENTATIONS They sang “BaKitah” that runs through many of the Hebrew words they learned this year, and recited a poem that goes through the order of their day at school, and a song about “one small voice that grows” along with hand motions. Their white graduation hats were topped with pictures of their year.
FIRST GRADERS AT MOVING-UP DAY Bachofesh HaGadol (the big—summer—vacation), Anachnu Sharim, and a bird song as well as one about all the continents. They each received certificates that honored each student with their strengths and achievements.
SECOND GRADE’S FIRST-RATE COMPLIMENTS Morah Devorah Leah’s class did something different. Instead of each child getting a certificate, the class performed a creative rhyming song through which they sang of each of their classmate’s strengths, based on what they thought about, discussed and wrote about each other!
MOVING—UP TO FOURTH GRADE! Third graders (now 4th graders!) pictured here are holding their certficates of achievement and recognition that each student through grade 7 received, highlighting their academic and character accomplishments and contributions to their classroom learning and social dynamic.
SIXTH GRADE, HERE WE COME! Our 5th graders are a dynamic bunch and we look forward to exciting new levels of learning and interaction as they move up a grade into middle school. Not all classes pictured here. We’re very proud of our 4th graders and 7th graders. It has been a great year at Maimonides.
MRS. M’S BEARDED DRAGON For a treat on one of the last days of school Mrs. M. brought in her bearded lizard for her students to hold, touch, and feed grass, clover flowers and crickets. This lizard was quite an active lively fellow. And this isn’t just an lizard. This is a rescue lizard which had a new lease on life when Mrs. M. began to take care of it. She is obviously doing a great job because it really is quite vibrant and quick! It may sit still but then darts about!
(L) Placing stones atop the gravestones of Jewish servicemen. (R) Sitting in the shadow of the Washington Monument.
Standing in front of the White House moments before an interesting character jumped the fence and that entire area had to be cleared out.
WHO WAS THE JUMPER? >> At the end of their DC trip Mrs. Levin looked At the Smithsonian. The lettering to their right reads: up the story in the news and found out the “Choices make a difference”. jumper they saw at the White House was a former marine suffering from PTSD and struggling with his post-service life.
SUMMER READING VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION At the start of Moving-Up Day ceremonies, Morah Rochel (some of it with the help of our younger students) recognized and appreciated volunteers at our school this year: Mr. Steve Caruso for literacy support, Mrs. Wildman for coordinating soup of the week, Amy Drucker of PJ Library for weekly story visits, and Sharona for school secretary holding our school together. Not pictured are Mr. Dan Flax, Mrs. Ellen Kaplowitz etc among many volunteers who greatly benefit MHDS.
Parents & kids, don’t forget to keep reading this summer—a little each day, both in English and Hebrew. Keep your minds and skills active & fresh, improving all summer long!
WE ARE OTHER! Please consider a legacy gift to Maimonides to help ensure our school into the future. While we are not listed on the communal Letter of Intent, Maimonides can certainly be included under “Other”! For further questions please be in touch with Rabbi Rubin 518-423-4103.
Playing a fun group game over dinner at a Kosher restaurant. — Many thanks to Susannah Levin for lively and creative chaperoning, to the Wildman family for loaning their minivan and to Rabbi Sholom Raichik of the Chabad in Gaithersburg MD for hosting them! And to all those who bought bake sale throughout the year, too, it makes these highly anticipated wonderful graduation trips possible!
at Maimonides and in the Community 6/30: SHABBOS BALAK—17TH OF TAMMUZ “NIDCHE” 7/22: TISHA B’AV FAST DAY 17th of Tammuz (when Jerusalem’s walls were breached) is Shabbos this year, so the fast day is “nidche” postponed for Sunday. We read Parshas Balak, the famous story of Bilaam’s attempted curses that (were) turned into blessings.
actually on Sat night through Sunday, 10th of Av this year, pushed off from Shabbat, beginning as Shabbos ends.
6/30: WOMENS AFTERNOON SHABBOS SHIUR 4:45pm, by Dini Gordon at her home, 29 Glenwood Street.
6 teams compete and everyone enjoys brisket, wings, & sides to benefit the Shalom Kosher Food Pantry. RSVP ($20pp, $10 child, $25 after July 25th) or call Event is 2-5pm at Bethlehem Chabad, 393 Delaware Ave.
7/1: 17TH OF TAMMUZ FAST DAY ON SUNDAY The 17th is on Shabbos, so the fast-day is pushed to Sunday, when the period of semi-mourning known as “The Three Weeks” begins. Shacharit prayer adds Selichot, Mincha adds Torah reading and Haftorah etc… Fast ends: 9:12pm
Kids ages 3-11, all kinds of board games, building games & more. Starting 10am on Monday at Clifton Park-Halfmoon Library on Moe Road.
What makes annual Jewish Girls Retreat different this summer? One week instead of three, but what a week it will be! Call Nechama Laber to find out more. Located at a lakefront campsite, wih Jewish girls of a range of ages. See for info.
7/3: DOWNTOWN SARATOGA JULY (3RD) 4TH PARTY 7pm-9:30pm on Spring, Putnam and Henry Streets in downtown Saratoga. See for events, venues and more info.
7/4: JULY 4 BBQ & EXPERIENCE AT BETH TEPHILAH 4pm Beth Tephilah, 82 River St, Troy. “1700’s Jewish merchant” on how Jews saved the American Revolution. BBQ: chicken, corn on cob, falafel, fries & watermelon. Donations appreciated. RSVP/Info: Elisheva: 518-894-3491
7/4: JULY 4TH CELEBRATION AT THE PLAZA The Empire State Plaza July 4th party (sponsored by Price Chopper) with music, vendors etc starts at 3pm, but the fireworks aren’t until around 9pm, and they are the biggest fireworks show around with many good viewing spots.
7/8: SUMMER SHAKER CRAFT & ARTISAN FAIR 10am-4pm at 25 Meeting House Road, not far from the Albany Airport. See crafts for sale, there’s a family activity tent for kids. $4pp, kids under 18 free.
11am-6pm on Sunday in historic beautiful Congress Park in the heart of Saratoga, near the end of the exciting summer season. Kosher food, entertainment, vendors, crafts and more. Call Rabbi Abba and Raizel at 518-526-0773 for more info or to sign up as a vendor.
7/9-8/17: CAMP GAN ISRAEL DATES Gan Israel Day Camp dates for Summer ‘18: July 9th thru Aug 17th. Dedicated staff, engaging program, meaningful memories. We are delighted to have our very own talented and dedicated Chana Laber back from two years in Israel as head-counselor for the summer. For more info call Morah Devorah Leah: 518-698-1836.
8/26-29: FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE MINI-CAMP Special camp at the end of the summer for children with special needs. 10am-2pm, to be based at Maimonides. Interested families or staff (volunteers needed!) contact Chaya:
More info/ticket & food purchases all online at: Our 7th graders are putting on Tefillin one by one as their 13th birthdays valleycatsjewishheritagenight2018/ Vaad Kosher meals near. We look forward to a nice group of Bar-Mitzvah boys next year! ____________________________________________________________ SUMMERTIME MINYANS While many travelers boost our local 7/12: RASHI YARTZEIT KIDDUSH ON THURSDAY Minyans during the summer months, they’re a bonus and we need our local Rashi’s yartzeit is the 19th of Tammuz, and Rabbi Rubin likes to make a Rashi regulars (and irregulars) to make up the daily Minyans. Even if you can’t make themed Kiddush that morning at Shul right after 8am davening. See books on it all the time, keep in mind to try to come by for Minyan when you can! display from the Maimonides library and archives.
7/16: NINE DAYS SIYUM BBQ AT DELMAR CHABAD 6pm at 109 Elsmere Ave. An annual tradition! Info? 518-439-8280
THE LAKE GEORGE MINYAN A unique summertime tent Minyan tucked away behind The Magic Forest, off Route 9 at 71 Bloody Pond Road is a special experience, which brings Jews of all types together! Call Rabbi Abba for times/info: 518-526-0773
MAIMONIDES SCHOOL & COMMUNITY (Nursery / Elementary / High School) 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a JF-NENY Beneficiary “A Beautiful Blend: Torah & Worldly Experience!”