BH. 29
Adar II, 5779 / April 5, 2019
Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District Candle-Lighting: 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 7:08 Shabbos Ends: produced by Rabbi Mendel Rubin & students in the TNT (Torah ‘n Technology) Program 8:10 Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY
MAIMONIDES 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208
REB MOSHE LOSICE, OBM Reb Moshe Losice, a beloved and respected landmark and pillar of Jewish life in Albany passed away this week on the 25th of Adar (his Hebrew birthday). Born in Poland (arriving in Albany just before the war on the 5th night of Chanukah), he attended Yeshiva Torah v’Daas in Brooklyn and passed away in Monsey, but spent nearly all of his life in Albany, together with his dear wife Rivka. Reb Moshe was the Morris Losice of Modern Carpet (and Modern Furniture), a local family business for 70 years. For him it was more than a business, it was a way of serving Hashem, community & people. He was a walking Kiddush Hashem, dignified and honorable, but modest & discreet, highly regarded by all as a true mentsch. For decades he served as President of Shomray Torah, of Maimonides, and of Capital Chabad and a dear close friend of Rabbi Rubin for all these years. He was wise and understanding (he had a broad picture, longterm view of communal affairs) but also heartfelt emotional (as many remember from his High Holiday prayers). He had a serious, solid unwavering attachment to Torah study & Mitzvos that was enmeshed & intertwined with everyday life and human interaction. He was a mentor and role model & supporter to many, his legacy and inspiration will live on in Albany, and in all those who who knew him wherever they are today. Our condolences to his son Avi, his daughter Adina Herbstman, his sister Chana Baila Tovy and their families. The last full day of Shiva is this Sunday in Monsey (see page 4).
This MC Newsletter is dedicated in loving memory of
Moshe Losice R’ Eliezer Moshe ben R’ Noach & Bracha Yospe May his memory be a blessing! MAZAL TOV VILENKINS Mazal Tov to Rabbi Yossi & Morah Leyee on For a small school, Maimonides certainly got a the engagement of her brother Meir Vilenkin to Rivka Uhlman of Sydney, Australia. lot of attention last weekend at the Girls International Chidon. Twenty girls were called on stage at the big event MAZAL TOV SIMONS on Sunday honored as Mazal Tov to MHDS alumnus Rabbi Meir & the first to complete all Sara Simon of Lone Tree, Colorado on the 5 books of the Yahadus birth of a son! Mazal Tov and much Nachas to curriculum and all 613 grandparents Rabbi Nachman and Clara. Mitzvot and qualify for all 5 Chidons. Three of MAZAL TOV BACKMANS those 20 girls were from MHDS alumnus Maishie and Malky Backman Maimonides! Chayol had a baby girl on Purim named Freida. Magazine at the Chidon featured 4 students with quotes on the back page, and 2 of the 4 ZECHARIA BAUMEL RETURNED (50%!) are from Maimonides! And we had For 37 years, Israelis & Jews around the world student representatives competing on stage, have been praying and some of our students earned plaques and some hoping for the return of also earned medals! We are very proud of our this IDF soldier among students and also very appreciative to Morah three missing soldiers in the Dini for spearheading, 1982 Lebanon War battle coordinating & shepherding known as Sultan Yaakob. this educational project at Thanks to help from the our school. It is amazing how Russians and a secret IDF much (and how varied the) military operation titled “Bittersweet Song” his information they learned. remains were finally returned to be buried in This week is the Boys Chidon Israel. Think of the great lengths Israel goes to weekend, and we look return even a dead body of a soldier, 37 years forward to hearing about it later! And they found him with his Tzitzit!!!! next week when they return!
NURSERY PESACH LEARNING AND HANDS-ON ACTIVITIES There is so much Pesach learning going on in the Nursery these weeks leading up to the holiday. Here’s a sample of hands-on learning stations on Wednesday this week: (L) Rivka is working to match up the layout of her own handwritten Seder plate components with the sample Seder plate on display. (M) Yossi and Baruch are trying to get their “Matzah” dough as thin as possible. (R) Suri is using shaped-sponges to paint Kiddush cups and wine bottles onto her “Kadesh” page.
TRIPLE AAA This isn't for the auto club! Morah Rivi’s design students completed their first 3D letter project. Precise measurement was key so all the sides would align properly even before getting into the external decorating.
ROBOTS AND TORAHS Headmaster Matt Hopkins of the Augustine Classical Academy came with a few of his students to our Makerspace to display a robot they built to compete in a race to pick up and put down balls. We were curious about their robot, and they were curious about Judaism! Rabbi Rubin showed them Jewish books in Hebrew, a Torah scroll, a Tallis, etc.
PHANTOM PROJECTOR In STEAM class this week these students learned about how plastic (and glass) can both allow light to pass through but also reflects light. These two properties allow for the unique dual features of this phantom projector which shows two different images at the flip of a switch. They also used a shaped plastic funnel to create a hologram effect of an image on a phone. This week we learn about the Kohain’s viewing of a Tzaraat affliction, and results depend a great deal on the view and perspective of the Kohain viewing it. Perspective/angle matters!
SO MANY FOUR’S ON PESACH 4 sons, 4 redemptive expressions, 4 cups of wine, 4 questions, why only 3 Matzot? HS learned a meaningful thought on it this week.
PEOPLE WHO CAUSE CHANGE HS students studying Global History did a practice thematic essay on people who caused global change. The theme itself caused a big discussion: do you define change as positive or can it also refer to negative (even horrible) change in the world?
ASKING FOR DIRECTIONS... PAPER PLATE BUTTERFLIES Mrs. Mattice’s first graders painted paper plate butterflies for Spring, learning about symmetry along the way. The paper-plate’s ridges around the edge helped them with the design!
THE MOST SIMILAR PLANT IS... HS Biology with Ms. Brown did a lab this week to try to find a plant with the closest properties to a fictional plant titled Botana Curus, labeled an important and valuable plant on the endangered species list which produces Curol, an important compound in cancer treatment. During the lab exercise they did a number of tests (structural & molecular) checking the RNA, DNA & enzymes of 3 different plants in the test. Ironically, the plant that looked the most dissimilar externally had the closest properties! This is also a lesson about not judging people by external factors! Sometimes we may have much more internally in common with another person that we may mistakenly assume based on external issues.
Morah Rivi did an Ivrit unit on asking for directions in Hebrew beyond the well-known Yashar = straight, Yemina = right, Smolah = left.
VOLCANO Ms. Ramsay’s 6th grade science students are now steps closer to their volcano explosion. They painted the volcano and nearby area, and also have a suggestion box set up for other classes to come up with names for their volcano. Ideas?
FDR’S NEW DEAL PROJECTS 8th grade social-studies students each worked on a powerpoint presentation about the New Deal and its effects.
MANY SIDES OF MATZAH Wait, Matzah only has two sides to it? Not in Rabbi Mendel’s Chasynthesis class where HS learned many paradoxical angles & meanings.
FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON In connection with this story, 8th grade English with Mr. Conley learned about the different types of measuring and categorizing intelligence. One method is the Howard Gardner theory of multiple intelligences. They are doing a project based on this in terms of which intelligence they’d each be strongest in.
TRANSFORMATIONS IN MATH 8th grade math did a unit on when a line in a graph is moved in a certain way, and the type of way it is moved determines the method.
IMPORTANT COMPOST RULES It will take warmer weather for it to turn into dirt, but we started filling our new compost bins with food & paper scraps. Remember, NO plastic, metal or anything but food and paper scraps and yard stuff goes into the compost bin. We need 50% “green” (includes fruit peels, leftover bread, vegetable pieces) 50% “brown” (that’s brown leaves, shredded newspaper or paper scraps). Please careful that we not leave any scraps (especially food scraps) outside the compost bin. Thanks!
THE MITZVAH-MAVENS TRIP Morah Dini arranged a special local trip for students who put in effort in the Yahadus curriculum but didn’t qualify for Chidon. Last week she took the girls for brunch at Kosher Price Chopper, with an ABC Kosher items scavenger hunt, then they did the maze and other fun at Crossings Park, and then obstacle courses, trampolines and other fun at the new “Get Air” above Crossgates Mall. The boys did a trip this week, too, same itinerary only they did Slurpies instead of the Crossings. It was a lot of fun, thanks Morah Dini!
REQUIRED VS. PREFERENCE 6th grade Gemorah learned the difference between Rabbi Yehudah and the Rabbis on whether a Lulav, Hadassim and Aravot MUST or SHOULD be tied together (Sukkah 11b). As an exercise students made 2 long lists: of everyday things that have to be connected to each other, and other things that don’t have to be connected but are nicer or better if they are connected.
ROSH CHODESH LUNAR VIDEO Rabbi Caras and 8th grade boys made this short fun video (as part of a project for SpaceIL and the Israeli embassy) of Maimonides students explaining Rosh Chodesh to an space alien, in connection to Israeli’s lunar landing on the moon just in time for Rosh Chodesh Nissan when we first got the Mitzvah of Rosh Chodesh and the lunar calendar. See the short video at: Share it, too!
FIFTH GRADE SAMSON PLAY Morah Raizel’s 5th grade Navi students just finished learning about Shimshon (Samson) in the Book of Shoftim (Judges) and are working on a play about it. Stay tuned!
PESACH PILLOWS Morah Devorah’s students decorated and stuffed their own Pesach pillows for their own use at the Seder. They will recline in comfort on their own handiwork!
SEDER MATS BY FIRST GRADE It’s not even Rosh Chodesh Nissan yet but many of our classes are already full swing into Pesach learning. These kids finished their Pesach Seder mats and they are already laminated & ready to go! Any questions?
PESACH HANDBOOK This is the cover of 3rd grade’s Pesach handbook. Names of the holiday, what we say when we search for & burn Chametz, so much information! By the time this book is full they’ll be Pesach scholars!
MAKE UR OWN 3D STRUCTURE Ms. Coffey asked her 6th grade students to make a 3D structure out of cardboard or whatever—and then to measure its area. It gets trickier with homemade imperfect shapes.
NOW IS TIME 4 MAOT CHITTIM Think of those who need help for Pesach, speak to Rabbi Rubin or your Rabbi to help.
A BIG BUCKET OF PICKLES Can’t believe we missed this delicious picture from last week! What were 6th graders doing with a huge bucket of Batampte pickles? It had to do with something they learned in both STEAM and Yahadus class about the role of salt in Koshering (and that’s why Kosher Salt has that name) and they learned the difference between a brine pickle and a vinegar one.
at Maimonides and in the Community 4/6: SHABBOS HACHODESH AND ROSH CHODESH—3 TORAHS!
4/8: PREPESACH This is one of the rare times when we GIRLS read three Torah readings and if 3 MISHMAR
Torahs are available, we take out 3 Torahs: Parsha Tazria, Rosh Chodesh and also the HaChodesh reading (last of the 4 seasonal Torah readings leading up to Pesach). Some say that when the ark is opened, the gates of heaven are opened & is a special time for personal prayer.
Monday afterschool Mishmar for girls in grades 2+ with a Pesachthemed craft & activity. $2pp.
Sat nights live from Brooklyn at CBAJ now (that Shabbos ends later) at 9:30pm.
4/7: ALBANY MITZVAH DAY Albany congregations are doing Chesed activities during this day around the area.
4/7: LOSICE SHIVA IN MONSEY R’ Moshe Losice’s family will finish sitting shiva in Monsey on Monday, at R’ Moshe’s most recent residence: 2000 Fountainview Drive Apt. 2313, Monsey, NY 10952. The telephone number there 888-701-8442. Shiva ends early Monday morning.
4/7: (INDOOR) GREENMARKET Year ’round farmer & crafts market at Proctor’s Theater Arcade, 10am-2pm every Sunday. This large Farmers Market moves outdoors in May.
4/7: BUTTERFLIES BACK @ MiSci MISCI Museum in Schenectady has their indoor interactive butterfly exhibit house through April 14th. Not much time left! The Exhibit/experience is free with museum admission. (If you go, wearing bright light colors may help attract butterflies).
The last in a 3-part series with Rabbi Feldman: Modern HAPPY TO LEAVE EGYPT! Bible interpretation Nursery students dressed up, held their dolls & walking sticks to “experience” the Exodus just as the Mishna quoted in the Haggadah recommends, “in and traditional response to Biblical every generation, we should each see ourselves as if we are leaving Egypt”! Criticism.
4/10: ARTIST ROSENSTEIN Artist Mordechai Rosenstein is well-known for his artistic free-flowing colorful Hebrew lettering, Beth Emeth is hosting him for an extended weekend which opens with a (bring your own lunch) “Lunch n’ Learn” 12pm-1:30pm with a talk & presentation on “My Life as an Artist” looking at his works over time. Talk is free and open to the public.
4/10: CANSTRUCTION LAST DAY Area Capital Region companies competed to build themed structures out of cans to be donated to the regional food pantry. You can see their structures on display March 27—April 10 at the New York State Museum. Bring in your own cans to donate and vote for your favorite sculpture(s).
4/22-25: CHOL HAMOED PESACH Monday thru Thursday this year. Does anyone have ideas for outing and activities? Keep us posted so we can share as it gets closer. No school all Pesach. Here are some nearby Chol HaMoed ideas: 4/20-28: 1pm-11pm Rockland Fair with free admission and shows, pay for rides, all at the Palisades Mall just past Monsey off the 87 Thruway. 4/22-24: Chol HaMoed at Skate-Time, 5164 Route 209 between Kingston and Ellenville. Arcades, Inflatables, Skating and more! $15pp benefits the Hebrew Academy of Sullivan County and Ellenville Shul. Info? Call Asher Handler: 845-423-0404 4/23: Build-a-Bird at NYS Museum 2pm-3:30pm 4/25: Crime Science Lab 2-3pm at the Albany Main Library run by MiSci. 518-382-7890
6:30pm at the Albany Elks Lodge. $54pp or $72/a couple. Register honors Jeff Weiss of Glennpeter Jewelers & more. For info call Chaya: 518-488-8992.
Rabbi Rubin will be speaking at Shomray Torah about the (Passover absent) “Mizmor L’Todah” thanksgiving psalm, which also connects to R’ Moshe Losice obm. Rabbi Feldman will be speaking at CBAJ on “Passover’s Special Guest”.
Albany-area communal Yom HaShoah Holocaust commemoration 7:30pm at CBAJ.
6/4: MAIMONIDES DINNER Stay tuned for honorees and info. Important annual school fundraiser & communal event.
Some kids are really into this! Cost is $10 per child By clarinetist Paul Green at SUNY Adirondack in (parents are free) 12pm-4pm at Lucky Strike Social Queensbury, in the Dearlove Hall at 6pm. at Crossgates. It’s full of slime, slime-related activity and even slime vendors and exhibitors. 4/19: EREV PESACH SIYUM PLUS
4/8: MODEL MATZAH BAKERY 5:30-6:30pm at the Albany JCC with Chabad and PJ Library. Cost is $5pp.
Annual tradition at Maimonides. 7:55am Shacharit at school, 8:45am Siyum on Daf Yomi tractate Chullin, a First-Born Break-Fast and communal Chametz Burning. All welcome!
SCHOOL PESACH SCHEDULE 4/11: High School Pesach Break begins. 4/17-18: Half-Day General Studies classes. 4/19-28: No School—Pesach Vacation 4/19: Erev Pesach Shacharit, Siyum Break-fast & communal Chametz Burning at Maimonides 4/29: School Resumes 8am
MAIMONIDES SCHOOL & COMMUNITY (Nursery / Elementary / High School) 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a JF-NENY Beneficiary “A Beautiful Blend: Torah & Worldly Experience!”