Maimonides Community

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Adar II, 5779 / March 14, 2019

Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District Candle-Lighting: 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 6:43 Shabbos Ends: produced by Rabbi Mendel Rubin & students in the TNT (Torah ‘n Technology) Program 7:44 Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY

MAIMONIDES 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208

IMAGINE IF KIDS’ RESPONSE... … to Mordechai’s question “tell me a verse you learned today in school?” would have been “Nothing” as in this Grand Ave cartoon then he would not have been as reassured as he was when they told him these verses of Al Tirah, Utzu Eitzah, and V’Ad Zikah. And we would not have these classic Al-Tirah verses (and song) in our daily prayers today. (This is based on a Midrash on the Purim story). Fast forward to the 21st century in Albany NY: If our students would say “Nothing” when it came to TNT reporting each week, we wouldn’t have this newsletter either. Now, even Maimonides students can say “nothing” about school stuff, but we’re lucky that most of the time, many of them have all types of things CHAMELEON COLORS to share which is why you get to read this 4Mrs. Mattice read a book with the first graders page MC Newsletter each week! about a color-changing chameleon and this time their “reader response” was in art form.


PULLEY STRENGTH These students did some hands-on learning in STEAM class about how pulleys work, how indirect distribution of force builds greater strength and power and makes heavier loads easier to lift. Each added pulley configured together makes the load easier and easier.

Contact the school office 518-453-9363 if you’d like to sponsor an MC Newsletter in honor of a special occasion or in memory of a loved one.


Mrs. Susannah Levin was in Amsterdam (in Holland, that is) and sent us this photo of a Rembrandt sketch of Mordechai on the horse led by Haman. Mrs. Levin was most intrigued by the expression on the horse! How timely is MANY PURIM EVENTS >>> it that she happened to be in Amsterdam and See page 4 for more details. Happy Purim begins Wed night through into Thurs evening. saw this sketch in a museum just before Purim!

Shlomo is trying to put the world back together. I spy South America off to the left side, and Australia is right up front on the left. Africa is right next to his right sneaker.

MAZAL TOV TZEMACH SIMON Mazal Tov to MHDS alumnus Tzemach Simon on his engagement to Chaya Klein of Monsey NY! Double Mazal Tov to Rabbi Nachman & Clara & Simon family on this back-to-back engagement of their youngest son & daughter!

JOBS IN COLONIAL AMERICA You don’t hear much of some of these jobs anymore: A cordwainer made shoes from new leather, a farrier made horseshoes, and a cooper made barrels. A joiner made furniture, a fuller made cloth cleaner and thicker, and a miller turned grain into flour. Peruke-makers made wigs. These are some of the jobs that were common during the Colonial America period that 4/5th graders are now learning about with Mrs. Maher.

JOBS IN HEBREW CLASS Speaking of job titles that you might not be as familiar with, Morah Rivi’s 4th graders learned the Hebrew names for a bunch of different jobs like doctor, baker, salesman. And they learned how to put those words in sentences.

ALOE IN CHUMASH CLASS Morah Rochel’s Chumash class learned the Midrash how Moshe burned his lips as a child and it affected his speech. They were discussing burns so Morah Rochel brought in a piece of Aloe Vera plant for students to scoop out and shmear on their bruises and scrapes.

WHAT WOULD YOU TAKE? Families heading out on the Oregon Trail to make new lives for themselves out west had to load up everything they had onto one Conestoga wagon, and there just wasn’t room for everything. You had to prioritize what you took along. It’s a thought-provoking question, if you were limited in what you could take to a new life, what would you take along? (Remember: this was before much of our lives went digital).

THE FASTEST ESSAY YET Mr. Conley’s 6th graders were quite surprised to find they were able to write an essay or short story in only two class days thanks to the Plot Diagram technique.

PEER REVIEW IN ENGLISH After students finished their essays above, Mr. Conely had them all switch papers and grade each other’s work, like editors! Kids did a better job with it than they first expected.

MEGILLAH READERS Some of our 8th grader boys have been practicing Megillah reading for months now!

MAIMONIDES REPRESENTED AT “TEACHNYS” CONFERENCE Dozens of parochial & private schools, mostly Jewish schools from downstate, came up to the NYS Capitol with thousands of faculty and students on Tuesday this week to lobby the legislature for various educational concern including funding and support for STEM learning (which is very important to us at Maimonides). Our High School girls (top photo) represented us well! We also loved this online show of support (above left) from an alumnus Ariella (Hertzberg) Sapoznik asking a representative traveling up to “please help my amazing old school Maimonides in Albany”! Rabbi Rubin met with Rabbi Moshe Bane, president of the OU (above middle). A former Maimonides teacher in the early 1990’s, Mr. Matt Hopkins, now Headmaster at an area parochial school (above right) reached out to Rabbi Rubin to discuss the educational style and integrated approach he fondly remembers and enjoyed at Maimonides and ways we can learn from each other. He says that his time at Maimonides helped shape and inspire his educational style and approach!

TWO POTTERY HUTS 6th grade boys learned this Talmudic case this week along with all of Rashi’s commentary. R’ Levi’s point is that while (according to Beis Hillel) Sukkahs do not have to be built for the sake of the holiday, it does have to be evident that you are eating there for that purpose. This piece brought up all types of modern versions of this case: a pizza shop before and behind the counter, the front and back of a shoe store, and generally had a good message about how rarity or difference can make ordinary things feel special.

A RIDDLE A DAY FOR ADAR II Students have been taking turns sharing riddles each day at lunch during the happy month of Adar II. Pictured here 2nd grader Shlomo is sharing a riddle in the lunchroom. There’s still more than a half month left for more riddles!

PI DAY Speaking of riddles, do you get this Pi Day image from an historical standpoint?

PI DAY THIS YEAR… 3/14 this year happened to fall on the Adar 7 Hebrew birthday of Moshe Rabbeynu, whom the Gemorah (& R’ Nissim) describes as being connected with the number 3 in many ways!

SALTINES AS A PARSHA TREAT Why did Morah Chani bring in saltine crackers? They are made of flour, oil and salt which are some of the key ingredients in Korbanot & Minchot in this Parsha!

THE LAZY BUM COMPLAINT Rabbi Mathless had been quoting Pharaoh's “Nirpim Atem” complaint for some time now, so the boys were quite excited to finally come across it in the 5th chapter of Shemot this week, as they near the completion of Parsha Shemot with Rashi commentary.

LAVAN GARTI = 613 4th grade Chumash liked the symbolism of how Yaakov told Eisav that despite his living with wicked Lavan he still kept his values & traditions as alluded to by the 613 Gematria (numerical value) of the Hebrew word Garti.

TEACHING THE DAF-YOMI GRAVITY GAME CHALLENGE Ah, it is harder than you’d think! So it was a

DIAMANTE lot of hands-on fun, but also a great way to learn about gravity and mass in this week’s POEMS Second grade wrote diamond or kite-shaped diamante poems about seasonal events and topics, with one word on top and bottom lines and more words in the middle lines to form a diamond shape.


STEAM class with Rabbi Yossi.

A SENSE OF THE TIMES This week High School girls learned a teaching about Esther vs. Hadassah (the symbolism and relevance of her two names) that will be 100 years old this Purim, dating back to Purim 1919. Thanks to their recent study of the time period in history class, they had a better sense of the time period, just after WWI, the onset of communism in Russia, and start of the Roaring 20’s in the United States.


Esther’s hidden identity is a big part of the Purim story—and even fits the meaning of her These are some name! That’s why its fitting that CBAJ’s of the cool Mystery Guest Shabbat sign-up deadline is on “people” shapes Purim Day. If you’d like to host or be a guest, Ms. Coffey’s sign up by Purim at: 6th grade math Actual date will be Shabbos Day March 30th. students made— and then found SNOW’S the total area of LAST LICKS? each of their The weather is people by doing certainly warming the calculations up this week, and of area for each spring feel is in of the shapes the air, but our that made up students are still their “person”. making the most This was a fun of whatever snow project, now piles are left. they are moving They worked to onto calculating dig up and area for 3D objects (as these smooth out a short but fast-paced sledding loop in the fast-diminishing snow pile. paper people are only 2D).

MEGILLAH IN IVRIT CLASS One class is reading and translating the whole Megillah in Ivrit class which is a great way to learn and discuss Hebrew words and also prep for the Megillah reading this Purim!

This past Sunday our 8th grade boys taught the adult Daf Yomi study group page 104 in tractate Chullin about the laws of meat and milk (note the blue & red cake) which they have been studying with Rabbi Rubin. Most 8th graders don’t study this type of thing, but these boys did, including a wealth of commentary & rabbinic responsa that was a journey throughout Jewish history, geography and Torah scholarship! No question that Salo obm would be proud!

AS IT GETS WARMER OUT They’ve been out for recess despite the snow but they (middle-schoolers especially) can’t wait to get back onto the ball courts and enjoy sports like basketball and football at recess now that the weather is warming up again.

ALEF-BAIS ARTWORK BOOKS Also this week Kindergarten students celebrated their AlefBet party, complete with bound books of all their Alef-Bet artwork, a truly beautiful masterpiece!

(BEFORE) PURIM TZEDAKAH Don’t have to wait until Purim Day! You can give Matanot L’Evyonim to Rabbi Rubin, your Rabbi, or charitable organization BEFORE Purim so they can distribute it for you ON Purim. It is often even more helpful that way.

SCHOOL PURIM SCHEDULE Remember: Full day of school on Wed Taanit Esther, no school on Purim Day Thursday, and a 9:30am start on Shushan Purim Friday with davening at 9:30 followed by our costume parade—so come in costume on Friday!

at Maimonides and in the Community 3/15: FIRST FULL FRIDAY BACK


of the season! Shabbat begins (and ends) much later these days so we’re back to Fridays being full days at school. Dismissal is 3:30pm.

 University Heights and NextDor plan a

Purim party for grad students & young professionals. 7:30pm. Contact Rabbi Mathless 518-522-1872.  PurimTini at Bethlehem Chabad, a 3/16: SHABBOS ZACHOR Purim night celebration for adults. This (remembrance of Amalek) is the second of the Info? 518-439-3310 4 seasonal readings, and the most important one of  Shomray Torah Megillah at 6:45pm, Megillah the set. Many make special efforts to hear this read Don’t forget to come in costume on Friday, too! 7:40pm, Break-Fast at Shul 8:30pm. in Shul this Shabbos. If you miss it, it can also be  CBAJ Mincha 6:50 Megillah+Break-Fast 7:30pm. heard on Purim morning’s Torah reading before 3/24: ARTS CENTER “TRY IT” Megillah. CBAJ will have a second Zachor reading Free for a few hours, open to all ages. 13 studios 3/21: PURIM PRUNCH AT MHDS after the Kiddush noontime on Shabbos. with hands-on activities: Drawing, Game Design, Maimonides’ late morning Purim Prunch allows Jewelry, Painting, Photography, Pottery, Print3/16: RABBI REISMAN NAVI CLASS many to see each other in costume, swap Mishloach making, Skateboarding, Stained Glass, WoodManot and celebrate. 10am Megillah reading at Sat nights live from Brooklyn at CBAJ at 7:30pm. working, and more! 12-3pm at Arts Center of school followed by the Purim Prunch “Launch!” Capital Region, 265 River Street in Troy.


Jewish Girls Unite “Shine Your Light” celebration honors women including Mirele Rosenberg, Susan Axelrod, Chaya Bracha Rubin, Laura Melnicoff, Helena Rosenstrauch and Mazal Mardakhayeva, and launches the 3rd JGU book titled: “Weaving the Tapestry—stories of inspiring women of valor”. Songs honoring women of valor will be performed by professional singers, Chaviva Tarlow, Tzivia Kay, Chaya Bracha Rubin accompanied by pianist, Mirele Rosenberger. 9:30pm in person in East Greenbush after the Womens Shabbaton or view online at:

3/17: (INDOOR) GREENMARKET Year ’round farmer & crafts market at Proctor’s Theater Arcade, 10am-2pm every Sunday.

3/17: BUTTERFLIES BACK @ MiSci MISCI Museum in Schenectady has their indoor interactive butterfly exhibit house back through March or early April. Exhibit/experience is free with museum admission.

3/: KOSHER DINING AT INDIAN is closed this coming week for UAlbany’s Spring Break. They’ll be back on the following week and will also be open for Chol HaMoed Pesach!


3/21: MANY PURIM DAY EVENTS Some of these Purim events have costs, please contact them ahead for more details.  Maimonides Purim Prunch: Megillah 10:30am, Prunch follows. We’re going into Orbit along with Israel’s “Beraisheet” moon mission!  “Purim in the City” with Saratoga and Clifton Park Chabad at the Hyatt Place in Malta 5:30pm with interactive Megillah, a deli buffet, Graffiti wall art, Make NY-style deli pickles, and more!  “Purim at the County Fair” 5:30 at Bethlehem Chabad with a dog show, caricatures, live game show, and fair booths, corn dogs and more!  Purim Celebration with Labers and Chabad of S. Renssalear County at 12 Thompson Rd 5:30pm  CBAJ + Hebrew Academy Bounce Party, Purim Meal & Carnival—5pm on Purim afternoon.  Shteeble Purim Minyans: 8am Shachris, 8:35am Megillah, Mincha Minyan at 2:30pm  Purim Seudah at Shteeble: 5pm Seudah with a late Megillah at 5:30pm. To RSVP for the Seuda: or speak to R’ Michael Caras.  R’ Itche Gordon’s annual Purim Night men’s farbrengen starting at 9:30pm at their home.

3/21 & 30: MYSTERY GUEST CBAJ is arranging mystery guests for willing hosts for Shabbat Lunch of March 30th. Would you like to host? Or to be a guest? Sign up by March 21 to participate on March 30th:

Pesach season is now in full-swing at the Kosher Price Chopper. Best way to know if the weekly prepared dinner specials are on or what’s on the 3/21-22: SCHOOL PURIM-WISE menu is to sign up for a weekly email from Chef While there is a Purim-Prunch event at school on John Piccolo: to be Purim Day, there’s no school on Purim so families added to the weekly email list with menu, pricing... can enjoy all the communal and family festivities— and school starts at 9:30am on Shushan Purim 3/20: FAST OF ESTHER Friday. Davening will be 9:30am-10am followed by On Wed this week. Purim begins on Wed night! the annual Shushan Purim Costume Parade…

3/24: FLOWER & GARDEN SHOW 17,000 SF of landscape exhibit on display at HVCC. $14pp for adults, kids 12 and under free.

3/24: POST-PURIM CARNIVAL 12-2pm at the Schenectady JCC. Call ahead for info: 377-8803. You can earn free tickets by coming dressed in costume, or by bringing non-perishable foods to donate or empty cans & bottles to redeem.

3/28: NOSHER & KVELLER Federation’s Women’s Philanthropy presents a Dynamic Duo: Kveller & Nosher, 6:45-8:45pm at Ohav Shalom. $20pp in advance, $25 at the door. Jordana Horn and Shannon Sarna will re-enact podcast “Call Your Mother.” Info? 518 -783-7800x234 or email:

4/1: GORDON UPSHERNISH R’ Itche and Morah Dini Gordon will celebrate the Upshern of their son Mendel at Maimonides.

4/7: FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE GALA 6:30pm at the Albany Elks Lodge. $54pp or $72/a couple. Register honors Jeff Weiss of Glennpeter Jewelers & more. For info call Chaya: 518-488-8992.

6/4: MAIMONIDES DINNER Stay tuned for honorees and info. Important annual school fundraiser & communal event.

HAVE MEGILLAH, WILL TRAVEL! Do you know someone who’d like to hear the Megillah but is home-bound or can’t leave work? Call Rabbi Rubin 518-423-4103 as it might be possible to arrange roving Megillah Readers!

MAIMONIDES SCHOOL & COMMUNITY (Nursery / Elementary / High School) 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a JF-NENY Beneficiary “A Beautiful Blend: Torah & Worldly Experience!”

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