Laeveld Magazine_Issue 1

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Saam boer ons vooruit!

Plaag & onkruidbeheer

Winds of change:

The effect of climate change on agriculture IN THIS EDITION: COMMUNITY | PRODUCTS | ADVICE | MOTORING | RECIPES



INHOUDSOPGAWE | CONTENTS 2. Laeveld Agrochem: 20 Jaar Oud 3. Redakteursbrief 4. Laeveld Nuus 5. Laeveld Agenteprofiel 6. Laeveld Produk Profiel

20. PULL-OUT / UITTREKSEL Poison Reaction Chart

SUKSESVERHAAL: 'n Draak in die Onderberg

26. INDUSTRY FOCUS: Transportation of HAZMAT


22. FEATURE: Climate & Water Climate Change & Agriculture

10. LAEVELD COMMUNITY: Genadendal Honeybush Project

28. TRAVEL: Unwind in the African Bush

12. PLAAG & ONKRUIDBEHEER: Hulpmiddels & Onkruiddoders

32. RESEPTE: Smullekker Onthaalkos

16. FEATURE: Soil Survival Practice with Caution: the Albrecht Approach to Fertilisation on Wine Farms

36. MOTORING: The Volkswagen Amarok

EDITORIAL: Editor-in-Chief – Corne Liebernberg Managing Editor – Fiona Mosca Creative Director – Gwynedd Peters DESIGN & LAYOUT: Design Logik Art Director – Nick Hlozek PUBLISHERS: Main Angel Publishing 742 Witdoring Street, Moreleta Park, Pta. Tel: 012 997 4951 Fax: 086 540 7455 e-mail:

40. TECH TALK: Gadgets & Gizmos

PRINTED BY: Paarl Media Tel 011 201 3471 Fax 011 201 3561 IMAGES: Madikwe Collection, SA Tourism, Stock Xchange, Volkswagen South Africa, Southern Science, Laeveld Agrochem. CONTRIBUTORS: Bronwen Bartlett, Fiona Mosca, Gwynedd Peters, Tienie du Preez (Wineland Magazine), Hestia Nienaber, Marina Joubert.

Unless otherwise agreed to, all contributions are the property of Laeveld Magazine, and its publishers. All editorial, business and production correspondence should be addressed to Main Angel Publishing: Postnet Suite 335, Private bag x1028, Lyttelton, 0140 The editor and publisher reserve the right to alter copy and visual material as deemed necessary. © Copyright by Main Angel Publishing. All rights reserved.

The opinions expressed in Laeveld Magazine are not necessarily those of the publishers or Laeveld Agrochem, its suppliers, subsidiaries or affiliates.

LAEVELD Summer 2011 - 1

LAEVELD AGROCHEM: Al 20 jaar aan jou kant


aeveld Agrochem (LAC) is in 1991 gestig met die doel om ‘n eenstop oplossing vir oesbeskermingsprodukte aan die boere te bied. Daar is op Laeveld as naam besluit omdat daar oorspronklik net in die Laeveld besigheid gedoen is. Vandag is Laeveld orals, behalwe in Natal. Ons is selfs aktief betrokke in meeste van ons buurlande. Dít is ook die rede vir die tabakplant in die “logo”, want dit was destyds die grootste gewas in die Laeveld. Laeveld het ontstaan as ’n netwerk van verteenwoordigers vir sekere internasionale, navorsingsgedrewe chemiese maatskappye. Laeveld se kantoor was ‘n sitkamer in ‘n huis in Pretoria, en aanvanklik was daar net 10 agente. Laeveld werk na 20 jaar steeds uit dieselfde huis in Pretoria, maar nou is daar heelwat kantore en ons het nou sowat 70 agente. Dit was in die tyd toe niemand nog geweet het wat ‘n selfoon of epos is nie. Maar 20 jaar later is LAC se hoofkantoor lewendig verbind met al sy takke en kan ‘n gewasoplossingsdeskundige sommer daar in die boer se land voorraadvlakke sien, bestellings plaas en ongelukkig ook sien wat die kliënt se uitstaande rekening is. Selfs al is LAC nou groot, probeer ons elke dag om die familiegevoel te behou en ook nie vinniger te groei as wat persoonlike diens aan die kliënte gelewer kan word nie. Laeveld is begin deur hoofsaaklik net een verskaf-

2 - LAEVELD Somer 2011

fer se produktereeks te versprei, en nou versprei ons ongeveer 40 verskaffers se produkte om ‘n totale gewasbeskermings oplossing aan ons kliënte te bied. Huidiglik is LAC se grootste kliënte Syngenta, Bayer CropScience, DOW Agrochemicals, Villa Crop Solutions, Ag-chem, Metson en vele meer. Meeste van Laeveld se kliënte van 1991 is steeds tevrede een suksesvolle kliente. Laeveld se produkreeks het ook uitgebrei van die oospronklike oesbeskermingsprodukte na ook blaarvoedings, grondverrykingsprodukte en word biologiese produkte ook al hoe belangriker. In 20 jaar het LAC alles gesien, van ersntige droogtes, vloede, wisselkoerse wat deur die dak skiet, produktekorte, ooraanbod van gewasse op die markte, politieke inmenging, grondeise, El Niño en nou El Niña, maar steeds gaan ons en ons kliënte van krag tot krag. Solank mense moet eet om aan die lewe te bly sal die boer die sleutel tot enige land se sukses bly, en daarom lyk die toekoms vir ons rooskleurig. Ons was gelukkig om in 20 jaar slegs een persoon (Colin Reynolds, van Tzaneen) aan die dood af te staan. Dit is suiwer genade in ag genome die miljoene kilometers wat ons verkoopsmense op die paaie aflê. Laeveld se personeel is nou net 20 jaar slimmer, nie ouer nie. Beproef ons gerus, ons glo ons sal u verwagtinge oortref. L


20 U

iteindelik! Welkom by ons eerste uitgawe van ‘Laeveld’ tydskrif. Ja dit het redelik lank geneem om alles te finaliseer, maar ek hoop die wag was vir almal die moeite werd. Al was dit nie so beplan nie, is dit heel gepas dat die tydskrif se geboorte in ons 20ste bestaansjaar plaasvind. Die idee van Laeveld tydskrif is hoofsaaklik om aan al ons lesers en vennote waarde toe te voeg en ook om hul kennis te verbreed deur middel van handige inligting en bruikbare stories. Danksy ons radio- en televisie advertensies, onder andere, het Laeveld Agrochem oor die laaste jaar ‘n huishoudelike naam geword. Ons spits ons toe op eerlike- en opregte langtermynverhoudings met ons kliënte, want ons is alleenlik suksesvol indien ons kliënte suksesvolle en winsgewende oeste behaal. In hierdie uitgawe kyk ons na die uitwerking van klimaatsverandering op landbou en hoe om die regte keuse te maak ten opsigte van hulpmiddels en onkruiddoders.

Verder stel ons julle voor aan die nuwe Volkswagen Amarok en neem julle op ‘n luukse avontuur na die pragtige Madikwe Wildtuin. Hou ook gerus die resepte êrens veilig; teen die einde van die jaar sal dit ‘n waardevolle versameling wees. Laeveld Agrochem is bevoorreg om die grootste reeks oesbeskermings-, blaarvoedings en grondverrykingsprodukte te kan lewer, wat ons in staat stel om ‘n wesentlike bydrae tot standhoudende voedselsekuriteit te lever. Lees ook meer in ons volgende uitgawe oor ons betrokkenheid by een van Suid-Afrika se grootste flieks ooit, naamlik ‘Plattelanders’ wat in Junie begin. Ons is werklik trots om in die landboubedryf betrokke te wees, en wil graag ‘n opmerklike bydrae in die platteland maak. Ons verwelkom enige kommentaar of nuuswaardige bydraes; so stuur dit gerus aan. Enige iemand wie se storie gebruik word sal ‘n pragtige “verrassingspakkie” met ons komplimente kry. Lekker lees, Corné Liebenberg LAEVELD Summer 2011 - 3


Die jongste nuus uit Laeveld Agrochem

Inyoni Boerdery wen piesangtros kompetisie Inyoni Boerdery is ‘n familiebesigheid wat gevestig is in die Komatipoort omgewing, sowat 8km van die Komati Suikermeule. Gerhard Basson Snr het in 1977 op die plaas Meribeekan begin boer. Nadat hy die plaas in 1984 verkoop het, het hy die plaas Inyoni gekoop. Vandeesjaar het die boerdery weereens die Piesangwerkers van Suid Afrika se Piesangtroskompetiesie gewen. Die Piesangtroskompetisie is 'n jaarlikse kompetisie wat deur die Piesangkwekers van Suid Afrika begin is en waar al die piesang boere in die omgewing die geleentheid gebied word om drie trosse elk in te skryf, waarvolgens daar twee kategoriëe ingeweeg word; nl. Enkel swaarste piesangtros wat al tot

86.6kg behaal het en dan ook die drie swaarste trosse gesamentlik. Maar wat is Inyoni Boerdery se geheim? “Die groot geheim is die boer moet voldoen aan die plant se behoeftes om optimaal te produseer; nl. voeding, water en algemene boordbestuur. "Dit is ook belangrik om die nodige elemente op die regte tyd vir die plant beskikbaar te stel,” sê Boeta Basson.

Laeveldprodukte te danke vir Limpopo spogmielies Gedurende November 2010 het boer Nico Wagner, van Wilnick Boerdery, op die plaas Bulkop, geleë in Tolwe, Limpopo Provinsie, toesig gehou oor die plant en kweek van 'n oes Gladiatior Suikermielies. Volgens Wagner en Laeveld Agrochem plaaslike agent, Jan Oberholzer, is die sukses van hierdie pragtige spogmielies grootliks te wyte aan die gebruik van 4 - LAEVELD Somer 2011

doeltreffende Laeveldprodukte soos Dursban, Karate, Liquid Boron en Sink Sulfaat.



Nuwe manne in die Laeveld span


1 - André Pretorius Bronkhorstspruit/Witbank André is een van Laeveld Agrochem se nuutste aanwinste in die Bronkhorstspruit/Witbank omgewing. Hy het net onlangs sy eie depot oopgemaak en nooi alle boere in die omgewing om in te loer vir ‘n koppie koffie of ‘n lekker gesels oor die landbou. André is ‘n man wie se hande vir niks verkeerd staan nie en hy weet hoe om ‘n kliënt te help om maksimum potensiaal uit ‘n oes te haal. Tel: 083 654 8859 |

2 - Stefan Bothma Lichtenburg Stefan Bothma is in Nelspruit gebore en het sy diploma in Landbou Bodembeplanning. Hy het self ook vir drie jaar lank geboer. Stefan is gebaseer in Lichtenburg vanwaar hy en sy span die Noordwesprovinsie gaan bedien. Stefan

3 is AVCASA geakkrediteer en beplan ‘n groot positiewe impak in die Noordwes omgewing met ‘n sterk en groot reeks landbou-chemiese produkte en goeie na-verkope diens. Tel: 082 443 5756 |

3 - Jan Schabort Frankfort Jan is ook een van Laeveld Agrochem se nuutse agente, gebaseer in Frankfort. Dit is hier waar hy net onlangs sy eie depot oopgemaak het, en waar hy ‘n goeie reeks landbou-chemiese produkte van Laeveld Agrochem aanhou. Jan glo sterk daaraan dat hy ‘n groot verskil in die Frankfort gemeenskap maak as gevolg van sy produkte. Hy is baie opgewonde om deel van die Laeveld span te wees, en sy langtermynvisie is om sy kliënte te help om die maksimum uit hul oeste te kry. Tel: 082 773 4490 |

Laeveld Agrochem agente lewer gehalte diens en uitstekende produkte! LAEVELD Summer 2011 - 5


Verpilde, Koolstofverrykte


Perfek vir tuinbou, wingerdbou, gras- en setperke, vrugte- en neutboorde, graan- en rygewasse, inheemse plante en die blombedryf.


ewerkbare landbougrond is wêreldwyd ’n skaars kommoditeit. Van ons vrugbaarste landbougrond word toenemend onbeskikbaar om aan die wêreld se groeiende voedsel­sekuriteits­krisis te voldoen. Die belangrikste aspek wat aangespreek moet word is rooflandbou wat ’n diepgewortelde kultuur wêreldwyd is. Rooflandbou is die situasie waar boere elke jaar deeglike en goeie bewerkkingspraktyke toepas, altyd volgens aanbeveling bemes, goeie onkruidbeheer toepas, en waar die gewasse netjies in rye of boorde, hektare vol staan. Tog word daar telkens op grondontledings uitgewys dat grondstruktuur swak is en die katioon uitruilvermoë van die grond laag is. Grondsterilisasiemetodes wat gebruik word om skadelike grondsiektes uit te skakel, elimineer egter ook voordelige organismes. Die somtotaal van die jarelange praktyke is grond wat as dooie, koolstofvrye medium met min mikrobe-aksie 6 - LAEVELD Somer 2011

sonder struktuur of waterretensievermoë beskryf kan word. Vinnige oplossings is nie meer volhoubaar vir die toestand waarin ons grond huidiglik verkeer nie. Vandag se boerderypraktyke moet daarop gefokus wees om dit waaroor ons beskik, in stand te hou. Grond moet optimaal bestuur word en lewe, koolstof en humus moet teruggeplaas word om aspekte rondom grondvrugbaarheid aan te spreek. Die antwoord is om ’n strategie van 'natuurlike grondoplossings' in plek te stel. In boeretaal beteken dit: Voed die grond sodat die grond die plant kan voed. Galltec se reeks van verpilde hoendermis­ produkte met lewendige mikrobes is ideaal hiervoor. Met Galltec se tegnologie, tegniese ondersteuning en produkte word gepoog om grondpotensiaal weer te ontsluit. Galltec se tegnologie is daarop gefokus om te verseker dat produkte aan die hoogste kwaliteits­ vereistes voldoen en oor eienskappe beskik wat grond­ potensiaal in die breë aanspreek. Galltec se teg-

Voordele: • Versterk wortelontwikkeling by plante • Verhoog die katioonuitruilvermoë van grond • Wakker natuurlike mikrobe-aksie in grond aan • Verminder uitloging van voedingstowwe • Verbeter die grondstruktuur • Verhoog die waterretensievermoë van grond

Eienskappe: • Grondopknapper • Organiese basis • Ten volle gekomposteer • Verpilde vorm • Geen patogene

niese ondersteuning verseker dat probleemoplossings korrek en aanbevelings akkuraat gedoen word. Die voordele vir die boer en vir sy bewerkbare grond is legio en daar kan gerus van Galltec se dienste en produkte gebruik gemaak word om ’n meer winsgewende en volhoubare vennootskap te vestig. 7 : 5 : 7 (9) Produkontleding (benaderd) Droëgewigbasis Vog Stikstof Fosfaat Kalium Swael Kalsium Magnesium Sink Koper Molibdeen Yster Boron Mangaan Humien-Fulviensuur

% Gew./Gew. N P K S Ca Mg Zn Cu Mo Fe B Mn

120 35 22 35 8 26 9 800 130 10 2300 80 1100 <10

g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %

Gekomposteerde pluimveemis (verpil) Misstof Groep 2 Reg. Nr. B3891 Wet Nr. 36 van 1947

GEBRUIKSAANWYSINGS: AANBEVOLE TOEDIENNINGSDOSISSE Die toedieningsdosisse in die volgende tabel moet slegs as gids gebruik word. Die toedieningsdosis word bepaal deur grondvrugbaarheid asook die grond- en gewastipe. Gewas / Toepassing

Aanbevole Toedieningsdosis

Grasperke en setperke

100 – 500 g/m²

Graan- en rygewasse

200 – 500 kg/ha


500 – 1000 kg/ha

Vrugte- en neutboorde

500 – 1000 kg/ha


500 – 1000 kg/ha


500 – 1000 kg/ha

Inheemse plante/fynbos

100 – 500 kg/ha

Raadpleeg die verskaffer of die vervaardiger indien spesifieke programme of enige ander inligting benodig word rondom die gebruik van die Galltec produkreeks. Geregistreer, vervaardig en versprei deur: Galltec - Natuurlike grond oplossings Mpy. Reg. Nr. 2009/007119/07 Posbus 589, Silverton 0127, Gauteng, Suid-Afrika Tel: +27 12 803 0145 | Faks: +27 12 803 8418 LAEVELD Summer 2011 - 7



Uit die vrugteboord

Draak in die


Vir 13 jaar lank boer die Lourens familie op die plaas LM Schoonspruit in die Onderberg by Komatipoort. Dit is ‘n familiebesigheid wat tans bestuur word deur die jongste seun, Kobus Lourens, seun van Ian Lourens. Die ontwikkeling op die plaas was aanvanklik piesangs en suikerriet, maar Kobus het die afgelope vier jaar lank verder begin uitbrei met verskeie ander gewasse naamlik Granate, Dragon Fruit en Groente.


obus se belangstelling in die uitheemse vrug, Dragon Fruit (ook bekend as Strawberry Pear of Pitaya), het in Engeland begin, waar hy die vrug die eerste keer gesien het. Die vrug se naam regverdig sy voorkoms, omdat hy sagte uitgroeisels op sy skil het wat dit laat lyk soos ‘n klein drakie. Dit is donkerpienk van kleur en die sagte uitgroeisels is ligte groen. As jy die vrug oopsny, is dit donkerpers aan die binnekant met klein swart pitjies, soortgelyk aan ‘n kiwivrug se pitjies. Die vrug vertoon baie mooi en interessant. 8 - LAEVELD Somer 2011

Dawie Janse van Rensburg, wat in die bestuur staan van die verbouing van hierdie vrug het sover twee uitdagings oorkom. Die eerste een was met die vestiging van die plante en om die plant te laat vrug dra. “Ons het sement dwarslêers regop geplant en die plant teen dit laat oprank; tot dusver is dit baie suksesvol”, sê Janse van Rensburg. “Die plante is nou in hul derde jaar, en die oes lyk hierdie jaar baie belowend. Tot dus ver het die vrugtelling elke jaar opgetel, namate die plante gegroei en versterk het.”

Plaaslike ontvangs en kompetisie Janse van Rensburg sê nog verder, “Die ontvangs van die produk op die mark is baie goed, maar dit bly ‘n baie gesogte nismark. Gelukkig is daar nog nie huidiglik sterk plaaslike kompetisie nie, maar wel kompetisie van invoere uit die buiteland.” Bemesting Die Dragon Fruit word met organiese kunsmis bemes en geen oesbeskermingsprodukte word op hierdie stadium gebruik nie. American Beauty en Lady of the Night

Het jy geweet?

Mens kry verskeie variëteite van Dragon Fruit. Die variëteit wat ons het is American Beauty. Die vrug het 'n indrukwekkende voorkoms beide binne en buite, en dit het die smaak net so goed soos wat dit lyk. Die vruggrootte wissel van 0,25 na 0,5 kg en vind in die natuur plaas sonder kruis of hand bestuiwing. Hierdie variëteite se vleis is donkerpers van kleur terwyl mens geel, wit en sagte pienk variëteite ook kry. Elke variëteit het sy eie besonderse smaak.

• Veral rooi-vel Dragon Fruit is 'n goeie bron van vitamien C. • Dragon Fruit is ryk aan vesel en minerale, veral fosfor en kalsium. • Die sade is ryk aan poli-onversadigde vetsure. • Dragon Fruit bevat ook 'n beduidende hoeveelheid phytoalbumin anti-oksidante, wat die vorming van kankerveroorsakende vrye radikale verhoed. • In Taiwan, maak diabete gebruik van die vrugte as 'n voedsel plaasvervanger vir rys en ook as 'n bron van dieëtvesel. • Dragon Fruit verhoog vermoedelik uitskeiding van swaar metaal gifstowwe en verlaag cholesterol en bloeddruk.

Die blom word Lady of the Night genoem omdat dit in die aand oopgaan en die volgende oggend weer toegaan. Bygesê, blom die American Beauty slegs een nag. L

LAEVELD Summer 2011 - 9


Indigenous Knowledge Project

Honeybush boosts Genadendal community

The historical town of Genadendal is the focus of a new indigenous knowledge project that aims to establish the town’s small farmers as independent producers of a unique African herbal tea. The project, which will run until 2012, is funded by South Africa’s Department of Science and Technology. that the specific "W etypebelieve of Honeybush that grows

naturally in the Genadendal area holds significant economic potential that can be unlocked to the benefit of the local community,” explains project leader Professor Lizette Joubert, a researcher at the Agricultural Research Council’s (ARC) Infruitec Nietvoorbij Research Institute in Stellenbosch. There are at least 20 different species of Honeybush, but Cyclopia maculata is the species of Honeybush that grows naturally in the area around Genadendal. “We are working closely with the Genadendal community to fill in the knowledge gaps about growing this 10 - LAEVELD Somer 2011

type of Honeybush in this area on a large scale,” Professor Joubert explains. “With this project we hope to find answers to help the local people to grow Honeybush commercially and sustainably.” Professor Joubert adds that it is also essential to deliver a unique herbal tea that will be able to compete in local and foreign herbal tea markets based on its quality, taste, flavour and health benefits. That is why researchers will also investigate and document the sensory characteristics and healthpromoting properties of Honeybush tea grown near Genadendal and will try to identify niche markets for this specific

“We are working closely with the Genadendal community to fill in the knowledge gaps about growing this type of Honeybush in this area on a large scale...”

Photo: C Maculata

kind of tea. Researchers from the ARC, MRC and Stellenbosch University will be involved in the product research. The project kicked off in 2010, with a survey of natural stands of Honeybush in the Genadendal area. ARC researchers will work closely with the Genadendal Small Farmers’ Association led by local community leader Reverend Chris Wessels. They will set up a demonstration plot and develop guidelines for nursery operations, farming practices and tea processing to help new farmers get started. The next step will be to optimise the processing of the tea, based on the community’s traditions.

The project also aims to add value to the locally produced Honeybush by looking at the production of extracts that can be used in many applications in the food and cosmetics industries. South Africa produces about 200 tonnes of Honeybush each year. Most of this commercial crop is exported, with 35% going to the Netherlands, 20% to the UK, 17% to Germany and 14% to the USA. The most successful commercial species are Bergtee (Cyclopia intermedia), Vleitee (Cyclopia subternata) and Kustee (Cyclopia genistoides). If this project is successful, Honeybush tea from Genadendal will also realise its export potential in future. L LAEVELD Summer 2011 - 11




Hulpmiddels onkruiddoders

die regte keuse maak 'n reuse verskil Hulpmiddels kompenseer tot 'n sekere mate vir omgewingstoestande wat onkruiddodereffektiwiteit strem. In vergelyking met die gebruik van hoë dosisse onkruiddoder, stabiliseer dit onkruiddoder effektiwiteit onder verskeie toestande, verhoog effektiwiteit onder stremmingstoestande en verlaag potensiële gewasbeskadiging onder optimale toestande. Die meeste onkruiddoders word teen verlaagde dosisse saam met hulpmiddels aangewend om gewasbeskadiging onder optimale toestande te verminder. Hulpmiddels mag miskien nie nodig wees wanneer hoë dosisse onkruiddoder gespuit word of wanneer stremmingstoestande totaal vermy word nie. Hoër dosisse kan egter duur wees en om altyd stremmingstoestande te vermy is onmoontlik. 12 - LAEVELD Somer 2011


ulpmiddels is egter net met sekere onkruiddoders effektief en kan in baie gevalle nie stremmingstoestande totaal oorkom nie. Dit is belangrik om te onthou dat onkruiddoders baie spesifiek is en daarom moet die stremmingstoestande, spesifieke onkruiddoders, watervolume en opgeloste soute in die spuitwater altyd in ag geneem word.

Hulpmiddel-klassifikasie Hulpmiddels kan in die groepe geklassifiseer word:


Benatters Benatters se funksie is gewoonlik om oppervlaktespanning van die spuitoplossingsdruppel te verlaag. Dit lei gewoonlik tot beter verspreiding en behoud van die druppel op die blaaroppervlakte. Dit is belangrik om te onthou dat te veel verspreiding van die druppelafloop veroorsaak word wanneer hoĂŤ watervolumes gebruik word. Voorbeelde van benatters is Villa 51, AquaWet en Supawett. Olie Hulpmiddels met 'n oliebasis sluit petroleum-olie en plant-olie in. Die effektiwiteit van olie wissel na gelang van die hoeveelheid benatter in die hulpmiddelformuiasie en die oiletipe. Olie kan die wasagtige lae van die

kutikula beskadig om opname in die blaar te bespoedig. Dit kan egter ook die druppel versprei, Voorbeelde van olie is Solitaire en Penetrex. Southulpmiddels Hierdie produkte bevat gewoonlik ammoniumsoute. DiĂŠ hulpmiddels is met baie onkruiddoders effektief in die oorkoming van sout-antagonisme van die waterbron en word in Suid-Afrika gebruik vir penetrasie en mengbaar-heid van glifosaat. Voorbeelde van southulpmiddels is Villa Crop Protection se Velocity en Amsul handelsname. Anti-wegdrywingsmiddels en anti-verdampingsmiddels Hierdie middels word gebruik om te verseker dat soveel moontlik spuitoplossing die teiken bereik en om skade aan aangrensende sensitiewe gewasse te beperk. Buffers en versuurders Buffers en versuurders is nuttig wanneer die onkruiddoderetiket versuring of buffering aandui. Sekere van die geregistreerde produkte bevat benatters wat ook kan help met die onkruiddoder se verspreiding en penetrasie. 'n Voorbeelde is Commodobuff, Aqua-Right en Tenderbuff Kleef middels Kleefmiddels laat die onkruiddoder op die plant vaskleef om afloop deur reĂŤn LAEVELD Summer 2011 - 13


en verlies deur wind te beperk en om die onkruiddoder se leeftyd op die blaaroppervlakte te verleng. Kleefmiddels kan egter ook verspreidingseienskappe besit. 'n Voorbeeld van 'n kleefmiddel is Aqua-Stic. Basterhulpmiddels Basterhulpmiddels is mengsels twee of meer komponente.


Die invloed van verskillende hulpmiddels op die effektiwiteit van bipyridyliums Soos reeds genoem kan die keuse van hulpmiddel die effektiwiteit van 'n spesifieke onkruiddoder of verhoog of verlaag. In 'n studie deur die LNR-KGl is die invloed van hulpmiddels (verteenwoordigend van voorafgenoemde groepe) op die effektiwiteit van bipyridyliums ondersoek. Nie al die hulpmiddels wat getoets is, is vir gebruik saam met bipyridyliums geregistreer nie en 14 - LAEVELD Somer 2011

bipyridylium-formulasies van verskeie maatskappye is getoets. Die resultate vir die verskillende handelsname was deurgaans dieselfde en daarom sal daar in die resultate net na bipyridyliums in die algemeen verwys word. Wanneer gekyk word na die invloed wat hulpmiddels het op die effektiwiteit van bipyridylium-onkruiddoders, is dit duidelik dat die byvoeging van enige tipe hulpmiddel die persentasie onkruidbeheer betekenisvol verhoog in vergelyking met die behandeling waar geen hulpmiddel bygevoeg is nie. Hoewel die twee beste behandelings beide benatters ingesluit het, moet daarop gelet word dat ander benatters nie so goed gedoen het nie. Dit kan moontlik verklaar word deur die feit dat verskillende benatters verskillende chemie met verskillende ioniese ladings het. Volgens die etiket word bipyridyliums aanbeveel saam met nieioniese benatters of selfs saam met plantolie. Logiese denkwyse sou wou hĂŞ dat kleefmiddels goed moet doen saam met kontakdoders soos bipyridy-

liums, maar volgens die resultate is dit glad nie die geval nie. Hoewel Kleefmiddel 1 en 2 die persentasie beheer betekenisvol verhoog het bo die behandeling met geen hulpmiddel nie, het hulle baie lae persentasies beheer getoon. Die drie olie/benatterhulpmiddels het ook nie die gewenste persentasie beheer getoon nie. Die hulpmiddel wat oor die algemeen die mees konstante resultate gelewer het en ook van die hoogste persentasies beheer getoon het, is mengsels waarin buffer/benatters gebruik is. Die olie/ buffer-hulpmiddel het ook uitstekende resultate opgelewer.

Samevatting Verskeie hulpmiddels is in Suid-Afrika beskikbaar, daarom is dit belangrik om die regte ingeligte keuse te maak ten opsigte van watter hulpmiddels gebruik gaan word. Die regte keuse bepaal

immers hoe suksesvol die onkruidbeheer gaan wees. Alhoewel hulpmiddels geen plantdodende eienskappe besit nie, speel dit 'n belangrike rol om die werking van onkruiddoders te verbeter. Dit kan die verskil tussen geen of uitstekende beheer beteken. Dit is egter belangrik om te onthou dat geen hulpmiddel universeel vir enige onkruiddoder gebruik kan word nie. Soos enige ander landbouprodukte het hulpmiddels ook tekortkominge. Dit is hier waar dit belangrik is om die vooren nadele van hulpmiddels te verstaan om te verseker dat dit optimaal benut word. Dit is ook belangrik dat die inligting op die etikette van die hulpmiddel en onkruiddoder wat gebruik word deeglik nagekom word. Outeur: Hestia Nienaber, LNR-Kleingraaninstituut, Bethlehem. Voorbeelde deur Laeveld Agrochem, Villa Crop Protection en Ag-Chem verskaf. L Oorspronklik gepubliseer in Koring Fokus Julie/Augustus 2009: Tel: 058 307 3420, E-pos:

LAEVELD Summer 2011 - 15


Fertilisation Programmes for Soil Preparation


the Albrecht Approach to Fertilisation on Wine Farms This memorandum was motivated by numerous enquiries from wine producers, agriculturists and agriculture students who question the recommendation by certain advisors of lime as a “fertiliser� on high pH, calcareous soils in the Upington and Noordoewer areas. To answer this question, certain principles first have to be clarified.


or optimal plant performance it has long been held that the macro elements, in particular the cations Ca++, Mg++ and K+, have to be present in the soil in specific ratios. The most commonly accepted ratio is 65 - 75% Ca, 10 - 15% Mg and 2.5 - 5% K. Various critical problems occur with the use of this concept when drawing up fertilisation programmes and also when calculating ameliorants for soil preparation, especially if the wrong basis is used in the calculation.


Soil does not react like the watery solutions used in fertigation. The ratios required in the soil are quite unlike those of aquaculture,

where the plant is feeding from the soil solution. The composition of the soil solution is dynamic and changes depending on the water content, cation exchange capacity and type of clay. This means that a specific ratio between the cations in question will never be constant in the free soil water solution.


The kind of fruit type and rootstock should also be taken into account. A considerable body of research has shown that nutrition of various rootstocks, cultivars and crops differs in similar soil compositions. Stone fruits for example may perform extremely well at much lower Ca and Mg levels than apples, while nectarines,

Producers should beware of advisors using the Albrecht approach to fertilisation Photo: Dominic Morel

peaches and citrus require much higher K ratios than most other crops and definitely more than wine grapes.


Fertiliser programmes cannot be drawn up based on cation ratios alone, without taking into account any additional information such as plant analyses, production, vigour, leaf colour and the previous fertiliser programme. Cation ratios in the soil should only be a point of departure for a fertiliser programme, which then has to be adapted depending on the history of performance over time.


The basis, on which ratios are calculated, is of critical importance. Calculations should be based solely on the soil’s cation exchange capacity (CEC; determined at pH 7). Big and expensive mistakes occur if the socalled S- or T-value (if T refers to the


Plants perform optimally across a much greater variance in the above-mentioned cation composition than is generally believed. This is easily proven by evaluating the cation composition in the soil in cases of high cropping blocks. LAEVELD Summer 2011 - 17


Fertilisation Programmes for Soil Preparation

sum of Ca+Mg+Na+K+H at pH7; it is acceptable in the case of non-calcareous and non-alkaline soils) is used and especially under alkaline and higher pH conditions, or in instances where soil regularly receives fertiliser, lime and gypsum. In the latter instances the cations in question are expressed as a percentage of the sum of cations in the soil, which usually greatly, even enormously, overestimates the CEC. A further problem is created when the S and sometimes the T values increase with any application of the said cations and the percentage Ca, Mg and K of the new situation does not actually change. This means that repeated applications have to take place to achieve the required ratios. One suspects that the Albrecht consultants erroneously use the T- and S-values. Allan Perry, a proponent and trainer of the Albrecht technique, clearly stated in a Farmer’s Weekly article in April 2008 that the total exchange capacity (TEC) of the soil is a fixed characteristic and can only be increased with humus. This may be very far removed from an Sand T-value.

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Contrary to the Albrecht tenet, the soil pH is extremely important in fruit cultivation and pH cannot be changed below or above certain levels without consequences. Fruit performs best at pH (KCl) of 5.0 - 5.5 while wine and table grapes prefer a pH (KCl) of 5.5 - 6.0. This optimum pH has been proven scientifically by local research. The so-called Albrecht method of soil balancing recently surfaced in local areas. According to the soil scientists of the Western Cape, the Albrecht method entails the above-mentioned disadvantages. In various instances this resulted in liming soils that already had a high pH and even soils containing high concentrations of free lime, as well as unnecessary additions of gypsum, magnesium and potassium. Albrecht believed that Ca-saturation is very important and that pH is not important. The fact is that his work entailed legumes (high Ca-feeders) and other annuals and not fruit trees. His own research, nevertheless, showed that pH is important and until now nobody has been able to ascertain how he conceived of the 65%

“Numerous experiments over the past 40-60 years ... have demonstrated that the use of the Albrecht approach alone for making fertiliser recommendations is both scientifically and economically questionable.”

Ca-saturation and his own work showed that with Ca-saturation, N-binding increases to 88%. His own collaborators did not agree with his work either. Mclean, who worked with Albrecht in Missouri in the 1940s, declared, “on the whole, there is no ideal basic cation saturation ratio or range”. This was further summarised by Haby et al. (1990) in their review article about soil analysis methods in the USA:

Western Cape soil scientists are of the opinion that the Albrecht method, as currently applied in the industry, is dangerous if clients are uninformed and that it should not be considered the alpha and omega. Consultants who condone and apply this approach should please note that it entails major errors and producers are cautioned to get a second opinion before applying such recommendations.

“Numerous experiments over the past 40-60 years have demonstrated that the use of the Albrecht approach alone for making fertiliser recommendations is both scientifically and economically questionable.”

Co-Authors Tienie du Preez [Pr Sci Nat (400231/87)], personnel of the Department Soil Science & Viticulture, Stellenbosch University and other soil science experts. L Originally published Winelands Magazine September 2010: Tel: 021 863 4524, Fax: 021 863 4851, E-mail:

LAEVELD Summer 2011 - 19


Information Piece / Inligtingstuk


REACTION CHART Keep this chart handy so that you know what to do in the event of a poisoning. Always contact the Poison Information Centre and follow the treatment guidelines below, by matching the colours. STORE ALL MEDICINE, HOUSEHOLD CHEMICALS AND PESTICIDES OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. In all cases, contact the Poison Centre and/or get the patient to the clinic/hospital as soon as possible. Kontak die "Poison Centre" en/ of kry die pasiĂŤnt so gou as moontlik by die kliniek/hospitaal . Do not induce vomiting. Do not give them anything to drink or eat. Moet nie braking veroorsaak nie. Moet nie drink of eetgoed ingee nie. Do not induce vomiting. Small amounts of water may be given by mouth. Do not neutralise the poison. Moet nie braking veroorsaak nie. Klein hoeveelhede water mag per mond gegee word. Moet nie probeer om die gif te neutraliseer nie. Do not induce vomiting. Small amounts (half a cup) of water or milk may be given by mouth. Moet nie braking veroorsaak nie. Klein hoeveelhede (halwe koppie) water of melk kan per mond gegee word. The induction of vomiting is recommended if within 1 hour of taking the poison and if the patient is awake and alert. This can be achieved by giving a glass of lukewarm water followed by stimulation of the throat by gently inserting a finger or blunt handle of a spoon. Die inlywing van braking is aanbeveel as dit binne 1 uur van die neem van die gif is, en as die pasiĂŤnt wakker en waaksaam is. Die inlywing kan bereik word deur 'n glas lou water in te gee; dit word gevolg deur stimulasie van die keel deur die invoeging van 'n vinger of stomp handvatsel van 'n lepel. EMERGENCY POISON CENTRE NUMBERS: GAUTENG: 011 911 8688 WESTERN CAPE: 021 931 6129 20 - LAEVELD Somer 2011

Acetone Acid Alcohol Ammonia Aspirin Battery acid Battery (button) Benzine Bleach Calamine lotion Camphorate oil Carbon tetrachloride Caustic soda Cement Chlorine (for pools) Condo’s crystals Cosmetics Deodorants Detergents Dish washing liquids Dish washing power (automatic) Disinfectants Drain cleaners Dyes (fabric or hair) Fabric softener Fertilisers Firelighters Fluoride tablets (give milk) Glue (contact and other) Hair colorants Hair perms, straighteners Hydrochloric acid Hydrogen peroxide Iron tablets Insect repellent

Insecticides Liniments (e.g. Wintergreen) Medicines Mercurochrome Metal cleaner & polishes Methylated spirits Mothballs (naphthalene) Mushrooms (poisonous) Nail polish remover Oven cleaner Paint (oil-based) Paint remover (caustic) Paint remover (solvent) Paracetamol Paraffin Perfumes Pesticides Petrol Pills Plants Rat bait Shampoos Snail bait Surgical spirits Tablets Thinners Toilet cleaners Turpentine (mineral) Varnish Vitamins Vitamins & Iron Washing powder Washing soda Weed killers (herbicides) Window (glass) cleaners

• I f a poisonous substance comes into contact with the eyes, do not try to neutralise it, just rinse eyes gently with water for 15-20 minutes and get the person to the nearest clinic/ hospital. If skin comes into contact with a poisonous substance, wash with soap and water. • Take the container and a sample of the medication or poison or plant or other biological specimen to the clinic or hospital with the patient. • Snake or spider bite or scorpion sting: If possible, try to identify the cause and contact the Poison Information Centre or get the patient to a clinic/hospital as soon as possible. LAEVELD Summer 2011 - 21


Climate Change & Agriculture



Climate change and agriculture are interrelated processes, both of which take place on a global scale. It is projected that global warming will have significant impacts on those conditions which chiefly affect agriculture, namely temperature, carbon dioxide, glacial run-off, precipitation and the interaction of these elements. These conditions determine the carrying capacity of the biosphere to produce enough food for the human population and domesticated animals. 22 - LAEVELD Somer 2011


he overall effect of climate change on agriculture will depend on the balance of these conditions. Assessment of the effects of global climate changes on agriculture might help to properly anticipate and adapt farming to maximise agricultural production. Simultaneously, agriculture has been shown to produce significant effects on climate change, particularly through the production and release of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, but also by altering the Earth's land cover, which can change its ability to absorb or reflect heat and light, thus contributing to radiative forcing. Land use change such as deforestation and desertification, together with the use of fossil fuels, are the major anthropogenic sources of carbon dioxide; agriculture itself is the major contributor to increasing methane and nitrous oxide concentrations in earth's atmosphere.

Thinking locally and globally Despite technological advances, such as improved varieties, genetically modified organisms, and irrigation systems, weather is still a key factor in agricultural productivity. The effect of climate on agriculture is related to the variability of local climates rather than of global climate patterns.

On the other hand, agricultural trade has grown in recent years, and now provides significant amounts of food, on a national level to major importing countries, as well as comfortable income to exporting ones. therefore, the international aspect of trade and security in terms of food implies the need to also consider the effects of climate change on a global scale. According to a study published in Science, the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s journal, “Climate change could result in Southern Africa losing more than 30% of its main crop, maize, by 2030".

LAEVELD Summer 2011 - 23


Climate Change & Agriculture

"Climate change could result in Southern Africa losing more than 30% of its main crop,maize, by 2030"

It is likely that the poorest countries would be hardest hit, with reductions in crop yields in most tropical and subtropical regions due to decreased water availability, and new or changed insect pest incidence. In Africa and Latin America many rain fed crops are near their maximum temperature tolerance, so yields are likely to fall sharply for even small climate changes; falls in agricultural productivity of up to 30% over the 21st century are projected. Marine life and the fishing industry will also be severely affected in some places. In the long run, the climatic change could affect agriculture in the following ways: • Productivity; in terms of quantity and quality of crops. • A gricultural practices, through 24 - LAEVELD Somer 2011

changes of water use (irrigation) and agricultural inputs such as herbicides, insecticides and fertilisers. • Environmental effects; in particular in relation to frequency and intensity of soil drainage (leading to nitrogen leaching), soil erosion, and reduction of crop diversity • Rural space; through the loss and gain of cultivated lands, land speculation, land renunciation, and hydraulic amenities. • Adaptation; organisms may become more or less competitive, and humans may develop urgency to develop more competitive organisms, such as flood resistant or salt resistant varieties of rice.

Regionally Speaking Climate change induced by increasing greenhouse gasses is likely to affect crops differently from region to region.

The effect of climate change on the African agricultural Sector Five main climate change related drivers: temperature, precipitation, sea level rise, atmospheric carbon dioxide content and the incidence of extreme events, may affect the agricultural sector in the following ways: • Reduction in crop yields and agricultural productivity: There is growing

evidence that in the tropics and subtropics, where crops have reached their maximum tolerance, crop yields are likely to decrease due to an increase in the temperature. • Increased incidence of pest attacks: An increase in temperature is also likely to be conducive to a proliferation of pests that are detrimental to crop production. • Limited availability of water: It is expected that the availability of water in most parts of Africa would decrease as a result of climate change. Particularly, there will be a severe down trend in the rainfall in Southern African countries and in the dry areas of countries around the Mediterranean Sea. • Exacerbation of drought periods: An increase in temperature and a change in the climate throughout the continent are predicted to cause recurrent droughts in most of the region.

• R eduction in soil fertility: An increase in temperature is likely to reduce soil moisture, moisture storage capacity and the quality of the soil, which are vital to the health of agricultural crops. • Low livestock productivity and high production cost: Climate change will affect livestock productivity directly by influencing the balance between heat dissipation and heat production, and indirectly through its effect on the availability of feed and fodder. • Availability of human resource: Climate change is likely to cause the manifestation of vector and vector-borne diseases, where an increase in temperature and humidity will create ideal conditions for malaria, sleeping sickness and other infectious diseases that will directly affect the availability of human resources for the African agricultural sector. L

LAEVELD Summer 2011 - 25


The Transport of Hazardous Materials



Did you know that pesticides and fertilisers are considered Hazardous Materials, and that as a result, the bulk transportation thereof is governed by the laws surrounding the transportation of Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT)?


he hazardous classification of dangerous goods is largely based on the SABS 0228 classification, which is referenced in the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Hazardous Substances Act. In the Agricultural Sector the relevant legislation that governs the transport of hazardous goods is the Fertilisers, Farm Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Stock Remedies Act, which uses SABS 0228 for classification, as referenced in the National Road Traffic Act (NRTA). Hazardous Material is defined, according to regulation as, 'any substance or material that has been determined by the Secretary of Transportation to be capable of posing an unreasonable risk to health, safety, and property when transported'. Regulated Hazardous Materials include flammables, poisons, compressed gas, and so forth. Although some specific exemptions exist for quantity, package size, and agricultural operations,

26 - LAEVELD Somer 2011

agricultural chemicals, such as pesticides, fertilisers, and others, are included as Regulated Hazardous Materials. Dangerous Goods Legislation, in terms of the NRTA applies to any vehicles transporting classified goods or substances in excess of the exempt quantity applicable to the goods or substances being transported. For example: dangerous goods and substances can be transported in either bulk or packaged form. These terms can be defined as follows: Bulk transportation includes any bulk tanker, intermediate bulk container, portable tank, isotainer or tanktainer; while packaged goods (most applicable to the agricultural sector) include any package acceptable in terms of SABS 0229 and include drums, wooden boxes, jerricans, boxes, bags, or composite packaging. Packaged goods can be

transported on light goods vehicles or vehicles in excess of 3 500 GVM. The volume and hazard class of the hazardous materials will determine the requirements for packages, special container labels, vehicle placards, and shipping papers. DID YOU KNOW? According to the United Nations Scheme for Classification of Hazardous or Dangerous Goods, Ammonium Nitrate Fertilisers capable of self-sustaining decomposition are considered as Class 9 Goods. Under this classification, Ammonium Nitrate Fertilisers may be regarded as not subject to the Model Regulations if shown not to be liable to self-sustaining decomposition, and provided that they do not contain an excess of Nitrate greater than 10% by mass (calculated as Potassium Nitrate). Alternately, should the Ammonium Nitrate Fertiliser not fall within this classification, it may be considered under class 5.1 of the Classification system, and therefore be considered a corrosive material and be subject to additional regulations, placarding and care. What you need to know: A Commercial Drivers License (CDL) with an ‘H' endorsement for Hazardous Materials is required when driving a vehicle of any size that requires Hazardous Material placards.

The General Administrative Regulations passed under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) requires Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) to be furnished, as far as is reasonably practicable. The Fertilisers, Farm Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Stock Remedies Act requires that information on the hazards of a particular agricultural product be communicated either through inserts in packaging or by imposing obligations on the operator. Additionally, this requirement is incorporated in the NRTA requirements in respect of Tremcards, Dangerous Goods Declaration and Waste Certificates, and the Merchant Shipping Act requirements for packing declarations and packing certificates. A Tremcard is a transport emergency card to be carried by the driver for each classified substance on the load, indicating the hazards of the load and the actions to be taken in the event of an incident. Should you have any queries regarding the transportation of your Laeveld Products, please contact: Tertius Viviers: L LAEVELD Summer 2011 - 27


Tuningi Safari Lodge - Madikwe Game Reserve

Unwind in the African Bush Tuningi Safari Lodge e arrive at sunset and as we round the way to Tuningi, I get my first glimpse of one of the gems of the Madikwe Game Reserve as it rises out of the bushveld before me… With soft light already burning around the reception area, I feel as if I have come home, and look forward to the next couple of days that lie ahead.

Tuningi Safari Lodge is an elegant, five star lodge set in a tranquil valley in the magnificent Big 5, malaria-free Madikwe Game Reserve in the North West Province. This 75 000 hectare reserve has a unique story behind it, since only fifteen years ago it was arid cattle grazing land. Through the collective effort of government, communities and investors, game was reintroduced into the area and Madikwe was created.

They call the décor style colonial-chic, I however think I would rather call it heavenly… and at first glance I am somewhat overwhelmed by the beauty and majesty of this fine establishment.

Madikwe is also special in that its conception was a tactic to save the area from poverty and so was born out of a sense of social responsibility. The communities in the area have not only


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been involved in contributing to the project but also benefited greatly from the jobs that the reserve has created. All in all, the story is one of great success and illustrates the power of cooperation. I later find out from Heidi Janson, manager of Tuningi Safari Lodge, that this lodge is part of this story and combines the wonders of the African bushveld with the splendours of five star luxury, as well as innovative programmes that rival the best entertainment attractions in the country. The main entertainment and reception area of the lodge overlooks a waterhole that provides fantastic game viewing from the safety of an expansive wooden

deck. The rim flow pool and gorgeous lounges give the lodge a sumptuous and welcoming feel. Heidi goes on to tell me that Tuningi gets it name from an ancient, sprawling fig tree under which the lodge, and boma in particular are set. And no name could be more fitting, as this setting is perfect for wonderful traditional dinners under the African sky. However, it isn’t all about the luxury, and our excellent game ranger is of the best you’ll find. The daily game drives under his watchful eye are an exciting way of getting into the bush and experiencing all that it has to offer.

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Tuningi Safari Lodge - Madikwe Game Reserve

Children at Tuningi Tuningi has also launched its exciting kids’ programmes so that parents do not have to compromise their family time in favour of an exclusive bush getaway as many luxury lodges do not cater for children.


uningi accommodates 16 people in elegant free-standing rooms that all have enormous bathrooms, outside showers, fireplaces and fabulous wooden decks. The rooms are set apart from each other to provide ultimate privacy and peace. The entire lodge has a Colonial African feel and is stylish and comfortable. Without compromising on luxury, Tuningi has not forgotten the specific needs of families, which is why the lodge was specifically designed for families and caters for children of all ages. 30 - LAEVELD Somer 2011

On the programmes, children will be able to experience a number of ‘firsts’ in bush activities. Children over five years will be able to enjoy the usual daily game drives along with experienced rangers, their parents and other guests, while children below five years old will be issued with a workbook and taken out on their own, for shorter ‘bumbles’. These are trips to one of the nearby waterholes where they will be asked to tick off the things they have seen on their trip, such as dung, animals, spoor (tracks), birds and trees. As a fun incentive, the child with the most ticks will receive a surprise on arrival back to the camp. While parents enjoy the early morning game drives, they can be assured that if their children remain behind, they will be looked after by the lodge’s

professional child minders until they wake, after which they will be taken to the main lodge for breakfast. The little ones will be delightfully entertained until their parents return. During afternoon game drives there will be treasure hunts for children, where they can hunt for nests, bones, eggs, snakes skins and other fun items. An educational talk on the items found will be given by a knowledgeable staff member. In the evenings, children can eat their dinners in their room or they can enjoy an interactive dinner with a chef, who will allow them to make their own foodie treats. Traditional bush tales will also be told to the children before bed time. All other free time is spent drawing, painting, clay modelling, building puzzles, swimming and relaxing by the pool. Some of the activities, meals and scheduled bumbles are included in the normal rate, however baby-sitting services and certain extra ‘activity kits' will be an additional cost.

As Sunday afternoon approaches I begin to feel sad before we have even said our goodbyes, and I am reminded that I have to leave this magical place and return to my real city life. I reflect on my time spent at Tuningi and marvel at how much I have crammed into two days. I vow to return as soon as possible to enjoy even more of what the lodge has to offer. For now however, I will have to live off the memories forever implanted in my mind‌ We had a spectacular time and its all thanks to the people of Tuningi Safari Lodge.

Contact Tuningi For rates and additional information on Tuningi, please access their website on or their reservations office on 011 805 9995. LAEVELD Summer 2011 - 31


Suid-Afrikaanse Kos op sy Beste


Onthaalkos Voorgereg

Klassieke Hoenderlewerpatee Bestanddele 180g margarien 1 klein ui, gesny 250g hoenderlewertjies 12 ½ ml brandewyn of sjerrie 25 ml room Sout en peper 1ml gemengde speserye ½ ml origanum 4 repies spek, rofweg gekap 15 ml gekapte pietersielie Metode • Smelt die helfte van die margarien in ‘n kastrol. • Voeg die ui by die margarien en soteer tot deurskynend. • Voeg lewers en spek by, en soteer tot die lewers deurgekook is. • Giet die mengsel in 'n voedselverwerker met die pietersielie, gemengde speserye en origanum 32 - LAEVELD Somer 2011

en prosseseer tot glad of tot dat die gewenste dikte bereik is. • Voeg oorblywende margarien, brandewyn, room en geurmiddels, en die proses. • Gooi in klein houers pate en giet bo-oor gesmelte botter te verhoed dat dit uitdroog en laat in die yskas om te stol. • Bedien met bros beskuitjies of geroosterde pitawiggies.


Gerookte Forelpatee Bestanddele 300g gerookte forel filet (ontbeen) ½ ui, gekap 1 knoffelhuisie, gekneus 15 ml (1 eetlepel) dille, gekap 1 houer gladde maaskaas 15 ml (1 eetlepel) suurlemoensap 3 druppels warm pepersous sout en peper na smaak 12 snye rogbrood skil van 1 suurlemoen grasuie 5-7 baba tamaties

Metode • Breek die forel filet met ‘n vurk in flokkies en hou eenkant. • Soteer die ui, knoffel en dille oor lae hitte totdat die ui gaar is. • Meng die vis en die ui-mengsel. • Skep in ‘n voedselverwerker en voeg die gladde maaskaas, suurlemoensap, pepersous, sout en peper by. • Verwerk vir 2 minute teen hoë spoed of totdat al die bestanddele gekombineer is en die mengsel glad is. • Sny rondes uit rogbrood met ‘n koekiedrukker of’ 'n glas. • Smeer die broodjies met die forelpatee en garneer met suurlemoenskil, grasuie en baba tamaties. LAEVELD Summer 2011 - 33


Suid-Afrikaanse Kos op sy Beste


Geroosterde Lamskenkels in rooi wyn Bestanddele 5 eetlepels olyfolie 4 x 200g lamskenkels Sout en peper na smaak 2 rooi uie, in skywe gesny 1 ½ koppies rooi wyn 5 eetlepels tamatiepasta 70 ml water 1 eetlepel rooiwynasyn 3 eetlepels bruin suiker 1 eetlepel suurlemoensap 1 eetlepel worcestersous 1 lourierblaar 3 takkies roosmaryn

34 - LAEVELD Somer 2011

Metode • Voorverhit die oond tot 160ºC. • Verhit die olie in ‘n groot oondvaste pot • Geur die lamskenkels met sout en peper. • Voeg die skenkels by die warm olie en braai tot goed bruin aan alle kante. • Verwyder die skenkels uit die pot en hou eenkant. • Voeg die uie in dieselfde pot en soteer tot sag. • Voeg die wyn en tamatiepasta by en kombineer goed. • Voeg die res van die bestanddele by en kombineer goed. Bring tot ‘n prut • Plaas die skenkels terug in die pot. • Bedek die pot en plaas dit in die oond. • Bak die skenkels vir 2 uur of totdat die vleis sag is en wegtrek van die been. Toets gereeld.


Suurlemoentert Bestanddele Kors: 200g tennis beskuitjies 60ml botter, gesmelt Vulsel: 2 blikke kondensmelk 125ml kookwater

• Gooi die vulsel versigtig in die kors

2 eetlepels suurlemoenskil, gerasper

om te verhoed dat die krummels

185ml suurlemoensap


4 ekstra groot eiergele

• Bak (sonder meringue) vir 20 minute.

1 knippie sout

• Om die meringue voor te berei, klits

2 teelepels mielieblom

eierwitte in ‘n skoon glas- of vlekvrye staal bak totdat dit net begin om te skuim.

Meringue: 4 ekstra-groot eierwitte 1 eetlepel suurlemoensap 60ml strooisuiker 60ml versiersuiker

• Voeg suurlemoensap by en klop, totdat die mengsel stywe punte vorm. • Voeg een lepel strooisuiker op 'n slag by, terwyl jy vinnig klop. • Sif versiersuiker in drie gelyke dele


oor en klits goed (meringue mengsel

• Voorverhit die oond tot 170ºC.

moet styf en blink wees, en in staat

• Gebruik ‘n nie-kleef sproei aan die binnekant van 'n 25cm x 5cm pasteibak. • Verkrummel beskuitjies. Voeg botter by en meng saam. • Smeer krummels op bodem en aan

wees om vorm te behou). • Verwyder die gebakte kors en vulsel uit die oond. Sif mielieblom oor die vulsel (dit dien as ‘gom’ om die vulsel en meringue aanmekaar te hou). • Skep meringue oor warm vulsel.

kante van die pasteibak met behulp

• Maak ‘n golf patroon in meringue

van die rug van ‘n eetlepel. Verkoel

met ‘n slaplemmes, en plaas die tert

of vries vir 10 - 15 minute tot ferm. • Om die vulsel te maak, klits kon-

terug in die oond. • Bak vir nog 35 minute.

densmelk, kookwater, suurlemoenskil

• Maak die oond op ‘n skrefie oop en

en suurlemoensap, eiergele en sout

skakel die oond af. Laat die tert in

saam totdat dit goed gekombineer is.

die oond afkoel en bedien.


LAEVELD Summer 2011 - 35


The new Volkswagen Amarok


All work and

With the launch of the Amarok in September 2010, Volkswagen

Commercial Vehicles introduced the most technically advanced bakkie in South Africa. Its highly advanced TDI engines – all turbo charged direct injection engines – set new standards when it comes to fuel economy and emissions. In addition to all of this, while extremely rugged, the Amarok’s active and passive safety systems as well as convenience features all match up to passenger car standards


he Amarok Double Cab, with the largest interior in its class, provides a pleasant ambiance for commercial users and private customers alike. It offers good all-around visibility that makes it just as easy to manoeuvre the 1.94m wide bakkie on tough off-road trails as in city traffic. Comfort à la Amarok means that even stepping into the five-seat cab is exceptionally easy, while the interior also sets new standards in the field for head and leg room aided by the bakkie’s impressive wheelbase of over 3m.

36 - LAEVELD Somer 2011

The height-adjustable front seats deliver a level of quality that goes far beyond the norm. The seats have sporty contours on their side supports, and their comfort and ergonomic properties have been optimised. In addition, the largest seat adjustment range among the competition, guarantees that extratall, and extra-large drivers also have a comfortable and safe seat position. This tough bakkie also serves up impressive space, as three adults sit comfortably on the rear seat offering ample legroom, head room and elbow room,

Its highly advanced TDi engines set new standards when it comes to fuel economy and emissions

and the back seat is also fitted with Isofix receptacles for mounting suitable child seats.

Best-in-class load bed size and payload Of course, one crucial aspect of a bakkie is its load bed. Within the competitive field, the Volkswagen Amarok Double Cab serves up a cargo space that definitely meets all of the relevant requirements for a ‘Best in Class’ quality rating, setting new standards in the one-ton bakkie segment. This has to do

with the sheer size of the load bed as well as its flexible loading options and maximum payload potential. Consider its dimensions: With a load bed depth of 1555mm, the Amarok sets a best value among its direct competitors; it also sets the top value for maximum load width (1,62mm). The resulting load bed area of 2,52 m2 exceeds that of some competitors by nearly 25%. With respect to sidewall height, the Volkswagen Amarok raises the bar to 508mm. This is made posLAEVELD Summer 2011 - 37


The new Volkswagen Amarok

sible by the exceptionally low load bed sill height (780mm), thanks to a special design feature of this attractive commercial vehicle: the leaf springs of the rear suspension are located next to the ladder frame instead of beneath it, as is usual in this segment. This saves on valuable build height and enables a low layout of the load bed. Many bakkie fans especially value their vehicles for their qualities as tow vehicles. Here too the new Amarok offers excellent performance. All versions can tow braked trailers up to 2.8 tons (750kg unbraked) with a maximum hitch load 38 - LAEVELD Somer 2011

of 120kg (up to twelve percent grade) – this means that it can even handle very heavy horse trailers. The gross weight of the vehicle-trailer combination may reach up to 5.5 tons. An advantage of the factory-installed towing prep package: An extra large engine cooling system ensures that the temperature of the four cylinder engine always stays in the green zone during trailer towing, even under difficult conditions. Consider its user friendliness: The Amarok is the first, and so far the only bakkie in its class that’s load

Amarok is not only able to transport especially bulky items, but very heavy cargo as well. Its rated payload capacity of up to 1.15 tons represents a new top value in the segment of mid-size bakkies, surpassing some of its competitors by over 27%. bed can handle a Euro pallet (1200 x 800 mm) sideways – a clear plus in everyday use when it comes to loading flexibility. This advantage can be attributed to its generous distance between wheel housings of 1222mm. Four practical tie-down features make it easier to properly secure cargo for transportation –whether lawnmowers, quads, furniture or large crates. In addition, there is a 12-Volt accessory outlet on the load bed. Consider its maximum payload: With a gross vehicle weight rating of up to 3040kg, the optional Heavy Duty

This bakkie is for everyone… It goes further than being purely a workhorse, as it translates perfectly into the ideal family vehicle in its downtime. The Volkswagen Amarok will appeal to customers who use their bakkie for both business and leisure, as well as those who value convenience, comfort and a modest appearance, thanks to the confident and bold appearance of this all-round vehicle. Spacious and comfortable, yet no-nonsense and reliable, this new addition to the Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles stable is sure to put a smile on your face every time you get behind the wheel. L LAEVELD Summer 2011 - 39


Gadgets & Gizmos

Tech Talk

Leatherman Genus Landscaping Tool ...................................................... Price R969.00

Oregon Scientific RGR126 Wireless Rain Gauge............................. Price R799.00

The Leatherman Genus landscaping tool features an industry-first rotating handle that stores a full set of professional tools. Just push the button and flip the handle around and you'll find replaceable Stainless Steel bypass pruning shears, 420HC Stainless Steel drop-point Knife, a saw, bottle opener, soft-wire cutters, Phillips screwdriver and a flat screwdriver. Features include: • Hard-anodized Aluminium handle • Hard-anodized Aluminium and Stainless Steel body • Quick-release thumb-pad button • Rotating handle • All locking tools • Nylon sheath with clip • 25-year Warranty

The Oregon Scientific RGR126 Wireless Rain Gauge with Indoor Thermometer features a self-emptying rain collector with wireless transmission of up to 100 meters.

40 - LAEVELD Somer 2011

This high-tech wireless rain gauge displays daily rainfall amounts, nineday historical record and total rainfall. The unit has a high daily rainfall alarm and not only measures but also eliminates collected precipitation via the self-emptying rain collector. The sleek black-and-silver LCD display unit lists indoor temperatures that are easy to read, and the four-line display console also shows current rainfall and total rainfall amounts. L

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