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Above & Beyond
Breanne Napolitano with the student she saved in her 1st grade class at Sabattus Primary School
Teacher Saves Student's Life
In a school year where nothing is “normal” one Monday morning, first grade teacher Breanne Napolitano found herself in a situation that could be considered even more abnormal than the current pandemic “new normal.”
Napolitano went from grading papers to saving a student's life in a matter of seconds.
Here is Napolitano’s story, in her own words.
On Monday morning my students were eating their snacks and writing while I was performing benchmark assessments up at my desk with students. One of my little students came up to my desk with a panicked look on her face while holding her throat with her hands.
Her face was red, she was not breathing, or able to speak!
Without hesitation or really even thinking... I just went up behind her and told her I was going to help her. In the same moment, I looked at her best friend, who is also in our class, and told her to run next door to get our neighbor teacher to call for help.
While the class remained calm and collected, I picked my student up and performed the Heimlich maneuver three times until her snack (a strawberry) came flying out across the floor.
In reflecting back, I am so very grateful to have grown up with a mom who is a registered nurse who taught my sister and I how to be prepared for the unthinkable! I am also very grateful for my fabulous 1st graders who remained calm and took quick direction! I have received much gratitude from the student, her family, my fellow teachers, and administration.
In teaching, I know we are not in it for the recognition or the pay, but we enter this profession for the students! Especially in this difficult year, I know we all "do it all" for our students or as many of us call them: "our kids.” Our students keep us going and always on our toes!