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Tech Talk
When it comes to social media, Facebook still rules the roost in terms of engagement. But, some of the best places to find tools for educators are on You Tube and Pinterest. Maine Educator put together a few places you can check out to help support your work.
Channels for Inspiration

YouTube.com/Education – A channel that highlights the highestquality educational content on YouTube.

YouTube.com/Teachers – A channel dedicated to help teachers leverage video to educate, engage and inspire their students.

YouTube.com/TEDEducation – Curated educational videos, many of which represent collaborations between talented educators and animators.
Pinterest Boards to Follow

Pinterest.com/2peasandadog/education-blog-posts-from-2- peas-and-a-dog – Blog posts related to teaching and lesson planning.

Pinterest.com/funfreshideas/teacher-humor/ – Check here when you're thinking about leaving our amazing profession for anything else!

Pinterest.com/readingandwritinghaven/_created/ – Teacher resources and activites for supporting meaningful reading comprehension and analysis of literature and informational texts in middle and high school.