Maine Educator February 2020

Page 19

WE MUST Respond to the health Crisis of Adverse Childhood Experiences It’s time for all professionals working in the health, education and incarceration fields — and all communities — to respond to this health crisis. It’s also time for all to consider if they are passing on to their children the impact of their own adverse childhood experiences. By: Joyce Schelling, Retired Educator aine has the ACEs create a disrupted nation’s highest stress response affecting the rate of anxiety and neurological, immune, hormonal the third highest and cardiovascular systems. This rate of depression among children toxic stress determines which ages 3-7. It is above the national genes get turned on or off when rate for behavior problems and dealing with stress, which can be children diagnosed with Attention passed on to the next generation, Deficit/Attention Hyperactivity as discussed in “ The Deepest Disorder (ADD/ADHD). The Well” by California’s Surgeon average number of suicides per General Nadine Burke Harris. year by youth under age 20 is well The studies in her book emphasize above the national average and that ACEs occur at similar rates has risen by 50 percent in just five across all socio-economic groups. years. Burke Harris has made raising It’s time to ask if these frightening awareness of ACEs one of her top statistics from the Maine priorities, and professionals here Children’s Alliance’s Maine KIDS in Maine are increasingly part of COUNT 2019 Data Book are this work. connected to Adverse Childhood “Adverse childhood experiences Experiences (ACEs). and toxic stress constitute the The experiences include emotional major public health issue of abuse, witnessing domestic our time,” Burke Harris said in violence, alcoholism, bullying and an interview earlier this year. divorce. Children with two or “Childhood adversity (ACEs) more ACEs are more than three leads to long-term changes in times as likely to consider suicide the structure and function of than children with zero or one, our brains and bodies, and those according to the data book. changes can subsequently impact educational attainment and risk


Joyce Schelling, Retired Educator

of violence or incarceration. They dramatically affect health, with significant risks for the leading causes of death… including heart disease, stroke, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.” The need for intervention is clear. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have demonstrated that a child who experienced a certain level of trauma at a young age will still have measurable changes in his/ her brain as a teen — even if the trauma no longer exists and his living situation is stable and secure. But, as Burke Harris points out, poor outcomes are not inevitable. “Adversity is not destiny,” Burke Harris said. “The science is clear: early intervention improves outcomes.” She names six critical treatment areas: sleep, exercise, nutrition, mindfulness, mental health support for child and parent, and healthy relationships. These, as well as meditation, boost the brain changes that help rewire the brain and promote increased physical and mental health.

providers in southern and central Maine are beginning universal screening for ACEs. The Maine Resiliency Building Network hosts presentations state-wide to educate teachers, parents, health providers and the business community about ACEs, and how to help all children thrive. Clarity Services offers trainings on how language can help heal brains and help us create connection with others even during conflict. Over the years, I have worked with a wide variety of children and families: special needs to gifted, toddlers to adult, rich to poor. I and my colleagues, too often, had no apparent answer for a child with overwhelming problems. I now believe that the missing piece was ACEs. It’s time for all professionals working in the health, education and incarceration fields — and all communities — to respond to this health crisis. It’s also time for all to consider if they are passing on to their children the impact of their own adverse childhood experiences, and how they can help heal themselves and their loved ones.

Schelling’s opinion article first The movement to combat appeared in the Bangor Daily ACEs is national and active in News. Maine. Hospitals and health February 2020 •


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