2 minute read
Quality Schools Summit: Lessons Learned
by Maineea
MEA Training at its Best
MEA continually works to provide its members free, high-quality professional development. At this year’s Quality Schools Summit, members chose between from a variety of training sessions to help them in their work. From trauma informed teaching and learning, to meeting the needs of the whole child, educators walked away with information they could use immediately when they returned to work the following Monday. Plus, the time to connect with others from around the state and share best practices is always a benefit of an MEA event! Here are some of the lessons learned and comments on the Summit from the members, in their own words.
Session Name: Power of the Pause: Trauma Informed Shifts for the Classroom
This was an excellent session. I appreciated the speaker and assistants. We covered a lot of important information in a very organized fashion, with handouts and note-taking to bring back to our schools with us. Our questions were encouraged and validated. Thank you for a great session. I decided to stay for the next session with this speaker, as the first two were so informative and interesting.
Session Name: Vision Meets Action: Whole Schools and Whole Communities Partnering to Educate the Whole Child in ME
The hands-on activities and discussions were wonderful, as well as the goodies. The presentation opened my eyes to looking at the whole child, and has given me tools to bring back to use with my own students.
Session Name: What’s Voice Got to Do With It? Student Voice in Trauma Informed Schools
This was an interesting session, giving the idea to invite students to come up with their own subject to participate in as a class. This gave students an opportunity to take their minds off of traumas and problems that they are dealing with and focus on something fun and interesting of their own choice. It gives them pride to be able to lead the class in a direction of their choosing and look forward to the ideas their classmates have for future classes which they would plan for.

Kaitlin Young
Great Day @MaineEA Quality Schools Summit! It was a blast to share about the work of @TeachtoLeadME

Shana Goodall
Learning with Brittany Ray, MTOY 2007, about Adverse Childhood Experiences at the @MaineEA Quality Schools Summit #WeAreMEA

Carson Hope
Adding so many things to my toolbox at the @MaineEA conference!
Jennifer Wright
So much fun talking about Teacher Leadership and Teach to Lead Maine with @MrColemanGSB and @sedomusicME at the @MaineEA Quality Schools Summit.